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윤재 영어 대이변( ˙ 학으로 가는 E ˙ BS˙ ) 280제편 01강 (1회 16번) 오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 - 280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트 카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료) 변형 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? One psychological characteristic of language is the fact that while it may be looked upon as a symbolic system which reports or refers to or otherwise substitutes for direct experience, it does not as a matter of actual behavior stand apart from or run parallel to direct experience but completely interpenetrates with it. ① On our own level it is generally difficult to make a complete divorce between objective reality and our linguistic symbols of reference to it; and things, qualities, and events are on the whole felt to be what they are called. ② For the normal person every experience, real or potential, is saturated with verbalism. ③ This explains why so many lovers of nature, for instance, do not feel that they are truly in touch with it until they have mastered the names of a great many flowers and trees, as though the primary world of reality were a verbal one and as though one could not get close to nature unless one first mastered the terminology which somehow magically expresses it. ④ On the other hand, natural scientists struggle to correct the distorting effect of language and see through the verbal disguise and penetrate the reality underneath. ⑤ It is this constant interplay between language and experience which removes language from the cold status of such purely and simply symbolic systems as mathematical symbolism or flag signaling. *be saturated with ~로 가득 차 있다 **verbalism 언어적 표현

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Post on 02-May-2019




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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

01강 (1회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

One psychological characteristic of language is the fact that while it may be

looked upon as a symbolic system which reports or refers to or otherwise

substitutes for direct experience, it does not as a matter of actual behavior

stand apart from or run parallel to direct experience but completely

interpenetrates with it. ① On our own level it is generally difficult to make a

complete divorce between objective reality and our linguistic symbols of

reference to it; and things, qualities, and events are on the whole felt to be

what they are called. ② For the normal person every experience, real or

potential, is saturated with verbalism. ③ This explains why so many lovers of

nature, for instance, do not feel that they are truly in touch with it until they

have mastered the names of a great many flowers and trees, as though the

primary world of reality were a verbal one and as though one could not get

close to nature unless one first mastered the terminology which somehow

magically expresses it. ④ On the other hand, natural scientists struggle to

correct the distorting effect of language and see through the verbal disguise

and penetrate the reality underneath. ⑤ It is this constant interplay between

language and experience which removes language from the cold status of such

purely and simply symbolic systems as mathematical symbolism or flag


*be saturated with ~로 가득 차 있다

**verbalism 언어적 표현

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

01강 (1회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

On our own level it is generally difficult to make a complete divorce between

objective reality and our linguistic symbols of reference to it; and things,

qualities, and events are on the whole felt to be what they are called. For the

normal person every experience, real or potential, is saturated with verbalism.

This explains why so many lovers of nature, for instance, do not feel that they

are truly in touch with it until they have mastered the names of a great many

flowers and trees, as though the primary world of reality were a verbal one and

as though one could not get close to nature unless one first mastered the

terminology which somehow magically expresses it. It is this

_____________________________________________ which removes language from the cold

status of such purely and simply symbolic systems as mathematical symbolism

or flag signaling.

*be saturated with ~로 가득 차 있다

**verbalism 언어적 표현

① ability to communicate through verbal language

② slow and long process of language development

③ complex relationship between language and culture

④ constant interplay between language and experience

⑤ symbolic and unifying power of a common language


* Edward Sapir, Selected Writings of Edward Sapir, 1968


* 사피어-워프 가설

“... 독일 출신의 미국인 언어학자 에드워드 사피어(1884~1939)와 그의 제자 벤저

민 리 워프(1897~1941)는 여기서 어떤 영감을 얻었다. 그들은 서로 다른 언어를 쓰

는 아메리카 원주민들에게 무지개의 띠가 몇 개냐고 물었다. 대답은 제각기 달랐다.

사피어와 워프는 이 설문 결과에 기대어, 사람들은 자신의 언어에 얽매인 채 세계

를 경험한다고 판단했다. 이 판단으로부터, “우리는 우리 모국어가 그어놓은 선에

따라 자연세계를 분단한다”는 워프의 유명한 발언이 나왔다. 언어가 의식을, 사고와

세계관을 결정한다는 이 견해는 사피어-워프 가설 또는 언어결정론이라 불리며 그

뒤 언어학과 인지과학의 논란거리가 돼 왔다 ...“ ― 고종석, “언어는 생각의 감옥인

가? 사피어·워프 가설에 대하여”(http://blog.naver.com/jss378/50014336748) 중에서

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

2강 (2회 2번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

“Ethics of altruism” too often fail to recognize the claims of the self, and as a

result they make the mistake of measuring goodness by the self-sacrifice it

requires. So often, (A)[hypocritical / well-meaning] people who are doing a great

deal of good in the world torment themselves with doubt about the purity of

their motives. If they find that serving others is relatively easy or even

enjoyable, they wonder whether their giving “counts” as good. They wonder,

“Isn’t this just my way of being selfish?” Maybe it is; but why condemn this sort

of selfishness? Goodness should be measured not by the sacrifice required but

by its contribution to human (B)[flourishing / suffering], one’s own and others’.

Imagine a physician who decides to work for Doctors Without Borders. She is

assigned to Cambodia, where living conditions are difficult, but she finds the

experience exciting and fulfilling ─ so much so that on her return she signs up

for another assignment. Does her evident pleasure in this new role

(C)[compromise / warrant] the moral quality of her action? Not in the least.

(A) (B) (C)

① hypocritical flourishing warrant

② hypocritical suffering compromise

③ hypocritical flourishing compromise

④ well-meaning suffering compromise

⑤ well-meaning flourishing warrant

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

2강 (2회 2번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 주제

① the proper criteria to measure goodness

② the effect of altruism on the common good

③ the emphasis on the virtues of self-sacrifice

④ cases when selfishness is considered a virtue

⑤ human contributions to the development of ethics


* Ruth W. Grant, In Search of Goodness, 2011

추가 자료 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

I hope it is clear that, by emphasizing the claims of the self, I am not

encouraging selfishness and discouraging altruism. It would be perverse indeed

to argue that what the world needs is more self-concern. _____(A)_____, I would

not want to see the argument I am making used as an excuse for egoism. I

have tried to show that the choice between egoism and altruism is a false one.

An ethic of psychic health allows plenty of room for altruism and has the

additional advantage of allowing us to distinguish between its truly beneficial

forms and its harmful ones. _____(B)_____, in emphasizing the claims of the self, I

am not denying that responsibilities to others sometimes require real sacrifices.

Everyone faces situations where primary obligations to others require us to

forgo opportunities, desires, and needs of our own.

(A) (B)

① In contrast Instead

② In contrast That is

③ Thus Conversely

④ Similarly Nevertheless

⑤ Similarly Moreover

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

03강 (3회 20번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Psychologists who study babies know that they crave interaction with other

humans. In fact, babies who are not nurtured by their parents or other

caregivers wither emotionally from lack of bonding. This is also true of adults. If

adults lack stimulating interaction with others, their souls shrink. Really, it’s only

through connecting with other human beings that you learn about the world,

about yourself, and even about your destiny. After all, other people are a mirror

in which you can see yourself. This interconnection enables you to reach your

full potential and to strengthen your soul. The Trappist monk Thomas Merton

once wrote: “Souls are like athletes who need _______________________________ if

they are to be tried and extended and pushed to the full use of their powers.”

That’s an insightful analogy, for just as your muscles weaken without physical

exercise, so does your soul weaken without its special kinds of exercise.

*Trappist 트라피스트회(기도·침묵 등을 강조하는 엄격한 수도회)의

① to taste the bitterness of defeat

② long-term goals, not short-term gains

③ to prove themselves on a larger stage

④ opponents worthy of them

⑤ no drills that enhance agility and stamina

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

03강 (3회 20번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

That’s an insightful analogy, for just as your muscles weaken without physical

exercise, so does your soul weaken without its special kinds of exercise.

