vol: 03 issue-02 may-2021 (1-15)

Vol: 03 Issue-02 May-2021 (1-15) K.V. Venugopal as the Central government remained indifferent to the second wave of the Covid- 19 pandemic situa- tion that is rocking the nation now? The lurking suspicion is prevailing in the minds of a section of the people as an atmosphere had been created till December last year that the deadly dis- ease that made an inroad into the entire world last year, courtesy China, was con- trolled with precision, especially in India. The government realised the das- tardly effect and its catastrophe when the crisis escalated and reached an alarming proportion from February this year. However, the problem escalated when the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan cautioned the patients not to visit hospitals, as the oxygen was avail- able in plenty, but the harsh realistic sit- uation did not match up his words. The patients, much to their chagrin and dis- comfiture found out the shortage of oxy- gen and drugs like Remdesivir. Moreover, it did not augur well for the Uttar Pradesh Government when its yÓT]ø± ‘Ó\T>∑T nk˛dæj˚TwüHé (Ä{≤) nyÓT]ø±˝Àì ‘Ó\T>∑T ø£eT÷´ì{°‘√bÕ≥T ‘Ó\T>∑T sêÁcÕº˝À¢ ñqï ‘Ó\T>∑Tyê]øÏ m+‘√ düVü‰j·T düVü≤ø±sê\qT n+~düTÔqï dü+>∑‹ ‘Ó*dæ+<˚. ‘êC≤>± ‘Ó\T>∑T sêÁcÕº˝À¢ ø£s√Hê ø±s¡D+>± Çã“+<äT\T |ü&ÉT‘·Tqï Á|ü»\qT Ä<äT≈£îH˚+<äT≈£î ‘·qe+‘·T>± düVü‰j·÷ìï n+~k˛Ô+~. Ç+<äT˝À uÛ≤>∑+>± 100 Äøχ»Hé ø±q‡+ÁfÒ≥s¡¢ ø√dü+ $sêfi≤\ì ùdø£]+∫ n+~+∫+~. nyÓT]ø±˝À |ü⁄{Ϻ ô|s¡T>∑T‘·Tqï j·TTer j·TTe≈£î\≈£î kÕÿ\sYwæ|t\qT n+~+#˚+<äT≈£î |òü+&éqT @sêŒ≥T #˚dæ+~. ¬s+&ÉT ‘Ó\T>∑T sêÁcÕº\≈£î dü+ã+~Û+∫q ªyÓTÆdü÷ÿ˝Ÿ- yÓTƬskÕŒì‡_*{°μ nH˚ ø±s¡´Áø£e÷ìøÏ Hê+~ |ü\T≈£î‘·÷, Ç+<äT≈£î $sêfi≤\T Ç∫Ãq <ë‘·\≈£î Ç{°e\ »]–q uÀsY¶ düe÷y˚X¯+˝À ø£‘·»„‘·\T ‘Ó*j·TCÒdæ+~. y˚T HÓ\˝À uÛÑ>∑eBZ‘· Ä<Ûë´‹àø£ ‘·s¡>∑‘·T\T, n˝≤π> øö¢&éf…ø±ï\Jì