the sun. (new york, ny) 1871-12-20 [p ]. · at 1:50 a caucus of the llmg waa held, at which it was...

I " i. J ffj)ta-sv- - .i- .- -i- .i .... ..i.. -- .,, I TiiiRTr-mT- ii yi-:ah- . new yohk, Wednesday, December 20, i87i. price two cents. rNDKK TIII5 HOSS'S 11KKL. 3111: cnowmsa disohack or mi: tuvxi r or Kixns. fiTt Itrpnhltrisn IMipervtsnr Voting for Itn ,llrl,.aiigtttlii'i. ('iindlitnto fnr Keeper of tlir I'rnllrnllnry Opr-- Chnrnon ol llrlberi -- A Itilusnl In Investigate. Two week ago (lie Hoard of .iipervliori of ft'ni county IJ 'urned witn. tit dale, alter vainly frying lu tlcci Bon Mcl.oughl.ti'e nephew' son-l- t Iiw, James hicilm a voong mm at present Dls. tncl of nls fatUnMn-taw'- s Fire Depsrt. anenl to tliu K.epirslnp ol the County Peniten- tiary. Mi lticuar.1 Newman, tlio c indhlate, ahuv e I 1.1' strength to be greater (ban SLcvlln't, aim no Hie udjoutnintul win uiored and csrrleJ In order to tiro tic Hon time 10 Ox thins in hit Interest, lie Is reptittd to have tild that lie wodU sa rlil.c 120,000 rather tbau Into Ids laudt-dat- e doiented, A lew ago a c ill was Issued for a special meeting o( Die llotrd. A majority ol t be member, etgaed the tall, and jcetcrday was the day appoint- ed for tlio iiicctlna. Tne pretext lor calling the Hoard together waa to Helen un tl.o year' business, but (he real oblect n to ileet Shcvlln Keeper of t' e l'enllentiary enough Hepubllcin members hiv-tn- In the meantime teen fixed to accorapllih that 0 jct. Yesterdsy lh steps and corridors of the City Hill and Court lloue were throiued with politicians, and la the neighboring l.ijuor stores were gslhered the adherent's of tlio King. Although they had re celved pledg. that everything bad been tiled, nevertheless much anilely was manifested. Fre- quent Inquiries wer made lor cer aln members of the Hoard, ned heelers mho despatched to hunt them up. At 1:50 a caucus of the llmg waa held, at which It was detei ailned If any of the Iletub beans snu.d to hai k on the-- enough King lvmo. nun ti.ii d re'iiatn ) lioai Ine .meting lu t revsnt a qu lruio. Thrllf u in ans also held a caucus, Mr. Ilichird twmaii, un 'erlandlug one ur two of tae dls ileclol It" u' Hems were willir.c. to sots lor any- body tlriu In in. authorized Ins name to be with- drawn, I' til mat mean the Itins could be de'eated. Mr. .N in.. ii a off r was not accepted. H.e few whem tn. i.p nncnls of the King were willing to conceit, everything to. If they would act as t elr s euianded tne) shuul act, In opposition to Hie King, w ould not agree on any one. Till was immediately mad kuuwn lo tliu Uoss s caucus. Ii low time that the lioaid of should be culled to order. Hois;lilln. Street leinnitseluiii i Kurey, aud all the nllirr bl( and lit.le politicians flocked tu tne bupeivtsoi'a room. 11 was soon filleii to overlljwloic. Mai or Kidollslaca wis present. Ou the entrance nf tne Bo and Mr Fur) tlie hruug that eurroiinded and tilled the Clerk's room, and surged ar uml the members' desks. d fi nut 4i.j made e.a. lor tl.em. The crowd aio gsre wny for tne t reyorter. Un his u to his nesk the reporter i stopped by a wlio en I ! this mil lie a lery eicillog -- soil t i 1 uppoe yu hTe cave already. Ilireii.u e.HllliHlXr (.'jiiliIk-U- , the Itepubllcan ner. hue Leon electiuneerin: in cr ... ! Mr, i ear g, li e bupcirUorof the - eenl ttnrd. lit ,,ii; Vririlrst o,lclutiuu of t in.tvli, i sail, has limited Mmult for -c . .d date, Viu w.itci and see," Af-e- t i et i) ustl lie lica led Sullen .ajr at Lirgo O'berne ..scared there us a qu"ium present. I 'i bis siiovsi-- at the start Iww tiling t ol. hiper-sisu- r llo. c.i nioiid t at t' e riuau.g 0 t e tniuuies Is flMp us. i iMtl. 1 ue an t uiu nuts were cal ed, and t. e it i in hhS lost by one rlti. t .e qiieslio.. wi ol t.o irreal nion eut, the tact It at I. u- - cm i iii.iiiMt tni motion ur a itiiic tMirx-- visuriii' led sotiii- - aiiiilv. Ii.e I'oss looked tn ista t ill' t u( lleury t i..s. uir Supeiv.sor u, the bau e. in rt. Mr. Furti, who had taken Lis roitio. ii i'Mt disk, su-- u into Villi's e. ,l i r. Itliii.,r wa h .ndii'i: oetween the lljss svl M Ii.ruj. Juuoi-- I..V' ,, who Jt the last nieft.u ht-- this i uce like a Mir.lne, in au out of U va i a .', was in l,i crowd. Alter I r prist, latioti i:id u'ue..cs o' ur ou. t'lii'iiiiuie .lions null the this g o suncry bi, s the r.tctlon ol ii keeper of t .e eui ent ary in cr buperns. r Jo.mon of the Third Ward moved I sd b ien olTrred 'o leitain luiiahi'isol this ltn.ttd to liilb.iuie :ii to to vo.o lii Mr. l'ne Itjniie.l ilu Ih.s in guiti li nl hi t it ill' . ne i eint., i, mill i,e Uul i think the It ttr I proct'.-- t.i li i' e'i ii m of a ki pi-- l.u the l enili u tpiy ui.til t c.i' rges i ad bun luiesiiatid. Mavur K 'ibflf..h e should tut broccej sny luritier. lliit ure oi en i lurgts made. Kite liuu 'red dul .re It 1' sill, live been ollete I to In'u-'lic- the si te nf some of the e sbou d take a Int.. t me a id n vnt.irt; the charge, aud if (osilble show lis y. While In- - IIuii r was, the Hoss lw,sted :uiJ tuine I, uml at laitiiu h ii.i-l,- .n unknuHu Democrat. ..nit ina-'- for the o' the hupeivisoi I the I ii. ill l!rlaM. Mr . I . e) tiigeiiier earnestly fur ia.. c Line. Huieiviui l.i tUP . Ttnrecnih H'.r sild if a direct ch.raeoe made against any t,ie t ber of the Hoard he "Uid vote for a pt'tpone i mi inorle: to Iniesllf-ut- e It. Othersiise hw st utld vote to pro- ceed wit i thi tiusint-e- belor tl.en PuperM or lUrinaii ( ii p , I r.euiiilh War II, said leu s.liCcd lliitctrtuln memiiein had pl.dssd U.euiselve In vole fui dhrv.iii. I his in cuuii.-k'tin- wlin il.i i urges ol bribery "houl.i be MiMcicnl to taduce memheis to tots lo- - u i otlioutln nl. As Mr ll.iinon took Ins tu'' llj- - led the desk or rupernor l'ielc'.ir ol the K Iteentn , Ward. Mr Furry still remained ou guard user Su pervisor Wt Mamr hu.oCelti'h. in renli to Siiikti lor Co.-- , and thcri iui a luct c iar,-- im.t a hid oeeu Drl'.td to lulu l..r M ev.'ii. It li is oulv a rumor this Hoard should p. t tu ir,eptuute it, snd anoi, i truiu or falaity. run. g tonaid Copaivisar Wihs, the Ma. or tai l: "Soiuo ie..ia to theie wcie ru i.i is tint n mem- ber ol the llo u U ot Aldtrmen 1...1I in en briln'. The Iiert) who had taken them lauguiui ut tiiw clurge-- , nd raid he laid no regard tu urweiiipcr rspvrts. An invtttlgilloD shuAiil the reports t he cmect. .The cnargss sieie ur' ved an I the member expeded. II is, I ai, tliereiore the duty of this Hoard lo luxslizate this cliarce." Muoeivisur Johnson 1 think 1 oin substai.ti.its V. At I M.iy uefure a Court 01 Justice, AHi r furii er di bate the nioli'm to Kitpone w . lo t. ill die (lit p.. T lnrleei.lli W.111I1 vi U I, .No" KudidUr Wilkejsou o: tue l'liieenth una y.r. Willi uf 11,0 Mxtttnth Ward, b.ilh lle.iuuilcans. A tra roct ro e was tl en ta111 n wr.oehnuld I kieper of the penitentiary, witn n lol.otilng te- st. I ill lu dicans tu italics): ror Hutchlngs, Flnt Wardi N,. n irf-- i nd Vai d , Kotlineir, 1 otutii Ward : bhev-n- tu wai.t- Keating bixtli wr.i Fole, ftlzutti tvuril ii vtr,i, Mcvemn liardi hliendan, Twellth Utid Lsrro.l, Fourteenth W.irdi H'lw, Slttrenth wtr.i tcvenli-enit-i Wer.t Fletcher, ii Wiird fturi'tu, Twenty. nrit Ward. fir Ninuiu- - .tkt r auil fiunervliors J 't.tvn llilicl Warn, llopklm, I nenir.iecoad ward , Marteise, .New Lots: billlKt.l, UraveseuJ , llyder 1 11, l. u- - f.rssr I'lra'nder-fnpentt- o-s Milne, fcvoih Wa . c. 1 in ternth Wards Wilkeso:i, Fuu-entl- i tisrn lUi.iioii. '1 iventieih .tarOtilsil, f enij .:rl V, ai Atl lie; iltiiicans, I lii.otny I'timond-Sope- rv sor Neirmsn, NH1H1 Y srd Mreriso, Fs' chlldanl !!pub!lcin. trio IniPi . Driiiicrat, were absent, Mr, JJufly Is 111k i iln ur is Mi, 11 visor Wills's nsmo was called he sail, 'i iui, ior James h.ievliu because lie waa a si. ''r.' The iinnuiini-eiiien- i ol tne ole was yr.etM inn minirii 1 eppl.iuie and hisses. When t tin:,, e Has over t it crowd quietly dispersed. 3 1. - ,it ut iiuugf! tne Cierk's room, tiers he da. a uovi l ol his iricnds, and addressing them, ta ' n w ni'i, see If inv liirtueiice Is gone If any cl 1" '' in can break my power I,et them lets-t- ' -- , 1, o i.dl.e mane his living, ' t f: st ittj cut his .mad uil If he could nut. l.s I'n y ik in aa nd "ank," ' 'ii iiti l.i'nscll nl this speech lie rushel tu t ir. ,.,r down Hhuh ho tramped as far as ' .1 't eii, us il Im had lor.'u'.ten sonio- "' e tMiieJ, and tramped as quickly back. "" . " "ili me crowd, he alvante I lo t"e i" "r Wills, taking the bupetviaor w a aid, " I thank auil, sir " 'I 'I nil t ijjca ou u soldier; that l t' '" I ' ' d f..r hhi , ' 1. '. un Yts. s.r, he was aboird ol 1 lie wst 11 " i.t k in our hite ar. I 'ii I... I,;- 0 Mr. W ilia, tne lloss went to the j'-i- Linked tliein for ioIihk a ue had di si lie inen h it tl had 111 a liin 11I liluuiph. """S tl, i.unghllii Arliiinn ledgliig full Iherr Is Hi- -. .lie 11011 In lie I'riity-Altnrltll- lK Miom Ui hil .i.i., Mint Kiliiliiiid Itrlgga l.ait 1,- - i D.njocratic tlenural CVtiunitU'i' " K ui 1. al iK,r tiajqurtcr lu fix "! i m ol reuMsniiiliJii. There was a hi. sttet, r Water Coniinlsslonsr Fowler and ti 'out - uutf Many ooouoied fr nt seals !iti Vil.aughr.u was seated in the body of the ball Hiiu., in. l a member of t ie lieforin Commit-pi- i , callnu fur the appoli.t t'"in' 1' '"' ' "' n"'' 10 rt,T'' P'"" loV '.' 1,1 '"''uuer iur or thought that no one ' "r "h p r.uii lor ono sliuul i v. ' ' ' am inber of the C'iniinillie, ti ' ir 01 ' t'.n t,d tipressi-'- l M 1' ' n Mrl.auihliunrose and and. Iui"' " 'l'it in ihu party. Al t'm l, ' u e nun wl o opposed II" v", i'i ... aay ahuiit ITUyj 1 , s , ice of dissatisfaction lo I , I n( l' distill! t C,i, , 'y It has been aald by " , tt i .lug or nattipt tUalsssssssssssssssssss lng sn oftlce shonld be nllowod to come Into I ho Committee. Tula would be fltlil of Hie outs mains t the Ins. T wn gentlemen, who were forrm rlr members, were the first lo Introduce a certain prac- tice. Oenttemcn, there msv be corruption now In Hie party, but it is or u different character than It v as et 1 10 limn those men were mount, li s Honor Mayor Kalblli isch, isns the flrst utsn whoever bought votes at a ronsenllon. He is no-- a He Toruicr, opposed to cserstnmg like Iraud Wi' l, e men of my day he acted as I have stated Nov there Is another lleformer I mem Kdmnnd Drifts who aniut mooer In the enliven tloiia to get nonilnati'ins. Yes, he end more; he gave places to secure what ho wanted. .Now, arc thsao the two men we propose to take in f Hits committee is willing tn heal overtthmg un At lie last election the Willi imshurgti w.r Is showed dlssattslarllun. T ho mini frinn those .ids ncre dero let In II. ell duly. Willi all the dissatis. fs Hon, Ii WllUimalinrgn had stood as she ustnily stool, there would Have been a lirge majurltt for the regular candidates 1he dlssdertlon c insisted In the lad that the stumps drew lt.OtK) voles Horn u. and II is our duty 10 get them buk; todevise some plan I" reorganize t is Cinniiiitti-e- . hi ute people havo aald iliat Hie tu nm. lle ta run hj a lew. Not tut 1 em aware of jut one ever been coerced or prevented from susklnx Ins opinions. 1 agreo with tno resolution. 1 waul every one lo come in and have their say. When the Hoss took his sest. Mr. tVrnsrd delta-ghe- r or the Filleenth Ward said he came from She did not have u fair show In the convention. There was onlr one intu Iriim that district on the count ticket, and he woe objection able lo the pe .pie. Mr. 1 linothy Desmond of the Twentieth Ward spuke of the frauds In the primary elections, and said this waa the nsnse ol the illsafecilon In the tatty. While ho was relating an lucilenl at tho primary to elect delegates lor the City Convention, showing fraud, Mr Masey called him to order. Hoss McLiug'dln requested that He be allowed to continue, saying it was better Isto than neser. One delegate seemed worried nbout the Wllllamehurgh matter, lie was not sattsOed until he had repesled-l- said that Wililatusburgli got all the was entitled to Hoss McLaughlin moved that the number of the rcrnnilttce be lncrea'ed to six, and tnatlhe member ir. tn the Fifteenth be a Ided. Mr Uktlanier. the member referred to, dechre I thin lie did not Mian to serve snlbegged lo be ex cued. " I hold 110 position and doti'l wish any.' Mr itermin hoped that he would not be excuseJ, " lur," said he, " from what I know ol the man I know thai he Is a man nut to be gougod out of any- thing." Has McLaughlin urged him lo accept. The del. rrctico shown to Mr. (lal.agher, wno is superin- tendent of the work being done at the Stazg street stalluu house and .in ex stump candidate, surprised most of the coaiiuiilee. xni: sixo sisa win: Mfitncii. A Defence nhlcis 110 fnne) I.itsvvrr would Tut Un for Hip Killing or a l)ng-- A .11 nr. vrl ol Crime A Monster on Trial. Yetirday Jacob Wvess was (ilaceil 011 trial for the murder of his wife on the 2)ih ot October last, In Mng blng, Mr. and Mrs. Wtess were often In- toxicated, sod frequently fought, Mrs, Wiess Inva- riably getting the worst of It. On the afternoon of Oct 'M sS'jeia kicked his wife out of doots, and re- fused to allow her to return that night, fclie stayed at a neighbor's boose. Next morning she went home, bnt Wyets still refused her admittance, tine then leinid against a fence sna wept, Hoon W)ess went out, and repestedly struck Icr with abroum hiudle. He then threw her oterafence. Two of her ribs were broken. Mrs Jones, n nelghtmr, helped her Into the house. Wycss went off. the story was told by three wllnses Wiess's little daughter Maggie, IS 1 ears old, was Lie on1) witness to Its aoi of the tragedy. Tne litl'i g.rl took the sund sobbing ss though her h nrt woulJ ureak 'fids scene w, icli brought tears to the v"i ot arly all in tne Court room, hil 110 vt- - 1. e eft's t upon her oruta! falti-r- . The child te till d on intrJa) night about nine o'clock her falter ntut hone, ami tludlag her wounded mntnrr tn nil where .Mrs Junes had placed her, he dragged bur out by tne heN, her shouUrrs on the Unit, and Ini-- Jumtot on her breast repeated)-- , s iinrn.g tu the would kill ber. He said thil they would nm hug Hueiihout and I lint Itiet wou d uoi hang him. The ill In; won, an liyon tne II or all Lljhl, attended only bi utr,.i'rr 1 lie husbm a d Mh?r erawlel Into bed and s.epi 1' 0 o in. this 01 ih poor wumsu, hijiudin.'i.jl 1 iliaga lj un lai xlaor. baa ili'.l l" I ' ' ' ' oio--'- h .nautin be ''.i isi wit'i Maa-le'- lestt- 1, 11.. 1.' . i ', s uu w .a t'.at ' io woman was a w l.l,. out .Qlwus better desd thull ..lili- Att rnej 1) keiutn eumme I up In a mas. t rl n His aroi.iii'iii '.ad nut rmsod when the MN reporter iuuk the train Isst night. a 11 ;. si in: A (iilini- - of Curds In n Mnlli Avrllllp nloon - An Astunlt on the MilcsvnIU llenlti lu ill lies ue llospluil, Ji'iius 1 itzpalrkk, who was so liadlv liotlon on .iltirday iiLrhl, alt.' in liellesue llo-plt- esterda) murnlug. F, r.'ildtd In Thlily-alxt- street, 11 a r Tenth aienue, iin.l drove a cart ior John Tugue, of Thirty sew nib street and Eleventh avenne. At 'j oV.ock cc Matu.d ly night, Fitgpatrlck, tartlII tiitoxliiited, enterel the sslooo kept b. l'aiilck Me- llon .Id at Uri Ninth arenus, aod 111 -- t several men v. hi- was acquainted, and proposed a game 01 1. .nis. MclJo.i .J ..jj. 'id. i i at ne did :i Ion rari' pla lng In li,- - .a.oun r 'gpitnck in s tie ., 1, d dr.. . 111; .1 , ,c uf c ir o .1 lu ms p lekel, st. no 11 game. Fug iIik tlnirs. sn I finally l.e d :.e lie nun-l- r I'.ii- - nut be uas rj clv-.- i hi 'do Jl.'iiild. He leu nine 1 111 fr uit or Hie saloon Ih realm ing and an euiiuglui some time, rbeineiiwun ithoui he uidpl'iied eurds then went out, mid the quarrel was rrnoMe-l- . Hue of Hie pirtv tueii knotke down, nn I ill fulll'i; the b.irlc uf his head struck the curbstone. (Ulcer rm in the "pot. bu: t'ie aaaaiimts iscuiK-d- . F.izoatrlch was la.'ii to 'he 1 stteet station, and Capt. Caffrer sent lot Dr. Arinstrung. 1 m- - D01 tor. find- ing onlv a "light scdii wound. dre-u- t 11, ind he w as locked ip on a chra-- e 01 in osloilion. N xl moruiiii: when Hie doorman iseul to the cell in which FrgrttiUk v, it 101,11 c I, ii0 prisuuer C'inipl lined Hut lie could not sund on his feet, ami said that his nick was injured. Dr. Armstrong w- again sutiimonetl, anu 1111 examination showed that 111 lite fall his spine had been injmed, ind that Ids Imvi r extre utiles had oecu iaraf .zed. lie was sent 10 Ilellsruo lloipitil, and there ho died Tne mur terrr I known to the police, and the) will l hint to day. Ji nan iiEhroiut'.s ts eoo. The Illaloi-- of llie CI11I111 for hulnrr lor llio Diatrlrt Attorney's Asaletunta, i'itt Ji poE'a 1, ft Nasam ,t., D,c. 19. Vo 7,a foti.or of ana Mil In the columns of tho limn of Deo. 19, I read an editonal healed, " Ai, item lor lie inves- tigation of the Ursud Jury," In whicn the Timn Dure was a cl dm sat S SOU, an Hied by the lljaid of Audit, and awarded lu me ior if .'al ser- vices while Assistant Unmet Attorney lu titu oira Hki to lbia, Tlif is uiojiii siioiu ily trtiu 1 will now detail all the fac a und iiicuiUiUuces regarding He payment 01 tnl claim. During mv Assistant District AttorncMp, Mr. Hall was Disirul Aitornoy. and .Mr. C. llutciiiigs Assistant Distrnt Atlur While Mr. llutchin;s mid mrs df were D.sirlcl Attorneys, he suggested tu me that as .nl our time was devoted entirely lo t.lo duties ul llie otllce, he Ihought that on tint ground oursilary s nul l be Increased, the silsiy belna then a much lower sum thin It Is non for tne llrsi two yen, and a nail :.ol. and fur tho balauco of the tinm 3 U.O inatead ol llO.oiu per sunum as ul trosout. I concurred In Mr. lluiciiings's sug.'cstinn. flo then aald he would inaau an.llcitioii tu the Lcglsla. tuso lor us bot.l for an inciea"a of a ihry eqti it to an nmnuiit ol i!i.M for llo Ihiee years semen us As siatant Dlstml Attorneys. The lax levy pasted hy the Legislature Mr. lluuhinits't ciuim cf 13. 