trinity united church of christ bulletin nov 25 2007


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Page 1: Trinity United Church of Christ Bulletin Nov 25 2007
Page 2: Trinity United Church of Christ Bulletin Nov 25 2007

Order Of WOrship Order Of WOrship

PASTORAL/PROGRAM STAFFRev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor

Rev. Otis Moss III, PastorRev. Stacey Edwards-Dunn, Director of Pastoral Services

Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Associate PastorRev. Cedric McCay, Associate Pastor

Rev. Rochelle Michael, Associate PastorRev. Michael G. Sykes, Associate Pastor

Rev. Tiffany Trent, Associate PastorRev. Reginald Williams, Associate PastorRev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor

Dr. Julia Speller, Director Christian EducationRev. Michael D. Jacobs, Minister to Youth and Children

Rev. Ann Patton, Minister of Christian EducationDeacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Director Center for African Biblical Studies

Robert E. Wooten, Jr., Director of MusicDeacon Jeri L. Wright, Director of Media

Ivey Matute, Executive Secretary

Friday Worship Service • F.A.T. Fridays •

Every Friday • 12:00 NoonChicago Federation of

Musicians Building175 W. Washington Street

Church SchoolSaturdays, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.

(Praise Service begins 15 minutes prior)

CFABS Bible Study773-962-5699

For current schedule, check

Bible Discovery HourSundays, 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Youth Church7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m.

WebcastsLIVE Sundays

7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.Monday – Friday

12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.Website •

Television BroadcastSundays • 6:30 a.m.

(TV One, Check Local Listings)Prayer Line 866-962-5650

Radio BroadcastSundays • 6:00 p.m.(WVON 1690 AM)

Philadelphia, PASundays – Fridays

6:30 a.m. EST(WURD 900 AM)

Weekly Praise/Prayer ServiceSundays

7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:45 p.m.Wednesdays • 11:30 a.m., 7:14 p.m.

.“There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)


Church Office HoursMonday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Reception Desk HoursMonday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.Sundays • 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Synergy Counseling Center1947 West 95th Street


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Sunday, November 25, 2007 3 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.


Order of Worship ............................................................................................................................ 4Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m. – “Just A Little Talk With Jesus”) .......................................................... 5Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m. – “I Will Trust In The Lord”) ............................................................. 5Unison Scriptures (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)...................................................................... 6Pastor’s Page .................................................................................................................................. 7Advent Meditation ........................................................................................................................ 14Litany of Commitment ................................................................................................................. 15Sermon Notes ............................................................................................................................... 16To Do Justice ............................................................................................................................... 17Stewardship .................................................................................................................................. 18Special Announcement: 2008 Pastors and Lay Leadership Conference ........................................... 19

The AkibaTrumpet Subscriptions

Special Announcement: Youth Ministry ......................................................................................... 22Special Announcement: Church In Society/Singles Ministry ......................................................... 23Black and Christian New Member Class ........................................................................................ 24Calendar ....................................................................................................................................... 25Heart of the Community .............................................................................................................. 27Information & Announcements .................................................................................................... 28Prayer List .................................................................................................................................... 30Bereaved ....................................................................................................................................... 32Hospitalized ................................................................................................................................. 33Extended Care ............................................................................................................................. 33Members at Home ....................................................................................................................... 35Prayer Concerns ........................................................................................................................... 38Service and Support Groups .................................................................................. Inside Back Cover

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 4 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Order Of WOrshipOrder Of WOrshipOrder Of WOrship

Choral Introit ...............................................................................................................“I Was Glad”Opening Hymn (7:30 a.m.) .....................................................................“The Lord Is Blessing Me”Opening Hymn (11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.) ................................................................ “O Give Thanks”Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m.) ................................................................ “Just A Little Talk With Jesus”Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m.) ................................................................... “I Will Trust In The Lord”Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.) .........................................................................Romans 8:6–17 (NLT)Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.) ....................................................................... John 1:45–49 (NRSV)Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.) ............................................................................... Isaiah 6:1–8 (NIV)


InvocationMinistry of Music (6:00 p.m.) ................................................................................... “Ba Ba Oluwa”Parish Concerns

Visitor RecognitionPassing of the PeaceThe Pastor’s Word

The Service of GivingOffertory SentencesTithes and OfferingsSchool

Altar Call (7:30 a.m.) .............................................................................................................“Love”Altar Call (11:00 a.m.) ................................................................................................... “He Cares!”Sermon (7:30 a.m.) .......................................................“Running God’s Race To Spiritual Growth”Sermon (11:00 a.m.) ....................................................................... “See For Yourself!” (John 1:46)Sermon (6:00 p.m.) ................................................................................... “I Can See Clearly Now”Hymn of Invitation (7:30 a.m.) ...........................................................................“Available To You”Hymn of Invitation (11:00 a.m.) .................................................................................. “Trust Him” Hymn of Invitation (6:00 p.m.) .................................................. “When I Come Into His Presence”Benediction ............................................................................. “The Lord Bless You And Keep You”

[Once the sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the first floor sanctuary.]

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 5 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

hYMNs Of prAise

7:30 a.m.JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUSVerse II once was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, And then a little light from heaven filled my soul; It bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above, And just a little talk with Jesus made me whole.

ChorusHave a little talk with Jesus, tell Him all about Your troubles, Hear our faintest cry, answer by and by; Feel a little prayer wheel turning, know a little fire is Burning, Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right.

Verse IISometimes my path seems drear, without a ray of cheer, And then a cloud of doubt may hide the light of day; The mists of sin may rise and hide the starry skies, But just a little talk with Jesus clears the way. Repeat Chorus

Verse IIII may have doubts and fears, my eyes be filled with tears, But Jesus is a friend who watches day and night; I go to Him in prayer, He knows my ev’ry care, And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right. Repeat Chorus

11:00 a.m.I WILL TRUST IN THE LORDVerse II will trust in the Lord, I will trust in the Lord,I will trust in the Lord till I die.Repeat

Verse III’m gonna treat ev’rybody right, I’m gonna treat ev’rybody right,I’m gonna treat ev’rybody right till I die.Repeat

Verse IIII’m gonna stay on the battlefield,I’m gonna stay on the battlefield,I’m gonna stay on the battlefield till I die.Repeat

Verse IVI’m gonna stay on bended knee,I’m gonna stay on bended knee,I’m gonna stay on bended knee till I die.Repeat

JESUS IS ALL THE WORLD TO MEJesus is all the world to me, I want no better friend; I trust Him now, I’ll trust Him when Life’s fleeting days shall end: Beautiful life with such a friend, Beautiful life that has no end; Eternal life, eternal joy, He’s my friend.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 6 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

11:00 a.m.JOHN 1:45–49 (NRSV)45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.” 46 Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47 When Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him, he said of him, “Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael asked him, “Where did you get to know me?” Jesus answered, “I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.” 49 Nathanael replied, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”

6:00 p.m.ISAIAH 6:1–8 (NIV)1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” 4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. 5 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” 6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

UNisON sCripTUres7:30 a.m.ROMANS 8:6–17 (NLT)6 If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace. 7 For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. 8 That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God. 9 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them are not Christians at all.) 10 Since Christ lives within you, even though your body will die because of sin, your spirit is alive because you have been made right with God. 11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as he raised Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living within you. 12 So, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13 For if you keep on following it, you will perish. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15 So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God’s very own children, adopted into his family — calling him “Father, dear Father.” 16 For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God’s children. 17 And since we are his children, we will share his treasures — for everything God gives to his Son, Christ, is ours, too. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 7 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

pAsTOr’s pAge

$100,000 foR PeAce: LAuNch (JPANeT NoNSIgNeRS)

We’re launching our most intensive effort yet.Will you make a commitment this holiday season?

Dear Trinitarian,Thanksgiving has just passed. Advent starts

next week. The first Sunday in Advent is De-cember 2nd. Christmas will soon be upon us. That means we have two choices.

We can either allow the busyness of the holi-day season to dampen enthusiasm for the UCC’s “100,000 for Peace” campaign. Or, in pursuit of prophetic peace, we can intensify our commit-ment during the coming weeks.

The UCC’s Collegium of Officers is committed to the latter—active peacemaking this Christmas —and we’re asking you to keep the momentum going.

Today, in response to many requests that the UCC do more peacemaking—not less—during the coming weeks, we’re announcing the next phase of “100,000 for Peace.” It’s our most com-plex, most intensive effort yet. Are you ready?

We’re asking you to take your commitment to a whole new level.

First, in the next seven weeks, we need to raise 1. at least $100,000 to provide shelter, food, clothing and education for Iraqi war refugees and their children. At least four million people have been displaced by the Iraq War—two million internally and two million who are fleeing to Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Our ecumenical mission partners have asked

that we respond urgently and generously, so we are bringing this emergency appeal directly to you. Your gift of $40 will feed an Iraqi refu-gee family of four for two weeks. We have pledged to gather $100,000 by Janu-ary 6, because it is a significant date. For western Christians, this is the day of Epiphany, the time in which Christians proclaim the light of Christ to the world. But it’s also Orthodox Christmas Eve, the time when most Iraqi Christians will gather to celebrate Christ’s birth.

