the sun. (new york, ny) 1913-09-23 [p 9]. · 2017-12-16 · of course mr. cohan been guilty nf the...

COHAN'S BURLESQUE FARCE IS A WINNER In "SfTn Ryg to Rnldpntp" t Oforjrfl Prlmim Add to HI- - AT'THOR FOOLS AUDIENCE Start I Slow, hut PlnvN Fimnv Srcond llrilf Mopp Tlinn ltpdeomn It. r In Raldnate " l the Aetnr Theatre. William Hallnwcll Magee. WeJla'e Mdtngor Mi b. tjulmhy iJtOTtfl 'irnhnm j John WaitI .FvrntH n. rrHtt Miry N'nrf nn .... Mfirn.trft (lrn Mr, Rho4lT)i . . , liOrrtn Aiwnnd ' PMr JOWptl A Urn Mm Chill Kunn I .mi Mux iin niirphlldi Jim 'irnn Martin 1, Alunp Thorn t "lmiI Hrnnkr tt was in o'clock last t ight before the Ufal opportunity to cnjo.i a hearty laugh Thtfi thr mipponpfi mhrtntui ft witm in thri' to lin ? in thr fftfCi inmtr hv ttofffl M. nfmn from K 1'. H ( - novrl "Sevtll K'V to H.ildpH t' ' m "tjf to hell I" it whh of ooufM not whnt Ur smi'I nor nltor'tlicr thi way in whti h slip hhIo" it thut niado th ohb i' frctattrf hrm. It wmh Ihfl appro printrnpfm of th- oharrvalion to th fhatnatir fituation in wltiih stio And III Olhffl1 rharai lt iM worn plact-tl- . Tin n the sppctatoin had watthorl no rn1 of phjM 1atnR anrl worr itnxioun for IODM ODpor tuntty to indiiato an tntorHt In tht plav drrihril aa a "tnystory farrr." Mm thrt- had h'v ROM up to that point Th- 'ohan cohnrtH with all tloir nolM aeuld not provoht mora than a polite ex- - , nressl-.- good Itatura after Die rurtam cell on the ftrat of the two arts. Hut that did not prevent the play from turning into one of the most delirious hits or fooling that the New York ptlbllo has witnessed In malty a moon. There was nothing hut delight in every secne of the aeropd net The flrst had called out the sympathy .f the wlaaacrea They were I at a loss to understand why au. h . master 01 his .raft as c.eorge Primus should have so far falleel as to leave no sense suspense In hla play. I lay 'tart, With waer. A writer of seiiKational tletion made a wager with a friend that he could create one ot hla maaterpleves in twenty-fou- r hours if the conditions were favoranie. 80 the audience saw him enter In mid winter a summer hotel on the top of a mountain. There he waa to find solitude to win hia In.nftO. He had the only kc . an there could he no interruption. After presented Baldpale. carrying appeared contrived deceiving morning. chsrectet the ouipiit. eltngethe'r produces Whstcvcr the Inter- pretation Kddlngct cartalnly grafting lieutenant TSLP2nfTK,'Ll!!?Ml!S! small stage rustlrlty. Kane knew Then the admirable tha caretakera midwinter Imparted all WOMAN PROPOSES" AT rpM-n- " HIchalalHl twelve hours the caretaker was to re- - Washington. Sepi .:' The tuin the manuscript. presented at the Belaaco hi There were other keys. The llrst play by George Scarborough no element Of hut the titled Bay," ith Sianding and expoaltlon of of these kcya. as the players llx crook to hide The hears resemhlan. ' 1200.000 safe to lie for the other parties to transaction which The laid in Washington and to roh hand over rail-- , 'he story efforts nf franchise for nothing. A re- - Hnlljrnok. an of fortune, t, the dishonest Mayor the secret who are loved to pose ' tu prove that Untbrook accomplice the crooks heart committed murder, the of the railroad line. Others the cast were Howell, possessed keya and thla Mordant. Majeronl. which pictured with Voung. Walter Hlnes. Free-gre- realism It was the sensational Barnes. Lrhay, novelist who thwarted them nil wh. Mason. Kred Harry the curtain fell on this disappointing tiist act had all these conspirators stretched across the of stage the man- ner of an old fashioned minstrel first part with pistol them at hay. All this had hcen unusual, hut It had don little in interest the spectators, al- - though the types were all with the unfailing Cohan realism and humor. The audience was sick by this time of the mention of the arious keys to BaldpatS and no careil If there were hun- dred in existence. tidlrnif pprehenal ve. The rose on act showing the character" in precisely the same attitude they when it What did Cohan have up his sleeve tn le- - deem the of that opening act wss the question that came to the mind of every of work. Throughout the scenes of this flrst act he bur- lesqued serious melodrama. Too often had the hero said that he written such Incidents, hut never lived them 1i was nlain that repetition of any similar material meant flna! disaster io "Seven Keys to The hero was keeping his prisoners in place until the girl with the $200 01)0 In her possession as an evidence of bribery to the omce oi net paper. In IM interim me nran ana women turned on one another and their mutual recriminations were delightful One of the gang lost his temper and shot their feminine accomplice. A telephone message that the reporter hud loat the money body of the murdered was hidden In an upper room The hero was temporarily overmastered locked away with his hermit ally. The bodv of the woman was carried into e.n.r .iirrentltlouslv the police ar rived. There breathless here for half an hour with the police for body the heroine seeking her laat monev Play Moves Swiftly. Me, nlav ever moved with P.a The ewlfter more grapnn Wn in the familiar of the drama nf uplift denounced the ailroad presi dent who waa the real thief in hle efforts to earn more money than anybody elae. What seemed like ghastly fun of the murdered woman over the tii imnnaaibilltv of every situation which had seemed thrilling enough to be plausible, the intense Interest by .. .. it.. nf . I,, i monev ine luuun) by the police who telephoned his wife to meet him In Canada after he hud placed lil.000 In hia pocket and Its final deetructlon In the flic by the hermit gll these situations In their real light when other the wager appeared and explained that he had all these scenes Just to prove to his friends that others than he could Jusl surh Incidents as those out of ho made his Looks Of course Mr. Cohan been guilty nf the crime of audience. But he had deceived It so delightfully and with surh rapid and Incessant fun during the second half of his play that nobody ever hold It against him. To see the murdered lady reappedr In tha flesh, the hermit tear his mangy wig and the other crooks reveal themselves as proper in the Joke waa Just aa amusing ae to contemplate all their wlekedneaa In Its flrst form. And even the test of Dion Boucloault that no farce should ever leave Its audience ashamed uf having In tta fun would apply too In "Seven to Baldpate." It la the man who did laugh during the second act who ought to be ashamed of himself thla Mo In edits of the discomfiture of friend after the first art Mr. Cohan has aggin put to hla credit the most amusing pisjr aeen here eince he gave this grateful public Rich Quick Walllngford." It Is a fortunate outlook for thoee who seek such amusement In the playhouse thai Vjtvaa) Keya lo Baldpale" will bo on view least ogough for gll of them to enjoy llg humor. It Ik all so Istlc of the heat of Cohen It Is no anil of the minute, so national and , Idiomatic that II delight to aeknowl- - ' edge lh. unique mastery of thin wrlt.r In his Held. NotHXly hi pleye aa Mr. Cohan does ha might hp ahla to accomplish with work of others It la not possible to say. flut ha made "vary separate artor engaged In tha of hla mystery laat night Ilk a genius. Wallace ' smooth HaauiHiii'p waa all that ha was called upon to exhibit. There waa Fur-i- i' I'ratt, not known to famr. who mala real character out of the of tha Mayor, who hL I?. n imf, t. run i it. i n i ,n,.-- u mu. n note of real pathos hla burlesque acanaa of itraperntlon faar. Claude Brook Ha villa? president Carletnn Macy the poll''"1 captain, who hud been horn In New Yiirk even If ha did In a town, wore hoth recognisable types of (tall played not only with Intelligence hut real distinction aa the woman who waa ready to tell all ah. seemed to get shot for her pains. Margaret Greene, aa j repnrier. una iwoon. wno ruoorn her for aake of the Mayor whom she loved, quite aa aa others In th caet. And yet none of them waa superior In denoting fidelity to nature to Edgar Haletend Jessie Ira ham. who as the called upon to open summer hotel In to the audience vividly the discomforts of their task. And the on. scene in which Hi t Ion passed with Its airy rotunda Its snow covered glass doors was so rcali.-tl- as to send chill h" KEITH'S. run I rmitrnm'n Nrn Onr rf ' Oman t Krith nlon Hqaar Thralrr. WniMn i Ruth Alln Man Walter Hith'-nr- MaMl inj wui Bdirmrd Horn' M liraic Mttrlon Paid daoraji jour .h Di n r Hop Miriam rolllnii Jark ..... ... Alb rt rnminhrr ShuhrrtK and receive j Theatre lf tl t a new Interest "At w (Ju the existence Heme featured were revealed. A came piece no e to The In the called hy lUr," h th" mm author a are was town and a concern! the Larry road woman Irish s, 'Idler porter, and hla as- - outwit service men. a hermit who as a deavorlng a sweet-ghos- a woman of j has and president in George thev all entered Edwin Mario Phyllia deserted hotel, was Horton. S. K man Edward Chariot and n Hilton and Hadtleld. front the in his keeping longer a firoaa curtain the second held fell. Mr. slowness admirer his had had a reporter got news came The woman and a and waa action searching the and action manner the aroused l. .1 .... .. ui ." captain the the party to Invent which had his could off en- tirely cltlsene revelled Keya not his "0t ' (lip l a farce H a 1 Htirl tha railroad and as llva and the were and a the ami a through audience 1 a I latH Artrtatronn. who haa written plnya of th undorworld. the moat l.,(ltll Imi n rr "Tko fclH , ... ,. 