traffic flow management at intersections to reduce the

Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.13, 2019 815 Traffic Flow Management at Intersections to Reduce the Congestion based on Link Transmission Model Ruotian TANG a, Ryo KANAMORI b, Toshiyuki YAMAMOTO c a Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan a E-mail: [email protected] b Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan b E-mail: [email protected] c Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University, 464-8603, Japan c E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: To solve the increasing urban congestion problem, intelligent transportation system (ITS) is drawing researchersattention. Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) has been recognized as a significant part of ITS solutions for a long time. Most DTA approaches focused on realizing single objectives by solving routing problems but paid less attention to the intersection which is the main bottleneck of urban networks. This paper proposes a method based on the link transmission model (LTM), which manages the traffic flow of each incoming link at the intersection, to reduce the congestion when route choices are determined in advance. This method employs a local linear programming formulation so it can be added to other DTA approaches which have different global objectives. The proposed model and other LTM-based models are tested by simulation data. Results show that the congestion level in the proposed model is lower than other models, while the travel cost remains similar. Keywords: Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Traffic Flow Management, Link Transmission Model, Reduce Congestion, Intersection 1. INTRODUCTION With the rapid urbanization and motorization, traffic congestion has been an increasing social problem in both developed and developing countries. Traffic congestion does not only bring unpleasant experience to individuals but also cause actual financial loss and excess fuel energy consumption (Jayasooriya and Bandara, 2017). Transportation is recognized as one of the main sources for greenhouse gas emission and vehicles produce more emissions in the congestion (Barth and Boriboonsomsin, 2008). According to the report by the Texas Transportation Institute and INRIX (2015), congestion in the U.S. has kept growing since 1982 regardless of the city size. In 2014, 6.9 billion hours of extra time and 3.1 billion gallons of fuel were wasted due to the congestion in the 471 U.S. urban areas, and the corresponding economic cost to the average auto commuter was $ 960. Most developing countries in Asia are experiencing urbanization and motorization, thus facing the same problem which developed countries already have. Barte (2000) pointed out that all large Asian cities outside Japan are more vulnerable to problems caused by congestion than most Western cities at the similar stage in their motorization because Asian cities have higher urban densities but less significant public transport. Traffic congestion results from the imbalance between the traffic demand and supply, so many governments in Asia used to solve the congestion problem by expanding the road capacity, which means increasing the supply (Hook and Replogle, 1996). However, the

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Page 1: Traffic Flow Management at Intersections to Reduce the

Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.13, 2019


Traffic Flow Management at Intersections to Reduce the Congestion based

on Link Transmission Model

Ruotian TANG a, Ryo KANAMORI b, Toshiyuki YAMAMOTO c

a Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan

a E-mail: [email protected]

b Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan

b E-mail: [email protected]

c Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University, 464-8603, Japan

c E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: To solve the increasing urban congestion problem, intelligent transportation system

(ITS) is drawing researchers’ attention. Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) has been

recognized as a significant part of ITS solutions for a long time. Most DTA approaches

focused on realizing single objectives by solving routing problems but paid less attention to

the intersection which is the main bottleneck of urban networks. This paper proposes a

method based on the link transmission model (LTM), which manages the traffic flow of each

incoming link at the intersection, to reduce the congestion when route choices are determined

in advance. This method employs a local linear programming formulation so it can be added

to other DTA approaches which have different global objectives. The proposed model and

other LTM-based models are tested by simulation data. Results show that the congestion level

in the proposed model is lower than other models, while the travel cost remains similar.

Keywords: Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Traffic Flow Management, Link Transmission

Model, Reduce Congestion, Intersection


With the rapid urbanization and motorization, traffic congestion has been an increasing social

problem in both developed and developing countries. Traffic congestion does not only bring

unpleasant experience to individuals but also cause actual financial loss and excess fuel

energy consumption (Jayasooriya and Bandara, 2017). Transportation is recognized as one of

the main sources for greenhouse gas emission and vehicles produce more emissions in the

congestion (Barth and Boriboonsomsin, 2008). According to the report by the Texas

Transportation Institute and INRIX (2015), congestion in the U.S. has kept growing since

1982 regardless of the city size. In 2014, 6.9 billion hours of extra time and 3.1 billion gallons

of fuel were wasted due to the congestion in the 471 U.S. urban areas, and the corresponding

economic cost to the average auto commuter was $ 960. Most developing countries in Asia

are experiencing urbanization and motorization, thus facing the same problem which

developed countries already have. Barte (2000) pointed out that all large Asian cities outside

Japan are more vulnerable to problems caused by congestion than most Western cities at the

similar stage in their motorization because Asian cities have higher urban densities but less

significant public transport.

