´ó a absolute words power -...

(전면개정판) EBS, 수능영어 대한민국 최고 권위자 영어 정지웅 Orbi Premium Class 전설의 시작 Absolute Words Power

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    Orbi Premium Class

    Absolute Words Power

  • Orbi Premium Class 7

    , A. Negative : Literal Meaning vs. Figurative Meaning 1. Sometimes all the outcomes customers are trying to achieve in one area have a negative effect on other outcomes. (2014SN, What Customers Want) 2. Get the negative of an old photograph that shows a front view of your face and have it developed into a pair of pictures one that shows you as you actually look and one that shows a reverse image so that the right and left sides of your face are interchanged. (2010SN26) EBS Style 3. For many people including many scientists 'nature' is defined by a negative: it exists where people do not. Nature lies outside the urban and agricultural realms, in regions of Earth where natural processes are unimpeded. (20100929, Nature)

  • V3 8 , 437 .

    B. Roots 4. Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, numbering the bricks, and sent them to Los Angeles. From there they were taken to Arizona and were reassembled by workers in the Arizona desert. (2007SN44) 5. The most normal and competent child encounters what seem like insurmountable problems in living. [SN201521] C. Words in Context EBS Style 6. The most obvious salient feature of moral agents is a capacity for rational thought. This is an uncontested necessary condition for any form of moral agency, since we all accept that people who are incapable of reasoned thought cannot be held morally responsible for their actions. (20100930, A theory of general ethics) EBS Style 7. Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that in doing so the individual stores up anger and resentment. The trouble here is that at some future point they may find they cannot contain these feelings any longer.

    (2013SN, Ethics For the New Millennium)

    assemble resemble dissemble

    president presidency resident residency

  • Orbi Premium Class 9

    D. Thematic Vocabulary EBS Style 8. An executed purpose, in short, is a transaction in which the time and energy spent on the execution are balanced against the resulting assets, and the ideal case is one in which the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity.

    (2011SN26, The Limits of Purpose) 9. Case studies of patients suffering from phobias suggest that many irrational fears can be traced back to experiences that involve classical conditioning.

    (EBS2013) EBS Style 10. People have their own standards for thinking, some of which encourage poor thinking. The heuristics that we use to form our beliefs is maintained by certain explicit beliefs about how thinking should be conducted beliefs transmitted through the culture. *heuristics:

    (EBS2012, Thinking and Deciding) 11. Lifeline infrastructures are vital systems that support a nations economy and quality of life. Modern economies rely on the ability to move goods, people, and information safely and reliably. Adding to their importance is that many of the lifeline systems serve vital roles in disaster recovery. Consequently, it is of the utmost importance to government, business, and the public at large that the flow of services provided by a nations infrastructure continues unimpeded in the face of a broad range of natural and technological hazards. ( 201206)

    12. As a rule, reading text over and over again yields diminishing returns in actual knowledge, but it increases familiarity and fosters a false sense of understanding.

    [ 201209]

  • V3 10 , 437 .

    E. : 13. When the fuel cell becomes the automotive engine of choice, the car companies focusing on increasing the efficiency of the internal combustion engine may find themselves left behind. (2011SN33, Cradle to Cradle) 14. It was his practice to conceal himself at previews of his paintings in order to hear the publics opinions of his masterpieces.

    (2011SN36, Common Phrases) F. Phrasal Verbs & Idioms 15. select for (against) Seeds recovered at archaeological sites clearly show that farmers selected for larger seeds and thinner seed coats. (2014SN28) At an earlier date, cooking selected mutations for smaller guts and mouths, rather than vice versa. At a later date, milk drinking selected for mutations for retaining lactose digestion into adulthood in people of western European and East African descent. (2013SN27) On the other hand, habit alone in some cases has sufficed; no animal is more difficult to tame than the young of the wild rabbit; scarcely any animal is tamer than the young of the tame rabbit; but I do not suppose that domestic rabbits have ever been selected for tameness; and I presume that we must attribute the whole of the inherited change from extreme wildness to extreme tameness, simply to habit and long-continued close confinement.

    (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species ,1859)

    cell 1. 2. 3. celluar phone

  • Orbi Premium Class 11

    001 a. Giving up smoking ________s the risk of heart disease. EBS2014 b. The companies tried to improve their returns and __________ their risk. c. Lifestyle changes can dramatically __________ the number of deaths from heart attack. d. The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be _______d. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week. locate reduce displace resign locate v. , ~ (= be situated), ________(find out, spot) "Where is John's office located?" "It is located in New York." ? Most area where cultivation began were located in river valleys having favorable climates. . reduce v. , , . He had reduced himself to skin and bones. . reduction n. , displace v., ; , ; The disasters caused about 20,000 casualties and displaced about 350,000 people. 2 35 . Total investment in China has displaced the United States from the top spot. . place v., ; misplace v. , resign v. , . cf. retire , Im considering resigning. . resignation , resign oneself to ( ) , . After his wife died, he resigned himself to a lonely old age. .


    give up

    try to V

    a number of

    the number of

    call for

  • V3 12 , 437 .

    002 a. Making money is not an end in itself but just a ________ to an end. b. The alphabet system is a _________ to overcome time and space constraints. c. Dress and textiles alike are used as a _________ of nonverbal communication.

    EBS2014 IR1 13 20140922 d. He has the _________ to be able to buy half the houses in the street if he wanted to. right means fortune end by oneself for oneself in itself , in spite of oneself _________ beside oneself _________ between ourselves _________ of itself _________ right n. , , / , You have no right to say such things to your parents. . You are in the right.( in the wrong) . rights and duties do a person right , means n. , / , cf. mean a. , by means of ~ / by no means ~ by all means ( ) , There is no means of tracing the murderer. . By `knowledge' what does Chomsky mean here? ? The end justifies the means. fortune n. 1. , (=wealth) 2. , ( misfortune) You must not think you can make a fortune by gambling. . fortunate (a.) unfortunate / unfortunately end n. 1. , 2. (purpose, aim, goal) v. in the end , (at last, in the long run, eventually) make (both) ends meet end up ~ ing ~ (= _____________ ) put an end to , I ended up buying more than I could afford. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 13

    003 a. The species that cannot ________ to climate change will become extinct. b. The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body ________s to weightlessness. c. Neanderthals failed to survive due to the lack of thinking ability to ________ to the Ice Age. d. Recently, I reread Les Miserable after I watched a touching movie, Les Miserable ________ed from the original novel. arise move adapt adopt arise v. , , (appear, emerge, happen, occur) Drought and famine crises can also arise from overpopulation. . arouse v., , (awaken, rouse, provoke, stir, spur, alert) Any strange behavior can arouse the looks and suspicions of others. . move v. 1. , 2. _________ (touch) 3. _________ Poetry moves us to sympathize with the emotions of the poet himself or with those of the persons whom his imagination has created. , . adapt v. 1. , 2. , Like all other industries, the rose business must adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace. , . His latest novel was adapted for the movies. . adapt oneself to ~ adaptation n. , , , , adopt v. 1. (), 2. , Its time to adopt a different strategy in this matter. . In Korean, parents sometimes adopt a son who will continue their family name. () . adoption n. , ,


    a series of ~

    fail to V

    due to = owing to, because of

    touching = moving

  • V3 14 , 437 .

    004 a. It was very ___________ of you to let us know you were going to be late. b. Women are usually more careful and _________ than men. c.. You have been so _________ and giving to our cause for years. d.. We hope our children will learn to behave morally and ethically, and grow up to be honest and ___________. [27SN] considerate equivalent cruel classic equ, equi = same, equal equal equation adequate equivalent equator equate A with B equilibrium equivocal st (sist, stand, stant, stat, sititut) = stand stable establish stage install stay steady status state statue instance substance distance static

    considerate a. (=thoughtful, discreet, circumspect); ; considerable a. (, ) (substantial, significant) It was (considerate / considerable) of you not to wake me up so early. . The fire caused (considerate / considerable) damage to the church. . consider v. 1. 2. consideration n. , considerations n. () In addition to those things, there are other considerations. . take .into consideration (account) ~ , . equivalent a. , Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone elses head. . cruel a. , (mean, nasty, brutal, malicious) Dont laugh at him because hes fat, youre being cruel! . ! The homeless have to go through cruel winter again. . classic a. 1. 2., 3. n. , ; , classical a. 1. 2. 3. Above all else, classics are part of human spiritual heritage. . The outcome is a classic example of the threat that introduced species can pose. .


    giving (a.)

    cause (n.)

    behave (v.)

