the water cycle the stages in detail what are the stages?! what are the stages?! 1

The Water Cycle The stages in detail What are the stages?! 1

Upload: bryan-mcgee

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • The Water Cycle The stages in detail What are the stages?! What are the stages?! 1
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  • The 4 Stages Evaporation: Water absorbs energy from the sun and heats up. It turns into gas and rises. Condensation: The gas form begins to cool and form clouds. Precipitation: The temperature warms up, and the clouds water molecules get too heavy. The water droplets fall. This can be rain, snow, or sleet. Accumulation: The fallen droplets accumulate into a larger body of water. It will always have the goal to getting in the ocean. I wonder if there is an easier way to remember these I wonder if there is an easier way to remember these 5
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  • SONG: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation on my head. Accumulation in the ocean. The water cycle starts again! Tune: (Oh My Darling) Clementine Accumulation Lets test our knowledge ! Lets test our knowledge ! 4
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  • A: Accumulation What is the first stage of the Water Cycle? A: Accumulation B: Evaporation C: Condensation
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  • Precipitation is A: Rain B: Rain & Snow C: Snow & Sleet D: Rain, Snow & Sleet D: Rain, Snow & Sleet
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  • Finish the lyrics: Accumulation in A: The Sewers C: The Ocean B: A Puddle D: The Soil
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  • What stage do these form? A: Evaporation B: Condensation C: Precipitation D: Accumulation
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  • Try to think of our song What comes first? NOPE Go Back & Try Again
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  • Try to think of all types of water forms that fall out of the sky Not Quite. Go Back & Try Again
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  • Rain, snow and sleet are all different precipitation we see falling from the clouds above us. Exactly! NEXT QUESTION
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  • Accumulation in the ocean. The water cycle starts again!! YES! NEXT QUESTION
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  • While water can accumulate here, what location is waters goal to reach?? Try Again Go Back & Try Again
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  • Think about what stage the water cools first. Sorry, That is Incorrect. Go Back & Try Again
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  • Clouds form when the water cools and condenses! Awesome! Thats All Folks!
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  • Next time we will learn body movements to go with the song!! Great Job Class! Credit s Credit s
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  • Picture Credits sflr/water.html view Boston/bid/116282/The-Best-Offense-is-a-Good- Defense-Back-Up-Data-Recovery-Solutions 1