EBS 삽입


* Azim Jamal, Harvey McKinnon, The Power of Giving: How Giving Back Enriches

Us All, 2008

추가 자료 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것


If you lack stimulating interaction with others, your soul shrinks. Really, it’s

only through connecting with other human beings (A)[that / who] you learn

about the world, about yourself, and even about your destiny. After all, other

people are a mirror in which you can see yourself. This interconnection enables

you to reach your full potential and to strengthen your soul. The Trappist monk

Thomas Merton once wrote: “Souls are (B)[like / alike] athletes who need

opponents worthy of them if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to

the full use of their powers.” That’s an insightful analogy, for just as your

muscles weaken without physical exercise, so (C)[does / is] your soul weaken

without its special kinds of exercise. A great exercise for your soul is the

practice of giving. As with physical exercise, the more you do it, the easier it is,

and the stronger you will become.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

04강 (4회 3번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

When managers acknowledge and reveal their own _____(A)_____ to their

people, it can help restore a(n) _____(B)_____ relationship with them.

변형 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말

로 가장 적절한 것은?

We know a new manager who took over a trading desk in a global

investment bank where he oversaw a group of experienced traders. Like many

other new managers, he first used a directive approach, giving detailed

instructions for adopting or closing specific positions or trying different trading

strategies. The traders resented his commands and demanded to know his

rationale, even though many acknowledged privately his talent for timing trades.

Tension grew between them. He did recognize his lack of knowledge about

foreign markets, however, and one day he asked a trader a simple question

about pricing. The trader spent several minutes explaining and even suggested

they talk again at the end of the day. It provided an important insight for the

manager, who said he learned to stop talking all the time and begin listening.

Once he made that change, he said, he began to learn about the work, and

people questioned his calls less. In short, people began to trust him.

*position (금융) 매매 약정

(A) (B)

① preferences fragile

② ignorance strained

③ merits contractual

④ shortcomings firm

⑤ intention enduring

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

04강 (4회 3번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

We know a new manager who took over a trading desk in a global

investment bank where he oversaw a group of experienced traders. Like

many other new managers, he first used a directive approach, giving detailed

instructions for adopting or closing specific positions or trying different

trading strategies.

EBS 제목

① Critical Listening Pays

② Listen More, Talk Less

③ No Argument, No Progress

④ Negotiation Relieves Tension

⑤ Change Yourself, Change the World


* Linda Annette Hill, Kent Lineback, Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for

Becoming a Great Leader, 2011

추가 자료 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) The traders resented his commands and demanded to know his rationale,

even though many acknowledged privately his talent for timing trades. Tension

grew between them.

(B) It provided an important insight for the manager, who said he learned to

stop talking all the time and begin listening. Once he made that change, he

said, he began to learn about the work, and people questioned his calls less. In

short, people began to trust him.

(C) He did recognize his lack of knowledge about foreign markets, however, and

one day he asked a trader a simple question about pricing. The trader spent

several minutes explaining and even suggested they talk again at the end of

the day.

Page 9: d1anutt72n1dwl.cloudfront.netd1anutt72n1dwl.cloudfront.net/course/1405055500.04_ebs_1.pdfA VB OA W C A PX > X V QX Y C RU Z > ? U ! IA D [ A = \C]G ? ^ A a_`` " $# b5c 2 d5e



대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

05강 (5회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

In real life, the larger the deviation form the norm, the larger the

probability of it coming from luck rather than skills: Consider that even if

one has 55% probability of heads, the odds of ten wins are still very small.

변형 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) This "reversion" for the large outliers is what has been observed in history

and explained as regression to the mean. Note that the larger the deviation,

the more important its effect.

(B) In the latter case, consider that two average-sized parents produce a large

litter. The largest dogs, if they diverge too much from the average, will tend to

produce offspring of smaller size than themselves, and vice versa.

*litter 한 배에서 난 새끼들

(C) This can be easily verified in stories of very prominent people in trading

rapidly reverting to obscurity, like the heroes I used to watch in trading rooms.

This applies to height of individuals or the size of dogs.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

05강 (5회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Generate a long series of coin flips producing heads and tails with 50% odds

each and fill up sheets of paper. If the series is long enough you may get

eight heads or eight tails in a row, perhaps even ten of each. Yet you know

that in spite of these wins the conditional odds of getting a head or a tail is

still 50%. Imagine these heads and tails as monetary bets filling up the coffers

of an individual. The deviation from the norm as seen in excess heads or excess

tails is here entirely attributable to luck, in other words, to variance, not to the

skills of the hypothetical player. A result is that in real life, the larger the

deviation from the norm, the larger the probability of it coming from luck

rather than skills: Consider that even if one has 55% probability of heads,


*coffer 금고 **deviation 편차

① flipping coins is not so random

② the odds of ten wins are still very small

③ whether you win or lose depends on your skills

④ having excess heads is highly predictable

⑤ the 45% probability of coming up tails rarely happens


* Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in

Life and in the Markets, 2008

읽기자료 “평균으로의 회귀”?

In statistics, regression toward (or to) the mean is the phenomenon that if a

variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the

average on its second measurement — and, paradoxically, if it is extreme on its

second measurement, it will tend to have been closer to the average on its

first. To avoid making incorrect inferences, regression toward the mean must be

considered when designing scientific experiments and interpreting data. ~


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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

06강 (6회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

People naturally like high-fat foods. Fat carries with it many dissolved

compounds that give foods enticing flavors and aromas, such as the aroma of

frying bacon or French fries. _____(A)_____, when a sick person refuses food,

dietitians offer foods flavored with some fat to tempt that person to eat again.

Fat also lends tenderness to foods such as meats and baked goods. Around the

world, as fats become less expensive and more available in a given food supply,

people consistently choose fatty foods more often. Fat also contributes to

satiety, the satisfaction of feeling full after a meal. The fat of swallowed food

triggers a series of physiological events that slow down the movement of food

through the digestive tract and promote satiety. _____(B)_____, before the

sensation of fullness stops them, people can easily overeat on fat-rich foods

because the delicious taste of fat stimulates eating and each bite of a fat-rich

food delivers many calories.

(A) (B)

① In fact What's more

② In fact Even so

③ However That is

④ However As a result

⑤ Instead In contrast

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

06강 (6회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

People naturally like high-fat foods. Fat carries with it many dissolved

compounds that give foods ①enticing flavors and aromas, such as the aroma of

frying bacon or French fries. In fact, when a sick person ②refuses food,

dietitians offer foods flavored with some fat to tempt that person to eat again.

Fat also lends tenderness to foods such as meats and baked goods. Around the

world, as fats become less expensive and more available in a given food supply,

people ③consistently choose fatty foods more often. Fat also contributes to

satiety, the satisfaction of feeling full after a meal. The fat of swallowed food ④

suppresses a series of physiological events that slow down the movement of

food through the digestive tract and promote satiety. Even so, before the

sensation of fullness stops them, people can easily overeat on fat-rich foods

because the delicious taste of fat ⑤stimulates eating and each bite of a fat-rich

food delivers many calories.


* Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney, Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, MyPlate

Update, 2011

읽기자료 Usefulness of Fats in Food

The energy density of fats makes fat-rich foods valuable in many situations. A

gram of fat or oil delivers more than twice as many calories as a gram of

carbohydrate or protein. A hunter or hiker must consume a large amount of

food energy to travel long distances or to survive in intensely cold weather. An

athlete must meet often enormous energy needs to avoid weight loss that

could impair performance. For such a person fat-rich foods most efficiently

provide the needed energy in the smallest package. But for a person who is

not expending much energy in physical work, those same high-fat foods may

deliver many unneeded calories in only a few bites.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

07강 (7회 9번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Of course, such sensitivity does not imply a familiarity with a set of clichéd

etiquettes from another culture.

