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Contents I. PARTIES

1. Parties to at least one of the conventions that submitted valid credentials: Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC) ........................................................ 3

2. Parties to at least one of the conventions that did not submit valid credentials: Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC) .................................. 85

II. HIGH LEVEL SEGMENT ......................................................................................................................... 88

III. OBSERVERS ............................................................................................................................................. 96

1. Non-Parties ...................................................................................................................................... 96

2. United Nations bodies and specialized agencies ............................................................................. 97

3. Other bodies and agencies .............................................................................................................. 104

(a) Intergovernmental organizations ......................................................................................... 104

(b) Basel Convention Regional/Coordinating Centres and Stockholm Convention Regional/Subregional Centres .................................................................................................................. 105

(c) Non-Governmental Organizations ...................................................................................... 109

(d) Business/Industries (Basel Convention only) ..................................................................... 124





1. Parties to at least one of the conventions that submitted valid credentials: Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC)

Albania (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Lorenc Xhaferraj Expert on Environmental Issues Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Boulevard Gjergj Fishta No. 6 1001 Tirana Albania Tel: +355 6 620 48144 Fax: +355 4 236 2084 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Algeria (BC, SC) Mr. Karim Baba Directeur Direction de la Politique Environnementale Industrielle Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnemnt et de la Ville 4 Rue des Quatre Canons Alger Algérie Tel: +213 771 628 992 Fax: +213 314 328 57 Email: [email protected] Mr. Djamel Laraba Counsellor Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire de l'Environnement et de la Ville Rue des Quatre Canons Alger Algeria Tel: +213 21 43 28 19 Fax: +213 21 43 28 49 Email: [email protected] Ms. Karima Smadhi Sous-Directrice Direction de la Politique Industrielle et Environnementale Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et de la Ville 4 Rue de Quatres Canons Alger Algeria Tel: +213 7 71 62 75 15 Fax: +213 21 43 28 57 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Fatiha Benddine Sous - Directeur Direction de la Protection des Végetaux et des contrôles Techniques Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural 12 Boulevard Colonel Anilovche Alger Algeria Tel: +213 773 656 990 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohamed Meflah Conseiller des Affaires Etrangères Direction de l'Environment et du Développement Durable Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Plateau des Annassers Alger Algérie Tel: +213 750 851 57 Fax: +213 215 043 22 Email: [email protected] Ms. Latifa Angar Chef de Service Département de Veille et Coopération Centre National des Technologies de Production Plus Propre Rue Said Hamlat 1 Alger Algeria Tel: +213 551 06 69 00 Fax: +213 21 71 83 85 Email: [email protected] Ms. Amina Bouffiza Epouse Medddah Ingénieur d'Etat Direction de la Protection du Patrimoine Energétique et Minier Ministère de l'Energie et des Mines Val d'Hydra, Tour A Alger Algeria Tel: +213 6 96 40 34 85 Fax: +213 21 48 82 15 Email: [email protected] Angola (SC) Mr. Gaspar Da Silva Counsellor Permanent Mission of Angola to United Nations Office and other Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 45-47 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 30 60 Fax: +41 22 738 00 32 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Pedro Lando Bumba Canga Troisième Secrétaire/Technicien de la Direction des Organisations Internationales Direction des Affaires Multilatérales Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Largo António Jacinto No. 6 Andar Luanda Angola Tel: +244 923 549 388 Fax: +244 222 320 784 Email: [email protected] Mr. Manuel Eduardo First Secretary Permanent Mission of Angola to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 45-47 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 30 60 Fax: +41 22 732 30 60 Email: [email protected] Antigua and Barbuda (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Malverne Spencer Director of Analytical Services / Chairman, Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Department of Analytical Services Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment Friars Hill Road Dunbars Antigua and Barbuda Tel: +1 268 462 4502 Fax: +1 268 462 6281 Email: [email protected] Argentina (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Victoria Josefina Armayor Secretario Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Esmeralda 1212, Piso 14 1007 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4819 7409 Fax: +54 11 4819 7413 Email: [email protected] Mr. Pablo Sergio Issaly Coordinador Unidad de Sustancia y Productos Químicos Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable San Martín 451 C1004AA1 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4328 4821 / 3890 / 5495 Fax: +54 11 4348 8368 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Maria Ines Rodriguez Counsellor Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations Office at Geneva Route de l'Aeroport 10 1215 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 929 86 00 Fax: Email: Mr. Alberto Santos Capra Punto de Contacto Tecnico del Convenio de Basilea Subsecretaría de Control y Fiscalización Ambiental y Prevención de la Contaminación Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable San Martín 451 C1004AA1 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4348 8629 Fax: +54 11 4348 8629 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Pablo Rodrigo Esliman Funcionario Administrativo - Técnico Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Esmeralda 1212 oficina 1408 Piso 14 1007 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4819 7414 Fax: +54 11 4819 7413 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alejandro Giorgi Secretario de Medio Ambiente Secretaría de Medio Ambiente Sindicato de Obreros Maritimos Unidos Direccion Peru 1667 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4300 7852 Fax: +54 11 4300 7852/5 Email: [email protected] Armenia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Anahit Aleksandryan Head Hazardous Substances and Waste Policy Division Ministry of Nature Protection Governmental Building 3 Republic Square 0010 Yerevan Armenia Tel: +374 10 538 838 Fax: +374 10 538 838 Email: [email protected]



Australia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Andrew McNee Assistant Secretary Environment Policy Branch Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 6274 1622 Fax: +61 2 6274 1164 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sara Broomhall Director Chemical Policy Section Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 62741702 Fax: +61 2 62741164 Email: [email protected] Mr. Paul Kesby Director NPI & Hazardous Wastes Section Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 6274 1411 Fax: +61 2 6274 1164 Email: [email protected] Mr. Christopher Videroni Director Chemical Reform Section Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 6274 2354 Fax: +61 2 6274 2359 Email: [email protected] Ms. Heather Agnew Assistant Director Chemical Policy Section Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 6274 1842 Fax: +61 2 6274 1164 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Gary Fan Senior Policy Officer Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Section Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry GPO Box 858 2601 Canberra Australia Tel: +61 2 6272 3964 Fax: +61 2 6272 3025 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jeffie Kaine First Secretary Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations Office in Geneva Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Chemin des Fins 2 Case Postale 102 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 799 91 05 Fax: +41 22 799 91 75 Email: [email protected] Ms. Elena Balogh Executive Officer Climate Change and Environment Section, Environment Branch, International Organisations and Legal Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade RG Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent 0221 Barton ACT Australia Tel: +61 2 6261 3411 Fax: +61 2 6112 3411 Email: [email protected] Austria (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Helga Schrott Head of Department, Division VI/5 Unit for the Management of Hazardous Substances and Chemical Products / Chemicals Policy Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 51522 2327 Fax: +43 1 51522 7334 Email: [email protected] Ms. Elisabeth Hosner Senior Advisor, Division V/9 International Environmental Affairs Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 51522 1622 Fax: +43 1 51522 7626 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Andreas Moser Senior Adviser / Division VI/3 Waste Management Planning, Waste Treatment, Cleaning up of Contaminated Sites Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 51522 3521 Fax: +43 1 51312 1679 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Perthen-Palmisano Technical Advisor, Chemicals Policy Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 51522 2321 Fax: +43 1 51522 7334 Email: [email protected] Ms. Vera Fuchs First Secretary Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations Office in Geneva 35-37 Avenue Giuseppa Motta 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 20 48 Fax: Email: [email protected] Azerbaijan (BC, SC) Mr. Adil Zeynalov Head Division of Management of Hazardous Wastes Sector / Department for Environmental Protection Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources B. Aghayev Street 100-A 1073 Baku Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 539 2401 Fax: +994 12 539 6787 Email: [email protected] Mr. Orkhan Shikhlinski Head of Division International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture U. Kajibelov Street 40 Government House 21000 Baku Azerbaijan Tel: +994 124 931 423 Fax: +994 125 982 801 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Elvin Ashrafzade Attaché Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to United Nations Office in Geneva 237, Route Les Fayards 1290 Versoix Switzerland Tel: +41 22 901 18 18 Fax: +41 22 901 18 44 Email: [email protected] Bahrain (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Abdulmohsen Al-Mahmood Head of Waste Management Section Environmental Control Directorate Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Ressources, Environment and Wildlife P.O. Box 18233 Bahrain Mall Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 615 Fax: +973 17 920 213 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Abdulkarim Hasan Rashed Head of Unit / SAICM Project Technical Manager Recycling and Waste Treatment Unit Supreme Council for Environment P.O. Box 18233 Bahrain Mall Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 595 Fax: +973 17 920 213 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Ahmed Alanisi Senior Environment Specialist Supreme Council for Environment Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife Villa 838 Road 914 Block 609 Bahrain Tel: +973 33 331 218 Fax: +973 17 920 213 Email: [email protected] Bangladesh (BC, SC) Mr. Zafar Alam Director Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Forests House # 10, Road # 2 Nasirabad Housing Society Chittagong Bangladesh Tel: +880 31 255 1254 Fax: +880 31 256 6171 Email: [email protected]



Mr. A. K. M. Rafique Ahammed Deputy Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forest Building-6, 13th floor Abdul Gani Road 1000 Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: +880 2 954 0941 Fax: +880 2 954 5166 Email: [email protected] Barbados (BC, SC) Ms. Daphne Kellman Deputy Permanent Secretary Administrative Department Ministry of Environment and Drainage 1st Floor, S.P. Mosson Building Hinks Street Bridgetown Barbados Tel: +246 467 5726 Fax: +246 437 8859 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ingrid Lavine Senior Environmental Technical Officer Environment Protection Department Ministry of Environment and Drainage L.V. Hardcourt Lewis Building Dalkeith St. Michael Barbados Tel: +1 246 310 36 03/00 Fax: +1 246 228 11 03 / 437 88 59 Email: [email protected] Ms. Shani Griffith First Secretary Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin François-Lehmann 18a 21218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 85 00 Fax: +41 22 791 85 07 Email: [email protected] Belarus (BC, SC) Ms. Volha Sazonava Deputy Head Department for Waste Management Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Kollektornaya Street 10 220048 Minsk Belarus Tel: +375 17 200 8897 Fax: +375 17 200 5571 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Andrei Popov Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 15 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 24 50 Fax: +41 22 748 24 51 Email: [email protected] Mr. Aleksandr Pytalev Third Secretary Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 15 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 24 50 Fax: +41 22 748 24 51 Email: [email protected] Belgium (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Pierre-Emmanuel Brusselmans Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 58 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 749 17 54 Fax: +41 22 733 69 23 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mara Curaba Attaché Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Eurostation Place Victor Horta 40 bte 10 1060 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 524 96 56 Fax: +32 2 524 96 03 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jozef Buys Attaché Directorate-General for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Karmelietenstraat 15 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 501 48 97 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Els Van de Velde Policy Advisor, International Environment Policy Environment, Nature and Energy Department Koning Albert II - Laan 20 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 533 81 76 Fax: +32 2 553 81 65 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Chanet Leen Legal and Policy Officer, International Environmental Policy Division Department of Environment, Nature and Energy Koning Albert II-Laan 20 1020 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 499 54 63 82 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Yorg Aerts Policy Advisor Waste and Materials Management Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) Stationsstraat 110 2800 Mechelen Belgium Tel: +32 1 528 43 48 Fax: +32 1 541 50 72 Email: [email protected] Belize (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Aldo Cansino Environmental Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development Market Square Belmopan Belize Tel: +501 802 2542 Fax: +501 802 2862 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Victor Alegria SAICM Project Manager Department of the Environment Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development Market Square Belmopan Belize Tel: +501 802 2816 Fax: +501 802 2862 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Miriam Serrut Registrar of Pesticides Department of Agriculture Pesticides Control Board Central Farm Cayo District Belize Tel: +501 824 2640 Fax: +501 824 3486 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Benin (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Eloi Laourou Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Benin to the United Nations Office at Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 194 41 62 Fax: +41 22 906 84 61 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Yao Amoussou Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Benin to the United Nations Office at Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Imorou Ouro-Djeri Directeur Général Adjoint de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme 01 BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 9709 6372 Fax: +229 2131 5081 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Pulchérie Marianne Sessito Donoumassou Simeon Chef de Cellule Juridique Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme 01 BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 9773 4946 Fax: +229 2131 5109 Email: [email protected] Ms. Lésan Etiennette Florence Dassi Ingénieur Environnmentaliste Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme Avenue Jean-Paul II 01 BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 6652 7786 Fax: +229 2131 5109 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Bhutan (BC) Mr. Thinley Dorji Chief Environment Officer Compliance Monitoring Division National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: +975 232 43 23 Fax: +975 232 33 85 Email: [email protected]



Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Ms. Angelica Cecilia Navarro Llanos Embajador, Representante Permanente Misión Permanente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas y otras Organizaciones Internacionales en Ginebra Rue de Lausanne 139 (6th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 07 17 Fax: +41 22 908 07 22 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Laurent Gaberell Asistante Técnico Administrativo Misión Permanente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas y otras Organizaciones Internacionales en Ginebra Rue de Lausanne 139 (6th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 07 17 Fax: +41 22 908 07 22 Email: [email protected] Ms. Rocio Ricela Esprella de Revollo Responsable Programa Nacional de Orgánicos Persistentes (PRONACOP's) Dirección General de Medio Ambiente y Cambios Climáticos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Avenue Ecuador No. 2044 esq Sánchez Lima - Edificio Señor de la Misión - Piso 2 La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel: +591 2 241 2949 x 104 Fax: +591 2 241 2949 x 104 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Miroslava Vierka Castellon Geier Inspector Ambiental 2 Multisector Dirección General de Medio Ambiente y Cambios Climáticos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Avenue Camacho No. 1471 La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel: +591 2 214 6382 Fax: +591 2 214 6382 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ronald Rene Jorge Veliz Asesor Legal Multisector Dirección General de Medio Ambiente y Cambios Climáticos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Avenue Camacho No. 1471 La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel: +591 2 214 6382 Fax: +591 2 214 6382 Email: [email protected]

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Nermina Skejović-Hurić Expert Adviser Department for Environmental Protection Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 953 531 Fax: +387 33 206 141 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] H.E. Mr. Milos Prica Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue Lamartine 22bis 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 345 88 58 Fax: +41 22 345 88 89 Email: [email protected] Ms. Smiljana Knezevic Expert Associate Department of Plant Protection Products Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Plant Health Protection Radiceva 8/III 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 290 710 Fax: +387 33 290 711 Email: [email protected] Ms. Azra Basic Adviser for Waste Management Environmental Department Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism Marka Marulica 2 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 726 723 Fax: +387 33 726 723 Email: [email protected] Mr. Denijal Hadzimusic Counselor Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue Lamartine 22bis 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 345 88 58 Fax: +41 22 345 88 89 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Snezana Visnjic First Secretary Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva Rue Lamartine 22 bis 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 345 88 44 Fax: +41 22 345 88 89 Email: [email protected] Botswana (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Oarabile Moanza Serumola Deputy Director Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Private Bag BR 132 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 393 44 79 Fax: +267 393 44 86 Email: [email protected] Mr. Moabi Donald Mmolawa Principal Environmental Engineer, Compliance and Enforcement Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Private Bag BR 132 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 393 44 79 Fax: +267 393 44 86 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Loitseng Sebetwane Principal Agricultural Scientific Officer Crop Production / Plant Protection Division Ministry of Agriculture Private Bag 0091 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 392 87 45 /6 Fax: +267 392 87 68 Email: [email protected] Mr. Moneedi Kgweenyane Chief Waste Management Officer Waste Management and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Private Bag BO 323 Magochanyama Street Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 393 44 79 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Ntokozo Kgomotso Monamati Senior State Counsel International and Commercial Division, Attorney General's Chambers Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security Private Bag 009 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 361 38 43 Fax: +267 395 70 89 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Brazil (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Maria Luisa Escorel De Moraes Minister Counselor Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis Dunant 15 (6th floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 332 50 00 Fax: +41 22 910 07 51 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Leticia Reis de Carvalho Director Secretary of Climate Change and Environmental Quality Ministry of Environment SEPN 505, Bloco B, Edificio Marie Prendi Cruz, Sala T14 70730-542 Brazilia D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 2050 Fax: +55 61 2028 2052 Email: [email protected] Ms. Zilda Maria Faria Veloso Manager of Hazardous Wastes Department of Environmental Quality Ministry of Environment SEPN 505,Bloco B, Edificio Marie Prendi Cruz , Sala T01 70730-542 Brasília D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 2117 Fax: +55 61 2028 2054 Email: [email protected] Mr. Thiago Gil Barros Environmental Analyst Office for Water Resource and Urban Environment Ministry of the Environment SEPN 505, Bloco B, Edificio Marie Prendi Cruz P.O. Box 70730 542 Brasilia D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 2124 Fax: +55 61 2028 2116 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Marília Passos Torres de Almeida Environmental Analyst Department of the Environmental Quality / Secretariat of Climate Change and Environmental Quality Ministry of Environment SEPN 505, Bloco B, Edficio Marie Prendi Cruz Terreo, Sala T-14 70730-542 Brasilia D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 2355 Fax: +55 61 2028 2252 Email: [email protected] Mr. Gilberto Werneck de Capistrano Filho Environment Analyst Directorate of Environmental Quality Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) Scen, Trecho 2 Via L4 Norte, Ed Sede do Ibama 70818-900 Brasilia D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 3316 1245 Fax: +55 61 3316 1243 Email: [email protected] Mr. Júlio Sérgio de Britto Agronomist Inspection Department of Agriculture Inputs Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco D, Anexo A, Sala 311-A 70043 Brasília D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 3218 2609 Fax: +55 61 3224 5647 Email: [email protected] Mr. Francisco Souza Secretary Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 332 50 00 Fax: +41 22 910 07 51 Email: [email protected] Ms. Fernanda Giannasi Engineer Technical Consultancy ABREA - Associação Brasileira Dos Expostos Ao Amianto Av. Santo Antônio, 683 - Jardim Alvorada 06086-070 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 11 36812710 Fax: +55 11 36812710 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Diego Coelho Diplomat Division of Climate Change, Ozone and Chemical Safety Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco H, Sala 402 Brasilia D.F. Brazil Tel: +55 61 2030 6940 Fax: Email: [email protected] Bulgaria (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Stefan Stefanov Director Waste Management and Soil Protection Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water 22 Maria Luiza Boulevard 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 65 31 Fax: +359 2 940 66 35 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tsvetanka Dimcheva Chief Expert Hazardous Chemicals Department Ministry of Environment and Water 67 William Gladstone Street 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 62 61 Fax: +359 2 980 33 17 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Parvoleta Angelova Luleva Head of Unit Hazardous Chemicals Department/Preventive Activities Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water 67 William Gladstone Street 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 60 21 Fax: +359 2 980 33 17 Email: [email protected] Ms. Olya Matova Head of Department Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management Department Ministry of Environment and Water 22 Maria Luiza Boulevard 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 66 78 Fax: +359 2 940 66 35 Email: [email protected] Mr. Boyko Malinov Director Preventive Activities Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water 67 William Gladstone Street 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 60 35 Fax: +359 2 981 33 98 Email: [email protected]



Burkina Faso (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Paul Savadogo Directeur Général Direction Générale de la Préservation de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 565 Rue Joseph Ki Zerbo 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 70 32 16 19 Fax: +226 50 31 16 76 Email: [email protected] Mr. Désiré Ouedraogo Ingénieur Chimie Industrielle, Point Focal Convention Stockholm Direction General Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 70 24 10 35 Fax: +226 50 30 77 51 Email: [email protected] Ms. Watta Ouedraogo Koulibaly Directrice de l'Assainissement et de la Prevéntion des Risques Environnementaux Direction Technique Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 565 Rue Joseph Ki Zerbo 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 70 26 64 78 Fax: +226 50 30 77 51 Email: [email protected] Burundi (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Constantin Nayisi Autorité Nationale Désignée pour la Convention de Rotterdam Direction Générale des Ressources en Eau et Assainissment Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme Avenue de la Cathedrale B.P. 631 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: +25777814230 Fax: +25722228902 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alphonse Polisi Chef de Service Recherche Environnementale Departement de l'Environment, Recherche et Education Environnementale Institut National pour l’Environnement et la Conservation de la Nature (INECN) B.P. 56 Gitega Burundi Tel: +257 22 40 30 30 Fax: +257 224 03032 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Yves Uwarugira Conseiller au Département de l'Environnement Département de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme Avenue de la Cathédrale B.P. 631 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: +257 77 776 444 Fax: +257 22 228 902 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Cambodia (BC, SC) Mr. Heng Nareth Director Department of Environmental Pollution Control Ministry of Environment 48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: +855 12 926 108 Fax: +855 23 210 492 Email: [email protected] Mr. Phet Pichhara National Focal Point for the SC and Head of Technology Research and Environmental Management Department of Environmental Pollution Control Ministry of Environment 48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: +855 12 369 070 Fax: +855 23 210 492 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Cameroon (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Peter Ayuk Enoh Director Department of Standards and Control Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection B.P. 320 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237 98 137 934 Fax: +237 22 221 106 Email: [email protected] Mr. Joswa Aoudou Chef de Brigade des Inspections Environnementales Direction des Normes et du Contrôle Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable B.P. 320 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237 77 263 049 Fax: +237 22 221 106 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Palouma Point Focal National de la Convention de Rotterdam Direction des Normes et du Contrôle Environnemental Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable B.P. 320 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237 77 288 299 Fax: +237 22 221 106 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Canada (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Daniel Edward McDougall Assistant Deputy Minister International Affairs Branch Environment Canada 200, Boulevard Sacré-Coeur, 15th floor K1A 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +819 934 6020 Fax: +819 953 9412 Email: [email protected] Ms. Virginia Poter Director General Chemical Sector Environment Canada 351, Boulevard St. Joseph K1A 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 819 934 4960 Fax: +1 819 953 3213 Email: [email protected] Ms. Esther Van Nes First Secretary Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations Office in Geneva Avenue de l'Ariana 5 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 92 44 Fax: +41 22 919 92 27 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anne Daniel Special Advisor Chemicals Management Division Environment Canada 351 Boulevard St. Joseph K1A 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 819 934 7867 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Gregor Filyk Senior Policy Advisor Environment Canada 200, Boulevard Sacré-Coeur K1A OH3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 613 956 5921 Fax: +1 819 953 7025 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Lars Juergensen Section Head Policy, Communications and Regulatory Affairs Directorate Pest Management Regulatory Agency Health Canada 2720 Riverside Drive K1A 0K9 Ottawa Canada Tel: +1 613 736 3697 Fax: +1 613 736 3659 Email: [email protected] Mr. Poovadan Anoop Head, Risk Management of POPs- International Chemical Management Division Environment Canada 351, Boulevard St. Joseph KIA 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 819 953 1143 Fax: +1 819 994 0007 Email: [email protected] Ms. Julie Croteau Program Scientist Waste Reduction and Management Division Environment Canada Place Vincent Massey, 351 Boulevard St. Joseph, 9th Floor K1A 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 819 997 1977 Fax: +1 819 997 3068 Email: [email protected] Ms. Marie-France Nguyen Project Manager Chemical Sector Directorate Environment Canada 351, Boulevard St. Joseph, 11th Floor K1A 0H3 Gatineau, QC Canada Tel: +1 819 953 1672 Fax: +1 819 994 5030 Email: [email protected] Mr. Karen Mc Carthy Policy Advisor Direction des Organisations Internationales 525 René-Lèvesque Est Québec Canada Tel: +418 649 2320 Fax: Email: [email protected] Chile (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Osvaldo Patricio Álvarez-Pérez Foreign Service Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teatinos 180, Piso 13 Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 827 42 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Jaime Moscoso Counsellor Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 58 (4th Floor) 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 88 00 Fax: +41 22 734 52 97 Email: [email protected] Mr. Guy Fones Health Attaché Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 58 (4th Floor) 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 88 02 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Joost Meijer Head Department of Waste Management / Division of Natural Resources, Waste and Risk Evaluation Ministry of Environment Teatinos 258 Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 224 076 94 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Lorenzo Caballero Urzúa Jefe Seccion de Evaluation de Riesgo Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Teatinos 258, Piso 6 Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 241 18 51 Fax: +56 2 241 18 24 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Julio Recordón Profesional de la División Jurídica Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Chile Tel: +56 2241 1847 Fax: Email: [email protected] China (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Hongbing Chen Counsellor Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Surville 11 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 879 56 38 Fax: +41 22 879 56 37 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Yingxian Xia Deputy Director Division of International Organizations and Conventions / Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie 100035 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 665 565 18 Fax: +86 10 665 565 13 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ming Liu First Secretary Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Surville 11 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 879 56 36 Fax: +41 22 879 56 37 Email: [email protected] Ms. Yi Wang First Secretary Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Surville 11 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 879 56 45 Fax: +41 22 879 56 37 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jianhong Meng First Secretary Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 2 Chao Yang Men Nan Da Jie 100701 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 659 632 51 Fax: +86 10 659 632 57 Email: [email protected] Mr. Li Wenxing Director Division of Pesticide Management / Department of Crop Production Ministry of Agriculture 11, Nongzhannan Li, Chaoyang District 100125 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 591 928 10 Fax: +86 10 591 918 75 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Shengbiao Huang Director Department of Resources and Environment, Department of S & T for Social Development Ministry of Science and Technology 15B, Fuxing Road, Haidian District 100862 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 588 814 75 Fax: +86 10 588 814 71 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Jing Xiong Project Officer Department of Pollution Prevention and Control Ministry of Environmental Protection No.115, Xizhimennen Nanxiaojie Xicheng District Beijing China Tel: +86 10 665 562 91 Fax: +86 10 665 562 52 Email: [email protected] Ms. Qiong Ding Director/ Division Chief Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 115, Xizhimennen Nanxiaojie Beijing China Tel: +86 10 822 689 68 Fax: +86 10 822 005 10 Email: [email protected] Ms. Haijun Chen Deputy Director Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 5, Houyingfang Hutong 100035 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 822 689 68 Fax: +86 10 822 005 27 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ronghua Lin Deputy Director Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals Ministry of Agriculture Building No. 22 Maizidian Road Beijing China Tel: +86 10 591 940 94 Fax: +86 10 591 918 75 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jinye Sun Professor Chemical Registration Centre Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 8 Dayangfang, Beiyuan, Anwai Chaoyang District 100012 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 849 177 14 Fax: +86 10 849 138 97 100 Email: [email protected] Ms. Hong Zhou Professor Chemical Registration Center Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 8 Dayangfag, Chaoyang District 100012 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 849 153 07 Fax: +86 10 849 138 97-700 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Li Li Researcher Institute of Solid Waste Management Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences No. 8 Dayangfang Andingmenwai 100012 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 849 151 79 Fax: +86 10 849 139 03 Email: [email protected] Mr. Minghui Zheng Professor Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences No.18 Shuangqing Road Haidian District 100085 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 628 491 72 Fax: +86 10 628 491 72 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Entao Wu Project Officer POPs Division, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 115, Xizhimennen Nanxiaojie Beijing China Tel: +86 10 822 689 68 Fax: +86 10 822 005 10 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ziying Zhao Program Officer Department of Pollution Prevention and Control Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Xicheng District 100035 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 8226 8968 Fax: +86 10 8220 0510 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Jing Jin Project Officer National Center of Solid Waste Management Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 1, Yuhuinanlu, Chaoyang Disrict Beijing China Tel: +86 10 846 655 76 Fax: +86 10 846 529 77 Email: [email protected] Mr. Gang Yu Professor School of Environment Stockholm Convention Regional Centre (SCRC), China / Basel Convention Coordinating Center (BCCC) for Asia and the Pacific, China Tsinghua University Haidan 100084 Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 627 871 37 Fax: +86 10 627 856 87 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Jianguo Liu Associate Professor College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Peking University Haidan 100871 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 627 590 75 Fax: +86 10 627 590 75 Email: [email protected] Ms. Lixia Zheng Program Officer School of Environment Tsinghua University Haidian Beijing China Tel: +86 10 627 990 61 Fax: +86 10 627 720 48 Email: [email protected] Mr. Xinhua Gao Project Officer Division of Chemicals Management Ministry of Environmental Protection 115, Xizhimennen Nanxiaojie Beijing China Tel: +86 10 665 562 86 Fax: +86 10 665 562 87 Email: [email protected] Mr. Clive Siu ki Lau Senior Agricultural Officer (Regulatory) Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 6/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, Kowloon Hong Kong China Tel: +852 21 507 039 Fax: +852 27 369 904 Email: [email protected] Ms. Wan-Yuen Chiu Agricultural Officer Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, Kowloon Hong Kong China Tel: +852 215 071 66 Fax: +852 273 699 04 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yong Shi Director General National Termite Contrrol Center Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development No. 695, Maganshan Road Hangzhou China Tel: +86 571 888 350 63 Fax: +86 571 888 350 63 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Kai Wing Tsui Environmental Protection Officer Environmental Protection Department Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrytive Region 33/F, Revenue Tower 5 Gloucester Road,Wanchai Hong Kong China Tel: +852 259 465 05 Fax: +852 283 821 55 Email: [email protected] Mr. Xu Min Deputy Director Department of Dangerous Goods Management and Pollution Prevention Shanghai MSA 190 Si Ping Road 200086 Shangai China Tel: +86 21 660 728 15 Fax: +86 21 660 728 14 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Lei Li Deputy Director General Department of Pollution Prevention and control Ministry of pollution Prevention and Control No. 115, Xizhimennen Nanxiaojie Beijing China Tel: +86 10 665 565 46 Fax: +80 10 665 565 13 Email: [email protected] Ms. Li Gu Project Officer Division of International Organization and Conventions Ministry of Environmental Protection of China No. 115, Xizhimennei Nanxjie 100035 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 665 565 35 Fax: +86 10 665 565 13 Email: [email protected] Colombia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Claudia Vásquez Marazzani Dirección de Asuntos Economicos, Sociales y Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle 10 No. 5-31 Palacio de San Carlos Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 1 361 40 00 x 1642 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Carlos Alfredo Carretero Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin du Champs d'Anier 17-19 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 798 45 54 Fax: +41 22 791 07 87 Email: [email protected] Ms. Andrea López Arias Technical Expert Hazardous Waste Division Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 332 34 00 x 1127 Fax: +57 1 332 34 00 x 2378 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Angela Patricia Rivera Galvis Asesor Grupo de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle 10 No. 5-51 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 381 40 00 x 1642 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Andrea Patricia Soler Galindo Assistant to the Director General of Social Health Ministry of Social Protection Calle 10 No. 5 - 51 Palacio de San Carlos Dirrecion Correspondencia Carrera 5 No 9. 03 Edificio Marco Fidel Suarez Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 1 330 50 00 x 1286 Fax: +57 1 3305050 x 1280 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jimena Nieto Carrasco Adviser International Affairs Office Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 332 34 00 x 2311 Fax: +57 1 332 36 04 Email: [email protected] Mr. Santiago Uribe Cuentas Adviser International Affairs Office Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Calle 37 No. 8-40 Colombia Tel: +57 1 332 34 00 x 2479 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Ms. Alba Luz Castro Mancera Asesora Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Calle 37 No. 8-40, Cundinamarca Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 332 34 00 Fax: +57 1 332 34 00 x 2311 Email: [email protected] Congo (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Benjamin Dzaba Boungou Conseiller à l’Environnement Ministère du Tourisme et de l’Environnement Brazzaville Congo Tel: +242 0666 0441 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Joël Loumeto Directeur Général Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère du Tourisme Congo Tel: +242 06 668 3823 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Bernard Mbemba Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Congo to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva Rue Chabrey 8 (1st Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 88 21 Fax: +41 22 731 88 17 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Roger Mpan Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère du Tourisme 52 Rue Mayoko Talangaï Brazzaville Congo Tel: +242 05 574 1074 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Joseph Ganongo Point Focal de la Convention de Stockholm Direction Générale de l’Environnement Ministère du Tourisme B.P. 958 Brazzaville Congo Tel: +242 06 995 5919 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Cook Islands (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Vaitoti Tupa Director National Environment Service Avarua P.O. Box 371 Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel: +682 212 56 Fax: +682 222 56 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. William Wigmore Director of Crop Research Research Station Ministry of Agriculture Avarua P.O. Box 96 Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel: +682 287 11 Fax: +682 218 81 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vavia Tangatataia Operations Manager Compliance Division National Environment Service Tuanga Taporoporo P.O. Box 371 Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel: +682 212 56 Fax: +682 222 56 Email: [email protected] Costa Rica (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Manuel B. Dengo Ambassador Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 25 87 Fax: +41 22 731 20 69 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mario A. Vega Hernández Minister Counsellor, Environmental Affairs Officer Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 25 87 Fax: +41 22 731 20 62 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Melvin Arturo Navarro Arias Unidad Técnica Especializada (UTE), Proceso de Apoyo a Tratados y Convenio Internacionales Dirección de Protección al Ambiente Humano. Ministerio de Salud Apartado 10123-1000 San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 605 949 55 Fax: +506 225 545 12 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ing. Jorge Araya González Jefe, Departamento de Agroquímicos y Equipos de Aplicación Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Apartado 10108 San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 2549 34 00 Fax: +506 2549 35 98 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ofelia May Cantillano Jefe Unidad Normalizacion/Departamento Normas y Regulaciones Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia 70-3006 San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 2260 61 90 Fax: +506 2549 35 98 Email: [email protected] Mr. Elidier Eduardo Vargas Castro Coordinador Direccion de Gestion de Calidad Ambiental Miniterio de Ambiente y Energia No. 935, Calle 9 y 9 bis Apartado 10104-1000 San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 22 57 18 39 Fax: +506 22 58 28 20 Email: [email protected] Côte d'Ivoire (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Kouadio Adjoumani Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Route de Ferney 149h P.O. Box 315 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 02 50 Fax: +41 22 717 02 60 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Ahou Florent Botto Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable B.P. 650 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 20 210 623 / 07 24 08 41 Fax: +225 20 210 495 Email: [email protected] Ms. Amenan Vi Nee Kouadio Autorité Nationale Désignée de la Convention de Rotterdam Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable B.P. 650 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 20 210 623 Fax: +225 20 210 876 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sahouo Gustave Bedi Point Focal de la Convention de Stockholm Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable B.P. 650 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +255 48 868 667 Fax: +225 20 210 876 Email: [email protected] Mr. Tienoko Moriko Permanent Mission of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Route de Ferney 149h 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 02 50 Fax: +41 22 717 02 60 Email: [email protected] Mr. Abdoulay Essy Counsellor Permanent Mission of Côte d'Ivoire to the United Nations Office and other Specialized Institutions in Geneva Route de Ferney 149h 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 02 55 Fax: +41 22 717 02 60 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Lancine Joel Bamba Counsellor Permanent Mission of Côte d'Ivoire to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Route de Ferney 149h 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 02 50 Fax: +41 22 717 02 60 Email: [email protected]

