wazifa books

BEFORE STARTING ANY WAZIFA Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly. Rules of Doing a Wazifa RULES OF READING WAZAIF Before you start reading a wazifa please read the following rules. 1- The reason for which you are doing a wazifa is correct and according to shariah. 2- You must read the wording with correct pronunciation. 3- 5 times salah is compulsory for any wazifa to work. Don't expect Allah to grant you your wish while you blatantly disobey his orders. 4- Your income must be halal. Even if there is one Pound/Dollar/Lira of haram income no dua, wazifa or ibadat will work. 5- The time and place must be the same every day. If there is an emergency and you have to go to another place then take your musalla/prayer mat/ sajjade on which you read your wazifa, with you. 6- You must be in wudu while you read a wazifa. Your clothes and body must be clean. 7- Men and women both must dress up in an Islamic way during the wazifa. I mean at least during the duration of the wazifa.

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Wazifa Books


Page 1: Wazifa Books


Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana

Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas.

You must send all savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will

work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly.

Rules of Doing a Wazifa


Before you start reading a wazifa please read the following rules.

1- The reason for which you are doing a wazifa is correct and according to shariah.

2- You must read the wording with correct pronunciation.

3- 5 times salah is compulsory for any wazifa to work. Don't expect Allah to grant you your wish while

you blatantly disobey his orders.

4- Your income must be halal. Even if there is one Pound/Dollar/Lira of haram income no dua, wazifa or

ibadat will work.

5- The time and place must be the same every day. If there is an emergency and you have to go to

another place then take your musalla/prayer mat/ sajjade on which you read your wazifa, with you.

6- You must be in wudu while you read a wazifa. Your clothes and body must be clean.

7- Men and women both must dress up in an Islamic way during the wazifa. I mean at least during the

duration of the wazifa.

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8- While reading a wazifa you must be alone in a room if possible. For certain wazifas it is compulsory.

9- While reading a wazifa you cannot talk to anyone even by gestures and no one should disturb you or

divert your attention. That means keep your mobile phones off.

10- For men please do not shave during the duration of the wazifa. Shaving is breaking the sunnah of the

Prophet and is deemed as a sin.

11- While reading a wazifa please use an ittar or a non alcoholic perfume.

12- If you are doing a wazifa to see the result in your dream, you should sleep on the floor on a clean

bed. Also you must sleep in the same position as the Holy Prophet (sallal la ho alaihi wa aalihi wa sallim)

used to sleep.

13- At least during the duration of the wazifa do not lie or do back bitting (gheybat) at all.


forgiveness) AND DO A TOBAH. Do this once only or always before you start a wazifa.



16- Once you have started a wazifa please do not leave it in the middle or get dishearted. If you nafs

tells you that it won’t work don’t listen to him and continue.

17- If the wazifa does not work in the stated time period please continue it until you get what you want

from Allah.








20- You can not do two wazifas at the same time even for different hajat.. If you do that no wazifa will

work. Be careful about it. No two persons can do a wazifa for the same hajat as well. Only one person

can do a wazifa, except for the King of all wazifas no 2.

21- If you do a wazifa for someone who is not doing 5 times salah, wazifa will not work. Allah does not

accept duas of any Muslim for another Muslim who is not doing salah.



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Everyone has permission to read this salavat/darood. If you have enemies, whom you know or dont

know, read this salavat/darood.

Read it 100 times after Asr salah but do not read Bismillah before it. This should be your last ibadah you

do after your asr salah.

Do not read any other dua or wazifa after it while sitting on the prayer mat. After reading it fold your

prayer mat and get up.

You can read other things after you have folded the prayer mat but do not sit on the prayer mat again

until Maghrib salah/prayer.

This Darood/Salavat is complete and should be read as it is written. Nothing is missing from it.

Do not do any dua after it. just finish reading and get up.

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who so ever is trying to harm you in any way, Allah will destroy him.





This Darood/Salavat is extremely useful and has a lot of benefits for the reader.

Anyone reads it Allah will send him his countless blessings

He will be rich in this world

He will be rich in ahirat (after death)

Allah will protect him from enemies

Holy Prophet (sal lal la ho alai he wa aale he wa sallim) will personally bless him

He will receive special attention from all Aulia Allah

He will receive noor from Aulia Allah.

His connection with Aulia Allah will be come very strong.

Please read it 100 times a day forever. You will not face any problems in life again.


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Anyone who will keep the love of the Holy Prophet (Sal lalla ho wa alaihe wa aaley he wa sallim) and his

sahaba kiram (companions) in his heart and will stay away from anyone who disrespects them will

benefit from this. Reader must hate anyone who disrespects them from his heart, be that your father,

mother or any family member.

Do not make friends with kafir, shias or wahabis or salafis.

This darood/salavat has 40 benefits for the reader, according to hadis. Sufi Miya ji only mention some


1- Allah will send his blessings (rehmat) 3000 times

2- Allah will send his salam to him 2000 times

3- Allah will write 5000 good deeds for him

4- Allah will forgive 5000 sins

5- Allah will increase his rank 5000 times

6- Allah will write on his forehead that he is not a Munafik

7- Allah will write on his forehead that he is free from hell

8- In kiyamet Allah will keep him with the shaheed

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9- Allah will increase his wealth

10- Alllah will bless his children and children of his children

11- Allah will give him victory over enemies

12- Allah will create love of the reader in peoples hearts

13- Someday he will see the Holy Prophet (Sal lalla ho wa alaihe wa aaley he wa sallim) in his dream

14- He will die with Iman

15- In Kiyamet the Holy Prophet (Sal lalla ho wa alaihe wa aaley he wa sallim) will shake his hand

16- Shifaat of the Holy Prophet (Sal lalla ho wa alaihe wa aaley he wa sallim) will become vajib

(compulsory) for him.