Traffic congestion results from the imbalance between the traffic demand and supply, so

many governments in Asia used to solve the congestion problem by expanding the road

capacity, which means increasing the supply (Hook and Replogle, 1996). However, the

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expansion of road capacity inversely stimulates the traffic demand, so attention has changed

to other measurements such as traffic demand management (TDM) and intelligent

transportation system (ITS). TDM is mainly aimed at reducing private car use by policy

strategies. According to the report by Tri-State Transportation Campaign (2018), the road

pricing has successfully reduced the congestion and improved the air quality in London,

Stockholm, and Singapore. However, Martin (2006) argued that pricing policy like congestion

charge might have a negative effect on the economy of the target area and the burden of the

extra pricing might finally fall on people living in the target area.

With the development of computer science and data collection technology, there is an

increasing trend to develop ITS solutions for congestion problems. One of the most popular

ITS solutions is to route vehicles on the network based on the dynamic traffic assignment

(DTA). Most DTA research devoted effort to the same goal which is to realize the user

equilibrium (UE) or the system optimum (SO). For example, companies like Google and

TomTom take advantage of real-time traffic information to provide the shortest routes for

drivers so that the UE can be realized. However, there is a problem that congestion might

switch from one route to another if a large number of drivers use the same shortest route (Pan

et al., 2013). As for the SO, there is an increasing tendency to directly consider other

congestion-related issues like environmental sustainability instead of minimizing the total

travel time on the network (Wang et al., 2018). Even though the SO is realized, most drivers

might not follow the routes resulting from the SO in the real world. Although different

combinations of the DTA model and the linear programming formulation can adequately

solve various SO problems, one formulation can only solve one problem because only one

objective function can be used for one global optimization. Therefore, it is sometimes even

counterintuitive that the SO is realized when the road is congested (Bruechner, 2011). Both

the UE and the SO focus on the route determination but ignore the traffic flow management at

the intersection which is the main bottleneck at urban networks. Although there are

researchers focusing on reducing the congestion at the urban intersection by managing traffic

signals (García-Nieto et al., 2012; Park et al., 2000; Wiering, 2000), it is difficult to apply

these methods to wide networks because they are restricted by the situation of their study


In this paper, a DTA-based method is proposed to reduce the congestion by managing

the incoming traffic flows at each intersection instead of optimizing the route choice. This

method combines a local linear programming formulation with the link transmission model

(LTM) to minimize the congestion on the incoming links by optimizing their priority in the

condition that route choices are determined in advance. The reason to use the LTM is that it is

computationally efficient to manage the transition traffic flows between links connected by

the intersection. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be added to other

DTA approaches which have different global objectives like minimizing the total emission.

Moreover, the proposed method is easy to be extended from one application to another

because it has no pre-defined assumption and it is not constrained by the type of intersection.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a review of the literature on

the development of the LTM is presented. In Section 3, the classic LTM and the local linear

programming formulation which is aimed to reduce the congestion at each intersection is

explained. Section 4 tests the proposed model on the Sioux Falls network and compares it

with other LTM-based models. The last section provides conclusions and future work.


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A lot of DTA models are developed, which can be categorized into two groups—the analytical

model and the simulation-based model (Peeta and Ziliaskopoulos, 2001). The

simulation-based approach was preferred when describing the spatiotemporal interactions and

the traffic flow propagation because currently, analytical approaches cannot replicate traffic

relationships adequately. The dynamic network loading (DNL) model plays a critical role in

simulation-based approaches because it can capture the progression of the traffic flow which

accounts for the congestion and delay on networks (Osorio and Flötteröd, 2014).

Among all DNL models, the cell transmission model (CTM) seems a suitable choice

because it can capture traffic flow variability on each link based on the theory of kinematic

waves (KWT) (Daganzo, 1994). However, its application in the real world is constrained by

the triangle shape of the fundamental diagram. Although Sumalee et al. (2011) introduced

stochastic elements to relieve this constraint, Gentile (2010) criticized that the CTM suffered

from high computational cost because it divided a link into small cells, which also

deteriorated the accuracy of the CTM. Therefore, the LTM which can capture the progression

of traffic flow in terms of cumulative counts (Newell, 1993) at the link’s boundaries is

preferred in this paper. It is proven that the LTM is more computationally efficient and robust

than the CTM because it applies simplified KWT without separating the link (Chakraborty et

al., 2018; Gentile, 2010; Nezamuddin and Boyles, 2014).