Croatia (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Ms. Vesna Vuković Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Croatia to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin Docteur Jean-Louis Prévost 21-21a 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 740 32 43 Fax: +41 22 740 32 51 Email: [email protected] Ms. Biserka Bastijančić-Kokić Head of Department Department for Chemicals Ministry of Health Ksaver 200 A 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 460 75 64 Fax: +385 1 460 76 22 Email: [email protected] Ms. Romana Grizelj Senior Expert Advisor Division for Atmosphere and Soil Protection Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection Ulica Republike Austrije 14 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 371 71 70 Fax: +385 1371 71 57 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sandra Subasic Senior Expert Advisor Division for Permits and Transboundary Movement of Waste Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection Ulica Republike Austrije 14 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 371 71 47 Fax: +385 1 371 71 35 Email: [email protected] Ms. Zlata Penić-Ivanko First Secretary Permanent Mission of Croatia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Docteur Jean-Louis Prévost 21-21a 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 740 32 43 Fax: +41 22 740 32 51 Email: [email protected]



Cuba (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Enrique Moret Hernández Director Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente Capitolio Nacional, Prado y San José, Habana Vieja 10 200 La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 214 45 54 Fax: +53 7 866 80 54 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Ulises Fernandez Gomez Director General Oficina de Regulación Ambiental y Seguridad Nuclear Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente Calle 28, No 504 e/n 5ta y 7ma Avnida Miramar, Playa La Habana Cuba Tel: +537 203 16 64 Fax: +537 203 14 64 Email: [email protected] Ms. Martha Maria Senti Darias Funcionaria Dirección de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente Calle 20 Esquina 18-A, Playa La Habana Cuba Tel: +537 202 70 09 Fax: +537 866 80 54 Email: [email protected] Cyprus (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Tasoula Kyprianidou Leontidou Labour Inspection Officer Department of Labour Inspection Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance 12, Apelli Street 1493 Nicosia Cyprus Tel: +357 22 405 608 Fax: +357 22 663 788 Email: [email protected] Ms. Meropi Samara-Miliotou Environment Officer Environment Department Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Nicosia Cyprus Tel: +357 22408953 Fax: +357 22774945 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Myrianthi Spathi Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other Specialized Institutions in Switzerland Rue du Grand-Pré 66 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +357 22 798 21 50 Fax: +357 22 791 00 84 Email: [email protected] Czech Republic (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Karel Bláha Director Deparment of Environmental Risks and Ecological Damage Ministry of Environment Vršovická 65 10010 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 532 Fax: +420 267 310 329 Email: [email protected] Ms. Klára Wajdová Director International Relations Department Ministry of the Environment Vršovická 65 10010 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 838 Fax: +420 267 310 015 Email: [email protected] Ms. Michaela Budňáková Senior Official Department of Agricultural Commodities Ministry of Agriculture Těšnov 17 117 05 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 234 432 071 Fax: +420 221 812 951 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Premysl Stepanek Head of Unit Multilateral Agreement Unit Ministry of Environment Vrsovicka 65, Praha 10 10010 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 309 Fax: +420 267 310 015 Email: [email protected] Ms. Alexandra Novotná Senior Official Unit of Environmental Relations Coordination Ministry of Industry and Trade Na Františku 32 110 15 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 224 853 141 Fax: +420 224 853 266 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Milada Vomastkova Department of Environmental Risks and Ecological Damage Ministry of the Environment Vrsovicka 65 100 00 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 194 Fax: +420 267 310 013 Email: [email protected] Dr. Ivan Holoubek Director Masaryk University Research Centre for Environmental Chemisty and Ecotoxicology (RECETOX) Kamenice 75315 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 602 753 138 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected] Ms. Hana Rychlikova Senior Officer Department of Environmental Risks and Ecological Damage Ministry of Environment Vrsovicka 65 10010 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: +420 725 785 417 Fax: +420 267 122 093 Email: [email protected] Ms. Irena Sedlačkova Junior Officer, National Contact Point for the Basel Convention Waste Management Department Ministry of Environment Vršovická 65 10010 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 283 Fax: +420 267 311 545 Email: [email protected] Dr. Pavel Čupr Senior Scientific Advisor Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (RECETOX) Masaryk University Kamenice 126/3 62500 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 493 511 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected] Mr. Josef Švaříček Senior Specialist Plant Protection Products Section, Methodological and Support Unit State Phytosanitary Administration Zemědělská 1752/1a 613 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 545 110 426 Fax: +420 545 211 078 Email: [email protected]

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Hung Sik Ri Secretary-General National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE) Jungsong-dong P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Tel: + 850 2 181 11 Fax: + 850 2 381 46 60 Email: [email protected] Mr. Myong Hak Jong Coordinator for Pollution Control National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE) Jungsong-dong P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Tel: + 850 2 181 11 Fax: + 850 2 381 46 60 Email: [email protected] Mr. So Song Ho Secretary for Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE) Jungsong-dong P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Tel: + 850 2 181 11 Fax: + 850 2 381 46 60 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yong Ryong Jon First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Plonjon 1 1207 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 735 43 70 Fax: +41 22 786 06 62 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kim Myong Hyok Second Secretary Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin du Plonjon 1 1207 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 822 47 04 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Democratic Republic of the Congo (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Jean Claude Emene Elenga Directeur Exécutif du GEEC / Point Focal POPs et SAICM Ministère de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et du Tourisme Avenue Comité Urbain No. 25 B.P. 12348 Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 998 121 166 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Thomas Ntumba Kasonga Chef de Bureau d'Evaluation d'Impact Environmental Direction des Etablissements Humains Ministère de l'Environnement Avenue Papa Ileo No. 15 B.P. 12348 Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 998 128 314 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Christian Tebila Kiaku Chef de Bureau en charge de l'Homologation des Pesticides Direction de la Production et Protection des Végétaux (DPPV) Ministère de l'Agriculture Boulevard 30 Juin - Batetela Gombe Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 990 744 553 Fax: Email: [email protected] Denmark (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Isabelle Navarro Vinten Head Chemicals Department Ministry of Environment Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 72 544 597 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Anette Albjerg Ejersted Deputy Head of Division Chemicals Department Ministry of the Environment Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 72 544 328 Fax: +45 32 548 366 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Mona Mejsen Westergaard Senior Adviser on International Environmental Issues International Department Ministry of the Environment Miljøstyrelsen, Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 72 544 356 Fax: +41 32 660 261 Email: [email protected] Ms. Lone Schou Senior Adviser on International Issues Chemicals Department Ministry of the Environment Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 296 841 38 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Annette Schneider Deputy Head Waste and Soil Division Ministry of the Environment Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 40 610 229 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Lars Fock Special Advisor Pesticides and Gene Technology Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 725 445 45 Fax: +45 326 602 61 Email: [email protected] Ms. Rikke Donchil Holmberg Biologist Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 725 444 19 Fax: +45 325 483 66 Email: [email protected] Djibouti (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Dini Abdallah Omar Secrétaire Général Ministère de l'Habitat de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement B.P. 11 Djibouti Tel: +253 21 35 85 22 Fax: +253 21 35 16 18 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Ahmed Houssein Bouh Conseiller Technique du Ministre / Point Focal de la Convention de Stockholm sur les POPs Ministère de l’Habitat, de l’Urbanisme et de l’Environnement B.P. 11 Djibouti Tel: +253 77 821 112 Fax: +253 21 351 618 Email: [email protected] Mr. Idriss Ismael Nour Sous-Directeur Direction de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement B.P. 2091 Djibouti Tel: +253 21 35 10 20 Fax: +253 21 35 48 37 Email: [email protected] Dominican Republic (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Yocasta Valenzuela Arias Directora de Seguimiento a Convenciones Internacionales Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Avenida Luperon / Avenue Cayetano Germosen 11109 Mirador Sur Dominican Republic Tel: +1 809 567 4300 x 6422 /7423 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Elsa Ferreras Encargada Departamento de Substancias Químicas Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Avenida 27 de Febrero Esquina Tiradientes Plaza Merengue, Sector de Naco Santa Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: +1 809 567 4300 x 6230 Fax: +1 809 472 0626 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Feliz Sanchez Kenia Amarilis Analista de Gestion Ambiental Departmento de Medio Ambiento y Rescusos Naturales Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Avenida Cayetano Germosén Esquina Gregorio Luperón Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: +1 809 567 4300 x 6230 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Ecuador (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Luís Ignacio Vayas Valdivieso Consejero Vice Presidente del Convenio de Rotterdam Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Avenida 10 de Agosto y Carrión Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 22 993 200 Fax: +593 22 993 273 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Luis Espinosa Salas Counsellor Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 80-82 (4th floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 49 55 Fax: +41 22 732 48 34 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Frida Pin Hoppe Director Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Foeign Affairs and Trade Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 3 993 200 Fax: Email: freeä[email protected] Ms. Patricia Vinueza Directora Nacional de Control Ambiental, Encargada Ministerio del Ambiente Ecuador Tel: +593 22 563 429 Fax: +593 22 563 429 Email: [email protected] Ms. Yadira de los Angeles Pilco Pavón Servidor Público 5 / Punto Focal del Convenio de Basilio Subsecretaría de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente Calle Madrid 1159 y Andalucía Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 213 987 600 x 1121 Fax: +593 213 987 600 x 1719 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ing. Franklin Gabriel Góngora Ruiz Tecnico de la Direccion Nacional de Control Ambiental Dirección Nacional de Control Ambiental Ministerio de Ambiente de Equador Calle Madrid 1159 y Andalucía Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 23 987 600 x 1118 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Mario Roberto Cisneros Parreno Tecnico de Registro de Insumos Agricolas Coordinacion de Control Fitosanitario Agencia Ecuatoriana de Aseguramiento de la Calidad del Ago-Agrocalidad Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edificio Magao, Pios 9 Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 22 567 232 Fax: +893 22 543 319 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Egypt (BC, SC) H.E. Ms. Wafaa Bassim Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations Office and other International Oragnizations in Geneva Avenue Blanc 49 1202 Geneva Switzeland Tel: +41 22 731 61 95 Fax: +41 22 738 44 15 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohamed Nasr First Secretary Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations Offices in Geneva Avenue Blanc 49 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 65 30 Fax: +41 22 738 44 15 Email: [email protected] Mr. Adel Shafei Mohamed Osman General Director / Basel Convention Focal Point Hazardous Chemicals and Waste Department Ministry of Environment 30 Misr Helwan Road P.O. Box 11728 Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 2 525 6452 Fax: +202 2 525 6475 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Elham Refaat Abdel-Aziz General Director Environment and Development Department Ministry of Environment 30 Misr Helwan Road P.O. Box 11728 Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 2 525 6452 Fax: +202 2 525 6475 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Mohamed Amin Khalifa Director of Hazardous Substances Department General Administration of Hazardous Substances and Wastes Ministry of Environment 30 Misr Helwan Road Maddi, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +202 2 525 6490 Email: [email protected] El Salvador (BC, RC, SC) Ing. Italo Andres Flamenco Cordova Especialista en Materiales Peligrosos Unidad de Desechos Solidos y Peligrosos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Km 5.5 Carretera a Santa Tecla Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes San Salvador El Salvador Tel: +503 2 132 9560 Fax: +503 2 132 9955 Email: [email protected] Mr. Miguel Eduardo Araujo Padilla Director Basel Convention Regional Center for Central America and Mexico (BCRC-CAM) final Boulevard Cancillería, Distrito el Espino, Edificio SICA La Libertad El Salvador Tel: +503 2248 8990 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Rosibel Menendez Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 65 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 70 36 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mrs. Elugeria O'Byrne Second Secretary Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 65 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 70 36 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Eritrea (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Tewolde Siratu Director Department of Environment Ministry of Land, Water and Environment P.O. Box 5713 Asmara Eritrea Tel: +291 1 120 311 Fax: +291 1 126 095 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Estonia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Mari-Liis Ummik Senior Officer Waste Department Ministry of Environment Narva mnt 7a 15172 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +372 62 62863 Fax: +372 62 62801 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Margus Kört Head of The Board Environmental Research Centre Marja 4D 10617 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +372 61 12900 Fax: +372 61 12901 Email: [email protected] Ms. Hannela Artus Senior Officer Waste Department Ministry of Environment Narva mnt 7a 15172 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +372 62 62860 Fax: +372 62 62801 Email: [email protected] Ethiopia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Dessalegne Mesfin Fanta Deputy Director General Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 12760 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 1 116 464 607 Fax: +251 1 116 464 682 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Mohammed Ali Mohammed Director, Technology Transfer Programme Directorate National Focal Point of the Stockholm Convention Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 12760 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 1 911 748 434 Fax: +251 1 116 464 876 / 86 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Mehari Taye Director Compliance Monitoring and Control Directorate Federal Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 12760 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 1 911 689 132 Fax: +251 1 116 464 882 Email: [email protected] Mr. Azanaw Tadesse Abreha Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 70 10 Fax: +41 22 919 70 29 Email: [email protected] European Union (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Bjorn Hansen DG Environment, European Commission European Union Ave de Beaulieu 9 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 296 50 15 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Jill Hanna Delegated Representative International Affairs European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 5 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 4 989 82 2 77 Fax: +32 2 296 63 40 Email: [email protected] Mr. Julius Langendorff Deputy Head of Unit Unit for Waste Management / DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 (BU-9 5/191) 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 299 88 29 Fax: +32 2 229 63 98 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Peter Wessman Legal Officer / Team Leader on International Issues and Waste Shipments Unit for Waste Management / DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 299 12 27 Fax: +32 2 229 63 98 Email: [email protected] Mr. George Kiayias Administrator Unit for Waste Management / DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 (BU-9 5/129) 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 299 77 92 Fax: +32 2 296 39 80 Email: [email protected] Mr. Gunther Wolff Administrator Unit for Waste Management / DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 (BU-9 5/118) 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 296 40 49 Fax: +32 2 296 39 80 Email: [email protected] Mr. Henrik Laursen Administrator DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 295 77 62 Fax: +32 2 296 69 95 Email: [email protected] Dr. Sylvain Bintein Administrator Directorate-General for the Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu, 9 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 299 54 52 Fax: +32 2 296 69 95 Email: [email protected] Ms. Katinka Van Der Jagt Policy Advisor European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 298 60 97 Fax: +32 2 295 01 38 Email: [email protected]

Dr. Juergen Helbig Policy Officer DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu (BU-9, 04/086) 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 298 8521 Fax: +32 2 296 7617 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jorge Peydro-Aznar DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 296 76 89 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Helge Elisabeth Zeitler Legal Officer DG Environment European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 9 (3/124) 1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 295 82 17 Fax: Email: [email protected] Finland (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Else Peuranen Ministerial Advisor Environmental Protection Department Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35 00023 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 50 381 4359 Fax: +358 91 603 9381 Email: [email protected] Mr. Tuomas Aarnio Senior Legal Advisor Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 35 00023 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 50 363 4413 Fax: +358 91 603 9389 Email: [email protected] Mr. Magnus Nyström Senior Specialist Environmental Protection Division Ministry of Environment Kasarmikatu 25 P.O. Box 35 00251 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 40 543 9743 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Tuulia Toikka Senior Adviser Unit for International Affairs Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 35 00023 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 9 40 552 40 54 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Lasse Miettinen Ministerial Adviser Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 35 00023 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 40 507 61 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Timo Seppälä Senior Adviser Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production / Contaminants Unit Finnish Environment Institute Mechelininkatu 34a P.O. Box 140 00251 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 9 400 148 643 Fax: +358 9 5490 2490 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Emma Nurmi Senior Adviser Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production Finnish Environment Institute Mechelininkatu 34a P.O. Box 140 00251 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 9 407 401 687 Fax: +358 9 5490 2491 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] France (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Marie-Pierre Méganck Chargée de la Cellule Européenne et Internationale Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie Grande Arche - Paroi Nord 92055 La Defense Cedex France Tel: +33 1 40 81 86 38 Fax: +33 1 40 81 86 41 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Philippe Chemin Conseiller Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie 20, Avenue de Ségur 75302 Paris France Tel: +33 1 40 81 88 25 Fax: +33 1 40 81 20 72 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jordane Wodli Chargé de mission REACH et POPs Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques (DGPR) / Service de la Prévention des Nuisances et de la Qualité de l’Environnement (SPNQE) Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l’Energie Grande Arche - Paroi Nord 92055 La Défense Cedex France Tel: +33 1 40 81 86 99 Fax: +33 1 40 81 20 72 Email: [email protected] Ms. Denise Juin-Sevin Chargée de Mission des Transfert Transfrontière de Déchets Bureau de la Planification et de la Gestion des Déchets Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie Grande Arche - Paroi Nord 92055 La Défense Cedex France Tel: +33 1 40 81 87 86 Fax: +33 1 40 81 89 69 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sophie Paultre Chargée de Mission PIC et Sécurité des Nanomatériaux Manufacturés Bureau des Substances et Préparations Chimiques Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie Grande Arche - Paroi Nord 92055 La Défense Cedex France Tel: +33 1 40 81 87 17 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Sébastian Chatelus Second Secretary Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Villa "Les Ormeaux" Route de Pregny 36 1292 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 758 91 11 Fax: +41 22 758 91 37 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. David Elkaim Rédacteur Eau et Assainissement Sous-Direction de l'Environnement et des Ressources Naturelles Ministère des Affaires Etrangères 27 Rue de la Convention Paris Cedex 1555 France Tel: +33 1 43 17 70 52 Fax: +33 1 43 17 73 94 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Plantec Quentin Intern Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office and other Intenational Organizations in Geneva Villa "Les Ormeaux" Route de Pregny 36 1292 Chambésy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 758 91 11 Fax: +41 22 758 91 37 Email: [email protected] Gabon (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Hubert Binga Directeur Général Adjoint Centre National Anti-Pollution Ministère de l'Habitat, du Logement, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable B.P. 3241 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241 07 90 06 08 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Serge Molly Allo'o Allo'o Directeur Technique / Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle Centre National Antipollution Ministère de l'Economie, de l'Emploi et du Développement Durable B.P. 3241 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241 1 76 32 50 Fax: +241 7 72 14 90 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jean de Dieu N'Zatsi Koumba Chef de Service de la Statistique et de la Planification Centre National Anti-Pollution Ministère de l'Economie, de l'Emploi et du Développement Durable B.P. 3241 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241 06 14 17 41 Fax: +241 1 75 32 50 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Ferdinand Mangongo Counsellor / Chargé d'Affaires Permanent Mission of Gabon to the United Nations Office in Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 (5th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +241 07 75 06 08 48 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Aïcha Aloïsia Iningoue Vendryes Chargé d'Etudes du Ministre Direction Technique / Centre National Anti-Pollution Ministère de l'Economie, de l'Emploi et du Développement Durable B.P. 3241 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241 7 75 38 19 Fax: +241 7 72 14 90 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Georgia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Ekaterine Imerlishvili Head Department of Integrated Environment Management Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources 6 Gulua Street 0114 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: +995 32 272 72 44 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Alverdi Chankseliani Head of Division Waste and Chemical Substances Management Division Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources 6 Gulua Street 0114 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: +995 32 272 72 27 Fax: +995 32 272 72 23 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Irma Tskvitinidze Deputy Head of Pesticides and Agro-Chemicals LEPL National Food Agency 6 Marshal Gelovani Avenue 0159 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: +995 32 291 91 67 Fax: +995 32 291 91 65 Email: [email protected] Mr. Shalva Tsiskarashvili Ambassador Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue Richard Wagner 1 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 10 10 Fax: +41 22 733 90 33 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Eka Kipiani Counsellor Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue Richard Wagner 1 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 10 10 Fax: +41 22 733 90 33 Email: [email protected] Mr. Irakli Legashvili Chief Specialist Waste and Chemical Substances Management Department Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources 6 Gulua Street 0114 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: +995 32 272 72 27 Fax: +995 32 272 72 28 Email: [email protected] Germany (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Thomas Fitschen Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28c 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 12 74 Fax: +41 22 734 12 80 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Gordo Jain Head of Division IG II 3 / International Chemicals Safety and Sustainable Chemistry Principal Matters of International Chemicals Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2740 Fax: +49 228 99 305 3524 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Andreas Jaron Head of Division Principal Matters of Waste Management Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2570 Fax: +49 228 99 305 2398 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Gabriela Bennemann Counsellor Economic Division Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28c 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 12 69 Fax: +41 22 730 12 95 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Simone Irsfeld Desk Officer Principal Matters of International Chemicals Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2722 Fax: +49 228 99 305 3524 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vassilios Karavezyris Advisor Principal Matters of International Chemicals Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2712 Fax: +49 228 99 305 2712 Email: [email protected] Mr. Michael Ernst Deputy Head of Division Principal Matters of Waste Management Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2593 Fax: +49 228 10 99 305 2593 Email: [email protected] Mr. Thomas Fohgrub Second Secretary Economic Division Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin du Petit Saconnex 28c 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 12 66 Fax: +41 22 730 12 95 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Hans-Christian Stolzenberg Head of Unit International Chemicals Safety Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1 06844 Dessau Germany Tel: +49 340 2103 3113 Fax: +49 340 2103 3113 Email: [email protected] Mr. Juliane Koch-Jugl Scientific Officer International Chemicals Safety Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1 06844 Dessau Germany Tel: +49 340 2103 2424 Fax: +49 340 2103 2424 Email: [email protected] Mr. Joachim Wuttke Head of Section Waste Department Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1 06844 Dessau Germany Tel: +49 340 2103 3459 Fax: +49 340 2103 3103 Email: [email protected] Ms. Charlotte Elisabeth Hoffmann Federal Office for Chemicals Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) Fredrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25 44149 Dortmund Germany Tel: +49 231 9071 2913 Fax: +49 231 9071 2679 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mirijam Seng Scientific Officer Department Plant Protection Products Federal Office of Consumer Protection (BVL) Messeweg 11/12 38104 Braunschweig Germany Tel: +49 531 299 3614 Fax: +49 531 299 3002 Email: [email protected] Dr. Reiner Arndt External Consultant (POP Chairman) Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Am Derkmannsstuck 16 P.O. Box 120629 58239 Schwerte Germany Tel: +49 179 153 4597 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Ghana (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Vincent Kodzo Nartey Professor Environmental Protection Agency Department of Chemistry, University of Ghana Legon P.O. Box LG 56 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 244 293 330 Fax: +233 302 662 690 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jonathan Magnusen Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 04 50 Fax: +41 22 734 91 61 Email: [email protected] Mr. Daniel Senanu Amlalo Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 302 662 693 Fax: +233 302 662 690 Email: [email protected] Mr. Samuel Ernest Kuame Anku Deputy Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 302 664 697/8 Fax: +233 302 664 690 Email: [email protected] Mr. John Alexis Pwamang Director Chemicals Control and Management Department Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 302 664 697/8 Fax: +233 302 662 690 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Larsey Mensah Director Legal Department Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 277 424 254 Fax: +233 302 662 690 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Lambert Faabeluon Director Manufacturing Department Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 302 662 693 Fax: +233 302 662 690 Email: [email protected] Mr. Joseph Cantamanto Edmund Deputy Director Chemicals Control and Management Centre Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 208 168 907 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Vivian K.A. Asempapa Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 04 50 Fax: +41 22 734 91 61 Email: [email protected] Greece (BC, RC, SC) Mrs. Rhea Tsitsani Counsellor Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland Rue du Léman 4 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 909 89 40 Fax: +41 22 732 21 50 Email: [email protected] Mr. Damianos Serefidis Intern Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland Rue du Léman 4 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 909 89 40 Fax: +41 22 732 21 50 Email: [email protected]

Guatemala (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Michelle Bran Alvarado First Secretary Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 733 08 50 Fax: +41 22 733 14 29 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Fausto Cano Tello Coordinador SAICM Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Edificio MARN 20 Calle 28-58 Zona 10 010010 Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 2423 0500 x 2508 Fax: Email: Ms. Ana Dolores Consuelo Arévalo Morales Coordinador Estocolmo Unidad de Químicos y Desechos Peligrosos Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Edificio MARN 20 Calle 28-58 Zona 10 010010 Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 2423 0500 x 1043 Fax: +502 2423 0500 x 1045 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Luis Armando Menendez Godoy Jefe Departamento de Registro de Insumos Agricolas / Direccion de Sanidad Vegatal Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Alimentacion 7ma. Ave. 12-90 zona 13 Edificio de Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones 010143 Guatemala Guatemala Tel: +502 2413 7410 Fax: +502 2413 7387 Email: [email protected] H.E. Ms. Carla Maria Rodriguez Mancia Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 733 08 50 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Guinea (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Arafan Kabine Kaba Charge d'Affaires a.i. Permanent Mission of Guinea to the United Nations Office at Geneva Rue du Valais 7-9 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 65 55 Fax: +41 22 731 65 54 Email: [email protected] Mr. Bangaly Dioumessy Chef de Division / Point Focal de la Convention de Rotterdam Division Contrôle des Produits Chimiques Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage, de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts B.P. 761 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 68 44 02 55 Fax: +224 60 46 84 56 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mory Sano Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle Direction Nationale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable B.P. 3118 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 63 42 37 62 Fax: +224 45 15 89 Email: [email protected] Ms. Halimatou Tandéta Diallo Conseillère Chargée de l'Environnement / Point Focal de la Convention de Stockholm Direction Nationale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement B.P. 761 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 62 39 49 80 Fax: +224 46 84 56 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Guinea-Bissau (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Laurentino Rufino Da Cunha Directeur de Service de l'Environnement Urbain et Point Focal des Conventions de Stockholm et Bâle Service de l'Environnement et Tourisme Secretariat d'Etat de l'Environnement et du Tourisme Avenida Combatentes Da Liberdade Da Patria 399 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 5 804 393 Fax: +245 322 45 00 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Pedro Correia Landim Chef de Service Phytosanitare Service de la Protection Vegetal Ministère de l'Agriculture et Developpment Rural Avenida Combatentes Da Liberdade Da Patria 844 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 664 6830 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Evaristo Vieira Directeur Direction du Service des Ressources Humaines Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Avenida Combatentes Da Liberdade Da Patria 844 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 5 521 289 Fax: Email: [email protected] Guyana (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Suresh Lochan Amichand Senior Inspector, Training & Enforcement Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Ministry of Agriculture NARI Compound Mon Repos East Coast Demerara Guyana Tel: +592 671 45 44 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Shierdath Michael Ramsammy Inspector Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Ministry of Agriculture NARI Compound Mon Repos East Coast Demerara Guyana Tel: +592 624 40 17 Fax: +592 220 89 33 Email: [email protected] Honduras (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Marco Tulio Calix Coordinador del Convenio de Basilea Departamento de Vigilancia Ambiental del Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente (SERNA) Barrio Morazán, frente a Central de Bomberos Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: +504 2231 1006 Fax: +504 2239 0954 Email: [email protected]