Second, also by January 6, we’re asking for 2. an unprecedented show of support for our U.S. service personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. We are hoping to lift and send more than 100,000 prayers, letters and signs of support to those serving in the military. In the coming days and weeks, you’ll receive information, resources and online tools to help make this a reality. You’ll also be asked to advocate on behalf of returning soldiers. We will be calling on the U.S. government to provide for the health and welfare needs of our veterans.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 8 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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$100,000 foR PeAce, cont’d

Third, we want our Pastoral Letter on the Iraq War to be delivered 100,000 times to the in-district 3. offices of our U.S. Senators and Representatives. What was delivered to Washington collectively must now be delivered—by each of us—to the local offices of each member of Congress. In a massive wave, starting in December and going through January 6, we want the Pastoral Letter to be delivered through local visits, personal letters or phone calls. Together, we’ll use the UCC’s website to calendar our local visits so that we can visualize our collective efforts and pray for one another.

This is a busy season. And it’s just gotten busier. As it once was proclaimed by angels, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace.” Let us be bold this Christmas to proclaim and advance peace for all of God’s people.


The Rev. John H. ThomasGeneral Minister and PresidentUnited Church of Christ

P.S. More than 67,228 people have now endorsed the UCC’s Pastoral Letter on the Iraq War. Can we also reach

our goal of 100,000 signatures by January 6? If you have not signed the petition, see Rev. Reginald Williams

after service today to do so; or go online at and sign today!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 9 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

‘Doc’ eDmoNDS, ucc LeADeR AND cIVIL RIghTS PIoNeeR, DIeS

pAsTOr’s pAge

from Worldwide faith News <[email protected]>Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:25:17 -0800Written by J. Bennett Guess Nov 06, 2007

The Rev. Edwin R. “Doc” Edmonds ‘38, one of the UCC’s stalwart justice advocates, died on November 6 of pneumonia-related complications. He was 90.

Edmonds, a former chair of the UCC’s Commis-sion for Racial Justice, was the retired pastor of Dix-well Avenue Congregational UCC in New Haven, Conn., where he served for 35 years. A columnist for the New Haven Register referred to Edmonds as “New Haven’s premier civil-rights figure of the mid-20th century.”

A one-time member of New Haven’s Board of Education, Edmonds also led New Haven’s inner-city ministry called the “Wider City Parish” and taught sociology at Southern Connecticut State University.

The Rev. John H. Thomas, the UCC’s general minister and president, said it was appropriate that Edmonds’ death would come just after the UCC was concluding its 50th anniversary on All Saints Sunday.

“Few have had such a long and profound influ-ence on the shaping of our church and its vocation of public witness for racial, social and economic jus-tice,” Thomas said. “Doc’s leadership over the years pushed us urgently toward greater faithfulness and helped us become the church we celebrated at our 50th anniversary celebration in Hartford.”

Edmonds, who moved to New Haven in 1959, is credited with helping to build a thriving black middle class there. When the Ford Foundation gave the city $1 million to pilot anti-poverty and job-training pro-

grams, Edmonds was appointed to the original board of the project, called Community Progress, Inc.

Edmonds, who was a pastor and civil rights pioneer in Greensboro, N.C., before moving to Connecticut, met the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1958 at an NAACP convention in Detroit and the two corresponded until King was slain, according to the Hartford Courant.

The Rev. Linda Jaramillo, executive minister for Jus-tice and Witness Ministries, served on the Commission for Racial Justice under Edmond’s leadership. JWM is CRJ’s successor body in the UCC’s national structure.

“I remember Dr. Edmonds as a ‘drum major’ for justice, words that I believe Dr. King would have used to describe him,” Jaramillo said. “I will always treasure the way in which he taught through word and deed. The legacy of this faithful justice prophet will live on within and beyond the United Church of Christ.”

A native Texan, Edmonds attended Sam Hous-ton College, which was co-founded by his grandfa-ther in 1876. He later received a Bachelor of Sacred Theology from Morehouse College and a doctorate in social ethics from Boston University.

Edmonds and his late wife, Maye, had four daughters, Lynette Johnson, Karen Spellman, Cheryl Edmonds and Connecticut State Rep. Toni Walker (D-New Haven). He was a member of Church of the Redeemer UCC in New Haven.

A public memorial service was held on Nov. 24 at Center Church UCC in New Haven.

Please keep the Edmonds family in your thoughts and prayers during this time.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 10 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Recently, we watched in horror as fires raged in Southern California. It seemed there was no end in sight as news stories

continued to report that yet another fire had been spotted and fire crews were on their way. As the days went on, fires erupted further and further south toward the border between the United States and Mexico. In the midst of the physical fires, I was reminded of the firestorm of racism erupting as immigration debates continue.

In the first days, most television cameras focused on neighborhoods in the Malibu Can-yon, many of which are upper class, high-priced mansions. As the days passed, more and more television reports regularly flashed back to the earlier canyon scenes. However, as fires threat-ened regions where farm workers were toiling in the fields, camera shots of that impending doom were spotty, at best.

Some radio reports gave accounts of the im-pact of the fires moving toward the border, but rarely, if ever, did we see the unfolding tragedy on television. Rather, the reports were of “illegal immigrants taking advantage of the situation.” There is no “advantage” when all one faces is fire, no matter the direction of one’s flight. If a raging, uncontrolled blaze were coming my way, I would flee in whatever direction possible. I submit that any of us would do the same.

In many instances, it was difficult to sepa-rate the factual news reports from the obvious undertones of anti-immigrant sentiment. As the blazes spread across California, the fires of racism became clearer across the nation. It is made clear when cities and states are passing mean-spirited laws intended to divide us. People in cities across this land are engaging in hateful demonstrations that target immigrants. Make no mistake. While all immigrants are targeted, the real attention is centered on persons coming from regions to our south. The real militarization of the border is centered toward the south, not the north or the east or the west. The firestorm on the U.S. border is more than an inferno of flames.

The recent stories were not only of families running for their lives, not knowing in which di-rection they might find a place of safety from the physical fires. Here are some of the stories we did see through television cameras. Stories of families seeking food and water, who were arrested, rather than treated with compassion during their time of loss. Stories of families afraid to ask for help, because they did not have the appropriate documents to prove their citizenship.

We did not hear the stories of American Indian tribal buildings and homes completely de-stroyed, and entire tribal communities displaced. We forget that many American Indian tribal

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cAughT IN The fIReSToRm of RAcISm– M. Linda Jaramillo, Executive Minister

Witness for Justice

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 11 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

nations had been divided when our national southern borders were drawn by policy makers. Make no mistake; American Indian citizens are not immigrants. Yet, they too, are rendered in-visible in our response to the firestorm tragedies.

The soul of this nation is once again exposed. Who are we, when we use laws and rules to override our human compassion? Thankfully, the fires in Southern California are subsiding, but the firestorm of racism is far from over.

The United Church of Christ has more than 5,700 churches throughout the United States. Rooted in the Christian traditions of congregational governance and covenantal relationships, each UCC setting speaks only for itself and not on behalf of every UCC congregation. UCC members and churches are free to differ on important social issues, even as the UCC remains principally com-mitted to unity in the midst of our diversity.

pAsTOr’s pAge


WheRe TheY STAND” To AIR BegINNINg oN moNDAY, NoVemBeR 26

New York, N.Y. – November 15, 2007

Throughout the week of November 26, “NBC News With Brian Williams” will take a look at the issues facing African-American

women across our nation in a new series, “African-American Women: Where They Stand.” The series will cover a wide-range of issues from their role in the ´08 Presidential race, to the increased health-risks that they need to be concerned about.

Monday’s installment will discuss African-Ameri-can women’s progress in the education field. Nearly two-thirds of African-American undergraduates are women. At black colleges, the ratio of women to men is 7 to 1. And that is leading to a disparity in the number of African-American women who go on to own their own businesses. Rehema Ellis will talk to educators, students and businesswomen about why this disparity exists.

Tuesday, Ellis will look at the relationships of African-American women. Many agree the gender disparity in education and business among African-Americans is having an effect on relationships that African-American women have. Some even say the implications could redefine “Black America’s family and social structure.” In the past fifty years, the percentage of African-American women between 25-54 who have never been married has doubled from 20% to 40%. (Compared to just 16% of white women who have never been married today). Ellis sits down with the members of a Chicago book club and talk about this difference and how it impacts them.

Dr. Nancy Snyderman will discuss the increased risks for breast cancer for African-American women on Wednesday. Mortality rates for African-American women are higher than any other racial or eth-

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 12 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Mara Schiavocampo, Digital Correspondent for “Nightly News,” will address two hot topics in the African-American community: interracial dating and the impact of hip hop music on Black women. Interracial dating is a growing trend in the African American community. An poll found that 81% of participants approved of Black women dating non-Black men.

According to a U.S. Census Bureau report in 2000, 95,000 Black women were married to white men. In 2005, that number increased to 134,000. Schiavocampo will talk to experts about the trend and discuss how this defines the “Black family” of the future.

