waitn. a trip into spacs. - nys historic...

i*vi»u< THE SEOTTNTX to have an Intcrschol- I athletic meet in this city on us Day, October 142. Tfce Keys- et hold*, the count) «nd is refuiy to djefejrvd hJjjh school* in the ady to challenge the tt Is hoped th*< m*et will lie held l)*t* a wholesome spirit a between th* several high Ross, who was on Thursday I on a charge of commUtlnjr amult upon ycfttv old child was yesterday a bWrltwt before City Judge in c^fJ coUrl \&4i to await «tlo& 'o|[yfe ikwn&t- J%*. It ; that th« as«vult tu com- I in 4 lim^er-OTtt^. tw*r the lake claim* his ham* to SHI at Tl- t* ttttl« more than I O *! Blanche Peck. it« Of the Clinton county Jail. of city court show to*. twice, swUpced to the ft *rom county has served on« term In HusnevBe Officer $«aii**»> Mfes arr«l <* Ross. stiUe. *r haj» a, poor reputa- jBrpga-MX$. ihirt <* faf could leaj-n y«rt«r*e>y there for him in that village ••Wm*m % ^ * h enisle* tn*n -te .:t|^l^ : miFiK^1»ld : b f V 1 ^ 8UI«*,Commissioner Gilli- t r to aw«it t%e idlton of the Vn- ^ t e s gW«J Jury whksh "---'- wiftfc th»*b*tofc«r term of nisftricti wireless stations and signal service to fttitUtrargh ftom Dan and Ilvta* ^»th the Barrett woman has a husband at Xfeptmry, and after . T., Sept. If.—The laat «ft*ot.tht:ffr*4fclta county fair as- sA» a toaetaj aseees fprthe week whtt cloae* witfc splendid- racing and a «ao4r«ttandance. One of the fea- + , of th*, fair was Thuradw'e iaJl gacne between Cbamplain Bellmoat Center at whioh sU- Uen. full iontoga we» piaywJ wjien tfca-tanw w«ft called onVoooont of 4aV)M»aj|, Hit* snore bain* l to l. *ti» nsti^sjahient ia mnch pieaaed w«h «s^o»t4Xica« of the fain Today's .--,.• * « 4 .. 6 5 3 .15 4 6 »Ut if*^ MT *-*« 2 ' 16 1 -** .... Ill iM^ (Neville) ./ 12. f. ' " *"' '••••••" ' " " . , . . * a i .-. . : .- 4 4 A I iff 1-4, 2,18 1-4, 2.16 3-4, ; I^ayid Stern* of Piatt*- ft, sold his speedy unhoppled pa- c#rf Bll^y Howell, to WllUam AJU- so^r^ oj,WM^rtown. lite consideration waf npt made *)ut>I le but Mr. Allison aop^ra to ge pleased with the pur- cl^^;;mad% : ; ; ' r .. y .-yO'yy y. The New Torlc fcventnir Pest comes out this aitemoon In a column-'-etHtr- orlsl urgln« the nomination of iitr- v*y p. HInman In the RefMMblican prl- me^y. in th» coum of Its fsdltoriaJ th« Po*t sai«s: "Mr. Hlrvman wa* a :|eiier during hln eight v*ars df servic In iheepniUe at Albany. Toaclwir !«• all - nund h# added courage and inrtV- Bo that O overnor Hughes > to lean upon him perhaps more than on any oth>r iwrvator," ty. Hlmnaa is chosea to be our n»xl swvarnor there wJU ho in the oXttrtiUve «fflce a- man of force; a bU- tty, *P d « 4»>defliBhdfjice,- Thoroughly vefptod^ in I|^V Ins nnd outs <»f the Ajr hmmr «ov«r*w»«»t, a ipn vttid is oe the PjOnition and > tp the office.JJy con- tSJtWhllmiin would a tyro at Al- lUon Rip- t h» ediU>r)it I »§3s; 'Under th.© clrcujtt- : lend purseivts in H>m»a- thy i§th Mr Btimnon'M poHtjun in f^vor/of[;mfr. Ulnwuin,•" Mr. McKnl^lit cbairmkn o* the Hinman oampaIgi; committee, announced todaj- that at a meeting of regular Republicans ot the twenty-sixth assembly district, a resolution **$ adopted with much night endorsing th% candidacy of Mr. Hinman. JBenator Hlninan made his first iifteech In Greater Htm York tonight when addressed" the Voter* of pueon* county at Rlehmond* hatt. This afternoon Mr. Hinman spoke at the Westcheater county fair at White- plain* here he was enthusiastically received, .:. : ; / ' . . .'.;'• -: •'' y Quebec, 8*pt. 18— the Black Dia- mowl eollier Llngan rammed and sank the urovernment steamer Mont- "magmy iit 6 o'clock this morning dur- ing a tog at Beaujeau banks, a mile below t?rane island in the St. Law- rence river, and 2f> m4les from Que- bec. Fourteen persons, mem*>er* of ,the Monima«ny's crew and of the fajnllies of two lighthouse keepers •.board the Montrtiagny, lost their lives. .;: .;:-.'• : '•'-'•:'':'••:'. : ..••' '-Second Officer La Chance ot the lipntmagny died with two children In his arm* In an heroic attempt to rescue themi The children likewise perished: Mrs. Layallce, wife of the light- bouSekeeper at Flower Island, and her four children were also lost* Ura. Richard, wife of a lighthouse keeper at Belle Isle, and her seven were aboard the Montraag- How many of them were saved was not known;this morning. Survivors of the crash were plcXtJ up by the »*eam cotllet PoUha and taken to Orossp Island. The govern- ment boat Alice wa* ordered to f>t*lnH them from Groawe Isle to Quebec, al- so the bodies of the two babies who were drowned. 'Bhe Montmacny waa on her way from Quebec tp the Gulf of St, lAw* r*nae and the Straits of Belle Isle, She haa aboard a and <provisions for Newfoundland. ca/so of coal stations along the coast. The Montgmany was bound down the river for the straits of Belle Isle with coal and supplies for the wire- less stations. The crash occurred about one mile ba)ow Crane Island. The blow which "sank rhe vessel struck her in a vital spot. According to the schedule of th% 1914 official tour of the New York atftjA Automrtblle Association, mem- toers of that organisation arrived ut the AuflBlble Chasm House yesterday aCtarnoon and were greeted there b> S4 lajrgf of automobilists. from tbk» city, ainoii« th*m being O*org« E. Cavanttgh,^^ president of the FlatUi* ^ttrgh flwtomofaile club, <J. H. Rre*fott m & CalianMt, Xh J, Callanan. G E. Irwnltttt, W. H. Howell, liMu'-'. 3. K RUey. W EJ. Heffernon, W, I- Battis- son, Hon. V. F. Gowffay, C. H Oliver and Bk F. Botsforfl. flPlie visitors were tajcea thrombi •useJble Chasm and were escorted through the crountte of Hotel Ch»nv- plaln and Plattsburjrh Barracks. The oW«ct of tha tour i« to stimulate the gtwai roadt muvement in this atate weM as to encourage every U&w Yprfc •Uute automobiHat to <4 «ee New York fitau First". This latter 1« in fact the 1*14 slosan of the Asswrtation. Among those of the tour stopping at the Wlth«rUl House at this tim« are A. 3. peer, of Hornell, ureeldent of the Hew TorK State Automobile Association; Frajrft M, DeueuW »f Tro5%vic«'President of the state a*. sckiaiioA ami ipresktent of th« Troy Asitomo^Ue Club; John M. Ross, of Urtca, vlce-preai dertt of the state a*- •oclatlon and secrftarj- of the Utlca Auterooblle Club and Frarvk Vau#hn. repreaentlng the eyndlcabe of Net* Tork city, and state newspapers as the oftfclal "war; correfspeiklent^ in the campaign againsi hadroads. Titere will be -.'*. tol« xneeting at the, court hous© thi* morning at 11 o» clock at which local automoblltets will be present with those vteitinj? this city on the official tour. MAyor (loft will preside at the *tneetlh«. It is hoped and ur«ed that every automo- •bile own^r, farmer, merchant or t*i>r- *on interested in irood roa>ds be prea- ent and by so help the ,1300a mark alonj?. Let there tie a 'hljt turh- e m * .: : -;-: ; •• ; . : ; / . - [••';•.'•':'••.•, The state h^ghwny o>partm«iit will probfcbl)' be re>p^e#ent#d at the me«t- Injpr »hl» morninif: by First Deputy Commigrtoher <Teor*ce A. Rick or, a* Commissioner Carl i»le was called away ytRterday on official business. One or the other of thwe men h«Vfc been with tf>e tour pntctlpally sine* It started. ",;,.• .''.•-".-..' ; ' -/: : . . ' Bu,p^rlntpn4ent of Prisons John B- Riley hn» apofcen at a m»nnber ox these meet|BK» and will rejoin th« lour In a few days, aieantime, his subject, "Convict La4>or vn Rood*" wm be haatHed by F^eftldent Deer ^»o wiso bus handled other routes on the jwoxrani in the a^encf of, th» iiarticukir man ttt whom it was smy JrtBMKL^ 8«per^tend>ewt Riley*^ a*l^ drenn has created at"'all pbintjn along 1 the road the •Kreatewt.