  • Orbi Premium Class 15

    005 a. These seats are ________d for the elderly and disabled. b. Do you have to ________ tickets in advance? c. In times of crisis, people need to _________ their resources for themselves. d. He _________d the right to give his opinion to the committee. e. Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature ________ to protect the dolphins. distort reserve reverse revise tor, tort = twist torch torment torture distort serv = keep, serve serve conserve preserve reserve observe deserve servant service distort v. ( ) , ( ) To American, it is considered dishonest to distort facts on purpose, however kind the motive. . reserve v. , , , (n.) , , , , reservation n. / reserved a. 1., 2. 3., ; , Im calling you to reserve a table for two people. = Im calling you to make a reservation for a table for two people. ( ) . Books can be renewed once for the original loan period unless they are on reserve. . Indian reservation () without reserve 1., 2., 3.[] reverse n. , , , / a. / v. , , His remarks were the reverse of complimentary. . Our positions have been reversed. . reversedly (adv) (= on the contrary, conversely, the other way around) revise v. , , revision (n.) , I cannot helping revising my opinions of him. ( ) .



    the +

    for oneself

  • V3 16 , 437 .

    006 a. They were finally ________ed and no other enemy entered Attica as long as Theseus lived. b. After his third successive election _______ he decided to retire from politics. c. They see life as a series of challenges and they are not defeated by failures. d. They accepted their ________ with passive resignation. refuse support convince defeat port = carry, port porter portable export import report support transport

    refuse v. , (=reject, decline) The bank acknowledged its error but refused to compensate the customer for his loss. . He refused to promise not to use nuclear weapons as a last resort. . refusal n. , support v. 1. , 2. __________ support oneself The results support my original theory. . She has a large family to support. . If the government doesn't support the performing arts, this country will lose (many / much) of the heart and soul of its people. , . convince v. , ( convince A ______ B) She convinced me that she was honest [=of her honesty]. . I am convinced of him. (= be sure of) . defeat v. .. _________ (=beat, overcome), .. n. , The world chess champion was defeated by a supercomputer called Deep Blue. .


    as long as


    with resignation

  • Orbi Premium Class 17

    007 a. Her jealousy is one of her worst ________. b. She always insists that her writing paper is of good ________. c. Your productivity will certainly increase, as will the ________ of your work product.

    [2014SN] d. Weve done everything we can to contain costs without compromising _________.

    [ 20120920] e. In addition, it can be difficult to judge the ________ of some merchandise from a photo on a Web page. quality(ies) statement(s) direction(s) facility(ies) quality n. 1. , 2. , , (character, characteristic, attribute, fea_____) Quality matters more than quantity. . Sympathy is his best quality (=property, feature, attribute, character). . qualified (a.) / qualification (n.) , , , , qualify v. () ; , statement n. 1. , , 2. , state (v.) _____________ state (n.) ____________ Do you believe the witnesss statement? ? Please state clearly what you intend to do about this matter. . Absolute secrecy is preserved as to the actual state of the matter. direction n. , , The singing group is under the direction of Mr. Baker. . directions n. , Follow the directions on the medicine bottle. . facility n. , / ( ) , His facility with mastering English is surprising. . facilities n. , , facilities of civilization

  • V3 18 , 437 .

    008 a. They were __________ that the missing were found in the mountain and that they were safe. [2014SNA] b. __________, they thanked one another and felt oneness in their hearts. c. A variety of electric appliances have _________ house wives of much labor. EBS d. When animal power was combined with human wants and passions, animals __________ humans of tedious work. relieved obscure industrial competent lev = light, lift lever relieve elevate relevant alleviate elevator

    relieved a. , , We are relieved no such effort was spared. . relieve v. , , (, ) (reliev A of B) relief n. , , He relieved the gloomy silence with some witty jokes. . There is nothing like a good vacation to relieve the stress caused by working in a hectic office. . obscure a. , (vague), obscurity n. ; The origins of artistic impulses in mankind are obscure. . industrial a. , industrious a. ____________ (=diligent) industry n. 1. , 2. , . More and more firms are developing detailed plans to cope with such crises as industrial accidents. () . competent a. , (well-qualifed) You are competent for teaching [as a teacher]. . compete (v) / competition (n.) , competitive (a.) __________


    the missing

    one another

    deprive A of B

    cure (relieve) A of B


  • Orbi Premium Class 19

    009 a. Success ____________ what you know, not who you know. b. Children ___________ their parents for all of their material needs. c. The way children talk about or express their feelings ___________ their age and stage of development. d. We __________ many other species for food, clothing, shelter, oxygen, soil fertility the list goes on and on. look(s) up consist(s) in depend(s) on care(s) for look up (=search) If you dont know what a word means, look it up in the dictionary. . consist in ~ . ~ (=lie in) Happiness consists in trying to do ones best. . consist of ~ (=be made up of) The committee consists of seven members. 7 . consist with ~ , ~ Health doesnt consist with smoking. . depend on ~1. , ~ 2. ~ . depending on ~ ____________ You may depend on me when you are in trouble. . Whether I can go to university or not depends on my grades. . The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present. care for 1. ~ 2. ~ (look after) Would you care for a drink? ?


    manage to ~

    care to ~

    afford to ~

    never fail to ~

  • V3 20 , 437 .

    010 a. ___________ our expectations the unemployment rate rose three quarters in a row. b. ___________ popular belief pre-historic humans did not subsist solely on meat. c. On the ____________ the opponent's statement, monarchs can become a large embarrassment for a nation. d. __________ popular belief, there is no evidence that what you look like makes much difference to your life. For the sake of Contrary to As often as Nothing but

    For the sake of ~ , ~ I will help you for the sake of our old friendship. . For heavens sake, for Gods sake , For Gods sake, do it. . At the same time, no one of them is absolute ; each may, in some circumstances, have to be sacrificed in some degree for the sake of a greater degree of some other good. . . Contrary to ~ , ~ It is contrary to rules. . By contraries , (On the contrary) Dreams go by contraries. . as often as ~ (= whenever, everytime, each time) As often as he sees me, he asks for money. . Choose achievable, realistic ones and see your goals as often as possible. , . as often as not = more often than not , Nothing but ~ , ~ ( but ~ (=except) Its nothing but a joke. . As a child, Mozart cared for nothing but music. . anything but ~ , ~ Napoleon is anything but a real hero. .


    what ~ like = what ~ for =

    how come = what ~ about

    make difference / make believe / make sense

    as soon as / as many as / as early as / as late as / as long as / as far as / as often as

  • Orbi Premium Class 21

    011 a. Uninsured people can be bankrupted by big medical _______s. b. The _________, if passed, will help to protect women who face violence in the family. c. As a safety precaution, all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a ten-dollar __________. d. By eliminating meat, dairy and eggs from your shopping list, youll likely lower your total grocery _________s. e. I insist on receiving a full refund. Enclosed is a copy of the original receipt and the repair _________. gene bill favor edge gen, gener = beget, become, race generate genius ingenuous genesis generation gender ingenious genuine degenerate genetic genealogy general

    gene n. genetic a. , genetics n. DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer. Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing. Environment, lifestyle and genetics all play a part in the development of a disease. bill n. / __________ / , / , When a bill is passed in parliament, it becomes law. . The workers sent us a bill for the work they had done. . a bill of debt heating bill favor n. , , , v. ~ , (=agree) / ~ in favor of ~ , I am in favor of your plan. . May I ask you a favor? (= Would you do me a favor?) ? edge n. 1., 2., 3. , 4. The top priority for automakers in obtaining the competitive edge is now design. . The tests included flashing lights at the very edge of the cat's normal vision. .


    remove = get rid of, do away with, dispose of,

    eliminate, terminate like / alike / likely ask a favor / do a favor

  • V3 22 , 437 .