ÁbÕs¡+_ÛdüTÔqï≥T¢ ≈£L&Ü Ä{≤ Á|üø£{Ï+∫+~. ˝≤dt y˚>±dt˝À Ç{°e\ »]–q Ä{≤ uÀs¡T¶ MT{Ï+>¥ $»j·Te+‘·yÓTÆ+~. á uÀs¡T¶ düe÷y˚XÊìøÏ n<Ûä´ø£å\T uÛÑTeH˚XŸ ã÷C≤\ n<Ûä´ø£å‘· eVæ≤+#ês¡T. ñ‘·Ôsê<Ûä´≈£åî\T eT<ÛäT u§$TàH˚ì, ø±s¡´<ä]Ù Vü≤]Á|ükÕÁ<Ó&ç¶ *+>±\, ø√XÊ~Ûø±] kÕsTTHê<∏é u§j·T|ü*¢, dü+j·TTø£Ô ø±s¡´<ä]Ù sêeTø£wüí Ä\, dü+j·TTø£Ô ø√XÊ~Ûø±] $»jYT ø£+<ä÷sY, |üPs¡« n<Ûä´≈£åî\T |üs¡y˚Twt ;Û+¬s&ç¶, ø±s¡´ ìsê«Vü≤ø£ dü+#ê\≈£î\T s¡|òüTTMÁ¬s&ç¶, bÕ\ø£eT+&É* ã+<ä düuÛÑT´\ Ä<Ûä«s¡´+˝À mì$T~ >∑+≥\ bÕ≥T ì]«sêeT+>± düe÷y˚XÊìï »]bÕs¡T. $$<Ûä q>∑sê\˝À ùde\T n+~düTÔqï Øõq˝Ÿ ø√Ä]¶H˚≥sY‡, kÕº+&ç+>¥ ø£$T{°yÓT+ãsY‡, ô|<ä› dü+K´˝À á düe÷y˚XÊìøÏ Vü‰»s¡j·÷´s¡T. eTT+<äT>± ø±s¡´Áø£e÷ìï ÁbÕs¡∆q ^‘·+‘√ ÁbÕs¡+_Û+#ês¡T. nq+‘·s¡+ ø√$&é‘√ eT‹ #Ó+~q yê] ø√dü+ eTÚq+ bÕ{Ï+∫ yê] ≈£î≥T+ã düuÛÑT´\≈£î Á|ü>±&ÛÉ kÕqTuÛÑ÷‹ ‘Ó*j·TCÒXÊs¡T. Ä{≤ dü+düú 2021˝À #˚|ü{Ϻq ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\T, ]j·T˝Ÿmùdº{Ÿ yÓ_HêsY, {≤ø˘‡ yÓ_HêsY, j·T÷mdt@≈£î Á|üj·÷D ìùw<Ûä+ô|’ Ç$TàÁπ>wüHé yÓ_HêsY, Á&√ìï düMTø£]+#·≥+ m˝≤ nH˚ ôd’Hé‡ f…ø±ï\J Ç+»˙]+>¥, >∑DÏ‘·+(ôdºyéT) s¡+>±ìøÏ dü+ã+~Û+∫q yÓ_HêsY, n+‘·sê®rj·T eTVæ≤fi≤ ~H√‘·‡e ø±s¡´Áø£eT+, nyÓT]ø± uÛ≤s¡‹ |üÁ‹ø£ yÓTT<ä{Ï Á‘Ó’e÷dæø£ $&ÉT<ä\, ñ>±~ kÕVæ≤‘·´ dü<ädüT‡, $$<Ûä q>±sê˝À¢ »]|æq ø£eT÷´ì{° düØ«dt/ |òü⁄&é Á&Ó’yé áyÓ+{Ÿ‡, s¡ø£Ô<ëq •_sê\T, yêøχHé Á&Ó’yé >∑T]+∫, Á|üdüTÔ‘·+ ø=qkÕ>∑T‘·Tqï jÓ÷>∑ ø±¢ôddt, m˝Ÿ@ |òæf…ïdt uÛ≤>∑kÕ«eT´ ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\ >∑T]+∫ $e]+#ês¡T. Ä{≤˝À n‘·´~Ûø£+>± ø=‘·Ô düuÛÑT´\ì #˚]Ãq yê]øÏ ªØõq˝Ÿ ø√Ä]¶H˚≥sY Ä|òt ~ eT+‘Yμ>± >∑T]Ôdü÷Ô dü+düú n_Ûq+~+∫+~. nyÓT]ø± eT]j·TT eTq ¬s+&ÉT ‘Ó\T>∑T sêÁcÕº\˝À Á|üdüTÔ‘·+ ñqïø√$&é |ü]dæú‹øÏ düVü‰j·T+>± eT]ìï ùdyê ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\qT #˚j·TqTqï≥T¢ ≈£L&Ü Ä{≤ n<Ûä´≈£åî&ÉT uÛÑTeH˚wt ã÷C≤˝≤ ‘Ó*bÕs¡T. n H Contd... page-9