변형 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

One of the most exciting things about teaching international students is the

possibility for teachers and students to have dynamic interactions. ( ① ) The

presence of international students provides an extraordinary learning opportunity

for both teachers and students to accept and ‘own’ each other’s culture. ( ② )

In reaching a metacultural awareness, the teacher-student partnership is one

where the ‘partners must be cognizant of their partner’s cultural heritage and

must accord that heritage legitimacy in their dealings with one another.’ ( ③ )

The humorous situation in which a Japanese man’s extended hand hits the

bowing head of an American on greeting each other is one good example of

such understanding. ( ④ ) In the same way, a Maori student who stares fixedly

at a teacher because he has been told that looking another person in the eye

is polite may generate an unexpected, hostile, response. ( ⑤ ) Picking up bits

and pieces of another culture is not metacultural awareness.

*clichéd 상투적인, 진부한

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

07강 (7회 9번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 밑줄 어휘

impolite → polite


* Judith Carroll, Janette Ryan, Teaching International Students: Improving

Learning for All, 2007

추가 자료 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

One of the most exciting things about teaching international students is the

possibility for teachers and students to have dynamic interactions. The presence

of international students provides an extraordinary learning opportunity for both

teachers and students to accept and ‘own’ each other’s culture. In reaching a

metacultural awareness, the teacher-student partnership is one where the

‘partners must be cognizant of their partner’s cultural heritage and must accord

that heritage legitimacy in their dealings with one another.’ Of course, such

sensitivity does not imply (A)________________________________________________________.

The humorous situation in which a Japanese man’s extended hand hits the

bowing head of an American on greeting each other is one good example of

such understanding. In the same way, a Maori student who stares fixedly at a

teacher because he has been told that looking another person in the eye is

polite may generate an unexpected, hostile, response.

(B)_____________________________________________ is not metacultural awareness.


① a familiarity with a set of clichéd etiquettes from another culture

② developing strategies for collaborative learning in culturally mixed groups

③ an acquisition of socially less-known facts about other cultures

④ a complete awareness of how culture influences values and actions


① Having a broad worldview and global knowledge

② Picking up bits and pieces of another culture

③ Internationalization of the core curriculum

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

8강 (8회 21번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

If a sheet is sent the wrong way on one of its two runs through the press,

the frame or the image in the center is printed upside down.

변형 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Stamps distinguished by errors are valuable because ①few mistakes elude

quality-control inspections and find their way into circulation. One common

error is the absence of perforation. ②Another is an inverted design element,

almost always on a two-color stamp that has been printed from two plates, one

for each color. If a sheet is sent the wrong way on one of its two runs through

the press, the frame or the image in the center is printed upside down. The

results are called inverted centers or inverted frames, but ③distinguished

between the two types is a matter of controversy. Some authorities claim they

can tell from color or paper characteristics ④which of the two paintings was

done the wrong way. Others say the more prominent part of the design is

generally considered ⑤to be right side up; if the center is prominent, the

stamp is said to be an inverted frame, and vice versa.

*perforation 구멍, 구멍을 냄

EBS 삽입




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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

09강 (9회 6번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 Gauguin에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Gauguin was interested in the Impressionists, but soon found their obsession

with the fleeting moment to be an artistic dead end. Like Cezanne, he was a

Post-Impressionist who wanted to paint something deeper and more important.

He abandoned his stockbroking career, his wife and his five children, and went

to South America and Martinique looking for simplicity. But poverty and disease

forced him back to France. Van Gogh invited him to Arles to help start an

artists’ colony, but the plan fell apart spectacularly when they fought over where

the art should come from. Gauguin painted straight from the imagination. Van

Gogh, clinging to reality as best he could, wanted to paint what he physically

saw but infused with the emotion of his mind. His violent outburst sent

Gauguin fleeing back to Paris for safety. From there he left the West for good.

His next twelve years in Tahiti, broken by occasional, failed trips to Paris to sell

his work, were a time of reflection on the true elements of humanity. Without

'the disease of civilization' he explored primitive representation. However his

own disease, combined with artistic neglect and extreme poverty, killed him in

1903. His bold blocks of color and new ways of symbolizing actions and

emotions led to Fauvism and Symbolism.

① 인상주의에서 한계를 보았다.

② 처음 화가의 직업을 택한 것은 아니었다.

③ Van Gogh와 예술관이 달랐다.

④ 죽을 때가지 Tahiti를 떠나지 않았다.

⑤ 문명을 멀리하고 원시를 탐구했다.

EBS 지칭


* Roy Bolton, A Brief History of Painting: 2000 BC to AD 2000, 2013

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

10강 (10회 14번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Powerful commitment, whether to a lover, a family, a friend, or a cause, is

often the catalyst for achieving higher mental performance. This phenomenon

played itself out on the big screen through Russell Crowe’s excellent portrayal

of Jim Braddock in the movie Cinderella Man, the story of how a mediocre

boxer found his inspiration to become the world champion. The changing

energy that marked the success of the real man’s climb to fame was the

awareness of the path for his family’s sake. That powerful emotional

commitment fueled his drive for success. The phrase “You are the champion of

my heart,” supposedly said to this great athlete by his wife, is indicative of the

power of faith and hope. Being placed in the role of hero in the name of love

has always been a major source of physical and mental power.

*catalyst 자극제

① Fame: Friend or Foe

② Trapped in Cinderella Complex

③ Love is a Path to Success

④ What's Your Choice: Family or Fame?

⑤ A Boxer Who Became Famous Overnight

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

10강 (10회 14번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 빈칸

~ The phrase “You are the champion of my heart,” supposedly said to this

great athlete by his wife, is indicative of the power of faith and hope.

________________________________________ has always been a major source of physical

and mental power.

① Analyzing yourself and your opponent objectively

② Loving not only your family but also your enemy

③ Being placed in the role of hero in the name of love

④ Aiming high irrespective of what others say about you

⑤ Not being afraid of defeat in the face of a strong opponent


* Frank Lawlis, The IQ Answer: Maximizing Your Child's Potential, 2007

추가 자료 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Powerful commitment, whether to a lover, a family, a friend, or a cause, is

often the catalyst for achieving higher mental performance. This phenomenon

played itself out on the big screen through Russell Crowe’s excellent portrayal

of Jim Braddock in the movie Cinderella Man, the story of how a mediocre

boxer found his inspiration to become the world champion. ① The changing

energy that marked the success of the real man’s climb to fame was the

awareness of the path for his family’s sake. ② In the film, his wife was so

worried about him being injured that she would not come to his fights. ③ That

powerful emotional commitment fueled his drive for success. ④ The phrase

“You are the champion of my heart,” supposedly said to this great athlete by

his wife, is indicative of the power of faith and hope. ⑤ Being placed in the

role of hero in the name of love has always been a major source of physical

and mental power.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

11강 (1회 21번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

An employee, like a child becoming an adolescent and then an adult, goes

through similar stages. Early on, what is right and wrong is defined very

dogmatically in terms of rules and regulations. As attachment to the group

becomes more socially powerful, the employee worries about developing

relationships, conforming and maintaining good social order by showing

deference to authority. But as the employee internalizes and understands the

values of the organization innately, he develops a sense of rightness that

doesn’t require rules, sanctions or social approval. Instead, the rightness rings

true because it sets up a resonance. If you play a well-known piece of music,

for example, and stop it before the last few notes, most people will mentally

finish up the piece on their own. When an organization instills an understanding

of its values, most employees can answer questions of right and wrong

intuitively without having to resort to rules or looking around for the responses

of others.

