washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1900-07-16 [p 3]. · the year round to the right man...

TIlE EVENING TIMES WASHBRiTON MONDAY JULY 16 1900 ft L IIHLP WAXTED FErtAIBV- AXTED AYaist hinds and helpers 17tf- crt nW JjrWSucro- XVANTED Skirt folders and ladies clothes YALE STEAM LACNDKY 43 G f t mr- jyl 3tcmA- TANTED Woman for general bousewwk must poed rook stay nights and have ref no mulling Call 14H Park su Mt Pleatnt Item work M Call alter C 61 C st se ltrm Exporienced jBO ds lt ladi who are aU exjwHtncwf In a riii Apply z- 7ih st mv Item IVANTKD Younc todv with pr K ia confec- tionery Uujnyi 10 7th st nw jyl8Steinf- VANTBU Hghi housework In small family I have p o J placet every lay come M me m fee until 1 secure HMitkm TUB OLD VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENT im iith t nw ttg Call immediately MRS MAttKLhA S3- 1V Jd mat WVNTRD At one a thort time flr lclaM- waUt trimmer ansi fiafefcer aba helper on iMrt aNd waists AAUcms 2SO this fflcc- VTJtD Cood color wark FIRST nAT 1WT E tt nw It YANTEDCook name wattresM good waRes paid AOBCSCY 303 4 nw It irANTKDCood for general housework Call with ret 112S Hh st sw It 7 woik sUo white wait rev 1 ueek elf 3od ys UASEMENT 515 llth DW It WANTED Your hwly for the stage one wile tinct r mwces preferred AMr M IWX 2 tat cHice ivlo3t WANTED Two jjirb light houacworker other as BUT rood wages and knot treatment En- quire KS3 11th st mr It AVANTKD A first clac eoofc man or woman ate chambermaid and waitress Apply at- SLATERS 1IAKEKY llth and U Kt nw It AVANTKD Lady as stock packer and manager extra good salary 2 eetored cooks private fumilr and ni tca waitress 702 1S4U st It WANTKD An experienced girl on limns law steady employmeet awl cood pay only exper- ienced lumta B ed apply the Furrier JK F at nw floor j15St ANTED White girl to in hwMewwk 10 WAXTKD Neat white woman a housekeeper e d home to right party BOX 35 Midland Ktamptier CetHity Ya jvl5StA- YAXTKD A tidy white WOBMI for general work BHet come recoraiiKoded 175 Ja jyUJt SITUATIONS AVANTED 5IAIE WANTED By vouc tuna s butler or drirtr- rets Addrus NICHOLS 915 Sth nw Item WANTED By an experienced teacher t p pile who may lie behind with their sihiiol work in exchange board or rerun Hex 77 ibM oAee llcm SITUATIONS 1VAATKD FEMAJEA- TANTED By settled while woman a place hotHekcever r f Itox 1SJ thfe odlce- AYAXTED By re fM cUhe colored girl to a Mt in ltem AVAXTRI ny colored Rirl phwe to do 8wral- v Sib u w ItcmI- VASTID By vrofnan place to da housework mint or chamberuort 1613 Ith st BW- ICrm WANTED HOUSES AND VEHICLES AN El Good top IMIRKT dr Jump at surrey Ht t be very cheap Addmi BOX 273 this oSte ivl6St- WASTKD A Wivtry horse 103 Omtre Market AVANTED 11GO323 WANTED Two wnfitrHMhed roo with dinhcr for two ladica Addmu BOX 271 thi office AVAXTEW KOOM AMJ noun AVANTEDBy n elderly lady who a per home three needed which wilt tarmjh board met be rood location pleas mt wkere the can lure perjcct freedom Box ae this oflke j H3t- MXTEl Sevoudhand letter pros lHli A4 df i Roe ail HB OKI nem WANTED Secondhand oVnUI inMrumriiti pricrs addrmg Box 2S3 this o cr l l 8tem- AO OKCElTieX low rates v pocw printing MWIMM card 1 HAYS CM I at w RELIABLE s W K st nw WANTEDTo hay oM leather E MARKS 75 i Ttle t jyl 5t WANTED For cash luimhald fwHure of all p 4al NATIONAL FtRNITURE CO- st nw j ANTEDSewinz machines cleaned and repaind fur 75c OSCAR HERRMANN Se i M- acJjineAgtnt 887 4 i it sw jrlit- n ANTBD coolants of howes bought also stock and fixture FRIES i IIOPWOOD Sth and K nw ivllSJem w ANTED Everybody t know that Crapes ice cream U strictly pure 1 per gal 7th st mr jvH t- A ANTED II le t cash prices f r ladles and praU castoff dtp poital Ill calL B TARSHES 1305 7th st nw ijfllmo TiltS WILL interest you drop postal and receive highest price gents raitoff carmcnts and firearm ATLAS M7 D st rarSTSmoem HOODS Dakin Powder Worlds 5 10 i 15t- mjStf WANTEDOld iron brass copper lead zinc and tier and bottles for this material we pay the bttt prices Addrcs BAUM BROS 2W3 7th st nw- sp23tfem LOST Between Kiwrjency Hospital and 9th awl Pa are ROM picture on rack aide Reward if returned to Slo 6th it ne jjrlfiSttm WILL THE person wh kooK and sketch book at Cabin John yesterday return name te Eli M tt nnr reward no ffaestteiM Item Sunday white and frtnale dos collar LOST Card ruse containing Treasury warrant for 6 payable to Tobin reward if returned to Mationary room U S Senate or 453 C SL BW tr153t LOST IcHvw collie white breast black tip to cars LInk spots on tail reward 4S Jl st nw lMttm UPHOLSTERING ncttrew nuki chair caning a spwrfalty F Y MEDFELDT 1513 9th jyU3t ICE CREAM 70c gallon not made in a cellar but above ground for sewer c abound in cellars aad breeds typhoid diphtheria etc dent cat that kind LACEYS i pure and de 087 N Y are Phoce 2 31 ap 3 tfem HOODS Baking Powdtr Wetlds 5 10 15- cmytit FOIl SALE HOUSES JUVD VEHICLES FIt SALE Bay horse cheap in good condition Call at 6M B at jtlSStem FOR SALEJumpseat surrey good conation cheap 1515 5th fit nw iv6Stv 1OR SAJJE F 5th at ne jylfl3tem- TOR SLB Fancy drivii K tune 912S 2 cheap 1 buggy slid surrey and coil n k 148 U st ne jyl 3i FOR SALBSorrel Uwe S yean old handaome and ki J 11 pounds werta perfectly in all lumen will exchange for be after 1 p m S2S C st nw Jyl53t FOR SALE Cheap gentle fcarse Uamea and sinai wagon 30 1L SCHLRIXO Cherry dale Ya jyl53t FOR SALE Ychicle at taoriflce SW 15th jsi nw jyH3t Poll SALE 15 horees one pair of the bsvt pic hones in District of Columbia AH can be seen 75S Whitney ire nw nEO JOHNSON 1OK SALE Eight young horses and nurca been used in and about city suitable for army btut- ceot no reasonable ofler refused Bear iS3 Pa nw jyll7t ron SALE Centlrman speedy road mure also good family horse sold for want of use Rear 413 5d t aw Jyll7t 1 ISM iron- ers be JOOO liNt girl for Ilntral gUt W TED dr irk our t Item WthrEUWkit It ritlan lam ave H for JylacMl e Jir1 rc Muse c1N lot ruT iSaletlMy lit a LIE TIU stet Ir bring rdernacos 2tl aft DC a lit tab a wit lr tf gfberal laoaK1rork IBI 21st mor wock jJ153t jfINt ant ate With I0 1- 1bHJIt mss 1lXG alt kid jyi7t heW f ktjs4 refrigerators roller denks tI 3UIt IUfh t tan Me iSle pal I clothing for Beat metals also Looks rub LOST clasp pin took pocket LOS viti G ItIIH J Im n fleet and neW horses ca- n jyhSlt are VATE1LA house gtflersl EUROPEAN girl e errand ineoth Hnghtwoud are jyI52t hoc fur ic place et 2136 seeks rooms VitTEIMISC1LLiNEU CO spit rnsonnbie Of C W S S oilier paper stock C brown on reward 517 et ow FOUND moral Ilelesi e runabout born ¬ > ¬ > > > > > > < < j j j IIEL1 VASTED 3IALE WANTED A vo iir ir an wllfc experience t on cak DQt llth tt nw JyW3tcm WANTED Sluslfi white who imdcrstanov- uaidcnin sad care of rate reared Apply to U J DALY otiftMiU Public School ltcm WANTED RespectaWc enwml baj to work in hovee and run errands imMt have refk Call between S and 9 morning SitS Ifith st nw ItEm WANTED Itatel steward second moan on brta third cook fer Atlantic City BURGESS HO- TEL AGENCY CQC Itth st It ra WANTED Seeondhand baker H W M WANTED A white nun to dean house ref re- quired 08 13th at nw Item WANTED Mai stenographtr and typewriter Call 010 Hth at nw 3d tour Item WASTED Two white moon far dairy farm milk ins and driving hosed and b 4ro Bi Kwjuwt hot llth it nw lymttera WANTED Carpenter a ood mechanic fur a factory Box this odtee ltem WANTED At nee a ttttvA iarmacfat col- or d preferred Cell after p m te 1145 Trinidad t i e jyl eHi WANTED Five akttnen pe app ra ee Ap- ply at once Ui D rt nw Ittaa WANTED A reliable organizer for matual a meet Insurance on sew Ad h ss Box 278 tbfe lice jyWStcnj- WANTKU U user tailor fur m ns- clothiatr Apply SiXMCEL FR1HDLANDER CO 41 ilk st nw lte i bri er x r aster 1111 7th tt nw Item WANTEDltoy t kick a printing 135 Pa ave nw Item WANTED Colored driver E ttranc waiters cooks codes clerk lilt O C nw 2d 8 or- WANTEDWaiUr Apply CHICAGO HOTEL 3- Pa ave nw It WANTEIVCllec so l salary abe bar man and 2 young men from country ROOM 4 437 7th at nw It one who U not afraid AddrfM 111 Mh t nir It WANTED Ten laborers 5 t an elevator and I K JW 3 waken 2 dialiwtt t cro SHACKLEFORDS SOS K st nw It VANTEDGonl bother at once SEWELLKS E st w It WANTED Three boys drive ten confec- tionery store one drive fur doctor other pri- vate family EnquIre ltS llth st w It WANTED Foreman OR bread mm be fttcla sober reliable married and give Rood refa wittiri to RO t a city of mW work the year round to the right man AMrow BOX 274 this offlee WANTED Two white barbers saber otn rw dont come W a k s refs wasted MS Sth it n- WAJSTED Ye man for reel estate ce isood Cell rtefc BASEMENT SO 12tb It w laboreip rtrady work 13 per r aid if merited KUKOPKAN AGENCY MS 4K t BW It WANTEDBrawl JOE OTTENBEKG Jell 4 st WANTED White boy over 15 ta store 13th st BW wages to M a ned hosed WANTED IM r on and elM good plea for reliable party Addnw lION SM this WANTED 76 lt wei to work am railroad wages 158 per day Apply at JAS A Me- DONNEIJL HO L jyll3t- VNTEl Ttiird laud bread baker at once 1 UexawJria Ya S JR JyU t WANTED Men to learn trade new method only eight week retired tools do- nated wages Saturdays Meady pontioa guaran- teed whets throb chance to earn free scholar sWp writs for tiarticuUrs MOLERS ItAMBKK- SOlrQOL New Yots City jyl3fej WASTED A few Bntclaw ale aen salary r Apply to J P Roystoe Cashier Mutual Fidelity Co Stewart IteiWiB- gjylltfem I lon SALE 3IISCEL1AXEOU3- i FOK SALE Shelriw eoMtained in More S 9 h- tt wr jvl Stem FOR SALK BUcXeMoWfer ty writr in creel tent e new v ry little weed will sell at rcasBiinhh core AJdrea Box 2S8 this FOR SALE Tw Olive tamtems in perfect eo tim 30 each ttmxaing m wbeefe iron 5 op Call and examine we cat nave y w nuney 513 Jtth it jf l t FOR SVLE Eisht MMarwc of panted sUncies Gothic sbaye fer tar XMare Addreas BOX 967 thfe educe jylt FOR SALE II cheap JOHN HOFFMAN th U tOR SALE Bookea e ansi I cheap 39 S t- i FOR SVLK IlMMlMtd g od nearly new alt in dean coadithm be sW at Ill lit ne J lS3t FOR SALK French plate mirrors 15x44 oak fraims 4 FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth and K Ilea nw jyH3tem ron SALE 9 e h special S 4 see Hf FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth and K U nw ivU3tem SALE Typewriter doe condition we it work FRIES k IIOPWOOD Silt sad K nw iyl43tem FOR SALE Lawn chairs steamer chairs porch chairs EO cents see HA PitIES A IIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw jyl43teni FOR SALE Large ice bx also ice chest see us FRIES UOPWOOD Sib and K sts H- Wjy43teBi FOR SALK Mattreaee we headquartre see us all kiosk prices FRIES IIOIXVOOD th and K alt illSl n FIRSTCLASS razharin sewing machines all makes 5 10 and 15 and 5 siwranti FUNKS 3J7 C st se- jyllS eu- j FOR SALK Safw alt sizes safes opened and re pelted F at nw irl4 i a FOR SALE Cheap fox terrier pup two mcr tts old 1W1 32d st nw jyl43t ni FOR SALE Store counters all tires 41B N J ave nw iyllStem FOR SALE Fine soda fountain cheap for mali or easy tenns 419 N J ave nw- y 14 3tera FOR SALE Good g a raisce with neater back flO oak bedroom set S 20 2d st se C to Sp m jyllat FOR SALE Ainetican and English Encydei edu- ef Law cheap 31 good condition Addt i BOX Ki this office Lvl3tS- ANtTAS dojr the best in the market keeps the Vin and hair in perfect condition and removes all offensive melL SCHMID 712 12th et nw jyl3tf LARGE quantity secondhand hernia all and lengths good as new 2il 10th st nw jylllmoem FOR SALE One dozen phMOswphs for 55 cents ACME PHOTOGRAPH CO 984 F st nw- jylltf FOR Leather tram nets 100 sets at 1 per teL Call at 306 10th st nw and get bargain JylOTtcm FOR SALE SCO tents in fine condition the week or month II BERNHE1MER FOR SALE Eight bottles of lager beer for SIc I one box of 21 bottles for 75c orders promitly deHvered to any address in unlettered wagons 017 4 st sw TItUS R BUYERS IrSlf CLEANING HOLSET Use Sacltas crude disin fecting liquid in all scrubbing water to kill Scents and thoroughly purify apartments SCHMID 71S 12lh C nw jyGtf FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted ta window 2Se the quality oil opaque shades U buns free will call with samples llth and II sis ne HOODS flaking Pewdtr World Ip t 5 10 lac- iay3tf FOR SALE Piano W montlil 10 square pianos ranging in price from M to f75 