Yperman (2007) first combined the cumulative curves and the CTM to propose the

classic LTM which was based on the triangle fundamental diagram. Because the assumption

of triangle fundamental diagram limited the application of the classic LTM, Gentile (2010)

proposed a general LTM (GLTM) which was based on any concave fundamental diagram. Van

der Gun et al. (2017) made a similar effort to extend the classic LTM to any continuous

concave fundamental diagram in addition with a capacity drop. Although this extension had

desirable properties like realism, it increased the computational cost and required temporal

discretization to find an approximate solution. Consequently, Bliemer & Raadsen (2018)

proposed on-the-fly multi-step linearization techniques to reduce the computational cost and it

led to an exact solution in continuous time. The LTM was applied only to road networks until

Gentile (2017) extended the LTM to transit and pedestrian networks. To further describe the

traffic situation in the real world, Flötteröd and Osorio (2017) added the stochasticity at the

upstream and downstream boundaries of a link and decomposed the network to capture

stochastic dependencies between queues. So far most LTM research was based on computer

simulation, only a few researchers (Hajiahmadi et al., 2013; Himpe et al., 2016) tested the

LTM with data from the real world.

Since the LTM is computationally efficient and can adequately capture the progression

of traffic flow, it is widely used to address different issues. Although there was no explicit

velocity equation in the LTM, Hajiahmadi et al. (2013) used the delays generated from the

LTM to provide variable speed limit control for traffic networks. Levin (2017) solved the

shared autonomous vehicle routing problem resulting from the combination of the dial-a-ride

service constraints and the linear program for system optimum dynamic traffic assignment

(SODTA) which was modeled by the LTM. To address the environmental issue, Long et al.

(2018) used SODTA models to minimize total system emissions in single destination

networks. Chakraborty et al. (2018) applied the LTM to solve the network design problem by

minimizing the difference between the inflow and the outflow of each link under the

flow-conservation and budget constraints. Gentile (2015) presented a general framework to

reproduce network congestion using GLTM. To reduce the network congestion, Van de Weg et

al. (2016) reformulated the LTM into a linear programming problem to make sure the link

outflow is no more than the corresponding inflow considering the shock-wave dynamics, but

this attempt also ended up minimizing the difference between the inflow and the outflow of

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each link. In general, most research focused on the routing problems by solving the

formulation, but paid less attention to the intersection, so this paper combines the LTM and a

local linear programming formulation to optimize the throughput of each incoming link at

each intersection so as to reduce the congestion on the network in condition that route choices

are determined in advance. In the next section, the classic LTM and its adaptation to reduce

the congestion at each intersection will be explained, readers who need more details about the

classic LTM can refer to Yperman’s (2007) Ph.D. thesis.


3.1 Classic LTM

The LTM network consists of homogeneous links and different types of nodes, including

inhomogeneous node, origin node, destination node, merge node, diverge node, and crossing

node. The main reason why the LTM is more computationally efficient than the CTM is that it

only focuses on the update of the cumulative number of vehicles N(x,t) at the upstream and

downstream boundaries of link i which are denoted as 0

ix and L

ix respectively.

The LTM consists of the link model and the node model. In the link model, two

variables are defined—the sending flow )(tSi and the receiving flow )(tR j

. During the time

interval ttt +, , )(tSi represents the maximum number of vehicles that can potentially

leave the downstream boundary of link i, whereas )(tR j represents the maximum number of

vehicles that can be received from the upstream boundary of link j. They are defined as:

( )

−+= tqtxN


LttxNtS iD




iii ,


0 ,,,min)( (1)

( )


++= tqtxNLk


LttxNtR jUjj





jj ,

0 ,,,min)( (2)


iL , jL : length of link i and j respectively,

ifv , : free-flow speed of link i,

jw : negative maximum spillback wave speed of link j,


jk : jam density of link j,

iDq , : capacity of link i at the downstream boundary, and

jUq , : capacity of link j at the upstream boundary.

In the node model, three variables are defined—the turning fraction )(tij , the priority

fraction )(tij , and the transition flow )(tGij ( )nn JjIi , . nI represents the assemblage of

incoming links of node n, whereas nJ represents the assemblage of outgoing links of node n.

