welcome booklet - slovene delegates


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DEAR EYPers You are reading the Welcome Booklet for the 1st National Session of EYP Slovenia – LJUBLJANA 2015 taking place Ljubljana, Slovenia from 27th to 29th March 2015. Under the theme “Leading the Way Towards Global Solutions” participants will take a look over the rim of a tea cup and discuss European leadership in global governance. The topics will address current environmental, social and economic challenges in various regions of the world and link them to European issues. Participants should be prepared to take a more holistic, interdependent and interconnected approach in their resolutions. Delegates are expected to arrive before 9:00 on March 27th and can depart after 17:00 on the 29th of March. There is a participation fee of 40 EUR for International delegates. The information how to pay is located under the Legal Matters on page 13. The head organisers of the session are Ms. Ira Mešiček (SI) and Mr. Oskar Košenina (SI). The session will be presided by Ms. Teresa Stadler (AT) and the editors of the session will be Ms. Ann-Sophie Vandommele (BE) and Mr. Ilir Kola (AL). The head of Jury will be Jelena Stevanović (AT).



» CONTENT WELCOMING WORDS...……………………………………..4 EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT.………………………6 SESSION CONCEPT..………………………………………..7 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM..………………………………..8 COMMITTEE TOPICS.………………………………………9 TRAVEL INFORMATION.………………………………….10 LEGAL MATTERS.………………………………………….11 DRESS CODE.………………………………………………14 WHAT NOT TO FORGET………………………………….15 ABOUT SLOVENIA………………………………………...16 ABOUT LJUBLJANA………………………………………18 CONTACT DETAILS……………………………………….19                                          





» HEAD-ORGANISERS Oskar Košenina (SI) & Ira Mešiček (SI)

Dear Participants of Ljubljana 2015, The historic moment for EYP Slovenia has finally arrived. After challenging first steps and hard-working past months we are joyful and honoured to welcome you at very first NSC of EYP Slovenia! Ljubljana 2015 is undoubtfully a milestone of great importance and value, which will reflect our past work and significantly contribute to development of EYP in Slovenia. It is indeed an opportunity to indulge active participation and membership among youth from all over Slovenia, for whom the session will be a chance to discover the world of EYP for the first time. We truly hope that the experience of its advantages for both, personal development and society welfare, will be a priceless introduction and only the beginning of your long-termed involvement. Since we have been involved, the EYP has given us more than we could possibly imagine. We have met and worked with amazing people and created many unforgettable memories, for which we are sincerely grateful. Therefore, it is our greatest pleasure to thank you with organising this session, wishing to be enriching, mind-blowing and worldly experience for every single one of you. Nevertheless, the session will take place in our beautiful capital, Ljubljana, for which charm we are convinced will make the session even more special. Wishing you all the best, Ira & Oskar Head-Organisers of Ljubljana 2015 On behalf of the organising team          






 Dear participants, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the First National Selection Conference of EYP Slovenia, Ljubljana 2015! An adventure that is only about to start for all of you, has begun a good while ago for this young national committee. EYP Slovenia has dedicated many hours and invested an unimaginable amount of energy into this project in order to be able to welcome you all in Ljubljana this March. I can only praise the impressive venues, programme and culinary specialties they have lined up for you. A number of dedicated people were and still are involved in preparing topics, overviews and articles for you. I hope you can add to that by impressing us with your own preparation and input. You have been invited to have a say about topics such as online privacy, European foreign affairs in Ukraine, EU enlargement as well as the next round of TTIP negotiations. No matter which committee you choose, General Assembly on Sunday will provide you with the opportunity to voice your opinion on each of these matters, alongside many others. The session theme, “Leading the Way Towards Global Solutions”, further emphasises and reminds us of the global interconnectedness of the issues we are debating and helps us keep in mind the impact that European politics has in the world today. I ask you to use this chance to stretch the limits of your comfort zone, to go crazy during teambuilding, to explain your point of view in committee work and to make as many points as you can in GA. With only a few weeks to go, I cannot wait to finally meet you in Ljubljana! Yours, Teresa Stadler President of Ljubljana 2015




» EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT The EYP is a non-partisan and independent educational programme for young European citizens. Our mission is to support the development of young people into politically aware and responsible citizens by involving them in European political thinking and promoting intercultural understanding.