H.E. Mr. Efran Diaz Arrivillaga Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland Chemin de Taverney 13 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 710 07 60 Fax: +41 22 710 07 66 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ana Gabriela Ramírez Salgado Coordinadora, Departamento para la Gestión de Sustancia Químicas Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO) Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente (SERNA) Barrio Morazán, frente a Central de Bomberos Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: +504 2231 1006 Fax: +504 2239 0954 Email: [email protected] Ms. Emerita Avila Reyes Oficial de Registro y Fiscalization de Plaguicidas Departmento de Plaguicidas Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENESA) Bulevar Miraflores, Avenida La Fao Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: +504 2232 6213 Fax: +504 2239 1144 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mauricio Alfredo Perez Zepeda Counsellor Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 710 07 60 Fax: +41 22 710 07 66 Email: [email protected] Hungary (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Szilvia Deim Deputy Director General National Institute of Chemical Safety Nagyvárad Tér 2 1097 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 476 1136 Fax: +36 1 476 1227 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Géza Gabriel Deputy Director Directorate for Plant Protection, Soil Conservation amd Agri-Environment National Food Chain Safety Office Budaörsi ut 141-145 1118 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 309 10 37 Fax: +36 1 246 29 42 Email: [email protected] Ms. Katalin Papp Councellor Environmental Technologies Unit / Department of Environmental Development Policies Ministry of Rural Development Kossuth Ter 11 1055 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 795 2480 Fax: +36 1 705 0037 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ágnes Petendi Expert Department of Environmental Preservation Ministry of Rural Development Kossuth Lajos Tér 11 1055 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 795 2455 Fax: +36 1 795 0057 Email: [email protected] Iceland (BC, SC) Ms. Sigurbjorg Saemundsdottir Head of Division Department of Environmental and Spatial Planning Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources Skuggasundi 1 150 Reykjavík Iceland Tel: +354 545 8696 Fax: +354 562 4566 Email: [email protected] India (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Shashi Sekhar Additional Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forest CGO Complex Lodhi Road 100 003 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2436 6341 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. B.N. Reddy Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue du Valais 9 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 86 86 Fax: +41 22 906 86 96 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ajay Tyagi Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests CGO Complex, Room No. 415 Paryavaran Bhawan, Lodhi Road 110 510 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 24 36 17 12 Fax: +91 11 24 36 21 27 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Adithela Jai Vara Prasad Joint Secretary Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Shastri Bhawan New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2338 3756 Fax: +91 11 2307 0104 Email: [email protected] Mr. Rajesh Ranjan First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue du Valais 9 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 86 86 Fax: +41 22 906 86 96 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Chhanda Chowdhury Director Hazardous Substances Management Division Ministry of Environment and Forests CGO Complex, Room No. 741 Paryavaran Bhawan , Lodhi Road 110 003 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2436 0662 / 2436 0691 Fax: +91 11 2436 0662 Email: [email protected] Ms. Vandana Jain Director (Plant Protection) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Room No. 244A, Krishi Bhawan Rajendra Prasad Road 110001 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2338 2937 Fax: +91 11 2338 2937 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ram Niwas Jindal Additional Director Hazardous Substances Management Division Ministry of Environment and Forests CGO Complex, Room No. 556 Paryavaran Bhawan, Lodhi Road 110 510 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2436 6347 Fax: +91 11 2436 6347 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Vinod Babu Bommathula Senior Environmental Engineer Central Pollution Control Board Ministry of Environment Parivash Bhawan East Arjun Nagar Shahdara Delhi India Tel: +91 991 006 615 97 Fax: +91 112 230 76 43 Email: [email protected] Dr. Satich R. Wate Director CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nehru Marg 440 020 Nagpur India Tel: +91 712 224 9999 Fax: +91 712 224 9900 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Indonesia (BC, SC) Ms. Halimah Syafrul Assistant Deputy Minister for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management Department for Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Wastes and Solid Wastes Management Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 859 056 39 Fax: +62 21 859 066 79 Email: [email protected] Mr. Wirjono Koesmoedjitiar Deputy Assistant Hazadous Waste Management Ministry of Environment JL DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 021 859 111 14 Fax: +62 021 859 111 14 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Yazid Nurhuda Assistant Deputy Director Department for Environmental International Agreements Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 851 7185 Fax: +62 21 851 7185 Email: [email protected] Mr. Fery Huston Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 859 056 39 Fax: +62 21 859 056 78 Email: Ms. Upik Sitti Aslia Kamil Deputy Director for Notification and Recommendation on Waste Transboundary Movement Unit of Verification for Hazardous Waste Management Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 851 4763 Fax: +62 21 8591 1114 Email: [email protected] Ms. Damayanti Ratunanda Ministry of Environment Jakarta Indonesia Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Laksmi Wijayanthi Head of Program Planning Ministry of Environment JL. Antariksa I/19 13421 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 850 70 66 Fax: +62 21 851 71 44 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ahmadi Sadirun Chief of Puplic Transport Division Ministry of Transportation Merdeka Barat Street 8 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 213 506 124 Fax: +62 213 506 124 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Tribayu Deviputri Purwanti Counsellor Directorate of Development, Economic and Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs JL, Taman Pejambon No. 6 B.P. 7 10110 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 344 1508 x 5543 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Muhsin Syihab Counsellor Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Saint-Jean 16 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 338 33 50 Fax: +41 22 345 57 33 Email: [email protected] Ms. Elsa Miranda First Secretary Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Saint-Jean 16 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 338 33 50 Fax: +41 22 345 57 33 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Yohpy Ichsan Wardana Counseller Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Nairobi Menengai Road, Upper Hill P.O. Box 48868 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 20 271 41 96 / 97 Fax: +254 20 271 34 75 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Luckmi Purwandari Head Deputy for Hazardous Substance, Hazardous Waste and Solid Waste JL DI Panjaitan Kav 24 East Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 021 859 111 14 Fax: +62 021 859 111 14 Email: [email protected] Ms. Amelia Rachmatunisa Head Subdivision for Hazardous Substances Management State Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 85 91111 4 Fax: +62 21 85 14763 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Dwi Astuti Endah Prihatiningtyas Head, Subdivision for Registration Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav. 24 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 859 056 39 Fax: +62 21 859 066 79 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Yunik Kuncaraning Purwandari Head of Sub Division for Evalution of Hazardous Substances Management Department for Hazardous Substances Management Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 589 056 39 Fax: +62 21 859 066 79 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ari Sugasri Head of Sub Division for International Agreement Affairs Department for Environmental Compliance Ministry of Environment JL. DI Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 8517 185 Fax: +62 21 8517 185 Email: [email protected] Mr. Tubagus Kemal Perbangsa Third Secretary Embassy of Indonesia in Nairobi Menengai Road, Upper Hill P.O. Box 48868 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 271 41 96 / 97 Fax: +254 20 271 34 75 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Laurie Malau Head of Section Department of Environment Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs JL, Taman Pejambon Affairs Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 384 86 26 Fax: +62 21 385 73 15 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Harri Gunawan Staff for Assistance Deputy Minister for Hazardous Subtances Management Department for Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Waste and Solid Wastes Management Ministry of Environment JL. DI. Panjaitan Kav 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 859 056 39 Fax: +62 21 859 056 79 Email: [email protected] Iran (Islamic Republic of) (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Hadi Farajvand Secretary of National Authority on Chemical Conventions Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building 8/2, United Nations Street Ferdousi Avenue, Imam Khomeini Square Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 6115 4336 Fax: +98 21 6674 0094 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Nassereddin Heidari Deputy Secretary National Authority for Chemical Conventions Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building 8/2, United Nations Street Ferdousi Avenue, Imam Khomeini Square Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 (21) 6115 4448 Fax: +98 (21) 6674 0094 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jafar Barmaki Counseller National Authority on Chemicals Conventions Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building 8/2, United Nations Street Ferdousi Avenue, Imam Khomeini Square Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 6115 4432 Fax: +98 21 6674 0094 Email: [email protected] Mr. Agha Reza Fotouhi Director Plant Protection Organization Ministry of Jehad and Agriculture No. 2 Yemen Avenue, Evin P.O. Box 4548 19395 Teheran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 2240 2712 Fax: +98 21 2240 3197 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Mohammad Javad Soroush Deputy of Plant Protection Organization Department for Pest Control Plant Protection Organization No. 2 Yaman Avenue, Evin Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 2309 1505 Fax: +98 21 2240 3197 Email: [email protected] H.E. Mr. Majid Shafiepour Motlagh Vice-Head Center International Affairs and Conventions Department of Environment Pardisan Ecopark Hakim High Way Teheran Iran Tel: +98 21 8823 3378 Fax: +98 21 8823 3376 Email: [email protected] Mr. Hamid Tavoosi Hamrah Chair Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) West Boulelvard, Near Azadi Sports Complex P.O. Box 14665-137 Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 4825 2326 Fax: +98 21 4473 9712 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alireza Shiri Garakani Director Department of Environment Pardisan Ecopark West Hakim Highway Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 8823 3144 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Iraq (BC) Mr. Tuama Abdul-Hamza Helu Deputy Minister, Focal Point to Chemicals Management Ministry of Environment Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 790 193 3504 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Taghreed Khalaf Abdulrazzaq Al-Nuaimi Senior Chief Chemist, Focal Point to Basel Convention Assement and Monitoring Service Department Ministry of Environment Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 790 272 7426 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Mr. Talal Hussein Hasan Al-Qaisi Senior Chemist, Focal Point to Rotterdam Convention Services Activities Department Ministry of Environment Al-Waziraa, Magrab Street 10062 Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 790 165 0260 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Imad Mohammed john Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Impasse Colombelle 8 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 09 80 Fax: +41 22 733 03 26 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Razaq Salman Mashkoor Second Secretary Environment Section, Organizations Department of Organizational Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Al-Salihiya Q Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 771 365 7011 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Suaad Salman Alogly Attaché Treaties Section, Legal Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Al-Salihiya Q Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 790 117 379 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Ehssan Abdulemer Jassem Jassem Expert Minister's Advisor Bureau Ministry of Environment Al-Arssat 3060 Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 780 184 5970 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ireland (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Nuala Bannon Principal Adviser Environment Inspectorate Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2758 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Ronan Mulhall Principal Officer Waste Policy Section Department of Environment, Community and Local Government New Town Road Wexford Ireland Tel: +353 53 911 7479 Fax: +353 53 911 7603 Email: [email protected] Mr. Philip McMurray Deputy Waste Policy Section Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 877 876 975 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Deirdre Mahony Assistant Principal Environment International and Sustainable Development Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: + 353 872 546 643 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Frank Gallagher Assistant Principal Chemical Team Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 864 443 3127 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Sean Mc Laughlin Assistant Principal Officer Environment Division Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +383 1 888 2314 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Mr. Darren Byrne Environmental Inspector Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2435 Fax: +353 1 888 2994 Email: [email protected] Mr. Brian Quirke Inspector Resource Use Unit / Office of Climate, Licensing and Resource Use Environmental Protection Agency Johnstown Castle Estate P.O. Box 3000 Wexford Ireland Tel: +353 53 917 0727 Fax: +353 53 916 0699 Email: [email protected] Ms. Suzanne Wylde Environmental Licensing Inspector Office of Climate, Licensing and Resource Use Environmental Protection Agency Johntown Castle Estate P.O.Box 3000 Wexford Ireland Tel: +353 53 917 0791 Fax: +353 53 916 0699 Email: [email protected] Mr. Steven Fadian Administrative Officer Waste Policy Section Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2022 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Siobhan Nic Thighearnain Higher Executive Officer Environment Policy and Awareness Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2571 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Michael Bourke Policy Officer Environment Inspectorate Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom house 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2789 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Suzanne Dempsey Policy Officer Waste Policy Section Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2204 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Antoin Lawlor Policy Officer Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2864 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Martin Hehir Executive Officer Environment International and Sustainable Development Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2249 Fax: +353 1 888 2014 Email: [email protected] Mr. Tony Kenny Executive Officer Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House 1 Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 888 2777 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Israel (BC, RC) Ms. Romy Even Danan Head Hazardous Substances Division Ministry of Environmental Protection Kanfei Nesharim Street, 5 Jerusalem Israel Tel: +972 2 655 3766 Fax: +972 2 678 7061 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Raza Blitman Information Specialist Hazardous Substances Division Ministry of Environmental Protection Kanfei Nesharim Street, 5 Jerusalem Israel Tel: +972 8 925 3321 Fax: +972 8 925 3461 Email: [email protected] Mr. David Szekely Supervisor of International Chemicals Conventions and Organizations Hazardous Substances Department Ministry of Environmental Protection Kanfei Nesharim Street, 5 Jerusalem Israel Tel: +972 2 655 3886 Fax: +972 2 678 7061 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Omer Caspi Minister-Counselor, Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 1-3 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 0500 Fax: +41 22 716 0555 Email: [email protected] Mr. Guy Ayriel Advisor Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 1-3 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 05 00 Fax: +41 22 716 05 55 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tania Bers-Rafaeli Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 1-3 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 05 00 Fax: +41 22 716 05 55 Email: [email protected]



Italy (BC, RC) Mr. Pier Francesco Zazo Ministre Plenipotentiary Directorate General for Cooperation and the Environment Minitry of Foreign Affairs 2 Piazzale Della Farnesina 00195 Rome Italy Tel: +39 06 3691 6242 Fax: +39 06 6253 Email: Ms. Rita Giuliana Mannella Coordinator Directorate General for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Piazza Margana, 19 00186 Rome Italy Tel: +39 063 6914 729 Fax: +39 063 3691 4997 Email: [email protected] Mr. Giuseppe Ruocco Director General Ministry of Health Lungotevere Ripa 1 Rome Italy Tel: +39 06 599 41 Fax: Email: Ms. Daniela Rodorigo Director General International and European Relations Ministry of Health 00153 Rome Italy Tel: +39 0659 941 Fax: Email: Mr. Pietro Pistolese Doctor Ministry of Health Rome Italy Tel: +39 065 994 3439 Fax: Email: Mr. Leonello Attias Researcher Centro Nazionale Sostanze Chimiche Istituto Superiore di Sanita Via Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy Tel: +39 06 4990 2061 Fax: +39 06 4990 2286 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Luigia Scimonelli Reasearcher Health Prevention Ministero della Salute e Istituto Superiore della Sanita Via Giorgio Ribotta, 5 00144 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5994 3326 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Carlo Zaghi Head of Unit Division V - General Directorate for Environmental Assessments Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 5000 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Giuliana Serrini Officer Division V - General Directorate for Environmental Assessments Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 5041 Fax: +39 6 5722 5062 Email: [email protected] Mr. Marco L. V. Valleri Officer Division V - General Directorate for Environmental Assessments Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 5016 Fax: +39 6 5722 5062 Email: [email protected] Ms. Daniela Addis Legal Advisor Department for Protection of Territory and Water Resources Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 5281 Fax: +39 6 5722 5291 Email: [email protected] Ms. Giorgia Caropreso Expert Department for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Energy Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 8160 Fax: +39 6 5722 8178 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Filiberto Ferraro Legal Advisor Ministry of Environment Rome Italy Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Elena Floridi Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Via Vitaliano Brancati 48 00144 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5007 2578 Fax: +39 6 5007 2531 Email: [email protected] Mr. Marco Strincone Expert (Chemist) Department for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Energy Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5722 8127 Fax: +39 6 5722 8178 Email: [email protected] Ms. Lucilla Alagna Scientific Expert Directorate General for Economic Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Piazzale della Farnesina 1 00135 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 369 185 82 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Amedeo Trambajolo Charge d'Affaires Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de l'Impératrice 10 1292 Pregny Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 08 10 Fax: +41 22 740 07 15 Email: Mr. Maurizio Biasini Scientific Attaché Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de l'Impératrice 10 1292 Pregny Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 08 10 Fax: +41 22 740 07 15 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ganluigi Consoli Intern Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de l'Impératrice 10 1292 Pregny Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 08 10 Fax: +41 22 740 07 15 Email: [email protected] Jamaica (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Michael Frank Ramsay Registrar Pesticides Control Authority Ministry of Health 2-4 King Street Kingston Jamaica Tel: +1 876 967 1281 Fax: +1 876 967 1285 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Gillian Guthrie Senior Director Environmental Management Division Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change 16A Half Way Tree Road 5 Kingston Jamaica Tel: +1 876 926 8583 Fax: +1 876 920 7267 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Robert Collie Director of Legal Services and Enforcement Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change 10 Caledonia Avenue 5 Kingston Jamaica Tel: +1 876 908 1324 Fax: +1 876 754 7594 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kerrine Senior Manager Pollution Prevention Branch National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) 10 & 11 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel: +1 876 754 7540 Fax: +1 876 754 7599 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tyesha Turner First Secratary Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations Office and other Specialized Institutions in Geneva Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 0760 Fax: +41 22 738 4420 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Japan (BC, RC, SC) Mr Yoshihiro Katayama Senior Coordinator Global Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8919 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 Email: [email protected] Mr. Tsutomu Mizutani First Secretary Specialized Agency Section Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Fins 3 1218 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 3351 Fax: +41 22 717 3774 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Kozue Hoshino Official Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8919 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mayuka Ishida Official Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8919 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 Email: [email protected] Mr. Takashi Fukushima Administrator for Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal Environmental Protection Guidance Office / Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8901 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3501 4665 Fax: +81 3 3580 6329 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Shuji Tamura Director for Chemical Management Policy (International Affairs) Chemical Management Policy Division Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8901 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3501 0080 Fax: +81 3 3580 6347 Email: [email protected] Ms. Reiko Eda Assistant Director Chemical Management Policy Division Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kaumigaseki Chiyoda-ku 100-8901 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3501 0080 Fax: +81 3 3580 6347 Email: [email protected] Ms. Eriko Hantani Section Chief Environment Protection Guidance Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda'ku 100-8901 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3501 4665 Fax: +81 3 3580 6329 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kazuhiko Takemoto Senior Advisor to the Minister of Environment Ministry of Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 3157 Fax: +81 3 3593 8264 Email: [email protected] Mr. Naoya Tsukamoto Director Division of Industrial Waste, Waste Management and Recycling Department Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 3156 Fax: +81 3 3593 8264 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kiyohiko Suzuki Deputy Director Division of Industrial Waste, Waste Management and Recycling Department Ministry of Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 3156 Fax: +81 3 3593 8264 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Yoshihiro Mizutani Deputy Director Environment Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5521 8260 Fax: +81 3 3380 3596 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yusuke Kusakawa Deputy Director Chemicals Evalution Office, Environmental Health Department Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5521 82 53 Fax: +81 3 3581 3370 Email: [email protected] Ms. Naoko Moritani Section Chief Office of Waste Disposal Management, Waste Management and Recycling Department Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 3157 Fax: +81 3 3593 8264 Email: [email protected] Mr. Shunichi Honda Section Chief Office of Waste Disposal Management / Waste Management and Recycling Department Ministry of Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 3157 Fax: +81 3 3593 8264 Email: [email protected] Mr. Michikazu Kojima Senior Research Fellow Inter-Disciplinary Studies Center Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) Wakaba 3-2-2, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi 261-8545 Chiba Japan Tel: +81 4 3299 9565 Fax: +81 4 3299 9763 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Junya Kikuhara Manager Environmental and Urban Research Secretariat Asian Network 2-17-22 Takada, Toshima-ku 171-0033 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5956 7503 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Osamu Sakamoto Consultant Environmental Policy Group EX Research Institute Ltd. 2-17-22 Takada, Toshima-ku 171-0033 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5956 7503 Fax: +81 3 5956 7523 Email: [email protected] Mr. Karin Baba Consultant Environment Assessment Unit Japan NUS Co. Ltd. Nishi-Shinjuku Kimuraya Boulevard 5f, 7-5-25 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5925 6866 Fax: +81 9 5925 6745 Email: [email protected] Jordan (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Ahmad Al-Qatarneh Secretary General Ministry of Environment King Faisal Bin Abdel Azez Street 83 P.O. Box 1408 Amman Jordan Tel: +962 6 552 1941 Fax: +962 6 553 15 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Mohammed Oglah Hussein Khashashneh Director Hazardous Substances and Waste Management Directorate Ministry of Environment King Feisal bin Abdel Aziz Street 84 P.O. Box 1408 11941 Amman Jordan Tel: +962 6 556 0113 x 140 Fax: +962 6 552 5315 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Maher Yusef Shehadeh Head, Department of Chemical Safety Ministry of Health P.O. Box 86 Amman Jordan Tel: +962 79 91 91 088 Fax: +962 6566 6147 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Kazakhstan (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Gulshira Atemova Head of the Methodological Support Management Department for State Environment Regulation Ministry of Environmental Protection Ministry House, 14 Oryndor Street 010000 Astana Kazakhstan Tel: +7 7172 740 8 46 Fax: +7 7172 740 8 82 Email: [email protected] Kenya (BC, RC, SC) H. E. Mr. George Olago Owuor Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations Office at Nairobi Off Limuru Road, Muthaiga P.O. Box 41394 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 716 575 770 Fax: +254 20 376 00 17 Email: [email protected] Mr. Richard John Mwendandu Director Multilateral Agreement on Environment Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources P.O. Box 30126 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 722 744 683 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Francis N. Kihumba Coordinator, GEF Project Directorate of Environment Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 722 431 110 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Gladys N. Maina Managing Director Pest Control Products Board P.O. Box 13794 00800 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 20 802 1846 Fax: +254 20 802 1865 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Peter Simon Opiyo Ombajo Chief Pesticide Analyst Registration and Analysis Department Pest Control Products Board P.O. Box 13794 00800 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 722 767 647 Fax: +254 020 802 18 65 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Florence Thira Ochieng Second Counsellor Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations Office in Nairobi New Muthaiga, Off Limuru Road, Urafiki Lane P.O. Box 67830 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 208 079 149 Fax: +254 203 760 017 / 18 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anne C. R. Keah Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 1-3 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 40 50 Fax: +41 22 731 29 05 Email: [email protected] Kiribati (BC, SC) Mr. Farran Redfern Senior Environment Officer Environment and Conservation Division Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu, Tarawa Kiribati Tel: +686 28211/28000/96444 Fax: +686 28334 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Teema Biko National Chemical Officer Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu, Tarawa Kiribati Tel: +686 28211 Fax: +686 28334 Email: [email protected]



Kuwait (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Mohammad M. Al-Enezi Director Industrial Environment Department P.O. Box 24395 Safat Kuwait Tel: Fax: Email: Ms. Suad Ahmed Taqi Head of Waste Management Section Industrial Environment Department Kuwait Tel: +965 248 9595 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Lamya Aljorephani Industrial Environment Department Environment Public Authority Kuwait Tel: +965 248 21284 Fax: +965 248 21284 Email: [email protected] Dr. Aijaz Ahmed International Affairs Department Kuwait Tel: +965 248 20596 Fax: +965 248 20570 Email: [email protected] Mr. Meshal Forouque Al-Ebraheem Industrial Environment Management Environment Public Authority Kuwait Tel: +965 9903 7872 Fax: +965 2482 1595 Email: [email protected] Ms. Aisha Fahad Al-Asousi Industrial Environment Department Kuwait Tel: +965 996 03088 Fax: +965 248 21595 Email: [email protected] Ms. Fatema Al-Shammari Research Associate Environment and Live Science Center Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) 24885 Safat Kuwait Tel: +965 2498 9128 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Mr. Mashan Alajmi First Secretary Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de l'Ariana 2 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 01 00 Fax: +41 22 740 21 55 Email: [email protected] Kyrgyzstan (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Keneshbek Jumabekov Expert on Stockholm Convention State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry 228 Toktogul Street 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 900814 Fax: +996 312 353102 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Nazira Abdylasova Chief Specialist Department of the State Ecological Expertise State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry 228 Toktogul Street 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 900814 Fax: +996 312 353102 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Zhamalkan Kadoeva Expert of Rotterdam Convention Department of Ecological Expertise and Management of Natural Resources State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry 228 Toktogul Street 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 900 814 Fax: +996 312 353 102 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Lao People's Democratic Republic (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Sivannakone Malivarn Director Greate Mekong Subregion Cooperation Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Prime Minister Officer P.O. Box 7864 01 Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 263 799 Fax: +856 21 263 799 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Phonethip Phetsomphou Director of ASEAN Cooperation on Environment Division and Assistant to National Focal Point and Coordinator on POPs Lao National Mekong Committee Secretariat Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Khunbulom Road P.O. Box 7864 Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 260 983 Fax: +856 21 260 984 Email: [email protected] Mr. Soulivanh Pholsena Director Ministry of foreign Relations Simuang Road Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 20 2898 7598 Fax: +856 21 253 017 Email: [email protected] Mr. Khonekeo Kingkhambang Deputy Director Assistant to the National Focal Point and Coordinator of the Stockholm Convention Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Prime Minister Officer P.O. Box 7864 01 Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 20 263 799 Fax: +856 21 263 799 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Latvia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Evita Stanga Counsellor Permanent Representation of Latvia to the European Union 23, Avenue des Arts B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 22 383 137 Fax: +32 22 383 250 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anita Drondina Counsellor (Environment) Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the European Union Avenue des Arts 23 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 238 31 26 Fax: +32 2 238 32 50 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Dagnija Jirgensone Senior Officer Environmental Protection Department Ministry of the Environment 25, Peldu Street 1494 Riga Latvia Tel: +371 67 026 514 Fax: +371 67 820 442 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ilze Donina Senior Desk Advisor Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 25, Peldu Street 1050 Riga Latvia Tel: +371 6 702 6515 Fax: +371 6 782 0442 Email: [email protected] Ms. Daina Ozola Head Of Division Environment Protection Department Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Peldu Iela 25 1494 Riga Latvia Tel: +371 6 702 6516 Fax: +371 6 782 0442 Email: [email protected] Ms. Lilija Dukalska Senior Expert Supervision Department State Environmental Service Rupniecinas Street 23 1045 Riga Latvia Tel: +371 670 842 00 Fax: +371 670 842 12 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kristina Pelsa Head Minister's Bureau Ministry of Environment Latvia Tel: +371 6 702 643 Fax: +371 6 722 460 Email: [email protected]



Lebanon (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Bou Habib Hanna Doctor in Chemistry Chemical Technology / Chemical Safety Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Building, 7th floor Block 4A New P.O. Box 11/2727 Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 1 976 555 x 508 Fax: +961 1 976 530 Email: [email protected] Ms. Olfat Hamdan Head of Department Department of Urban Environmental Protection Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 11 2727 Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 1 976 530 x 448 Fax: +961 1 976 530 Email: [email protected] Ms. Rima El Chihny Agronome Department de Protection de la Culture Section de Pharmacie des Plantes Ministère de l'Agriculture Bir Hasson Lebanon Tel: +961 70 476 177 Fax: +961 18 433 053 Email: [email protected] Lesotho (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Thato Mohasoa Principal Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture 7th Floor Post Office Building Kingsway Road P.O. Box 10993 100 Maseru Lesotho Tel: +266 22 31 65 74 Fax: +266 22 31 07 11 Email: [email protected] Mr. Motsamai Stanley Damane Director for Environment Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture 6th Floor Post Office Building King Way Road P.O. Box 10993 100 Maseru Lesotho Tel: +266 22 31 17 67 Fax: +266 22 31 11 39 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Lefeu Ramone Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Lesotho to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Laussanne 47 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 10 52 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Thabo Vicent Kobeli Tšasanyane Senior Environment Officer / Basel Convention Focal Point Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture 6th Floor Post Office Building Kingsway Road P.O. Box 10959 100 Maseru Lesotho Tel: +266 58 035 830 Fax: +266 22 311 139 Email: [email protected] Ms. Moleboheng Petlane Environment Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture 7th Floor Post Office Building Kings way Road P.O. Box 10993 Maseru 100 Lesotho Tel: +266 22 31 17 67 Fax: +266 22 31 11 39 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ntsime Jafeta Counsellor Permanent Mission of Lesotho to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 45-47 (2nd Floor) 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 10 50 Fax: +41 22 900 05 25 Email: [email protected] Liberia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Dehwehn Omarley Yeabah Director Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Ministry of Health and Social Welfare P.O. Box 10-9009 1000 Monrovia Liberia Tel: +231 666 99 06 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Henry O. Williams Stockholm Convention Focal Point Intersectoral Department Environmental Protection Agency 4th Street Sinkor P.O. Box 4024 Monrovia Liberia Tel: +231 886 587 734 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Liechstenstein (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Isabella Pagotto Advisor Directorate of Political Affairs, Sectoral Foreign Policies Division, International Environment Affairs Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Bundesgasse 28 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: +41 31 323 72 16 Fax: +41 31 324 10 63 Email: [email protected] Lithuania (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Aurelija Bajoraitiene Chief Desk Officer Chemicals Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2663502 Fax: +370 5 2663502 Email: [email protected] Ms. Birute Abraitiene Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 24 70 Fax: +41 22 748 24 77 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Zita Varanaviciene Chief Desk Officer Chemical Management Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 706 6 18 58 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Ms. Marija Teriosina Head of Chemical Substances Division Pollution Prevention Department Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2663501 Fax: +370 5 2663502 Email: [email protected] Ms. Justina Kapustinskaja Chief Desk Officer Chemical Management Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 706 6 32 71 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Rokas Tubutis Chief Desk Officer Chemical Management Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 706 6 32 71 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Ingrida Varzgaliene Head of Division Waste Department / Waste Management Strategy Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 706 6 35 11 Fax: +370 706 6 36 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Justina Grigaraviciene Chief Desk Officer Waste Department / Waste Management Strategy Division Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Street 4/9 01105 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 706 6 35 37 Fax: +370 706 6 36 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Otilija Grinceviciute Chief Specialist Chemical Substances Division Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapaviciaus Street 9 09311 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 5 212 60 94 Fax: +370 706 62 000 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Tomas Smilgius Chief Specialist Chemical Substances Division Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapavicius Street 9 09311 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 5 212 60 97 Fax: +370 5 212 60 96 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vytautas Danilevicius Chief Specialist Chemical Substances Division Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapaviciaus Street 9 09311 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: +370 5 212 60 98 Fax: +370 5 212 60 96 Email: [email protected] Luxembourg (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Claude Franck Conseiller de Direction, 1er classe Ministère de l'Environnement 4, Place de l'Europe 2918 Luxembourg Tel: +35 2 247 868 14 Fax: +35 2 247 868 35 Email: [email protected] Madagascar (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Arsonina Bera Directeur Direction de la Gestion des Pollutions Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts B.P. 571 Tananarive Madagascar Tel: +261 32 41 780 29 Fax: +261 20 22 304 88 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jean-Claude Salama Point Focal National de la Convention de Bâle Chef de Service de la Valorisation des Déchets Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forêts et du Tourisme Rue Parafaty Ampandrianomby B.P. 571 101 Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 34 05 620 39 Fax: +261 20 22 304 88 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Haritiana Rakotoarisetra Point Focal National de la Convention de Stockholm Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts Ampandrinomby B.P. 571 101 Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 20 34 05 623 80 Fax: +261 20 22 304 88 Email: [email protected] Malawi (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Tawonga Grace Mbale Assistant Director Environmental Impact Assessment and Pollution Control Management Section Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Climate Change Lingadzi House, City Centre Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel: +265 1 771 111 Fax: +265 1 773 379 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Victoria Kachimera Principal Environmental Officer Legal Department Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Climate Change Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel: +265 1 771 111 Fax: +265 1 773 379 Email: [email protected] Ms. Caroline Theka Environmental Officer Legal Department Ministry of Environmental and Climate Change Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel: +265 1 775 062 Fax: +265 1 773 379 Email: [email protected] Malaysia (BC, RC) Ms. Che Asmah Ibrahim Director Hazardous Substances Division Department of Environment Level 2, Podium 3, Wisma Sumber Asli Presint 4 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 8871 2117 Fax: +603 8888 6120 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Che Kodir Baharum Principal Assistant Secretary Conservation and Environment Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 25 Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4 62574 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: +60 88861126 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Majahar ABD Rahman Chemical Management Division Department of Occupational Safety and Health Puthajaya Malaysia Tel: +603 8886 5088 Fax: +603 8889 2339 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mazlin Mokhtar Professor Institute for Environement and Development (LESTARI) National University of Malaysia (UKM) UKM Nangi 43600 Selangor Malaysia Tel: +601 9264 0682 Fax: +603 8925 5104 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sri Ram Letchimanan Senior Principal Assistant Director Ministry of International Trade and Industry Government Office Complex, Jalan Duta 506222 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: +60 126 712 511 Fax: +60 362 010 437 Email: [email protected] Mr. Muhamad Nahar HJ Mohd Sidek Principal Assistant Director Economic Planning Unit Prime Minister's Department Parcel B, Block B5 & B6 62502 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: +603 8872 3235 Fax: +603 888 4323 Email: [email protected] Ms. Fatimah Anwar Principal Assistant Director Department of Agriculture Malaysia Pesticides Board 4-6 Floor, Wisma Tani Jalan Sultan Salahuddin 50632 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: +603 2030 1491 Fax: +603 2691 7551 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Zuraini Ahmad Tajudin Principal Assistant Director Hazardous Substances Division / Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 2, Podium 3, Wisma Sumber Asli Precint 4 62574 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: +60 3 8871 2134 Fax: +603 8888 6120 Email: [email protected] Mr. Choo Ta Goh Institute for Environment and Develpment (LESTARI) National University of Malasia (UKM) UKM Bangi 43600 Selangor Malasia Tel: +601 2382 1759 Fax: +603 8925 5104 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mazriah Ayu Abu Bakar Environmental Control Officer Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 2, Podium 3, Wisma Sumber Asli Presint 4 62574 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: +603 8871 2133 Fax: +603 8888 6120 Email: [email protected] Maldives (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Ahmed Murthaza Assistant Director Environment Protection Agency Ministry of Environment and Energy Ameenee Magu 20392 Malé Maldives Tel: +960 333 7837 Fax: +960 333 5953 Email: [email protected] Mr. Azhar Hassan Environment Analyst Ministry of Environment and Energy Ameenee Magu, Maafannu 20392 Malé Maldives Tel: +960 300 4312 Fax: +960 300 4301 Email: [email protected] Mali (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Modibo Diallo Directeur National Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement Aci 200 Hamdallaye Rue Porte 1201 Mali Tel: +223 76 30 51 21 Fax: +223 20 29 50 90 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Abdoulaye Traore Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions des Nuissances, Chef de Division Division Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement B.P. 3114 Bamako Mali Tel: +223 20 29 24 10 Fax: +223 20 29 50 90 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Balla Sissoko Point Focal et Point de Contact Officiel de la Convention de Stockholm Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances (DNACPN) Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement Dravéla Bolobana Porte 191, Rue 415 B.P. 3114 Bamako Mali Tel: +223 20 29 24 10 Fax: +223 20 29 50 90 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Dramane Traore Counsellor Permanent Mission of Mali to the United Nations Office and other International Organization in Geneva International Centre Cointrin (ICC), Route de Pré-Bois 20, Bloc G (1st Floor) 1215 Geneva Tel: +41 22 710 09 60 Fax: +41 22 710 09 69 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Oumar Diaouré Cisse Point Focal SAICM Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement Direction Nationale Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances B.P. 3114 Bamako Mali Tel: +223 (229) 24 10 Fax: +223 (229) 20 90 Email: [email protected] Malta (BC) Mr. Kevin Mercieca Unit Manager Waste, Air, Radiation and Noise Unit / Environment Protection Directorate Environment and Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana P.O. Box 200 1000 Marsa Mrs Malta Tel: +356 2290 7200 Fax: +356 2290 2281 Email: [email protected]

