viroez models fix

Paper MATHEMATICS LEARNING INNOVATION VIROES LEARNING MODEL IN TRIGONOMETRY Prepared To Fulfill Task Group Subject Mathematics Learning Innovation Arranged By : 1. Rohana Tri Astuti (A 410 090 116) 2. Fitri Ariani Santosa (A 410 090 178) 3. Seta Galih Permata (A 410 090 207) MATHEMATICS EDUCATIONAL FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND SCIENCE MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA

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TRIGONOMETRYPrepared To Fulfill Task Group Subject

Mathematics Learning Innovation

Arranged By :

1. Rohana Tri Astuti (A 410 090 116)2. Fitri Ariani Santosa (A 410 090 178)3. Seta Galih Permata (A 410 090 207)



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A. BackgroundSchools as a medium of formal education on an ongoing basis and

gradually carried out reforms in various sectors, it is done solely in order to

achieve a good education system to cultivate human resources so as to print

the outputs of both learners and highly competent. One form of efforts to

improve the quality of education is good and that is to maximize the learning

system is the basis of improving the quality of education as a whole and


In a learning system there are three important components related to

each other, namely (1) curriculum, (2) processes, (3) products. The third

aspect of the above are important components of the processes underlying the

development of education. Is a classical problem of a lack in education is an

effective approach or method in their learning so that the resulting product is

much less even than the hope of education itself, it is in because so far we

have only focused on the material and learning outcomes without considering

the impact of learning.

One of the problems that classical mathematics is considered a scourge

by most learners. Learning math will not get the point of maximum if only

focused on the delivery of content regardless of the innovation in the delivery.

Basically for the subjects of mathematics if only to convey the true

irrespective of the manner of delivering it will make students more difficulty

in studying further related material.

Models and methods of learning that there are currently more varied

and innovative, but not every method or model is flexible to be applied in all

learning math concepts. Therefore we need a development and collaboration

of several methods in order to achieve maximum output and delivery in these

mathematics courses. Viroes learning model is one realization of development

and collaboration of several methods and models effective learning, such as

learning models TGT, Jigsaw, etc.

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B. ObjectivesThis learning model has the objective include:

1. Students are able to receive materials Trigonometry to the fullest.2. Students are able to apply the method VIROES in everyday life.3. Students are able to identify problems that problems can be solved

using VIROES methods and applications.

C. BenefitThis method has the benefits include:

1. Provide learning and innovation in the delivery of content of Trigonometry to senior high school students.

2. Improve the effectiveness of delivery of content of Trigonometry.3. Provide effective and efficient learning.

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I. Review About Trigonometric

In the Trigonometry, especially trigonometric cosine formula for the number and difference of two angles, you need to remember back in the right triangle ABC policies :

Sin α = the front side(a)sloping side(b)

Cos α = the near side(c)sloping side(b)

Tan α = the front side

the near side(c)

II. The Introduction of Learning Model Viroes

Viroes Learning Model is a model of innovation in student learning developed by UMS Math. They are Fitri , Rohana, and Seta which is the sixth semester students. This method is a method adopted from some existing methods such as problem solving methods, TGT method, and methods of lesson study. Viroes method is complement existing methods, which of several methods of measures are taken the most important and dominant. Thus, this method of study covers all aspects of each step are important and this method is called with the method Viroes.

Viroes learning model similar to the general problem solving method of learning which consists of three main stages . In each stage, this learning model provides a touch of innovation that is very useful to convey the material and the students as recipients of the material. These are the preliminary stages, and cover the core activities.

1. Introducing

The first stage is the introduction; this phase paved the student's knowledge of the matter before the meeting and the materials that will be related to the material to be studied. Preliminary stages of acculturation are the result of problem solving teaching methods and lesson study that has proven its effectiveness. In addition to review the material, this phase also includes

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apperception that exists in the lesson study. So in addition to review the material, at this stage also includes the provision of motivation to the students and the delivery of learning goals/ learning objectives. Because of this learning model is also adopted a model of student learning facilitator and Explaining as a complement, then the next stage is the delivery of competency to be achieved.2. Main ActivitiesAt its core activities have been included key elements of the curriculum development cycle, namely exploration, elaboration and confirmation. Viroes learning model is also a flexible learning model to be applied in various kinds of material, as seen from its core activities of learning model is included into the learning model of social interaction, learning models of interaction, and learning models of behavior modification. Submission of materials on the basis of contextual material, followed by

division of a heterogeneous group of teachers. Heterogeneous group sharing can be based on academic achievement or gender. At this step is the result of adaptation and development of learning models and learning methods TGT Jigsaw. Further provision of the problems and finding solutions to the discussion

group.This step is adopted from the model of learning problem solving. So in this step is required of students actively seeking to resolve themselves through a variety of sources, not just enough of the material presented and the teacher handbooks in the class compulsory. Before seeking to resolve the problem, students are required to understand the issues more deeply. Having gained an understanding of and support material for problem solving collected, students can analyze to a settlement. In this section students are in demand for critical thinking.