5m), and my 11. Hue was utterly l.'lioicl. t un acintiouily believing that inv services, rindt led while Assistant District Attorno), wore ut full) "qu il to thou rendeio 1.) .Mi I lu cmnga, 1 m .Mice (poke to liuu about it, und alsu to Mr 11. 1 who was then District Attorney Mr. Hutchlngs exonss d regret and astonls . men! that the Le.lsl.iluru 11 id nut uli'i reco:n zid my calm for an increase of ssliry as it had his ; and ti en and there, In tho must expresse I terms, irum Mr Hutchlngs and Mr Hull th t lie) uouldeee that my claim was uui prueuted to the Hoard of Unporvlsors. I thi n lot the ma'tcr rest, I Unally un 'oistood irom Mr Iluichiiics that me claim hid hoe presented 10 and pi'se 1 by the I Inn d of Hupcrvisurs, anJ that It would, be pjl I. Hnurtly ulter Hits lull rmatiuu I received the warrant lor D,5'X), wiiluh 1 hillevud, ind do bdit-ve- , under the ciicumslancos above set furtn, wis and Is a legal and le.'ltimale ptyuitn', paid Hi a lawful aud honest manner. Feeling in 111 v onn heirt ami conscleurn iliat 111 Hits trans cum 1 in no sen'e ur maimer acted fraud ntly, I that 11. e (iiaud Jury at once Inicsugiie t da i.uitrr without loar orfaror. behoting that II thoy will do so, my I.01101 still be promptly and reedlly sliidi cittal. 1 furthermore say, lint 011 the first day of .Ta- nnin. IbM. 1 entered tho Dislriel At i.iiiey'n oflli-s- , rem mine there until Dee ai 18'iS; u.d II ii fin Jan. 1, 1 '00k the uitli 01 1. flics as I ill .In ice ul tha nl) ul .New Vurk, which position I have l ie honor t us ilui :u hold, My official life has exiuiiui d uver a iieriud of nearly serin years, and us this Is tlio ten llrst aapersion cast upon my omdil integrity, I II w ask. desiie, and challenge any and nil persons whiimsuever whu h.irge inu with ofl'clal wrong, lo riime lot ward slid la il uolure the (Ira nil Jury, now In tn asiiiii, in order that Hie a may be Taiii, f rl yt and ul on e inv ill at" I UUM'iOb UliWOItis giU duds LIFE IN WASHING CITY. omxm 1. i.t vsvoi.msa rnt: vlass ran nut .snssiox Shall Hip pmiMi Im o Ti n.lcr rnlhiuc to wpll nu lltr I'lng oMhn t'lillrii Mnfm -- (Itpi tiniillittf I It r Hull uml Hcnrs-M- x tttnnth . iiicnitiiirnl No, 'J, WAsiilMotoN, Dpc. 19 Tho lonp rxpoclMl of U10 Civil Servtca Comm tnn rme in to Hit Httute to tby, anil will make tttrtity cohimns H ha not jei ben Tcr CfiwraHv real, bat n.i far as It hai bren tho driri of opinion M t.Wcri to It. Tlio report xsa written by Jeur;u Win. Curli, nml fs bnsfJ upon the Lncltth ami Amtrlin y?len l Tli.T ! littlo profpect of in belni: iJoit'J at prcnont, ns t tut unlet. CJn bo d''no In a despotic OoternmPiit ouM not bp lolonlPil hcrr whoro both tinrlliM dppJ to havo their own frlm 'a in po ultloti to tnable lhm to mmntiln tlioir politleal Tho Iloune Poet Offif CotnmUtee to dsj agreed to Parnsnorlb'a bill to provide punlhmfnt for par-tlc- putting lu tlnw bldt for mill contraeti, and tnna enablloK them, hy conaplmcj with othf ra, lo delay anJ annoy tht Uepnriuient, aod eventually plunder the (Jovernmeot. It neerv to tave unanimous content to cat It throuch before the lioitJii, and lUtdrman (Of in . 1'a.,) nlJcctii. Hu the alurks nill have a lew inuutLa uivre to prej upon thr T itnnf lnel'Orital Committee aWo nsree to report a bill to direct tho rutuistaLtr(lurrjl to iMiie tarda on torn paper, about iho tlze oi ordinary envtlopet, ore nide for addrem and the othr for wrtitpu or printed mattT, at one rent puitasc It Mil mi when reached Top Conimlttrp Uio dlrrc eel John 11 il to report on iila bill to abu.lah the irankln prmie-ia- . Tne Ailnun iiratlon Sinatoia havo befomt ao weary of the ha lit atphivt lnvps.ijn.ioti, aud have io much re lince on tb Committee a tMckcJt that to day thoy let all the resolutions tn Inve'tUato to to it without t nurd ui dcS.ttu Nearly the wholu of Trumbuir 01 icln al reoolutiou ha been iidoptet bj Siecrmeil, nnd ti bMorv of the Km mi Mine and rnnrntiun is Cillfd lor, but neither la likely to be ft rtliciuanff. Tlio llm- a pi nt three In a debate od Ml: prol.ini; lorn Labor Cou.mikF'oti. The IndlCetUouk ate tat It will paia Jhebtat apatuheaoi' llie qieriton were by Town aend, Hllllnzer, and Killcy Tl o Democrat! do not like to dftcMt the nimuro outri.'ht, but dlaltke lo are any iiiovemccta toward re'onnatton inaugu- rated un the tabor question In the Itepubitcau puny. The ttniKiur Prorrrdlna of tlio fruntcninl IIuiimp nf HrprrarntntlTea. Wasbi.nqtux, Icc. 19. The IS en Ate p.ied the Ilouce bill approprlittnc $t,0,UOJ (or tua coustru;- lion of public buldlnia lo C.ticjzo, .Mr, MtWAiiT (Uep.. Mlu.) oflered the lol'onlae Joint resolntlon. propoiinc au amendment tu the ConMttuilon to be known aa tho Hiiiecnih. .SKTirit Thtreahali be matnt'I&rl in each fctate or 'leriitorr n mten of fre- cunni'in rrhoolt tint cettfter the Untte-- stain. butr. Ur t'orr. or pailc riomilon ihail oi l In th lupiiort or anr lohool Utr flu the peculur tcuctt of an) deuoiu:uAs.iou i bf inuchu feic. 4. Cuncrni tull Uwa power to enforco th.i article Uy approp.iatu l xulauo.i. Jteifrrtt-- to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. bcarwrii (ltp., Mai.) cave nutio ttut at in enrly day ne wontd olltr a Joint resolution proHdine tn it no pmiu who lu occ held ufflci- o i'lti-i-ten- t t hi li nuid theaatne u second term. IPVNMU OrTHAUM IS PL' R A. Mi . Mill iU t Uep , Mo.) t.'.en utbivd tie lolluiv-In;- , viu u wm j ti ptr i : Itstnirnt, inn the President ue irtjueitet. tf In Mi opinio u po ni tno lnipattble wln li t"i j'C intcre-- tu couiiiiiiisicAte lo f ne rnaie qt.esrosi- - nh fl ilu. n uul ..f ilie alTur of Cud an t not c 'in-I- wuiiii ll.e ii oi ibe C utt Co unit I Mo i lu.ur In iesl tu, aie at pretni p "i in; n po. i tie tn iti uellon to our ntvat cumnun t ii. in cntAQ waters lo. lite nurpo aiutrtl in the l'iei(lPiit' inesriuu ; n1 iilso wjuint'1 not una wit a nine un t(u lie hiJ rrurrity ul Amt ricn r i n i lie Uisnur of ti fl tn tu make it atveir trntt the ut'or urtj uov itikruAior Iuau btfjre such lio- -i trnc iuci I'l'MklllNO STOCK OAWIILIVH. - Mpr Kn ttlv.i V- - InirtxItu-aM- l Ulll tn ron lh si ok;ui4 bi Ic I'fllCtr .in fui o'.U'-- r I urpn- - It pruUioitk all i nob eiuD!i i In the lievur) lifpiitiiit'itt or In the oh ciiuu or ot the leveuue a diturslny. nfUcir, ceikrrosent hi onv of the public Iron bfiuii encased or roucerneil in Ue bul- la; or teiliu.; ol cum, tluvbruuiviu vwcuntlM or atock of ny 'tirri.nton undttr ptfiultt ol a dnr r.ot ncueditiif tT'.X) or liutrWontmnt notixi-fo- inz ten years or tiotn In the dlxcr-olo- ul the t our I. JVrtvoiis who ild or assiftl (overnnirut fmphi)eua lit uc!i fepeiUiutions Jtn tnuds iLhlc to i.tlf t tc above oetstiuiii'd leiulliei'. and Inttnihro l Jit.c to CMitidi'in o ofli-i- ins under t e rot nj i ro ifiuii art to itct'ivi (5o0ejch. IU tiied to Ju-.- i ci.ry. tmk jo DOMINGO ritoTfcroniTt, Mr Si'mnck moved to uko uo hi of fertUiasi Murrli cullinc on the he ri'Ur '' the .Na ior iiitoriitttti n iihout the number of mil.t vmployt-- uu t'm oif-- i of am Drmnnjo much the bcpinniUst or tl.o nt'toiiati-Jn- lur the acqjiition ot part tl that ilud. uml .ilo us to lite coot ot end Ins jnd kef pint tt.em there, and he announ' ed tha1 wI.eueerlNU inri'rmitioii houl I I ottutued he woula move to reet il to the Committev on Ia Wi- ll tion smJ Iteireiu' tii'tit llaflj.1. tr .Mr. LOiiUMi ol'JtitLd, ii.ii l ie rtoiutii0 went ovtr. Mr. Vt'HNrit ftit wir I offvr 1 It as a no rsol-j- . tion. bin Mr. aaiu ohjeetv l. aud il wvut i vcr. Aitm MINUrRR acucs'.'ic. Mr. llLttn Ir... , Mo ), od ie I a reaolatl v, ivblcli w . iid 'p'od. trectin; uio i oiunilttoj mi iuvctiia tl 'ii nun Uf nt toil quire cr tiny Mlu-ia- i r ol lite Cn iti' M,, tea In iv ior tf i cts'iitti'1 H "ii;a;e I In iiv nil'.tt.j company and using his ofJ rhl pi.aittiii tor the promotion of I'd mitre s, d tt f, litnfr hit U- i ii o in ci'lKp-ltibl- nith h.s dui.e as suct .Mioitfr u htr Mr 1'ikjl (Uvp., .N. f'X at hu own icquMt nai ecui'd Iiom fcervi iiion Hit Cumsuiuev cu liiteiii I'ition und Iteirerii iiniHiit. 'J hn ri'kolutlun ntoi utird ir fro.n dc ( om nntteeou J'nil .f u I mint, iUl it um .Mi. ."NorvMiod, oi tiforu, ti tit rd io ti atu in ti bu-&U- . w..f uureen to, .ind c was then sworn m. Mr HcoTT le.l up his ifsotuti'iii dirft'tinc the fitrjieint at .rni- to .irra-- Snunilens., u iflractorv witness in Nnrth CHroiitiit, tn it ,, pawi'il. Tl o resolution dirt'ctinz the nrrt'nt of fast und f'ump, of Miln i. Cive rue in und without reithiiit; n vote the nmi at 3,:w o'ciorX weir, lulo ealou, and noun., toi aujuuiuod. IImimo of Itrprrfnimls rn, WHU wero irtioi.uceil. Uvpeitiu,; all nt itnto whilst forfeit th- -' p riionn ot wid t b ot ancond ui.tinu.f; IUuik the mtJ ul Ulernal ti x :ill kinds ot rmitiuttcturid tulncco nt 1H fonts ir pound ; reputiatiny the nioju of p.tvui nt of duties and fnu.ilui iir thu vaiii" ofJieiiiirj notes; io extend the titno within which upylica. tiotu may bo m.ide tu ictu d tho cotton t.ix Mr. llooi'Hii iKe',, V.uirt Mt POlt'd ri'nhittons lntttructuu tho Cumiulttce on HjuK.Dit and Cur reiii to exiinine Into (he cjscs ol tie ucnnt his prnii'n cf pntMnal b.inks. und to consider if nny itd'-it- di tl legislation 14 iiiveit' ry to uuurd ajialnvt un turn miiponiun In ttm Itr.uro. A'K pttid Mr. KiNwrtr.i (Di m.. N Y ) aked uave io nflrr a r"nj'u ion d (ho Committee on 1'ubllt"tit'ttte as to tht number of i i muted .s clcrkf, iboter1. Ac , lu the N'-- oikCustdn l1 uh am Nav. Vaid, lmm?d ite y proctdioK tit (to uifction in Miic ol .New Vurli, on wl.oae reciiuiiionditori they were ap t ulutcd, how um. t tn wrrc . eialiii J iu aorvice. und tru n wini fund I'ltj t i I Mr. M'KKH (Iti r , da ) oly. A bill upiipil ttlj nt nnp, tp defl clenclts In Uir i pioi'iiatmn lor Uir ii .i"o ut t liu Kit K in Co.i uuttctf uub tufii putted, and the Mouse vdj' uriif J. AVTKll MM WHOM 11 til. 11! ItlMI. An lnvesilifH nti Ordered Into tho (It nrrnI (1 I'd rr Itiisairss-AU- oi Win: lur I m. I u t I'liinihintc mux HM'd in Conlrnl the Mttu Con nm) liriMibllmin rrlamiU, SHISfJTOS, !). ID. In tho Sutulc Mr. coukliu luotod to tako up his reiolullou, otlured jt dtiT.l'iv, diri'Ctltis l ie Commlttofl un Ue ticucliuient tu h fjuln into the eh trees nude ny Mr. Schurz in ro'-- etKJ to the '0) Ordor" bust-liw- tn th Nuw ork Custom Ihnisn Ml. r.iilfi-n- ii lt p Vt ). j nt uml this wl.o'e mih. Ject lud hei n ImeMitnU'ii ho'ort1, hit' lie li.m nn jertlnu to flirt "rr Inu tl, .liun ln the rt ntrnn , no peltutfd It would he too I. Ilu KnM, lioucvnr. to njy it few words about the invent: .Hun by the Committrtf, of iWileh lud bi'u Chilruuu. Tne AV' Vork Titnts of .Monday bud rUiml tnut tlio Commilteo held holexind-eorne- r InvesttL'ation, had li lUlptlluti-- wltmtot lao a Tombs l.iwjtT, and lud muJo a L'urblet ami dithoncat report. w Hint htatemcut U uull.'iiantly f.iUe Irom cclfiitins to end, and It la made, I hehev to throw smut upon tho Conrult'.eii, In or der to U'fen thu form of their report, nnd lur un cttivr pu pus?. Tier was no nuuiDulatini: of wit i eiei, hurt vas no u irhlinx ot tpftl nonv. It waa un honea, Mrilhltorw trd ropnrt. iron hoilii-nin- to oj'l. I'Ihto was nolulir; Itlt out ol the tes itmonv eaccpt nurplusazp, and there were no chanta made by the IVntnUteQ onopt In sf)m.i caeua to in ike tin lttlinunv moro grammatical. Tl.ft Commlltoo had notnlhi; lo hUmt the nulu's tor. tinlen a be one A ter Dm tnkins of th" had Dteu con 11 ' '! 'd Mtirptn ratno bcro an t '1 t rt- - ion to i;o iivi i io f inn t wis &wn blin, Hy.- - bnujut a tfiMiU titn with him (torn tfew Yyrt( auJ (ue tcatiuwuy wi put tulu b)i bands. He went over It all, and mado nei chames as be deHrcd In t le clmracter rt hia own testimony. 'Ibnt, I hnreslnco thottjtit, was a prlvllene thit tho Comratltee ouRht not to have riven hlmj bnt o urent waa our desire to be fair with all parties tnal wn ti on Jit it beat lo permit the revtilon, aHnough Iho Collector bat seen H.c testimony before. Mr I'mlomnii said It bad also boeu charged Inst the Committee had inaiie apJeastnt Irlo to tiilltonnn and ,tu'r placrs. and bnd drunk wine and ditwn list Imrsus, .ill .it the public expne;, The fact was mat the CoDimlttoo bad ch.irod the tloicinment tioihlhc but oioinary npunsfs, and lhoe unlr (or no d us actually apont lo uklns tesilmotM. Tho trip hsd cost him (Mr JVlersnn) JI.SjO, and he bad onlv charaied the (iovernrooi.t f.i0. Mr i nurnun (Dam ,, a member of the CntnmttU o, stated tint he b.ul nol chrod the (Juv eminent one eighth of bis oxpansos. Mr r.ittrrson contrastM the expenditures of bis Comtniltoo wiib ttmt or tbe t oniiiiit'ne un .Hnatli Tii Outrjffts Th' taller hil cp'"l J(J.Ol sinco tie 1st nl .Lintiiry, lflPJl w .lis i m.mittee dnrinc t'ie whole live yeara of lie eiuuncs bad aput ouly Mr fentt (Uep., 1M ), Cnilrmin of tht n.immUt;o on Southern Utitra es, nt I tint tts prtncipni outl.iv bad been on account of tutiif sus. It had oer OU) wltneseoe. Mr. Bchurr. (Hop., IMn ) utTreJ the following as an addition tu the pending reolui!on j And. niio. to Inquire whether anv oharf es for stnr ace or cunlog barn hen vt nre leads by niUrnri or tho t'uatoma or perto! a acute inder I ho reuuUilona of the Custom House, w 1 mi entrees aro noi anthorizrd by law i an i, atto, whe'itcr trepms have been accepted hr oftlrera of tie Custom Home from other officers tubordtnato to tr.e or Acting under their control, and whether tha oJlcara maktnz suel prevents have been aeierte b p elerenfeu attend to the dlehara?lnff ntsteanialdpa . and alio whether otneera ot the Custom llouic connive at friu4s tu pudn tho bircaze ot paariKer arnvtnx in the port of New Vora i and alio wnctlier articles of mrrchsndlte while under the control oi tiUlc r of the Cnito ii H"Ue, have hen b. struct ed, and whether any aooli article have been re turned on application, and whether sor offleeri of the Cusiom IIoue have been panlshcd for abi raotinr ar tides under ihetr control i nnd also lu whit extent the practice or com pro hi t'l up with mercnaota, tie fraudlnc, r aitruiptinx lo dvfraud the ret enue has (retailed, and whether any, end .rnal tvcaiiiary beuo-h- i his ore j nenved therefrom ny tha orQeera niiKinj such con nromiaa. Mr Coniilmj accepted the amendment, Mr. Tipton (diep.. Neb) offered the (ollowlnr. aniendment: Alai.whethertheofncfraor empliveei of tald Cm. torn House httve Uied tneir in One r. tu roarrti rlthc of the tw i I' t .siate Convention, uf lite ttnrty ol the Mate of New Yura, and whether Aies mentii ol money :.ave been made to be used to control rrimanea to ireoru deletatei to tUia Uotiveutioni ur for other political purposes. Mr Conkllne acceptet this also. Mr. German (Hep., Uul ) u.i be would vote for both tho amondmr its, aud ne witlisJ to call Ue at tentlon of the rotitilry to the 'act that theiu waa no diflicnlly In rettins nny proper resolution of Inquiry thrnui n tbe retiite. frMr. Jlafard (Hem . PeM oTered an amendment tlio Coninil tie to ii quire w hetr any or the officers in aald Custom llooie hiva been or are being Used as inMuments of political or i rty purotaie. .Mr ( unklinc accer lei this sUo. I lie rraolatlnn as ameudod was then adopted Vejs, 67; iui, Qor.e. The iTreldent'e Ctll Service Messnse. To iht tl( and llouttof : In Bfrotrtscce wtth the ret of Conprts approved Match 5 till, 1 H'ntrncd a comniu!on or eminent ffcntlen-.i- todevise rule sod reiuiatieos for the pnr-iu- e of irforminc the civil trrvice Their labors ere now comp.ete and I traanmt n- -r withthel repoitto- -I cine r wiih the tules waicti they rtccmniend formr action ihese rules have been Adopted and will to int rfTort on the lar ns o .tui' ISTJ. Under the Itw refvrre I to.ns tnu authority if alienor nirctlrd in the l0 to enloice reinliliot $ wiin tnll p jwtr tu abri uc. alter, or nmeua them at his ops on wiie'i rlia.1 t.e in iv ue de mr ' a viaie ihes views, toft e wt i tin re ort of tin. t'onuu iin ra. are fu, i ire ul v .i mi oi n i wneth-- r Ini lir tt u oi n. i Ik - t In ord r iniain uui mi rS . tt o an, i bi .cLaal i Urnice re o in 1 me wi'hout frrtiif r Ponir.reet it al nrMon, the is :. r. c. tbed hi tie ' i.m mijii m t r the rt. en tlio i iioi ut ed M'l h ( t d'liljr ft -i iiifd i hmihej ae tiud uz lihoui lurtb r I is Niiion on mv atir 'pviis. Hvinit dsiituf of oriiiiitm: this lubji 1 1 lo th i nmn'Uti l Cootrti-- i Drfort) tho rrci s. have not t me to sumrietitlr exam lae the rejMin lu en ible nif to suice! U Qtnte niitiMise aetloii to Insure the upport n hioh mnv irffniy In order to tne a ihortitun trial tn a policy I.ti: uic.iu 1. I oik mr !! ihe iffi-tt- nhteh Conprps nn b'vs me n enshte imp io erry oit ibe iu the civil servn-- n crnmendra bvthetom vwtt onrri and mlupted t j lane t tl ct, as before lilted, on Jannarv I Ibu. I h- - Uw wok h pr lle t ir tie conrrnlnf ol a com mlsision to lievlsr rul-- and re u nim-- ror irformtni thacivil service auihoitsM, 1 think, Hie jrnnatient orKttiilE ulOii of titinat uosrd. unecr waoss ccneral dtreeiiun ii turniMffuM of enpiic-nt- s fur nblto ottlr--na- il h rnnrtnctrd trne is no aprriprtatton lt i .ui line bus h ,t oimttl t i lu ti iiiiiitH'ion id IU i n S lit !" r Uif rf ic rf mn end in t a pr.)i er npiir- i fiaUltii. li nn le t eor u itte me sci ire ot th pi csi nt t'osr-- ior miioiih r voir, and in Tiew oi tne fnci inu u.r, e nunibers r the hord h dd position In the t wn tc s. rvlfe, wn ch preclu i s them from tcceivtnx eilri (ompenAilon utidir lni. ton th- -i anihonxeo l' terriv a fair ronipeDisibm tor cur icnice rvUdired In them in the penor.natitje oi this dut) L H UltANl. .MssiocfcI)fc 19, l!l lur foilowtnK are the rales kubmitted by the ComiilftsttiiKr-- : t No reiaon shun r sdmlft-- 1 to any tosld'.n Id the c i' sei vh within the sot rur. tun nt or ilu 1'iee dent oi the hew! nf df i artiiiLUts hn u . it i itn-- n u the t'nltrd Htaics,wn ihi l not nave furni-h- it e.nure lu r'arJ t" oh irurter. h 'ul ti. and hic, and whisl Mil imt irive iael a 1iim tr. exsuilna t ou tu rtivsiklLg, real-us- aud writing toj Kutfiisu Un mwe 3. An a iriory bi d of auitnhle re- - n to be em plore ihe I'rrsideit nnd'i t.n tn 'ello i of t',0 am fit Msreh .i iili '.nil d ' An se; maonir apptoprt-- ion or c u eip' ii u ot the IfOvernm i t or lie ftseal lear ruJlo; Jnue ) 1M;. an-- for other rur. I uses." stiikll. o fat li rrifti',sibl-i- group tne pjt ions in earh branch of tie rhil nrvice nccurdln iu ihe charartcr oi the diilies M ne perfumed, and craaeeach icruanfrom tie liwentothe bizheu.ior tnepoipuse of uromotlon wiuln the erotii-- . Adnd hjii ii tne civil icr vice .uli alwy pw m th- - ion ft grade of a r croup, and to uch position as t ie uroep.l or cratJd a dm 'nl m .halt bo determined as protid. d 'ur tne I wcai .'rd. .1 K v.i xic) vcr;.n.i.j iu the lowest era le of srj cr P Jt iitlleei malt he rl'lt .i it er dee rhl n ne. . t om ai ai pliCAnls wh si ai prtienl theius dves, int w o hJ t hive luinisht'd tlu c.ld njes .ml nt& d the pie nn nurr e&amtn t it alresny mcniloned Aid w o sli'li used a i tudic iMiiiiKiiU.Te i. tion t tot their lcnowlidH. ahillty, nnd snetial q i tl.fl. tuns to- - tho rent rnmuce of the ou- tlet tt the ufUcc Ihe Haita auih c .it; i t ivo eia itnation shili prepAre, uidtr tho a ou i tb dvlsov Hoar I, a list of tho rum s i f t..e kp. lemi s in ihe order or their eirellvnce, as nv such ox nlnation, b"Klunnu w ito the In.