1, I, prn,1(.orl Ht tht. ,.vr1,: ThPI,,r on Satur. ,,,, ,,,.,,,.,, from his apparently imM. ,i, ,...,..,1..,. he produced "Woman Proposes" at B. K. Keith's I'nlon Square Theatre, flla 11 w effort la a COmedy In one act and its character are all "In society" In- -' stead Vf In the underworld. a m him DUIfallM Mi- - Armmtwnnm I. a a ' uuMmhiai) . ra,,hi, enmnanv h..H.H ,. Rutn Allan, who recently appeared in n.. . i ,,r the P s a" kit, th. that few minutes of dialogue the Interest In the piece never lagged, anil helng so .in.rcnt rrom the usual run of vaude- - vir pavlcttt Mr. Armstronja little comedy held the interest of the audience throughout SHUBERTS PRESENT "AT BAY. Opening; lakes Place at Relaaen Theatre In Washington. e Hnrleaqar Attractions, The Rosey Posey Qtfls are appearing this week at the Columhia Theatre In a new two net travesty called "The Cay Widow of Itoscy Posey ville There is a large cast, including Adeline Koattina, nay Montgomery and the llealey BUtera, ,,. Hh kman. c.eorge A Clark. Joe Opp, Anthony Cortelli, Kuby Grey, Helen Reynolds. Rose JogfftOttg and a large, chorus ntid ballet. The t lolden Crook Company Is the at- traction at the Murray Hill Theatre this week. This season's offering Is a new called "From Riches to Uags." In which are introduced several specialty features. Including n ballet with twenty COryPheea, a troupe of Russian dancers and the Hippodrome Four. The principals In the caet are Frank A. Burt. Frank Itobson. lack 8trouae, Msud Rock- well ami Flo Vernon. Wargrlg In "The Auctioneer" gala Hai.t m "in:. Sept 22. Pavld Warfield opened his season here in "The Auctioneer Detore an auoience tnai crowded Ford's Opera House. The event had special interest because It signalised Mr. Warlleld's return to comedy, playing again the first of his great roles. WEDDINGS. II ae era I Da v III sun. Passaic. X. J., Sept. 22 The iriairiage of Miss Minerva Davidson, daughter of the Rev. Philip Davidson, to Dr. tieorge Hacerat of New ork tisk place this eve- ning In the Congregation Tihllim Syna- gogue. The ceremony was performed by Habbl Solomon K. Jaffe, chief rabhl of New York ami president of the Association of Rabbis of the I'nlted Slates, assisted by KaDbl Uavld lilnshurg or YV I Ikes Da l re, Pa. Miss Davidson Was attended by her sister. Miss Charlotte Davidson. Miss Lillian Lobsenr, Miss Clara Frledland, Miss Jeanette Welnsteln, Mlsa Ruth Brusky and Miss Madeline Frledland. . ..,.: ... t n.. ... k.u.. asnai wjvs ara . -- was flower girl The best man was Solomon Newman of New York. The ushers were the Rev. Isidore M. Dayidson nf New York, a brother of the bride Samuel (Hickman, Abram Wulfsen and Otto C. Kaplan. Heltrrsan I,) neh. Sens tor William .1. Heffernan of Hrooklyn and Miss Mary Agnes Lynch, daughter of Mrs. Anua D. Lynch of 79a President Btreet, were married yesterday at si. Francis Xavler'a Church on the Park Slope by th Rev. Father David J. Hlrkey, the rector. The bride waa given away by William Dancher. her uncle, and Mrs. Kdward Raleigh, her sister was her only attendant. lames .1. Heffernan. a brother of the Senator, was heat man. The honeymoon will be spent at Wash- ington and Old Point Comfort, and will be short, aa Senator Heffernan intends to resume his seat at the Sulzer impeach- ment trial. MARIE PEARY WOT ENGAGED. Admiral Denies Danerbtrr Ie lo Wed Ksglnrrr MaeMlllan. Portland. Me., Sept. 22. Prom his summer realdence on Kagle Island Rear Admiral Robert K. Peary lesued a denial thla morning of the reported engagement of his daughter. Mlsa Marie Peary, to Donald MaeMlllan. the Arctic explorer, who is now on hie way to the far north. A telegram from Admiral Peary In reply to a message of Inquiry regarding the rumor aaya: "The report that my daughter, Marie, la engaged lo MaeMlllan If you Would give' this fact the publicity as the original despatch. Swift A t'omnanv'a salts of freak Heef In New Yerk city for the week ending Heiurdsy . Sept. 10, evsragsu asv mate ear gaunu, .tap, THE SUN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. FEDERAL BILL ' J THE MARRIAGE MARKET." I Donald Brian Reverfa tn Waltaea In -v Comedy. The Marriage Market" At he Hnlrkerheeker Theatre. Bdward Pleetwood.x roni't pjnn Senaler Ab K Ollroy. fieorge T Meerh Bjhl Paced San.iy Ony Nichols liesleaa Rin 0. Vaudlveer abort y rinshlp rink Tsbssro Ned Arthur DaUChS 'heyenne Harry Arthur Metenif 111 Tl . Fiw1n PJureh ' 'aptftln tli atarlp ss Frsnk A'l-l- i.or i Hurllnghatn PerclVaJ Knight Hllnker Arthur Heyavids Mariposa Dllrov Vanlla Kltahugh A middy Cleele gewell Ktiiiiiu Mort Maimertag Doieres Marls Annls Kit!) Kent Carroll MeComaa The newest 1911 model musical comedy oame to town last night when Donald Hrlan appeared at the Knickerbocker i neaire in iiu ausrriaaw asaravt. originally designed and patented in Vienna and London, hut fitted with all the latest and most up to date devices for the American trade. To this end a large force of play mechanics have been busily at work for some tune, with the result that the play laat night was right up to the minute In every detail, even to the lamp ahade dresses uf the chorus girls There was no danger that any one would steal the honors from IHmald Brian. There wasn't a woman In the company who could touch htm for charm and grace. He la still abnormally young, with a smile that would harm a bird on a bush that is. a lady bird. He danced with all the grace and spirit that won hlin his first success, hut who- - ever goes to ' The Marriage Market ex- - pectlng lo pick up some new tango steps will la disappointed, for this piece is a reversion to the waltz, ai d all Mr. Hi urn's dances, and there are a lot of them, are in that measure. However, there were some waits steps, dtps and turns and glides that it Is safe to say a lot of people hurried home to try before bed- time It is no secret that Mr. Hi tan Is not as nimble with his voice as he is with his teet, and much of the music of last night's pioductlon was plainly tieyond him But no one cared so long as tie danced, which he did most of Hi lime. As a matter of fact the music of "The Marriage Market" was out of reach of about all the members of the company, a notable exception being Miss Veuite, Filzhugh, who played opposite Mr Hrlan, and who sang all her numbers tastefully and well, and was besides, except for a smile that wouldn t come off, exceedingly good to look at. The music of the piece, which was hy Victor Jacobt and Jerome Kearn. was notably good. Most of the numbers de- signed lo be popular were In waltz time, and stranger things have happened than that this pretty, lilting music should start the tide away from ragtime. The solos and duets were all delightful, hut the choruses lacked a little of the tuneful swing that might have heen looked for. In addition to Miss Fltshugh. the prin- cipal women were Miss Carroll McComas. who danced very charmingly ami had a whistling solo besides, and Miss Moya Mannerlng, who sang a little and danced a good deal mure, to the evident pleasure of the audience. Perclval Knight and his voire provided the chief laughs of the play, though Arthur Reynolds as a valet worked harder and got lege. S0THERN MARL0WE APPLAUSE. tihaleapeare Festival at the Man- hattan Fresh Triumph. B. H. Sot hern, with never a trace of the throat trouble that rumor from Al- bany had afflicted him with, and Julia Marlowe, with all the charm and grace that I. Ml. s Marlowe', own, began last night at the Manhattan Opera House their Shakespeare festival, which has be- come a moat welcome fixture of New York's season. How strong Is their following was shown by Hie audience that filled the Manhattan. It was un audience quick to applaud, and had It been more difficult to pleaae II muet have been won to appre- ciation by the work of Mr. Hot hern. Miss Marlowe and their supporting company. The play waa "Much Ado About Noth- ing," and there have been practically no changes In the cast since the play was " '" Tentperatore al Atlantic Illy. Atlantic Citt, Sept. 22 tempera- ture at noon her to-d- waa 70. PROPOSED TO FIX " Going some ! TOURISTS BY l.rvrai. Sept 22 Motor arrivals at the Hotel Aaplnwall y Included the following New Yorkers: .Mrs .1. K. Chamherlln. Miss Chamber-ll- n. 111 a Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Bal-l.tii- in a Simplex. Mr. and Mi s. S. haefer, .Mr. and Mrs. Bclnitck. In a Peerless ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lai berry, In a Simple". Mr and Mrs. W C. Palmer, in a Ptal . B. M Liv ingston, irt a Pierce. Watkrmi i:v. Sept. 22. Automobile ar- rivals from New Yovk at the Hotel BUM Include : Mr. and Mrs Bernard Handler. Master Handle'. Mrs. Vlctorlus. the Misses s. In a Packard: Mr. and Mrs. (' Mover and son. In a Cadillac lir. and Mrs. Qeorge Wilkinson. Miss Wilkinson, Mis c II. Purdy, in a Royal Tourist. CHANGES IN THE PLAYBILLS. Presentation, at the Combination Houses This Week. William Morris Invited an afternoon audience to the Royal Theatre yesterday to hear Cosmo Hamilton's lecture on his play "The BllndneM of Virtue." which was acted by an Knglish company at that theatre in the evening. Mr. Hamilton called his lecture "A Plea for the Younger tleneration." "What Happened to Mary." as Olive Wyndham illustrates her fate, was ex- hibited at the Grand Opera House last night and may be observed there during the week. This is Owen Davis's 177th play "The Third Degree." always regarded as one of the most interesting of Charles Klein's plas. Is at the Academy of Music 1'riscllla Knowles plays the role acted first hy Helen Ware The stock company at the Harlem Opera House Is appearing ii. "The War- rens of Virginia," which David Helasco produced at the Republic Theatre several years ago. Llnthicum and Mal- colm Dunn are the lending actors of the