    012 a. I cannot _________ enough how important it is to plan ahead and prepare. b. Doctors have ________ed that the metabolic imbalance is a primary cause of disease.

    c. Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated ________ on not changing one's mind. d. Galileo __________ed that science was fit for the minds of the wise and not for the shallow minds of the common people. perform stress comfort predict fort = strong force fortitude forcible fortress enforce comfort fort effort fortify reinforce

    perform v. 1. , 2. / , / Computers can perform many different tasks. . She writes and performs her own music. . A big Hollywood star will perform on a stage tonight. . performance n. , , , , stress v. , (= emphasize, highlight, underline, underscore); n. () , , ; , ; , ; distress n. , , cf. mstress (n.) , He stressed the importance of reactions in everyday life. .. comfort v. (= soothe, console) / n. , , cold comfort Its cold comfort to be told so. . Comfort station (=public toilet) predict v. (=foretell), (=forecast) prediction n. , The pace of deforestation is so great that many scientists predict it will soon have an effect on the world's weather. .


    cannot ~ too (enough) like

  • Orbi Premium Class 23

    013 a. A good doctor does not ________ himself. b. Bob lost his temper because they ________ed him as if he were an alien. c. I wanted to ________ Tom to dinner, but he insisted on splitting the bill. d. The school strives to ________ pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential. e. Many theories exist, and experts in the field are unable to agree on the origins of anxiety disorders or how to _________ them. provoke trust treat resemble voc, vok = call, voice vocal vocabulary vocation revoke advocate convoke evoke provoke semble, simil, simul = like, same assemble resemble similar simulate simultaneous dissemble (, )

    provoke v. , .. , .. (=irritate) provoacative a. Fritz was so provoked by their gestures and raised the gun. . provoke A into ~ing = provoke A to V A ~ We have to postpone the meeting to next Monday. . trust v. , / , n. , / () / , I trusted him with my secret. . I trust all my money to my accountant. . Investment trust entrust v. , , (A with B) treat v. 1., , (deal with) 2. , 3. They treated their prisoners very badly. . Put your money away, Ill treat you. (=Its my treat. = Its on me.) . . AIDS is a disease which we cant treat. . treatment n. , , , () resemble v. ~ (= take after) My niece resembles her mother. .


    lose ones temper control ones temper

    bill (n.) strive to V = bother to / struggle to

  • V3 24 , 437 .

    014 a. Diamond is expensive because its very ___________. b. This is slightly underdone, but not _________. c. The wildlife documentary described the __________ species found in Madagascar. d. However, the inability to remember your name and identity is exceedingly ________ in reality. e. But the volcano that sprouted in a cornfield gave scientists a ________ opportunity to study the life cycle of natures most dramatic features. temporary sufficient transparent rare temp, tempor = time temper tempo temporal temporary temperature contemporary fice = do, make artificial office officier benefice benefit beneficial beneficient deficient sufficient efficient proficient magnificent sacrifice suffice par = come in sight appear disappear transparent apparent

    temporary a. / , permanent a. / Our company has a lot of permanent and temporary staffs. . temporal a.; , sufficient a. , ( deficient) sufficiency n. ( deficiency) I dont have sufficient knowledge to explain the problem. . transparent a. transparency n. I know one city where people already started using these transparent baga. . invisible man rare a. 1. , , (=scarce) 2. ( ) , The museum has lots of rare things. . Id like my steak rare, please. . rarely ad. , ~ (=hardly) I rarely go to the movies. .


    sufficient / efficient / proficient / deficient

    feature = character, trait, nature,characteristic, property, attribute

  • Orbi Premium Class 25

    015 a. Often enough, he ___________ favorable results. b. I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would ___________ wings. c. If you dont get the kind of information failure provides, youll __________ unrealistic expectations for yourself. d. Doing nothing was less regrettable than doing something even though, in both cases, theyd __________e wrong answer. end(s) up with come(s) up with set(s) off take(s) up end up with ~ ~ How did I get lucky enough to end up with you? ? I'm afraid you try to get rid of trouble and end up with twice as much. . come up with ( ) (= de_______) At last, she came up with a right answer. . set off , ,, Feeling this stress for too long sets off your body's warning symptoms. . The newlyweds then set off for their honeymoon in Bali, accompanied by their managers. . take up ~ / ~ , My father has taken up a new job. . My day is taken up with meetings. Im so tired! !


    Often enoufh Sure enough Oddly enough

    few / little / less put up with ~

    catch up with ~ keep up with ~

  • V3 26 , 437 .

    016 a. Your idea sounds marvelous in theory, yet I dont think it will _________ in practice. b. Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a _________ of genius. c. Do you have a fever? Take this medicine. It will _________! d. John went back to __________ with tremendous enthusiasm and confidence and energy. SN20154345 e. Even after spending many hours each day preparing lesson plans, it became clear that his methods were not __________ing. recommend work present suppose pon, pos(e), pound = place pose expose impose oppose compose propose postpone opposite suppose dispose purpose opponent recommend v. , , cf. commend / command The doctor recommended that my grandfather (should) stop smoking. . recommendation n. , work v. , / These pills will start to work in a few minutes after you take them. . Our copy machine isnt working. . present v. 1. (, ) 2. ( ) , He presented his idea to everyone at the meeting. . The winner was presented with medal. . those present ____________ present value presentation n. , , suppose v. , , ~ , , (deem, presume) I'm supposing, for the sake of argument, that his intentions are honest. . Suppose he refuses to help us. What we are going to do then? ? be supposed to ~ (///)

  • Orbi Premium Class 27

    017 a. These products are aggressively _________ and marketed. b. Whether you get _________ or not depends on your performance. c. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to _________ economic growth. d. Consistently second-guessing ourselves would interfere with our daily functioning and _________ a negative effect. e. Consumer goods were promoted as being time-saving devices which would free women from household drudgery. admit(ted) promote(d) neglect(ed) exploit(ed) admit v. / , / cf. permit + O + to She admitted making a mistake. . Women Only means that men will not be admitted. . admission n. (), / , Admission Free admittance No admittance except on business promote v. () / () / ( ) , If Im not promoted within the next 2 years, I will change my job. 2 . Advertising company have to come up with new ways to promote products. . promotion n. , , , neglect v. , , / n. The difference is so small that it may be nelected. . He often neglects his health. . exploit v. (), , He is a bad boss who exploits his workers. .


    explode exploit , explore ,

  • V3 28 , 437 .

    018 a. Despite common belief, bulls are gentle animals by _________. b. The upper atmosphere has a different _________ from that of the lower. c. It is important to recognize this _________ of the human mind as its natural state. d. A lack of direct contact with ________ also makes children perform poorly in school. e. Since the beginning of time, the mysterious _________ of dreaming has led people to believe that dreams were messages from the other world. nature trial object intution nature n. , / (Mother Nature) nurture (v.) _________ Habit is the second nature. 2 . Our homeroom teacher is good-natured man. . by(in) nature , She is cheerful in nature. . (Its) Nature call. . naturally (adv.) 1. , 2. 3. He was naturally dismissed. [=It is natural that he was dismissed.] . trial n. 1. , (= test) 2. ________ 3. , This new elevator needs several trial runs. . Life is full of troubles and trials. . object n. , (=goal) / , (=goods) / , The object of the exercise is keeping good health. . object v. objection n. I object to changing the original project. . objective n. a intuition n. intuitive cf. instinct My intuition told me he wasnt to be trusted.


    nature , , art nature art + , ,

    natural artificial

  • Orbi Premium Class 29

    019 a. The ________ is the highest form of human expression so far attained. b. Growth provides _________ experiences for youth; decay the same, alas, for age. c. We need to rely on our manual settings, the reasoning sections of our brain, for more complex or _________ situations. d. Childrens exposure to ready-made visual images restricts their ability to generate _________ images of their own. SN2103 e. Adapting __________s is one of the most respectable of movie projects, while a book that calls itself the novelization of a film is considered barbarous. current critical obsolete novel current a. (present), / n. / / (trend), Have you seen the current issue of Time magazine? ( ) ? current news currency n. / , , critical a. 1. 2. , , critic n. , criticize v. , Your help is critical to the plan. . He made a mistake at a critical moment. . obsolete a. (out of date; out of fashion, outdated) ; () In most part of the world, cable car systems became obsolete before the turn of century. . novel a. , ; (original, unusual, unique, creative, peculiar, at cutting edge)

    n. novelty n., There is nothing novel or different about that. . By curiosity, I mean whatever desire we have for, or whatever pleasure we take in, novelty. , .

