which karo's you - chronicling america

efforts to win uno for ! '< irish fmlure! TAIvTS. May IT..(By The Associated Press).The efforts of ex-OovernoPj I>unne. of Illinois. l-Yank P. Walsh and 1 Michael Ryan. representing various I Irish societies in tlv 1'nitcd States, to) secure safe condu.-ts for IMward Deva-j lera. Arthur Griffith nn.j I'ount Plunk- | ett to come to Paris to present the Irish, Pase to the peace conference, ended to- I day with a written communication fr«>rn , Secretary of State Banging to Mr. ; Walsh. After ackno wlodging the or-! "lginal request. Secretary Pausing says: "I immediately took steps to acquaint I myself with the facts of the case which I transpired before the matter was I brought to mv attention by your let- j ter. I am informed that when the question of approaching the British authorities with a view to procuring the safe conducts in question was first con¬ sidered. every effort was made in an in¬ formal way to tiring you into friendly touch with the British representatives here, although owing to the nature ot the ease-it was not possible to treat the matter officially. "The British authorities having con¬ sented that you and your colleagues should visit Kngland and Ireland, although your passports were only good for France, every facility was given to you to take the journey. Before you re¬ turned. however, reports were received of certain utterances made by you and your colleagues during your visit to Ireland. "These utterances, whatever they may have been. gave, as I am informed deep¬ est offense to those persons, with whom you were seeking to deal- Consequently it has seemed useless to make any further effort In connec¬ tion with the requests which you desire to make. "In view of the situation thus created I regret to inform you that the Ameri¬ can representatives feel that any further effort on their part connected with this matter would be futila and therefore unwise." In reply to this. Mr. Walsh wrote Secretary I-ansUig a long letter declar¬ ing -tjiat 'he Irish delegation had not authorized anyone to make an effort to hring its members into friendly rela¬ tions with 'he British representatives in Paris or elsewhere, and adding: "We also beg to advise you that at no time in Paris or elsewhere have we sought to deal privately or unofficially with any person relative to the purposes of our mission." .Mr. Walsh's letter then reproduces a letter submitted to the s'ate department previous to th eobtaining of passports.! Irj which the object of tho visit to Paris was stated and recites the fact that or. arrival he addressed a letter to Presi¬ dent Wilson asking the president to se¬ cure safe conducts for deValera and the others. PROGRAM OF COMING i CELEBRATION OF ! ST. MATTHEW'S PARISH The program and directory of the for- J ty-second annual council of the diocese j of West Virginia and the centennial eel- J obration of ft. Matthew's parish. Wed-! nesday. May 2S<h 4o Sunday, June 1st. is as follows: '; BXXXCTOBV 07 OTTESTS Alexander. Mr. Herbert, guest Mr. D. C. Hearne. McLure Hotel. Alfriettds. Rev. and Mrs. J. S.. guests j Mr. J. O. Brady. I'leasant Valley. Ambler. Rev. J. C. guest. Mr. J. J. Hol- loway. Port Henry flub. Fourteenth and Chaplino Streets.. Armstrong; Mr. R. H.. guest. Mr. P. H. Iiange. Rogers Hotel. Bftiley. Mrs. W. G.. McLure Hotel. Baldwin. Miss I-yde, guest. Mr. W. S. Brady. Woodsdale. Barber. Miss Elizabeth, guest, Mrs. A. C. Whitaker. McLure Hotel. Beale, MissJosephine." Mcr.ttre Hotel.' Beale. Mrs. J. M.. McLure Hotel. 1 Bodine. Mrs. William. Mel.ure Hotel. ' Boggess. Mrs. P. X.. McLure Hotel. Boogher. Rev. Dudley, guest, Mrs. M. F. Simpson. Kenwood Place. Border. Mrs. I>. \\\. gdest, Mrs X. E. Whitake.r. Bethany Pike. Brayshaw. Mrs., guest, Mrs. A. G. Browne. Woodsdale. Brayshaw. Rev. I deL-. guest, Mr. F. H. Lange. Rogers Hotel. Rrobst." Mr. E. H.. guest. Mr. F. H. Lange. Rogers Hotel. Butcher. Mrs. Thos. P.. McLure Hotel. Cabell, Mr. C. A.. McLure Hotel. Caley. Rev. -L. X.. Fort Henry C'.ub Fourteenth and Chaplinc Street* Carter. Rev. J. T.. guest, Mrs. X P Whitaker, Mcljure Hotel. Christnan. Rev. \V. p.. guest. Mr Wheeler Bachman. McLure Hotel Clarke. Rev. J. H.. D. D.. guest Mr Geo. Stocking. Byron and Thirteenth Streets. .> Cleveland. Rev. and Mrs. W. M guests Mrs. Alex. Glass. McLure Hotel' * * Coglej. Re\. C. <j.. Wcllsburg. West > irginia. Cooke. Mr. K. E.. guest, Mrs H C !. ranzheim. McLure Hot«l. Crook, R«v. and Mrs. Guy H.. puests, Mrs. C. J. .Milton. Kirn Grove. Cross. Rtv. 1". 1,(B. puest/ Mr. \V. I'. Rurke, Mel.ure Hotel. Crowe, Rev. .1. T.. Kio'St, Mr. It. M. Browne. Mel.ure II.«!..!. i'utiiiinvham. Mis.- Il.-t* ri. M< Pure 11«.- tel. Cunuinphntn. Mrs. J. > I.tire Hotel. Curd. Mr. T. II S. M.I...re Hotel. Davis. Miss Mar), pio-.-t. Mrs. II I*. I.insz. Mel.ur*' Hotel. Davison, Mr. 11 C.. Mel.ure Hotel. Doyle. Mr. Jos It pm-st Mr. It. W. j Peterson. Fort Henry Club, Fourteenth ami Chttpline Streets. Dutkee. Rev. ami Mrs. C. C. puesls. j Mr. J. U. Hearne. I .cat lierw on.l, Kleetoii. Mrs. puest. Mrs. J. MeKin- I ley. K.ho Point s Koritueran. Mr. "1.. (>.. puest. Mr. J. B. Wilson. Woodsdale. Gravatt. The i:t. Rev. W L.. D.D.. pUest. Mr. It. W. Peterson. Weo.lsdalc. Gwinn. Mr. P. It.. Windsor Hotel. Hady. Mr. J. I.. Windsor Hotel. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. S Itruee. puests, Mr. Kent It. Hall. \\'oi.dlawn. Harrison, Mr. and .Mrs. K. H.. puests, Mr J. C. MeKinley. Kelio point. Hart man. Mrs., puest. Mrs. H. S Sands. Hines. Mr. It. P.. Windsor Hotel. 