17- Allah will become so happy from him that he will never ever become angry again from him no

matter what he does.

Read the following salavat/darood 100 times while standing and facing Madina only on fridays.

You can read it in the mosque after Juma prayers or anytime after fajr azan until maghrib azan.




To Make Someone Do Something You want

If You have a hajat/wish/work/request with a person and you want him to do, what you will ask them.

Please read the following before you visit them.

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Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Yusuf 13 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

He/ She will do exactly what you ask them to do as long as it not illegal in islam.

If you move away from the eye sight of that person whom you want to do some thing, he will change his

mind. You must stay in front of him until he does what you asked him to do.


Wazifa For Protection From Jinns

If you think that Jins are disturbing you or they live in your house or bother you at all.Take a non

alcoholic ink and write full bismillah on a piece of paper 35 times. You dont have to write zeer or zabar


Hang it in your house some where. No Jin will ever be able to enter that house.

You must write it in wudu.

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Wazifs To Bring Back Someone

If some one left home after a fight and you want them to come back please do the following for exactly

11 days and no more, after every Fajr Salah.

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Lahab 73 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Facing the house where that person is staying you will imagine him and do a dam (blow) on his chest in

your imagination. To help you please keep a photo in front of you.

You will face that persons house during the wazifa too.

You must use ittar or non alcoholic perfume.

Wazifa To Bring Back Wife/Husband/Someone

If someone from your family left home due to a fight and you want them to come back. Or your husband

left you after a fight or your wife left you after a fight.

Please do the follwoing:

On the first Friday (night before friday) night of an islamic month read

Darood/Salavat 11 times

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Ayat Karima 900 times “ la ilaha illa anta subhaneka inni kuntu minz zalimin”

Darood/Salavat 11 times


While reading the wazifa imagine the persons face. You can put his/her photo in front of you to help you


While reading the wazifa you must face that persons house where he is staying.

The time of the wazifa is 2 AM at night. You must start the wazifa at this time every night.

Use Ittar or non alcoholic perfume.

Please do this until he comes back. Inshallah he will come back before 21 days.

To Make People Respect You

If you want that people should respect you where you go then do the following.

Take some olive oil and read "Ya Azizo" (Allahs name) 100,000 times. then do a dam (blow) on the oil.

Every day rub a little bit of that oil on your face. Everyone who will see you will respect you immensely.

You can read it in any time period. The oil will only work for the reader and not for other people.

conditions are that you do not do gunah/sins willingly and have correct Sunni beliefs. If you do not do

either then the wazifa will not work.

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wazifa To get Good Marks in Exams

If you have exams first thing is to study hard. As Allah says in the Quran

“I give humans according to their efforts―

After you have studied hard do the following Inshallah you will get great marks in your exams. This is a

tried and tested wazifa. It works each time.

After every salah do a sajda and in the sajda read Surah fatiha once only.

In the sajda when you come to “iiya ka na budu va iiya ka nasta een―. Repeat it 21 times. then

complete the Surah till the end and raise your head from the sajda. Then do a dua for your exam. You

must do this after every salah.

Darood/salavat 1 times before and after the dua is must.

This wazifa is very small and takes 2-3 minutes and is very powerful. Continue until your result comes


Make sure you also read darood/salavat fadal from the every friday too.

Wazifa To get Rid of Your Tenant

If your tenant is not leaving the house and is creating problems for you do the following. Inshallah he

will leave the house.

Facing kibla after Magrib salah, while sitting.

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Darood/Salavat 11 times

41 times Surah fatiha

41 times Surah Ikhlas

300 times Ayet karima (la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto miniz zalimeen)

Darood/Salavat 11 defa

Then get up and while standing raise your hands for dua so much that they are above your head. Then

do a dua to Allah to get rid of your tenants.

Do this for 11 days exactly.

Warning: More than 11 days there is no permission for anyone to do it. You must stop on the 11th day

or before.,when your tenants leave the house, stop the wazifa immediately.

Wazifa For Memory or Hafiza

Anyone who has bad memory due to old age or a child who is not intelligent in studies do the following:

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Nisa..Ayet no 113. Read it 131 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Every day and do dam (blow) on water and drink it. Do it for at least 21 days. Memory will improve

considerably and you won’t forget anything you study or read.

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Wazifa To Hifz or Remember Quran

You can hifz (Remember it by heart) Quran at any age. There is no age limit for it. But we all know that

our memory is not very good once we grow up.

If you want to Hifz whole Quran or only some Surahs then do this while you are trying to remember it by

heart. Every day do this once.

11 times Darood/Salavat

Surah Yusuf 1 time

11 times Darood/Salavat

Inshallah your brain will open up and will absorb Quran like a sponge.

Wazifa To Control Anger

If you get angry while talking, start reading any Darood/Salavat. Your anger will go away in seconds.

If someone else is angry while talking to you then read any Darood/Salavat few times and do a

dam(blow) on him while he is angry. Meaning blow in his direction.

Keep on doing it and he will calm down too within seconds. You may do this secretly if you don’t them to

know what you are doing.