Schiavocampo will convene a panel of leading black men and women from the hip-hop industry for an engaging discussion on whether hip hop lyr-ics and videos positively or negatively affect black women. The roundtable will also address how these portrayals are affecting relationships between black women and black men.

Consumers can go online to join the discussion and share their thoughts on message boards. They can also read and respond to blog entries at

Alexandra Wallace is the executive producer of “NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.” Bob Epstein is the senior broadcast producer, and Rich Latour is the senior producer for this series.

NBC News’ home on the Internet is For more news and information about “Nightly News,” please go to

nic group for nearly every major cause of death, including breast cancer. Black women with breast cancer are nearly 30% more likely to die from it than white women. Pre-menopausal Black women are more than twice as likely to get a more aggres-sive form of the disease. And, not only are African-American women more likely to die from breast cancer, but they’re less likely to get life-saving treatments. Dr. Snyderman will profile one of the only oncologists in the world who specializes in the treatment of African-American women with breast cancer.

On Thursday, Ron Allen will take viewers to South Carolina—the first southern primary state —and ask the question: Will race trump gender or gender trump race? In South Carolina, Black women made up nearly 30 percent of all demo-cratic primary voters in 2004. This year, polls show a significant number are undecided, torn between choosing the first African American or first female Presidential candidate. Allen talks with the unde-cided, as well the state directors for the Clinton and Obama campaigns, who happen to be African American women.

To close the series on Friday, Dr. Snyderman will raise the frightening statistic that African-American women are 85% more likely to get dia-betes, a major complication for heart disease. And, like breast cancer, more Black women die from heart disease than white women. Dr. Snyderman will profile a leading expert and a unique church-based outreach program in South Carolina that seeks to spread the word about heart disease risks to black women congregants.

pAsTOr’s pAgeNBc NIghTLY NeWS, cont’d

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 13 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

pAsTOr’s pUpils

Lindsey Alexander

Doucette M. Alvarez

Brenda Aghahowa

Stephanie Aghahowa

Stephen Aghahowa

Khadija AllenKhary ArmsterAyinke ArnettMawusi J. Arnett

Bria AtkinsChristian Jay Avinger

Damian Avinger, Jr.

Kimaria Baker Sydni M. Barclay

Elliot BostonMarkeyta M. Bowen

Kayla N. BrockPorshe BucknerAhmad CarterChrista Aluse Carter

Roberta CarterRachel Cato-Evans

Jasmine CephasTaylore CephasJoshua E. Chapman

Violet ClemonsBrandi A. Coleman

James Wheeler Coleman

Kara ColemanLaurel D. CosbyMorgan Ashley Craft

Patrick CobbCameron CurtisKia DeanCourtney M. Denton

Crystal DentonTiffany DillardDiamond DixonMilissa El Akinlawon

Micah A. EllisMalik R. FowlerDebra FranklinAaron Demarcus Gaines

Robert GarnerAcasia Anne Gibson

Ariella Grace Gibson

Alyson C. Godbolt

Imani Gwendolyn Graham

Kennedy GreenJazmin L. HallLawrence E. Hamilton III

Tiana HardyTalliyah HardyHerbert Harper, Jr.

Brianna HarrisJazmine E. Harris

Shelbi HarrisDejona HawkinsMorgan Hawthorne

Cameron HillElaine L. HillTiffany HillNia HolmesBrittany J. House

Stephen Izedonmwen

Halona Esther Jackson

Kawena JacksonKendal JacksonJordan C. Johnson

Nailah JohnsonTaylor S. Johnson

Kayla JonesKia JonesKamia JonesBarrett KeithleyRena KeithleyWhitley KingEarle LawrenceGene Linton, Jr.Krystla LittleAndre MaceAnthony MaceTajean MathisHerdie Matthews

Pamela McGheeMayah McIntoshSiobhan A. McKissic

Racquel McNeilRonald McNeilRikida MitchellSteven L. Moore, Jr.

John MoranJordan Moran Taylor MoranAnthony MorrisImani A. Muhammad

Josef OwensEmmanuel Owusu

Samuel OwusuAriel ParrottBrandon ParrottNoah PerkinsCheyenne A. Powell

Justin Malik Powell

Zelatandria Quinn

Aaron ReeseDorian Jhye Robinson

Melissa SandersTiffrany Schofield

Michael Scott, Jr.

Nasr SimpkinsTariq SimpkinsDarius T. SlattonMikal M. SlattonJulius StallworthDonald StewartMaya J. StewartNia E. StewartLogan TaylorDarrell ThomasDominique Thomas

Kyla ThomasVernon ThomasVictoria ThomasKamaya Thompson

Myia Kelli Thompson

Imani TimmsIndigoe TimmsLindsey TurnerKamila Arielle Tyler

Joya Laurelle Tyler

Max Tyler Vasquez

Kamaul WadeMarshall WalkerTosha WellsTroy WhiteBria Safe Williamson

Alicia V. WilsonJohari B. WilsonIsaiah WoodsJoshua WoodsJamila WrightJarrett WrightJeremiah Wright-Haynes

Tanya R. Wright

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 14 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

How many days until Christmas?” Shopping days? Planning days? Travel days? So much to do! Then, the day comes and suddenly it is over. Even if we take time for services and remembering the true reason for our celebration, it soon comes to an end and is just a

memory. Could it be possible this year to add to the whole preparation season something that will be lasting? Could we find something that will be timeless, letting us go beyond Christmas as changed people, not spent but enriched? This is what Advent is all about.

Probably, the only human planning for the first Christmas was done by Mary and Joseph. They had to prepare some “swaddling cloths” with which to wrap their coming baby. Also, they had to take a trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Their life, and our lives were changed by that experience. Jesus’ coming is a timeless, enriching moment. What can we do during Advent to help us experience its fullness?

Perhaps, we can begin some consideration of this by thinking of the words “rush” and “rhythm.” There is, indeed, a lot to get done. Pressure begins early, as soon as stores start pulling out the red and green ribbons and the old CDs of background Christmas music. Newspaper and television ads bombard us with suggestions as to what Susie or Sam might like as gifts. What shall we get and how can we get it all done in time? That is the “rush.”

Can there also be a “rhythm,” even within the “rush,” that calms us down and enables us to take care of ourselves? Can we thereby work smarter instead of just working harder? The tasks will get done. Even if we miss something in the process, the day will arrive and will be rewarding. Knowing this, can we make the hurrying a flow rather than a flailing about? Seek out a “rhythm” that can be part of your inner being, enabling you, yourself, to be part of the Christmas gift, both in giving and receiving. Savor the moments as the time goes along!

AdveNT MediTATiON #1 - AdveNT 2007SAVoR The momeNTS


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isUThU riTes Of pAssAge MiNisTrY

Pastor: Trinity United Church of Christ, what is your commitment?

Congregation: As people of faith, compassion, concern and care, we commit ourselves collectively to the interests of building strong and responsible African-American men through the Rites of Passage Ministry.

Pastor: Parent(s), what is your commitment?

Parent(s): We/I regard as our/my primary commitment and obligation the welfare and strengthening of the African-American person, African-American family and African-American community and will engage in action for improving social conditions for the human race. We/I give precedence to this mission over our/my personal interests. We/I know that our/my boy(s) are/is no longer children/a child but that they/he are/is also not yet adults/an adult and pledge to work with the congregation to help them/him become men/a man through the Rites of Passage Ministry.

Pastor: Mentors and Elders, what is your commitment?

Congregation: With the help of God, we hold ourselves personally responsible for the quality of service we perform and the quality and extent of service performed by the Rites of Passage Ministry as it relates to the manhood training program.

Pastor: Candidate(s), what do you commit yourselves/yourself to?

Parents: With the help of God, we/I commit ourselves/myself to abide by the ISUTHU Creed. We/I commit ourselves/myself to the concept of the extended family and embrace all African-American people as our/my grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, making no distinction between their destiny and our/my own. We/I promise to strive to become (a) strong, disciplined and responsible African-American men/man.

Pastor: Prayer of Consecration

LITANY of commITmeNT

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serMON NOTes______________________________________________________________________________________
















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Many of us are still full or have leftovers from our hefty and hearty Thanksgiving dinners. However,

there are those in this country who do not know where their meals are coming from day by day. Consider the following facts about hunger in the United States:

35.5 million people — including 12.6 million • children — live in households that experience hunger or the risk of hunger. This represents more than one in ten households in the United States (10.9 percent). 4.0 percent of U.S. households experience • hunger. Some people in these households frequently skip meals or eat too little, sometimes going without food for a whole day. 11.1 million people, including 430,000 children, live in these homes. 6.9 percent of U.S. households are at risk of • hunger. Members of these households have lower quality diets or must resort to seeking emergency food because they cannot always afford the food they need. 24.4 million people, including 12.2 million children, live in these homes.Research shows that preschool and school-• aged children who experience severe hunger have higher levels of chronic illness, anxiety and depression, and behavior problems than children with no hunger.

