vision – mass customization…

Vision – mass customization… “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study ." Ezra Cornell, 1868 Institutional Stores The Problem… SIZE Within University - 2.4 billion budget - 24 million Within Industry The Opportunity… Perspective Integration

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Institutional Stores The Problem… SIZE Within University - 2.4 billion budget - 24 million Within Industry The Opportunity… Perspective Integration. Vision – mass customization… “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study ." - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Vision – mass customization…“I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in

any study."

Ezra Cornell, 1868

Institutional Stores

The Problem… SIZE • Within University - 2.4 billion budget - 24 million•Within Industry

The Opportunity…•Perspective•Integration

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The Solution…Partnership Aggregation

The RA… $800 million

The Solution…Technology Aggregation

RBS… $750 million

Supply Channel Integration•“B to B” integration•“B to C” integration

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Customer Choice… The Primal Force

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The University Customer… Who Are They?

What Print Products & Services Will They Value?




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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Customized Course Materials

Net reduction in mass produced print

• New texts 43% 29%

• Used texts 31% 27%

• Bundles 22% 28%

Net increase in Custom Print & Electronic (P&E)

• Custom 4% 9%

• Digital 0% 6%


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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Customized Course Materials

• Faculty Customized…– Custom course book– Self published… course books & other materials– Custom course pack– Custom production of standard book (central print with local


• Student Customized…– Ancillary materials and study aids– Editable course materials– Class Notes

Strategic Enablers: Knowledge… To know what they value Execution… The ability to “customize”

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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Customized Research Materials

Shallow market:

• Scholarly publishing

• University press

• Research papers

• Doctoral theses

• Conference publications

• Out of printRBS… $750 million

Strategic Enablers: Knowledge… To know what they value Execution… The ability to “customize”

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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Customized Recruitment Materials

Personalized P & E communications to

prospective students

Strategic Enablers: Knowledge… To know what they valueExecution… The ability to “customize”

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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Customized Alumni Materials


P & E communications to prospective


Strategic Enablers: Knowledge… To “know” what they valueCustomization… The ability to “customize”

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What Print Products & Services Will They Value?Mass Customized Alumni Materials

Personalized P & E communications to

Campus Visitors… i.e. Cornell Adult University

Strategic Enablers: Knowledge… To “know” what they valueExecution… The ability to “customize”

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Channel Partnerships… To address the whole need

Universities:• Generate large volumes of printed material. • Do not understand their overall need• Generally do a poor job of managing print.

Printers:• Know how to manage print (some understand digital services related to print)• BUT… Behave as vendors addressing piecemeal print problems - opportunities

How Can Printers “Know” & “Customize”?

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Knowledge Opportunity

• Identify the whole customer need – what do university customers value?

– P & E

– Range of Application

• Develop a dynamic infrastructure to meet them.

Customization Opportunity:

• Development a fulfillment channel to dleiver it seamlessly Campus management

How Can Printers “Know” & “Customize”?Channel Integration Partnerships

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Distribution Changes…From Linear

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Distribution Changes…To Omni-directional

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Courseweb… a personal portal case study

• Customization Greater Customer Choice

• Customers Need

– Know & understand choices

– Assistance in making choices

• Core Need… Help to manage choice

– Trusted Intermediary

– A tool… understand and execute CRM

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Personal Course Materials Portal

Course Spring Term – 2007

• OR 340… Mass Customization for Printers• BUS 777… “One to One” Marketing• BUS 1000… Customer Relationship Mgt• PE 100… Golf for beginners

Charles MarshalMajor… Operations ManagementMinor… Marketing

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1. The Power of One (Cornell Version)… John Ingram__ New __ Used __ EP

2. Course Pack… Case studies on print customization

3. Ancillary Materials & Study Guides

Charles Marshal

Operations Research 340…

Mass Customization for Printers

PartneredLocal Printer


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“The Power of One”CRM… The power source

1st generation… Mass marketing Mass production

2nd generation… Target marketing Custom production

Next generation… One to one marketing Mass customization

If customer choice is the primal force, CRM informs and empowers it

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May the force be with you