per cent - nys historic...

Burlington Savings Bank INCORPORATED 1MT Deposits $ 8,710.12 Sttrpiu 9 —Tuesday, June 27tb Is the date of th« pilgrimage to Ste Anna de Beaupre. —Th»* 5th infantry and All college t teams will pla> on the I'osi diamond tomorrow afternoon at 2:3a. —The Trades Assembly will hold a. 1,187,6O0.» 3.131,107.11 January 1. lit*. January 1, 1870 . . UM.S: MU.U .Jiumsxy J, l&to.. January l, 1900.. January 1, 1911.. 170.288 JM 830,685.37 4 Per Cent rganiser, will apeak on park tonight and to- Burinou ran b* innuctod by n-ail. aa welt a» In tauon. All dealing* with our d«potifo I>«U In c«*ifld*nc*. No money loaned to any office* or trustee if this Bank. All correspondence should addrassed, and checks made payable, to the BURLINGTON SAVINGS BANK. a P. Smith, Greene, , F. W. Pwry, Vt , The fire ettcatf** officer* ma J. L. Biirstow, WOlard Crane, A. O. NEARBY NEWS of ~ tut* to l»e delivered by Wdlllam A. Jacobs, fioclalltt lecturer and organ- Iser, on Custom Ho^is* square Fri- day and Saturday evenings, ^ ^M <&w&n wtoteh te to tsJrt infills June 28th at the T.V^sV •''.•&. A,- *ymna*lum for the benefit of the Phyglclan-B hoaplUl. Mlas London, of New York und MiM Rausonl will be heird, al«D Mrs, Everest ot mr own cltife*ail JM> a «*M>ft©>0* P»opl* :", ;; -Miss Julia Miron an4 M»s. War- rington have sold to Pater LMkarls the property at No. 77 Margaret street wWch by ,tha wttl of ttf Jat«^e^n i m *a* k«J4 la ttott far h> starvlTlng children ontil »ls wife'* death. : : . > -:- v ...;'./. ,/y^;:,:-:,. —Mward Totopkln* Jons* son of Dr. BI N.' Jones*. f«rw^ prt»einai of th«. Btate Normal 8cWool in this cl*y will ba «raduat«<i ftorm flib^y C.-l- —>Elralra gets the 1912 conclave of Commander:', Knights lt of Mechanical En**n**r!ntr. Cor- neH Unlvemity. this week. He win enter immediately the sen*ce of the Weatlnghttnse company at Pttubunr, Pa. —The control of tae Whitehall and Bfc John* Towing and TraasportHHon company passed- into the hands of the Lafce 'Cbwnplain Transportation com- najfty Monday when the latter con- cern purchased about 60 shares of the former company's stock. The deal ends towing opposition on Lake Cham plain. —Elaborate preparations are' belne; made *y the West?*** Automottie Cawrtval Association for me cartttfral to. be held at Westjfcrt next month. Three ralMt&t priaee wttl «* for j ^ cotnttml WooraUfctn fron» the, entire am lnvttetl to pssrttetgate in the car- nival. —Domiilo Beigard, a ftMaum and WUliacn 8. Wlntere, an engineer en the CStataaugay tauten of the D. * H. were burned, the former painfully a*d the Utter slightly, by two esffto- stone on tile oil burning engine they were to take otit of this city on the piaeanser train Monday mornjn*. The explosions occurred while the env gin* wai standing near the paper mill north of the depot and were due to member* of the committee 4th of July celebration are to meet at Maccabee hall I this evening. , • : : ."•;•'. review of uniform rank. KT <K % ; ii&wjIB fee held tonight at 8 o'clock. All members are requested- td attend as very important business Is to oonte before the r«Vi»w. « ^The Ladles A& Society of the Stfuth Plattshtrrgn M. E. church will h»ld a StrttwSerry festival 'at the hom* of Marti* Lewis tonlfht. It Is hoped tftat a large number will be -—T^ere will oe a meeting of L'XJh- lon - m Jean BapUste d'Amerlque,' in their hall at 8 o'clock this evening. Matters of importance to be conalder- ed. All members requested to be pres- o f c '.•"•;•;• ^:' : --;-. : ,-i'•-.;•• . ; ; ^ . : . . - > - . - -^b'^ffefp |N(ft picnic the *th of July In Peasleevllle. This has become a y«urly event in thtovicinity and the uiual good time Is scheduled. —The Ladles 'Aid Society of Hark- neaft,(|a\ M. church will serve a, supper of strawberries and crezim, and other ngs at the church parlors this Witllmr Workers of Ellen- burgh Center will serve a strawberry supper at the halt. Friday evening, June 28rd from five o'clock until nine. —At a >brldge 'party given Tuesday afternoon 'by Miss Nellie Kellas of Mojone. the encasement twee an- nounced of (Miss {Helen ITolt, daughter of airs. E. R. Holt, and William French, eon of Mir. and Mrs, M. L. toorapidif* of the oil fuel which th»» doied the flue* The engine was not In any way damaged. .- ' v -—Mweff*WfcjaJ^interest nt'.arhes t3 Che raising: ot ^a litlce tot somW wha/e In her shattered DOIk lie the of Ensign *J«sritt, wilt ^otsdam, . Bostin Merrat '£•- a nephew "<* jqf^^V^J-^Jsf"^- -0k^J^\i«i^\^>siB^^«9*- ,^iown % \^. ; ;t^;.jri%fv / ;6|r4^:-,, !".,_ . visit to Potsttam. «nstg» Merrltt was the only officer of the Maine to lose : *U§, W6r'-m^- i»« ae^Utirttfp w#nt ^ a ^ # - > # » i | : j w o , . •,•-;:;;•-.\ ;•,:-:;-^ •r#h# summer meeting- of the Vae- mont Press association will be held at Burlington Thursday. June ti. The ip^NKrttni ' will consist of automobile and boat rides tn the afternoon, fo». lowett by a luncheon, A business meting will be held In the evening, followed iby a banquet at tbe Van Ness HO«M. The prominent speakers after the anquet will b* Hubert Lin- coln O'Brten, editor of the Boston Herald, **Cy» Warman the noted Canadian author and hJmorla*. sn-i ih* speaker of the House of Repre- i&tatives of New Hajnpsni'2. both of OMalone. «~^C«njr*t orchestra Wednesday after ocm. entertained the patients, nurie* Wd«Uend«ntS! at the Champlaln Vat- HosfUtai with * concert of over Jt%^s\ duration, wlricli /«r^ «n* Joy»d by everyone wno had, theipjea*- ure of hearing It ; / ' • •;"••/• ; v:- ; ;- ..'' ?/'•.: ^Thotjfaiulsjr ser\-jces of th« M.E. church LyoiPwHrntain on Sunday ace at 10:10 «; m. #nd, ?:J« p. m. B e * B: 8. Cramer will have for his subject at 10:50 a. m. "Raise, Tbe Standard Higher." At 8tandlsh the time of service has' been changed to 3 p. m. Strangers and. vksltoe* welconte. —At the Second Assembly .District .;W4. ::<£ l^- ; 9N|iirf A. Me«rtU, ir^ t>f Potsdam, w«a renomtnattid far member of the aas*mJ»ly from that district without oppx»iUon. John C- Orapsar was alect ed delegate to the Judlalary eoavt&- —TJi« Peru base ba^l team Wednes- day defeated the teaat of <3b. « , 84|k fetantry. oo the Peru diamond, by a placers Beaton, dlsguished guests be prcmut, JT,- cludtng the governor and prominent newspapermen states. from —Hevv Joseph Cireedoji, acting pas- tor of St. 3ohhSi tfhureh early Tues- day afternoon, narrowly escaped serious Injury by •'•' down by *n automobjlfe driven by W. H. Ifehuyl<*, manaarer of the Ntew Voffk Telephone Co. Tlie accldwit occurred on- Bridge irtreet, at the Charlotte street crossing, and It was thought iijf those who witnessed It that, the clergyrnan had received serious {a* Jurle*. but *ueh fortunau»ly was not strengthened with several frvp* tU* reglmenUl-*imm* Connolly and Rose did the battery, •work for th# soldiers -aod the Ptru- \-ians made 11 hits, wbUe ooli' six hits were made off Finney and Jkur- ber. Th soldi era had « atrtkeouts and F i n n e y * » d 1 4 . ';•':....' :\ .".;;'; ./ :' ' -.,\- —Nine graduate* from ihe Rut- land Jiospltal Training aentiol for Nurses were presented with diplomas Tuesday evening. A very attractive program was earrled out. The exer- ' Home. cises were held in Che Nun which was prettily decorated -wiik flatfs and flowers. The nwmbers of the class are: Mtes Ina A. Baarett. Miss Mary V. Staples and Aflas Min- nie P. Roddy of Rutland, Mtsa Attce Anna Powero of "Wlnftsor, Miss Ber- tha Ste^wartot Fxjrt Ana, N/ Y,, Miss Maud A. Hill of New London. : N. U,< Hias Annie E. Chapman of WinJet -Mlibt; P. Q., MUMI Eva t)» Huliett of OTanville, N. Yi. Miss Winifred U Palm«r of Christy's Lake, Ont. —^-The commencement exercises of t)he Intermedtete schobl. to which the pubjic la cordially invited will be held this morning at nln& o'clock The exercises will oonsiBt of music, the presentation of transfers, promo- tion certificates, khd itoll of Honor -certificates, and an addresif by Supt* F. K.:- : .W.'a*son,.' V';—»AH members of- fit. John Bap- tist Guard of Honor are requested the ' FattierCreedon -was on thel to attend a meeting and drill with * «*a»t when a touring car ramp north on Charlotte street. Atp|>p*<l back to allow this car to ss and as he did so Tie was struJcfc calf of the leg l>y Mr. Schuy- 's car and thrown to the ground, He retrained hi* feet almost Instantly and upon the invitation of Mr. Schuy- ler entered the car and rode to Keese- vllle and return. Kor 3 time there was considerable excltejnent In the aldearmfl to b«' hfld in St. Peter's coil*i;e hall at 7:30 this evenlnK. The society hsm aci'eptrd an Invitation to participate) In the St. Jean RnpU celebration nt HurllnRton tomorrow THEATRE FILLED WITH FREINDS OF CLASS PERSONALS Miss Margart-t lin Uf-dville. Wits in -this .