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Vol: 03 Issue-02 May-2021 (1-15)

K.V. Venugopal

as the Central government

remained indifferent to the second

wave of the Covid- 19 pandemic situa-

tion that is rocking the nation now? The

lurking suspicion is prevailing in the

minds of a section of the people as an

atmosphere had been created till

December last year that the deadly dis-

ease that made an inroad into the entire

world last year, courtesy China, was con-

trolled with precision, especially in

India. The government realised the das-

tardly effect and its catastrophe when the

crisis escalated and reached an alarming

proportion from February this year.

However, the problem escalated

when the Union Health Minister Harsh

Vardhan cautioned the patients not to

visit hospitals, as the oxygen was avail-

able in plenty, but the harsh realistic sit-

uation did not match up his words. The

patients, much to their chagrin and dis-

comfiture found out the shortage of oxy-

gen and drugs like Remdesivir.

Moreover, it did not augur well for the

Uttar Pradesh Government when its

yÓT]ø± ‘Ó\T>∑T nk˛dæj˚TwüHé (Ä{≤)

nyÓT]ø±˝Àì ‘Ó\T>∑T ø£eT÷´ì{°‘√bÕ≥T ‘Ó\T>∑T

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Contd... page-9



As the pandemic hit another high in India and many

places went into a Lock-Down mode again...This fortnight was

about praying for world health and keeping people happy,

amidst all the depressing news...

Who could come to mind to do justice to "A World Healing

Prayers Episode"... Yes, none other than the Divine Voiced

Tarun Gupta, fondly known as Tarun Da...Who rendered bril-

liantly, anchored by the Lovely Anupama Gupta

A Shraddhanjali to Padmabhushan Pt. Rajan Mishra of the

famous Rajan and Sajan Mishra Duo - Brothers and Vocalists

in the Khyal (Banaras) style of Indian (Hindusthani) classical

music, was arranged by Surmandal (Hyderabad) by famous

artistes and Media Partnered by iAsiaNewsMusic

On the Blockbuster / Super Duper

Weekends front they had collaborated


With Karaoke Junction Mumbai -

One of the biggest Karaoke Platforms,

featuring :

Tanushree R

With CoreDesi (UK) -

Their Most Ebullient Partner

Featuring :

Preeti Rao & Aseem Agarwal (USA)

Ajay & Archana (UAE)

Kelvin Eno (USA)

Sanam Sharma (UK)

With A NewCollaborationSymphony SHIVU page :FeaturingSymphony SHIVU

With Old & Ever Hit SongFeaturing : Vismaya BhavikattiRujuta Prabhu

Bhakti sangeet for world healingShraddanjali to Pt. Rajan MishraCCoollllaabboorraatteedd SShhoowwssBBlloocckkbbuusstteerr && SSuuppeerr DDuuppeerr WWeeeekkeennddss oonn iiAAssiiaaNNeewwssMMuussiicc



amazing perform-

ers on their Channel this

fortnight are:

Kumaran Muthuraman

Zohra Kassam (Canada)

Navneeth Sundaresan (Carnatic Vocal)

Ramesh Kadam (Kenya)

Kapil Dev (UAE)

Tanuja Deshpande

Narssimhan Kannan

Sunil & Bhumika Malik

Nirav Gandhi



3 www.iasianews.net 1_May-2021

41_May-2021 www.iasianews.net

5 www.iasianews.net 1_May-2021

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Junctions in Telangana

get a faceliftTSV

he Kakatiya Urban

Development Authority

(KUDA) is in the process of devel-

oping several junctions in the tri-

cities of Warangal, Hanamkonda

and Kazipet under the Greater

Warangal Municipal Corporation

(GWMC) limits. As many as 14

junctions have been identified for

the beautification project, which

is being taken up at an estimated

cost of Rs. 2 crores. Works are

underway at Fathimanagar junc-

tion, Ambedkar junction, Kakatiya

University junction, Mulugu

crossroad, Pochammama Maidan,

etc. The junction developed by

KUDA at Hanamkonda bus sta-

tion has become a centre of attrac-

tion in the city. The GWMC

authorities are also constructing

four welcome arches at the

entrances on the Warangal-

Hyderabad, Warangal-

Karimnagar, Warangal-Narsampet

and Warangal-Khammam high-


Warangal comes to the fore

The Municipal Administration

& Urban Development Minister of

Telangana, KT Rama Rao, recently

inaugurated the Bhadrakali Geo-

Bio Diversity Cultural Park at the

Bhadrakali bund in the heart of

Warangal city and was all praise

of the officials. The park was

developed at a cost of Rs. 35 crore

under the HRIDAY (National

Heritage City Development and

Augmentation Yojana) scheme by

the Kakatiya Urban Development

Authority (KUDA). Thanks to the

efforts of KUDA and GWMC

(Greater Warangal Municipal

Corporation), Warangal is getting

a makeover and its quaint look

will soon be a thing of the past.

The state government has gone

into an overdrive to beautify the

ancient city, which was once the

capital of Kakatiya kingdom.

Traffic islands show off more

greenery and smart street lighting

creates a different feel in the city.

