multichannel measuring waa presentation

Benefits of combining online and offline tracking

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Benefits of combining online and offline tracking

Offline campaigns & tracking

TV & campaign tracking •  TV meter Research (TV-mittaritutkimus) includes 1100 random

households, which will represent all TV households in Finland.

•  The research will track the channel being watched and who is watching it, down to the second.

•  Tracking is measured by counters, which are installed inside TV’s

•  Counters will be tuned every night simultaneously while the information is being sent to Finnpanel.

TV & reporting •  First reports will be generated during the morning

•  Reporting is done mainly with two methods: working day & post-process

•  Working day report –  Includes yesterday’s data, such as amount of viewers, rating, channel

shares, trends etc.

•  Post processing –  separate analysis, such as spreadsheet, ranking lists and campaign

analysis. –  Media agencies and TV channels use post-processing reports in order to

plan and analyze campaigns

TV & some KPI’s •  Estimate: Number of viewers (in thousands).

•  Cover %: Number viewers proportional to the population of the target group.

•  Average Viewing Time: Time (per person) spent viewing the channel during a day

•  Opportunity to see (OTS): How many times person saw the ad

Radio & campaign tracking •  National Radio Survey (Kansallinen Radiotutkimus) has

established its position as the base study of the radio industry

•  Tracking is done by keeping diaries

•  Sample persons document their listening by drawing a line to the correct time and channel in their diary

•  Research periods are classified and randomly chosen monthly

•  Unlike the household-based TV-tracking, this measurement is individual

Radio & reporting •  National Radio Survey (KRT) produces reports steadily during

the year

•  Reports are national and regional

•  KRT Online is a web based reporting software for radio stations, advertisers and media agencies

Radio & some KPI’s •  Share (%): Radio channel's share of all listening time.

•  Reach (%) / (estimate, 1000's): The number of people who have listened to the channel for at least 15 minutes.

•  Profile (%): The demographic proportion of the channel's listeners according to Eg. sex, age or living place.

Newspapers, magazines... •  National Media Research (Kansallinen Mediatutkimus KMT)

measures reading and reader demographics

•  Measuring is made by sample research and less frequently than TV Meter Research & National Radio Survey

Common features in offline tracking •  Tracking is based on audience rather than individuals

•  Even though this measurement fulfills the features of statistical research, the result is still an estimate, aiming to reproduce realistic figures

•  Only the reaching of the audience is measured - what happens afterwards is unknown. This is the end of the measurement!

•  Post-measuring is done by 3rd parties (Research agencies)

Online campaigns & tracking

Online campaign channels

Online campaign tracking •  Online campaigns are tracked with web analytics software

(such as Snoobi or Google Analytics) or with advertising management software (such as Google AdWords or TradeDoubler)

•  Campaigns are usually tagged with unique identifiers in URL’s - and if not, the source (referrer) is often still known

Online campaigns & reporting •  Reporting is based on the software used, either web analytics

or advertising management software - or even both

•  Reports are well customizable & available

•  Without implementing any extra features, the advertiser is almost always able to get some numbers concerning the campaign results

•  3rd parties are used for implementing the software, defining the goals and analyzing the available data

KPI’s in online environment Basic KPI’s •  Visitors •  visits •  pageviews •  Time spent on site •  Bounce rate •  Exit pages

KPI’s in online environment Different KPI’s for different purposes •  E-commerce sites •  Customer service sites •  Lead generation sites •  Etc…

More KPI’s You can find the inclusive list of KPI’s used in web campaigns from WAA’s own site

Common features in online tracking

•  Tracking is based on individuals rather than audience

•  Results are based on facts (though with a margin of error)

•  Advertisers set the goals and define the reporting models (where offline marketing relies on pre-defined KPI’s & models)

•  Results and effects are easy to track

Web Analytics is the key

for multi-channel measuring

Web Analytics is the key

•  The Web is part of the shopping process – sooner or later, the user crosses the line between online and offline

•  Online tracking reaches the actual goal of measuring – whereas offline tracking gives an estimate

•  In an online environment the advertising cycle is tracked from the beginning to the end

•  Web analytics software can also track offline conversions

How to track offline campaigns online? For magazines & newspapers & even for outdoor advertising -  look for spikes -  Segment and analyze

How to track offline campaigns online?

For newspapers, magazines •  Use redeemable coupons •  Use web promotions •  Use campaign codes

How to track cross-channels?

Scenario 1.  User gets email ”New iPhone launched, come and get yours” 2.  Goes to the web and compares prices 3.  Calls to the store 4.  Goes to the store and buys the iPhone

Scenario 2 1.  User gets email ”New iPhone launched, come and get yours” 2.  goes direct to store and buys

Scenario 3 1.  User clicks AdWords ad in Google search engine 2.  Enter the landing page 3.  Goes to store and buys

Maintain context!

Your Website

Direct Marketing

Newspapers and magazines



Call Center


Online Campaigns







•  Better understand which marketing initiatives work and which don’t, by calculating the ROI realized from marketing spending across channels more accurately

•  Better understand of customers preferences and experiences

•  Better understand how customers like to combine multiple channels to accomplish their goals (and how you as a marketer can tune your initiatives)

•  Better understand how products and services are combined by customers who may acquire them from multiple channel

Benefits of cross-channel tracking

•  The use of Internet is coming more popular (82% of Finnish people use it)

•  Online advertising is the third biggest media and it’s increasing rapidly (second quarter in 2009 investment was 34.6 million)

•  The line between online and offline is shrinking

Start measuring today and secure your knowledge for tomorrow

Estime Oy Vilhonkatu 6


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