-interest anil one af the most dtucussed s<rt*jecti ot Chd tour; On Friday trf last week the state tourlsta visited Great Meadow* Rrison which visit w«a^both Interest^ Ins and instructive. There is the heartiefit co-oDeratlon 'between the «ta4* highway and 4he atatVs: uriison dtpartments. Enthu»la»tic m^-tinifs have been helil everywhere. The party has u>« unliy (>f-en reo»»ived at towns aContT tht- route ity from to l.er. cars from local- clubs. .Saturday wim spent ui Port Ilr-nry Westptirt, KHzabolhtavrn. Ultf. I'lackl And Saranoc Lake Tomorrow the; lit the] nf:irio I tour aIW1II«S t< Ut. Lawrence and I- town. atMjUH othW ««ctM Uif viHit nmvtud with a < tnteTlor I Of liif . Malotle and to the Lake inx «»ir h<f«.iir state. ii rrt \?n t., IfiW] <:i»xrv. The tot •.tl "K Us Mil u a! Mornell. Auir. 3lit and endii there »>n Octoifoer 2/ James Staples, the colored waiter from Hotel Champlain, arrested on Thursday on suspicion <>f bHng im- plicated in the theft of th<> money box from the hotel dining room dur- ing the forenoon of the day of hi* arrest, was on Saturday held by Jus- tice of the Peace McMasterft to await the action of the grand Jury on n charge* of grand larceny In the ««•- cond degree. In default of bail the prisoner -was committed to the coun- ty jail. In the examlrmtion of the prisoner the prosecution waa conducted by District Attorney John K, Collins and W. L. Pattlson. attorney for the hotel company, and the accused had as his attorney li. F. FinberK, Hwt Among the wltn»*Jwe« who t^stift^d was a man employed about the hotel grounds, who swore that about the time the box was missing from the dining room he saw a colored man crosing (he lawn with a tin box cov- ered hy an overcoat under his arm. When the colored man reached the edge of the wood he .ntnrted to run. The witness described the man as similar In build to the prisoner. A cook employed ut the hotel testified that shortly after 11 o'clock last Thursday forenoon he saw Staples, with whom he la well acquainted, leaving the hotel and that at the time he had something wrapped in an overcoat under hi* arm. He called to Staples through the window at which he was fftandlng. but Staple* did not reply to hint. The youn*r lady cashier who was on duty at the time the box WM stolen testified to the fact that Btaple.H had at tlmen anoyed h«»r by standing near her and intently watching her while abe was on duty. At the close of the evidence JUH- ty^e Mo Mast eta stated that In his opinion there was sufficient evidence to Justify holding the prisoner for the grand Jury and fixed the amount of ball at $500, in default of which the prisoner was sent back to jail. The hew winter tlme-taible on the Chaanplain I>ivi»lon of the I >. & I? , "weiit Into effect en the Champlaiii <Jivydqn of the road yesterday morn- ing. The srheduie prtrt'ides f«>r a num* ber of radical changes in the train Bervice of the past «imm«r. The most radical of these chahges is th* an>an. donfrnent of one of the train»—k nown a» sle«iper»—tnavin^; >Bot h north and south daily between New Vort* and Motttreal, Another change of inipoTt- ance is placing in service of a train oet-w^en thia city and Montreal, dally exce^H {Pttiniday, the train ibe.in#r'-'.'made up at Platbiburgh and leaving here at 7 a- m.» returning arrive In this t k y a t 8 : 5 0 p nil.-- '•: - ; : : •[ V - •••- Tralnf now arrive and leave this city a* follows: North bound—-No,'- 5, arrive daily at 4vSu &* m., leart^ at 3 at m.; No. l, arrives dally except Sun^ day at i :^5 p. m,, leiivea at 1MB -i»-. mi; No. ;J, arrives at 5:i0 p. m . leaves at 5:25 p. m.; No. 13, arrives daily ©xcept Sunday at i i : W p. m. South boundr^No. 'bfi leaves Pratts- bungh at 8:116 *iu my No. ~f arrives deiiy at 11:23 a, m,, leaves at U 2 . a.TO.; So. $ arrives dallj-^except iB.u hr day at teJ5 p. m, leavea at 4:45 p. m,i No. S arrives dally except Sunday- a t 8:&6 p. in.; No. 10 arrives dally at ii):2i> p; nr., Jeaveir nt :1»:2S p. m* Qi{ the Ch^teau^iy branch the morning train leaves Piattsburjrh dail>' at; 8:<0 a, hi , and the afternoon train/^ilj' except Sunday at, 8:05 p. m. Returning the mornihir train ar> rIves in tnis city dally excejpt Sunday ;ui l<):5li a in., and the a/lerju>on train arriveft aWly at 4:30 p, m. On the Auftftble 'hranch the traias le*,ve Piattat>urirh d«Uy except Sun- day at 6:10 a. m.r and 1 :,<5 p, m. Re- turnlf^t they arrive In this city at *;3| a. rn, attd 4:J5 p . m . Train No, i. which leaves here at l.<ISv'arriving: at Rouses Point at two dm*s not msike aaj 1 Hontfeal connec- tion at that p<>lht, the Grand Truak loeal "leaving twenty minutea before the arrlvul af t h e I>, jfc- H.; trajn. A-n- other f|u?t which the traveling p'trblic- should ftiear in mind Is that No. 1«, the south 'bound »l^epe-r makt-s no stops .between, this * ity and WhUehiH for the purpose of letting olt p*issen>* ftrTx, Pl^ittsburgh hi-ln^- the on-Iy revr^ uilur stoji between Roitsea I'uirit and Whitehall. New VTork, Sept. 29,— The rapidl> growing Jttrfjngth of Harvey D. Hi«- ma«'* canvashj for th«- Republican m>- minwt.ktn fur goveAnar betomes tht most Kir^ing feature of the primary CHBHJ>ui|tn, His rivala in the contest, THstrk-t Attorney Whitman and Jtit|> K, Medgi'«, unnuuneed their oandidw- cl-fij»' HMdiths ago and both have IM'WI hard at Work Mince last sprmx. Mr. \Vhitn |an h*» had behinkl: him the poworful influence of ChalntKiit Rarx n^ t»f the Rei>ttJ-illcs»n State Commit- tee; Hei'btirt Parsons, fornier chair- n^an of the New Vark county conv- miltee, ajvd I red Oreiner, lUiiUsblkaft leader In Brl*. The Whitman lejiders l>eUeved that this* forniidaslUe alliance w<^ultl prove* invlncBbli*. They \>¥mn hy injdistinK that Senjitur Hlnin»ti would Hush third In the race, but they aopiv were furced to concede him thy '-He.c-.omv pluce, and : how they art- out ransack- iiH? thf ata'e fur Whitman vote.s : to HU'ift the tide for IJiurmm ;in0 th*y ,e iMfit cumitfUw] w KVIH] .\ii, \Vhi.im:iiv'.hlin>*c*lf Into-fhf' rural cuitti- Knrolled R^puii. voter** .. ... '.•..•;';. -, ..... ;.-• 1,3«>' .'. > : ,'. . .\Vv,';.;. ..::• y'tji'i '.'. ..... 1.025 CJouhty. Alt^hany . Broomf . . Catterauisiis Ciiyugft . ."•. Chautamiqa Clinton ... <"onlatul imt<'h«n>i ICNMVX . FulK'it ;uid Herkimer New York N.anarn . Kockliintl Santtoga St-ul»en Kulllvtin Tiotra- Trrmpvctn W«rr«*n Total 17K.t;lM» The anntfnnt-ement of this list b> rhnlrman J. •* Mi-Knight of thi- Hin- man primary itani>|>uiv:n tMintnJttet-, with the jvimen ot thwni-n who are leading th*' Hitiiman tVvht in each or the ooimtUs. afoUMwl the Whitman manager* from their fain*- security and fw^t them hu*tlh»*. When John Hovln, a Whitman manager read the \t$\ hi' declared that Whitman had Torty countleM 'behind h i m . 1-ut he did ?M*t n a m e them. '• / Xf»; Sl« ;•..-. V :; liKPoirr OF TUB ct)»Ni>iti<jN' OF Thv First Xationtil Ba-nk. at Charn- piatn.'. N. Y. in the State of New York, at." the flow uf inv»int»»s*, •Spptvmber- 12th, 1914. < to try Hi The n-ufon Whltmaii cjn patch up bin lon«*s lor (Inn :tcti\ity in the ip ix the f.«-t that fh t>i>dtrrn *n llnrty-rhjc rli wb i^mlz:Uh us, h.i\« ..r Mi. M111111.u1 Jnhm Wilson, aged T.fi. died sud- denly >e.sterday morning at about U o'clock at his home, 26 oak Htreet, ufter an attack of acute indi^eKtlon of a fe-w minutes' durutlon. Mr. Wilson, who for the past eiftht year? has been the sexton at St John's Wiurch. rnttg th»> Ani<elus yes- terday inornlnjt un\»at and ar- ranged the altar for early mass waa customary. During this early service, he was !ln*t taken ill and left the church, returning to his home where he laid down on a couch. A few mlnute« later a priest wa» called and Dr. Thompson sumnioryed^ The physician at once recosrnized the ser- iousness of the case and Informed the. family of the fact. In a few moments Mr. Wilson passed away. He is survived by' his wife, four sons. James, of Utlca; John, of Mon- treal; Frank, of Schenectady, and Cleortre, of this city, and four daugh- ters, Mrs. Ray Conners. Miss Anna Wilson, Miss Agnes Wilson, and Miss Hernadette Wilson, all of this city. He leaves two brothers, Andrew Wil- son and Jame» Wilson, both of thin city. The notice of funeral will be given later. *Clene/' l>uikette, the Pkittaharjrh hoy who fur three years was one of the stars of the Brawn I'niversUy team, and who durinK the present season has made Rood with the Now Bedford toarn of the New Knvland le'ipuc., may KO to the 1-Vderal leauwtt at the clow* of the season.. Dmketi** now covwinx first for the Colonial* anil his work in that position and with th*> stick has attracted th*- -it. tentlon of the big feaigue .