1 lohson. Uev. J. \V.. puest. Mrs. Dvvipht Wanner, Windsor Hotel. Howard. Rev. D. W.. D.D.. puest, Mrs. D. t'arr. Pleasant V'all< y. Hubbard. .Mrs. W. (I.. Mel.ure Hotel. Hull. Mr. J .W.. Windsor Hotel. Jeffrey. Rev. J./P.. Kofi' Street. Johnston. Rev. J. T. puest. Mr. Chas. Haneher. Me Kit re Hotel. Jukes. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert, puests, Mrs. Harry Mel.u're. Mel.tire Hotel. JuilK. Rev. Ceo. P.. P.P.. puest. Mrs. Dvvipht Wnpner. Windsor Hotel. Kavanaph. .Mr. Itlntehford. puest, Mr. \\\ F.. Weiss. Mel.lire Hotel. Kentvd.v. Rev. I'aea. P.D.. puest. Dr. I tl. A. Asehinan. Woodlawn. I.eal. Mr. Cordon S.. Windsor Hotel, l.iveriiiore. Rev. A. It., puest, Mr. J. W. Kwmp. Mel.lire Hotel. Mapee, Rev. C. P.. puest. Mr. X. I'. V.'hitaker. Mel.ure Hotel. Martin. M. C. M.. Windsor Hotel. MeCabe. Mr. It. K. Mel.ure Hotel. MeCranahan. John It., Fo I la rvsbee. West Virpinia. MeXulty. Deaconess, puest. Mrs. J. M. Collins. 18-1 Sixteenth Street. Merrill. Rev. 11. C.. puest. Mrs. J. T. MeAdants. I'l'i' Sixteenth Street. Miller, Mr. C. A., puest, Mr. D. G. Hearne. Mel.ure Hotel. Miller. Mr. C. M.. Windsor Hotel. Mitehell. Rev. A. B.. puest. Mr. B. M. Hildreth. Woodsdale. MitchVll. Rev. C. R.. puest. M. J. W. Ewinp. ^Icl.ure Hotel. Moore. Rev. S. S.. P.P.. puest, Mrs. James I'. Ropers. Woodsdale. Meyers. AJr. ami airs. i\ nv-uuv Hotel. Peterkin. Miss Constance, guest, Mrs. A. C. Whltaker. McLurc Hotel. Peterkin. Mrs. Geo. W.. guest, Mrs. A. C, Whltaker. McLurc Hotel. I'eterkin. Mr. W. O.. guest, Mrs. James P. Rogers, Woodsdale. Porkess. Rev. and Mrs. William, Mc- Lure Hotel. Price, Rev. and Mrs. F. C.. McLuro Hotel. Radcliffe. Mr. Carl. Windsor Hotel. Richerson. Miss E.. McLurc Hotel. Ringgold, Mr. R. O.. guest, Mrs. Alex Glass. Kenwood Place. Robbins. Mr. F. H., Wirfdsor Hotel. Rogers. Mrs. Geo.. Me Lure Hotel. Roller. Rev. R. D.. D.P.. guest, Mr. J. C. Brady. Pleasant Valley. Scott. Miss Ida. guest. Miss Alice Cald¬ well. 2340 Chapline Street. Shrewsbury. Mrs. Mary. McLure Hotel. Slayton. Rev. A. N., guest. Mr. J. J. Holloway. Fort Henry Club. Fourteenth and Chapline Streets. Smith. Miss Kinney, guest, Mrs. A. G. Browne. Woodsdale. Spurr, Rev. B. M.. Glcndale, West Vir¬ ginia. Stridor. Mr. James W.. guest, Mrs. H. C. Franzheitn. McLure Hotel. Strykcr. Itev. and Mrs. L. W. S.. guests Mrs. Peebles Tatum, Kenwood Place. Swope. Mrs. K. R.. guest. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Aschtnan. Woodlawn. Tavenner. Miss Jennie, guest. Miss Alice Caldwell. 23 40 Chapline Street. Thomas. The Rt. Rev. X. S., S.T.D.. guest. Mr. J. G. Hearne, Leatherwood. Thompson. Mrs. C. L.. guest, Mrs. M. X. Cecil. Elm Grove. Tuke, Mr. Latimer, guest, Mr. W. E. Weiss. McLure Hotel. Tyler. Rev. S. Roger, guest. Mrs. M. F. Simphon, Kenwood Place. Vie rhelhr. Mr. C. W.. guest of friends. Vierheller. Mrs. Frank, guest of friends. Ware. Rev. J. W.. guest. Mrs. Alex. Glass. Windsor Hotel. Warrick. Mrs. T. P.. McLure Hotel. Warren. Mrs.. McLure Hotel. Wells, Mr. S. G.. Wellsburg, West Vir-! ginla. White. Miss Stella, McLuro Hotel. yxooBAM or axxvicxs A5D BUSINESS SESSIONS Wednesday, May 28: Public Opening Ser¬ vice of the Council (Holy Commun¬ ion). Preacher. The Rev. S. Roger Ty¬ ler. of Huntington. 10:3" A.M.; Coun¬ cil Luncheon (Sunday School Room) 12:30 P. M.: Business Session of Coun¬ cil (St. Matthew's Church) 2:00 P.M.; Public Service on Sunday School Work. Speaker. JJhe Rev. L. X. Calcy of Phil¬ adelphia t :45 P. M. | Thursday, May 29th, Ascension Bay? Holy Communion 7:00 A.M.; Corpor¬ ate Communion Woman's Auxiliary 9:00 P. M.: Business Session of Coun¬ cil (Sunday School Room) 9:00 A. M.; Business Session Woman's Auxiliary (Parish House) 9:30 A.M.; Morning Prayer and Memorial Service. Preach¬ er. The Rev. Brittingham, D.D.. 11:00 A. M.; Council Luncheon (Sunday School Room) 12:30'P.M.; Business Session of Council (St. Matthew's Chufch) 2:00 4'. M.; Business Session Woman's Auxiliary (Parish House) 2:00 P. M.: Public Service on Missions. Speaker to be announced 7:45 P. M.; Triday, May 30th: Business Session of Council (St. Matthew's Church) 9:00 A. M.: Public Mooting Service. Preach¬ er. The Rev. A. X. Slayton. of Charles¬ ton 11:00 A.M.; Council Luncheon (Sunday Softool Room) 12:30 P. ML; Business Session of Council (St. Mat¬ thew's Church) 2:00 P. M.; Public Cen¬ tennial Reception (Scottish Rite Cath¬ edral) 8:30-11:00 P. M. Saturday, May 31«t: Business Session of Council (St. Matthew's Church) 9:00 A. M.; Luncheon at Country Club 1:00 I'. M. (Guests to assemble at the church at 12:30 sharp); Men's Centennial Ban¬ quet (Scottish Rite Cathedral) 7:00 P. M. Sunday, June 1st: Holy Communion 3:00 A.M.: Centennial Service, Morning l'rayer read by The Rev. D. W. How¬ ard. D.D.. and The Rev. L. W. S. Stry¬ kcr. Preacher. The Rt. Rev. X. S. Thomas. S.T.D. 10:30 A.M.; Sunday School 3:00 P. M.: Public Closing Ser¬ vice of Council. The Rt. Rev. W. L. Uravatt, D.D.. in charge 7:45 P. 1L SUPREME COURT CHAru.KSTON. May 28..'The Su¬ preme Court of Appeals today announced decisions in eight cases, six of which were front Kanawha county. The Kan¬ awha eases were James Kay against the Coal and Coke company, reversed ia part and aftirmed in part, remanded; Can company against the Steel and Payne company, reversed, verdict set aside, cause remanded; W. G. Gary against J. F. Butts and others, decree affirmed, cause remanded; William H. Ahr.er and others against J. M. Young and others, decree affirmed, cause ro- .nandvd; Lively against Griffith and othehrs, reversed' and remanded, and A. C; Lawrence and others against Mont¬ gomery Gas company others, affirmed. The other two cases decided were Tr<>y Roberts against the United Fuel Gas