< IS. E. llolilt'ii oil 1 . ii. IxVRGK FACSIMILE OF ( UVSS PIN 8l*»PKNl»CJ> OVER CHNTBR OF THS ST.\(#K. I*'ite arrivals at the^theatr? yester- day forenoon, who were desiroun of o'clock. All delegratea tiro requested to attend. —William A. Jacobs, socialist lec- turer and Custom lli rn 01 row night. —There will be A -meeting of Bt. John Baptist base ball team this even Ing, and the team will tomorrow go to Huriinftton to play a game. —The funeral of J. F. ArneCt will be held from the Kike' rooms thin afternoon at 3:30. The services will be heul at the rooms and all friends are Invited to attend, brother Elks are earneetly requested to be at the lodge rooms at 3 o'clock, sharp. —The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. £. church of Peru wlU hold a strawberry social In the church lawn Tuesday evening, June 27. If the even ing is atormy, the church parlors will be used. A cordial Invita-tion Is extend ed to all. —Mary, the three year old daugh- ter of (Mr. and Mrs. Edward 6treeter, of Ogd-eiufcurg, died Wednesday morn Ing of morphine poisoning, caused <by drinking u bxftUe of so celled sooth- Ing syrup. The child swallowed the contents of a two ounce bottle of the stuff Sunday night. —I>annemora defeated Co. G. 5th Inf. at Dannemora Wednesday by a score of 9 to 3. O'Neill starred in the box for Dannemtora, only allowing the soldier* 3 hits, striking out 12 men, aad giving four compllmen-tariea. Al- pert, who was playing at Sd. base, lined them out a la Cobb. He secured 2 two-baggers and two singles out of four tips to the plate. Doollttte's homer with two men on, featured for the visitors. The Lozier team of Plattsburgh wilt be Dannemora's next opponents, Sunday, at the latter's grounds, —The union Sunday School excur- sion of the Methodiet. Presbyterian and Baptist church will be run to Basin Harbor, Vt., next Thursday, June 19. The Chateaugay wlH carry the excursionists and will leave the dock at nine o'clock and will return at about alx In the evening. The trip will be aloag the New York shore past the Four Brothers, Split Bock and the Palisades. There are many historic epots in that part of the lake. The entire A«merican fleet on the lake once rested at Basin Harbor before McDonouffh began the construction of his ships at Vergenne*. The harbor Is a delightful spot with two summer hotels, There Is plenty of room for the cTWtdten to romp and a series of games and contests Is being prepared for the young people. —That this section Is popular and well-patronlised as a summer resort is J J«»ct of the essay by Mi» t'lalre Oene- a well-known fact, but no -better or vtevc Sharron and In it she showed mor-B forcible Illustration of it Is j the great resources of the as yet un- «l.i\ In thh» citv. Mrs. .<*. S. Ix'ifuvt* of Ku-li I.* in town visitlmc frivntls. t>rvill(' fiinithwick was a fr.itn Montreal over- Sunday. V.. M<-f:rric«>r uf F o r e s t . wa<« ni-Q* visitor in IMiittihiirKij M., •'•.Jacob Ociisner Sast night wont to •ort ilcnrv (in.a sljoft tumine&s"trip.- Mr. Wallace Pit-zpitffj'-k... <»f P«ru, • lay. Mr*, rtank SuHon and Classified Advertisemental * <> w. *-.Ia ar U- f I>a J. V Mul t i s id 1*1 I-^it li- ft Ti ntU'TT oivai: and attsi) IT l; icsdtt I»J ,i u >u v attending the oommsencement Plattsbrurgh High flcult to secure turned beck at thitty-jflxth anriua! • exercises of the;. iScnoai found. It dlf-i seats, and many' the door when they > JlVm. H.-Wallace Kmi wns umofTi? Monday's \ city.. ...... •Sirs.' Mary Seymour ^. visiting friends and r* •'PP. i-iiti tlati of M.> 'T-^ -to liiea^o vps in oors. ', UK th fs n \hi' I)')]).' or iiniirouni; h;s h>t»lth. J. T. <'aulfl-lil of N.-w Y-.rk. trav.l nir p.i^t'iK'i'r imont fur ib,* l.'niun t!. found that every seat in the theatre was wcui>led. These exejrcla^a appear to grow in popularity. 1 each year, u n •• til now manyi of our tawnsrp«opl«& are lit the buTldirW from half to three- quarters of ai|i hour before the exer- Cises begin. (•• The claaa jwlvlch was yesterday grad uated, rtum b ere d 3 6—t we nty { young ladle* 4nd slxt«en young jgen-.j tl&men—and # a s one of the fin eat I classes ever {pr«.duatedl from Platts- biirgti's old aiad Weil known High I School. The graduates oecupied chairs at the front d« the stage and back of] them were thej members of the facul- j ty, who durln* the four years of the I _ _ High School bourse have labored j John, of Peru; called ^n friends in cUv. jAmei If. Mci'orroy, of nannmnom. <»I)fnt ««-v*-r:il hours in thfj» city .Mon- day. <.'harl»»j« I'urtls S* 1 JIt homo from 'Williams college for the summer va- cation. F. D. Moorv of Coopervlllc. was in this city Wednrwlay with an automo- bile party, Mrs. <"lara Wilson, of Saranac Lake 1.1 a guest of Mrs. Buxton, of 25 Bvek- man street. Mrs. Charles Barber and da\ucht«»r. Bessie of Peru, are visiting friends In Beekmontown. Mrs,.'Bernard Ftttpntrlck and son. town Wednesday. Miss Helen Maxfleld, of D'Youville Academy, returned to her home In Potsdam, X. Y.. Wednesday, J. R, Cotterlll of Burlington. a former Plattsburpher, was a business visitor to this oity Wednewlaji Mrs. Myers of Saranac street critically ill at her home with but 9Hj?ht hope for her recovery. George E* Marvin, connected with the Coca Oohi Co. of Oastortla, N. C. hi In town the guest of friends. Mrs. €. O. Bruce and son, called faithfully in t^e preparation of the younfr people for .the event which took place ye* erda>—^-the completion of the preacrib »d High School course. "The decorat ons were atmpie, yet taisty. Over th< i class was suspended a large faesiiriile of their pia in the class colors and on the atane were law jardlnlers filled with daisies and at each of th« sjde entrances to the stage was an Immense fern. The pillars auppoTtinjr the balcony were In twined with thie claas color»--iroitl and brown-awhile^ the "Weed" box wa* deeorated with the iuhlor ootors.j Uonds^ at the home of their' cousin; —yeUow and blue. Muaic was fur> j Mrs. George Bruce in this city. nls)i«d by tht theatre oreheatm, and It was of a High order. The invoca- tion was by Rev. John BatlBy Keily. pastor of the First Pre#byterian . e h u r e h - - - - - ' . ' ' ; . ' . - \ : - . ^ ; - . . v . " ' : ' ; ' ' -, ''The C9wtnjftiB# *Plm*».^ wia« Ihe tltil« of the opening oration by Cktr- ence T. Keet. and showed deep study and careful preparation on the part -.ij*.": the young gentleman who dellv- ••wd-.-it;..'-" ••. : ; ••-•"'•'. . ; : _ : : •' ••WH! Tners *e War In the Far East," was the Subject of an excellent oration delivered by Clifford M. 011- v e - t t l . '••• ." . - ' : -. '•••'• ' - - ' ' '• - ' , ; '•A Sane Fourth," the' .eassy by Miss Ellen. Frances Watson, was timely dnd one whl«?h Was 'listened''to' with even more than the usual attention. "Great National Opportunities," an oration by Euiceoe Mv-.