  • V3 30 , 437 .

    020 a. It may seem unavoidable that certain people will _______ less commitment to a group project. b. Although blindness and deafness are serious disabilities, no sense of smell _______s more subtle effects. c. A widow has two duties of a contradictory nature she is a mother, and she ought to _________ a father's power. d. Because beavers ________ their influence by physically altering the landscape, they are known as ecosystem engineers. detach obsess concern exert detach v. .. ( attach) detached a. ; __________ detachment n. ; By reading great stories of the past, we are able to detach ourselves from modern problems for a while. . obsession n. , , cf. possess (v.) ________ assess (v.)________ be obsessed with ~ , ~ Why are people so obsessed with money? ? PC obsession is one of the new problems in modern society. PC . concern n. 1., 2., v. 1. , ( discern) 2. be concerned with ~ . . Let her go. She is not concerned with this case. . . be concerned about ~ , (be anxious / worried about) Parents are always concerned about their children. . exert v. ( ) , (exercise) exert oneself exertion n. (effort) () European nations exerted their authority over other lands in a variety of ways during the colonial era. . And don't (attach / detach) alarm decals to your car windows - they only tell thieves which alarm you have installed.

  • Orbi Premium Class 31

    021 a. _________ first that the research was done on college students, not infants. b. We use written _________s to remind ourselves of things we do not want to forget. c. Imagine what would happen if a song was made up of only _________s, and no rests. d. The wrapping of Christmas presents, William Waits ________s, is a fairly recent phenomenon in American life. e. Scientists can lessen bias by running as many trials as possible and by keeping accurate ________s of each observation made. appreciate note force observe serv = keep, serve serve service servant sergeant conserve preserve reserve deserve observe desert reservoir dessert appreciate v. 1. ~ () 2. ~ 3. (, ) , 4. You can't appreciates English poetry unless you understand its rhythm. . We greatly appreciates all the help you gave us. . note v.1., 2. 3. 4., 5. cf.notice n. 1. 2. 3. (take note of ~) 4. 5., , noted a. denote v. , connote v., a point of note Note how to work (= how one should work) the machine. . force v. ~ (compel, impel, __________) n. / / Air forces You cant force her to make a decision, she has to do it on her own. . . observe v. 1.(notice, perceive) 2. 3. All the people in this city must observe traffic rules. . People observe, Good things take time. . observation n. / observance n. (, ) ,

  • V3 32 , 437 .

    022 a. Urgent business ________ed me from attending the funeral. b. His belief that I must be certain ________ed him from making a start. c. Pride ________s individuals from experiencing their true value or the true value of others. d. The government didnt take appropriate measures to ________ the infection from spreading. e. Bertolt Brechts epic theater used alienation as a strategy to _________ the identification of the public with the figures of the drama. urge estimate prevent declare prevent A from B A B stop keep discourage ven, vent = come invent venture adventure event convene convenient convention avenue prevent intervene revenue souvenir advent urge v. , , The doctor urged me to take up exercise. . urgent a. , / , urgency n. , It was urgent that she (should) talk it over with him. (that ). estimate v. ~ , It is estimated that damage would be over $ 2 million. 2 . estimate n. ( ) , estimation n. , prevent v. / , Heavy snow prevented people _________ driving on the road. . prevention n. , Prevention is better than cure. . declare v. , , () Anything to declare? () ? The government declared war on the drug. . declaration n. , ,

  • Orbi Premium Class 33

    023 a. Languages exist by _________ institutions and conventions among peoples. b. The fans complained about the apparently ________ distribution of tickets for the next game. c. Forcing people out of their workplaces solely on account of their age is _________ and unjust. d. In the absence of any clear division between administrative and judicial functions, even the humblest official enjoyed ________ power. arbitrary extreme indifferent valid val, vail = strong, worth value valuable unvalued invaluable valid avail available equivalent invalid validate prevail indifferent / disinterested / uninterested arbitrary a. ; (= random, erratic, willful) arbitrary government The law protects individual freedoms against arbitrary rule. . extreme a. , , extremely ad. , , Im extremely sorry I wasnt there to meet you. . indifferent a. , How can you be so indifferent to studying? ? indifference n. , . Of love, hate and indifference, indifference is the worst. , , . valid a. , , (good) __________ validity n. The fact that we feel comfortable in something is not valid reason to continue to do so. . A drivers license is valid for five years. 5


    on account of ~ = because of = owing to, due to = thanks to

  • V3 34 , 437 .

    024 a. She wasn't fired she left __________. b. The company has _________ recalled the product to check for defects. c. Some brands are already __________ stating they are clone-free. d. A democratic system includes incentives so that people will __________ and collectively participate in politics in a thoughtful and deliberative manner. e. Employee turnover consists of the total number of individuals who __________ (resignation) or involuntarily (discharge) separate from employment in an organization over the course of a year. voluntarily in advance reluctantly roughly voluntarily adv. (willingly) involuntarily voluntary a. ( compulsory) involuntary , This program is a voluntary, after-school activity. . in advance , (= beforehand later on) I expect you will help me and thank you in advance. . reluctantly , (= unwillingly) The loser reluctantly accepted defeat. () . reluctant a. The party was so good, so she was reluctant to leave. . roughly , , , (= approximately, about, some, or so) The worlds population is roughly about 6 billion. 60 . rough a. , / / I drew a rough map of the city where I live. . This kind of pavement is rough on tires. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 35

    025 a. Don't be bullied, learn to ____________ yourself and what you believe in. b. If you dont ____________ your rights, no one else will do it for you. c. True leaders want to lead people to make a difference and to ___________ what is right. d. Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to ____________ themselves. get rid of result in stand up for take in get rid of ~ , (= do _____________) / ( ) You must try to get rid of your bad habits. . result in () ~ , ~ Our plan resulted in failure. . result from ~ , ~ His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness. . stand up for (=support), / (=defend) Dont be afraid. You have to stand up for your faith. . . take in 1. (=deceive) 2. , The teacher was completely taken in by my excuse. . I had to read the novel twice before I could take it in. .


    make believe make a difference make sense make a point

    get rid of = remove = do away with = dispose of = terminate, eliminate

  • V3 36 , 437 .