company, from Roane county, af¬ firmed. and Dora IT. George against John W. Brown, from Harrison county, reversed and remanded. The following rule was laid down by the court ill the Roane county decision: "Kxcavation of a ditch by an inter¬ state pipe line company, preparatory to laying a gas pipe parallel to one of its existing main lines and to be connected therewith for '.lie purpose of inereasing its capacity, is no part of i:s commer¬ cial business, hut is work clearly separ¬ able and distinguishable therefrom, and in ihe performance thereof such com¬ pany is subject, unconditionally, to the pro\istons of the workmen's compensa¬ tion net. and if in default is liable for Injury m its servant employed in such work caused by negligent e of a fellow servant and is denied the right of the common law defenses of fellow servant, assumption of risk and contributory negligence. The court further declared in this case that damages assessed by the jury for the loss of an eye is not exccrs- lve. -V . .i "Sprlnff Ttrrtr" and Com ...on Sense. Jf a man or woman feels heavy, dull. Janguid. laxy.larking in ambition and energy.instead of giving up and saying he has "spying fever," it is more sensi¬ ble to lake a good, wholesome physic. Biliousness, sick headache, sour stom¬ ach. gas. bloating, coated tongue, dvs- pcpsa.all are relieved by Foley Cathar- | tic Tablets. K. Ft. Haward. rnarlilla. Ua., wwtes: >¦{ find Foley Cathartic 'Tablets give me quicker relief than any- thng I ever tried." Sold everywhere. j.15.j PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF THE NEW FACTOBY LIST On All , PENNSYLVANIA j TIRES Why Pay More? LIBEBTY BONDS ACCEPTED I Quality Tire and Gasoline Co. Main and 16th Sts. Phone 319. . ¦ * Which of the Three Delicious ii, Karo's do You Prefer? "Crystal White" . in the Red Can; "Golden Brown".in the Blue Can; "Maple Flavor". the new Karo with plenty of substance and a rich Maple Taste.in the Green Can. IMPORTANT TO YOU.Every can of Karo it marked with exact weight in porfhii of syrup contained. Do not be misled by packages of similar size bearing numbers only and having no relation to weight of contents. CDPT E»ery housewife should hare s copy of the in- r I\CiLi tereitinf 68-p«|« Corn Products Cook Book. Beautifully illustrated. It is free. Write us today for it. Corn Products Refining Company P. O. Box 161 New York City fm S I MOUNDSVILLE NEWS | High School Commencement. Arrangements are rapidly being com- pleted for the annual Moundsville High school commencement. The exorcise* will take place in the Central school ! building June 27. Dr. Montgomery, j president of Muskingum college, hasj been secured to deliver the commence-1 ment address. Forty-two will receive diplomas. The program is far from complete. WHl Repair Bridge. It developed in the council meeting Monday evening that the bridge across Grave Creek on Western avenue is not In the best of condition. A state high-j way inspector will come hrre to inspect the structure. It was guaranteed to carry a load of nine tons when repaired five years ago. , Industrial Circle. Thursday evening members of the ln-| dustrial circle of the First Presbyterian church will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Joe Rinehart on Eighth street, Miss Mary Kimple will be Joint hostess and a pleasant evening is being ar- ranged for. The meeting was to have been held Friday evening, hut has been moved up to Thursday because of Me- mortal day. bvpeotor Is Busy. The sewer system of the city Is be- Ing placed in fairly good shape now ~ through the efforts of J. A. Montgont- J ery. who was named sewer inspector by fitv council. Sonic of Ihc mains haoil hc-n flushed anil others are le- nfi drugged. The sanitary condition of the' city will lie greatly improved as a jc- suit of this work. Won rim Gtame. Moundsville has a real semi-profes- ! sional baseball team. The opening Rattle was played tit Paden City, Sut<-I day. tind the locals came home with it. ,*» to 1 victory tucked away in tin ir j belt. Ted Conner twirled the game ard j allowed but two hit* and had fourteen i strikeouts to his credit, lie was given J excellent support. Invitations Issued. I The invitations have been issued f i' the /anerian class coiiimeneentenl to he ; lo ld in the Central school audiloricri i June ti. There arc more than "il grtd-i uatey. Hev. .\. A Thomas. P. P.. of | I.ittia. O., will di livi r the class address and the diplt>ntas will b..- presented . y J. \\" c.a.rv m. president of the board ..f eduiation.. The h'gh school glee .-»l»i:> will render n few select ions and P.'of, II. V. Merrick will make a short talk, Completing- Arrangements. Veterans of the J. C. Caldwell p.ist j O. A. 't, arc eumpb-ijng arrangement*, for the observance of Memorial dny here Friday. The Span sh-.American and World's War Veterans have ho. it J invited to assist in the tribute to be paid the departed veterans. The exer¬ cises will siart at !. a. in. at the s-.l- dicrs' monument. Complete Plans. At a meeting of the returned soldiers and sailors of Marshall county hold last evening at house, plans for the celebration to he held here Friday were' oomph'ted. The committee in charge of J plans for the event, composed of Hrttce Mcpowell. Furl Tagg and John Pierce, made a report. The p.ill be-itvts audi members of the firing squad to have ' prominent part in tho demonstration! were selected. Hundred."' of soldiers I and sailors will Mtrn out in uniform to participate In the parade. Offer ABBlrttuace. The home service committee has Is¬ sued a notice to r.H unemployed -ol- diers in the county, a^k ng that t h'-y register