theology notes 2nd quarter

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  • 8/4/2019 Theology Notes 2nd quarter


    / Jertpngobats >rD/ " $+yri::.i'+intt r8ebnottegetutrnngI4ffi*, Alabans ills illage*#,ffi* Alabang, untinlupaity6i)*$ffi': HIGH5Cl'!0*L trEPAFITMET{T -Thot ln oll thhgE God mog be Glorlfled-i!ai

    THEOLOGYIINorms of MoralifyLaw &CottscienceAccord ingo S t .ThomasAqu inas

    LAW$ are ORDINANCESof REASON;. the awmust ebased n he nsight f reasonntovalue;. that s, reasonecognizes hat sgood;good swhatwe ought o follow(moral

    obligations);he awmakes s ollowwhat sgood;. lawsmust e easonablen so ar'asheyarearticulatlonsf thegoodwhich

    reasonecognizesndwhichwe aremorally bligedo promote.PROMULGATED.|TITlte COMtrfONIGOODT --

    . Lawsaremadeknown o thosewhoareboundo obseryehem,

    . Lawsare not mennt o nrposeardshipsr needlessestrictions;

    . True aw ends o make oodmen/womenur of us; iberatess romperverseandmistakenudgments,herebyeadings o ourultimate nd.

    by ONE WIIO I{AS CI{ARGEcf socicty.

    CLASSESOF LATYSETERNAL LAW- God'seternal lan n creatingheuniyglse nd n assigningo each reatureherein specificnature- providesor thecosmic rder vhereFeveryreature tands ifferent nd ndependentut notapartrom heunified urposef creationNATURAL LT\W

    Is themoralorder a directive, rderingman owardsultimateend)whicharisesrom thenatureof man andcreation ndwhichcanbe recognized y man's eason.t is alsodivinenaturalaw becausetsorigin s ultirrratelyraced ack o thewil l of godHUN{AI\ LA\Y- Laws enacted y churchor stateEcclesiasticalaw andcivi l law- A human aw derives ts binding orce rornnatural aw andultimately rom eternal awa concrete pplication f natural aw

  • 8/4/2019 Theology Notes 2nd quarter


    Consciences the ability or laculty hat distinguishes hetherone'sactionsare right orwrong. It can ead o feelingsof remorsewhen a humandoes hings hatgo againsthis/hermoralvaluesand o feelingsof rectitude r integritywhenactions onform o suchnorms.

    The extent o rvhichconsciencerrforrnsmoral r-rdgmenteforean actionand whethersuchmoral udgmentsare,or shouldbe, basedwholly in reason asoccasioned ebate hroughmuchof the historyof Westernphilosophy,Commonlyusedmetaphorsor consciencencludethe "yoice vithin" and he ,,inncr liglt,,.

    The nnersense f what s right or wrong n one's onduct r motives,mpellingonetoward ightaction: o follow thedictates f conscience

    Kinds of Consciencel. TRUE or CORRECT Conscience{ The mind makinga correctmoral udgmenton sonleactioneither o be performedor alreadydone.'/ When he consciences true,a person's ubjectiveudgment orrespondso theobjective act ha ta particular urnan ct s morallygoodor morallywrong.,/ It judgeswhat s goodasgoodandwhat s evil asevil.'/ The udgmentof the mind when it concludes orrectly rom true principles hatsome ct s Iawf,ul r sinful

    EXAMPLE:Praying egularlyandwillingly helpingothers vhomeverhey may be especiallyin timesof greatneed.

    FALSE or ERRONEOUSConscience/ The udgmentof the mind when it wrongly decideshat somethings lawful bu tthat n fbct s unlawful,or viceversa.'/ The error may be due to the false principlesused or becausehe mind wasdarkened r confusedn its reasoning rocess.'/ Erroneous r false udges ncorrectly ha twhat is good s evil andwhat is evil isgood.,/ Erroneousor false colscience hasconscience.

    EXAMPLE:two types: the ctrlpable and inculpable

    Drinking largeamounts f alcoholicbeveragesinceal l of my friendsdo it and tmakesme ook cool.a. CULPABLE Conscience

    or malice-desiringain, njury,or distresso another.) Culpabilityassumes ufficientawareness nd (internal)consent o the evildone.

  • 8/4/2019 Theology Notes 2nd quarter


    easiero quicklygaina lot of money hat wayb. INCULPAIILE Conscience

    objectively vi l action.because f emotional ressure r coercion,s not reallyguilty beforeGod.

    EXAMPLE: ''Didn't really ntend o sleepduringclasshoursbut couldn'thelp t due o staying plate o finish he project.

