the winds of saturn

§ The Winds of Saturn § and their effect on its figure and rotation rate by Daanish Maqbool – TERPS Conference, 2012 – College Park, MD Introduction The rotation rate of Saturn has been the subject of some controversy 1,2 . The rotation rate inferred from radio emissions (e.g. Saturn Kilometric Radiation, SKR) has been observed to change over time 1 . Using Voyager (1980 - 1981) data, the period was observed to be 10 hours, 39 minutes, 24 seconds, but data from Cassini (2002 - 2004) showed a period of 10 hours, 45 minutes, and 45 seconds. For these reasons, Anderson and Schubert 2 have attempted to derive the rotation rate of Saturn using a novel method which is independent of any radio emissions data. This is accomplished by using the measured gravitational properties of Saturn, in addition to zonal wind velocities calculated by tracking cloud features in images supplied by Voyager 2 3 . Calculation Method The first step in the process is to calculate a reference geoid for Saturn, i.e. a surface of equal gravitational potential at a point that is co-rotating with the surface of Saturn. In polar coordinates, this surface is defined as 4 ( ) ( ) φ ω φ φ 2 2 2 1 2 2 cos 2 1 sin , r P J r GM r GM r U i i i - + - = = Where P 2i is the Legendre polynomial of degree 2i and ω is the assumed rotation rate. The gravitational coefficients J 2i can be obtained from Voyager and/or Cassini radio Doppler data 2 . In practice, the preceding equation must be iterated for r at every latitude (φ) for the reference value of the gravitational potential, U ref , which was set to the value calculated at the polar radius, (because the polar radius is known from radio occultation data 4 ). Once a reference geoid of Saturn has been calculated, the next step is to calculate how the winds would perturb this geoid. The change in height of the geoid (i.e. height above and normal to the reference geoid) resulting from the winds is 4 () () () ( ) ( ) () φ φ ψ ψ φ φ φ ω φ π φ d r r V V g h ref ref ref ref W W cos sin cos 2 1 2 + + = where V W is the zonal wind velocity and <g> is the average gravitational acceleration along the height of the geoid. ψ ref is defined as ( ) r ref g g φ ψ arctan = where ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ] φ ω φ φ sin 1 3 2 sin 1 2 , 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 P r P r R J i r GM r GM r g i i i i r - + + + - = = ( ) ( ) ( ) φ φ ω φ φ φ φ d dP r d dP r R J r GM r g i i i i sin 3 1 sin , 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 - - = = For an assumed rotation rate, ω, a certain height distribution above the reference geoid will be produced. Anderson and Schubert 2 calculated the value of ω for which the change in height of the geoid due to the winds in minimized in an average sense (Fig. 1). This corresponds to the condition that would minimize the energy needed to drive the winds 2 . Their value of ω which minimizes height variations corresponds to a rotation rate of 10 hours, 32 minutes, and 35 seconds. Mismatch at the Poles A striking feature of figure 1 is that the poles are offset by about 10 km, which is a significant discrepancy and has been described by the authors as ‘puzzling’. This implies that the centers of figure and mass of Saturn are not coincident 2 . While there is no clear reason for such an offset (it has been speculated that this is some seasonal Figure 1 Height due to winds above the reference geoid for different values of rotation rate (PIII is slowest rotation and PI is the fastest). Adapted from ref. 2.

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by Daanish MaqboolThe rotation rate of Saturn has been the subject of somecontroversy. The rotation rate inferred from radioemissions (e.g. Saturn Kilometric Radiation, SKR) hasbeen observed to change over time1. Using Voyager (1980- 1981) data, the period was observed to be 10 hours, 39minutes, 24 seconds, but data from Cassini (2002 - 2004)showed a period of 10 hours, 45 minutes, and 45 seconds.For these reasons, Anderson and Schubert have attemptedto derive the rotation rate of Saturn using a novel methodwhich is independent of any radio emissions data. This isaccomplished by using the measured gravitationalproperties of Saturn, in addition to zonal wind velocitiescalculated by tracking cloud features in images supplied byVoyager 2.


  • The Winds of Saturn and their effect on its figure and rotation rate

    by Daanish Maqbool

    TERPS Conference, 2012

    College Park, MD


    The rotation rate of Saturn has been the subject of some controversy1,2. The rotation rate inferred from radio emissions (e.g. Saturn Kilometric Radiation, SKR) has been observed to change over time1. Using Voyager (1980 - 1981) data, the period was observed to be 10 hours, 39 minutes, 24 seconds, but data from Cassini (2002 - 2004) showed a period of 10 hours, 45 minutes, and 45 seconds. For these reasons, Anderson and Schubert2 have attempted to derive the rotation rate of Saturn using a novel method which is independent of any radio emissions data. This is accomplished by using the measured gravitational properties of Saturn, in addition to zonal wind velocities calculated by tracking cloud features in images supplied by Voyager 23.

