the real bath goods we money - chronicling america

PAFGITwowT t lm THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN n f SAttTBDAY t > JUNK l exL t nnL 6b 4 L Whittemore Real EstateBargains FIUTEUNITX I1UILDIX- aJ TELEPHONES Bag A 25y New house on 40 foot lot Mochanlcsburg near big I fills rent for GO 1lel1 year or 20 per cent gross If you have 25Q to invest this is a good place for it 2500 2story Groom house north end corner 19th street Ooobe 1 Avenue and Tennessee street two 41 0 root lots corner lot vacant wotJ Id make flno place for wagon yard fruit and candy store End ofli street car line 2000 Brpom 1story house No 424 South Ninth street 40 toot t r lot houso In good condition 500 cas balance monthly > 1250 2000 cash balance 1 per month Not 743 Harrison street 50 footilot 3 rooms I l IXKiO 500 gash balance monthly No 1747 Harrison 60 foot lot l500i No 1222 North 13th 4 rooms hall and porch Half cash 700 4room house South Flt- r street opposite old city hospital 1 lot t runs through to S ttttrFourp tree t 100 cash balance ioasy < 1550 No lUG Trimble street if 4room house 40 foot lot good homeibargain lot 025 60 foot north side of Boyd street nearly across the street from tho Trimble street church 50 j cash balance 4 years 2500 Twostory Groom house two lots north end corner Ninoteont- etyeot 1 and GocbQl 1 avenue and Ten I ncssco street end of Nineteenth st car line Good business stan wagon yard or store l2i > 0 00Cash buys 4 acres of land In Mechanlcsburg betwceq Sears storo and Yeieer avenue Woul d make a fine market garden or dairy farm No buildings Would make 25 lots and the buyer would uso it throe years and then easily double his money 140 and upward Land loin notes that will pay 10 per cent n- and at t upwards Good and absolutely eafo Investment 2000 No 402 South Tenth r street Grooms 50x165 feet 250 cash balance 2C per month 850 COxlC5 foot lot north side of Monroe street between Fountain 1 avenue and lath street Shade tree s Halt cash 450 Hays nvenub 3room houso Non COS 40 foot I lot Half cash G25 Boyd street lit foot lot north side nearly opposite Trimblo street church lO cash balance 10 per month HIt We have land lien notes f in sums of 100 anal upward that w S- can sell so they net 19per cent There Is nothing better or safer than these Thoy are taken In trade an aro absolutely eafo Wo guarantee them 500 A 10 horso power ford automobile taken in exchange for real estate or would slve somebody n big bargain for cash 250 Easy payment lots on tho North Side Addition Just west of Oa Grove 10 cash balance 1 por month Good way to save money whether you need a lot or not Cor- P ¬ ner lots 3 00 each No Interest 1 paymants are made when due f JGM Seven Mecbanlcsburg 40 I foot lots 50 cash and 10 per month buys all of them You can by accept- Ing ¬ this proposition be buying seven lots for only 10 per month No trouble to savo up 10 per month l and own these lots 2V0 Acre of ground betwee- Illnkloville road and Jefferson street Half cash 8 50 Jefferson street lot Nort Sldo between 13th and 14th streets 40 foot Only lot at the price on Jefferson street east of nvenueI c 350 Mayfield road 40 foot lots I Just west of Jletzer Addition Fine lots 10 minutes from IC shop and new car line 25 cash balance I 10 per month Lots in same addl I tlyi a little off the ilayfleld road I rom UliO to 250 each Broadway No 2402 2500 1QOO Caah baance easy Broom housot fle condition 2 porches hall good staple t three hydrants Lot 72xlC5 ft to aley made trees southwest fine nolshborhooa 3Vcll A moneyUrt i HALF THOUSAND I WITNESS RACES Matinee Club Meet Best Prc spntcd ia Paducah Fierce Contests and Well Onlcrcdi brands cep UpJntcrest In QmtimdStanil L THE 1 I 1 LItS I dtfi lYlilidCl g f Tim AVljNNHItS I Claws C iHicp hay 11OWJI ill niul driven by Tlioniiis ylahh Class O trot t Kiln Muck owned niid driven by lieu T IjViuik SjKXial trot Anita owned thand driven by J 10 Friedman Class Jl pace toxin AV owned and driven by C If Harris One mile dash Lady jester owned bj Znch llrynnt ridden by Most Ink- One milo trot Harry A 6owned and driven by Ken T Frank Although the track was heavy from tho steady downpour for a half hour preceding the starting of tho races the Matinee club meet at the fair grounds yesterday was attended by more than GOO spectators and great Interest was taken la every event eventsh was made considering the condition of the track Beginning after 3 oclock the races continued until 510 remarkable time for the live big events < Class C Pace Starters Sunny Jim owned and driven by Tom Settle Rod Rock owned and driven by O L Van tic tor and Gus B owned and driven b y Tom Stahl First Heat Starters ort in a bunch with GusB the pole Sunny Jim broke on madeh remarkable burst of speed which would have resulted In his first place Theyd Sunny Rock Time 119 Second Heat Starters off well bunched but Sunny Jim broke again on the first turn Making a steady climb he took second place from