-- is', an Uml tht n i f rtlfv to tho nouilnjilarf or appoint, my oil oi. rs in' CASMiist De th- - iritne ftandins m l te t,fsd u: ucb IUl U'n : three, sod fro u tUv inns "rrt flu Mr rippomimeul shall be made. 4. , vu.a.e) occuirm iu any si a Jo ut a ciuniio,' oftle r nn ve tie low.sthi!i he U Iwd b) a comp il. lite t xintnailon ot .ipuli ouu iroui tl.o oincre.iiiu oi ti.t i;i;up, aLd the b- -t ui oitiuti ir.iiu wincb tne a pr .innieot n to bs ma le i e iuinred aud t, u- piovidcd in iho j rei-.'- n rui hut I no i ti"h ipii'ieunu ure totind eenputont, the appointment a'l be uiou au laXftiiiina.ui of u 11 .ii plicsnt. run u tt d I' iici'ordat re with the prov iiMna ior idmis. tiuu t i lnett crate & Aptd t ar cert tied or o'herivue quillH" t f t s ca-- en ot t',j ice r ol .11 mis, ran- len Of A SUUUt lltfsfU.-- ' C .1 Ol 1' Slintl.t l i Mipermti ndeni ot Money itidci tm.,aa i.i i.t nm-ce- , and luch othei'iU tudum of l.ire .ti:u ut niosuy is ms) nereurtur bs Ct .'iistn tij Hie ,dviory l.oird. and tor whose isrcuniarr tl Iclit) uiioihsir uitp n-- m l:e, siii1 no- hsi appoimcd en apt wiih the Hppioval oi iirh otnui- rime r. fc, 1 tinaitcr whose annuoi saliy i teisthin ti mnv po ut.i'uiutel upon ihe wi iten iiuoi sniii cuiM'.wtlh snrti evidence of cuanrtot sodilun ai ohuii he aii"Uet n to the heat of ti.O Deptrcne-- t ibe eid'oitiimt'iit of uil perotia t!u.ena the civd aervln lu wit'i th re it;u btionr. i iitc rir'tin apicltted h Hn rmtdi'U, iij and with titcadvlie aud coneui ol ihu ena e. tVui.tu'tcr in appointed tonnr posniou ti a toreuii country u.i i.j in .id- - tur a term ot u months, durlnu ' (ilrbtic ntuci aid tn neltt of snen t onithsilj be tested, and if al Hit- uidofsnch protin-tio- i ai ifrm sit u. iury nioofW oi their fttms hitii biij iiUtU furuishe I i) .he Hoard o' to mv hea of the iffpartin-i- .t tu woiP i linn hil hu e dfen eini lo c i diit uf s.tid tt i tu t hi ) hull oe n nitoni.t'd m i he i'ipsi i Mit wi iieii-'iu- u ttiifo p t en"h dtpsi inenl o p iii.'c to a rve aa Itoaid of x. am, .ipc hieh iiudir I iu su on ision o me Ad'isin jto,,i ti. ui uiiut to be prcnrioeu oy it. uiil&tsuih tinins nnd plios ui It mm Determine, to all coudiici pi'isonal y.oi 17 perions njdro od bi um .Vh r.n, iht .e.t.4iina and exiulnnilois foist ndsiion mt ' sal l dcparl'iieuti 01 tor prwuiotiea thu. In. V Anvpeimn who, after lonir nnn fsilii'n! seirlci In arpaitm ut sum he ii'"ai 'e t'i ed ..) t nt iitfiiiiiinei ior th" i.h eni d selmue ot in du- nes of hot ii. 1" (."Pointed 0) 1h Ii i. .nt nt, at tn d.-- i "e 101, to 4 posiitnu o( ln lesp aintity n He tirimnt pi. Noiiti.i-- i lu t'lese ui'tat ,.r 'In nrpU-nie-- tt 01 a'leus to (millions in the Co tutiw niu wh.cli ii) on of 1:11 1 e ini( or tith r till c'rnt rau-'- mo in the In is nnnt of the unit 'tm power I) t ftilidttior Ihe appointment of '1C.1 Miiiilu tho I i.i to biaiia .1. 1.10 Pi'lm 10 p'Ofer dUPhiUu t Ihe ilu tie m iciisln pent )!.) 1 wihi mar not bn tain lUrmt'i the htu Inn lai.u te r loyally enpib'e of nsiuni'iiu tl sn in ud nt ti (lepHrtmunt nor any summlmiti' oill eel td the t UTiimeiit "h.Hi .is inch lllcm lutuorize ui I'M in. l or anist In levili'H any asto'smeiii 01 one v t . po iln nl purp rfes undci the lorm ot mluiiHiy rti.i'ritnittons ur o hrrt upon .mv pvi m enudoyed und' r hia luptioi inr shall jny rueti pcrou nay any lllsHieV u a.s- sse.l li. ne adtiory hoa'd ihVI at any llrr.) rocommeml to Ihe !'i u eii eh uues in tno u tutu m 11 nut couiid n "e ary tu itfc.trJ the atuxtr eillcienoy ul tne c.Ul teivioi It from Iff ' ruin are cx epted the tioids of fit piiiiit.idui. A distant fc'tur Un jf t AUormy l. and l lrt ,stani ral, hoen ir of the 'I Naval hunc tor, SoiinMr m Innirnil Hev line, hjantner ot I'lilms in lie Hut- Depai Unenl, I leasuier uf ihe United stales, Heal r or in n 0.111 rv. fiut And heroin! Coicptioileii u u..i t'rrasuiv, Judge of the United si it Conr:t, tusiiict Altor-nej- s, I'rn ste hi ctnHr 01 thu rnwi.icnt, Amha idors ai.d oib'i puiHie Misilsiers, Huperidiniideiit or dm Coast cm vy, llneciu.- oi tno Mint. Uovornori of iff r Hones, hpiei il Commiasiniiei-s- , necul Annual Visit-In- a snd h i.'ininiuc II 'aid. ierons n inJinto 1 to pon Hons wl fiotit en npeubltl iu for TViCW J(l,U'Cti ajeutN apd heaieia ot dfip.iches. Cnnflniintloiia bv ibe Ilaiiiimii' J Hivuei, Deputy Co'iimls! uei of In t nail ""im lvni W Msiun. First An llior uf Ihe re isiim . II liotiiilsss. nu mbut 01 um (. otiucll lor the Distrn 1 1 um os , T. A, loibart. of 1) Com at Havana bltuit Hatuui, f ConuiTii ul, L jiiiuI tt Ulo .'Nui'i 11 Iti3in T I'len It s ot Virmotit Cnnttil al M.fil, John H II sw of H sit ictui ( olumui. C )uiiH at Ha uluii .Vilmaiu Uurdir, coiivctor o(Uutow ftir Nl warn, LIFE IN T11K METROPOLIS. ii Annus 11 e it n a it 111 1:11 n nr run HVS'3 lir.VOHTEIl.. Iliirilrroua Asaiiull nn as sa (lfIlrrr-T- Ti No Inrlous I'll I r I or tit Ii Ward Ituilirlis (,'hki-i-I llrsprrntB Atlrnipl to fsriuic Arrrsl, Officer (leorgo H, Waltlron, of tlio Thirteenth, want on post In Grand slreft at mlilnlalit on Mon ilaf night. Hoon ho notlcstl two auspicious persons prowl njr near Attorns; anJ Clinton atresia, Tno pfllcor witrlieil their movements, and thr In lorn wstel otl the oflleer until IV o'clock ycaterila; morn. Ilia". Thon tho patrolman ordered tli.m lo morn on. At this the; begin akuslni lilin with the tllest hut an lio ir.anlfeeled a tlelcrmtnailon to ai- rs. t them 11 the till not oliejr him, they folkilr crossed the street, still pourlna; out their Tlio epi- thets. When they hat) reached the other aide of tho Ihoroujlifaro they dared tho (filthy eaplellTes) to cross over and arrest them, tholr coarso profanity and abuilse Isninase attracliim Iho attention of the occupants of, who had been roused from their sleep and had come to their windows to see what lis dlsluroanca wit. fin illy the orflrer pro. reeded to cross ibo atieet to arrest the rowdies. Wnen he wits half was acmes ono of them drew a pistol and Orrd, the ball l acplly missing Its mark. I'll ofilccr quickened his pace, and nhen he waa stllnln four feet uf the pair tliey fired again, tn stroko and force of the discharge corniest full In bis tare, tnoucli miraculously me ball again missed hltn. At this Waldron dtew bis club and went at the tellow who had done the shooting, talchlng lilm by the throat and pummelling lilm until lie waa glad to drop his weapon. Ilia companion, when the oSlcer closed llh the rufllan with the pistol, took leg hall, and hastened arras. Waldron rapped for assistance, and wss soon reinforced by Offlter fmltli, tio cute chase to the lugliltc, catching him fonr blocks aitsy. llo was armeJ with a alung-shot- , bnt wisely concluded pot to show fl 'nt lie cave hit name as John Iln m. Ti n one llrst arrested gave tno name or lun D'D.tnnoran. On O Uunnovan wss fnimd a six barrelled with lour citsmbi rs empty, nn I two still loaned, Tim rslr were taken before Jnde tcuit, anil lit hi In l.l)0 ball each on n cuaige ol leionloua aieanlt with intent to kill the oncer. The Valiant Cnpt. O'itniirke'e Fuss srllU hie l.aiidludy, Copt. Mntlhew J, O'Kourke, who thinks that he smashed tho Tammany King, walked IntoeflVr soa Market Police Court yesterday, and took a seal on one of the rear brnclica, He produced a small paper fro-- hit rocket, and proceeded to read It very carefully. With the paper still In bla hand, he took a place before the bencn among II e prisoners, The paper waa a summons which Mrs, Bradford, of N West Twenty-secon- street. In whose house he boards, had sued onl against him for disorderly conduct. His landlady aald that O'Rourne had relused to pay Ms board bill, and abused her when asked to Und another boarding house. Hoe said that be habitually reached home drunk, and In a drunken way touting ol what he had done for the rutillc. hoinsllmea he broke furniture. The other boarders bad declared him a nuisance. Cspt. O'llourke denied all the abote alterations, an I said the complainant IlicJ b'hijd a raa.k. Nic Ifd re ssld, olten stsnted to borrow money of him, and made the chsige berauio he refused lo lend l.rr muii.'... l bs litariu; was set down lur eiauaiiiatiuu to da. The .Moving I'lillllclnn. H at mlt'ratorr hotly which sljlos itself the lienulillcm Central Cnutttttee, held Its last meet- ing, prior to tne expiration of the (resent of ofllce, at l.llLJ Ilrosdnay, last nlfht. Ti.e previous hj stia held In the fit. Jamea Theatre. H.o one beforo Ii, In Cblrkerlng Hall. Tin ncit one is likelt to be held In tho lllcecker Uu Mines. Ar irruverrenl wag yesteiday suzgeslnl to a M'n reporter that It was cheaper to move than to par rent. Mr. Toiund occupied the c"ialr, and Secretary I.yon was lu hiaarcutomed ri tce The Treasurer's report for t.ieyrar was adopted. Itrrelpts, f 1J.4S3 ; tllsbursemenis, llt Oifi fV) ; on hand, II13 4J. Tne lresideiu wss directed to call to gather on the flrat Tuosdar In January the cetsly elected delegates to the ' Cutnuiltte. The Hon, Cnsrles H. Rpencer sns loudly called. He un-f- . '.led llie Mings uf tin Aim-- Iran blr J s"d llappe theui lur foi ten iniuutes, sua tne (,'ouiit.lttte nun sep.rat. 1. l.luhlruliitr the "iiflerlncs of Iho Slrh. About six l.umlii'il palifits ujasiiibletl last evenuu In the ampliliheutre of Ilellevue Hospital to llsiru to a lectnro on temperance by 1'. T. llarnu.n. Tho audience wcro tlellghtrd with the groat st.ost-ms- snd fr. qneutly app'atidej. Wmdsn Hrennm, who entered tno ball soon alter Mr. llirnum had begun Ins lecture, svas rrcoitxl with ir.aiks of f.ror In addillnn tn the ler'nre I tere was some n osi excellent music and singiug. The Her. U n, (Hand rn. Imped lhat geruine philaMlirop sU woui 1 send books nnd pn'iers to I ic patients, as tney st ere sacl) iu need of reading matter. Itiiolli nn llnnilrt. Tins is the liit wrck of IMn iu Ilooth's " Hum. lei" !'., ih.'Slre Is nightie parked. Next week " J ulius t .usar ' III be produced. fioT, ?icall ntintu to Itpslgn. Couuiu, S. C, Dee. 19. In tin Hou of Ilepieseniatlves to day the resolution of Impeach-nien- t nf (Jov. Scott being under consideration. Mr. llonrn made a tno hours speech, declaring he was in ttrnhle earnest, and meant to ltnp?aca all gciltr hiate i flicials in sucesslon. Iu .New Yurk (Jov. bcott had admitted to l.lm that tweiit)-ttv- million do.lars of Iraudu'ent loiu's had lecn usihI Mitlun tl ree dais, mi l bia'.e Trea. surer Psrk'r lied decl ire I that Hie t;llit,iae dated I, nl act ujuljal ibt llins, becsusa of Its osu corrup- tion. In or ler tn obtain a certain (no Hill.) vote for iii.Macrtmvit. l.e wool I nlTer a leaol ition to tie vile ma ill alter li.e t l.ristnas ri'ri-a- , an t if n lull House rejected Hie ineasuie, lie would resort to tne courts. He pledI'd lniu'elf lo assist by teetitnou) and all 111. ins in bis lio,v,r to eonviri tne tlovrruoe rand tie other euilu uSlrials. It Is ra mured tnal lio Hcoli will ie,i;n lu teiity.iiiir hour. 1 he i.ov riiar admits thvt Uir linnearSunrut will it.u I la canvirilon II il goes tu ban.ite. Tbe AUnrniru Cutis filed to Itsirlse .lliimr Jlnll's Tlie old rumor thai Mayor 11 ill was ready to resign .1 startud again yesierday in the City Hi!'. A special meeting of , tho lioaitl ol Aldermen wis rallet torecelvelhe Mayor's letterof reslgnallon, but lit P.M. them was no quorum, and the Hoard adjourn- ed. The Mayor has written Ids resignation twke, ind dislrnyed tlie originals. He is said to lave prepared another, embodying tne latest ot the hii u it ton , and defending himself Irom the charge pieferied against l.lui li tl.o llsforniurs. He iniieds hU resignation to date Irom Ihe 1st of January. Alio hrr Unit I'niind llend In n Cell, At li o'ului'k j t'alertluy inoriiiiic; nn uiikiionii man ans found at hixtn uvenue and Twen!) 'ouith sirerl, in su In'enslb'.e co idiuon, lia.'. r II i lid iv, of the Tl Irtletli street pnllei. t0K him to tl.o . There Is n (encral order on the polio books wulcli requires that In such rases ii surgeon shall I e euinmoned at once, fsrcoanl Mrllwains, hull ever, directed lloorman Kennedy lo lake the mill to n cell, Into w.iir'i l.e lt;n uiiccreninnlniisl) lliru't At twenty n Inules mat six Hie doiir'iaii visited I lie i .'II, nii'1 fi'iiii thu inin deiul, l Targes w ere pre-le- i ri'd t i i' i ing by ..uper.n'ciidint Kelso a.', lu.l ilt'e.ini Mil u.iine 'in.l the dooruiati Inr gross no. clu. iot Out) in linking up tlie lam wiilioiit prot'ur. iiu iro.i r un liral atlKiidani'e. ilea sand mm wn. utiout l.nri) flveye.irs old.flvi. fe t .i-- ii u c .ea high, dntk liuir, eves, and roinpl inn, H"Ut built, sirlped umlershlit, black coat Hid pant loons, and darK luuiistarlie 'flip Tumbling ll.iuUis, The er.tsh nf thu (L'e in Hank, while il iv.isi in llninrial circlet Irrouuditi ttlett evidsulli tooK some ol its tvlts,"i . Joins li tlirarise, and il Is nut unlikely I few of them will nave lo siianonl. One I e Fourth National Hank ol 1'hUadi'lnhl.i waa thrown uul of tlie Hearing House jrslerdai and loried into ' iispsiiwion. It was a bsuk nf tlmlled cspilal fWl.tWU mil its lailurv ctiMiod but little excite. incut. It seems mat just before t le Ocean ll.v k gne Us I'nll ulelplila ciirresiiiiid.ut male l.ire ndtancos on Its account, and tllus, when tue lli'titii Hank bitike Rnd l.uled In maxe lln'e ailvmres good, the l'ourth Ntllontl whs t'troin lulu tianki uptey. I'tvo or three ugu tins bink was suatieiided leiupnr.irilv III ron.c-ipisuc- ol the allegt-i- l dei'ilcation of Its cashier. .irtiiHN rito.u tin: ji:i.i:(iiiArit. Jan, ir Milinn Smith, Democrat, Is eletled tior ernorvl (leorgia. 'lb. Kiuirt i Nalilonil Is ink of I'tillnlel dila has l lliei.aikhti a esnli il of SIIMOUO, with ds onl ol bettveu nve .mil .is iiuiiUteii inuutaud. 'H e Hun. T. C. Mul'rosiy, lain Itnlled Htsles sen tioi irom v. us. it n n irn.aat.'