clinto jplattsburq meh sentinenl drafted for...

TUESDAY. JULY 24. 1017 JPLATTSBURQH SENTINEL CLINTON COUNTY MEN DRAFTED FOR WAR Washington, July 20—The great lottery tofixIhe order of liability for niiliiarv sor- vice of earh of Iho 10,000,000 men of tlie Tniled States registered for the war began at, 9.49 o'clock'!his morning. From the 1^70,000 tlie boards are to select (>87,000 for America's first draft ar- my of 500,000 and to till up vacancies in the National Guard and the regular army. En a committee 1 room of the senate office building, wiih representatives of the press present, war dej>nrtment of- ficials and members of'the senate and house military committees began the draw- ing of 10,500 slips bearing numbers corresponding with the serial numbers of each registrant in the largest dis- trict in the country. KorreUry linker was first to with- draw a capsule-endowed slip from a Kreal Klass bowl. Blindfolded, he <<he\v No 25S. In every district hi which as many n.s 2 5S men are res- istored No.. I 1 5 8 heads the list of those to he called. , First Men Will Go Soon The first of the 687,000 men to be actually railed into service—those staivdiiiK at the very top of the lia bility list—probably will «o to fill the ranks of the regular army to war .strength. Something like 40,000 will be needed for that, and they may be called before September. Then a larj?e number next in order probably will be assigned to fill the National Guard to war strength and the remainder about 500,000—as- sembled as the national army. Clinton County's Share in the Draft" Approximately GOO numbers which apply to residents of Clinton countv had been diawn in the great lottery up to the hour of going to press this morning, as In fill cases below 1,598 each number represents the drawing of two residents of the county, it is safe to sny that between eight and nine hundred of the young men of the county had up to 1 o'clock this jU^orninu been called to the defense of the fluR. That not all of these, will 1)0 finally called is a certainty, but it is the general belief that from this number sufficient members will be found qualified in all respects for the county's quota for the first army. It was a gratifying spectacle and one which proved the patriotism of th" young men of the county to witnos J the eagerness and enthusiasm with which they scanned the lists as they were posted in front of The Press of- fice during the day. There was not a down-cast countenance In the hun- dreds which gathered around the bul- letin boards, and when any young man found his number in the list he walked away with a smile on his face. The first number drawn was 258, and thus Vincent S. Jerry of West Chazy and Myron Lord of Ellenburgh iJepot have the honor of being the •first representatives of tho county to he called by their country. William II. Brothers, of No. 3 Palmer street, was the first lesidont of this city to be diawn, and Jobeph Rondeau, of No. 21 Charlotte street was the se- cond Plattsburgher whose name wan taken from the great glass jar in Washington. The following is the list of residents of the county, both first and second districts who had been drawn and m the order given up to 1 o'clock this morning: 258—Vincent S Jerry, West Chaz> ; 'Myion Lore}, Klenburg Depot. 458—Wilmer II. Brothers, *5 Palmer htreol, Pkiltabutgih. Elwood D C.uiilnuui, Mornson- ville. 14 i 36--Joesph Ramidcau, 21 Charlotte stroet; Jas. Alfred Gieenwood, 'Red ford. 854—.R W. Murray, Chazy; Xa\icr Lagoy, lVumemoni. 1894—Gco Henr\ Ho bib ville, R. h\ D. 2. 1878—(it o. Phaueuif. C}... joyr> —Roibnt llavc-h, Clinton wtieet, Plattsiburgh; K lymond A Cn- cc, Ausaible Foik<- 1453 - Carlos Kecuenco, ISar.icks Herbert Rock, Kedford 7 8 3—Waller Bomsso, OS Champlain si root Pkittwbumh; iieiny Avott MoriMsom illo. LSI 3- Gco. Abd( il NtlC' t, PI I I HI IS.-.S— (U n K Li-a 1752- T\)0< A lion PI- l> 4 1117 Win <'oHins. Mo mplai Cornelia llg'll Chazv I'l ittsinn trh, iKnei St , Plaftsbur^h; Wm 11 Thomas, Ausable Forks. 5 64—Jos. Major, 113 Miller stieet, PlattshurKh; Chas II MeCoi- mick, Pet u 191:: -4'has M Ladtir, \\>t Chazy. r>!>6 —Jo.s. U Cardln, Chamipknn; Mv- rnn W B/iker, [laikne^s ,1|2(M- lOmesl K Watson, V-il-com ; Laurence .1 Cassuij, (Miatoau- MU) Chilis, Ctbo, 41 Montralm \\e I'l.itts-hurKh; Chas. M Kox, Keescvlile- M'.Hi -Chtford Novell. Poasleville; M Kuilbel, Stmidi'.h f548- -Lemuel P> Kitzpatrick, 11. F. l> 1. Pittsburgh; Raphael TO Graves, Keeseville 12G—'Krank 'Clirk. Peru; Mcrton La- port, IMooers Forks. 9 1.")- A Illicit II. Goodrow, Champlain: flyman Grc >r 'nl>urL;, Lvon Moun- tain. lf)7!) - A i t h u r T,aphan, H !•' I) 4 1237 -John L.'iBom'bard, 72 V. Cdh- eiiiu sireet, PlatLsbuigh; Alex Libei ty, Jr., Riveiview. 784—Fred 11 Dudley, Peiu; Loui:- Afiony, Chaz.v Lake 1732—John F. BrenuJii, G? Onk St ,' iPlattsburgh. 755—Lucia u L. Rncke. 12 Batlerv street, Plattsftxin-grh; Ilenberi Golden, Altona. 107—Roy H. Vaughn, Peru; Arthui S. ForKey, Mooers Forks, in46—Nathan J. Moore, Chazy; Geo N. Diolette, Dannemora. lf>G3—Joihn Genct'te, Champlain; 'Moody G. Manley, Dannemora 1369—.liodney Hamehn, Gil Lafnyett. street, Plattsburgh; Ftcdericl. Jaco'bs, Saranac. GIG—Jos. A. Menaivl, Houses Point" Delbeit .Smith,. Chntanvillc. 373—John II. Provost, Plattsburgh. John Tiombly, EllenhurR. 167(»—Halph Anderson, Ucekmar- town. 1266—Wales H. Cook, R. F. D. 3, Plattstburgh; Fay Bryan, Cher- lubusco. lS91~*-Wm. Lagoy, 23 Wall stieet, 775—Arthur Snow, 41 Miller street, Plattsbungb; Walter J. Smart, Altona. 4SG—Talbor W. Sweet, Houses Poml; Frederick H. Ito-ck, "Mornson- ville. 692—Meirill II. Mitchell, Champlain; Alex Lamountainc, Alton,i GOO—Chester L. Buishey, Allen street. Platti-lbm-gh; Elhe Ken- Baker, JUrknesH. S10—Lenmler TromJbley, Jr.. Cham- plain, J. M. ( 'unim, Dannemor.'i 1539—.Albert K. Laifountain, 114 Mn- ler stieot, Plattsiburgh; Leslie Du'bray, Saranac. 1682—Milton MdFadden, 11 Elizabeth street, Plattsburgh. G07—- Jack Ciarlonc, 1'2 Peru Ptrei-t, Plattsbuiitfh; Roy C. Vaughn, Morrisouv llle. 309—Edgar FaJcto, 4G Watorhouse. street, Plattsburgh; Geo. I- 1 . Dority, Chateaugay. 437_Gcoige II. Morrill, 145 Broad street, Plattsiburgh; Alex Mar- ttno, »Scluuyler Falls. 1324—'Howard C. Lawrence, Wet Chazy; Isaac Tro-irubly, Cheiu- ibusco. 604—Ellsworth Moore, Rouses Point; Harold R. Desso, Hark ness 43—Robt. Blaney, West Chazy; Geo. Gango, Mooers. 1763—Jos. H. Roberts, Rouses Point 154 8—Andicw F. Borde, 20 Broad. stieet, Plattsbur-gh; Perley iFavro, Cadyville. 1264—Dennis Rielle, 27i Champlain. trtreeU. iPlattsburgh; Jas. A Bray, Cherui'busco. 1066—Eugene M. (Cole, 32 Macdon- ouig'h stieet, Plattsburgh; Bern Ynshauck, Lyon Mountain. 924—'Leo Bfuker, 41 Montcalm Ave. PcrJetto Conda.'das, Lyon Moun- tain. 420'—Cyrenus Martin, R F. D. 2 W \Chazy, Wai die IS. Jabout, iSchiuylcr FalN 10J4—Jcny Zilafeo, 38 Charlott street; Win. Patnode, Lyon 'Mountain. 