Though these statistics produced by Bread for The World are startling, we can do something about this crisis. The United Nations Development Program estimates that the basic health and nutrition needs of the world’s poorest people could be met for an additional $13 billion a year. Animal lovers in the United States and Europe spend more than that on pet food each year. More importantly, funds and finances that are continuously being spent to take lives and oil in Iraq could be spent to preserve life in not only this country but around the world.

A radical re-ordering of misplaced priorities will help to ensure that every child and every adult on this earth will go to bed with a full stomach each night. Urge your Congressman or Congresswoman to make the elimination of hunger a priority.

ACTION ITEMSBoycott Wal-Mart & Sams Club.1.

ThOughT fOr ThIS WEEk:“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by those whom they oppress. These will continue until resisted by words or blows or both.” —Frederick Douglass

by Rev. Reginald Williams, Jr.

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The ReSuLTS of A ReDeemeD LIfe

As a group of scientists were reviewing all the scientific accomplish-ments of the last millennium, they decided they didn’t need God anymore. They figured out how to cure disease, manufacture food, and even create life in a test tube. So, they thought perhaps it was time to tell God that He could go find another universe to oversee.

When they told God all that they were thinking, God agreed that sci-ence made wonderful strides. God also agreed that He would leave us on our own, if they could pass one little test. God told them, “I want to see you create life just like I did in the beginning, taking a handful of dirt and breathing on it.” The scientist conferred and agreed that they would take God’s challenge.

So, God bent down and took up a handful of dirt. The scientists bent down and took up a handful of dirt. And God said, “Wait a minute… if you don’t need me, you get your own dirt!”

Your Friends in Service,

The Stewardship Ministry Constance A. King, EditorJames D. Butler, Chairperson


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AKIBA STORE HOURSMonday thru Friday, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. • Sunday After Each Worship

Hip Hop and Christian???!

Join us for a book signing and discussion on reaching the Hip Hop Generation.

by our very own Pastor Moss III!

Today, November 25th


Today only! Candle Blow Out! All candles 30% off!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 22 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.



Due to the homegoing services for our beloved Rev. Barbara Allen, the Phase 1 training scheduled for Saturday, November 17th was canceled.

The new deadline for completing Phase 1 of the Youth Ministry Training (which includes Workshops #1, 2 & 3) has been changed to:

Saturday, December 1, 2007, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Atrium

In compliance with our insurance company, anyone (21 years of age and older) who has not completed all three workshops CANNOT work with Trinity youth, under any circum-stances, until all training requirements are met. ******************************************PHASE 2: YOUTH MINISTRY TRAINING DATES fOR 2007If you have completed all workshops of Phase I of the Youth Ministry Training, you are eligible to complete Phase 2 of the training which includes Workshop #4 (Boundary Train-ing) and background screenings.


You are required to attend the following training session:

Friday, November 30, 20076:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.Location: TUCC Village Center 1947 West 95th Street



For further information contact: Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, 773-962-5650, Ext. 429Rev. Ramah E. Wright, 773-962-5650, Ext. 384


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Today through

Sunday, January 6, 2008Atrium

To register, you must be a U.S. Citizen, Age 18 or older, on or before

the February 5, 2008 primary election

Please bring two forms of identification

SINgLeS commuNITY ouTReAch commITTee

ReAcheS ouTTo The cITIZeNS of PemBRoKe, ILLINoIS

Pembroke, Illinois is a small, rural town located in downstate Illinois. The residents of Pembroke

are in desperate need of basic hygiene items.

The Singles Community’s Outreach Committee would like you to join us as we reach out to assist our Brothers and Sisters in need. We will carpool to Pembroke, Saturday, December 15 (Gathering

at Trinity at 7:00 a.m., leaving at 8:00 a.m., returning at 2:00 p.m.) to deliver items collected, and to fellowship with the citizens of Pembroke.

If you are unable to join us, please consider donating from the list of items below.


for WomenSanitary needs (Napkins/Tampons)

Disposable Razors

for men:Shaving Creams/Powders

Disposable Razors

For information, contact Pat Boseman, 773-726-4127 or Lynda Forte, 773-742-2170

DeodorantLotionLaundry DetergentBleach

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Sunday, November 25, 2007 24 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

blACk ANd ChrisTiAN


Have you walked the aisle and given your heart to Christ and your hand to the preacher? Have you completed the requirements to become a full-fledged member of Trinity United Church of Christ? If you haven’t taken your new member classes (Sessions I & II), the Stewardship Ministry is looking for you!

Due to the homegoing services for our beloved member, Rev. Barbara J. Allen, all New Member classes scheduled for Saturday, November 17th were canceled. However, we have arranged to have a special make-up “All in One Session” (Sessions I & II)!

Saturday, December 2, 2007Adults & Teens: - 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | children: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

(Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.)Fellowship Hall • Refreshments will be served

Please don’t delay! Completion of the new member process after you have “walked the aisle” is in three stages:

Completion of Sessions I and II (in that order) of your New Member Classes.•

Right Hand of Fellowship on a first Sunday evening. The Right Hand of Fellowship is • required for full membership into your new church home, Trinity.

Actively becoming a member who works in one of the ministries of your church home.•

For those of you who completed your first Tuesday session on November 13, 2007, • don’t forget that your second session class will be held on:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007 • 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. • Fellowship HallRefreshments will be served

Receive the RIghT hAND of feLLoWShIP Sunday, December 2, 2007

Please call the Membership/Ministry Services Office, 773-962-5650 immediately, to confirm your participation.

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HIGHLIGHTS TODAY Rev. Otis Moss III Book Signing

TODAY – 11/25 7:30 a.m. Worship Service – SA 9:30 a.m. Breakfast – FH Bible Study – WC 11:00 a.m. Worship Service – SA 1:30 p.m. Dinner – FH 2:00 p.m. Pastor Moss Book Signing – A

MONDAY – 11/26 12:00 p.m. Active Seniors – WC 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal – SA Stewardship Ministry – BR Voice Class – FH Choir Directors’ Forum – WC 7:00 p.m. In Care Student Fellowship – FH Drama Ministry – 102 Women’s Chorus Rehearsal – SA Singles Community: Council Meeting – A

TUCC Village Center 1947 W. 95th Street 2:30 p.m. THEC: ETS Tutoring – E102 6:00 p.m. Information Technology: Computer Class – Computer Lab 7:00 p.m. Christian Education Ministry – W305

Cottage Grove Building 901 E. 95th Street 5:30 p.m. Mwanabaraka Rehearsal – Room 3

TUESDAY – 11/27 400 W. 95th Street 6:00 p.m. Women’s Drill Team – Narthex II Band Rehearsal – SA Voice Class – WC 6:30 p.m. New Member Class – FH 7 :00 p.m. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal – SA Singles Community – A Immabasi: Family Caregivers – BR

TUCC Village Center 1947 W. 95th Street 2:30 p.m. THEC: ETS Tutoring – E102 6:00 p.m. Information Technology Computer Class – Computer Lab 6:30 p.m. Sisterhood Ministry – W302 7:00 p.m. Counseling Ministry: Business Meeting – W305

WEDNESDAY – 11/28 400 W. 95th Street 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Prayer and Fasting 11:30 a.m. Prayer Service – WC 5:30 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal – SA 6:30 p.m. Deacons in Training Prayer Service Preparation – 102

TUCC Village Center 1947 W. 95th Street 2:30 p.m. THEC: ETS Tutoring – E102 5:00 p.m. THEC: Parent Meeting – W301

THURSDAY – 11/29 400 W. 95th Street 5:30 p.m. Imani Rehearsal – WC 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal – SA Voice Class – FH Sanctuary Choir: Concert Committee – 116 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal – SA

TUCC Village Center 1947 W. 95th Street 2:30 p.m. THEC: ETS Tutoring – E102 6:00 p.m. Information Technology: Computer Class – Computer Lab

Cottage Grove Building 901 E. 95th Street 5:30 p.m. Khayralia Dance Ministry Rehearsal – Room 1


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CAleNdArFRIDAY – 11/30 10:00 a.m. Free-N-One – 207 5:30 p.m. Music Theory Class – 207 6:00 p.m. Bereavement Choir Rehearsal – SA Tribe of Judah Rehearsal – WC 7:00 p.m. Tough Love – 203 Financial Counseling Consortium The Good Shepherd – 202 Caribbean Connection – 116 Free-N-One – 207

SATURDAY – 12/01 400 W. 95th Street 7:30 a.m. Yoga Ministry – Narthex II 8:00 a.m. Youth Ministry Training: Phase I – A 9:00 a.m. Yoga Ministry Meeting – BR Youth Band Choir Rehearsal – SA Deacons In Training – 102 9:30 a.m. Adult Church School – WC Church School (Teens) – 207 Church School (3rd – 4th Grades) – 116 Church School (Discipleship) – FH Church School (Preschool/ Kindergarten) – 118 Church School (1st and 2nd Grades) – 203 Church School (5th and 6th Grades) – 202 11:00 a.m. Deacons In Training – SA Little Warriors for Christ – WC New Member Class – FH New Member Class (Teens) – 118 Math Tutorial – 202/203 Little Warriors Rehearsal – WC