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Wazifa For Depression

If you are depressed for any reason and dont know how to get out of depression do the following only


Afetr Fajr Salah

3 times Darood/Salavat

125 times Surah fatiha

3 times Darood/Salavat

Immediately you will get out of dpression and will feel alive again.

Wazifa For Physical Pain

If your body aches for no reason and always some body part aches. Do the following. Inshallah it will

totally stop. This is especially the case with old people as they always have a pain some where for no

apparent reason.

After fajr salah and esha salah read the following ayet 7 times and do a dam on your hands and then rub

your hands all over your body. Leaving no part of the body.

It will stop hurting for ever after a while

Read full bismillah then

Surah inam…ayet no 1……….7 times

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Bismaillah has to be read each time with the ayet as part of the ayet.

Wazifa For Pain

If your body hurts for no reason please do the follwing

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Full Bismillah 100 times

Darood/salavat 11 times

Then do a dam (blow) on the affected part. The pain will disappear immediately

Wazifa for Cancer

If you or anyone in your family has been diagnosed with cancer please do the following. Inshallah it will

be cured within 41 days.

Every day non stop for 41 days. Put a glass of water in front of you before you start the wazifa.

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Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Maryam 1 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Do a dam (blow) on water and give it to the patient to drink. Also please mix the left over water with

more water and the patient has to drink it whole day. Must be drunk 6 times a day minimum.

The patient will get well provided:

The reader and the patient have correct Sunni beliefs. Please read on this website what is correct Sunni


The reader must do 5 times a day Salah without missing any Salah.

Please note that this is a tried and tested wazifa and has cured people. If you missed the wazifa any day

you will have to start it from zero again. It also means that the patients life has finished.

If that happens then gather 3-5 or 7 people. All must have correct Sunni beliefs and believe in Aulia

Allah. If one of them has incorrect belief the wazifa will not work.

In a clean room, lock the doors and they all will sit and read Darood/Salavat Naria 4444 times.

During reading it non one can talk or even make a sign. No one can leave the room. Keep all mobiles off.

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The number has to be exact 4444. Be very very careful about it.

Once you have started the wazifa no one can get up.

No one can even make a sign or do any thing which diverts your attention. Make sure no one will knock

the door or disturb you.

After finishing the wazifa everyone will stand up and facing kaba one person will send the Savab/hasana

as i have written in the section How to do a Khatim. after doing that make a dua. Like this:

"Ya Allah we ask you with the waseela of Darood/Salavat Naria please give shifa to __________(here

take the name of the patient) from that disease________ (here take name of the disease) and give him a

healthy life of x amount of more years".

You must specify how many more years the patient wants to live. Inshallah he will be cured.

If you are not even able to do that since to find people with correct sunni belief is very hard these days

then do the Wazifa for hajat 5.

It must be done alone in a room by one person. After finishing the wazifa the person must get up and

stand like in a Salah. Do not raise your hands for a dua. While standing, facing Baghdad ask directly from

Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani for a cure and x amount of more years to live. It is a 3 day wazifa.

Know that he is looking at you. If during that you start to cry it means your request has been approved

by him. Do it for 3 days only.

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Wazifa For Epilepsi

When ever some gets a fit of epilepsy and looses consciousness…or you suspect he has jins who come

into his body….do this

Take some water or a bottle of water. Read the follwing

Surah fatiha 1 time

Ayettal kursi 1 time

Surah Jin …1st five ayets only

Do a dam on the water. When ever the patient gets a fit please sprinkle a little bit of this water on his

face. He will wake up immediately. Every time it happens do this.

According to hadis there is no such disease as Epilepsi. It is always a Jin hurting that person.

wazifa to cure all diseases

If you or anyone have an incurable disease please buy some kalonji seeds.

Every morning eat a tea spoon of Kalonji seeds on empty stomach with a glass of water.

you can chew them or swallow them.

within a month or two the disease will totally disappear. If it does not, please continue it.

Hadis: Except from death, cure for all diseases is in kalonji seeds.

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Wazifa To See The Cure of a Disease in Your Dream

If you want to see the cure of a disease in your dream please do the follwoing.

After Esha salah take a Ghusul (bath) and wear clean clothes. Which were freslly washed. Without

talking to anyone go to your bedroom and you have to be alone there. Lie on the bed and read

Darood/salavat 11 times

Surah Alem Nashrah 15 times

Surah Wad Duha 15 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

After that do a du alike this: Ya Allah please show me the cure for that disease (name of the disease)

which will give complete shifa.

Inshallah within 7 nights you will see the cure. If you do not see any thing please keep on doing it.

Note: You must take a Ghusul (bath) every night

Wazifa To Improve Hearing

If your hearing is becoming weak or is totally gone or you can’t hear properly, after Esha salah read

Ayet no 12 from Surah Fussilat Surah no 41 in the Quran.

“Fa kada hunna sab aa samavatin fi yo main ney va ao ha fi kuule sama in amraha”.

You will read only this part of the ayet and not the full ayet.

Read it 41 times and do a dam (blow) on your hands and rub them on your face and ears 3 times.

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The duration of wazifa is 41 days without a break. Your hearing will become normal. If you continue it

after 41 days then it will become extra sesitive and if you keep on doing it even after you will start to

hear the angels talking too one day.

Wazifa For Physically Weak Child

If a child is very weak after a disease or is physically weak in general do the following.

Take a little bit of olive oil the do a dam (blow) on it after reading the following

11 times Darood/Salavat

1900 times “Ya Jabbar-o”…(Allah’s name)

11 times Darood/Salavat

Then massage the child’s body with that oil. Do this everyday for 7 days non stop. You have to do a dam

(blow) on new oil everyday.