The EYP encourages independent thinking and initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since it was conceived in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The EYP has thus made a vital contribution towards European unity and bridging gaps between cultures.

Today the EYP is one of the largest European platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, European civic education and the exchange of ideas among young people in Europe. The EYP network is present in 41 European countries, where thousands of young people are active as volunteers. The entire network organises almost 500 events every year.

The Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation is the international umbrella organisation of the EYP.

EYP is a programme for young people, run by young people. We are proud to have over 2.400 active volunteers all over Europe, running EYP’s National Committees, organising events, chairing committees, acting as Session journalists, in short, being the heart and soul of EYP and the reason for its existence.  





» SESSIONS CONCEPT The National Committees and the International Office organise almost 500 events annually, all run by voluntary young people.

For the duration of the Session, the participants are divided into international working groups (committees) that draft resolutions on their respective topics. In these groups, the task of the young people is to come up with their own suggestions and ideas for Europe’s most pressing challenges. The results are then presented and debated in a parliamentary assembly at the end of the Session.

Through its sessions the EYP aims at promoting active European citizenship, intercultural dialogue and European values. Sessions increase the participants’ knowledge about Europe’s cultural diversity, prepare them for active participation in society, contribute to the development of their personal skills and provide a forum for debate and reflection on current topics of European politics.


During Teambuilding, the participants, in their respective committees, learn to know each other through a series of activities and games.


Throughout Committee Work, the delegates analyse the topic of their committee, identify the problems surrounding it and discuss solutions to these issues. The output of Committee Work is a written resolution.


The last part of every session is a General Assembly (GA). In GA, the committees come together to present and debate the resolutions they wrote. In the end, the resolutions are put to a vote


Every Session is accompanied by an extensive cultural programme, celebrating the cultural and culinary diversity of Europe



» PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (Program may vary, if changes apply)


Friday, 27th March 2015 DAY 1 09.00 – 11.45: Delegates Arrival & Check-in 11.45: Transport to Teambuilding Venue 12.00 – 12.30: Group Teambuilding 12.30 – 14.00: Committee Teambuilding I 14.00 – 15.00: Lunch 15.00 – 16.30: Committee Teambuilding II 16.30 – 17.00: Coffee Break I 17.00 – 19.00: Committee Work I 19.00 – 19.30: Coffee Break II 19.30 – 19.45: Transport to Opening Ceremony Venue 19.45 – 20.45: Opening Ceremony 20.45 – 21.00: Transport to EuroVillage Venue 21.00 – 23.00: EuroVillage

Saturday, 28th March 2015 DAY 2 08.00 – 09.30: Breakfast at the Hostel 09.30 – 09.45: Transport to Committee Work Venue 09.45 – 12.45: Committee Work II 12.45 – 13.45: Lunch 13.45 – 15.00: Committee Work III 15.00 – 17.00: Panel Debate 17.00 – 17.30: Coffee Break 17.30 – 19. 45: Committee Work IV 19.45 – 20.00: Transport to Dinner 20.00 – 23.30: Dinner & Farewell Party Sunday, 29th March DAY 3 07.30 – 08.10: Breakfast at the Hostel 08.10 – 08.45: Presentation of GA Protocol 08.45 – 09.15: GA Final Preparation 09.15 – 09.30: Transport to GA Venue 09.30 – 10.00: General Assembly Opening Ceremony 10.00 – 11.30: Debate 1 & 2 11.30 – 12.00: Coffee Break 12.00 – 13.30: Debate 3 & 4 13.30 – 14.30: Lunch 14.30 – 16.00: Debate 5 & 6 16.00 – 17.00: Closing Ceremony