Red Rock but broke again and Red Rock finished Second behind Gus B Time 121 Class O Trot Startors Judge Burton owned and driven by Wynn Tully Ella Mack owned and driven by Ben T Frank First Rent Starters oft well bunched Ella Mack settled down to a steady clip and finished first with ease Time 117 14 Second Heat Starters oft together Ella Mack again takes lead on first tumr butI Judge Burton shows remarkable speed and steadily climbs eating up two lengths by the time the quarter Is reached but breaking on thoI stretch and Ella Mack finishes first with case Time 117 12I I Class It Pare Startors Rozio W owned and I driven by C H Harris Brook Hill owned and driven by A S Thomp ¬ c son Sam Patch owned and driven by I Tam Settle Disk S owned by W S I Smith driven by T C Leech H In tills race Sam Patch and Dick I S wore withdrawn after tho second I IhooL I First neat l Starters off In a bunch with Brook Hill tho pole Dick S broko on tho I first turn Brook Hill broke bolero the first quarter and Sam Patch push- ed ¬ Jilm hard Roxle AY from the far roar worked past Dick S In great t style finishing third They flnlshefl Brook Hill Sam Patch Roxlo W and 12k Second Heat Brook Hill Sam Patch and Roxlo W started in line with Dick S In the rear Brook 11111 with tho pole Dick- S broke and Roxlo W with a brUt ¬ liant burst of speed passed the lead byI Brook Hill came tearing down the stretch neck and neck but Sam Patch broke at tho <wire losing sec ¬ and place to Brook Hill Time 113 12 It waa announced that Sam Patch had slipped and injured himself Sn was wlthdra nThhl Heat Starters got off about even break 11111h Time 118 14- Class C Trot Special nStartersAnita owned and driv ¬ en by J L Friedman and Lillian C owned and driven by 0 L Gregory Only one heat was driven Gregory assigning to FrieJrrian Starters got off well together Lil- lian ¬ C broke on first turn and did LalnecIhalt Special Trot Ono Mile Heats Startors Billy Buck owned and by Gus Thompson Black wood owned by West Kentucky stack farm and driven by C II liar ¬ ris J T owned by J E Morgan and driven by qharUa Qlark Itarrr owned and driven by Ben T Frank iF Tr BATH GOODS All tho necessities for hot weather comfort sponges wash rags sprays foot pans scrubs powders soaps towels blcacHcd and unclenched bath mats and fixturesComplexion Creams For tho woman 9 refinement to preserve tho datura softness and beauty of the complexion and prevent summer blemishes All kinos Rubber Goods Indispensable at all seasons Hot water bags f chilly nights Uubber gloves syringes sIck room goodaS Soap dislifes and norclyiest Sole agents Eastman Kodaks Iluylers Candy McPHERSONS Drug Store First Heat Starters birwell bunched wit h Harry A tho polo Billy Buck brok on the first turn Harry A began t o push Blackwood ntbe quarter an d on the 11 ti the first V f pass ed him J T forged ahead of Dilly Buck passed him and going nccl and neck with Blackwood passinG him a length or two before the wire was reached Harry A finished firs t by A length or two Time 227 Second Heat Blackfoot was withdrawn Starters ort with Billy Buck lead Ing On the first quarter Harry overtook him J T started badly and followed the two fully an eighth of a mile behind DUly Buck showed remarkable speed and closed the ga a between him and Harry A but whit- nearly neck and neck broke on the stretch and finished second Time 220 Half Milo Dash Starters Lady Foster owned by Zaoh Bryant ridden by Mose Ink Dal Padre owned by Clarence Dick orson ridden by Brown Slim Utah owned by West Kentucky Stock farm ridden by Billy Ginger After several futile attempts a wella bunched Lady Foster showed hot speed at the start and maintained a good load Bal Padrp finished second Time 52 12- Threatening weather Interfered with the regularly assigned Judges and starters serving and the follow ¬ ing were the officials In charge of the races Attorney John K Hendrick W L halo of Mayfleld and Hal S Corbett judges George Goodman timer John Early Nashville starter Mr Early Is chairman of tho exec ¬ utive committee of tho Tennessee State Fair association and is ono of the bost known rate horsemen In tho south He was greatly Pleased with the races and says tho club judging from the recent races time made Is giving the best matinee races this season CHANGING SENTIMENT Oliver Goldsmiths Deserted Village Goldsmith In his Deserted Vil ¬ lage spoke of a certain chapel where those who wont to scoff remained to pray So In life one often laughs at what he does not understand and later when ho does understand his laugh turns to praise There wero some who doubted tho merits of Now bros Horplcldo the scalp germl ¬ cide and hairdressing but since they have tried It they are now among Its best friends and strongestendorsers Herplcldo kills tho germ that eats the hair off at the root and tho hair then grows again As a hair dressing It is Incomparable Try It Sold by leading druggists Two sizes EOc and 100 Send lOc In stamps for