1178—-Edmund P Gmvctl, Peru; Jlenry T. Snyv, I'\ illc. til 4—Robeit Hen on, 1^5 Cornelw street; Edward Wood, Moirl- honvill-e. 433-ArMiur J ounnetto, Ohazv ; Thos Maitino. Si-huylei Kills 1329 -John Lafountame, R. F D 3, Plattsibungh; Roy J. Wright, Ellcnibuig Despot 10—'Ed-waul J " L.uinnntaine, Cbam- pknn; Orhn G Beiki-r. Mooers 1045--Angelo>» Rep.i-, 115 Cornell i stieet, Anthony J. StacaUeh, Lyon Mountain. 1031— Jo-,. II. Rofbert*, Chimplain: Leo Revor, Lyon Mountain j 7 o n—(' h as W. 1 M sh i a, C h izy 13.>0- Chas A Leflui, 121 Miller street; Wm P, Wood-, Cheru- 177!)--Kmile J Jclferfcon, Chaiivpkun 1 23I>— CM is. P. Bennett, 1 . "> Boyntou A\e , Jos. Luborly, RIVCIMUW. AZ'l -Kov J Frcnjoa, RwisfK Point, Robt Montv, R !•' D 3. IMalts- nuan, VusalbU I- 1 U.72 —R M«<ic»\ 1 If I'M nd. j-M\tM, J74S- Goo. H Gulah, < s:?7 - Edward Stone, 0 J td I ks I-:.In M in .Da ora K. M i uri-h; P<t<-i H Li lai., ii g Cc-nfci 1" at U a u , PKittsburt;li, , Alton t , 111 i iik •-tie. t, ^ NVIsnn Atkins Kllenburg Centci RQ«) Rclwnid Biker, Chfi^v, I'u'- niond Vallcv, Mori isom illc llbj —Waircn Martineuu, 40 So Peter GaKln •<;:,- Thro c.ipi KiSTi—Orhn K CJood-p< • d , R I* l> '> PI itU-buigU Pumt; Jo Ufil 1 , c i !• \ i l i ) isi —j i s H \IMJ'^ i : i ' n J i't 11., Kuf n^ II llumidii > \ <-IKM u ftjusio 1 ,!:>> IKMII\ .1. (!al'i-\ -M <"•! i i- pl un ^tia t, Albc rt Suet IK \ 4'hi Pitbull O 1 S47 Phillip !ii\ c s P ' » Km ntnw n 797 Otis KandkU., J: i 1 1) 2. W Ch i / \ ; N« w il P' 1 "<>K-. ' " i ' / 1 jo— Mi' h icl 11 F.n I MO, R P !> ! \\ I'll \/\ A'buil PI i I'- Moons FO ilv I V!i;- P . 1. r I' KOHM* i i, 2". 'M udnn- oiifli ^ i t . « ' M i l - M IJMI.V- 1723—I'Mw.ird S Monty, R I' D 2 Plattsbuigh IS Theoplnlc Bod.ird, CMiamplam, Geo Cuitis, Mooets (J52 John J. iMahonov, 24 Roibinion Ten fire; Wm. Caiter, Altona ')27- Fiank Reilt. R F I) 4, Pl.ilf,- Iviugh; Howard Cha^c, Lyon Mountain. 14 84—iPerley Provost, Peru; Walter M. Clark, Standish. 7;i9—-Jos. Clair, Peru; Gerald Vassar, Sciota. 1 751--Andrew J. Fiazler, G L'eru ' street. 601—Edgar P Mossey, Rouses Point, Wm. l<). Brown, Clinton\ ille. 1822—Domino, lldbeit. Routes Point,! David SrliutLs, Cherubusco. 1146—Claude E. Favro, R. F. D. 1, , Cadyville; Wm. S. McCasland, Black Brook. . \ 1103 - J o h n H. WUcox, 32 William stroet; Phillip Duprey, Aaisablr Forks. 139 5—Leo Beaudette, 44 So. Ri\er stieet; l-'rank Savage, Saranac GOG—Jos Joskct, (Jhazy, Dennis M . Fox, Harkness. 1S2—\rthur T. Lob-dcll, 1.14 Brinker- hoff street; Freeman Lavallev, Mooers Forks. 1771—Howard II. Flfleld, 2(5 Coinelit 513—Arthur J. Bauvier, 71 Montcalm Ave , Stanley A. Wood, Morn- sonMlle. 46—Adol-phus J. Florentine. 12G Beekman; Wm. J. Hci rick, Pots- dam. 1020—Otto R. Gcrsch, Chazy; Eust- aaocio Piro, Lyon Mountain. 1651—Clarence E. Los, R. F. I). 1, W. Chazy. 1099—Sylvester Wetherhold, Jr., 32 Cha-mplain street; C. Drew, Ausaible Forks. 1636—-Herbert Weir, R. F. D. G,- Plattsbui-gh. J. Rabideau, Rivcrview. 7 21—^Laurence J. Rolberts, 12 Mont- calm Ave.; Raphael Recor, Al- tona. 1419—Benj. H. Tyrell, Peru; Ro-bt. A. Derins, Standish. 786—JMward H. Milo, Morrisonville; Harry Alford, Dannemou. 1549—Lyn F. Wood, R. F. D , '1 Pkittsfoung'h; Leland B. Favro, Cadyville. 1476—'Pierre Fresnel, 139 Cornell i St., Plattsburgli; Afahcl Bruco, Standish. 280—Amedio Cassi, l'lattssburgh, Peter Baicomb, Ellenbur, Center, 1292—Win. J. M ijor, Champlain. Peter A. LeCkur, Churububco 972—AKbcrt J. Keating, 37 So. Cath- erine St., Pla-ttsburgh; Miki Kancohr, Lyon Mountain. 9S3—Thos. C. Robange, Chazy; Wm W. Mmklcr, Lyon Mountain 7 57—Geo. Bre\cttc, Chazy; Harry L Lad»ue, Altona. 966—I^eo S. Kornhauser, 19 Beekman St., Plattsiburgh; Jos. Kubor- ski, Lyon Mountain. 868—Wm. G. Favro, Cadyville; John W. Nash, Dannemora. 332—Fabian Blair, Rouses Point; liay E. Hobibs, Ellenburg- Cen- ter. 379—Millard S. Allen, 37 Court St , >Platbaburg J h; Wm. Tourvillc, Elleniburg Center. 1560—Rolbt. Ferrarine, Cumberland Tlo-tcl, Plattsbuiigh; Ernest Ly- man, Cady\ille. 542—Edward H. Lemieux, 47 Lafay- ette St., Plattsburg-h; John R Facto, Keeseville. 194—Thos. Ida, Chazy; Euldaige Su- preant, Mooers Forks. 874—John -H. Parrotte, Chazy; Jas Reyell, Dannemora. 5 52—Stephen Langley, F^oint, Cluib. F. L>neh, Keesevjlle. l,'!()0—Phillip PL Mibchler, Jt., 36 So Catherine St , Plattsburgh; Ho- ward W. Ntsher, Berlin, N Y 1673—.Ilerlbert J. Shutts, 5S Saillcn iA\e., Plattsburgh. 1887—Ilenrv R Palmer. R F. D 2. Champlain. 298—Leo J. Hoi do, R F D 3. Platt - buigh; Fiank Champagne, l"A- 1 en burg Center. ] 67 5—Lauunce Ra.vmond, 5 Loziei I>lace, IMatlsbui-Rii; Sil is Ca- zolj, Forcl. N Y 17G9-r-Geo P Larios. 31 S nilv A\c, Plattsiburgh 1294 -Teiry Purti", 43 Hamilton St Plaltriburgh; Wm P LeCkui. Churubu.sci). 1148—Alfred Martino, 11 Alh n St , 'Plattsburgh; Mrdoi A NOKMII Ausaible Forks 1G17— Nelson P'ovo^t, Cilwille 1354—Leo B Durkrc, 30 Khzibeth St , PlatHbursrh: Lounaul Dui- 10 06—Chas. H Mont\, W Chazy 343—Whitney Sweet, Cha'/v; Snv.tii 1 abate, Kllenbuit? Ci liter . 11)1 3 -P.obt G Frederick 4<) Weed I'll' -Geo W. Gia\FS, 182 Oak St , I'kttt&buigli, Geo Gonjea, Jt , i Mornsornille. .15 5--Casper I 1 '. Molleur, Chazy; Jas. Nichols, Ellen1>urg Center. 1843—Darius M. M.oonejy. R. F. I)., 1, Plattsiburgh / ".'JO—iNelabn . Shappy, R. F. D., 5. iPlatWbiiigh; Burt C Carpen- tci, A usable Chrism. SO!)--Juan (hedain, Plattsburgh Bai- racks; Fi ed Cataiact, Danne- lnoui )11 i—Honij Cantin, American House iPlalf-fluirgh; John A. Fountain, Black Brook. 1170- llarlev Dunhar, 36 Roibinson Terrace, Plattsbungh; James F Waldron, CJayiburg. ()13—-Win. Giguere, 16 Champlain St , JUattsbuigh; Michael Buskey, Altona, N. Y. 218- .Charles 1. Corwin, No. 3, Went Chazy; Smith W. Chutton, El- lenburg Despot. 6 20—Wm. Brunclll,: Jr., Cadyville;, Mitchell Terry* Harkness. 1334—Rrtbert S. Long, iSailly Ave., I>latt»fbui*tfh; Geo. H. Bull, Karanac. SSO—John W. Pulle, 7 Lozier Place, iPlattsiburgh; Arthur II. La- toiirellc, Jveeseville, N. Y. 1611—.Hariy W. Draigoon, 265 Mar- gat et St.. Plattrfbmyh. 574—Chas. Blaney, W. Chazy; Giles Ii. Scheunerhorn, Keeseville. 31—Abraham A. Buahey, R. F. I)., 1, Plattaburg'h; Wilmre I-L Fitch, Jr,, Mooers. 1432—Fred Lavalley, 98 Champlain St., Plattsburgh; Harley L Goodale, Rediford. 1727—-Martin Si'bley, Peru. 870—Calvin Loose, Peru; John J>. O'Neill, Dannemora. 1714—Wm, Turlong-, PLattaburgii. 54 9—Chas. B. Stone, 226 Margaret St., Plattsb'urgh; Henry Goi- don, Kesevillc. 1132—Leo Lagoy, 41 Champlain St., Plattsburg-h; Albert Liberty, Black Brook. 440—Asa Ambrose Senecal, 1 So. Beekman JLaurence St., PlatWburgh-; JMacy. R- F. D., 3, 14S5—-Edward A. Tromibly, So. Platt St., Plattbhurgh; Jos. Dell Standish. 1674—.Walter II. LaPlante, W. Chazy. 741—Frank Andrews, 2 ElizaJbeth St., Plattsburgh; Fred Segoiin, Ellembmg Depot. 1054—Irving L. White, Chazy: How- ard J. Tiacy, Mmeville. 127 5—Heniy J. Han-good, Rouses I'oint; Chas. Dcmarse, Churu- (busco. 711—\\ m. J. Farber, Plattsburgh, R. F. D, 4; Clark Nelson Oliver, 'Forest. 1022—Wm. Cohen, 4>2 So. Catherine St , Piattsbuigh; Jacob Pinko, Lvon Mountain. S41 — Edwaid Lkufountam, Champlain; Elder King, Chazy Lake. 6»S—Edwaid Tellstone, 32 Wall St., J^lattibuigh; Chas. Benjamine, Forest. 