III. Steps Of Method Viroes

Viroes method has three main stages. In each stage has steps that can help you in the delivery of content using the method Viroes.

I. Introduction• Aperseption and motivation• Learning objective (learning objectives)• Delivering competencies to be achieved• Review of related material and material that will be discussed to be contextual explicitly

II. Main Activities• Giving basic material on trigonometry in the contextual examples

In the Matter of a Case Trigonometry

A + B + C = 180° C = 1800 – (A + B)

C = 900

Sin A = sin 300 =

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2 => c = 2aBecause have been known that

a + c = 6 => a + 2a = 63a = 6 , a = 2

c = 2a , So c = 4

From the Triangle above, a = 2, c = 4 With phytagoras, we can find b =


Length of b = (2√3 ) = √3

• The division of a heterogeneous group by teacher (such as the learning method of TGT),

the grouping is based on academic achievement and gender to peer tutor system that would explain the repeated material is also effective.• Provision of solving problems and search solutions (such as teaching methods Problem Solving) Example:

A stairs which high 5 m perpendicular with the ground. There is A surfboard on stairs with skew 450.look the picture bellow.

Determine the distance of bellow surfboard with stairs and the length of surfboard!

• Each group expressed the solution of the problem in the demonstration and assessment in the competition (TGT research methods)

In this stage, students are given the opportunity to convey the opinion of a group of problem solution given earlier. Each group gives a representative for the group expression. But other members also assist in the delivery of solutions to problems. This phase is expected that each group of daring in the expression. So the train can be confident when in front of the class.

• All students from the different groups consider the demonstration of other groups and analyze

In this stage, another group analyzed. Any student who is not a group member who was in front of the class to analyze the opinion of each group of

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right or wrong. But they do not deliver directly to the group, but only summarize the important points.

• Check for student understanding through question and answer opportunity (preferably as a form of peer tutor to advanced)

In this stage, another group analyzed. Any student who is not a group member who was in front of the class to analyze the opinion of each group of right or wrong. But they do not deliver directly to the group, but only summarize the important points. Give the reward for all groups

In this stage, the teacher gives awards for his courage to express their opinions in front of the class. These awards may vary. can be a gift of goods, or even just clapping is also included awards.III. Cover (Phase Reflection / development of lesson study method)

• The teacher gives the conclusions of the problem and the solution given by the students• Review with providing pretest• Provide motivation and encouragement for students to learn material that has been provided as well as its benefits in everyday life.


A. Conclusion

Based on the exposure step and it can be concluded that the learning strategy that

uses learning models Viroes obtained better results than the model of learning that

already exists. It can be proved by the results of both the learning process and

assessment of test results that we provide for flexible learning model Viroes with

all subjects and all subject matter. Even for materials that are considered difficult

trigonometry by most learners.

Conclusion as theory :

a. Learning is an activity of a conscious and are continuous (ongoing)b. It takes the right teaching methods and effective in helping students to

achieve maximum learning outcomes and satisfaction.c. The learning process by using a model to cultivate learning Viroes

liveliness and creativity in capturing students' learning of mathematics

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itself. So we get to learn the results of student achievement are satisfactory and in accordance of the purpose of learning itself.

B. Suggestion

Based on the above, the authors put forward some suggestions as follows:

To Master:

Teachers are expected to be able to choose a method or strategy is appropriate and

effective learning in the learning process, so that the material presented can be

understood easily if the students. In the learning process learning model with Viroes

learning model can be used as a model and way of learning, especially in math.

To Students

Expected the students to always practice in solving any problems, especially in math,

and students are expected to open up the imagination of each in the capture of any

content presented.


Fitria. 2006. Strategi pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Berprestasi Dalam

Peningkatan Mutu Hasil Belajar. Skripsi UMS

Jumali, M. Surtikani. Ali Taurat, SA. Sundari. 2004. Landasan Pendidikan. Surakarta.

Muhammadiyah University Press accessed on March 30th