    Calculation Method

    The first step in the process is to calculate a reference geoid for Saturn, i.e. a surface of equal gravitational potential at a point that is co-rotating with the surface of Saturn. In polar coordinates, this surface is defined as4

    ( ) ( ) 2221

    22 cos21

    sin, rPJr



    iii +=


    Where P2i is the Legendre polynomial of degree 2i and is the assumed rotation rate. The gravitational coefficients J2i can be obtained from Voyager and/or Cassini radio Doppler data2. In practice, the preceding equation must be iterated for r at every latitude () for the reference value of the gravitational potential, Uref, which was set to the value calculated at the polar radius, (because the polar radius is known from radio occultation data4).

    Once a reference geoid of Saturn has been calculated, the next step is to calculate how the winds would perturb this geoid. The change in height of the geoid (i.e. height above and normal to the reference geoid) resulting from the winds is4

    ( ) ( ) ( )( )

    ( ) ( )





    h refref






    212 +


    where VW is the zonal wind velocity and is the average gravitational acceleration along the height of the geoid. ref is defined as ( )rref gg arctan=


    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( )[ ]


















    ( ) ( ) ( )

















    For an assumed rotation rate, , a certain height distribution above the reference geoid will be produced. Anderson and Schubert2 calculated the value of for which the change in height of the geoid due to the winds in minimized in an average sense (Fig. 1). This corresponds to the condition that would minimize the energy needed to drive the winds2. Their value of which minimizes height variations corresponds to a rotation rate of 10 hours, 32 minutes, and 35 seconds.

    Mismatch at the Poles

    A striking feature of figure 1 is that the poles are offset by about 10 km, which is a significant discrepancy and has been described by the authors as puzzling. This implies that the centers of figure and mass of Saturn are not coincident2. While there is no clear reason for such an offset (it has been speculated that this is some seasonal

    Figure 1 Height due to winds above the reference geoid for different values of rotation rate (PIII is slowest rotation and PI is the fastest). Adapted from ref. 2.

  • effect4), I will explore the possibility that this is due to uncertainties in the zonal wind data by repeating the calculations of refs. 2 and 4, but with slightly modified data sets.

    Correction 1: Zero Velocity at Poles

    The original zonal wind data provided by Smith et al.3 is in the form of discrete points, whereas the results of refs. 2 and 4 are in the form of continuous lines. One is therefore led to believe that some aspect of curve-fitting was involved in the process of calculating geoid heights. Furthermore, the zonal wind velocity at the poles in not specified in the data of Smith et al.3 (which is expected to be zero), and it is therefore possible that the curve-fitting processes of refs. 2 and 4 produced a non-zero velocity at the poles which may be reason for the discrepancy in the pole heights. After adding zero velocity data points at the poles to the original data set of Smith et al.3 (and using linear interpolation to calculate values in between given data), the calculations for geoid height were performed and the results are plotted in figure 2.

    -50 0 50 100 150-100





    Altitude (km)




    Height due to w indsReference Geoid

    It can be seen from figure 2 that the wind velocities at the poles are not the reason for the pole height mismatch. After inspecting the integral in the equation for h(), it is apparent that the asymmetry in the wind velocities is responsible for this discrepancy.

    Correction 2: Wind Velocity Magnitude

    The effects of magnitude uncertainties in the wind velocity data were also explored. The velocities were perturbed by + 20 m/s, and the resulting heights were calculated (Fig. 3). It can be seen that the magnitude of the heights changes, but there is no appreciable change at the poles.

    0 50 100 150




    Altitude (km)




    VW - 20 m/sVWVW + 20 m/s

    Correction 3: Wind Velocity Latitude

    For the final correction, the data was shifted in latitude. It was found that the pole heights were sensitive to this latitude shift, and a shift in the data of -2.5 removed the pole height mismatch (Fig. 4).

    0 50 100




    Altitude (km)




    - 2.5 deg.data4

    The uncertainty in the data of Smith et al.3 has not been specified by the authors. However, this study suggests that if the uncertainty in the latitude of the zonal wind data3 is up to 2.5, then the pole height mismatch can be accounted for.


    1Gurnett, D. A. et al., The variable rotation period of the inner region of Saturn's plasma disk, Science, 316, 20th April, 2007 2Anderson, J. D. and Schubert, G., Saturns Gravitational Field, Internal Rotation, And Interior Structure, Science, 317, 7th September, 2007 3Smith, B. A. et al., A New Look at the Saturn System: The Voyager 2 Images, Science, Vol. 215, 29th January, 1982 4Lindal, G. F., Sweetnam, D. N., and Eshleman, V. R., The Atmosphere of Saturn: An Analysis of the Voyager Radio Occultation Measurements, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 90, no.6, June, 1985

    Figure 2 Height variations above the reference geoid with zero wind velocity at the poles.

    Figure 3 The effect of zonal wind velocity magnitude on geoid height

    Figure 4 The effect of a shift in wind location (latitude). A downward shift of 2.5 removes the pole height mismatch