Mauritania (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Mohamed Abdellahi Tah Directeur de l'Agriculture Ministère du Dévelopement Rural Rue Independence B.P. 180 Nouakchott Maritania Tel: +222 22 35 10 42 Fax: +222 45 25 78 79 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sidi Ould Aloueimine Directeur Direction des Pollutions et des Urgences Environnementales Ministère de l’Environnement et Développement Durable Rue 21-185 No. 834 B.P. 170 Nouakchott Mauritania Tel: +222 45 24 31 45 Fax: +222 45 24 31 38 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Moustaph Mohamed Moustapha Counsellor Permanent Mission of Mauritania to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de l'Ancien-Port 14 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 18 40 Fax: +41 22 906 18 41 Email: [email protected] Mr. Keita Ould Mohamedou Member Permanent Mission of Mauritania to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue de l'Ancien-Port 14 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 906 18 40 Fax: +41 22 906 18 41 Email: [email protected] Mauritius (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Israhyananda Dhalladoo Ambassador Permanent Mission of Mauritius to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Vermont 37-39 P.O. Box 144 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 734 85 50 Fax: +41 22 734 86 30 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Zaheda Begum Lall mahomed Principal Assistant Secretary Solid Waste Management Division Ministry of Local Government and Outer Islands E. Anquetil Building, 10th Floor Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +230 201 12 19 Fax: +230 201 38 81 Email: [email protected] Mr. Prakash Kowlesser Director Solid Waste Management Division Ministry of Local Government and Outer Islands Emmanuel Anquetil Building, 10th Floor Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +230 201 2741 Fax: +230 213 0654 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Saraswatee Gaya Occupational Health Physician Occupational Health Unit Ministry of Health and Quality of Life 4A Impasse des Ibis, Soonac Quatre Bornes Mauritius Tel: +230 761 45 12 Fax: +230 211 99 28 Email: [email protected] Mr. Adam Koodoruth First Secretary Permanent Mission of Mauritius to the United Nations Office at Geneva Rue de Vermont 37-39 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 734 85 50 Fax: +41 22 734 86 30 Email: [email protected] Mr. Dilshaad Uteem First Secretary Permanent Mission of Mauritius to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Vermont 37-39 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 734 85 50 Fax: +41 22 734 86 30 Email: [email protected] Mexico (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Ulises Canchola Gutiérrez Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 07 07 Fax: +41 22 748 07 08 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Wilehaldo David Cruz Bressant Titular de la Unidad Coordinadora de Asuntos Jurídicos Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Blvd. Adolfo Ruíz Cortines 4209 Col. Jardines de la Montaña 14210 Delegación Tlalpan D.F. México Tel: +52 55 5628 0831 Fax: +52 55 5628 0832 Email: [email protected] Mr. Luis Eduardo De Avila Rueda Director General de Gestion Integral De Materiales y Activadades Riesgosas Subsecretaria de Gestion para la Proteccion Ambiental Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Internacionales Av. Revolution No. 1425 Col. Tlacopac C.P. 01041 Alvaro obregon Mexico Tel: +52 55 5624 36 12 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Ives Enrique Gómez Salas Director para la Agenda Gris Unidad Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Boulevard, Adolfo Ruíz Cortines 4209 Col. Jardines de la Montaña 14210 Delegación Tlalpan D.F. Mexico Tel: +52 55 5628 0600 x 12206 Fax: +52 55 5628 0694 Email: [email protected] Mr. Dante Licona Advisor Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 78 824 19 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Sara Manzano Assistant Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 07 07 Fax: +41 22 748 07 08 Email: [email protected] Mr. David Damian Assistant Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations Office and International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 (5th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 07 07 Fax: +41 22 748 07 08 Email: [email protected]



Micronesia (Federated States of) (BC, SC) Mr. Moses E. Pretrick Environmental Health Coordinator Division of Health Services Department of Health, Education & Social Affairs FSM National Government Palikir, Pohnpei FM 96941 P.O. Box PS 70 Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel: +691 320 8300 Fax: +691 320 8460 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Justin Rose Environment Law Advisor Office of Environment and Emergency Management P.O. Box PS-69 96941 Pohnpei Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel: +691 320 8814 Fax: +691 320 8936 Email: [email protected] Mongolia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Ariuntuya Dorjsuren Office in Charge of Convention implementation International Cooperation Division Ministry of Environment and Green Development Government Building II, United Nations Street 5/2, Chingeltei 15160 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Tel: +976 51 263 341 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Altantuya Chunag State Custom Officer Custom Policy and Strategy Planning State Customer Authority Government Building II, United Nations Street 5/2, Chingeltei 15160 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Tel: +976 99 086 321 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Altangadas Bayanjargal Officer of Council's Office National Chemicals Management Council Ministry of Environment and Green Development Government Building II, United Nations Street 5/2, Chingeltei 15160 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Tel: +976 51 266 528 Fax: +976 51 266 528 Email: [email protected]

Montenegro (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Maja Schmidt Gutzat Counsellor Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Route de Lausanne 147 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 66 80 Fax: +41 22 732 66 82 Email: [email protected] Morocco (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Mehdi Chalabi Directeur de la Surveillance et de la Prévention des Risques Ministère de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement 9. Avenue. Al Araar Secteur 16, Hay Ryad Rabat Morocco Tel: +212 5 37 57 66 46 Fax: +212 5 37 57 66 45 Email: [email protected] Ms. Driss Bensaid Officer Royal Armed Forces Morocco Tel: +212 6 61 47 97 48 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Farah Bouqartacha Chef de la Division Prévention et Stratégies d'Intervention Département de l’Environnement Ministère de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement 9 Avenue Al Aarar Secteur 16, Hay Ryad Rabat Morocco Tel: +212 5 37 57 05 94 Fax: +212 5 37 57 05 88 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Nor Dine Sadouk Counsellor Permanent of Morocco to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin François-Lehmann 18a 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 81 81 Fax: +41 22 791 81 80 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Lalla Khadija Redda Chef de Service ONEE / Ministère de l'Energies Mines Eau et Environnement Avenue Ailanthus Sector 23 H 22 Raba Maroc Tel: +212 66 133 7231 Fax: +212 53 775 9109 Email: [email protected] Mr. Hafsa Lakhlifi Administrateur Principal Département de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement 9, Avenue Al Araar Secteur 16, Hay Ryad Rabat Morocco Tel: +212 6 61 56 80 16 Fax: +212 5 37 57 05 88 Email: [email protected] Ms. Amal Lemsioui Administrateur Département de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement 9, Avenue Al Araar Secteur 16, Hay Ryad Rabat Morocco Tel: +212 5 37 71 07 98 Fax: +212 5 37 57 66 45 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mozambique (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Alexia Mutisse Lawyer-Basel Convention Focal Point Environmental Impact Assessment Ministry of Coordination of Environmental Affairs Avenida de Acordos de Lusaka No. 2115 P.O. Box 2020 Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258 82 774 0690 Fax: +258 21 466 245 Email: [email protected] Mr. Samson Cuamba Focal Point Rotterdam Convention - Environmentalist National Directorate of Environmental Management Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Avenida de Acordos de Lusaka 2115 P.O. Box 2020 Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258 88 243 120 46 Fax: +258 21 466 245 Email: [email protected]

Dr. Joseph Costans John Gungunhana Chief, Environmental Quality Department and Focal Point of Stockholm Convention National Directorate for Environmental Management Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Avenida de Acordo de Lusaka 2115 P.O. Box 2020 Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258 51 465 947 Fax: +258 21 465 141 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Myanmar (SC) Mr. Hla Maung Thein Deputy Director General Environment Conservation Department Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry Building No. 53 Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar Tel: +95 67 4313 28 Fax: +95 67 43 13 22 Email: [email protected] Namibia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Gerhard Theron Director Department of Treaties and Agreements Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tel: +41 22 733 02 20 Fax: Email: Mr. Fredrick Mupoti Sikabongo Deputy Environment Commissioner Environment Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism 13306 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 284 2701 Fax: +264 61 240 339 Email: [email protected] Ms. Paulina Pashukeni Shilunga Agriculture Extention Officer Extension and Engineering Services Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Luther Street Private Bag 13184 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 208 74 63 Fax: +264 61 208 77 78 Email: [email protected]



Mrs. Selma Nghinamundova First Secretary Permanent Mission of Namibia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 (1st Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 76 330 25 59 Fax: Email: Mr. Absalom Nghifitikeko First Secretary Permanent Mission of Namibia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15 (1st Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 76 330 25 59 Fax: Email: [email protected] Nepal (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Keshab Prasad Bhattarai Secretary Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Singh Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 142 116 41 Fax: +977 142 119 54 Email: [email protected] Mr. Shankar Prasad Adhikari Joint Secretary Environment Division Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Singh Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +997 142 117 37 Fax: +977 142 119 54 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ashok Prasad Bhattarai Scientific Officer EIA Section Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Singh Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 142 116 41 Fax: +977 142 119 54 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ghanshyam Bhandari Second Secretary Permanent of Mission of Nepal to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Servette 81 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 733 26 00 Fax: +41 22 733 27 22 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Netherlands (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Reginald Hernaus Lead Negotiator Chemicals and Waste Department for International Affairs Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Plesmanweg 1-6 2597 The Hague Netherlands Tel: +31 70 456 64 85 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Herman Hofman Policy Advisor Department of International Affairs Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Plesmanweg 1-6 P.O. Box 20901 2500 The Hague Netherlands Tel: +31 70 456 17 92 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Christian Dÿkens Director Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate Netherlands Tel: +31 6 615 093 679 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mrs. Janine Van Aalst Senior Legal Adviser Department of International Affairs Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Plesmanweg 1-6 P.O. Box 20901 2500 The Hague Netherlands Tel: +31 6 214 55 59 Fax: +31 70 339 13 06 Email: [email protected] Mr. Cornelis Luttikhuizen Senior Policy Advisor Directorate for Environmental Safety and Risk Management Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment P.O. Box 30945 2500 Den Haag Netherlands Tel: +31 62 702 06 69 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Hans Meijer Policy Advisor Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment IPC 645 P.O. Box 20951 2597 The Hague Netherlands Tel: +31 70 456 61 75 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Dr. Martien Janssen Senior Scientist National Institute of Public Health and the Environment P.O. Box 1 3720 Bilthoven Netherlands Tel: +31 30 274 22 76 Fax: +31 30 374 44 01 Email: [email protected] New Zealand (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Malcolm Mckee Manager International Climate and Environment Policy Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 10362 Wellington New Zealand Tel: +64 4 439 74 07 Fax: +64 4 439 77 00 Email: [email protected] Mr. Peter Dawson Principal Scientist Environmental Protection Authority Waterloo Quay Private Bag 63002 6140 Wellington New Zealand Tel: +64 4 474 5570 Fax: +64 4 914 0433 Email: [email protected] Ms. Meredith Davis Policy Analyst International Climate & Environment Policy Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 10362 Wellington New Zealand Tel: +64 4 439 76 53 Fax: +64 4 439 77 00 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alice Tipping Policy Adviser New Zealand Permanent Mission to the United Nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Chemin des Fins 2 1211 Grand Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 929 03 87 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Nicaragua (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Yelba de Los Angeles López González Especialista en Gestión Ambiental/ Ing. Quimico Direccion General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) Km. 12 1/2 Carretera Norte Panamericana Frente a Zona Franca Industrial Las Mercedes 5123 Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 22 33 4455 Fax: +505 22 63 12 74 Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Amparo Vallejos Vallejos Directora Seguridad Químicas Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) Km. 12 1/2 Carretera Norte Panamericana Frente a Zona Franca Industrial Las Mercedes 5123 Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 22 63 2831 Fax: +505 22 63 4455 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Niger (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Sani Mahazou Directeur Environnement et Cadre de Vie Direction Générale de l'Environnement et des Eaux et Forêts Ministère de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement B.P. 578 Niamey Niger Tel: +227 207 383 04 Fax: +227 207 327 84 Email: [email protected] Ms. Abdou Alimatou Douki Directrice de la Réglementation Phytosanitaire et du Suivi Environnemental Direction Générale de la Protection des Végétaux Ministère de l'Agriculture B.P. 323 Niamey Niger Tel: +227 969 795 01 Fax: +227 207 425 56 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Marmouna Kountché First Secretary Permanent Mission of Niger to the United Nations and other International Organization Avenue de France 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 979 24 50 Fax: +41 22 979 24 51 Email: [email protected]



Nigeria (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Ngeri Setima Benebo Director General & Chief Executive Officer National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency Ministry of Environment PM Box 641 4 Oro-Ago Street, Garki Abuja 234 Nigeria Tel: +234 803 309 08 64 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Oluronke Ajibike Soyombo Director National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency No. 4 Oro-Ago Crescent, off Muhamadu Buhari Way Garki II P.M.B. 641 Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 803 644 15 67 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Chris Ojembe Director Public Health Department Ministry of Health Phase 3 Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 803 300 45 51 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Emasealu Emmanuel Professor University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: +224 803 342 7828 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Florence Ononiwu Deputy Director Pest Control Services Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources New Secretariat, Area 11 P.M.B. 135 P.O. Box 3691 Garki Nigeria Tel: +234 803 650 40 01 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Adefemi John Adegbite Assistant Director Pollution Control and Environmental Health Ministry of Environment Plot 14, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama District Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 802 311 00 24 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Yunuss Abdul-Ganiyu Assistant Chief Environmental Scientist Pollution Control and Environmental Health Department Ministry of Environment 12, Aguiyi Ironsi Way, Maitama 900271 Maitama Nigeria Tel: +234 803 322 22 04 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Sule Idi Dafang Assistant Director Procedure Inspection and Quality Control Federal Produce Inspection Service PMB 88 Garki, Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 803 335 89 61 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Alabo Samuel Allen Wokoma Legal Adviser Regulatory Agency National Environment Standards Enforcement Agency 4, Oro Ago Crescent, Off Mahamadu Buhari Way Garki 11 Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 70 35 08 26 18 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Spanny Embiemu Principal Scientific Officer Regulatory Agency National Environment Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency 4 Oro Ago Crescent, Off Muhamadu Buhari Way, Garki 11 Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 803 331 29 49 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Rukayya Tunau Principal Scientific Officer Pest Control Division / Department of Livestock and Pest Control Services Ministry of Agriculture PMB 2659 Garki, Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 80 378 60 709 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Norway (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Atle Bernt Fretheim Deputy Director General Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 DEP 0030 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 24 53 10 Fax: +47 22 24 95 63 Email: [email protected] Mr. Henrik Hallgrim Eriksen Senior Adviser Department of Climate Change and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment Myntgata P.O. Box 8013 DEP 0030 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 24 58 81 Fax: +47 22 24 95 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ceclilie Windspoll Adviser Department of Climate Change and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 DEP 0030 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 24 58 41 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Aksel Erik Hillestad Higher Executive Officer Section For Chemicals And Waste Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 DEP 0030 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 24 58 03 Fax: +47 22 24 95 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Karoline Ehrenclou Adviser Department of Climate Change and Pollution Control Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 0030 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 24 60 63 Fax: +47 22 24 95 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Christina Charlotte Tolfsen Senior Advisor Section for Biocides and Global Chemical Conventions Climate and Pollution Agency P.O. Box 8100 DEP 0034 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 57 37 38 Fax: +47 22 67 67 06 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Liselott Säll Senior Advisor Section for Biocides and Global Chemical Conventions Climate and Pollution Agency P.O. Box 8100 DEP 0032 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 57 35 77 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]. Ms. Trine Celius Senior Advisor Section for Biocides and Global Chemical Conventions Climate and Pollution Agency P.O. Box 8100 DEP 0032 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 57 34 83 Fax: +47 22 67 67 06 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ole Thomas Thommesen Advisor Section for Chemicals and Waste Climate and Pollution Agency Strømsveien 96 P.O. Box 8100 DEP 0572 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 57 36 02 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Silje Johannessen Advisor Chemicals and Waste Department Climate and Pollution Agency P.O. Box 8100 DEP 0032 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 573 714 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Oman (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Saleh Said Mohamed Al Shoukri Acting Director Environmental Inspection and Control Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 100 Muscat Oman Tel: +968 2 440 4792 Fax: +968 2 440 4899 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Majid Al-Kathiri Acting Head Chemicals Section Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 100 Muscat Oman Tel: +968 2 322 6004 Fax: +968 2 322 6012 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Said Bin Ali Al-Zadjali Chemical Expert Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 100 Muscat Oman Tel: +968 2 440 4765 Fax: +968 2 469 3894 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Moza Al Jahwari Head, Data and Licences Section Chemical Substances Department Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 100 Muscat Oman Tel: +968 2 440 4774 Fax: +968 2 440 4796 Email: [email protected] H.E. Mr. Abdulla Nasser Al Rahbi Ambassador Permanent Mission of Oman to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin de Roilbot 3a 1292 Chambésy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 758 96 60 Fax: +41 22 758 96 66 Email: [email protected] Pakistan (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Joint Secretary International Cooperation Ministry of Climate Change LG & RD Complex, 3th Floor, Room 408 Sector G-5/2, Local Government Building 44000 Islamabad Pakistan Tel: +92 51 924 5523 Fax: +92 51 924 5524 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Zaigham Abbas Deputy Director (Chemical) International Cooperation Wing Ministry of Climate Change LG & RD Complex, 4th Floor, Room 410 Sector G-5/2, Local Government Building 44000 Islamabad Pakistan Tel: +92 51 924 5536 Fax: +92 51 924 5524 Email: [email protected] Mr. Irfan Mahmood Bokhari Third Secretary Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 749 19 30 Fax: +41 22 734 80 85 Email: [email protected]

Palau (BC, SC) Ms. Roxanne Yusim Blesam Executive Officer Environment Quality Protection Board P.O. Box 8680 96940 Koror Palau Tel: +680 488 36 00 Fax: +680 488 29 63 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Gwendalyn Sisior Marine / Terrestrial Officer Protected Areas Network Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism P.O. Box 100 96940 Koror Palau Tel: +680 767 54 35 Fax: +680 767 33 80 Email: [email protected] Panama (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Alberto Navarro-Brin Ambassador Permanent Mission of Panama to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 72 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 715 04 50 Fax: +41 22 715 03 63 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alejandro Ivan Mendoza Gantes Counsellor Permanent Mission of Panama to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 72 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 715 04 50 Fax: +41 22 738 03 63 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jorge Félix Corrales Hidalgo Counsellor Permanent Mission of Panama to the United Nations Office and other Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 72 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 715 04 57 Fax: +41 22 738 03 63 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Zelibeth Velverde Directora Nacional de Planificacion de Salud Ministerio de Salud Edificio 237, Paseo Gorgas Corregimiento de Ancon Ciudad de Panama Panama Tel: Fax: Email: Mr. Milciades Bravo Subdirector General y Punto Focal Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental Ministerio de Salud Edificio 237, Paseo Gorgas Corregimiento de Ancon Ciudad de Panama Panama Tel: +507 512 9131 Fax: +507 512 9353 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jaime Velez Punto Focal del Convenio de Basilea Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental Ministerio de Salud Edificio 237, Paseo Forgas Corregimiento de Ancon Ciudad de Panama Panama Tel: +507 512 9131 Fax: +507 512 9353 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Manuel Solis Punto Focal del Convenio de Rotterdam Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental Ministerio de Salud Edificio 237, Paseo Gorgas Corregimiento de Ancon Ciudad de Panama Panama Tel: +507 512 9131 Fax: +507 512 9353 Email: [email protected] Papua New Guinea (BC, SC) Mr. Veari Uali Kula Manager, Industrial Standards Industry Services Division, Environment Protection Department of Environment and Conservation P.O. Box 6601 Borok Papua New Guinea Tel: +675 763 440 94 Fax: +675 325 0182 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Paraguay (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Patricio Gabriel Ortiz Guanes Tecnico Evaluador Direccion de General de Control Secretorio del Medio Ambiente Ave. Madame lynch 3500 Asuncion Paraguay Tel: +595 98 17 27 527 Fax: +595 02 16 15 803 Email: [email protected] Ms. Silvia Susana Weyer De Suss Directora de Prevencion de los Efectos de los Agroquimicos Direccion General de Agroquimicos Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Sanidad Vegetal y de Semillas Yegros y Luis Alberto de Herrera Edificio Inter Express Piso 16 Asuncion Paraguay Tel: +595 21 498 872 Fax: +595 21 458 070 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Marcial Espinola Secretary Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the United Nations Office at Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a 1200 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 332 44 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Leticia Jara Verdun Funcionabia direccion de Organismos Internacionales Ministrio de Relaciones Exteriores 14 de Mayo 337 Casi Palma Paraguay Tel: +595 21 495 168 Fax: +595 21 495 168 Email: [email protected] Peru (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Carlos Benjamín Caballero Solís Director General Dirección de Insumos Agropecuarios e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria Avenida la Molina 1915 La Molina Lima Peru Tel: +51 1 313 3323 Fax: +51 1 340 1486 x 2144 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Hubert Wieland Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue Louis Casaï 71 1216 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 77 20 Fax: +41 22 791 77 29 Email: [email protected] Ms. Fiorella Auxiliadora Leon Shedan Specialist in Environmental Management Directorate General of Environmental Management Policies, Regulations and Instruments Ministry of Environment Avenida Javier Prado Oeste No. 1440 San Isidro 27 Lima Peru Tel: +51 1 611 6000 x 1247 Fax: +51 1 611 6000 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Karla Paola Bolanos Cardenas Especialista en Gestion de Residuos Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente Avenida Javier Prado Oeste No. 1440 San Isidro Peru Tel: +511 611 6000 x 1253 Fax: +511 611 6034 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Magaly Traverso Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations Geneva Avenue Louis Casai 71 1200 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 78 897 34 94 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Sara Alvarado Salamanca Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations Offices and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue Louis Casaï 16 1204 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 77 26 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Philippines (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Juan Miguel Cuna Director Environmental Management Bureau Denr Compound Visayas Avenue Diliman 1116 Quezon City Philippines Tel: +63 2 920 2246 Fax: +63 2 927 1518 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Elizabeth T. Te First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 19 30 Fax: +41 22 716 19 32 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Renato T. Cruz Chief Environment Quality Division Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) DENR Compound Visayas Avenue Diliman, Quezon City Manila Philippines Tel: +632 928 8863 Fax: +632 928 8863 Email: [email protected] Mr. Geri-Geronimo Sañez Section Chief Hazardous Waste Management Section Environmental Management Bureau DENR Compound Visayas Avenue Diliman, Quezon City Manila Philippines Tel: +63 2 928 1212 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Marivil V. Valles Attaché Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 19 30 Fax: Email: [email protected] Poland (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Magdalena Balicka Senior Specialist Department of Risk Assessment Bureau for Chemical Substances UL Dowborczyków 30/34 91019 Łódź Poland Tel: +48 42 253 8413 Fax: +48 42 253 8444 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Michal Andrijewski Director Department for Risk Assessment Bureau for Chemical Substances UL 30/34 Dowborczyków 91019 Łódź Poland Tel: +48 42 253 8415 Fax: +48 42 253 8444 Email: [email protected] Ms. Magda Gosk Head of Unit Waste Shipments Unit Inspectorate of Environmental Protection UL Wawelska 52/54 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 579 2271 Fax: +48 22 579 2302 Email: [email protected] Mr. Marek Porycki Chief Specialist Division of Transboundary Movement of Waste / Market Control Department Inspectorate of Environmental Protection UL Wawelska 52/54 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 579 2249 Fax: +48 22 592 8093 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anna Graczyk Chief Specialist Bureau for Chemical Substances UL Dowborczykow 30/34 90019 Lodz Poland Tel: +48 42 253 8422 Fax: +48 42 253 8444 Email: [email protected] Mr. Przemyslaw Kurowicki Senior Specialist Waste Shipments Unit Inspectorate of Environmental Protection UL Wawelska 52/54 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 579 2363 Fax: +48 22 579 2302 Email: [email protected] Ms. Magdalena Pyjor Expert Chemistry and Pharmacy Unit Ministry of Economy Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5 00507 Warszawa Poland Tel: +48 22 693 4261 Fax: +48 22 693 4084 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Monika Sklarzewska Specialist Department of Waste Management Ministry of the Environment UL Wawelska 52/54 00922 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 579 2418 Fax: +48 22 579 2795 Email: [email protected] Mr. Janusz Kozakiewicz Head of The Unit Industrial Chemistry Research 8, Rydygiera Street 01-793 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 568 2845 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Karolina Dubrawska-Gawron Secretary Administration and Financing Office Bureau for Chemical Substances 91-019 Kods Poland Tel: +48 42 2538 400 Fax: +48 42 2538 444 Email: [email protected] Qatar (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani Ambassador Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue du Bouchet 27-29 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 798 85 00 Fax: +41 22 791 04 85 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohammad Sami Alsubaey First Secretary Department of Legal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 250 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 401 121 22 Fax: +974 444 344 58 Email: [email protected] Ms. Hala Sultan Saif Al-Easa Professor of Organic Chemistry P.O. Box 200002 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 (5550) 8284 Email: [email protected]