Inshallah the child will become healthy and physically strong.

Wazifa To Increase Your Eye Sight

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This is a very strong wazifa and will make your eye sight 6/6 meaning full vision. You will not need any


You must do this wazifa nonstop for 41 days. This is the only condition.

For women because they cannot do it for 41 days non stop. You have 2 solutions. Either increase the

number of days you missed or much better to ask someone else to do the wazifa for you. For example

your mother, father, brother, sister, friend or husband. Meaning a mahram.

Between the Sunnat and fard of Fajr salah

3 times Darood/Salavat. The Darood you read in salah.

3 times Surah Kader (Quran Chap 30)..Among the last few Surahs

3 times same Darood/Salavat

Do a dam (blow) on two index fingers and rub them on your eyes

If some one else is reading it for you then ask them to do a dam (blow) on your eyes instead of on the


Note: If you missed even one day you will have to start from zero again.

Wazifa For Women Who Cant Have Children

If you been told that you cannot have any kids for any medical reason or you are having girls only and

you want a boy or you been having miscarriages upon miscarriages, do the following.

Find a person who has seen the prophet in his dream. Ask him /her to do the following.

Take pure raw cotton thread and cut seven pieces. Each piece should be measured from the hair line of

the woman on the fore head till the thumb of her right foot.

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Roll them together and make a rope with 7 threads.

Read Darood/Salawat 11 times

Then read Ayettal Kursi 11 times. Each time You finish Ayetal Kursi you tie a knot on the rope. And do a

dam (Blow) on the knot after you have made the knot.

So in total you will tie 11 knots and blow 11 times on each knot.

Then finally read Darood/Salawat 11 times.

Now tie this around the womans waist. That woman should never ever take it off. For example…Taking a

bath, going to toile.What ever happens do not take it off.

When she becomes pregnant and she finds out that she is pregnant, she has to cook something sweet at

home and it must be white. Do not buy it from the shops. Must be cooked at home.

Now she will do a Khatim (see in the website how to do a khatim the sunni way) on the sweet thing and

send the savab/Hasana of all of it and the sweet too to

Hz Seikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah Alaih)

Hz Sheikh Mohammad Afzal Kanpuri (Rehmatullah Alaih)

Hz Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Rehmatullah Alaih). Imam of Sunnis in subcontinent.

Then she will do 2 Rakat Nafal Salah. After the Salah facing bagdad she will say this aloud:

Ya Seikh Abdul Qadir Jilani if I had a son I will make him your slave and will name him Ghulam Muhayyud


After this believe that it will be a boy. Do not doubt it. When the boy is born, after giving azan in his

ears, the rope will be removed from the mother and placed around the neck of the boy. Keep it small so

the child cant take it off.

Every year depending how rich you are please spend £10 or £100 pounds (or 10 or 100 in your currency)

in sadaka for the boy.

When he is 11 years old spend £1100 or if you are poor £111 or £11 (or 1100 or 111 or 11 in your

currency) .Cook something sweet at home for this money and give it people as a sadaka for the boy.

Once you have done that take the rope off his neck and bury it somewhere safe in the ground where

people won’t step on it.

If you are thinking why all this procedure remember this is for women who cannot have kids at all. Or

they are having miscarriages and no wazifa is working. This is the last resort. You may do wazifas for

hajat but if nothing works then do this. This is the last resort.

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Wazifa To Get The Baby Out in Child Labour

If woman is giving birth and the baby is not coming out and the labour is going on for hours.

Some one should write this ayet…ayet no 37 and 38 of Surah Yasin …

Va inna hul laila………..takdeer ul azizil aleem

in wudu and wrap it in a clean piece of cloth. Tie it on the right thigh of the pregnant woman.

The baby will come immediately.

Warning: You must remove the cloth as soon as the baby come out. If you will not remove it all the

intestines of the woman will come out too. You must be quick about it. Be ready to remove the

Taveez/vafk quickly.

After removing it please burry it in the ground where no one steps on it or tie it with a stone and throw

it in water.

Do not burn it.

Wazifa For people who cant have children

If for any reason you can not have children. For example

Doctors told you that you can not have children for some medical reason.

Every thing is ok but you just can not get pregnant.

You been married for long time and you are not getting pregnant

In any case what so ever please do THE KING OF ALL WAZIFAS NO 2 from the website.

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Ask Allah for a child and you will get it. Be patient with it and keep on doing it until you are pregnant.

Wazifa for Baby Boy

For a male child

If you want that next child is a son then you and your husband must read the name of Allah

Ya Mutakabbiro......... 10 times before sex, while sitting on the bed. The only condition is that the bed

must be clean. Not only you will have a son but he will also be very salih muslim.

Wudu is not necessary.

Please note that this is not a wazifa. We dont give wazifas to have a boy as our Holy Prophet (sallal laho

alai hi wasallam) had no son.

Wazifa For Headache

If you have a severe headache ask someone to hold your head in his hands and he should read Surah fiil

without bismillah …for 7 times and do dam (blow) on your head.

If the headache goes away fine if not read Surah Feel 7 times again and do a dam (blow)…..and do it

again if the head ache does not go away. Keep on doing until it goes away.

Remember do not read Bismillah with the Surah.