Giant animal effigies, new foun-

tains, and figures representing the

local culture adorn the public

places. Sprawling public gardens

in the heart of the city is being

spruced up with more greenery.

Statues in the Surya Namaskar

poses are adding to the grace and

grandeur. Saplings are being

planted on a large scale to attract

butterflies. The Bhadrakali Geo-

Bio Diversity Cultural Park along

the Bhadrakali bund stands out as

the best lakefront promenade of

South India.

Funded by the HRIDAY

scheme, the project has been

completed at a cost of Rs. 35

crores. Warangal has already

gained recognition as cultural,

tourism, and education hub. The

Bhadrakali bund, built with world-

class standards is one of its kind in

entire Asia. The Ethylene

Propylene Diene Monomer

(EPDM)-made walking track, play

zone, and other elements make it

stand out. Residents expect film

shootings to take place in this

location anytime soon. The bund

reflects the architecture of the

Kakatiya rulers and provides a

serene atmosphere for the citizens

to spend quality time with their

family members. The citizens can

experience the state-of-the-art

amenities while spending quality

time walking by Bhadrakali Lake.

Green colonnades, open-air gym,

playing area and the integrated

landscape lighting is adding to the

ambiance. The promenade has

the potential to become one of the

best exotic locations in the coun-

try. Warangal, which is already a

tourist spot, has one more place to

boast of. Its features beat the Tank

Bund and Necklace Road in

Hyderabad. This place will attract

both domestic and foreign

tourists. The stone-carved arches

and stone revetment are pleasing

to the eye and the modern lighting

system is going to create a peace-

ful mood.

It is also to be noted that Chief

Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has

a special plan of action for the

development of Warangal, and

every year, Rs. 300 crores is allo-

cated in the State Budget for the

same. The State government had

promised drinking water to all the

households in GWMC by Ugadi

festival and has kept the promise.

Tap connections will be provided

at Re. 1 for each household in the

city from the Overhead Service

Reservoir (OHSR) with eight lakh

litre capacity at Rampur village

under the GWMC limits. The

drinking water project, which is

designed to meet the drinking

water demands of the city till the

year 2048, was taken up at a cost

of Rs. 1589.37 crores. The devel-

opment and beautification proj-

ects worth Rs. 2,500 crores are

also being taken up in the city

along with the development of

Metro rail and Mamnoor airport in

Warangal. The TRS government

has also managed to attract a Rs.

1000 crores private rail coach fac-

tory investment by Medha Servo

Drives. The factory is coming up

in the Kondakal village of

Rangareddy district and will have

an annual capacity to manufacture

500 coaches of various types and

50 locomotives. The factory is get-

ting ready for inauguration within

a few months.

Theme-based junctions

The Greater Hyderabad

Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is

continuing its mission of improv-

ing civic infrastructure by re-car-

peting roads and improving junc-

tions in the city. While the main

roads in the city are being restored

under the Comprehensive Road

Maintenance Programme (CRMP),

theme-based junctions and traffic

islands are being developed to

reduce traffic snarls. Two junc-

tions in the IT corridor — the NIA

junction and Cyber Towers and

two junctions in the Khairatabad

zone — Mozamjahi Market junc-

tion and Abids junction — recent-

ly got a facelift. In all the four

junctions, pedestrian-friendly

islands, lane markings, pedestrian

crossings and rumble strips, instal-

lation of bollards was done while

greenery was also developed. A

recce around these junctions

revealed that the junctions were

reducing traffic snarls and creating

a transit for pedestrians crossing

roads. The traffic islands have

reduced traffic indiscipline among

commuters and people are now

taking U-turns at designated

points, which was not the case

earlier. Pedestrians are also able

to cross safely due to these traffic

islands. Many such transformation

of the Hyderabad city is underway

with dozens of theme-based junc-

tions to don the city.


7 www.iasianews.net 1_May-2021

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ÄHé …’Hé |üø£å|üÁ‹ø£

Email: [email protected]

The second pandemic summerT. Venkatesh

Come March-April, it is not uncom-

mon to find terraces of households across

India covered in cut fruits and vegetables

laid out on clean cotton bed sheets, left

out to dry under the hot sun. It’s pickling

season and everything from limes, chill-

ies, carrots, dates or berries, is prepared

to be doused in spice mixes and pre-

served in oil and salt. It is also the season

for dried foods made from different kinds

of flours that can be deep fried like

papadum, appalam, vathal, baalaka,

sandige and vadiyaalu (rice cracker). It

has become a mandatory ritual for many

mothers and grannies to make these frit-

ters during the summer. The rice is

cleaned, sun dried and then taken to the

mill to be ground into very fine powder.