    026 a. A new note of interest, which he _______ to conceal, had come into his voice. b. If the employee knew that individual rewards were possible, he would be more likely to ________ to outperform expectations. c. In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within one, and not to ________ towards it. d. Since the 1980s, zoos have __________ to reproduce the natural habitats of their animals, replacing concrete floors and steel bars with grass, rocks, trees, and pools of water. induce(d) involve(d) prefer(red) strive(d) (strove) -volve, volut- revolt revolutionary revolve revolver evolve evolution involve volume fer = bring, carry, bear prefer confer defer refer differ suffer fertile infer transfer offer induce v. .. , , ; ( deduce). Nothing will induce me to do. . Color is induced by the reflection of light. . deduce v. , , (from) What consequences can be deduced from this hypothesis? ? deduction n. involve v. , (= include) involvement n. , , be involved in (with) ~ , / ~ / ~ The manager's mistakes involved the company in a lot of trouble. . I was so involved with the movie that I didnt know he called me. . prefer v. , (prefer A to B; prefer A rather than B) preference n, , I prefer juice to coke . . strive v. , (bother to, struggle to, do ones best); Strive your utmost, but do not necessarily show that you do. . In fact, it is human nature to strive for the best. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 37

    027 a. It is up to you to ___________ for the job. b. A new rule is established, so you cant ___________ the old one to this case. c. Never ___________ water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current. d. If you _________ yourself close to your studies, youll have a fairly good idea of the program in six weeks time. apply deem launch separate plex, plic, ply = to fold, twist, bend; fill apply comply supply imply complex perplex implicit explicit complete deplete replete complement compliment implement apply v. 1. 2. , 3. , 4. (, ) application n. , / , appliance n. ,,, applicant n. , , apply oneself to ~ You must send your reume to apply for this job to address below. . Apply the suntan cream to your skin after swimming. . deem v. , , I'll deem it a favor if you accept my invitation. Prisoners are deemed irresponsible and their rights are stripped away. . launch v. , , ( ) , () Our company will launch a new market system next year. . separate v. , a. , , Separate collection () You should separate egg whites from yolks to cook this food. .


    be up to ~ lately hardly largely fairly highly shortly badly nearly

  • V3 38 , 437 .

    028 a. She somehow manages to keep laughing in the face of _________. b. The early migrants challenged nature, and emerged as conquerors who had overcome natural ________es. c. They concluded that people who had weathered repeated __________ had learned to bounce back. d. Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure __________ and stumble from defeat to defeat. e. Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament; _________ is the blessing of the New. (Francis Bacon) hierarchy artifact censorship adversity art = skill, joint art artificial artifact artisan artistic artless artful articulate hierarchy n. , anarchy , monarchy matriarchy , patriarchy As you go higher in the hierarchy you will face more intense competition. . artifact n. , artisan n. , artistic a. , artless a. , Pre-historic life could only be guessed through artifacts and remains. . Other artifacts discovered from the same time period also showed natural representations of humans. . censorship n. censor n. ( ) censure v. .. , .. n. ; In those days she could not write freely in letters to her husband because of military censorship. . adversity n. , , (misfortune), (disaster) adverse a. (harmful, unfavorable), , (opposite) the prosperities and adversities of this life . Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records. , .


    somehow / somewhere somewhat be known for ~ be known to ~ be known as ~ be known by ~

  • Orbi Premium Class 39

    029 a. God is _________ of color; so should man be. b. Her _________ opinions often made her conservative father angry. c. Laws should be interpreted in a _________ sense so that their intention may be preserved. d. Unusual of the time, this _________ father gave his daughters a full classical education including painting. e. The experts hoped to revive the western _________ arts tradition through broad cross-disciplinary learning. liberal concrete outstanding ironic liberal a. 1. 2., 3.(ample) 4. 5. n. (); liberty n. , be liberal of [with] one's money . a liberal supply of fuel Liberals have argued for centuries that trade is good for peace and prosperity. . concrete a. abstract a. / vague a. To solve this problem, well need concrete facts, not abstract idea. . outstanding a. , (=excellent) Stand out , , cf. stand up for / stand for Hemingway is one of the outstanding novelists in the 20th century. 20 . ironic a. ; (satirical) cf. satire n. Ironically, others base their true judgments, not just on what they think we can do, but on what they think we believe we can do. , .


    outcast outgrow outlive outlaw outnumber outperform outline

  • V3 40 , 437 .

    030 a. It ______________ to me. Your guess is as good as mine. b. You can ask him again if you like, but it ______________. Hell still say no. c. The fact that she considers herself engaged to Ashton _____________ to his feelings for her. d. According to new research, it _____________ how many siblings a child has when they get older. boils down makes no difference stands still pulls his leg boil down , ~, It boils down to the fact that you are wrong. . The various perspectives mentioned boil down to one central idea: money. . . make no difference , . Pay the difference Tell the difference , as near as makes no difference , You made a mistake, but dont worry about it. It made no difference. . . Would you please exchange this sweater and pay the difference? . I cant tell the difference between pasta and spaghetti. . stand still , , cf. deadlock, deadline, deadend standstill n. , , , The bus came to a standstill because it rolled into a muddy field. . pull ones leg , , Dont believe him. He is pulling your leg! , .


    as soon as as large as as many as as early as as late as as good as as far as as long as as often as say yes / no say good-bye say hello to

  • Orbi Premium Class 41

    031 a. I dont really __________ of children wearing makeup. b. I __________ of you, but not enough to applaud. c. The United Nations will __________ his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid. d. When there is no immediate danger, it is usually best to _________ of the childs play without interfering. e. If children are given both sweet and nonsweet foods as rewards for ________d behavior, the preference for those foods is enhanced. regret distract conclude approve tract-, treat- attract attraction attractive abstract contract contraction extract extraction subtract trace retreat track treat treatment treaty trail regret v. 1. ~ (~ing) 2. ~ . (to V) n. , I regret drinking too much last night. . I regret to say the meeting is postponed. . distract v. () , distraction n. 1. () 2. ____________(amusement) We were distracted from listening to our teacher because of noise outside. . I find studying difficult because Im easily distracted. . conclude v. conclusion n. draw conclusions from experience . jump to[at] a conclusion(s) , . Dont jump to the conclusion. . approve v. , / (=agree, endorse, back up) ( disapprove) approval n. , , approving a. He wants to be a model, but his parents dont approve. .

  • V3 42 , 437 .

    032 a. To require perfection is to _________ paralysis. b. Why dont you _________ your friends to the sports competition? c. Van Gogh __________d him to Arles to help start an artists colony, but the plan fell apart. d. Through scattered narration and commentary throughout the play, the viewers are _________d to take a step back from the performance. e. Once a trusting relationship has been established in an environment through those plays, then the child can be __________d to tell his or her story. interfere invite interpret interrupt interfere v. , , / ( ) , (=intervene) interference n. , , I dont think I can interfere in other familys problem. . If both of you agree, I can interfere with you. . invite 1., 2., 3. inviting a. , Do not start eating until the host invites you to do so. . The study of the aging of plants invites comparison with the aging process in man. , . interpret v. (~ ) , interpretation n. , interpreter n. , Many people interpret the silence of the other as saying yes. . interrupt v. () , interruption n. , , She was angry when her friend interrupted her. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 43

    033 a. From the hill we had an excellent ___________ of the river valley below. b. The __________s for the petroleum industry are pretty dismal, Im afraid. c. The very __________ of losing everything and having to start all over again would be overwhelming for anybody. d. Exploding research into aging and related diseases is suddenly producing some awesome _________s. e. It turned out that when the _________ive client arrived at the airport, an executive from the consulting firm neglected to help with her bags. prospect article load degree spec, spect, spic = look at inspect expect respect suspect prospect retrospect perspective aspect spectacle spectator special specific specimen species especial specify despise spectrum spite despite spy conspicuous

    prospect n. , , / , (=view) prospective a. , , *prospective bride __________ There is little prospect of his winning the game. . article n. 1. (=object) 2. () 3. 4. There was on interesting article on diet in the paper yesterday. . I always make a list of articles I should buy before shopping. . load n. 1.; 2., ; , 3., , 4. v. () 1., 2., , 3., () a heart loaded down with grief He loaded her with abuses. The truck remained stationary while the men loaded it with boxes. . degree n. , , (grade), , ______, by degrees An advanced degree can help career switchers move into new career tracks. To what humidity does a temperature of seventy degrees and a relative temperature of seventy degrees relate? 70, 70 ?


    invest = look into = investigate = interrogate awesome boresome bothersome lonesome would-be employee potential customer dismal science

  • V3 44 , 437 .

