week 7 part 1 lectures.docx

Week 7 Lecture 1, Fermentation:

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Week 7 Lecture 1, Fermentation:

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Lactate Fermentation-If you quickly use up the ATP in the muscles before more O2 can be supplied by the blood, your muscles will resort to fermentation.

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Week 7 Lecture 2, Catabolism:

Cellular Respiration

So you eat some food…-You don’t eat glucose alone. -Carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

-Carbohydrates-Glycogen in meat-polymer of glucose-Starch in some plants-polymer of glucose-Sucrose-disaccharide of glucose and fructose

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-Fat-broken down into glycerol and fatty acids

-Protein-broken down into amino acids

Catabolism of Carbs-Sugars enter the cellular respiration pathway as discussed

Catabolism of Fats-Glycerol enters the pathway as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate -Fatty acids are broken down into Acetyl CoA

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Catabolism of Proteins-When amino acids are broken down for energy, must remove the nitrogen first. -Waste product ammonia is turned into urea (the primary component of urine).

Storing Extra Food-You eat 3 square meals a day, but you need energy all of the time. -Store extra glucose as glycogen in the liver. -Store extra fat in fat cells (adipocytes).

Releasing Stored Energy-Where do you et your energy when you are not eating? -First, break down glycogen in the liver (short-term storage).

-Glycogen stores are used up after about 4 hours. -Then, break down fats (long term-storage).

-Fat stores will last about 1 month. -Last, ditch effort, break down proteins.

Summary-Other food sources enter the cellular respiration pathway at different points. -Carbohydrates provide our short-term energy. -Fat provides our long-term energy. -Protein provides energy in times of dire need.