that we will clara out on small payments of 3 stool fond cover Included dent nrzlect tills oppor- tunity F G SMITH 12 5 Pa ave Je27Uea FOR SALE S for hair ma lounges gasoline ttovcs sod rtfri eratora parlor and bedroom suites 1 per will move store your goods cash or credit REDMOND Sll and 313 7th it nw de4tfon BED BtG3 bad odors Pasteur Pine Lotion wilt kill guaranteed why them 1413 New York Jelltea malt I6 f1 tilt Ii De WA HoG Measly job prew JARVIS It TED colored to work lt liCk t- mr It WoTKD My t cIo It pay It e I 2TE- DC cook I era 1 thIhuy i4II at It I I cia bad silIca WH1t lOt se lit HILLS barber ORIMi ion t MIIre tie case stand I l I Capitol tenet lit I o to FOIl lots I t I are I attachments years p sizes SALE Old Tlephenei5 jltf I 11 lrop your Lost J1iECL TIN niyotf In two parts 75 des hue aTe work clock bread stnw ire emal I lines good moos boys boy house- man CIT wagon t city Apply 42 colored general hoe sock VAN FEDCetotcst biker SOS ctacbesa kd 2 wait man 131k 1713St Ap- ply Oiosco map sks jyId31cm ouk show aid lOt ow- 1715St hedroosi hinsitwe 171St sect price reduced a iSIS vole iron with p1es complete or will rent for reasonabie pri C- st misc only cents week < < ¬ > > = ± ¬ > I WASHINGTON ROOM AOENCY rooms renttd nt charge o lrw we secure tenant Room S Oil 7th st nw Vashinston D C jjrlOltem FOR RENT IlaBtfcomelyfur room with or with out board nortfeeuai TeaionabVe Address thl ul t n FOR RPT Tro nicely1 rooms one second and eee tbirdototy overIaekt K Ito Of- fice Park all ooBvenieaceB pests only 081 4ih- tt aw jjlOttcra K ST X W Fir or unfur with jlMtcm 1063 NEW JERSEY AVKNCE N W For light hoosekcciiing nieelrfur rooms three 18 12 jylWtem FOR RliXT A large room nicely furnished with private bath 10 a month other rooms for 5 month 41 Oth st nw jylS3t- VOll RENT Five rooms S on 3d and 2 on 3d floor SOJ Md ave s iyl 3- tlaucr COOL ROOMS iw up are nw jy83t YOn RENT Ninly furnithnl 8 fS 18- KentJ m i tti H nvr jyl53t FOR RENT Nicely furnfclfed G anti S7 per nMrntb 915 II at nw iylS3c FOR RENTFurnWitd rooms with beard rates r a Kubl tins 14th at nw jy53tt FOR RfTT Tr elegant front room furnished corner house fine location bath en some loon moderate rent tea It sc nw jyl6St ron RENT Furnished rooms convenient to de- partment 7 4th st nw jylCX Poll RENT Buck i rl r week third story luck 7 month rosa fourth flour M month all furnished beard U dotted OR I st nw 1vlS3t FOR RENT Fur rooms jy4 tera FOR RENTIairKf briRbt room 3d st ry and haltroora taut adjoining 765 K nw or Mt Vernon S re jyll Cem FOR RENTThree moon ON 3d floor light awl heat Sit ir month in advance 1IM Sth iyll3teei FOR RENT Front anti other rooms newly pap nicely fur coil and airy bath centrally locates 612 K st nw jyUSt m FOR RENTTwo rooms central nw 7 liar MO this oilier FOR RENTCool large excellent tecatlea Q at aw- iyHJt m- COMMUNICVT1NG also halirMm ern ue Mimraer rates 1117 I at nw- iyll3trm THREE secoBdftoor fur roems Apply after ft as T st nw yll3t m- T1IKKK fur rooms L h k heat light and both terns AMrei II s4 nor jy 3t m RENTM4 Sell st FOR RENT S 2 pknwnt ttftoor n on 4join- ir bilk umvceieMly rarsOalKd ligM house keeping 241 K It ne JyH t FOR RENT Tw fwmhtwd reimi 3t d nw- lt3t FOR RENT Twe MaVwr ramu nwrkmWd FOR RENT Nrwryranririhet lame cool aba hall rooms M 5 I nw jyl t FOR nKXT TJXFXIIIXISIIED ItOOMS FOR KBNT Three Urge room on second floor cheap all iunvtnknce bath tem tHat 617 MA are Jytft3t m FOR RENTTbree FOR RKNT Tkree ni 119 Sth It nw jy 3tei- hed cosine 3 iyl99t FOR RENT Two floor frost faI hou trptnsr lies H ft nw irlSJt FOR KENT Three or unfar looms Joe L h k hub heat gi SW 3d aw iyll3cem FOR RENTTbree nice sailor 474 Md ave sw jyl4 t m FOIl UEXT FLATS FOR KENT W3 11th rt and M omi maiU 5 rooms rill bath hot water hot W P METCAbF FOR RENT plensmt nat 5 MMK both bus porch tt per month 1X47 Md are H- ejyllSt m FOR KENT Flat 21U A 1 h wry anc irll3tem FOR KKNTFUto for Hjht hamekeenin larse motes best loouiioa 912 Itth t sw- l 7t n ucoiis AND TRY our howe cooking 14 per mouth L nw jyMSt route for we and bond for St BHXilii 12g I rf nw jyl 3tr FOR RENT IVhitley 2ei I sC nw choice room prruument tra icMt jf11 GEM CAFE 1M G nw nice de Me muss uses mer prices mrak lie sad SSc steppers moth iae aad jyl K COMFORTABLE frost room with basest 1 per iylSSt FOR RENT Elegant front and back eating Mtrtiirrn expeMire rates table board Call 1207 N st nw- j ll3ttm COOL veilfur ocw good boaid 91 I st aw jyHltm FOR RENTFT rooms with board location central 414 Kh tt nw jyljtfem FOR RENT NicelrhirnisfeMl front room good bean for 2 8 week l K st w jyllSt SALE Berwyn Md house ten r om ami tuck lar e rroumii fkce shade and fruit growls garden horses w po etc and 1 9 hw price easy tenon JI A jfcY i CO IfH G ft ivl cem FOR SALC Splendid building lots on electric reed S minutes ride tram Washington fare a cents prices ot loU S M and 100 Kh- tenrn1 down balance Jl per week and no in or antil are paid for saze of from fet to 151 feet lo an1 S5 feet wide to a 12foot alley w the time to pur- chase a convenient bone or make a good invest- ment for less than 29 cents per day Call or send for full information 10 per cent off for cask JAMES E CLEMENTS l tF t nw jyllB- RENTWOOD One fare by suburban eltctric to District tine then onfajirth mile north Rives Read lot SOxSOO far 100 at 5 per month See W A BARTLETT Loan Trust BIdg or at Brentwood Station B O Railway iySlmo BUSINESS ChANCES FOR SALE Poolroom and tore in north- west cot 1300 must be no otter refused owner leaving town Call at 1708- I J3th st nw ivlSSt BAD BILLS COLLECTED or no charge H 1 CORDON Lawyer 133 F mv Jyl6Ct ADVERTISER called away by urgent bu iBess re- quires active capable young wan to repre- sent business interest Address COX 72 thia jrlS3t FOR SALE Cicar confectionery and grocery 123 CAPITAL BCSINESS EXChANGE A t lantic BIdg jylS3t DRUG STORES 730 to 8000 all sections city CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Atlantc- Bkij jvI3Jt Jolt SALE Grocery bargain if sold at 1015 11th st nw jv33t FOR SALE Fruit stand in market doisw good business Address BOX 266 this oiflc- ejyl53t FOR SALK TakMM Junction en Brightwood I ave one Aldrmev and one Devon cow good milkers A V TERRY iyll3iem ShILL on account of sickness for cash or on time the bestpaying fancy poeery cor ner in the nw a money maker cheap rest Box 2 2 this jyl43tctnL- UKCIIROOM daily receipts 16 monthly cxpentes 5 no offer refused DUN LAP SOS K st I ll3tem CIGAR STORE clearing 75 mouth price a DULl 03 F st iyl43t n Milk fSSO OO CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Building jyll3t- WANTEI To buy Rood butter business wholesale preferred Address X Y Z General Dflivcry jy43t- J FOR SALE ThirtyOre gallon milk route Ad dress Box 237 this office jyli7tem- THE finest tock system in existence large as- sured lucerne and guaranteed principaL STOCK BROKERS P O Box 1331 Jf Y cStf FOR aLE Remington Rood condition worth I 40 Ices for 30 cash if sold before 20th dress BOX 263 this office jy33t FOE RENTMOOMS x Slid Sod moon two 3S7 Pa lot tit lit r cod jylf3ttftl Iw or lIt parlors J FOR alt jrUat at d n1Ist tot fur LIt and ps or lit sad w 5SS let lit table real low lit cheap lint door J lit se BOARD I FRO per lie week al lit nw I I IllS 11 FOIl Fort taxes i I cigar TNbit- I t of- fice once both WILL office cent total FOR 50 to 1 I100IrS Posqier Worlds BeEt 510 TYSEWItlTERS Ad- oilier bound sets weekly ronnie resole 1 522 ilati are ow t- ow rooms uufar south see roetsi 3d these cotivenieaee cheap 727 at aw tinier a swine moon host F ate M vutsoniahod rso secsd atedecate t S6 C peat I2 012 ceesesotni resins summer SALESUBUREtN thickens i tote iota its non k 5 sold route lunchrooms At- lantic flaking iic- toySti ¬ > > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¼ Norfolk Washington Every day in the for Norfolk NeW port News and all points South by the PwrUmouthfiOT pa Ar Porumoutbal5jLnrJ AT n- on Ie 817 Pens B and ft oilier ola Peon Te corner 15th st and N Y i e a 4 O ticket of ve and COO 14th at 1134 N Y arc and KTFor further inforraitljn apply at r n offlw fti whorl Wash D d Phone 750 noSStl JOHN CALLAHAN General Ilancer FOIl JIEXT HOUSES FOR RENT A small brick house with large lot sod elude on Park are Brightwood 1 C to a permanent tenant J1260 per month LOUIS P SHOEMAKER 920 K st nw jyl 3tem FOR RENT Boanlln house 11 Sth nw 21 rooms hot water heat 2 tiled baths electric gas Ifghtinc etc cheap rental at 0f month V P NASH 710 0 lot j I63t FOR RENT HOUSES Brick So H i 9th st BW 14 rm 7000 Brick No 11SS ave ow S ron IS 40 Briek N 14t7 OWe ave nw S rms 16 40 Wick atore and wjr Ne 1 H 7th at nw C rcs t OT Brick store No lt Pa nw W Praise in Tenk ytown D C 7 milt aid bath 3900- Frawe on Grant D C 7 rim 10 00 Frame in TenleytowH I C 8 ran 11 LOUIS P SHOEMAKER 9W st nw- jyUXrni FOR RENT brick water and range S per rear ef 1413 S St S it and Pirce Plaee llth aEdlS t sts Apply 1416 S at nw JjrU7tem FOR RENT 48S N U eb t house and the cheai t rent L city today a perfect beauty 2st ry and cellar furnace heat SIS pr month did rent for i open at it jyl4Stew- R T Dfjirabie Sriory and basement bay wicuvu 816 3d near Pen i n Office ra i Key 614 3d st nw jyltWem FOR SALE HOD5E3- FOU SALE Rented S12 per year price 1 X3 excellent Wick ne OWNER S9 II BW irU c FOR SALES04e will hey 7twHH bafl keith Linenlfi Park rents for li bargain W P MBTCALF 13 frW FOR SALESplendi comer 8 roMM bath i very Large park iU a great Itth at Me S CAKK W Md aYe em t t S 4 1 fartvv expert r jl m PIANO tnahi JAS- R PURITY M PIANO kMOM 9 mMlls ittUrmer pramwesA German profaw A Wrjs lunc SS thee of- fice JriemD- ANaNtrTtTa Pfemiere- Huasciwe UU W tt mr aH satnmtr- PmrUtt ave 7T M M nw iS L JOHNSON Proprietor CHAIR CAN1NG- 4Sf K st nw- jylSJt 5 SHORTS She today tftciaL NATIONAL CIGAR FACTORY Mil ave i ia t- IRGR MONTHLY t sswscrife en to the Departmestt Inratmcnt Association inrwt Idle and abate with then in the pratftc Write for exnbtnatory cir- cular or call at a SEWING MACHINES retired and warranted Si- nachiacc for rest by week or nwnth at OP PENIIEIMfiirS SEW hOUR AGENCY Mt Kh st- L t IjrMf CAPITAL CLOCK KErVlRING CO list 7tk st- nw clocks watches jewelry and msvic bexcs repaired cheap and KIMI teed r M aL irtM rail tot audcVlivcr free M tt HOODS Bakinc Powdtr W rWt BeK S N 15- caiyiltfem JCLltSCOHEN 111 7th st nw- DOOKINNDiNG ANd PIIINTING BtmUmr one vutame ma azMe 75 cents other Uniting equally a cheap painting MM cards 73 cents ti er printing equally M cheep W1LUVMS IS 7th M nw Charles W Dowdra Manager fe2- BC1LIMNG MATERIALS AND ELECTRICAL SUP PLIES U S ENGINEER OFFICE sos North Capitol Street Washington D C Separate sealed propeoab for Mt stone coniman hocks red presped bricks elect red handmade light otlored bricks Portland cement sand bf kcn siaoe broken brick cast iron door and window ironies mfeceikineeKS iron lumber orna- mental terra cotta enameled lens pipe terra cotta comhrit leon armored eoemrit flexible commit cutout boxes porcelain cutouts CS jrwiubes acd switch b xe will be received here I until NOON JULY IS 1989 awl then publicly fened Information furnished on application t JOHN STEPHEN SEWELL Linitenant Engineers i lSWj tliyl l PROPOSALs will be received at the Bureau ef Supplies and Accounts Navy Department Washington U G until 12 OCLOCK NOON JULY 17 194 and publicly opened imaiediaUlv thereafter to fumk at the Navy Yard login D C a quantity f granite bricfcK rand cement Manila wire lumber piles wrought least ales the steel tn e ansi stroctoral and ironwork for the roof of the new jfcop Blank prope K will be furnished upon appcatioB to the Navy Yard WahinKt4Mi D C A S KENNY Paymaster General L S N jvfl PROPOSALS for coH tr etiii a trwkhou the Fire Dr artmeni n Whitney AV HK between Thirteenth awl Fourteenth Streets northwest Office of the Cowmirfioner D C Washington July It 10W SEMED PROPOSALS will le re- ceired at cities natO 12 M on AUGUST 4 1IW for otHutructinc a trorkhouw on let 12 equaTe 37 Whitney Avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth SUret northwest Uarfiinct a D C Blank forms of proposal and H eciflcati together with all neeeimry information may obtained tipxn application therefor si the effice of the Inspector of B U f of the District at Co- tcmbia and Lola upon these fornn only will be considered The