1032—Wm. A. Poquette, Champlain; Edward Roock, Lyon Moun- tain. 623—Edward C. Bannister, Chazy; Thos, F. Wmno, Clintonville, 269—Edgar W. Duffany, 42 Couch St., Plattsburgh; Arthur Hug- ging, Ellen'burg. 685—,N. R. Sinton, Chazy; Haiold C. .HoIIoway, Altona. 1141--jGeo. Ormsbee, Peasleville, John Mitchell, Ausable Forks. 1314—Alva G Lasell, 9 2 Bi oad St., Plattsburgh; Wm. H. Ryan, Churuitmsco. 1016—-Merrill Denno, W Ohazy; Carl A. Piovost, Cornelia St , Piattsbuigh. 16S8—^Louis Hubenet, Plattsburgh R F. D., 3. 335—Walter A Phiilip.s, It. F I)., 6. 'Plattsburgh; Lyn H. Hoff, El- leniburg Center. 1430—Walter J. Calkins. Bridge St , Plattaburgh; Mitchell E. God- sehn, Rcdfoinl. 493—Jlany Neveiett, Sriota: Chas iRnc-k, Moi libo'nville. i:r»S-.Alfiod Biesette. 85 Miller St , Plattsburgh, Chas Dellettc, Saranac. r )23 —Ilan> I^ipicrre, Chazy; Geo i'robsni.111, L>on Mountain. 1'ifl'i- \ntoine Katisk, (Miazy, Maxim 'Patnode, < 'Jiur ubusco. 341- Laiiicncc Turnei, House;, Point, Eli LeCKui, Kllenburg Centei !f)i)7^ Sidnov N\ Stut-^hbuiv, 10 X St , PI ittsbuigh, inp, Lvon Mountain Litc-hlleld. 3(i Sailh St , Harr K. Rugur, IIS Mille i^h: Wm II M i.— K.I win Plattsi PI ntNi i on. Moo i Cathr: D.iMd J 17t! i — H a t r v , A\e , Plattsburgh 1 ,',')1- Il.unld J OVonnell, 41 Ittiml- ton St , Plattsburgh; Lojd R Han s, llannei house, N. Y. l'Jdfi — Gordon L Moore, Champlain, \\ m Hackctt, Saiaiiac. .55 5—Martin <\ Connick, 9 1 Rug.u St. J" ittMbuigh; Chas Me- [ Kinncv, I-:ilt n'buig C' rtei St • ;t:o- Adolpluis (Jaiiow, d.l South slt ''> P u u St , PlatN>,u't;h, PcUi Km ik/il\. L% "ii Mount un St I, , 7 1 eM, 11 Juilll. " 1 SO ''HllLllIH >nu " S t , P i Ltt-buigh. II ii < \ CIOUK- 11. [Mat Ju ntai J us A Wise utt M Uustiii L.\u «'fiilton R MM St., Pkitt^buigJi ^niith .d(JI ! •17 Rioad ii Brunrll, Paul Srsniour. St , Plattsbui pfh ( !-,< ar J Boinl" Point, Henry R li'\ 1S73—Henry R. St Cvi. 11 Cham- ^plain St, Pkittabungh. 4 88—iDolbert E. Kronkrite, Rouses Point; Emtnett L. Ryan, Cady- ville. > 1543—Chas. Soulia, Peru; Isaah Dio- lette, Dannemora. 704—Alfred T. Blundell, 3 Peru St., Plattsburgh; Jot-. Matott, Al- tona. 7 2—'H'enry Monette, Champlain, Al- vm J. Stiatton, Mooers. 10 53—'Raymond E. Ra-scoo, 90 Bridge St., IMattsburg-h; Jacob Ta- losky, Lyon Mountain. 1896—'Edward Clinton, Mouisonvllle 1709—Geo. Donah, Chazy. 356—Nelson Gamlble, Ii. F. D., 4, iPlattsbursh; *Edmund NtchoUs, Jillenbuig Center. 112—Burt Jubett, Sciota; Felix Gates >Mooers Forks. 1067—O. G. Wiseman, Plattsburgl Barracks, Yosef Yanuza, Lyqit •Mountain. 679—'Frank Dewey, 37 Charlotte St., Plattsburg-h; Albert Gardnei, Altona. 805—Geo. F. Tyndall, 13 Pond St , Plattsburg-h; Geo. Cayea, Dan nemora, N. Y. 11—A. B. Cassavoy, 8 Miller St. Plattsburgh; Albert E. Bacon, Mooers. 900—-Oliver La/fountaine, Ohamplain; Henry Bruso, Lyon Mountain. 1617—Wm, Ducatt, Plattuburgh. 1142—Vieentl Malakiav, Plattaburgh (Barracks; Chas. D. Miner, Ausable Forks. 1765—Warren A. Larook, Champlah. 6—Alfred T. Wells, 18 Ehzabetl St, Plattaburgh; Geo. F. Bos- worth, Mooers. 327—Chas. R Rifenberg, 2 N. Cath- erine St, Plattstburg-h; Ray W. Gordon^ Ellenburg Center. 664—Harry Rascoe, 21 Weed St., Plattsburgh; Jos. Duprec, Chazy. 93—Edward Emory, R. F. D., 2, Plattsburgh; Fred Barcomb, (Mooers. 1448—Gerald E. Moore, Champlain; Wm. E. Mclntyre, Redford. 1722—'Leon iV KiLgore, 2g RiveV St «57—^Jos. Jefferson, Rouses Point; Loroy Hicks, Lyon Mountain 1557-r-Harry W. Gilbert, 57 Clinton St., Plattsburgth; Maurice Jen- nings, Dannemora. 1744—John "l>ugan, 58 So. Platt St. Plattsburgh. 1112—Leonard J. Gladd, Peru; Hugh Fyans, Ausable Forks. 345—Howard W. Ormsbee, Peru; J*os'. Lestron, Ellenburg Center 1C9 5—Patrick Jos. O'Connor, Peru. 1355—.Frank D. Duprce, Seiota; Vilas 'Dinette, Saranac. 103—Walter Netwell, R. F. D, 4 (Pla'ttsburgh; Oscar Domina Mooers Forks. 1585—Anthony F. Loftus, 22 Coinc- lia St., Plattsburgh; Geo. Van Gorder, Dannemora. 1912—Frank L. Varno, G6 So, Peru «t., Plattabuigh. 1221—Irving Gonyea, 68 River St , [Plattsiburgh; James W. Chap- lain, Redfford. 1102-^G-eo. H. Senegal, 29 Main St., Plattsburg-h; Jos. D' Avignon, Ausaible Forks. 1625—Jos. Seymour, W. Chazy. 156—j os . Laipierre, 'Sciota; Jos. Ber- trand, Ellenburg Depot. 1565—Mitchell Blaine, W. Chazy; Clinton W. Manley, Danne- mora. 154—Edwin A. Dann, Rouses Point; Willie Wray, Mooers Forks. 1281—Donald Page, 10 Beekman St., iPlattsburgh; Christopher I Oagonier, Churubusco. 51—Harry Duprey, Chazy; Frank (Lapine, Mooers. 717—Samuel RWberts, Champlain. Emraett J- Pyper, Chazy. 1057—Victor Fredette, R. F. D., 2, Plattsfburg>h: Case Villa, Lyon Mountain. j2. r >6—Edwin Pritchard, 150 Pine St , Plattsbiugh; Frank M Wahsh, Cla-yburg, 1073—Manry Bemway, 33 Champlain St.; Fred L. Ashley, Ausaible Forks. 30—Winslow R. Dixon, R. F. I>., 2. PlattHburgh; Jas. L. Fitch, Mooers. \ 199—'Frank Goodman, Rouses Point, Willie E. White, Mooers Forks 3SS—Ernest Gannblow, Clmmiplatn; Albert 10. Furness, Mori ill. 1423—Fied Zafaitz, Chazy; Rcnnie J Defayette, Rediford. 1716—Oliver I/avirtc, Chazy. 773—-Frank Welt, R. K P , 5, IM.itts- buig-h; Fred Rev-elle, Altona 60S—Edward Bordo, Jr , Lyon St , Pkittsburgh; Fic-denck Lamo>. Clintonville. ,$0:6—il'eter Gooley, Chamiplain; Henry L. Baxter, R. F. I> . Plattaburg-h. G19—Elmer Dixon, TU'eknianlo.wu. Fted L. Bennett, . Aiibablc Chasm. 17 30—Archie Roberts, 1 1 T. Unnkor- hoff St , Plattsburgh. 2.",—Lewis Baicomb, Rouses Point, Kied Dulfano, Moot-is ,;>2—Jos Bitiso, 2 9 Montcalm \\< iPlaMMl>urgh; Robt J Hazelion, Mcmll SsO—John 1-: Mansur, 7s Hi .'ttro St Plattsbui-Rh; Jo- J. Weitc- kanip, Diniu'jnoM ;si- R ilph Portrivs, KOUSP- Point, IN-Cid R. Vreeland, J;:iIenbuiK 1617—T.dwaid guet St , 1J17 I: i_• * T!(St. Platt 21 Charhuti Bar to Mai- Centei iM)(;—i:imnic r.oiM R. r 1) Jo 1 2SS—Wilibui irharmpki llr Lonl, I; Jos. " 1 - I i urAh, St Joe, Spun IF Presettc 00 Elizabeth PI itmburjdi, J is pi r JV Auaable I oiks TIL 1 - Jns ('Ii imprm-n, 7(1 Pi in holl St , Plattsburgh ss—Wtllace Tiouvea, 28 River PUftsburgh; Mai shall White, ILukness, N. Y. 56—'Fornando Cortcz Cate, 1 Cauch St , IMdttsburgh, Francis J Manogue, Diinncnmui. 05—Elmer Duprey, Morrisonville; Henry Miller, Altona. 1346—Edwaid Plumidou, 45 Stand- ish St , Plaltsbuigh; Cha.s •Carter, S i'.in ic 576 -Loren S. Bundy, Ch izv , Williim iSignor, KeeseMWo 94 1—Elinor Ln Bomnrnd, Champlain; Williim Callovvav, Lyon Moun- tain. 18G6—Guy M Atwood, West Chaxy. 1 SOS—nRobert I<\ P.erkal, 13S Comclia St., Piattsbuigh 1677—Napoleon Gairant, 10 Lyon St. Plutts-buiRh. 122—P. A. Bessette, 29 Champlain St., William M. Lamberton iMooers Forks. 1783—Roy R. Rumpff, 99 Brinker- hoft St. Q4 2—W'iKred Trom'blay, 6 U. S. Ave. George Buskey, Altona. 939—Frank Bushey, 9 Greenwood St., George Freiclman, Sayer- ville, N. Y. 1639—Louis Ftazshelti, Rouses Point 222—Leo W. Barnard, 11 Battery St.; Frank Drawn, Jr., EllenburgtT> t. 1715—Albert J. Ro.bare, West Chazy." 90G—Frank B Lafontainc, Cham plain; Henry W. Baxter, Lyon 'Mountain. 