12:30 p.m. Women’s Drill Team – Narthex II Walaika Choir Rehearsal – WC 1:30 p.m. Youth Usher Ministry Board Meeting – 202 Youth Drill Team – 207 2:00 p.m. New Member Class (Children) – WC Communion Preparation (Deacon Ministry) – BR 3:00 p.m. Youth Usher Ministry Training – In Sanctuary – SA Switzerland Choir Rehearsal – WC Youth Usher Training – 202 3:30 p.m. Young Women’s Christian Walk – 203 4:00 p.m. Deacon Training – SA Young Women’s Christian Walk: Mentor Training – 207 5:30 p.m. Deacons In Training – 102

TUCC Village Center 1947 W. 95th Street 8:00 a.m. Safer Foundation: Mentor Training – W301 9:00 a.m. Legal Counseling Ministry – E101/E102 1:00 p.m. THEC: Math Tutoring – W302/307 2:00 p.m. THEC: Math Tutoring – Computer Lab THEC: ETS Tutoring – E102

Cottage Grove Building 901 E. 95th Street 11:00 a.m. Girl Scouts: Investiture Ceremony and Ice Cream Social – Room 1

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NoVemBeR IS PRemATuRITY AWAReNeSS moNTh The March of Dimes and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. want women to know how to reduce the risks of premature birth, Obtain a medical check-up before getting pregnant, Visit

SYRAcuSe SchooL of ARchITecTuRe seeks men and women of color interested in a five-year professional degree in architecture, Scholarships for ten students available, fully covers educational costs, Contact Mark Robbins, Dean, School of Architecture, 315-443-2255 or [email protected]

uNIVeRSITY of ILLINoIS eXTeNSIoN Teacher Professional Development in practical Math solutions, Wednesday, November 28, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., 8751 S. Greenwood Ave., Suite 112 AND…“Chill Out” with Geometry projects and applications, Thursday, December 13, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., 8751 S. Greenwood Ave., Suite 112, CPU credits, Reservations required, Call Karen Meyer, 708-409-4320 or Daphne Lloyd, 773-768-7779

uRBAN PReP chARTeR AcADemY foR BoYS 8th Grade Students and Parents Information Session, Thursday, December 6, 6:00 p.m., Englewood Campus, 6201 S. Stewart, Contact Edward Briscoe, 312-276-0259 Ext. 106 or [email protected]

ALPhA PhI ALPhA fRATeRNITY Hosts high school males’ leadership program, Saturday, December 1, 11:00 a.m., South Suburban College, 15800 S. State St., South Holland, IL, Call Steve Ingram, 708-925-1427

BeAcoN of JoY SeVeNTh-DAY ADVeNTIST chuRch Women’s Ministry presents youth, ages 6-18, Showcase Talent Night, Looking for Christian poets, dancers, musicians, vocalists, Saturday, December 15, 4:30 p.m., 101 W. 108th St., Registration deadline December 3, Call Shirley Adams, 312-914-3732 AND…Sisters Lifting Sisters in the Spirit Retreat 2008, May 2–4, 2008, Contact Shirley Adams, 312-914-3732 or [email protected]

cheSTeRfIeLD commuNITY couNcIL Hosts Commissioner Larry Rogers, Jr. and representatives from the office of the Board of Review, regarding property tax assessments appeals, Tuesday, November 27, 6:00 p.m., Tuley Park Fieldhouse, 90th and King Dr., Bring your tax bill, Contact 773-651-3958 or

chIcAgo STATe uNIVeRSITY commuNITY coNceRT BAND directed by Professor Roxanne Stephenson, in concert, Monday, November 26, 7:00 p.m., Chicago State University, Douglas Library Building, Auditorium, 9501 S. King Dr.


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iNfOrMATiON & ANNOUNCeMeNTs9Th ANNuAL mLK hISToRIcALLY BLAcK coLLege fAIR Friday, January 18, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., and Saturday, January 19, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Navy Pier, Festival Hall A, 600 E. Grand Ave., Chicago, Workshop and financial aid sessions for students and parents, Information and bus registration, Contact Elena M. Thomas, 773-298-1590 or

AfRIcA mINISTRY seeks congregational support in collecting slightly used and new books suitable for developing libraries, in support of the Ethiopia Reads project, Books may be dropped off daily, in the Atrium, Today, November 25 through December 14, Contact Deacon Carol Edwards, [email protected]

AmANI cARe PRogRAm and Trinity Amani Care Team with Vitas (TAV) seeks volunteers to provide companionship, support and other services, No experience required, Training provided, Call Etta McGregor Jones, 773-298-2110

cARIBBeAN coNNecTIoN meeting, Friday, November 30, 7:00 p.m., Room 116, Information, Call Henry Williams, 847-675-2456

WINDY cITY SeALS YouTh gRouP, INc. Offers youth, ages 12–18, scuba diving, water safety, aquatic skills training, stimulating interest and knowledge in diving for recreation and career opportunities, pool activities every 4th Saturday, Chicago State University, 9501 S. King Dr., 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Call David, 312-607-0920

YOU BELONG TO ME a play paralleling the Judges 19 biblical story and the disturbing spike in domestic homicides, discussing the place of justice in our deliberations and actions, Saturday, December 1, 4:00 p.m., Greater Walters AME Zion Church, 8422 S. Damen, Call Sheena, 708-646-6735

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memBeRShIP/mINISTRY SeRVIceS Have you moved? Any children left the nest? New employment or newly married? Forgot your giving number? Call Membership/Ministry Services, 773-962-5650 x233 or x232

SINgLeS commuNITY JINgLe mINgLe Saturday, December 8, 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m., Charles A. Hayes Family Investment Center, 4859 S. Wabash, Tickets, Atrium, following worship services and Tuesday evenings, Call Pat Boseman, 773-726-4127 or Lynda Forte, 773-742-2170

TRINITY AmANI hoSPIce cARe TeAm WITh VITAS (TAV) provides full hospice service, a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments, Call Etta McGregor Jones, 773-298-2110

TRINITY ucc AND SAfeR fouNDATIoN sponsoring Prisoners Re-Entry Program, aftercare program for ex-offenders: 18 years old and up, out of prison 180 days or less, no crimes against women or children AND…Prisoners Re-Entry Program mentors needed, Must be available to meet with mentees 2– 6 hours per month, If ex-offender: conviction must not have been crimes against women or children, must be out of prison for at least 2 years, Call Vanessa Cosby-Shannon, 773-233-1492

TRINITY ucc LegAL cLINIc Providing direct legal advice, services and representation to the congregation and community, open every 1st and 3rd Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00–9:00 p.m., VillageCenter, Call Rev. Reginald Williams, 773-962-5650 x 428

WhAT WouLD You Do To SAVe A LIfe? Are you willing to share some of your time, advice, and friendship with a child? Trinity Lifesavers is a new mentoring program that matches adults with children with incarcerated parents, look for the program brochure in the Habari Gani rack in the Atrium, Contact Daryle Brown 847-922-3361 or [email protected]


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Adams, Deacon LorraineAdams, EddieAdams-Carter, CynthiaAdams-Childs, VernitaAkbar, Dr. NáimAkuetteh, MonaAllen, Baby Jeremy StephonAmbrister, EugeneAnderson, Rev. DanitaAnderson-Brown, PierreAskew, JeremiahAustin, Oliver & CharliesteneAvent, CarolynBaker-Brown, BridgetteBanks, Rev. Ronald & MarnieBarnett, JamesBarrigher, Deacon ElwoodBarrigher, JeffreyBaskin, DeloresBates, LisaBates, Jr., Freddie L.Bell, CalvinBell, ClarenceBenson, MarjorieThe Bentley FamilyBerry-Hampton, JaronBertha, Deacon HelenBeverly, JamesBeyah, WandaBlake, MarquezBlake, OdetteBlake, OmmarBland, TelinaBlasingame, MattieBondurant, Carol & FamilyBonner, Gloria & BillBooker, PeggyBooker, Jr., Raymond J.Boose, ChristopherBoose, ClaudiaBorders, CarolynBorders, MonaBowen, MarkeytaBowers, JeffreyBrackett, Michael & AscylynBramlet & Thomas FamiliesBranch, EstherBratton, MarjorieBreaux, Freddie & NannieBrewer, Deacon EvelynBriscoe, CharlesBroadnax, AngelaBrooks, MyrtleBrown, AkibaBrown, ArthurBrown, BrandyBrown, Dr. Harriett