company. "Oh! Oh' Delphlne." which has heen popular In New York for more than a year, is at the IfontaUk Theatre in Hrook- lyn. The company is the same as that which produced the farce at the Knick- erbocker Theatre. gfgUlice Maeterlinck's Idyl "The Blue Bird" was presented last night at the Ma- jestic Theatre. Hrooklyn. by a company Including many of the actors in the orig- inal comp.ttiy. MANY ON HOT SPRINGS LINKS. Mrs, Va R. French F.ntertalns at the Virginia Resort. Hot Si'Rinus. Va , Sept. 22 -- Many golfers were out practising y to get Into form for the annual tournament early next month. Among those on the course were Alfred and Hubert Batoballer, who arrived last night from Washington: Mrs. L. C, Tiffany and her sister, Miss II. Kly of New York Mia. Seth Barton Pranoh and hay duughter ClgrlOe , PTgnk tlunlher. who Is a guest gi Harlon Lodge, and Hat-to- French: Mrs. A. H. Is.eb and Allen laiub uf Chi- - rugo, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bingham of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. M. Howard Park of Pittsburg. Mr. und Mrs. D V Wood-War- W. C. Van Cllef. Miss Charlotte; Bid ridge, Karrar liateson. Rutherford Trowbridge. William C. Cornwell mid Mr. and Mrs. QugtgVe Krh. Mr. and Mrs Karl Cutler arrived from MorrtetOWP for a stuy of soma weeks. New York arrival! Included Mr. and Mrs. c.eorge W. Hicks. William T. Hldrldge, .miss B, h. M, Minion and X. K. Oulland. H. K. Kldrldge came from Newport, Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Hamilton and Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Ityerson from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bradley from Portland. Me,, and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Shenhcrd from Boston. Plays and Players. (irace George will begin her sea- son under (he management of Charles Krohman, appearing at Asburv Park In J. M. Karrlea new play "Half an Hour. ' which will he preceded by Stanley Houghton a new three act comedv "The Younger lieneratlon." Both wlil come to the Lyceum Theatre on Thurs- day night. The Hhuberl. have secured from the Adolf Philtpp Company the English speaking rights to "The Midnight Ulrl," the French musical farce comedy In three acts by Paul HerVO, with music by Jean Briquet and Mr. Phillpp, and which Is now playing In Herman at the Adolf Phillpp Theatre. "The Midnight Olrl" will In) produced about Christinas Day at tha Casino Theatre. TRAIN SPEED i AUTOMOBILE Raymond W h: Mi-- s White, in a Packard. atAHcHimm, vi . Sept Arrivals hy automobile a: the Uqulnox House in- clude the following from Near York: Robert H Simpson, ''apt. s. i,. gafford, in a Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Kemp, tn a Packard; K"iert a. Cooke, i. t. Haven. Jr., In a Peerless: Mrs P. P, Duryea, in a I'lerce; t. K. Whiting, Mrs. Whiting and children, in a Cadillac. BnaTToN Ufsips. x. II. Bept 22. Among the X York arrivals by motor j y ai the Mount Washington were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B, Chase, Miss Louis., chase. In u Packard . Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Ktnch. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vaughn. In a Simplex ; K. L. Pearson. M. H. Hail. Albert T. llilmore. in a Packard. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. AJdrtcK Mr. and Mrs. .1. J Muxwcii. ma Pierce-Arro- NEWPORT MAY GET NEW HOTEL. Men of Summer ColtSB nlri tn Ifc i.oi.iuk tiier Central Plot. Nkwi-okt- Sept. Several men of the summer colony have combined tq build a new hotel here, and hac been looking at a lurne tract of land in the centr of the city, according t" a report here, A luncheon was given at t lie Russian BmbaSSJ y b) Ambassador and Mini', Hakhmeteff Hermann Oetrlehe returned to his studies at Columbia, beini taken to Xew York b) Vincent Aatoi on the steam yacht Noma. Mrs Herbert m Harrlman, who dosed her season here, went to Long Island to Join Mr Harrlman. Having concluded her Vlall to Mrs J. I rrcuericK t lersou, .virs. .1. sxiicneu 1 lara returned to Xcw York. Mis. Nathaniel Thayer, who u,ts v isi t n r Mrs K. Liv.ngs- - ton Boockraen at Land'i Und, has gone to Lancaster. Mass After ipendlng the week end here, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Isellh returned to Xew York Mr. and Mis. Reginald C Vahder- - bllt closed Bandy Point Farm In Ports mouth Henry Wallers and Pembroke Jones, Jr.. returned lo Ken York Mi. ' and Mrs Pembroke Jones remained here with Mr. and Mrs. .1 itusscll Pope, then and daughtei Mi- - (b ulge D. Wldener, with George D VVIdener, Jr., ... ... . ... ... auu ai, snu Airs r. r. 1,1x01, wno nau the Join, is. Drexel villa this summer, started y for Bikini Pais. Pa Mi and Mi- - T Suffers, Taller will close Mone v suckle uoage 101 the season on OotObat L They will g,e a dinner on eiinesiia 111 11011. , or ,ir. ami .Mrs. .1. Howell Qrlawold, Jr., or Baltimore Mis It. 1. Uammell has as h Bllesl MISS I Itoniela Dahlcren. Lispenurd Stewart, Dudley O uauiier I and Seymour Johnson returned to N York This Week In Vaudeville. Hammerslein's Victoria Theatre has a bill of eleven acts this week headed by Mrs. Bvelyn Neeblt Thaw and Jack Clif- ford. Some of the other acts are Prank Pognrly. the Courtetuty Sistets. IfcMahOt! and fhappcllc. Lew Brlcs and Lillian QOfllte, Morgan. Bailey and Morgan. Alexander and sett. Ka) Two ColeyB Kyan and Martin. tiua Krlwards's ''BlfUfVillo t'aharet'' heads the bill tins week at Proctor's Pifth Avenue Theatre. Other acts are Mine. Husse and her toy terriers, Kdwin Stevens. Herl Melrose. Lynn Overman and company In a playlet "What Are You Doing in My Room?" Hayden and Bertln, BielOW, Campbell and Rgyden, Kelly and Poloik. Jeanne d'Ksle und the Juggling Burkes. Maurice and W alton, who returned from Kurope on Wednesday, ure appearing this Week at the Colon 1,1 Then tie. They are presenting a series of new dances "Nep- tune's Harden of Living Stulues," Belle Baker. Bowers. Wallers and Crookei, Allan Dlnehart and Ann Heritage. Will- iam A. Weston, Cgnfletd and Ashley, Cooper and Robinson and the Alexander Brothers, complete the bill Jack Wilson, assisted by Ada Lane and Jack Boyle, are heading the hill this week nt the Alhamhra Theatre in a new act called "An Impromptu Revue." other acta on the bill arc the regsrma. R. I,. (Soldheig, William Macart and Kllilynne Bradfonl In "The Second ( icneration." W'illard Htmma and company. Vlollnsky, Williams and W'olfus, Nick's Skating Oirls and the Itosaires. Heading the bill this week at ICelth'a Bronx Theatre Is Amelia Bingham in her "Big Moment. From Ureal Playa ' The balance of the programme Includes llva Kay. Billy McDermoll, Howard and Rai rllffew Roberi Emmet Keanc. tlcorgo B, Reno and lompapi, led and Ethel Doolcx, Those (Trench UIHl and the Flying SOUTHAMPTON GAY AFTER RAIN CEASES Mr. I,nndstrPft 0ivig Fflrcfvoll Dlnnrr at the Roof MANY 00 TO HOT SPRIN0S Mpsm'h. Rrokaw. Thaw ami Car-- ) nojrir Kntprort in Fall Golf Tourney There. Km th amp ms, t. I , Sept '.'2 - This sfier-noo- n the rain, which had hren continuous since Inst Krldav. i'eaed and Southampton again became the areioi of much activity Many were nut motoring and driving Mrs Fairfax S l,andtreet gave a fare- - ell dinner to twelve of her friends on Satur- day nighl at the Hoot collage, a hlch she has heett occupying this season. Mrs. laind-stre- is planning to leave on Thursday. Mr and Mrs tleorge .lefTries Hussell. with Richard Baldwin of Kasi Orange, N J are itnaitiii weeks motor trip and will visit Hot Springs, Va . before returning The flev Nelson Chester of Caldwell, If, J., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs fieorge l.lacom m iheir cottage nn South Main street. Mr and Mrs. W, H. Schnnnmaker are at the lied LiiOn Inn. Slnckhridge Mrs Mex II Tiers Is at the Homestead Hotel, Hot Springs. Va. Miss Alice Kortrighl, who was here during the height of the season, will he one of the bridesmaids at the coming wed ding of Miss Marion Kllsworlh Aahmore to K. franklin Bieaster. Jr., hleh will lake place In the Peiiot Chattel. New London, on Oeiober 4. Mr and Mrs William Manu-- and Miss ssimIi Hemsen Mnnne have .nisi returned trom peapack. N. J.( where they attended the marriage nf Miss Mariory Blair to Will- iam Clark, a son of Mr. and Mrs. .!. William lark of New ork Last week the engage mem of Miss Man Ice to Charles Henry Mellon ol Philadelphia was announced Miss Mantee was Introduced lo society i wo seasons ago and has taken an active part in the social hie here this season Miss Zella De MlltlgU, who has heen vis- iting with Miss Bairy in New ork the past week, returned la- -t night Among the recent arrivals at the Irving Mouse la C. I Ryan, who will he here lor the remainder of this month. Peter Cooper Briee of Roslvn a ai tha Meadow Club for a lew days stay. Mr. Hrice hns Jusl returned Irom a trip abroad. Mrs William C foilllvcr is also at the club after a istt with Mr. and Mrs. Kdward C Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. (iardiner arrived Mrs HOWard Page fa leaving On Wednes day, as arc also Mr Mini Mrs V. C Per kins. Mrs Robert Waller, who has leased her cottage to B it. chlsholni. Is at the Homestead Hotel at Hot Springs, where she has taken an apartment. Mrs. A. M. Board closes her house on Wednesday anil will go lo Tuxedo Park lor the autumn. DE HEREDIAS HAVE 20 GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. John C. lireenleaf Mso Rnterlaln at Lenox. I,1V"V Sept Mr and Mrs Carlos de llereilia gave ,i dinner lor twenty guests Bl Wheaileiah Mrs Walter C. Humstone ot Hrooklyn cave an auction hridge at the Maplewood. entertaining twenty-fo- ur friends The prize winners were Mrs Willanl l Kdjmtnster. Mrs Reginald Montforl