.l h) the H.iiioiiii. I.i i iauto cm ii iu suocoJ the Huu. narrel II in, Hoi. I Pulton of the 1'irla crew Ii s rhihen ol Drome Ii (.all, lie c sin ill I II ol llillsl ! row s si nil in ai A maouii. or Higuy, b.,uJuly i,l,l9rl,WIIUilU AitiiESiitv, One nr tha Crenlurcs of this Wnahlngton Tummnny King In the Clntrlirei of the l.ntr-N'o- tT Aen If bs HnrnUs Out on Knallr na did lllnlclilord, Ihe llraisrbnck Thief. Charles Cnllemlnr, National Hank Kxnminer, was arrested ycflerd.iy cn a warrant Issued by Oiborn. Deputy Marshal Crowley effected the arrest, and aw 111 not to place his wealthy prlsonsr In Ludlow street Jail ; at least neither had been sa.n there) at an early hour llila morning. The recent bank failures had drawn much nn fa- vorable commont on Callendcr, and he was ana. pended, a few dais ago, by Comptroller of the Currency ltulburd. It will tie remembered that among the asset! of the Ocean II ink wore found $76,000 In checks, drawn by Win. II, Callendcr, and tllacouutod notes to tbo amount of JHOOO In favor of tho satno per- son. One ot those cherks was dated Sept. 3, and another Oct. 3 Ou Oct, 5 tho following report was made) Kiamlned these ,1J and 4th days of October, and found correct, as herewith checked. A moat grati- fying nnd satisfactory prozrrss evident In all branches. Kntlre harmony and earnest work on the part of all concernod will mako the Institution n grand success, and soon Place It among our Roundest Institutions. CIIAH. CAM.RNllKll. National Hank Examiner. T11K l.MHOr.HUXIS. Yrnterilny'si Humors It educed to Fuel Sir. OTfinor'a Penrs or Hoss Tweed's l'llabt -- Only OlUclala In bo Arrested. Humors that new arrests had been malo vrcru rife yesterday alternoon, but were without founds. Hon. Tho Urand Jury, however, Is busily grinding out Indictment!. Mr. O'Conor Is opposed to anybody executing public officers, and It Is not likely that he will Institute criminal proceed- ings, for Ibe present at least, against Keyser and (Isrroy. Woodward Is regarded as a public official, and a good turn will be readily Pali for his appre- hension. Mr. O'Conor sari that It la useless to And Indictments afslnst Tweed, as. If a hundred and Oily should he found, bo wnuld get off on easy ball. "I am afraid," said Mr. O'Conor, "and hare been slrsld all nion, thai Mr. Tsjeed Intends to fly. For that reason I kept back from th press the nsni of Judae l.earned's action at Albany. I feared that Mr. Tweed might hear that a reduction of ball had hetn refused in bis esse, and lake to flight before t le bencn warrant could be served ou him." Ihe Oratit Jury has adjourned to I'rlday, Warden blaoni asked the Commissioners of Charities and Correction jeiterday to fit up special apartments In the Tombs prison for the accommo- dation of the political prisoners ex oecled 19 arrive there this week. This action was thought neces- sary, In view or the report that the Grand Jury had lound a number of Indictments against prominent members of the Tammany Hlng. It is said t at they hav found Indictments against two and a u.einber of the New York Printing Company, who was at one time a candidate for the office of County Au- ditor after the death of James Walson. The ar accused of defrauding the city of large sums by means of fraudulent contractu, and by reduclne t..x..s on real estate. Tlie member of the .Sew Vork Printicg Company was lulorraed by n frien I on MluidJj that ue was lo be Indicted, and lis u.aitlif packed up his luggige and lo i't Hi ni:ht train Inr Caiaia. He Is now wllh the T.nnmany lionet's Hotel, Toronto. Ycsterdiy morning Heeorder llnct-e't- , Judge Gunny lledford. and Mr Cjirles O't ..nor lul l a secret mieting In lit conn room of tho Central 2uslon. It was sal. I thst the ohjeel uf the session was to decile on lb protirlely of " comnitttlug without ball" those wno ma,' lirrenlter be indicted. The subpana eurke atiachid to the District At tornev'a otllce were furnished with ropie of the following notice for service upon the Grand Jurors lait evening t Hec. 14. Inform silon haa Jnit reached me which mskealt ncceiaarv to convene itn- lliauu Jury lor It A. M lo.ui.iiiow Wo .no- - lay. JOth mat It li eaineatli desire I tn.t no Juror be afisent The aeuicn will be hnct and aaiisiactoiy to yweisi-lro- as Isr as toe nreeisity ext. is. LtLlLS J, I'OMbTOCK, foreman Grand Juiy. The Flight or 1'rter II. Mweeny. I'eler 11. Miecny Icli, this oily on clunday. Where he went Is unknown. It is known, how- ever, that he is beyond the jurisdiction of onr Courts, Wherever he Is, Tin Suh mil sliiuo fur him. (rice two cents per copy. Win. .11. Tarred Disposes! or Ills l'rol I licit lu Albiiny, AiBt!T, Pec. 19. Thero were filed in the County Clerk's ofdee the affidavits of Wheeler II. Prckhain and John A. Htonglitenburgli, nsseit-In- g tint William M. Tweed Is and has been dispos- ing nf Ills propsrty In New York, to wit ; A house near Port Washington, bis stables In Thirty-nint- a'rrel.hls yacht, and bis residence at Fifth avenue and Kortj-thlr- stieot, Ac, for trices much below their vilue, for the purpose of evading the Judg- ment to be rndre 1 lu the action brought against I. Un by the people. .No uev action, liosenr, la proposed. The Committer or Sevr.ilr I'mliig Ihe He. musnl ul IIhII uml Tvserii, The Comiiiitti e nf .Seventy last uight ujojitctl t' e fel'nwlng roolutloni ! faaefrs.1 Thrtthls Committee hss nit 'hanged I's Vies-- lierJIolore exnretajil cone .ruing ll.u oi the luiniedlst r"l 'nation or sue ly ..f A. ussev Hall and nil inn M Twe-- i from the ofheos v.hii-- thev have dl.grsctd an. I st I) hn'o. Thst this t .'oiiiilltce hss not, rimer uiiiilyor iniilrertlv, f into or sitietiotied nny coiiinroiiii.e. arrnuae. ineni or undi'rftandin w'iftt t... niu.renr th s.i men ahoulii ne reta'nej ot tolerated lu oihce for unv length td time, now vrr sli..rt. l.rtalritl, Tlia' in iliJittgment n'lhl" Homlitee Ihe Rulilir t lisracier snd In'eiea's of Die rilv ana Mate ol 1 ik m .lent iv dent ino thst th ' .en:, of tn ore- s' nt Incniiiti-nl- s in tiie oill.'e ol Mator end t oniiiua-ai.- i- er of t'uol'C H oiks ol aa d ell) be vacated nrhout dil'SV. aY. .'. Thil eoploa of ilie foregoing rrsolntions an3 or tin- - la.nlllli ma nn ttie Vttn ilay of No Vfinner. duly an h hy the i liairtiian and heiTi'tarv ol Ine t'.i null' i.'h hi Irans-nllte- i.i Hi" n n .irs and Mcmm-r- . ol As."iuni rorent!) elsrio.1 from t' . ni) 1 promo'e tlie ruuio ol an t iniini. r.iul it or it, an that t't y are h 'rehy ru.u,.si..d to e.te cited to said insolations by sppiuirlate legisla- tion. The Cimmltlee then took measure! tn furnish inemlieis or Ihe LoalTure with Iho nere.sary tiroos of tiie fraud einuinitteil an-- connived at by Iho luur masters of :orru.on, aud the Coinmltteu Boon atljoururd. A I'olli enillli Mint nnd T n Oiillnsa s l.vnrbed. Mkuniis, Teiin., Dec. 19. Utst tnght a man wns (em lurking around the building iu Union City lu whlrii the express rubbers are confined. On be- ing approached by Policeman Kline he started to run, and was pursued by the ufllcer. The man turned and Orel, Insinntly killing the ofllcer. Th. depot walc'nuan. who Joined In the chase, was shut In the snoulder. The mtt'derer waa raptured, Ironed, and placed under guard. Ileiore dajlia'lit tills morning shout tlilrly dls. ed men oteipowered the gu r I, Killed Levi sn expie.s robtir, nii'l to k the murderer itway. The body tit the t,tter sj. luimd niter hanging to a Ir.o Tno niaii'i. u inie was Tolor, and ho wss from Kentucky It i. su,m oe.i tint nu was coin. ri led Willi the express lol brts, and was thele to aid Ihem in esciptnt. The Ilrltlkli Ouslmiglit on llrle, I.oniov. Doe. 19. A Hireling of llio Due Hail, w i Morktiiilders1 I'rotertiun Hiiciely sni held .i V. Mr. Ktplmel presulv I, and said that tlie pres- ent Krie rt caii'E it um c innot '. ug snrvvo the fill or the Iwln nionstet llie Tstiiniiiiv Hing. Annvnwed object nf the ll'iiui'liean l.egi.l iiure of New York la, he said, In break up the pri s nt iranaiinent of tne Kile Itu'wjy. Mr. Ilipliarl wani.-.- th" stoig-lud- . Urs ig. nii,t making ouj compronint wu a. v.r with Tisk uad (lould. ltiillctlue tin 'rreiteiirr 'I'IiImscs., Doc, 19. Ihe lii..nil Jury found a Hue bill nl ledlclnieiii a;aiusl 1' A. Mir-den- , charging lilm with embezzling fl'J. m i f ihu lawful uionsy or the Uulleit Hiuies; uml agvlnst Helh Jonusou, chaiged wllh snihuxzling lldlKjj The (iraii'l Jury alo liiund Hirer Indiciiiienls against Mli lniel riliohniier. charmug him .mil ruramg Hie eudor.enients ou tne retullcates ol pay of the Dual- ly Company or I ennossre. Who Hid Ibis tlnu Kill f On I'rd.r morning an tinViiowii man approach, c.i some rsl r iid lahomrs tn'.ir Allrnlovtn, l',i., snd irmii'stiid tnem tn kill bun with a lininmer. They uaked whr he minted lo du . anil ho n plii'd thst he had Kills t a man In Nf tori, and nasuuhipp) lis lh"ii juiiipe I lu Mont nr i frttiht train, and Ins head whs su crushe I tha' his lenture-- wuie uu ret'uuuziiilu ll was about li5 tears old, file leet six niches high, and weighed abiut IU) pounds. ir.i Ai. (J j .v .vo n;s. The Was itngton correspondent of th" I hicgo lrih.nt iu e. Hint tne llors e I'oil.r ai.,1 I, sc . I iiiikline slii'dty list (action has bnu .olii'ia il ill r iiilieii at wmk t" au.o'y tne llou Wmti'i.iw If t wi.h thai kin of mi. n n Ii iusksb Us nhii'ct strong and b'tids huu cliivalroua ir rnoa " A dele., tion of i ui an It I fiom New York Mis .Mm. II de Mors, Mra tla " miu. Mm t) aads. and Mrs. I, nulla I ile Vniit 'ti r- r litis I Ine l.esgue of llie Dsiiithleia ol I uli r i l ou ins 1'risldent ve.teiifsv with retrenieti ( ubitn uCilis, . liuu flU esUi aaavm iWh bf saujjulineut g H OLIVE LOGAN'S MA HRIAG E. I T7r PKClTT.IAn yonoss OF A. MOSt H 1'lSOVLlAll aovi'Lit. rSnmrlhlng Nevr In Slnlrlmony-T- be Unl. 01 Inrlstn l'ormuln, without the Ward Obey tl A HemnrUeiblB llrtdal Tour. Virt Blkos and Olive Iijan wore married yea. tcrday morning, at 11 o'clock, In the elegsnt mansion at ti West Ninth slrcot, which they purchased with their joint earning) In their extended lecture tours of the put two years. Iloth are well known In the literary and histrionic world, at least by H reputation, and there are very fow persons tn tbo 9 moro Important towns Irom one end or the country to the other who hire not seen them. Iloth eland tn the front line of the of the ge In regard to marriage, and the rotlgloua cere- - mony of yesterday they regarded u a cencesslon ta the prejudice of. the enlightened majority. The truo motlre of the couple. however. Is the advantage which legality will glvo to their union of Interests. They certainly did not take the I rap without a goml look beforehand, and now start In life, as the s.tylng Is, with n knowlcdgo of each othor BI which ibonld do much toward amootblnx the patle. KB way of their now relationship, and rendering their WM marrlazo truly blessed. Over two wtekt agn hand ' some cards of Invitation were lent ont to the friends of tho couple, which were onlqne In their way. lbs. side the two conventional rectangular bits of paate-boar- d belting the namos of the csndldatoa (of matilmony thero waa a third, U follows: IIKUKITION : Tuoadsy.Dsc. 1, Horn it until 1 o'clock, : Ceremony : by the Iter Ronert cnlfyer of Chicago, : ai II n'cloca. . U Wel Ninth street, h'ew York. : Th envelopes bora th Initial letters of botb name In silver. At 11 o'clock the tastefully furnished parlor of U West Ninth street were thronged with fash lonably attired assemblage, Including many of the shining lights of literature, art, the pulolt, and the press. Among the most notable were Mia I HJ gan's slivcr-h.ilre- mother and two beautiful slaters, H Kale and dries. Cclla Loian Kellogg wss nnavold- - HJ ably absent In the far West, Three or four of Mr. H Blkes'a brother and lister were also present I HJ wllh tlielr famllle, a were alao Mr. Oeorge Law, H wife or th mllllonare; Mrs. Col. May, Ur. Oeorg H Law, Jr., Mme. Oct.tvla Walton I.i Vert, Mais, Clara IlrlnckerhofT, Wllllsm Winter, K , and wife, H Mr, Colling, and at least three hundred other. The gus-.l- s were In morning or street costume, with one or two exceptions. The brl le wore a travelling dress of brown corded silk, corsage made sli:htly Pompatour, skirt witn dcml tram, an i bonflant overskirt of the stuff, the H whole trimmed with Vandyke) points under box plait edged with plplnn, all of tne Her or- - namenl were coral and gold, and her hair wa ar- - ranzed In Ihe latest style of French plaits. Mr. bikes appeared lu a Palace Albert coat and waist. coal ot dark bins dlagonil.pantalotns of light gray and lavender strtpea, n corn colorod silk scarf faa- - tened with a lirre coral slide, nnd lavender Lid. He wore a buncb nr blush losenuds on Ihe lell lap- - Hal p.'l ct his coat. Persona ly, Mr. bikes Is short! than bis bride. He Is stoutly built, wllh a hand- - H somo fare, and lonr Dunlteirrwilsiters. Piompt to tie moment. Dr. Collyer stepped d to perform tlie ceremony. lIoislhecelebrAeil whoso renosn lis been ennanood since the Chicago tire. The services wero very Ini- - consisting of a fervent prayer, mid the frrssive, niarnaio formula, Irom whlc.l the wont HI " obey " Is omitted. Dr. Collyer, sreaklag of HiU arierward, snid that he had never married more than one wi nun who p.oaitsod ta ohoy, nnd she didn't. HI There were no brldesnulJs. Miss Logan's mnlher HH gave away ber daughter. Then camo ia Hons, and u subsequent adjournmnnt to tao roir per- - lor, whero a large tablo was spread with caKi and HH truit and othernlc. packs, nhlclieaca person lasted, HH A large bridal cake cruatueiitej the reutrv, and HH everr ono waa given a piece to lake home and HH "dream on," anip'e squires of white wiaoptns: pspsir belug convenient lor that purpose on th shelf of a btioitcoae standing near. No wine or Bplptuous llqnors were ssivcd. Ihe reaialiidai of the Inns eel apart for Ihoros.o Hon waa pleismllv piesct In conversation. In sing- - HI Ing by Mndame llrinrkerhoir, snd In receiving the HH coiigtutulatione of tno visitors, w ho pou-- j in and nut until alter half paat twelae. The entire cere-pio- was plain and uni t, wiih no unneceassrr nonsense about It, as Ulltted a m.uriJge so prso-- HH Ileal In its obj et. Ollvti I.Oijan which will continue to be ber name, Mrs Sikes Ixilng 'or privale ess HI tins been fulll ling her lecture engagement straight HH along up to Mnn iai evening, wnen sh cancelled HI one in order that she mlal.t he eonbled to take pari HH In jeeturday's ceremony. Her bilual tour will con- - HH slsi lu the inlQIiment ol other lecture rngigementat . HH for w blch she is booked avery until a ter Christ- - HI tuns. Last night sho lortuiud in Warwick, N. HI starting soon after 1 o'clock lor that town via Ihe HI Krie Hallroad. Her husband will acta her buaino.4 luaniger, aa UMtil. A large booit lull of letters nf rciret was display. ed on the table of the crntletiii ii's dressing room up stairs tleorgu William t urils, wno wa una- - HH loldably detali.ed In Washington, write.: "Ihe man who la married by Hr. Collier Is married EH Indeed," Mrs. tleriha Srrantnn Poole of Itnchester, herself HH a rerent brl le, sent a pnein, of which the following HH is the concluding slsnzi; " And the annj will he of a woman, wh j wrotignt out a nrs.ion true. At ha liri'd itiroiun tilai unu rary days 1 ill the wuilil tnst nl soied had Iraritcd to prsli, it no.e Ins', t.e.t crow u ot love s pure rays, And that woman woulo be juti." Prof. Moses Colt Tyler of Hi Mlchlgin Uuivtr. it) "1 wi-- you a life mil nr hnrplnes, and I trality lhat Wirt Mkis is aa eutiab.uat l.u as he is a glorious Other tellers wero received from I.vnra Heam, th Hev. John Pealh, woo arquuiuled wltli tlie HH couple in l lie Yo'sinltc al:e. ; Almoin llirnes, Ih HH root; l:. 11. I). Clark, nf ibe Tio'j l'rttt. the loc-- HH turir mid uutiior; the It v. nnil Mis. a". K. lleecher, HH th. Itar 1. W. Norton, lb n. and Mrs. l,ogn, Col. HH Hoii'iH aj.r.Hior ol I io 1 Hii.vmiMi Journal ; Msry I., llooln. edltorof llirjxr't II; M. h. Packard, I.i v, sun uf ami many others. 1 ill flihlng bli'saings upon tlielr marrlil life were received jualord.iy morning Iroru all part of the country. Th Oileuu I'rlnirs I it Is as lltrlr bent In Ibe HH Prrncli Assembly. JHJ I'aiiia, Dec. 19. The Duko d'Auinsl and Prince de Jolnvllle took their seats in the National Axembly They sat In the centre of the lui'inbrrs of tno Itight. 'Ilitlr appearauce crtalod no sensation lu the body. HH jon ixus a no ur j o h .y. KB If ia rumored lint the llrand Jury yesierday bo HJ gan an InvealUallon lutu the riao. HH The bu)iervisors ycsterJa) receive) n bill of HH 11,730 Inr refreshments inrmslied llui '1 wemy s.coiiii HH ilcgiinent on d.iv. Julia hl.illery of hl'l nieentvirh atreet, while list ging clottie. niuun on iro.u the nro cacaue uu lliu UurU, Ml aud Ialill Uljurul. LHH Tn sale by miction nl tho curious oil fiiriiilin aBl and orlentsl onrpeti. at Hunii-- lllo'., rrr.icr of r'our. Hil leriith .ireut ami I ntli uvenue. w ui nea'iu tu.iiiori'iiw. Hl William firein nf Ilignty fourth street, ne-i- Hl I lev iiih aveoiie. l la.t etuning from tue rear put. hn in ,i I r No 'jj ot Hie lligiuli atenuc line, and urn injured. Kukp.itiick. tlii Ji'wllrr nt llronlnar fr I Uu me .tie! ssys lie mil mil I .. k. i nr"i-sti- e Bfl ne in I nn ii'.i ul Ho n. i.i;., aud .oil iiieuiy n ,, HB ilium helore dark. Hefl Jtieint.-tl- llagg rl) o' It) I'lni-- street tv is , cru.hi'd and fa'allv luro.i t i la, i. iweua t Pm-- - HH ono nt i uue cat and a rati n- - u a ui.vtnz throu It avvaval I'hiystie st , near Oranu '1 ne bexliig tnsti'h helwi-- i"is the chant. H b on I nilsh llghi wri.'ln, and i.i.u . the rbauin mi I gut wi int 1 An. ct .rii. w 11 mi i'. ii ' iu Harry fli.i s 'lliea ic ariurnooii ('. nrles Ml I', itiiiul 13, wind. i'l.iini,nf tn tho v tenisy In I'rum ton ft Mr . '. an llrug Hils. el .I'll, - ii hi. 1 '"une ilieell, win iHJafl ciiu.'tit In U'i Ii tnng aod will, un in tiie uiaoiiluery. kVaV He was kille.i. Anion hi. been lakin In lemnte II, lUker, inently st.poniiet fuiiiiiniiee of tlie nerana HH an I tioiu-riyo- Mia i.onuoiiy, mIio i ecame liiasua af.ei llie iraslr iti slli ol her Iiii.iiuii i. I). J J Caiiuol. IBJ I), aad net two child! un. KJJ Tl ollun. Thomas Murph) is lo bu serenaded st !9J hia reaidem e Hi's evening bi Jn urs t'nii, ,ir naiui ol 7mm one hilldrod pivrea, ihu I. io lie a Ilium to li'l Pi, isbiirs lu the uiu-- e ot Uranium lr.un ihe united t'u fsV-- 4 turn House llei tibilcsii nl oils of Ihe riiy. tjy'- - Yeterds' f'apt. h;vn the work of pr. nv nanng the pede isl tm Ihu risnaliii slatue. winch ha WA . a'mui toer. c in I rinimu llou.e iniis'e. lie bin Jya4 I iteu iowo ihe loni'e, an I ihe Ural stone oi the bani wi' i"k'hiua iO t u.s, n, d awn ou the ground. Iln XV, niiuo isto le uiiveiU'il Jsu II. KK 'J line Is irr.uble among the pliouniri'ilurs. Mr Y&Xt tlunaon h ia sued out a li'inporary Inluii' llon aialn.i fXv l ie sale ot ihe "hoiMniirm mi in blein.l"ho:,ogia QvA in." uael bv Mr. Ill a a II llurua h.r popu si 9y rlassra in phoiieginnhy, sirs, llurua do.-- s WA to irive it up . njiit . ii.r,.fot, .he wbl'i lur ?, ne liiios nee lo all who pioi iire tickets lor c.asio. bs (V4 I4i e thu inJuncUod Is rouiovod WfA t.reut ineelinc to night or the' Hafoirs ry Alsui'lslion at llrevoori 1111, I s, I Klfly nuiilh allu l rZSl I..VIH I trsi ait. city ad.tira, .um ihe i'mt .vemeni ., '. ".'!'.'! ' uue will receive heat v .i n un n u. 67. A t Ml in. John Foley ll'lli'l er. . il oln-r- V,yP wlio will b'l'ireaa the lurel ig .1 n H"l ior fiA iiiuii'it to gu iiom tue ''nv lu. i I'. ii in n yr'Y iiHiiu ti or l.e will aina-i- tu n.a .ui.ra in a in 'Xfj-- A HoiHfhuld Woi I ft u snd Ii ,i m.j n k-- Ua.iivfa s. t,,.oui,f,-a.- a. wft