«*'outM. The "liroeklon Tii»«s wf recent date hu* the following; coiwernln-r Uifkett**, who Is well knuwn and popuhfr in Uii> city: 'Talk of Colonial Us'iuruers aban- doning orjr.UlLRed bosit4>aU to cayt their hit with the KetfernJs is in tht* air. The lirw case In that *>:' "Ut-n**" Dukclte, the flar /wnt HOi'ker <if tho Wlwvkirj*, "l>ukH" hasfeeen :ij>l>roach- eJ by the outlaw 4»rganlzati«in and ut iKite is undecided whether to mak«» the jump. Humor has* It, however^ that Duke will accept the f-ed offer: he nays he probubly will. If he duets the fuel remains, what Is tht- Colon- ials' loss is the Feds' gain. "Dulse-' 1 had a «ood year in the Cope-n circuit, despite his handicap i»f a rather poor start. He nlovited the. pill for aUiiit 33U, fields and run tho basefi with rare Judtcmcnt. "l>uke" ia JIU younK>*ter at tht» imme, havitw olayed year* more of basefcall than th- 1 majoritv <.f hi*, younofer aj*sociate>* in the- Colniiial. ]>utint: hi* course ai liruwn rnivfrsity Dukette w.i.s three times returned ,is the choice !nr A11- Intfrcolle+rtjtte second 'busemiin FU hns iilwiHH lM»en coiutlder«-d a <ra<-k- n-jack fielder, and when ir ci*me.M t-i Mmashinir them on the seam with HKMJ on the. ha*s(M-ky. that is .ni**t where ••Duke 11 is ,-.t hum*-. "All of thf big league *'t>iu? whn , hiw watched tho New lie«lford mat in action during the pa«t yum me r ;\r< OIUI in the opinion that he w. ( t iu«< t< Kit Up when the drafts were put : - fui th<e minor Ifatruers." uit WAitn. Lo nd -l>j How a Pot or Pmn or Evan a Hat May Bo Ut«d aa a Lif* Praterver. The worst thiug to do in an accident 4. on the water is to llounder around aud KB sbrltk and cry. That expels the air . . .$42fi,24r).0i from the lungs,- nml then the body IImpfensUe iH!(l will quickly sink. With this fact iiu- I would be lt» A TRIP INTO SPACS. With a p««p at the Milky Way and It»j Fiery Spiral Nebula. If-yon-'t>ooid' stand Htlil and let "world gliile.'from under you th« I obiwacterist.tc-. of «Mni>tUu*s,'its awful t'. H. Bonds to secure cir- culation .... ..- ... tftiiei nutlUS tt.* HCCUIt* f'ostal Savi'nipt . .$t S,tMM) Bonds, '•Securities, «tc. (other rhan S t o c k s )i;".V.' Banking H..u^, Furnl- ti!r«'. an-<l---.Fi-xt«re#-;', .-. . Duo from St.atn ami l'rj- vntf Rank't* and Man-kvn*, Trust Coinp'ii-niVs.. and Savin KS ,. . , . . . , . . , . liji*. from -.approved- lt<- sei-vt* Aifpsits in <Vn- tral Rpserve Citios .V. Notes of .»th«*r .Natlon-al Banks. ... . .", , . . . . . . Nickt'ls'-and-' rVnis. , . . I j e j r a l - t e n d f r n n t c » . . . . . Rfdemption fund tvtth t?. ,S. Trwvsurcr (5 JMM; 'cent. of cirmilfiiinn) , ... , . . , • T o t a l •...• ........ IJABILIT1KS C a i H t a l yrttjek p t i l d i n . . . . Sttrpl'us fund . . . . . . . . . . Undivided Profits.'-lean Kx- penspft aiid TUXCM paid. Rf 8#TV^tl for '-'tiixes-,- .;'.-: . . National Bank .-Notes suit. standing 1 . . . . . . .-'.--. .--.. . individual' dypo-slt.s suUjeet to cheek.. .. •••.,.. : ., . .Demand. eertlfieatert •".'.-•«•( deposit. . ... ;,'.' ...... TirtH' cerfifioates of ei«?- poslt payttble after SO days ftr after notice of 30 duys or kinser. . . . . / Postal Savings deposits. .. Liabnitrea^other thaii thosie stated above. , . . . .-.'. . Total ... .,...: STATK OV NEW YORK, CHnton, «s.: \ oit.fMJU.nu- l^fvittSO 4,0fta.00 Zfi HI. 4'»- •2:4.aS4.f»'2\ •2.01.^00 :i'».9-9 £fi, \ A fK'0.0 13,2 5 0.0.9" 5,i)iHV.f)() iiao^Hni.ow r.rt ooo oo 3G;.t57,8;i 2.i 1 2. to -100.OJIV.flO : 11 5,^8»;76 " •'• ; . : ' ': . 260,981,95 , - - - - - : - . - 4J2t>M •i'l..-,S'$4.S'S |79 4,147; 06 County of I, Jno. H; Crook, Cashier of the ai>oved-TiaiYve<t bank, do solentnly r>5 1 derstood we may exi>erlroent with 'a j number of thlnjfs to show uow.--'little.tt lakes to sopport the body. The high »i-itM!c.e. of which uiau knows aboutJMl much as the deep sea fish do of tnelri A* the sun went saiUnjjf tw^fj silk hat of tunn co.ntaias sat8ctent air | its plaitets would close In oue of t to keep hira from ninkinjr if lie gt*aBps it by the rim and holds It upright so that .--the air is Imprisoned under the hat Even a derby hat will support a half grown bby or girl SfbeJd right Dlsbpans and buckets .or Un pall* can also be used as life preserver*, la- had tbelr boat upset in a oiouutJiiu lake. Ail of '.them except one could swim. This;girl bad an. Umbrella, with her, raised to ward off tlie sun's rays when the accident occurred, Finding.- beraelf in the water some dlstaxKre froM the boat «oe grabbed for the nearest thing in reach. It prpvesrt to'be her umbrella, floating with the bundle down ini-. toe water. She threw both arms frantkuHy aroutid too open tjro- brella. To her surprise and to that of her comrades, Bhe did not si ut. The imprteoneclair under the nmbrellu sup- ported her bead above tbe water untlj heiparriv«l. The small amount of air contained in a bicycle tire will keep one's head above water for hours. Even:if one Is a fair swimmer, tbe day may come when a knowledge of some of these every day life preservers will proves qrf tbe greatest value. If thrown in the water a long distance from shore you ioiay be able to float an4 swim wltJS* such an aid three titues as far -as yoJn cbutd without tbem. —George SI Walsh in Leslie's. t is Knd swear that the above stuterm- true to the best of my knowledg belief. .INO. H. CROOK, Cashier. Subscribed and #wom before w thin 17th day of S^ptembfr, 1914 KZRA TRBPANIKJR, JR., Notary Public. l\)KRKSCT— Attest: JA8. AVRRU.L, JR. f*HAti. W. Mrf-BLUN, W. II. DUNN, Directors. .;•• ,'•• .../ a ^ t s r atilK •-.-• ; : : :' : : One of the prlneipai owners of promising gold mine was expatiating on Its merit* to a capita 11st and pro- upeetive Investor. He 4f* cr " :>€ ^ * tte vein In which the BiifleTS were w<wk; Ing, showed hini 8p^fnj«n|i of tbe ore anft backed up his stnteinents with the written opinions of experts/ : "Weil," admitted the Capitalist M it looks m it it might b^ a good infest ment. As my old Uncle Hlrtin would say, it has'pinte;'» •'Pintai?*fcxelaimed[the ownf«r, car- ried away perhaps by bia oTer-anitlety. ^Wby, sir, were In quartz Tigftt howl" Buri.d With Doll*. In the Chinese morgue one of the sti-Auge algbtB Is a number of life sit* rtolUj wiilch are burned to accompany the conges as their servants to the next world. They are doubtless n relic of the time when human beiugs were thus burned as compuuloiia of the de ceased. Mor* D«rkn»«s. "I'm all ia the dark about how these bills are to be paid," said Mr. Iiai'dup to his wife. "Well, Henry," said she as she pulled out a colored one and laid it on the pile, "you will be if you don't pay taut one, for it's the gas bill." Vegetable Spongw. Vegetable sponges are used a great deal by the poorer class of uatirfs in Ecuador. They assert they art* better In washing dishes and in bathing thun lire the animal sponges. Athletes of India. The wrestlers and athletes of India develop great strength by living on milk, a little goat's nesb aud pleuty ot food made from flour. until apparently consumed by wtC rays. Before you had passed tttfOugti the orbit of Neplutic the son iA look no larger than <m ate light. er and fainter, deprived bit by bit tifi Its dominance, it would tfn&Hy fttdft Into A pitiftil spark. In spite t vert these la the water and grasp the { tensent efforts to keep that rim with both hands aud do m»t ! l Ml!t 't clear of lt« fellows, tt would Up them »o the air can escape. Not | last melt Into thu multitude of s long ago a party of girl* out rowing j lights that mike up the Milky TAKING MEDICINE. There Are Many Way* of Doing It, but Only On* Right Way. Take a fluid reiutxiy from a medicine glass or from a silver spoon. Chemical action of some liquids upon brass creates a liquid that would be fatal if takeu Into the stomach. A good role is never to take medicine from aay- thing made of the coarser metals. While pouring the medicine from bottle to spoon or cup hold the'bottle so that the label is uppermost. This will prevent the medicine pouring orex the label and staining if not obliterat- ing It This precaution, especially in the case at liquid* that mlgbt be harm- ful if takeo by mistake or in the wrong quantity, is Inoperative, Unless directions require yon to take medicines full strength, it is better to dilute them half aud half with watte Never take doses larger than those specified in the direction* Better that they be smaller. Under no circumstances take medi- cine in the dark. The reason ts Ob- vious, Read the frequent news of deaths of persons who bare taken poisons by mistake. Be sore never to pour medicine back iuto the bottle. Never fail to shake the bottle before taking * dose or tbe< contents. If there be any sbjn of sedi- ment, shake the more. Unless directed otherwise yon would better take ait capsules, pills or tab- lets with a half glass of water. Never use a Huiment near an open flame, for a liniment usually contains some combustible element Always rub a liniment Iuto the skin until it ts nearly dry. Be sure to brush the teeth after tak- ing medicine, since many mudlclnus contain acids or iron, both of wbicb are injurious to the teeth. Keep effervescent medicines In a cool place.