sam ¬ plo to Tho Herpjeldo Go Detroit Mich W B iMcPherson special agent The following reduced rates are announced Exposition ¬ 30th15 days 2375 Coach excursions on special dates 1800 every Tuesday limit 10 days Saratoga Springs N Y Knights Templar2620 July 2nd to 7th inclusive good returning until July 1C with privilege of extension until July 24 upon payment of 100 extra Through sleeper from Paducah to But tab on train 104 133 a m Saturday July C Philadelphia B P 0 E 24tM July 11th to 14th In ¬ elusive good returning until July 23rd with privilege of extension until July 31st Through sleeper from Padu ¬ cahleaves on train 104 July 14th l33a m For information apply to City Ticket Office Fifth and Broadway or Union Depot J T DONOVAN AgtCity 1ie1etQ1c e Rbt PKAT11ER Agent Union Depot I J I RHSSIA I SETTLING BASTERN SECTION Means of Populating Provinces of Siberia Alimr District First To lie Attended To Qg Account of Japanese 3 nm achniciits + y I I A KAMCHATKA EXPLOtlATlON 41 I St Petersburg June 22The emi 1 ¬ gration movement from Russia to SI burhl raj sill co the beginning of tho yews aUalncil vast i riiriljns uiO OS0 en grants In thr o mouths This siOln activity is lua to Lo raitof L A desire to sells tho Russian fn Mai with Russi3 i before the yol l lor l wave whoso ultlniNo arrival b regarded as Inevitable at all orients iji tllt ian and niliicry circles hcioj breaks over It 2v A desire to shor tho douma that the government Is working hard on the problem of agricultural distress It will be ImpOMKlbi however to even partially solve thu agrarian diffi ¬ culty In any reasouabio time ly the settlement of Siberia for thoro Is not enough available land there the set ¬ tiers have neither Ihn money nor the mehtal habits necessary for success ¬ whoA set out With a light heart and a lighter purse pet etrauded ea recto or return to tell stories of Siberia froma Xb Ajrlcultunil Kl Dorado Mr Demltrlus Yanchlvotsky otic of tho Siberian emigration otttoh says that three expendltlons are to start this year from Khabarovsk Ono goes east to explore the moun ¬ tame lying between tho railway and the sea the second goes west and the third goes along the north bank of the Amur as far as the sea Mr Vanchlvetsky Is not too hope- ful ¬ of discovering an agricultural El Dorado In tho district which ho per ¬ sonally has to traverse for It has been found that owing to the bad climate and tno wet soil the wheat grown there acquires a peculiar prop ¬ erty which has led the people to be ¬ stow on the loaves made from It thy name of drunken bread This bread causes slcknesheadache anti some of tho effects of Intoxication and good bread can not possibly be produced till they country Is properly cleared aand drained It Is possible thensald Ir that this country can not at present be cultivated Each emigrant Mr Yanchlvetsky explained igets 100 roubles In cash Is freed from taxes and from military service for a certain time gets agri ¬ cultural Implements free has the benefit of watching the work done In the experimental gardens that tho government Is establishing through ¬ out Manchuria and gets a cheap ticket ou tho railway Overbearing Japan Feared Tho Amur district is to bo settled first owing to It scrltlcal position In view of an overbearing Japan and an awakencod China Then the Zabalkal Is to bo settled lastly mid ¬ dIe Asia it will thus be seen that recent events In the far cast have env tlrely withdrawn all pressure fr9m the Indian frontier Tho book store of the general stall In St Petersburg is full of works on Mongolia Manchuria and Japan but It would be Impossible to purchase In it any recently published book bearing on India save perhaps a thin official account of the project for Joining the Turkestan and Siberian railway systems ft project which Is not Intended as a menaco to India but rather to facilitate tho reinforce ment of the Russian troops In eastern Siberia To return to Mr Yanchlvetsky Kamchatka Is according to that gen ¬ tleman to be explored next year Of course settlers cannot expect to live there by agriculture alone but there and In the great province of Yakutssk the grass in some places is good for- t o or three months In the year sufficiently good to make cattle rais ¬ ing profltable But the settlor in Kamchatka would have to be also a good hunter and fisher and If he had money enough to go in for fish Ing on a largo scale like Count Kal serllng whose vhalers reap a rich harvest every year In Kamchatka waters ho could quickly become ex- ceedingly ¬ wealthy Mr Yanchlvetsky finally remarked that the Amur railway will not be so difficult a pleco of engineering as the Baikal railway fair this reason that It can be made to zigzag or go around obstaclclwheroastheDalkalllne ael to go straight through them Peasantry Is Suspicion I There Is no doubt that the Russian far cast will ultimately bo settled but thedo is a doubt aa to whether It will bo settled by men with yellow skins or white