Dr. Huda Al-Sulaiti Director Radiation and Chemical Department Ministry of Environment Qatar Tel: +974 555 607 44 Fax: Email: Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Ibrahim Head of Waste Management Unit Radiation and Chemical Department Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 420 7777 Fax: +974 420 7000 Email: [email protected] Ms. Maha Al-Hammadi Head Department of Radiation and Chemical Protection Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 4420 7203 Fax: +974 4420 7090 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Noor Al-Sada Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue du Bouchet 27-29 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 798 85 00 Fax: +41 22 791 04 85 Email: [email protected] Republic of Korea (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Kyunghee Choi Director General Environmental Health Research Department / National Institute of Environmental Research Ministry of Environment Environmental Research Complex 184 Nangi-Ro, Seo-gu 404-708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 560 7100 Fax: +82 32 568 2035 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Sun Kyoung Shin Director National Institute of Environmental Research Ministry of Environment Environmental Complex Kyungseo-dong, Seo-gu 404-708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 560 7503 Fax: +82 32 568 1656 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Cho Eunhee Director Chemical Management Division Ministry of Environment Sejong Republic of Korea Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Yim Pil-Koo Deputy Director Chemicals Management Division Ministry of Environment Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: +82 44 201 6882 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Chang Heum Lee Counselor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue de l'Ariana 1 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 748 0040 Fax: +41 22 748 0002 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Tae-Wan Jeon Senior Environmental Researcher Environmental Resources Research Department National Institute of Environmental Research Environmental Research Complex Kyungseo-dong, Seo-gu 404708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 560 7514 Fax: +82 32 568 1656 Email: [email protected] Ms. Yumi Park Researcher Chemicals Research Division / Department of Environmental Health Research National Institute of Environmental Research Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 560 7200 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Young Kim Programme Manager Divison of Resource Circulation policy Ministry of Environment Government Complex, Sejong 11 Doum6-Ro 339-012 Sejong City Republic of Korea Tel: +82 44 201 7350 Fax: +82 44 201 7351 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Nam Hee Kim Deputy Director International Cooperation Office Ministry of Environment Building No. 6, Government Complex Sejong City Republic of Korea Tel: +82 44 201 6561 Fax: Email: Mr. Wee-Kyoung Lee General Manager Department of Institutional Management EPR Operation Team Korea Environment Corporation Kyungseo-Dong, Seo-Gu Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 590 4201 Fax: +82 32 590 4219 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kyoung-Sim Kim Manager, POPs Management Team Environmental Research Department Korea Environment Corporation Environmental Research Complex Kyungseo-dong, Seo-gu 404-708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 590 4832 Fax: +82 32 590 4879 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jung Kwan Seo Senior Researcher Risk Assesment Division National Institute of Environmental Research Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. MiSeon Yang Program Officer Korea Environment Corporation 42 Hwangyeong-Ro Seo-Gu 404-708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 590 4116 Fax: +82 32 590 4119 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yeon Ki Park Senior Researcher Rural Development Administration 126 Suinro, Gwonseoongu Suwon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 31 299 2605 Fax: +82 31 299 2605 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Ae-Hyang Kim POPs Assistant Manager POPs Management Team Korea Environment Cooperation Environmental Research Center Kyungseo-dong, Seo-go 404-708 Incheon Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 590 4871 Fax: +82 32 590 4879 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jin Hyo Kim Agricultural Reseacher Chemical Safety Division National Academy of Agricultural Science Suin-Ro Gwonseongu Republic of Korea Tel: +82 31 290 0523 Fax: +82 31 290 0506 Email: [email protected] Ms. Pyeong-Soon Kim Researcher Risk Assessment Division / Department of Environmental Health Research National Institute of Environmental Research Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: +82 32 560 7167 Fax: Email: [email protected] Republic of Moldova (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Svetlana Bolocan Deputy Head Division of Pollution Prevention and Waste Management Ministry of Environment 9 Cosmonautilor Street 2005 Chisinau Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 20 45 27 Fax: +373 22 22 68 58 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tatiana Tugui Office Manager Environmental Prevention Pollution Office Ministry of Environment 9 Cosmonautilor Street 2005 Chisinau Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 222 542 Fax: +373 22 222 542 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Liudmila Marduhaeva Main Advisory Officer Division of Pollution Prevention and Waste Management Ministry of Environment 9 Cosmonautilor Street 2005 Chisinau Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 20 45 26 Fax: +373 22 22 68 58 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Romania (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Mihaela Claudia Paun Counsellor Pollution Control and Impact Assessment Directorate Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Libertii Boulevard 12, Sector 5 040129 Bucarest Romania Tel: +40 21 316 04 21 Fax: +40 21 316 04 21 Email: [email protected] Ms. Claudia Sorina Dumitru Counselor Department of Waste and Dangerous Chemicals Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Libertatii Boulevard 12 040129 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 21 408 9582 Fax: +40 21 316 0298 Email: [email protected] Mr. Flavius-Mihai Ardelean-Motoc Senior Adviser Directorate of Waste management and Hazardous Substances Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Libertatii Boulevard 12, Sector 5 040129 Bucarest Romania Tel: +40 21 319 2532 Fax: +40 21 316 0298 Email: [email protected] Mr. Florin Tudorie Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations Office at Geneva Villa "La Perrière" Chemin de la Perrière 6 1223 Collogny Switzerland Tel: +41 22 752 10 90 Fax: +41 22 752 29 76 Email: [email protected] Russian Federation (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Nuritdin Inamov Director of Department Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6 b Gruziskaya Street 123995 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +8 499 254 27 33 Fax: +8 499 254 82 83 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Marina Shevyreva Director Department of Health Protection and Sanitary and Epidemiogical Well Being Ministry of Health Rahmanovskiy Per 3 127994 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7495 627 2400 x 2400 Fax: +7495 625 0767 Email: [email protected] Ms. Elena Talanova Head of Unit Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Health and Social Development Rakhmanovsky Per. 3 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 465 627 2400 x 2120 Fax: +7 495 627 2952 Email: [email protected] Ms. Khalidya Khamidulina Director Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances Ministry of Health and Social Policy 19A, Varshavskoye Shosse 117105 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 276 0056 Fax: +7 499 956 9775 Email: [email protected] Dr. Evgeny Kovalevskiy Leading Researcher Institute of Occupational Health Russian Academy of Medical Science Prospect Budennogo, 31 105275 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 222 1073 Fax: +7 495 366 05 83 Email: [email protected] Mr. Evengy Vakulenko Second Secretary Economic and Environmental Department Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Offices and other International Organization in Geneva Avenue de la Paix 15 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 76 789 22 64 Fax: +41 22 734 40 44 Email: [email protected] Ms. Oxana Tsittser Leading Advisor Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment B. Gzuzinskaia Street 4/6 123995 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 985 292 1975 Fax: +7 10 499 254 8283 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Alexander Romanov Head International Cooperation Section Scientific Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection 7 Karbyshev Street Saint-Petersburg Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 3809 264 Fax: +7 812 2978 662 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tatiana Zavistyaeva Deputy Head Department of Science and International Cooperation Rospotrebnadzor 18/5, 7 Vadkovskiy Pereulok Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +8 499 973 15 59 Fax: +8 499 973 26 93 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vladimir Ivlev Deputy Director Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6B Grouzinnkaya Street 4/6 123995 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 2548 072 Fax: +8 495 2548 283 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Nikolay Nefediev Deputy Director Department of State Policy for Environmental Protection Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment B. Gzuzinskaia Street 4/6 123995 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 10 499 125 62 71 Fax: +7 10 499 129 17 63 Email: [email protected] Ms. Asia Sokolova Deputy Chief of Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment B. Gruzinskaya Street 4/6 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 124 28 36 Fax: + 7 495 718 06 66 Email: [email protected] Mr. Konstantin Kushnir Deputy Chief of Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment B. Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6 123995 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 124 28 36 Fax: +7 495 718 06 66 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Sergey Trepelkov Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia Permanent Mission of Russia to UNEP in Nairobi P.O. Box 30049 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 722 204 490 Fax: Email: [email protected] Saint Kitts and Nevis (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Amanda Bedford Laboratory Technician Bureau of Standards La Guerite P.O. Box 186 Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel: +1 869 465 5279 Fax: +1 869 465 3852 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jeanelle Kelly Agricultural Officer and Focal Point for the Rotterdam Convention Department of Agriculture Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board c/o Department of Agriculture La Guerite P.O. Box 39 Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel: +1 869 465 2335 Fax: +1 869 465 2928 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Saint Lucia (BC, SC) Ms. Yasmin Jude Sustainable Development and Environment Officer Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology Hewanorra House Ganters Bay Castries Saint Lucia Tel: +1 758 468 5833 Fax: +1 758 456 0490 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Carlos Wilson Environmental Health Officer Environmental Management Department Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Tyrell Street Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: +1 784 456 1991 Fax: +1 784 456 1483 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Mr. Danville Toney Senior Environment Health Officer Environment Mangement Department Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Tyrell Street Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: +1 784 456 1991 Fax: +1 784 456 1483 Email: [email protected] Mr. Marcus Richards Agricultural Officer Plant Protection and Quarantine Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry and Fisheries Richmond Hill Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: +1 784 457 1283 Fax: +1 784 457 1688 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Samoa (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Taulealeausumai Laavasa Malua Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Apia Samoa Tel: +685 23 800 Fax: +685 23 176 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tasha Shon Assistant Chief Executive Officer Political, International Relations & Protocol Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade P.O. Box 1859 Apia Samoa Tel: +685 24 870 Fax: +665 21 504 Email: [email protected] Ms. Fuatino Matatumua-Leota Principal Chemicals Management Officer Division of Environment and Conservation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 996 Apia Samoa Tel: +685 728 2549 Fax: +685 23 176 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Sao Tome and Principe (SC) Ms. Suliza Signo Bom Jesus Quaresma Chief of Departement Direction of Conservation, Sanitation and Environmental Quality Direction General of the Environment Avenida Kwame Nkruma P.O. Box 1023 Largo das Alfandegas Sao Tome and Principe Tel: +239 222 4667 Fax: +239 222 7156 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Saudi Arabia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Sulaiman Mohammed Alzabn Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 5655 0070 Fax: +966 265 1303 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohammed Soleiman Almazrou Ministry of Agriculture Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 140 55848 Fax: +966 140 55848 Email: [email protected] Mr. Habeeb Sabaa General Manager Administration for Tested and Quality Control Ministry of Trade and Industry Kiny Abdal Aziz, Street Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 1 412 1446 Fax: +966 1 402 2539 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Falah Fahad Al-Mazroa Director General Public Health Department Ministry of Health P.O. Box 270880 11352 Riyadh Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 505 402392 Fax: +966 14 735219 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sultan Aldossari Customs Control Chemical and Petroleum Unit / Restrictions Department Ministry of Finance / Saudi Customs 49 Honsing Alkhrj Street P.O. Box 1135 Saudi Arabia Tel: +96 650 982 98 99 Fax: +96 614 014 41 15 Email: [email protected] Mr. Khalid Mohammed Karakutly Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 789068322 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Senegal (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Mariline Diara Directrice Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classés Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable Parc Forestier Hann Mariste 106, Rue Carnot BP 6557 Dakar Senegal Tel: + 221 338 210 725 Fax: +221 338 226 212 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Aita Sarr Seck Chef de Division Prevention et Contrôle des Pollutions et Nuisances Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature 106 Rue Carnot BP 6557 Dakar Etoile Senegal Tel: +221 33 821 07 5 / +221 77 511 4759 Fax: +221 33 822 62 12 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ousmane Sow Point Focal Convention de Stockholm Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classés Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 106 Rue Carnot BP 6557 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 33 821 0725 Fax: +221 33 822 6212 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Serbia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Tatjana Markov Milinković Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection 1 Omladinskih Brigada Street 11070 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 11 715 5217 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Suzana Andrejevic Stefanovic Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection 22-26 Nemahilna Street 11000 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 11 715 5204 Fax: +381 11 286 0204 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Penka Nikolovski Adviser Department for Waste Management Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection 1 Omladinskih Brigada Street 11070 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 11 313 1223 Fax: +381 11 313 2574 Email: [email protected] Ms. Vesna Filipovic-Nikolic Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the United Nations Chemin Thury 5 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 839 33 44 Fax: +41 22 839 33 59 Email: [email protected] Seychelles (BC, SC) Mr. Flavien Philomel Joubert Director General, Wildlife, Enforcement and Permit Division Environment Department Ministry of Home Affairs, Environment, Transport and Energy Botanical Gardens, Mont Fleuri P.O. Box 445 Mahe Seychelles Tel: +248 670 500 Fax: +248 610 648 Email: [email protected] Ms. Rudy Judith Rose Attache / Charge d'affairs a.i. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Seychelles to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva Chemin Louis-Dunant 15b 1202 Geneva Switzeland Tel: +41 22 730 17 28 Fax: +41 22 730 17 29 Email: [email protected] Singapore (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Tiang Sing Eng Director, International Policy Division Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources No. 23-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Roads Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9878 Fax: +65 6738 44 68 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Winston Chew Head International Law National Environment Agency No. 20-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road 228231 Singapore Singapore Tel: +65 6731 94 82 Fax: +65 6731 99 22 Email: [email protected] Mr. Min EE Koh Chief Engineer Pollution Control Department National Environment Agency No. 12-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9203 Fax: +65 6836 2294 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kevin Gerald Khng Deputy Dirctor International Policy Ministry of Environment and Water Resources No. 23-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore Tel: +65 6731 98 07 Fax: +65 6738 44 68 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mary-Anne Pan Assistant Dirctor International Agreements Department Ministry of Environment and Water Resources No. 23-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9189 Fax: +65 6738 4468 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sharon Seah Senior Assistant Director International Relations National Environment Agency No. 11-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9645 Fax: +65 6731 9922 Email: [email protected] Mr. Pierre Ng Engineer Pollution Control Department National Environment Agency No. 12-00 Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9203 Fax: +65 6836 2294 Email: [email protected]

Slovakia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Anna Bohers State Advisor Department of Environmental Assessment and Organization Ministry of Environment Nam. Ludovita Stura 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovak Rebublic Tel: +421 2 6020 16 77 Fax: +421 2 6020 16 78 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jan Plavcan Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Ancienne Route 9 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Tel: +41 22 747 74 00 Fax: +41 22 747 74 34 Email: [email protected] Mr. Lubomir Duracka State Advisor Ministry of Environment Nam. Ludovita Stura 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 6020 1677 Fax: +421 2 6020 1678 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jana Talábová Head of Branch Department of Trade Measures Ministry of Economy Mierová 19 827 15 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 4854 2164 Fax: +421 2 4342 3915 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Bronislava Škarbová Senior Officer Department of Plant Production Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Dobrovičová 12 812 66 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 5926 6342 Fax: +421 2 5926 6358 Email: [email protected] Ms. Daniela Certikova National Focal Point Centre of Waste Management and Environmental Management Slovak Environmental Agency Hanulova 5/D 844 40 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 6020 1614 Fax: +421 2 6428 2683 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Viera Špalková Expert Centre of Waste Management and Basel Convention Slovak Environmental Agency Hanulova 5/D 844 40 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 6020 1614 Fax: +421 2 6428 2683 Email: [email protected] Ms. Dana Lapešová Director Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) for Training and Technology Transfer for Central Europe in Bratislava Slovak Environmental Agency Hanulova 5/D 844 40 Bratislava Slovak Republic Tel: +421 2 6020 1639 Fax: +421 2 6428 2683 Email: [email protected] Slovenia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Karmen Krajnc National Chemicals Bureau Ministry of Health Ajdovscina 4 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 478 6054 Fax: +386 1 478 6266 Email: [email protected] Ms. Vesna Ternifi Senior Adviser Chemicals Office Ministry of Health Ajdovščina 4 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 400 62 51 Fax: +386 1 400 62 66 Email: [email protected] South Africa (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Abdul Samad Minty Ambassador / Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Geneva 65 Rue du Rhone, 6th Floor 1204 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 849 54 16 Fax: +41 22 735 73 66 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Nthabiseng Malefane Director, Environment, Science and Technology Department of International Relations and Cooperation Private Bag X152 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 351 09 65 Fax: +27 12 329 15 36 Email: [email protected] Ms. Nosisi Potelwa Counsellor Economic Development Unit Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Geneva Rue du Rhône 65 1204 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 849 54 54 Fax: +41 22 735 73 64 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Mandixole Matroos First Secretary Economic Unit Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue du Rhône 65 1204 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 849 5422 Fax: +41 22 735 7364 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Moshibudi Priscilla Rampedi Counsellor for Agriculture Affairs DAFF South African Embassy Via Tanaro 14 00198 Rome Italy Tel: +39 68 525 42 39 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Christina Masimula Director Hazardous Waste Section Department of Environmental Affairs Private Bag X447 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 34 75 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Shahkira Parker Assistant Director Department of International Relations and Cooperation Private Bag X152 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 351 07 12 Fax: +27 12 329 15 36 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Nomphelo Daniel Deputy Director Chemicals and Waste Management Branch Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X447 0002 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3904 Fax: +27 12 320 0024 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alfred James Wills Deputy Director General Specialist Unit International Cooperation Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3351 Fax: +27 12 320 5216 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Mangaka Maggy Moloi Deputy Director Hazardous Chemical Management Department of Environmental Affairs Forum Building 315 Pretorius Street Private Bag X447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3967 Fax: +27 12 320 0346 Email: [email protected] Mr. Obed Baloyi Chief Director Chemical Management Division Department Environmental Affairs Private Bag X447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 38 33 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Teboho Sebego Policy Analyst International Chemicals and Waste International Co-operation Department of Environmental Affairs 315 Pretorius Street Private Bag x447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3913 Fax: +27 12 320 0346 Email: [email protected] Mr. Gladstone Tshepo Moremi Chief Director Chemical Waste Department of Environmental Affairs P.O. Box X447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 395 16 06 Fax: +27 12 320 70 94 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Philip Kruger Director Malaria Ministry of Health P.O. Box 33 Izaneen South Africa Tel: +27 83 415 83 38 Fax: +27 15 307 16 83 Email: [email protected] Spain (BC, RC, SC) Mr. José Ignacio Contreras Fernández Counsellor Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Avenue Blanc 53 P.O. Box 201 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 909 28 30 Fax: +41 22 731 53 70 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Ana Rodriguez Roldán Jefe de Área de Productos Químicos Ministerio de Agriculture, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Spain Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms Marina Paz Sanchez Area de Riesgos Ambientales Direccion General de Calidad y Evaluacion Ambiente Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino c/ Agustin de Betancourt, 25 - 1° Planta Despacho AB107 28003 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 453 5457 Fax: +34 91 534 0583 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ana García González Jefe de Área de Coordinación Institucional Subdirección General de Calidad del Aire y Medio Ambiente Industrial / Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Ministerio de Agriculture, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente c/ Agustin de Bentancourt 25, 1° 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 453 53 63 Fax: +34 91 534 05 83 Email: [email protected] Mr. Santiago Dávila Sena Consejero Técnico Subdireccion General de Residuos Ministerio de Agriculture, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz S/N 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 597 68 68 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Ms. Marta Portoles Méndez Asistencia Tecnica Direccion General de Calidad y Evaluacion Ambiente Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente c/ Agustin de Betancourt, 25 - 1° Planta Despacho AB107 28003 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 453 53 70 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Ramón Guardans Asistencia Técnica Subdirección General de Calidad del Aire y Medio Ambiente Industrial / Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Ministerio de Agriculture, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Alvarez de Castro 12 28010 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 63 913 77 61 Fax: Email: [email protected] Sri Lanka (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Ravinatha Ariyasinha Ambassador Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 (5th Floor) 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 12 50 Fax: +41 22 734 90 84 Email: [email protected] Mr. Wimalasena Rubasinghe Chairman Central Environmental Authority Ministry of Environment No. 104, Dencil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 282 2361 Fax: +94 11 287 2347 Email: [email protected] Dr. Gamage Anura Wijesekara Registrar of Pesticides Office of the Registrar of Pesticides Getambe P.O. Box 49 20400 Peradeniya Sri Lanka Tel: +94 81 238 8135 Fax: +94 81 238 8135 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Priyanga Wickramasinghe Counseller Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva 56 Rue de Mollebeau 1211 Geneva Switzeland Tel: +41 22 919 12 50 Fax: +41 22 734 90 84 Email: [email protected] Mr. Senarath Mahinda Werahera Assistant Director Air Resource Management and International Relations Ministry of Environment Rajamal Watta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 288 8248 Fax: +94 11 441 0236 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Sudan (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Mohammed Abdelmannan Ambassador, Director Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 873 Khartoum Sudan Tel: +249 121 91 168 Fax: +249 837 71 369 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ali Mahmoud Basel Convention Coordinator Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources Jamaa Street P.O. Box 10844 Khartoum Sudan Tel: +249 183 777 160 Fax: +249 183 787 617 Email: [email protected] Mr. Khidir Edres Director General / Registrar NPC National Pesticides Council / Plant Protection Directorate Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation P.O. Box 14 Khartoum North Sudan Tel: +249 185 337 442 Fax: +249 185 339423 Email: [email protected] Mr. Azhari Abdelbagi Director General Vice Chancellor University of Kassala Kassala Sudan Tel: +249 912139933 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Ali Mohamed Ahmed Osman Mohamed Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Sudan to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva Avenue Blanc 51-53 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 731 26 63 Fax: +41 22 716 19 70 Email: [email protected] Suriname (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Wendly Ellis Environment Policy officer Directorate of Environment Ministry of Labour, Technology Development and Environment Paramaribo Suriname Tel: +597 420 960 Fax: +597 475 574 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Alie Elisabeth van Sauers-Muller Head Pesticides Section Environment Division Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Letitita Vriesdelaan 8 P.O. Box 160 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: +597 425 632 Fax: +597 420 152 Email: [email protected] Ms. Vanessa Sabajo Environmental Policy Officer Environment Division Ministry of Labor, Technology Development and Environment Prins Hendrikstraat 17 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: +597 420 960 Fax: +597 475 574 Email: [email protected] Swaziland (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Bianca Hlob'sile Bianca Dlamini Environmental Inspector and Rotterdam Focal Point Swaziland Environment Authority Karl Grant Street P.O. Box 2602 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 2404 6960 Fax: +268 2404 1719 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Mduduzi Nicks Dlamini Environmental Engineer Environmental Assessment and Compliance Swaziland Environment Authority Karl Grant Street Former MTN Office Park P.O. Box 2602 100 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 2404 6960 / 7893 Fax: +268 2404 1719 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vusumuzi Fortune Simelane Environmental Inspector Environmental Assessment and Compliance Swaziland Environment Authority Karl Grant Street Former MTN Office Park P.O. Box 2602 100 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 2404 6960 Fax: +268 2404 1718 Email: [email protected] Sweden (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Johanna Lissinger Peitz Head of Section Division for Chemicals and Eco-Management Ministry of Environment Tegelbacken 2 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 405 5561 Fax: +46 7 349 2022 Email: [email protected] Mr. Loïc Viatte Head of Section Division for Chemicals Ministry for the Environment Tegelbacken 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 405 4513 Fax: +46 8 613 3072 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Sofia Tingstorp Head of Section Division for Chemicals and Eco-management Ministry of Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 405 2176 Fax: +46 8 613 3072 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Sara Bergdahl Legal Advisor Legal Department Ministry of Environment Tegelbadeen 2 10333 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 72 220 5034 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Ujfalusi Senior Advisor Policy Development Department Environmental Protection Agency 106 48 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 10 698 1140 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Larsolov Olsson Technical Officer Environmental Protection Agency 106 48 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 698 1249 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Agnes Andersson Senior Adviser Environmental Protection Agency 10648 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 10 698 10 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Maria Delvin Senior Advisor International Secretariat Swedish Chemicals Agency P.O. Box 2 172 13 Sundbyberg Sweden Tel: +46 8 5194 1270 Fax: +46 8 735 7698 Email: [email protected] Ms. Eva Ch Sandberg Senior Adviser in International Affairs International Secretariat Swedish Chemicals Agency P.O. Box 2 173 13 Sunbyberg Sweden Tel: +46 8 5194 1100 Fax: +46 8 735 7698 Email: [email protected]

Switzerland (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Bruno M. C. Oberle State Secretary, Director Federal department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Papiermuhlestr. 172 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 24 94 Fax: +41 31 322 79 58 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] H.E. Mr. Franz Xaver Perrez Ambassador, Head of Division International Affairs Division Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 93 23 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Luca Arnold Head of Section Global Affairs Federal Office for the Environment Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 323 45 61 Fax: +41 31 323 03 49 Email: [email protected] Dr. Bettina Hitzfeld Head of Section, Biocides and Plant Protection Products Section Air Pollution Control and Chemicals Division Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 323 17 68 Fax: +41 31 324 01 37 Email: [email protected] Mr. Marco Claudio Buletti Deputy Head of Section Waste Treatment and Recovery Section Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 68 37 Fax: +41 31 323 03 69 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mark Govoni Senior Adviser Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 323 78 08 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Ms. Sarah Maillefer Scientific Officer Industrial Chemicals Section / Air Pollution Control and Chemicals Division Federal Office for the Environment Worblentalstr. 68 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 83 44 Fax: +41 31 324 01 37 Email: [email protected] Ms. Gabriela Eigenmann Senior Policy Advisor Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 93 03 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Salman Bal Conseiller Department of Foreign Affairs Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Offices in Geneva Rue de Varembé 9-11 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 749 24 49 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Cornelius Wielenga Expert International Affairs Division Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +32 2 385 3508 Fax: +32 2 385 3509 Email: [email protected] Ms. Nina Von Bueren Trainee International Affairs Division Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 96 54 Fax: +41 31 322 96 54 Email: [email protected] Ms. Thuvaraha Vivekanantharajah Trainee Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 325 09 76 Fax: +41 31 323 03 49 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Anita Kunath Expert Associate Specialized Institutions Section Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office in Geneva Rue de Varembé 9-11 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 749 24 71 Fax: +41 22 749 24 37 Email: [email protected] Ms. Nadine Masshardt Member of Delegation Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: Mr. Evi Allemann Member of Delegation Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: Thailand (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Wichien Jungrungruang Director General Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +62 2298 2122 Fax: +66 2298 2129 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Sunee Piyapanpong Deputy Director General Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road, Phayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 (2) 298 2150 Fax: +66 (2) 298 2153 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Anuphan Ittharatana Director of Waste and Hazardous Substance Management Bureau Pollution Management Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Zothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road Ohayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2298 2423 Fax: +66 2298 2425 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Pornpimon Chareonsong Senior Environmental Scientist, Waste and Hazardous Substance Management Bureau Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7 Phahon Yothin Road, Sam Sen Nai, Phayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 982 457 Fax: +66 2 298 2438 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Teeraporn Wiriwutikorn Senior Environmental Scientist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92, Soi Phahon Yothin Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road Phayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 298 2439 Fax: +66 2 298 2442 Email: [email protected] Mr. Manorat Rittem Environmentalist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road, Phayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2298 2442 Fax: +66 2298 2442 Email: [email protected] Ms. Prapaisri Asanarattanajinda Envrionment Specialist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soin Phahon Yothin 7 Phahon Yothin Road, Phayathai 10200 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2298 2442 Fax: +66 2298 2442 Email: [email protected] Ms. Makara Tappoon Environmentalist Pollution Control Department 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7 Phahonyothin Road, Phaya Thai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 (2) 2982435 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Pattanan Tarin Environmentalist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Phahon Yothin 7, Phayathai Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: + 66 2298 2442 Fax: + 66 2298 2442 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Kessinee Unapumnuk Environmentalist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +62 2298 2619 Fax: +66 2298 2129 Email: [email protected] Mr. Porchit Khanthong Environmentalist Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Phahon Yothin Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2298 2619 Fax: +66 2298 2129 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Amornart Leenanithikul Pharmacist, Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Public Health 11000 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 590 7289 Fax: +66 2 590 7287 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Chaiporn Pumkam Pharmacist, Chemical Safety Group, Policy and Planning Division Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Public Health Tiwanon Road, Muang 11000 Nonthaburi Thailand Tel: +66 2 590 7289 Fax: +66 2 590 7287 Email: [email protected] Mr. Chumpon Cheewaprapanunt Deputy Director General Department of Industrial Works 75/6 Rama Road, Ratchathewi 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +662 202 4105 Fax: +662 202 4053 Email: [email protected] Mr. Sittichai Ruengrotviriya Engineer Department of Industrial Works 75/6 Rama Road, Rattchathewi 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +662 202 4108 Fax: +662 202 4015 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Sutthathip Vathitphund First Secretary Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Ayudhya Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2203 5000 Fax: +66 2643 5030 Email: [email protected] The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Lendita Dika State Counselor Industrial Pollution and Risk Management Department Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Bul. "Goce Delcev" 8, MRTV Building 1000 Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 2 325 1446 Fax: +389 2 325 1220 Email: [email protected] Mr. Antonio Nedelkov Advisor in the POPs Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Bul. "Goce Delcev" 8, MRTV Building 1000 Skopje The former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 2 325 1564 Fax: +389 2 311 9622 Email: [email protected] Ms. Arta Shabani Advisor for Waste Management Department for Waste Management Ministry of Environment and Physical Planing Bul "Goce Delcev" 8, MRTV Building, 10th Floor 1000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 7 644 5009 Fax: +389 2 322 0165 Email: [email protected] Mr. Aleksandar Mickovski National Project Coordinator POPs Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Bul. "Goce Delcev" 8, MRTV Building 1000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 2 325 1564 Fax: +389 2 311 9622 Email: [email protected]