① the importance of a strong work ethic and team spirit with colleagues

② differences between child's development and employee's professional training

③ how employees become committed disciples of an organizations's values

④ making a profit or living a moral life as a dilemma of employees

⑤ evaluating employee's performance in light of an organizations's values

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

11강 (1회 21번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

But as the employee internalizes and understands the values of the

organization innately, he develops a sense of rightness that doesn’t require

rules, restrictions or social approval.

EBS 삽입


* David S. Cohen, Inside the Box: Leading With Corporate Values to Drive

Sustained Business Success, 2009

추가 자료 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것


Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg built upon Jean Piaget's cognitive

development work to describe the process children go through in developing

the conscience of adults. A similar track can be followed in understanding how

contractually bonded employees become committed disciples of an

organization's values. In Kohlberg's first and second stages, children rely on

obedience and punishment to determine what is right and wrong and (A)[are /

to be] motivated by self-interest. In other words, they look for rewards and fear

getting punished, and they see right and wrong in terms of getting caught or

(B)[recognizing / recognized]. In the third and fourth stages, children come to

rely on relationships and a need to conform to the group as they become

adolescents, and they have a desire to cede to authority and the social order in

guiding their thinking of right and wrong. In other words, they begin to see

that their actions have an effect on others, but view right or wrong in terms of

(C)[how / what] the group sanctions those actions. In the fifth and sixth stages,

adults develop an understanding that there are certain principles that are

stronger than any laws or the needs of the groups, and these principles should

be adhered to because they are inherently right.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

12강 (2회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

People rarely act alone, and even when they appear to be doing just that, it

typically is only at the surface of the process. Consider, for example, a writer

who creates a novel in the solitary confinement of her house. The writer is

alone only in a very narrow sense. Indeed, she is writing, typically, about

people, with people, and for people. The process of writing a novel

_______________________________________________________. Thus, the imaginary reader is

always present in the creative process of writing ─ as an addressee, a possible

judge of the creation, and, more generally, a partner in a dialogue that each

human creation ultimately is. Our writer arguably also is motivated by

specifically human, social purposes, such as to be understood, respected and

needed by others.

*addressee 수신인

① is like a boat trip in that you have to continually set yourself on course

② has very little to do with the author's autobiographical facts

③ focuses mainly on its plot enough that it works well for readers

④ can hardly be reduced to an individual cognitive reflection

⑤ requires one to use their imagination to an unlimited extent

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

12강 (2회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

People rarely act alone, and ~


* David J. Bearison, Bruce Dorval, Collaborative Cognition: Children Negotiating

Ways of Knowing, 2002

추가 자료

Psychology today is gradually coming to grips with what is a trivial yet

paramount idea long known to laypersons ― the idea that human beings are

profoundly social and collaborative by nature. ~~~ Perhaps even more

importantly, the novelist is using a vast amount of both material and symbolic

artifacts that alone make the whole process of creation possible; she is using

language to express her thoughts and ideas and the certain rules of a literary

style to make her creation intelligible, along with concrete products such as

paper, computer, or a simple pen to materialize her thoughts. All of these have

been created and produced by countless other people ― contemporaries as

well as members of past generations of human civilization.

Indeed, in each and every human activity, people employ, and often also

develop, the fruits of human civilization ― the mediational means that have

been derived from cultural, historical, and institutional forces and that are

embodied in language, patterns of behavior, social conventions, art, and other

specifically human ways of doing, perceiving, understanding, and expressing

ideas. People who produce and use these mediational means to interact with

one another and achieve various goals create a specifically human sociocultural

dimension of the world into which children are born and which they come to

join as competent participants. ~ In general, their life from birth to death is

profoundly enmeshed in the complex fabric of human society and other

people's lives.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

13강 (3회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Retailers, in contrast to wholesalers, are distribution channel members that sell

goods and services to individuals for ①their own use rather than for resale.

Retailers are the final link ― the so-called last three feet ― of the distribution

channel. Because ②they are often the only channel members that deal directly

with consumers, it is essential that retailers remain alert to changing shopper

needs. For instance, soaring gas prices affect consumers’ budgets, so ③they

may make fewer trips to the mall or cut back on nonessential purchases. As a

result, retailers may need to offer special sales or events to lure customers to

④their shops. It is also important for ⑤them to keep pace with developments

in the fast-changing business environment, such as the disruption in delivery of

suppliers from widespread wildfires or storms.

EBS 빈칸

Because they are often the only channel members that deal directly with

consumers, it is essential that retailers _____________________________________________.

① remain alert to changing shopper needs

② strive to build the trust of their consumers

③ attract their consumers with their product packaging

④ do as much as possible to prevent loss from theft

⑤ band together to form their wholesaling organizations


* Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, Contemporary Business, 2009

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

13강 (3회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Although direct channels allow simple and straightforward connections

between producers and their customers, direct distribution is not the best

choice in every instance. Some products sell in small quantities for relatively

low prices to thousands of widely scattered consumers. Makers of such

products cannot cost-effectively contact each of their customers, so they

distribute products through specialized intermediaries called wholesalers and


추가 자료 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) They do so by creating utility, providing additional services, and reducing

costs. Marketing utility is created when intermediaries help ensure that products

are available for sale when and where customers want to purchase them.

(B) Although you might think that adding intermediaries to the distribution

process would increase the final cost of products, more often than not this

choice actually lowers consumer prices. Intermediaries such as wholesalers and

retailers often add significant value to a product as it moves through the

distribution channel.

(C) If you want something warm to eat on a cold winter night, you don't call

up Campbell Soup and ask them to ship a can of chicken noodle soup. Instead,

you go to the nearest grocery store, where you find utility in the form of

product availability.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) ➂ (B)-(C)-(A)

➃ (C)-(A)-(B) ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

14강 (4회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Antonio Damasio, professor of neuroscience and director of the Brain and

Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California, believes that

emotions assist with cognitive tasks like reasoning and decision making. When

we reason about situations and predict different outcomes, we use our emotions

to evaluate the hypothetical outcomes and to inform our decisions. Imagine

you’re giving a presentation tomorrow and need to prepare, but you also feel

like popping in a DVD and relaxing. Opting to prepare is the responsible

choice, but it’s not merely a matter of reason winning out over emotion. Your

choice still involves emotion: you imagine the scenario in which you watch the

movie and find yourself, the next day, standing in front of a group of

colleagues unprepared. The queasy feeling elicited by that embarrassing (but

imaginary) situation _______________________________________. Imagining consequences

can make a bad decision painful and a good one pleasant. Of course,

sometimes we choose to ignore this built-in warning system and make bad

decisions anyway.

*queasy 불안한

① appears to come out of nowhere

② fosters a sense of independence within you

③ makes you suffer from physical exhaustion

④ nudges you toward the right path

⑤ is not alleviated even as time goes by

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

14강 (4회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Opting to prepare is the responsible choice, but it’s not merely a matter of

reason winning out over emotion.

EBS 선택 어휘

assist / unprepared / warning


* Christopher Johnson, Microstyle: The Art of Writing Little, 2012

추가 자료 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Antonio Damasio, professor of neuroscience and director of the Brain and

Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California, believes that

emotions assist with cognitive tasks like reasoning and decision making. When

we reason about situations and predict different outcomes, we use our emotions

to evaluate the hypothetical outcomes and to inform our decisions. ( ① )

Imagine you’re giving a presentation tomorrow and need to prepare, but you

also feel like popping in a DVD and relaxing. ( ② ) Your choice still involves

emotion: you imagine the scenario in which you watch the movie and find

yourself, the next day, standing in front of a group of colleagues unprepared. (

③ ) The queasy feeling elicited by that embarrassing (but imaginary) situation

nudges you toward the right path. ( ④ ) Imagining consequences can make a

bad decision painful and a good one pleasant. ( ⑤ ) Of course, sometimes we

choose to ignore this built-in warning system and make bad decisions anyway.