skins for against all the elaborate preparations of time Russian government must heput tho Indifference and suspicion of theI Russian people The average muzhik says You arc trylngto hustle mo out to the far oast fio that I tray not press my claim for a slice of thesB fat monastic and solgnorlal lands which bqlpng by rlht to the poaa antry Thanks I think Ill stay1 III other words tho duma shows no ejidmslashv for the ntaritatlon ot Siberia Mr Alexlnaky the social J democrat leader fftlU to see berieytn I n t I v fl T f i LA ri We Need the Money This is a plain reason why we now offer you such great iiduccmer to purchase A backward season has placed us in a position where t we have need to dispose of some of our surplus stock Hence t ttye 1 following cut prices Lr You Cant Afford to Miss This Opportunity Remember All Our Go dsAre Marked in Plain Figures I On oN MENS YOUTHS AND BOYS SUITS 1 2 alreadyU b f 1 I 1800 Suits npw go at S 1 1440 1500 Suits now go atI 1200 1350 Suilsnow go ae 1080 1200 Suits now go nt960 800I 750 Suits now go at 600 050 Suits now go ato 520 MoO Suits nosy go utx And so on all along the line IICUT === S AVE M Q N E Y == CUT I I n Pants check Ctan 45celsewhere 40cblue Ladies White Oxford Shoes at Special Prices White white heel sold elsewhere at S150 at US11S White Oxfords Ladies 9OC White Misses7geWh- ite Childs 65C ICut Sale Now 1I 400 II Oxfords Oxfords Oxfords S 112 S St s Store lento or even common sense in a scheriio which plants a starved peas ¬ antry In a forest several thousand of miles away gives him an ax and tells him to go ahead and distinguish him ¬ self and even the conservatives like Prof KapUstln aro S National League ItIIE 1 Chicago 2 8 1 St Louis i 8 1 Batteries BroVni and Kline Lush nndl1ardlallt R H E Plttsburg C 111- Nev York d 1 O 2 Batteries LoHlcld and Smith Ames and Fitzgerald American League R lIE Boston 4 5 1 Chicago 4 7 3 Batteries Tannchill and Arm bruster 1Valsh iJIcFarland and Sul- livan Called In oloVbnth by agreement v 1jPIt H E < 0 C 4 Cleveland 9 9 0 IJattorles Hughes auid Heydon rhiolman and Bemis < 4 R H 13 New York 3 7 3 St Louts 7 12 0 5 PUT YOUn MONEY IX A HOUSE and lot where Jt will 10 safe from tho greedy liniulir of speculators and sate from to HSO your savings foolishly If you buy through HH the right kited of A house Inn 1 braver k > radon you are sure to fled an invest ment that Is not only safe but decid ¬ edly prndtablc a few years holding will net you a tidy profit H C HOLLINS teal Estate and lentils hire Accident Health Life and LiabilRy lnauraneet l l 1 qtllPhonS + IJ Same Discount ons BOYS KNEE SUITS Same Discount MENS ODD PANTS Outings Excepted nt4gqUo nt280 240 PRICES PRICES ffi I Extra SpecIalt Pute Worsted Blue Serge Twopiece IJ 5 J Jk Suits regular 10 quality 0 l- On all Sample Pants and Odds and Ends still greater reductions will be We invite your close inspection THE MODEL LOUIS LEVY PROP Second Paducah Cheap Cash skeptic- alBASEBALL Washington omjttntloii made Batteries Orih and Klelnow Howell BucUow and Stevens RItE Philadelphia 210 B Detroit 5 S 1 j Batteries Vaddoilr Bender and Schreck Donovan and Schmidt WHY IS SUGAR SWIm If sugar did not dissolve 111 tliQ mouth you could not taste tho1 eweot GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TON IS is as strong us tho strongest bit- ter lonlc but you do not taste tho bitter because tho ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth but do dlssglvo readily In tho acids of limo stomach Is just uS good for Grown People as Children Tim First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic Tho Standard for 30 years Prlco DO cents A young plant 13 7C per cent wa ¬ tor and tho remainder carbon which it has taken from the air un s t PANTS on all r 400 Pants now go at 320 350 Pants now go 300 Pants now yo at And so on down the line If for I for r Cut Price Salevi Now On To Georgian Bay via TIio Northwest eat Line Full particulars regarding trip to Sault Stc Marie by rail In through slopping cars thence by stcatucr to Georgian Bay sent on request Spe¬ cial low summer rates N M BREEZE General Agent 436 Walnut St l O nuts If the l leaf of a cigar has airlaj appearance or shows given blotches or is of a pale sickly yellow the tohaccqt t the l C cigars contents Tic color of tlilb guidoytfthe i 1i9mouth different cigar Tho ash of a good 1 cigar should also stand well Europe and Amorlca have about SOOWOOOO hives of honey becsV GUY NANCE Ic SON Undertakers and Embalmers 211213 S Third St Paducah ly Garden Hose Lawn Sprinklers Nozzles AH Hose Repairs Electric rose the world >3 best per foot 120c ED D H ANN fit N- The Sanitary Plumber Both Phones 201 132 S Fourth St 325 Kentucky AvenueU f i Ease Elegance J3cononiy t These three attributes of a good bicycle can be foun3 in the Eeadinsr Eaoycle and Lnolede Bicycles TERMS EASY r Sold and guaranteed by < I S Jt MITOHELU- v n I 326328 SOUTH THIRD ST 1 New PhOne 48Old Ihon 743 o r L I r o