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1871-12-20 [p ]. · At 1:50 a caucus of the llmg waa held, at which It was detei ailned If any ofthe Iletub beans snu.d to hai k on enough

I " i. Jffj)ta-sv- - .i- .- -i- .i .... ..i.. -- .,,I TiiiRTr-mT- ii yi-:ah- . new yohk, Wednesday, December 20, i87i. price two cents.


3111: cnowmsa disohack or mi:tuvxi r or Kixns.

fiTt Itrpnhltrisn IMipervtsnr Voting forItn ,llrl,.aiigtttlii'i. ('iindlitnto fnr Keeperof tlir I'rnllrnllnry Opr-- Chnrnon olllrlberi -- A Itilusnl In Investigate.

Two week ago (lie Hoard of .iipervliori offt'ni county IJ 'urned witn. tit dale, alter vainlyfrying lu tlcci Bon Mcl.oughl.ti'e nephew' son-l- t

Iiw, James hicilm a voong mm at present Dls.

tncl of nls fatUnMn-taw'- s Fire Depsrt.anenl to tliu K.epirslnp ol the County Peniten-tiary. Mi lticuar.1 Newman, tlioc indhlate, ahuv e I 1.1' strength to be greater (banSLcvlln't, aim no Hie udjoutnintul win uiored andcsrrleJ In order to tiro tic Hon time 10 Ox thinsin hit Interest, lie Is reptittd to have tild that liewodU sa rlil.c 120,000 rather tbau Into Ids laudt-dat- e

doiented,A lew ago a c ill was Issued for a special

meeting o( Die llotrd. A majority ol t be member,etgaed the tall, and jcetcrday was the day appoint-ed for tlio iiicctlna. Tne pretext lor calling theHoard together waa to Helen un tl.o year' business,but (he real oblect n to ileet Shcvlln Keeper of

t' e l'enllentiary enough Hepubllcin members hiv-tn-

In the meantime teen fixed to accorapllih that0 jct.

Yesterdsy lh steps and corridors of the City Hilland Court lloue were throiued with politicians,and la the neighboring l.ijuor stores were gslheredthe adherent's of tlio King. Although they had recelved pledg. that everything bad been tiled,nevertheless much anilely was manifested. Fre-quent Inquiries wer made lor cer aln members of

the Hoard, ned heelers mho despatched to huntthem up. At 1:50 a caucus of the llmg waa held, atwhich It was detei ailned If any of the Iletubbeans snu.d to hai k on the-- enough Kinglvmo. nun ti.ii d re'iiatn ) lioai Ine .meting lut revsnt a qu lruio.

Thrllf u in ans also held a caucus, Mr. Ilichirdtwmaii, un 'erlandlug one ur two of tae dlsileclol It" u' Hems were willir.c. to sots lor any-body tlriu In in. authorized Ins name to be with-drawn, I' til mat mean the Itins could be de'eated.Mr. .N in.. ii a off r was not accepted. H.e fewwhem tn. i.p nncnls of the King were willing toconceit, everything to. If they would act as t elr

s euianded tne) shuul act, In oppositionto Hie King, w ould not agree on any one. Till wasimmediately mad kuuwn lo tliu Uoss s caucus.

Ii low time that the lioaid ofshould be culled to order. Hois;lilln. Streetleinnitseluiii i Kurey, aud all the nllirr bl( and lit.lepoliticians flocked tu tne bupeivtsoi'a room. 11 wassoon filleii to overlljwloic. Mai or Kidollslaca wispresent. Ou the entrance nf tne Bo and MrFur) tlie hruug that eurroiinded and tilled theClerk's room, and surged ar uml the members'desks. d fi nut 4i.j made e.a. lor tl.em. Thecrowd aio gsre wny for tne t reyorter. Un his

u to his nesk the reporter i stopped by awlio en I ! this mil lie a lery eicillog

-- soil t i 1 uppoe yu hTe cave already.Ilireii.u e.HllliHlXr (.'jiiliIk-U-, the Itepubllcan

ner. hue Leon electiuneerin: incr ... ! Mr, i ear g, li e bupcirUorof the

- eenl ttnrd. lit ,,ii; Vririlrst o,lclutiuu oft in.tvli, i sail, has limited Mmult for

- c . .d date, Viu w.itci and see,"Af-e- t i e t i) ustl lie lica led Sullen .ajr at Lirgo

O'berne ..scared there us a qu"ium present.I 'i bis siiovsi-- at the start Iww tiling t ol. hiper-sisu- r

llo. c.i nioiid t at t' e riuau.g 0 t e tniuuiesIs flMp us. i iMtl. 1 ue an t uiu nuts were cal ed,and t. e it i in hhS lost by one rlti. Tuou.lit .e qiieslio.. wi ol t.o irreal nion eut, the tact It atI. u- - cm i iii.iiiMt tni motion ur a itiiic tMirx--

visuriii' led sotiii- - aiiiilv. Ii.e I'oss looked tnista t ill' t u( lleury t i..s. uir Supeiv.sor u, thebau e. in rt. Mr. Furti, who had taken Lisroitio. ii i'Mt disk, su-- u into Villi's

e. ,l i r. Itliii.,r wa h .ndii'i: oetween the lljsssvl M Ii.ruj. Juuoi-- I..V' , , who Jt the lastnieft.u ht-- this i uce like a Mir.lne, in au out ofU va i a .', was in l,i crowd.

Alter I r prist, latioti i:id u'ue..cs o' ur ou.t'lii'iiiiuie .lions null the this g o suncry bi, s ther.tctlon ol ii keeper of t .e eui ent ary

in crbuperns. r Jo.mon of the Third Ward moved

I sd b ien olTrred 'o leitain luiiahi'isol this ltn.ttdto liilb.iuie :ii to to vo.o lii Mr. l'neItjniie.l ilu Ih.s in guiti li nl hi t it ill' ne i eint., i, mill i,e Uul i think the It ttr I

proct'.-- t.i li i' e'i ii m of a ki pi-- l.u the l enili utpiy ui.til t c.i' rges i ad bun luiesiiatid.

Mavur K 'ibflf..h e should tut broccej snyluritier. lliit ure oi en i lurgts made. Kite liuu'red dul .re It 1' sill, live been ollete I to In'u-'lic-

the si te nf some of the e sbou dtake a Int.. t me a id n vnt.irt; the charge, aud if(osilble show lis y.

While In- - IIuii r was, the Hoss lw,sted:uiJ tuine I, uml at laitiiu h ii.i-l,- .n unknuHuDemocrat. ..nit ina-'- for the o' the hupeivisoi

I the I ii. ill l!rlaM. Mr . I . e)tiigeiiier earnestly fur ia.. c Line.

Huieiviui l.i tUP . Ttnrecnih H'.r sild if adirect ch.raeoe made against any t,ie t ber of theHoard he "Uid vote for a pt'tpone i mi inorle:to Iniesllf-ut-e It. Othersiise hw st utld vote to pro-

ceed wit i thi tiusint-e- belor tl.enPuperM or lUrinaii ( ii p , I r.euiiilh War II, said

leu s.liCcd lliitctrtuln memiiein had pl.dssdU.euiselve In vole fui dhrv.iii. I his in cuuii.-k'tin-

wlin il.i i urges ol bribery "houl.i be MiMcicnl totaduce memheis to tots lo- - u i otlioutln nl.

As Mr ll.iinon took Ins tu'' llj- - led thedesk or rupernor l'ielc'.ir ol the K Iteentn

, Ward. Mr Furry still remained ou guard user Supervisor Wt

Mamr hu.oCelti'h. in renli to Siiikti lor Co.--,and thcri iui a luct c iar,-- im.t ahid oeeu Drl'.td to lulu l..r M ev.'ii. It li is oulva rumor this Hoard should p. t tu ir,eptuute it,snd anoi, i truiu or falaity. run. g tonaidCopaivisar Wihs, the Ma. or tai l:

"Soiuo ie..ia to theie wcie ru i.i is tint n mem-ber ol the llo u U ot Aldtrmen 1...1I in en briln'.The Iiert) who had taken them lauguiui ut tiiwclurge-- , nd raid he laid no regard tu urweiiipcrrspvrts. An invtttlgilloD shuAiil the reports t hecmect. .The cnargss sieie ur' ved an I the memberexpeded. II is, I ai, tliereiore the duty of thisHoard lo luxslizate this cliarce."

Muoeivisur Johnson 1 think 1 oin substai.ti.itsV. At I M.iy uefure a Court 01 Justice,

AHi r furii er di bate the nioli'm to Kitpone w .

lo t. ill die (lit p.. T lnrleei.lli W.111I1 vi U I,.No" KudidUr Wilkejsou o: tue l'liieenth unay.r. Willi uf 11,0 Mxtttnth Ward, b.ilh lle.iuuilcans.A tra roct ro e was tl en ta111 n wr.oehnuld I

kieper of the penitentiary, witn n lol.otilng te-st. I ill lu dicans tu italics):

ror Hutchlngs, Flnt WardiN,. n irf-- i nd Vai d , Kotlineir, 1 otutii Ward : bhev-n-

tu wai.t- Keating bixtli wr.i Fole, ftlzuttitvuril ii vtr,i, Mcvemn liardi hliendan, TwellthUtid Lsrro.l, Fourteenth W.irdi H'lw, Slttrenthwtr.i tcvenli-enit-i Wer.t Fletcher, ii

Wiird fturi'tu, Twenty. nrit Ward.fir Ninuiu- - .tkt r auil fiunervliorsJ 't.tvn llilicl Warn, llopklm, I nenir.iecoad ward ,

Marteise, .New Lots: billlKt.l, UraveseuJ , llyder1 11, l. u- -

f.rssr I'lra'nder-fnpentt- o-s Milne, fcvoihWa . c. 1 in ternth Wards Wilkeso:i, Fuu-entl- i

tisrn lUi.iioii. '1 iventieih .tarOtilsil, f enij .:rlV, ai Atl lie; iltiiicans,

I lii.otny I'timond-Sope- rv sor Neirmsn, NH1H1Y srd

Mreriso, Fs' chlldanl !!pub!lcin.trio IniPi . Driiiicrat, were absent, Mr, JJufly Is111k i iln ur is Mi, 11 visor Wills's nsmo was called hesail, 'i iui, ior James h.ievliu because lie waa asi. ''r.' The iinnuiini-eiiien- i ol tne ole wasyr.etM inn minirii 1 eppl.iuie and hisses. Whent tin:,, e Has over t it crowd quietly dispersed.3 1. - ,it ut iiuugf! tne Cierk's room, tiers heda. a uovi l ol his iricnds, and addressing them,ta

' n w ni'i, see If inv liirtueiice Is gone If anycl 1" '' in can break my power I,et them lets-t- '

-- , 1, o i.dl.e mane his living,' t f: st ittj cut his .mad uil If he could nut.l.s I'n y ik in a a nd "ank,"

' 'ii iiti l.i'nscll nl this speech lie rusheltu t ir. ,.,r down Hhuh ho tramped as far as

' .1 't eii, us il Im had lor.'u'.ten sonio-" ' e tMiieJ, and tramped as quickly back.

" " . " "ili me crowd, he alvante I lo t"ei" "r Wills, taking the bupetviaorw a aid, " I thank auil, sir "'I 'I nil t ijjca ou u soldier; that l

t' '" I ' ' d f..r hhi, ' 1. '. un Yts. s.r, he was aboird ol 1 liewst 11 " i.t k in our hite ar.

I 'ii I... I,;- 0 Mr. W ilia, tne lloss went to thej'-i- Linked tliein for ioIihk a ue had di

si lie inen h it tl had 111 a liin 11I liluuiph.

"""S tl, i.unghllii Arliiinn ledgliig full IherrIs Hi- -. .lie 11011 In lie I'riity-Altnrltll- lK

Miom Ui hil .i.i., Mint Kiliiliiiid Itrlggal.ait 1,-

- i D.njocratic tlenural CVtiunitU'i'" K ui 1. al iK,r tiajqurtcr lu fix

"! i m ol reuMsniiiliJii. There was ahi. sttet, r Water Coniinlsslonsr Fowler and

ti 'out - uutf Many ooouoied fr nt seals!iti Vil.aughr.u was seated in the body of theball

Hiiu., in. l a member of t ie lieforin Commit-pi- i

, callnu fur the'"in' 1' '"' ' "' n"'' 10 rt,T'' P'""

loV '.' 1,1 '"''uuer iur or thought that no one' "r "h p r.uii lor ono sliuul i

v. ' ' ' a m inber of the C'iniinillie,

ti ' ir 01 ' t'.n t,d tipressi-'- l

M 1'' n Mrl.auihliunrose and and.

Iui"' " 'l'it in ihu party. Al t'ml,

' u e nun wl o opposed II"v", i'i ... aay ahuiit ITUyj1 , s , ice of dissatisfaction loI , I n( l' distill! tC,i, , 'y It has been aald by

" , tt i .lug or nattipt


lng sn oftlce shonld be nllowod to come Into I hoCommittee. Tula would be fltlil of Hie outsmains t the Ins. T wn gentlemen, who were forrm rlrmembers, were the first lo Introduce a certain prac-tice.

Oenttemcn, there msv be corruption now In Hieparty, but it is or u different character than It v aset 1 10 limn those men were mount, li s HonorMayor Kalblli isch, isns the flrst utsn whoeverbought votes at a ronsenllon. He is no-- a HeToruicr, opposed to cserstnmg like Iraud Wi' l, emen of my day he acted as I have stated Novthere Is another lleformer I memKdmnnd Drifts who aniut mooer In the enliventloiia to get nonilnati'ins. Yes, he end more; hegave places to secure what ho wanted. .Now, arcthsao the two men we propose to take in f Hitscommittee is willing tn heal overtthmg un

At lie last election the Willi imshurgti w.r Isshowed dlssattslarllun. T ho mini frinn those .idsncre dero let In II. ell duly. Willi all the dissatis.fs Hon, Ii WllUimalinrgn had stood as she ustnilystool, there would Have been a lirge majurltt forthe regular candidates 1he dlssdertlon c insistedIn the lad that the stumps drew lt.OtK) voles Hornu. and II is our duty 10 get them buk; todevisesome plan I" reorganize t is Cinniiiitti-e- .

hi ute people havo aald iliat Hie tu nm. lle ta runhj a lew. Not tut 1 em aware of jut one everbeen coerced or prevented from susklnx Insopinions. 1 agreo with tno resolution. 1 waul everyone lo come in and have their say.

When the Hoss took his sest. Mr. tVrnsrd delta-ghe- ror the Filleenth Ward said he came from

She did not have u fair show In theconvention. There was onlr one intu Iriim thatdistrict on the count ticket, and he woe objectionable lo the pe .pie.

Mr. 1 linothy Desmond of the Twentieth Wardspuke of the frauds In the primary elections, andsaid this waa the nsnse ol the illsafecilon In thetatty. While ho was relating an lucilenl at thoprimary to elect delegates lor the City Convention,showing fraud, Mr Masey called him to order.Hoss McLiug'dln requested that He be allowed tocontinue, saying it was better Isto than neser. Onedelegate seemed worried nbout the Wllllamehurghmatter, lie was not sattsOed until he had repesled-l-

said that Wililatusburgli got all the was entitledto

Hoss McLaughlin moved that the number of thercrnnilttce be lncrea'ed to six, and tnatlhe memberir. tn the Fifteenth be a Ided.

Mr Uktlanier. the member referred to, dechre I

thin lie did not Mian to serve snlbegged lo be excued. " I hold 110 position and doti'l wish any.'

Mr itermin hoped that he would not be excuseJ," lur," said he, " from what I know ol the man I

know thai he Is a man nut to be gougod out of any-thing."

Has McLaughlin urged him lo accept. The del.rrctico shown to Mr. (lal.agher, wno is superin-tendent of the work being done at the Stazg streetstalluu house and .in ex stump candidate, surprisedmost of the coaiiuiilee.

xni: sixo sisa win: Mfitncii.A Defence nhlcis 110 fnne) I.itsvvrr would

Tut Un for Hip Killing or a l)ng-- A .11 nr.vrl ol Crime A Monster on Trial.

Yetirday Jacob Wvess was (ilaceil 011 trial forthe murder of his wife on the 2)ih ot October last,In Mng blng, Mr. and Mrs. Wtess were often In-

toxicated, sod frequently fought, Mrs, Wiess Inva-

riably getting the worst of It. On the afternoon ofOct 'M sS'jeia kicked his wife out of doots, and re-

fused to allow her to return that night, fclie stayedat a neighbor's boose. Next morning she wenthome, bnt Wyets still refused her admittance, tinethen leinid against a fence sna wept, Hoon W)esswent out, and repestedly struck Icr with abroumhiudle. He then threw her oterafence. Two ofher ribs were broken. Mrs Jones, n nelghtmr,helped her Into the house. Wycss went off.

the story was told by three wllnsesWiess's little daughter Maggie, IS 1 ears old, was

Lie on1) witness to Its aoi of the tragedy. Tnelitl'i g.rl took the sund sobbing ss though herh nrt woulJ ureak 'fids scene w, icli brought tearsto the v"i ot arly all in tne Court room, hil 110vt- - 1. e eft's t upon her oruta! falti-r-. The child tetill d on intrJa) night about nine o'clock herfalter ntut hone, ami tludlag her wounded mntnrrtn nil where .Mrs Junes had placed her, he draggedbur out by tne heN, her shouUrrs on the Unit, andIni-- Jumtot on her breast repeated)-- , s iinrn.gtu the would kill ber. He said thil they would nmhug Hueiihout and I lint Itiet wou d uoi hang him.The ill In; won, an liyon tne II or all Lljhl, attendedonly bi utr,.i'rr

1 lie husbm a d Mh?r erawlel Into bed ands.epi 1' 0 o in. this 01 ih poor wumsu,hijiudin.'i.jl 1 iliaga lj un lai xlaor. baa ili'.l l"

I ' ' ' ' oio--'- h .nautin be''.i isi wit'i Maa-le'- lestt-

1, 11..1.' . i ', s uu w .a t'.at ' io woman was

a w l.l,. out .Qlwus better desd thull..lili-

Att rnej 1) keiutn eumme I up In a mas.t rl n His aroi.iii'iii '.ad nut rmsod when theMN reporter iuuk the train Isst night.

a 11 ;. si in: (iilini- - of Curds In n Mnlli Avrllllp nloon

- An Astunlt on the MilcsvnIU llenlti luill lies ue llospluil,

Ji'iius 1 itzpalrkk, who was so liadlv liotlon on.iltirday iiLrhl, alt.' in liellesue llo-plt- esterda)

murnlug. F, r.'ildtd In Thlily-alxt- street,11 a r Tenth aienue, iin.l drove a cart ior John Tugue,of Thirty sew nib street and Eleventh avenne. At'j oV.ock cc Matu.d ly night, Fitgpatrlck, tartlIItiitoxliiited, enterel the sslooo kept b. l'aiilck Me-

llon .Id at Uri Ninth arenus, aod 111 -- t several v. hi- was acquainted, and proposed a game01 1. .nis. MclJo.i .J ..jj. 'id. i i at ne did:i Ion rari' pla lng In li,- - .a.oun r 'gpitnck ins tie ., 1, d dr.. . 111; .1 , ,c uf c ir o .1 lu ms p lekel,st. no 11 game.

Fug iIik tlnirs. sn I finally l.ed :.e lie nun-l- r I'.ii-- nut be uas rj clv-.- i hi 'doJl.'iiild. He leu nine 1 111 fr uit or Hie saloon I h realming and an euiiuglui some time, rbeineiiwun ithouihe uidpl'iied eurds then went out, mid the quarrelwas rrnoMe-l- . Hue of Hie pirtv tueii knotke

down, nn I ill fulll'i; the b.irlc uf his headstruck the curbstone. (Ulcer rm in the"pot. bu: t'ie aaaaiimts iscuiK-d-

. F.izoatrlch wasla.'ii to 'he 1 stteet station, and Capt.Caffrer sent lot Dr. Arinstrung. 1 m- - D01 tor. find-ing onlv a "light scdii wound. dre-u- t 11, ind hew as locked ip on a chra--e 01 in osloilion.

N xl moruiiii: when Hie doorman iseul to the cellin which FrgrttiUk v, it 101,11 c I, ii0 prisuuerC'inipl lined Hut lie could not sund on his feet,ami said that his nick was injured. Dr. Armstrongw- again sutiimonetl, anu 1111 examination showedthat 111 lite fall his spine had been injmed, ind thatIds Imvi r extre utiles had oecu iaraf .zed. lie wassent 10 Ilellsruo lloipitil, and there ho died Tnemur terrr I known to the police, and the) will l

hint to day.

Ji nan iiEhroiut'.s ts eoo.

The Illaloi-- of llie CI11I111 for hulnrr lor llioDiatrlrt Attorney's Asaletunta,

i'itt Ji poE'a 1, ft Nasam ,t., D,c. 19.Vo 7,a foti.or of ana

Mil In the columns of tho limn of Deo. 19,I read an editonal healed, " Ai, item lor lie inves-tigation of the Ursud Jury," In whicn the Dure was a cl dm sat S SOU, an Hied by thelljaid of Audit, and awarded lu me ior if .'al ser-vices while Assistant Unmet Attorney lu titu oiraHki to lbia, Tlif is uiojiii siioiu ily trtiu

1 will now detail all the fac a und iiicuiUiUucesregarding H e payment 01 tnl claim.