at the rooms of the body in the Mercantile j building. Suitable < m- ployntent for the im-n will he found. Tin- body has been doing excellent work thus fur. ECis ionnry Society. The Women's Hone" Missionary so- eieiv of the Christian church held a' meeting yesterday evening in the home! of the chairman en Fifth street. The j meeting vva« wet] attended ami a nunt-J her of business matters came up. Aj social time was enjoyed later. < Baseball On mo Ascur:d. Should there lie (in baseball gunte hero Friday it would t>< ihe first time in many years that the city «ha« ( h.served Peroration l>a.v without indulgence in the favorite national pastime. The It.git school management has been en¬ deavoring to arrange a game, and in case they are not successful t >-day. the Mound City team Will stage a dolllde header h'-re Manager floss Sears, of' tl.e Mound City luim snvs lie Ins a deal' W'lfi I'.iden City reHily to e'ose for two I games, in th>" eyent tie- grounds here I <an he secured. MouBrts^llle Briefs. Ward Calvert, who has been overseas.' has r .turtle.* home. ,art*r being formally [ diseharged front servier.it i".tnp Pix. I C. A Showa.Te and S C. Sl.nvv at-' l. n.'"d he la-ague of Nations meeting in «'harles|,.n. ! .1 ij. Shaw ha- t'ltirn-d I'.t'shur-rli aft-r a » 1- v. ith hi« fallt lv on lhe e/imo grounds. i Mrs. C. \ W-igtter. of Chi. innati, is Visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walk, of Jefferson avenue. Mrs. Margaret Wade will return in a few days to her home here after a stay at Hot Springs. Ark., for her health. Miss Martha Founds, who has been ill i t her home on Center street, is im¬ proving nicely. Miss Vera Monahan has returned to her home in Bcllairo after a visit with Miss Helen Hartsel. on Second street. Senator Walter F. Burgess will leave the latter part of this week on a busi¬ ness trip to Texas. Mrs. J. A. Bayfield and daughter. Miss Gertrude, of Jefferson avenue, will leave to-day for Harrisville. \V. Va., where Miss Gertrude will attend normal school A. K. Williams is very ill at his homci on Sixth street. I .1. A Kelly has ret-irned to his home, in Glen Kustoo alter a business visit here. Master Donald Bewis is home from Baltimore, where he has been under, treatment in a hospital for ten weeks. WILL EE REPEALED. WASHINGTON. May 37.-By unani-j mous \ote \he house ways and means committee today ordered a favorable re¬ port on a report repealing the so-called semi-luxury taxes in the war revenue hill. A< tit n of proposed repeal of other tax levies in the bill was deferred. Chairman F'-rdnev said efforts would h" made i.i obatin early action on the resolution which would eliminate the 10 percent levvj on part of the purchase price of costly wearing apparel and many other artieles. Discussion by the committee of the repeal of ihe tax on soda water indi¬ cated that the members were not in- cl.ii-d to consider favorably all com- I'a tits regarding Hie tax levies. It was deeded. howe\ er. to atnvit suggestions f the internal revenue bureaug before I.rceecdmg further with repeal legisla¬ tion. mitty «. mim Another veteran of the world war hog, returned from the front, he being nob*' other than William James, former^rell*^ known social worker, who before he en» tc-rod the army was connected with O. '. W. Cory of the Union Mission. Prior ' to that time he was with the 8alvatiani? Army in this city, where he did muctr i work. Mr. James, heeding the call of hi# country, enlisted over a year ago In v the Canadian army and was attached & j to the 2nd Division. 20th Battalion, and was sent direct from Montreal to Wail- « ley, England, and after a brief training I period was shipped into the lines and"t was just getting into the active fight * when the armistice was signed. « ( | He returned from Liverpool, Englaid, j to this country, just two weeks ago tlid^; ( came direct to Wheeling from Can.«dsi land after making a trip to New York"" ; City to visit relatives will return to > j' Wheeling to take up his old posit'-on 3 i with Mr. Corv. He was stfth the army S of occupation following the signing of the armistice and attended gospel serv- i ices In one of the largest munition J i plants in AbruUaa, Germany, when I t nousands of girls were employed tu»«- I ing out»shells. He had reached a po'nt j north of the river Bohn when the arrw^s turned back. He is well and g-tinfed | fifteen pounds during his stay in Ew : rope. | The greater the necessity for saving,-^ I the greater your opportunity to . | The Intelligencer Want Ada. . ,'.g .1 The Wheeling Bank & Trust Co. j and Commercial Bank N i Combined Resources Over Five and a ; Quarter Million Dollars j ...... Ills; At a mooting of tlio Stockholders of the Wheeling Bank and Trust Company, yesterday, the following representa¬ tive business men were elected directors <>1 that institution: . D. A. BURT F. J. PARK J. F. HEIL J. A. BLOUH A. U. STIFF L A. J. BRADY S. P. NORTON" S. (). LAUGIIL1X ALEXANDER GLASS WHEELER ir. BACHMAX I. B. GARDEX » <A J. KEPXER E. I, YAGER ir. C. OGDEX , W. P. WILSON" . C. A. VADEN ft A. P. PAXTON S. W. HARPER A. C. WHTTAKER Ample resources, and splendid facilities, assure the most satisfactory service. ^Vc earnestly solicit trow Old friends and patrons a continuance ot their patronage, and assure them that they will find here the same courteous treatment, IKS and the same £*ener^us regard for their interests that we have always shown. I he public gcnoially is innvited to make use of our service. If will he our aim to merit support by meeting the needs of our customers. ! WHEELING BANK & TRUST CO. 1 Twelfth and Market Streets . I i-' ? *.*Xv B