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Page 1: THE Real BATH GOODS We Money - Chronicling America



fSAttTBDAYt> JUNKl exLt nnL 6b 4 L





25y New house on 40 foot lotMochanlcsburg near bigI fills rentfor GO 1lel1 year or 20 per cent grossIf you have 25Q to invest this is agood place for it

2500 2story Groom housenorth end corner 19th street Ooobe1

Avenue and Tennessee street two 410root lots corner lot vacant wotJIdmake flno place for wagon yardfruit and candy store End oflistreet car line

2000 Brpom 1story houseNo 424 South Ninth street 40 toott

r lot houso In good condition 500cas balance monthly

> 1250 2000 cash balance 1

per month Not 743 Harrison street50 footilot 3 rooms

I lIXKiO 500 gash balance monthly

No 1747 Harrison 60 foot lot

l500i No 1222 North 13th 4

rooms hall and porch Half cash

700 4room house South Flt-r street opposite old city hospital 1lott

runs through to S ttttrFourp tree t100 cash balance ioasy <

1550 No lUG Trimble streetif4room house 40 foot lot good

homeibargainlot025 60 foot north side of

Boyd street nearly across the streetfrom tho Trimble street church 50j

cash balance 4 years

2500 Twostory Groom housetwo lots north end corner Ninoteont-etyeot


and GocbQl1 avenue and TenIncssco street end of Nineteenth stcar line Good business stanwagon yard or store

l2i> 0 00Cash buys 4 acres ofland In Mechanlcsburg betwceq Searsstoro and Yeieer avenue Woul dmake a fine market garden or dairyfarm No buildings Would make25 lots and the buyer would uso itthroe years and then easily doublehis money

140 and upward Land loinnotes that will pay 10 per cent n-


upwards Good and absolutelyeafo Investment

2000 No 402 South Tenthr street Grooms 50x165 feet 250

cash balance 2C per month

850 COxlC5 foot lot north sideof Monroe street between Fountain1

avenue and lath street Shade treesHalt cash

450 Hays nvenub 3room housoNon COS 40 foot Ilot Half cash

G25 Boyd street lit foot lotnorth side nearly opposite Trimblostreet church lO cash balance 10per month

HIt We have land lien notes finsums of 100 anal upward that w S-

can sell so they net 19per centThere Is nothing better or safer thanthese Thoy are taken In trade anaro absolutely eafo Wo guaranteethem

