the scientific revolution. revolutionary astronomers

The Scientific Revolution

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Page 1: The Scientific Revolution. Revolutionary Astronomers

The Scientific Revolution

Page 2: The Scientific Revolution. Revolutionary Astronomers

Revolutionary Astronomers

Page 3: The Scientific Revolution. Revolutionary Astronomers

Causes of the Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution was a time period in which

Europeans made major scientific and technological advancements.

There are may reasons for the Scientific Revolution:• Renaissance created a spirit of curiosity & rebellion

against authority• Humanism promoted scientific inquiry

• The power of the Church & its views were weakened due to the Reformation

• OLD IDEAS:• Geocentric Theory: The earth was an immovable object &

the universe revolved around the Earth• Geocentric theory dated back to Greeks, about 500 BCE• Church supported geocentric theory

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The Geocentric Universe

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A New Way of Thinking

Beginning around 1550, European Scholars began publishing works that questioned traditional scientific beliefs

Invention of the printing press & better methods of travel spread new ideas rapidly

Heliocentric Theory: Nicolaus Copernicus argued that geocentric theory was not

backed by scientific proof Reasoned that the celestial bodies (planets & stars) revolved

around the Sun, not the Earth Johannes Kepler using Copernicus & Brahe theories developed

the idea that the celestial bodies revolve in an elliptical orbit & mathematically proves Copernicus’ theories

Galileo Galilei develops the telescope & validates Copernicus’ & Kepler’s ideas

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The Heliocentric Universe

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Galileo’s Telescope

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Scientific Method The Scientific Method is the logical procedure for gathering &

questioning data Steps in the Method:

Begin with a problem or question Form a hypothesis, or an unproved assumption Test hypothesis using an experiment, observing & collecting data Using observations & collected data, analyze & interpret date to

validate or create a new conclusion The People Behind the Scientific Method:

Francis Bacon: English philosopher who said that scientists should not rely too heavily on Greek & Roman ideas but create new ones based on experimentation

Rene Descartes: French philosopher who believed that knowledge comes from questioning, observing, & using reason to deduce a new “truth”

said that everything should be doubted Only truth is that “ I exist”

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Creators of the Scientific Method

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Newton’s New Law

Mid 1600s, Isaac Newton studying mathematics & physics at Cambridge University Studied the theories of Copernicus, Kepler, & Galileo Determined that all objects were acted upon by the same forces

Created the Law of Universal Gravitation Every object in the universe attracts every other object The degree of attraction is dependent on the mass of the object

Publishes The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Describes the universe as a giant clock whose parts all work

together perfectly in ways that can be expressed thru mathematics

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Isaac Newton

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Scientific Revolution Spreads Biological & Anatomical Advancements:

Zacharias Janssen invents the first microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek uses Janssen’s microscope to

observe microscopic organisms (bacteria) living in tooth scrapings/first to examine red blood cells

Andreas Vesalius: published first comprehensive study on human anatomy (7

volumes) On the Fabric of the Human Body proved the theory that all mammalian anatomy was similar

William Harvey Diagrams and explains the circulatory system Determines that the heart is the blood-moving organ

Edward Jenner introduces first vaccine to prevent a disease (Small Pox) using a live culture from the “cow pox” virus

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Andreas Vesalius’ Drawings

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Scientific Revolution Spreads Advancements in Physics:

Evangelista Torricelli develops first barometer to measure atmospheric pressure

Gabriel Fahrenheit develops temperature scale where water freezes at 32° /boils at 212 °

Anders Celsius creates another temperature scale setting freezing point at 0°/boils at 100 °

Chemistry Advances: Robert Boyle

challenges Aristotle's idea that all things are composed of only four elements/ proposes that matter was made up of smaller primary particles Development of Boyle’s Law that explains how volume, temperature, &

pressure affect each other Joseph Priestly discovers the element Oxygen Antoine Lavoisier

Names the element Oxygen Establishes the Law on the Conservation of Matter – matter can be neither

created or destroyed, can only change states.