^lole, treated on the oppottuniifes for material ad- vancement offered the United States; ©speciaky with eastern nations. "Th« (Jreat H6rthw^9i" wa« the sub needed than to state that every room In the "Lakeside Farm" house at Val- cour has this early In the season (been engaged for the whole summer, as weJl as six tents which the proprie- tor, O. W, Pray, has provided for his developed Canadian northwest. "Th« Awakening of China, an ora- tion by Jajtnee A. Thompson, was on the great advancement made by China ) during the past few y**arn t not only j m conunercial llnus but also in the! guests. Beautifully situated on the j matter of education. shore of Lake ChamplaJn, "Lake-1 "The Age of Opportunity," an ora- side," gives a commanding view of the Green Mountains of Vermont anJ our own White-face and Lyon Moun- tains, and other beautiful scenes, while trout streams in the near vic- inity and the excellent fishing (fur- nished by Lake Chanvpi&ih give •port and amusement to the rover of the piscatorial art, Mr. Pray has de- cided to make extensive additions to his popular resort, made necessary by the Increasing business each year •brings to Lakeside Farm. T. SI. C. A. J BOYS' CAMP AT OHAZY LAKE The Boys' Camp will be held again next mbnth, at Chazy Lake, and all boys wisl.inj to go will communicate with the genera: secretary wlfhin the next few days. The catnp la open to all members- of the boys' department, and If any boy frienda of theirs are desirous of accompanying them, ar- r&nffementa may be made for them, If application is made early. The camp will be held for two weeks In July. The dates will be given later. Although the San Francisco Y. M. C. A. has been In oetlve operation in Us new building since January first, its membership has come up from nothing to 1,377 men and 926 boys. In the fourteen secretarial training classes, conducted in various parts of the country, are 200 men In training for service. Buffalo Central has 23. Washington, 21. Denver, 19, Pitts- burgh. 19, Omaha, 13. fihort term camtnalKns are still BO frequent and so uniformly success- ful that their reeountlnjr becomes {almost commonplace. But here are a few of the recent ones: Jamestown. K. T.. 7.000 In five days; Hutchlneon Kan., 1,000 members tn three days. fand Concord, N. If., la doing it again. tlon by Frederick N. Viall. was on j the opportunities afforded the United j States to increase its commerce to Alaska and the far east. "The Road to Gratitude." an essay by Miss Elizabeth A. Shetfrlen was de- voted principally to the sense of grati- tude shown by the natives of Samar to Robert Lou la Stevenson for the In- terest he had shown In them and their country, The^ trusts were treated in an ora- tlonr entitled "The Monsters." by Harold A. Jerry, In which he showed the power of trusts, ac<gulred through the vaM amount of capital back inn such enterprises and through this cap ital the power to control vast armies of employes. Miss Mary M. Russell In an esaay entitled f The Progress of Woman In the Industrial World," treated of the advancement made in all lines by wo- mankind during the past two cen- turies. "Commission Government for Cities," a subject wnlch Is at present holding public attention, w&s treated in a well prepared oration by Walter J. McQuillan. "Blcklns, the Benefactor of Chil- dren," was the title" of the »>sjsay by Miss A«neft W. Opabau, the val*-- t dlctorian of th»* class, and In it she spoke of the many reforms beneficial to children brought about through the writings of Dickens. After this essay the diplomas wer<> presented to "the class by Hon. E. <\ Bakor. represent I npf the Hoard of Education, and the audience was t!n*n dismissed with benediction. "What has become of the old-fash- ioned doK that used to trot un<li>r thi Arthur McQuillan has returned: from Cornell college for the summer v a e a t f o n , ; : . ' . . : : ' - ' ; - . ' ; ' : : . - - . . ' . ' ' . . " ' . . '•'•;• H. F. pgnton has returned to Chi- cago arteV Speeding a few day» with his parenta In this* city. M Iss Stella C. Lee of MjechanIcvlli e Is, ;u this city for Normal coTmnence- m e n t . ; - - . . ' ; / . - . . ; ' . - . . . ; ' . _ , - - . - : ' : ; ' ; . ' John Flttpatrlok and stater, $Usm Teresa, of Peru were callers in town S a t u r d a y . -;: : : '•'• ; ' • . ' : -- ...... , - ' : ':- ":.;•"' •. •'•'". Mra. ,iE;.-T. Duso of Saranac Lake, •i»;. exp€ieted . hdsne soon from the Royal VletoHst, hospital In Montreai, whet* »he underwent a very gtMoqess- ful operation several weeks ago, Miss Christine WUkins 9* Lake Pla- cid Is In this city fohr commencement wMk'.at. the Normal. Mr. and Mrs. W, ST. I^evy. left Sun- tfay for New York, from which city they will sail for a two months' tour a b r o a d . : - / - ' - ' . . " : " . - . : 1 Mrs. Ruissell Freden-lck and son, j Master Howard Fred^rk'k, o€ South j Hero, are the Kuesta at'.Mr,- and Mr* James Moffitt, on the State w>ad.: Mr. and Mrs. George Soulia of Peru Jtfra. P. L. Soulia, Mrs. F. E. Bom- bard and son Eldr«a, -went to Forest- dale on Sunday int; CieoTge ^juila's n e w a u t o . .-•.'•"••••.• : . - ' " ' . : " ' ' - . - \ George J GIHisple and family of New York are occupying £>• CAlla- nan's cottage at Cliff Haven for the t u m m i r . ••':."'•":• •••'•.:' ; - . r ' . - ' .; •• - ...• : - : . ' throw hvif»-r. ; of Now Yorlc. C. M. Ac "St. P. railroad "was in Platts- [ ^.ir (<"<li!. i».ir rtuni:>. d.-n <l "a-a\fiin^ i Mr, and Mf«. Harry Ty!tr and M!.«s' 3{oi4 Bertha Keei at S.chuyU-r Palls were ^ o . in this city yesterday. IOJJIH Mrs. Ida. Keeler of Buffalo, who j »tati came her* to attend the wedding of Bost her sun, last evenlnsr. will be in the —'city ftrr a few-d-ays. W. It. Fitzgerald, chief of police of; Mi'-ncvllle. and a former resident "f rtiittjH to tic«t>otw i w i r t'-nts hay; short haul" •>od umV timber on IIS ' tre*-«. variety stnall ; >>vx>\ barn fqr IB cowa \v HUKar house; aged-: t{fairs Mulciily wlU pair horses, S cow», and full outfit of. wag* : too!;*, machinery ,ari4' : <HUJ>; it's a Krand «p- i •:mis.«.-ij:;-."aH;-:^|tsjBfc/- fistructtons to. #ee'tfite init> trip of'•'.+*'" a*|SBsV': : t, for only; |8d^|«ge^ I am moth Par1n\ JDIta* npy " freeB. A, S^i0rjf. ^94 Wtfshingt^nrgtj XOTICR. hours sch Mi.S3 endi i'ooli Sadie njc Pi: ."hrts r Rongipr, tttslHirgh oturn^d t* W h rt Stat 1T«M has r ho be<-n rmal Saratoga, X. Y.-, ; Mr. aridl Mrs. A. S. Anderson of j Chaxy <lT0Vfl> to thSs city Thursday for' the High School rommeneement aJid i- remained over night with Sir. And^r^ •" ' son's aunt, Mrs, Ira Rowteton. Prank Helmes af Albany and Mr. ; and Mrs* J. D. Harries and Mrs. Jus.; Moffitt and daughter . of the Of \n»llcntl<>!i For gale of ^nds. TAKE N'<>T!CK: That the under* siirned will Me whh the Commisstoft- ers of the i-and Mfrice, in the <3tF of Ali.-inv. Nt',v Y.-rk, on the ,l«th , day of Julv, 1!»H. an application fOf the .i.lvvrtislns and sal^ at publtl * auction of tax \:\\\\*> in the TflrtfTtt Of Alionn. County of pinion and Start* df New York an// briefly described. t')i Th hu.ndr.*l l>uervil!. •rth one half and the s$i$j^* : quarter of lot number Q*«^ twentj -two $tl2) J;0 : 'm^^ Patent in the said; Thrift of Mr. asd Mrs. B. J. Clark of thn city has -been transferred to the new ! ftm, nor wl!n , n ., ra ' tlfu- batUeship \;tah. tha latest addition r from oilnton PrNon ftf* to our navy and which twul it* trial trip, yesterday. The I'tah Is said to ba one of the most powerful flxhtinx vemels afloat. j Mr. and Mrs. A. Myer of North I Yaklma, Washington, announce th* t marriage of their daugrhlt-r. Ida Belle 1 ra ' tlfu-of * Dan N. Y. WILLIAM H. MINER, Petitioner. 1 " - ' ' .'I'^'H 1 , NOTICE. Any .n-^ WiWKinx a nice Hi acrft farm, with J.HO.1 Quillings on a mail June 17, They will l»e at home In Me- j chanicville, N. Y.i after July 15; Mr,i Bak«r % was formerly of Plattsburgh i" can buy one uf N. J. Potwla. 8% ultMi. Vt.. It. F. D. No. S. and now In the employ of the u. & \ H. at Mechanhn-ille ! A Drcodfrtl Wound from a kr - lft? - ^ n . tin can, rutty naiL A number of f'hazy people were fireworks, or of any other In town Thursday for commencement' d « m and» prompt trec^weat fxerciJtefl, amont: thnm were Mrs. T,. : Bucklen ' n Arnica ^ulve to prevent A. Child*. MIM Kate Ri\e, Mr. and blood poison or gangrene. Its tfe* Mr?. W. R. North, Mr. and MM. It. P. ileaiton. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hyde, and Mr. ami Mra. (l^ome Anderson. George T. Woodward, our well known photographer, yt turned from Jacksonville. sterday ro- Fla.. when- quickest, surest heater for all wounds as also for Burns, Bolls* Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eci-ma, G|M#* ped Hands, Corns or Piles, titt «*• Cady Drug Company, PiattAttJfb. N. Y. he has conducted photographic par- lors during the past, winter, Mr. Woodward was recently elected" for ; the second time president of the j Florida . Photograph ADVOCATES <>F WOMAN'S TO ATTACK 1'LATTSBURQH. toprapher of Hi Photographers'. association jojjsrtized as the leading j>h«i- f stat*. having all; the : nin ^ n ^lon Of Plmttabu^l, »l^ a r©i>r«3entaUve of the movement 4s Ailsu Annos SavaK*', a Hlxter of Rev. Father SavaKP, who has been visit- ln« friends In this city has gone to Brushton to visit friends. Prof. C. H. Clark, former teacher of science in the PlattsRurgh HJgh School, but now of Brooklyn, is! spending H few daya- fn this city. j Sister Margaret of Carthage, N. Y.-| Is visiting her brothers and sisters on Cornelia street. Sister Margraxet was formerly Mlas MvOauHey. Officer Allen of Clinton prison was Monday, after an ex point* In the New Ichenectady and Al- l.c;ading men of the state among his patrons. First Lieut. John B. Barnes of the &th Infantry, United. States army, has been detailed by the war department for ser%ic« with the National Guard a>f ^Vermont, the detail being: for at "leQ-at"' two years, duringr which time he 'will make Burlington his home. In laO6 Lieutenant Barnes graduated from the Infantry and cavalry school, and 1 in 19QT from the staff college. He i^ a fine •o'fficer and a, charming gentleman, and with Sirs. Barnes will j receive a hearty welcome from our | peofple as. well- as from Vermonters i" j no?y hbre perfecting plans for the>;f^' (tack which will made about t|M» middle erf July. : , is the youns lady who is fiere-itf^L ranging for an open all"•' ;'m.e0Un|&,vW-v l»e held here about July 17.-X;':j0fief% of four ladies Interested amla^lw*- 1 eating the cause of woman% rli^hiy^ wiU during July, tour Jefferson.:-.:ftti, --\ l^awrehoe, fVanklin, Essex, CliniaBfej Warren, Waahln^ionaad eouttties, by aufeotnobile, meetings In all of the prtncip&l < and villages. The party will: and Mrs. Barnes are at preseiu guests of the Hotn! Vermont.—Burlington PAYK FALLS AND BRR\KS HIP in this city tended visit to England states; bany. ¥ W. F. Nash, Jpi offlctr in the El- mim refort^tm^; Is in this city for a three we^S^vlalt with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nadh. Miss JPlorence C. Delano, of Kast Beekmantottn, returned home Tues- day bixjit, accomiAinied hv^her sister Mrs. Hnymond 1). Iluse, Wt NiaKraru Falls, Who in to be the sruest of her parents Mr. ahil Mrs. P; H. I^elaho. ( Col. Charles W, Larned, dean M ' the military aratkmy at West point, j and father of Lieut. I'ajil A. I^rn 5th Tntiihtry, died in u 8anutori«m DansvlUe. N. Y, on Monday. Col. Lamed spent last summer in this city and made jnany friends among our- townspeople who will rujtret l«.» learn uf his deatb. George T. Woodwar-d, ; j R.jown ' |>hoto«raph'er; sill Ja:ksonvlih-, Flu., on the LiM »hi.p. V'ttio Grande," for New i York, on the 15th ihst. After a short , business stay in New York, Mr. Wooil f wnrd will return to PIuttsburKh, fo': takM charKe of n-is studio hero for the! Senator < coming volume of •'Recollection" n-ii! rovi seventy-five years and in« so interesUnt: as for L'pr-im'.er,-" if ho'tells eriod of .•ontArn noth- hy he voted why. ; York, Jrtate suffrage president, Mtte; Stubbs. of Chicago, 14*» Wlllii «| New York, Mrs, liobert Elder of N*wv ; York, and they will probably J»# f^ii eompanied by Robert Elder, assistaBt distrk-t attorney of Kings county. A' vigorous campaign te to be c<sa» ducted "by thesMj ladles and they 'hope to make many converts to their cause during tht-ir tour. - I DAVI*~~P< \ twin dauKhte !'May; to Mr. Jid j;-n:nvl- .--.' )nyis of S:-.h HCiLt.AM-) •ru. N. V . June !;?, m i l . ?. Hele mi) Mr Mar ami Ellen . Kverest I-».i\it Mr ivN<r Ptttis, N. Y. - i n IMattslnirKh, N. Y.. '(June 19, m i , a daughter ts^ Mr. and ; | Mrs. John P. Jloiiand. :M'CM'^K-KV. - U\ PiaHsburKh. Junf; 19th. 11* 11. t sun to Mr. anil Mrs. William XieClusftey. 1911, ifr\Mle, \ . RJIJJ'.I .-il Lass., '• Jun'' ;llth. 1911, a son. Ralph Loring:, t( (Mr. and Mrs. HaSf)h \V.. rjuiWrd. j PKASLBY^Wliii. hall, X. Y., June I {21. 1911, a-'.-.dnuxhtT s-» >tr. and ; Mrs.: j William Pe.aslt\v and granddauisrhte-r Mrs. fhas. Sa-r^tn't .o-f .'Plati»burgh;. Avoid Frauds A paint fraud la. paint that looks fair for a year or »o, and then make* repainting necessary. l.>on't waste your money and Injure your property. The L. & M. Paint has bven la us* for ihlrty-flvu years. You make on*-hatf of it by addin* three-quarters of a gallon of Unse«4 oil to ea<h gallon, ft then cost* j about $1.60 per gullou, and Is the I bout paint that can l>e mnde. j Longman & Martinet. Manufactur- * er.«. The L. & M. tJiire paints, var- nishp.q ami paint.s for every purpose For sale by R. W. Squiers?, Allen & Cunningham. i>aniH'mnr,». W. H* Fit-'h. Mrt.icrs. MVRRIFH. r>r. L. TI. Knl-li f.f t! i ci:% rHUT r'«slde n at Ailan III leaping from Wagnn Ife Felt Cnon SniaU Stone. While ittemptlntc to leap from the back of a biickboard waur>n, Tncs- farmer's wagon?" demands the To- j day. fleorire Pave, of Gabriels, fell, ledo- blade. He is now riding on the striking on a small stpn^ and break- hood of the auto. Ing his hip. Me was removed to his .'-'• home and. Dr. decker summoned. Mr, and haa delegated the Guard of Work Will Soon Start Payo's daughter, MM. Alice Moody. Honor to repreiient them, ThU will after you take Dr. Klng*t New Life of Sarariac Lake. wn» mimmoned to b* the hut drill before the Burling- j pms, and you'll -.ulckly enjoy their his* hedsjd?. It was deemed advisftibJ- ton celebration. At tonight's meet- Ing a reception committee will be ippolnlod to entertain the commit- city nn it -coulil not'be learned where (tees from Quebec, Miilnne and Hnr- Father CreeiUm hfid been taken orUltiKton who will he hire on Httnduv wlin WUM drivliiiC the car which Htruck j to arranKe fur the coniinff ci-]i i bratii^n p\m. I In AUKUPI. fine resultB. Constipation and indl- to take the pat lent to Montreal andt he |« now befnsr treated at the Royal an attack o' tvphoi.t ffuer. is m this dtv \i*fitiri»r frn-mls prior in sail- ing n<»xt Saturday on the steamship r\«:!r!c f»r Knvhind. ir»m then..- to N.inh <V|>-'. Sw.-d.-n, Kr.inic, It.i'.y. fJermany and Eirypt. Th.- trip is .t pr.f»>sior i! on.- and he will be absent a yfar. Mi5.^ A.l.v Klizabeth Swc.-t, daush- ter o! W. N. Sweet. ,;f Chazy was amonvf this year's graduates from Mt.' folles... Ml»« Sweet r.'.'elV.-.l the .1,'srw oj llafhelor .>f Arts and u ,-, .-n.- of thi- honor slu STILIvS—A t. Morrl Vt., J\»no 11, 1311. at the homo of thol hride's parents. Mr. rind Mrs. John L. Stl!e«. by the 1t-\. W. E. ISaker. pas-; tor of the First t'onsre^allonali church, Fre-d <"'. Porter of Plattslmrch ' and Miss Airm-s L. StlK-s. 1 BUSWESS EOlCATmN | ••"' - " . '- - ' •• ' ' ; I Slcpplnfl-Stone to Fi- nancial Success : , '/THE ,,V :-..'; •/',••> '; WKVKIl-fti 1:111, alter a b L. WHIT, a«rd Phittsburgh, Ju »e Ma delii and Mrs. gestion vanish and fine appetite re- j turns, They regulate Stomacli, liver (Victoria tiospltn!'. As Mr, Paye is ased »n<l bowels and Impart new strength j : .iboiit Trt m r s « will W some time and energy to the whole system. Try I before hi- -will hi- ;tbh- to walk again. th>m* Only 2So. at *ady Drug Com- J but 5 vte reports are to the ertwt thai pany. Plattsburgh. N. Y. ho is quite comfortaie. ur.-d nl\ hit STin/p?-. l'Q'i'Jun«. 19. .-!"' 11. Platlsbiir«.h William n. Infri! i. Mo : N. Y. | hers. 1MJ V. T—.Kxse Emti t I). 1,'. ••:!. Punei ' .er\ 1 . ^ iiay, Juno :•!. i X. Y., .Fursc 2>K ' \ I. •TH \K im \V. you an n-Ui4.-bCL e.r. A? er Rate t., Trpj, N. \ . .or»'port ffir a proud k f-'r 3. unity to T>r#^ po.'«si;tlo.a-:--that to acvepti,'-- our Special !i:IMU>Ll>v I 1 rliH'lpala.