Inns, Mrs. IMgar T. Lawrence, Mr- - Charles Merrill. Mrs Mat thews and Mi- -s Bara Mills Mr and Mr- - John t Hreentoal gioe a dinner at flock Lawn, having Mr and Mrs Samuel Prothingbatn, Mr and Mrs, Henry Holllater Pease. Mr and Mrs. David T.I Dana ami William H. Dixon among their' guests, Mr and Mr- - Francis 1. v Hoppln, who were staying with Mr and Mrs Nowbold I Morn- -, returned to New ork Mr and Mrs Joseph n Cboate, lr , and family went to Mount Ki-- after a sx weeks visit to Mr and Mrs Joseph II Chnate at Naum- - lieag. Btookbrtdgi Mr. and Mrs Stephen C t lark, who were week end guests of Mi-- s Isabel D Shoiier. returned tp Cooperstown. Miss (irace grown of Cooperstown is a guest or Mis- - ghotter, Mrs .1 Frederick Bchenok has ,.nt , invitations for a dinner al Valley iPar to morrow night Complimentary to ner guests. Mrs Hamilton Klsh Benjamin .r u. YafL iI and Mrs Bnanoar Caahv am Mr- - Charles II. shepard of Washing- ton Mrs Thomas Shields Clarke has Issued cards lor luncheon for Iw ent friends at Fernbrooke on Wednesday fternoon. Prnl and Mrs Charles f I handler have gone to 1si1 Mr and Mr- - Joseph II. Clioate. Mr- - Jin 0I1 W Miller ol New York is visit- ing Mrs Morris K Jesupai tolvolrTerraca. Sir anil Mrs i McRa Livingston and. Mr and Mrs Hubert P H untington started lor New ork Mr ami Mrs. John Hutton " " ". V.SI atid Itainlolpn llcaiiieston 01 111 fwinghani Mr and Mrs lliraud Foster; grp n Sou Vork lo t Mrs, Chariot Car roll ,1m koit, "ho will arrive from Europe "''.k ,, Jessie i' I. who was with Mr. all(,ur- - wte, I Cobb in Plttafleld, has gone to Xew ork In New 1 itrk To-da- y. Republican state convention, Carnegie, Hall. II A M American institute ,,r ,,, mi nf v York. fair. bJnglneertni Building, II West Thletv. ninth street. S A M. Io 111 I'. M. Arbitrators hetween Kaetern railroads ani their conduetori and trainmen meet at Hotel Manhattan. Hoard of Aldermen meets to elect a Notes of the Knelal World. Mi and Mrs. Dulany Howlanrt and Miss Anna Wright are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Percy It Pyne at I'pton Pyne in Bernartsvllla x. .1. Mrs. John c wilmerding, who recently returned from Richfield Springs, is visit- - ,ng Mr H,, Mls. As,,, phelpa In Oyster Hay. L I Miss Maria de Barrtl left un Sunday for Quebec and will return to 'i Baal Thirty ninth street on October 2 Mr and Mrs DeWrgO Marshall Allen and Miss Loraine Marshall Allen, who pegged the summer motoring in Burope, are ;n Morrlatown, x. .1. ehare hey will ! remain for the autumn, afterward going to 777 Madison avenue Mra '!. Trowbridge Hollister will gives raceptlon early ill December at her hom 110 Park avenue, lo introduce to society her daughter. Miss Dorothy Trowbridge I Hollister Mr. and Mis Robert van de Velde and Hie latter's mother. Mrs. Augusts du Resle Blanchel, have returned from a trip to Alaska and Canada. The Russian Ambassador and Mine. RakhmetetT will leave Newport early In October and will be at the Rim Carlton before reluming to Washington. Hen and Mrs Kdward P. Mesny will give a dinner on Friday night at their country place In Convent, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge I.. Storm will give a dance at their country place in Organ wlch, Conn . on Friday night Mrs. E II il. Slater of Washington and Mra. Charles Baldwin have returned from Newport and are al the Mr and Mrs William II Post of Og- - denaburg, N v, .ra al tin- si. Regit foi a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs Rrudish Johnson and Miss Mario (J, Johnson uie al the ew-- 9 MATKEWS0N A PLAYWRTOHT. aaehall Piece hy filaata' Ptteker eea at Atlaatlo City. Atlantic Citt. Rept. II. At tha Apollo Theatre Christy Mathew-ao- pitcher for the New York Olanta. made hla debut aa a playwright. In col- laboration with Tilda Johnson Young, au- thor of "Brown of Harvard" and "The Letterman." "Fair Play" Is tha name of the eomedr. in the cat are William Courteney, Ueorge Fawcett. frank Craven, Ralph Stuart, Calvin Thomas and the Mlaaes lone McOrane. Ixla Plsher, Marlon Bal- lot! and Kthel Kfannard. MARRIED. rri.lTKft At t.ks Tahne. I'si.. en Hsfurdsy, sepi.tni.rr 2A. 111. t'onstsnee Helen, dsughler of Mrs Jo- seph Pulltser nf New York illy, to William tlrny Elmslle of l.ondnn Kn- - laad DIED. BROWN, Vancouver, n. c, n sptm-he- nn, 4'ha.rle Brnwn of 14 Llneoln place. Brooklyn. In his 7Sd yesr. Funeral annnunrement later t'PRTIS At his residence, rhilhem. Mast Saturday. September 2S. fir. .Inhn lireen furtla. son of the lale tjeorgs and .lulls ftrldgham furfls. In his Sftth vai. Hervlrss at the church nf the Knlphany. I.sxlngtnn avenue and Thirty-fift- street. ItH P. M Wednesday, Septem- ber 14. DUDLKT. Passed quietly away af Syrarusa. X. V . on Sunday. Seplenther 21. 191.1. Wealthy BUM Post, n Mow nf .Inhn Dudley of Walltngfnrd, f'nnn . and mother ef Henrv Lewis Dudley rif Ynnkers, N. v.. In hr !tth vest. Interment at In Memnrlam Cemetery. Walllngford. roan. PKROCSON On September 22. Maude wife nf A. W. Ferguson, aged f,7 years. Services Stephen Merrill's ''hapet :: Kigbth avemie. utdneedayi P. Mi MAMNB Robert, aged "7. letvlces "TUB PVNBBAX OMBRCH," IM West Twenty-thlri- l I B. Campbell Bldg.t, Tuesds, io e'eioelt. Autntnohlle cortege. MOLOXKV - At Chester. N T en Septem- ber 21. lilt, Honors Moloney, mother ef the Rev. .lames A. Moloney, Arrive foal nf west Twenty ibird street, Xew York. Wednesday, K:3S A M thence tn church of th rpiphanv. Meeond avenue. nnr Twenty-firs- t street Requiem st 10 o'clock. rlTKIN. lohn W.. at F.nglssnnn. N J. atttrday, September 20. 1913 Pongeel ssrvlcej at his late residence, tfiit- - sldt avenue. Rnglewood. N .1., nn Tu"-day- , Sep'etnber 23. st 1:11 I" M Train leaves Krle station, Jersey Cttv. 3:14 P M RBBD. at hla boms In (treat Harrington. Mass.. on Sunday, geptem ber 21. HIS, Charles Reed, formerly nf Yonkra. In the 'th year of his age Funeral aervleea will be held at KslrfteM Farms. Hrest Barrtngtnn. on Tuesdsv. September 23. at 1:30 P.M. Convey- ances will be In waiting at '"Jreat Harrington nn arrival ef the X. T N. H H R R. train leaving rlrnn.l Central Terminal at :RS A. M Re turning train leaves Great Borrlng'nn at t:S7 P. M. RODtOBB - At Oreenerleh, ennn i Sun-day- , September 2t. 1913, Oornells. v Mow of Rudolf Rodlger, and daughtei ef the late Kea;-.e- and Bllstlwth tarh lacy TAil On Pundav. September 21. CSStmll Tag. sen of the lata t'harlsa and Cerolloe M. Tag Funeral services at hi- - la's residence, ?is Hancock street. Brooklyn, Tuesday, September :J. st r. M. Interment private. Kindly omit flow-ers- . WHITK At West Ilea, ling. Conn, in hr' r.'.th yesr. Mary i. White, widow nf Charles W White of New York Services, Wednesday, t o'clock, 111 West Thirteenth street. WILSON On Mn.l v. Sepiemh-- r "Z. It,!! Charles Irving Wllsnn. RrlKS.ll''r-,;"- n eral I'. S. A. , retired,, In the 77th ye.-n- his age. Funeral services at his late residence, t ; a Knt Thlrtyfourth street. Wednesday, the I'tth Inst . t 4 I' M Interment AritnRton Waohlngton, d C, Military trder nf the Loyal Legion Com mandery of the Htate of New Terk , 'ompaalon Charles Wilson died leniber !2. 1913 Kunerni Wednceday, ieptember t. Iltl at 4 P. M.. al 12a Rast Thin y fourt ) s'reet Cnmpdnlens sill att'-n- By rrrter ef BOWtN BTBWABT, Cemmandei william a COQgWBIJ Becordsr BBHOBIAL BBIOM ITIONfl TACl Tile trustees ef ine t',r'n.,n gavlngs Bank In the city "f New Veilc hi a speria.1 meeting held th day ef September. 1912, h:, received with jeep nnrrnw the announcement of th" demlss of their beloved preeldent, Mr Caalmlr Tug. and record the following rseoltttloni on the minutes: In the death of Calnilr Tag the Oermm Savings Hank sustains th less of ta worthy preeldent anil the trustees ha-- ' heen deprived of an ricemed friend und earnest coworker .Honor was 'he guiding motlvs of bl tiff Rsoognlslni ids manly wertii and virtue the trustees of tiiis Institution ehyotod him a member of III b.iard .May .'. ''"1 a member of tiir oommlttss on llnsnes Jsnusry I, till: second Mirrh s. 1100. Oral lull :'. 1000. and president October " 1101 He was :ru, lo a trusts reposed in him und a wise counsellor hi the delibera- tions f the beard His for.e of char- acter, iterllng Integrity and seun.i .lung. ment won the confidence of sjl having iMtiilnns with the bunk, and his chsrm f manner and kindliness endeared him to all who know him. It Is also eur happiness 'o know that In other fteid. which humanity invoke ihe services of men hla labor and earnest bonCVOjonCi were always ef. fsetfvs, Tha trustees deeply lament the of their friend, and gratefully roourdtng ihelr high appreciation "f the services rendered h him te Ihs iunk aei desirous of expressing iheir daspfell sorrow to the bereaved family, offer a tribute of affection 10 his memory at the purling in the poet's fateful words: "Woh. da-- - wlr seheldon muessen ' RegolVedi Thai tins board altenl tha funeral setvlces in a body and tha' tha tvg f ihe bank te displayed at half mast unlit the duv ufier the funeral. RsealVed, Tlisi these resoiutlnns h- - print in ths preet of this city and thai sn engrossed copy thereof h, sent te ilie funiilv of the depsrted tMNDsWTAKBBg. XVlkow MCJIuR. HEAR5E5 rfhQi TtHSSOSIt CHILSU ! INTFLUtlLNT , seJentlBe and ssnltsry mat hod. I'NITKD STATKS CltKWATIflN ('n4l'AN. Ulddls Milage. L I, I'amphieia free 'Phone 6170 Wllllsmahurg I'lKMIN tl NOTICI I hereby slven that I w ill not he rebisanslhle for Ihe debts mode bv mi wife K.B. Peeples. ' It T PKKPl.Bg INI'OHMATION WANTLII. I I.I the ladies w hn were In e lei lot of NlerS lints, la- -l Ftl,U between II und L'.and uitne-t- e the arrest of a woman please niiuiiiuiiicele with iv in mix mibi.NUi.m,. mp.ikrow. lei. MM IleokniaB.