)(tij represents the proportion of vehicles leaving the same incoming link i for different

outgoing links, whereas )(tij represents the proportion of vehicles entering the same

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outgoing link j from different incoming links. )(tGij represents the maximum number of

vehicles that can actually transfer from incoming link i to outgoing link j through node n

during the time interval ttt +, . The main process of the LTM, which is to update the

cumulative number of vehicles, is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Algorithm of updating the cumulative number of vehicles

For each time step t:

⚫ Using the link model to determine )(tSi and )(tR j

for each link.

⚫ Using the node model to determine )(tij , )(tij , and )(tGij for each node.

⚫ For each incoming link i at node n, ( ) ( ) +=+nJ

j ij




i tGtxNttxN )(,,

⚫ For each outgoing link j at node n, ( ) ( ) +=+nI

i ijjj tGtxNttxN )(,, 00

The definition of )(tGij differs according to the type of node. For the inhomogeneous

node which connects one incoming link to one outgoing link, )(tGij is intuitively defined as

)(),(min)( tRtStG jiij = (3)

For the diverge node which connects only one incoming link to two or more outgoing

links, the sending flow of the incoming link is decomposed into several sub-flows denoted by

)(tSij according to )(tij . As mentioned before, most LTM-based SODTA approaches

focused on solving the routing problem which determines the turning fraction. Similarly, in

this paper, )(tij was determined by the route search according to the UE in advance. It is

assumed that vehicles at the intersection obey the first-in-first-out (FIFO) discipline, so the

transition flow for one outgoing link is constrained not only by the receiving flow of this link

but also other outgoing links. Consequently, )(tGij for the diverge node is defined as

)()()( tSttS iijij = (4)



)(),(min)( '



tStStG j






For the merge node which connects two or more incoming links to only one outgoing

link, the receiving flow of the outgoing link is allocated to incoming links according to )(tij .

Thus, )(tGij for the merge node is defined as

)()(),(min)( tRttStG jijijij = (6)

Daganzo (1995) provided another method to calculate )(tGij, but it is preferred when

there are only two incoming links (Hajiahmadi et al., 2013), so it is not discussed here. There

are several methods for calculating )(tij , for example, many researchers (Lebacque, 1996;

Gentile, 2010; Van de Weg et al., 2016; Nezamuddin and Boyles, 2014) used the fixed

fraction which is proportional to the capacity of each incoming link. Except for the capacity,

Jin and Zhang (2003) used fixed fraction which is proportional to the demand of each

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incoming link. In this paper, a new method is proposed to calculate )(tij so as to reduce the

congestion on networks.

For the crossing node which connects two or more incoming links to two or more

outgoing links, it can be treated as the combination of merge and diverge nodes. Therefore,

)(tGij for the crossing node is defined as



)()(),(min)( '




tSttStG j






For the origin node, it is assumed that there is one dummy incoming link which has no

length but infinite capacity. The sending flow of its dummy incoming link is defined as

),()()( 0 txNttNtS ioi −+= (8)


oN : cumulative traffic demand at origin o.

Consequently, the origin node can be treated as the diverge node. Similarly, it is

assumed that the destination node connects to one dummy outgoing link which has no length

but infinite capacity. Thus, the destination node can be treated as the merge node which can

receive all flows from incoming links.

3.2 Local Linear Formulation to Reduce the Congestion

According to Eq. (7), there is no guarantee that the sub-sending-flow )(tSij equals to the

corresponding transition flow )(tGij. The difference between )(tSij

and )(tGij results from

the gap between demand and supply, and the FIFO behavior. This difference implies that there

are vehicles remaining at the link which may cause the congestion. Therefore, a local linear

programming formulation is proposed to reduce the congestion on the network. It minimizes

the difference between the sub-sending-flow and the corresponding transition flow for each

node (intersection) at each time step. The objective function is defined as:

−n nI




ijij tGtS )()(min (9)

Because the crossing node is a mix of merge and diverge nodes, and the origin and

destination nodes can be viewed as diverge and merge nodes respectively, )(tGij for different

types of nodes can be generally represented in the form of the crossing node. Therefore, if

substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (9), the local linear programming formulation can be written as:

n n










ij tRtS

tSttStS )(


)()(),(min)(min '




n n









Jjij t


tRtS )(


)(,1min1)(min '




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)(1,0max)(min '





tRtS ij








subject to,


i ij t 1)(

Since the turning fraction is fixed by solving the routing problem in advance, this linear

programming problem results in optimizing the combination of )(tij to reduce the

congestion at each incoming link at the node. It can be further reformulated as a standard


−+−n nn J








i ttRttS

tRtS ])(1)[()](


)(1[)(min *



+n nn I













)()(max *


* (11)

subject to,


























i ij






In this paper, a local linear programming formulation is combined with the classic LTM to

reduce the congestion on networks. To evaluate the effect of this adjustment, the average

congestion index (ACI) is introduced. It is positively related to the congestion, which means

higher the ACI is, heavier the congestion is on the whole network (Sun et al., 2014). It is

defined as:












i fftt

ttttACI /)






N : assemblage of links (without dummy links) on analyzed network, T

itt : actual travel time of link i during time period T, 0

itt : free-flow travel time of link i, and T

if : traffic flow of link i during time period T.