500 A 10 horso power fordautomobile taken in exchange forreal estate or would slve somebodyn big bargain for cash

250 Easy payment lots on thoNorth Side Addition Just west of OaGrove 10 cash balance 1 pormonth Good way to save moneywhether you need a lot or not Cor-



ner lots 3 00 each No Interest 1

paymants are made when duef

JGM Seven Mecbanlcsburg 40I

foot lots 50 cash and 10 per monthbuys all of them You can by accept-Ing


this proposition be buying sevenlots for only 10 per month Notrouble to savo up 10 per month l

and own these lots

2V0 Acre of ground betwee-Illnkloville road and Jeffersonstreet Half cash

8 50 Jefferson street lot NortSldo between 13th and 14th streets40 foot Only lot at the price onJefferson street east of


350 Mayfield road 40 foot lots I

Just west of Jletzer Addition Finelots 10 minutes from IC shopand new car line 25 cash balance I

10 per month Lots in same addl I

tlyi a little off the ilayfleld road I

rom UliO to 250 each

Broadway No 2402 2500 1QOO

Caah baance easy Broom housotfle condition 2 porches hall goodstaplet three hydrants Lot 72xlC5

ft to aley made trees southwestfine nolshborhooa 3Vcll AmoneyUrt i



Matinee Club Meet Best Prcspntcd ia Paducah

Fierce Contests and Well Onlcrcdibrands cep UpJntcrest In


THE 1 I 1 LItSI dtfi lYlilidCl g



Claws C iHicp hay 11OWJIill niul driven by Tlioniiis ylahh

Class O trott Kiln Muckowned niid driven by lieu TIjViuik

SjKXial trot Anita ownedthand driven by J 10 Friedman

Class Jl pace toxin AV

owned and driven by C IfHarris

One mile dash Lady jesterowned bj Znch llrynnt ridden byMost Ink-

One milo trot Harry A6owned and driven by Ken T


Although the track was heavy fromtho steady downpour for a half hourpreceding the starting of tho racesthe Matinee club meet at the fairgrounds yesterday was attended bymore than GOO spectators and greatInterest was taken la every eventeventshwas made considering the conditionof the track Beginning after 3oclock the races continued until510 remarkable time for the livebig events <Class C Pace

Starters Sunny Jim owned anddriven by Tom Settle Rod Rockowned and driven by O L Van tictor and Gus B owned and driven byTom Stahl

First HeatStarters ort in a bunch with GusB

the pole Sunny Jim broke onmadehremarkable burst of speed whichwould have resulted In his first placeTheydSunnyRock Time 119

Second HeatStarters off well bunched but

Sunny Jim broke again on the firstturn Making a steady climb he tooksecond place from Red Rock butbroke again and Red Rock finishedSecond behind Gus B Time 121

Class O TrotStartors Judge Burton owned

and driven by Wynn Tully EllaMack owned and driven by Ben TFrank

First RentStarters oft well bunched Ella

Mack settled down to a steady clipand finished first with ease Time117 14

Second HeatStarters oft together Ella Mack

again takes lead on first tumr butIJudge Burton shows remarkablespeed and steadily climbs eating uptwo lengths by the time the quarterIs reached but breaking on thoIstretch and Ella Mack finishes firstwith case Time 117 12II

Class It PareStartors Rozio W owned and I

driven by C H Harris Brook Hillowned and driven by A S Thomp ¬ c

son Sam Patch owned and driven by I

Tam Settle Disk S owned by W S I

Smith driven by T C Leech H

In tills race Sam Patch and Dick I

S wore withdrawn after tho second I

IhooL I

First neat l

Starters off In a bunch with BrookHill tho pole Dick S broko on tho I

first turn Brook Hill broke bolerothe first quarter and Sam Patch push-ed


Jilm hard Roxle AY from the farroar worked past Dick S In great t

style finishing third They flnlsheflBrook Hill Sam Patch Roxlo W and12kSecond Heat

Brook Hill Sam Patch and RoxloW started in line with Dick S In therear Brook 11111 with tho pole Dick-S broke and Roxlo W with a brUt¬

liant burst of speed passed the leadbyIBrook Hill came tearing down thestretch neck and neck but SamPatch broke at tho <wire losing sec¬

and place to Brook Hill Time113 12

It waa announced that Sam Patchhad slipped and injured himselfSnwas wlthdra

nThhl HeatStarters got off about even break11111hTime 118 14-

Class C Trot SpecialnStartersAnita owned and driv ¬

en by J L Friedman and Lillian C

owned and driven by 0 L GregoryOnly one heat was driven Gregoryassigning to FrieJrrian