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-09-23 [p 9]. · 2017-12-16 · Of course Mr. Cohan been guilty nf the crime of audience. But he had deceived It so delightfully and with surh rapid and



In "SfTn Ryg to Rnldpntp"t

Oforjrfl Prlmim Add toHI- -


Start I Slow, hut PlnvN FimnvSrcond llrilf Mopp Tlinn

ltpdeomn It.

r In Raldnate " l theAetnr Theatre.

William Hallnwcll Magee.WeJla'e Mdtngor

Mi b. tjulmhy iJtOTtfl 'irnhnm j

John WaitI .FvrntH n. rrHttMiry N'nrf nn .... Mfirn.trft (lrnMr, Rho4lT)i . . , liOrrtn Aiwnnd

'PMr JOWptl A UrnMm Chill KunnI .mi Mux iin niirphlldiJim 'irnn Martin 1, AlunpThorn t "lmiI Hrnnkr

tt was in o'clock last t ight before the

Ufal opportunity to cnjo.i a hearty laughThtfi thr mipponpfi mhrtntui ft witm

in thri' to lin ? in thr fftfCiinmtr hv ttofffl M. nfmn from K 1'.H ( - novrl "Sevtll K'V to H.ildpH t' '

m "tjf to hell I" it whh of ooufM notwhnt Ur smi'I nor nltor'tlicr thi way inwhti h slip hhIo" it thut niado th ohb i'

frctattrf hrm. It wmh Ihfl approprintrnpfm of th- oharrvalion to thfhatnatir fituation in wltiih stio And IIIOlhffl1 rharai lt iM worn plact-tl- . Tin n thesppctatoin had watthorl no rn1 of phjM1atnR anrl worr itnxioun for IODM ODportuntty to indiiato an tntorHt In thtplav drrihril aa a "tnystory farrr."Mm thrt- had h'v ROM up to that pointTh- 'ohan cohnrtH with all tloir nolMaeuld not provoht mora than a polite ex- - ,

nressl-.- good Itatura after Die rurtamcell on the ftrat of the two arts.

Hut that did not prevent the play fromturning into one of the most delirious hitsor fooling that the New York ptlbllo haswitnessed In malty a moon. There wasnothing hut delight in every secne of theaeropd net The flrst had called out thesympathy .f the wlaaacrea They were I

at a loss to understand why au. h . master01 his .raft as c.eorge Primus shouldhave so far falleel as to leave no sensesuspense In hla play.

I lay 'tart, With waer.A writer of seiiKational tletion made a

wager with a friend that he could createone ot hla maaterpleves in twenty-fou- rhours if the conditions were favoranie.80 the audience saw him enter In midwinter a summer hotel on the top of amountain. There he waa to find solitudeto win hia In.nftO. He had the only kc .

an there could he no interruption. After








chsrectetthe ouipiit.







grafting lieutenantTSLP2nfTK,'Ll!!?Ml!S!


rustlrlty. Kane

knewThen the

admirable tha

caretakeramidwinter Imparted



rpM-n- "


twelve hours the caretaker was to re- - Washington. Sepi .:' Thetuin the manuscript. presented at the Belaaco hi

There were other keys. The llrst play by George Scarboroughno element Of hut the titled Bay," ith Sianding and

expoaltlon of of these kcya. as the playersllx crook to hide The hears resemhlan. '

1200.000 safe to lie forthe other parties to transaction which The laid in Washington and

to roh hand over rail-- , 'he story efforts nffranchise for nothing. A re- - Hnlljrnok. an of fortune, t,

the dishonest Mayor the secret who areloved to pose ' tu prove that Untbrook

accomplice the crooks heart committed murder,the of the railroad line. Others the cast were Howell,

possessed keya and thla Mordant. Majeronl.which pictured with Voung. Walter Hlnes. Free-gre-

realism It was the sensational Barnes. Lrhay,novelist who thwarted them nil wh. Mason. Kred Harrythe curtain fell on this disappointing tiistact had all these conspirators stretchedacross the of stage the man-

ner of an old fashioned minstrel firstpart with pistol them at hay.

All this had hcen unusual, hut It haddon little in interest the spectators, al- -

though the types were all withthe unfailing Cohan realism and humor.The audience was sick by this time of themention of the arious keys to BaldpatSand no careil If there were hun-

dred in existence.

tidlrnif pprehenal ve.

The rose on actshowing the character" in precisely thesame attitude they when it Whatdid Cohan have up his sleeve tn le- -

deem the of that opening actwss the question that came to the mind ofevery of work. Throughoutthe scenes of this flrst act he bur-lesqued serious melodrama. Too oftenhad the hero said that he writtensuch Incidents, hut never lived them

1i was nlain that repetition of anysimilar material meant flna! disaster io"Seven Keys to

The hero was keeping his prisoners inplace until the girl with the$200 01)0 In her possession as an evidenceof bribery to the omce oi netpaper. In IM interim me nran anawomen turned on one another and theirmutual recriminations were delightfulOne of the gang lost his temper and shottheir feminine accomplice. A telephonemessage that the reporter hud loat

the money body of the murderedwas hidden In an upper room

The hero was temporarily overmasteredlocked away with his hermit ally.

The bodv of the woman was carried intoe.n.r .iirrentltlouslv the police arrived. There breathless herefor half an hour with the policefor body the heroine seeking herlaat monev

Play Moves Swiftly.Me, nlav ever moved with

P.a Theewlfter more grapnnWn in the familiar of the dramanf uplift denounced the ailroad president who waa the real thief in hle effortsto earn more money than anybody elae.

What seemed like ghastly fun ofthe murdered woman over the

tii imnnaaibilltv of every situationwhich had seemed thrilling enough to beplausible, the intense Interest by. . .. it.. nf. I,, i monevine luuun)by the police who telephoned hiswife to meet him In Canada after he hudplaced lil.000 In hia pocket and Itsfinal deetructlon In the flic by the hermit

gll these situations In theirreal light when other thewager appeared and explained that hehad all these scenes Just toprove to his friends that others than hecould Jusl surh Incidents as thoseout of ho made his Looks

Of course Mr. Cohan been guiltynf the crime of audience.But he had deceived It so delightfully andwith surh rapid and Incessant fun duringthe second half of his play that nobody

ever hold It against him. To seethe murdered lady reappedr In tha flesh,the hermit tear his mangy wig andthe other crooks reveal themselves as

proper in the Joke waa Justaa amusing ae to contemplate all theirwlekedneaa In Its flrst form. And eventhe test of Dion Boucloault that no farceshould ever leave Its audience ashameduf having In tta fun would applytoo In "Seven to Baldpate." It lathe man who did laugh during thesecond act who ought to be ashamed ofhimself thla

Mo In edits of the discomfiture offriend after the first art Mr. Cohan hasaggin put to hla credit the most amusingpisjr aeen here eince he gave this gratefulpublic Rich Quick Walllngford." ItIs a fortunate outlook for thoee who seeksuch amusement In the playhouse thaiVjtvaa) Keya lo Baldpale" will bo on view

least ogough for gll of them to enjoy llg

humor. It Ik all so Istlc of theheat of Cohen It Is no anilof the minute, so national and ,

Idiomatic that II delight to aeknowl- - '

edge lh. unique mastery of thin wrlt.r Inhis Held.

NotHXly hi pleye aa Mr.Cohan does ha might hp ahlato accomplish with work of others Itla not possible to say. flut ha made"vary separate artor engaged In tha

of hla mystery laat Ilk a genius. Wallace '

smooth HaauiHiii'p waa all that ha wascalled upon to exhibit. There waa Fur-i- i'

I'ratt, not known to famr.who mala real character out of the

of tha Mayor, whohL I?.n imf, t. run i it. i n i ,n,.--u mu. n

note of real pathos hla burlesque acanaaof itraperntlon faar.

Claude Brook Ha villa?president Carletnn Macy the poll''"1captain, who hud been horn In NewYiirk even If ha did In a town,wore hoth recognisable types of

(tall played not onlywith Intelligence hut real distinction aathe woman who waa ready to tell all ah.

seemed to get shot for herpains. Margaret Greene, aa j

repnrier. una iwoon. wno ruoornher for aake of the Mayor whom sheloved, quite aa aaothers In th caet.

And yet none of them waa superior Indenoting fidelity to nature to EdgarHaletend Jessie Ira ham. who asthe called upon to opensummer hotel In tothe audience vividly the discomfortsof their task. And the on. scene inwhich Hi t Ion passed with Its airyrotunda Its snow covered glass doorswas so rcali.-tl- as to send chillh"


run I rmitrnm'n Nrn Onr rf

' Oman t Krith nlonHqaar Thralrr.

WniMn i Ruth AllnMan Walter Hith'-nr-

MaMl injwui Bdirmrd Horn' Mliraic Mttrlon Paiddaoraji jour .h Di n rHop Miriam rolllniiJark ..... ... Alb rt rnminhrr

ShuhrrtKand receive j Theatre lf

tl t a newInterest "At w (Ju

the existence Heme featuredwere revealed. A came piece no e to The

In the called hy lUr," h th" mm authora are

was town and a concern! the Larryroad woman Irish s, 'Idlerporter, and hla as- - outwit service men.

a hermit who as a deavorlng a sweet-ghos-

a woman of j hasand president in Georgethev all entered Edwin Mario Phylliadeserted hotel, was Horton. S. K

man Edward Chariotand n Hilton and Hadtleld.

front the in

his keeping

longer a

firoaacurtain the second

held fell.Mr.


admirer hishad




got news



and aand

waa actionsearching

the and



arousedl. .1 .... ..ui ."



the party to





tirely cltlsene






l a





Htirltha railroad

and as






a throughaudience




latH Artrtatronn. who haa writtenplnya of th undorworld. the moat

l.,(ltll Imi n rr "Tko fclH , ... ,. 1, I,

prn,1(.orl Ht tht. ,.vr1,: ThPI,,r on Satur.,,,, ,,,.,,,.,, from his apparentlyimM. ,i, ,...,..,1..,.he produced "Woman Proposes" at B.K. Keith's I'nlon Square Theatre, flla11 w effort la a COmedy In one act andits character are all "In society" In- -'

stead Vf In the underworld.a m him DUIfallM Mi- - Armmtwnnm I. a a'uuMmhiai) . ra,,hi, enmnanv h..H.H,. Rutn Allan, who recently appeared in

n.. . i ,,r the P s a" kit, th.that few minutes of dialogue the InterestIn the piece never lagged, anil helng rrom the usual run of vaude- -

vir pavlcttt Mr. Armstronja littlecomedy held the interest of the audiencethroughout


Opening; lakes Place at RelaaenTheatre In Washington.

e Hnrleaqar Attractions,The Rosey Posey Qtfls are appearing

this week at the Columhia Theatre In anew two net travesty called "The CayWidow of Itoscy Posey ville There isa large cast, including Adeline Koattina,nay Montgomery and the llealey BUtera,

,,. Hh kman. c.eorge A Clark. Joe Opp,Anthony Cortelli, Kuby Grey, HelenReynolds. Rose JogfftOttg and a large,chorus ntid ballet.