*queasy 불안한

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

15강 (5회 4번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Imagine seeing a nail with two heads: one at the top of the spike and one

to the side. Immediately, it ①grabs our attention. We think it must be ②

defective. Because of structural fixedness, we mentally want to ③retain the

oddity and restore the nail back to having just one head. This is the reflex we

have to overcome. Remember “function follows form”? That’s how we should do

it. If we push ourselves to find a ④beneficial use for a nail with two heads, we

may come up with some ideas that are truly innovative. For example, suppose a

second head allows you to hold the nail in place as you hammer, so that you

don’t smash your ⑤thumb. Or perhaps the second head sticks out in a way

you could hang things on.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

15강 (5회 4번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 요지

① 사전 조사를 철저히 해야 실수를 줄일 수 있다.

② 익숙한 형태에 대한 고정관념에서 벗어날 필요가 있다.

③ 창의적인 사람이 되려면 실패를 수용할 줄 알아야 한다.

④ 기능을 염두에 두고 상품을 디자인하는 것이 효율적이다.

⑤ 기존의 상품이나 아이디어는 새로운 창조의 바탕이 된다.


* Drew Boyd, Jacob Goldenberg, Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity

for Breakthrough Results, 2013

추가 자료 빈칸

Imagine seeing a nail with two heads: one at the top of the spike and one

to the side. Immediately, it grabs our attention. We think it must be defective.

Because of structural fixedness, we mentally want to correct the oddity and

restore the nail back to having just one head. This is the reflex we have to

overcome. Remember “_____________________________”? That’s how we should do it.

If we push ourselves to find a beneficial use for a nail with two heads, we may

come up with some ideas that are truly innovative. For example, suppose a

second head allows you to hold the nail in place as you hammer, so that you

don’t smash your thumb. Or perhaps the second head sticks out in a way you

could hang things on. “_____________________________” helps us break fixedness by

taking odd configurations and imagining beneficial uses for them.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

16강 (6회 17번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

When experiments can be brought under the heading “medical” we are

inclined to think that any suffering they involve must be justifiable because the

research is contributing to the alleviation of suffering. ① But we have already

seen that the testing of therapeutic drugs is less likely to be motivated by the

desire for maximum good to all than by the desire for maximum profit. ② The

broad label “medical research” can also be used to cover research that is

motivated by a general intellectual curiosity. ③ Such curiosity may be

acceptable as part of a basic search for knowledge when it involves no

suffering, but should not be tolerated if it inflicts pain, whether on humans or

animals. ④ However, some researchers claim that benefits to humans from

animal experimentation outweigh the harm done to animals. ⑤ Very often, too,

basic medical research has been going on for decades and much of it, in the

long run, turns out to have been quite pointless.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

16강 (6회 17번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 선택 어휘

justifiable / pointless


* Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, 2nd Edition, 1990

읽기 자료

* 동물 실험

The defenders of animal experimentation are fond of telling us that animal

experimentation has greatly increased our life expectancy. In the midst of the

debate over reform of the British law on animal experimentation, for example,

the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry ran a fullpage

advertisement in the Guardian under the headline "They say life begins at forty.

Not so long ago, that's about when it ended." The advertisement went on to

say that it is now considered to be a tragedy if a man dies in his forties,

whereas in the nineteenth century it was commonplace to attend the funeral of

a man in his forties, for the average life expectancy was only forty-two. The

advertisement stated that "it is thanks largely to the breakthroughs that have

been made through research which requires animals that most of us are able to

live into our seventies."

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

17강 (7회 15번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

The idea of using virtual water trade as a trade policy strategy to offset

regional water shortage is currently being debated so vigorously by water

experts because it might lead to huge water savings, making it possible ─ or

so it would seem at first sight ─ to resolve “the water crisis” virtually overnight.

The concept of strategic virtual water trade is based on the idea that, by

importing more of their food from water-rich countries, water-poor countries

might use their scarce water resources in sectors (e.g., industrial production)

where they achieve a higher value added per volume unit of water, i.e. higher

water productivity. However, protagonists argue that in agriculture, too,

productivity increases lead to water savings, if the emphasis is placed on the

cultivation of crops which are highly efficient in their use of water. Changes in

the domestic food supply could then be offset by means of international trade.

① 수자원이 풍부한 나라들도 세계적 물 부족 문제에 대비하고 있다.

② 가상 물 교역은 물의 생산성 제고를 통해 물 부족을 해결하려 한다.

③ 국가 간 무역 방식의 변화를 통해 물 부족 문제를 해결할 수 있다.

④ 가상 물 교역이라는 단기적 접근으로는 물 부족 위기를 해결할 수 없다.

⑤ 물이 부족한 국가는 제조업과 농업 간 균형 발전을 할 수 없게 된다.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

17강 (7회 15번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 빈칸

Furthermore, advocates argue that in agriculture, too,

__________________________________________________, if the emphasis is placed on the

cultivation of crops which are highly efficient in their use of water.

① higher yields guarantee a greater profit

② environmental impact is greatly reduced

③ productivity increases lead to water savings

④ local water supply is potentially in jeopardy

⑤ water rights of the disadvantaged are threatened


* Susanne Neubert, "Strategic Virtual Water Trade – A Critical Analysis of the

Debate", Water Politics and Development Cooperation, 2008

추가 자료 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The idea of using virtual water trade as a trade policy strategy to offset

regional water shortage is currently being debated so ①vigorously by water

experts because it might lead to huge water savings, making it possible ─ or

so it would seem at first sight ─ to resolve “the water crisis” virtually overnight.

The concept of strategic virtual water trade is based on the idea that, by

importing more of their food from water-rich countries, water-poor countries

might use their scarce water resources in sectors (e.g., industrial production) ②

where they achieve a higher value added per volume unit of water, i.e. higher

water productivity. However, protagonists argue that in agriculture, too,

productivity increases lead to water savings, if the emphasis is placed on the

cultivation of crops which ③are highly efficient in their use of water. Changes in

the domestic food supply could then be offset by means of international trade.

As ④attractively as the concept may appear at first sight, it is a matter of

some controversy among water experts. The reason for this is that some of the

above pre-assumptions are absolutely questionable, and as successful virtual

water trade would be subject to innumerable requirements for the countries ⑤

concerned, many restrictions relating to groups of countries, areas of application

and degrees of implementation would have to be defined.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

18강 (8회 20번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Let’s face it: Disclosing private information to others is risky business. When

you reveal private things about yourself to others, they might reject you or

divulge your confidences to someone else. A study of European college students

reported that they revealed others’ personal emotional disclosures to third

parties in 66-78 percent of the cases. Although the researchers did not ask the

students if they had been sworn to secrecy, in 85 percent of the cases the

students were intimates (versus acquaintances) of the self-disclosers. Moreover,

more emotionally intense disclosures were more likely to be shared ─ and with

more people ─ than less emotionally intense revelations. Thus, if you have a

secret you cannot risk others knowing but that is troubling you, it is probably

safer to share it with a trained counselor. Alternatively, writing about an issue,

such as in a journal, can help you feel better.

*divulge 누설하다, 알려 주다

① self-disclosure for developing intimacy

② dealing with intergroup conflicts

③ emotional topics of communication

④ reducing the risks of self-disclosure

⑤ personal sharing in an individualistic culture

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

18강 (8회 20번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Thus, if you have a secret you cannot risk others knowing but that is

troubling you, it is probably safer to share it with a trained counselor.

While it pays to be discriminating about sharing private business, limiting

your conversations to superficial topics won't deepen a relationship.

EBS 삽입


* Wayne Weiten, Margaret Lloyd, Psychology Applied to Modern Life:

Adjustment in the 21st Century, 2005

추가 자료 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) But, for most situations, we advise gradual self-disclosure as the optimal

route to close relationships, because it entails less risk and stress.

