€¦ · web view4.स जन त मक ल खन क अ तर गत अपन पस द द...

English Class X General Instructions- 1) Read activity wise details and do as directed. 2) All assignments and activities will be done in a separate file/folder, titled ‘Portfolio’. 3) The Personal information page as attached should be printed, filled and put at the beginning of your file/folder. 4) The Portfolio and home-work will be submitted when the school reopens and will be an important component for Internal assessment for English. 1 MGD Girls' School, MGD Girls' School, Jaipur Jaipur Holiday Home-work Holiday Home-work

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MGD Girls' School, Jaipur

Holiday Home-work

English Class X

General Instructions-

1) Read activity wise details and do as directed.

2) All assignments and activities will be done in a separate file/folder, titled ‘Portfolio’.

3) The Personal information page as attached should be printed, filled and put at the beginning of your file/folder.

4) The Portfolio and home-work will be submitted when the school reopens and will be an important component for Internal assessment for English.

Tell About Yourself..


Full Name:____________________________________________________

Town and Street where you live:___________________________________

Names of members of your family:_________________________________

Best Friends:_____________________________________________________________________

Sports you like to play and/or watch:_________________________________________________

Favourite sportsman or sportswoman:________________________________________________

Special Interests:__________________________________________________________________

Favourite Colours:________________________________________________________________

Favourite Food:__________________________________________________________________

Favourite Music:_________________________________________________________________

Favourite TV Shows/Films:________________________________________________________

Favourite Film Stars/ Pop Stars/Groups:_____________________________________________

Favourite Books:_________________________________________________________________

Favourite Animal or Pet:__________________________________________________________

Activity 1. Book review

Read any 1 of the following books and write a book review of the same on the points mentioned with each category in about 100 words. (To be done in your Portfolio file/folder.)

· The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi/ The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

· Theme of the autobiography

· Most interesting/ captivating/ life changing incident in the writer’s life

· What I learnt from the book.

· The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho/Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain/ The Varieties of Human Experience by William James/ Great expectations

· Theme of the novel

· Most interesting part/ character/ incident of the novel

· My favourite character of the novel

· If I had to change the ending of the novel

Activity 2. Article Writing- Write an article on ‘Divided we stand, United we fall’ based on current Pandemic in about 150 words in your Portfolio file/folder.

Activity 3. Bring out the difference between homophones and homonyms through pictures/images, write 10 sets of the same in your Portfolio file/folder.

Activity 4. Letter Writing

Imagine you are Gordon Buchanan who has come face to face with the polar bear. Watch the video and write a letter to your friend narrating your experience in your own words. (120-150 words), in your Portfolio file/folder.


Preview YouTube video Wild Polar Bear Tries To Break In | BBC Earth

Wild Polar Bear Tries To Break In | BBC Earth

Activity 5. Go on a virtual tour of any one museum using the link below and write your experience as a Letter to your friend in 100 words.

A virtual tour of 12 world famous museums


Mgd Girls' School , Jaipur

Holiday Home Work

Class -10


सामान्य निर्देश

i.छात्राएँ हिंदी विषय के ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य को नोटबुक नंबर -2 में करे

ii ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य का मूल्यांकन पोर्टफोलियो/नोट बुक नंबर-2 के अंतर्गत किया जाएगा l

iii. नोट बुक(पुरानी अथवा नई)/पुरानी कॉपी के पेज निकाल कर भी बनाई जा सकती है।

1.रस परिचय के अंतर्गत श्रृंगार,वीर,हास्य,वात्सल्य,करुण रस की परिभाषा एवं सचित्र उदाहरण लिखिए ।

2.यशपाल,मन्नू भंडारी ,प्रेमचंद आदि की एक-एक कहानी पढ़कर उसे साररूप में लिखिए ।

3.किसी भी हिंदी पत्र-पत्रिका से प्रतिदिन पाँच नए शब्द चुनकर अर्थसहित लिखिए ।

4.सृजनात्मक लेखन के अंतर्गत अपने पसंदीदा विषय पर स्वरचित कविता एवं "कोरोना :एक महामारी" पर अपने अनुभव साझा कीजिये।

5 . इंटीग्रेटेड गतिविधि के अंतर्गत प्रमुख स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों का संक्षिप्त योगदान(100 शब्दो में) /भाषण के प्रमुख अंश/नारे/स्वरचित कविता/गीत आदि सचित्र वर्णन कीजिए ।

नोट :- उपर्युक्त सभी कार्यों में छात्राएँ अपनी सृजनात्मक,कलात्मक एवं रचनात्मक कौशल का परिचय दें ताकि पोर्टफोलियो का (5 अंक) का मूल्यांकन किया जा सके।



Holiday Homework 20-21

Subject: French Class: X


1. Any rough sheet/copy/NB can be used for completion of work and any old coloured

Sheets or old craft sheets can be used for doing the creative work.