tight reserved to reject any or all bids Prepooalt must lie in sealed and endorsed on the Fire Department HENUY 11 K MACFAR laND JOHN W ROSS LANSING II BEACH Commissioners D C ivllOtexSu PROPOSALS for new boiler for and repairs to the harbor boat Office of the Commissioners of the District of Cotambia Washington July 11 18 XX Scaled proposals will be received at this office until TWELVE OCLOCK M ON WEDNES- DAY AUGUST TIlE FIRST 1SOO to furnish a new boiler for ansi make all necessary to the barbo boat Vigilant Sjwcifications and blank forums of propN saU may be obtained at this office or the office of the barborraaMrr HENRY B F MACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSS LANSING IL BEACH Ck mmiiiio ers of the DU trict of Columbia i 136trxSu OFFICE OF TIlE COMMISSIONERS D C Wash- ington D 3 1PCO Sealed proposal will be received at this office until 12 M JULY IS 1000 for furnishing and setting in place two boilers and connections for Franklin School corner Thirteenth and K Street northwest Blank teems of proposals and specifications together with all n information may be obtained upon ap nlicatiun thtreforii the office of the Superin- tendent of Repairs o tie District of Columbia 13 I Street northwest aixl bids upon those forms only will be The right U reserved to reject any or alt bids Proposal mutt be enclosed in an envelope and endorsed on the outside 4 Proposal for Furnishing and Setting in Place Steam Boilers at the Franklin School Corner Thirteenth and K Struts northwest HENRY B F MACFARLAND JOHN W ROSS LANSING H BEACH Commissioners C iyll6texSct FOIL SAIB niCYCLES FOR SALE Ladies wheel little used cost 73 fin violin 10 coat S3 1W4 9th st DO YOU want a good secondhand bicycle Juit two large shipments prices start at 5 CYCLE EXCHANGE 740 10th st nw- jyl53t FOR SALE At a bargain Stearns special wheel used but very little Address BOX 270 this office jy53t ron SALE Gents secondhand bide io One shine very cheap Box 261 this office iyl43tem BICYCLES REMOVAL SALE On account of tile tearing down of Wlllards Hotel we are forced to move acd we wish to reduce our large stock of bicycles and supplies We offer thIs great The J30 model Pioneer bicycle warranted one year fitted with bell and toe tools price S1375 Lamps bells supplies of aU kinds at half prier NATIONAL CYCLE CO 1421 Pa ave JyUtl I I t tOo year superb nme Newport New and Wash on Ly Wuhint o630 Ly Ly Norfolk645 pm Ar ito Lv lfollfoe6 pIa Ax Ar Alexandda6SiJam Was Tickets at O and cea at 513Peno 8 AL on board at fit loft Ohio sic Reed e 1 our 81 nth bet Rouse look FOR lit roe lit tee is aiM ne J1Ua- 3I1St1LAiEOVt JWAI IXGLGS ead G lit t i I lIb LEONARDO apes tt 1 F It ow alter J fDS Agent jy91- I I S stITS ton Jtireil I fee I iron gaelic neil for be is Weir PropoMI for Truetbouse for the i c Joly Ear com ntd p O nw jylSItcm between anJ August 1 bargain is an inducement etc r STE4SIOdtTs alec Norfolk thfOOWtimg schedule Js Alcxandria7im Ft 2sonfoi Ooato ttCkCt ofllce sacers real dO r house a Fit bargain Old SW sod oras tt the cettihios bought aid bvw to lead ILjyLI D4VDENDS itt your 4- p us daily F r i send raysti- 1FULL DRESS IItOrosALo bricks castings Wash rep attn toot this cocked en- velopes enstructIrE 2 re- pairs received now thin > > > > < < > ° < < ¬ ¬ < ¬ = ¼ 1OSTOFFICE WASHINGTON D C POSTOFFICE NOTICE Should be reld duly as changes may occur at any time FOREIGN MAlLS zre forwarded to the ports of Milinc doily and the schedule of clotiaSB is ar ransrcd the pnMiuiptioa oC their unintetrunted- nvprland transit the week enEe SI 1000 the lat conceiting closes will be made from tbu office as fellow- xTraiiKAtluutlc 3IniI- MONDAYfol At 915 D m for EUROPE per s KaUerin Maria Therecia from New York yin Cherbourg Southampton anti Bremen TCESDAYn At 483 p ra fer IRELAND per B s New Encland from Boaten b At 715 p ra for EUROPE per a s- DcuteWand from New York Plymouth Clieibourc ansI Hambure Mail roust be di rented Per s Del chfcind c At 915 p m for EUROPE per s St PauL from New York via Southampton b At 915 p m for EUROPE a- Wait oust be Per Cymric e At 11C5 p m for BELGIUM direct per s Fricfland from New York Mail must be directed Per a s Friesland At 915 p m for PRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA per B s La Bretairne from Nun York via Havre Mail for other put of naut be directed Per s a La FRIDAY c At 11 C p ra for NEThERLANDS direct per s a Spaarndam from New York Mail must directed Per Spaarndaoi c At ll0f p m ITALY per s Ems from New York Malt muit be directed Per B o Erne c At 11 05 p m for EUROPE per s s from New York via Queeiuiown c At 11 Mp ra for SCOTLAND direct per s Ethiopia from New York Mail must be directed Per a Ethiopia c At 11KI5 p ra for NORWAY direct pee- S F Hekla from New York Stilt be directed tickle PRINTED MATTER ETC German ateamm- milic from New Yerk on take Printed Matter etc f r GERMANY and specially ad- droMfd Printed Matter etc las other parts cf EUROPE Ararriran and White Star steamer Mitinr from New York en W 4 e day German and French eteamen from New York M Thursdays and Ceo ard and German simmers from N rw Yerk on Sat- urday take Printed Matter etc all tries for which they are adrertUwi to carry mails SInus for South anil Central America West IiiilIcK Etc At II M p ra CENTRAL AMERICA except anti SOVTH PACIFIC PORTS Advance from New York via Colon Mail far GUATEMALA mot he directed Per u Advance fcl At D for 1NAOUA HAITI and SANTA MARTHA per a a Behrernon from New York TUKSDAYn At 2 p for JAMAICA per e Admiral Dewey tease LeMma fc At ll S n for NASSAU X P B Antilia item New York tail BMMC directed Pr t A tilt p M lie LA COUX TItlES direct per a Peorith Ca tle frtim New Yerk WEDNESDAY c At 11 8 n m for BCRMUDA pet a Trioutit from New York 4 At 3 a m for MEXICO per City of from Sew Taisyirn Mall be direct a City W At 11XH n m for HAITI per Prtec Wa I town Nw Mail for CURACAO TRINIDAD VENEZUELA HIHT- 1SH sad IMTCH UUIAXA mwc be directed P r e PriiK At 1I n m fer CAMPECHE PVH TABVaCO east YUCATAN f- Oricaba trust New York via Ifogmo Mail for other pails of MEXICO msM be directed Per s OrUaUi- c At 115 p m ton NA3SVU N P sail the PROVINCE of SANTIAGO CUBA per a sSurmtofa from New York THURSUAYb At 2J n m for JAMAICA pr ji s Admiral Schley from Boston t At 105 p m for INAOt A see t Thosvs from New York Mail toe JAMAICA B LK5B PUERTO OOBTEZ sod GUAT- EMH must be directed Ptr s Themu- M At 1106 p m lot BRAZIL am LV PLATA COUNTK1ES per s CotermRe ir m New York tail for NORTHERN bRAZIL mutt be directed Per s CMeridte- eFRIUAYc Al 1106 p m for FOKTUN8 1SI AND JAMAICA CARTHAGE NA and GRETOWX per a s Adirondack from New Mall lor COSTA KICA be Per a s Adtfumixk c At 11 5 p m for PORTO RICO per s sc At 11 k m for CURACAO anti VENE- ZUELA per a s ilildur tram New Mali for SAV AXILLA cad CART11AGENA mart be directed Per c a HiMwr- 4r At 11KK p m fat TURKS ISLAND a DOMINICAN REPUbLIC per s Cheruker- r At 1146 p TRIES pet k Itaiiaa Piirce fix New York SATTItDATW At 3 4 m for AZORES 13CANHS direct per a Pewjaeiiiar trots New York Mills fcr NEWFOCNDLANB by rait to North Sf4rf sad tbestce via simmer here daily Somtajr at 12 m ami oa Smmats at 11JI a m 4 Mail for MIQfELON by rail to B t via steamer dose lien daily at- m d- CTKA MAILS clone here vfe Port Tampa Job WemMwmjv Fridays aRc Swnvji at 239 O Via Miami Fin Tweaayi aid Saturdays at M a at tail for MEXICO overland nafe specially ad 4r ed for despatch by Meamer York Iose here at 1 SO a m and p k Math for COSTA RICA BELIZE ITERTO COR TJtX and GCATEMVUX ky rail to New Orleans and tbrnce Kramer here daily at p the coiicer and ToesdiTB foe COSTA RICA and Moadavs fits BELIZE PUEBTO COSTEZ aadv MALA TraimI n Ifl Mail foe HAWAII via Sa Fraaeisco ihlly at 635 p m t Jnfr 3 iatmcive dc Jtch per s Amtraliii o SlaBs foe AUSTRALIA except West Australia which sees via Europe sad New Zealand whvtt coca via San Frasci co HAWAII sad FIJI 1SL ANUS via Vancouver thee brie daily at 65S up July 11 iste ve for s- Miowera 0 Mails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII anti PHIL- IPPINE 1 LN1JS via San Fiaaciaco chase hrre daily at JS p m to Jaly 21 inclu- sive fcr desaateh K Coptic o Mails fer CHINA and JAPAN via Yancouvrr dote here daily at C3S p ra Uf to July 34 in elusive for dt aaw t per s s of Imiu- Keti 4eid mcil be directed Yia Tar for CHINX JAPAN HAWAII nail PHIL- IPPINE ISLANDS San chter htr daily at 683 p m up to July 29 inclusive far denuteh per s t America Marts o JUil for AfSTItALlA except Wet Australia NEW ZEALAND HAWAII FIJI and SAMOVV ISLANDS via lan Fraottco here daily at 035 p ra July 21 anti vp to Auptvt t inclusive for despatch per K s Aiameda MathS for CHINA JAPAN and PHIUPPISK ISLANDS via Seattle rfo c here daily at Si- p m up te Anrust 9 iaelHMve fee desfatch per R s Kin4iuMara Registered mail mast be dirMtrd Via Seattle o Maib for lOCHIN OI1NA are to New York for connection with EaropezB steam PIIILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Mail d cpatchrd to San Francisco at aH closes of that offite to connect with Ove nm i t Traa p rt toe sailings of which err irrrcwlcr b Registered mails cater at 100 p same day c Registered malls close at S00 p m sense day d Registered mail cle e at 500 a sumac day e Registered mails chase at p m pre- vious Saturday- i Registered malTa at IrfO p m pre- vious day h Registered mails cloe at 1200 p m pre vio s Saturday k Rffiistered mantle dose at S09 pS m vious day o Re Uteied mails close at 608 p ra pro rises dir JOllY A MERRITT Potma ter- COUXTK1 BOARD MOUNT HOLLY IIOUSB Eisbty miles down Po- tomac fish and crabs mineral springs tail and row boats free MRS J C DAVIS Mount Holly Va jj 131 ltem THEO Medium and Card Reader most fa ramia Clairvoyant and Jalmist occult her oa business and family affairs reunites the separated removes spells causes speedy mar- riages gives luck Open daily German spoken Sic and JOe ftJO II st nw jylS7t GYPSY PALMIST 102i 7th st ntr 10c past present future lucky charms separated brought together walk upstairs xund floor j157t AY FELTOXVS Jour a lot of you who work if you Jo not pay some attention to us and our rattling good tailormade anita worn Just- a bit at price to suit a man who hustles for a living The sincere JUSTrTS OLD STAND 619 jy07t- MMR DAVIS born clairvoyant and card reader tells about bueiness removes spells aad evil Influences reunites the separated and sires luck to alt carat piles and drunkennezs lg8 25th at jylllmoem NOTICE u July via a directed t I WED ESDYc EenOIE tine be a a for So Senia II must 8 Ii IlK MOoD Y c Costa 1 8 118 IlL IlL L IlL be- t II lIT a L rat So OIL L- Ie CHI per L Ii a ILL directed New Ii- Mw to for corx e elsie pt WI k aM- t p 0 Iy IlL vi MOO IlL ice nblest Maim close lip for to t oorr hue 4 via Ira aft r for sen Ill m 100 o ten PERSOXL- SM E Waii tons P- st For a s per a Clionic from New York via a a ier teen for Rica per s pe- a 5 e Ol S a Washington Yeah tease per te a a Yeah a Wes a e hAs York must San J50 host York Tort itom York LA lLATA a ese 315 p- us truss New 1000 else civic bring San- di jU ATE lore a p- Hi despots ii per np per Empress hi close close pro chumps > > > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ > = RAILROADS Washington Alexandriaa- nd Mount Vernon Railway Station Pennsylvania Ave aad IS 12 St In effect July IS 1000 Fer Alexandria 74 Tdt 600 836 SB 9 5 ltrf 1I 11 3 a m- x2 12 0 lt45 xl38 14 tt 24 xS 359 f415 44 xS O 64 fJH 030 700 7 0 600 idO 3M lt HJt p ra S noay 74 K 4 lt 6 1169 Jl3a a m 12 200 230 300 3 4tO 43 5X 5J9 700 730 SX 6J 99 Jt 15 11 11 0 p m Mount Vernon Week dirt S W 9 1100 a m x2CS jcl 2i xS eJ 7C 800 p m Sundays 9t m 1S noon trtO 700 800 9JO p ia For ArHnztou and Bridze Week f30 7 1 SHX 8J5 Sdt tJS 8 1100 a ra 1205 lt20 l t Irft S 4 300 3 5 415 5fli d 7 m Sundays 7U 909 945 1168 11 JO a m now IZ 1W t- 23t 300 3 0 400 4J 5 0 5J9 800 838 700 7 8 800 p m Parcels carried oa all trains Baggage cheeked xExpress To Arlington only J COLVIX Snptriateodstt C K ABBOT President OCEAN STEA3ISUIPS FAST EXPUKSS SERVICE NEW TOKKSOLTlUMrrOS LONCO5- CAUINO WESSCXU AT cnEanaUHO Sailing Wednndart at 3 a o RED STAB LINE NEW YORK ANTKFKPPAH- Or IV T NAVIGATION COMPAr Piers 7t and 15 X R Office 73 BrOadway N Phi3ephia 36S297 W f t St- tTAsmxcrros orriczisoc r er K W Or W C SIOS Acml at Sanders t Starica F