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Page 1: Which Karo's You - Chronicling America

efforts to winuno for !

'< irish fmlure!TAIvTS. May IT..(By The Associated

Press).The efforts of ex-OovernoPjI>unne. of Illinois. l-Yank P. Walsh and 1

Michael Ryan. representing various IIrish societies in tlv 1'nitcd States, to)secure safe condu.-ts for IMward Deva-jlera. Arthur Griffith nn.j I'ount Plunk- |ett to come to Paris to present the Irish,

Pase to the peace conference, ended to- I

day with a written communication fr«>rn

, Secretary of State Banging to Mr. ;

Walsh. After acknowlodging the or-!"lginal request. Secretary Pausing says:

"I immediately took steps to acquaint Imyself with the facts of the case which Itranspired before the matter was Ibrought to mv attention by your let- jter. I am informed that when the

question of approaching the Britishauthorities with a view to procuring the

safe conducts in question was first con¬

sidered. every effort was made in an in¬

formal way to tiring you into friendly

touch with the British representativeshere, although owing to the nature ot

the ease-it was not possible to treat thematter officially."The British authorities having con¬

sented that you and your colleagues

should visit Kngland and Ireland,although your passports were only goodfor France, every facility was given to

you to take the journey. Before you re¬

turned. however, reports were receivedof certain utterances made by you and

your colleagues during your visit to

Ireland."These utterances, whatever they may

have been. gave, as I am informed deep¬

est offense to those persons, with whom

you were seeking to deal-Consequently it has seemed useless

to make any further effort In connec¬

tion with the requests which you desire

to make."In view of the situation thus created

I regret to inform you that the Ameri¬

can representatives feel that any

further effort on their part connected

with this matter would be futila and

therefore unwise."In reply to this. Mr. Walsh wrote

Secretary I-ansUig a long letter declar¬

ing -tjiat 'he Irish delegation had not

authorized anyone to make an effort to

hring its members into friendly rela¬

tions with 'he British representativesin Paris or elsewhere, and adding:"We also beg to advise you that at no

time in Paris or elsewhere have we

sought to deal privately or unofficiallywith any person relative to the purposesof our mission.".Mr. Walsh's letter then reproduces a

letter submitted to the s'ate departmentprevious to th eobtaining of passports.!Irj which the object of tho visit to Paris

was stated and recites the fact that or.

arrival he addressed a letter to Presi¬

dent Wilson asking the president to se¬

cure safe conducts for deValera and the



ST. MATTHEW'S PARISHThe program and directory of the for- J

ty-second annual council of the diocese jof West Virginia and the centennial eel- Jobration of ft. Matthew's parish. Wed-!nesday. May 2S<h 4o Sunday, June 1st. is

as follows: ';BXXXCTOBV 07 OTTESTS

Alexander. Mr. Herbert, guest Mr. D.

C. Hearne. McLure Hotel.Alfriettds. Rev. and Mrs. J. S.. guests j

Mr. J. O. Brady. I'leasant Valley.Ambler. Rev. J. C. guest. Mr. J. J. Hol-

loway. Port Henry flub. Fourteenth and

Chaplino Streets..Armstrong; Mr. R. H.. guest. Mr. P. H.

Iiange. Rogers Hotel.Bftiley. Mrs. W. G.. McLure Hotel.Baldwin. Miss I-yde, guest. Mr. W. S.

Brady. Woodsdale.Barber. Miss Elizabeth, guest, Mrs. A.

C. Whitaker. McLure Hotel.Beale, MissJosephine." Mcr.ttre Hotel.'Beale. Mrs. J. M.. McLure Hotel. 1

Bodine. Mrs. William. Mel.ure Hotel. '

Boggess. Mrs. P. X.. McLure Hotel.Boogher. Rev. Dudley, guest, Mrs. M.

F. Simpson. Kenwood Place.Border. Mrs. I>. \\\. gdest, Mrs X. E.

Whitake.r. Bethany Pike.Brayshaw. Mrs., guest, Mrs. A. G.

Browne. Woodsdale.Brayshaw. Rev. I deL-. guest, Mr. F.

H. Lange. Rogers Hotel.Rrobst." Mr. E. H.. guest. Mr. F. H.

Lange. Rogers Hotel.Butcher. Mrs. Thos. P.. McLure Hotel.Cabell, Mr. C. A.. McLure Hotel.Caley. Rev. -L. X.. Fort Henry C'.ub

Fourteenth and Chaplinc Street*Carter. Rev. J. T.. guest, Mrs. X P

Whitaker, Mcljure Hotel.Christnan. Rev. \V. p.. guest. Mr

Wheeler Bachman. McLure HotelClarke. Rev. J. H.. D. D.. guest Mr

Geo. Stocking. Byron and ThirteenthStreets.