    034 a. I was really ___________ when I knocked the cup of tea over my teacher. b. He felt __________ at being the center of attention. c. Some women are too __________ to consult their doctor about the problem. d. I stared at him, ___________ beyond belief, but at the same time amazed at the profundity of his insight. e. The roadside is crowded with locals, and their brains are crowded with local knowledge, but we are too arrogant and ___________ to ask the way. satisfied astonished embarrassed pleased be satisfied = content embarrass (v) = puzzle = perplex

    satisfied a. (=content) (dissatisfied) satisfy v. (gratify) satisfactory a. Im satisfied with what I have. . My boss said my work was satisfactory. . astonished a. (=surprised) astonish v. (=surprise, startle) astonishing a. (=surprising) The whole nation was astonished at the news of the presidents death. . embarrassed a. , (=puzzled, perplexed. bewildered) embarrass v. , (bewilder, confound) embarrassing a. , I was embarrassed when I slipped down on the ice. . pleased a. (=delighted) pleasant (a.) pleasing (a.) please v. (=delight) My parents were pleased at my presents. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 45

    035 a. We ___________ civilized life and cannot do without electricity. b. I am American but I have lived here in Korea for 4 years, so I ___________ eating kimchi and I like it. c. "Walk a mile in my shoes" is good advice. Our children will learn to respect others if they are ___________ imagining themselves in an other's place. can not help come near are (am) used to look forward to can not help ing ~ , ~ (=cannot but V) We couldnt help laughing loudly at that sight. = We couldnt but laugh loudly at that sight. ( ) . I cant help it. . . come near ing ~ , ~ The child came near being run over by a car. . be used to ing ~ Shes used to speaking in English. = She is accustomed to speaking in English. . be used to + V ~ This knife is used to cut bread. . look forward to ing ~ , Im looking forward to snowing on Christmas. .


    can not help ~ing = do nothing but V = cannot but V = have no choice but to V

    come near lately nearly hardly largely highly fairly shortly used to V be used to ~ing

    be used to V

  • V3 46 , 437 .

    036 a. If there's an electrical failure, it's possible to _________ the lift manually. b. Surgeons had to _________ to remove the bullet. c. The surgeon doesn't _________ without first taking off the patient's clothes. Nor do we with the mind. d. Some prescriptions for the common cold cause drowsiness and should not be used by people who _________ machinery. e. Consumers engage in shared patterns of consumption because they live within an economic system that ___________s as a belief system. operate attach tempt subscribe -tach, -tack = nail attach attachment attack tag detach tackle scrive, script = write script manuscript postscript describe prescribe subscribe ascribe inscribe transcribe operate v. / / / operation v. ( ) , / / This medicine doesnt operate. . Doctors are operating on him now. . attach v. ( __________) / . I attached a photo to my application form. . This letter cant be sent because the stamp was detached from it. . tempt v. , ~ temptation n. , The offer of TV tempted her to buy the car. TV . I was tempted to join the club, but I decided not to. . subscribe v. 1., 2., 3. subscriptions n. , , I subscribe to a cartoon magazine. .


    take off put off set off

  • Orbi Premium Class 47

    037 a. In this dictionary reality is ________d as the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be. b. Athletes are allowed and even encouraged to do things that are outlawed or _________d as criminal in other settings. c. Before I answer your question, could you ________ your terms a little more? (= explain what you mean by the words you have used)? d. The dictionary _________s courage as a quality which enables one to pursue a right course of action, through which one may provoke disapproval, hostility, or contempt. inform define restrain confirm fin- confine confinement define definition definite definitely final finance financial fine finite infinite refine firm = strong firm confirm infirm affirm , farm affirmative inform v. , , (A of B, A that S + V) information v. , , *information desk He informed me of my promotion on telephone. . Would you please inform me where I can buy ticket? . define v. ~ , , definite a. , , cf. finite / infinite definition n. definitely adv. , Can you give me a good definition of tough? tough ? restrain v. , / , restraint n. He couldnt restrain his anger. . confirm v. , confirmation n. , confirmed a. / , Id like to confirm my flight. ( ) .


    outcast outgrow outlive outlaw outnumber outperform outline

  • V3 48 , 437 .

    038 a. Against all the ___________, he reached the summit of Mt. Everest. b. Indeed the involuntary character of psychiatric treatment is at ___________ with the spirit and ethics of medicine itself. c. People believe such vendors barely make a living by selling ___________ and ends, junk food and brand name knock-offs. d. Among physically inactive adults, those who sat the most had nearly one-third higher ___________ of dying than those who sat the least. burdens pensions benefits odds fice = do, make artificial office officier benefice benefit beneficial beneficient deficient efficient sufficient suffice proficient sacrifice magnificent pend, pens, pond = hang, weigh, weight depend depending on pension append suspend compensate impend expend spend ponder pendulum dispense indispensable poise burden n. , , (load, responsibility) I dont want to be a burden to you. Her father said. . . Buying a car is often a financial burden to young couples. . pension n. *live on one's pension . *retire on[with] a pension . He cant get his pension until hes 65. 65 . benefit n. , beneficial a. beneficent a. , The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town. . for the benefit of ~ (= _________________) odds n.1. (= likelihood, probability, possibility) 2. 3. 4. 5. odd a. 1., 2. 3. an odd choice even odds at odds with ~ They will eventually prove that they have overcome the odds. . Your views on a controversial issue could put you at odds with older relatives. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 49

    039 a. In her autobiography she often __________ her unhappy schooldays. b. He _________ a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution. c. Self-monitoring __________ how much people try to control the way they present themselves to others. d. If you address a labor union, it will make a great difference whether you _________ the members as workers, comrades, or just people. contributes(ed) to refers(ed) to is (was) oppose to is (was) up to tribute = bestow tribute contribute distribute attribute fer = bring, carry, bear prefer confer defer refer differ suffer fertile infer transfer offer pon, pos(e), pound = place pose expose impose oppose compose propose postpone opposite suppose dispose purpose opponent contribute to ~ , contribution n. , / () The Olympic Games contribute to the worlds harmony. . refer to 1. 2. , 3. , reference n. , , / My doctor referred me to a large hospital. . I always referred to my sister as strawberry. . be opposed to ~ (= ____________), ~ opposition n. opposite a. ~ , / ~ All the people in our village are opposed to closing the hospital. . If youre going to the station, you should walk in the opposite direction. . be up to ~ , ~ Its up to you. . .

  • V3 50 , 437 .

    040 a. Something in his voice __________ me to the real danger. b. The black mail __________ the police to the possibility of terrorist attack at the airport. c. It is natural to feel stressed and a proper amount of stress can help you stay _____________. d. When one ground squirrel sees a predator in the distance, it will sound an alarm call that _________s other squirrels to run for cover. e. Compared to other parents, remarried parents seem more desirous of their child's approval, more _________ to the child's emotional state, and more sensitive in their parent-child relations. amount(ed) correspond(ed) furnish(ed) alert(ed) black mail , amount v. () ~ / ~ , ~ (= add up to) amount n. , / (quantity) / The loss from the flood amounts to $5 million. . Keeping silent amounts to supporting the opinion. (= equal to) . correspond v. / ~ correspondent (n.) 1. 2. Im corresponding with a Japanese high school student. . The American FBI corresponds to the British MI5. FBI MI5 . furnish v. , They furnished food and clothes to the poor people. . alert v. , , a. , , (=cautious) n. Be alert! ! Im not feeling alert, because I couldnt sleep well last night. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 51

    041 a. Parents raise their children not out of duty, but out of _________ love. b. __________ ideas are not a necessary and sufficient condition for success. c. Experts recently examined the postage stamp and certified it as ___________. d. Helping children at a level of _________ intellectual inquiry takes imagination on the part of the adult. e. Donations should come from the heart, as it expresses __________ concern and a __________ willingness to help. tough enormous convenient genuine gen, gener = beget, become, race generate genius ingenious genesis generation genuine ingenuous gender degenerate genetic genealogy general ven, vent = come invent venture adventure event convene convenient convention avenue prevent intervene revenue souvenir advent

    tough a. (=strong) / , ( soft) / , (=difficult) / / , (=violent) tough-minded , tough customer(nut) () Things are tough. . The government is taking tough line on terrorism. . enormous a. (=tremendous) He earns enormous money, so he can buy anything he wants. . convenient a. , convenience n. , / *convenience food *convenience store __________ Its very convenient to do my banking by phone. . genuine a. 1. 2. 3. 4. a genuine signature . A genuine and friendly smile is the most important attribute. .


    out of order out of date out of stock out of question out of respect out of curiosity out of duty out of the question

  • V3 52 , 437 .