—New York American. id henceforth, seek ns you mlgttt, you cuuid never tllstlhK'Ush yonr SM again. Lost ! in the Milky WSJ, tl would !K> ua ituUie to try to and l i t * to Und a certain grain of dust Wbieb you had noticjed settling cm a country road. Then drifting spltellke out IDto nothingness you would be q by myriads of brilliant lights. 8«e& they would impress you with this »t*f* tiiug fact: The universe of stars it $r* ranged like a mighty world. TtW Milky wny encircles the skies t*#J| much as the equator does this ttb and since life ts most abundant 8 south so the stars grow ttilckf«t af^jt the Milky way. I*t tlie eye trtfll away toward the Imaginary north taft south poles, and not only do Use stttfc thin out. but entirely new forms 4d$ star lifo make their appearance, ,;i Through the telescope they ate Ing more than filray patches ot to the cameras and 8pwtro»eop observatories they become tb© amH atunclng and frightful spectsclet olAft osture. They show themselves tbtfi to i>e stupendous whirlpools of tire, laeoi^ cdvabh? In msgnitude, thouasnd* of "light yeors M away (light tt»v 185.000 miles a second), wbere systems of sans are being slowly « ed. We call them "spiral netmla,* to describe them we need the of Qod hhusetf. They measureless caldrons, where, hit stirs cosmic dust until new and float off inflamingb are so untbinkabiy gigantic Is no perceptible motion to them. ready the cameras have recorded^ eral hundred thousand ta of condensation, presenting ntable challenge, perhaps ajgi |- to those who would solve the the unlvemc—ilaxweil Parry cago Herald. "Bobby. How She Etcaped. **Algy fell in love wlUi a girt at the glove couuter. He bought gloves every day for a week. To discourage bis at- tentions she became a manicure." "Then be bad bia nails manicured every day, 1 s'pose." "just so. However, I don't tbittk ] Vni been doin* through the JMSi Spandino the piy. A woman from out of toSm wl Uito one of the big hotels- ii^i morning and wrote ber name oa regteter. ; v ;: ' ';. "•*•:• . _: ':'[';..•-;"*' "Wiiflt. madam.- said thecootnt with one of those engaging smlfs* til Wbteh he la fnnwus, "cau I oir»> |^»61 tha w a y of/ a rooroT* *>-' y - >; " •*0hi I doo't waBt« vHcm^ W%i reply. "1 anj jnst epeudjog tl» hetf.'- : -':"../:- ••'-•-:;-'':•''h';-;, '•Good thing some people speM « thsto that with us;" remarked tt» < to blmself as she turned sufttt away,—New York Tltnes,;' >y-y-"'"' : - A Lawyer's Bill. A lawyer's bill, like the plumb*?* H full of detail, t have just seen a tp«*- njen sent to a business triced of mUM^ who, anxious to settle up bis accoua% telephoned to his lawyer. The IB. came In with elaborate detail, and t& last item was, "To attending JNMI Wi the telephone in answer to font Wh quest for bill, 8s. 6d." My frlejfd * # * ed he would see them tn-chanssry isV fore he paW that and strode tt London Chronicle. Bobby's Idea. suppose 700 say prayers «Tety oil^bt.** « Y e s 1 n > : ' ; , . : . . " - . : . : - . ; - . - - - : : - . ^ } : . , "And what ate the things yoa D»j;t f o r r - ••••. •.-• / " ; -.'• ;: •••:•. : ; - . ' i r "HosUy that pop won*t find oot W0«l: he'll follow her any farther, 1 -Why hot? 1 * Then »be got employment with a dentist"— Houston Post Boston Transcript Right on the Job. "Fti'm de very minute ole man Bj|fljs| wuz to! 1 tor keep up de fire he's DMn| Meadow Larks. | strictly on de job. I makes no doubt. In mnny lwalltles the meadow lark j dat one reason be keeps tt bright tt\ Is shot for git me. From the fHnner's ; kaae he don't want no sbtner t«r kMfi point of view this is a mistake since jd«* way ter whar he lives at" Salt In the Coffin. In certain localise* in the old world the/ put salt in tbe coffin before It is Iow«rsd into the. grare. This is tbe survival of an andest custom which was once trairersaj. The cuatom gr«w out of the Idea that SaUn bates salt because it is the symbol of Uucorrup- Uon aud immortality. : ThaSnMtf. : . People saj "Ood bless me" after sneezing, from tbe fact that In the days of the plague tbis terrible malady be- gan with violent anfiSing and other to- dlcatloos of cold. The«cclamation was thus orlstakjUf a prayertob# deUrered from tbe plague. Her Inhiatlv^ "Mr. WUgos tr|s<fr to ktB* m» hut ereuiDH/* "How dared h s r -Hi 4Mot| I «a*s4Wp.--«Usburgh Cultur*. Culture familiarity with the liest •bat has been done or tUougbt It ia the soul's warm rtieudsliip of the great spirits, living and dead.-1311 tis. H«r Choicf. its value as an Insect eater is far great- er than uny «t>ort it can furnish. The boll weevil and the alfalfa weevil are j among the turtles It habitually eats, [ 25 per cent of Its diet being thi9 class of food. It also eats large quantities of caterpillar*, cutworms, grasshoppers und army worms. Had Already Don* So. Father—Now, Mabel. I r ll tell you ft Constitution. title was ronferred by the erttttjf of lloloKtiu. The tirst doctor of medi- cine wti.H William Uordeulo, who re- ceived the title from the college st AaU lu 13LU Not Particular at tor Weapon*. I hey were sistejuin.lnw nnd reason- j V( felJow { wlsh vou woul(i grow t(V j The waiter «lrl knew a thiog or two ably well disptwd toward vsi-h otlu-r. | fiite-young Wl^loy llu'll make a nolso "bout tuble ethiuette. so she sniffed (*ne was the mother of r^.r.tv. aw*'d | | n t h e WOrld imL wh§t you least look »corufully as nhe Raid. "It's not our six months, aud the other was tli mother of MarluoV aged six months and four dayi*. "'M a rla n does not see ui to gro w vv ry fast," said the »«i6tlier.of •'(?eorgt*. >vith ** suggestion of tommberatiou in her toiieau/'tieorge ii* mu<h ti'Ucr"— (height being iiieHSuff d in iivclit»st. ''Perhaps he is," rvplW- the niotliyr of .\larlan cohlly, '•hut M«riun Aycigbs niwi».' fur It. him slzwl uj> all right dud: 1 b^rti him eating soup In a restaurant UUe other day,—London [ - « « ' " - - ' "'• ' " " ' - - Totally t3iff«rent. "I hcHtd that y<)i«' citKtt^t'UiC'nt to Adela has been btuktij, nn'd I j.>ri.»sutn'e tUa.t. It was cauM.'d. by your fwiku; of ••luHcacy-'at heutitiy;• f-tiat sht- had m hej|t<'(l a large furturic." -Not at all. U was caiwetj l,y tu-r iiidt4'ii«t<' ustom to serve n kulfe with pie "N" kl h No prise. p Kxrhange. the patron In sor» "Then biiug me uu ax, please.** "Ob, well," respomled tho sister in- [ln<U4ioite .'firllng• im leiirumg tlmt J law, with a siuile c»f lilgb bred SUIKTI- bail uumoney "-Kichange. , I ority, *'of course i sboultl not wish :•"••..••— *.[ CJeorge to b« tros^." KxcluvuRe. Pretty BUnt. . . ' , , Kidcrfy l.n<!y l»o.tui\ i am trov Attar of Rot«a. ' j'wltl* a. IvaHucliia.titMi that I « i n .1' At the Natural History Museum. "Will you please direct me to tfc* ball or inebriates?" "Kr - Invertebrates next room to your right unless you wish to S£t tfett Bilakvs."—Life. Persian attar of roses I* quite differ- ent from the Bulgarian prodtu-t. The roses of the Persian district of Fans have been famous for mjnty.centuries. follow oil hy a i.ttait What Kort Honest Th ml Leader. Brte and Fans. [ The ordinary folding fan was tnv*a> j ed in the seventh century by a Jap-' Ri>«*H# nrtlst, who derived the Idea from watching a bat cloning its Wtuga. All Settled. Howard—I hear your daughter is gq^ l\5Unr, t, ing to marry an Bnjglsb noblesuau. la it all settled! Coward-x^s; ey«ry Log*cai. 1 It develo[>ed I huuld »IM uttiu-kM! at Its I Brooklyn Eagle, Change of Program, , . Scott—How long were you a way <m your wedding tour? Mott—Too toag; It develo[>ed Into a lecture tout.-* ,,„,,,,„«,. "t ;, r" b"Isl l He who follows two bares is sure t% r*tcb u^ltber.-Uia Sayiug. f -^