(B) Of course, the principle of gradual self-disclosure doesn't always hold. Many

people can tell, early on, which relationships they want to remain relatively

superficial and which they would like to become more intimate.

(C) To safely steer the conversation toward more intimate topics, we advise

using the strategy of gradual self-disclosure. Moving gradually gives you the

chance to observe how the other person responds to your self-disclosures.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

19강 (9회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The key to successful risk taking is to understand that the actions you’re

taking should be the natural next step. One of the mistakes we often make

when confronting a risk situation, whether it be learning a new skill or starting

a new project, is our tendency to focus on the end result. ① Instead, think

about the pleasure and the satisfaction that you will feel once your goal is

reached. ② Skiers who are unsure of themselves often do this. ③ They’ll go to

the edge of a difficult slope, look all the way down to the bottom, and from

where they are on the hill, determine that the slope is too steep for them to

try. ④ The ones that decide to make it change their focus by analyzing what

they need to do to master the first step, like getting through the first mogul

on the hill. ⑤ Once they get there, they concentrate on the next mogul, and

over the course of the run, they end up at the bottom of what others thought

was an impossible mountain.

*mogul 모굴(스키의 활주 사면에 있는 단단한 눈 더미)

**run (스키 등의) 비탈 코스

EBS 빈칸

~ One of the mistakes we often make when confronting a risk situation,

whether it is learning a new skill or starting a new project, is our tendency to


① focus on the end result ② depend only on our leaders

③ think in terms of efficiency ④ conform to those around us

⑤ attribute failure to ourselves


* David E. Rye, 1001 Ways to Get Promoted, 2000

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

19강 (9회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

추가 자료 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것


In today's business world, taking risks is not an option; it's ①mandatory if

you want to get promoted. Nobody in their right mind is promoting non-risk

takers. Just to survive, much less succeed, you must learn how to get out in

front of the tide and make risky decisions. If you wait too long, someone else

will do it for you, and you'll be ②stuck in the mud with the rest of the turtles.

Your biggest risk is not to take risks.

One of the greatest risk takers of all time is Chrysler's Lee Iacocca, who said,

"Most people are looking for ③security and a nice, safe, prosperous future. And

there is certainly nothing wrong with that. It's the American dream. Yet their

biggest fear is screwing up, their fair of failure, of not achieving the American

dream. The fear of failure brings about the fear of taking risks. You're never

going to get what you want out of life without taking some risk."

However, taking risks is not the same as taking chances, which was pointed

out by sports psychologist Dr. Bruce Ogilvie who completed a research report

several years ago that showed important ④links between risks and chances.

Ogilvie studied several risky occupations that included race car drivers and

aerobatics pilots. He discovered that risk takers in dangerous professions spend

an extraordinary amount of time planning and preparing for their activities.

During an interview, he said, "These professionals analyze every factor that can

go wrong to reduce risk and to eliminate chance. Such ⑤assiduous planning

increases one's confidence, commitment, and helps them conquer what

otherwise would be debilitating fears."

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

20강 (10회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Accelerating beyond my strolling speed completely changes the experience of

walking, because the transition to a faster walk brings about a sharp

deterioration in my ability to think coherently. As I speed up, my attention is

drawn with increasing frequency to the experience of walking and to the

deliberate maintenance of the faster pace. My ability to bring a train of thought

to a conclusion is impaired accordingly. At the highest speed I can sustain on

the hills, about 14 minutes for a mile, I do not even try to think of anything

else. In addition to the physical effort of moving my body rapidly along the

path, a mental effort of self-control is needed to resist the urge to slow down.

Self-control and deliberate thought apparently draw on the same limited budget

of effort.

① Thinking-Walking: Two Birds with One Stone

② No Physical Pain, No Mental Gain

③ Self-Control: How I Recovered from Speed Addiction

④ Tug of War between Fast Walking and Thinking

⑤ Slow Walking, Not Power Walking, Keeps the Doctor Away

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

20강 (10회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 밑줄 어휘

enhanced → impaired


* Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2013

추가 자료 빈칸

It is normally easy and actually quite pleasant to walk and think at the same

time, but at the extremes these activities appear to compete for the limited

resource. You can confirm this claim by a simple experiment. While walking

comfortably with a friend, ask him to compute 23 × 78 in his head, and to do

so immediately. He will almost certainly stop in his tracks. My experience is that

I can think while strolling but cannot engage in mental work that imposes a

heavy load on short-term memory. If I must construct an intricate argument

under time pressure, I would rather be still, and I would prefer sitting to

standing. Of course, not all slow thinking requires that form of intense

concentration and effortful computation ― I did the best thinking of my life on

leisurely walks with Amos.

Accelerating beyond my strolling speed completely changes the experience of

walking, because the transition to a faster walk brings about a sharp

deterioration in my ability to think coherently. As I speed up, my attention is

drawn with increasing frequency to the experience of walking and to the

deliberate maintenance of the faster pace. My ability to bring a train of thought

to a conclusion is impaired accordingly. At the highest speed I can sustain on

the hills, about 14 minutes for a mile, I do not even try to think of anything

else. In addition to the physical effort of moving my body rapidly along the

path, a mental effort of self-control is needed to resist the urge to slow down.

_________________________________________ apparently draw on the same limited

budget of effort.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

21강 (1회 9번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Americans tend to arrange objects on a single scale of value, from best to

worst, biggest to smallest, cheapest to most expensive, and are able to express

a preference among very complex objects on such a single scale. The question,

“What is your favorite color?” so intelligible to an American, is meaningless in

Britain, and such a question is countered by: “Favorite color for what? A flower?

A necktie?” Each object is thought of as having a most complex set of qualities

and color is merely a quality of an object, not something from a color chart on

which one can make a choice which is transferable to a large number of

different sorts of objects.

The American reduction of complexities to single scales is entirely

comprehensible in terms of the great diversity of value systems which different

immigrant groups brought to the American scene. Some common denominator

among the incommensurables was very much needed and oversimplification was

almost inevitable. But as a result, Americans think in terms of qualities which

have undimensional scales, while the British, when they think of complex object

or event, even if they reduce it to parts, think of each part as retaining all of

the complexities of the whole. Americans subdivide the scale, the British

subdivide the object. Americans are able to describe a room in terms of its

"color scheme," where the British eye would retain a sense of some fifty

elements involved in the whole interior pattern, even when speaking of a square

inch of the rug. From this British insistence on complexity flows, naturally

enough, _________________________________________.

*common denominator 공통 기준, 공통분모

**incommensurable 같은 표준으로 잴 수 없는 것, 약분할 수 없는 수

① a strong tendency towards caution

② an insistence upon uniqueness

③ a preference for talk over action

④ a willingness to make comparisons

⑤ an inherent distrust of authority

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

21강 (1회 9번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 밑줄 어휘

overcomplexity → oversimplification


* Margaret Mead, "Some Problems of Cross-Cultural Communication between

Britain and the United States: Based upon Lecturing in Britain and the United

States during World War Ⅱ", The Study of Culture at a Distance, 2000

추가 자료 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The problem of communication in a language which was theoretically mutually

intelligible, supposed to be "one language," presented a number of difficulties

which could be partially (A)[compounded / resolved] by reference to cultural

differences. In all probability the greater the difference between the languages

of the pair of cultures with which one is attempting to work, the more

automatic warnings are provided to the (B)[insulator / translator]. But between

English and American, and between other cultures similarly related through a

common tradition and a still somewhat intelligible pair of languages, language

confuses rather than (C)[amplifies / clarifies], and other sorts of clues are


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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

22강 (4회 17번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The notion that only in modern times have people grown uneasy about killing

animals is a flattering conceit. Taking a life is momentous, and people have

been working to justify the slaughter of animals for thousands of years.