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Wazifa For Difficult Children

If your child is always crying and is not behaving himself and is very stubborn

Write Ayet 108 from Surah Taha……….only once in Arabic

Then wala howla wala kuveta illa billa hil ali ul azeem. Once In Arabic.

Make a Taveez/vafk and hang it in his neck. This would be done in wudu by a dindar/salih person. Please

use non alcoholic ink to write it.

The child will stop crying for no reason and will not be stubborn anymore.

Wazifa For Diabetes

If you have Diabetes please do this wazifa for 11 days and you will be cured in 11 days. This is a tried and

tested wazifa. Each time it works. Condition is that your income must be halal and you must be doing 5

times Salah.

Feel free to complain if it does not work.

Take a glass of water and put it next to you before you do your Fajr Salah. Then after every Fajr Salah

while sitting read

Darood/Salavat 3 times

Surah Yasin Ayet no 58

“salamun kolum min rabbir rehim” 100 times

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Darood/Salavat 3 times

But the Darood/Salavat has to be the one you read in Salah. Meaning Darood Ibrahimi. Put a glass of

water infront of you before starting the wazifa.

Then do a dam on it (blow on the water) and drink it all.

Then write the same Ayet on a piece of paper with non alcoholic ink. Then take a bottle of water and put

it inside and drink that water whole day. Finish the water before you sleep each night. You will write a

new paper each day. keep the old paper in the bottle. At the end of the wazifa bury the papers in the

bottle in a safe place where no one steps or drop them in flowing water after tieing them to a stone.

Do this every day for 11 days. Your sugar will disappear for ever.

If the water gets less please add normal water in it and only drink this water.

Wazifa To Win a Court Case


Please note that you must be on the right according to the shariat and not according to the civil law.

Anyone who will do this wazifa for the wrong reason will be severely punished by Allah. The angels of

these two Surahs will destroy your life. Please be careful.

Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after.

Then every morning before sunrise after Fajr salah read Surah fatah (Quran Chap 26) and Surah Toor

(Quran Chap 27) once. Do a dua for your court case. Do this until you win the case.

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wazifa For Love in the Family

If you want your husband/wife/Children to love you please do the follwing for 7 days eactly.

Read Darood/ Salavat 11 times

Surah fatiha 100 times

Darood/ Salavat 11 times

Then do a dam (blow) on something sweet and make the person eat it. You must do it everyday for 7

days. Each day you will do it on a new sweet. You cannot put that sweet/sugar into anything hot or

make it hot.

Note: You must be alone in a room when you read the wazifa

If you noticed that there is no change in anyone after 7 days then it means there is black magic. In that

case please do the King of all wazifas no 2.

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana

Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You

must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work.

Wazifa To Make Someone Love you

If your husband or your wife or your children or anyone does not love you for any reason, please read

the following

11 times Darood

786 times full bismillah

11 times darood.

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Blow on water and give it to the person whom you want to love you. He will start loving you.In case of

the whole family fighting with each other everyone should drink this water. You can also do this for your

children who are disrespectful towards you or do not look after you. Please continue for 7 days at least.

Warning: Under no circumstances use it for un Islamic reasons. It will back fire and will destroy your life.

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana

Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You

must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work.

Wazifa To Bring a Wife or a Woman On The Right Path

If someone in your family is doing haram and she is not listening to anyone then do this for 7 days.

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Nisa 7 times

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and make her drink it everyday. She will become a very salih person.

If she is your wife she will become a very good wife.

This wazifa is only for a woman. You can not do it for a man

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana

Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You

must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work.

Wazifa To Make Your Husband or Inlaws Treat You Nice

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If your husband or your in laws are not treating you nice or do not respect you then do this. Inshallah

they will not only treat you nice but respect you as well.

Do this for 7 days non stop

Take a Ghusul (bath) every day before the wazifa. Wear freshly washed clothes every day. Make sure

you have not worn those clothes after washing. You can wear different clothes each day but they must

be freshly washed.

Then do 2 rakat salah. Read Surah Ikhlas once in each rakat.

After the Salah/namaz get up and while standing read any Darood/Salavat 11 times. then

“Ya Aziz-0” (Allah’s name) 3000 times.

Then Darood/Salavat 11 times and do a dua for yourself

You will not sit during the wazifa.

On the 4th day you will read “Ya Aziz-o” 5000 times but sitting down. Meaning you will not stand up

after the salah/namaz on this days only. All other days you will do the wazifa standing up.

On the 4th 5th 6th and 7th day you will read it 5000 times each day.

So in total you will read 29000 times in one week.

If you are thinking it is a very big wazifa, it is not. It takes 5 minutes to read “Ya Aziz-o” 1000 times. The

whole wazifa takes not more than 25 minutes.

Note: Do not read it more than 7 days for the same Hajat.

You may continue reading it without the conditions if you like. If you keep on reading it everyone who

will see you will respect you immensely.

Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana

Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You

must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work.

wazifa To Make Husband and Wife Love Each Other

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If your partner doesn’t love you for any reason and you want him /her to love you, do this wazifa. This is

only for husband and wife. And no one else.

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Yusuf 1 time

Darood/Salavat 11 times

After reading the above (blow) do a dam on something sweet or on water. And make him/her eat it or

drink it. The sweet must be cold not hot.With in few days he/she will love you.

Please do it for one week minimum or until you see he/she has improved enough.

Wazifa To Make Husband Love you

This wazifa only women can do and only for a husband.

Take 2 almonds and after Esha Salah put them in your mouth. On your tongue, not under your tongue.