Brown, HyssonBrown, LaKhonBrown, LizzieBrown, TerranceBurrell, KimberlyBurrell, SarahBurrell, William & SarahButler, JamesButler, JerelButler, MargrettaButler, NavieButts, LarvetteCampbell, Deacon PatriceCampbell, Deborah L.Campbell, KeishaCarter, HermanCarter, QuinnCastillo, AnaCaston, Aletha & AlfredCaston, Alfred BenjaminCephas, GraceChaplin, KailaChapman, MalachiChappell, RichardChavis, AnnetteClark, Norman & RubyCollins, Deacon YvonneCollins, GloriaCollins, Lildred JeanCollins, MaishiaCollins, ShawnConrad, CarolynCooksey, Kristena & KristaCooper, FaithCooper, MinnieCooper, VashtiCorbett, JoycelynCosby, CynthiaCosby-Shannon, VanessaCoutee, NastarciaCraig, RhondaCrenshaw, DarrellCrenshaw, La ToniaCrider, Rev. TyroneCrisler, KingCruse, PaulCurry, StephanieDabner, PatThe Dade FamilyDaniels, CarbenaDaniels, Celeste Daniels, Sammie LeeDavid, Baby Jacob “Ray Ray”Davis, ArchieDavis, EdrenaDavis, Green LeeDavis, Marie

Davis, S.A.Davis, VelmaDell, Rev. NathanDenson, LouiseDePriest-Hand, Sr., OscarDonalek, PeterDorham, BarbaraDorn, LouiseDorsey, CharleneDorsey, SamDozier-Lowe, BerniceDunlap, PhillipDunn, RomnicaDurant, RachelDurham, Eric & ErikaEason, MargaretteEberhart, IvanEdwards, Jr., EugeneElmore, AnitaElmore, Leticia Elzy, Jr., Alice & LouisEskridge, SonnyEvans, KermetoFairchild, InezFairchild, Tom & JosieFarrakhan, Minister LouisFaulkner, BerniceFlagg, EstellFletcher, JuliaFlowers, Jr., CharlieFlucker, TrinaFluker, AntoniaFord, ElizabethFord, JohnFord, LulaFord, MyrtleFord, NolaFortson, MaryFranklin, MarkFranklyn, ReshaFryson, ChrisFunches, Baby KeariGage-Wilson, JozanneGandy, DonnaGardner, ElizabethGarrett, StephanieGibson, Donald & DonnaGill, CharlotteGill, Deacon EldridgeGill, JuanitaGill, MariahGipson, DonaldGivens, Charmaine & FamilyGonalek, Peter & KateGosha, TammyGraham, Elder LucilleGraham, Robert

Grant, LynnGrey, ElsieGriffin, CarrieGriffin, IchekaGrisby, ReginaldGuerin, NormaGuerin, Jr., Jerome C.Guerin, Sr., Jerome C.Gwynn, ArthurHammond-Miller, Deacon DonnaHannah, HubertHarding, ChristineHardirct, VirginiaHardy, GlodineHarper, JerryHarrell, Rev. JoanHarrell, SimonHarris, Deacon MoseaHarris, MacbethHawkins, BeverlyHawkins, JasmineHayden, Jr., HerbertHaynes, VeraHeard, PhyllisHeavens, GeorgeHenderson, GregoryHenley, CandaceHickman, NellieHiggins, AnnolaHolliday, GlenolaHolloman, LaSonja & TracyHolmes, LouiseHooker, TimothyHouston, CozettaHouston, MeeganHowell, BettyHowell, JeromeHudson, IreanHunter, NellHurley, WilliamIngersoll, Bob & ZellIngram, JuliaIngram, JuniusJackson, Betty JoJackson, BruceJackson, EleanorJackson, Henry & ElizabethJackson, KenyaJackson, LaToyaJackson, LizzieJackson, QueenJackson, YvetteJacobs, IsomJames, ReneeJenkins, Deacon HerschelJenkins, Georgette

prAYer lisT

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prAYer lisTJenkins, LennieJohnson, Dr. JamesJohnson, EdnaJohnson, KayJohnson, MartinJohnson, PercyJohnson, RileyJohnson, RobertJones, BernadineJones, CatherineJones, Charles & EdithJones, Donald & JerriusJones, GeorgeJones, GloriaJones, MaryJones, PierreKeithley, Sr., BartellKelly, BillieKenner, LillianKing, AnthonyKitching, ShirleyKorvo, Baby Sean PaulLarramore, JamesLatham, OdeanLee, ChinaLee, JimmyLee, TinaLehmann, AuguestineLemon, JackqudeneLemon, MarquittaLenox, Mary F.Lewis, Deacon Pattrice Livingston, ArturiusLivingston, Rev. TyroneLloyd, Corean & DevoniaLloyd, Robert & CleoLloyd & Family, FrankieLockett, Steve & BrendaLockett, ThetisLondon, MillieLong, Deacon RosemaryLove, MargaretLuckett, Sr., FrederickLyle, PaulLyles, JohniseFamily of Steven LyonsMaclin, AudreyMae, ViolaMajaliwa, MusaMangum, AnitaManney, EricMartin, DarrenMartin, LorettaMason-Matthews, KarenMay, Larry R.May, RomaoMayes-McCruel, Deacon Alma

McCoy, BeverlyMcCree, JaradMcCullough, JacquelineMcDade, DarleneMcFadden, Franklin & Deborah & FamilyMcGowan, Milton & TheresaMcIntosh, EmilyMcKinney, MarianMcKinney, TakieshaMcKinnon, CoraMcKissic, Siobahan & DeborahMcKissick, EstellMcLaughlin, ErinMcQueen-Williams, LaVadaMelton, AlzeniaMiles, BeatriceMiller, Deacon BeatriceMiller, JohnMischeaux, Kalilah MarjorieMischeaux, RaydianMitchell-Shields, Deacon SharonMonegan, JeromeMoody, CynthiaMoore, CarlaMoore, ClarenceMoore, John C.Moore, MarilynMoore, VondaMoore, Lloyd & FamilyMoss, ErnestMoss, MildredMoss, Jr., Rev. Dr. OtisMuhammond, NiaMurff, MargaretMuwwakkil, Baby MorganNathan, LatroyNorris, CarolynNurse, Emma & BeverlyO’Neal, Baby TylerOnly, SherryOwens, JuanitaOwens, MozettaOzmond, SebastianPayton, JackiePeavy, IrenePeavy, WalterPepper, EvelynPepper, RobertPerry, ToyaPeterson, YvonnePhillips, Baby AmaliPilcher, Del RitaPitts, BernicePlummer, Jr., MorrisPolk, Adrian

Poole, TammyPoole, WilliamPope, DakitaPope, GladysPorter, AnitaPorter, JacquelinePorter, StaceyPorter-Stanley, LesliePriest, MaryPruett, James & LorettaPutman, DeloresReed, EmmaReese, GloriaReneau, PeggyRetess, LucindaRhyal, StephenRhymes, CliffordRhymes, JuanitaRice, Gladys Rice, SylvesterRichards, CassandraRidgenal-Parker, NicoleRiley, GregoryRoberson, PierceRoberts, ErskinRoberts, LeslieRoberts, RobertRobertson, RosettaRobinson, DorianRobinson, LorraineRobinson, RubyRobinson, TheresaRodriguez, KevinRoebuck, EvelynRogers, AlfredRollins, AliceRucker, ClarenceRuff, CarolynRushing, LaBarainRushing, MelnerRushing, MichelleRussell, CoraRussell, TamonRuth, JamesRutherford, AngelaSampson, MarySamuel, JordanSanders, Deacon RobertSanders, MichaelSangster, Joe NathanielSangster, KatherineSansone, MarieScates, HermineSchusse, MalcolmSelder, Rev. JohnShah, LyndaShelby, Eric

Shelton, JohnShelton, VivianSherrod, MarieShort, WendySimmons, LaVerneSims, ConstanceSingleton, EdSingleton, LloydSiwatu, AkiahaSmith, AnnieSmith, CarmencitaSmith, Derrick LeeSmith, JeffreySmith, Jonathan & DeloresSmith, Louis & VirginiaSmith, RobertSnell, JoannaSpann, TheresaStatzer, MaxineStephens, BlancheSteven Lyons, Family ofSteward, AnnaStewart, Cheryl & JuanitaStewart, GloriaStewart, IrmaThe Story FamilyStrong, AlbertSummerville, LulaSummerville-Moore, TamikaSykes, Rev. MichaelTassone, Baby CarinaTaylor, CharlyneTaylor, Jeffrey & JoreneTaylor, LawrenceTaylor, PatriciaTaylor-Tukes, Deacon AngelaTellis, DemetriusTellis, Jr., AlfredTellis, Sr., AlfredTerrell-Haynes, RosalynTerry, JohnTerry, KeithTerry, PamelaTerry, SandraTeverbaugh, OliviaThomas, AnitaThomas, BrenitaThomas, Drew & ValdaThomas, Edward & LaVerneThomas, FeliciaThomas, Gloria D.Thomas, LisaThomas, LondonThomas, RosettaThomas, SondraThomas, Jr., LewisThompson, SeMaj

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Mr. Clinton Anderson Deacon Hurdle Anderson & Family 3322 Heather Drive, Markham, IL 60488

Mr. Henry Bumpers Mrs. Elizabeth Bumpers & Family 8637 S. Aberdeen Street (20)

Mr. Johnny Calloway Mrs. Catherine Dunn & Family 8736 S. Justine (20)