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Post on 13-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Per Cent - NYS Historic… · Dr. BI N.' Jones*. f«rw^ prt»einai of th«. Btate Normal 8cWool in this

Burlington Savings BankINCORPORATED 1MT

Deposits$ 8,710.12


—Tuesday, June 27tb Is the dateof th« pilgrimage to Ste Anna deBeaupre.

—Th»* 5th infantry and All colleget teams will pla> on the I'osi diamondtomorrow afternoon at 2:3a.

—The Trades Assembly will hold a.


January 1. l i t * .January 1, 1870 . .


.Jiumsxy J, l&to..January l, 1900..January 1, 1911..

170.288 JM830,685.37

4 Per Centrganiser, will apeak on

park tonight and to-

Burinou ran b* innuctod by n-ail. aa welt a» In tauon. All dealing* with our d«potifo r»I>«U In c«*ifld*nc*.

No money loaned to any office* or trustee if this Bank.All correspondence should b« addrassed, and checks made payable, to


Greene,, F. W. Pwry,

V t

, The fire ettcatf** officer* ma J. L. Biirstow, WOlard Crane, A. O.

NEARBY NEWSof ~tut* to l»e delivered by Wdlllam A.Jacobs, fioclalltt lecturer and organ-Iser, on Custom Ho^is* square Fri-day and Saturday evenings, ^

^ M <&w&n wtoteh te to tsJrtinfills June 28th at the T.V sV•''.•&. A,-*ymna*lum for the benefit of thePhyglclan-B hoaplUl. Mlas London, ofNew York und MiM Rausonl will beheird, al«D Mrs, Everest ot mr owncltife*ail JM> a «*M>ft©>0* P»opl* :",

;; -Miss Julia Miron an4 M»s. War-rington have sold to Pater LMkarlsthe property at No. 77 Margaret streetwWch by ,tha wttl of ttf Jat«^e^n i m *a* k«J4 la ttottfar h > starvlTlng children ontil »lswife'* death. : : . > -:-v ...;'./. ,/y^;:,:-:,.

—Mward Totopkln* Jons* son ofDr. BI N.' Jones*. f «rw^ prt»einai ofth«. Btate Normal 8cWool in this cl*ywill ba «raduat«<i ftorm flib^y C.-l-

—>Elralra gets the 1912 conclave ofCommander:', Knights

l t of Mechanical En**n**r!ntr. Cor-neH Unlvemity. this week. He winenter immediately the sen*ce of theWeatlnghttnse company at Pttubunr,Pa.

—The control of tae Whitehall andBfc John* Towing and TraasportHHoncompany passed- into the hands of theLafce 'Cbwnplain Transportation com-najfty Monday when the latter con-cern purchased about 60 shares ofthe former company's stock. The dealends towing opposition on Lake Champlain. •

—Elaborate preparations are' belne;made *y the West?*** AutomottieCawrtval Association for me cartttfralto. be held at Westjfcrt next month.Three ralMt&t priaee wttl«* for j ^

cotnttml WooraUfctnfron» the, entiream lnvttetl to pssrttetgate in the car-nival.

—Domiilo Beigard, a ftMaum andWUliacn 8. Wlntere, an engineer enthe CStataaugay tauten of the D. *H. were burned, the former painfullya*d the Utter slightly, by two esffto-stone on tile oil burning engine theywere to take otit of this city on thepiaeanser train Monday mornjn*.The explosions occurred while the envgin* wai standing near the paper millnorth of the depot and were due to

member* of the committee4th of July celebration are

to meet at Maccabee hallI this evening. , • ::."•;•'.

review of uniform rank.KT <K % ; ii&wjIB fee held tonight at8 o'clock. All members are requested-td attend as very important businessIs to oonte before the r«Vi»w.« ^The Ladles A& Society of theStfuth Plattshtrrgn M. E. church willh»ld a StrttwSerry festival 'at thehom* of Marti* Lewis tonlfht. It Ishoped tftat a large number will be

-—T^ere will oe a meeting of L'XJh-lon - m Jean BapUste d'Amerlque,'

in their hall at 8 o'clock this evening.Matters of importance to be conalder-ed. All members requested to be pres-• o f c ' . • " • ; • ; • ^ : ' : - - ; - . : , - i ' • - . ; • • . ; ; ^ . : . . - > - . -

-^b'^ffefp |N(ft picnic the *th ofJuly In Peasleevllle. This has becomea y«urly event in th to vicinity andthe uiual good time Is scheduled.

—The Ladles 'Aid Society of Hark-neaft,(|a\M. church will serve a, supperof strawberries and crezim, and other

ngs at the church parlors this

Witllmr Workers of Ellen-burgh Center will serve a strawberrysupper at the halt. Friday evening,June 28rd from five o'clock untilnine.

—At a >brldge 'party given Tuesdayafternoon 'by Miss Nellie Kellas ofMojone. the encasement twee an-nounced of (Miss {Helen ITolt, daughterof airs. E. R. Holt, and WilliamFrench, eon of Mir. and Mrs, M. L.

toorapidif* of the oil fuel whichth»» doied the flue* The enginewas not In any way damaged. •

.- 'v-—Mweff*WfcjaJ interest nt'.arhes t3Che raising: ot ^a litlce tot somWwha/e In her shattered DO Ik lie the

of Ensign *J«sritt, wilt^otsdam, . Bostin Merrat

'£•- a nephew "<* jqf^^V^J-^Jsf"^--0k^J^\ i« i^\^>siB^^«9*-

,^iown%\^.;;t^;.jri%fv/;6|r4^:-,, !".,_ .visit to Potsttam. «nstg» Merrltt wasthe only officer of the Maine to lose

: *U§, W6r'-m^- i»« ae Utirttfp w#nt^ a ^ # - > # » i | : j w o , . •,•-;:;;•-.\ ;•,:-:;-^

•r#h# summer meeting- of the Vae-mont Press association will be held atBurlington Thursday. June ti. Theip NKrttni ' will consist of automobileand boat rides tn the afternoon, fo».lowett by a luncheon, A businessmeting will be held In the evening,followed iby a banquet at tbe VanNess HO«M. The prominent speakersafter the anquet will b* Hubert Lin-coln O'Brten, editor of the BostonHerald, **Cy» Warman the notedCanadian author and hJmorla*. sn-iih* speaker of the House of Repre-

i&tatives of New Hajnpsni'2.

both of OMalone.«~ C«njr*t orchestra Wednesday after

ocm. entertained the patients, nurie*Wd«Uend«ntS! at the Champlaln Vat-

HosfUtai with * concert of overJ t % ^ s \ duration, wlricli /«r^ «n*

Joy»d by everyone wno had, theipjea*-u r e o f h e a r i n g I t ; / ' • •;"••/•

;v : - ; ;- . . ' ' ?/'•.:

^Thotjfaiulsjr ser\-jces of th« LyoiPwHrntain on Sunday aceat 10:10 «; m. #nd, ?:J« p. m. B e * B:8. Cramer will have for his subjectat 10:50 a. m. "Raise, Tbe StandardHigher." At 8tandlsh the time ofservice has' been changed to 3 p. m.Strangers and. vksltoe* welconte.

—At the Second Assembly .District.;W4.::<£l^-;9N|iirf

A. Me«rtU, ir^ t>f Potsdam,w«a renomtnattid far member of theaas*mJ»ly from that district withoutoppx»iUon. John C- Orapsar was alected delegate to the Judlalary eoavt&-

—TJi« Peru base ba l team Wednes-day defeated the teaat of <3b. « , 84|kfetantry. oo the Peru diamond, by a


dlsguished guests be prcmut, JT,-cludtng the governor and prominentnewspapermenstates.


—Hevv Joseph Cireedoji, acting pas-tor of St. 3ohhSi tfhureh early Tues-day afternoon, narrowly escapedserious Injury by •'•' down by*n automobjlfe driven by W. H.Ifehuyl<*, manaarer of the Ntew VoffkTelephone Co. Tlie accldwit occurredon- Bridge irtreet, at the Charlottestreet crossing, and It was thought

iijf those who witnessed It that, theclergyrnan had received serious {a*Jurle*. but *ueh fortunau»ly was not

strengthened with severalfrvp* tU* reglmenUl-*imm*Connolly and Rose did the battery,•work for th# soldiers -aod the Ptru-\-ians made 11 hits, wbUe ooli' sixhits were made off Finney and Jkur-ber. Th • soldi era had « atrtkeouts andF i n n e y * » d 1 4 . ';•':....' :\ .".;;'; • ./ :' ' -.,\-

—Nine graduate* from ihe Rut-land Jiospltal Training aentiol forNurses were presented with diplomasTuesday evening. A very attractiveprogram was earrled out. The exer-

' Home.cises were held in Che Nunwhich was prettily decorated -wiikflatfs and flowers. The nwmbers ofthe class are: Mtes Ina A. Baarett.Miss Mary V. Staples and Aflas Min-nie P. Roddy of Rutland, Mtsa AttceAnna Powero of "Wlnftsor, Miss Ber-tha Ste^wartot Fxjrt Ana, N/ Y,, MissMaud A. Hill of New London. :N. U,<Hias Annie E. Chapman of WinJet-Mlibt; P. Q., MUMI Eva t)» Huliett ofOTanville, N. Yi. Miss Winifred UPalm«r of Christy's Lake, Ont.

— -The commencement exercises oft)he Intermedtete schobl. to whichthe pubjic la cordially invited willbe held this morning at nln& o'clockThe exercises will oonsiBt of music,the presentation of transfers, promo-tion certificates, khd itoll of Honor-certificates, and an addresif by Supt*F. K.:-:.W.'a*son,.'V';—»AH members of- fit. John Bap-tist Guard of Honor are requested

the ' FattierCreedon -was on thel to attend a meeting and drill with* «*a»t when a touring

car ramp north on Charlotte street.Atp|>p*<l back to allow this car to

ss and as he did so Tie was struJcfccalf of the leg l>y Mr. Schuy-

's car and thrown to the ground,He retrained hi* feet almost Instantlyand upon the invitation of Mr. Schuy-ler entered the car and rode to Keese-vllle and return. Kor 3 time therewas considerable excltejnent In the

aldearmfl to b«' hfld in St. Peter'scoil*i;e hall at 7:30 this evenlnK. Thesociety hsm aci'eptrd an Invitation toparticipate) In the St. Jean RnpUcelebration nt HurllnRton tomorrow


P E R S O N A L SMiss Margart-t l i n

Uf-dville. Wits in -this .<IS. E. llolilt ' i i o i l 1 . i i .