Togo (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Bacom'ma Bedaba Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Togo to the United Nation and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 67-69 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 566 83 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Koffi Volley Point Focal Direction de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières 247 Rue des Nîmes B.P. 4825 Lomé Togo Tel: +228 903 24 088 Fax: +228 221 03 33 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. N'Ladon Nadjo Assitant au Point Focal de la Convention de Stockholm / ADN Convention de Rotterdam Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières 247 Rue des Nîmes B.P. 4825 Lomé Togo Tel: +228 224 31 898 Fax: +228 222 10 333 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Mania Kelouwani Diplomate Direction des Affaires Juridiques Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Cooperation Lomé Togo Tel: +228 90 192 078 Fax: +228 22 213 974 Email: [email protected] Trinidad and Tobago (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Nalini Sooklal Waste Management Specialist Multilateral Environment Agreements Unit Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Level 26, Tower D, International Waterfront Complex 1A Wrightson Road Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 623 3158 x 223 Fax: +868 624 2455 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Hasmath Ali Acting Registrar Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division Ministry of Health Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 623 7544 x 1304 Fax: Email: [email protected] Turkey (BC, SC) Ms. Nursel Berberoglu Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28b 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 50 80 Fax: +41 22 734 08 59 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Berna Kasnakli Counsellor Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28b 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 50 80 Fax: +41 22 734 08 59 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Selcuk Ozcan Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin du Petit Saconnex 28b 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 50 80 Fax: +41 22 734 08 59 Email: [email protected] Mr. Hasan Irmak Deputy President, Assistant Professor Public Health Institution Sapilik Mahallesi No. 55, Adnon Saygun Caddes 06100 Ankara Turkey Tel: + 90 312 565 5331 Fax: +90 312 565 5609 Email: [email protected] Mr. Onur Akalin Expert General Directorate of Exports Ministry of Economy No. 36, Ekonomi Bakanligi Inonu Boulevard 06510 Emek / Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 312 204 76 71 Fax: +90 312 212 88 81 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Zeliha Balcioglu Foreign Trade Expert General Directorate for Product Safety & Inspection Ministry of Economy Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 312 204 7798 Fax: +90 312 212 8765 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Zeliha Yürekli Bacakoglu Foreign Trade Specialist Environment Division, DG for Standardization Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 312 204 8082 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Fatma Derya Koc Foreign Trade Specialist General Directorate of Exports Ministry of Economy No.36, Ekonomi Bakanligi Inonu Bulvari 06510 Emek / Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 312 204 7707 Fax: +90 312 212 8881 Email: [email protected] Mr. Oguzhan Yuksel Assistant foreign Trade Specilist General Directorate of Import Ministry of Economy No. 36, T.C. Ekonomi Bakanligi Inonu Bulvari 065010 Emek / Ankara Turkey Tel: + 90 312 204 7824 Fax: +90 312 212 8765 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yuksel Soyleriz Chemical Engineer (Msc) Environment Health Institution Public Health Institution of Turkey Saplik Mahalles No. 55, Adnnon Saygun Caddesi 06100 Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 312 565 5215 Fax: +90 312 565 5228 Email: [email protected] Uganda (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Rosette Nyirinkindi Katungye Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nations Office and other International Organization Rue Antoine Carteret 6 bis 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 339 88 18 Fax: +41 22 340 70 30 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Eunice Kigenyi Counsellor Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nation Office and other International Organization in Geneva Rue Antoine Carteret 6 bis 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 339 88 10 Fax: +41 22 340 70 30 Email: [email protected] Mr. Edson Friday Agaba Food Safety Coordinator Food Safety Department National Drug Authority Plot 46-48 Lumumba Avenue P.O. Box 23096 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 255 6651 Fax: +256 414 255 758 Email: [email protected] Ms. Pauline Akidi Principal Economist / Head of Multilateral Section Aid Liaison Department Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development P.O. Box 8147 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 772 462 254 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Christine Kasedde Environment Impact Assessment Officer Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Department National Environment Management Authority NEMA House, Plot 17/19/21, Jinja Road P.O. Box 22255 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 251 064 / 5/8 Fax: +256 414 257 521/ 232 680 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Stephen Tibeijuka Byantwale Principal Agricultural Inspector Crop Protection Department Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries P.O. Box 102 Entebbe Uganda Tel: +256 414 320 201 Fax: +256 414 320 642 Email: [email protected] Mr. Grace Birikadde Environmental Audit and Monitor Officer Environmental Monitoring and Compliance National Environment Management Authority NEMA House, Plot 17/19/21, Jinja Road P.O. Box 22255 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 774 181 912 Fax: +256 414 257 521 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Jones Ogwal Senior Environment Officer Projects Implementation Department Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited Plot 10, Hannignton Road, Nakasero P.O. Box 7625 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 233 433 /4 Fax: +256 414 341 789 Email: [email protected] United Arab Emirates (BC, RC, SC) H.E. Mr. Obaid Salem Saeed Al Zaabi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 00 00 Fax: +41 22 734 55 62 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Abdullatif Fakhfakh Expert in International Organizations Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Moillebeau 56 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 918 00 00 Fax: +41 22 734 55 62 Email: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Elizabeth Kay Williams Head of Chemicals International Chemicals and Nanotechnologies Section Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 17 Smith Square Area 2A, Nobel House SW1P 3JR London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7238 6451 Fax: +44 20 7238 1602 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jane Stratford UN Strategy Team EU and International Co-ordination Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 17 Smith Square, Nobel House Area 2A SW1P 3JR London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 1594 Fax: +44 207 238 3057 Email: [email protected]



Mrs. Alison Gadsby Senior Hazardous Waste policy Adviser Waste Strategy and Regulation Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Horseferry Road, Area 6D, Ergon House SW1P 2AL London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 4333 Fax: +44 207 238 4857 Email: [email protected] Ms. Margaret Charnley Policy Officer Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 3B, Nobel House Smith Square SW1P 3JR London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 1530 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Steve Morgan Policy Advisor Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 17 Smith Square, Nobel House Area 2A SW1P 3JR London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7238 1580 Fax: +44 20 7238 1602 Email: [email protected] Mr. David Williams Team Leader Pesticides and Chemicals Policy, Chemicals and Emerging Technology Division Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Room 301 Foss House, 1-2 Peasholme Green Y01 7PX York United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 190 445 5363 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Simon Parker Lawyer Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 17 Smith Square, Nobel House Area 2A SW1P 2AL London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 3052 Fax: Email: [email protected] United Republic of Tanzania (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Deusdedit B. Kaganda First Secretary Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations Office at Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 731 89 20 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Mr. Samwel Victor Manyele Chief Government Chemist Government Chemist Laboratory Agency Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Ocean Road P.O. Box 164 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255 71 694 1061 Fax: +255 22 211 3320 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Diomedes Kalisa Pesticide Management Incharge, Plant Health Service (DNA-Pesticides) Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives P.O. Box 9071 70644 Dar-Es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 286 5642 Fax: +255 22 286 4899 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Magdalena John Mtenga Assistant Director Division of Environment Vice President's Office Luthuli Road Plot Number 10 P.O. Box 5380 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 211 3857 Fax: +255 22 212 3856 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Rogathe Dunstan Kisanga Principal Chemist Division of Environment Vice-President's Office Luthuli Road Plot Number 10 P.O. Box 5380 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 211 387 Fax: +255 22 211 3856 Email: [email protected] Mr. Issaria Moses Moshi Mangalili Principal Environmental Officer Division of Environment Vice President's Office Luthuli Road Plot Number 10 P.O. Box 5380 Dar-Es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 211 3857 Fax: +255 22 211 3856 Email: [email protected]



Dr. Catherine B. Sanga Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations Office at Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 909 1084 Fax: Email: [email protected] Uruguay (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Fernando Lugris Minister Counselor Embassy of Uruguay in Germany Budapesterstrasse 39 10787 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 263 90 16 Fax: +49 30 263 90 170 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Estela Queirolo de Tealdi Counsellor Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 65 (4th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 33 07 Fax: +49 30 263 90 170 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Patricio Silva Secretary Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Rue de Lausanne 65 (4th Floor) 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 716 33 07 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Judith Magaly Torres Baptista Encargado Departamento Sustancias Peligrosas / Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente Galicia 1133, 2nd Floor 11100 Montevideo Uruguay Tel: +598 2 917 0710 x 4107 Fax: +598 2 917 0710 x 4610 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Ms. Carmen Cecilia Ciganda Albarello Directora División de Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional Ministerio de Salud Pública Avenue 18 de Julio 1892 11200 Montevideo Uruguay Tel: +598 2 409 8302 Fax: +598 2 409 8302 Email: [email protected] Ms. Gabriela Nair Medina Amarante Director National Environmental Directorate Basel Convention Coordination Centre (BCCC) for Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Uruguay / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre (SCRC), Uruguay Galicia 1133 11100 Montevideo Uruguay Tel: +598 2 601 3724 x 1158 Fax: +598 2 601 3724 x 1157 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Uzbekistan (BC) Mr. Azizkhon Yuldashev Third Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs 9, Uzbekistan Street 100029 Tashkent Uzbekistan Tel: +998 71 233 7341 Fax: +998 71 239 1517 Email: [email protected] Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Eduardo Casanas Director PEQUIVEN Caracas Venezuela Tel: +58 414 481 5913 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Leny Matos Guerrero Directora General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Medio Ambiente Centro Simon Bolivar Torre Sur, Piso 28 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +58 212 408 1116 Fax: +58 212 408 1118 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jose Abdouche Gerente de Ambiente Gerente Corporativa de Ambiente Petroquimica de Venezuela S.A Venezuela Tel: +562 418 394 624 Fax: +562 418 394 671 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Simón Pablo Figueroa Director Dirección de Manejo de Residuos y Desechos Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Medio Ambiente Centro Simón Bolívar Torre Sur, Piso 28 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +58 212 408 11 25 Fax: +58 212 408 48 98 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Fabio di Cera Paternostro Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin François-Lehmann 18a 1218 Grand-Saconnex Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +41 22 717 09 63 Fax: +41 22 723 28 81 Email: [email protected] Mr. Armando Diaz Coordination Ambiente Gerenci de Ambiente INTEVEP PDUSA Caracas Venezuela Tel: +58 212 330 7882 Fax: +58 212 330 7801 Email: [email protected] Ms. Anabell Arveláez Profesional III Oficina de Gestión y Cooperacion Internacional Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Medio Ambiente Centro Simón Bolívar Torre Sur, Piso 18 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +58 212 408 1502 Fax: +58 212 408 1503 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Juan Arias Palacio Ambassador Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Office in Geneva Chemin François-Lehmann 18a Grand Saconnex Geneva Tel: +41 22 717 09 42 Fax: +41 22 723 28 81 Email: [email protected]

Viet Nam (BC, RC, SC) Mr. The Loan Tran Deputy Director of Pollution Control Division Vietnam Environment Protection Agency Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 10 Ton That Thuyet Street Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3795 6868 x 3218 Fax: +84 4 3771 3176 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Nguyen Thuong Hien Deputy Director Waste Management and Environmental Improvement Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 10 Ton That Thuyet Street Cau Giay Ha Noi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3795 6868 x 3218 Fax: +84 4 3771 3176 Email: [email protected] Mr. Anh Tuan Nguyen Head of Division Chemical Control and Environmental Incident Remediation Vietnam Environment Administration 10 Ton that Thuyet Street Cau Giay District Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3795 6868 x 3218 Fax: +84 4 3771 3176 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Yemen (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Ali Al-Dobhani General Director General Department of Chemical Safety and Hazardous Waste Environment Protection Authority Al-Zburi Street P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a Republic of Yemen Tel: +967 711 124 127 Fax: +967 1 207327 Email: [email protected] Mr. Hussein Shedaiwa Rotterdam Convention Unit General Department of Chemical Safety and Hazardous Waste General Authority for Environmental Protection Al-Zburi Street P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a Yemen Tel: +967 734 383 838 Fax: +967 1 207 327 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Yasser Al Ghopir Stockholm Convention Unit General Department of Chemical Safety and Hazardous Wastes Environment Protection Authority Al-Zburi Street P.O. Box 19719 Sana'a Yemen Tel: +967 733 892 448 Fax: +967 120 327 Email: [email protected] Zambia (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Darsy Nkhata Ng'ambi Permanent Secretary Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Mulungshi House, Independence Avenue P.O. Box 30069 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 251 927 Fax: +260 211 253 406 Email: [email protected] Mr. Joseph Sakala Acting Director General Directorate Environmental Management Agency Corner Church and Suez Roads P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 254 130 Fax: +260 211 254 164 Email: [email protected] Mr. David Kapindula Principal Inspector Environmental Management Agency Corner Church and Suez Roads P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 254 023 Fax: +260 211 254 164 Email: [email protected] Mr. James Mulolo Senior Inspector Waste Management Inspectorate Environmental Management Agency Corner Suez and Church Roads P.O. Box 35131 10101 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 21 125 4130 Fax: +260 21 125 4164 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Maxwell Mwewa Nkoya Principal Inspector Pesticides and Toxic Substances Environmental Management Agency Corner Church and Suez Roads P.O. Box 35131 10101 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 254 023 Fax: +260 211 254 161 Email: [email protected] Mr. Humphrey Kasiya Mwale Prosecutor Legal Services Department Environmental Management Agency Corner Suez and Church Roads P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 254 023 Fax: +260 211 254 164 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Boyd Simasana Human Resources Development Officer Ministry of Lands, Nature Resources and Environmental Protection Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 251 427 Fax: Email: [email protected] Zimbabwe (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Abigail Shoniwa Permanent Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce Causeway Private Bag 7708 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 795 152 Fax: +263 4 705 762 Email: [email protected] Mr. Irvin Douglas Kunene Director of Environment Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management Causeway Private Bag 7753 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 712 431 125 Fax: +263 4 702 054 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Petronella Rumbidzai Shoko Director Environmental Management Agency Makombe Building, Block 1 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 772 951 287 Fax: +263 4 793 123 Email: [email protected]



Dr. Cames Mguni Director Research Services Division Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development Causeway P.O. Box CY Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 700 339 Fax: +263 4 700 339 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. P. Mudyawabikwa Deputy Director International Relation Ministry of Labour and Social Service Tel: Fax: Email: Mr. Shaw Chimombe Principal Economist International Trade Ministry of Industry and Commerce 13th Floor, Mukwati Building Corner 5th Street/ Living Stone Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 479 3461 Fax: +263 425 3137 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Shame Chibvongodze Secretary Zimbabwe National Chrysotile Taskforce 5 Glasgow Road Southerton Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 475 462 531 Fax: +263 475 7140 Email: [email protected] Mr. Chirandu Dhlembeu Chief Executive Officer SMM Holding Limited National Chrysotile Taskforce Block 2, Tendeseka Office Park Eastlea Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 479 3968 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Darlington Musarurwa Business Editor The Sunday Mail Zimbabwe National Chysotic Taskforce Herald House P.O. Box 396 Harare zimbabwe Tel: +263 470 7770 Fax: +263 47 91 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Humphrey Mapuranga Medical Officer of Occupational Health Ministry of Labour and Social Services P.O. Box CY1387 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 479 90 29 Fax: +263 479 90 29 Email: [email protected] Mr. Chameso Mucheka Counsellor Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Chemin William Barbey 27 1292 Chambesy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 758 98 55 Fax: +41 22 758 30 44 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



2. Parties to at least one of the conventions that did not submit valid credentials: Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC)

Central African Republic (BC, SC) Mr. Paul-Babidou Zarabingui Chef de Service des Zones a Ecologie Fragile Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Ecologie P.O. Box 836 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: +236 7272 0583 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Victorine Gaza Point Focal Convention Stockholm Ministère des Eaux, Forêts, Chasses, Pêches Chargé de l'Environnement B.P. 830 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: +236 7550 6949 Fax: +236 2161 1810 Email: [email protected] Chad (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Abderaman Mahamat Abderaman Point Focal Substances Chimiques Ministère de l’Environnement et des Ressources Halieutiques B.P. 447 N’Djamena Chad Tel: +235 66 29 49 60 Fax: +235 22 52 67 88 Email: [email protected] Mr. Moussa Abderaman Abdoulaye Directeur Adjoint de la Protection des Végétaux et du Conditionnement Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Irrigation N'Djamena Chad Tel: +235 66 32 52 52 Fax: +235 22 52 67 88 Email: [email protected] Comoros (BC, SC) Mr. Ben Allaoui Aboubacar Directeur Général Direction Générale de l’Environnement Vice-Présidence en Charge du Ministère de l’Environnement Ex Cefader B.P. 41 Moroni Comoros Tel: +269 333 30 06 Fax: +269 775 00 03 Email: [email protected]

Dominica (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Kongit Haile-Gabriel MEA Projects Manager Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Environment Roseau Fisheries Complex Building Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau Dominica Tel: +1 767 266 52 56 Fax: +1 767 448 4577 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Lloyd Pascal Director Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Health and the Environment Roseau Fisheries Complex Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau Dominica Tel: +1 767 266 5256 Fax: +1 767 448 4577 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Gambia (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Muhamadou Bojang C.R.G Judiciary Environment Agency Sukuta West Cost Gambia Tel: +220 991 68 19 Fax: + 220 439 94 30 Email: [email protected] Libya (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Mohamed Ali Mohamed Elssaidi Member of Board Pesticides Department National Centre for Plant Protection P.O. Box 68 Brack Libya Tel: Fax: +21 871 512 10 19 Email: [email protected] Mr. Abdesalam M. Elsawi Sltan Engineer Plant Protection Department Ministry of Agriculture Tripoli Libya Tel: +41 76 618 75 47 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Alshima Hassan Irwidat Salem Environment General Authority Tel: +41 22 959 89 00 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Mehemed Elmarbet Second Secretary International Organization Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 21 340 27 03 Fax: +218 21 340 30 11 Email: [email protected] Nauru (BC, SC) Mr. John Lesi Olsson Secretary for Transport Government Office Yaren District Nauru Tel: +674 557 35 71 Fax: Email: [email protected] Rwanda (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Rusakana Elièzer Ndizeye Environmental Inspection Officer Environment Management Authority (REMA) P.O. Box 7436 Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250 78 868 3561 Fax: +250 25 258 0017 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Adele Murebwayire Environmental Conventions Specialist Department of Climate Change and International Obligations Environment Management Authority Boulevard de l'Umuganda P.O. Box 7436 Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250 78 884 4047 Fax: +250 25 258 0017 Email: [email protected] Ms. Rachael Tushabe Acting Director Focal Point of Rotterdam Convention Environmental Education and Mainstreaming Unit P.O. Box 7436 Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250 78 840 8339 Fax: +250 25 258 0017 Email: [email protected]

Syrian Arab Republic (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Tamin Madani First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations Office in Geneva Route de Pré-Bois 20 1215 Geneva Switzerland Tel : +41 22 715 45 60 Email : [email protected] Tonga (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Mele Mafileo Ongosia Senior Environment Officer / Head of Waste and Chemicals Section Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Lands, Survey, Natural Resources and Environment Vuna Road P.O. Box 917 Nuku'alofa Tonga Tel: +676 25 050 Fax: +676 25 051 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Lesieli Tuivai Ecologist, Environmentalist Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources Vuna Road P.O. Box 917 Nkuàlofa Tonga Tel: +976 25 050 Fax: +676 25 051 Email: [email protected] Tunisia (BC, SC) Mr. Youssef Zidi Directeur Adjoint Direction Générale de l’Environnement et de la Qualité de la Vie Ministère de l’Environnement Boulevard de la Terre, Centre Urbaine Nord 1080 Tunis Tunisia Tel: +216 70 728 644 Fax: +216 70 728 655 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Abderrazak Marzouki Chef de Service Déchets Spéciaux Produits Chimiques Direction Générale de l'Environnement et de la Qualité de la Vie Ministère de l'Environnement Boulevard de la Terre, Centre Urbain Nord 1080 Tunis Tunisia Tel: +216 70 728 644 Fax: +216 70 728 655 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ukraine (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Iurii Kundiiev Director National Academy of Sciences / Toxicology of Pesticides Department Institute for Occupational Health 75 Saksagansky Street 01033 Kiev Ukraine Tel: +38 44 284 3427 Fax: +38 44 289 3643 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



II. HIGH LEVEL SEGMENT Algeria H.E. Mr. Amara Benyounes Ministre Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et de la Ville Rue des 4 Canons 00620 Alger Algeria Tel: +213 771 62 89 92 Fax: +213 21 43 28 57 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Argentina H.E. Ms. Beatriz Domingorena Subsecretaría de Control y Fiscalización Ambiental y Prevención de la Contaminación Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustenable de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros San Martín 451/9 CAA10041 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4348 8425 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Bangladesh H.E. Mr. MD Shafiqur Rahman Patwari Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: +88 17 555 000 19 Fax: +88 29 540 210 Email: [email protected] Bolivia (Plurinational State of) H.E. Mr. Juan Pablo Cardozo Arnez Viceministro de Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Cambios Climáticos y de Gestión y Desarrollo Forestal Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Avenue Camacho No. 1471 Entre Bueno y Loayza La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Tel: +591 2 214 6382 Fax: +591 2 214 6369 Email: [email protected] Bosnia and Herzegovina H.E. Mr. Mirko Sarovic Minister Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 220 093 Fax: +387 33 220 091 Email: [email protected]

Burkina Faso H.E. Mr. Salifou Ouedraogo Ministre Ministère de l'Environnment et du Developpement Durable 327, Avenue Pr. Joseph Ki-Zerbo B.P. 7044 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 30 77 51 Fax: +226 50 31 06 75 Email: [email protected] Burundi H.E. Mr. Epimaque Murengerantwari Secrétaire Permanent Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme Bujumbura Burundi Tel: Fax: Email: H.E. Mr. Kubwayo Isaie Ambassadeur, Vice-Ministre Ministère des Relations Exterieures et de la Cooperation Internationale Rue de la Liberté 16 B.P. 1840 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: +257 22 22 93 12 Fax: +257 22 22 39 70 Email: [email protected] Cambodia H.E. Mr. Muth Khieu Secretary of State Ministry of Environment No. 48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassa, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: +855 12 902 963 Fax: +855 23 219 287 Email: [email protected] Cameroon H.E. Mr. Pierre Hele Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature B.P. 320 Yaoundé Cameroun Tel: +237 77 667 528 Fax: +237 22 236 051 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Congo H.E. Mr. Josué Rodrigue Ngouonimba Ministre Ministère du Tourisme et de l'Environnement Brazzaville Congo Tel: +242 814 141 / 556 3526 Fax: +242 814 136 Email: [email protected] Côte d'Ivoire H.E. Mr. Remi Allah-Kouadio Minister Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 20 B.P. 650 Abidjan 20 Cote d'Ivoire Tel: +225 2022 6235 Fax: +225 2022 2050 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Djibouti H.E. Mr. Mohamed Mousse Ibrahim Balala Ministre Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement Djibouti Tel: +253 350 006 Fax: +253 351 618 Email: [email protected] Egypt H.E. Mr. Khaled Mohamed Fahmy Abdelall Minister Ministry of State for Environment Affairs 30 Misr Helwan Road 11728 Maadi, Cairo Egypt Tel: + 202 2 525 6463 / 2 525 6599 Fax: +202 2 525 6461 Email: [email protected] Finland H.E. Mr. Ville Niinisto Minister Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35 00023 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 50 301 4703 Fax: +358 9 1603 9307 Email: [email protected]

France H.E. Ms. Patricia Blanc Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Developpment Durable et de l'Energie Grande Arche - Paroi Nord 92055 La Defene Cedex France Tel: +33 1 40 81 86 41 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Gabon H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Internationale, de la Francophonie, chargé du NEPAD et de l'Intégration Régionale Ministère des Affaires Etrangères B.P. 2245 Libreville Gabon Tel: Fax: Email: Georgia H.E. Ms. Nino Sharashidze First Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia 6 Gulua Street 0114 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: +995 322 727 02 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ghana H.E. Mr. Joseph Oteng-Adjei Minister Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation P.O. Box M232 Accra Ghana Tel: +302 662 626 Fax: +302 688 913 Email: [email protected] Guinea-Bissau H.E. Mr. Agostinho Da Costa Secrétaire d'Etat Secrétariat d'Etat de l'Environment et Tourism Avenue Combatentes da Liberdade da Patria Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 651 40 99 Fax: +245 322 45 00 Email: [email protected]



Honduras H.E. Mr. Rigoberto Cuéllar Cruz Secretario de Estado Despacho Ministerial Secretaria de Recursos Naturales Edificio Principal 100 Metros al Sur del Estadio Nacional 1389 4710 Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: + 504 223 578 33/ 2239 0498 Fax: + 504 232 6250 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Indonesia H.E. Ms. Masnellyarti Hilman Deputy Minister Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Wastes and Solid Wastes Management Ministry of Environment C Building 2nd Floor JL. DI Panjaitan Kav. 24, Kebon Nanas Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 859 056 37 Fax: +62 21 859 056 37 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] H.E. Mr. Balthasar Kambuaya Minister Ministry of Environment JL. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 858 0067 Fax: Email: Iran (Islamic Republic of) H.E. Mr. Mohammad Javad Mohammadi Zadeh Vice President and Minister of Environment Department of the Environment Pardisan Eco-Park, Hakim Exp. Way Between Noory and Yadegar Exp. Way 14155-7383 Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 21 8824 1715-17 Fax: +98 21 8824 1711 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Iraq H.E. Mr. Hassan Janabi Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nation's Agency in Rome Iraq Ministry of Agriculture 5, Piazza del Grillo 00184 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 8892 0492 Fax: +39 6 6442 0252 Email: [email protected]

Ireland H.E. Mr. John McCarthy Assistant Secretary General Environment Division Ministry of the Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 87 226 0109 Fax: Email: [email protected] Jamaica H.E. Mr. Robert Dixon Pickersgill Minister Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change 16 A Half Way Tree Road 6 Kingston Jamaica Tel: +1 876 754 4654 Fax: +1 876 754 2855 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Japan H.E. Mr. Ryutaro Yatsu Vice Minister Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3580 0245 Fax: +81 3 3593 3067 Email: [email protected] Kyrgyzstan H.E. Mr. Sabir Atadzhanov Director State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry 228 Tektegul Street 727033 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 219 737 Fax: +996 312 611 396 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Lao People's Democratic Republic H.E. Ms. Keobounphanh Inlavanh Vice-Minister Ministère de la Santé Simeang Village Sisattanat District Rue Samsenthai Vientiane Lao People’s Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 25 30 17 Fax: +856 21 21 40 03 Email: [email protected]



Latvia H.E. Mr. Edmunds Sprudzs Minister Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 25, Peldu Street Riga Latvia Tel: +371 670 26 43 Fax: +371 678 204 60 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Lesotho H.E. Mr. Hyacinth Mamahele Hon Radebe Minister Minitry of Tourism, Environment and Culture 7th Floor Post Office Building King Way Road P.O. Box 52 100 Maseru Lesotho Tel: +266 22 31 65 74 Fax: +266 22 31 11 39 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Libya H.E. Mr. Saleh Amnissi General Director Environment General Authority El-Ghhyram P.O. Box 83618 Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 21 487 02 66 Fax: +218 21 487 15 90 Email: [email protected] Madagascar H.E. Mr. Pierre Manganirina Randrianarisoa Secrétaire Général Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts Rue Toto Radola B.P. 3948 101 Antsahavola-Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 34 05 620 35 Fax: +261 20 22 304 88 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Maldives H.E. Mr. Abdullahi Majeed Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment and Energy Ameenee Magu 20392 Malé Maldives Tel: +960 300 4300 Fax: +960 300 4301 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

H.E. Dr. Mariyam Shakela Minister Ministry of Environment and Energy Ameenee Magu 20392 Male Maldives Tel: +960 300 4300 Fax: +960 300 4301 Email: [email protected] Mali H.E. Mr. Ousmane Ag Rhissa Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement Mali Tel: +223 667 414 09 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mauritania H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Aida Secrétaire Général Ministère du Développement Rural Mauritania Tel: +222 2 235 09 48 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mauritius H.E. Mr. Louis Hervé Aimée Minister Ministry of Local Government and Outer Islands Renganaden Seeneevassen Building 6th Floor Port-Louis Mauritius Tel: +230 210 20 14 Fax: +230 211 75 06 Email: [email protected] Mongolia H.E. Mr. Tulga Buya Vice-Minister Government of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Tel: +976 51 263 341 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mozambique H.E. Ms. Ana Paulo Samo Gudo Chichava Deputy Minister Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Rua de Kassuende, 167 P.O. Box 2020 Maputo, Mozambique Tel: +258 21 492403 Fax: +258 21 496108 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Nicaragua H.E. Mr. Roberto Abraham Araquistain Cisneros Viceministro Ministrio del Abiente y los Recursos Naturales Carretera Panaamericana Notre Km 12.5 Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 22 3313 13 Fax: +505 22 6328 33 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Nigeria H.E. Ms. Hadiza Ibrahim Mailafia Minister Federal Ministry of Environment, Housing and Urban Development Administrative Headquaters, Mabushi Garki Post Office P.M.B 465 Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 952 340 14 Fax: +234 952 340 14 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Oman H.E. Mr. Mohammed bin Salim bin Said al Toobi Minister Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 113 Muscat Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 2 469 403 Fax: +968 2 469 2553 Email: [email protected] Palestine H.E. Dr. Yousef Abusafieh Minister of Environmental Affairs General Directorate of Environment Protection Ministry of Environmental Affairs P.O. Box 3841 Ramallah Palestine Tel: +970 2 240 3495 Fax: +970 2 240 34 94 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Panama Ms. Adelys Hercukua Varela Vega Secretaria General Despacho Superior Ministerio de Salud Edificio 237 Paseo Gorgas Corregimiento de Ancon Panama Tel: +507 512 83 91 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Paraguay H.E. Mr. Heriberto Felipe Osnaghi Doria Ministro, Secretaria Ejecutivo Direccion de Gabriel Secretaria del Medio Ambiente Avenida Madame Lynch, No. 3500 Asuncion Paraguay Tel: +595 21 615 806 Fax: +595 21 615 807 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Peru H.E. Mr. Mariano Castro Sanchez Moreno Viceministro de Gestion Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente Avenue Javier Prado Oeste 1440 San Isidro Peru Tel: +51 1 611 6000 Fax: +51 1 611 6000 x 1315 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Philippines H.E. Mr. Demetrio JR Ignacio Deputy Minister Department of Environment and Natural Resources Visayas Avenue Quezon city Phillipines Tel: +632 926 10 01 Fax: +632 928 49 64 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Poland H.E. Mr. Andrzej Jagusiewicz Minister, Chief Inspector Inspectorate of Environmental Protection UL Wawelska 52/54 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 825 3325 Fax: +48 22 825 0465 Email: [email protected] Qatar Mr. Rashid Al-Kuwari Associated Vice Minister, Environmental Affairs Sector Radiation and Chemical Protection Department Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 420 7474 Fax: +974 4420 7969 Email: [email protected]



Republic of Korea H.E. Mr. Yeon Chul Yoo Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Environment Goverment Complex Sejong Republic of Korea Tel: +82 44 201 6770 Fax: +82 44 201 6786 Email: Republic of Moldova H.E. Mr. Gheorghe Salaru Minister Ministry of Environment 9 Cosmonautilor Street 2005 Chisinau Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 204 507 Fax: +373 22 22 6858/21 0660 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Romania H.E. Ms. Elena Dumitru Secrétaire d'Etat Ministère de l'Environnement et Changement Climatique Avenue de la Liberté 12 Sector 5 040129 Bucarest Romanie Tel: +40 21 408 95 10 Fax: +40 21 311 60 45 Email: [email protected] Saint Kitts and Nevis H.E. Mr. Nigel Alexis Carty Minister Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Cooperatives Government Headquarters, Church street Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel: +1 869 466 2138 Fax: +1 869 466 7443 Email: [email protected] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines H.E. Mr. Clifton Clayton Fitzroy Burgin Minister Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment Ministerial Building Helifax Street King Town St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: +1 734 457 2586 Fax: +1 784 457 2684 Email: [email protected]

Samoa H.E. Mr. Faamoetauloa Lealaiauloto Taito Dr. Faale Tumaalii Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Office of the Minister Government Building, Private Mail Bag, Beach Road Apia Samoa Tel: +685 204 10 Fax: +685 208 84 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Sao Tome and Principe H.E. Ms. Natália Pedro Da Costa Neto Umbelina Ministre Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération et des Communautés Sao Tome and Principe Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Senegal H.E. Mr. Ismaila Diop Directeur de Cabinet Cabinet du Ministre Ministère de l'Environnment Senegal Tel: +221 77 333 13 80 Fax: +221 822 62 11 Email: [email protected] Serbia H.E. Mr. Vladan Zdravkovic State Secretary Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Nemanjina 22-26 Belgarde Serbia Tel: +381 112 697 025 Fax: +381 112 697 625 Email: [email protected] Seychelles H.E. Mr. Rolph Antoine Payet Minister Ministry of Environment and Energy P.O. Box 445 Victoria, Mahe Seychelles Tel: +248 461 0740 Fax: +248 461 0558 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