St nw FOR SALE Oil UEVT HOUSES j THOS E WAGGAMAN Real Estate Broker Dud Auctioneer 9 1 7 F Street N W FOR SALE NOETHWEST- 14W to 141S 3 h 8 r bath a m I Eib J W- 14SS 9th f h 6r I t 14x9J ft 2TW- SW th b h 2 stories a ra i isa 2483 H bh S stories r ami M- 4K 410 41 HmJidse Ct b h Jr aO 1JBO- 4r each 7W SOUTHWEST 3 N b h r and bath tSOO 413 19th bh 4r sod lock ImiMtop V- 3tt ami Kl M f Vs Sr rack atabie bulb 2 9 NORTHEAST 7S Mh tt fh eellar Sr hath am 1 4SJM- la F bb 7r bath a at i tJS 711 D hh 2 stories 7r bath am i 4XN lr7 Mth st bh r bath ami a m i X3DO- th and a a i 3 8- H K f h str ml Sr X9M- 7W Hth K store ted dwe Uag 3M- W L hh S tteriea bath am i SjE U Sib bh stories Jr tot 1SUB5 K J4f8 SOUThEAST MS A b k n bath and a at I A b 12r hath and a M i 2tt N J ae bh IU hath aa4 a at i H wtetMvtion of Va ae ami I at 5 74 14 X ftJMt- 4S8 to a b hs r zm i Back MM kutk and i mi MM 321 and an D b hs ar each Each 3JU lid L fk fc Itt 5xNS ft l H i Ill K f h k lot cMK it Ut 1 X N J t h 4r 1 411 E fh Sr lot 14111 FOR REST Xe 4 tit t r ami muk HS Vc 1I litt r and bath U SO- L sf 1 15 Ne r V ami bath I- SPrt lot 7 emure 9et tt- Xe 7 L a r 12 Xe Btewcr Camtt 4r i 8 Ne IM 4r S- St OS4 S t 4r S- Ne 3 st 4r S- Se Stfc st Sr ami bath 3- Se 1 X C a t or ami hack 42- Se Ri K at 0r ami hnUi tt a- Se 2f M store amt weWmi Sr and b IS M Se 2 Utk sc Mr and bath U W Se S at or Se 4M S Ca itol t tr It M Se 12St nUt at r It- Se DO Ca tr t M Se 1W4 N J ave 9 Ee 1 S l t at r 8 4i- Se ZM MBT Stt A tt 4r S O- Se JU S C are 4 7W Se I3S1 4r 5 00 Apply at Office for Weekly Bulletin PEHSOXAL3 Dr Leatherman KCPERT SPECIALIST in tie care cf all privet di ea ea Ilydrocele V ricocrle Strictare to- Pctency sod Syphilitic Diseases p utlvely carer and consultation free Thule nrs to 12 2 to S Taesiiy Thandxy Kad Saturday niir 7 to F Street nurtliTrritd- octd Scsdij mh33tl The 3 Days Cure f r Taco heads aU remedies in this eity a rrcnipt sad permanent cure or BO charge Oni- ultatioB free DR McKEEHAN 514 12th rt c COke hears to 12 z m 6 to S p m Saodajs- to 4 p m jeJ6lmo REDUCED REDUCED j KU readIngs to 25c Gents 58c PROF CLAYOl- dest established CUirroyant tells your bsdness lea about lavffuis d- lih to know brings family Iroobles bad luck spells rays teriou frelincs 18 io 10 daly 4S n st sw Dr Reed3 509 Specialist Twelfth SI Can Chronic Nerrous aad Special Diseases of Men and Uclnea- Cctaoltatlon free zed confidential Ucdicinc furnished for use Cbarj low prompr curt guaranteed Children half price Private waiting rooms Special Scenic fjm the District of Colurabu to treat Catarrh Obesity Rheumatism Co- sitipjtiu Jiles Lung Drain Heart Blood toe Skin I jseiir G noriioca Gleer Stricture Varitccele ad Ilydrocele currj without detention from business paitfj instrument uitrd Nervous and Sercal Loss br Dreamt cr in Urine Sypailu all Poise ted Ulcers cured for life br safe methods Office Houn 1C to S to Snadar 1C to 11 317 6th St N W PLPEST GrRMAN SPECIALIST in skis sod Wood diseases PRVAIEDJ SE of a th 283 qaiek ly and permanently CURED Daily P m iv9Ucm LADIES HEEDING ADVICE AND TREATMEST CONSULT Mrs M REN NER Legally licensee to practice obstetrics ia the Dls tnrt ot Columbia Maryland Hocpital Munich Bavaria and gold medal awarded tic pronciecy in be science of uUue tries its that institution PRIVATE SANITAKltM to treat lilt corap iits and irregularities Home noisier CIO before and durin Trained onrsi5 and expert physician in attendance ORe hours from 10 a m to 6 m Cil PccuylraBU Avenge northwest WasJiinst n D C t- JT H K t PULTO- NSt 01 KICK 314 Ninth Street N W Loud oa Watches Diamonds Je reli7 Etc OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT strictly Ka counectioa with soy other city REMOVALS MADAM MELVILLE Formerly of Ninth Street begs to jalarm patrons and friends that she can now be consulted at her new parlor 718 Sjh nw Her revfUtieng wonderful and acknowledged to be of tie kicbest order Site dons net cater to the ignorant- or superstitious The madam trill rrfuse to ac cept any fee unless Rives the utmost antis faction lied unless you Grid her superior to any medium palmist or clairvoyant Hours 10 a m p to It I Promo days a39 It Sent i 636 I S 930 a 00 r I- 5 1200 IS AMVTtICAN LINE ltI day at coon rTE1 TJf L Y Oft and fro U and 16 l1eC b ca G 6t 11 Ia Ir CII I JIll II oo IlL I c > e f u Ie CIt tel at aYe I I Ditty a- GO 9 Ladies i I atrairs family I iorees or u tcrparatrd torhn causes speedy marriages re or 1I3tttlJ I D I I Throat I I I mood Go CZARRA XR ten examiratiOll from t to aid tilt S Lie resident tant or the Coal Women s oman con t You Cit st are twst he too a sec 66 se iISt noon SIJS 190 SJO 630 Per 4 Aqueduct days 591 StO- p 1a3O t0 Tic hs dwelling 2 5590 ace dOS 00 IC 50 Lit lore acthing moves ai ready zis Debility stager DRu szS CTuesdoy Saturday nod for Business Loan ± < > > > > = < < ± > >> > > > = > = > = < = = = RAILROADS Pennsylvania itAiino An STATION CORNER OF SIXTH ASD B STS A y DAYS PmsefRC KX PM Eufcr and Oinia Can U sritmire ia lTtt b li J JO A Ml PEfSSYLVANTA LXMmC- Dnao Dining Smakins aad Otewra tion Can to Chicago Ontinaiii ledfeBipoJic St laMb and farter Car t lUrrkbvrz 1050 A Ji F1ST LtXEPnilmtn BmTet Car to Ibrrukcrc Buflet Parlor Car Harrs P M CinCAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESS Sleep Cat Wam4ctM to Lmrfa and Sleepin ami Qitis Cacs lUrrimmra to lmKa- IxxrfsrfKe ami T P M WESTERN EXPRBSSPnllean Car to Pinanrs and Dining Car P JLCLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EX UL Slcepie WaAUcton ta Ptttsbar Ibni mbe t Oevelzmt sad Cfneiniati DiBfec Car 104t IV M PACIFIC EXPRESSPaBmaa Sleep A JL For CsnamhlcB RocheSter of X except Sunday A EUdfra and y For 4B P M Erie MSKM and i xara PiUs daiSy except aith Gay Wjjiml ton to lff4 P JLPK Erie Can 4 iz a Rochester Bmwl ami Niagara F 3 dntfr PmTssu Oat Waaaioztoa to RMeeter Sam For Philadelphia York and the East t P V COSCaESSIONAL LIMITED daily an Parlor Can with Ittaiee Car front IMti- routf Recubr at 7W Diniac Car 7d8 813 9X9 WJ Dicing Car ami 1100 tag Car from WUmmctM M 1245 315 DisriBZ Car tram BaltiaMre fcSit VKV amt HJO p M On SmWay 709 Dinmc Car 79 SIS M itW Ittc Ole frets Wi munrton A iL 1S1S 3 IS 4d8 Dtaac tier fmm Bairmion jn MW sad Its I M Fer rip mUy EXBTCM 7 X M- 12r p M vtekda 2 1 nJ 4S P M diitr tea nitmnst chug 745 A U taJ neil 4J P M daily For IjM 7J 74S m 9M- MW ML A M U1S 124S Lli S XU S 4M Limited 49 4SL 450 S4C ftlS t 7 tf MlCO 14 lUtS lUM P M On Smvteys 780 73 SJS M- VO MS3 1LM A M K15 115 1 4 Limited 49 4JH 4 8L15 SJ9 MM M4 and 1LS P M For Pones Creek Line 745 A U and 4Jt P M Fer AmnpaHs A M 111 ansi 4J r M- Mk ys A M aarf Sw P M Exnraas Ior and posses mm A Line 4M A M XI P 1L4I A M weekd 9 t 9P X dairy A Jt and 7fi P JL daily ition fm oaa tico 7 A H daily a J Far A- tdlnil IM A y t15 4W C ILSt P X daOy Vm Motet Wharf Mt sad U4J A M Ht5 P M 1JJ P St daily nail ILlS r M Saa ofc jd V X M- AtmMie City amxki 1U r M weekdays m4U Vcatiboie Train fnllman Smfet Parlor Cara Combined Car tad eeatma thrnBga to Atlantic City Fw May CB lltV X M ILlS P U f M daily For JWnsrr Park Ocm Crave ai Bunch 1150 P M daily SJS IUK A M a 4 ISil P U week days Ken cacma PUteenth anti C Streets tarian Sixth ami B Stieets irkm- to deaticatlMi hotte and itiifcnixi- Tttenmme call i r Cab Service Baltimore Ohio KAILIIOAD StUdule ia Cect Jm 15 MOO Leave Warbinfrtua frcm station C Vi- nv S n m daijr For Cfncimmti St Lam sad Inficaiipilli Ex S a m YcrtimUed LmrnMst n m- 1M risht daily For rirtsbuic and Ckveiaod lt a m SJ3- m ami 1M a m daily For C int SM pc m ly For Winch rter and way rimm TSt5 a m 45 a m sad 5 t p m Far Lnaajr 3i a m daily Fat B iimare with days s2i5 Set lo xSJt 5 5 s xllt n 1215 xlk xS m stHW a4d V 4 5- m Sundays xlO X XU35 p m For Aeoapotn 71 a m ami MB p m Sw days S D a m 435 pm Soc Ftcdvnck week days SJS a ra W 4 Jt 53t a m Ja m 115 For ItacerHom ort5 a m ami a Foe IWrd aid points week stays SC a m 43 5J 7 n m Smmajr a m 115 7H p m way pomtf week 11 5 p m SmMHys 1 5 a- MU p m For WasmmjtoB Junction and pomts week dap S35 a m 4 l p m somby- j9M a m 115 a m Chavtaoomi Bock t a m aid 11C anti 4 J p m week J Snmfars SCYAL BLUR UXE AU ilmmiaattil with PtawK light For ttaUimwe fltihorltJiia New York Sloe ten and the East week 7 638 flairS M 9 hate a Diner 1M Diner Royal United Exclusively INUHwM Train IMaing Car 400 DialOg Car S0 and 11 3t p m Sleep 0 oclock SJ5- 7HS a m 11O noon 1M Dining Cars 360 5 6 Cars S jag ar open M Parlor Cars on day traint- F r Atlantic City a au 12 a oa sad 1M sad p m weal days ttilt nooa- Sccdayr For Cape week days UW nail lM p Q- Exrept xExtwess tulsa Hacjrace rahri lor amt cfc t t west Seer York Avmte and ISth Street sad at Depot Telrpboe tirltet for B i O Elec- tric Antomokife F D fNDERWOOO D B MARTIN 3d Vice Prr iBt Mcr TratSe sad Gen Manager Southern Ry Scbtotek ia eSeet July 1 1600 Trains Irate from Penn Station 81 a a Dilly Luau fur Uarriconmir and for Ckarlctie sail 1115 a m Unirr C S Pant Mail Sleeping ears to New Orleans CoiwebU Md- JaeUoBvtUe anJIin at faHimsfj steeper f r Asheville Ckjattamtoga and iienKjikia sail at Charlotte with sleeper for Birmingham Solid tram Waamacua to New Oricau IIMng ear service 11 J7 a m Daily Local for CtormttesvOS- elH f m Work Baya Local file Passe Rajrjl- StnsmMT atilt HaniMimarg 4 JO p m BaUy Local tor CmwatteavWe 9 p m kelly N Y JoIe ILxpre steep Iso rues to AoRSMta with conatcrtaM tr Aikro and CWrlrsteia amt to iaauh ami Port Tampa Through Hack to Joctuovrilfe- INfliac ear service p m Daily Washington and CkatU Limited Via Lynekmnc Sttrytuf to hun eke KnoxviHe Chattanooca Memphis anti N- OrieaM Through eoack to Dminc car 4 p m WaaVJaptoo soil era Limited atipint ville CfeattoMMta ac4 NarfmOe aad to ArboU kilo and New OrteaaB- TourW t Jc per Washington WetbMMtaya and TRAINS ON BLlEMONT BRANCH Leave Wakia to SM a m y 1 p m 435 p m 44t p m week darj coil t2i p m- SetMhya lee Bhsemawt tS p L swg p m week dajns to Through traiw train the Suit arrive ten 6tS a 7 5a ra 215 p BU ami SaO doily Passe XairUommfc 113 a m work p au dairy from Ckxrlottcsvxll 49 p in m- TfcVetJ steepiac ear reserratioa sad aCVr la- termatlen fomfahed and baggage called tor and cheeked leant hotels noel r 4dmee nj Taton- Tractfer COL on orders left at Ticket OdOrs itS lith St NVT 511 Penn XTV and at Penn Station Phone lilt fer P R IL Cab Service FRANK a CANNON 3d V P and Hen X 31 nr TrafSe Man Ker- X TURK Gneral Psisr A Ll- L BROWS Genera Agent VOH HEINT OFFICES FOR RENTHooics in building 032 F st nir cheap rent Apply to W J DANTE Ilntehini ICth sad D its ap2 tl WEEK J wt Cleveland Parlor hsg to Pittdlttrc za apolu St IRI Suityllle t3nclanati ud tr t CIair Coca in Car Ie U 45 iasra Falls dal daily except WmiaMqlOlt tDy 330 to sad Jet W S Y k P fly Dat Steepiag let SIno only 4 Hell ILl and I tnt WHit A 7f4 II EqIN IIIr Florida and JIC JU Ai 1 L workdays Senalanre CIty m Leer oIEe L r t- WftIk uttSI days lit ILlS Lang 1dor and at tM scums be left tile tit trees ke Rail J IS J Jt Csrrral tGnft Ken and Street Chicago Northwest u e4 trains p 3 oM x 2 m sa dIe JI 511 iI sSt 1lS- M 435 aa xSOJ iII p Jt IlL days SS5 L JL S15 Im a is 5 M a IlL and 146 p m t15 bluer JZJe SOS 505 jag Cat apes at M Sundays sad 1131 p m sleep clack sl Irsis Well C- at tkkt CaIN Daily met to linux one Sos Has das a for IlL p HL sad S2S a m J SIgn So 15 thIrd Pt via Sleep Chicago 114 aid a Kant Hens C F a ho Wilflams HsSao vii Eupreurn sail with tMresg Car Rchestsr Saturday Slet day New Din 5 59 For wick 050 LIt Lii Las dart Suys a00 H Sundae LII florida teals Es kithe4 sly s ci Srabod Alt Line 15 ConnectIon Delewom route dCy 1L35 Limited 33 Street week- days only to Cap weekdays es cheehhe baggage Peeu eaa toad HITCIftNSUN W0010- General Hacr raeaeer Agent 3 Jersey Arcane For sod 195 a Isu6 SolS sspcrat 115- 0r90 iSt5 zII9 100 aS xIS- s1l00 zltZ5 533 airl- Or11 ansal as 1554 r33S aStOl aIcOl alLIS Sundays Sell way = Par Goitheeshueg sd 12SO 54 500 700 60 790 way 5 Fur days tinier days leSS us 100 Dish 000 LId Slay Sar aid- redrw kg tntse TsssaOir ass sokra rlt aiec 010 1semphasis Ames aeeti cOkes Pats way stations with Jacksonville 0 carp Memphis acretee Southwest MhrvilSa Macos ltheslagba hkusdils osgmievy Ms Dilu00 to Fassawos days Fridays Satuedapa Recodes Washing ays 111 soil tic l Bid > > < > = < > < < < < ± > = > >