1337—tfienry Lemcr, 69 Miller St.. tPlattsburgli; Milburn Colhn.s, 700—Victor L. Hayes, Pittsburgh R. F. D ; 4; Lewis Laprenlcr, Al- tona. 1250—Herbert J. Dewkett* 24 Cham- plain St.; Edward J. Scracy, Riverview. 1195—William E. Wood, 15 Mpnt- calm Ave.; George A. Wilkins, Ausable Forks. 29 7—-Harry E. .Bosaworth, Peru; Georgre W. Cook, Ellenburgh Center. 321—Perley F. Frenyea, R. F. D., 1, West Chazy; Everett Hoff, El- lenburg Center. 736—Eximor Boire, Champlain; Thomas Weightman, Jr., Sci- ota. 1G23—Frank Stay, 7 Caroline St., iPUttstourgh. 707—Fred Robinson, Rouses Point, Mines Mattott, Altona. 1425—.Ernest Dillon, Ii F. I")., 1, Peru; .Henry Arthur Facteau, Red- iford. 1002—-Edward A. McMartm, 33 Dur- and St., Plattsburgh; Patrick O'Neill, Lyon Mountain. 1151—Guido Camilc, 40 Charlotte St., (Plattsburg-h; Haisey Nolettc, Ausaible Forks. 1101—Harry A. Clark, 29 Sailly Ave., Plattsburgh; On is Orival Du- pray, Black Brook. 368—Fred Boudreau, R. F. D , 1, Peru; Eddie Jos. Trombly, El- len-burg Center. 974—,Heniy McGoutty, 2S N. River 'St., Platt&burgh; Waherak Ku- rowski, Li'on Mountain. 169$—'Robert Casey, Jr., Rouses. Point. 3'20—Edward Depo, 11 Allen St., Plattsburgh; Richard R. For- key, Elleniburg Center. »50—Earl Loso, R. F. D , 1, PlatU- 'burgh; Peter Garvich, Lyon •Mountain. 9 26—John A. Brow, Y. M. C. A., TMfettsfourgh; Wm. Cayea, Lyon Mountain. 1010—Chas. But do, 32 Elizabeth St., Plattsburen; Peter Perry, Lyon Mountain. 1857—Fred Lavigne, Chazy. 919—Frederick F. Foy. Rouses Point. Jos. K. Cleary, Lyon Mountain. g56__Elmer A. Mossey, Rouses Point, .Fred Clark, Forest 1 339—.Robt. Leonard, 106 Miller St. Plattaburgh; Roy Cane, Sara- nac. 814—Roy Allen. K. F. D, 3, VV Ohazy; Wilmer A. Clark. Chazy Lake. _Lt7 5_Albert Hennicke, 48 So. I'cru St., Plattsburgh: David M «jvago, I'easleville. 1070-Nelson Jl Tine, S Rugar St , Plnttsburgb, Cha-. Svveenoy, 3S08 Parnsh St , Philadelphia, Pa. 73g—.Oliver H Sheets, Regent Hotel, Plattsiburgh; Wm W Vassar, Atlona 1107—Gustave Lcmmei-, Cluzy; Walter E Ransom, Ausablc Forks. 109 7 — G. N. Sanchagian, Rouses I'omt, Moses Ciiamborlain, Au- hablo Folks ]19il—DonuiKO Pilmi, P and II Co Pittsburgh; S.inuel S. Wat- sun, Swastik i, N Y. 123 1 —JoM'ph Con on, Mori ison\ tile; Guy K'liitM'm, Cl n burg. I 7S1—Aithur CJoinu, W. Chazy. 13()0—.Bernard J I'owns, Peru; By ion Evcictt, Saranac Ms—Juan Aiea, ;>u Charlotte St , Pittsburgh, Henry Lavatn- way, Dannemora MIS—Heniy W. Fonaughtv, 19 Bookman St. Plattsbnigh Wm Hait, Au-ablu Folks. 1 JL—( Yoknik, r"ia/.> ; I't-tei A Lai.ixe, Mooor Fi.ik*. 111— John A Grove, Pcirjs Mills; Wilbur Uuwil, Ellenburg 1'L- S. Cook, EUeafourg Center. 82 2—Jlenry J. Hewson, W. Chair, " Frank E. Davis^ Danaempta 504—.AJffred Rivet, Champlain; W:.:- den Tromblcy, Morriabnvillo : . 1064—Fred Lemieux, 63 Lafayrtt^ \4 Hi., Plattsburgh; Frank yan.|* v- lewicz, I^yon Mountain. > 1205—Frank E. Rivers, Peru; Vict-ji' 1 *" Betters, Cla\iburg. 1510—Chas, Tellstone, 16 Wall »J*.,J Plattsiburg-h; Angelo Pol lot , 1091—Redmond Holland, W. Cha^;»' Wm. Bombard, Ausable Fork-*. ' 4 70—Edmund E Dudharme, Coepcf- ville; Frank B. Jock, Morrldon- ville. 312--Silas Clark, 4-1 Draper Aye.,* % iPlattsburgh; Jos. A. Dupte, ' Ellen'burg Center. ,' „., '^ 1507—Clarence A. Fre-nye«r C»^*o ville; Leo. H.MoClellan,-Starti- 1 " ' ' ish. , \ ,' ^ 1729--Artbur N. Brown^ R. F. Dk, 4/..-^ Plattsburgh. " t rt 1626—.Frank Lawartf, 138 v*V pot If.37—Joh ak, :: \N* Chazv; Wn Col lev, Sai in i< 1471—Fitd lltAKl* n, tot Pi in < Johns, m A\L Pittsburgh. Fted H.ihi)i\, Slinil..--i 1 I 1 1 —Tlieo Swc ( nu K I- 1 P . PlattMbutnh, LiLiutle Collins, Red foid 1 6 1 G — Arthur Jajidreau, 21 Montcahr Ave , Plattsbureh 292—Victor Mouao, Cnazy; Douglass- it," 1284—John DoylQ,' 72 ElYi^beth iPlattslbuwph; John Mi Hum- phrey, Churu'busco. ' "' 90—John Diso, Champlain; Bascomb, Mooers Forka 191 —Leiwis E. Mi«kdelson, 94 calm Ave., piattsbupgh; Itatiidue, Ellenburg De^Ot.- 477—Fred J. Monette, Kaus^s Medric A. Pascal, ville. ^teiphen Qulnn, 63 ^^^^..^ St., Plattsburgh; Phinitf l^f^t if (blee, BlacJ^ Brook. '**' ,^»A 1170—James F. Cos, Rouses Poft^; * Wilfred J. Sorrflf^ Aufe^o , «-, Forks. 753—Will jam. F. Childs, R. FJ tf^i;*,"' Plattdbtirgrh; Thos. 3, lin, W. Chazy. 130—Edward Bruao, W- Cnaft „ ^ «nce a. Moral), Mooera Fortes. 85S—Andrew Leraileiut, 61 St., Pla£t9bui*h; ,< juth, Dannetaora. J 4 ^ 168—J. B. Supernault, Jr.-,'-eh4ai^. plain; Willie Ebear, ' Movers Forks- «. ^ 1023—Wm. H. Slmonds, Gh$gJi' ONff* vesipi Palazzo, Lyon M^unt^Qu* 1774-^-€ f has. Cross 1 , Jr., W, OhBJSjf.^ 1 * 4 424—Jas. J. McDotigall, ChW,J V$; -chael S. Kelley, R. T. B.^,%| iMorrisonrvllle. '*"*'< 840—Ernest White, Peru; King:, Dannemora. 1347—iLeser j) Laplantc, 1 Henry D. Carter, Sa 1511—Arthur M. OsSborn. R.' iPlattsiburgrh; Tony Standish. 1188— Michael Scofleld,' 78 Margaret St., Plattsurgh; Wm. Black Brook. 657—Oscar B. Tarno, 77 Chatnplain St., Plattsburgh; Wdltdr "A, Clark, Forest. 175—Wilmer Matott, Chafcy; Frank Laport, EUertWrgr Depot." 278—Yale Morris, 54 Montcatai Ave.. Plattsburgh; Chas. Bow, EU- lenburg 1 Center. 1021—HPerley Trombiy, 290 Corn»- lia St., Plattsburgin; flft&ttlslititf Ple'kela, Lyon Mauntftin. \, 1622—Oh as. F. Johnson, (Barracks. 1240—Richard E. Hayes, Plattsburgh; Jos. QUto&ufre! Clayburg. , * -•• 524—Wm. A. Wells, 6'So. Catherine S t ; Mose Af Bartoer, |Ce(8s#- ville. larroll W. Adama. PIattel>vit»h JBarraoks; Manuel L,yon Mountain. -Harmon Bee hard, Ora F. Sanders, Ausable Fork«. 532—John C. Rob&rge, Champlain; 'Paul Defonzo, AusaJble Fbriott 1517—Jas. Hohner, 35 Montcahn Ave+ Plattsburg-h; Fred Vtosib&rgi Standish. 1851—Henry Martino, Rugar BHt^ tPlattafcurg'h. 1139—^Audrey' Stasuk, Chazy; Albert Mo-usseftu, Ausable Forks. 1214—James C. Allen, Peru; Geo. H, ,Buckley, Union Falls. 336—Donald B. Sargent, RouStt Point, Lorenzo G, Lloyd, EJ1- lenburg- Center. 212 —AVm. H. Mason, Peru; ESdward J. Baker, Ellen-burg' Depot. 1357—Wm. Dillon, Peru; Harry & " Dow, Saianac. , i3__jcsisie J. Deloria, R F. D. 3, W. Ohazy; Ftaiph T. KUbourn,' Mooers. S -,Wm. W. ('Lire, Peru; Elmar Bul- riss, Mooers. 1707—'Albert G. Carrier, Rouses Point. 1160—Hairy W. Dcsoutty, R. F. D., 6, Plattsburgh; Soymernla J. Pattno, Ausable Forks. 1192—Chd.s. il. llarrington, Peru; Edward E. Wright, Swastika. lg(jn—iHulbcrt St. Germain, Morrison- ville. 30 5—John H. Booth, Peru, N. Y.; Ezra It. Cook, Ellenburg Cen- ter. 114 3 —John II. Miller, 11 Elisabeth St., Plattsburg-h; Wallace *M. Moifoml, Ausablo Forks. r >r) 7—Mosew Dapo, 32 So. l'eru St., Plattsburgh; Geo. La/bounty, Keeseville. 1632—Henry L. Smart, 48 Charlotte St., Pkittbtmrgh. 14:::5—Neds E Johnson, W. Chazy, N. Y ; Wilford T. Gonyea, Red- tfoid. ItliO—Danios I. Bessette, IIS Corne- li.i St , l'lattsburffh. 179s-Gco. \V Lomlhard, 11 Draper Ave., I'lattsbupgh. ^22—Samuel Goodrich, 12 Goff Ave., I'lattslTturffh; Laurence C. Wu^lcv, Clintonville, :»sr> liov Marnes, Rou&es Point; John U Thompson, Port Kent. 14B1 —\ldrn M Baxter, 'Rouses Point; James N. Strock, Red- ifotd 12{7—Gco. W. Stafford, Peru; Al- iphonsus Archamibo, Churmbus- co. (Continued on Page >Six) 1173-