2. Submission of the work to be given on reopening of school.

3. Any doubts or queries regarding the work can be asked via Whatsapp.


· To Make Power point Presentation on famous french 5 writers and poets with their famous works in French.It has to be pictorial .

· To make PPT on measures taken by world to fight against Corona virus in french.Needs to be more pictorial and brief information in French. 

· To write and decorate any famous fable in french and should learn it for recitation and must learn grammar from it.Preferably to be written with Passe Compose and Imparfait.

· To download one song and learn any one french song from Net.

· To learn all the grammar topics of class 8 and 9 and to solve 2 exercises each of the grammar topics from class 9 Text book.Bilan can be used for this from class 9 book.

· To learn Advent rule of Past tense thoroughly and write it 5 times in NB.

· To write the verbs with er , re, ir, oir, cer,ger Yer and all reflexive verbs  5 each in NB.

· To learn the culture and Civilization from class 6 to 8 (Mon Passport) & class 9 from Entre Jeunes.

एम जी डी गर्ल्स स्कूल , जयपुर

सत्र - 2020-21

विषयः - संस्कृत

कक्षा – 10

निर्देशाः –

i.छात्राएँ संस्कृत विषय के ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य को नोटबुक नंबर -2 में करें l

ii ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य का मूल्यांकन पोर्टफोलियो/नोट बुक नंबर-2 के अंतर्गत किया जाएगा l

iii. नोट बुक(पुरानी अथवा नई)/पुरानी कॉपी के पेज निकाल कर भी बनाई जा सकती है।

iv. कार्य स्कूल खुलने के पश्चात् जांचा जाएगा I



1. अभ्यासकार्यस्य प्रत्येकविषयस्य 5 प्रश्नाः करणीयाः |

2. लेखनस्य स्मरणकार्यस्य च गतिविधिम् आन्तरिकमूल्याङ्कने ग्रहीष्यते |

(अ) अभ्यासकार्यम् - क - अपठित -अवबोधनम्

ख - पत्रलेखनम्

ग - चित्र वर्णनम्

E link - www.extramarks.com

(ब) लेखनकार्यम् - सचित्र लघु कथा –

  संस्कृत-भाषायां दश वाक्येषु एकां लघु कथां सचित्रं रचयित्वा स्व उत्तर-पुस्तिकायां लिखत l

(स) पूर्व-पाठितं व्याकरणिक - विषयानाम अभ्यासं कुरुत l

(द) स्मरणकार्यम् - संस्कृतगीतम् ( कस्मिन् एव विषये ) स्मरत |

E link - Jayatu samskritam , Gaiea Sanskrit अथवा

संस्कृत भाषायां ‘जन्मदिवसस्य गीतम्’ कंठस्थ कृत्वा स्व उत्तर-पुस्तिकायां लिखत |

e link :- https://youtu.be/2byNWJpS4iE







Do all the questions in your notebook.

Please revise all the work done till now.

In case of any queries contact your subject teacher.

Use graph paper where required and stick in the notebook.

Submission on school reopening.



To obtain the conditions for consistency or inconsistency of given pairs of linear equations in two variables by graphical methods taking:

CASE I : 2x + 3y -13 = 0

3x - y - 3 = 0

CASE II : 2x + 3y - 13 = 0

4x + 6y - 4 = 0

CASE III: 2x + 3y + 2 = 0

4x + 6y + 4 = 0

After plotting on graph paper, write conclusion for each case.



DRAW AND SOLVE it in your notebook



Find the zeroes of p(x) = x2 - 5x + 6


Geometrically (by drawing graphs) taking at least 6 points (co-ordinate)

Answer the following questions

The degree of p(x).

How many zeroes does it have?

What is the name of the graph formed?

Is it open upward or downward? why?

Also represent: -x2 +3x - 2 geometrically.



Solving Sudoku puzzles helps in improving memory. It boosts logical thinking and also increases concentration power.

Draw any 3 Sudoku OF 9X9 in your notebook and solve them.