I*'ite arrivals at the^theatr? yester-day forenoon, who were desiroun of

o'clock. All delegratea tiro requestedto attend.

—William A. Jacobs, socialist lec-turer andCustom llirn 01 row night.

—There will be A -meeting of Bt.John Baptist base ball team this evenIng, and the team will tomorrow goto Huriinftton to play a game.

—The funeral of J. F. ArneCt willbe held from the Kike' rooms thinafternoon at 3:30. The services willbe heul at the rooms and all friendsare Invited to attend, brother Elksare earneetly requested to be at thelodge rooms at 3 o'clock, sharp.

—The Ladles' Aid Society of theM. £. church of Peru wlU hold astrawberry social In the church lawnTuesday evening, June 27. If the evening is atormy, the church parlors willbe used. A cordial Invita-tion Is extended to all.

—Mary, the three year old daugh-ter of (Mr. and Mrs. Edward 6treeter,of Ogd-eiufcurg, died Wednesday mornIng of morphine poisoning, caused <bydrinking u bxftUe of so celled sooth-Ing syrup. The child swallowed thecontents of a two ounce bottle of thestuff Sunday night.

—I>annemora defeated Co. G. 5thInf. at Dannemora Wednesday by ascore of 9 to 3. O'Neill starred in thebox for Dannemtora, only allowing thesoldier* 3 hits, striking out 12 men,aad giving four compllmen-tariea. Al-pert, who was playing at Sd. base,lined them out a la Cobb. He secured2 two-baggers and two singles out offour tips to the plate. Doollttte'shomer with two men on, featuredfor the visitors. The Lozier team ofPlattsburgh wilt be Dannemora's nextopponents, Sunday, at the latter'sgrounds,

—The union Sunday School excur-sion of the Methodiet. Presbyterianand Baptist church will be run toBasin Harbor, Vt., next Thursday,June 19. The Chateaugay wlH carrythe excursionists and will leave thedock at nine o'clock and will returnat about alx In the evening. The tripwill be aloag the New York shorepast the Four Brothers, Split Bockand the Palisades. There are manyhistoric epots in that part of the lake.The entire A«merican fleet on the lakeonce rested at Basin Harbor beforeMcDonouffh began the construction ofhis ships at Vergenne*. The harbor Isa delightful spot with two summerhotels, There Is plenty of room for thecTWtdten to romp and a series ofgames and contests Is being preparedfor the young people.

—That this section Is popular andwell-patronlised as a summer resort is J J«»ct of the essay by Mi» t'lalre Oene-a well-known fact, but no -better or vtevc Sharron and In it she showedmor-B forcible Illustration of it Is j the great resources of the as yet un-

«l.i\ In thh» c i tv .M r s . .<*. S. Ix'ifuvt* of K u - l i

I.* in t o w n v is i t lmc f r ivn t l s .t>rvill( ' fiinithwick w a s a

fr.itn M o n t r e a l over- S u n d a y .V.. M<-f:rric«>r uf F o r e s t . wa<«

ni-Q* v i s i t o r in IMiitt ihiirKij M.,

•'•.Jacob Oc i i sne r Sast n i g h t w o n t to•ort i l c n r v ( i n . a s l joft tumine&s"trip.-

Mr. W a l l a c e Pit-zpitffj'-k... <»f P « r u ,

• l ay .Mr*, rtank SuHon and


* <>





f I>a

J. VMul

t i v« sid 1*1

I-^it li-ft Ti


andattsi)IT l;icsdtt




attending theoommsencementPlattsbrurgh Highflcult to secureturned beck at

thitty-jflxth anriua! •exercises of the;.

iScnoai found. It dlf-iseats, and many'

the door when they >

JlVm. H.-Wallace Kmiwns umofTi? Monday's \city.. . . . . . .

•Sirs.' Mary S e y m o u r .i« vis it ing friends and r*



of M.>' T - ^ - t o

liiea^ovps in


', UKth fs

n \hi' I)')]).' or i in i i rouni ; h;s h>t»lth.J . T. <'aulfl-lil of N.-w Y-.rk. t r av . l

nir p.i^t'iK'i 'r imont fur ib,* l.'niunt!.

found that every seat in the theatrewas wcui>led. These exejrcla^a appearto grow in popularity.1 each year, u n••til now manyi of our tawnsrp«opl«& arelit the buTldirW from half to three-quarters of ai|i hour before the exer-Cises begin. (••

The claaa jwlvlch was yesterdaygrad uated, rtum b ere d 3 6—t we nty {young ladle* 4nd slxt«en young jgen-.jtl&men—and # a s one of the fin eat Iclasses ever {pr«.duatedl from Platts-biirgti's old aiad Weil known High ISchool. The graduates oecupied chairsat the front d« the stage and back of]them were thej members of the facul- jty, who durln* the four years of the I _ _High School bourse have labored j John, of Peru; called ^n friends in

cUv.jAmei If. Mci'orroy, of nannmnom.

<»I)fnt ««-v*-r:il hours in thfj» city .Mon-day.

<.'harl»»j« I'urtls S*1 JIt homo from'Williams college for the summer va-cation.

F. D. Moorv of Coopervlllc. was inthis city Wednrwlay with an automo-bile party,

Mrs. <"lara Wilson, of Saranac Lake1.1 a guest of Mrs. Buxton, of 25 Bvek-man street.

Mrs. Charles Barber and da\ucht«»r.Bessie of Peru, are visiting friends InBeekmontown.

Mrs,.'Bernard Ftttpntrlck and son.

town Wednesday.Miss Helen Maxfleld, of D'Youville

Academy, returned to her home InPotsdam, X. Y.. Wednesday,

J. R, Cotterlll of Burlington. aformer Plattsburpher, was a businessvisitor to this oity Wednewlaji

Mrs. Myers of Saranac street l»critically ill at her home with but9Hj?ht hope for her recovery.

George E* Marvin, connected withthe Coca Oohi Co. of Oastortla, N. C .hi In town the guest of friends.

Mrs. € . O. Bruce and son, called

faithfully in t^e preparation of theyounfr people for .the event whichtook place ye* erda>— -the completionof the preacrib »d High School course.

"The decorat ons were atmpie, yettaisty. Over th< i class was suspendeda large faesiiriile of their pia inthe class colors and on the atane werel a w jardlnlers filled with daisiesand at each of th« sjde entrances tothe stage was an Immense fern. Thepillars auppoTtinjr the balcony wereIn twined with thie claas color»--iroitland brown-awhile^ the "Weed" boxwa* deeorated with the iuhlor ootors.j Uonds^ at the home of their' cousin;—yeUow and blue. Muaic was fur> j Mrs. George Bruce in this city.nls)i«d by tht theatre oreheatm, andIt was of a High order. The invoca-tion was by Rev. John BatlBy Keily.pastor of the First Pre#byterian

. e h u r e h - - v - - - ' . ' ' ; . ' . - \ : - . ^ • • ; • • - . . v . " v • • ' ; : ' ; ' • • ' - ,

''The C9wtnjftiB# *Plm*». wia« Ihetltil« of the opening oration by Cktr-ence T. Keet. and showed deep studyand careful preparation on the part-.iij*.": the young gentleman who dellv-• • w d - . - i t ; . . ' - " • • .

: ; ••-•"'•'. . ; : _

: : •' •

••WH! Tners *e War In the FarEast," was the Subject of an excellentoration delivered by Clifford M. 011-v e - t t l . ' • • • • ; . " . - ' : : - . ' • • • ' • • • ' - - : ' ' '• - ' , • ;

'•A Sane Fourth," the' .eassy by MissEllen. Frances Watson, was timelydnd one whl«?h Was 'listened''to' witheven more than the usual attention.

"Great National Opportunities," anoration by Euiceoe Mv-. lole, treatedon the oppottuniifes for material ad-vancement offered the United States;©speciaky with eastern nations.

"Th« (Jreat H6rthw^9i" wa« the sub

needed than to state that every roomIn the "Lakeside Farm" house at Val-cour has this early In the season (beenengaged for the whole summer, asweJl as six tents which the proprie-tor, O. W, Pray, has provided for his

developed Canadian northwest."Th« Awakening of China, an ora-

tion by Jajtnee A. Thompson, was onthe great advancement made by China )during the past few y**arnt not only jm conunercial llnus but also in the!

guests. Beautifully situated on the j matter of education.shore of Lake ChamplaJn, "Lake-1 "The Age of Opportunity," an ora-side," gives a commanding view ofthe Green Mountains of Vermont anJour own White-face and Lyon Moun-tains, and other beautiful scenes,while trout streams in the near vic-inity and the excellent fishing (fur-nished by Lake Chanvpi&ih give•port and amusement to the rover ofthe piscatorial art, Mr. Pray has de-cided to make extensive additions tohis popular resort, made necessaryby the Increasing business each year•brings to Lakeside Farm.