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great lottery to fix Ihe orderof liability for niiliiarv sor-vice of earh of Iho 10,000,000men of tlie Tniled Statesregistered for the war beganat, 9.49 o'clock'!his morning.

From the 1^70,000 tlieboards are to select (>87,000for America's first draft ar-my of 500,000 and to till upvacancies in the NationalGuard and the regular army.

En a committee1 room of thesenate office building, wiihrepresentatives of the presspresent, war dej>nrtment of-ficials and members of'thesenate and house militarycommittees began the draw-ing of 10,500 slips bearingnumbers corresponding withthe serial numbers of eachregistrant in the largest dis-trict in the country.

KorreUry linker was first to with-draw a capsule-endowed slip from aKreal Klass bowl. Blindfolded, he<<he\v No 25S. In every district hiwhich as many n.s 2 5S men are res-istored No.. I15 8 heads the list ofthose to he called. ,

First Men Will Go SoonThe first of the 687,000 men to

be actually railed into service—thosestaivdiiiK at the very top of the liability list—probably will «o to fillthe ranks of the regular army towar .strength. Something like 40,000will be needed for that, and theymay be called before September.Then a larj?e number next in orderprobably will be assigned to fill theNational Guard to war strength andthe remainder — about 500,000—as-sembled as the national army.

Clinton County's Share in the Draft"Approximately GOO numbers which

apply to residents of Clinton countvhad been diawn in the great lotteryup to the hour of going to press thismorning, as In fill cases below 1,598each number represents the drawingof two residents of the county, it issafe to sny that between eight andnine hundred of the young men ofthe county had up to 1 o'clock thisjU^orninu been called to the defenseof the fluR. That not all of these,will 1)0 finally called is a certainty,but it is the general belief that fromthis number sufficient members willbe found qualified in all respects forthe county's quota for the first army.It was a gratifying spectacle and onewhich proved the patriotism of th"young men of the county to witnos Jthe eagerness and enthusiasm withwhich they scanned the lists as theywere posted in front of The Press of-fice during the day. There was not adown-cast countenance In the hun-dreds which gathered around the bul-letin boards, and when any youngman found his number in the list hewalked away with a smile on his face.

The first number drawn was 258,and thus Vincent S. Jerry of West

Chazy and Myron Lord of EllenburghiJepot have the honor of being the•first representatives of tho county tohe called by their country. WilliamII. Brothers, of No. 3 Palmer street,was the first lesidont of this city tobe diawn, and Jobeph Rondeau, ofNo. 21 Charlotte street was the se-cond Plattsburgher whose name wantaken from the great glass jar inWashington.

The following is the list of residentsof the county, both first and seconddistricts who had been drawn and mthe order given up to 1 o'clock thismorning:258—Vincent S Jerry, West Chaz> ;

'Myion Lore}, Klenburg Depot.458—Wilmer II. Brothers, *5

Palmer htreol, Pkiltabutgih.Elwood D C.uiilnuui, Mornson-ville.

14 i36--Joesph Ramidcau, 21 Charlottestroet; Jas. Alfred Gieenwood,'Red ford.

854—.R W. Murray, Chazy; Xa\icrLagoy, lVumemoni.

1894—Gco Henr\ Ho bibville, R. h\ D. 2.

1878—(it o. Phaueuif. C}... „joyr> —Roibnt llavc-h, Clinton wtieet,

Plattsiburgh; K lymond A Cn-cc, Ausaible Foik<-

1453 - Carlos Kecuenco, ISar.icksHerbert Rock, Kedford

7 8 3—Waller Bomsso, OS Champlainsi root Pkittwbumh; iieiny AvottMoriMsom illo.

LSI 3- Gco. Abd( ilNtlC' t, PI I I HI

IS.-.S— (U n K Li-a1752- T\)0< A lion

P I - l> 41117 Win <'oHins.




ChazvI'l ittsinn trh,

iKnei St , Plaftsbur^h; Wm 11Thomas, Ausable Forks.

5 64—Jos. Major, 113 Miller stieet,PlattshurKh; Chas II MeCoi-mick, Pet u

191:: -4'has M Ladtir, \ \ > t Chazy.r>!>6 —Jo.s. U Cardln, Chamipknn; Mv-

rnn W B/iker, [laikne^s,1|2(M- lOmesl K Watson, V-il-com ;

Laurence .1 Cassuij, (Miatoau-

MU) Chilis, Ctbo, 41 Montralm \ \ eI'l.itts-hurKh; Chas. M Kox,Keescvlile-

M'.Hi -Chtford Novell. Poasleville;M Kuilbel, Stmidi'.h

f548- -Lemuel P> Kitzpatrick, 11. F. l>1. P i t t s b u r g h ; Raphael TOGraves, Keeseville

12G—'Krank 'Clirk. Peru; Mcrton La-port, IMooers Forks.

9 1.")- A Illicit II. Goodrow, Champlain:flyman Grc>r'nl>urL;, Lvon Moun-tain.

lf)7!) -A i thu r T,aphan, H !•' I) 4

1237 -John L.'iBom'bard, 72 V. C d h -eiiiu sireet, PlatLsbuigh; AlexLibei ty, Jr., Riveiview.

784—Fred 11 Dudley, Peiu; Loui:-Afiony, Chaz.v Lake

1732—John F. BrenuJii, G? Onk St ,'iPlattsburgh.

755—Lucia u L. Rncke. 12 Batlervstreet, Plattsftxin-grh; IlenberiGolden, Altona.

107—Roy H. Vaughn, Peru; ArthuiS. ForKey, Mooers Forks,

in46—Nathan J. Moore, Chazy; GeoN. Diolette, Dannemora.

lf>G3—Joihn Genct'te, Champlain;'Moody G. Manley, Dannemora

1369—.liodney Hamehn, Gil Lafnyett.street, Plattsburgh; Ftcdericl.Jaco'bs, Saranac.

GIG—Jos. A. Menaivl, Houses Point"Delbeit .Smith,. Chntanvillc.

373—John II. Provost, Plattsburgh.John Tiombly, EllenhurR.

167(»—Halph Anderson, Ucekmar-town.

1266—Wales H. Cook, R. F. D. 3,Plattstburgh; Fay Bryan, Cher-lubusco.

lS91~*-Wm. Lagoy, 23 Wall stieet,775—Arthur Snow, 41 Miller street,

Plattsbungb; Walter J. Smart,Altona.

4SG—Talbor W. Sweet, Houses Poml;Frederick H. Ito-ck, "Mornson-ville.

692—Meirill II. Mitchell, Champlain;Alex Lamountainc, Alton,i

GOO—Chester L. Buishey, Allen street.Platti-lbm-gh; Elhe Ken- Baker,JUrknesH.

S10—Lenmler TromJbley, Jr.. Cham-plain, J. M. ( 'unim, Dannemor.'i

1539—.Albert K. Laifountain, 114 Mn-ler stieot, Plattsiburgh; LeslieDu'bray, Saranac.

1682—Milton MdFadden, 11 Elizabethstreet, Plattsburgh.

G07—- Jack Ciarlonc, 1'2 Peru Ptrei-t,Plattsbuiitfh; Roy C. Vaughn,Morrisouv llle.

309—Edgar FaJcto, 4G Watorhouse.street, Plattsburgh; Geo. I-1.Dority, Chateaugay.

437_Gcoige II. Morrill, 145 Broadstreet, Plattsiburgh; Alex Mar-ttno, »Scluuyler Falls.

1324—'Howard C. Lawrence, W e tChazy; Isaac Tro-irubly, Cheiu-ibusco.

604—Ellsworth Moore, Rouses Point;Harold R. Desso, Hark ness

43—Robt. Blaney, West Chazy; Geo.Gango, Mooers.

1763—Jos. H. Roberts, Rouses Point154 8—Andicw F. Borde, 20 Broad.

stieet, Plattsbur-gh; PerleyiFavro, Cadyville.

1264—Dennis Rielle, 27i Champlain.trtreeU. iPlattsburgh; Jas. ABray, Cherui'busco.

1066—Eugene M. (Cole, 32 Macdon-ouig'h stieet, Plattsburgh; BernYnshauck, Lyon Mountain.

924—'Leo Bfuker, 41 Montcalm Ave.PcrJetto Conda.'das, Lyon Moun-tain.

420'—Cyrenus Martin, R F. D. 2 W\Chazy, Wai die IS. Jabout,iSchiuylcr FalN

10J4—Jcny Zilafeo, 38 Charlottstreet; Win. Patnode, Lyon'Mountain.

1178—-Edmund P Gmvctl, Peru;Jlenry T. Snyv, I'\ illc.

til 4—Robeit Hen on, 1^5 Cornelwstreet; Edward Wood, Moirl-honvill-e.

433-ArMiur J ounnetto, Ohazv ;Thos Maitino. Si-huylei Kills

1329 - J o h n Lafountame, R. F D 3,Plattsibungh; Roy J. Wright,Ellcnibuig Despot

10—'Ed-waul J " L.uinnntaine, Cbam-pknn; Orhn G Beiki-r. Mooers

1045--Angelo>» Rep.i-, 115 Cornell istieet, Anthony J. StacaUeh,Lyon Mountain.

1031— Jo-,. II. Rofbert*, Chimplain:Leo Revor, Lyon Mountain

j 7 o n—(' h as W. 1 M sh i a, C h izy13.>0- Chas A Lef lu i , 121 Miller

street; Wm P, Wood-, Cheru-

177!)--Kmile J Jclferfcon, Chaiivpkun1 23I>— CM is. P. Bennett, 1 ."> Boyntou

A\e , Jos. Luborly, RIVCIMUW.AZ'l -Kov J Frcnjoa, RwisfK Point,

Robt Montv, R !•' D 3. IMalts-

nuan, VusalbU I-1

U.72 —R M«<ic»\ 1If I'M nd. j-M\tM,

J74S- Goo. H Gulah, <s:?7 - Edward Stone, 0 J

t d

I ks


M i n

.Da oraK. • M i

ur i -h ; P<t<-i H Li l a i . ,ii g Cc-nfci

1" at U au , PKi t t sbur t ; l i ,, A l ton t

, 111 i i ik •-tie. t,^ NVIsnn A t k i n s

K l l e n b u r g Cen tc i

RQ«) Rclwnid B i k e r , Chfi^v, I ' u ' -n iond Va l l cv , Mor i i s o m illc

l l b j — W a i r c n M a r t i n e u u , 40 So

Peter GaKln•<;:,- Thro c.ipi

K i S T i — O r h n K C J o o d - p < • d , R I* l> '>

P I i t U - b u i g U

P u m t ; J o U f i l 1 , c i !• \ i l i

) i s i — j i s H \ I M J ' ^ i : i ' n J i ' t 1 1 . ,

K u f n ^ II l l u m i d i i > \ < - I K M u


1 ,!:>> I K M I I \ . 1 . ( ! a l ' i - \ -M <"•! i i-

p l u n ^ t i a t , A l b c r t S u e t I K \

4 ' h i P i t b u l l O

1 S47 P h i l l i p ! i i \ c • s P ' » K m n t n w n

7 9 7 O t i s K a n d k U . , J : i 1 1) 2 . W

C h i / \ ; N« w il P ' 1 "<>K-. ' " i ' /

1 j o — M i ' h i c l 11 F . n I M O , R P !> !