» COMMITTEE TOPICS The following committee topics were selected for the 1st National Session of EYP Slovenia – Ljubljana 2015. All together there will be six committees addresing the issues presented bellow. In the registration form which was received with the welcome email, you may pick the two topics you prefer most. We will try our best to assign you to your prefered committee, but if that is not possible please understand, that we can not fulfill everyone’s wish. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS I (AFET I) With the European Council calling for a comprehensive strategy in tackling the humanitarian crisis brought upon by the actions of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL): What approach should the EU take to help third countries dealing with a great influx of refugees? COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS II (AFET II) With Serbia and Kosovo presenting the greatest challenge to EU enlargement yet: How should the EU contribute to the rule of law and good governance on the countries’ path towards EU membership? COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE (INTA) In light of recent protests and rising public concern: How should the EU position itself in the next round of TTIP negotiations with regards to consumer protection and food safety standards? COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT (DEVE) Establishing a post-2015 development agenda: How should the EU revise its strategy to guarantee a sustainable global partnership with the poorest regions of the world? COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS (LIBE) Between the recent annulment of the European Data Retention Directive and the proposal for a European Internet: How can the EU help protect its citizens’ online data whilst ensuring their safety and security? COMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND DEFENCE (SEDE) Ukraine in crisis: In light of continued violence despite all parties signing the new Minsk agreement how far should the EU push diplomacy before considering arming Ukraine?



» TRAVEL INFORMATION Your destination is Hostel Tresor (location of the Hostel is shown in the map bellow) Čopova Ulica 38, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, which is right in the city centre, 5 minutes away of the main bus and train station. You are expected to arrive before 9.00 on Thursday March 27th 2015 and may depart after 17.00 on Sunday March 29th 2015. If you need accomodation for extra nights, we are happy to book you the Hostel, but the cost will be at your expense – or we are happy to ask around, if anyone from the team of Organisers is willing to host you. You may also find an alternative accomodation on your own.





» LEGAL MATTERS INSURANCE It is vital that all participants have their own personal health and travel insurance.

TRAVEL INSURANCE Should be covering loss of luggage, accidents, disease etc. Participants should make sure they bring their insurance card with them if their respective insurance company requires such a proceeding.

SPECIAL NEEDS Special needs are to be indicated in the Registration Form (link received in the welcome email)  

The form is to be filled out by Friday, 20th March 2015.





ALCOHOL AND BEHAVIORAL POLICY You are not allowed to drink any kind of alcoholic drinks at this session no matter of your age. No alcoholic beverages will be served at our evening events. Alcoholic drinks brought to the session will be confiscated. Any consumption of alcohol will result in your exclusion from the session at your own expense.

Furthermore, the European Youth Parliament operates a total zero tolerance policy with illegal drugs.

CODE OF CONDUCT (Received seperately in the email) The Code of Conduct is a compilation of rules all participants have to agree on so that we can guarantee a smooth and successful organisation of this event. Please read through it carefully and bring a printed and signed version to the session. If you are under the age of 18, your legal guardian (i.e. one of your parents) has to sign the Code of Conduct as well.




Teambuilding (Casual): Your committee will play various games and solve riddles. This could involve outdoor activities. You should be able to move comfortably. Opening Ceremony (Smart Casual):The session will be formally opened and a few speakers will address you. You should be dressed accordingly. Committee Work (Smart Casual): Academic work indoors. EuroVillage (Traditional/Smart Casual): You will present food from a country allocated to you. For a better experience, you should bring table decorations and dress accordingly. General Assembly, Closing Ceremony (Formal): The resolutions created during Committee Work will be discussed in a formal setting, and the session will be formally closed. Dress as if you would attend an assembly of the European Parliament. Participants not complying with the dress code will not be permitted in the venue.

Women Men

First & second day: Teambuilding, Opening Ceremony, Committee Work

Find a combination of clothes appropriate for the Opening Ceremony and Committee Work that is still comfortable to wear for Teambuilding and outdoor activities.

Smart Casual Trousers or skirt (of appropriate length), blouse, sweater/blazer; comfortable dress

Jeans, shirt, sweater/suit jacket

Evening: EuroVillage Wear something typical of the country you are representing. If not possible, wear something typical of your own country/region or stay Smart Casual.

Traditional i.e. traje de flamenca (Spain); i.e. traje de luces, sombrero (Spain);

Third day: General Assembly

Due to the formal setting, dressing is strictly formal. Participants not complying with the dress code will not be permitted in the venue.

Formal Dress (of appropriate length) or tailleur, fitting shoes

Full suit (shoes, trousers, shirt, tie/bowtie, jacket), no jeans or sporty shoes allowed



» WHAT NOT TO FORGET! What  not  to  forget  

• E-card or other insurance card • If you need to take medication regularly, bring it along • Travel tickets • International delegates: ID-card or passport and visa, if needed • EYP-Hoodie • Signed code of conduct

Every participant needs to bring a signed code of conduct to the session. Important: If you are under 18, your code of conduct needs to be signed by you and your parents or a legal guardian!