The t lolden Crook Company Is the at-traction at the Murray Hill Theatre thisweek. This season's offering Is a new

called "From Riches toUags." In which are introduced severalspecialty features. Including n ballet withtwenty COryPheea, a troupe of Russiandancers and the Hippodrome Four. Theprincipals In the caet are Frank A. Burt.Frank Itobson. lack 8trouae, Msud Rock-well ami Flo Vernon.

Wargrlg In "The Auctioneer" galaHai.t m "in:. Sept 22. Pavld Warfield

opened his season here in "TheAuctioneer Detore an auoience tnaicrowded Ford's Opera House. The eventhad special interest because It signalisedMr. Warlleld's return to comedy, playingagain the first of his great roles.


II ae era I Da v III sun.Passaic. X. J., Sept. 22 The iriairiage

of Miss Minerva Davidson, daughter ofthe Rev. Philip Davidson, to Dr. tieorgeHacerat of New ork tisk place this eve-ning In the Congregation Tihllim Syna-gogue. The ceremony was performed byHabbl Solomon K. Jaffe, chief rabhl ofNew York ami president of the Associationof Rabbis of the I'nlted Slates, assistedby KaDbl Uavld lilnshurg or YV I Ikes Da l re,Pa.

Miss Davidson Was attended by hersister. Miss Charlotte Davidson. MissLillian Lobsenr, Miss Clara Frledland,Miss Jeanette Welnsteln, Mlsa RuthBrusky and Miss Madeline Frledland....,.: ... t n..... k.u..asnai wjvs ara . --

was flower girlThe best man was Solomon Newman of

New York. The ushers were the Rev.Isidore M. Dayidson nf New York, abrother of the bride Samuel (Hickman,Abram Wulfsen and Otto C. Kaplan.

Heltrrsan I,) neh.Sens tor William .1. Heffernan of

Hrooklyn and Miss Mary Agnes Lynch,daughter of Mrs. Anua D. Lynch of 79aPresident Btreet, were married yesterdayat si. Francis Xavler'a Church on thePark Slope by th Rev. Father David J.Hlrkey, the rector. The bride waa givenaway by William Dancher. her uncle, andMrs. Kdward Raleigh, her sister was heronly attendant. lames .1. Heffernan. abrother of the Senator, was heat man.The honeymoon will be spent at Wash-ington and Old Point Comfort, and willbe short, aa Senator Heffernan intendsto resume his seat at the Sulzer impeach-ment trial.


Admiral Denies Danerbtrr Ie lo WedKsglnrrr MaeMlllan.

Portland. Me., Sept. 22. Prom hissummer realdence on Kagle Island RearAdmiral Robert K. Peary lesued a denialthla morning of the reported engagementof his daughter. Mlsa Marie Peary, toDonald MaeMlllan. the Arctic explorer,who is now on hie way to the far north.

A telegram from Admiral Peary Inreply to a message of Inquiry regardingthe rumor aaya: "The report that mydaughter, Marie, la engaged lo MaeMlllan

If you Would give' this fact the ..mepublicity as the original despatch.

Swift A t'omnanv'a salts of freak Heef In NewYerk city for the week ending Heiurdsy . Sept. 10,evsragsu asv mate ear gaunu, .tap,






Donald Brian Reverfa tn Waltaea In-v Comedy.

The Marriage Market" At heHnlrkerheeker Theatre.

Bdward Pleetwood.x roni't pjnnSenaler Ab K Ollroy.

fieorge T MeerhBjhl Paced San.iy Ony Nicholsliesleaa Rin 0. Vaudlveerabort y rinshlp rinkTsbssro Ned Arthur DaUChS'heyenne Harry Arthur Metenif

111 Tl . Fiw1n PJureh' 'aptftln tli atarlp ss Frsnk A'l-l-

i.or i Hurllnghatn PerclVaJ KnightHllnker Arthur HeyavidsMariposa Dllrov Vanlla KltahughA middy Cleele gewellKtiiiiiu Mort MaimertagDoieres Marls AnnlsKit!) Kent Carroll MeComaa

The newest 1911 model musical comedyoame to town last night when DonaldHrlan appeared at the Knickerbockeri neaire in iiu ausrriaaw asaravt.originally designed and patented inVienna and London, hut fitted with allthe latest and most up to date devices forthe American trade. To this end a largeforce of play mechanics have been busilyat work for some tune, with the resultthat the play laat night was right upto the minute In every detail, even to thelamp ahade dresses uf the chorus girls

There was no danger that any onewould steal the honors from IHmaldBrian. There wasn't a woman In thecompany who could touch htm for charmand grace. He la still abnormallyyoung, with a smile that would harma bird on a bush that is. a lady bird.He danced with all the grace and spiritthat won hlin his first success, hut who- -

ever goes to ' The Marriage Market ex- -

pectlng lo pick up some new tango stepswill la disappointed, for this piece is areversion to the waltz, ai d all Mr. Hi urn'sdances, and there are a lot of them, arein that measure. However, there weresome waits steps, dtps and turns andglides that it Is safe to say a lot ofpeople hurried home to try before bed-time

It is no secret that Mr. Hi tan Is not asnimble with his voice as he is with histeet, and much of the music of lastnight's pioductlon was plainly tieyondhim But no one cared so long as tiedanced, which he did most of Hi lime.

As a matter of fact the music of "TheMarriage Market" was out of reach ofabout all the members of the company,a notable exception being Miss Veuite,Filzhugh, who played opposite Mr Hrlan,and who sang all her numbers tastefullyand well, and was besides, except for asmile that wouldn t come off, exceedinglygood to look at.

The music of the piece, which was hyVictor Jacobt and Jerome Kearn. wasnotably good. Most of the numbers de-signed lo be popular were In waltz time,and stranger things have happened thanthat this pretty, lilting music should startthe tide away from ragtime. The solosand duets were all delightful, hut thechoruses lacked a little of the tunefulswing that might have heen looked for.

In addition to Miss Fltshugh. the prin-cipal women were Miss Carroll McComas.who danced very charmingly ami had awhistling solo besides, and Miss MoyaMannerlng, who sang a little and danceda good deal mure, to the evident pleasureof the audience.

Perclval Knight and his voire providedthe chief laughs of the play, thoughArthur Reynolds as a valet worked harderand got lege.


tihaleapeare Festival at the Man-

hattan Fresh Triumph.B. H. Sot hern, with never a trace of

the throat trouble that rumor from Al-

bany had afflicted him with, and JuliaMarlowe, with all the charm and gracethat I. Ml. s Marlowe', own, began lastnight at the Manhattan Opera Housetheir Shakespeare festival, which has be-

come a moat welcome fixture of NewYork's season.

How strong Is their following wasshown by Hie audience that filled theManhattan. It was un audience quick toapplaud, and had It been more difficult topleaae II muet have been won to appre-ciation by the work of Mr. Hot hern. MissMarlowe and their supporting company.

The play waa "Much Ado About Noth-ing," and there have been practically nochanges In the cast since the play was

" '"Tentperatore al Atlantic Illy.Atlantic Citt, Sept. 22 tempera-

ture at noon her to-d- waa 70.


" Going some !

TOURISTS BYl.rvrai. Sept 22 Motor arrivals at

the Hotel Aaplnwall y Included thefollowing New Yorkers:

.Mrs .1. K. Chamherlln. Miss Chamber-ll- n.

111 a Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Bal-l.tii-

in a Simplex. Mr. and Mi s. S. haefer,.Mr. and Mrs. Bclnitck. In a Peerless ; Mr.and Mrs. Harold Laiberry, In a Simple".Mr and Mrs. W C. Palmer, in a Ptal .

B. M Liv ingston, irt a Pierce.Watkrmi i:v. Sept. 22. Automobile ar-

rivals from New Yovk at the Hotel BUMInclude :

Mr. and Mrs Bernard Handler. MasterHandle'. Mrs. Vlctorlus. the Misses s.

In a Packard: Mr. and Mrs. ('Mover and son. In a Cadillac lir. andMrs. Qeorge Wilkinson. Miss Wilkinson,Mis c II. Purdy, in a Royal Tourist.


Presentation, at the CombinationHouses This Week.

William Morris Invited an afternoonaudience to the Royal Theatre yesterdayto hear Cosmo Hamilton's lecture on hisplay "The BllndneM of Virtue." whichwas acted by an Knglish company at thattheatre in the evening. Mr. Hamiltoncalled his lecture "A Plea for the Youngertleneration."

"What Happened to Mary." as OliveWyndham illustrates her fate, was ex-

hibited at the Grand Opera House lastnight and may be observed there duringthe week. This is Owen Davis's 177thplay

"The Third Degree." always regardedas one of the most interesting of CharlesKlein's plas. Is at the Academy of Music1'riscllla Knowles plays the role acted firsthy Helen Ware

The stock company at the HarlemOpera House Is appearing ii. "The War-rens of Virginia," which David Helascoproduced at the Republic Theatre severalyears ago. Llnthicum and Mal-colm Dunn are the lending actors of thecompany.

"Oh! Oh' Delphlne." which has heenpopular In New York for more than ayear, is at the IfontaUk Theatre in Hrook-lyn. The company is the same as thatwhich produced the farce at the Knick-erbocker Theatre.

gfgUlice Maeterlinck's Idyl "The BlueBird" was presented last night at the Ma-

jestic Theatre. Hrooklyn. by a companyIncluding many of the actors in the orig-inal comp.ttiy.


Mrs, Va R. French F.ntertalns at theVirginia Resort.

Hot Si'Rinus. Va , Sept. 22 -- Manygolfers were out practising y to getInto form for the annual tournament

early next month. Among thoseon the course were Alfred and HubertBatoballer, who arrived last night fromWashington: Mrs. L. C, Tiffany and hersister, Miss II. Kly of New York Mia.Seth Barton Pranoh and hay duughterClgrlOe , PTgnk tlunlher. who Is a guestgi Harlon Lodge, and Hat-to- French:Mrs. A. H. Is.eb and Allen laiub uf Chi- -rugo, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bingham ofCleveland, Mr. and Mrs. M. Howard Parkof Pittsburg. Mr. und Mrs. D V Wood-War-

W. C. Van Cllef. Miss Charlotte;Bid ridge, Karrar liateson. RutherfordTrowbridge. William C. Cornwell mid Mr.and Mrs. QugtgVe Krh.