    3. CERTAIN Conscience'/ Certainconsciences a subjective ssurancef the awfulness r unlawfulness fa certainactivity.'/ A stateof mind when it has no prudent earof beingwrong about ts udgmentonsomemoral issueand firmly decides hat someactien s right or wrongExample:

    Parents spanking their children whenever he or she did somethingwrong,believinghat t is thebestmethodo discipl inehem.4. DOUBTFUL Corrscicnce'/ Doubtful consciences a state of mind when it cannot certainlydecide or oragainst course f actionand eaveshe person nsureabout he moralityof whatone s to do .or rvhatonentavhgvedone.'/ One sign oi a doubtful "onr"i"n"e is that it givesrise to a positive udgmentwitha prudent fear of being wrong, or more commonly to a negative udgment inwhich the person oesnot know whether nact s awful or not.'/ A doubtful consciences a vacillating conscience nable to form a definitejudgmenton a certainaction.

    EXAMPLE,:Seeingyour friend stealingyour other friend'smoney and being crossedas towhetheror not you should ell for it mightdestroy our friendship.5. SCRUPULOUSCONSCIENCI'/ Scrupulous ottsciences a rigorousconscience, xtremelyafraidof committingevil.'/ It is meticulous ndwants ncontrover-tibleroofsbefore t acts./ An erroneous ottscience hen he mind s undulyswayed y fearand udges hatsomethings wrong hat n fact s awful.Example.

    Wlterieverempted,teworries imself ick,believing ehas ommitted in,evenwhenhe hasnot yielded o the emptation nebit, evenwhen hehasactuallyabhorredt.6. LAX COI{SCIENCE

    / An erroneous onscience henthe mind decideson insuffrcientgrounds hat asinful act s permissible r that something ravelywrong is not serious.'/ Is onewhichrefuseso be bothered bout he distinction f goodandevil.,/ It rusheson and s quick to justify itself.'/ A personwith a lax consciencesuallyhasa "huhalana" attitude.

  • 8/4/2019 Theology Notes 2nd quarter


    Example:Playingal l day ong nstead f studying or theexams, aring essabout hegrades f the est esults.

    The IMPORTANCE of ConscienceOf all God'screatures, nly humanbeingshavea conscience. his is the part within that

    eitheraccuses r excuses ou (Rom.2:15).When you dealwith yourconscience,ou aredealingwith both your spirit and your heart. f your conscience asneverbeendealtwith, you areof nouse o theLord.

    Example:A radiohasa little receiver,withoutwhich t will notwork. The paintmaybe chipped, ut the

    radiowill still work as ongas he receivers good.

    The same s trueof our conscience,t mustbe kept n goodworkingorder.Whenwe firstreceived he gospel, he Lord/required hat we confess ur sins.Confessing ur sinsclearsourconscience-Without repentingand confessingyour sins, you could not havebeen saved.TheSpirit of God couldnot havegotten nto you. Onceyou repentandconfess, he Spirit enters ntoyou.The more horoughhe confessions, he moreSpirityou havewithin.

    .ThreeSENSES f Consciencel. ConscienceSa cnpacity.

    To recognizeight andwrong.Consciences a capacity f thehumanperson,hiscapacity elates o your basicorientation oward he good.2. Conscience s a process f moral reasoning.

    This involvessearching achsituation or the right thing to do, you need o learnwhatmoralvaltres re n orclero ac taccordingo your consciencey using he acts.Your consciencemustbe formedand nforrned,which is a lifelong process.3. Consciences a urlgntent.

    You need o examineal l of the factors n order to properlymake a judgment,decision,and o go throughwith your decisionandcommit to it.

    This s the heartof yourcotrscience,ou cornnrito whatyou believe,andyouractions redoingwhat you think s right andnot doingwhatyou think s wrong.

    TERMS TO REMEMBER1' conscience It is the inner voice that tells us to do good andavoid evil. It guidesus and

    directsour actionsn conformitywith thewill of Godand eachings f the Church.2. Beatitudes Thebasicprinciples f life in God's kingdom.3. Temptation - It is theattraction r pressureo do whatwe know s sinful.

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    4. Virtue - A habit hatperlecthepowers f the soul intellectwill andmemory) nd nclinesone o dogood.

    5. Occasion f sin-A person, lace r hing hatcouldeadone o sin.6. Tr.r.cor corrcct- It is tlreconsciencehathasnrade sincere ffort o discoverhe ruth and

    one hat acts n accordance ith the Word of God and he teachings f the church.7. Weak consciertcc A consciencehat may know what is riglrt but hasn't he courageor

    spiritualpower o do what s right.Or it mayknow what s wrongand sinful andyet it doesit .

    8. Scrupulousconscience- his person requently hinks that it is sinningwhen in fact it isnot. t hasbeensaid hat a personwith thisconsciencehinks hatGod s a tyrant.

    9. Lax conscience A consciencehat is insensitiveo the good hat ought o be doneand he evil thatought o be shunned.

    10. nformed conscience One that has sought o inform and educate tself about a particularmoral issue.For Catholics nforming one's consciencewill always involve a prayerfulreflectionon what scriptureand he official teachingof the churchhas o say on a particularissue
