to situate literature review to the overall research proces

To situate literature review to the overall research process, we offer the diagram in figure 3.1. The researcher looks in two directions. On one hand there is the question being pursued; on the other there is the audiences that must ultimate receive the research results. The research questions is accessed that must ultimately receive the research results. The research question is accessed by means of research strategies and tactics. The strategy or tactic distinction is elaborated in the previous chapters, and is the format for the seven chapters in part II. We depict two bodies of literature because usually at least two are consulted in the course of a research project; often there are many more. One of the bodies of literature is often emphasized more than the other, and the results will most probably contributor to that realm. The arrows drawn from the literature to the various junctures of their research process indicate literature review; it is evident that literature review contributes to every aspect of the process. Additionally, the research result relates to the literature by expanding it. Indeed, the success of the research depends upon whether the audience deems it worthy as an expansion of the literature. Finally, the process is a dynamic one. the relationship between the topic of inquiry, the actions taken to access it, and the researcher's own thinking is an ever-changing reality; the literature review is thus an ongoing activity. It is wrong to limit "lit review" to the beginning of the research process only and to assume that after 20 or 30 titles have been listed, that part of the process is complete. This simply insufficient. In keeping with the framework of the chapters in part II, this chapter considers literature review with a strategy- tactic approach as well. We do not suggest by this that literature review is one kind of research strategy on par with the seven we cover in part II. Literature review is necessary for any research strategy. Here, we merely follow the strategy- tactic format as a means of organizing our material. Section 3.2 addresses the uses of literature review. Section 3.3 addresses some general tactical considerations for the use of literature review. And section 3.4 addresses available resources. But before proceeding with the uses of literature review, we first consider some differences between fact-finding for design and fact- finding for research.

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: To situate literature review to the overall research proces

To situate literature review to the overall research process, we offer the diagram in figure 3.1. The researcher looks in two directions. On one hand there is the question being pursued; on the other there is the audiences that must ultimate receive the research results. The research questions is accessed that must ultimately receive the research results. The research question is accessed by means of research strategies and tactics. The strategy or tactic distinction is elaborated in the previous chapters, and is the format for the seven chapters in part II. We depict two bodies of literature because usually at least two are consulted in the course of a research project; often there are many more. One of the bodies of literature is often emphasized more than the other, and the results will most probably contributor to that realm. The arrows drawn from the literature to the various junctures of their research process indicate literature review; it is evident that literature review contributes to every aspect of the process. Additionally, the research result relates to the literature by expanding it. Indeed, the success of the research depends upon whether the audience deems it worthy as an expansion of the literature. Finally, the process is a dynamic one. the relationship between the topic of inquiry, the actions taken to access it, and the researcher's own thinking is an ever-changing reality; the literature review is thus an ongoing activity. It is wrong to limit "lit review" to the beginning of the research process only and to assume that after 20 or 30 titles have been listed, that part of the process is complete. This simply insufficient.

In keeping with the framework of the chapters in part II, this chapter considers literature review with a strategy- tactic approach as well. We do not suggest by this that literature review is one kind of research strategy on par with the seven we cover in part II. Literature review is necessary for any research strategy. Here, we merely follow the strategy- tactic format as a means of organizing our material. Section 3.2 addresses the uses of literature review. Section 3.3 addresses some general tactical considerations for the use of literature review. And section 3.4 addresses available resources. But before proceeding with the uses of literature review, we first consider some differences between fact-finding for design and fact- finding for research.

Estrutura diagramática para um estudo

Para situar a revisão da literatura para o processo de pesquisa em geral, oferecemos no esquema da figura 3.1. O pesquisador vê em duas direções. Por um lado há a questão levada a cabo, por outro lado, há o público final, que deve receber os resultados da investigação. As questões de pesquisa que é acessada deve finalmente receber os resultados da investigação. A questão de pesquisa é acessada por meio de estratégias e táticas de investigação. A estratégia ou tática distinção é desenvolvida nos capítulos anteriores, e é o formato para os sete capítulos da parte II. Nós retratamos dois corpos de literatura, pois geralmente, pelo menos, dois são consultados no âmbito de um projeto de investigação, muitas vezes, existem muitos mais. Um dos corpos de literatura é geralmente mais enfatizado do que o outro, e os resultados que mais contribuiu provavelmente para esse reino. As setas desenhadas a partir da literatura para o

Page 2: To situate literature review to the overall research proces

momentos diferentes do seu processo de pesquisa indicam revisão da literatura, é evidente que a revisão da literatura contribui para todos os aspectos do processo. Além disso, o resultado da pesquisa diz respeito à literatura expandindo-o. Na verdade, o sucesso da pesquisa depende se o público considerar digno como uma expansão da literatura. Finalmente, o processo é dinâmico. a relação entre o tema da investigação, as medidas tomadas para acessá-lo, e próprio pensamento do pesquisador é uma realidade em constante mutação, a revisão da literatura é, portanto, uma atividade contínua. É errado limitar a "revisão aceso" para o início do processo de investigação, e assumir que, após 20 ou 30 títulos foram listados, que parte do processo está concluída. Isso simplesmente insuficiente. De acordo com o quadro dos capítulos da parte II, este capítulo analisa revisão de literatura com uma abordagem tática-estratégia também. Não sugerimos, com isso, revisão de literatura é uma espécie de estratégia de investigação a par com os sete cobrimos na parte II. A revisão da literatura é necessária para qualquer estratégia de investigação. Aqui, nós apenas seguir o formato tática-estratégia como um meio de organizar o nosso material. Seção 3.2 aborda a utilização da revisão de literatura. Seção 3.3 aborda algumas considerações gerais tático para o uso da revisão de literatura. E os recursos secção 3.4 endereços disponíveis. Mas antes de prosseguir com a utilização de revisão da literatura, em primeiro lugar considerar algumas diferenças entre averiguação e de design de averiguação à investigação.