Then, the raw rice powder is mixed with

chili paste and lemon juice, with people

snacking even on the raw dough.

Whatever is left of the dough is used to

squeeze out different shapes. These are

traditional foods that evolved as a way to

preserve produce in times when there

was no technology to do so, and came in

handy during hard times too.

The making of lip-smacking avakaaya

and crispy vadiyaalu is a common and

celebrated scene across Telugu house-

holds. These homemade pickles and frit-

ters are also shared among friends and

relatives. Last year, while the whole

world was tensed whether they will sur-

vive the pandemic or not, the Indian

households were peacefully preparing

avakaaya and vadiyaalu to last the whole

year. This year too, the making might get

affected by COVID-19 pandemic, but the

process of planning, making and preserv-

ing these accompaniments evoke a sense

of hope, lots of smiles and memories. In

2020, the coronavirus played a major

spoilsport in the procurement and conse-

quent disbursement of pickles. So, it is

better to buy the mangoes early on in the

season to avoid shortage. It is mentioned

in Vrikshayurveda, an ancient Indian sci-

ence for plant life, that ‘he who plants

five or six mango trees attains the abode

of Garuda and lives happily forever like

gods.’ And the pickle enthusiasts believe

that one who learns the art of pickling this

heavenly fruit is already in the company

of God. When mangoes are out in the

market, people usually buy

them for pickling

them. Usually

they are

cleaned and

c h o p p e d

in the

m a r k e t

itself, by

the ven-

dors. At

this point of time, with the lockdown, this

i s

n o t

f e a s i b l e ,

and hence the

youngsters in the house

are given the task of chopping the man-

goes. While the demand and excitement

to prepare avakaaya never comes down,

the hike in mango prices this year disap-

points a few. Mango farmers feel that they

might get good yield this year since the

flowering is creating hope for the crops in

and around the states of Tamil Nadu,

Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. While

the farmers are hopeful about high yields,

the Horticulture Department opined that

there's a dip of 60 per cent in mango pro-

duction this year. They further added that

most varieties in mango would be arriv-

ing in the market in the last week of May,

which is the possible reason for the hike

in prices of mangoes that are available



Vol: 03Issue: 02

May 2021 (1-15)

Editor, Publisher

Dr. Krishna Puttaparthi

News Editor


Graphics & Layout

[email protected]

AdvisorsSubramanyam JonnalagaddaDr. Urimindi Narasimha Reddy

Dr. Ismail PenukondaMs. Anu BenakattiMs. Hyma Reddy

Ms Gomathy PeriathiruvadiPhanindra Gollapalli

Dr. Pankaj Jain

Bedford,TX.USA 76021Email: [email protected]

Address India12-5-59, Padmaraag Apts.Vijayapuri Colony, Tarnaka,

Secunderabad - 500017.

Sujatha Broadcasting media

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chief minister Yogi Adityanath vir-

tually threatened the patients to

imprison them under the National

Security Act, if they report short-

age of oxygen.

Full marks to the Prime

Minister Narendra Modi for man-

aging the situation in a fine-tuned

manner to bring down the damage

caused by Yogi Aditynath’s state-

ment by asking his ministers to

address the “once in a crisis” prob-

lem with utmost sincerity and ded-


The reason behind the govern-

ment’s complexity on the grave

issue is not too far to seek off, as

the BJP was marshalling its energy

on the Bihar Assembly poll last

year and like any other political

party, it was focusing its attention

on the recent Assembly elections

to five States – West Bengal,

Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and

Puduchery. What was harder to

understand is why corrective

action was not taken at the begin-

ning of this wave when the pan-

demic cases started increasing rap-

idly at Opposition-ruled States in

Maharashtra and Punjab.

Out of control

There were more than enough

indications that the situation was

going out of control. And impor-

tantly, if the government did not

predict the intensity of the wave,

the ground reality that it was hap-

pening at a mammoth scale must

have dawned on the Centre, as

well as the opposition parties to

limit large gatherings and rein-

force safe behaviour with proper

masking and isolation method.