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Post on 25-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1900-07-16 [p 3]. · the year round to the right man AMrow BOX 274 this offlee WANTED Two white barbers saber otn rw dont come W a k s refs




AXTED AYaist hinds and helpers 17tf-crt nW JjrWSucro-

XVANTED Skirt folders and ladies clothesYALE STEAM LACNDKY 43 G f t mr-

jyl 3tcmA-

TANTED Woman for general bousewwk mustpoed rook stay nights and have ref no

mulling Call 14H Park su Mt Pleatnt Item

work M Call alter C 61 C st seltrm

Exporienced jBO ds lt ladi whoare aU exjwHtncwf In a riii Apply z-

7ih st mv ItemIVANTKD Younc todv with pr K ia confec-

tionery Uujnyi 10 7th st nw jyl8Steinf-

VANTBU Hghi housework In smallfamily I have p o J placet every lay come

M me m fee until 1 secure HMitkmTUB OLD VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENTim iith t nw

ttg Call immediately MRS MAttKLhA S3-

1V Jd mat

WVNTRD At one a thort time flr lclaM-waUt trimmer ansi fiafefcer aba helper on

iMrt aNd waists AAUcms 2SO this fflcc-

VTJtD Cood colorwark FIRST nAT 1WT E tt nw It

YANTEDCook namewattresM good waRes paid

AOBCSCY 303 4 nw ItirANTKDCood for general housework Call

with ret 112S Hh st sw It7 woik sUo white wait

rev 1 ueek elf 3od ys UASEMENT 515llth DW ItWANTED Your hwly for the stage one wile

tinct r mwces preferred AMr M IWX 2tat cHice ivlo3tWANTED Two jjirb light houacworker other as

BUT rood wages and knot treatment En-

quire KS3 11th st mr ItAVANTKD A first clac eoofc man or woman

ate chambermaid and waitress Apply at-SLATERS 1IAKEKY llth and U Kt nw ItAVANTKD Lady as stock packer and manager

extra good salary 2 eetored cooks privatefumilr and ni tca waitress 702 1S4U st ItWANTKD An experienced girl on limns law

steady employmeet awl cood pay only exper-ienced lumta B ed apply the FurrierJK F at nw floor j15St

ANTED White girl to in hwMewwk 10

WAXTKD Neat white woman a housekeepere d home to right party BOX 35 Midland

Ktamptier CetHity Ya jvl5StA-YAXTKD A tidy white WOBMI for general

work BHet come recoraiiKoded 175 JajyUJt

SITUATIONS AVANTED 5IAIEWANTED By vouc tuna s butler or drirtr-

rets Addrus NICHOLS 915 Sth nwItem

WANTED By an experienced teacher tp pile who may lie behind with their sihiiol

work in exchange board or rerun Hex 77ibM oAee llcm


TANTED By settled while woman a placehotHekcever r f Itox 1SJ thfe odlce-

AYAXTED By re fM cUhe colored girl toa Mt in

ltemAVAXTRI ny colored Rirl phwe to do 8wral-v Sib u w ItcmI-

VASTID By vrofnan place to da houseworkmint or chamberuort 1613 Ith st BW-



Ht t be very cheap Addmi BOX 273 thisoSte ivl6St-

WASTKD A Wivtry horse 103 Omtre Market


WANTED Two wnfitrHMhed roo with dinhcrfor two ladica Addmu BOX 271 thi office

AVAXTEW KOOM AMJ nounAVANTEDBy n elderly lady who a per

home three needed whichwilt tarmjh board met be rood location pleas

mt wkere the can lure perjcct freedom Boxae this oflke j H3t-

MXTEl Sevoudhand letter pros lHli A4df i Roe ail HB OKI nem

WANTED Secondhand oVnUI inMrumriitipricrs addrmg Box 2S3 this o cr

l l 8tem-AO OKCElTieX low rates v pocw printing

MWIMM card 1 HAYS CM I at w


WANTEDTo hay oM leather E MARKS75 i Ttle t jyl 5t

WANTED For cash luimhald fwHure of allp 4al NATIONAL FtRNITURE CO-st nw j

ANTEDSewinz machines cleaned and repaindfur 75c OSCAR HERRMANN Se i M-

acJjineAgtnt 887 4 i it sw jrlit-n ANTBD coolants of howes bought

also stock and fixture FRIES i IIOPWOODSth and K nw ivllSJemw ANTED Everybody t know that Crapes ice

cream U strictly pure 1 per gal 7thst mr jvH t-

A ANTED II l e t cash prices f r ladlesand praU castoff dtp poital IllcalL B TARSHES 1305 7th st nw ijfllmo

TiltS WILL interest you drop postal and receivehighest price gents raitoff carmcnts and

firearm ATLAS M7 D st rarSTSmoemHOODS Dakin Powder Worlds 5 10 i 15t-

mjStfWANTEDOld iron brass copper lead zinc and

tier and bottles for this material we pay the btttprices Addrcs BAUM BROS 2W3 7th st nw-sp23tfem

LOST Between Kiwrjency Hospital and 9th awlPa are ROM picture on rack aide

Reward if returned to Slo 6th it nejjrlfiSttm

WILL THE person wh kooK andsketch book at Cabin John yesterday return

name te Eli M tt nnr reward no ffaestteiMItemSunday white and frtnale dos

collarLOST Card ruse containing Treasury warrant for

6 payable to Tobin reward ifreturned to Mationary room U S Senate or 453C SL BW tr153tLOST IcHvw collie white breast black tip to

cars LInk spots on tail reward 4S Jl stnw lMttm

UPHOLSTERING ncttrew nuki chair caninga spwrfalty F Y MEDFELDT 1513 9th

jyU3tICE CREAM 70c gallon not made in a cellar

but above ground for sewer c abound incellars aad breeds typhoid diphtheria etcdent cat that kind LACEYS i pure and de

087 N Y are Phoce 2 31 ap 3 tfemHOODS Baking Powdtr Wetlds 5 10 15-



FIt SALE Bay horse cheap in good conditionCall at 6M B at jtlSStem

FOR SALEJumpseat surrey good conationcheap 1515 5th fit nw iv6Stv

1OR SAJJE F5th at ne jylfl3tem-

TOR SLB Fancy drivii K tune 912S 2 cheap1 buggy slid surrey and coil

n k 148 U st ne jyl 3iFOR SALBSorrel Uwe S yean old handaome

and ki J 11 pounds werta perfectly in alllumen will exchange forbe after 1 p m S2S C st nw Jyl53tFOR SALE Cheap gentle fcarse Uamea and

sinai wagon 30 1L SCHLRIXO Cherrydale Ya jyl53tFOR SALE Ychicle at taoriflce SW 15th jsi nwjyH3tPoll SALE 15 horees one pair of the bsvt pic

hones in District of Columbia AH can beseen 75S Whitney ire nw nEO JOHNSON

1OK SALE Eight young horses and nurca beenused in and about city suitable for army btut-

ceot no reasonable ofler refused Bear iS3 Panw jyll7t

ron SALE Centlrman speedy road mure alsogood family horse sold for want of use

Rear 413 5d t aw Jyll7t






JOOO liNt girl for IlntralgUt

W TED dr

irkour t

ItemWthrEUWkit It ritlan lam

ave Hfor

JylacMle Jir1 rc Muse



ruT iSaletlMy




stetIr bring rdernacos 2tl

aft DC




lr tfgfberal laoaK1rork IBI 21st





ant ate




mss 1lXG alt kid jyi7theW


ktjs4 refrigerators roller denks tI3UIt IUfh








metals also Looks rub


clasp pin

took pocket






and neW





VATE1LA house






ineoth Hnghtwoudare jyI52t















oilier paper stockC

brownon reward 517 et ow




















WANTED A vo iir ir an wllfc experience ton cak DQt llth tt nw JyW3tcm

WANTED Sluslfi white who imdcrstanov-uaidcnin sad care of rate reared

Apply to U J DALY otiftMiUPublic School ltcmWANTED RespectaWc enwml baj to work

in hovee and run errands imMt have refkCall between S and 9 morning SitS Ifith st nw

ItEmWANTED Itatel steward second moan on brta

third cook fer Atlantic City BURGESS HO-

TEL AGENCY CQC Itth st It ra

WANTED Seeondhand baker H W M

WANTED A white nun to dean house ref re-

quired 08 13th at nw ItemWANTED Mai stenographtr and typewriter

Call 010 Hth at nw 3d tour ItemWASTED Two white moon far dairy farm milk

ins and driving hosed and b 4ro Bi Kwjuwthot llth it nw lymtteraWANTED Carpenter a ood mechanic fur

a factory Box this odtee ltemWANTED At nee a ttttvA iarmacfat col-

or d preferred Cell after p m te 1145Trinidad t i e jyl eHi

WANTED Five akttnen pe app ra ee Ap-

ply at once Ui D rt nw IttaaWANTED A reliable organizer for matual a

meet Insurance on sew Ad h ss Box278 tbfe lice jyWStcnj-

WANTKU U user tailor fur m ns-clothiatr Apply SiXMCEL FR1HDLANDER

CO 41 ilk st nw lte i

bri er x raster 1111 7th tt nw Item

WANTEDltoy t kick a printing135 Pa ave nw Item

WANTED Colored driver E ttranc waiterscooks codes clerk lilt O C nw 2d

8 or-


Pa ave nw ItWANTEIVCllec so l salary abe bar man

and 2 young men from country ROOM 4

437 7th at nw Itone who U not afraid

AddrfM 111 Mh t nir ItWANTED Ten laborers 5 t an elevator

and I K JW 3 waken 2 dialiwtt t croSHACKLEFORDS SOS K st nw It

VANTEDGonl bother at once SEWELLKSE st w It

WANTED Three boys drive ten confec-tionery store one drive fur doctor other pri-

vate family EnquIre ltS llth st w ItWANTED Foreman OR bread mm be fttcla

sober reliable married and give Roodrefa wittiri to RO t a city of mW workthe year round to the right man AMrow BOX274 this offlee

WANTED Two white barbers saber otn rwdont come W a k s

refs wasted MS Sth it n-

WAJSTED Ye man for reel estate ce isoodCell rtefc BASEMENT SO 12tb It w

laboreip rtrady work 13per r aid if merited KUKOPKAN


4 st

WANTED White boy over 15 ta store 13thst BW wages to M a ned hosed

WANTED IM r on and elM good pleafor reliable party Addnw lION SM this

WANTED 76 lt wei to work am railroadwages 158 per day Apply at JAS A Me-

DONNEIJL HO L jyll3t-VNTEl Ttiird laud bread baker at once

1 UexawJria Ya SJR JyU tWANTED Men to learn trade new

method only eight week retired tools do-nated wages Saturdays Meady pontioa guaran-teed whets throb chance to earn free scholarsWp writs for tiarticuUrs MOLERS ItAMBKK-SOlrQOL New Yots City jyl3fejWASTED A few Bntclaw ale aen salary r

Apply to J P Roystoe CashierMutual Fidelity Co Stewart IteiWiB-


I lon SALE 3IISCEL1AXEOU3-i FOK SALE Shelriw eoMtained in More S 9 h-

tt wr jvl StemFOR SALK BUcXeMoWfer ty writr in creel

tent e new v ry little weed willsell at rcasBiinhh core AJdrea Box 2S8 this

FOR SALE Tw Olive tamtems in perfect e otim 30 each ttmxaing m wbeefe iron 5 op

Call and examine we cat nave y w nuney 513Jtth it jf l tFOR SVLE Eisht MMarwc of panted sUncies