T. SI. C. A. J


The Boys' Camp will be held againnext mbnth, at Chazy Lake, and allboys wisl.inj to go will communicatewith the genera: secretary wlfhin thenext few days. The catnp la open toall members- of the boys' department,and If any boy frienda of theirs aredesirous of accompanying them, ar-r&nffementa may be made for them, Ifapplication is made early. The campwill be held for two weeks In July.The dates will be given later.

Although the San Francisco Y. M.C. A. has been In oetlve operation inUs new building since January first,its membership has come up fromnothing to 1,377 men and 926 boys.

In the fourteen secretarial trainingclasses, conducted in various parts ofthe country, are 200 men In trainingfor service. Buffalo Central has 23.Washington, 21. Denver, 19, Pitts-burgh. 19, Omaha, 13.

fihort term camtnalKns are still BOfrequent and so uniformly success-ful that their reeountlnjr becomes

{almost commonplace. But here are afew of the recent ones: Jamestown.K. T.. 7.000 In five days; HutchlneonKan., 1,000 members tn three days.

fand Concord, N. If., la doing it again.

tlon by Frederick N. Viall. was on jthe opportunities afforded the United jStates to increase its commerce toAlaska and the far east.

"The Road to Gratitude." an essayby Miss Elizabeth A. Shetfrlen was de-voted principally to the sense of grati-tude shown by the natives of Samarto Robert Lou la Stevenson for the In-terest he had shown In them and theircountry,

The^ trusts were treated in an ora-tlonr entitled "The Monsters." byHarold A. Jerry, In which he showedthe power of trusts, ac<gulred throughthe vaM amount of capital back innsuch enterprises and through this capital the power to control vast armiesof employes.

Miss Mary M. Russell In an esaayentitled fThe Progress of Woman Inthe Industrial World," treated of theadvancement made in all lines by wo-mankind during the past two cen-turies.

"Commission Government forCities," a subject wnlch Is at presentholding public attention, w&s treatedin a well prepared oration by WalterJ. McQuillan.

"Blcklns, the Benefactor of Chil-dren," was the title" of the »>sjsay byMiss A«neft W. Opabau, the val*--

t dlctorian of th»* class, and In it shespoke of the many reforms beneficialto children brought about throughthe writings of Dickens.

After this essay the diplomas wer<>presented to "the class by Hon. E. <\Bakor. represent I npf the Hoard ofEducation, and the audience was t!n*ndismissed with benediction.

"What has become of the old-fash-ioned doK that used to trot un<li>r thi

Arthur McQuillan has returned:from Cornell college for the summerv a e a t f o n , • ; • : . ' . . • • • : : • • ' • - ' ; - . ' ; ' : • : . - • - . . ' . ' ' . . " ' . . ' • ' • ; •

H. F. pgnton has returned to Chi-cago arteV Speeding a few day» withhis parenta In this* city.

M Iss Stella C. Lee of MjechanIcvlli eIs, ;u this city for Normal coTmnence-m e n t . ; - - . . • ' ; • • / • . - . . ; ' . - • . • • . . ; ' . _ , - - . - : ' • • : ; • ' ; . '

John Flttpatrlok and stater, $UsmTeresa, of Peru were callers in townS a t u r d a y . • -;: :

: '•'• ; ' • . ' : - - . . . . . . , - '

:' : - " : . ; • " ' •. •'•'".

Mra. ,iE;.-T. Duso of Saranac Lake,•i»;. exp€ieted . hdsne soon from theRoyal VletoHst, hospital In Montreai,whet* »he underwent a very gtMoqess-ful operation several weeks ago,

Miss Christine WUkins 9* Lake Pla-cid Is In this city fohr commencementwMk'.at. the Normal.

Mr. and Mrs. W, ST. I^evy. left Sun-tfay for New York, from which citythey will sail for a two months' tour

a b r o a d . : : - / • - • ' - ' . • • . • " • : " . • - . • : • •

1 Mrs. Ruissell Freden-lck and son,j Master Howard Fred^rk'k, o€ Southj Hero, are the Kuesta at'.Mr,- and Mr*James Moffitt, on the State w>ad.:

Mr. and Mrs. George Soulia of PeruJtfra. P. L. Soulia, Mrs. F. E. Bom-bard and son Eldr«a, -went to Forest-dale on Sunday int; CieoTge ^juila's

n e w a u t o . • ; . - • . ' • " • • • • . • : . - : ' • " • • • • • ' . : " • • ' ' - . - • \

George J GIHisple and family ofNew York are occupying £>• CAlla-nan's cottage at Cliff Haven for thet u m m i r . • • ' : . " ' • " : • • • • ' • . : ' ; - . r ' . - ' . ; •• - ...• : - : .

' throwhvif»-r. ;

of Now Yorlc.

C. M. Ac "St. P. railroad "was in Platts- [

^.ir (<"<li!. i».irrtuni:>. d.-n<l "a-a\fiin^ i

Mr, and Mf«. Harry Ty!tr and M!.«s' 3{oi4Bertha Keei • at S.chuyU-r Palls were ^ o .in this city yesterday. IOJJIH

Mrs. Ida. Keeler of Buffalo, who j »taticame her* to attend the wedding of Bosther sun, last evenlnsr. will be in the —'—city ftrr a few-d-ays.

W. It. Fitzgerald, chief of police of;Mi'-ncvllle. and a former resident "f

rtiittjH to tic«t>otw i w i rt'-nts hay; short haul"

•>od umV timber on IIS' tre*-«. variety stnall ;

>>vx>\ barn fqr IB cowa\v HUKar house; aged-:

t{fairs Mulciily wlUpair horses, S cow»,

and full outfit of. wag* :too!;*, machinery ,ari4': <HUJ>; it's a Krand «p-i •:mis.«.-ij:;-."aH;-:^|tsjBfc/-fistructtons to. #ee'tfiteinit> trip of'•'.+*'" a*|SBsV'::

t, for only; | 8 d ^ | « g e ^I am moth Par1n\ JDIta*npy •" freeB. A, S^i0rjf. •^94 Wtfshingt^nrgtj





Sadienjc Pi:."hrts r

Rongipr,tttslHirghoturn^d t*

W h rtStat

-» 1T«M


r ho


Saratoga, X. Y.-, ;

Mr. aridl Mrs. A. S. Anderson of jChaxy <lT0Vfl> to thSs city Thursday for'the High School rommeneement aJid i-remained over night with Sir. And^r^ •"'son's aunt, Mrs, Ira Rowteton.

Prank Helmes af Albany and Mr. ;and Mrs* J. D. Harries and Mrs. Jus.;Moffitt and daughter . of the

Of \n»llcntl<>!i For gale of ^nds.TAKE N'<>T!CK: That the under*

siirned will Me whh the Commisstoft-ers of the i-and Mfrice, in the <3tFof Ali.-inv. Nt',v Y.-rk, on the , l«th ,day of Julv, 1!»H. an application fOfthe .i.lvvrtislns and sal^ at publtl *auction of tax \:\\\\*> in the TflrtfTtt OfAlionn. County of p i n i o n and Start*df New York a n / / briefly described.



•rth one half and the s$i$j^*: quarter of lot number Q*«^

twentj -two $tl2) J;0:'m^^Patent in the said; Thrift 0£

of Mr. asd Mrs. B. J. Clark of thncity has -been transferred to the new ! ftm, n o r w l ! n , n ., r a ' t l f u -

batUeship \;tah. tha latest addition r f r o m oilnton PrNon ftf*to our navy and which twul it* trialtrip, yesterday. The I'tah Is said toba one of the most powerful flxhtinxvemels afloat. j

Mr. and Mrs. A. Myer of North IYaklma, Washington, announce th* tmarriage of their daugrhlt-r. Ida Belle 1

r a ' t l f u - o f

* DanN. Y.

WILLIAM H. MINER, Petitioner.— 1 • " - • ' ' • .'I'^'H 1 ,

NOTICE.Any .n- WiWKinx a nice Hi acrft

farm, with J.HO.1 Quillings on a mail

June 17, They will l»e at home In Me- jchanicville, N. Y.i after July 15; Mr,iBak«r %was formerly of Plattsburgh i"

can buy one uf N. J. Potwla. 8%ultMi. Vt.. It. F. D. No. S.

and now In the employ of the u. & \H. at Mechanhn-ille !

A Drcodfrtl Woundf r o m a kr-lft?- ^ n . tin can, rutty naiL

A number of f'hazy people were fireworks, or of any otherIn town Thursday for commencement' d«mand» prompt trec^weat •fxerciJtefl, amont: thnm were Mrs. T,. : B u c k l e n ' n Arnica ^ulve to preventA. Child*. MIM Kate Ri\e, Mr. and • blood poison or gangrene. Its tfe*Mr?. W. R. North, Mr. and MM. It.P. ileaiton. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hyde,and Mr. ami Mra. (l^ome Anderson.

George T. Woodward, our wellknown photographer, ytturned from Jacksonville.

sterday ro-Fla.. when-

quickest, surest heater for allwounds as also for Burns, Bolls*Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eci-ma, G|M#*ped Hands, Corns or Piles, titt «*•Cady Drug Company, PiattAttJfb.N. Y.

he has conducted photographic par-lors during the past, winter, Mr.Woodward was recently elected" for ;

the second time president of the jFlorida . Photograph


toprapher of Hi

Photographers'. associationjojjsrtized as the leading j>h«i- f

stat*. having all; the :nin^n ^ l o n Of Plmttabu^l, » l ^a r©i>r«3entaUve of the movement 4s

Ailsu Annos SavaK*', a Hlxter of Rev.Father SavaKP, who has been visit-ln« friends In this city has gone toBrushton to visit friends.