During mv Assistant District AttorncMp, Mr.Hall was Disirul Aitornoy. and .Mr. C.llutciiiigs Assistant Distrnt Atlur

While Mr. llutchin;s mid mrs df wereD.sirlcl Attorneys, he suggested tu me that as .nlour time was devoted entirely lo t.lo duties ul llieotllce, he Ihought that on tint ground oursilarys nul l be Increased, the silsiy belna then a muchlower sum thin It Is non for tne llrsi two yen,and a nail :.ol. and fur tho balauco of the tinm

3 U.O inatead ol llO.oiu per sunum as ul trosout.I concurred In Mr. lluiciiings's sug.'cstinn. flothen aald he would inaau an.llcitioii tu the Lcglsla.tuso lor us bot.l for an inciea"a of a ihry eqti it to annmnuiit ol i!i.M for llo Ihiee years semen us Assiatant Dlstml Attorneys. The lax levy pasted hythe Legislature Mr. lluuhinits't ciuimcf 13. 5m), and my 11. Hue was utterly l.'lioicl. t unacintiouily believing that inv services, rindt ledwhile Assistant District Attorno), wore ut "qu il to thou rendeio 1.) .Mi I lu cmnga, 1 m.Mice (poke to liuu about it, und alsu to Mr 11. 1

who was then District AttorneyMr. Hutchlngs exonss d regret and astonls .

men! that the Le.lsl.iluru 11 id nut uli'i reco:n zidmy calm for an increase of ssliry as it had his ; and

ti en and there, In tho must expresse I terms,irum Mr Hutchlngs and Mr Hull th t

lie) uouldeee that my claim was uui prueutedto the Hoard of Unporvlsors. I thi n lot the ma'tcrrest, I Unally un 'oistood irom Mr Iluichiiics thatme claim hid hoe presented 10 and pi'se 1 by theI Inn d of Hupcrvisurs, anJ that It would,

be pjl I. Hnurtly ulter Hits lull rmatiuu I

received the warrant lor D,5'X), wiiluh 1 hillevud,ind do bdit-ve- , under the ciicumslancos above setfurtn, wis and Is a legal and le.'ltimale ptyuitn',paid Hi a lawful aud honest manner. Feeling in 111 v

onn heirt ami conscleurn iliat 111 Hits trans cum 1

in no sen'e ur maimer acted fraud ntly, Ithat 11. e (iiaud Jury at once Inicsugiie t da i.uitrrwithout loar orfaror. behoting that II thoy will doso, my I.01101 still be promptly and reedlly sliidicittal.

1 furthermore say, lint 011 the first day of .Ta-nnin. IbM. 1 entered tho Dislriel At i.iiiey'n oflli-s- ,

rem mine there until Dee ai 18'iS; u.d II ii fin Jan.1, 1 '00k the uitli 01 1. flics as I ill .In ice ul thanl) ul .New Vurk, which position I have l ie honort us ilui :u hold, My official life has exiuiiui d uvera iieriud of nearly serin years, and us this Is tlioten llrst aapersion cast upon my omdil integrity, III w ask. desiie, and challenge any and nil personswhiimsuever whu h.irge inu with ofl'clal wrong, loriime lot ward slid la il uolure the (Ira nil Jury,now In tn asiiiii, in order that Hie a may be Taiii,f rl yt and ul on e inv ill at" I

UUM'iOb UliWOItis giU duds


omxm 1. i.t vsvoi.msa rnt: vlassran nut .snssioxShall Hip pmiMi I m o Ti n.lcr rnlhiuc

to wpll nu lltr I'lng oMhn t'lillrii Mnfm-- (Itpi tiniillittf I It r Hull uml Hcnrs-M- xtttnnth . iiicnitiiirnl No, 'J,

WAsiilMotoN, Dpc. 19 Tho lonp rxpoclMlof U10 Civil Servtca Comm tnn rme in to

Hit Httute to tby, anil will make tttrtity cohimnsH ha not jei ben Tcr CfiwraHv real, bat n.i faras It hai bren tho driri of opinion M t.Wcri to It.Tlio report xsa written by Jeur;u Win. Curli, nmlfs bnsfJ upon the Lncltth ami Amtrlin y?len lTli.T ! littlo profpect of in belni: iJoit'J atprcnont, ns t tut unlet. CJn bo d''no In a despoticOoternmPiit ouM not bp lolonlPil hcrr whoro

both tinrlliM dppJ to havo their own frlm 'a in po

ultloti to tnable lhm to mmntiln tlioir politleal

Tho Iloune Poet Offif CotnmUtee to dsj agreedto Parnsnorlb'a bill to provide punlhmfnt for par-tlc-

putting lu tlnw bldt for mill contraeti, andtnna enablloK them, hy conaplmcj with othf ra, lodelay anJ annoy tht Uepnriuient, aod eventuallyplunder the (Jovernmeot. It neerv to taveunanimous content to cat It throuch before thelioitJii, and lUtdrman (Of in . 1'a.,) nlJcctii. Huthe alurks nill have a lew inuutLa uivre to prejupon thr T itnnf

lnel'Orital Committee aWo nsree to report a billto direct tho rutuistaLtr(lurrjl to iMiie tarda ontorn paper, about iho tlze oi ordinary envtlopet,

ore nide for addrem and the othr for wrtitpu orprinted mattT, at one rent puitasc It Mil miwhen reached Top Conimlttrp Uio dlrrc eel John1 1 il to report on iila bill to abu.lah theirankln prmie-ia- .

Tne Ailnun iiratlon Sinatoia havo befomt aoweary of the ha lit atphivt lnvps.ijn.ioti, aud have iomuch re lince on tb Committee a tMckcJt that today thoy let all the resolutions tn Inve'tUato to toit without t nurd ui dcS.ttu Nearly the wholu ofTrumbuir 01 icln al reoolutiou ha been iidoptet bjSiecrmeil, nnd ti bMorv of the Km mi Mine and

rnnrntiun is Cillfd lor, but neither lalikely to be ft rtliciuanff.

Tlio llm- a pi nt three In a debateod Ml: prol.ini; lorn Labor Cou.mikF'oti.The IndlCetUouk ate tat It will paiaJhebtat apatuheaoi' llie qieriton were by Townaend, Hllllnzer, and Killcy Tl o Democrat! do notlike to dftcMt the nimuro outri.'ht, but dlaltke loare any iiiovemccta toward re'onnatton inaugu-rated un the tabor question In the Itepubitcau puny.

The ttniKiur Prorrrdlna of tlio fruntcninlIIuiimp nf HrprrarntntlTea.

Wasbi.nqtux, Icc. 19. The IS en Ate p.ied theIlouce bill approprlittnc $t,0,UOJ (or tua coustru;-lion of public buldlnia lo C.ticjzo,

.Mr, MtWAiiT (Uep.. Mlu.) oflered the lol'onlaeJoint resolntlon. propoiinc au amendment tu theConMttuilon to be known aa tho Hiiiecnih.

.SKTirit Thtreahali be matnt'I&rl in each fctateor 'leriitorr n mten of fre- cunni'in rrhoolt tintcettfter the Untte-- stain. butr. Ur t'orr. orpailc riomilon ihail oi l In th lupiiort or anr lohool

Utr flu the peculur tcuctt of an) deuoiu:uAs.iou i

bf inuchufeic. 4. Cuncrni tull Uwa power to enforco th.i

article Uy approp.iatu l xulauo.i.Jteifrrtt-- to the Committee on Judiciary.Mr. bcarwrii (ltp., Mai.) cave nutio ttut at in

enrly day ne wontd olltr a Joint resolution proHdinetn it no pmiu who lu occ held ufflci- o i'lti-i-ten- t

t hi li nuid theaatne u second term.IPVNMU OrTHAUM IS PL' R A.

Mi . Mill iU t Uep , Mo.) t.'.en utbivd tie lolluiv-In;- ,

viu u wm j ti ptr i :

Itstnirnt, inn the President ue irtjueitet. tf In Miopinio u po ni tno lnipattble wln li t"i j'C intcre--tu couiiiiiiisicAte lo f ne rnaie qt.esrosi- - nhfl ilu. n uul ..f ilie alTur of Cud an t not c 'in-I-

wuiiii ll.e ii oi ibe C utt Co unit I Mo ilu.ur In iesl tu, aie at pretni p "i in; n po. i tie tniti uellon to our ntvat cumnun t ii. in cntAQ waterslo. lite nurpo aiutrtl in the l'iei(lPiit' inesriuu ; n1iilso wjuint'1 not una wit a nine un t(u lie hiJrrurrity ul Amt ricn r i n i lie Uisnur of tifl tn tu make it atveir trntt the ut'orurtj uov itikruAior Iuau btfjre suchlio- -i trnc iuci

I'l'MklllNO STOCK OAWIILIVH.- Mpr Kn ttlv.i V- - InirtxItu-aM- l Ulll tn ronlh si ok;ui4 bi Ic I'fllCtr .in fui o'.U'-- r

I urpn- - It pruUioitk all i nob eiuD!i i In thelievur) lifpiitiiit'itt or In the oh ciiuu or

ot the leveuue a diturslny. nfUcir,ceikrrosent hi onv of the public

Iron bfiuii encased or roucerneil in Ue bul-la; or teiliu.; ol cum, tluvbruuiviu vwcuntlM oratock of ny 'tirri.nton undttr ptfiultt ol a dnrr.ot ncueditiif tT'.X) or liutrWontmnt notixi-fo-inz ten years or tiotn In the dlxcr-olo- ul the t our I.JVrtvoiis who ild or assiftl (overnnirut fmphi)eualit uc!i fepeiUiutions Jtn tnuds iLhlc to i.tlf t tcabove oetstiuiii'd leiulliei'. and Inttnihro l Jit.cto CMitidi'in o ofli-i- ins under t e rot nj i ro

ifiuii art to itct'ivi (5o0ejch. IU tiied to Ju-.-i

ci.ry.tmk jo DOMINGO ritoTfcroniTt,

Mr Si'mnck moved to uko uo hi offertUiasi Murrli cullinc on the he ri'Ur '' the.Na ior iiitoriitttti n iihout the number of mil.tvmployt-- uu t'm oif--i of am Drmnnjo much thebcpinniUst or tl.o nt'toiiati-Jn- lur the acqjiition otpart tl that ilud. uml .ilo us to lite coot ot endIns jnd kef pint tt.em there, and he announ' ed tha1wI.eueerlNU inri'rmitioii houl I I ottutued hewoula move to reet il to the Committev on I a Wi-ll tion smJ Iteireiu' tii'tit llaflj.1. tr

.Mr. LOiiUMi ol'JtitLd, ii.ii l ie rtoiutii0 wentovtr.

Mr. Vt'HNrit ftit wir I offvr 1 It as a no rsol-j- .

tion. bin Mr. aaiu ohjeetv l. aud il wvuti vcr.

Aitm MINUrRR acucs'.'ic.Mr. llLttn Ir... , Mo ), od ie I a reaolatl v, ivblcli

w . iid 'p'od. trectin; uio i oiunilttoj mi iuvctiiatl 'ii nun Uf nt toil quire cr tiny Mlu-ia- i

r ol lite C n iti' M,, tea In iv ior tf i cts'iitti'1 H"ii;a;e I In iiv nil'.tt.j company and using his ofJrhl pi.aittiii tor the promotion of I'd mitre s, dtt f, litnfr hit U- i ii o in ci'lKp-ltibl- nith h.sdui.e as suct .Mioitfr u htr

Mr 1'ikjl (Uvp., .N. f'X at hu own icquMt naiecui'd Iiom fcervi iiion Hit Cumsuiuev cu liiteiiiI'ition und Iteirerii iiniHiit.

'J hn ri'kolutlun ntoi utird ir fro.n dc ( omnntteeou J'nil .f u I mint, iUl it um .Mi.."NorvMiod, oi tiforu, ti tit rd io ti atu in ti bu-&U- .

w..f uureen to, .ind c was then sworn m.Mr HcoTT le.l up his ifsotuti'iii dirft'tinc the

fitrjieint at .rni- to .irra-- Snunilens., u iflractorvwitness in Nnrth CHroiitiit, tn it ,, pawi'il.

Tl o resolution dirt'ctinz the nrrt'nt of fast undf'ump, of Miln i. Cive rue inund without reithiiit; n vote the nmi at 3,:wo'ciorX weir, lulo ealou, and noun., toiaujuuiuod.

IImimo of Itrprrfnimls rn,WHU wero irtioi.uceil. Uvpeitiu,; all nt itnto

whilst forfeit th- -' p riionn ot wid t b otancond ui.tinu.f; IUuik the mtJ ul Ulernal ti x

:ill kinds ot rmitiuttcturid tulncco nt 1H fontsir pound ; reputiatiny the nioju of p.tvui nt of

duties and fnu.ilui iir thu vaiii" ofJieiiiirjnotes; io extend the titno within which upylica.tiotu may bo m.ide tu ictu d tho cotton t.ix

Mr. llooi'Hii iKe',, V.uirt Mt POlt'd ri'nhittonslntttructuu tho Cumiulttce on HjuK.Dit and Curreiii to exiinine Into (he cjscs ol tie ucnnt hisprnii'n cf pntMnal b.inks. und to consider if nnyitd'-it- di tl legislation 14 iiiveit' ry to uuurd ajialnvtun turn miiponiun In ttm Itr.uro. A'K pttid

Mr. KiNwrtr.i (Di m.. N Y ) aked uave io nflrra r"nj'u ion d (ho Committee on 1'ubllt"tit'ttte as to tht number of ii muted .s clcrkf, iboter1. Ac , lu the N'--

oikCustdn l1 uh am Nav. Vaid, lmm?d ite yproctdioK tit (to uifction in Miic ol .NewVurli, on wl.oae reciiuiiionditori they were apt ulutcd, how um. t tn wrrc . eialiii J iu aorvice. undtru n wini fund I'ltj t i I

Mr. M'KKH (Iti r , da ) oly.A bill upiipil ttlj nt nnp, tp defl

clenclts In Uir i pioi'iiatmn lor Uir ii .i"o ut t liuKit K in Co.i uuttctf uub tufii putted, and the Mousevdj' uriif J.

AVTKll MM WHOM 1 1 til.11! ItlMI.An lnvesilifH nti Ordered Into tho (It nrrnI

(1 I'd rr Itiisairss-AU- oi Win: lur I m. I u t

I'liinihintc mux HM'd in Conlrnl the MttuCon nm) liriMibllmin rrlamiU,

SHISfJTOS, !). ID. In tho SutulcMr. coukliu luotod to tako up his reiolullou,otlured jt dtiT.l'iv, diri'Ctltis l ie Commlttofl un Ueticucliuient tu h fjuln into the eh trees nude ny Mr.Schurz in ro'-- etKJ to the '0) Ordor" bust-liw-

tn th Nuw ork Custom IhnisnMl. r.iilfi-n- ii lt p Vt ). j nt uml this wl.o'e mih.

Ject lud hei n ImeMitnU'ii ho'ort1, hit' lie li.m nn i.lijertlnu to flirt "rr Inu tl, .liun ln the rt ntrnn ,no peltutfd It would he too I. Ilu KnM, njy it few words about the invent: .Hun by theCommittrtf, of iWileh lud bi'u Chilruuu. TneAV' Vork Titnts of .Monday bud rUiml tnut tlioCommilteo held holexind-eorne- r InvesttL'ation,had li lUlptlluti-- wltmtot lao a Tombs l.iwjtT,and lud muJo a L'urblet ami dithoncat report.

w Hint htatemcut U uull.'iiantly f.iUeIrom cclfiitins to end, and It la made, I

hehev to throw smut upon tho Conrult'.eii, In order to U'fen thu form of their report, nnd lur uncttivr pu pus?. Tier was no nuuiDulatini: of witi eiei, hurt vas no u irhlinx ot tpftl nonv. Itwaa un honea, Mrilhltorw trd ropnrt. iron hoilii-nin-

to oj'l. I'Ihto was nolulir; Itlt out ol the tesitmonv eaccpt nurplusazp, and there were nochanta made by the IVntnUteQ onopt In sf)m.icaeua to in ike tin lttlinunv moro grammatical.Tl.ft Commlltoo had notnlhi; lo hUmt the nulu'stor. tinlen a be one A ter Dm tnkins of th"

had Dteu con 11 ' '! 'd Mtirptnratno bcro an t '1 t rt- - ion to i;oiivi i io f inn t wis &wn blin,Hy.- - bnujut a tfiMiU titn with him (torntfew Yyrt( auJ (ue tcatiuwuy wi put tulu b)i

bands. He went over It all, and mado nei chamesas be deHrcd In t le clmracter rt hia own testimony.'Ibnt, I hnreslnco thottjtit, was a prlvllene thit thoComratltee ouRht not to have riven hlmj bnt ourent waa our desire to be fair with all parties tnalwn ti on Jit it beat lo permit the revtilon, aHnoughIho Collector bat seen H.c testimony before. MrI'mlomnii said It bad also boeu charged Inst theCommittee had inaiie apJeastnt Irlo to tiilltonnnand ,tu'r placrs. and bnd drunk wine and ditwnlist Imrsus, .ill .it the public expne;, The fact wasmat the CoDimlttoo bad ch.irod the tloicinmenttioihlhc but oioinary npunsfs, and lhoe unlr (orno d us actually apont lo uklns tesilmotM. Thotrip hsd cost him (Mr JVlersnn) JI.SjO, and he badonlv charaied the (iovernrooi.t f.i0.

Mr i nurnun (Dam ,, a member of theCntnmttU o, stated tint he b.ul nol chrod the (Juveminent one eighth of bis oxpansos.

Mr r.ittrrson contrastM the expenditures of bisComtniltoo wiib ttmt or tbe t oniiiiit'ne un .Hnatli TiiOutrjffts Th' taller hil cp'"l J(J.Ol sinco tie1st nl .Lintiiry, lflPJl w .lis i m.mittee dnrinct'ie whole live yeara of lie eiuuncs bad aput ouly

Mr fentt (Uep., 1M ), Cnilrmin of tht n.immUt;oon Southern Utitra es, nt I tint tts prtncipni outl.ivbad been on account of tutiif sus. It hadoer OU) wltneseoe.

Mr. Bchurr. (Hop., IMn ) utTreJ the following as anaddition tu the pending reolui!on j

And. niio. to Inquire whether anv oharf es for stnrace or cunlog barn hen vt nre leads by niUrnri or thot'uatoma or perto! a acute inder I ho reuuUilona of theCustom House, w 1 mi entrees aro noi anthorizrd bylaw i an i, atto, whe'itcr trepms have been acceptedhr oftlrera of tie Custom Home from other officerstubordtnato to tr.e or Acting under their control,and whether tha oJlcara maktnz suel prevents havebeen aeierte b p elerenfeu attend to the dlehara?lnffntsteanialdpa . and alio whether otneera ot the Customllouic connive at friu4s tu pudn tho bircaze otpaariKer arnvtnx in the port of New Vora i andalio wnctlier articles of mrrchsndlte while under thecontrol oi tiUlc r of the Cnito ii H"Ue, have hen b.struct ed, and whether any aooli article have been returned on application, and whether sor offleeri of theCusiom IIoue have been panlshcd for abi raotinr artides under ihetr control i nnd also lu whit extentthe practice or com pro hi t'l up with mercnaota, tiefraudlnc, r aitruiptinx lo dvfraud the ret enue has(retailed, and whether any, end .rnal tvcaiiiary beuo-h- i

his ore j nenved therefrom ny tha orQeera niiKinjsuch con nromiaa.

Mr Coniilmj accepted the amendment,Mr. Tipton (diep.. Neb) offered the (ollowlnr.

aniendment:Alai.whethertheofncfraor empliveei of tald Cm.

torn House httve Uied tneir in One r. tu roarrti rlthcof the tw i I' t .siate Convention, uf litettnrty ol the Mate of New Yura, and whether Aiesmentii ol money :.ave been made to be used to controlrrimanea to ireoru deletatei to tUia Uotiveutioni urfor other political purposes.

Mr Conkllne acceptet this also.Mr. German (Hep., Uul ) u.i be would vote for

both tho amondmr its, aud ne witlisJ to call Ue attentlon of the rotitilry to the 'act that theiu waa nodiflicnlly In rettins nny proper resolution of Inquirythrnui n tbe retiite.frMr. Jlafard (Hem . PeM oTered an amendment

tlio Coninil tie to ii quire w hetr any or theofficers in aald Custom llooie hiva been or are beingUsed as inMuments of political or i rty purotaie.

.Mr ( unklinc accer lei this sUo.I lie rraolatlnn as ameudod was then adopted

Vejs, 67; iui, Qor.e.

The iTreldent'e Ctll Service Messnse.To iht tl( and llouttof :

In Bfrotrtscce wtth the ret of Conprts approvedMatch 5 till, 1 H'ntrncd a comniu!on or eminent

ffcntlen-.i- todevise rule sod reiuiatieos for the pnr-iu- eof irforminc the civil trrvice Their labors ere

now comp.ete and I traanmt n- -r withthel repoitto--Icine r wiih the tules waicti they rtccmniend formr

action ihese rules have been Adopted and will toint rfTort on the lar ns o .tui' ISTJ. Under theItw refvrre I to.ns tnu authority if alienornirctlrd in the l0 to enloice reinliliot $

wiin tnll p jwtr tu abri uc. alter, or nmeua them at hisops on wiie'i rlia.1 t.e in iv ue de mr ' a viaie ihesviews, toft e wt i tin re ort of tin. t'onuu iin ra.are fu, i ire ul v .i mi oi n iwneth-- r Ini lir tt u oi n. i Ik - t In ord riniain uui mi rS . tt o an, i bi .cLaal i Urnicere o in

1 me wi'hout frrtiif r Ponir.reet it al nrMon,the is :. r. c. tbed hi tie ' i.m mijii m t r the rt.en tlio i iioi ut ed M'l h ( t d'liljr ft -i

iiifd i hmihej ae tiud uz lihoui lurtb r I isNiiion on mv atir 'pviis. Hvinit dsiituf of oriiiiitm:this lubji 1 1 lo th i nmn'Uti l Cootrti-- i Drfort) tho

rrci s. have not t me to sumrietitlr examlae the rejMin lu en ible nif to suice!U Qtnte niitiMise aetloii to Insure the upport n hiohmnv irffniy In order to tne a ihortitun trial tn apolicy I.ti: uic.iu 1. I oik mr !! ihe iffi-tt- nhtehConprps nn b'vs me n enshte imp io erry oit ibe

iu the civil servn-- n crnmendra bvthetomvwtt onrri and mlupted t j lane t tl ct, as before lilted,on Jannarv I Ibu.