Imagine your husband and read

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Then read only this part of Ayat no 39 from Quran chap 16, Surah Taha, 500 times like this:

“Wa alkaito alika muhabba tan minni va le tus Na aa alainee”.

This is the last bit of ayet no 39. You will read only this part not the whole ayet.

Read it 100 times then take out the almonds and do a dam (blow) on them. Do not clean them at all.

Put hem back in your mouth and start reading again.

On every 100 you will take them out and do a dam(blow) on them and put them back in your mouth. So

in total you will do a dam 5 times.

When you finish the wazifa put them safely in a clean piece of paper and wrap them. Again do not clean

them no matter how wet they are.

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You will do this Wazifa for exactly 5 days only. You will do a dam(blow) on same almonds each day.

Do not remove the saliva from the almonds at all and do not clean them.

After 5 days somehow make him eat them. But do not put them in any thing hot. Neither bring them

near to fire.

Best is to cook some thing which is cold and put them inside it or inside anything sweet. He will fall in

love with you instantly.

While reading keep the meaning of the ayet and your hajat in your mind. That you want your husband to

fall in love with you. You can put his photo in front of you to help you imagine his face.


If you are having problems in your marriage

for example:

Your husband is beating you or making illegal demands

Your husband / wife is having a haram relationship with someone

Your husband / wife have left you

Your husband / wife refuse to come back to you

Your husband /wife are not fulfilling their rightful duties

or for any kind of marital problems please do this wazifa until you see a dream. You will see a clear

dream and someone will tell you if your wish has been granted by Sheikh Abdul qadir Jilani (RA).

Every night after Esha Salah at the same place and time, read 1000 times ….."Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir

Jilani Sheyin lillah"

Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after.

While reading it think of your hajat. His name acts as Isim-e-Azam.

After finishing the wazifa do not do a dua as during the wazifa you have been thinking of it. You are

asking him for help.

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You cannot do this wazifa at any other time.

For women, during periods please stop doing it and then restart it after the periods.

Duration for the wazifa is until you see the dream.

Wazifa For Love Marriage

رجمہ اردو فحے اس ت ص ے يں آخر ک ھے م

Wazifas to marry a particular person are totally haram and forbidden in Islam. Do not do any wazifa to

marry anyone as you would be using Quran for some thing which is equivalent to black magic. You will

be seriously harmed. If it was allowed, we would all be married to a movie star.

Even if your marriage has been arranged or you are already engaged, and there are problems, you must

do an istikhara only. Islam does not recognise engagement as a relationship of any kind.

If your family is arranging your marriage with someone and you wish to marry that person, you must do

an istikhara only. no wazifa can be done also.

Only a Wali Allah can change your luck. no wazifa will do that for you.

Only Allah knows what is best for you. I get a lot of emails everyday from brothers and sisters who did a

love marriage. That love disappeared after few years and now their lives are literally hell. They want

help to sort out their miserable lives. This is the result of marrying someone without doing an istikhara.

Let Allah decide what is good for you in future. No matter how innocent your love is, there is no

guarantee that you or your partner will feel the same after 5-10 years.

You can only do an istikhara as ORDERED by our Holy Prophet. The method is written in the website. If it

is good for you, it will happen automatically without the need for a wazifa.

You have been warned.

نی ند اپ س ے پ شخص ک سے شادی ے يے ک فہ ل ي ا وظ رن سالم ک يں ا تی م سخ سے نع ہ ھے۔ م ران ي و ق جادو ک

ے يے ک عمال ل ت س ے ا رن ے ک ترادف ک ر ھے۔ م ی اس اگ ی اجازت ک و ھوت سی بس ھم ت لم ک ٹار ف س سے شادی

ے۔ رت ک

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ر ی آپ اگ شادی ک سی سے ک و طے کی ہ ا ہے چ نی ي گ ن کی ھو م و آپ اور ھے چ وئ ک ئہ ک ل س و ھے م ھی ت ب

صرف تخارہ س ے ا رن ی ک سالم ھے۔ اجازت ک يں ا تر م ي گ ن امحرم م ے اس ھے۔ ن ھ ک سات ات ا ب رن ا ک نا ي ل حرام م


ر ے آپ اگ وئ ن فہ ک ي يا وظ و ک و آپ ت سخت ک صان ق نچے ن ہ ا پ ی آپ اور گ ی ک دگ ہ زن با و ت ی۔ جاۓ ہ گ

صان ق نے ن نچ ہ ی پ صورت ک يں ی ، م رآن ات ق ے آي ير ک شرعی غ عمال ت س ے ا رن ے ک ی وال وئ ک ے مدد ک رن ک

ر يار پ يں ت ہ ن

ر سی آپ اگ سے ک شادی ا رن تے ک يں چاھ و ہ ب اس ت ٹ وي ساي ۓ ردي ۓ پ قے گ سے طري صرف تخارہ س ا

ر ں۔اگ ري ے آپ ک يے ک تر ل ہ ا ھو ب و گ ی آپ ت شادی ک خود خود ير ب غ سی ب فے ک ي ے وط ی جاۓ ھو ک سول - گ ر

اک ے پ تاۓ ک تخارے ۓھو ب س ا ا ہی ک ہ ي د ائ ھے ف

اں ے دعا ہ رن ی ک ڑے آپ جو ھے۔ اجازت ک شوق ب سے ں۔ ري ک

Wazifa To Pay Off Loan

Read Surah Tehreem everyday once. Imam jafir sadik (our 5th imam) said if your loan is as big as

mountain it will be paid off.