It may be recalled that the

Centre made a significant achieve-

ment a few months ago when it

entrusted the responsibility to the

two manufacturers of vaccines in

Ahmedabad and Hyderabad, but

the issue went out of hand, as the

government initially suspected

that it would not create a viable

impact. By the time the govern-

ment realised its potentiality, all

hell broke loose as the opposition

made a mountain of molehill of

the impending crisis. The accusa-

tion is veered towards the BJP that

is meting out a step-motherly treat-

ment to the opposition-ruled

states, but the party functionaries

countered it by indicating the

mounting problem faced by the

BJP-ruled states like Karnataka,

Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, there-

by proving beyond doubt that the

Prime Minister is looking at the

grave issue neutrally. They are

perhaps right as did not Mr Modi

ruled the destiny of Gujarat for

four terms successfully before tak-

ing charge of the nation?

Interestingly, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands, Arunachal

Pradesh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh,

Kerala, Mozram and Odisha were

the other states that had reported

no wastage. Of all the states

Odisha led by its chief minister,

Navin Patnaik was prudent

enough to impose full lockdown

for a month, till April 30.

Chattisgarh, too, did a commend-

able job. The Centre initially hesi-

tated when Serum Institute of

India and Bharat Bioetech had

promised to manufacture 112 mil-

lion doses or 115 million doses

per month, but realised its effec-

tiveness during the course of time.

The pressure also mounted on

the government to supply vac-

cines at free of cost from the

Supreme Court, besides the oppo-

sition parties. It is futile to assume

that the election commission was

responsible for the Covid-19


in elec-

t i o n -


ed states,

a s


by the

H i g h

C o u r t s

o f

Calcutta and Madras. The virus,

on the contrary, has walloped in

non-election States in the last few

months, reasoned, S. Gurumurthy,

RSS ideologue and the Editor of

Thuglak weekly magazine.

Moreover, the BCCI has made

a mockery of conducting the IPL

in India, under the impression that

the crisis would not affect their

schedule. However, the Board

realised the gravity of the situa-

tion, when the bio-bubble burst,

which led to the cancellation of

the tournament. The

Centre, however, erred, when

it permitted the ‘Kumb Mela’ festi-


Though China and Pakistan

are ready to help India, the Prime

Minister would bank on the gov-

ernment’s trusted ally, the U.S. Mr

Modi had a brainstorming session

with the chief ministers of all

states in eradicating the mance

transparently. He also stressed on

the unity between the States and

the need for compassionate

grounds when the critics pilloried

him for doling out vaccines to

Andhra Pradesh from Tamil Nadu,

and for sending adequate drugs

abroad, when India was crying for

attention. After all, the ever-agile

Prime Minister not only inclined

to believe in his coining of phrase,

“minimum government and maxi-

mum governance”, but also the

need to look at others; pathet-

ic plight with ‘unity in diversity’.

The COVID fiascoContd... from page-1

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T. Venkatesh

he ongoing Indian Premier

League (IPL) 2021 has been sus-

pended as several players have

tested COVID positive. The deci-

sion to suspend the 14th season of

IPL came in after several players

from three IPL teams contracted

the Corona virus. This includes

Kolkata Knight Riders’ (KKR)

Varun Chakravarthy and Sandeep

Warrier, Delhi Capitals’ (DC) Amit

Mishra and Sunrisers Hyderabad's

(SRH) Wriddhiman Saha. In addi-

tion to these players, three mem-

bers in Chennai Super Kings’

(CSK) contingent were also tested

positive. With a handful of teams

reporting positive cases within

their bio-secure bubbles, the BCCI

decided to postpone this year's

IPL indefinitely.

Week 2 of IPL 2021

The second week of IPL 2021

was done and dusted even as

COVID-19 cases continued to

rise. There were scintillating bat-

ting displays that stole the show

and there were also some spectac-

ular comebacks after top-order

batting collapses. And, this season

witnessed two five-wicket hauls,

courtesy of Harshal Patel and

Andre Russell. While Royal

Challengers Bangalore (RCB)

occupied the top position in the

points table, the Rajasthan Royals

(RR) were languishing at the last

place. In this phase, fans wit-

nessed some tight matches and

the quality of cricket was as high

as one would expect with the IPL.

It was good to see young Indian

faces such as Rishabh Pant and

Sanju Samson leading their

respective teams for the first time.

There was a breath of fresh air in

every single team with a great

mixture of experience and youth.

Padikkal became the second cen-

turion in this season of the IPL and

also broke into the top-3 on the

list of the youngest centurions in

the history of the tournament.

Shikhar Dhawan seemed to

have learnt from the last two edi-

tions and started the tournament

in a different avatar this season.