    042 a. They expected the people being laid off to be beaten down and ____________d. b. Today, more and more parents shrug their shoulders, saying its okay, maybe even something special. Or their attempts to ___________ it are milder. c. I have seen so many women inadvertently ____________ their husbands from doing their share by being too controlling or critical. (EBS) d. __________ your teen from using caffeine (coffee or sodas) late at night to help him stay awake while doing homework or studying for a test. e. Large numbers of fishes in a school might even ____________ hungry predators with the illusion of an impressively large and formidable opponent. require discourage notice deplete require v. , requirement n. , , required (a.) , They required us to keep silent. . All the passengers are required to show the ticket. . discourage v. 1. 2. 3. encourage v. ~ , discourage A from B encouragement n. However, the Vikings wanted to discourage people from settling there by calling this island "Iceland." "" , . The increased oil price encourages people to use subway. . notice v. 1. 2. , 3. n. , , I hadnt seen him for 10 years but I could notice him. 10 . The next time you visit, can you give me notice? ? deplete v. , complete (a.) , (v.) , replete (a.) Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the worlds natural resources. .


    fire hire dismiss lay off inadvertently intentionally

  • Orbi Premium Class 53

    043 a. His business __________ will be of great help to us. b. The professor was chosen to teach the course because of his __________ on the subject. c. There is no true __________ in the humanities without knowing all of the humanities. d. Vocabularies, areas of _________, even mindsets differ as you move across company hierarchies. e. Debaters develop considerable ___________ as a result of their preparations, but this is only a means to victory. layer atmosphere caution expertise per peri = try, attempt expert experiment experience expertise peril imperil perish

    layer n. , , a thick layer of dust We can see the light of a star after that light passes through many layers of Earth's atmosphere. . atmosphere n. , / / atmospheric a. / Factories and cars keep polluting the atmosphere. . The atmosphere of the restaurant was good, but the food wasnt. . caution n. , / / precaution n. cautious a. (=careful), / , (=alert) * take precautions against an earthquake . Let me give you a word of caution before you use this machine. . He is a cautious driver. . expertise n. () They will have undertaken more research and so will have a greater level of expertise in a particular subject area. .


    of = of great use = very useful of no use = useless subject 1. 2. 3. 4. not A without B

  • V3 54 , 437 .

    044 a. There is no culture that is _________ or inferior to others. a. Many people believe that breast-feeding is __________ to bottle-feeding. b. Unless something interferes, the inferior competitor loses out and the competitively superior species takes over. c. When individuals have a true sense of self-worth, they do not need to compare themselves with others, to tear others apart or feel superior. superior sensitive artificial accurate cur(i) = care cure incurable secure security curious curiosity accurate accuracy cf. care superior a. , ~ ( inferior a. , ~ ) Im angry when I hear that women are inferior to men. . cf, senior / junir, major / minor sensitive a. , sense n. / , / sensibility n. , sensible a. , sensory a. He is very sensitive to criticism. . artificial a. , ( natural) artificial respiration n. _________ artificial satellite n. I dont like his artificial smile. . accurate a. , , (= correct, exact, __________) accuracy n. , This is an accurate clock.


    supervise superstition superior superficial supernatural

    make sense

  • Orbi Premium Class 55

    045 a. The urge to censor music ___________ its effects is as old as music itself. b. He didnt express his thoughts ___________ being misunderstood. c. The celebration ceremony was called off __________ possible disturbances by radicals. d. Writing is more than anything a compulsion, like some people wash their hands thirty times a day ____________ awful consequences if they do not. in honor of with a view to out of reach of for fear of celebration ceremony call off disturbances (n) disturb (v) radicals (n) express (v) misunderstood (v) view preview , review

    in honor of ~ , ~ My mother is going to have a party in honor of my fathers promotion. . with a view to ~ , ~ You must study English very hard with a view to getting a job. . I set the alarm with a view to getting up early. . out of reach of (=out of ones reach) 1.~ 2. ~ ( within ones reach) reach n. , / / / Keep this medicine out of reach of the children. . Trip to other country is out of my reach. () . for fear of ~ , ~ fear n. , / , I dont eat hamburger and coke for fear of being fat. .


    object to ~ing be used to ~ing look forward to ~ing with a view to ~ing what do you say to ~ing when it comes to ~ing

  • V3 56 , 437 .

    046 a. The news media have a responsibility to __________ everything. b. Dont let others comments rock your self-belief. Always __________ the persons reason for the comment. c. The __________, What is your favorite color? so intelligible to an American, is meaningless in Britain. (Margaret Mead) d. If a mother acts as a gatekeeper and is reluctant to hand over responsibility, or worse, __________s the fathers efforts, he does less. question measure consult register

    quer, quest, quir, quis = seek, try, ask quest question request require inquire conquest conquer acquire quarrel quiz quote ger, gest = do, carry gesture digest register suggest congest indigest

    question v. 1. 2., n. , , , These days, more people are beginning to question what exactly goes into their food. . questionnaire n. , , in question , questioning a. out of question out of the question ______________ measure v. , / , n. , (=action, step) () / , *take measures , There is no way of measuring the damage. . consult v. , consultant n. , consulting room If your headache is getting worse, consult your doctor. . register v. , (=en_______) / registration n. , , registered mail He registered the birth of his child. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 57

    047 a. In the past, the English tried to _________ a system wherever they went. b. Unless China eliminates those unfair tariffs, the U.S will _______ sanctions. c. The President's health care proposals would not ________ any great burden on the state's finances. *tariff d. Each man too is a tyrant in tendency, because he would _________ his idea on others; and their trick is their natural defence. e. Age is a limit we __________ upon ourselves. You know, each time you Westerners celebrate your birthday you build another fence around your minds. upset entitle impose disturb pon, pos(e), pound = place pose expose impose oppose compose propose postpone opposite suppose dispose purpose opponent upset v. , / (=annoy) cf) irritate v. , The students kept making a noise and made her upset. . Flies are really irritating . entitle v. 1.() 2. Celebrities who commit a crime, pay their dues, and sincerely apologize are entitled to another chance. , . impose v. ~ , ~ imposition n. , Very high taxes are imposed on cigarette. . disturb v. , (=interrupt) disturbance n. , Ill call back later if Im disturbing you. . Im sorry to disturb you, but could you do me a favor now? , ?


    entitle enable encode envision endure enclose encourage enforce enlarge encounter enhance enlighten enrich embrace emphasize

  • V3 58 , 437 .

    048 a. He left home early and caught the train by a comfortable __________. b. A writer must leave a small space from the left __________ on the piece of paper to indicate that he has begun a new paragraph. c. European companies, however, reduced hours on the job and made a decision to accept lower profit _________s in the short term. d. Statistical tolerances establish the __________ of error that can be sustained by statistical claims without falsifying them. esteem figure drawback margin esteem n. , , Self-esteem , public esteem for teachers has been dropped. . In order to be elected, you've got to attract the support and esteem of the population. figure n. (=shape) / (=number) / , (=picture) / (person) / (=character) She has a lovely figure. . Can you read this figure? Is it a three or an eight? ? 3 8? drawback n. , , (=disadvantage, defect, fault) Advanced countries that pride themselves on their rule of law foundations are discovering serious drawbacks. . cf. setback , , , margin n. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. marginal a. , , ; , a margin for error In the end, Douglas won the election by a small margin, but Lincoln had achieved stature as a national figure. . .