Three other LTM-based models with different definitions of priority fraction are used to

compare with the proposed model. Their names and definitions of priority fraction are shown

in Table 2.

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Table 2. Models for comparison

Name Definition of priority fraction

Fairness Model nij It /1)( =

Capacity Model =nI

i iiij QQt /)( ( iQ : Capacity at the downstream boundary of link i)

Demand Model =nI

i iiij tStSt )(/)()(

4.1 Simulation Settings

All models are tested on the Sioux Falls network. Attributes of the network are shown in

Table 3 and its topology is shown in Figure 1.

Table 3. Attributes of the Sioux Falls network

Link number Length




Jam density



speed (m/s)

1,2,3,4,5,6,83,84,85,86,87,88 0 10000 10000 30




600 0.5 0.15 30


0,52,53,56,60,61,64,66,67,69,73,76 600 1 0.2 30

16,34 600 1.5 0.2 30

45,51,70,81 840 1 0.2 30

13,26 1200 1.5 0.2 30

19,39,41,46,54,57,63,80 1200 1 0.2 30

7,9 1800 0.5 0.15 30

28,71 2400 1 0.2 30

25,79 2460 1 0.2 30

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Figure 1. Sioux Falls network

Dummy links and dummy nodes connecting to origins and destinations are omitted in

Figure 1. The number without the underline refers to the link number, whereas the number

with the underline refers to the node number. The number with the wavy underline refers to

the origin node number, whereas the number with the dotted underline refers to the

destination node number. In order to find the influence of each model on route search, origins

are concentrated on the top area of the network, whereas destinations are concentrated on the

bottom area. Each link only has one lane.

The assignment period is 300 seconds. Traffic demand of each origin during the

assignment period is the same, which is 1 vehicle/s. Since vehicles cannot go through a link

within one update time interval in the LTM, update time interval should be no more than the

minimum free-flow travel time. In this paper, different update time intervals, which are 1s, 5s,

10s, 15s, and 20s, are tested. The simulation continues after the assignment period until all

vehicles reach the destination. To reproduce the supply uncertainty, a noise which follows the

standard normal distribution is added to the link capacity for both upstream and downstream

boundaries. In addition, OD pairs are also selected randomly. 30 sets of random seed are

tested for each model under different update time intervals. Last but not least, turning

fractions are decided based on the UE using the Method of Successive Average before

vehicles enter the network.

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4.2 Results and Discussions

Besides the ACI, the average travel time (ATT) is also calculated. The travel time consists of

the running time and waiting time on the link, including the waiting time at the origin if

vehicles cannot enter the network immediately. Since the LTM algorithm calculates

cumulative vehicle numbers on discrete time steps, travel time is estimated based on an

interpolation procedure which was explained in Yperman’s (2007) Ph.D. thesis. Results of

both ATT and ACI for each model under different update time intervals are shown in Figure.


Figure 2. Average travel time and average congestion index

As shown in Figure 2, when the update time interval increases, AAT and ACI become

larger because simulation with a shorter time interval can capture more changes in the traffic

flow. It is obvious that the proposed model and the demand model which use dynamic priority

fractions outperform the fairness model and the capacity model which use fixed priority

fractions. The travel cost of the proposed model is slightly higher than that of the demand

model, but the congestion level of the proposed model is much lower. To exclude the

influence of stochasticity from link boundary capacity and OD pairs on the results, a t-test is

conducted between the proposed model and other LTM-based models. Results of the t-test are

shown in Table 4.