Starters got off well together Lil-


C broke on first turn and did

LalnecIhaltSpecial Trot Ono Mile Heats

Startors Billy Buck owned andby Gus Thompson Black

wood owned by West Kentuckystack farm and driven by C II liar¬

ris J T owned by J E Morganand driven by qharUa Qlark Itarrr

owned and driven by Ben TFrank

iF Tr

BATH GOODSAll tho necessities for hot

weather comfort sponges washrags sprays foot pans scrubspowders soaps towels blcacHcdand unclenched bath mats and

fixturesComplexion CreamsFor tho woman 9 refinement

to preserve tho datura softnessand beauty of the complexionand prevent summer blemishesAll kinos

Rubber GoodsIndispensable at all seasons

Hot water bags f chilly nightsUubber gloves syringes sIckroom goodaS Soap dislifes andnorclyiest

Sole agents Eastman KodaksIluylers Candy


First HeatStarters birwell bunched with

Harry A tho polo Billy Buck brokon the first turn Harry A began topush Blackwood ntbe quarter an d

on the 11 ti the first V f passed him J T forged ahead of DillyBuck passed him and going nccland neck with Blackwood passinGhim a length or two before the wirewas reached Harry A finished firs tby A length or two Time 227

Second HeatBlackfoot was withdrawnStarters ort with Billy Buck lead

Ing On the first quarter Harryovertook him J T started badly andfollowed the two fully an eighth ofa mile behind DUly Buck showedremarkable speed and closed the gaabetween him and Harry A but whit-nearly neck and neck broke on thestretch and finished second Time220

Half Milo DashStarters Lady Foster owned by

Zaoh Bryant ridden by Mose InkDal Padre owned by Clarence Dickorson ridden by Brown Slim Utahowned by West Kentucky Stock farmridden by Billy Ginger

After several futile attempts awellabunched Lady Foster showed hotspeed at the start and maintained a

good load Bal Padrp finished secondTime 52 12-

Threatening weather Interferedwith the regularly assigned Judgesand starters serving and the follow ¬

ing were the officials In charge of theraces

Attorney John K Hendrick W Lhalo of Mayfleld and Hal S Corbettjudges George Goodman timerJohn Early Nashville starter

Mr Early Is chairman of tho exec ¬

utive committee of tho TennesseeState Fair association and is ono ofthe bost known rate horsemen In thosouth He was greatly Pleased withthe races and says tho club judgingfrom the recent races time made Is

giving the best matinee races thisseason


Oliver Goldsmiths Deserted Village

Goldsmith In his Deserted Vil ¬

lage spoke of a certain chapel wherethose who wont to scoff remainedto pray So In life one often laughsat what he does not understand andlater when ho does understand hislaugh turns to praise There werosome who doubted tho merits of Now

bros Horplcldo the scalp germl ¬

cide and hairdressing but since theyhave tried It they are now among Itsbest friends and strongestendorsersHerplcldo kills tho germ that eats thehair off at the root and tho hair thengrows again As a hair dressing Itis Incomparable Try It Sold byleading druggists Two sizes EOc and

100 Send lOc In stamps for sam¬

plo to Tho Herpjeldo Go DetroitMich W B iMcPherson specialagent

The following reduced ratesare announced

Exposition ¬

30th15 days 2375 Coachexcursions on special dates1800 every Tuesday limit

10 daysSaratoga Springs N YKnights Templar2620July 2nd to 7th inclusivegood returning until July 1C

with privilege of extensionuntil July 24 upon paymentof 100 extra Throughsleeper from Paducah to Buttab on train 104 133 a mSaturday July C

Philadelphia B P 0 E24tM July 11th to 14th In¬

elusive good returning untilJuly 23rd with privilege ofextension until July 31stThrough sleeper from Padu ¬

cahleaves on train 104 July14th l33a m

For information apply toCity Ticket Office Fifth andBroadway or Union Depot

J T DONOVANAgtCity 1ie1etQ1c eRbt PKAT11ER

Agent Union DepotI




Means of Populating Provincesof Siberia

Alimr District First To lie AttendedTo Qg Account of Japanese

3 nm achniciits+





St Petersburg June 22The emi1 ¬

gration movement from Russia to SIburhl raj sill co the beginning of thoyews aUalncil vast i riiriljns uiOOS0 en grants In thr o mouths ThissiOln activity is lua to Lo raitof

L A desire to sells tho Russianfn Mai with Russi3i before the yoll

lorl wave whoso ultlniNo arrival bregarded as Inevitable at all orientsiji tllt ian and niliicry circles hciojbreaks over It