Unlike the last two seasons where

he started as anchor and then mid-

way spectacularly transformed

himself into a destructive match-

winner, Dhawan began this year

as aggressor. The Delhi Capitals

opener stamped his authority in

the shortest format of the game

with 2 fifties in 4 games. The left-

handed batsman, who had scored

231 runs till then with 92 being

his highest, was sitting right at the

top of the top-run getters list to

hold on to the orange cap of this

year's IPL. On the bowling front,

young RCB medium pacer

Harshal Patel was the proud

owner of the purple cap with 12

wickets in just 4 games and 5/27

being his best figures so far.

Records broken

The IPL season 14 witnessed

many records being broken by the

greats in this format of the game.

Virat Kohli became the first player

to score 6000 runs in the Indian

Premier League and Chris Gayle

became the first batsman to hit

350 sixes in IPL. The Indian south-

paw, Shikhar Dhawan, completed

600 fours in the prestigious T20

tournament. KL Rahul became the

fastest Indian to score 5000 runs

in the T20 format and Faf Du

Plessis completed 6000 T20 runs.

MS Dhoni, Suresh Raina and

Dinesh Karthik played their 200th

IPL match during the current sea-

son of IPL. RCB became the only

team to win 4 matches with a 10-

wicket margin in IPL. No other

team has managed to win a match

by 10 wickets in the IPL more than

twice. Mohammad Siraj has taken

giant strides after making his

International debut against

Australia. The fast bowler from

Hyderabad impressed with his

ability to bowl the accurate york-

ers apart from the swinging deliv-

eries in the powerplay and

bowled with an impressive econo-

my rate of 7.34. Furthermore, the

right-arm pacer became the first

bowler to bowl 50 dot balls in this

year's IPL.

Halfway stage

After the end of the Chennai-

Mumbai leg of matches, the IPL

2021 caravan moved to

Ahmedabad and Delhi. At the

halfway mark of the tournament amongst all the teams, the

Chennai Super Kings were the

most consistent. The three-time

champions had done their home-

work this year. After three weeks,

the points table was taking its

shape. The other two teams that

have been able to give some com-

petition to CSK are the RCB and

the Delhi Capitals. Mumbai

Indians ended the first half with a

nail biting victory against CSK

with the help of Kieron Pollard's

hard-hitting innings. KKR, PBKS,

SRH, and RR are struggling in this

season from the start of this sea-

son. Even after having the perfect

firepower on their bench, they

have been unable to win consis-

tently. Sometimes, the bowlers let

them down, or it is the case of the

batsmen who become the cause

of the loss. Seeking revival of for-

tune, SRH even removed the

under-performing David Warner

from captaincy and handed over

the reins of the team to New

Zealand skipper Kane Williamson

for the remainder of the league.

The find of the season has been

Chetan Sakariya. The RR pacer

was splendid in his bowling and

electrifying in the field.

The IPL matches were a major

source of entertainment & a wel-

come distraction to the fans every

night. The double-header days

were extra special. It was a great

stress buster during this pandemic

crisis. But at the end of the day,

health and life are most important.

So, the BCCI decided to bite the

bullet mid-way through the sea-

son. The fans are eagerly waiting

for the resumption of the remain-

ing matches of this year's IPL.



COVID forces IPL suspension

11 www.iasianews.net 1_May-2021

All humans can do some level

of programming. What differs is

the target machine and the level of

detail required. Professionals can

deal with higher levels of detail

and complex machines.

Software cannot exist without

some sort of programming/code.

What will change in future is the

nature of programming. Certain

programming jobs might be elimi-

nated as we move towards more

powerful target machines, but

more will appears — thanks to our

desire to make the world more

programmable. To imagine there

are a tonne of visionary entrepre-

neurs out there with killer ideas

that will change the world. Every

time they talk about these ideas

with their tech inclined friends,

they hang up the phone and never

answer their emails for months.

Why is that ?

The problem is obviously the

programmers, so lets just take

them out of the equation entirely.

They are just getting in the way of

these brilliant ideas people from

gifting the world with their

dreams. So a world of no-code

will be a fantastic place to be in.

Those businesses who are behind

in their IT backlogs can solve that

in minutes, by just telling the com-

puter whats needed.

Governments also can become

super efficient overnight … debt,

inefficiency, corruption, drug

abuse - all fixed.

