verbs - 007 - simple tenses example - a bad day

Page 1 GRAMMAR - VERBS - PRESENT TENSE EXERCISE 003 Identify the verbs in this exercise: Identificar os verbos usados neste exercício Yesterday, I had a bad day. I got up early to go shopping, but as soon as I stepped out of the door, it began to rain, 1 | Page

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English Language Tutorials for Brasilian Students. An examination of the English Simple Tenses. Part of the Grammar section on this website.


Page 1: Verbs - 007 - Simple Tenses Example - A Bad Day



grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

Identify the verbs in this exercise:

Identificar os verbos usados neste exercício

Yesterday, I had a bad day.

I got up early to go shopping,

but as soon as I stepped out of the door,

it began to rain,

so I had to go back to the flat and get my umbrella.

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

The lift was out of order,

so I had to climb six flights of stairs to get to my place.

When I got back downstairs, I was so exhausted that I had to

sit down on a bench to rest.

By that time, it had stopped raining, but the ground was still


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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

A brown dog came to where I was sitting and begged for

something to eat.

I tried to ignore him, but he splashed water

all over my brand new shoes.

Finally, the bus came,

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

and I was on my way to the supermarket.

When I got to the supermarket,

I realised I had forgotten my shopping list,

so I couldn't remember everything I wanted to buy.

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

I gathered up a few items and carried them to the counter.

After the cashier finished ringing up my purchase,

he gave me the wrong change

and stuffed my groceries into my shopping bags.

I was not in a good mood when I left the supermarket.

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

If that wasn't bad enough, I had a terrible time on the bus ride


First, the bus driver yelled at me because I took too much time

to get on.

Couldn't he see that I had both hands full of groceries?

Then, there were no empty seats.

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

I'm sure that someone on the bus could have offered me a

place to sit,

but everyone was so rude.

They pretended not to see me.

I just stood there, leaned against one of the poles in the aisles,

put my head down, and sighed.

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grammar - verbs - present tense exercise 003

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