Cleveland. Rev. and Mrs. W. M guestsMrs. Alex. Glass. McLure Hotel' * *

Coglej. Re\. C. <j.. Wcllsburg. West> irginia.Cooke. Mr. K. E.. guest, Mrs H C

!. ranzheim. McLure Hot«l.

Crook, R«v. and Mrs. Guy H.. puests,Mrs. C. J. .Milton. Kirn Grove.

Cross. Rtv. 1". 1,(B. puest/ Mr. \V. I'.

Rurke, Mel.ure Hotel.Crowe, Rev. .1. T.. Kio'St, Mr. It. M.

Browne. Mel.ure II.«!..!.i'utiiiinvham. Mis.- Il.-t* ri. M< Pure 11«.-

tel.Cunuinphntn. Mrs. J. > I.tire Hotel.Curd. Mr. T. II S. M.I...re Hotel.Davis. Miss Mar), pio-.-t. Mrs. II I*.

I.insz. Mel.ur*' Hotel.Davison, Mr. 11 C.. Mel.ure Hotel.Doyle. Mr. Jos It pm-st Mr. It. W. j

Peterson. Fort Henry Club, Fourteenthami Chttpline Streets.

Dutkee. Rev. ami Mrs. C. C. puesls. jMr. J. U. Hearne. I .cat lierw on.l,

Kleetoii. Mrs. puest. Mrs. J. MeKin- Iley. K.ho Point s

Koritueran. Mr. "1.. (>.. puest. Mr. J. B.

Wilson. Woodsdale.Gravatt. The i:t. Rev. W L.. D.D..

pUest. Mr. It. W. Peterson. Weo.lsdalc.Gwinn. Mr. P. It.. Windsor Hotel.Hady. Mr. J. I.. Windsor Hotel.Hull. Mr. and Mrs. S Itruee. puests,

Mr. Kent It. Hall. \\'oi.dlawn.Harrison, Mr. and .Mrs. K. H.. puests,

Mr J. C. MeKinley. Kelio point.Hart man. Mrs., puest. Mrs. H. S Sands.Hines. Mr. It. P.. Windsor Hotel.1 lohson. Uev. J. \V.. puest. Mrs. Dvvipht

Wanner, Windsor Hotel.Howard. Rev. D. W.. D.D.. puest, Mrs.

D. t'arr. Pleasant V'all< y.Hubbard. .Mrs. W. (I.. Mel.ure Hotel.Hull. Mr. J .W.. Windsor Hotel.Jeffrey. Rev. J./P.. Kofi' Street.Johnston. Rev. J. T. puest. Mr. Chas.

Haneher. MeKitre Hotel.Jukes. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert, puests,

Mrs. Harry Mel.u're. Mel.tire Hotel.JuilK. Rev. Ceo. P.. P.P.. puest. Mrs.

Dvvipht Wnpner. Windsor Hotel.Kavanaph. .Mr. Itlntehford. puest, Mr.

\\\ F.. Weiss. Mel.lire Hotel.Kentvd.v. Rev. I'aea. P.D.. puest. Dr. I

tl. A. Asehinan. Woodlawn.I.eal. Mr. Cordon S.. Windsor Hotel,l.iveriiiore. Rev. A. It., puest, Mr. J.

W. Kwmp. Mel.lire Hotel.Mapee, Rev. C. P.. puest. Mr. X. I'.

V.'hitaker. Mel.ure Hotel.Martin. M. C. M.. Windsor Hotel.MeCabe. Mr. It. K. Mel.ure Hotel.MeCranahan. John It., Fo I la rvsbee.

West Virpinia.MeXulty. Deaconess, puest. Mrs. J. M.

Collins. 18-1 Sixteenth Street.Merrill. Rev. 11. C.. puest. Mrs. J. T.

MeAdants. I'l'i' Sixteenth Street.Miller, Mr. C. A., puest, Mr. D. G.

Hearne. Mel.ure Hotel.Miller. Mr. C. M.. Windsor Hotel.Mitehell. Rev. A. B.. puest. Mr. B. M.

Hildreth. Woodsdale.MitchVll. Rev. C. R.. puest. M. J. W.

Ewinp. ^Icl.ure Hotel.Moore. Rev. S. S.. P.P.. puest, Mrs.

James I'. Ropers. Woodsdale.Meyers. AJr. ami airs. i\ nv-uuv

Hotel.Peterkin. Miss Constance, guest, Mrs.

A. C. Whltaker. McLurc Hotel.Peterkin. Mrs. Geo. W.. guest, Mrs. A.

C, Whltaker. McLurc Hotel.I'eterkin. Mr. W. O.. guest, Mrs. James

P. Rogers, Woodsdale.Porkess. Rev. and Mrs. William, Mc-

Lure Hotel.Price, Rev. and Mrs. F. C.. McLuro

Hotel.Radcliffe. Mr. Carl. Windsor Hotel.Richerson. Miss E.. McLurc Hotel.Ringgold, Mr. R. O.. guest, Mrs. Alex

Glass. Kenwood Place.Robbins. Mr. F. H., Wirfdsor Hotel.Rogers. Mrs. Geo.. MeLure Hotel.Roller. Rev. R. D.. D.P.. guest, Mr. J.

C. Brady. Pleasant Valley.Scott. Miss Ida. guest. Miss Alice Cald¬

well. 2340 Chapline Street.Shrewsbury. Mrs. Mary. McLure Hotel.Slayton. Rev. A. N., guest. Mr. J. J.

Holloway. Fort Henry Club. Fourteenthand Chapline Streets.

Smith. Miss Kinney, guest, Mrs. A. G.Browne. Woodsdale.

Spurr, Rev. B. M.. Glcndale, West Vir¬ginia.

Stridor. Mr. James W.. guest, Mrs. H.C. Franzheitn. McLure Hotel.

Strykcr. Itev. and Mrs. L. W. S.. guestsMrs. Peebles Tatum, Kenwood Place.Swope. Mrs. K. R.. guest. Dr. and Mrs.