Mr. and Mrs Karl Cutler arrived fromMorrtetOWP for a stuy of soma weeks.New York arrival! Included Mr. and Mrs.c.eorge W. Hicks. William T. Hldrldge,.miss B, h. M, Minion and X. K. Oulland.H. K. Kldrldge came from Newport, Mr.and Mrs. D. II. Hamilton and Dr. andMrs. C. W. Ityerson from Chicago. Mr.and Mrs. W. M. Bradley from Portland.Me,, and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Shenhcrdfrom Boston.

Plays and Players.(irace George will begin her sea-

son under (he management ofCharles Krohman, appearing at AsburvPark In J. M. Karrlea new play "Halfan Hour. ' which will he preceded byStanley Houghton a new three act comedv"The Younger lieneratlon." Both wlilcome to the Lyceum Theatre on Thurs-day night.

The Hhuberl. have secured from theAdolf Philtpp Company the Englishspeaking rights to "The Midnight Ulrl,"the French musical farce comedy In threeacts by Paul HerVO, with music by JeanBriquet and Mr. Phillpp, and which Isnow playing In Herman at the AdolfPhillpp Theatre. "The Midnight Olrl"will In) produced about Christinas Day attha Casino Theatre.



AUTOMOBILERaymond W h: Mi-- s White, in aPackard.

atAHcHimm, vi . Sept Arrivalshy automobile a: the Uqulnox House in-

clude the following from Near York:Robert H Simpson, ''apt. s. i,. gafford,

in a Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Kemp,tn a Packard; K"iert a. Cooke, i. t.Haven. Jr., In a Peerless: Mrs P. P,Duryea, in a I'lerce; t. K. Whiting, Mrs.Whiting and children, in a Cadillac.

BnaTToN Ufsips. x. II. Bept 22.Among the X York arrivals by motor j

y ai the Mount Washington wereMr. and Mrs. Herbert B, Chase, Miss

Louis., chase. In u Packard . Mr. and Mrs.H. 1. Ktnch. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vaughn.In a Simplex ; K. L. Pearson. M. H. Hail.Albert T. llilmore. in a Packard. Mr. andMrs. H. K. AJdrtcK Mr. and Mrs. .1. JMuxwcii. m a Pierce-Arro-


Men of Summer ColtSB nlri tn Ifc

i.oi.iuk tiier Central Plot.Nkwi-okt- Sept. Several men of the

summer colony have combined tq build anew hotel here, and hac been looking ata lurne tract of land in the centr of thecity, according t" a report here,

A luncheon was given at t lie RussianBmbaSSJ y b) Ambassador and Mini',Hakhmeteff Hermann Oetrlehe returned tohis studies at Columbia, beini taken toXew York b) Vincent Aatoi on the steamyacht Noma. Mrs Herbert m Harrlman,who dosed her season here, went to LongIsland to Join Mr Harrlman.

Having concluded her Vlall to Mrs J. I

rrcuericK t lersou, .virs. .1. sxiicneu 1 larareturned to Xcw York. Mis. NathanielThayer, who u,ts v isi t n r Mrs K. Liv.ngs- -

ton Boockraen at Land'i Und, has gone toLancaster. Mass

After ipendlng the week end here, Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Isellh returned to XewYork Mr. and Mis. Reginald C Vahder- -

bllt closed Bandy Point Farm In Portsmouth

Henry Wallers and Pembroke Jones,Jr.. returned lo Ken York Mi. '

and Mrs Pembroke Jones remained herewith Mr. and Mrs. .1 itusscll Pope, then

and daughtei Mi- - (b ulgeD. Wldener, with George D VVIdener, Jr.,... ... . ... ...auu ai, snu Airs r. r. 1,1x01, wno nauthe Join, is. Drexel villa this summer,started y for Bikini Pais. Pa

Mi and Mi- - T Suffers, Taller willclose Mone v suckle uoage 101 the season onOotObat L They will g,e a dinner on

eiinesiia 111 11011. , or ,ir. ami .Mrs. .1.

Howell Qrlawold, Jr., or Baltimore MisIt. 1. Uammell has as h Bllesl MISS I

Itoniela Dahlcren.Lispenurd Stewart, Dudley O uauiier I

and Seymour Johnson returned to NYork

This Week In Vaudeville.Hammerslein's Victoria Theatre has a

bill of eleven acts this week headed byMrs. Bvelyn Neeblt Thaw and Jack Clif-ford. Some of the other acts are PrankPognrly. the Courtetuty Sistets. IfcMahOt!and fhappcllc. Lew Brlcs and LillianQOfllte, Morgan. Bailey and Morgan.Alexander and sett. Ka) Two ColeyB

Kyan and Martin.tiua Krlwards's ''BlfUfVillo t'aharet''

heads the bill tins week at Proctor'sPifth Avenue Theatre. Other acts areMine. Husse and her toy terriers, KdwinStevens. Herl Melrose. Lynn Overmanand company In a playlet "What AreYou Doing in My Room?" Hayden andBertln, BielOW, Campbell and Rgyden,Kelly and Poloik. Jeanne d'Ksle und theJuggling Burkes.

Maurice and W alton, who returned fromKurope on Wednesday, ure appearing thisWeek at the Colon 1,1 Then tie. They arepresenting a series of new dances "Nep-tune's Harden of Living Stulues," BelleBaker. Bowers. Wallers and Crookei,Allan Dlnehart and Ann Heritage. Will-iam A. Weston, Cgnfletd and Ashley,Cooper and Robinson and the AlexanderBrothers, complete the bill

Jack Wilson, assisted by Ada Laneand Jack Boyle, are heading the hill thisweek nt the Alhamhra Theatre in a newact called "An Impromptu Revue." otheracta on the bill arc the regsrma. R. I,.(Soldheig, William Macart and KllilynneBradfonl In "The Second ( icneration."W'illard Htmma and company. Vlollnsky,Williams and W'olfus, Nick's Skating Oirlsand the Itosaires.

Heading the bill this week at ICelth'aBronx Theatre Is Amelia Bingham in her"Big Moment. From Ureal Playa ' Thebalance of the programme Includes llvaKay. Billy McDermoll, Howard and Rairllffew Roberi Emmet Keanc. tlcorgo B,Reno and lompapi, led and Ethel Doolcx,Those (Trench UIHl and the Flying



Mr. I,nndstrPft 0ivig Fflrcfvoll

Dlnnrr at the Roof


Mpsm'h. Rrokaw. Thaw ami Car-- )

nojrir Kntprort in Fall GolfTourney There.

Km th amp ms, t. I , Sept '.'2 - This sfier-noo- n

the rain, which had hren continuoussince Inst Krldav. i'eaed and Southamptonagain became the areioi of much activityMany were nut motoring and driving

Mrs Fairfax S l,andtreet gave a fare- -

ell dinner to twelve of her friends on Satur-day nighl at the Hoot collage, a hlch she hasheett occupying this season. Mrs. laind-stre-

is planning to leave on Thursday.Mr and Mrs tleorge .lefTries Hussell.

with Richard Baldwin of Kasi Orange, N Jare itnaitiii weeks motor trip and will visitHot Springs, Va . before returning Theflev Nelson Chester of Caldwell, If, J., isthe guest of Mr. and Mrs fieorge l.lacomm iheir cottage nn South Main street.

Mr and Mrs. W, H. Schnnnmaker are atthe lied LiiOn Inn. Slnckhridge MrsMex II Tiers Is at the Homestead Hotel,Hot Springs. Va.

Miss Alice Kortrighl, who was hereduring the height of the season, will heone of the bridesmaids at the coming wedding of Miss Marion Kllsworlh Aahmoreto K. franklin Bieaster. Jr., hleh willlake place In the Peiiot Chattel. NewLondon, on Oeiober 4.

Mr and Mrs William Manu-- and MissssimIi Hemsen Mnnne have .nisi returnedtrom peapack. N. J.( where they attendedthe marriage nf Miss Mariory Blair to Will-

iam Clark, a son of Mr. and Mrs. .!. Williamlark of New ork Last week the engage

mem of Miss Man Ice to Charles HenryMellon ol Philadelphia was announcedMiss Mantee was Introduced lo societyi wo seasons ago and has taken an activepart in the social hie here this season

Miss Zella De MlltlgU, who has heen vis-iting with Miss Bairy in New ork the pastweek, returned la- -t night Among therecent arrivals at the Irving Mouse la C.I Ryan, who will he here lor the remainderof this month.

Peter Cooper Briee of Roslvn a ai thaMeadow Club for a lew days stay. Mr.Hrice hns Jusl returned Irom a trip abroad.Mrs William C foilllvcr is also at the clubafter a istt with Mr. and Mrs. KdwardC Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. (iardiner arrived

Mrs HOWard Page fa leaving On Wednesday, as arc also Mr Mini Mrs V. C Perkins. Mrs Robert Waller, who has leasedher cottage to B it. chlsholni. Is at theHomestead Hotel at Hot Springs, whereshe has taken an apartment. Mrs. A.

M. Board closes her house on Wednesdayanil will go lo Tuxedo Park lor the autumn.


Mr. and Mrs. John C. lireenleaf MsoRnterlaln at Lenox.

I,1V"V Sept Mr and Mrs Carlosde llereilia gave ,i dinner lor twenty guestsBl Wheaileiah Mrs Walter C.

Humstone ot Hrooklyn cave an auctionhridge at the Maplewood. entertainingtwenty-fo- ur friends The prize winnerswere Mrs Willanl l Kdjmtnster. MrsReginald Montforl Inns, Mrs. IMgar T.Lawrence, Mr- - Charles Merrill. Mrs Matthews and Mi- -s Bara Mills

Mr and Mr- - John t Hreentoal gioe adinner at flock Lawn, having Mr and MrsSamuel Prothingbatn, Mr and Mrs, HenryHolllater Pease. Mr and Mrs. David T.IDana ami William H. Dixon among their'guests,

Mr and Mr- - Francis 1. v Hoppln, whowere staying with Mr and Mrs Nowbold I

Morn- -, returned to New ork Mr andMrs Joseph n Cboate, lr , and familywent to Mount Ki-- after a sx weeks visitto Mr and Mrs Joseph II Chnate at Naum- -

lieag. BtookbrtdgiMr. and Mrs Stephen C t lark, who were

week end guests of Mi-- s Isabel D Shoiier.returned tp Cooperstown. Miss (iracegrown of Cooperstown is a guest or Mis- -ghotter, Mrs .1 Frederick Bchenok has,.nt , invitations for a dinner al ValleyiPar to morrow night Complimentary to

ner guests. Mrs Hamilton Klsh Benjamin.r u. YafL iI and Mrs Bnanoar Caahvam Mr- - Charles II. shepard of Washing-ton Mrs Thomas Shields Clarke hasIssued cards lor luncheon for I w entfriends at Fernbrooke on Wednesday

fternoon.Prnl and Mrs Charles f I handler have

gone to 1si1 Mr and Mr- - Joseph II. Clioate.Mr- - Jin 0I1 W Miller ol New York is visit-ing Mrs Morris K Jesupai tolvolrTerraca.