All those ideas people out

there who are struggling to find

the right tech people to do the

implementations for them - they

will be liberated from their con-

straints, and free to change the

world at the speed of thought with

their brilliant ideas.

Its going to be a fantastic

world to live in.

Looking forward



The Most Attention Seeking

Trend of 2021

No Code/Low Code

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T. Venkatesh

ith the second wave of the

COVID-19 pandemic gripping the

Telugu states of Andhra Pradesh

and Telangana, it seems like the

Telugu film fans might have to go

through another summer without

many movies releasing in the the-

atres. Already, quite a few Telugu

movie releases have been post-

poned by their makers amid the

surge of COVID-19 cases. While a

few other movies like Pushpa,

Major and Radhe Shyam haven’t

been postponed, it looks like offi-

cial announcements regarding

their postponements will come in

the next few days. Some of the

noted summer releases like 'Tuck

Jagadish', 'Love Story', 'Acharya',

'Narappa', 'Khiladi', 'Paagal' and

'Virata Parvam' have been post-

poned indefinitely. The makers of

these projects have said that the

new release date will be

announced after the COVID-19

second wave comes to control.

COVID second waveWhen things were going fine,

the second wave of coronavirus

has struck and the business of film

exhibition has been once again

affected all over the nation. The

current situation is worse in all the

Indian states and the shoots have

been kept on hold. Going with the

trend, it would take another 3-4

months for the normalcy to return.

There is a huge financial pressure

mounting on all the producers.

With more than 15 Telugu films

completing shoots, there is a bur-

den on all these filmmakers as

they are yet to retain their invest-

ments. There are several other

projects that are half done with

the shoots. There is also a huge

confusion about the release dates

of the films. As of now, the second

wave of coronavirus has brought a

huge financial vacuum and pres-

sure in Tollywood.

The situation is disappointing

particularly in the South Indian

Film Industry. More than

Bollywood, which was getting

back to releasing films cautiously,

the superstars of South had

already dived headlong into the

game. Vijay's 'Master', Ravi Teja's

'Krack', Dhruva Sarja's 'Pogaru'

and Mammootty's 'The Priest'

opened even before the pandemic

had died down and did big busi-

ness. Pawan Kalyan's 'Vakeel

Saab' opened to good numbers,

too. However, after the Telugu

Film Chamber of Commerce

announced strict curbs on shoot-

ing amidst the rise in COVID pos-

itive cases, the immediate fate of

big screen business became the

talk of the town. While a final

decision was yet to be taken on

the functioning of theatres in the

Telugu market, the threat of clo-

sure loomed large. The 50% occu-

pancy in theatres in the South

Indian states and the ticket price

slabs set by the Andhra Pradesh

government worsened the situa-

tion in the tinsel town. 'Vakeel

Saab' was the most affected film

due to the recent ticket price revi-

sions as the decision came after a

few days of its theatrical release.

Indeed, with the threat of lock-

down looming large, many

upcoming big-ticket films are offi-

cially being postponed. COVID

has not only hit the release plans

but the shooting schedules have

gone for a toss. Even though many

star heroes' films stand postponed,

'RRR' and 'Radhe Shyam' have

stuck to their planned release

dates for now as they believe their

pan-India release would help

them recover their money with

Bollywood still not seeing big

releases. The release of the

Bollywood film 'Sooryavamshi',

which got postponed repeatedly

for the past 2 years, has been

delayed again. Even though the

options of OTT and pay-per-view

release available, many producers

are waiting for the situation to

improve and have a theatrical

release in the second half of 2021..



Censorship hurdlesApart from the persisting problems, the

movies 'Acharya' and 'Virata Parvam' may face

troubles during the release due to their plots

being related to maoism and naxalism. The

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has

requested the regional authority not to certify

films that promote the ideology of maoism and

naxalism. With a recent maoist attack happen-

ing in Chhattisgarh, the Anti-terrorism Forum

(AFT) has requested a strict scrutiny on films

that are trying to rub the ideologies of naxals

and Maoists to the youth. With 'Acharya' star-

ring Chiranjeevi and 'Virata Parvam' starring

Rana Daggubati portraying naxals and maoists

as heroes, the AFT members have requested

CBFC to impose a ban on these films as a trib-

ute to internal security, national integrity and

martyrs after examining the full story, plot sum-

mary and the scenes in the film. With the Indian

government scrapping the Censorship Appeals

Body, the production houses have to appeal to

the court if their movies get banned by the

CBFC for public screening.