the young official and her visit to a new land


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This is a childrens book written for an assignment in AP world history on the Mongolians.


Page 1: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

By: Libby Dotson


Page 2: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

She got off of her hardy horse and stepped onto the moist green grass that was so very different from her home

country in Karakorum. Khutlunun had finally arrived to the new capitol Beijing from the old capitol of the Mongolian

empire Karakorum.

Page 3: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

It was the rule of the Chengzong because the great Kublai Khan, who had founded the Yuan dynasty of China, was now


Page 4: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

She was KHUTULUN, also called the shining moon. She was the niece of Kublai khan, the founder of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty

in China. She was strong, beautiful and powerful. She was a military trained woman who was afraid of absolutely nothing.

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Her uncle had recently passed away and she was finally relocating to the new capital of the empire, much to her

disdain. She would have much rather stayed in the simple but resourceful Karakorum.

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She had heard many tales of this new capitol and its extravagance and beauty. She had also heard about the women living in this city and their oppressed lives. She had also been warned not to travel

alone, however she compeltly disregarded that.

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She had rode for days and days and was weary, smelly, and a little frazzled. Getting off her horse she approached the

gates of the great city. The gate keeper seeing her told her to be off, this greatly angered her and she stood their for many

minutes arguing with him.

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His fellow gate keeper (mind you they were both Chinese NOT Mongolian) was completely shell shocked that a

women had the nerve to argue with a man! However she remained completely oblivious.

Page 9: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

Finally after he realized who she was they let her through. They tried to take her horse but she absolutely refused. She

led her horse through the gates of the capitol Beijing, for some reason however she did not notice all the weird stares

she was getting from people all around her.

Page 10: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

Walking through the mighty capitol she was taken back. This was very different from Karakorum….

Page 11: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

This city was extravagant and colorful. The towers, which were much more elaborate and decorated then the tents of

Karakorum, were tall and intricately designed. In the distance she could even see the tent of the ruling Khan, which was even more elaborate of a tent then what she was used to.

Page 12: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

The thing that fascinated her the most, however, was the people of this city. The difference between the Chinese and

the Mongolians was completely apparent to anyone who walked the streets of Beijing. Especially the difference

between the women.


Page 13: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

She knew that the Mongolians worked very hard to keep their culture separated from the ethnic Chinese, and now she knew


Page 14: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

The women walking down the street looked so….delicate! Khutlulun was disgusted. They walked about with heavy and

elaborate dresses, reserved and submissive to the man at their side. They even had a hard time walking, hobbling

slowly down the street. “Why is that?” she thought.

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She approached a fruit stand with an elderly ethnic Chinese man working. The surprise on his face that a women was actually

approaching him was evident. It was obvious that Mongolian women didn’t frequent this area often.

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“How are you today,” Khutlunun said

With surprise written all over his face he finally stumbled across the words, “Fine, what would you like”

Khutlunun then went on to ask why the Chinese women were hobbling about so very timidly.

He then preceded to explain about the practice of foot binding. At a young age the girls bind their feet because small feet are a sign of beauty.

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Khutlunun took off down the street completely dismayed. She could not help but notice the oppression and angst on their faces. This was so very different then what she was

used to in Karakorum, their women walked with heads held high, they walked with pride and power and confidence.

“What a shame,” she thought.

Page 18: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

It finally hit her how uneducated on other cultures she was. Her new goal was to learn all about the Chinese culture while living here. Even though it was forbidden to actually practice Chinese activities she was going to become educated on how they lived,

and maybe even help their women find themselves some independence.

Page 19: The Young Official and Her Visit to A New Land

Fox, Susan. "Mongolia Monday." Susan Fox. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov 2011. <


"Yuan Dynasty." Travel China Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov 2011. <>.

"The best of Asia ." Global Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov 2011. <>.

"In memory of Zulsar." Mongolia Culture Blog. N.p., October 12th. Web. 17 Nov 2011. <>.

. "Shangguan Wan’er – First Female Premier in Chinese History." Ancient Chinese Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov 2011.