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Table 4. Results of the t-test between the proposed model and other LTM-based models

t value for ATT

Update time interval (s) 20 15 10 5 1

Fairness Model -3.49 -5.27 -5.19 -9.10 -12.85

Capacity Model -2.57 -3.18 -2.97 -5.12 -7.10

Demand Model 0.73 1.70 0.75 1.16 1.64

P value for ATT

Update time interval (s) 20 15 10 5 1

Fairness Model 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Capacity Model 0.013 0.002 0.004 0.000 0.000

Demand Model 0.468 0.095 0.455 0.251 0.107

t value for ACI

Update time interval (s) 20 15 10 5 1

Fairness Model -5.78 -6.13 -5.31 -10.59 -15.99

Capacity Model -6.62 -6.37 -4.78 -9.61 -14.31

Demand Model -3.55 -3.10 -2.71 -5.15 -7.60

P value for ACI

Update time interval (s) 20 15 10 5 1

Fairness Model 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Capacity Model 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Demand Model 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.000 0.000

05.0= , sample size=30

According to the results of the t-test in Table 4, the proposed model has a distinct

difference with the fairness model and the capacity model because the proposed model

employs dynamic priority fractions. The average travel time of the proposed model is at the

same level as that of the demand model, but the proposed model has a distinctly lower

congestion level than the demand model. To further find out the reason, the cumulative traffic

flow of each link is calculated. The first 10 links sorted by the difference of cumulative traffic

flow between the proposed model and the demand model in both ascending and descending

orders are shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3. First 10 links sorted by the difference of cumulative traffic flow between the

proposed model and the demand model

The difference of cumulative traffic flow between the proposed model and the demand

model shows the influence of the priority fraction on the route choice. In Figure 3, links in

dotted lines are used more frequently by vehicles in the proposed model, whereas links in

dashed lines are used more frequently by vehicles in the demand model. It is intuitive that

vehicles in the demand model tend to use the shortest path, whereas vehicles in the proposed

model tend to detour, especially at the origins. This explains why the congestion level in the

proposed model is distinctly lower than the demand model and they experience similar

average travel times at the same time. It is reasonable that vehicles in the proposed model use

the less congested road to compensate for the time loss in detouring. To further compare the

difference of the priority fraction between the proposed model and the demand model, three

nodes, which are node 4, 13, and 18, are selected. For simplicity, the update time interval is 1s

and the priority fraction is aggregated by 1 min. Changes of priority fractions for their

incoming links which correspond to the downwards outgoing link are shown in Figure 4.

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(a) Node 4

(b) Node 13

(c) Node 18

Figure 4. Change of priority fractions in the proposed model and the demand model

Because node 4 is the origin node, there is a dummy incoming link (link 3) which is not

shown in Figure 1. Compared with the demand model, the proposed model tends to give

priority to vehicles entering the network at the origin. However, vehicles already on the

network have to wait at the origin node, if they are going to the same outgoing link as

vehicles which are entering the network. Thus, vehicles in the proposed model detour in the

area where there are many origins. As for other nodes, the proposed model tends to give even

priority to each incoming link, which implies it encourages vehicles to use the whole network

instead of some main roads that have large demand. This results in the reduction of

congestion level on the network. Nevertheless, if dummy links were considered when

calculating the ACI, the congestion situation in the proposed model could have been much

better than the demand model.

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This paper combines the classic LTM and a local linear programming formulation which

optimizes the throughput of each incoming link at each intersection to reduce the congestion

on networks. The characteristic of the proposed model is that it reduces the congestion when

the route choice is determined, so it can be added to other existing traffic problem solutions,

such as the routing approach which aims at minimizing the total emission. On the other hand,

the proposed model also affects the decision of these solutions. The proposed model might

have other practical applications, for example, the dynamic determination of priority fraction

can be converted into the real-time signal control; the proposed model can be applied to the

negotiation among vehicles when the car connection and driverless car are realized in the


In this paper, the proposed model is tested on the Sioux Falls network. Results show that

in the proposed model, vehicles already on the network may have to detour when they go

through the origin node, whereas vehicles do not have to wait too long at the origin when they

enter the network. Therefore, even though some vehicles may have to spend more travel time,

the average travel time of total vehicles on the network remains the same and the congestion

level of the network can be reduced significantly. Moreover, the proposed model tries to take

the full advantage of the whole network which can also reduce the congestion.

Although the proposed model outperforms other LTM-based models with different

definitions of priority fraction, the definition that the priority fraction of the incoming link is

proportional to its capacity is mostly used because it is easy to apply in the real world.

Therefore, in the future, a more practical priority management strategy based on the proposed

model should be considered. This paper only proposes the LTM-based method to reduce the

congestion at each intersection but has not combined it with other SODTA approaches, so it is

worthwhile trying to combine them together to realize congestion reduction and other system

optimization goals, such as minimizing the emission, at the same time.


This research is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (Grant Number:

26220906) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and the Center of

Innovation Program from Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST.

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