G. A. Aschtnan. Woodlawn.Tavenner. Miss Jennie, guest. Miss

Alice Caldwell. 23 40 Chapline Street.Thomas. The Rt. Rev. X. S., S.T.D..

guest. Mr. J. G. Hearne, Leatherwood.Thompson. Mrs. C. L.. guest, Mrs. M.

X. Cecil. Elm Grove.Tuke, Mr. Latimer, guest, Mr. W. E.

Weiss. McLure Hotel.Tyler. Rev. S. Roger, guest. Mrs. M. F.

Simphon, Kenwood Place.Vie rhelhr. Mr. C. W.. guest of friends.Vierheller. Mrs. Frank, guest of

friends.Ware. Rev. J. W.. guest. Mrs. Alex.

Glass. Windsor Hotel.Warrick. Mrs. T. P.. McLure Hotel.Warren. Mrs.. McLure Hotel.Wells, Mr. S. G.. Wellsburg, West Vir-!

ginla.White. Miss Stella, McLuro Hotel.yxooBAM or axxvicxs A5D

BUSINESS SESSIONSWednesday, May 28: Public Opening Ser¬

vice of the Council (Holy Commun¬ion). Preacher. The Rev. S. Roger Ty¬ler. of Huntington. 10:3" A.M.; Coun¬cil Luncheon (Sunday School Room)12:30 P. M.: Business Session of Coun¬cil (St. Matthew's Church) 2:00 P.M.;Public Service on Sunday School Work.Speaker. JJhe Rev. L. X. Calcy of Phil¬adelphia t :45 P. M. |

Thursday, May 29th, Ascension Bay?Holy Communion 7:00 A.M.; Corpor¬ate Communion Woman's Auxiliary9:00 P. M.: Business Session of Coun¬cil (Sunday School Room) 9:00 A. M.;Business Session Woman's Auxiliary(Parish House) 9:30 A.M.; MorningPrayer and Memorial Service. Preach¬er. The Rev. Brittingham, D.D.. 11:00A. M.; Council Luncheon (SundaySchool Room) 12:30'P.M.; BusinessSession of Council (St. Matthew'sChufch) 2:00 4'. M.; Business SessionWoman's Auxiliary (Parish House)2:00 P. M.: Public Service on Missions.Speaker to be announced 7:45 P. M.;

Triday, May 30th: Business Session ofCouncil (St. Matthew's Church) 9:00A. M.: Public Mooting Service. Preach¬er. The Rev. A. X. Slayton. of Charles¬ton 11:00 A.M.; Council Luncheon(Sunday Softool Room) 12:30 P. ML;Business Session of Council (St. Mat¬thew's Church) 2:00 P. M.; Public Cen¬tennial Reception (Scottish Rite Cath¬edral) 8:30-11:00 P. M.

Saturday, May 31«t: Business Session ofCouncil (St. Matthew's Church) 9:00A. M.; Luncheon at Country Club 1:00I'. M. (Guests to assemble at the churchat 12:30 sharp); Men's Centennial Ban¬quet (Scottish Rite Cathedral) 7:00 P.M.

Sunday, June 1st: Holy Communion 3:00A.M.: Centennial Service, Morningl'rayer read by The Rev. D. W. How¬ard. D.D.. and The Rev. L. W. S. Stry¬kcr. Preacher. The Rt. Rev. X. S.Thomas. S.T.D. 10:30 A.M.; SundaySchool 3:00 P. M.: Public Closing Ser¬vice of Council. The Rt. Rev. W. L.Uravatt, D.D.. in charge 7:45 P. 1L


preme Court of Appeals today announceddecisions in eight cases, six of whichwere front Kanawha county. The Kan¬awha eases were James Kay against theCoal and Coke company, reversed iapart and aftirmed in part, remanded;Can company against the Steel andPayne company, reversed, verdict setaside, cause remanded; W. G. Garyagainst J. F. Butts and others, decreeaffirmed, cause remanded; William H.Ahr.er and others against J. M. Youngand others, decree affirmed, cause ro-

.nandvd; Lively against Griffith andothehrs, reversed' and remanded, and A.C; Lawrence and others against Mont¬gomery Gas company others, affirmed.The other two cases decided were

Tr<>y Roberts against the United FuelGas company, from Roane county, af¬firmed. and Dora IT. George againstJohn W. Brown, from Harrison county,reversed and remanded.The following rule was laid down by

the court ill the Roane county decision:"Kxcavation of a ditch by an inter¬

state pipe line company, preparatory tolaying a gas pipe parallel to one of itsexisting main lines and to be connectedtherewith for '.lie purpose of inereasingits capacity, is no part of i:s commer¬cial business, hut is work clearly separ¬able and distinguishable therefrom, andin ihe performance thereof such com¬

pany is subject, unconditionally, to thepro\istons of the workmen's compensa¬tion net. and if in default is liable forInjury m its servant employed in suchwork caused by negligent e of a fellowservant and is denied the right of thecommon law defenses of fellow servant,assumption of risk and contributorynegligence.The court further declared in this case

that damages assessed by thejury for the loss of an eye is not exccrs-


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"Sprlnff Ttrrtr" and Com ...on Sense.Jf a man or woman feels heavy, dull.

Janguid. laxy.larking in ambition andenergy.instead of giving up and sayinghe has "spying fever," it is more sensi¬ble to lake a good, wholesome physic.Biliousness, sick headache, sour stom¬ach. gas. bloating, coated tongue, dvs-pcpsa.all are relieved by Foley Cathar-

| tic Tablets. K. Ft. Haward. rnarlilla.Ua., wwtes: >¦{ find Foley Cathartic'Tablets give me quicker relief than any-thng I ever tried." Sold everywhere.


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Which of the Three Deliciousii, Karo's do You Prefer?

"Crystal White" . in the Red Can; "GoldenBrown".in the Blue Can; "Maple Flavor".the new Karo with plenty of substance and a

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relation to weight of contents.

CDPT E»ery housewife should hare s copy of the in-r I\CiLi tereitinf 68-p«|« Corn Products Cook Book.Beautifully illustrated. It is free. Write us today for it.