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to have an Intcrschol-I athletic meet in this city on

us Day, October 142. Tfce Keys-et hold*, the count)

«nd is refuiy to djefejrvdhJjjh school* in the

ady to challenge thett Is hoped th*<

m*et will lie heldl)*t* a wholesome spirit

a between th* several high

Ross, who was on ThursdayI on a charge of commUtlnjr

amult uponycfttv old child was yesterday

a bWrltwt before City Judgein c^fJ coUrl \&4i to await

«tlo& 'o|[yfe ikwn&t- J%*. It J»;that th« as«vult t u com-

I in 4 lim^er-OTtt . tw*r the lake

claim* his ham* to SHI at Tl-t* ttttl« more than

I O * !

Blanche Peck.

it« Of the Clinton county Jail.of city court show to*.twice, swUpced to theft *rom county

has served on« term InHusnevBe Officer $«aii**»>Mfes arr«l <* Ross. stiUe.

*r haj» a, poor reputa-jBrpga-MX$. ihirt <* faf

could leaj-n y«rt«r*e>y there l»for him in that village

••Wm*m % ^ * h enisle* tn*n -te.:t|^l^:miFiK^1»ld:

b f V 1 ^ 8UI«*,Commissioner Gilli-

tr to aw«it t%e idlton of the Vn-^ t e s gW«J Jury whksh "---'-

wiftfc th»*b*tofc«r term of nisftricti wireless stations and signal service

to fttitUtrargh ftom Danand Ilvta* ^»th the

Barrett woman has a husbandat Xfeptmry, and after

. T., Sept. If.—The laat«ft*ot.tht:ffr*4fclta county fair as-s A » a toaetaj aseees fprthe weekwhtt cloae* witfc splendid- racing anda «ao4r«ttandance. One of the fea-

+ , of th*, fair was Thuradw'eiaJl gacne between Cbamplain

Bellmoat Center at whioh sU-Uen. full iontoga w e » piaywJ wjientfca-tanw w«ft called onVoooont of4aV)M»aj|, Hit* snore bain* l to l.*ti» nsti^sjahient ia mnch pieaaedw«h «s^o»t4Xica« of the fain Today's

. - - , . • * « 4

. . 6 5 3. 1 5 4 6

»Ut if*^ MT *-*« 2'16 1-**

. . . . I l li M ^ (Neville) . / 1 2 . f.' " * " ' ' • • • • • • " ' " " • . , . . * a i

.-. . : .- 4 4 AI i f f 1-4, 2,18 1-4, 2.16 3-4,

; I^ayid Stern* of Piatt*-ft, sold his speedy unhoppled pa-

c#rf Bll^y Howell, to WllUam AJU-so r oj,WM^rtown. l i t e considerationwaf npt made *)ut>I le but Mr. Allisonaop^ra to ge pleased with the pur-cl^^;;mad%:;; ' r .. y .-yO'yy y.

The New Torlc fcventnir Pest comesout this aitemoon In a column-'-etHtr-orlsl urgln« the nomination of i i t r -v*y p . HInman In the RefMMblican prl-me^y. in th» c o u m of Its fsdltoriaJth« Po*t sai«s: "Mr. Hlrvman wa* a:|eiier during hln eight v*ars df servicIn iheepniUe at Albany. Toaclwir ! « •all - nund h# added courage and inrtV-

Bo that O over nor Hughes> to lean upon him perhaps more

than on any oth>r iwrvator,")« ty. Hlmnaa is chosea to be our

n»xl swvarnor there wJU ho in theoXttrtiUve «fflce a- man of force; a bU-tty, *Pd« 4»>defliBhdfjice,- Thoroughlyvefptod^ in I| V Ins nnd outs <»f the Ajrhmmr «ov«r*w»«»t, a i p n vttid is oe

• the PjOnition and> tp the office.JJy con-

tSJtWhllmiin would b« a tyro at Al-lUon Rip- t h» ediU>r)it I

»§3s; 'Under th.© clrcujtt-: lend purseivts in H>m»a-

thy i§th • Mr Btimnon'M poHtjun inf^vor/of[;mfr. Ulnwuin,•" Mr. McKnl^litcbairmkn o* the Hinman oampaIgi;

committee, announced todaj- that ata meeting of regular Republicans otthe twenty-sixth assembly district, aresolution **$ adopted with much

night endorsing th%candidacy of Mr. Hinman.

JBenator Hlninan made his firstiifteech In Greater Htm York tonightwhen h« addressed" the Voter* ofpueon* county at Rlehmond* hatt.This afternoon Mr. Hinman spoke atthe Westcheater county fair at White-plain* here he was enthusiasticallyreceived, .:. :; / ' . . .'.;'• -: •'' y

Quebec, 8*pt. 1 8 — t h e Black Dia-mowl eollier Llngan rammed andsank the urovernment steamer Mont-"magmy iit 6 o'clock this morning dur-ing a tog at Beaujeau banks, a milebelow t?rane island in the St. Law-rence river, and 2f> m4les from Que-bec. Fourteen persons, mem*>er* of,the Monima«ny's crew and of thefajnllies of two lighthouse keepers•.board the Montrtiagny, lost theirlives. .;: . ; : - . ' • : '•'-'•:'':'••:'. : • ..••'

'-Second Officer La Chance ot thelipntmagny died with two childrenIn his arm* In an heroic attempt torescue themi The children likewiseperished:

Mrs. Layallce, wife of the light-bouSekeeper at Flower Island, andher four children were also lost*

Ura. Richard, wife of a lighthousekeeper at Belle Isle, and her seven

were aboard the Montraag-How many of them were saved

was not known;this morning.Survivors of the crash were plcXtJ

up by the »*eam cotllet PoUha andtaken to Orossp Island. The govern-ment boat Alice wa* ordered to f>t*lnHthem from Groawe Isle to Quebec, al-so the bodies of the two babies whowere drowned.

'Bhe Montmacny waa on her wayfrom Quebec tp the Gulf of St, lAw*r*nae and the Straits of Belle Isle,

She haa aboard aand <provisions for

Newfoundland.ca/so of coal

stations along the coast.The Montgmany was bound down

the river for the straits of Belle Islewith coal and supplies for the wire-less stations.

The crash occurred about one mileba)ow Crane Island. The blow which"sank rhe vessel struck her in a vitalspot.

According to the schedule of th%1914 official tour of the New YorkatftjA Automrtblle Association, mem-toers of that organisation arrived utthe AuflBlble Chasm House yesterdayaCtarnoon and were greeted there b>

S4 lajrgf of automobilists. fromtbk» city, ainoii« th*m being O*org«E. Cavanttgh, ^ president of the FlatUi*^ttrgh flwtomofaile club, <J. H. Rre*fottm & CalianMt, Xh J, Callanan. G E.Irwnltttt, W. H. Howell, liMu'-'. 3. KRUey. W EJ. Heffernon, W, I- Battis-son, Hon. V. F. Gowffay, C. H Oliverand Bk F. Botsforfl.

flPlie visitors were tajcea thrombi•useJble Chasm and were escortedthrough the crountte of Hotel Ch»nv-plaln and Plattsburjrh Barracks. TheoW«ct of tha tour i« to stimulate thegtwai roadt muvement in this atate a»weM as to encourage every U&w Yprfc•Uute automobiHat to <4«ee New Yorkfitau First". This latter 1« in fact the1*14 slosan of the Asswrtation.

Among those of the tour stoppingat the Wlth«rUl House at this tim«are A. 3. peer, of Hornell, ureeldentof the Hew TorK State AutomobileAssociation; Frajrft M, DeueuW »fTro5%vic«'President of the state a*.sckiaiioA ami ipresktent of th« TroyAsitomo^Ue Club; John M. Ross, ofUrtca, vlce-preai dertt of the state a*-•oclatlon and secrftarj- of the UtlcaAuterooblle Club and Frarvk Vau#hn.repreaentlng the eyndlcabe of Net*Tork city, and state newspapers asthe oftfclal "war; correfspeiklent^ inthe campaign againsi hadroads.

Titere will be-.'*. tol« xneeting at the,court hous© thi* morning at 11 o»clock at which local automoblltetswill be present with those vteitinj? thiscity on the official tour. MAyor (loftwill preside at the *tneetlh«. It ishoped and ur«ed that every automo-•bile own^r, farmer, merchant or t*i>r-*on interested in irood roa>ds be prea-ent and by so help the ,1300amark alonj?. Let there tie a 'hljt turh-e m * . : : - ; - : ; • • ; • . : ; / . - [ • • ' ; • . ' • ' : ' • • . • , •

The state h^ghwny o>partm«iit willprobfcbl)' be re>p^e#ent#d at the me«t-Injpr »hl» morninif: by First DeputyCommigrtoher <Teor*ce A. Rick or, a*Commissioner Carl i»le was calledaway ytRterday on official business.One or the other of thwe men h«Vfcbeen with tf>e tour pntctlpally sine*It started. ",;,.• .''.•-".-..' ; ' -/:

: . . • 'Bu,p^rlntpn4ent of Prisons John B-

Riley hn» apofcen at a m»nnber oxthese meet|BK» and will rejoin th«lour In a few days, aieantime, hissubject, "Convict La4>or vn Rood*"w m be haatHed by F^eftldent Deer^ » o wiso bus handled other routes onthe jwoxrani in the a^encf of, th»iiarticukir man ttt whom it was smyJrtBMKL 8«per^tend>ewt Riley*^ a*ldrenn has created at"'all pbintjn along1

the road the •Kreatewt.-interest anil 4»one af the most dtucussed s<rt*jecti otChd tour; On Friday trf last week thestate tourlsta visited Great Meadow*Rrison which visit w«a^both Interest^Ins and instructive. There is theheartiefit co-oDeratlon 'between the«ta4* highway and 4he atatVs: uriisondtpartments.

Enthu»la»tic m^-tinifs have beenhelil everywhere. The party has u>«unliy (>f-en reo»»ived at towns aContTtht- route ity from 2« to l.er. carsfrom local- clubs.