Ms. Sherry Cooper Deacon John Green & Family 5531 W. Adams Street (44)

Mr. Charles Epps Ms. Tressa Epps & Family 932 University Ave., Matteson, IL 60443

Evangelist Shirley Johnson Deacon Brenda Summerville & Family 320 W. Illinois, #610 (10)

Mr. Robert H. Mason Deacon Carla Banks & Family 8201 S. California (52)

Mrs. Evelyn E. Sanders Mrs. Patrice Elliott-Mace & Family 20213 S. Andrews Dr., Olympia Fields, IL 60461

Mr. Armstead “Bo” Stewart Ms. Brenda Tillman & Family 7547 S. Wood Street (20)

Thompson-Johnson, KatieTillman, D’NiseshaTimberlake, Deacon JoyceTorrey-Parker, L. JulieTowner, MarletaTregre, Deacon EvelynTrotter, ShirleyTucker, AnjalaTucker, GeraldineTunstall, JayTutt, BeatriceTyler, Deacon LazaneTyler, DemetriTyler, RobertTyler, SheltonVilo, DouglasWade, PatriciaWade, ThurleneWaiters, Melvin & EdeanaWalker, David & Irma

Walker, HonoriaWalker, Sharon & JohnWalker, ThelmaWallace, CeciliaWallace, PeterWallace, RoseWard, AlphonsoWarmack, CharleneThe Warne FamilyWarner, AneseWashington, EmmaWashington-Steward, EloisWatson, Deacon Joe AnnWatson, DorisWatson, JanetWay, Lucy B.West, AndreaWhite, Andrew & RebeccaWhite, EurahWhite, Juanita R.

White, RachelleWhite, Walter & LorettaWhite, Jr., RoyalWhite, Sr., JosephWhite, Sr., RoyalWhitfield, JuliusWilkins, EssieWilliams, BrandiWilliams, Deacon MattieWilliams, KhatiraWilliams, LillieWilliams, Nettie B.Williams, Patnice & LeonWilliams, PaulineWilliams, TracieWilliams, Willie RuthWilliams, Willy AnnWilliams-Clark, GlendaWillis, PamelaWillis, Stanley

Wilson, Barbara & DardinaWitherspoon-Water, YolandaWoods, SamWoods, TanjaWoodson, JaniceWoolridge, John and OrineWooten, ErnestWooten, JohnWordlaw, JeanWordlaw, KenyaWordlaw, TedWright, Deacon E. JanetWright, Deacon JeriWright, LorettaWright, Rev. RamahWright, WilliamWright-Miller, MildredYates, AlYoung, Thelma

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BROWN, EdVictory Center4150 W. Gatling Blvd.Country Club Hills, IL 60478Room 243708-957-8300

CADENHEAD, LaFronneJackson Square Nursing Home5130 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL 60644Room 427, Bed B773-921-8000(Communion Visits Only)

ELZIE, Deacon EvelynRenaissance Nursing Center2940 W. 87th StreetChicago, IL 60652Room 207, Bed 1773-434-8787

EVANS, EdwardPavilion of Forest Park8200 W. Roosevelt RoadForest Park, IL 60130Room 432, Bed 1(708) 488-9850

FORD, JohnManor Care Nursing Home2145 E. 170th StreetSouth Holland, IL 60473Room 322708-895-3255

FULLER, VernonExceptional Health Care5701 W. 79th StreetBurbank, IL 60459Room 103, Bed 1708-499-5400

GARNER, WilhelminaRenaissance at South Shore Nursing Home2425 E. 71st St.Chicago, IL 60649Room 312, Bed B773-721-5000

HAMPTON, InezeManor Care Health Care Services2145 E. 170th St.South Holland, IL 60473Room 338, Bed C708-895-3255

HOLLOWAY, TheodoreSt. Agnes Nursing Home1725 S. Wabash Ave.Chicago, IL 60616Room 414(312) 922-2777

hOspiTAliZedMinnie CooperMacNeal Hospital3249 S. Oak Park Ave.Berwyn, IL 60402708-783-9100

Dorothy GainesSt. Margaret Mercy Hospital5454 Hohman AvenueHammond, IN 46320219-932-2300

Cynthia HowardUniversity of Chicago Hospital5841 S. Maryland Ave.Chicago, IL 60617

Betty Jo JacksonNorthwestern Memorial Hospital251 E. Huron StreetChicago, IL 60611(312) 926-2000

Shirley MitchellBernard Mitchell Hospital5841 S. MarylandChicago, IL 60637(773) 702-1000

Mary LoveTrinity Hospital2320 E. 93rd StreetChicago, IL 60617(773) 967-2000

Theresa RobinsonEdward Hospital801 S. WashingtonNaperville, IL 60566(630) 355-0450(Pastoral Calls & Visits Only)

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HUGHES, CharleneGlenwood Nursing Home19330 S. Cottage GroveGlenwood, IL 60660Room C19, Bed 2708-758-6200

JEFFERSON, LorrineManor Care Health Care Services6300 W. 95th St.Oak Lawn, IL 60453Room 30, Bed 1708-599-8800

JONES, LulaBrentwood Healthcare Center5400 W. 87th StreetBurbank, IL 60459Room 609, Bed 1708-423-1200

MARTIN, KimAll Faith Pavilion 3500 S. Giles Ave. Chicago, IL 60653Room 200, Bed 2312-326-2000

MASON, ClaristineBronzeville Park Skilled Nursing Center3400 S. Indiana Ave.Chicago, IL 60616Room 224, Bed 1 312-842-5000

MITCHELL-SHIELDS, Deacon SharonArden Courts Assisted Living2143 E. 170th StreetSouth Holland, IL 60473708-895-1600

MOORE, HiltonManor Care Health Care Services940 Maple Ave.Homewood, IL 60430Room 404, Bed A708-799-0244

MOSS, EdreanerMontgomery Place5550 South Shore DriveChicago, IL 60615Room 302773-753-4100

MOTEN, MargueriteRenaissance at South Shore 2425 E. 71st St.Chicago, IL 60649Room 111, Bed B773-721-5000(Communion Visits Only)

PEAVY, IreneVictory Centre of River Oaks1370 Ring Road, Apt. 407Calumet City, IL 60409708-832-1130

PETERSON, FreemanBrentwood Healthcare Center5400 W. 87th StreetBurbank, IL 60459Room 116708-423-1200

PUGH-LIGHTFOOT, EricGlenwood Nursing Home19300 S. Cottage GroveGlenwood, IL 60660Room C15, Bed 1708-758-6200

ROBINSON, WilliamBeecher Nursing Home1201 Dixie Hwy.Beecher, IL 60401Room 33, Bed 2708-946-6915

SMITH, Mary BakerMontgomery Place5550 S. South Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60615Room 317773-753-4100

STEPHENS, LeroyBell Haven Health Care Center11401 S. OakleyChicago, IL 60643Room 125773-233-6311

WATSON, Janet2450 Taft StreetGary, IN 46404Room 319, Bed 2219-977-2610

WATT, MildredRenaissance at South Shore Nursing Home2425 E. 71st StreetChicago, IL 60649Room 430, Bed A773-721-5000

WILLIAMS, MaudineHalsted Terrace Nursing Home10935 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60628Room 233, Bed 1773-928-2000

WILSON, LouisRenaissance at 87th St. Nursing Home2940 W. 87th St.Chicago, IL 60652Room 302, Bed 1773-434-8787

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ADAMS-CHILDS, Vernita 1621 E. 68th Street, #1A (49) 773-363-8625Saturday Visits Only

ANDERSON, Diana 8521 S. Wolcott Ave. (20) 773-881-1419BASKIN, William 1510 Brookfield Dr., Plainfield, IL 60544 815-254-1106BREAUX, Freddie 4920 Tennessee Street, Gary, IN 46409 219-980-2650BROOKS, Arzulia 9412 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-224-7581

Sunday Visits OnlyBURKS, Willa A. 18525 S. Center Ave., Homewood, IL 60430 708-799-3581CARTER, Deacon Carole 4934-D South Cornell Ave. (15) 773-493-3698 CAMPBELL, Delois 9146 S. Indiana Ave. (19) 773-928-0997 CLAY, Louise 11626 S. Stewart St. (28) 773-468-9642CLAY, Nancy 5948 W. Midway Park (44) 773-287-9194COSBY, Cynthia 616 E. 93rd Street (19) 773-874-4710DRAIN, Rutha 7259 S. Rockwell Street (29) 773-737-0838DULANEY, Doris 13058 S. Wood St., Apt. #1E Blue Island, IL 60406 708-597-8309DUNAGAN, Patricia 7318 S. King Drive (19) 773-846-1453DUNLAP, Phillip 14515 S. Manistee, Burnham, IL 60633 708-214-2517FUNCHES, Josephine 9312 S. Union Ave. (28) 312-805-1401