MGD Girls’ School,Jaipur

Holiday Homework 2020-21

Subject;Science(Physics)Class X


NCERT book of class X, available online at the following link http://ncert.nic.in/textbook/textbook.htm

You may use E-Content from digital apps like Diksha ,vedantu, extramarks, Byju’s ,YouTube(Physicswallah,bhai ki padhai )

A.All students to make a crossword of at least 20 clues from the chapter Sources of energy.To be submitted in loose sheets in a file.

B.All students to prepare a quiz on current and electricity.It can be a ppt having visual questions.In case of PPT ,submit a print out in a file (same as the one used for crossword) along with a soft copy when school reopens.

C.Activity A and Bwill be considered a part of Multiple Assessment for Science.It has to be submitted in a single file or folder of loose sheets and print outs (if applicable).

D.Read the chapter Sources of energy from NCERT and Answer the following questions:-

1. Although coal and petroleum are produced by degradation of bio-mass, yet we need to

conserve them. Why?

2. List any four changes you would like to incorporate in your lifestyle in a move towards a

sustainable use of available resources in our country?

3. Why are environmentalists insisting upon `sustainable natural resource management`?

Give any four reasons.

4. Few years back, disposable plastic cups were used for serving tea in trains. The impact

caused by the disposal of millions of these cups on a daily basis caused a serious

environment concern and disposable Kulhads, made of clay, were used instead.

However this resulted in loss of the fertile top-soil and hence was discontinued and now

has been replaced by disposable paper cups.

Answer the following questions based on above information:

i) What is the advantage of using disposable paper- cups over disposable plastic cup?

ii) Which values are promoted by using `Disposable` and `paper cups`.

iii) Can such practices be followed at domestic level also? Give reasons.

5.What is Biomass?

6.Describe the process of bio gas generation in a bio gas plant.

6.What is biogas?

7.How do we get charcoal ?

8.Why burning of firewood in traditional chulhas considered disadvantageous?

9.Give the constituents of biogas.

10 What are advantages of bio gas over traditional fuel?


MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur

Holiday Home work 2020-2021

Subject : Science(Chemistry)Class:X

General Instructions;

1. The questions given below are concept based . You should be well versed with the content of the chapter.

2.Read the chapter and the notes provided wholeheartedly and solve the questions.

3.Do the given assignment in any sheet and make folder for the same.

4.Submission on opening.


1. On adding hydrochloric acid to copper oxide the solution formed is blue green. Predict the compound formed and write the balanced chemical equation?

2. What are the conditions that promote corrosion?

3. Tell whether the heat is evolved or absorbed when quick lime is added to water? Give balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved.

4. What is milk of magnesia and mention its use.

5. What happens when lead nitrate is thermally decomposed? Give the balanced chemical equation.

6. Name the chemical used in acid fire extinguisher and gas evolved from it?

7. Why do we store silver chloride in dark coloured bottles?

8. What is the PH of the following salt solutions? Give two examples of each category.

a) Salt made of strong acid and strong base.

b) Salt made of strong acid and weak base.

c) salt made of strong base and weak acid .

9. Balance the following chemical equations:

a) KMnO4 + HCl → KCl + MnCl2+ Cl2 + H2O

b) Al+ HCl → AlCl3+ H2

10. Write the balanced chemical equation when calcium hydroxide react with carbon dioxide in small amount and in excess?

11. Which bases are called alkalis? Give two examples?

12. What are antacids? Give one examples?

13. What happens when a piece of

a) Zinc metal is added to copper sulphate solution?

b) Aluminium metal is added to dilute Nitric acid?

c) Silver metal is added to copper sulphate solution?

14. Give the chemical names of acids present in: a) Ants b) lemon c) milk d) tomato

15. Give one example each of the following reactions:

a)Combination reaction b) Redox reaction c) Double displacement reaction d) Decomposition reaction e) Displacement reaction

16. The PH of the mouth of a person is lower than 5.5. What changes occur in his mouth? How these changes can be controlled?

17. Explain electrolytic decomposition of water with thehelp of well labeled diagram?

18. Give a differentiating chemical test between an acid and a base with the help of a chemical equation.


MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur

Holiday Homework 2020-21

Subject: Science (BIOLOGY) Class:X


1.MIND MAP-Mind mapping is simply a diagram used to visually represent or outline information.It is a powerful graphic technique you can use to translate what is in your mind into a visual picture.Since mind mapping works like a brain,it allows you to organize and understand information faster and better

2.First you read and understand the chapter carefully ,choose any one topic,categorize and organize the ideas you have brainstormed and identify their relationships.Use a single page or space and place information and check its connections .Use colours ,images and key words as it aids in enhancing your memory and retention.