.Saturday wim spent ui Port Ilr-nryWestptirt, KHzabolhtavrn. Ultf . I'lacklAnd Saranoc Lake Tomorrow the;

lit the]nf:irio I

tour aIW1II«S t<Ut. Lawrenceand I-town.atMjUHothW««ctM

Uif viHitnmvtudwith a <tnteTlor

I Of l i i f

. Malotle a n dto the Lake

inx «»ir

h < f « . i i r


ii rrt \?nt., IfiW]

<:i»xrv.The tot




M i l


a! Mornell. Auir. 3lit and endii there»>n Octoifoer 2/

James Staples, the colored waiterfrom Hotel Champlain, arrested onThursday on suspicion <>f bHng im-plicated in the theft of th<> moneybox from the hotel dining room dur-ing the forenoon of the day of hi*arrest, was on Saturday held by Jus-tice of the Peace McMasterft to awaitthe action of the grand Jury on ncharge* of grand larceny In the ««•-cond degree. In default of bail theprisoner -was committed to the coun-ty jail.

In the examlrmtion of the prisonerthe prosecution waa conducted byDistrict Attorney John K, Collinsand W. L. Pattlson. attorney for thehotel company, and the accused hadas his attorney li. F. FinberK, HwtAmong the wltn»*Jwe« who t^stift^dwas a man employed about the hotelgrounds, who swore that about thetime the box was missing from thedining room he saw a colored mancrosing (he lawn with a tin box cov-ered hy an overcoat under his arm.When the colored man reached theedge of the wood he .ntnrted to run.The witness described the man assimilar In build to the prisoner. Acook employed ut the hotel testifiedthat shortly after 11 o'clock lastThursday forenoon he saw Staples,with whom he la well acquainted,leaving the hotel and that at thetime he had something wrapped in anovercoat under hi* arm. He called toStaples through the window at whichhe was fftandlng. but Staple* did notreply to hint. The youn*r lady cashierwho was on duty at the time thebox W M stolen testified to the factthat Btaple.H had at tlmen anoyed h«»rby standing near her and intentlywatching her while abe was on duty.

At the close of the evidence JUH-ty^e Mo Mast eta stated that In hisopinion there was sufficient evidenceto Justify holding the prisoner forthe grand Jury and fixed the amountof ball at $500, in default of whichthe prisoner was sent back to jail.

The hew winter tlme-taible on theChaanplain I>ivi»lon of the I>. & I? ,"weiit Into effect en the Champlaiii<Jivydqn of the road yesterday morn-ing. The srheduie prtrt'ides f«>r a num*ber of radical changes in the trainBervice of the past «imm«r. The mostradical of these chahges is th* an>an.donfrnent of one of the train»—k nowna» sle«iper»—tnavin^; >Both north andsouth daily between New Vort* andMotttreal, Another change of inipoTt-ance is placing in service of a trainoet-w^en thia city and Montreal, dallyexce^H {Pttiniday, the train ibe.in#r'-'.'madeup at Platbiburgh and leaving hereat 7 a- m.» returning arrive In this

t k y a t 8 : 5 0 p n i l . - - ' • : -; :

: • •[ V - •••-

Tralnf now arrive and leave thiscity a* follows: North bound—-No,'- 5,arrive daily at 4vSu &* m., leart^ at 3at m.; No. l, arrives dally except Sun^day at i :^5 p. m,, leiivea at 1MB -i»-..mi; No. ;J, arrives at 5:i0 p. m .leaves at 5:25 p. m.; No. 13, arrivesdaily ©xcept Sunday at i i : W p. m.South boundr^No. 'bfi leaves Pratts-bungh at 8:116 *iu my No. ~f arrivesdeiiy at 11:23 a, m,, leaves at U 2 .a. TO. ; So. $ arrives dallj-^except iB.u hrday at teJ5 p. m, leavea at 4:45 p.m,i No. S arrives dally except Sunday-at 8:&6 p. in.; No. 10 arrives dallyat ii):2i> p; nr., Jeaveir nt :1»:2S p. m*

Qi{ the Ch^teau^iy branch themorning train leaves Piattsburjrhdail>' at; 8:<0 a, hi , and the afternoontrain/^i l j ' except Sunday at, 8:05 p.m. Returning the mornihir train ar>rIves in tnis city dally excejpt Sunday

;ui l<):5li a in., and the a/lerju>ontrain arriveft aWly at 4:30 p, m.

On the Auftftble 'hranch the traiasle*,ve Piattat>urirh d«Uy except Sun-day at 6:10 a. m.r and 1 :,<5 p, m. Re-turnlf^t they arrive In this city at* ; 3 | a. rn, attd 4:J5 p . m .

Train No, i. which leaves here atl.<ISv'arriving: at Rouses Point at twodm*s not msike aaj1 Hontfeal connec-tion at that p<>lht, the Grand Truakloeal "leaving twenty minutea beforethe arrlvul af the I>, jfc- H.; trajn. A-n-other f|u?t which the traveling p'trblic-should ftiear in mind Is that No. 1«,the south 'bound »l^epe-r makt-s nostops .between, this * ity and WhUehiHfor the purpose of letting olt p*issen>*ftrTx, Pl^ittsburgh hi-ln - the on-Iy revruilur stoji between Roitsea I'uirit andWhitehall.

New VTork, Sept. 29,— The rapidl>growing Jttrfjngth of Harvey D. Hi«-ma«'* canvashj for th«- Republican m>-minwt.ktn fur goveAnar betomes thtmost Kir^ing feature of the primaryCHBHJ>ui|tn, His rivala in the contest,THstrk-t Attorney Whitman and Jtit|>K, Medgi'«, unnuuneed their oandidw-cl-fij»' HMdiths ago and both have IM'WIhard at Work Mince last sprmx. Mr.\Vhitn | a n h*» had behinkl: him thepoworful influence of ChalntKiit Rarxn ^ t»f the Rei>ttJ-illcs»n State Commit-tee; Hei'btirt Parsons, fornier chair-n an of the New Vark county conv-miltee, ajvd I red Oreiner, lUiiUsblkaftleader In Brl*.

The Whitman lejiders l>eUeved thatthis* forniidaslUe alliance w< ultl prove*invlncBbli*. They \>¥mn hy injdistinKthat Senjitur Hlnin»ti would Hushthird In the race, but they aopiv werefurced to concede him thy '-He.c-.omvpluce, and :how they art- out ransack-iiH? thf ata'e fur Whitman vote.s: toHU'ift the tide for IJiurmm ;in0 th*y

,e iMfit cumitfUw] w KVIH] .\ii,\Vhi.im:iiv'.hlin>*c*lf Into-fhf' rural cuitti-

Knrolled R^puii. voter**. . . . . ' . • . . • ; ' ; . - , . . . . . ; . - • 1 , 3 « > '

.'. >:,'. . . \ V v , ' ; . ; . ..::• y'tji'i

'.'. . . . . . 1.025

CJouhty.Alt^hany .Broomf . .CatterauisiisCiiyugft . ."•.Chautamiqa

Clinton . . .<"onlatulimt<'h«n>iICNMVX .

FulK'it ;uidH e r k i m e r

N e w YorkN.anarn .



Total 17K.t;lM»The anntfnnt-ement of this list b>

r h n l r m a n J. •* Mi-Knight o f thi- Hin-man primary itani>|>uiv:n tMintnJttet-,with the jvimen ot thwni-n who areleading th*' Hitiiman tVvht in each orthe ooimtUs. afoUMwl the Whitmanmanager* from their fain*- securityand fw t them hu*tlh»*. When JohnHovln, a Whitman manager read the\t$\ hi' declared that Whitman hadTorty countleM 'behind him. 1-ut he did?M*t name them.

'• / Xf»; S l« ;•..-. V : ;

liKPoirr OF T U B ct)»Ni>iti<jN' OFThv First Xationtil Ba-nk. at Charn-piatn.'. N. Y . in the State o f N e wYork, at." the f l o w uf inv»int»»s*,

•Spptvmber- 12th, 1914.

< to try HiThe n-ufon

Whltmaii cjn

p a t c h up bin lon«*sl o r (Inn : t c t i \ i t y in the

ip ix the f.«-t that fht>i>dtrrn *n l l n r t y - r h j c

r l i wbi ^ m l z : U h us, h.i\«..r Mi . M111111.u1

Jnhm Wilson, aged T.fi. died sud-denly >e.sterday morning at about Uo'clock at his home, 26 o a k Htreet,ufter an attack of acute indi^eKtlonof a fe-w minutes' durutlon.

Mr. Wilson, who for the past eifthtyear? has been the sexton at StJohn's Wiurch. rnttg th»> Ani<elus yes-terday inornlnjt a» un\»at and ar-ranged the altar for early mass a»waa customary. During this earlyservice, he was !ln*t taken ill and leftthe church, returning to his homewhere he laid down on a couch. Afew mlnute« later a priest wa» calledand Dr. Thompson sumnioryed^ Thephysician at once recosrnized the ser-iousness of the case and Informed the.family of the fact. In a few momentsMr. Wilson passed away.

He is survived by' his wife, foursons. James, of Utlca; John, of Mon-treal; Frank, of Schenectady, andCleortre, of this city, and four daugh-ters, Mrs. Ray Conners. Miss AnnaWilson, Miss Agnes Wilson, and MissHernadette Wilson, all of this city.He leaves two brothers, Andrew Wil-son and Jame» Wilson, both of thincity.

The notice of funeral will be givenlater.