Please read Darood 11 times before and after and then do a dua every day.

Wazifa To Increase Your Rizk

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After every Salah/Namaz without talking to anyone

Ayetal Kursi once

Surah At-Talak (Quran Surah no 65) Ayet no 2, and 3, from “Wa mun yat ti killah ho…..till…. kad Ja aa lal

la ho le kul ley shey in kadra.” :…………once

Surah Fatiha once

Surah Ikhlas 3 times

Darood/Salawat 3 times

Then do a dam (Blow) on the sky

The reader of this Wazifa will get the following:

Allah will take his soul himself directly. No angel of death will come near him to take his soul.

Allah will send his soul directly to heaven without any hisab.

In life his rizk (income) will always be very big. Will never have problems with money.

His grave will be very wide.

He will die with Iman

Wazifa To Get Transferred

If you want your company to transfer you to some other place or department and they refuse then do


After Esha salah/namaz

Read Darood/Salavat 11 times.

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Then read Ayettal Kursi 40 times.

Darood/Salavat 11 times.

This is a 40 days wazifa. If you missed a day please read double the next day meaning 80 times. When

you are transferred to where you want to go you may stop the wazifa. All will happen within 40 days.

Wazifa To Stop Your Transfer

If in your job you have been transferred to another city or office and you don’t want to go there then do


After Esha salah/namaz read Surah Lahab (Quran Chap 30)…..21 times everyday but do not read Darood

or Salavat or bismillah with this wazifa at all. I repeat do not read any bismillah or Darood/Salavat.

Do not wear anything on your head. Your head must be bare. For women as well please do not wear

anything on your head. You have to take off your hijab or scarf.

Do it until your transfer is stopped. Usually happens within a week.

Wazifa To Get Your Job Back

If you lost your job and you want it back please do the following

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Darood/ Salavat 11 times

Surah Yusuf 13 times

Darood/ Salavat 11 times

Then do a dua every day.

The time and place must be the same every day.

Inshallah first day someone will tell you that you can have your old job back. Continue until some one

gives you the news that you can have it back.

Wazifa To Make your Boss Nice

If your boss is always nasty towards you and is creating problems for no reason. Do the following and he

will change with you.

Read "Ya Jabbar-o (allahs name) 12500 times every day for 10 days. Darood/Salavat 11 times before

and after. He will stop being nasty to you. During this vazifa salah is very important. Do not miss your


Wazifa To be Sucessful in life

To be successful in life

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if you feel that you are a complete failure in life. whatever you do in life you always fail. nothing works in

your life.

And if you want that you are always successful in every field of life including religion and day to day life,

do this wazifa forever.

Read ya Muktadir-o ………..….Allahs name…..744 times every day.

Darood / Salavat 10 times before and after.

This is a forever wazifa.

You will not need any other wazifa for anything in your life again. If you feel that someone had done

magic on you to make you fail in life, the wazifa will also clean the magic.

wAZIFA For a Happy life

For happy life

If you want to live a happy life without any worries in life then read the name of Allah Ya muhaimin-o....

…..29 times everyday after any salah.

Salavat / Darood 1 times before and after.

After some time your life will become happy without any worries. This is a forever wazifa.

If there is magic on you , it will also be removed.

wAZIFA To Kill Your Enemy

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If you have a enemy and you have tried everything and nothing is happening and you are in a situation

that your own life is in danger or your families life. You can do this wazifa. You must be very sure that

you have no other solution.

For 10 days with the intention that you want your enemy to die , at the same place and same time

read Surah Lahab 1000 times everyday.

Do not Read Bismillah or Darood/Salavat with this wazifa.

Your enemy will be killed by Allah in 10 days

Wazifa To Protect All Family

Nothing will happen to anyone in this hisar (Hisar means to encircle) except death. Do this to your house

especially your children and your family.

Every night

Darood/Selavat 1 time

Surah Fatiha 1 time

Ayetal Kursi 1 time

4 kul (Surah Ikhlas, kafiroon, falak , Nas) 1 time each

Darood/salavat 1 time

Then in your imagination make a circle around everything you want to protect. Your children, house,

family etc……complete the circle in your imagination.

Everybody and everything in that circle will remain in Allah’s protection for one day.

The day you will have any problem you will realize that you forgot to do the hisar that day.

If this hisar is done around a dead person Allah will stop the azab for one day as well.

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Wazifa for Enemy

If you have a fear of any enemy…..or from anyone who wants to harm you in any way do the following

until the threat is gone away.

In fajr salah in the first rakat of the sunnet read Surah Alim Nasrah and in the second read Surah fiil.

Both once only

Insallah your enemy will be defeated by Allah himself. He will not be able to harm you in any way. Keep

on doing it until enemy is defeated completely.

Wazifa To Stop an Ilegal Relationship

If someone in your family is having a haram relationship with some one. to break it up please do this.

On Tuesday midday....at 12 exactly visit a grave yard. Doesnt have to be a Muslim Grave yard. Sit in

between two old graves and read

Darood/Salavat 1 time

Surah Lahab 500 times (without bismillah)

Darood/Salavat 1 time

The afterwards do a dua like this...."Ya Allah please create hatred between Adam son of Mary and Nicole

daughter of Mary. You must take names with the name of their mother.

They will start to hate each other immediately.

Note: please do not read bismillah in this wazifa anywhere.

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Wazifa To Stop Someone Doing Haram

If some one in your household is doing haram and is not listening to you do this for 21 days.