Visits before 12:00 Noon on SundaysGAY, Mary 500 Park Ave., Calumet City, IL 60409 708-868-8535GLOVER, Delores 7759 S. Chappel (49) 773-768-3508 GRAHAM, Elder Lucille 9622 S. Winston Ave. (43) 773-233-4016GUEST, Delores 4927 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (15) 773-548-8124HARDY, Glodine c/o Lois Walker 598 Andover, Chicago Heights, IL 60411 708-481-5814HEREFORD, Bessie 9251 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-846-0448JACKSON, Bruce & Yvette 10741 S. Morgan St. (43) 773-995-5912JENKINS, Deacon Herschel 7615 S. Paxton (49) 773-734-7583KAISER, Alice 7527 S. Merrill Ave. (49) 773-499-8943LAWS, Robert 1228 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 708-484-9733LEHMANN, Augustine 9616 S. Princeton Ave. (28) 773-568-3097LOVE, Margaret 1520 W. 105th Street (43) 773-445-1336McFADDEN, Deborah 18101 Versailles Lane, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-798-3426McINTOSH, Emily 7811 S. Michigan Ave. (19) 773-651-9560MILES, Mary 6142 S. St. Lawrence, #1 (37) 773-667-0167MILLER, Karen 102 Iliad, Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-444-1649MOORE, Bessie 7842 S. Honore, 1st Floor (20) 773-874-3002PARKER, Irene 9510 S. Kolmar, Oak Lawn, IL 60452 708-422-1019 PAYTON-LOVE, Mary 7938 S. Jeffrey Blvd. (49) 773-734-7828POTTER, Mable 12258 S. Perry Avenue (28) 773-785-5908QUINN, Anna 7022 S. Shore Drive, Apt. #715 (49) 773-684-8831RICE, Sylvester 8011 S. Justine St. (20) 773-651-8534 RUFF, Carolyn 6325 N. Sheridan, Apt. 1007 (60) 773-262-3162SCATES, Hermine 6831 S. Cornell Ave., 1st Flr. (49) 773-955-2445SCOTT, Alice 5516 S. Everett Ave. (37) 773-363-3902SIMPSON, Mary Ann 3449 W. North Avenue (47) 773-276-5609

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SIMPSON, Wanda 10530 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-928-7001SMITH, Betty 4152 W. Gatling Blvd., Apt. 313, Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-794-2059SMITH, Carmencita 2142 Tanglewood Pl., Apt. #2B, Hammond, IN 46323 219-844-0328SPENCER, Nathaniel 1006 E. 80th Street (19) 773-877-7882STEPHNEY, Jessie 16964 Shey Avenue, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-335-2608TAYLOR, Patricia 10017 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (28) 773-821-6711 WHITMAN, Alice 8358 S. Aberdeen Street (20) 773-994-1459WILLIAMS, Lillie 178 E. 155th, Apt. 423, Harvey, IL 60426 708-333-1146WILLIAMS, Willyann 208 E. 87th Street (19) 773-224-0351WINDOM, Hattie 5158 Keith Dr., Richton Park, IL 60471 708-748-7903

Sunday Visits OnlyWOODS, Penny 9145 S. Pleasant Ave. (20) 773-445-4342WRIGHT, Ernestine 9146 S. LaFayette Ave. (20) 773-660-0323

CARDS ONLYBRADFORD, Luevater 9301 S. Racine Ave. (20)BROWN, Hysson 10427 S. Hoxie Ave. (17)CARTER, Herman 2631 S. Indiana (16)CHAPMAN, Malachi 10838 S. Wallace Ave. (28)DANIELS, Carbena c/o Sheila Williams, 518 Calumet Way Calumet City, IL 60409DELOACH, Berenice 7114 S. Harding Ave. (29)GARDNER-PEARSON, Renee 17607 S. Mulberry, Country Club Hills, IL 60478GILMORE, Laura 1155 Westgrove Pkwy., Apt. #186, Tempe, AZ 85283HARRIS, Michelle 811 W. Madison St., Apt. #115 (07)McDADE, Darlene 18555 Hickory Ct., Apt. 17, Lansing, IL 60438 PLUMMER, Jr., Morris 2040 E. 91st Street (17)PUTMAN, Delores 6820 S. Prairie (37) ROBERTS, Fontain 1829 N. Austin Ave. (39)SAYLES, Bernice 6831 S. Cornell Ave., 1st Flr. (49)SMITH, Green K. 8126 S. Campbell Ave. (52)TAYLOR, Dr. Brenda 52380 Windemere Dr., Granger, IN 46530TORREY, Hoyt 4241 El Moor Way, Las Vegas, NV 89044 702-435-0257 CARDS & CALLS ONLYWALKER, Jr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20) WALKER, Lillian 6138 S. Carpenter St. (21)

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CARDS ONLY (cont’d)WASHINGTON-DYK, Gwendolyn 2045 W. Jackson Blvd., Apt. #2012 (12) 312-421-7867 CARDS & CALLS ONLYWHYTE, Rev. James 3429 Peachwood Rd., Knoxville, TN 37921 YOUNG, Charlotte 1330 W. Wentworth, Calumet City, IL 60409

COMMUNION VISITS ONLYBENN, Vester 9035 S. Luella Ave. (17) 773-374-8914BONNER, Gloria 3120 S. Indiana Ave. (16) 312-567-9072 BREWER, Deacon Evelyn 9239 S. Green Street (20) 773-239-9416 BROWN, Ann H. 1342 W. 111th Place (43) 773-445-5315BUTLER, Alice Faye 10104 S. Emerald Ave. (28) 773-445-5110 GWYNN, Arthur 6250 S. Harper Ave., Apt. 909 (37) 773-363-9893 HENDERSON, Evelyn 7406 S. Paxton Ave. (49) 773-643-0956 HILL, Katherine 9950 S. Carpenter St. (43) 773-779-3872 LEGGETT, Aurelia 1639 W. 107th Street (43) 773-233-0286 LONG, Deacon Rosemary 8921 S. Halsted Street (20) 773-846-2488NELSON, Mary & Thomas 5401 S. Hyde Park Blvd., Apt. #1101 (15) 773-667-3404PULLINS, Mary 7836 S. Champlain Ave., 2nd Floor (19) 773-483-2533

ROGERS, George & Betty 401 E. Bowen, Apt. 602 (53) 773-285-3941ROUNSAVILLE, Linda 9344 S. Bishop St. (20) 773-983-8322SMITH, Jr., Walter 10338 S. Church St. (43) 773-881-8733SMITH, Olah 10510 S. Rhodes Ave. (28) 773-995-6893TREGRE, Deacon Evelyn 9723 S. Lowe Ave. (28) 773-779-1528 TRIPLETT, Sadie 9612 S. Wallace Ave. (28) 773-779-1689 WEATHERSPOON, Aletha 8929 S. Union Ave. (20) 773-483-0130WILKS, Elizabeth 2960 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #2507 (57) 773-296-0580YOUNKINS, Rose 9332 S. Eggleston Ave. (20) 773-483-2784

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Order Of WOrship Order Of WOrshipserviCe ANd sUppOrT grOUpsAKIBA SALES773-962-5660MON – FRI 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. SAT: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.SUN: After Each Service

AMANI CARE PROGRAM773-298-2110MON – FRI: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

BLAINE DeNYE LIBRARY773-962-5650, Ext. 740MON - TUES - THUR 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.WED: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.SAT: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

CAN-CER-VIVE HELPLINE773-962-5650Mailbox 830

CAREER DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY24-Hour Answering Service [email protected]

COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE773-298-1590TUES & THUR: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.WED: 10:00 – 6:00 p.m.FR: 10:00 – 6:00 p.m.SAT: 9:00 – 5:00 p.m.Sundays & MondaysCLOSED

COUNSELING MINISTRYAnswering Service773-962-0043

CREDIT UNION773-962-5686773-723-8382 (fax)TUES & THURS: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.SAT: 9:00 a.m .– 1:00 p.m.SUN: After 7:30 & 11:00 a.m. Services



DRUG & ALCOHOLRECOVERY MINISTRY Tough Love 773-962-5650, Ext. 808Free “N” One 773-962-5650, Ext. 808

FAMILY CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Tommie Jean Ryhal 773-375-6981Eleanor Anderson 773-881-1419




HOUSING MINISTRY773-643-4100, Ext. 15


MATH TUTORIAL773-962-5650

PRISON MINISTRY773-962-5650Mailbox 886Answering Service

TRINITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP.773-962-5650, Ext. 504MON – THUR 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. [email protected]


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January Isaiah 40:1-2 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.

Fe�uary Isaiah 40:4–5 4 “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

Mar� Isaiah 40:11 He tends his �ock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

A�il Isaiah 40:18 To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to?

May Isaiah 40:21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded?

June Isaiah 40:25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.

July Isaiah 40:26 Li� your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

Augu� Isaiah 40:27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my God”?

Septem�r Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? �e LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

Octo�r Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Novem�r Isaiah 40:30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

Decem�r Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. �ey will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

RestorationA God of My heartfelt hope for the congregation in the year 2007 is that each member

will fully embrace what it means to be loved by a God who restores. God is a God of redemption and not a God of condemnation.

Isaiah 40 (NIV)