Sir anil Mrs i McRa Livingston and.Mr and Mrs Hubert P H untington startedlor New ork Mr ami Mrs. John Hutton

" " ". V.SIatid Itainlolpn llcaiiieston 01 111

fwinghani Mr and Mrs lliraud Foster;grp n Sou Vork lo t Mrs, Chariot Carroll ,1m koit, "ho will arrive from Europe

"''.k ,,Jessie i' I. who was with Mr.all(,ur- - wte, I Cobb in Plttafleld, hasgone to Xew ork

In New 1 itrk To-da- y.

Republican state convention, Carnegie,Hall. II A M

American institute ,,r ,,, mi nf vYork. fair. bJnglneertni Building, II WestThletv. ninth street. S A M. Io 111 I'. M.

Arbitrators hetween Kaetern railroadsani their conduetori and trainmen meetat Hotel Manhattan.

Hoard of Aldermen meets to elect a

Notes of the Knelal World.Mi and Mrs. Dulany Howlanrt and

Miss Anna Wright are visiting Mr. andMrs. Percy It Pyne at I'pton Pyne inBernartsvllla x. .1.

Mrs. John c wilmerding, who recentlyreturned from Richfield Springs, is visit- -

,ng Mr H,, Mls. As,,, phelpa In OysterHay. L I

Miss Maria de Barrtl left un Sunday forQuebec and will return to 'i Baal Thirtyninth street on October 2

Mr and Mrs DeWrgO Marshall Allenand Miss Loraine Marshall Allen, whopegged the summer motoring in Burope,are ;n Morrlatown, x. .1. ehare hey will

! remain for the autumn, afterward goingto 777 Madison avenue

Mra '!. Trowbridge Hollister will givesraceptlon early ill December at her hom110 Park avenue, lo introduce to societyher daughter. Miss Dorothy Trowbridge I

HollisterMr. and Mis Robert van de Velde and

Hie latter's mother. Mrs. Augusts duResle Blanchel, have returned from atrip to Alaska and Canada.

The Russian Ambassador and Mine.RakhmetetT will leave Newport early InOctober and will be at the Rim Carltonbefore reluming to Washington.

Hen and Mrs Kdward P. Mesny willgive a dinner on Friday night at theircountry place In Convent, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge I.. Storm will givea dance at their country place in Organwlch, Conn . on Friday night

Mrs. E II il. Slater of Washingtonand Mra. Charles Baldwin have returnedfrom Newport and are al the

Mr and Mrs William II Post of Og- -

denaburg, N v, .ra al tin- si. Regit foia brief visit.

Mr. and Mrs Rrudish Johnson andMiss Mario (J, Johnson uie al the




aaehall Piece hy filaata' Pttekereea at Atlaatlo City.

Atlantic Citt. Rept. II. At thaApollo Theatre Christy Mathew-ao-

pitcher for the New York Olanta.made hla debut aa a playwright. In col-laboration with Tilda Johnson Young, au-thor of "Brown of Harvard" and "TheLetterman."

"Fair Play" Is tha name of the the cat are William Courteney,

Ueorge Fawcett. frank Craven, RalphStuart, Calvin Thomas and the Mlaaeslone McOrane. Ixla Plsher, Marlon Bal-lot! and Kthel Kfannard. rri.lTKft At t.ks Tahne.

I'si.. en Hsfurdsy, sepi.tni.rr 2A. 111.t'onstsnee Helen, dsughler of Mrs Jo-seph Pulltser nf New York illy, toWilliam tlrny Elmslle of l.ondnn Kn- -


DIED.BROWN, Vancouver, n. c, n sptm-he-

nn, 4'ha.rle Brnwn of 14 Llneolnplace. Brooklyn. In his 7Sd yesr.

Funeral annnunrement latert'PRTIS At his residence, rhilhem. Mast

Saturday. September 2S. fir. .Inhn lireenfurtla. son of the lale tjeorgs and.lulls ftrldgham furfls. In his Sftth vai.

Hervlrss at the church nf the Knlphany.I.sxlngtnn avenue and Thirty-fift-

street. ItH P. M Wednesday, Septem-ber 14.

DUDLKT. Passed quietly away af Syrarusa.X. V . on Sunday. Seplenther 21. 191.1.Wealthy BUM Post, n Mow nf .InhnDudley of Walltngfnrd, f'nnn . andmother ef Henrv Lewis Dudley rifYnnkers, N. v.. In hr !tth vest.

Interment at In Memnrlam Cemetery.Walllngford. roan.

PKROCSON On September 22. Maude wifenf A. W. Ferguson, aged f,7 years.

Services Stephen Merrill's ''hapet ::Kigbth avemie. utdneedayi P. Mi

MAMNB Robert, aged "7.

letvlces "TUB PVNBBAX OMBRCH," IMWest Twenty-thlri- l I B.Campbell Bldg.t, Tuesds, io e'eioelt.Autntnohlle cortege.

MOLOXKV - At Chester. N T en Septem-ber 21. lilt, Honors Moloney, motheref the Rev. .lames A. Moloney,

Arrive foal nf west Twenty ibird street,Xew York. Wednesday, K:3S A M

thence tn church of th rpiphanv.Meeond avenue. nnr Twenty-firs- t streetRequiem st 10 o'clock.

rlTKIN. lohn W.. at F.nglssnnn. N J.atttrday, September 20. 1913

Pongeel ssrvlcej at his late residence, tfiit- -

sldt avenue. Rnglewood. N .1., nn Tu"-day- ,

Sep'etnber 23. st 1:11 I" M Trainleaves Krle station, Jersey Cttv. 3:14 P M

RBBD. at hla boms In (treatHarrington. Mass.. on Sunday, geptember 21. HIS, Charles Reed, formerlynf Yonkra. In the 'th year of his age

Funeral aervleea will be held at KslrfteMFarms. Hrest Barrtngtnn. on Tuesdsv.September 23. at 1:30 P.M. Convey-ances will be In waiting at '"JreatHarrington nn arrival ef the X. TN. H H R R. train leaving rlrnn.lCentral Terminal at :RS A. M Returning train leaves Great Borrlng'nnat t:S7 P. M.

RODtOBB - At Oreenerleh, ennn i Sun-day- ,

September 2t. 1913, Oornells.v Mow of Rudolf Rodlger, and daughteief the late Kea;-.e- and Bllstlwth tarhlacy

TAil On Pundav. September 21. CSStmllTag. sen of the lata t'harlsa andCerolloe M. Tag

Funeral services at hi- - la's residence,?is Hancock street. Brooklyn, Tuesday,September :J. st r. M. Intermentprivate. Kindly omit flow-ers- .

WHITK At West Ilea, ling. Conn, in hr'r.'.th yesr. Mary i. White, widow nfCharles W White of New York

Services, Wednesday, t o'clock, 111 WestThirteenth street.

WILSON On Mn.l v. Sepiemh-- r "Z. It,!!Charles Irving Wllsnn. RrlKS.ll''r-,;"- n

eral I'. S. A. , retired,, In the 77th ye.-n-

his age.Funeral services at his late residence, t ; a

Knt Thlrtyfourth street. Wednesday,the I'tth Inst . t 4 I' M IntermentAritnRton Waohlngton, d C,

Military trder nf the Loyal Legion Commandery of the Htate of New Terk, 'ompaalon Charles Wilson diedleniber !2. 1913

Kunerni Wednceday, ieptember t. Iltlat 4 P. M.. al 12a Rast Thin y fourt )

s'reet Cnmpdnlens sill att'-n- By

rrrter efBOWtN BTBWABT, Cemmandeiwilliam a COQgWBIJ Becordsr


TACl Tile trustees ef ine t',r'n.,n gavlngsBank In the city "f New Veilc hi a

speria.1 meeting held th day efSeptember. 1912, h:, received withjeep nnrrnw the announcement of th"demlss of their beloved preeldent, MrCaalmlr Tug. and record the followingrseoltttloni on the minutes:

In the death of Calnilr Tag the OermmSavings Hank sustains th less of taworthy preeldent anil the trustees ha-- '

heen deprived of an ricemed friendund earnest coworker

.Honor was 'he guiding motlvs of bl tiffRsoognlslni ids manly wertii and virtue

the trustees of tiiis Institution ehyotodhim a member of III b.iard .May .'. ''"1a member of tiir oommlttss on llnsnesJsnusry I, till: secondMirrh s. 1100. Oral lull:'. 1000. and president October " 1101

He was :ru, lo a trusts reposed in himund a wise counsellor hi the delibera-tions f the beard His for.e of char-acter, iterllng Integrity and seun.i .lung.ment won the confidence of sjl havingiMtiilnns with the bunk, and his chsrm

f manner and kindliness endeared himto all who know him.

It Is also eur happiness 'o know that Inother fteid. which humanity invokeihe services of men hla labor andearnest bonCVOjonCi were always ef.fsetfvs,

Tha trustees deeply lament the oftheir friend, and gratefully roourdtngihelr high appreciation "f the servicesrendered h him te Ihs iunk aeidesirous of expressing iheir daspfellsorrow to the bereaved family, offer atribute of affection 10 his memory atthe purling in the poet's fateful words:"Woh. da-- - wlr seheldon muessen '

RegolVedi Thai tins board altenl thafuneral setvlces in a body and tha' thatvg f ihe bank te displayed at halfmast unlit the duv ufier the funeral.

RsealVed, Tlisi these resoiutlnns h- -print in ths preet of this city and thaisn engrossed copy thereof h, sent teilie funiilv of the depsrted



INTFLUtlLNT , seJentlBe and ssnltsry mat hod.I'NITKD STATKS CltKWATIflN ('n4l'AN.

Ulddls Milage. L I, I'amphieia free'Phone 6170 Wllllsmahurg

I'lKMIN tl

NOTICI I hereby slven that I w ill not herebisanslhle for Ihe debts mode bv mi wifeK.B. Peeples. ' It T PKKPl.Bg


I I.I the ladies w hn were In e lei lot of NlerSlints, la- -l Ftl,U between II und L'.and uitne-t- e

the arrest of a woman please niiuiiiuiiicele iv in mix mibi.NUi.m,. mp.ikrow.lei. MM IleokniaB.