3.Prepare a Mind Map on any ONE of the following topics of Life Processes:-





4.For support use links https://www.mindmeister.com OR https://www.entracei.com

5.Your work will be judged on the following Rubrics :-

Creativity/Content knowledge/Presentation/Expression/Artifact

5.Submission on opening.







Multiple Assessment Activity:

News bulletin board/collage

Topic- Social, Economic and Political implications in wake of COVID-19

· Collect newspaper clippings for bulletin board

· Categorize them

· Focus on the problems faced by people as workers of unorganized sector, community, tenants, employees, businessmen, health workers, policemen, consumers, etc.

· How lockdown has affected their lives

· The way they are trying to cope up with this

· Impact on economy

· Political scenario

· Interdependence

To be concluded with a detailed analysis.


MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur

Holiday Homework 2020-21

Subject: Vocal Music Class: 10


1. In your music notebook write down all these:

· Alankaars 1 to 10

· Definitions- Alankaar, sangeet, taal

· Taal- Dadra, kehrwa, teen taal, rupak

· Prayers- he maa saraswati tumhari vandana karein, jai sharde maa sharde (based on raag yaman)

· Patriotic Song- nij rasthra ke shareer ke shringaar ke liye, saare jahaan se accha

· School prayer- I would be true

· School song- Oh come let’s sing of MGD

· Folk song- any one regional folk song of your choice

· National song- Vande matram

· National anthem

2. Learn and practise all songs and prayers.

3. I will check the notebooks once the school reopens.

महारानी गायत्री देवी विद्यालय, जयपुर

ग्रीष्म अवकाश हेतु गृह कार्य - 2020-2021

कक्षा 9 एवं 10

विषय - संगीत (वाद्य)