\ \ I ' l l \ / \ A ' b u i l P I i I '-

M o o n s F O i l v

I V ! i ; - P . 1. r I ' K O H M * i i, 2". 'M u d n n -

o i i f l i ^ i t . « ' M i l - M I J M I . V -

1 7 2 3 — I ' M w . i r d S M o n t y , R I ' D 2

P l a t t s b u i g h

IS Theoplnlc Bod.ird, CMiamplam,Geo Cuitis, Mooets

(J52 John J. iMahonov, 24 RoibinionTen fire; Wm. Caiter, Altona

')27- Fiank Reilt. R F I) 4, Pl.ilf,-Iviugh; Howard Cha^c, LyonMountain.

14 84—iPerley Provost, Peru; WalterM. Clark, Standish.

7;i9—-Jos. Clair, Peru; Gerald Vassar,Sciota.

1 751--Andrew J. Fiazler, G L'eru 'street.

601—Edgar P Mossey, Rouses Point,Wm. l<). Brown, Clinton\ ille.

1822—Domino, lldbeit. Routes Point,!David SrliutLs, Cherubusco.

1146—Claude E. Favro, R. F. D. 1, ,Cadyville; Wm. S. McCasland,Black Brook. . \

1103 - J o h n H. WUcox, 32 Williamstroet; Phillip Duprey, AaisablrForks.

139 5—Leo Beaudette, 44 So. Ri\erstieet; l-'rank Savage, Saranac

GOG—Jos Joskct, (Jhazy, Dennis M .Fox, Harkness.

1S2—\rthur T. Lob-dcll, 1.14 Brinker-hoff street; Freeman Lavallev,Mooers Forks.

1771—Howard II. Flfleld, 2(5 Coinelit513—Arthur J. Bauvier, 71 Montcalm

Ave , Stanley A. Wood, Morn-sonMlle.

46—Adol-phus J. Florentine. 12GBeekman; Wm. J. Hci rick, Pots-dam.

1020—Otto R. Gcrsch, Chazy; Eust-aaocio Piro, Lyon Mountain.

1651—Clarence E. Los, R. F. I). 1,W. Chazy.

1099—Sylvester Wetherhold, Jr., 32Cha-mplain street; C. Drew,Ausaible Forks.

1636—-Herbert Weir, R. F. D. G,-Plattsbui-gh.J. Rabideau, Rivcrview.

7 21—^Laurence J. Rolberts, 12 Mont-calm Ave.; Raphael Recor, Al-tona.

1419—Benj. H. Tyrell, Peru; Ro-bt.A. Derins, Standish.

786—JMward H. Milo, Morrisonville;Harry Alford, Dannemou.

1549—Lyn F. Wood, R. F. D , '1Pkittsfoung'h; Leland B. Favro,Cadyville.

1476—'Pierre Fresnel, 139 Cornell iSt., Plattsburgli; Afahcl Bruco,Standish.

280—Amedio Cassi, l'lattssburgh,Peter Baicomb, Ellenbur,Center,

1292—Win. J. M ijor, Champlain.Peter A. LeCkur, Churububco

972—AKbcrt J. Keating, 37 So. Cath-erine St., Pla-ttsburgh; MikiKancohr, Lyon Mountain.

9S3—Thos. C. Robange, Chazy; WmW. Mmklcr, Lyon Mountain

7 57—Geo. Bre\cttc, Chazy; Harry LLad»ue, Altona.

966—I^eo S. Kornhauser, 19 BeekmanSt., Plattsiburgh; Jos. Kubor-ski, Lyon Mountain.

868—Wm. G. Favro, Cadyville; JohnW. Nash, Dannemora.

332—Fabian Blair, Rouses Point;l iay E. Hobibs, Ellenburg- Cen-ter.

379—Millard S. Allen, 37 Court St ,>PlatbaburgJh; Wm. Tourvillc,Elleniburg Center.

1560—Rolbt. Ferrarine, CumberlandTlo-tcl, Plattsbuiigh; Ernest Ly-man, Cady\ille.

542—Edward H. Lemieux, 47 Lafay-ette St., Plattsburg-h; John RFacto, Keeseville.

194—Thos. Ida, Chazy; Euldaige Su-preant, Mooers Forks.

874—John -H. Parrotte, Chazy; JasReyell, Dannemora.

5 52—Stephen Langley, F^oint,Cluib. F. L>neh, Keesevjlle.

l,'!()0—Phillip PL Mibchler, Jt., 36 SoCatherine St , Plattsburgh; Ho-ward W. Ntsher, Berlin, N Y

1673—.Ilerlbert J. Shutts, 5S SaillcniA\e., Plattsburgh.

1887—Ilenrv R Palmer. R F. D 2.Champlain.

298—Leo J. Hoi do, R F D 3. Platt -buigh; Fiank Champagne, l"A-1 en burg Center.

] 67 5—Lauunce Ra.vmond, 5 LozieiI>lace, IMatlsbui-Rii; Sil is Ca-zolj, F o r c l . N Y

17G9-r-Geo P Larios. 31 S nilv A \ c ,Plattsiburgh

1294 -Teiry Purti", 43 Hamilton StPlaltriburgh; Wm P LeCkui.Churubu.sci).

1148—Alfred Martino, 11 Alh n St ,'Plattsburgh; Mrdoi A NOKMIIAusaible Forks

1G17— Nelson P'ovo^t, C i lw i l l e1354—Leo B Durkrc, 30 Khzibeth

St , PlatHbursrh: Lounaul Dui-

10 06—Chas. H Mont\, W Chazy343—Whitney Sweet, Cha'/v; Snv.tii

1 abate, Kllenbuit? Ci liter .11)1 3 -P.obt G Frederick 4<) Weed

I'll' -Geo W. Gia\FS, 182 Oak St ,I'kttt&buigli, Geo Gonjea, Jt , iMornsornille.

.15 5--Casper I1'. Molleur, Chazy; Jas.Nichols, Ellen1>urg Center.

1843—Darius M. M.oonejy. R. F. I)., 1,Plattsiburgh /

".'JO—iNelabn . Shappy, R. F. D., 5.iPlatWbiiigh; Burt C Carpen-tci, A usable Chrism.

SO!)--Juan (hedain, Plattsburgh Bai-racks; Fi ed Cataiact, Danne-lnoui

)11 i—Honij Cantin, American HouseiPlalf-fluirgh; John A. Fountain,Black Brook.

1170- llarlev Dunhar, 36 RoibinsonTerrace, Plattsbungh; James FWaldron, CJayiburg.

()13—-Win. Giguere, 16 Champlain St ,JUattsbuigh; Michael Buskey,Altona, N. Y.

218- .Charles 1. Corwin, No. 3, WentChazy; Smith W. Chutton, El-lenburg Despot.

6 20—Wm. Brunclll,: Jr., Cadyville;,Mitchell Terry* Harkness.

1334—Rrtbert S. Long, iSailly Ave.,I>latt»fbui*tfh; Geo. H. Bull,Karanac.

SSO—John W. Pulle, 7 Lozier Place,iPlattsiburgh; Arthur II. La-toiirellc, Jveeseville, N. Y.

1611—.Hariy W. Draigoon, 265 Mar-gat et St.. Plattrfbmyh.

574—Chas. Blaney, W. Chazy; GilesIi. Scheunerhorn, Keeseville.

31—Abraham A. Buahey, R. F . I)., 1,Plattaburg'h; Wilmre I-L Fitch,Jr,, Mooers.

1432—Fred Lavalley, 98 ChamplainSt., Plattsburgh; Harley LGoodale, Rediford.

1727—-Martin Si'bley, Peru.870—Calvin Loose, Peru; John J>.

O'Neill, Dannemora.1714—Wm, Turlong-, PLattaburgii.54 9—Chas. B. Stone, 226 Margaret

St., Plattsb'urgh; Henry Goi-don, Kesevillc.

1132—Leo Lagoy, 41 Champlain St.,Plattsburg-h; Albert Liberty,Black Brook.

440—Asa Ambrose Senecal, 1 So.BeekmanJLaurence

St., PlatWburgh-;JMacy. R- F. D., 3,

14S5—-Edward A. Tromibly, So. PlattSt., Plattbhurgh; Jos. DellStandish.

1674—.Walter II. LaPlante, W.Chazy.

741—Frank Andrews, 2 ElizaJbethSt., Plattsburgh; Fred Segoiin,Ellembmg Depot.

1054—Irving L. White, Chazy: How-ard J. Tiacy, Mmeville.

127 5—Heniy J. Han-good, RousesI'oint; Chas. Dcmarse, Churu-(busco.

711—\\ m. J. Farber, Plattsburgh, R.F. D , 4; Clark Nelson Oliver,'Forest.

1022—Wm. Cohen, 4>2 So. CatherineSt , Piattsbuigh; Jacob Pinko,Lvon Mountain.

S41 — Edwaid Lkufountam, Champlain;Elder King, Chazy Lake.6»S—Edwaid Tellstone, 32 Wall St.,

J^lattibuigh; Chas. Benjamine,Forest.

1032—Wm. A. Poquette, Champlain;Edward Roock, Lyon Moun-tain.

623—Edward C. Bannister, Chazy;Thos, F. Wmno, Clintonville,

269—Edgar W. Duffany, 42 CouchSt., Plattsburgh; Arthur Hug-ging, Ellen'burg.

685—,N. R. Sinton, Chazy; Haiold C..HoIIoway, Altona.

1141--jGeo. Ormsbee, Peasleville,John Mitchell, Ausable Forks.

1314—Alva G Lasell, 9 2 Bi oad St.,Plattsburgh; Wm. H. Ryan,Churuitmsco.

1016—-Merrill Denno, W Ohazy; CarlA. Piovost, Cornelia St ,Piattsbuigh.

16S8—^Louis Hubenet, Plattsburgh RF. D., 3.

335—Walter A Phiilip.s, It. F I)., 6.'Plattsburgh; Lyn H. Hoff, El-leniburg Center.

1430—Walter J. Calkins. Bridge St ,Plattaburgh; Mitchell E. God-sehn, Rcdfoinl.