Gothic sbaye fer tar XMare AddreasBOX 967 thfe educe jyltFOR SALE II


tOR SALE Bookea e ansiI cheap 39 S t-

i FOR SVLK IlMMlMtd g od nearly new alt indean coadithm be sW at Ill

lit ne J lS3tFOR SALK French plate mirrors 15x44 oak

fraims 4 FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth andK Ilea nw jyH3temron SALE 9 e h special S 4 see

Hf FRIES IIOPWOOD Sth and K U nwivU3tem

SALE Typewriter doe condition we itwork FRIES k IIOPWOOD Silt sad K

nw iyl43temFOR SALE Lawn chairs steamer chairs porch

chairs EO cents see HA PitIES AIIOPWOOD Sth and K sts nw jyl43teni

FOR SALE Large ice bx also ice chest seeus FRIES UOPWOOD Sib and K sts H-


FOR SALK Mattreaee we headquartre seeus all kiosk prices FRIES IIOIXVOOD th

and K alt illSl nFIRSTCLASS razharin sewing machines all

makes 5 10 and 15 and 5

siwranti FUNKS 3J7 C st se-

jyllS eu-

j FOR SALK Safw alt sizes safes opened and repelted F at nw irl4 i a

FOR SALE Cheap fox terrier pup two mcr ttsold 1W1 32d st nw jyl43t ni

FOR SALE Store counters all tires 41B N Jave nw iyllStem

FOR SALE Fine soda fountain cheap for malior easy tenns 419 N J ave nw-

y 1 4 3teraFOR SALE Good g a raisce with neater back

flO oak bedroom set S 20 2d st se C toSp m jyllatFOR SALE Ainetican and English Encydei edu-

ef Law cheap 31 good conditionAddt i BOX Ki this office Lvl3tS-

ANtTAS dojr the best in the marketkeeps the Vin and hair in perfect condition

and removes all offensive melL SCHMID 71212th et nw jyl3tfLARGE quantity secondhand hernia all

and lengths good as new 2il 10th stnw jylllmoemFOR SALE One dozen phMOswphs for 55 cents


jylltfFOR Leather tram nets 100 sets at 1

per teL Call at 306 10th st nw and getbargain JylOTtcmFOR SALE SCO tents in fine condition

the week or month II BERNHE1MER

FOR SALE Eight bottles of lager beer for SIcI one box of 21 bottles for 75c orders promitly

deHvered to any address in unlettered wagons017 4 st sw TItUS R BUYERS

IrSlfCLEANING HOLSET Use Sacltas crude disin

fecting liquid in all scrubbing water to killScents and thoroughly purify apartmentsSCHMID 71S 12lh C nw jyGtf

FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted tawindow 2Se the quality oil

opaque shades U buns free will call withsamples llth and II sis ne

HOODS flaking Pewdtr World Ip t 5 10 lac-iay3tf

FOR SALE Piano W montlil 10 square pianosranging in price from M to f75 that we will

clara out on small payments of 3 stoolfond cover Included dent nrzlect tills oppor-tunity F G SMITH 12 5 Pa ave Je27UeaFOR SALE S for hair ma

lounges gasoline ttovcs sod rtfrieratora parlor and bedroom suites 1 perwill move store your goods cash or creditREDMOND Sll and 313 7th it nw de4tfonBED BtG3 bad odors Pasteur Pine

Lotion wilt kill guaranteed whythem 1413 New York Jelltea


I6 f1




WA HoG Measly job



TED coloredto work


liCk t-mr ItWoTKD My t cIo




I 2TE-DC cook

Iera 1 thIhuy i4II at It


silIca WH1t

lOt se



ORIMi ion




case standI lI



I o











OldTlephenei5 jltf

I 11 lrop

your Lost

J1iECL TINniyotf

In two parts75






ire emal











Apply 42

colored general hoesock

VAN FEDCetotcst


ctacbesa kd 2 waitman 131k



ply Oiosco

map sks


ouk show aidlOt ow-


hedroosi hinsitwe171St








with p1escomplete or will rent for reasonabie pri


st misc



< <









WASHINGTON ROOM AOENCY rooms renttd ntcharge o lrw we secure tenant Room S Oil

7th st nw Vashinston D C jjrlOltemFOR RENT IlaBtfcomelyfur room with or with

out board nortfeeuai TeaionabVe Addressthl ul t n

FOR RPT Tro nicely1 rooms one secondand eee tbirdototy overIaekt K Ito Of-

fice Park all ooBvenieaceB pests only 081 4ih-tt aw jjlOttcra

K ST X W Fir or unfur withjlMtcm

1063 NEW JERSEY AVKNCE N W For lighthoosekcciiing nieelrfur rooms three 18

12 jylWtemFOR RliXT A large room nicely furnished

with private bath 10 a month other roomsfor 5 month 41 Oth st nw jylS3t-

VOll RENT Five rooms S on 3d and 2 on 3dfloor SOJ Md ave s iyl 3-

tlaucr COOL ROOMS iw upare nw jy83t

YOn RENT Ninly furnithnl 8 fS 18-

KentJ m i tti H nvr jyl53tFOR RENT Nicely furnfclfed G anti S7

per nMrntb 915 II at nw iylS3cFOR RENTFurnWitd rooms with beard rates

r a Kubl tins 14th at nw jy53ttFOR RfTT T r elegant front room furnished

corner house fine location bath en someloon moderate rent tea It sc nw jyl6Stron RENT Furnished rooms convenient to de-

partment 7 4th st nw jylCXPoll RENT Buck i rl r week third story

luck 7 month rosa fourth flour Mmonth all furnished beard U dotted OR Ist nw 1vlS3tFOR RENT Fur rooms

jy4 teraFOR RENTIairKf briRbt room 3d st ry and

haltroora taut adjoining 765 K nw orMt Vernon S re jyll CemFOR RENTThree moon ON 3d floor light awl

heat Sit ir month in advance 1IM Sthiyll3teei

FOR RENT Front anti other rooms newly papnicely fur coil and airy bath centrally

locates 612 K st nw jyUSt mFOR RENTTwo rooms central nw 7 liar

MO this oilierFOR RENTCool large

excellent tecatlea Q at aw-iyHJt m-

COMMUNICVT1NG also halirMmern ue Mimraer rates 1117 I at nw-

iyll3trmTHREE secoBdftoor fur roems Apply after ft

as T st nw yll3t m-

T1IKKK fur rooms L h k heat light andboth terns AMrei II s4 nor

jy 3t m

RENTM4 Sell st

FOR RENT S 2 pknwnt ttftoor n on 4join-ir bilk umvceieMly rarsOalKd ligM house

keeping 241 K It ne JyH tFOR RENT Tw fwmhtwd reimi 3t d nw-

lt3tFOR RENT Twe MaVwr ramu nwrkmWd

FOR RENT Nrwryranririhet lame coolaba hall rooms M 5 I nw jyl t


floor cheap all iunvtnknce bath temtHat 617 MA are Jytft3t mFOR RENTTbree

FOR RKNT Tkree ni119 Sth It nw

jy 3tei-

hed cosine 3iyl99t

FOR RENT Twofloor frost faI hou trptnsr

lies H ft nw irlSJtFOR KENT Three or unfar looms Joe L h

k hub heat gi SW 3d awiyll3cem

FOR RENTTbree nice sailor474 Md ave sw jyl4 t m


FOR KENT W3 11th rt and M omimaiU 5 rooms rill bath hot water hot


FOR RENT plensmt nat 5 MMK both busporch tt per month 1X47 Md are H-

ejyllSt mFOR KENT Flat 21U A 1 h wry

anc irll3temFOR KKNTFUto for Hjht hamekeenin larse

motes best loouiioa 912 Itth t sw-l 7t n

ucoiis AND

TRY our howe cooking 14 per mouthL nw jyMSt

route for we and bond for StBHXilii 12g I rf nw jyl 3tr

FOR RENT IVhitley 2ei I sC nw choiceroom prruument tra icMt jf11

GEM CAFE 1M G nw nice de Me muss usesmer prices mrak lie sad SSc steppers

moth iae aad jyl KCOMFORTABLE frost room with basest 1 per

iylSStFOR RENT Elegant front and back

eating Mtrtiirrn expeMirerates table board Call 1207 N st nw-

j ll3ttmCOOL veilfur ocw good boaid 91 I st aw

jyHltmFOR RENTFT rooms with board location

central 414 Kh tt nw jyljtfemFOR RENT NicelrhirnisfeMl front room good

bean for 2 8 week l K st w jyllSt

SALE Berwyn Md house ten r om amituck lar e rroumii fkce shade and fruit

growls garden horses w po etc and 1 9hw price easy tenon JI A jfcY

i CO IfH G ft ivl cemFOR SALC Splendid building lots on electric

reed S minutes ride tram Washington farea cents prices ot loU S M and 100 Kh-tenrn1 down balance Jl per week and no in

or antil are paid for saze offrom fet to 151 feet lo an1 S5 feet

wide to a 12foot alley w the time to pur-chase a convenient bone or make a good invest-ment for less than 29 cents per day Call or sendfor full information 10 per cent off for caskJAMES E CLEMENTS l t F t nw jyllB-

RENTWOOD One fare by suburban eltctric toDistrict tine then onfajirth mile north

Rives Read lot SOxSOO far 100 at 5 permonth See W A BARTLETT Loan TrustBIdg or at Brentwood Station B O Railway



FOR SALE Poolroom and tore in north-west cot 1300 must be no

otter refused owner leaving town Call at 1708-

I J3th st nw ivlSStBAD BILLS COLLECTED or no charge H 1

CORDON Lawyer 133 F mv Jyl6Ct

ADVERTISER called away by urgent bu iBess re-quires active capable young wan to repre-

sent business interest Address COX 72 thiajrlS3t

FOR SALE Cicar confectionery and grocery123 CAPITAL BCSINESS EXChANGE A t

lantic BIdg jylS3tDRUG STORES 730 to 8000 all sections city

CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Atlantc-Bkij jvI3JtJolt SALE Grocery bargain if sold at

1015 11th st nw jv33tFOR SALE Fruit stand in market doisw good

business Address BOX 266 this oiflc-ejyl53t

FOR SALK TakMM Junction en BrightwoodI ave one Aldrmev and one Devon cow

good milkers A V TERRY iyll3iemShILL on account of sickness for cash or

on time the bestpaying fancy poeery corner in the nw a money maker cheap restBox 2 2 this jyl43tctnL-UKCIIROOM daily receipts 16

monthly cxpentes 5 no offer refused DUNLAP SOS K st I ll3temCIGAR STORE clearing 75 mouth price aDULl 03 F st iyl43t n


Building jyll3t-WANTEI To buy Rood butter business wholesale

preferred Address X Y Z General Dflivcryjy43t-

J FOR SALE ThirtyOre gallon milk route Address Box 237 this office jyli7tem-

THE finest tock system in existence large as-sured lucerne and guaranteed principaL


FOR aLE Remington Rood condition worthI 40 Ices for 30 cash if sold before 20th

dress BOX 263 this office jy33t


x Slid

Sod moon


3S7 Pa





jylf3ttftlIw or


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aswine moon host

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ceesesotniresins summer




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route lunchroomsAt-


flaking iic-toySti













Norfolk Washington

Every day in the for Norfolk NeWport News and all points South by the

PwrUmouthfiOT pa

Ar Porumoutbal5jLnrJ AT n-

on Ie 817 Pens B andft oilier ola Peon Te corner15th st and N Y i e a 4 O ticket of

ve and COO 14th at1134 N Y arc and

KTFor further inforraitljn apply at r nofflw fti whorl Wash D dPhone 750

noSStl JOHN CALLAHAN General Ilancer


FOR RENT A small brick house with large lotsod elude on Park are Brightwood 1 C

to a permanent tenant J1260 per month LOUISP SHOEMAKER 920 K st nw jyl 3temFOR RENT Boanlln house 11 Sth nw 21

rooms hot water heat 2 tiled baths electricgas Ifghtinc etc cheap rental at 0f monthV P NASH 710 0 lot j I63tFOR RENT HOUSES

Brick So H i 9th st BW 14 rm 7000Brick No 11SS ave ow S ron IS 40Briek N 14t7 OWe ave nw S rms 16 40Wick atore and wjr Ne 1 H 7th at nw

C rcs t OT

Brick store No lt Pa nw WPraise in Tenk ytown D C 7 milt aid

bath 3900-Frawe on Grant D C 7 rim 10 00Frame in TenleytowH I C 8 ran 11


FOR RENT brick water and rangeS per rear ef 1413 S St S it

and Pirce Plaee llth aEdlS t sts Apply 1416S at nw JjrU7temFOR RENT 48S N U e b t house and

the cheai t rent L city today a perfectbeauty 2st ry and cellar furnace heatSIS pr month did rent for i openat it jyl4Stew-

R T Dfjirabie Sriory and basement baywicuvu 816 3d near Pen i n Office

ra i Key 614 3d st nw jyltWem


FOU SALE Rented S12 per year price 1 X3

excellent Wick ne OWNER S9 IIBW irU c

FOR SALES04e will hey 7twHH bafl keithLinenlfi Park rents for li bargain W


FOR SALESplendi comer 8 roMM bathi very Large park iU a great

Itth at Me S CAKK W Md aYe

em t t S 4

1 fartvv expertr j l m


PIANO kMOM 9 mMlls ittUrmer pramwesAGerman profaw A Wrjs lunc SS thee of-

fice JriemD-ANaNtrTtTa Pfemiere-

Huasciwe UU W tt mr aH satnmtr-

PmrUtt ave 7T M M nwiS L JOHNSON Proprietor

CHAIR CAN1NG-4Sf K st nw-

jylSJt5 SHORTS She today tftciaL NATIONAL CIGAR

FACTORY Mil ave i ia t-

IRGR MONTHLY t sswscrifeen to the Departmestt Inratmcnt

Association inrwt Idle and abate withthen in the pratftc Write for exnbtnatory cir-

cular or call at a

SEWING MACHINES retired and warranted Si-nachiacc for rest by week or nwnth at OP


CAPITAL CLOCK KErVlRING CO list 7tk st-nw clocks watches jewelry and msvic bexcs

repaired cheap and KIMI teed r M aL irtMrail tot audcVlivcr free M ttHOODS Bakinc Powdtr W rWt BeK S N 15-

caiyiltfem JCLltSCOHEN 111 7th st nw-

DOOKINNDiNG ANd PIIINTING BtmUmr onevutame ma azMe 75 cents other Uniting

equally a cheap painting MM cards 73 centsti er printing equally M cheep W1LUVMS IS