Every day before azan of Fajr Salah read

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah lahab 19 times.

Darood/Salavat 11 times

and then do a dam(blow) on him while he/she is sleeping.

If the person is not in your house, imagine his face and do a dam(blow) on his face. You may keep a foto

in front of you for imagination.

Wazifa To Make Children Obedient

If Your children are not obedient or dont listen to you please read this every day:

Darood/Selavat 11 times

Surah Al Ahkaf, Ayet no 15...........73 times

Darood/Selavat 11 times

Then do a dua everyday.

Inshallah with few weeks they will all become very obedient to you.

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Wazifa For Protection from Magic

If you think some will do black magic on you or you think someone has done it. for all cases of black

magic and for future protection too. Please do the following always. No one will ever be able to harm

you through black magic. No black magic will work on you. For protection of whole family please after

reading it do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and give it to everybody everyday to drink.

After fajr and Maghrib Salah

Draood/Salavat once

Ya Qabid0 (Allahs Name) 21 times

Darood/ Salavat once

How to Kill Your Nafs

To kill your nafs

If you want to kill your nafs forever then do this wazifa once only. You will never ever hear your nafs

telling you to do any sins again. For 11 or 21 or 41 days, non stop, read YA MOAKHIR-O ……Allahs name,

846 times, everyday, after asr salah.

Salavat / darood 9 times before and after.

Do it for 11 days first and see if your nafs is still there, if yes then continue for another 10 days, if it is still

there then continue another 20 days. Within this time your nafs will be gone forever.

Wazifa To See Your Dead Relative in a Dream

If you want to see your relatives in your dream who died, do the following.

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After Esha Salah read

Darood/Salawat 11 times

Surah Shams, Wal lail, Wad Duha, Alem Nashra. All 7 times each

Then Darood/Salawat 11 times. Without talking to anyone go to bed and sleep alone in a room. You will

see them with in 7 nights. Most people saw their relatives the first night. Please make sure your clothes

and bedding is clean.

Wazifa To Learn the Secret Knowledge

In Quran at several places Allah talks about the knowledge of the book. This is the secret knowledge that

all Aulia Allah are given as a gift. In Quran Allah says about Hz Asif bin berkhia (Alaihis salam) , the Wizier

of Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman (Alaihis Salam) that “he said that i can bring it (the throne of

Bilquis,Alaihis Salam) in the blink of an eye. And i gave him the knowledge of the book”.

Meaning Hz Asif Bin Berkhia (Alaihis salam) who was a jin, used that knowledge to bring the throne.

Please note that according to hadis revealing that knowledge is kufur (Forbidden) in islam.

If you want to learn this secret knowledge please contact me.

Please note that if you are a not a dindar or a pious person, you will not be able to complete this wazifa.

After some days you will start getting the ideas that it is all a lie, nothing will work, why am i doing it, i

am wasting my time etc etc. It only means that the wazifa is trying to stop you. To stop that from

happening please do a istikhara first and better still ask your Sheikh/Murshid. If you have one, who will

guide you.

If it is not in your luck you will not be able to complete this wazifa.

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Wazifa To See True Dreams

According to hadis a true dream is 46th part of the wahi.

If you sleep in wudu every night and while you are trying to sleep read “Ya badi-o” (Allah’s name) you

will not only see true dreams but also will see what ever is going to happen with you the next day in

your dream.

The condition is that you cannot tell anyone about your dreams. If you did they will stop.

Slowly and slowly the dreams will become clearer. You will not need any one to tell you the meaning. So

be patient.

If you see some thing bad is about to happen please do this when you wake up (and don’t tell anyone

about it)

Darood/Salavat 1 time

"Bismillah hil lazi la ya durro ma as me hi Shay un fil arde vala fis sema-e va ho vas sami ul aleem"….3


Darood/Salavat 1 time.

This Is the famous dua the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) told Sahabi Sayyedina Osman

(Radi allah o anha) to read 3 times every morning and 3 times every evening and nothing bad will

happen to you.

Wazifa To Become a Wali Allah

All Auliya Allah say that anyone who will read Surah Ikhlas 1000 times every day and will continue that

for some time. He will know himself what Allah will give him. He will receive what Allah says in

kuran……”Say I am the follower of the nation of Ibrahim, who had his full attention to Allah”

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Meaning Sayyedina Ibrahim (Alaihis salam) never ever looked at anything except Allah himself. No other

thought ever crossed his mind except Allah.

This Wazifa, only that person will do whom Allah will give the taufeeq/permission to do it. Who loves

Allah and his Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam)

May allah give you the taufeeq to do this and to all of us.

Darood/Salawat 11 times as usual before and after.

After reading this Wazifa every night please send the savab/hasana to all ummat.

Your niyet/intention for this wazifa is nothing but Allah himself. Your dua after finishing the wazifa every


Wazifa To See The Prophet and Sahaba In Your Dream

If You want to see not only the Prophet (Sallal laho alihe wa aale hi wasallam) but also Sahaba Karam in

your dream please do the following.

Start on any Friday night (night before friday) and read the wazifa until the next friday night. that makes

it 8 nights.

Every night just after Esha Salah

Darood/Salavat 11 times

Surah Aaraf....Aytet No 157.......1000 times (Fal la zeena aminu................till.............humul


Darood/Salavat 11 times

Insallah you will see them in your dream. Please make sure for at least 8 days you do not do any

gunah/sins, lie, break any islamic rules or do gaybat (talk bad behind peoples back)