Prof. C. H. Clark, former teacherof science in the PlattsRurgh HJghSchool, but now of Brooklyn, i s !spending H few daya- fn this city. j

Sister Margaret of Carthage, N. Y.-|Is visiting her brothers and sisters onCornelia street. Sister Margraxet wasformerly Mlas MvOauHey.

Officer Allen of Clinton prison wasMonday, after an ex

point* In the NewIchenectady and Al-

l.c;ading men of the state among hispatrons.

First Lieut. John B. Barnes of the&th Infantry, United. States army, hasbeen detailed by the war departmentfor ser%ic« with the National Guarda>f Vermont, the detail being: for at"leQ-at"' two years, duringr which timehe 'will make Burlington his home. InlaO6 Lieutenant Barnes graduatedfrom the Infantry and cavalry school,and1 in 19QT from the staff college.He i a fine •o'fficer and a, charminggentleman, and with Sirs. Barnes will jreceive a hearty welcome from our |peofple as. well- as from Vermonters i"

j no?y hbre perfecting plans for the>;f^'(tack which will b£ made about t|M»

middle erf July. : ,

is the youns lady who is fiere-itf^Lranging for an open all"•' ;'m.e0Un|&,vW-vl»e held here about July 17.-X;':j0fief%of four ladies Interested amla^lw*-1

eating the cause of woman% rli^hiy^wiU during July, tour Jefferson.:-.:ftti,--\l^awrehoe, fVanklin, Essex, CliniaBfejWarren, Waahln^ionaad

eouttties, by aufeotnobile,meetings In all of the prtncip&l <and villages. The party will:

and Mrs. Barnes are at preseiu guestsof the Hotn! Vermont.—Burlington



in this citytended visit toEngland states;bany. ¥

W. F. Nash, Jpi offlctr in the El-mim refort^tm^; Is in this city fora three we^S^vlalt with his parentsMr. and Mrs. R. F. Nadh.

Miss JPlorence C. Delano, of KastBeekmantottn, returned home Tues-day bixjit, accomiAinied hv^her sisterMrs. Hnymond 1). Iluse, Wt NiaKraruFalls, Who in to be the sruest of herparents Mr. ahil Mrs. P; H. I^elaho. (

Col. Charles W, Larned, dean M 'the military aratkmy at West point, jand father of Lieut. I'ajil A. I^rn5th Tntiihtry, died in u 8anutori«mDansvlUe. N. Y, on Monday. Col.Lamed spent last summer in this cityand made jnany friends among our-townspeople who will rujtret l«.» learnuf his deatb.

George T. Woodwar-d, ; jR.jown ' |>hoto«raph'er; sill

Ja:ksonvlih-, Flu., on theLiM »hi.p. V'ttio Grande," for New iYork, on the 15th ihst. After a short ,business stay in New York, Mr. Wooil fwnrd will return to PIuttsburKh, fo':takM charKe of n-is studio hero for the!

Senator < coming volume of•'Recollection" n-ii! roviseventy-five years andin« so interesUnt: asfor L'pr-im'.er,-" if ho'tells

eriod of.•ontArn noth-hy he votedwhy.

; York, Jrtate suffrage president, Mtte;Stubbs. of Chicago, 14*» Wlllii « |New York, Mrs, liobert Elder of N*wv ;York, and they will probably J»# f^ i ieompanied by Robert Elder, assistaBtdistrk-t attorney of Kings county.

A' vigorous campaign te to be c<sa»ducted "by thesMj ladles and they 'hopeto make many converts to their causeduring tht-ir tour. -

I DAVI*~~P<\ twin dauKhte!'May; to Mr.

Jid j;-n:nvl- .--.')nyis of S:-.h


•ru. N. V . June !;?, m i l .?. H e l emi) Mr

Mar ami Ellen. Kverest I-».i\it

MrivN<r Ptttis, N. Y.- i n IMattslnirKh, N. Y..

'(June 19, m i , a daughter ts Mr. and; | Mrs. John P. Jloiiand.

:M'CM'^K-KV. - U\ PiaHsburKh.Junf; 19th. 11* 11. t sun to Mr. anilMrs. William XieClusftey.

1911,ifr\Mle, \. RJIJJ'.I


Lass., '• Jun''; l l t h . 1911, a son. Ralph Loring:, t((Mr. and Mrs. HaSf)h \V.. rjuiWrd.j PKASLBY^Wliii. hall, X. Y., June I{21. 1911, a-'.-.dnuxhtT s-» >tr. and; Mrs.:j William Pe.aslt\v and • granddauisrhte-r

Mrs. fhas. Sa-r^tn't .o-f .'Plati»burgh;.

Avoid FraudsA paint fraud la. paint that looks

fair for a year or »o, and then make*repainting necessary.

l.>on't waste your money and Injureyour property.

The L. & M. Paint has bven la us*for ihlrty-flvu years.

You make on*-hatf of it by addin*three-quarters of a gallon of Unse«4oil to ea<h gallon, ft then cost*

j about $1.60 per gullou, and Is theI bout paint that can l>e mnde.j Longman & Martinet. Manufactur-* er.«. The L. & M. tJiire paints, var-nishp.q ami paint.s for every purposeFor sale by R. W. Squiers?, Allen &Cunningham. i>aniH'mnr,». W. H*Fit-'h. Mrt.icrs.


r>r. L. TI. Knl-lif.f t! i ci:%

rHUT r'«slden at Ailan

III leaping from Wagnn Ife Felt Cnon

SniaU Stone.

While ittemptlntc to leap fromthe back of a biickboard waur>n, Tncs-

farmer's wagon?" demands the To- j day. fleorire Pave, of Gabriels, fell,ledo- blade. He is now riding on the striking on a small stpn^ and break-hood of the auto. Ing his hip. Me was removed to his

.'-'• home and. Dr. decker summoned. Mr,and haa delegated the Guard of Work Will Soon Start Payo's daughter, MM. Alice Moody.Honor to repreiient them, ThU will after you take Dr. Klng*t New Life of Sarariac Lake. wn» mimmoned tob* the hut drill before the Burling- j pms, and you'll -.ulckly enjoy their his* hedsjd?. It was deemed advisftibJ-ton celebration. At tonight's meet-Ing a reception committee will beippolnlod to entertain the commit-

city nn it -coulil not'be learned where (tees from Quebec, Miilnne and Hnr-Father CreeiUm hfid been taken orUltiKton who will he hire on Httnduvwlin WUM drivliiiC the car which Htruck j to arranKe fur the coniinff ci-]iibratii^np\m. I In AUKUPI.

fine resultB. Constipation and indl- to take the pat lent to Montreal andthe |« now befnsr treated at the Royal

f r . im a n a t t a c k o ' t v p h o i . t f fue r . is mt h i s d t v \i*fitiri»r f rn -mls p r i o r in s a i l -i n g n<»xt S a t u r d a y o n t h e s t e a m s h i pr\«:!r!c f»r K n v h i n d . ir»m t h e n . . - toN . i n h <V|>-'. Sw.-d.-n, K r . i n i c , It.i '.y.f J e r m a n y a n d Ei ryp t . Th . - t r i p is .tp r . f » > s i o r i! on.- a n d h e will be a b s e n ta y f a r .

Mi5.^ A.l.v K l i z a b e t h Swc.- t , d a u s h -t e r o! W. N. S w e e t . ,;f C h a z y w a samonvf t h i s y e a r ' s g r a d u a t e s f r o m Mt.l l . i h - . l i . ' f o l l e s . . . Ml»« Swee t r.'.' h e . 1 , ' s r w oj l l a f h e l o r .>f A r t s a n du ,-, .-n.- of thi- h o n o r s lu

STILIvS—A t. MorrlVt., J\»no 11, 1311. at the h o m o of t h o lhride's parent s . Mr. rind Mrs. J o h n L.Stl!e«. by the 1 t - \ . W. E. ISaker. p a s - ;tor of the First t ' o n s r e ^ a l l o n a l ic h u r c h , Fre-d <"'. Porter of P l a t t s l m r c h 'and Miss Airm-s L. StlK-s. 1

BUSWESS EOlCATmN| • • " ' : - • " ; . ': - I S - A • ' • • • •• : ' : ; ' ;

I Slcpplnfl-Stone to Fi-nancial Success•: , ' / T H E , , V : - . . ' ; • / ' , ••> ';

W K V K I l - f t i1:111, a l t e r a bL. W H I T , a«rd

P h i t t s b u r g h , J u

»e Ma deliiand Mrs.

gestion vanish and fine appetite re- jturns, They regulate Stomacli, liver (Victoria tiospltn!'. As Mr, Paye is ased»n<l bowels and Impart new strength j: .iboiit Trt m r s « will W some timeand energy to the whole system. Try I before hi- -will hi- ;tbh- to walk>m* Only 2So. at *ady Drug Com- J but 5 vte reports are to the ertwt thaipany. Plattsburgh. N. Y. ho is quite comfortaie.

ur.-d nl\hit STin/p?-.l'Q'i'Jun«. 19. .-!"' 1 1 .

Platlsbiir«.hWilliam n.

Infri!i. Mo

: N. Y. |

hers.1MJ V. T—.Kxse

Emti t I). 1,'. ••:!.Punei ' .er\ 1 . ^

iiay, Juno :•!. i

X. Y., .Fursc 2>K ' \ I.



i m


you an


e.r. A?er Rate

t., Trpj, N. \ .


ffir aproud

k f-'r3 .

unity to T>r#po.'«si;tlo.a-:--thatto acvepti,'--

our Special


I1 rliH'lpala.