निर्देश – निम्नलिखित का अभ्यास करें

· वाद्य को लेकर बैठने का आसनI

· बो पकड़ने की विधि

· बो चलाने का सुंदर अभ्यास

· वाद्य का रखरखाव

· दिए गए अलंकारों का अभ्यास

· गृह कार्य विद्यालय खुलने के पश्चात जांचा जाएगा

· सा रे ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा

· सासा रेरे गग मम पप धध निनि सांसां

सांसां निनि धध पप मम गग रेरे सासा

· सासासा, रेरेरे, गगग, ममम, पपप, धधध, निनिनि, सांसांसां

सांसांसां, निनिनि, धधध, पपप, ममम, गगग, रेरेरे, सासासा

· सासासासा, रेरेरेरे, गगगग, मममम, पपपप, धधधध, निनिनिनि, सांसांसांसां

सांसांसांसां, निनिनिनि, धधधध, पपपप, मममम, गगगग, रेरेरेरे, सासासासा

· सारेसा, रेगरे, गमग, मपम, पधप, धनिध, निसांनि

निसांनि, धनिध, पधप, मपम, गमग, रेगरे, सारेसा

· सारेग, रेगम, गमप, मपध, पधनि, धनिसां

सांनिध, निधप, धपम, पमग, मगरे, गरेसा

· सारेसारेग, रेगरेगम, गमगमप, मपमपध, पधपधनि, धनिधनिसां

सांनिसांनिध, निधनिधप, धपधपम, पमपमग, मगमगरे, गरेगरेसा

· सारेगम, रेगमप, गमपध, मपधनि, पधनिसां

सांनिधप, निधपम, धपमग, पमगरे, मगरेसा

· सारेगसारेगम, रेगमरेगमप, गमपगमपध, मपधमपधनि, पधनिपधनिसां

सांनिधसांनिधप, निधपनिधपम, धपमधपमग, पमगपमगरे, मगरेमगरेसा

· सारे रेग गम मप पध धनि निसां

सांनि निध धप पम मग गरे रेसा

· सारेगग, रेगमम, गमपप, मपधध, पधनिनि, धनिसांसां

सांनिधध, निधपप, धपमम, पमगग, मगरेरे, गरेसासा

· साग रेम गप मध पनि धसां

सांध निप धम पग मरे गसा

· सासासा गगग, रेरेरे ममम, गगग पपप, ममम धधध, पपप निनिनि, धधध सांसांसां

सांसांसां धधध, निनिनि पपप, धधध ममम, पपप गगग, ममम रेरेरे, गगग सासासा

· साम रेप गध मनि पसां

सांप निम धग परे मसा

· सासा मम, रेरे पप, गग धध, मम निनि, पप सांसां

सांसां पप, निनि मम, धध गग, पप रेरे, मम सासा

· साप रेध गनि मसां

सांम निग धरे पसा

· सासा पप, रेरे धध, गग निनि, मम सांसां

सांसां मम, निनि गग, धध रेरे, पप सासा

· सा, सां

सां, सा

· सासा, सांसां

सांसां, सासा

· सासासा, सांसांसां

सांसांसां, सासासा

· सा

सा रे सा

सा रे ग रे सा

सा रे ग म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध नि ध प म ग रे सा

सा रे ग म प ध नि सां नि ध प म ग रे सा

· सां

सां नि सां

सां नि ध नि सां

सां नि ध प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे ग म प ध नि सां

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा रे ग म प ध नि सां

· सां

नि सां

ध नि सां

प ध नि सां

म प ध नि सां

ग म प ध नि सां

रे ग म प ध नि सां

सा रे ग म प ध नि सा

· सा

रे सा

ग रे सा

म ग रे सा

प म ग रे सा

ध प म ग रे सा

नि ध प म ग रे सा

सां नि ध प म ग रे सा


Holiday Assignment, Dance, class 10th   


All students, please prepare any one Semi Classic dance like: Stuti of God, Tarana, Thumri and any Bollywood Semi Classical etc.



  The duration of the dance should be at least 3 minutes. 

  Whatever you prepare for the dance, bring it with you when school opens and also share it on WhatsApp


For more information or any clarification, call or send the mail.


Holiday HomeWork 2020-21

Subject: Art Education Class: 10th

Note: 1) I am providing you some images; you can use that as a reference.

2) Please mention your Name, Class and Section on the backside of the sheet.

Activity: 1 Do any one of the Indian Folk Painting:

a) Madhubani Painting

b) Gond Painting

c) Warli Painting

d) Kalamkari Painting

Material Required: A3size sheet (Cartridge or ivory), Poster Colours, etc

Activity: 2 Poster Making (Choose any one of the following Topics):

a) Women Empowerment

b) Awareness about COVID-19

c) Benefits of YOGA

Material Required: A3 size sheet (Cartridge or ivory), colour (poster/acrylic).

MGD Girls ‘School, JaipurHoliday Home work 20-21

Subject: Sculpture

Class: 10th


· In case any query please contact on this mail ID : [email protected]

How to make Newspaper Bird Cage –

Material required:

- Newspaper

- Glue

- Scissor

- Plastic container

Video Link: https://youtu.be/ovPaSu7goHs





Make project on one game and sports-Basketball, Throwball, Swimming and Athletics (any two track and field events)

1. Show your creativity in project presentation.

2. Project to be done neatly in a scrap book to be assessed and evaluated.

3. Write about the history of the games and sports.

4. Mention all rules and regulations of the game and sports

5. Write any five names of national and international players along with their photographs.

6. Play (Indoor games like Carom, Chess) one hour every day for your mental and physical fitness.

7 .Do 15-20 minutes stretching exercises/skipping/zumba/aerobics etc.






In present scenario daily Yoga and exercises practices are very much required for every individual.

Students during holidays, as I always ask you to take a Yoga session at home for your parents and grandparents.

You should practice these daily with your family.

1. Om chanting-9 times

2. Spot jogging-1 minute

3. Neck exercises, shoulder rotation, simple leg bending from knee

4. Forward-backward bending

5. Spinal twisting

6. Paschimotanasan-30 seconds

7. Dhanurasan-15 seconds

8. Pawanmuktasan-30 seconds

9. Shavasan-2 minutes

10. Bhastrika Pranayam-1-2 minutes (deep breathing little fast)

11. Kapalbhati-50 strokes

12. Anulom-vilom-5 minutes

13 .Bhramari Pranayam-5 times

14. Meditation (concentrate and feel your natural breathing)

15. Laughing exercise.

You will make a page of daily attendance it will be checked after holidays.

*Drink water in a sufficient amount *Pray God to keep this universe happy and healthy.

* Don’t take stress

*Pray God to keep this universe Happy and Healthy.