2v A desire to shor tho douma thatthe government Is working hard onthe problem of agricultural distress

It will be ImpOMKlbi however toeven partially solve thu agrarian diffi ¬

culty In any reasouabio time ly thesettlement of Siberia for thoro Is notenough available land there the set ¬

tiers have neither Ihn money nor themehtal habits necessary for success ¬whoAset out With a light heart and alighter purse pet etrauded ea rectoor return to tell stories of SiberiafromaXb Ajrlcultunil Kl Dorado

Mr Demltrlus Yanchlvotsky oticof tho Siberian emigration otttohsays that three expendltlons are tostart this year from KhabarovskOno goes east to explore the moun ¬

tame lying between tho railway andthe sea the second goes west andthe third goes along the north bankof the Amur as far as the sea

Mr Vanchlvetsky Is not too hope-ful


of discovering an agricultural ElDorado In tho district which ho per ¬

sonally has to traverse for It hasbeen found that owing to the badclimate and tno wet soil the wheatgrown there acquires a peculiar prop ¬

erty which has led the people to be ¬

stow on the loaves made from It thyname of drunken bread Thisbread causes slcknesheadache antisome of tho effects of Intoxicationand good bread can not possibly beproduced till they country Is properlycleared aand drained

It Is possible thensald Ir thatthis country can not at present becultivated

Each emigrant Mr Yanchlvetskyexplained igets 100 roubles In cash Isfreed from taxes and from militaryservice for a certain time gets agri¬

cultural Implements free has thebenefit of watching the work done Inthe experimental gardens that thogovernment Is establishing through ¬

out Manchuria and gets a cheap ticketou tho railway

Overbearing Japan FearedTho Amur district is to bo settled

first owing to It scrltlcal position Inview of an overbearing Japan andan awakencod China Then theZabalkal Is to bo settled lastly mid ¬

dIe Asia it will thus be seen thatrecent events In the far cast have env

tlrely withdrawn all pressure fr9mthe Indian frontier

Tho book store of the general stallIn St Petersburg is full of works onMongolia Manchuria and Japan butIt would be Impossible to purchaseIn it any recently published bookbearing on India save perhaps athin official account of the project forJoining the Turkestan and Siberianrailway systems ft project which Isnot Intended as a menaco to Indiabut rather to facilitate tho reinforcement of the Russian troops In easternSiberia

To return to Mr YanchlvetskyKamchatka Is according to that gen ¬

tleman to be explored next year Ofcourse settlers cannot expect to livethere by agriculture alone but thereand In the great province of Yakutsskthe grass in some places is good for-

t o or three months In the yearsufficiently good to make cattle rais ¬

ing profltable But the settlor inKamchatka would have to be alsoa good hunter and fisher and If hehad money enough to go in for fishIng on a largo scale like Count Kalserllng whose vhalers reap a richharvest every year In Kamchatkawaters ho could quickly become ex-


wealthyMr Yanchlvetsky finally remarked

that the Amur railway will not be sodifficult a pleco of engineering as theBaikal railway fair this reason thatIt can be made to zigzag or go aroundobstaclclwheroastheDalkalllne aelto go straight through them

Peasantry Is Suspicion I

There Is no doubt that the Russianfar cast will ultimately bo settledbut thedo is a doubt aa to whetherIt will bo settled by men with yellowskins or white skins for against allthe elaborate preparations of time

Russian government must heput thoIndifference and suspicion of theIRussian people The average muzhiksays You arc trylngto hustle moout to the far oast fio that I tray notpress my claim for a slice of thesBfat monastic and solgnorlal landswhich bqlpng by rlht to the poaaantry Thanks I think Ill stay1

III other words tho duma showsno ejidmslashv for the ntaritatlon otSiberia Mr Alexlnaky the socialJdemocrat leader fftlU to see berieytn

I n t


v fl T f i LA ri

We Need the MoneyThis is a plain reason why we now offer you such great iiduccmerto purchase A backward season has placed us in a position where


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lento or even common sense in ascheriio which plants a starved peas ¬

antry In a forest several thousand ofmiles away gives him an ax and tellshim to go ahead and distinguish him ¬

self and even the conservatives likeProf KapUstln aro


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WHY IS SUGAR SWImIf sugar did not dissolve 111 tliQ mouthyou could not taste tho1 eweotGROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIS is as strong us tho strongest bit-ter lonlc but you do not taste thobitter because tho ingredients do notdissolve in the mouth but do dlssglvoreadily In tho acids of limo stomachIs just uS good for Grown People as

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