I h- - Uw wok h pr lle t ir tie conrrnlnf ol a commlsision to lievlsr rul-- and re u nim-- ror irformtnithacivil service auihoitsM, 1 think, Hie jrnnatientorKttiilE ulOii of titinat uosrd. unecr waoss ccneraldtreeiiun ii turniMffuM of enpiic-nt- s fur nbltoottlr--na- il h rnnrtnctrd trne is no aprriprtattonlt i .ui line bus h ,t oimttl t i lu ti iiiiiitH'ion idIU i n S lit !" r Uif rf ic rf mn end in t a pr.)i ernpiir- i fiaUltii. li nn le t eor u itte me sci ire ot thpi csi nt t'osr-- ior miioiih r voir, and in Tiew oi tne fnciinu u.r, e nunibers r the hord h dd position In thet wn tc s. rvlfe, wn ch preclu i s them from tcceivtnxeilri (ompenAilon utidir lni. ton th- -i

anihonxeo l' terriv a fair ronipeDisibm tor curicnice rvUdired In them in the penor.natitje oi thisdut) L H UltANl.

.MssiocfcI)fc 19, l!llur foilowtnK are the rales kubmitted by the

ComiilftsttiiKr-- :t No reiaon shun r sdmlft-- 1 to any tosld'.n Id the

c i' sei vh within the sot rur. tun nt or ilu 1'iee dentoi the hew! nf df i artiiiLUts hn u . it i itn-- n u thet'nltrd Htaics,wn ihi l not nave furni-h- it

e.nure lu r'arJ t" oh irurter. h 'ul ti. and hic,and whisl Mil imt irive iael a 1iim tr. exsuilnat ou tu rtivsiklLg, real-us- aud writing toj Kutfiisu Unmwe

3. An a iriory bi d of auitnhle re- - n to be emplore ihe I'rrsideit nnd'i t.n tn 'ello i of t',0am fit Msreh .i iili '.nil d ' An se; maonir apptoprt--

ion or c u eip' ii u ot the IfOvernm i t orlie ftseal lear ruJlo; Jnue ) 1M;. an-- for other rur.I uses." stiikll. o fat li rrifti',sibl-i- group tne pjt ions

in earh branch of tie rhil nrvice nccurdln iu ihecharartcr oi the diilies M ne perfumed, and fh.ilcraaeeach icruanfrom tie liwentothe bizheu.iortnepoipuse of uromotlon wiuln the erotii-- . Adndhjii ii tne civil icr vice .uli alwy pw m th- - ion ftgrade of a r croup, and to uch position as t ieuroep.l or cratJd a dm 'nl m .halt bo determined asprotid. d 'ur tne I wcai .'rd.

.1 K v.i xic) vcr;.n.i.j iu the lowest era le of srjcr P Jt iitlleei malt he rl'lt .i it er dee rhl n ne. .t om ai ai pliCAnls wh si ai prtienl theius dves, intw o hJ t hive luinisht'd tlu c.ld njes .ml nt& dthe pie nn nurr e&amtn t it alresny mcniloned Aidw o sli'li used a i tudic iMiiiiKiiU.Te i.tion t tot their lcnowlidH. ahillty, nnd snetialq i tl.fl. tuns to- - tho rent rnmuce of the ou-

tlet tt the ufUcc Ihe Haita auihc .it; i t ivo eia itnation shili prepAre, uidtr a ou i tb dvlsov Hoar I, a list of tho rum si f t..e kp. lemi s in ihe order or their eirellvnce, as

nv such ox nlnation, b"Klunnu w ito the In.--

is', an Uml tht n i f rtlfv to tho nouilnjilarf or appoint,my oil oi. rs in' CASMiist De th- - iritne ftandins ml te t,fsd u: ucb IUl U'n : three, sod fro u inns "rrt flu Mr rippomimeul shall be made.

4. , vu.a.e) occuirm iu any si a Jo ut a ciuniio,'oftle r nn ve tie low.sthi!i he U Iwd b) a comp il.lite t xintnailon ot .ipuli ouu iroui tl.o oincre.iiiuoi ti.t i;i;up, aLd the b- -t ui oitiuti ir.iiu wincb tnea pr .innieot n to bs ma le i e iuinred aud t,

u- piovidcd in iho j rei-.'- n rui hut I noi ti"h ipii'ieunu ure totind eenputont, the appointment

a'l be uiou au laXftiiiina.ui of u 11 .ii plicsnt. runu tt d I' iici'ordat re with the prov iiMna ior idmis.

tiuu t i lnett crate& Aptd t ar cert tied or o'herivue quillH" t f t

s ca-- en ot t',j ice r ol .11 mis, ran-len Of A SUUUt lltfsfU.-- ' C .1 Ol 1' Slintl.t l iMipermti ndeni ot Money itidci tm.,aa i.i i.t nm-ce- ,

and luch othei'iU tudum of l.ire .ti:u ut niosuyis ms) nereurtur bs Ct .'iistn tij Hie ,dviory l.oird.and tor whose isrcuniarr tl Iclit) uiioihsir uitp n--

m l:e, siii1 no- hsi appoimcd en aptwiih the Hppioval oi iirh otnui- rime r.

fc, 1 tinaitcr whose annuoi saliy i teisthin timnv po ut.i'uiutel upon ihe wi iten iiuoi sniiicuiM'.wtlh snrti evidence of cuanrtot sodilun aiohuii he aii"Uet n to the heat of ti.O Deptrcne--

t ibe eid'oitiimt'iit of uil perotia t!u.ena the civdaervln lu wit'i th re it;u btionr.i iitc rir'tin apicltted h Hn rmtdi'U, iij and withtitcadvlie aud coneui ol ihu ena e. tVui.tu'tcr inappointed tonnr posniou ti a toreuii countryu.i i.j in .id- - tur a term ot u months,durlnu ' (ilrbtic ntuci aid tn neltt of snen tonithsilj be tested, and if al Hit- uidofsnch protin-tio- i

ai ifrm sit u. iury nioofW oi their fttms hitiibiij iiUtU furuishe I i) .he Hoard o' to mvhea of the iffpartin-i- .t tu woiP i linn hil hu e dfeneini lo c i diit uf s.tid tt i tu t hi ) hull oe n nitoni.t'd

m i he i'ipsi i Mit wi iieii-'iu- u ttiifo p t en"hdtpsi inenl o p iii.'c to a rve aa Itoaid of, .ipc hieh iiudir I iu su on ision o me Ad'isinjto,,i ti. ui uiiut to be prcnrioeu oy it.uiil&tsuih tinins nnd plios ui It mm Determine,to all coudiici pi'isonal y.oi 17 perions njdro od bi um.Vh r.n, iht .e.t.4iina and exiulnniloisfoist ndsiion mt ' sal l dcparl'iieuti 01 tor prwuiotieathu. In.

V Anvpeimn who, after lonir nnn fsilii'n! seirlciIn arpaitm ut sum he ii'"ai 'e t'i ed ..)t nt iitfiiiiiinei ior th" i.h eni d selmue ot in du-nes of hot ii. 1" (."Pointed 0)1h Ii i. .nt nt, at tn d.-- i "e 101, to 4 posiitnu o( lnlesp aintity n He tirimnt

pi. Noiiti.i-- i lu t'lese ui'tat ,.r 'In nrpU-nie-- tt

01 a'leus to (millions in the Co tutiw niuwh.cli ii) on of 1:11 1 e ini( or tith r tillc'rnt rau-'- mo in the In is nnnt of the unit 'tmpower I) t ftilidttior Ihe appointment of

'1C.1 Miiiilu tho I i.i to biaiia .1. 1.10 Pi'lm10 p'Ofer dUPhiUu t Ihe ilu tie m iciisln

pent )!.) 1 wihi mar not bn tain lUrmt'i the htuInn lai.u te r loyally enpib'e of nsiuni'iiu

tl sn in ud nt ti (lepHrtmunt nor any summlmiti' oilleel td the t UTiimeiit "h.Hi .is inch lllcm lutuorize uiI'M in. l or anist In levili'H any asto'smeiii 01 one v

t . po iln nl purp rfes undci the lorm ot mluiiHiyrti.i'ritnittons ur o hrrt upon .mv pvi m enudoyedund' r hia luptioi inr shall jny rueti pcrou nay anylllsHieV u a.s- sse.l

li. ne adtiory hoa'd ihVI at any llrr.) rocommemlto Ihe !'i u eii eh uues in tno u tutu m 11 nutcouiid n "e ary tu itfc.trJ the atuxtr eillcienoy ultne c.Ul teivioi

It from Iff ' ruin are cx epted the tioids of fitpiiiiit.idui. A distant fc'tur Un jf

t AUormy l. and l lrt ,staniral, hoen ir of the

'I Naval hunc tor, SoiinMr m Innirnil Hevline, hjantner ot I'lilms in lie Hut- Depai Unenl,I leasuier uf ihe United stales, Heal r or in n 0.111rv. fiut And heroin! Coicptioileii u u..i t'rrasuiv,Judge of the United si it Conr:t, tusiiict Altor-nej- s,

I'rn ste hi ctnHr 01 thu rnwi.icnt, Amha idorsai.d oib'i puiHie Misilsiers, Huperidiniideiit or dmCoast cm vy, llneciu.- oi tno Mint. Uovornori of iffr Hones, hpiei il Commiasiniiei-s-

, necul Annual Visit-In- a

snd h i.'ininiuc II 'aid. ierons n inJinto 1 to ponHons wl fiotit en npeubltl iu for TViCW J(l,U'CtiajeutN apd heaieia ot dfip.iches.

Cnnflniintloiia bv ibeIlaiiiimii' J Hivuei, Deputy Co'iimls! uei of In t

nail ""im lvni W Msiun. First An llior uf Ihere isiim . II liotiiilsss. nu mbut 01 um (. otiucll

lor the Distrn 1 1 um os , T. A, loibart. of 1)

Com at Havana bltuit Hatuui, fConuiTii ul, L jiiiuI tt Ulo .'Nui'i 11 Iti3in T I'lenIt s ot Virmotit Cnnttil al M.fil, John H II sw ofH sit ictui ( olumui. C )uiiH at Ha uluii .VilmaiuUurdir, coiivctor o(Uutow ftir Nl warn,


iiAnnus 11 e it n a it 111 1:11 n nr runHVS'3 lir.VOHTEIl..

Iliirilrroua Asaiiull nn as sa (lfIlrrr-T- Ti NoInrlous I'll I r I or tit Ii Ward Ituilirlis (,'hki-i-I

llrsprrntB Atlrnipl to fsriuic Arrrsl,Officer (leorgo H, Waltlron, of tlio Thirteenth,

want on post In Grand slreft at mlilnlalit on Monilaf night. Hoon ho notlcstl two auspicious personsprowl njr near Attorns; anJ Clinton atresia, Tnopfllcor witrlieil their movements, and thr In lornwstel otl the oflleer until IV o'clock ycaterila; morn.Ilia". Thon tho patrolman ordered tli.m lo morn on.At this the; begin akuslni lilin with the tllest

hut an lio ir.anlfeeled a tlelcrmtnailon to ai-

rs. t them 11 the till not oliejr him, they folkilrcrossed the street, still pourlna; out their Tlio epi-

thets. When they hat) reached the other aide of thoIhoroujlifaro they dared tho (filthy eaplellTes) tocross over and arrest them, tholr coarso profanityand abuilse Isninase attracliim Iho attention of theoccupants of, who had been roused fromtheir sleep and had come to their windows to seewhat lis dlsluroanca wit. fin illy the orflrer pro.reeded to cross ibo atieet to arrest the rowdies.Wnen he wits half was acmes ono of them drew apistol and Orrd, the ball l acplly missing Its mark.I'll ofilccr quickened his pace, and nhen he waastllnln four feet uf the pair tliey fired again, tnstroko and force of the discharge corniest full In bistare, tnoucli miraculously me ball again missed hltn.

At this Waldron dtew bis club and went at thetellow who had done the shooting, talchlng lilm bythe throat and pummelling lilm until lie waa glad todrop his weapon. Ilia companion, when the oSlcerclosed llh the rufllan with the pistol, took leg hall,and hastened arras. Waldron rapped for assistance,and wss soon reinforced by Offlter fmltli, tio cutechase to the lugliltc, catching him fonr blocksaitsy. llo was armeJ with a alung-shot- , bnt wiselyconcluded pot to show fl 'nt lie cave hit name asJohn Iln m. Ti n one llrst arrested gave tno nameor lun D'D.tnnoran.

On O Uunnovan wss fnimd a six barrelledwith lour citsmbi rs empty, nn I two still

loaned, Tim rslr were taken before Jnde tcuit,anil lit hi In l.l)0 ball each on n cuaige ol leionlouaaieanlt with intent to kill the oncer.

The Valiant Cnpt. O'itniirke'e Fuss srllUhie l.aiidludy,

Copt. Mntlhew J, O'Kourke, who thinks thathe smashed tho Tammany King, walked IntoeflVrsoa Market Police Court yesterday, and took a sealon one of the rear brnclica, He produced a smallpaper fro-- hit rocket, and proceeded to read Itvery carefully. With the paper still In bla hand,he took a place before the bencn among II eprisoners, The paper waa a summons whichMrs, Bradford, of N West Twenty-secon-

street. In whose house he boards, had sued onlagainst him for disorderly conduct. His landladyaald that O'Rourne had relused to pay Ms boardbill, and abused her when asked to Und anotherboarding house. Hoe said that be habitually reachedhome drunk, and In a drunken way touting olwhat he had done for the rutillc. hoinsllmea hebroke furniture. The other boarders bad declaredhim a nuisance.

Cspt. O'llourke denied all the abote alterations,an I said the complainant IlicJ b'hijd a raa.k. NicIfd re ssld, olten stsnted to borrow money of him,and made the chsige berauio he refused lo lend l.rrmuii.'... l bs litariu; was set down lur eiauaiiiatiuuto da.

The .Moving I'lillllclnn.H at mlt'ratorr hotly which sljlos itself the

lienulillcm Central Cnutttttee, held Its last meet-ing, prior to tne expiration of the (resent

of ofllce, at l.llLJ Ilrosdnay, last nlfht.Ti.e previous hj stia held In the fit. JameaTheatre. H.o one beforo Ii, In Cblrkerlng Hall.Tin ncit one is likelt to be held In tho lllceckerUu Mines. Ar irruverrenl wag yesteiday suzgeslnlto a M'n reporter that It was cheaper to move thanto par rent.

Mr. Toiund occupied the c"ialr, and SecretaryI.yon was lu hiaarcutomed ri tce The Treasurer'sreport for t.ieyrar was adopted. Itrrelpts, f 1J.4S3 ;tllsbursemenis, llt Oifi fV) ; on hand, II13 4J.

Tne lresideiu wss directed to call togather on the flrat Tuosdar In January the cetslyelected delegates to the ' Cutnuiltte. TheHon, Cnsrles H. Rpencer sns loudly called. He un-f- .

'.led llie Mings uf tin Aim-- Iran blr J s"d llappetheui lur foi ten iniuutes, sua tne (,'ouiit.ltttenun sep.rat. 1.

l.luhlruliitr the "iiflerlncs of Iho Slrh.About six l.umlii'il palifits ujasiiibletl last

evenuu In the ampliliheutre of Ilellevue Hospital tollsiru to a lectnro on temperance by 1'. T. llarnu.n.Tho audience wcro tlellghtrd with the groat st.ost-ms-

snd fr. qneutly app'atidej. Wmdsn Hrennm,who entered tno ball soon alter Mr. llirnum hadbegun Ins lecture, svas rrcoitxl with ir.aiks off.ror In addillnn tn the ler'nre I tere was somen osi excellent music and singiug. The Her. U n,(Hand rn. Imped lhat geruine philaMlirop sUwoui 1 send books nnd pn'iers to I ic patients, as tneyst ere sacl) iu need of reading matter.

Itiiolli nn llnnilrt.Tins is the liit wrck of IMn iu Ilooth's " Hum.

lei" !'., ih.'Slre Is nightie parked. Next week" J ulius t .usar ' III be produced.

fioT, ?icall ntintu to Itpslgn.Couuiu, S. C, Dee. 19. In tin Hou of

Ilepieseniatlves to day the resolution of Impeach-nien- t

nf (Jov. Scott being under consideration. Mr.llonrn made a tno hours speech, declaring he wasin ttrnhle earnest, and meant to ltnp?aca all gciltrhiate i flicials in sucesslon.

Iu .New Yurk (Jov. bcott had admitted to l.lmthat tweiit)-ttv- million do.lars of Iraudu'ent loiu'shad lecn usihI Mitlun tl ree dais, mi l bia'.e Trea.surer Psrk'r lied decl ire I that Hie t;llit,iae datedI, nl act ujuljal ibt llins, becsusa of Its osu corrup-tion.

In or ler tn obtain a certain (no Hill.) vote foriii.Macrtmvit. l.e wool I nlTer a leaol ition to

tie vile ma ill alter li.e t l.ristnasri'ri-a- , an t if n lull House rejected Hieineasuie, lie would resort to tne courts.He pledI'd lniu'elf lo assist by teetitnou)and all 111. ins in bis lio,v,r to eonviri tnetlovrruoe rand tie other euilu uSlrials. It Is ramured tnal lio Hcoli will ie,i;n lu teiity.iiiirhour. 1 he i.ov riiar admits thvt Uir linnearSunrutwill it.u I la canvirilon II il goes tu ban.ite.

Tbe AUnrniru Cutis filed to Itsirlse .lliimrJlnll's

Tlie old rumor thai Mayor 11 ill was ready toresign .1 startud again yesierday in the City Hi!'.A special meeting of , tho lioaitl ol Aldermen wisrallet torecelvelhe Mayor's letterof reslgnallon, butlit P.M. them was no quorum, and the Hoard adjourn-ed. The Mayor has written Ids resignation twke,ind dislrnyed tlie originals. He is said to laveprepared another, embodying tne latest otthe hii u it ton , and defending himself Iromthe charge pieferied against l.lui li tl.o llsforniurs.He iniieds hU resignation to date Irom Ihe 1st ofJanuary.

Alio hrr Unit I'niind llend In n Cell,At li o'ului'k j t'alertluy inoriiiiic; nn uiikiionii

man ans found at hixtn uvenue and Twen!) 'ouithsirerl, in su In'enslb'.e co idiuon, lia.'. r II i lid iv,of the Tl Irtletli street pnllei. t0K him to tl.o .

There Is n (encral order on the polio bookswulcli requires that In such rases ii surgeon shall I e

euinmoned at once, fsrcoanl Mrllwains, hull ever,directed lloorman Kennedy lo lake the mill to ncell, Into w.iir'i l.e lt;n uiiccreninnlniisl) lliru't Attwenty n Inules mat six Hie doiir'iaii visited I liei .'II, nii'1 fi'iiii thu inin deiul, l Targes w ere pre-le- i

ri'd t i i' i ing by ..uper.n'ciidint Kelso a.', lu.lilt'e.ini Mil u.iine 'in.l the dooruiati Inr gross no.

clu. iot Out) in linking up tlie lam wiilioiit prot'ur.iiu iro.i r un liral atlKiidani'e. ilea sand mmwn. utiout l.nri) flveye.irs old.flvi. fe t .i-- ii u c .eahigh, dntk liuir, eves, and roinpl inn, H"Ut built,sirlped umlershlit, black coat Hid pant loons, anddarK luuiistarlie

'flip Tumbling ll.iuUis,The er.tsh nf thu (L'e in Hank, while il iv.isi

in llninrial circlet Irrouuditi ttlettevidsulli tooK some ol its

tvlts,"i . Joins li tlirarise, and il Is nut I few of them will nave lo siianonl. One I eFourth National Hank ol 1'hUadi'lnhl.i waa thrownuul of tlie Hearing House jrslerdai and loriedinto ' iispsiiwion. It was a bsuk nf tlmlled cspilalfWl.tWU mil its lailurv ctiMiod but little excite.incut. It seems mat just before t le Ocean ll.v kgne Us I'nll ulelplila ciirresiiiiid.utmale l.ire ndtancos on Its account, and tllus,when tue lli'titii Hank bitike Rnd l.uled In maxelln'e ailvmres good, the l'ourth Ntllontl whst'troin lulu tianki uptey. I'tvo or three ugutins bink was suatieiided leiupnr.irilv III ron.c-ipisuc-

ol the allegt-i- l dei'ilcation of Its cashier.

.irtiiHN rito.u tin: ji:i.i:(iiiArit.Jan, ir Milinn Smith, Democrat, Is eletled tior

ernorvl (leorgia.'lb. Kiuirt i Nalilonil Is ink of I'tillnlel dila has l lliei.aikhti a esnli il of SIIMOUO, withds onl ol bettveu nve .mil .is iiuiiUteii inuutaud.

'H e Hun. T. C. Mul'rosiy, lain Itnlled Htslessen tioi irom v. us. it n n irn.aat.'.l h) theH.iiioiiii. I.i i iauto cm ii iu suocoJ the Huu.narrel II in,

Hoi. I Pulton of the 1'irla crew Ii s rhihen olDrome Ii (.all, lie c sin ill I II ol llillsl !row s si nil in ai A maouii. or Higuy, b.,uJuly

i,l,l9rl,WIIUilU AitiiESiitv,One nr tha Crenlurcs of this Wnahlngton

Tummnny King In the Clntrlirei of thel.ntr-N'o- tT Aen If bs HnrnUs Out on Knallrna did lllnlclilord, Ihe llraisrbnck Thief.

Charles Cnllemlnr, National Hank Kxnminer,was arrested ycflerd.iy cn a warrant Issued by

Oiborn.Deputy Marshal Crowley effected the arrest, and

aw 111 not to place his wealthy prlsonsr In Ludlowstreet Jail ; at least neither had been sa.n there) atan early hour llila morning.

The recent bank failures had drawn much nn fa-

vorable commont on Callendcr, and he was ana.pended, a few dais ago, by Comptrollerof the Currency ltulburd. It will tieremembered that among the asset! of theOcean II ink wore found $76,000 In checks,drawn by Win. II, Callendcr, and tllacouutod notesto tbo amount of JHOOO In favor of tho satno per-

son. One ot those cherks was dated Sept. 3, andanother Oct. 3 Ou Oct, 5 tho following report wasmade)

Kiamlned these ,1J and 4th days of October, andfound correct, as herewith checked. A moat grati-fying nnd satisfactory prozrrss evident In allbranches. Kntlre harmony and earnest work onthe part of all concernod will mako the Institutionn grand success, and soon Place It among ourRoundest Institutions. CIIAH. CAM.RNllKll.

