unit 6 i’m watching tv. section b period 1 (1a- 2c)


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Page 1: Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section B Period 1 (1a- 2c)
Page 2: Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section B Period 1 (1a- 2c)

Unit 6

I’m watching TV.

Section B

Period 1 (1a- 2c)

Page 3: Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section B Period 1 (1a- 2c)

Look and Say!

What are they doing?

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She is talking on the phone.

What is she doing?

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He is reading a book.

What is he doing?

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He is cleaning the room.

What is he doing?

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They are watching TV.

What are they doing?

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He is playing computer games.

What is he doing?

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She is drawing.

What is she doing?

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She is running.

What is she doing?

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They are dancing.

What are they doing?

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She is doing homework.

What is she doing?

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He is playing the guitar.

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Do you know these places?

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He is swimming in the pool.

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They are shopping in the supermarket.


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He is playing basketball

on the playground.

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He is reading in the library.

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1a Look at the pictures. Complete the chart.

Places Activities

1. at school playing basketball




pool swimming

supermarket shopping

library reading (books)

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1b Look at the pictures in 1a. Then ask and answer questions.

Is the man swimming in a pool?

Yes, he is.

Is the woman reading books in a


No, she isn’t. She is reading books

in a library.

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What is he / she doing? Is he / she …?

12 3

4 5 6

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1c Listen and complete the chart.

Names Places Activities

Alice supermarket



shopping (buying milk and bread)

school playing basketball

library reading

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1d Listen again. Check your answers in 1c.

Names Places Activities

Alice supermarket



shopping (buying milk and bread)

school playing basketball

library reading

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1e Use the information in the chart to make a conversation.

She’s at the supermarket. She’s


Is it Lisa?


Oh, it must be Alice!

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Look at the pictures below.

What are they doing?

Where are they?

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playing the guitar cooking running cleaning

doing homework talking on the phone writing a letter

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A: What’s she doing?

B: She’s cleaning.

A: Where is she cleaning?

C: She’s cleaning in the house.

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2a Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.

A: What time is it in Beijing?

B: It’s eight o’clock in the morning.

A: What time is it in Tokyo?

B: It’s nine o’clock in the morning.

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2b Read the TV report and answer the questions below.

1.Why are Zhu Hui’s family watching boat r

aces and making zongzi?

Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival.

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2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family?

What about his home in China?

Yes, he does.

But he misses his home in China

very much.

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2c Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.

A living reading making talking studying watching

B food in the US a race with a family on the phone a story

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1. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.

他爸爸和叔叔正在看电视上的龙舟比赛。 race 用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑、赛车、

游泳等与速度相关的“比赛”;而 game 则多指球类、棋类等体育“比赛”。例如:

Do you like to watch NBA games on TV? 喜欢看电视上的美国 NBA 篮球赛吗? He’s the youngest swimming in the race. 他是比赛中最年轻的游泳选手。

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2. … so it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.


1) any other night 表示“任何 ( 一个 ) 其他的夜晚”。其中 any 表示“任何一个;任意一个”。例如:

A: When can I come? 我什么时候能来? B: Any day from today. 从今天开始任何


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Don’t be so proud. Any other boy here can play this game.


2) host family 指人们出国时所借宿的人家,类似汉语中“房东家”。例如:

Do you want to learn to speak English well? Why not go to England and stay with a hos

t family? 你想学说一口好的英语吗?为什么不去英


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3. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.

miss 在这里作动词,意思是“怀恋;想恋”

I know you miss your mother.

我了解你多么地想念你的母亲。 I shall miss you very much.


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wish 在这里作动词,意思是“希望” I wish you a good journey / good luck.

祝你一路平安 / 好运。 I wish everything ready.

我希望一切准备妥当。 What do you wish me to do?

你想要我做什么 ?

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4. … but there’s still “no place like home”. 但是“千好万好还是不如自己的家好”。

( 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。 ) 这句谚语源自 1823 年英国伦敦首演的一

部音乐剧中一首名为《家,甜蜜的家》 (Home Sweet Home) 的歌曲。后来这首歌很快走红,其中的歌词 “… there’s no place like home” 被人们广为使用,成为独立的谚语。英语中还有一句类似的谚语: East or west, home is best.