7th M nw Charles W Dowdra Manager fe2-


Capitol Street Washington D C Separate sealedpropeoab for Mt stone coniman hocks redpresped bricks elect red handmade lightotlored bricks Portland cement sand bf kcnsiaoe broken brick cast iron door and windowironies mfeceikineeKS iron lumber orna-mental terra cotta enameled lens pipe terracotta comhrit leon armored eoemrit flexiblecommit cutout boxes porcelain cutouts CSjrwiubes acd switch b xe will be received here I

until NOON JULY IS 1989 awl then publiclyfened Information furnished on application t

JOHN STEPHEN SEWELL Linitenant Engineersi lSWj tliyl l

PROPOSALs will be received at the Bureau efSupplies and Accounts Navy Department

Washington U G until 12 OCLOCK NOONJULY 17 194 and publicly opened imaiediaUlvthereafter to fumk at the Navy Yardlogin D C a quantity f granitebricfcK rand cement Manila wirelumber piles wrought least ales the steeltn e ansi stroctoral and ironwork for theroof of the new jfcop Blank prope K willbe furnished upon appcatioB to the Navy YardWahinKt4Mi D C A S KENNY PaymasterGeneral L S N jvflPROPOSALS for coH tr etiii a trwkhou the

Fire Dr artmeni n Whitney AV HK betweenThirteenth awl Fourteenth Streets northwestOffice of the Cowmirfioner D C WashingtonJuly It 10W SEMED PROPOSALS will l e re-

ceired at cities natO 12 M on AUGUST 41IW for otHutructinc a trorkhouw on let 12equaTe 37 Whitney Avenue between Thirteenthand Fourteenth SUret northwest Uarfiinct aD C Blank forms of proposal and H eciflcatitogether with all neeeimry information mayobtained tipxn application therefor si the effice ofthe Inspector of B U f of the District at Co-

tcmbia and Lola upon these fornn only will beconsidered The tight reserved to reject any orall bids Prepooalt must lie in

sealed and endorsed on the

Fire Department HENUY 11 K MACFARlaND JOHN W ROSS LANSING II BEACHCommissioners D C ivllOtexSuPROPOSALS for new boiler for and repairs to

the harbor boat Office of the Commissionersof the District of Cotambia Washington July 1118 XX Scaled proposals will be received at thisoffice until TWELVE OCLOCK M ON WEDNES-DAY AUGUST TIlE FIRST 1SOO to furnisha new boiler for ansi make all necessary

to the barbo boat Vigilant Sjwcificationsand blank forums of propN saU may be obtained atthis office or the office of the barborraaMrrHENRY B F MACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSSLANSING IL BEACH Ck mmiiiio ers of the DUtrict of Columbia i 136trxSuOFFICE OF TIlE COMMISSIONERS D C Wash-

ington D 3 1PCO Sealed proposalwill be received at this office until 12 M JULYIS 1000 for furnishing and setting in place twoboilers and connections for Franklin School cornerThirteenth and K Street northwest Blank teemsof proposals and specifications together with alln information may be obtained upon apnlicatiun thtreforii the office of the Superin-tendent of Repairs o tie District of Columbia13 I Street northwest aixl bids upon those formsonly will be

The right U reserved to reject any or alt bidsProposal mutt be enclosed in an envelope and

endorsed on the outside 4 Proposal for Furnishingand Setting in Place Steam Boilers at theFranklin School Corner Thirteenth and K Strutsnorthwest HENRY B F MACFARLAND JOHNW ROSS LANSING H BEACH Commissioners

C iyll6texSct

FOIL SAIB niCYCLESFOR SALE Ladies wheel little used cost

73 fin violin 10 coat S3 1W4 9th stDO YOU want a good secondhand bicycle Juit

two large shipments prices startat 5 CYCLE EXCHANGE 740 10th st nw-

jyl53tFOR SALE At a bargain Stearns special wheel

used but very little Address BOX 270 thisoffice jy53tron SALE Gents secondhand bide io One

shine very cheap Box 261 this officeiyl43tem

BICYCLES REMOVAL SALE On account of tiletearing down of Wlllards Hotel we are forced

to move acd we wish to reduce our large stock ofbicycles and suppliesWe offer thIs greatThe J30 model Pioneer bicycle warranted oneyear fitted with bell and toe

tools price S1375 Lamps bellssupplies of aU kinds at half prier NATIONALCYCLE CO 1421 Pa ave JyUtl





superb nmeNewport New and Washon

Ly Wuhint o630Ly Ly Norfolk645 pmAr ito Lv lfollfoe6 pIaAx Ar Alexandda6SiJamWas

Tickets atO and

cea at 513Peno8 A Lon board






Reed e1

our 81nth bet

Rouse look




aiMne J1Ua-





tt 1 F It ow alterJ fDS Agent jy91-



S stITS ton Jtireil









WeirPropoMI for Truetbouse for the


c Joly


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Onw jylSItcm

between anJ August 1

bargain is an inducement





thfOOWtimg scheduleJs


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ttCkCt ofllcesacers








sod orastt

the cettihios bought aid bvw to lead ILjyLI

D4VDENDS ittyour


p us daily F

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cocked en-

velopesenstructIrE 2








> <










1OSTOFFICEWASHINGTON D C POSTOFFICE NOTICEShould be reld duly as changes may occur at

any timeFOREIGN MAlLS zre forwarded to the ports of

Milinc doily and the schedule of clotiaSB is arransrcd the pnMiuiptioa oC their unintetrunted-nvprland transit the week enEe SI1000 the lat conceiting closes will be made fromtbu office as fellow-

xTraiiKAtluutlc 3IniI-MONDAYfol At 915 D m for EUROPE per

s KaUerin Maria Therecia from NewYork yin Cherbourg Southampton antiBremen

TCESDAYn At 483 p ra fer IRELAND perB s New Encland from Boaten

b At 715 p ra for EUROPE per a s-

DcuteWand from New York PlymouthClieibourc ansI Hambure Mail roust be dirented Per s Del chfcind

c At 915 p m for EUROPE per sSt PauL from New York via Southampton

b At 915 p m for EUROPE a-

Wait oust be Per Cymrice At 11C5 p m for BELGIUM direct per

s Fricfland from New York Mail mustbe directed Per a s Friesland

At 915 p m for PRANCESWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGALTURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA perB s La Bretairne from Nun York viaHavre Mail for other put of nautbe directed Per s a La

FRIDAY c At 11 C p ra for NEThERLANDSdirect per s a Spaarndam from New YorkMail must directed Per Spaarndaoi

c At ll0f p m ITALY per sEms from New York Malt muit be directed

Per B o Ernec At 11 05 p m for EUROPE per s s

from New York via Queeiuiownc At 11 M p ra for SCOTLAND direct

per s Ethiopia from New York Mail mustbe directed Per a Ethiopia

c At 11KI5 p ra for NORWAY direct pee-S F Hekla from New York Stilt bedirected tickle

PRINTED MATTER ETC German ateamm-milic from New Yerk on take PrintedMatter etc f r GERMANY and specially ad-droMfd Printed Matter etc las other parts cfEUROPE

Ararriran and White Star steamer Mitinr fromNew York en W 4 e day German and Frencheteamen from New York M Thursdays and Ceoard and German simmers from N rw Yerk on Sat-urday take Printed Matter etc alltries for which they are adrertUwi to carry mailsSInus for South anil Central America

West IiiilIcK EtcAt II M p ra CENTRAL

AMERICA except anti SOVTHPACIFIC PORTS Advance fromNew York via Colon Mail far GUATEMALAmot he directed Per u Advance

fcl At D for 1NAOUA HAITI andSANTA MARTHA per a a Behrernon fromNew York

TUKSDAYn At 2 p for JAMAICA pere Admiral Dewey tease LeMmafc At ll S n for NASSAU X P

B Antilia item New York tail BMMCdirected Pr t A tilt

p M lie LA COUXTItlES direct per a Peorith Ca tle frtimNew Yerk

WEDNESDAY c At 11 8 n m for BCRMUDApet a Trioutit from New York

4 At 3 a m for MEXICO perCity of from SewTaisyirn Mall be direct aCity W

At 11XH n m for HAITI perPrtec Wa I town Nw Mail forCURACAO TRINIDAD VENEZUELA HIHT-1SH sad IMTCH UUIAXA mwc be directed

P r e PriiKAt 1I n m fer CAMPECHE

PVH TABVaCO east YUCATAN f-Oricaba trust New York via Ifogmo Mailfor other pails of MEXICO msM be directed

Per s OrUaUi-c At 115 p m ton NA3SVU N P sail

the PROVINCE of SANTIAGO CUBA per asSurmtofa from New York

THURSUAYb At 2J n m for JAMAICApr ji s Admiral Schley from Bostont At 105 p m for INAOt A see tThosvs from New York Mail toe JAMAICA

B LK5B PUERTO OOBTEZ sod GUAT-EMH must be directed Ptr s Themu-

M At 1106 p m lot BRAZIL am LVPLATA COUNTK1ES per s CotermRe ir mNew York tail for NORTHERN bRAZILmutt be directed Per s CMeridte-

eFRIUAYc Al 1106 p m for FOKTUN8 1SIAND JAMAICA CARTHAGENA and GRETOWX per a s Adirondackfrom New Mall lor COSTA KICAbe Per a s Adtfumixk

c At 11 5 p m for PORTO RICO pers

scAt 11 k m for CURACAO anti VENE-

ZUELA per a s ilildur tram NewMali for SAV AXILLA cad CART11AGENAmart be directed Per c a HiMwr-

4r At 11KK p m fat TURKS ISLAND aDOMINICAN REPUbLIC per s Cheruker-

r At 1146 pTRIES pet k Itaiiaa Piirce fix NewYork

SATTItDATW At 3 4 m for AZORES13CANHS direct per a Pewjaeiiiar trotsNew York

Mills fcr NEWFOCNDLANB by rait to NorthSf4rf sad tbestce via simmer here daily

Somtajr at 12 m ami oa Smmatsat 11JI a m 4

Mail for MIQfELON by rail to B tvia steamer dose lien daily at-

m d-

CTKA MAILS clone here vfe Port Tampa JobWemMwmjv Fridays aRc Swnvji at 239

OVia Miami Fin Tweaayi aid Saturdays at

M a attail for MEXICO overland nafe specially ad

4r ed for despatch by MeamerYork Iose here at 1 SO a m andp k

Math for COSTA RICA BELIZE ITERTO CORTJtX and GCATEMVUX ky rail to New Orleansand tbrnce Kramer here daily atp the coiicer

and ToesdiTB foe COSTA RICA and Moadavsfits BELIZE PUEBTO COSTEZ aadvMALA

TraimI n IflMail foe HAWAII via Sa Fraaeisco

ihlly at 635 p m t Jnfr 3 iatmcivedc Jtch per s Amtraliii o

SlaBs foe AUSTRALIA except West Australiawhich sees via Europe sad New Zealand whvttcoca via San Frasci co HAWAII sad FIJI 1SLANUS via Vancouver thee brie daily at 65S

up July 11 iste ve for s-

Miowera 0Mails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII anti PHIL-

IPPINE 1 LN1JS via San Fiaaciaco chasehrre daily at JS p m to Jaly 21 inclu-sive fcr desaateh K Coptic o

Mails fer CHINA and JAPAN via Yancouvrrdote here daily at C3S p ra Uf to July 34 inelusive for dt aaw t per s s of Imiu-Keti 4eid mcil be directed Yia Tar

for CHINX JAPAN HAWAII nail PHIL-IPPINE ISLANDS San chter htrdaily at 683 p m up to July 29 inclusive fardenuteh per s t America Marts o

JUil for AfSTItALlA except Wet AustraliaNEW ZEALAND HAWAII FIJI and SAMOVVISLANDS via lan Fraottco here daily at035 p ra July 21 anti vp to Auptvt tinclusive for despatch per K s Aiameda

MathS for CHINA JAPAN and PHIUPPISKISLANDS via Seattle rfo c here daily at Si-

p m up te Anrust 9 iaelHMve fee desfatchper R s Kin4iuMara Registered mail mast bedirMtrd Via Seattle o

Maib for lOCHIN OI1NA are toNew York for connection with EaropezB steam

PIIILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Mail dcpatchrd to San Francisco at aH closes of thatoffite to connect with Ove nm i t Traa p rt toesailings of which err irrrcwlcr

b Registered mails cater at 100 p sameday

c Registered malls close at S00 p m senseday

d Registered mail cle e at 500 a sumacday

e Registered mails chase at p m pre-vious Saturday-

i Registered malTa at IrfO p m pre-vious day

h Registered mails cloe at 1200 p m previo s Saturday

k Rffiistered mantle dose at S09 pS mvious day

o Re Uteied mails close at 608 p ra prorises dir

JOllY A MERRITT Potma ter-


MOUNT HOLLY IIOUSB Eisbty miles down Po-tomac fish and crabs mineral

springs tail and row boats free MRS J CDAVIS Mount Holly Va jj 131 ltem

THEOMedium and Card Reader most faramia Clairvoyant and Jalmist occult her oabusiness and family affairs reunites theseparated removes spells causes speedy mar-riages gives luck Open daily Germanspoken Sic and JOe ftJO II st nw jylS7t

GYPSY PALMIST 102i 7th st ntr 10c pastpresent future lucky charms separated

brought together walk upstairs xund floorj157t

AY FELTOXVS Jour a lot of you whowork if you Jo not pay some attention to us

and our rattling good tailormade anita worn Just-a bit at price to suit a man who hustles for aliving The sincere JUSTrTS OLD STAND 619

jy07t-MMR DAVIS born clairvoyant and card reader

tells about bueiness removes spells aad evilInfluences reunites the separated and sires luckto alt carat piles and drunkennezs lg8 25th at






directed t I



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Washington Alexandriaa-nd

Mount Vernon RailwayStation Pennsylvania Ave aad IS 12 St

In effect July IS 1000Fer Alexandria 74 Tdt

600 836 SB 9 5 ltrf 1I 11 3 a m-

x2 12 0 lt45 xl38 14 tt 24 xS359 f415 44 xS O 64 fJH

030 700 7 0 600 idO 3M lt HJtp ra S noay 74 K 4 lt 61169 Jl3a a m 12200 230 300 3 4tO 43 5X 5J9

700 730 SX 6J 99 Jt 15 1111 0 p m

Mount Vernon Week dirt S W 91100 a m x2CS jcl 2i xS e J 7C800 p m Sundays 9t m 1S noontrtO 700 800 9JO p ia

