top 5 ways to go green

5 GO GREEN 1 May 14, 2015 (EASY) WAYS TO in 2015

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1May 14, 2015


in 2015

5. Manage Water!5 is counting down our favorite ways to go green, with some practical tips and considerations to keep in mind throughout the year.

Everyone knows bottled water isn’t the most eco-friendly option for quenching your thirst, but did you know that the EPA’s standards for tap water are more stringent than the FDA’s standards for bottled water?

The benefits of switching to a reusable water bottle are enormous : Glass & metal containers are free of

the chemicals found in plastic. The number of plastic bottles ending

up in landfills is greatly reduced.

4. Get Creative with Transportation!


Here’s a fun one.

Working from home saves on gas - if you can manage even a day or two every week, it can have a major impact on yourself, your family and the world.

If not, let’s re-evaluate how we get there. Most people love their car, but there are a variety of serviceable alternatives. If you take your bike it’s like being at the gym on the way to work!

How much more productive could you be?

3. Maximize Efficiency!3

Efficiency is a big topic with a lot of opportunities!

For example, watering your lawn in the early morning lets it drink up more water, rather than the greedy sun.

We of course cannot ignore lighting! is your go-to resource formaking the transition to LEDs.They are a major upgrade from incandescent and halogen bulbs and use much less energy.

Also be on the lookout for ENERGY STAR®-certified products when shopping for new refrigerators, washing machines, and other home appliances.

The world is rapidly evolving to suit a greener lifestyle in our increasingly paperless, digital society.

There are a number of ways thatyou can lead this charge by minimizing waste in your life.

Download software rather than shipping a disc. Send a PDF via email rather than printing. Order e-tickets for a flight, event, or show, which can save paper and time waiting in line.

Think twice before throwing something away – you or someone else may have another use for it.

2. Minimize Waste!2

1. Healthy Living!1

Choose organic and local foods every chance you get.

It provides you with better nutrition and can help reduce energy use in shipping and processing of food.

Placing plants around your house & office is about as green as you can get – plants filter the air and create a positive, healthy environment. Planting a tree outside is a truly rewarding activity.

Hopefully there are a few things here that you can instill in your everyday life. Start with minimal impact suggestions, then keep going. You never know when you’ll find it, but once you do, brace yourself for

a subtle wave of euphoria.

What is it? You – making a difference.