493—Jlany Neveiett, Sriota: ChasiRnc-k, Moi libo'nville.

i:r»S-.Alfiod Biesette. 85 Miller St ,Plattsburgh, Chas Dellettc,Saranac.

r)23 —Ilan> I^ipicrre, Chazy; Geoi'robsni.111, L>on Mountain.

1'ifl'i- \ntoine Katisk, (Miazy, Maxim'Patnode, < 'Jiur ubusco.

3 4 1 - Laiiicncc Turnei, House;, Point,Eli LeCKui, Kllenburg Centei

!f)i)7^ Sidnov N\ Stut-^hbuiv, 10 XSt , PI ittsbuigh,

inp, Lvon MountainLitc-hlleld. 3(i Sailh

St ,Harr K. Rugur, IIS Mille

i^h: Wm II M

i.— K.I win


PI ntNi i

on. Moo

i Cathr:


J 17t! i — Hat rv

, A\e , P la t t sburgh1 , ' , ' )1 - I l .unld J OVonnel l , 41 I t t iml -

ton St , P la t t sburgh ; Lo jd R

H a n s, l lannei house, N. Y.

l'Jdfi — Gordon L Moore, Champla in ,

\ \ m Hackct t , Saiaiiac.

.55 5—Martin <\ Connick, 9 1 Rug.u

S t . J" ittMbuigh; Chas Me-

[ Kinncv, I-:ilt n'buig C' r te iS t • ; t : o - Adolpluis (Jai iow, d.l South

s l t ' '> P u u St , PlatN>,u't;h, PcUi

Km ik / i l \ . L% "ii Mount unS t I, , 7 1 eM, 11 J u i l l l . " 1 S O ' ' H l l L l l I H

• > n u " S t , P i L t t - b u i g h . I I i i < \ C I O U K -


[Mat J u

n t a iJ us A W i s e u t t

M Uustiii L.\u

«'fiilton R M M

St., Pkitt^buigJi


.d(JI !

•17 Rioadii Brunrll,

Paul Srsniour.St , Plattsbui pfh

( !-,< ar J Boinl"Point, Henry R


1S73—Henry R. St Cvi. 11 Cham-^plain St , Pkittabungh.

4 88—iDolbert E. Kronkrite, RousesPoint; Emtnett L. Ryan, Cady-ville. >

1543—Chas. Soulia, Peru; Isaah Dio-lette, Dannemora.

704—Alfred T. Blundell, 3 Peru St.,Plattsburgh; Jot-. Matott, Al-tona.

7 2—'H'enry Monette, Champlain, Al-vm J. Stiatton, Mooers.

10 53—'Raymond E. Ra-scoo, 90 BridgeSt., IMattsburg-h; Jacob Ta-losky, Lyon Mountain.

1896—'Edward Clinton, Mouisonvllle1709—Geo. Donah, Chazy.356—Nelson Gamlble, Ii. F. D., 4,

iPlattsbursh; *Edmund NtchoUs,Jillenbuig Center.

112—Burt Jubett , Sciota; Felix Gates>Mooers Forks.

1067—O. G. Wiseman, PlattsburglBarracks, Yosef Yanuza, Lyqit•Mountain.

679—'Frank Dewey, 37 Charlotte St.,Plattsburg-h; Albert Gardnei,Altona.

805—Geo. F. Tyndall, 13 Pond St ,Plattsburg-h; Geo. Cayea, Dannemora, N. Y.

11—A. B. Cassavoy, 8 Miller St.Plattsburgh; Albert E. Bacon,Mooers.

900—-Oliver La/fountaine, Ohamplain;Henry Bruso, Lyon Mountain.

1617—Wm, Ducatt, Plattuburgh.1142—Vieentl Malakiav, Plattaburgh

(Barracks; Chas. D. Miner,Ausable Forks.

1765—Warren A. Larook, Champlah.6—Alfred T. Wells, 18 Ehzabetl

St, Plattaburgh; Geo. F. Bos-worth, Mooers.

327—Chas. R Rifenberg, 2 N. Cath-erine St, Plattstburg-h; Ray W.Gordon^ Ellenburg Center.

664—Harry Rascoe, 21 Weed St.,Plattsburgh; Jos. Duprec,Chazy.

93—Edward Emory, R. F. D., 2,Plattsburgh; Fred Barcomb,(Mooers.

1448—Gerald E. Moore, Champlain;Wm. E. Mclntyre, Redford.

1722—'Leon iV KiLgore, 2g RiveV St«57—^Jos. Jefferson, Rouses Point;

Loroy Hicks, Lyon Mountain1557-r-Harry W. Gilbert, 57 Clinton

St., Plattsburgth; Maurice Jen-nings, Dannemora.

1744—John "l>ugan, 58 So. Platt St.

Plattsburgh.1112—Leonard J. Gladd, Peru; Hugh

Fyans, Ausable Forks.345—Howard W. Ormsbee, Peru;

J*os'. Lestron, Ellenburg Center1C9 5—Patrick Jos. O'Connor, Peru.1355—.Frank D. Duprce, Seiota; Vilas

'Dinette, Saranac.103—Walter Netwell, R. F. D, 4

(Pla'ttsburgh; Oscar DominaMooers Forks.

1585—Anthony F. Loftus, 22 Coinc-lia St., Plattsburgh; Geo. VanGorder, Dannemora.

1912—Frank L. Varno, G6 So, Peru«t., Plattabuigh.

1221—Irving Gonyea, 68 River St ,[Plattsiburgh; James W. Chap-lain, Redfford.

1102-^G-eo. H. Senegal, 29 Main St.,Plattsburg-h; Jos. D' Avignon,Ausaible Forks.

1625—Jos. Seymour, W. Chazy.156—jos. Laipierre, 'Sciota; Jos. Ber-

trand, Ellenburg Depot.1565—Mitchell Blaine, W. Chazy;

Clinton W. Manley, Danne-mora.

154—Edwin A. Dann, Rouses Point;Willie Wray, Mooers Forks.

1281—Donald Page, 10 Beekman St.,iPlattsburgh; Christopher IOagonier, Churubusco.

51—Harry Duprey, Chazy; Frank

(Lapine, Mooers.717—Samuel RWberts, Champlain.

Emraett J- Pyper, Chazy.1057—Victor Fredette, R. F. D., 2,

Plattsfburg>h: Case Villa, LyonMountain.

j2.r>6—Edwin Pritchard, 150 Pine St ,Plattsbiugh; Frank M Wahsh,Cla-yburg,

1073—Manry Bemway, 33 ChamplainSt.; Fred L. Ashley, AusaibleForks.

30—Winslow R. Dixon, R. F. I>., 2.PlattHburgh; Jas. L. Fitch,Mooers.

\ 199—'Frank Goodman, Rouses Point,Willie E. White, Mooers Forks

3SS—Ernest Gannblow, Clmmiplatn;Albert 10. Furness, Mori ill.

1423—Fied Zafaitz, Chazy; Rcnnie JDefayette, Rediford.

1716—Oliver I/avirtc, Chazy.773—-Frank Welt, R. K P , 5, IM.itts-

buig-h; Fred Rev-elle, Altona60S—Edward Bordo, Jr , Lyon St ,

Pkittsburgh; Fic-denck Lamo>.Clintonville.

,$0:6—il'eter Gooley, Chamiplain;Henry L. Baxter, R. F. I> .Plattaburg-h.

G19—Elmer Dixon, TU'eknianlo.wu.Fted L. Bennett, . AiibablcChasm.

17 30—Archie Roberts, 1 1 T. Unnkor-hoff St , Plattsburgh.

2.",—Lewis Baicomb, Rouses Point,Kied Dulfano, Moot-is

,;>2—Jos Bitiso, 2 9 Montcalm \\<iPlaMMl>urgh; Robt J Hazelion,Mcmll

SsO—John 1-: Mansur, 7s Hi .'ttro StPlattsbui-Rh; Jo- J. Weitc-kanip, Diniu'jnoM

;si- R ilph Portrivs, KOUSP- Point,IN-Cid R. Vreeland, J;:iIenbuiK

1617—T.dwaidguet St ,

1 J 1 7 — I : i_• * T! (•

S t . P l a t t

21 CharhutiBar to Mai-

CenteiiM)(;—i:imnic r.oiM R. r 1)

J o

1 2SS—Wilibui



Lonl,I; Jos.

" 1 - I i

urAh,St Joe, SpunIF Presettc 00 ElizabethPI itmburjdi, J is pi r J V

Auaable I oiksTIL1- Jns ('Ii imprm-n, 7(1 Pi in

holl St , Plattsburghss—Wtllace Tiouvea, 28 River

PUftsburgh; Mai shallWhite, ILukness, N. Y.

• 56—'Fornando Cortcz Cate, 1 CauchSt , IMdttsburgh, Francis JManogue, Diinncnmui.

05—Elmer Duprey, Morrisonville;Henry Miller, Altona.

1346—Edwaid P lumidou , 45 Stand-ish St , Plaltsbuigh; Cha.s•Carter, S i'.in ic

576 -Loren S. Bundy, Ch izv , WilliimiSignor, KeeseMWo

94 1—Elinor Ln Bomnrnd, Champlain;Williim Callovvav, Lyon Moun-tain.

18G6—Guy M Atwood, West Chaxy.1 SOS—nRobert I<\ P.erkal, 13S Comclia

St., Piattsbuigh1677—Napoleon Gairant, 10 Lyon St.

Plutts-buiRh.122—P. A. Bessette, 29 Champlain

St., William M. LambertoniMooers Forks.

1783—Roy R. Rumpff, 99 Brinker-hoft St.

Q4 2—W'iKred Trom'blay, 6 U. S. Ave.George Buskey, Altona.

939—Frank Bushey, 9 GreenwoodSt., George Freiclman, Sayer-ville, N. Y.

1639—Louis Ftazshelti, Rouses Point222—Leo W. Barnard, 11 Battery St.;

Frank Drawn, Jr.,> t.

1715—Albert J. Ro.bare, West Chazy."90G—Frank B Lafontainc, Cham

plain; Henry W. Baxter, Lyon'Mountain.

1337—tfienry Lemcr, 69 Miller St..tPlattsburgli; Milburn Colhn.s,

700—Victor L. Hayes, P i t t s b u r g h R.F. D ; 4; Lewis Laprenlcr, Al-tona.

1250—Herbert J. Dewkett* 24 Cham-plain St.; Edward J. Scracy,Riverview.

1195—William E. Wood, 15 Mpnt-calm Ave.; George A. Wilkins,Ausable Forks.

29 7—-Harry E. .Bosaworth, Peru;Georgre W. Cook, EllenburghCenter.

321—Perley F. Frenyea, R. F. D., 1,West Chazy; Everett Hoff, El-lenburg Center.