Religion, especially ritual, has played a crucial part in helping us reckon the

moral costs. ① Violence, be it killing an animal or a fellow human being, is

central to religion not because religion as such was violent, but because only

the social construction of religion offers the chance to contain violent human

nature. ② Native Americans and other hunter-gatherers would give thanks to

their prey for giving up its life so the eater might live. ③ Many cultures have

offered sacrificial animals to the gods, perhaps as a way to convince themselves

that it was the gods’ desires that demanded the slaughter, not their own. ④ In

ancient Greece, the priests responsible for the slaughter would sprinkle holy

water on the sacrificial animal’s brow. ⑤ The beast would promptly shake its

head, and this was taken as a sign of assent.

*reckon 계산하다

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

22강 (4회 17번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 선택 어휘

justify / ceremony


* Michael Pollan, "An Animal’s Place", The New York Times Magazine, 2002

추가 자료 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The notion that only in modern times have people ①grown uneasy about

killing animals is a flattering conceit. Taking a life is momentous, and people

have been working to justify the slaughter of animals for thousands of years.

Religion, especially ritual, has played a crucial part in helping us ②reckon the

moral costs. Native Americans and other hunter-gatherers would give thanks to

their prey for giving up its life so the eater might live. Many cultures have

offered sacrificial animals to the gods, perhaps as a way to convince ③them

that it was the gods’ desires that demanded the slaughter, not their own. In

ancient Greece, the priests responsible for the slaughter would sprinkle holy

water on the sacrificial animal’s brow. The beast would promptly shake its head,

and this was ④taken as a sign of assent. Slaughter doesn’t necessarily preclude

respect. For all these people, ⑤it was the ceremony that allowed them to look,

then to eat.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

23강 (5회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In 1995, the otherwise excellent scientist and writer Jared Diamond fell under

the spell of fashionable pessimism when he promised: ‘By the time my young

sons reach retirement age, half the world’s species will be extinct, the air

radioactive and the seas polluted with oil.’ Let me reassure his sons that species

extinction, though terrible, is so far under-shooting that promise by a wide

margin. Even if you take E. O. Wilson’s wildly pessimistic guess that 27,000

species are dying out every year, that equates to just 27 percent a century

(there are thought to be at least ten million species), a long way short of 50

percent in 60 years. As for Diamond’s other worries, the trends are getting

better, not worse: the radioactive dose his sons receive today from weapons

tests and nuclear accidents is 90 percent down on what their father received in

the early 1960s and is anyway less than 1 percent of natural background

radiation. The amount of oil spilled in the sea has been falling steadily since

before the young Diamonds were born: it now is down by 90 percent since


*under-shoot (표적에) 미치지 않다

① A Duel between Two Great Minds

② Don't Be Fooled by Numbers

③ Love: The Antidote to Pessimism

④ Save Mother Earth for Future Generations

⑤ Don't Worry, Just Be Rational!

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

23강 (5회 8번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Some 19 percent of Americans believe themselves to be in the top 1 percent

of income earners.

EBS 선택 어법

By the time my young sons reach retirement age, half the world’s species will

be extinct, the air radioactive and the seas (A)[pollute / polluted] with oil.

Even if you take E. O. Wilson’s wildly pessimistic guess that 27,000 species are

dying out every year, (B)[that / which] equates to just 27 percent a century

(there are thought to be at least ten million species).

the radioactive dose his sons receive today from weapons tests and nuclear

accidents (C)[is / are] 90 percent down on what their father received in the

early 1960s.


* Matt Ridley, The Rational Optimist, 2010

추가 자료 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Pessimism has always been big box office. It plays into what Greg Easterbrook

calls ‘the collective refusal to believe that life is getting better.’ People do not

apply this to their own lives, interestingly: they tend to assume that they will

live longer, stay married longer and travel more than they do. ( ① ) Yet surveys

consistently reveal individuals to be personally optimistic yet socially pessimistic.

( ② ) Dane Stangler calls this ‘a non-burdensome form of cognitive dissonance

we all walk around with.’ ( ③ ) About the future of society and the human race

people are naturally gloomy. ( ④ ) It goes with the fact that they are

risk-averse: a large literature confirms that people much more viscerally dislike

losing a sum of money than they like winning the same sum. ( ⑤ )

*viscerally 본능적으로

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

24강 (6회 4번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

More recent studies in the U.S., Canada, and Europe control for those

other variables, by comparing bilingual and monolingual children attending

the same school and matched for parental socio-economic status.

변형 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) However, it would be misleading to summarize this result by saying,

“Monolingual children end up with a slightly larger vocabulary: 3,300 versus only

3,000 words.” Instead, the result is, “Bilingual children end up with a much

larger vocabulary: a total of 6,000 words, consisting of 3,000 English words plus

3,000 Chinese words, instead of 3,300 English words and no Chinese words.”

(B) Depending on the study, either bilingual and monolingual children end up

as adults with essentially the same vocabulary size and word-retrieval rate, or

else the monolingual children end up with a slight advantage (vocabulary up to

10% larger in their sole language).

(C) It turns out that bilingual children and monolingual children matched in

other respects pass milestones of language acquisition (e.g., age to say first

word, first sentence, or to acquire a 50-word vocabulary) at the same age.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) ➂ (B)-(C)-(A)

➃ (C)-(A)-(B) ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

24강 (6회 4번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 주제

① impacts of parents’ social standing on bilingual education

② no disadvantages of being bilingual in vocabulary acquisition

③ ways to measure the relative benefits of early bilingualism

④ negative effects of bilingualism on the acquisition of mother tongue

⑤ language milestones for bilingual and monolingual children


* Jared Diamond, The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from

Traditional Societies?, 2013

추가 자료 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것


In fact, studies carried out in the U.S., Ireland, and Wales until the 1960s did

report that bilingual children were significantly ①disadvantaged linguistically

compared to monolingual children, learned command of language more slowly,

and ended up with smaller vocabularies in each language. But it was eventually

realized that that interpretation was ②confounded by other variables correlated

with bilingualism in those studies. In the U.S. more than in other countries,

bilingualism is associated with ③poverty. When American bilingual children were

compared with American monolingual English-speaking children, the ④former

tended to be from more affluent communities, to be attending better schools,

and to have more educated and wealthy parents working at higher occupational

levels and with larger vocabularies. Those correlates of bilingualism alone might

have accounted for the ⑤lower language skills of the bilingual children.

*correlate 상관물

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

25강 (6회 6번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Generally, selfless is a virtue. Thus, it does not serve people's interest to

present themselves to others as selfish. That requires _____(A)_____. That is,

people cheat themselves into the belief that they prioritize _____(B)_____ over

any self-interested consideration.

변형 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말

로 가장 적절한 것은?

In Sense and Sensibility there is a revealing scene in which John, the first and

only son and legal heir, considers what, exactly, is involved in a promise he

made to his father. At his father’s deathbed, John promises the old man to take

care of his very kind but poor stepmother and three half sisters. Of his own

accord, he decides to give the women £3,000, a mere fraction of his

inheritance, which would take care of them nicely. After all, he genially reasons,

“He could spare so considerable a sum with little inconvenience.” Despite the

satisfaction John gets from this idea and the ease with which the gift can be

given, his clever and selfish wife convinces him ─ without much difficulty and

with a great deal of specious reasoning ─ that any money he gives his

step-family will leave him, his wife, and their son “impoverished to a most

dreadful degree.”