• Food of your assigned country for EuroVillage During the evening of the first day of the session, every “country” will get a table to present their food to others and be able to try all the food of other countries. Pro-tip: Bring at least as much food as your delegation would need, as it is the dinner for that day. Important: If your delegation needs some special equipment (fridge, knife, …) contact the organisers, contact information is provided in the end of the Welcome Booklet.




» ABOUT SLOVENIA A jewel in the heart of Europe Slovenia lies in the heart of Europe, where the Alps meet the Mediterranean and the Pannoian Plain meets the Karst. This small green

country measures 20,273 km2 in area, and is home to sincere, hospitable people of great diligence. Two million people inhabit the green country, the vast majority being ethnic Slovenes. The majority of people live in towns and cities, but a significant number live in the countryside. Slovenes are renowned as a diligent, hard-working nation. They constantly aim to prove themselves and to progress.

Slovenes are also very thorough in learning foreign languages to make themselves understood. Even primary school students can speak foreign languages. Most of the people can speak English, while quite a few have a good grasp of German. A large share can communicate in the languages of the former Yugoslavia, while there are many fluent Italian speakers in the areas bordering Italy. The collision of four major European geographical units has created a very invigorating landscape, much of it thickly forested. More than a third of the country’s area is protected.




The most mountainous region is the north, where the Alps begin. Beauty of nature is not only the surface, with over 9000 karstic caves which are among the most beautiful in the world. Slovenia is home to the origins of the Karst geographical landscape.

DID YOU KNOW THAT… ! Slovenia is the most biologically diverse country in the world? It coveres

less than 0,004% of the Earth surface but is home to more than 24000 animal species.

! It is the third most forested country in Europe? ! the city Maribor is home to the oldest wine in the world? Although it is

four hundred years old, its Žametna Črnina grapes still produce 25 litres of wine every year.

! Lipica stud farm is world-famous and is celebrated for its aristocratic Lipizzaner horses? It has been operating uninterruptedly since its foundation in 1580. The Lipizzaner is notable for its white colour and its remarkable learning ability.

! you can go skiing or take a swim in the Adriatic sea in a duration of one hour?

! France Prešeren is considered the greatest Slovene poet. He is celebrated above all for his sonnets, while his poem The Toast is also the national anthem.

! the architectural appearance of Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital was decisively influenced by the famous Slovene architect Jože Plečnik? Plečnik also remodeled the Prague castle.

! the independence war was exactly 10 days long? unfortunately it also claimed 76 lives.



» ABOUT LJUBLJANA City of Dragons Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia. In the crossroad of Venice and Vienna it has the best of both worlds. Both residents and numerous visitors percieve Ljubljana as a city made to the measure of man. Ljubljana is classified as a mid-sized European city, but it has perserved its small-town friendliness and relaxed atmosphere while providing all the facilities of a modern capital. It is the political, cultural and economic center of Slovenia. With around 280.000 inhabitants it is also the biggest city in the country. The story of the city dates back to Roman times. The town Emona was established in 14 A.D. and through time Ljubljana played an important role in the region. From the Roman times to the Austro-Hungarian rule, the city is full of history. Even the city’s symbol; the dragon has a background story. By the legend Jazon and the Argonauts traveled the region and were attacked by a big green dragon. The dragon was killed and Jazon traveled on, but the story was never forgotten. The city is guarded by the castle surrounded by the old part of the city, which was in the 20th century influenced by the famous Slovene architect Jože Plečnik. Relaxing while having a coffee next to the river, stroling through the pedestrian closed city center or just enjoying the view of the alps on a clear day, Ljubljana has it all.



» CONTACT DETAILS šljen If you might have any questions or would like to inquire some more information about the session, you may contact one of the personnel bellow.


KEVIN KOMOČAR President of EYP Slovenia [email protected]

+386 40 775 057  


IRA MEŠIČEK Head-organiser of Ljubljana 2015

[email protected] +386 31 278 617



OSKAR KOŠENINA Head-organiser of Ljubljana 2015

[email protected] +386 41 266 216









Copyrights of EYP Slovenia, 2015 www.eypslovenia.org / www.facebook.com/eypslovenia / [email protected]

1st National Session of EYP Slovenia – LJUBLJANA 2015