736—Eximor Boire, Champlain;Thomas Weightman, Jr., Sci-ota.

1G23—Frank Stay, 7 Caroline St.,iPUttstourgh.

707—Fred Robinson, Rouses Point,Mines Mattott, Altona.

1425—.Ernest Dillon, Ii F. I")., 1, Peru;.Henry Arthur Facteau, Red-iford.

1002—-Edward A. McMartm, 33 Dur-and St., Plattsburgh; PatrickO'Neill, Lyon Mountain.

1151—Guido Camilc, 40 Charlotte St.,(Plattsburg-h; Haisey Nolettc,Ausaible Forks.

1101—Harry A. Clark, 29 Sailly Ave.,Plattsburgh; On is Orival Du-pray, Black Brook.

368— Fred Boudreau, R. F. D , 1,Peru; Eddie Jos. Trombly, El-len-burg Center.

974—,Heniy McGoutty, 2S N. River'St., Platt&burgh; Waherak Ku-rowski, Li'on Mountain.

169$—'Robert Casey, Jr., Rouses.Point.

3'20—Edward Depo, 11 Allen St.,Plattsburgh; Richard R. For-key, Elleniburg Center.

»50—Earl Loso, R. F. D , 1, PlatU-'burgh; Peter Garvich, Lyon•Mountain.

9 26—John A. Brow, Y. M. C. A.,TMfettsfourgh; Wm. Cayea, LyonMountain.

1010—Chas. But do, 32 Elizabeth St.,Plattsburen; Peter Perry, LyonMountain.

1857—Fred Lavigne, Chazy.919—Frederick F. Foy. Rouses Point.

Jos. K. Cleary, Lyon Mountain.g56__Elmer A. Mossey, Rouses Point,

.Fred Clark, Forest1 339—.Robt. Leonard, 106 Miller S t .

Plattaburgh; Roy Cane, Sara-nac.

814—Roy Allen. K. F. D , 3, VVOhazy; Wilmer A. Clark. ChazyLake.

_Lt7 5_Albert Hennicke, 48 So. I'cruSt., Plattsburgh: David M«jvago, I'easleville.

1070-Nelson Jl Tine, S Rugar St ,Plnttsburgb, Cha-. Svveenoy,3S08 Parnsh St , Philadelphia,Pa.

73g—.Oliver H Sheets, Regent Hotel,Plattsiburgh; Wm W Vassar,Atlona

1107—Gustave Lcmmei-, Cluzy;Walter E Ransom, AusablcForks.

109 7 — G. N. Sanchagian, RousesI'omt, Moses Ciiamborlain, Au-hablo Folks

]19il—DonuiKO P i l m i , P and II CoP i t t s b u r g h ; S.inuel S. Wat-sun, Swastik i, N Y.

123 1 —JoM'ph Con on, Mori ison\ tile;Guy K'liitM'm, Cl n burg.

I 7S1—Aithur CJoinu, W. Chazy.13()0—.Bernard J I'owns, Peru; By

ion Evcictt, SaranacMs—Juan Aiea, ;>u Charlotte St ,

P i t t s b u r g h , Henry Lavatn-way, Dannemora

MIS—Heniy W. Fonaughtv, 19Bookman St . PlattsbnighWm Hait, Au-ablu Folks.

1 JL—( Yoknik, r"ia/.> ; I't-teiA Lai.ixe, Mooor Fi.ik*.

111— John A Grove, Pcirjs Mills;Wilbur Uuwil, Ellenburg 1'L-

S. Cook, EUeafourg Center.82 2—Jlenry J. Hewson, W. Chair , "

Frank E. Davis^ Danaempta504—.AJffred Rivet, Champlain; W:.:-

den Tromblcy, Morriabnvillo :.1064—Fred Lemieux, 63 Lafayrtt^ \4

Hi., Plattsburgh; Frank yan.|* v-lewicz, I^yon Mountain. >

1205—Frank E. Rivers, Peru; Vict-ji'1 *"Betters, Cla\iburg.

1510—Chas, Tellstone, 16 Wall »J*.,JPlattsiburg-h; Angelo Pol lot ,

1091—Redmond Holland, W. Cha^;»'Wm. Bombard, Ausable Fork-*. '

4 70—Edmund E Dudharme, Coepcf-ville; Frank B. Jock, Morrldon-ville.

312--Silas Clark, 4-1 Draper Aye.,* %

iPlattsburgh; Jos. A. Dupte, • 'Ellen'burg Center. ,' „., ' ^

1507—Clarence A. Fre-nye«r C » ^ * oville; Leo. H.MoClellan,-Starti-1" ' 'ish. , \ , ' ^

1729--Artbur N. Brown^ R. F. Dk, 4/..-^Plattsburgh. " t rt

1626—.Frank Lawartf, 138 v*V

potIf.37—Joh ak, :: \N* Chazv; Wn

Col lev, Sai in i<

1471—Fitd lltAKl* n, tot Pi in <

J o h n s , m A \ L P i t t s b u r g h .

Fted H.ihi)i\, Slinil..--i

1 I 1 1 —Tlieo Swc ( nu K I-1 P .

PlattMbutnh, L i L i u t l e Collins,

Red foid

1 6 1 G — Ar thur Jaj idreau, 21 Montcahr

Ave , P la t t sbureh

292—Victor Mouao, Cnazy; Douglass-


1284—John DoylQ,' 72 ElYi^bethiPlattslbuwph; John Mi Hum-phrey, Churu'busco. ' "'

90—John Diso, Champlain;Bascomb, Mooers Forka

191 —Leiwis E. Mi«kdelson, 94calm Ave., piattsbupgh;Itatiidue, Ellenburg De^Ot.-

477—Fred J. Monette, Kaus^sMedric A. Pascal,ville.^teiphen Qulnn, 63 ^ ^ ^ ^ . . ^St., Plattsburgh; Phinitf l ^ f ^ t if(blee, BlacJ^ Brook. '**' ,^»A

1170—James F. Cos, Rouses Poft^; *Wilfred J. Sorrflf^ Aufe^o , «-,Forks.

753—Will jam. F. Childs, R. FJ tf^i;*,"'Plattdbtirgrh; Thos. 3,lin, W. Chazy.

130—Edward Bruao, W- Cnaft „ ̂«nce a . Moral), Mooera Fortes.

85S—Andrew Leraileiut, 61St., Pla£t9bui*h; ,<juth, Dannetaora. J 4 ^

168—J. B. Supernault, Jr.-,'-eh4ai^.plain; Willie Ebear, ' MoversForks- «. ^

1023—Wm. H. Slmonds, Gh$gJi' ONff*vesipi Palazzo, Lyon M^unt^Qu*

1774-^-€fhas. Cross1, Jr., W, OhBJSjf.̂ 1*4

424—Jas. J. McDotigall, ChW,J V$;-chael S. Kelley, R. T. B.^,%|iMorrisonrvllle. • '*"*'<

840—Ernest White, Peru;King:, Dannemora.

1347—iLeser j) Laplantc, 1Henry D. Carter, Sa

1511—Arthur M. OsSborn. R.'iPlattsiburgrh; TonyStandish.

1188— Michael Scofleld,' 78 MargaretSt., Plattsurgh; Wm.Black Brook.

657—Oscar B. Tarno, 77 ChatnplainSt., Plattsburgh; Wdltdr "A,Clark, Forest.

175—Wilmer Matott, Chafcy; FrankLaport, EUertWrgr Depot."

278—Yale Morris, 54 Montcatai Ave..Plattsburgh; Chas. Bow, EU-lenburg1 Center.

1021—HPerley Trombiy, 290 Corn»-lia St., Plattsburgin; flft&ttlslititfPle'kela, Lyon Mauntftin. \ ,

1622—Oh as. F. Johnson,(Barracks.

1240—Richard E. Hayes,Plattsburgh; Jos. QUto&ufre!Clayburg. , * -••

524—Wm. A. Wells, 6'So. CatherineSt ; Mose Af Bartoer, |Ce(8s#-ville.larroll W. Adama. PIattel>vit»hJBarraoks; ManuelL,yon Mountain.-Harmon Bee hard,Ora F. Sanders, Ausable Fork«.

532—John C. Rob&rge, Champlain;'Paul Defonzo, AusaJble Fbriott

1517—Jas. Hohner, 35 Montcahn Ave+

Plattsburg-h; Fred Vtosib&rgiStandish.

1851—Henry Martino, Rugar BHt̂tPlattafcurg'h.

1139—^Audrey' Stasuk, Chazy; AlbertMo-usseftu, Ausable Forks.

1214—James C. Allen, Peru; Geo. H,,Buckley, Union Falls.

336—Donald B. Sargent, RouSttPoint, Lorenzo G, Lloyd, EJ1-lenburg- Center.

212 —AVm. H. Mason, Peru; ESdwardJ. Baker, Ellen-burg' Depot.

1357—Wm. Dillon, Peru; Harry & "Dow, Saianac. ,

i3__jcsisie J. Deloria, R F. D. 3, W.Ohazy; Ftaiph T. KUbourn,'Mooers.

S -,Wm. W. ('Lire, Peru; Elmar Bul-riss, Mooers.

1707—'Albert G. Carrier, RousesPoint.

1160—Hairy W. Dcsoutty, R. F. D.,6, Plattsburgh; Soymernla J.Pattno, Ausable Forks.

1192—Chd.s. il. llarrington, Peru;Edward E. Wright, Swastika.

lg(jn—iHulbcrt St. Germain, Morrison-ville.

30 5—John H. Booth, Peru, N. Y.;Ezra It. Cook, Ellenburg Cen-ter.

114 3 —John II. Miller, 11 ElisabethSt., Plattsburg-h; Wallace *M.Moifoml, Ausablo Forks.

r>r)7—Mosew Dapo, 32 So. l'eru St.,Plattsburgh; Geo. La/bounty,Keeseville.

1632—Henry L. Smart, 48 CharlotteSt., Pkittbtmrgh.

14:::5—Neds E Johnson, W. Chazy, N.Y ; Wilford T. Gonyea, Red-tfoid.

ItliO—Danios I. Bessette, IIS Corne-li.i St , l'lattsburffh.

179s-Gco. \V Lomlhard, 11 DraperAve., I'lattsbupgh.

^22—Samuel Goodrich, 12 Goff Ave.,I'lattslTturffh; Laurence C.Wu^lcv, Clintonville,

:»sr> — liov Marnes, Rou&es Point;John U Thompson, Port Kent.

14B1 —\ldrn M Baxter, 'RousesPoint; James N. Strock, Red-ifotd

12{7—Gco. W. Stafford, Peru; Al-iphonsus Archamibo, Churmbus-co.

(Continued on Page >Six)