*specious 허울만 그럴 듯한

(A) (B)

① self-deception honesty

② self-deception generosity

③ self-reliance charity

④ self-reliance responsibility

⑤ self-justification consistency

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

25강 (6회 6번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 지칭

* 문제의 오류를 지적한 바 있음(http://orbi.kr/0004682207)


* Dan Ariely, The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, 2012

추가 자료 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

In Sense and Sensibility there is a revealing scene in which John, the first and

only son and legal heir, ①considers what, exactly, is involved in a promise he

made to his father. At his father’s deathbed, John promises the old man to take

care of his very kind but poor stepmother and three half sisters. Of his own

accord, he decides to give the women £3,000, a mere fraction of his

inheritance, which would take care of them nicely. After all, he genially reasons,

“He could spare ②so considerable a sum with little inconvenience.” ③Despite

the satisfaction John gets from this idea and the ease ④which the gift can be

given, his clever and selfish wife convinces him ─ without much difficulty and

with a great deal of specious reasoning ─ ⑤that any money he gives his

step-family will leave him, his wife, and their son “impoverished to a most

dreadful degree.”

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

26강 (7회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Effective communication starts with the understanding that there are my point

of view and someone else’s point of view. Rarely is there one absolute truth, so

people who believe that they speak the truth are very _____(A)_____ of others.

When we recognize that we can see things only from our own perspective, we

can share our views in a nonthreatening way. Statements of opinion are always

more constructive in the first person “I” form. Compare these two statements:

“You never take my suggestions seriously” and “I feel frustrated that you have

not responded to my last four emails, which leads me to believe that my

suggestions are not that important to you. Is that so?” The former can elicit a

quick and defensive “That’s not true!” The latter is much harder to _____(B)_____.

One triggers a disagreement; the other sparks a discussion.

(A) (B)

① considerate defend

② desirous manipulate

③ silencing deny

④ conscious admit

⑤ ignorant validate

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

26강 (7회 16번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 빈칸

Effective communication starts with the understanding that

_______________________________________________________. ~

① truth is better served by using simple language

② the ability to listen is as important as the ability to speak

③ being aware of a problem is the first step to correcting it

④ there are my point of view and someone else’s point of view

⑤ people in low-power positions are hesitant to share their views


* Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, 2013

추가 자료 선택 어법

Effective communication starts with the understanding that there are my point

of view and someone else’s point of view. Rarely (A)[there is / is there] one

absolute truth, so people who believe that they speak the truth are very

silencing of others. When we recognize that we can see things only from our

own perspective, we can share our views in a nonthreatening way. Statements

of opinion are always more constructive in the first person “I” form. Compare

these two statements: “You never take my suggestions seriously” and “I feel

frustrated that you have not responded to my last four emails, which (B)[lead /

leads] me to believe that my suggestions are not that important to you. Is that

so?” The former can elicit a quick and defensive “That’s not true!” The latter is

much harder to deny. One triggers a disagreement; (C)[another / the other]

sparks a discussion.

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

27강 (8회 3번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

변형 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Liberal arts colleges are threatened by the perception that liberal arts

education is a luxury. The liberal arts college is a ①small niche within the

modern American higher education landscape. Because of their size, liberal arts

colleges are not able to capitalize on economies of scale. Additionally, the

mission of most liberal arts colleges to develop the “②whole person,” typically

accompanied by greater student service expenditures and a smaller

student-to-faculty ratio than other institutional types, tends to increase financial

expenditures. Moreover, the common practice of tuition ③discounting requires

institutions to focus on the difficult challenge of predicting net tuition revenue

in their forecasting or face an ④expansion of critical resources. These

challenges, coupled with the volatility of endowment earnings, can work against

the financial viability of liberal arts colleges and may lead to greater ⑤

vulnerability to the competition from lower-priced public institutions.

*net revenue 순수입 **volatility 변동성, 휘발성

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

27강 (8회 3번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 주제

① the factors of tuition increases

② the goals of liberal arts education

③ the challenges of business restructuring

④ the misunderstandings about public education

⑤ the financial difficulties of liberal arts colleges


* ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 31, Issue 3, 2005

추가 자료 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Liberal arts colleges are threatened by the perception that liberal arts

education is a luxury. The liberal arts college is a small niche within the modern

American higher education landscape. Because of their size, liberal arts colleges

are not able to capitalize on economies of scale. _____(A)_____, the mission of

most liberal arts colleges to develop the “whole person,” typically accompanied

by greater student service expenditures and a smaller student-to-faculty ratio

than other institutional types, tends to increase financial expenditures.

_____(B)_____, the common practice of tuition discounting requires institutions to

focus on the difficult challenge of predicting net tuition revenue in their

forecasting or face an erosion of critical resources. These challenges, coupled

with the volatility of endowment earnings, can work against the financial viability

of liberal arts colleges and may lead to greater vulnerability to the competition

from lower-priced public institutions.

(A) (B)

① However In short

② For instance In other words

③ Similarly Nevertheless

④ Therefore On the other hand

⑤ Additionally Moreover

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

28강 (9회 5번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

Suppose, on your wedding day, your best man delivers a heart-warming

toast, a speech so moving it brings tears to your eyes. You later learn that

he didn’t write it himself but bought it online.

변형 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) But a wedding toast is not a State of the Union address. It is an expression

of friendship. Although a bought toast might “work” in the sense of achieving

its desired effect, that effect might depend on an element of deception.

(B) Would the toast mean less than it did at first, before you knew it was

written by a paid professional? Most of us would probably say yes. It might be

argued that presidents and prime ministers routinely employ speechwriters, and

no one faults them for it.

(C) Here’s a test: If, seized with anxiety at the prospect of giving a speech at

your best friend’s wedding, you purchased a moving, sentimental masterpiece

online, would you reveal this fact, or try to cover it up?

*State of the Union address 일반 교서(미국 대통령이 매년 의회를 상대로 하는

국정 보고)

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) ➂ (B)-(C)-(A)

➃ (C)-(A)-(B) ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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대이변(대학으로 가는 EBS변형) 280제편

28강 (9회 5번)

오르비 인강 고백하자: 1·2등급을 위한 고급수능영어백서 / 고백모의고사(비연계 중심): 6모평 - 수특·인수(1)(2), 9모평 -

280제·수완, Final - 종합 / 대이변(연계 중심): EBS 280제, 수완 변형 / 빈칸사냥: 빈칸유형 정복을 위한 그린라이트

카페 cafe.naver.com/jaenam (칼럼·학습 조언 및 자료)

EBS 요지

① 연설을 잘하기 위해서는 사전 연습이 효과적이다.

② 돈으로 사는 결혼식 건배사는 그 의미가 반감된다.

③ 정치가가 연설문을 대필시키는 것은 비도덕적이다.

④ 시간과 노력을 들일수록 훌륭한 연설문이 완성된다.

⑤ 감동적인 결혼식 축사의 가치는 돈으로 매길 수 없다.


* Michael J. Sandel, What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, 2012

추가 자료 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Suppose, on your wedding day, your best man delivers a heart-warming toast,

a speech so moving it brings tears to your eyes. You later learn that he didn’t

write it himself but bought it online. Would the toast mean less than it did at

first, before you knew it was written by a paid professional? Most of us would

probably say yes. It might be argued that presidents and prime ministers

routinely employ speechwriters, and no one faults them for it. But a wedding

toast is not a State of the Union address. It is an expression of friendship.

Although a bought toast might “work” in the sense of achieving its desired

effect, that effect might depend on an element of deception. Here’s a test: If,

seized with anxiety at the prospect of giving a speech at your best friend’s

wedding, you purchased a moving, sentimental masterpiece online, would you

reveal this fact, or try to cover it up? If a bought toast depends for its effect

on _____________________________________, that's a reason to suspect it's a corrupt

version of the real thing. Wedding toasts are goods that can, in a sense, be

bought. But buying and selling them changes their character and diminishes

their value.

① delivering it with total sincerity ② concealing its provenance

③ paying a huge sum for it ④ picking up the best writer

⑤ dealing with political issues