  • Orbi Premium Class 59

    049 a. He made a ________ mistake but refuse d to admit it . b. Cuts in the health service could have ________ consequences for patients. c. He cant have done such a ________ thing as to keep you waiting for so long d. More often than not, the worst that we fear is much less ________ than our vague, unarticulated fear. e. Hospital authorities admitted that a ________ mistake/error had been made in giving the patient the wrong drug. terrible tragic intimate desperate par = equal par pair repair compare peer impair parallel comparable despair desperate prosper prosperity umpire intimate (a) , classmate roommate

    terrible a. , terrific a. , (=fantastic) The movie was terrific. I recommend it. . ! tragic a. , ( comic) comic book tragedy n. It is tragic that our company has to close. . The Holocaust is the greatest tragedy I have ever known. . intimate a. , , ~ The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere. . Intimate friend ( ) close friend ( ) desperate a. / / Shes in desperate help. . The doctors made a desperate effort to save the baby. .

  • V3 60 , 437 .

    050 a. Nobody can ___________ why you should have been attacked. b. As far as I can ___________, he has never been married. c. Subjects were instructed to press a button as soon as they could _________ the scene. d. Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to _________ why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. put out rule out make out turn out make out (v)

    = figure out turn out (v) ,

    put out , (=extinguish / (=annoy) Fire fighter is a person who puts out the fire. . I was a little put out when he was late 1 hour. . rule out (=exclude include ) I wouldnt rule out the possibility of his winning. . make out (=understand, figure out) / ( ) Shes a strange person I cant make her out at all. . . I made a check out for 1,000,000 won. . turn out (=exile) / (=produce) / ~ (=prove) The company turns out new computer games every year. . The rumor turned out true. .


    as soon as as many as as large as as early as as late as as good as as long as as far as as often as

  • Orbi Premium Class 61

    051 a. Bob ________s to be indifferent, but hes crazy about Carry. b. He ________ed that he didn't mind, but I knew that he did. c. When we ran into each other at school, she sometimes _________ed not to recognize me. d. Most medieval storytellers and illustrators were not zoologists, nor did they _________ to be. e. Some years ago, a psychologist called a group of introverts to his lab and asked them to act like extroverts while ____________ing to teach a math class. release pretend owe prohibit habit, hibit = have, dwell habit habitation inhabit habitant exhibit inhibit prohibit habitat release v. , / / (set free) / / , The doctor said that I could be released soon. . The President will release 1,000 prisoners on Liberation Day. 1,000 . pretend v. ~ , (= make __________) pretension n. , , ~ She pretended that she knew the truth. . owe v. 1. 2., (owe A to B = attribute A to B) How much do I owe you (for the book)? ( ) ? I owe it to my brother that I was able to finish college. . prohibit v. , prohibition n. , , () Students are prohibited from smoking at school. . The laws prohibits the shopkeeper from selling tobacco to students. .

  • V3 62 , 437 .

    052 a. There was a certain panic in his voice that _________ed attention. b. Sustainability and security __________ that cities become more self-reliant. c. Ask a lot of questions about the nature of the problem and always __________ a detailed estimate in writing before authorizing any work on your car. d. The term objectivity is important in measurement because of the scientific _________ that observations be subject to public verification. e. Gas reserves are easily large enough to meet the projected increase in global __________. Additions to proven reserves have outpaced production by a wide margin since the 1970s. demand generate risk count demand v. , / n. , , in demand I demanded that the meeting should be postponed. . Personal computers are in great demand these days. generate v. , (=produce) / , (=cause, bring about) Generating station(plant) Wind will be the important energy to generate electricity. . risk v. 1. , 2. ~ 3. n. , (danger, peril) Some people are not willing to risk the possible disappointment of picking the loser, so they give up the possible joy of picking the winner. . . count v. , / (=matter) / , Its the thought that counts. ( ).


    subject 1. 2.

    3. 4.

    be subject to ~ = be subjected to

  • Orbi Premium Class 63

    053 a. That was the best coffee Ive ever _________d. b. __________ this sauce and tell me if I need to add some more salt. c. Personally, I dont like the bitter _________ and roughness of fruit peel, though I understand that it has some nutritious value and contains dietary fiber. d. Perhaps a marketing executive wants information concerning customers ________ preferences, their shopping habits, or the demographics of Internet shoppers. taste custom occasion costume taste n. , / , / , Tastes differ in good taste , to taste , She has a taste for musical. . custom n. , , / customs ________ customary a. , the customs officer Custom is the second nature. 2 . It is the custom for young people to give their seats old people in subway. . occasion n. () , / , / , occasionally , (on occasion) I have had several occasions to meet foreigners. . costume n. , costume ball


    demography demographics

    about / on / as to concerning / regarding when it comes to ~

  • V3 64 , 437 .

    054 a. That is not only a violation of the law but also a __________ impossibility. . b. They reviewed the content of the bill and found ___________ deficiencies that should be corrected. c. Even books that provide only pleasure will increase the confidence of students and encourage them to try to read more ___________ materials in school. d. In international cooperation between scientists, scientific and __________ terms must be interpreted in a uniform way for use in a proper manner within the international community of science. physical technical patient sociable physical a. , / (material immaterial) mental, spiritual , emotional psychological physics n. physicist n. __________ physician n. __________ cf. surgeon Old people should do a physical checkup regularly. . technical a. 1. 2. (professional, scholarly) 3. It would be fair to argue that quality and technical advancement amongst global carmakers have evened out in the past decade. 10 . patient a. , n. impatient , , patience n. , , We were impatient for the result of the exam. . I have no patience with her singing. . sociable a. , I like my aunt, she is so sociable. , .

  • Orbi Premium Class 65

    055 a. We arrived just as the ceremony __________ begin. b. I __________ get undressed when there was a knock on the door. c. What a coincidence! I ___________ to drop by your house. [2014SNB03] d. If I were in his shoes, _________ die, and I had no family, no children, would the emptiness be unbearable? e. Now he __________ begin a new adventure; he _________ be launched into his own inner space, space as immense, unexplored, and sometimes frightening as outer space to the astronaut. (was) eager to (was) obliged to (was) about to (was) willing to be eager to V ~ , = be anxious to V Im eager to enter the university and I will. . They havent had a baby for 5 years, so they are anxious to. 5 . Be obliged to V ~ , ~ . =be forced to V, be bound to V, be supposed to V oblige v. The soldiers are obliged to follow the orders at any time. . be about to V ~ Hurry up! The train is about to start! ! ! Be willing to V ~, ~ . be reluctant to V ~, ~ I am willing to do anything for success. . He was reluctant to meet her. .


    zip unzip lock unlock lock unlock load unload fold unfold warp unwrap zip unzip button unbutton dress undress make = force, oblige + O +to V

    have = get + O + to V let = allow, permit + O + to V

    will (n) 1. , 2. () be willing to V ~ be reluctant(unwilling) to V ~

  • V3 66 , 437 .

    056 a. I wonder who will get the ________ role in the play. b. He is believed to be the chief engineer __________ing an exploring team. c. The country folks __________ a better life now than they used to do, thanks to the policy of reform. d. The importance of science has _________ people to think that objectivity is the best way to see the world to see the facts without any feelings. e. Nutritional scientists failed to see a multitude of links in the complex chain that ________s to good health. tend(ed) vanish(ed) lead(led) endow(ed) tend, tens, tent =stretch, direct tend extend tender extent intend tense intense tension attend pretend pretense pretension contend tend v. ~ , ~ / , / , tendency , / tendence , He has to tend the shop when his mothers out. . Tourist tends to spend money easily. . attend v. , ~ / ~ , ~ / attention n. , attendance n. , I attend Seoul High School. . You should attend to your teacher. . An experienced waiter will attend on you. . May I have your attention? . lead v. / ~ / ~ misleading a. The rumor led to his resignation. . endow v. endowment n. endowments Nature has endowed him with great ability. .

  • Orbi Premium Class 67

    057 a. The profit-sharing plan is designed to _________ the staff to work hard. b. We must _________ students to take charge of their own learning. c. People were not particularly _________d to produce more