National Hank Examiner.


Yrnterilny'si Humors It educed to Fuel Sir.OTfinor'a Penrs or Hoss Tweed's l'llabt-- Only OlUclala In bo Arrested.

Humors that new arrests had been malo vrcrurife yesterday alternoon, but were without founds.Hon. Tho Urand Jury, however, Is busily grindingout Indictment!. Mr. O'Conor Is opposed to

anybody executing public officers, and It Is

not likely that he will Institute criminal proceed-ings, for Ibe present at least, against Keyser and(Isrroy. Woodward Is regarded as a public official,and a good turn will be readily Pali for his appre-

hension. Mr. O'Conor sari that It la useless to AndIndictments afslnst Tweed, as. If a hundred andOily should he found, bo wnuld get off on easy ball."I am afraid," said Mr. O'Conor, "and hare beenslrsld all nion, thai Mr. Tsjeed Intends to fly.For that reason I kept back from th press thensni of Judae l.earned's action at Albany. Ifeared that Mr. Tweed might hear that a reductionof ball had hetn refused in bis esse, and lake toflight before t le bencn warrant could be served ouhim."

Ihe Oratit Jury has adjourned to I'rlday,Warden blaoni asked the Commissioners of

Charities and Correction jeiterday to fit up specialapartments In the Tombs prison for the accommo-dation of the political prisoners ex oecled 19 arrivethere this week. This action was thought neces-sary, In view or the report that the Grand Jury hadlound a number of Indictments against prominentmembers of the Tammany Hlng.

It is said t at they hav found Indictmentsagainst two and a u.einberof the New York Printing Company, who was atone time a candidate for the office of County Au-ditor after the death of James Walson. The araccused of defrauding the city of large sums bymeans of fraudulent contractu, and by reduclnet..x..s on real estate. Tlie member of the .Sew VorkPrinticg Company was lulorraed by n frien I onMluidJj that ue was lo be Indicted, and lis u.aitlifpacked up his luggige and lo i't Hi ni:ht trainInr Caiaia. He Is now wllh the T.nnmany

lionet's Hotel, Toronto.Ycsterdiy morning Heeorder llnct-e't-, Judge

Gunny lledford. and Mr Cjirles O't ..nor lul l asecret mieting In lit conn room of tho Central2uslon. It was sal. I thst the ohjeel uf the sessionwas to decile on lb protirlely of " comnitttlugwithout ball" those wno ma,' lirrenlter be indicted.

The subpana eurke atiachid to the District Attornev'a otllce were furnished with ropie of thefollowing notice for service upon the Grand Jurorslait evening t

Hec. 14. Inform silon haa Jnit reached me whichmskealt ncceiaarv to convene itn- lliauu Jury lor ItA. M lo.ui.iiiow Wo .no- - lay. JOth mat

It li eaineatli desire I tn.t no Juror be afisent Theaeuicn will be hnct and aaiisiactoiy to yweisi-lro- asIsr as toe nreeisity ext. is.

LtLlLS J, I'OMbTOCK, foreman Grand Juiy.

The Flight or 1'rter II. Mweeny.I'eler 11. Miecny Icli, this oily on clunday.

Where he went Is unknown. It is known, how-

ever, that he is beyond the jurisdiction of onrCourts, Wherever he Is, Tin Suh mil sliiuo furhim. (rice two cents per copy.

Win. .11. Tarred Disposes! or Ills l'rolI licit lu Albiiny,

AiBt!T, Pec. 19. Thero were filed in theCounty Clerk's ofdee the affidavits of WheelerII. Prckhain and John A. Htonglitenburgli, nsseit-In- g

tint William M. Tweed Is and has been dispos-ing nf Ills propsrty In New York, to wit ; A housenear Port Washington, bis stables In Thirty-nint-

a'rrel.hls yacht, and bis residence at Fifth avenueand Kortj-thlr- stieot, Ac, for trices much belowtheir vilue, for the purpose of evading the Judg-ment to be rndre 1 lu the action brought againstI. Un by the people. .No uev action, liosenr, laproposed.

The Committer or Sevr.ilr I'mliig Ihe He.musnl ul IIhII uml Tvserii,

The Comiiiitti e nf .Seventy last uight ujojitctlt' e fel'nwlng roolutloni !

faaefrs.1 Thrtthls Committee hss nit 'hanged I'sVies-- lierJIolore exnretajil cone .ruing ll.uoi the luiniedlst r"l 'nation or sue ly ..f A.ussev Hall and nil inn M Twe-- i from the ofheosv.hii-- thev have dl.grsctd an. I st I) hn'o. Thst thist .'oiiiilltce hss not, rimer uiiiilyor iniilrertlv, f

into or sitietiotied nny coiiinroiiii.e. arrnuae.ineni or undi'rftandin w'iftt t... niu.renr th s.i menahoulii ne reta'nej ot tolerated lu oihce for unv lengthtd time, now vrr sli..rt.

l.rtalritl, Tlia' in iliJittgment n'lhl" Homlitee IheRulilir t lisracier snd In'eiea's of Die rilv ana Mate ol

1 ik m .lent iv dent ino thst th ' .en:, of tn ore-s' nt Incniiiti-nl- s in tiie oill.'e ol Mator end t oniiiua-ai.- i-

er of t'uol'C H oiks ol aa d ell) be vacated nrhoutdil'SV.

aY. .'. Thil eoploa of ilie foregoing rrsolntionsan3 or tin- - la.nlllli ma nn ttie Vttn ilay of NoVfinner. duly an h hy the i liairtiian andheiTi'tarv ol Ine t'.i null' i.'h hi Irans-nllte- i.i Hi" nn .irs and Mcmm-r- . ol As."iuni rorent!) elsrio.1 fromt' . ni) 1 promo'e tlie ruuio ol an t iniini.r.iul it or it, an that t't y are h 'rehy ru.u,.si..d toe.te cited to said insolations by sppiuirlate legisla-tion.

The Cimmltlee then took measure! tn furnishinemlieis or Ihe LoalTure with Iho nere.sarytiroos of tiie fraud einuinitteil an-- connived at byIho luur masters of :orru.on, aud the CoinmltteuBoon atljoururd.

A I'olli enillli Mint nnd T n Oiillnsa s l.vnrbed.Mkuniis, Teiin., Dec. 19. Utst tnght a man

wns (em lurking around the building iu Union Citylu whlrii the express rubbers are confined. On be-

ing approached by Policeman Kline he started torun, and was pursued by the ufllcer. The manturned and Orel, Insinntly killing the ofllcer. Th.depot walc'nuan. who Joined In the chase, was shutIn the snoulder. The mtt'derer waa raptured,Ironed, and placed under guard.

Ileiore dajlia'lit tills morning shout tlilrly dls.ed men oteipowered the gu r I, Killed Levi

sn expie.s robtir, nii'l to k the murdereritway. The body tit the t,tter sj. luimd niter

hanging to a Ir.o Tno niaii'i. u inie was Tolor,and ho wss from Kentucky It i. su,m oe.i tint nuwas coin. ri led Willi the express lol brts, and wasthele to aid Ihem in esciptnt.

The Ilrltlkli Ouslmiglit on llrle,I.oniov. Doe. 19. A Hireling of llio Due Hail,

w i Morktiiilders1 I'rotertiun Hiiciely sni held .i

V. Mr. Ktplmel presulv I, and said that tlie pres-ent Krie rt caii'E it um c innot '. ug snrvvo the fill orthe Iwln nionstet llie Tstiiniiiiv Hing. Annvnwedobject nf the ll'iiui'liean l.egi.l iiure of New Yorkla, he said, In break up the pri s nt iranaiinent oftne Kile Itu'wjy. Mr. Ilipliarl wani.-.- th" stoig-lud- .

Urs ig. nii,t making ouj compronint wu a. v.rwith Tisk uad (lould.

ltiillctlue tin 'rreiteiirr 'I', Doc, 19. Ihe lii..nil Jury

found a Hue bill nl ledlclnieiii a;aiusl 1' A. Mir-den- ,

charging lilm with embezzling fl'J. m i f ihulawful uionsy or the Uulleit Hiuies; uml agvlnstHelh Jonusou, chaiged wllh snihuxzling lldlKjjThe (iraii'l Jury alo liiund Hirer Indiciiiienls againstMli lniel riliohniier. charmug him .mil ruramg Hieeudor.enients ou tne retullcates ol pay of the Dual-ly Company or I ennossre.

Who Hid Ibis tlnu Kill fOn I'rd.r morning an tinViiowii man approach,

c.i some rsl r iid lahomrs tn'.ir Allrnlovtn, l',i., sndirmii'stiid tnem tn kill bun with a lininmer. Theyuaked whr he minted lo du . anil ho n plii'd thst hehad Kills t a man In Nf tori, and nasuuhipp)lis lh"ii juiiipe I lu Mont nr i frttiht train, andIns head whs su crushe I tha' his lenture-- wuie uuret'uuuziiilu ll was about li5 tears old, file leetsix niches high, and weighed abiut IU) pounds.

ir.i Ai. (J j .v .vo n;s.

The Was itngton correspondent of th" I hicgolrih.nt iu e. Hint tne llors e I'oil.r ai.,1 I, sc .

I iiiikline slii'dty list (action has bnu .olii'ia il ill riiilieii at wmk t" au.o'y tne llou Wmti'i.iw If t wi.hthai kin of mi. n n Ii iusksb Us nhii'ct strong andb'tids huu cliivalroua ir rnoa "

A dele., tion of i ui an It I fiom New YorkMis .Mm. II de Mors, Mra tla " miu. Mm t)aads. and Mrs. I, nulla I ile Vniit 'ti r- r litis IIne l.esgue of llie Dsiiithleia ol I uli r i l ou ins1'risldent ve.teiifsv with retrenieti ( ubitn uCilis,

. liuu flU esUi aaavm iWh bf saujjulineut


1'lSOVLlAll aovi'Lit.rSnmrlhlng Nevr In Slnlrlmony-T- be Unl. 01

Inrlstn l'ormuln, without the Ward Obey tlA HemnrUeiblB llrtdal Tour.Virt Blkos and Olive Iijan wore married yea.

tcrday morning, at 11 o'clock, In the elegsnt mansionat ti West Ninth slrcot, which they purchasedwith their joint earning) In their extended lecturetours of the put two years. Iloth are well knownIn the literary and histrionic world, at least by Hreputation, and there are very fow persons tn tbo 9moro Important towns Irom one end or the countryto the other who hire not seen them. Iloth elandtn the front line of the of the

ge In regard to marriage, and the rotlgloua cere- -mony of yesterday they regarded u a cencesslon tathe prejudice of. the enlightened majority. Thetruo motlre of the couple. however. Is the advantagewhich legality will glvo to their unionof Interests. They certainly did not take the I rapwithout a goml look beforehand, and now start Inlife, as the s.tylng Is, with n knowlcdgo of each othor BIwhich ibonld do much toward amootblnx the patle. KBway of their now relationship, and rendering their WMmarrlazo truly blessed. Over two wtekt agn hand '

some cards of Invitation were lent ont to the friendsof tho couple, which were onlqne In their way. lbs.side the two conventional rectangular bits of paate-boar- d

belting the namos of the csndldatoa (ofmatilmony thero waa a third, U follows:

IIKUKITION: Tuoadsy.Dsc. 1, Horn it until 1 o'clock, :

Ceremony: by the Iter Ronert cnlfyer of Chicago, :

ai II n'cloca. .

U Wel Ninth street, h'ew York. :

Th envelopes bora th Initial letters of botbname In silver.

At 11 o'clock the tastefully furnished parlor ofU West Ninth street were thronged with fashlonably attired assemblage, Including many of theshining lights of literature, art, the pulolt, andthe press. Among the most notable were Mia I HJgan's slivcr-h.ilre- mother and two beautiful slaters, HKale and dries. Cclla Loian Kellogg wss nnavold- - HJably absent In the far West, Three or four of Mr. HBlkes'a brother and lister were also present I HJwllh tlielr famllle, a were alao Mr. Oeorge Law, Hwife or th mllllonare; Mrs. Col. May, Ur. Oeorg HLaw, Jr., Mme. Oct.tvla Walton I.i Vert, Mais,Clara IlrlnckerhofT, Wllllsm Winter, K , and wife, HMr, Colling, and at least three hundred other.The gus-.l- s were In morning or street costume, withone or two exceptions.

The brl le wore a travelling dress of brown cordedsilk, corsage made sli:htly Pompatour, skirt witndcml tram, an i bonflant overskirt of the stuff, the Hwhole trimmed with Vandyke) points under boxplait edged with plplnn, all of tne Her or- -namenl were coral and gold, and her hair wa ar--ranzed In Ihe latest style of French plaits. Mr.bikes appeared lu a Palace Albert coat and waist.coal ot dark bins dlagonil.pantalotns of light grayand lavender strtpea, n corn colorod silk scarf faa- -tened with a lirre coral slide, nnd lavender Lid.He wore a buncb nr blush losenuds on Ihe lell lap- - Halp.'l ct his coat. Persona ly, Mr. bikes Is short!than bis bride. He Is stoutly built, wllh a hand- - Hsomo fare, and lonr Dunlteirrwilsiters.

Piompt to tie moment. Dr. Collyer stepped d

to perform tlie ceremony. lIoislhecelebrAeilwhoso renosn lis been ennanood

since the Chicago tire. The services wero very Ini- -consisting of a fervent prayer, mid thefrrssive, niarnaio formula, Irom whlc.l the wont HI" obey " Is omitted. Dr. Collyer, sreaklag of HiU

arierward, snid that he had never married more thanone wi nun who p.oaitsod ta ohoy, nnd she didn't. HIThere were no brldesnulJs. Miss Logan's mnlher HHgave away ber daughter. Then camo ia

Hons, and u subsequent adjournmnnt to tao roir per- -lor, whero a large tablo was spread with caKi and HHtruit and othernlc. packs, nhlclieaca person lasted, HH

A large bridal cake cruatueiitej the reutrv, and HHeverr ono waa given a piece to lake home and HH"dream on," anip'e squires of white wiaoptns:pspsir belug convenient lor that purpose on thshelf of a btioitcoae standing near. No wine orBplptuous llqnors were ssivcd.

Ihe reaialiidai of the Inns eel apart for Ihoros.oHon waa pleismllv piesct In conversation. In sing- - HIIng by Mndame llrinrkerhoir, snd In receiving the HHcoiigtutulatione of tno visitors, w ho pou-- j in andnut until alter half paat twelae. The entire cere-pio-

was plain and uni t, wiih no unneceassrrnonsense about It, as Ulltted a m.uriJge so prso-- HHIleal In its obj et.

Ollvti I.Oijan which will continue to be bername, Mrs Sikes Ixilng 'or privale ess HItins been fulll ling her lecture engagement straight HHalong up to Mnn iai evening, wnen sh cancelled HIone in order that she mlal.t he eonbled to take pari HH

In jeeturday's ceremony. Her bilual tour will con- - HHslsi lu the inlQIiment ol other lecture rngigementat . HHfor w blch she is booked avery until a ter Christ- - HItuns. Last night sho lortuiud in Warwick, N. HIstarting soon after 1 o'clock lor that town via Ihe HIKrie Hallroad. Her husband will acta her buaino.4luaniger, aa UMtil.

A large booit lull of letters nf rciret was display.ed on the table of the crntletiii ii's dressing roomup stairs tleorgu William t urils, wno wa una- - HHloldably detali.ed In Washington, write.:

"Ihe man who la married by Hr. Collier Is married EHIndeed,"Mrs. tleriha Srrantnn Poole of Itnchester, herself HH

a rerent brl le, sent a pnein, of which the following HHis the concluding slsnzi;

" And the annj will he of a woman,w h j wrotignt out a nrs.ion true.At ha liri'd itiroiun tilai unu rary days1 ill the wuilil tnst nl soied had Iraritcd to prsli,it no.e Ins', t.e.t crow u ot love s pure rays,And that woman woulo be juti."

Prof. Moses Colt Tyler of Hi Mlchlgin"1 wi-- you a life mil nr hnrplnes, and I trality lhatWirt Mkis is aa eutiab.uat l.u as he is a glorious

Other tellers wero received from I.vnra Heam, thHev. John Pealh, woo arquuiuled wltli tlie HHcouple in l lie Yo'sinltc al:e. ; Almoin llirnes, Ih HHroot; l:. 11. I). Clark, nf ibe Tio'j l'rttt. the loc-- HHturir mid uutiior; the It v. nnil Mis. a". K. lleecher, HHth. Itar 1. W. Norton, lb n. and Mrs. l,ogn, Col. HHHoii'iH aj.r.Hior ol I io 1 Hii.vmiMi Journal ; MsryI., llooln. edltorof llirjxr't II; M. h. Packard,

I.i v, sun uf ami many others.1 ill flihlng bli'saings upon tlielr marrlillife were received jualord.iy morning Iroru all partof the country.

Th Oileuu I'rlnirs I it Is as lltrlr bent In Ibe HHPrrncli Assembly. JHJ

I'aiiia, Dec. 19. The Duko d'Auinsl andPrince de Jolnvllle took their seats in the NationalAxembly They sat In the centre of thelui'inbrrs of tno Itight. 'Ilitlr appearauce crtalodno sensation lu the body. HH

jon ixus a no ur j o h .y. KBIf ia rumored lint the llrand Jury yesierday bo HJ

gan an InvealUallon lutu the riao. HHThe bu)iervisors ycsterJa) receive) n bill of HH

11,730 Inr refreshments inrmslied llui '1 wemy s.coiiii HHilcgiinent on d.iv.Julia hl.illery of hl'l nieentvirh atreet, while

list ging clottie. niuun on iro.u the nrocacaue uu lliu UurU, Ml aud Ialill Uljurul. LHH

Tn sale by miction nl tho curious oil fiiriiilin aBland orlentsl onrpeti. at Hunii-- lllo'., rrr.icr of r'our. Hilleriith .ireut ami I ntli uvenue. w ui nea'iu tu.iiiori'iiw. HlWilliam firein nf Ilignty fourth street, ne-i- HlI lev iiih aveoiie. l la.t etuning from tue rear put.

hn in ,i I r No 'jj ot Hie lligiuli atenuc line, and injured.

Kukp.itiick. tlii Ji'wllrr nt llronlnar fr IUu me .tie! ssys lie mil mil I .. k. i nr"i-sti- e Bflne in I nn ii'.i ul Ho n. i.i;., aud .oil iiieuiy n ,, HBilium helore dark. Hefl

Jtieint.-tl- llagg rl) o' It) I'lni-- street tv is ,cru.hi'd and fa'allv luro.i t i la, i. iweua t Pm-- - HHono nt i uue cat and a rati n- - u a ui.vtnz throu It avvavalI'hiystie st , near Oranu

'1 ne bexliig tnsti'h helwi-- i"is the chant. Hb on I nilsh llghi wri.'ln, and i.i.u . the rbauin miI gut wi int 1 An. ct .rii. w 11 mi i'. ii ' iu Harry fli.i s'lliea ic ariurnooii

('. nrles Ml I', itiiiul 13, wind. i'l.iini,nf tn thov tenisy In I'rum ton ft Mr . '. anllrug Hils. el .I'll, - ii hi. 1 '"une ilieell, win iHJafl

ciiu.'tit In U'i Ii tnng aod will, un in tiie uiaoiiluery. kVaVHe was kille.i.

Anion hi. been lakin In lemnte II,lUker, inently st.poniiet fuiiiiiniiee of tlie nerana HHan I tioiu-riyo- Mia i.onuoiiy, mIio i ecame liiasuaaf.ei llie iraslr iti slli ol her Iiii.iiuii i. I). J J Caiiuol. IBJI), aad net two child! un. KJJ

Tl ollun. Thomas Murph) is lo bu serenaded st !9Jhia reaidem e Hi's evening bi Jn urs t'nii, ,ir naiui ol 7mmone hilldrod pivrea, ihu I. io lie a Ilium to li'l Pi,isbiirs lu the uiu-- e ot Uranium lr.un ihe united t'u fsV-- 4turn House llei tibilcsii nl oils of Ihe riiy. tjy'- -

Yeterds' f'apt. h;vn the work of pr. nvnanng the pede isl tm Ihu risnaliii slatue. winch ha WA. a'mui toer. c in I rinimu llou.e iniis'e. lie bin Jya4I iteu iowo ihe loni'e, an I ihe Ural stone oi the bani wi'i"k'hiua iO t u.s, n, d awn ou the ground. Iln XV,niiuo isto le uiiveiU'il Jsu II. KK

'J line Is irr.uble among the pliouniri'ilurs. Mr Y&Xt

tlunaon h ia sued out a li'inporary Inluii' llon aialn.i fXvl ie sale ot ihe "hoiMniirm mi in blein.l"ho:,ogia QvAin." uael bv Mr. Ill a a II llurua h.r popu si 9yrlassra in phoiieginnhy, sirs, llurua do.-- s WAto irive it up . njiit . ii.r,.fot, .he wbl'i lur ?,ne liiios nee lo all who pioi iire tickets lor c.asio. bs (V4

I4i e thu inJuncUod Is rouiovod WfAt.reut ineelinc to night or the' Hafoirs ry

Alsui'lslion at llrevoori 1111, I s, I Klfly nuiilh allu l rZSlI..VIH I trsi ait. city ad.tira, .um ihe i'mt .vemeni .,'. ".'!'.'! ' uue will receive heat v .i n un n u. 67.A t Ml in. John Foley ll'lli'l er. . il oln-r- V,yPwlio will b'l'ireaa the lurel ig .1 n H"l ior fiAiiiuii'it to gu iiom tue ''nv lu. i I'. ii in n yr'YiiHiiu ti or l.e will aina-i- tu n.a .ui.ra in a in 'Xfj--

A HoiHfhuld Woi I ft u snd Ii ,i m.jn k-- Ua.iivfa s. t,,.oui,f,-a.- a. wft