*Clene/' l>uikette, the Pkittaharjrhhoy who fur three years was one ofthe stars of the Brawn I'niversUyteam, and who durinK the presentseason has made Rood with the NowBedford toarn of the New Knvlandle'ipuc., may KO to the 1-Vderal leauwttat the clow* of the season.. Dmketi** l»now covwinx first for the Colonial*anil his work in that position andwith th*> stick has attracted th*- -it.tentlon of the big feaigue .«*'outM. The"liroeklon Tii»«s wf recent date hu*the following; coiwernln-r Uifkett**,who Is well knuwn and popuhfr inUii> city:

'Talk of Colonial Us'iuruers aban-doning orjr.UlLRed bosit4>aU to cayttheir hit with the KetfernJs is in tht*air. The lirw case In that *>:' "Ut-n**"Dukclte, the flar /wnt HOi'ker <if thoWlwvkirj*, "l>ukH" has fee en :ij>l>roach-eJ by the outlaw 4»rganlzati«in and utiKite is undecided whether to mak«»the jump. Humor has* It, however^that Duke will accept the f-ed offer:he nays he probubly will. If he duetsthe fuel remains, what Is tht- Colon-ials' loss is the Feds' gain.

"Dulse-'1 had a «ood year in theCope-n circuit, despite his handicap i»fa rather poor start. He nlovited the.pill for aUiiit 33U, f ie lds and runtho basefi with rare Judtcmcnt. "l>uke"ia JIU younK>*ter at tht» imme, havitwolayed year* more of basefcall thanth-1 majoritv <.f hi*, younofer aj*sociate>*in the- Colniiial. ]>utint: hi* course ailiruwn rnivfrsity Dukette w.i.s threetimes returned ,is the choice !nr A11-Intfrcolle+rtjtte second 'busemiin FUhns iilwiHH lM»en coiutlder«-d a <ra<-k-n-jack fielder, and when ir ci*me.M t-iMmashinir them on the seam with HKMJon the. ha*s(M-ky. that is .ni**t where••Duke11 is ,-.t hum*-.

"All of thf big league *'t>iu? whn ,hiw watched tho New lie«lford matin action during the pa«t yum me r ;\r<OIUI in the opinion that he w.(.« tiu«< t<Kit Up when the drafts were put :-

fui th<e minor Ifatruers."

uit WAitn.

Lo n d - l > j

How a Pot or Pmn or Evan a Hat MayBo Ut«d aa a Lif* Praterver.

The worst thiug to do in an accident4. on the water is to llounder around audKB sbrltk and cry. That expels the air. . .$42fi,24r).0i from the lungs,- nml then the body IImpfensUeiH!(l will quickly sink. With this fact iiu- I would be lt»


With a p««p at the Milky Way and It»jFiery Spiral Nebula.

If-yon-'t>ooid' stand Htlil and let"world gliile.'from under you th« I

obiwacterist.tc-. of«Mni>tUu*s,'its awful

t'. H. B o n d s to s e c u r e c ir -c u l a t i o n . . . . ..- . . .

tftiiei nutlUS tt.* HCCUIt*f'ostal Savi'nipt . .$tS,tMM)

Bonds, '•Securit ies , «tc.(other rhan Stocks) i;".V.'

Banking H. .u^ , Furnl-ti!r«'. an-<l---.Fi-xt«re#-;', .-. .

Duo from St.atn ami l 'rj-vntf Rank't* and Man-kvn*,Trust Coinp'ii-niVs.. andS a v i n K S , . . , . . . , . . , .

liji*. from -.approved- lt<-sei-vt* Aifpsits in <Vn-tral Rpserve Citios .V.

Notes of .»th«*r .Natlon-alB a n k s . . . . . .", , . . . . . .

Nickt'ls'-and-' rVnis . , . .

I j e j r a l - t e n d f r n n t c » . . . . .

Rfdemption fund tvtth t?.,S. Trwvsurcr (5 JMM; 'cent.o f c i r m i l f i i i n n ) , . . . , . . ,

• T o t a l • . . . • . . . . . . . .

IJABILIT1KSC a i H t a l y r t t j e k p t i l d i n . . . .

Sttrpl'us fund . . . . . . . . . .U n d i v i d e d Profits.'-lean Kx-

penspft aiid TUXCM paid.Rf 8#TV tl for '-'tiixes-,- .;'.-: . .National Bank .-Notes suit.

standing1. . . . . . .-'.--. .--.. .individual' dypo-slt.s suUjeet

t o c h e e k . . . . •••.,.. : . , ..Demand. eertlfieatert •".'.-•«•(

deposit . . . . . ;,'.' . . . . . .TirtH' cerfifioates of ei«?-

poslt payttble after SOdays ftr after notice of30 duys or kinser . . . . . /

Pos ta l Savings deposi ts . . .Liabnitrea^other thaii thosie

stated above . , . . . .-.'. .

T o t a l . . . . , . . . :STATK OV N E W YORK,

CHnton, «s.:

\ oit.fMJU.nu-



Zfi HI. 4 '»-




£fi, \ A fK'0.013,2 5 0.0.9"


iiao^Hni.ow• r.rt ooo oo

3G;.t57,8;i2.i 1 2. to


: 11 5,^8»;76• : " • ' • : ; . : • ' • ' : .


, - • - - - - : • • • - . -



|79 4,147; 06County of

I, Jno. H; Crook, Cashier of theai>oved-TiaiYve<t bank, do solentnly

r>5 1 derstood we may exi>erlroent with 'aj number of thlnjfs to show uow.--'little.tt

lakes to sopport the body. The high

»i-itM!c.e. of which uiau knows aboutJMlmuch as the deep sea fish do of tnelri

A* the sun went saiUnjjf tw^fjsilk hat of tunn co.ntaias sat8ctent air | its plaitets would close In oue of tto keep hira from ninkinjr if lie gt*aBpsit by the rim and holds It upright sothat .--the air is Imprisoned under thehat Even a derby hat will support ahalf grown bby or girl SfbeJd right

Dlsbpans and buckets .or Un pall*can also be used as life preserver*, la-

had tbelr boat upset in a oiouutJiiulake. Ail of '.them except one couldswim. This;girl bad an. Umbrella, withher, raised to ward off tlie sun's rayswhen the accident occurred, Finding.-beraelf in the water some dlstaxKrefroM the boat «oe grabbed for thenearest thing in reach. It prpvesrt to'beher umbrella, floating with the bundledown ini-. toe water. She threw botharms frantkuHy aroutid too open tjro-brella. To her surprise and to thatof her comrades, Bhe did not si ut. Theimprteoneclair under the nmbrellu sup-ported her bead above tbe water untljheiparriv«l.

The small amount of air containedin a bicycle tire will keep one's headabove water for hours. Even:if oneIs a fair swimmer, tbe day may comewhen a knowledge of some of theseevery day life preservers will proves qrftbe greatest value. If thrown in thewater a long distance from shore youioiay be able to float an4 swim wltJS*such an aid three titues as far -as yoJncbutd without tbem. —George SIWalsh in Leslie's.

t isKnd

swear that the above stuterm-true to the best of my knowledgbelief.

.INO. H. CROOK, Cashier.Subscribed and #wom t« before w

thin 17th day of S^ptembfr, 1914KZRA TRBPANIKJR, JR.,

Notary Public.l\)KRKSCT— Attest:



. ; • • ,'•• . . . / a ^ t s r a t i l K • - . - •;


: ':


One of the prlneipai owners ofpromising gold mine was expatiatingon Its merit* to a capita 11st and pro-upeetive Investor. He 4f*cr":>€^ * t t e

vein In which the BiifleTS were w<wk;

Ing, showed hini 8p^fnj«n|i of tbe oreanft backed up his stnteinents with thewritten opinions of experts/ :

"Weil," admitted the Capitalist Mitlooks m it it might b^ a good infestment. As my old Uncle Hlrtin wouldsay, it has'pinte;'»

•'Pintai?* fcxel aimed[the ownf«r, car-ried away perhaps by bia oTer-anitlety.^Wby, sir, were In quartz Tigftt howl"

Buri.d With Doll*.In the Chinese morgue one of the

sti-Auge algbtB Is a number of life sit*rtolUj wiilch are burned to accompanythe conges as their servants to thenext world. They are doubtless n relicof the time when human beiugs werethus burned as compuuloiia of the deceased.

Mor* D«rkn»«s."I'm all ia the dark about how these

bills are to be paid," said Mr. Iiai'dupto his wife.

"Well, Henry," said she as she pulledout a colored one and laid it on thepile, "you will be if you don't pay tautone, for it's the gas bill."

Vegetable Spongw.Vegetable sponges are used a great

deal by the poorer class of uatirfs inEcuador. They assert they art* betterIn washing dishes and in bathing thunlire the animal sponges.

Athletes of India.The wrestlers and athletes of India

develop great strength by living onmilk, a little goat's nesb aud pleuty otfood made from flour.

until apparently consumed by w t Crays. Before you had passed tttfOugtithe orbit of Neplutic the son iAlook no larger than <m ate light.er and fainter, deprived bit by bit tifiIts dominance, it would tfn&Hy fttdftInto A pitiftil spark. In spite t

vert these la the water and grasp the { tensent efforts to keep thatrim with both hands aud do m»t ! lMl!t't clear of lt« fellows, tt wouldUp them »o the air can escape. Not | last melt Into thu multitude of slong ago a party of girl* out rowing j lights that mike up the Milky


There Are Many Way* of Doing It, butOnly On* Right Way.

Take a fluid reiutxiy from a medicineglass or from a silver spoon. Chemicalaction of some liquids upon brasscreates a liquid that would be fatal iftakeu Into the stomach. A good roleis never to take medicine from aay-thing made of the coarser metals.

While pouring the medicine frombottle to spoon or cup hold the'bottleso that the label is uppermost. Thiswill prevent the medicine pouring orexthe label and staining if not obliterat-ing It This precaution, especially inthe case at liquid* that mlgbt be harm-ful if takeo by mistake or in thewrong quantity, is Inoperative,

Unless directions require yon to takemedicines full strength, it is better todilute them half aud half with watteNever take doses larger than thosespecified in the direction* Better thatthey be smaller.