South Africa H.E. Ms. Thizwilondi Rejoyce Mabudafhasi Deputy Minister Water and Environmental Affairs and Tourism 185 Scheman Street 0001 Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 336 79 60 Fax: +27 12 336 83 11 Email: [email protected] H.E. Mr. Marius Llewellyn Fransman Deputy Minister Ministry of International Relation and Cooperation Private Bag x152 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 351 0056 Fax: +27 12 320 2408 Email: [email protected] Sri Lanka H.E. Mr. Singappuli Achchige Don Susil Premajayantha Minister Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy No. 82, Rajamalwatta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 11 287 728 2 Email: [email protected] Switzerland H.E. Ms. Doris Leuthard Federal Counsillor Federal department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications 3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +254 20 228735/6 Fax: +254 20 217388/218416 Email: [email protected] Togo H.E. Mr. Essowé Ouro-Djeri Directeur de Cabinet Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières B.P. 4825 Lomé, Togo Tel: +228 90 03 17 38 Fax: +228 22 21 03 33 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Trinidad and Tobago H.E. Ms. Vidiah Ramkhelawan Permanent Secretary Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Level 26 Towerd International Water Front Complex Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 623 31 58 x 255 Fax: +868 624 24 55 Email: [email protected]

Uganda H.E. Mr. Henry Okello Oryem Minister of State of Foreign Affairs Department of International Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs A/B Apollo Kaggwa Road P.O. Box 7048 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 230 927 Fax: +256 414 232 874 Email: [email protected] H.E. Mr. Ephraim Kamuntu Minister Ministry of Water and Environment Plot 22/28, Port Bell Road P.O. Box 20026 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 504 621 Fax: +256 414 505 941 Email: [email protected] United Republic of Tanzania H.E. Ms. Terezya Pius Luoga Huvisa Minister of State for Environment Division of Environment Vice President's Office P.O. Box 5380 Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255 22 211 3857 Fax: +255 22 211 3856 Email: [email protected] Uruguay H.E. Ms. Raquel Lejtreger Subsecretaria Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente Zabala No. 1432 Piso Uruguay Tel: +598 291 707 10 x 9413 Fax: +598 291 629 14 Email: [email protected] Viet Nam H.E. Dr. Cach Tuyen Bui Deputy Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 10 Ton That Thuyet Street Hanoi Vietnam Tel: Fax: +844 38 22 31 89 Email: [email protected]



Yemen H.E. Mr. Abdo Razaz Saleh Khaled Minister Ministry of Water and Environment Amran Street P.O. Box 1093 Sana’a Yemen Tel: +967 777 795 955 Fax: +967 1 207 327 Email: [email protected] H.E. Dr. Farid Ahmed Saeed Mogawar Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Al-Zra'a Street P.O. Box 1093 Sana’a Yemen Tel: +967 777 795 955 Fax: +967 1 207 327 Email: [email protected] Zambia H.E. Mr. Wylbur Chisiya Simuusa Minister Administration Ministry of Lands, Natural and Environmental Protection Mulungushi House Independence Avenue, Nationalist Road P.O. Box RW 50094 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260 211 250 166 Fax: +260 211 253 522 Email: [email protected] Zimbabwe H.E. Mr. Chenayimoyo Dunstan Francis Nhema Minister Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management 14th Floor, Karigamombe Centre Causeway Private Bag 7753 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 701 681/3 Fax: +263 4 702 054 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]




1. Non-Parties Palestine Mr. Imad Zuhairi Deputy Ambassador Permanent Mission of Palestine to the United Nations Route de Vernier 96 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 22 796 76 60 Fax: +41 22 796 78 60 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mahmoud Abushanab Director DDG General Directorate of Environment Protection Ministry of Environment Affairs P.O. Box 3494 Albireh Palestine Tel: +970 2 240 3495 Fax: +970 2 240 3494 Email: [email protected] United States of America Mr. David Buchholz Attorney-Adviser Office of the Legal Adviser U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W. Room 6422 20520 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 32 19 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Karissa Taylor Kovner Senior Policy Advisor Office of the Assistant Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW MC 7101M 20046 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 564 05 64 Fax: +1 202 564 05 29 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kimberly Cochran Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Environmental Policy Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State 2201 C St, NW Room 2726 20520 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 68 67 Fax: +1 202 647 10 52 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Gregory Helms Chemist Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Mail Stop 5304P 20460 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 703 308 88 45 Fax: +1 703 308 05 14 Email: [email protected] Mr. Bart Cobbs First Secretary Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations offices in Geneva 11 Route de Pregny 1292 Chambesy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 749 43 09 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Sezaneh Seymour Chief Division of Air Pollution and Chemicals / Office of Environmental Policy U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street Northwest Room 2727 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 11 23 Fax: +1 202 647 10 52 Email: [email protected]



2. United Nations bodies and specialized agencies Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Mark Davis Senior Officer Pesticide Risk Reduction / Plant Production and Protection Division Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Room B-756 Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome Italy Tel: +39 6 5705 5192 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Sandra Aviles Senior Officer Food and Agriculture Organization Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Silvano Sofia External Relations Officer Palais des Nations Avenue de la Paix 8-11 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 529 20 29 Fax: +41 22 917 27 70 Email: [email protected] Mr. Aghasi Harutyunyan Field Programme Officer Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (SEC) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Budapest Hungary Tel: Fax: Email: Global Environment Facility (GEF) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Yacout Yasmine Djellal Junior Professional Associate External Affairs Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H St. NW, P4 -400 20433 Washington D.C. USA Tel: +1 202 473 14 49 Fax: +1 202 522 32 40 Email: [email protected]

Mr. John Diamond Senior Communication Officer Global Environment Facility (GEF) 18 18 H Street, Nw DC 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 32 02 Fax: +1 202 522 32 40 Email: [email protected] Ms. Patrizia Cocca Communications Officer and KM Coordinator Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, NW DC 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 32 02 Fax: +202 522 3240 32 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ibrahima Sow Chemicals Cluster Coordinator Climate and Chemicals Department Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 473 2716 Fax: +1 (202) 522 2720 Email: [email protected] Dr. Naoko Ishii Chief Executive Officer & Chairperson GEF Secretariat Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, NW, Mail Stop P4-400 20433 Washington DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 3202 Fax: +1 202 522 3240 / 3245 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Robert K. Dixon Team Leader Climate and Chemicals Department Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 473 2340 Fax: +1 (202) 522 2720 Email: [email protected] Mr. Anil Sookdeo Environmental Specialist Climate and Chemicals Department Global Environment Facility (GEF) P4-400- 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 0683 Fax: +1 202 522 2720 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Evelyn Swain Environmental Specialist Climate and Chemicals Department Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, N.W. 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 1151 Fax: +1 202 522 2720 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tigest Tirfe Programme Assistant Climate and Chemicals Department Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 9297 Fax: +1 202 522 2720 Email: [email protected] International Labour Organization (ILO) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Andrea Betancourt Technical Officer International Labour Organizations Route des Morillons 4 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 799 80 26 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. David Seligson Sectoral Specialist on Manufacturing Sectoral Activities Department International Labour Organization (ILO) Route des Morillons 4 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 799 81 60 Fax: +41 22 799 72 96 Email: [email protected] Mr. Pavan Baichoo Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SAFEWORK) International Labour Organization (ILO) 4, Route des Morillons Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 799 67 22 Fax: +41 22 799 67 22 Email: [email protected]

International Maritime Organization (IMO) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Dorota Lost-Sieminska Senior Legal Officer Legal Affairs and External Relations Division International Maritime Organization 4 Albert Embankment SE1 7SR London United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 75873171 Fax: +44 20 75873210 Email: [email protected] International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Yevgeniya Minkova Bicohetti Project Officer International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 76 912 36 32 Fax: Email: Mr. Maritza Delgado Solarte Programme Officer International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 54 30 Fax: +41 22 730 54 84 Email: [email protected] Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Renee Christensen Emergency Services Branch Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Rene Nijenhnis Humanitarian Affairs Officer Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 474 08 72 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Rebaone Ferguson Associate Human Rights Officer Human Rights Council and Special Procedures Division Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 93 33 Fax: +41 22 917 90 06 Email: [email protected] Mr. Nonbento Frydmon Human Rights Officer Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. David Bicchetti Economist United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 29 12 Fax: Email: [email protected] United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Maksim Surkov Programme Specialist, MPU Chemicals, BDP/EEG UNDP , Europe and the CIS United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bratislava Regional Centre, Grosslingova 35 811 09 Bratislava Slovak Republic Tel: +421 2 593 37 x 423 Fax: +421 2 593 37 x 450 Email: [email protected] Mr. Etienne Gonin Programme Analyst Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals UNDP Europe and the CIS, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bratislava Regional Centre Grosslingova 35 811 09 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: +421 2 593 37 x 301 Fax: +421 2 593 37 x 450 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Klaus Tyrkko Senior Expert / Programme Specialist Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FF-974 304 East 45th Street 10017 New York United States of America Tel: +1 212 906 51 39 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Amina Beibitova PCBs Project Manager Energy and Environment United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 26, Burkey Khan Street Astana Kazakhstan Tel: +7 7172 580 915 Fax: +7 7172 580 915 Email: [email protected] United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Ayumi Fujino UNIDO Representative in India and Regional Director for South Asia Regional Office for South Asia, Department of Programme Development and Coordination United Nation Industry Development Organization (UNIDO) UN House, 55 Lodi Estate 110003 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2464 3684 Fax: +91 11 2462 0913 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ludovic Bernaudat Industrial Development Officer Water Management Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 126 026 3648 Fax: Email: [email protected] Dr. Heinz Leuenberger Director Environmental Management Branch United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Strasse 5 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 5611 Fax: +43 1 21346 6855 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Rami Abdel Malik Project and Communications Consultant Stockholm Convention Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna International Centre, Wagramerstrasse 5 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 6026 3786 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Fukuya Iino Industrial Development Officer Environmental Management Branch / Stockholm Convention Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna International Center, Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 5218 Fax: +43 1 26026 6855 Email: [email protected] Ms. Carmela Centeno Industrial Development Officer Stockholm Convention Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Rm D1224, Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 (1) 26026 3385 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Erlinda Galvan Associate Industrial Development Officer PTC / EMB / SCU United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 3953 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Igor Volodin Unit Chief PTC / EMB / WMU United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 3938 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Dr. Alfredo Cueva Industrial Development Officer Stockholm Convention Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna International Centre, Wagramerstraße 5 1400 Vienna Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 5228 Fax: +43 1 21346 6855 Email: [email protected] Ms. Tonilyn Lim Industrial Development Officer Environment Management Branch / Regional Office - South Asia United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) U.N. House, 55 Lodi Estate 110003 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 4653 2271 Fax: +91 11 2462 0913 Email: [email protected] United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Georg Karlaganis Senior Consultant Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 8166 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. John Haines Senior Fellow Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +33 6 12 66 04 39 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Jonathan Krueger Manager Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Palais Des Nations Avenue De La Paix 8-14 CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 917 8 166 Fax: +41 (22) 917 80 47 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Brandon Turner Senior Specialist Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) 5F, 5-44 Motomachi 730-0011 Naka-ku Hiroshima Japan Tel: +81 82 511 2424 Fax: +81 82 211 0511 Email: [email protected] Ms. Diane Menard Training Associate Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) International Environment House I 11-13 Chemin des Anémones 1219 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 83 92 Fax: +41 22 917 80 47 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mehdia Siari Training Associate United Nations Institue For Research And Training (UNITAR) 11-13 Chemin des Anémones 1219 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 7782 Fax: +41 22 917 8047 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yuri Saito Training Associate Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) 11-13 Chemins des Anémones 1219 Geneva switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 83 44 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Vera Barrantes Training Associate Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (CWM) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) 11-13, Chemin des Anemones Chatelaine, Geneve Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 85 07 Fax: Email: [email protected]

United Nations University (UNU) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Federico Magalini Research Associate United Nations University (UNU) Langer Eugen Hermann-Ehlers-Street 10 3113 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 815 0248 Fax: +49 228 815 0299 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ruediger Kuehr Head of Operating Unit SCYCLE Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) United Nations University (UNU) Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10 53113 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 (228) 815 0213 Fax: +49 (228) 815 0299 Email: [email protected] World Bank (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Elena Klochan Senior Country Program Officer Sustainable Development Department World Bank 2A, Gertsen Str., Minsk 220030 Belarus Belarus Tel: +375 172 26 52 84 Fax: +375 172 11 0314 Email: [email protected] Mr. Laurent Granier Senior Environmental Specialist Environment Department World Bank 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 9034 Fax: +1 202 522 3258 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jostein Nygard Senior Environmental Specialist Urban Development and Risk Management Department World Bank 1818 H Street, NW 20433 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 5660 Fax: +1 202 477 0565 Email:



World Health Organization (WHO) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Carolyn Vickers Team Leader, Chemical Safety Department of Public Health and Environment World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 791 1286 Fax: +41 (22) 791 4848 Email: [email protected] Mr. Michael Macdonald Consultant Global Malaria Programme / Vector Control Unit World Health Organization (WHO) 22 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +1 410 788 2550 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Rajpal Singh Yadav Scientist, WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) Vector Ecology & Management, Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 7912961 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Richard Brown Technical Officer Chemical Safety World Health Organization (WHO) L220, PHE, 20 Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 27 55 Fax: +41 22 791 48 48 Email: [email protected] Mr. Dana Loomis Deputy Head IARC Monographs Programme World Health Organization (WHO) 150, Cours Acrert Thomas 69732 Lyon France Tel: +33 04 72 73 5049 Fax: +33 04 72 73 8575 Email: [email protected] Mr. Philippe Verger World Health Organization (WHO) 22, Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 701 94 62 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Mr. Jongsoo Kim Scientist Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses World Health Organization (WHO) 20, Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 36 04 Fax: +41 22 791 48 07 Email: [email protected] Ms. Angelika Tritscher Senior Scientist Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 35 69 Fax: +41 22 791 31 11 Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Neira Director Department of Protection of the Human Environment (PHE) World Health Organization (WHO) 20 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 55 26 Fax: +41 22 791 48 48 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Abraham Mnzava Coordinator Malaria Vector Control, Global Malaria Programme World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 36 13 Fax: +41 22 791 48 28 Email: [email protected] Mr. Krisantha Weerasuriya Medical Officer Essential Medicines World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 23 57 Fax: Email: Ms. Fatoumata Nafo-Traore Excutive Director World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 37 35 Fax: +41 22 791 15 87 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Lesley Onyon Regional Advisor Department of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments World Health Organization (WHO) World Health House, IP Estate, MG Road 110 002 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 233 094 50 / 91 9810494366 Fax: +91 11 233 701 97 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ivan Dimov Ivanov Scientist, Interventions for Healthy Environments Department of Public Health and Environment World Health Organization (WHO) 20, avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 7912111 Fax: +41 (22) 7913111 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kersten Gutschmidt Technical Officer Public Health and Environment World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 791 37 31 Fax: +41 (22) 791 48 48 Email: [email protected] World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Antonio Q'apaj Conde Internship Traditional Division World Intellectual Property Organiyation Chemin des Colombettes 34 1202 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 76 629 67 21 Fax: Email: [email protected] World Trade Organization (WTO) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Lauro Locks Counselor Trade and Environment Division World Trade Organization Rue de Lausanne 154 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 395 58 39 Fax: +41 22 739 56 20 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Linnea Hakansson Intern Department of Trade and Environment World Trade Organization (WTO) Rue de Lausanne 154 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 103 27 76 Fax: +41 22 739 56 20 Email: [email protected] Mr. Susan Wilburn Technical Officer Department of Health and Environment World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 47 80 Fax: +41 22 791 13 83 Email: [email protected]



3. Other bodies and agencies

(a) Intergovernmental organizations League of Arab States (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Youcef Tiliouant Troisième Secrétaire Délégation Permanente de la Ligue des États Arabes Rue du Valais 9 (5e étage) 1202 Genève Switzerland Tel: +41 22 732 30 30 Fax: +41 22 731 69 47 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Mohamed Osman Konna Advisor Department of Environment, Housing water Resources and Sustainable Development League of Arab States 1 Altahrir Square P.O. Box 11642 Cairo Egypt Tel: +20 1287 22 99 00 Fax: +20 22 5743023 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (BC, SC) Mr. Robert Diderich Head of Division EHS/ENV Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development 2 Rue Andre Pascal, 75016 Paris France Tel: +33 1 45 24 14 85 Fax: Email: [email protected] South Asia Cooperative Environmental Programme (SACEP) (BC) Mr. Senarath Mudalige Don Peter Anura Jayatilake Director General South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) 10 Anderson Road, off Dickman's Road 00500 Colombo 05 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 (11) 259 6443 Fax: +94 (11) 258 9369 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Weddikkara Kankanamge Rathnadeera Senior Programme Officer South Asia Co-Operative Environment Programme (SACEP) # 10 Anderson Road, Off Dickman's Road 00500 Colombo 05 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 (11) 259 6443 Fax: +94 (11) 258 9369 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] South Centre (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Vicente Paolo Yu Programme Coordinator Global Governance South Centre 17, Chemin du Champ d'Anier 1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 80 50 Fax: +41 22 798 85 31 Email: [email protected]



(b) Basel Convention Regional/Coordinating Centres and Stockholm Convention Regional/Subregional Centres Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) for Training and Technology Transfer for Arab States in Egypt Prof. Mostafa Hussein Kamel Director Cairo University Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) for Training and Technology Transfer for Arab States in Egypt Al Orman P.O. Box 453 12613 Giza, Egypt Tel: +20 122 746 8122 Fax: +20 (2) 3571 7565 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Basel Convention Coordinating Centre (BCCC) for Training and Technology Transfer for the African Region Mr. Oladele Osibanjo Executive Director Basel Convention Coordinating Centre For the African Region (BCCC-Africa) No. 1 ljoma Road, University Of Ibadan Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234 803 301 3378 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Francophone African Countries (BSCRC-AF) Dr. Michel Seck Director Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Francophone African Countries (BSCRC-AF) 99, Sacré Coeur 3 Pyrotechnie, RC 15515 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 (77) 647 5621 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Basel Convention Regional Center for English-Speaking African countries in South Africa / Africa Institute for Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous and other Wastes Mr. Koebu Kitalema Program Officer Outreach Division Basel Convention Regional Centre for the English-Speaking African countries in South Africa / Africa Institute for Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous and Other Wastes 315 Pretorius Street Private Bag X447 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3627 Fax: +27 12 320 5540 Email: [email protected] Dr. Taelo Letsela Executive Director Basel Convention Regional Centre for the English-Speaking African countries in South Africa / Africa Institute for Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous and Other Wastes Private Bag X 447 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 310 3627 Fax: +27 (12) 320 5540 Email: [email protected] Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Prof. Jinhui Li Executive Secretary Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia & the Pacific (BCRC) / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in China School of Environment, Room 805 Tsinghua University, Haidian District 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4143 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Yuan Chen Program Officer Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 627 943 51 Fax: +86 10 627 720 48 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Hai Huang Researcher Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4351 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected] Mr. Lei Lei Researcher Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4351 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected] Ms. Qiying Kuang Researcher Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4351 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected] Ms. Danjing Lei Researcher Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4351 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Nana Zhao Programme Officer Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Asia and the Pacific (BSCRC-AP), China Room 805, School of Environment Tsinghua University 100084 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6279 4351 Fax: +86 10 6277 2048 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), India Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Senior Scientist Stockholm Convention Regional Centre National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Nehru Marg 440 020 Nagpur India Tel: +91 (712) 224 9885 Ext.323 Fax: +91 (712) 224 9900 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Satish Wate Director Directorate Stockholm Regional Center National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nehru Marg 440020 Nagpur India Tel: +91 (712) 224 9999 Fax: +91 (712) 224 9900 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia (BCRC-SEA) Mr. Ridwan Djailin Tamin Director Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia (BCRC-SEA) Jalan D.I. Panjaitan, Kav. 24, Bldg. A, Ground Floor, Kebon Nanas 13410 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 (21) 852 0408 Fax: +62 (21) 852 0408 Email: [email protected]



Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait Mrs. Amal Al-Rashdan Associate Research Scientist Deputy Director General of Research Office Stockholm Convention Regional Center Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) P.O. Box 24885 13109 Safat Kuwait Tel: +965 2 495 6041 / 42 Fax: +965 2 495 6639 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Lulwa Ali Research Scientist / SCRC Coordinator Stockholm Convention Regional Center Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) P.O. Box 24885 13109 Safat Kuwait Tel: +965 2498 9090 Fax: +965 2498 9089 Email: [email protected] Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre (SCRC), Czech Republic Ms. Petra Pribylova Manager of Regional Centre Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Kamenice 126/3 62500 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 495 338 Fax: +420 (549) 492 840 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jana Boruvkova Coordinator of the GENASIS core unit Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 495 091 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jakub Gregor GENASIS Administrator Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 495 164 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Richard Hulek Programmer Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 495 164 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected] Dr. Jana Klánová Deputy Director and Professor Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 (549) 495 149 Fax: +420 (549) 492 840 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kateřina Šebková Director Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5 625 00 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420 549 494 753 Fax: +420 549 492 840 Email: [email protected] Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) for the South American Region in Argentina Ms. Leila Devia Director Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) for the South American Region in Argentina Basel Convention Regional Center South America/Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) Avda. Leandro N. Alem 1067 – 7 Floor 1001 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4515 50 07 Fax: +54 11 4313 09 31 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Companhia de Tecnologia de Ambiental do Estado de Sao Paulo (CETESB) Mr. Nelson Roberto Bugalho Vice President Companhia de Tecnologia de Ambiental do Estado de Sao Paulo (CETESB) Av. Prof. Frederico Hermann Jr.345 05459-900 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 11 3133 32 28 Fax: +55 11 3133 38 87 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Lady Virginia Traldi Meneses Manager / Regional Centre Technical Coordinator Environmental, Conventions and Multilateral Agreements and waste Policies Division Companhia de Tecnologia de Ambiental do Estado de Sao Paulo (CETESB) Av. Prof. Frederico Hermann Jr 345, Pinheiros 05459-900 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 11 3133 38 62 Fax: +55 11 3133 39 58 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Jorge Luiz Nobre Gouveia Manager Emergency Response Sector Companhia de Tecnologia de Ambiental do Estado de Sao Paulo (CETESB) Avenue Prof. Frederico Hermann Jr. 345 05459-900 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 11 3133 3493 Fax: +55 11 3133 3986 Email: [email protected] Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer in the Carribean Mr. Ahmad A. Khan Director Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Carribean Region No. 8 Alexandra Street, St. Clair Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +1 868 628 8369 Fax: +1 868 628 2151 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Basel Convention Coordinating Centre / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Uruguay Ms. Alejandra Torre Co-Director Basel Convention Coordinating Centre (BCCC) for Latin America and the Caribbean Region / Stockholm Convention Regional Centre (SCRC) Avda. Italia 6201 11500 Montevideo Uruguay Tel: +598 (2) 6013724 Ext. 1278 Fax: +598 (2) 6018554 Email: [email protected]

Cleaner Production Regional Activity Centre, Mediterranean Action Plan (CP- RAC/MAP) Mr. Francesca Culcasi Project Manager Cleaner Production Regional Activity Centre (CP/RAC) UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre C/ Milaneasat 25-27, 5th Floor 08017 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 554 87 86 Fax: +34 93 553 87 95 Email: [email protected] Mr. Enrique De Villamore Director Cleaner Production Regional Activity Centre (CP/RAC) UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre C/ Milanesat 25-27, 5th Floor 08017 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 553 8792 Fax: +34 93 553 8795 Email: [email protected] Mr. Federic Gallo Project Manager Cleaner Production Regional Activity Centre (CP/RAC) UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre C/ Milanesat 25-27, 5th floor 08017 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 553 8778 Fax: +34 93 553 8795 Email: [email protected]



(c) Non-Governmental Organizations Action Group for the Promotion and Protection to the Flora and the Fauna (GAPROFFA) (RC, SC) Mrs. Sounkoura Adetonah Director Executive / Associée de Recherche / Spécialiste du Genre Environmental management section Action Group for the Promotion and Protection to the Flora and the Fauna (GAPROFFA) Tankpe, Rue de Iita 08 B.P. 0932 Tri Postal 11TA Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 9506 8694 Fax: +229 2135 0556 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Africa Fighting Malaria (SC) Mr. Jasson Urbach Director Africa Fighting Malaria P.O. Box 17156 4013 Congella South Africa Tel: +27 31 206 1416 Fax: Email: [email protected] AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Silvani Mng’anya Principal Programme Officer Chemical Management AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development Sinza B 545 Mashujaa St. Sinza Palestina P.O. Box 77266 Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 2461052 Fax: +255 (22 2461054 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) (SC) Ms. Tiffany Immingan Youth representative Alaska Community Action on Toxics 505 West Northern Lights, Suite 205 99503 Anchorage United States of America Tel: +1 907 222 7714 Fax: +1 907 222 7715 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Charlotte Jane Kava Community Health Researcher Alaska Community Action on Toxics 505 West Northern Lights Blvd. Suite 205 99503 Anchorage United States of America Tel: +1 907 222 7714 Fax: +1 907 222 7715 Email: [email protected] Ms. Pamela Miller Executive Director and Biologist Environmental Health Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) / IPEN 505 West Northern Lights Blvd., Suite 205 99503 Anchorage United States of America Tel: +1 (907) 222 7714 Fax: +1 (907) 222 7715 Email: [email protected] Ms. Viola Waghiyi Director, Environmental Health Justice Program Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) 505 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Suite 205 99503 Anchorage United States of America Tel: +1 (907) 222 7714 Fax: +1 (907) 222 7715 Email: [email protected] Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) (SC) Dr. Elena Manvelyan President Environment & Health Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) 24D, Baghramyan Ave. 0019 Yerevan Armenia Tel: +374 (10) 523604 Fax: +374 (10) 523604 Email: [email protected] Asbestos Cement Products Manufacturers' Association (RC) Mr. Abhaya Shankar Chairman Asbestos Cement Products Manufacturers' Association 502, Mansarovar, 90, Nehru Place 110019 New Delhi India Tel: +91 (11) 99633 33162 Fax: +91 (11) 4652 1496 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Vivek Chandra Rao Sripalle Director Safety Health and Environment Asbestos Cement Products Manufacturers' Association 502 Mansarovar, 90 Nehru Place 110 019 New Delhi India Tel: +91 94901 64707 Fax: +91 11 4652 1496 Email: [email protected] Association de l'Éducation Environnementale Pour Les Futures Générations (AEEFG) (RC, SC) Ms. Semia Ghargbi Présidente AEEFG / Professeur Principal / Environmentaliste Education Ministry Association de l'Éducation Environnementale Pour Les Futures Générations (AEEFG) 15 Rue du Liban 2070 La Marsa Tunisia Tel: +216 (98) 997 350 Fax: +216 (71) 981 881 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Association pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le Développement Durable de Bizerte (APEDDUB) (RC, SC) Dr. Najoua Bouraoui Président de l'association Bureau éxécutif Association pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le Développement Durable de Bizerte (APEDDUB) Avenue Habib Bougatfa, OTELA B.P. 62 7000 Bizerte Tunisia Tel: +216 98 273 942 Fax: +216 72 443 853 Email: [email protected] Association Ukrainian Chrysotile Corporation (RC) Mr. Oleksandr Sierkin Chairman Association Ukrainian Chrysotile Corporation Frunze Street, 102 04080 Kiev Town Ukraine Tel: +380444920068 Fax: +380444920069 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mr. Ruslan Koval Executive director Association Ukrainian Chrysotile Corporation Frunze Street, 102 04080 Kiev Town Ukraine Tel: +380444920068 Fax: +380444920069 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Balifokus Foundation (SC) Ms. Yuyun Ismawati Advisor Balifokus Foundation Mandalawangi No.5 Jl. Tukad Tegalwangi, Sesetan – Denpasar 80223 Bali Indonesia Tel: +62 (361) 233520 Fax: +62 (361) 233520 Email: [email protected] Basel Action Network (BAN) (BC) Ms. Sarah Westervelt e-Stewardship Policy Director Basel Action Network (BAN) 206 First Avenue, Suite 410 98104 Seattle United States of America Tel: +1 206 652 5555 Fax: +1 206 652 5750 Email: [email protected] Mr. James Puckett Executive Director Basel Action Network (BAN) 206 First Avenue, Suite 410 98104 Seattle United States of America Tel: +1 206 652 5555 Fax: +1 206 652 5750 Email: [email protected] Mr. Colby Self Director Green Ship Recycling Campaign Basel Action Network (BAN) 206 First Avenue South Suite 410 98104 Seattle United States of America Tel: +1 206 652-5555 Fax: +1 206 652-5750 Email: [email protected] Berne Declaration (RC) Ms. Céline Yvon Member of the Management Team Biodiversity, Consomption, Helath Berne Declaration P.O. Box 8026 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 21 620 06 11 Fax: +41 21 620 03 00 Email: [email protected]



Mr. François Meienberg Program Director Agriculture, Biodiversity and IPRs Berne Declaration P.O. Box 8026 8026 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 (44) 277 7004 Fax: +41 (44) 277 7001 Email: [email protected] Biovision Foundation (SC) Mr. Ellady Muyambi Secretary General Uganda Network on Toxic Free Malaria Control (UNETMAC) Plot 398, Kalerwe-Gayaza Road, Ark Building, Block 5 (Next to Total Fuel Station) P.O. Box 34407 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 599 860 Fax: +256 414 343 848 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Konrad Meyer Senior Policy Advisor Advocacy Biovision Foundation Englischviertelstrasse 10 8032 Zürich Switzerland Tel: +41 (44) 260 1160 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Matija Nuic Project Assistant Advocacy Biovision Foundation Schaffhauserstrasse 18 8006 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 341 9718 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Michael Brander Project Coordinator Advocacy Biovision Foundation Schaffhauserstrasse 18 8006 Zürich Switzerland Tel: +41 22 341 9718 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Ms. Stefanie Keller Project Manager Advocacy Biovision Foundation Schaffhauserstrasse 18 8006 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 341 97 18 Fax: Email: [email protected] Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF) (SC) Ms. Venetia Spencer Consultant Burson-Marsteller Bromine Science Environment Forum (BSEF) 37 Square de Meeus 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 743 66 57 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Olivier De Matos Consultant Burson-Marsteller Bromine Science Environment Forum (BSEF) 37 Square de Meeus 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +322 743 66 41 Fax: +322 735 85 28 Email: [email protected] Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) (BC, SC) Mr. Ross Bartley Environmental and Technical Director Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 24 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 627 5770 Fax: +32 2 627 5773 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alexandre Delacoux General Manager Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 24 B-1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 627 5770 Fax: +32 2 627 5773 Email: [email protected]



Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Baskut Tuncak Staff Attorney Environmental Health Program Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) 1350 Connecticut Ave, NW Suite 1100 20036 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 742 5854 Fax: +1 (202) 785 8700 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alexandre David Azoulay Geneva Office Managing Attorney Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Rue Des Savoises, 15 1205 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 789 0500 Fax: Email: [email protected] Centre de Recherches et d'Education pour le Développement (CREPD) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Gilbert Kuepouo Coordinator / Executive Director Environment and Sustainable Development Department 3rd Floor, Ecotex Building, Madagascar Quarter P.O. Box 2970 Yaounde Cameroon Tel: +237 77 202 271 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Centre Optionnel Pour la Promotion et la Régénération Economique et Sociale Secteur Afrique (COPRESSA) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Gisèle Djibrilla Sidiki Nguele Wansi Coordinator Environment/ Renewable Energy/ Entrepreneurship Centre Optionnel Pour la Promotion et la Régénération Economique et Sociale Secteur Afrique Rue Makabaye P.O. Box 409 Maroua Cameroun Tel: +237 994 171 51 Fax: +237 222 931 48 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI RF) (SC) Dr. Garislav Shkolenok Member Committee for Nature Management and Ecology Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCIRF) 6, Iliynka Street 109012 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 903 117 6182 Fax: +7 495 620 0366 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Chrysotile Association (RC) Mr. Konstantin Saranchuk Legal Advisor Chrysotile Association Usacheva str., 35/1 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 775 2823 Fax: +7 495 774 2823 Email: [email protected] Mr. Vladimir Galitsyn Executive Director Chrysotile Association NPO Usacheva str., 35/1 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 775 2823 Fax: +7 495 774 2823 Email: [email protected] Confederation of Employers of Kazakhstan (CEK) (RC) Mr. Nurlan Omarov Advisor Confederation of Employers of Kazakhstan(CEK) 212 Radostovets Street 050060 Almaty Kazakhstan Tel: +7 (727) 246 2989 Fax: +7 (727) 395 6658 Email: [email protected] CropLife International (RC, SC) Ms. Ann Orth Senior Global Regulatory Manager Global Regulatory Affairs FMC Research Techology Center, Agriculture Product Group 1735 Market Street 19103 Philadelphia United States of America Tel: +1 215 299 6011 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Dr. Bernhard G. Johnen Director International Regulatory Policy CropLife International Av Louise 326, Box 35 1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 542 0410 Fax: +32 (2) 542 0419 Email: [email protected] Mr. K. Russell LaMotte Outside Counsel to CropLife International Beveridge & Diamond, PC 1350 I Street NW, Suite 700 20005 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 789 6080 Fax: +1 (202) 789 6190 Email: [email protected] Mr. Mark Trewhitt Public and Governmental Affairs BASF SE AP/K Li 555 67117 Limburgerhof Germany Tel: +49 (621) 60 28186 Fax: +49 (621) 60 27701 Email: [email protected] Mr. Phillippe Chatton Business Services Europe, Middle East & Africa Dow AgroSciences Europe 371, rue Ludwig Van Beethoven 06560 Valbonne France Tel: +33 (4) 93 95 54 37 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Roland Mario Dieterle Regulatory Affairs Manager Syngenta Crop Protection AG 215, Schwarzwaldallee 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel: +41 (61) 323 21 25 Fax: Email: [email protected] Earthjustice (RC) Mr. Yves Lador Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Earthjustice P.O. Box 254 CH-1219 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 79 705 0617 Fax: +41 22 796 65 05 Email: [email protected]

Ecological Movement "BIOM"(RC) Mr. Vladimir Korotenko Chairman Council Ecological Movement "BIOM" 328 / 105, Abdumomunov st. 720001 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 700 542190 Fax: +966 (312) 614501 Email: [email protected] Ecological Restorations Club (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Emmanuel Odjam-Akumatey Executive Director Chemicals Ecological Restorations Club P.O. Box CT3444, Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233 302 307491 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) (BC, SC) Dr. Shahriar Hossain Secretary General Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) House # 8/1, Block-C, Lalmatia 1207 Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: +880 (2) 912 2729 Fax: +880 (2) 913 0017 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) (RC) Mr. Jacques Migniot Styrenics Chain Manager CEFIC - PlasticsEurope 4 Av. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Auderghem Belgium Tel: +32 2 676 73 29 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores do Amianto Crisotila (FITAC) (RC) Mr. Adilson Conceiçao Santana President Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores do Amianto Crisotila (FITAC) Avenida Goias, No. 122, 7 andar, Sala 705 74010-010 Centro Brazil Tel: +55 62 91468199 Fax: Email: [email protected] Fluorocouncil (SC) Mr. Edward Lampert Member Chemical Business Daikin Industries Ltd 3-15-11-940 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5772 1920 Fax: +81 3 5772 1925 Email: [email protected] Mr. Kai-Volker Schubert Global Regulatory and Government Affairs Manager ACC/FluoroCouncil 974 Centre Road DE 19805 Wilmington USA Tel: +1 302 999 5384 Fax: +1 302 996 7153 Email: [email protected] Dr. Richard Holt Consultant FluoroCouncil 39 Hayloft Circle 19808 Wilmington United States of America Tel: +1 (302) 234 9475 Fax: Email: [email protected] Dr. Ronald Bock Product Stewardship Manager DuPont American Chemistry Council (ACC) Chemin du Pavillon 2 P.O. Box 50 1218 grand-Saconnex, Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 79 824 3835 Fax: Email: [email protected]

Forum for Nature Protection (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Madhu Thapa Chairman Climage Change Forum for Nature Protection 32-Anamnnagar GPO Box 4836 Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 1 423 2044 Fax: +977 1 423 2044 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Global EcoLomics (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Noriko Yajima Research Associate Chemicals and Wastes Department Global EcoLomics 6307, rue Beaulieu H4E 3E9 Montreal Canada Tel: +1514 767 62 20 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Green Cross Switzerland (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Adam Konilszewski Green Cross International Varembé 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 76 767 09 56 Fax: +41 22 789 16 65 Email: [email protected] Indigenous Information Network (IIN) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Zohra Ait-Kaci-Ali President Indigenous Information Network (IIN) Charles Cusin 2 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Margaret lomonyang Member of IIN - Uganda Environment Governance Indigenous Information Network (IIN) Old Posta Flats Block C,Elgeyo Marakwet rd 74908-00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 020 2499388/9 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Ms. Sufikira Ahmed Yagoub Member IIN-Sudan Environment Governance Indigenous Information Network (IIN) Old Posta Flats Block C,Elgeyo Marakwet rd 74908-00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 020 2499388/ Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) (SC) Mr. Chien-Chen Lien Consultant Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Building 74, No. 195, Sector 4, Chung Hsing Road Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 582 0295 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yiing-Bin Reu Manager Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 302A, Bldg. 64, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 4246 Fax: +886 3 582 0295 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yi-Cheng Liu Consultant Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Cheng-Chia Huang Consultant Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 591 0030 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mei-Lien Chen Consultant Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 591 0030 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Shu-Lin Chen Consultant Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 591 0030 Email: [email protected] Mr. Po-Tsou Lu Consultant Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 591 0030 Email: [email protected] Mr. Yu-Ren Lin Associate Researcher Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 591 6140 Fax: +886 3 591 0030 Email: [email protected] Dr. Shaw-Ying Yuan Consultant Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Rm. 100, Bldg. 74, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd. 31040 Chutung, Hsinchu Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 (3) 591 7777 Fax: +886 3 582 0295 Email: [email protected] Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) (BC) Ms. Rebecca Karnak Director Global Sustainability Policy Infomation Technology Industry Council (ITI) 111 K Street NW, Suite 610 DC 20005 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 202 626 57 58 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Richard Goss Vice President Environment and Sustainability Department Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) 1101 K Street, N.W. Suite 610 20005 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 6265724 Fax: +1 (202) 6384922 Email: [email protected]



Mr. Paul E. Hagen Principal Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. 1350 I Street, N.W., Suite 700 20005 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 789 6022 Fax: +1 (202) 789 6190 Email: [email protected] Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) (BC) Mr. Joung-Shing Houng Adviser Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) 7th Fl. No.45, Han-Ko St., Sec. 1 100 Taipei Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 2 2375 3013 Fax: +886 2 2375 3011 Email: [email protected] Ms. Ying-Ying Lai Adviser Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) 7th Fl. No .45, Han-Ko Street, Sec. 1 100 Taipei Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 2 2375 3013 Fax: +886 2 2375 3011 Email: [email protected] Ms. Mei-Hui Tsao Associate Researcher & Head of Environmental Education Division Environmental Education Division Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) 7th Fl. No. 45, Han-Ko St., Sec. 1 100 Taipei Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 2 237 53013 (#126) Fax: +886 2 2375 3011 Email: [email protected] Mr. Chien-Te Fan Adviser Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) 7th Fl. No. 45, Han-Ko St., Sec. 1 100 Taipei Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 3 571 5131 (#42426) Fax: +886 3 562 9380 Email: [email protected] Ms. Wen-Ling Chiu Researcher & Head of Policies and Regulations Division Institute of Environment and Resources (IER) 7th Fl. No. 45, Han-Ko Street, Sec. 1 100 Taipei Taiwan, province of China Tel: +886 (2) 2375 3013 (#185) Fax: +886 (2) 2375 3011 Email: [email protected]

Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) (BC, SC) Mr. Eric Harris Director of Government and International Affairs Government Relations Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) 1615 L Street, N.W. Suite 600 20036-5610 Washington United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 662 8514 Fax: +1 (202) 626 0914 Email: [email protected] Instituto Brasileiro do Crisotila (IBC) (RC) Mr. Marcondes Braga De Moraes International Affairs Coordinator International Affairs Instituto Brasileiro do Crisotila (IBC) Av. Lauricio Pedro Rasmussem, No. 2535 Vila Morais Sector 74.620-030 Goiãnia - GO Brazil Tel: +55 62 3604 0750 Fax: +55 62 3604 0754 Email: [email protected] Instituto Mexicano de Fibroindustria A.C. (RC) Mr. Antonio Galván Carriles Presidente del Consejo Directivo Instituto Mexicano de Fibroindustria A.C. Patricio Sanz 405-2, Col. del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez 03100 México D.F. Mexico Tel: +52 55 5368 9881 Fax: Email: [email protected] International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations “Chrysotile” (RC) Mr. Andrey Kholzakov Chairman / Adviser for International Affairs International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations “Chrysotile” Pobedy Street, 23 624261 Asbest Town Russian Federartion Tel: +79126955799 Fax: +73436541001 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Dmitrii Selianin Adviser for International Affairs International Alliance of Trade-Unions Organizations “Chrysotile” Pobedy Street, 23 624261 Asbest Town Russian Federation Tel: +79126955799 Fax: +73436541001 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) (SC) Mr. Wilber Lwande Senior Scientist and programm Leader Applied Bioprospecting Programme International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Kasarani, Off Thika Road P.O. Box 30772- 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 20 863 2000 Fax: +254 20 863 2001/2 Email: [email protected] Dr. Charles Mbogo Senior Research Scientist Human Health Division International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) P.O. Box 428 80108 Kilifi Kenya Tel: +254 (41) 752 2063 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] International Chrysotile Association (ICA) (RC) Mr. Emiliano Alonso Legal Advisor International Chrysotile Association 1699, Boulevard Frontenac Est, Thetford Mines G6G 6P6 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 418 332 3871 Fax: +1 418 322 2904 Email: [email protected] Mr. Jean-Marc LeBlond Chairman International Chrysotile Association 1699, Boulevard Frontenac Est, Thetford Mines G6G P6 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 418 332 3871 Fax: +1 418 332 2904 Email: [email protected] International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Birgit Engelhardt Main Representative to the United Nations International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) c/o CEFIC Av. E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +49 (69) 2556 1425 Fax: +49 (69) 235 699 Email: [email protected]

Dr. William F. Carroll International Council of Chemical Associations c/o OxyChem, 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 2200 75244 Dallas United States of America Tel: +1 (972) 404 2845 Fax: +1 (713) 985 1202 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Michelle L. Orfei Director, Global Affairs American Chemistry Council International Council of Chemical Associations Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4 P.O. Box 1 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +1 202 249 6419 Fax: +1 202 478 2503 Email: [email protected] International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) (SC) Mr. John Vijgen Director International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) Elmevej 14 DK-2840 Holte Denmark Tel: +45 (45) 410 321 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Roland Weber Head POPs Environmental Consulting International HCH and Pesticides Association (IHPA) Ulmenstrasse 3 D-730535 Goeppingen Germany Tel: +49 (7171) 189 809 Fax: +49 (7171) 36776 Email: [email protected] International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) (SC) Ms. Lucy Mulenkei Executive Director / Indigenous Information Network International Indian Treaty Council P.O. Box 74908 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 72 291 4614 Fax: +254 202 499 389 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Maria Berenice Sanchez Lozada Program Consultant International Indian Treaty Council Avenida Principal Barrio El Esclavo, Num 44 Colonia: San Francisco Magu 54440 Nicolas Romero Mexico Tel: +52 1 55 8994 5417 Fax: +1 415 641 1298 Email: [email protected] Ms. Danika Billie Littlechild International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) P.O. Box 370 T0C 1N0 Hobbema Canada Tel: +1 780 312 0246 Fax: Email: [email protected] International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) (SC) Dr. Martin Scheringer Chair International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) ETH Zürich, Wolfgang-Pauli Strasse 10 8093 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 (44) 632 30 62 Fax: +41 (44) 632 11 89 Email: [email protected] Dr. Christian Bogdal Member of the Board International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) ETH Zürich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10 8093 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 (44) 632 5951 Fax: +41 (44) 632 1189 Email: [email protected] International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Mageswari Sangaralingam Research Officer Consumers Association of Penang International POPs Elimination Network 10, Jalan Masjid Negeri 11600 Penang Malaysia Tel: +604 82 99511 Fax: +604 82 98109 Email: [email protected] Mr. Da Mao Researcher, Program Director Waste and Environmental Health Nature University Rm 4001, Fengbaoheng Building No. 2, Minzuyuan Road 100029 Beijing China Tel: +86 152 100 33 727 Fax: +86 105 266 51 76 Email: [email protected]

Dr. Joseph DiGangi Senior Science and Technical Advisor International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) 1962 University Ave, Suite #4 94704 Berkeley United States of America Tel: +1 (510) 704 1962 Fax: +1 (510) 883 9493 Email: [email protected] Mr. Björn Beeler International Coordinator International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) P.O. Box 7256 40235 Gothenburg Sweden Tel: +1 510 704 1962 Fax: +1 510 883 9493 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Ms. Jennifer Federico Network Organizer International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) P.O. Box 7256 SE-402 35 Gothenburg Sweden Tel: +1 (510) 704 1962 Fax: +1 (510) 883 9493 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Mariann Lloyd-Smith Senior Advisor International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) P.O. Box 7256 402 35 Gothenburg Sweden Tel: +61 2 6681 5340 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Alan David Watson Public Consultant Dioxin, PCBs and Waste Working Group International POPS Elimination Network (IPEN) Oakleigh, Wernffrwd, Gower SA43TY Swansea United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 743 263 0261 Fax: +44 179 785 0056 Email: [email protected] Ms. Patsy Costner Senior Advisor Dioxin, PCBs and Waste Working Group International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) 512 Country Road 2663, Eureka Springs 72631 Arkansas United States of America Tel: +1 (479) 253 8440 Fax: +1 479 253 5899 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Jitka Strakova Coordinator Dioxin, PCBs and Waste Working Group International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) Chlumova 17 130 00 Prague 3 Czech Republic Tel: +420 (777) 266 386 Fax: +420 (222) 781 471 Email: [email protected] Ms. Jindrich Petrlik Co-Chair Dioxin, PCBs and Waste Working Group International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) c/o Arnika Chlumova 17 130 00 Prague 3 Czech Republic Tel: +420 (222) 781 471 Fax: +420 (222) 781 471 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dr. Olga Speranskaya IPEN Co-Chair Eco-Accord P.O. Box 7256 SE-402 35 Gothenburg Sweden Tel: +1 647 866 9224 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) (BC) Dr. Helmut Stadler Vice President International Solid Waste Association Auerspergstr 15, T41 1080 Wien Austria Tel: +43 664 222 90 05 Fax: Email: [email protected] Island Sustainability Alliance C.I. Inc (ISACI) (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Imogen Pua Ingram Secretary-Treasurer Island Sustainability Alliance C.I. Inc. (ISACI) P.O. Box 492 Avarua, Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel: +682 (22) 1285 8289 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Leaf-Cutting Ant Baits Industries Association (ABRAISCA) (SC) Mr. Augusto Tarozzo Manager Leaf-Cutting and Baits Industries Association(ABRAISCA) Rua 1 JN , 1411 Jardim Novo 13502-741 Rio Claro-SP Brazil Tel: +55 193 526 86 95 Fax: +55 193 526 87 06 Email: [email protected] Mr. Edson Dias da Silva P & D Manager Leaf-Cutting Ant Baits Industries Association (ABRAISCA) Av. Roberto de Jesus Affonso, 69 14808-156 Brazil Tel: +55 (16) 332 22 122 Fax: +55 (16) 332 22 353 Email: [email protected] Mr. Luiz Eugenio Pedro de Freitas General Manager Leaf-Cutting Ant Baits Industries Association (ABRAISCA) Rodovia Anhanguera , km 304 Ribeirão Preto 14097-040 Brazil Tel: +55 (16) 3629 1110 Fax: +55 (16) 3629 1110 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ricardo Edson Merino Industrial Director Leaf-Cutting Ant Baits Industries Association (ABRAISCA) Rua Uruguai, 2100-Pq. C.Q. Junqueira 14075-330 Brazil Tel: +55 (16) 3628 1010 Fax: +55 (16) 3628 1010 Email: [email protected] Ms. Maria Carolina Novak S. de Freitas Interpreter Leaf-Cutting Ant Baits Industries Association (ABRAISCA) Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 304 14097-040 Brazil Tel: +55 (16) 81287232 Fax: +55 (16) 36291110 Email: [email protected]



League of Independent Activists (INDYACT) (BC, SC) Dr. Naji Kodeih Policy Advisor / Toxic Campaigner Chemicals / Hazardous Waste League of Independent Activists (INDYACT) Rmail Nahr Street, Jaara Building. 4th floor Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 3 315 326 Fax: +961 1 448 649 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Milieukontakt International (MKI) (SC) Ms. Sandra Molenkamp Project Manager Milieukontakt International P.O. Box 20614 1001 NP Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 5318930 Fax: Email: [email protected] National Toxics Network (NTN) Inc. (SC) Mr. John Wickens Committee Member National Toxics Network (NTN) Inc. P.O. Box 173 2479 Bangalow Australia Tel: +61 (2) 6681 5340 Fax: Email: [email protected] NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise” (SC) Mr. Oleg Pecheniuk Chairman NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise” 1 app., 30 h., 7 microdistrict 720028 C. Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 (312) 57 83 72 Fax: +996 (312) 57 83 72 Email: [email protected] NGO Shipbreaking Platform (BC) Mr. Richard Rearshouse Researcher Health Department Human Rights Watch Avenue Blanc 51 1205 Geneva Switzerland Tel: Fax: Email:

Ms. Delphine Reuter Communication Officer NGO Shipbreaking Platform Rue de la Linière 11 1060 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 609 4419 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Patrizia Heidegger Executive Director NGO Shipbreaking Platform Rue de la Linière 11 1060 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 609 4419 Fax: Email: [email protected] Nordic Institute of Product Sustainability, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (NIPSECT) (SC) Dr. Allan Astrup Jensen Research Director Nordic Institute of Product Sustainability, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (NIPSECT) Dalgas Boulevard 1 2000 Frederiksberg (Copenhagen) Denmark Tel: +45 (52) 17 75 43 Fax: Email: [email protected] Pesticide Action Network (PAN) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Fernando Ramírez-Muñoz Agronomic Engineer Regional Institute for Toxic Substances Studies Pesticide Action Network, National University of Costa Rica RAP-AL, IRET Costa Rica 86-3000 Heredia Costa Rica Tel: +506 2277 3587 Fax: +506 2277 3583 Email: [email protected] Mrs. María Elena Rozas Coordinador Nacional Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus alternativas de América Latina (RAP-Chile) Alonso de Ovalle N° 1618, , oficina A Santiago Chile Tel: +56 22 2066863 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]



Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Abou Thiam Regional Coordinator Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa B.P. 15938 Dakar-Fann Senegal Tel: +221 (33) 825 4914 Fax: +221 (33) 825 1443 Email: [email protected] Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe (BC, RC, SC) Ms. Carina Weber Director Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN EU) Nernstweg 32 22765 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 (40) 399 1910-23 Fax: +49 (40) 399 1910-30 Email: [email protected] Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Emily Marquez Staff Scientist Pesticide Action Network North America 1611 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1200 94612 Oakland United States of America Tel: +1 916 803 3586 Fax: Email: [email protected] Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP) (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Meriel Watts Senior Science Advisor Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP) P.O. Box 1170 10850 Penang Malaysia Tel: +60 4 657 0271 Fax: +60 4 658 3960 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Erwin Navarro Programme Officer Pesticides Programme Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific P.O. Box 1170 10850 Penang Malaysia Tel: +604 657 0271 Fax: +604 658 3960 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Rosa Isabelina Vazquez Valarezo Programme Officer Pesticides Programme Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP) P.O. Box 1170 10850 Penang Malaysia Tel: +60 (4) 658 3970 Fax: +60 (4) 658 3960 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Pesticide Action Nexus Association, Ethiopia (PAN-Ethiopia) (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Tadesse Sahilu Director Prevention of Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Pesticides and Other Hazardous Chemicals Pesticide Action Nexus Association - Ethiopia (PAN-Ethiopia) P.O. Box 7706 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 (911) 243030 Fax: +251 (116) 186769 Email: [email protected] Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en México, A.C. (RAPAM) (SC) Mrs. Maria Eugenia Acosta Camacho Information Service Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en México, A.C. (RAPAM) Amado Nervo 23, int 2, Col. San Juanito CP 56121 Texcoco Mexico Tel: +52 (595) 9547744 Fax: +52 (595) 9547744 Email: [email protected] Mr. Fernando Bejarano G. Director Centro de Análisis y Acción en Tóxicos y sus Alternativas (CAATA) Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en México, A.C. (RAPAM) Amado Nervo 23, int 2, Col. San Juanito, CP 56121 Texcoco Mexico Tel: +52 (595) 9547744 Fax: +52 (595) 9547744 Email: [email protected] Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA) (RC) Mr. William Lawrence Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA) c/o Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) P.O. Box 13047 La Utrecht Netherland Tel: +31 30 231 0300 Fax: Email: [email protected]



Mr. Barry Castleman Environmental Consultant Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA) PO.Box 188 20896 Garrett Park United States of America Tel: +30 1 933 90 97 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Sugio Furuya Coordinator Asian Ban Asbestos Network (A-BAN) 5th Floor, Z Building, Kameido 7-10-1 Koto-ku 136-0071 Tokyo Japan Tel: +813 363 6 38 82 Fax: +813 363 6 38 81 Email: [email protected] Mr. Alessandro Pugno International Public relations Public awareness Afeva (Associazione Vittime e Famigliari dell'amianto) piazza Castello 32 15033 Casale Monf.t Italy Tel: +39 339 787 19 49 Fax: Email: [email protected] Sindicato Dos Ceramistas (RC) Mr. Itaci De Sa President Sindicato Dos Ceramistas Rua Foad Pessoa 552 Cal Brasil Tel: +55 48 8482 4916 Fax: Email: [email protected] Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) (SC) Ms. Joanna Cornelius Legal Advisor Environmental Law Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Naturskyddsföreningen Åsögatan 115 11691 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +467 046 255 15 Fax: +468 702 08 55 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Andreas Prevodnik Policy Officer, Chemicals Department of Chemicals Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) Åsögatan 115 11691 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 (8) 702 6533 Fax: +46 (8) 702 0855 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Swiss Association for Environmental Technology (SVUT) (SC) Mr. Urs K. Wagner Technical Consultant ETI Environmental Technology Ltd. Kalchbühlstrasse 18 P. O. Box 176 7007 Chur Switzerland Tel: +41 (81) 253 54 54 Fax: +41 (81) 253 66 22 Email: [email protected] Thanal (BC, RC, SC) Mr. Chelaton Jayakumar Director Chemical Safety Thanal OD 3, Jawahar Nagar, Kawdiar Thiruvananthapuram 695 003 Kerala India Tel: +91 (471) 272 7152 Fax: +91 (471) 272 7150 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Toxics Link (BC, SC) Mr. Ravi Shanker Agarwal Director Toxics Link H2 (Ground Floor), Jungpura Extension, 110 014 New Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2432 8006 Fax: +91 11 2432 1747 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Vietnam National Roof Sheet Association (RC) Mrs. Bui Thi Thu Hang Secretary Vietnam National Roof Sheet Association 10th Floor, Viethai Tower, C2 Block – H – Dich Vong Hau Ward Cau Giay District Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 (4) 776 2552 Fax: +84 (4) 776 2612 Email: [email protected]



Ms. Pham Thu Thuy Vietnam National Roofsheet Association 10th Floor, Viethai Tower, C2 Block – H – Dich Vong Hau Ward Cau Giay District Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 (4) 776 2552 Fax: +84 (4) 776 2612 Email: [email protected] Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) (RC, SC) Ms. Elina Doszhanova Programs associate Head Office WECF e. V. Sankt-Jakobs Platz 10 80331 München Germany Tel: +49 89 232 3938-10 Fax: +49 89 232 3938-10 Email: [email protected] Ms. Alexandra Caterbow Senior Policy Advisor Chemicals and Health Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) Sankt Jakobs Platz 10 80331 Munich Germany Tel: +49 (89) 232 3938-18 Fax: +49 (89) 232 3938-10 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Johanna Hausmann Policy Officer Chemicals and Health Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) Sankt Jakobs Platz 10 80331 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 232 3938-19 Fax: +49 89 232 3938-10 Email: [email protected] Ms. Sascha Gabizon International Director Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) Sankt Jakobs Platz 10 80331 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 232 3938 Fax: +49 89 232 3938-10 Email: [email protected] Ms. Kathleen Ruff RightOnCanada.ca 215 Highland Road, Smithers V0J 2N6 BC Canada Tel: +1 250 847 1848 Fax: Email: [email protected]

World Chlorine Council (WCC) (BC, RC, SC) Dr. Allan Jones UNEP Liaison World Chlorine Council 2363 Sinclair Circle L7P 3C1 Burlington Canada Tel: +1 28 9828 3368 Fax: Email: [email protected] Zoï Environment Network (SC) Mr. Viktor Novikov Project Manager Zoï Environment Network Ch. de Balexert 9 1219 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 9178278 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Otto Simonett Director Zoï Environment Network Maison de l'environnement II Chemin de Balexert 9 1219 Châtelaine Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 83 42 Fax: Email: [email protected]



(d) Business/Industries (Basel Convention only) Cisco (Pollet Environmental Consulting) (BC) Mr. Kris Pollet Advisor Legal / Environmental Cisco (Pollet Environmental Consulting) Rue Breydelstraat 36 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (476) 280 536 Fax: Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Dell (BC) Ms. Gina Killikelly Tekeback Compliance Consultant Gina EMEA Takeback Dell Direct, Inovation House Cherrywood Science and Technology Park Dublin 18 Ireland Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected] Ms. Jean Cox-Kearns Director of Compliance Dell - EMEA Innovation House Cherrywood Science & Technology Park Dublin 18 Ireland Tel: +353 (1) 2044 274 Fax: Email: [email protected] DigitalEurope (BC) Mr. Kurt Van Der Herten EU Environment Policy Program Manager IBM Corporate Environmental Affairs IBM 42, Avenue Du Bourget Belgium Tel: +32 2 339 41 89 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Klaus Hieronymi Resource Efficiency Specialist DigitalEurope Rue de la Science 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 609 53 13 Fax: +32 2 609 53 39 Email: [email protected]

Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) (BC) Ms. Wendy Phippen Vice-Chair Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) 16600 3rd Ave SE, Bothell 98012 USA Tel: +1 425 218 58 69 Fax: Email: [email protected] Hewlett Packard (BC) Mr. Herve Guilcher Environmental Director EMEA Environmental Compliance Hewlett Packard 5, Avenue Raymond Chanas 38053 Grenoble France Tel: +33 (6) 72992803 Fax: Email: [email protected] Man-West Environmental Group Ltd (BC) Mr. Richard Cooke President Man-West Environmental Group Ltd P.O. Box 129 T0K 0M0 Coleman Canada Tel: +1 (403) 564 5177 Fax: +1 (403) 564 5188 Email: [email protected] PC Rebuilders and Recyclers (PCRR) (BC) Mr. Willie Cade CEO PC Rebuilders and Recyclers (PCRR) 3053 N. Knox Ave. 60641 Chicago United States of America Tel: +1 (773) 545 7575 Fax: +1 (773) 545 7502 Email: [email protected]



POLYECO SA (BC) Mr. Konstantinos Sakkalis Business International Manage Global Development Department POLYECO SA Dervenakion Street 24 18545 Piraeus Greece Tel: +302 1040 600 14 Fax: +302 1046 174 23 Email: [email protected] Mr. Hlias Avramikos Head of Waste technologies Global Development Department POLYECO SA 24, Dervenakion Str. 188545 Pirraeus Greece Tel: +302 104 06 00 14 Fax: + 302 104 6174 23 Email: [email protected] Sims Recycling Solutions (BC) Ms. Patricia Whiting Senior International Policy Analyst OEM Compliance SIMS Recycling Solutions 8855 Washington Boulevard 95678 Roseville United States of America Tel: +1 603 964 5758 Fax: +1 916 772 5660 Email: [email protected] Ms. Renee St. Denis Vice President Business Development Sims Recycling Solutions 8855 Washington Boulevard 95661 Roseville United States of America Tel: +1 916 240 2626 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mr. Mohamed Affan Kolandai Veedu Strategist Development Manager Sims Recycling Solutions Plot No.A -7, Phase 1, MEPZ-SEZ, Tambaram 600 045 Chennai India Tel: +91 44 22 628 067/ 68/ 69 Fax: +91 44 22 628 067/ 68/ 69 Email: [email protected]

SOFIES SA (BC) Mr. David Rochat Director of Business Development Global Swiss e-Waste Programme SOFIES SA 1 Rue du Vuache CP 2091 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 338 1521 Fax: Email: [email protected] TOWA Technology Corporation (BC) Ms. Mayumi Tamiya Staff Environmental Facility Department TOWA Technology Corporation 3-11 Hirosekita-machi Naka-ku 730-0803 Hiroshima Japan Tel: +81 (82) 297 8700 Fax: +81 (82) 292 8163 Email: [email protected] Ms. Melissa Macalalad Section Chief Environmental Facility Department TOWA Technology Corporation 3-11 Hirosekita-machi Naka-ku 730-0803 Hiroshima Japan Tel: +81 (82) 297 8700 Fax: +81 (82) 292 8163 Email: [email protected] Mr. Keijiro Tomoda President Environmental Facility Department TOWA Technology Corporation 3-11 Hirosekita-machi Naka-ku 730-0803 Hiroshima Japan Tel: +81 (82) 297 8700 Fax: +81 (82) 292 8163 Email: [email protected]