For ArHnztou and Bridze Weekf30 7 1 SHX 8J5 Sdt tJS 8

1100 a ra 1205 lt20 l t Irft S 4

300 3 5 415 5fli d 7m Sundays 7U 909 945 1168

11 JO a m now IZ 1W t-23t 300 3 0 400 4J 5 0 5J9 800838 700 7 8 800 p mParcels carried oa all trains Baggage cheekedxExpress To Arlington only

J COLVIX SnptriateodsttC K ABBOT President



Sailing Wednndart at 3 a oRED STAB LINE


NAVIGATION COMPArPiers 7t and 15 X R Office 73 BrOadway N

Phi3ephia 36S297 W f t St-

tTAsmxcrros orriczisoc r er K WOr W C SIOS Acml at Sanders t Starica

F St nw


THOS E WAGGAMANReal Estate Broker Dud Auctioneer


14W to 141S 3 h 8 r bath a m I Eib J W-14SS 9th f h 6r I t 14x9J ft 2TW-SW th b h 2 stories a ra i isa2483 H b h S stories r a m i M-4K 410 41 HmJidse Ct b h Jr aO 1JBO-

4r each 7W

SOUTHWEST3 N b h r and bath tSOO413 19th b h 4r sod lock ImiMtop V-3tt ami Kl M f Vs Sr rack atabie bulb 2 9

NORTHEAST7S Mh tt f h eellar Sr hath a m 1 4SJM-la F b b 7r bath a at i tJS711 D h h 2 stories 7r bath a m i 4XNlr7 Mth st b h r bath ami a m i X3DO-

th and a a i 3 8-

H K f h str ml Sr X9M-7W Hth K store ted dwe Uag 3M-

W L h h S tteriea bath a m i SjEU Sib b h stories Jr tot 1SUB5 K J4f8

SOUThEASTMS A b k n bath and a at I

A b 12r hath and a M i2tt N J ae b h IU hath aa4 a at i HwtetMvtion of Va ae ami I at 5 74 14 X ftJMt-4S8 to a b hs r z m i Back MM

kutk and i m i MM321 and an D b hs ar each Each 3JUlid L f k fc Itt 5xNS ft l H i

Ill K f h k lot cMK it Ut1 X N J t h 4r 1411 E f h Sr lot 14111

FOR RESTXe 4 tit t r ami muk HSVc 1I litt r and bath U SO-

L sf 1 15Ne r V ami bath I-

SPrt lot 7 emure 9et tt-Xe 7 L a r 12Xe Btewcr Camtt 4r i 8Ne IM 4r S-

St OS4 S t 4r S-

Ne 3 st 4r S-

Se Stfc st Sr ami bath 3-

Se 1 X C a t or ami hack 42-Se Ri K at 0r ami hnUi tt a-

Se 2f M store amt weWmi Sr and b IS MSe 2 Utk sc Mr and bath U WSe S at orSe 4M S Ca itol t tr It MSe 12St nUt at r It-Se DO Ca tr t MSe 1W4 N J ave 9Ee 1 S l t at r 8 4i-Se ZM MBT Stt A tt 4r S O-

Se JU S C are 4 7 WSe I3S1 4r 5 00

Apply at Office for Weekly Bulletin


Dr LeathermanKCPERT SPECIALIST in tie care cf all privetdi ea ea Ilydrocele V ricocrle Strictare to-Pctency sod Syphilitic Diseases p utlvely carer

and consultation free Thule nrsto 12 2 to S Taesiiy Thandxy Kad Saturday

niir 7 toF Street nurtliTrritd-

octd Scsdij mh33tl

The 3 Days Curef r Taco heads aU remedies in this eity a

rrcnipt sad permanent cure or BO charge Oni-ultatioB free DR McKEEHAN 514 12th rt cCOke hears to 12 z m 6 to S p m Saodajs-

to 4 p m jeJ6lmo

REDUCED REDUCED jKU readIngs to25c Gents 58c

PROF CLAYOl-dest established CUirroyant tells your bsdness

lea about lavffuis d-lih to know brings

family Iroobles bad luck spells raysteriou frelincs 18 io 10 daly 4S n st sw

Dr Reed3 509Specialist Twelfth SI

Can Chronic Nerrous aad Special Diseasesof Men and Uclnea-

Cctaoltatlon free zed confidentialUcdicinc furnished for useCbarj low prompr curt guaranteedChildren half price Private waiting roomsSpecial Scenic fjm the District of Colurabu

to treat Catarrh Obesity Rheumatism Co-sitipjtiu Jiles Lung Drain HeartBlood toe Skin I jseiir G noriioca GleerStricture Varitccele ad Ilydrocele currjwithout detention from business paitfjinstrument uitrd

Nervous and Sercal Loss br Dreamtcr in Urine Sypailu all Poiseted Ulcers cured for life br safe methodsOffice Houn 1C to S to Snadar 1C to 11


in skis sod Wood diseases

PRVAIEDJ SE of a th 283 qaiekly and permanently CURED

DailyP m iv9Ucm


Mrs M REN NERLegally licensee to practice obstetrics ia the Dls

tnrt ot Columbia Maryland

Hocpital Munich Bavaria and gold medalawarded tic pronciecy in be science of uUuetries its that institution

PRIVATE SANITAKltM to treat liltcorap iits and irregularities Home noisier

CIO before and durin Trainedonrsi5 and expert physician in attendance ORehours from 10 a m to 6 m Cil PccuylraBUAvenge northwest WasJiinst n D C t-



314 Ninth Street N WLoud oa Watches Diamonds Je reli7


strictly Ka counectioawith soy other city


Formerly of Ninth Street begs to jalarm patronsand friends that she can now be consulted ather new parlor 718 Sjh nw Her revfUtieng

wonderful and acknowledged to be of tiekicbest order Site dons net cater to the ignorant-or superstitious The madam trill rrfuse to accept any fee unless Rives the utmost antisfaction lied unless you Grid her superior to anymedium palmist or clairvoyant Hours 10 a m

p to It



days a39

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636I S930 a





1200 IS


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PennsylvaniaitAiino An


PM Eufcr and Oinia Can U sritmire ialTtt b liJ JO A Ml PEfSSYLVANTA LXMmC-Dnao Dining Smakins aad Otewration Can to Chicago OntinaiiiledfeBipoJic St laMb and

farter Car t lUrrkbvrz1050 A Ji F1ST LtXEPnilmtn BmTetCar to Ibrrukcrc Buflet Parlor Car Harrs

P M CinCAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESSSleep Cat Wam4ctM to Lmrfa andSleepin ami Qitis Cacs lUrrimmra to lmKa-

IxxrfsrfKe amiT P M WESTERN EXPRBSSPnllean

Car to Pinanrs and Dining Car

P JLCLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EXUL Slcepie WaAUcton taPtttsbar Ibni mbe t Oevelzmt sad

Cfneiniati DiBfec Car104t IV M PACIFIC EXPRESSPaBmaa Sleep

A JL For CsnamhlcB RocheSterof X except Sunday

A EUdfra andy For

4B P M

Erie MSKM and i xara PiUs daiSy exceptaith Gay Wjjiml ton to

lff4 P JLPK Erie Can 4 iz a RochesterBmwl ami Niagara F 3 dntfr PmTssu

Oat Waaaioztoa to RMeeter Sam

For Philadelphia York and theEast

t P V COSCaESSIONAL LIMITED dailyan Parlor Can with Ittaiee Car front IMti-routf Recubr at 7W Diniac Car 7d8813 9X9 WJ Dicing Car ami 1100tag Car from WUmmctM M 1245 315

DisriBZ Car tram BaltiaMre fcSit VKVamt HJO p M On SmWay 709 Dinmc Car79 SIS M itW Ittc Ole frets Wimunrton A iL 1S1S 3 IS 4d8 Dtaac tierfmm Bairmion jn MW sad Its I MFer rip mUy EXBTCM 7 X M-

12r p M vtekda 2 1 nJ 4S P Mdiitrtea nitmnst chug 745 A UtaJ neil 4J P M daily

For IjM 7J 74S m 9M-MW ML A M U1S 124S LliS XU S 4M Limited 49 4SL 450S4C ftlS t 7 tf MlCO 14 lUtSlUM P M On Smvteys 780 73 SJS M-VO MS3 1LM A M K15 115 1

4 Limited 49 4JH 4 8L15 SJ9MM M4 and 1LS P M

For Pones Creek Line 745 A U and 4Jt P M

Fer AmnpaHs A M 111 ansi 4J r M-

Mk ys A M aarf Sw P MExnraas Ior and posses mm A

Line 4M A M XI P1L4I A M weekd 9 t9 P X dairy

A Jt and 7fi P JL dailyition fm oaa tico 7 A H daily a J

Far A-tdlnil IM A

y t15 4W CILSt P X daOy Vm Motet

Wharf Mt sad U4J A M Ht5 P M1JJ P St daily nail ILlS r M Saa

ofc jd V X M-

AtmMie City amxki 1U r M weekdaysm4U Vcatiboie Train fnllman Smfet ParlorCara Combined Car tad eeatma thrnBga toAtlantic City

Fw May CB lltV X M ILlS P Uf M daily

For JWnsrr Park Ocm Crave ai Bunch1150 P M daily SJS IUK A M a 4 ISilP U week days

Ken cacma PUteenth anti C Streetstarian Sixth ami B Stieets irkm-

to deaticatlMi hotte and itiifcnixi-Tttenmme call i r

Cab Service

Baltimore OhioKAILIIOAD

StUdule ia Cect Jm 15 MOOLeave Warbinfrtua frcm station


nv S n m daijrFor Cfncimmti St Lam sad Inficaiipilli Ex

S a m YcrtimUed LmrnMst n m-

1M risht dailyFor rirtsbuic and Ckveiaod lt a m SJ3-

m ami 1M a m dailyFor C int SM pc m lyFor Winch rter and way rimm TSt5 a m45 a m sad 5 t p mFar Lnaajr 3i a m dailyFat B iimare with days s2i5 Set

lo xSJt 5 5 sxllt n 1215 xlk xS m stHW a4d V 4 5-

m Sundays

xlO X XU35 p mFor Aeoapotn 71 a m ami MB p m Sw

days S D a m 435 pmSoc Ftcdvnck week days SJS a ra W

4 Jt 53t a m J a m 115For ItacerHom ort5 a m ami aFoe IWrd aid points week stays SC

a m 43 5J 7 n m Smmajr a m115 7H p m

way pomtf week

11 5 p m SmMHys 1 5 a-

MU p mFor WasmmjtoB Junction and pomts week

dap S35 a m 4 l p m somby-j9M a m 115 a m

Chavtaoomi Bock t a m aid 11C anti4 J p m week JSnmfars

SCYAL BLUR UXEAU ilmmiaattil with PtawK lightFor ttaUimwe fltihorltJiia New York Sloe

ten and the East week 7638 flairS M 9 hate a

Diner 1M Diner Royal UnitedExclusively INUHwM Train IMaing Car 400

DialOg Car S0 and 11 3t p m Sleep0 oclock SJ5-

7HS a m 11O noon 1M Dining Cars360 5 6 Cars Sjag ar open M

Parlor Cars on day traint-F r Atlantic City a au 12 a oa

sad 1M sad p m weal days ttilt nooa-Sccdayr

For Cape week days UW nail lM p Q-

Exrept xExtwess tulsaHacjrace rahri lor amt cfc t t

west Seer York Avmte and ISth Street sad atDepot Telrpboe tirltet for B i O Elec-tric AntomokifeF D fNDERWOOO D B MARTIN

3d Vice Prr iBt Mcr TratSesad Gen Manager

Southern RyScbtotek ia eSeet July 1 1600Trains Irate from Penn Station

81 a a Dilly Luau fur Uarriconmir andfor Ckarlctie sail

1115 a m Unirr C S Pant Mail Sleepingears to New Orleans CoiwebU Md-JaeUoBvtUe anJIin at faHimsfj steeper f rAsheville Ckjattamtoga and iienKjikia sail atCharlotte with sleeper for Birmingham Solidtram Waamacua to New Oricau IIMng earservice

11 J7 a m Daily Local for CtormttesvOS-elH f m Work Baya Local file Passe Rajrjl-

StnsmMT atilt HaniMimarg4 JO p m BaUy Local tor CmwatteavWe9 p m kelly N Y JoIe ILxpre steep

Iso rues to AoRSMta with conatcrtaM tr Aikroand CWrlrsteia amt to iaauhami Port Tampa Through Hack to Joctuovrilfe-INfliac ear service

p m Daily Washington and CkatULimited Via Lynekmnc Sttrytuf to huneke KnoxviHe Chattanooca Memphis anti N-

OrieaM Through eoack to Dminc car

4 p m WaaVJaptoo soilera Limited atipintville CfeattoMMta ac4 NarfmOe aad to ArboU

kilo and New OrteaaB-TourW t Jc per Washington

WetbMMtaya and

TRAINS ON BLlEMONT BRANCHLeave Wakia to SM a m y 1 p m

435 p m 44t p m week darj coil t2i p m-

SetMhya lee Bhsemawt tS pL swg p m week dajns to

Through traiw train the Suit arriveten 6tS a 7 5 a ra 215 p BU ami SaO

doily Passe XairUommfc 113 a m workp au dairy from Ckxrlottcsvxll

49 p in m-

TfcVetJ steepiac ear reserratioa sad aCVr la-

termatlen fomfahed and baggage called tor andcheeked leant hotels noel r 4dmee nj Taton-Tractfer COL on orders left at Ticket OdOrs itSlith St NVT 511 Penn XTV and atPenn Station

Phone lilt fer P R IL Cab ServiceFRANK a CANNON3d V P and Hen

X 31 nr TrafSe Man Ker-X TURK Gneral Psisr A Ll-

L BROWS Genera Agent

VOH HEINT OFFICESFOR RENTHooics in building 032 F st nir

cheap rent Apply to W J DANTE IlntehiniICth sad D its ap2 tl



wt Cleveland


hsg to Pittdlttrczaapolu St IRI Suityllle t3nclanati ud



in Car Ie U45

iasra Falls daldaily except

WmiaMqlOlt tDy 330 tosad

Jet W S Y k P flyDat Steepiag let






ItntWHit A


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1 L workdays

SenalanreCIty m Leer oIEe

L r t-WftIk uttSI




1dorand at tMscums be left tile tit

treeske Rail

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tGnft Kenand Street

Chicago Northwest ue4 trains



oM x 2 msa dIe

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iIIp JtIlL

daysSS5 L JL S15 Ima is 5

Ma IlL and 146 p m

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505jag Cat apes at M Sundays

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a Kant

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For wick



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es cheehhe baggage

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HITCIftNSUN W0010-General Hacr raeaeer Agent


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way stations






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to Fassawosdays Fridays



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