Under no circumstances take medi-cine in the dark. The reason ts Ob-vious, Read the frequent news ofdeaths of persons who bare takenpoisons by mistake.

Be sore never to pour medicine backiuto the bottle. Never fail to shakethe bottle before taking * dose or tbe<contents. If there be any sbjn of sedi-ment, shake the more.

Unless directed otherwise yon wouldbetter take ait capsules, pills or tab-lets with a half glass of water.

Never use a Huiment near an openflame, for a liniment usually containssome combustible element Alwaysrub a liniment Iuto the skin until it tsnearly dry.

Be sure to brush the teeth after tak-ing medicine, since many mudlclnuscontain acids or iron, both of wbicbare injurious to the teeth.

Keep effervescent medicines In a coolplace.—New York American.

id henceforth, seek ns you mlgttt,you cuuid never tllstlhK'Ush yonr SMagain. Lost ! in the Milky WSJ, tlwould !K> ua ituUie to try to and l i t *to Und a certain grain of dust Wbiebyou had noticjed settling cm a countryroad.

Then drifting spltellke out ID tonothingness you would be qby myriads of brilliant lights. 8«e&they would impress you with this »t*f*tiiug fact: The universe of stars it $r*ranged like a mighty world. TtWMilky wny encircles the skies t*#J|much as the equator does this ttband since life ts most abundant 8south so the stars grow ttilckf«t af^jtthe Milky way. I*t tlie eye trtf l laway toward the Imaginary north taftsouth poles, and not only do Use stttfcthin out. but entirely new forms 4d$star lifo make their appearance, ,;i

Through the telescope they ateIng more than filray patches otto the cameras and 8pwtro»eopobservatories they become tb© amHatunclng and frightful spectsclet olAftosture. They show themselves tbtfi toi>e stupendous whirlpools of tire, laeoi^cdvabh? In msgnitude, thouasnd* of"light yeorsM away (light tt»v185.000 miles a second), wberesystems of sans are being slowly «ed. We call them "spiral netmla,*to describe them we need theof Qod hhusetf. Theymeasureless caldrons, where, hitstirs cosmic dust until newand float off in flaming bare so untbinkabiy giganticIs no perceptible motion to them.ready the cameras have recorded^eral hundred thousand taof condensation, presentingntable challenge, perhaps ajgi

|- to those who would solve thethe unlvemc—ilaxweil Parrycago Herald.

"Bobby.How She Etcaped.

**Algy fell in love wlUi a girt at theglove couuter. He bought gloves everyday for a week. To discourage bis at-tentions she became a manicure."

"Then be bad bia nails manicuredevery day, 1 s'pose."

"just so. However, I don't tbittk ] Vni been doin* through the

JMSi Spandino the piy.A woman from out of toSm wl

Uito one of the big hotels- i i ^ imorning and wrote ber name oar e g t e t e r . ; v ; : ' ' ; . " • * • : • . _: ':'[';..•-;"*'

"Wiiflt. madam.- said thecootntwith one of those engaging smlfs* tilWbteh he la fnnwus, "cau I oir»> |^»61tha w a y of/ a rooroT* *>-'y- >; "

•*0hi I doo't waBt« vHcm^ W%ireply. "1 anj jnst epeudjog t l»h e t f . ' - : -':"../:- ••'-•-:;-'':•''h';-;,

'•Good thing some people speM «thsto that with us;" remarked t t» <to blmself as she turned suftttaway,—New York Tltnes,;' >y-y-"'"' :-

A Lawyer's Bill.A lawyer's bill, like the plumb*?* H

full of detail, t have just seen a tp«*-njen sent to a business triced of mUMwho, anxious to settle up bis accoua%telephoned to his lawyer. The IB.came In with elaborate detail, and t &last item was, "To attending JNMI Withe telephone in answer to font Whquest for bill, 8s. 6d." My frlejfd * # *ed he would see them tn-chanssry isVfore he paW that and strode ttLondon Chronicle.

Bobby's Idea.suppose 700 say

prayers «Tety oil bt.**• « Y e s 1 n >

:' • ; , . : . . " - . : • • • . : • - . • ; - . - - -

: :- . ^ • • } : . ,

"And what ate the things yoa D»j;tf o r r - • • • • . •.-•

/" ; - . ' •

; : • • • : • .

: ;- . ' i r

"HosUy that pop won*t find oot W0«l:

he'll follow her any farther,1

-Why hot?1*Then »be got employment with a

dentist"— Houston Post

Boston Transcript

Right on the Job."Fti'm de very minute ole man Bj|fljs|

wuz to!1 tor keep up de fire he's DMn|Meadow Larks. | strictly on de job. I makes no doubt.

In mnny lwalltles the meadow lark j dat one reason be keeps tt bright tt\Is shot for git me. From the fHnner's ; kaae he don't want no sbtner t«r kMfipoint of view this is a mistake since jd«* way ter whar he lives at"

Salt In the Coffin.In certain localise* in the old world

the/ put salt in tbe coffin before It isIow«rsd into the. grare. This is tbesurvival of an andest custom whichwas once trairersaj. The cuatom gr«wout of the Idea that SaUn bates saltbecause it is the symbol of Uucorrup-Uon aud immortality.

: ThaSnMtf. : .People sa j "Ood bless me" after

sneezing, from tbe fact that In the daysof the plague tbis terrible malady be-gan with violent anfiSing and other to-dlcatloos of cold. The«cclamation wasthus orlstakjUf a prayer to b# deUreredfrom tbe plague.

Her Inhiatlv^"Mr. WUgos tr|s<fr to ktB* m» hut

ereuiDH/*"How dared h s r-Hi 4Mot| I «a*s4Wp.--«Usburgh

Cultur*.Culture i« familiarity with the liest

•bat has been done or tUougbt It iathe soul's warm rtieudsliip of the greatspirits, living and dead.-1311 tis.

H«r Choicf.

its value as an Insect eater is far great-er than uny «t>ort it can furnish. Theboll weevil and the alfalfa weevil are

j among the turtles It habitually eats,[ 25 per cent of Its diet being thi9 classof food. It also eats large quantitiesof caterpillar*, cutworms, grasshoppersund army worms.

Had Already Don* So.Father—Now, Mabel. Irll tell you ft


title was ronferred by the erttttjfof lloloKtiu. The tirst doctor of medi-cine wti.H William Uordeulo, who re-ceived the title from the college stAaU lu 13LU

Not Particular at tor Weapon*.I hey were sistejuin.lnw nnd reason- j V( f e l J o w { w l s h v o u w o u l ( i g r o w t(V j The waiter «lrl knew a thiog or two

ably well disptwd toward vsi-h otlu-r. | fiite-young Wl loy llu'll make a nolso "bout tuble ethiuette. so she sniffed(*ne was the mother of r^.r.tv. aw*'d | | n t h e WOrld imL wh§t you least look »corufully as nhe Raid. "It's not oursix months, aud the other was tlimother of MarluoV aged six monthsand four dayi*.

"'M a rla n does not see ui to gro w vv ryfast," said the »«i6tlier.of •'(?eorgt*. >vith** suggestion of tommberatiou in hertoiieau/'tieorge ii* mu<h ti'Ucr"—(height being iiieHSuff d in iivclit»st.

''Perhaps he is," rvplW- the niotliyrof .\larlan cohlly, '•hut M«riun Aycigbsniwi».'

fur It. him slzwl uj>all right dud: 1 b^rti him eating soupIn a restaurant UUe other day,—London [- « • « • • • ' ; ; " - - ' • " ' • • ' " " ' - : - •

Totally t3iff«rent."I hcHtd that y<)i«' citKtt t'UiC'nt to

Adela has been btuktij, nn'd I j.>ri.»sutn'etUa.t. It was cauM.'d. by your fwiku; of••luHcacy-'at heutitiy;• f-tiat sht- had mhej|t<'(l a large furturic." •

-Not at all. U was caiwetj l,y tu-riiidt4'ii«t<'

ustom to serve n kulfe with pie" N " k l hNo

prise.p— Kxrhange.

the patron In sor»"Then biiug me uu ax, please.**

"Ob, well," respomled tho sister in- [ln<U4ioite .'firllng• im leiirumg tlmt Jlaw, with a siuile c»f lilgb bred SUIKTI- bail uumoney "-Kichange. , Iority, *'of course i sboultl not wish • :•"••..••— — *.[CJeorge to b« tros^." KxcluvuRe. Pretty B U n t .

. . ' , , Kidcrfy l.n<!y l»o. tui \ i am trovAttar of Rot«a. ' j'wltl* a. IvaHucliia.titMi that I «in .1'

At the Natural History Museum."Will you please direct me to tfc*

ball or inebriates?""Kr - Invertebrates — next room to

your right unless you wish to S£t tfettBilakvs."—Life.

Persian attar of roses I* quite differ-ent from the Bulgarian prodtu-t. Theroses of the Persian district of Fanshave been famous for mjnty.centuries.

follow oil hy a i.ttait What KortHonest Th

ml Leader.

Brte and Fans.[ The ordinary folding fan w a s tnv*a>j ed in the seventh century by a Jap-'

Ri>«*H# nrtlst, who derived the Ideafrom watching a bat cloning i t s Wtuga.

All Settled.Howard—I hear your daughter is gq l\5Unr, t,

ing to marry an Bnjglsb noblesuau. lait all settled! Coward-x^s; ey«ry

Log*cai. 1 It develo[>ed Ihuuld »IM uttiu-kM! at Its I Brooklyn Eagle,

Change of Program, , .Scott—How long were you a way <m

your wedding tour? Mott—Too toag;It develo[>ed Into a lecture tout.-*

,,„,,,,„«,. "t;,r" b"Isl lHe who follows two bares is sure t%

r*tcb u^ltber.-Uia Sayiug. f

- ^