Corn Products Refining CompanyP. O. Box 161 New York City




High School Commencement.Arrangements are rapidly being com-

pleted for the annual Moundsville Highschool commencement. The exorcise*will take place in the Central school !building June 27. Dr. Montgomery, jpresident of Muskingum college, hasjbeen secured to deliver the commence-1ment address. Forty-two will receivediplomas. The program is far fromcomplete.

WHl Repair Bridge.It developed in the council meeting

Monday evening that the bridge acrossGrave Creek on Western avenue is not

In the best of condition. A state high-jway inspector will come hrre to inspectthe structure. It was guaranteed to

carry a load of nine tons when repairedfive years ago. ,

Industrial Circle.Thursday evening members of the ln-|

dustrial circle of the First Presbyterianchurch will be entertained in the homeof Mrs. Joe Rinehart on Eighth street,Miss Mary Kimple will be Joint hostessand a pleasant evening is being ar-ranged for. The meeting was to havebeen held Friday evening, hut has beenmoved up to Thursday because of Me-mortal day.

bvpeotor Is Busy.The sewer system of the city Is be-

Ing placed in fairly good shape now


through the efforts of J. A. Montgont- Jery. who was named sewer inspector byfitv council. Sonic of Ihc mains haoilhc-n flushed anil others are le- nfidrugged. The sanitary condition of the'city will lie greatly improved as a jc-suit of this work.

Won rim Gtame.Moundsville has a real semi-profes- !

sional baseball team. The openingRattle was played tit Paden City, Sut<-Iday. tind the locals came home with it.

,*» to 1 victory tucked away in tin ir jbelt. Ted Conner twirled the game ard jallowed but two hit* and had fourteen i

strikeouts to his credit, lie was given Jexcellent support.

Invitations Issued. IThe invitations have been issued f i'

the /anerian class coiiimeneentenl to he ;lo ld in the Central school audiloricri iJune ti. There arc more than "il grtd-iuatey. Hev. .\. A Thomas. P. P.. of |I.ittia. O., will di livi r the class addressand the diplt>ntas will b..- presented . yJ. \\" c.a.rv m. president of the board ..feduiation.. The h'gh school glee .-»l»i:>will render n few select ions and P.'of,II. V. Merrick will make a short talk,

Completing- Arrangements.Veterans of the J. C. Caldwell p.ist j

O. A. 't, arc eumpb-ijng arrangement*,for the observance of Memorial dnyhere Friday. The Span sh-.Americanand World's War Veterans have ho. it Jinvited to assist in the tribute to bepaid the departed veterans. The exer¬

cises will siart at !. a. in. at the s-.l-dicrs' monument.

Complete Plans.At a meeting of the returned soldiers

and sailors of Marshall county hold lastevening at house, plans for thecelebration to he held here Friday were'oomph'ted. The committee in charge of Jplans for the event, composed of HrttceMcpowell. Furl Tagg and John Pierce,made a report. The p.ill be-itvts audi

members of the firing squad to have '

prominent part in tho demonstration!were selected. Hundred."' of soldiers Iand sailors will Mtrn out in uniformto participate In the parade.

Offer ABBlrttuace.

The home service committee has Is¬sued a notice to r.H unemployed -ol-diers in the county, a^k ng that t h'-yregister at the rooms of the body inthe Mercantile j building. Suitable < m-

ployntent for the im-n will he found.Tin- body has been doing excellent workthus fur.

ECis ionnry Society.The Women's Hone" Missionary so-

eieiv of the Christian church held a'meeting yesterday evening in the home!of the chairman en Fifth street. The jmeeting vva« wet] attended ami a nunt-Jher of business matters came up. Ajsocial time was enjoyed later. <

Baseball Onmo Ascur:d.Should there lie (in baseball gunte hero

Friday it would t>< ihe first time in

many years that the city «ha« ( h.servedPeroration l>a.v without indulgence inthe favorite national pastime. TheIt.git school management has been en¬

deavoring to arrange a game, and incase they are not successful t >-day. theMound City team Will stage a dollldeheader h'-re Manager floss Sears, of'tl.e Mound City luim snvs lie Ins a deal'W'lfi I'.iden City reHily to e'ose for two Igames, in th>" eyent tie- grounds here I<an he secured.

MouBrts^llle Briefs.Ward Calvert, who has been overseas.'

has r .turtle.* home. ,art*r being formally [diseharged front servier.it i".tnp Pix. I

C. A Showa.Te and S C. Sl.nvv at-'l. n.'"d he la-ague of Nations meeting in

«'harles|,.n. !.1 ij. Shaw ha- t'ltirn-d I'.t'shur-rli

aft-r a » 1- v. ith hi« fallt lv on lhee/imo grounds. i

Mrs. C. \ W-igtter. of Chi. innati, is

Visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walk,of Jefferson avenue.

Mrs. Margaret Wade will return in a

few days to her home here after a stayat Hot Springs. Ark., for her health.

Miss Martha Founds, who has beenill i t her home on Center street, is im¬proving nicely.Miss Vera Monahan has returned to

her home in Bcllairo after a visit withMiss Helen Hartsel. on Second street.Senator Walter F. Burgess will leave

the latter part of this week on a busi¬ness trip to Texas.

Mrs. J. A. Bayfield and daughter. MissGertrude, of Jefferson avenue, will leaveto-day for Harrisville. \V. Va., whereMiss Gertrude will attend normal school

A. K. Williams is very ill at his homcion Sixth street. I

.1. A Kelly has ret-irned to his home,in Glen Kustoo alter a business visithere.Master Donald Bewis is home from

Baltimore, where he has been under,treatment in a hospital for ten weeks.


WASHINGTON. May 37.-By unani-jmous \ote \he house ways and means

committee today ordered a favorable re¬

port on a report repealing the so-calledsemi-luxury taxes in the war revenue

hill. A< tit n of proposed repeal of othertax levies in the bill was deferred.Chairman F'-rdnev said efforts would

h" made i.i obatin early action on the

resolution which would eliminate the 10

percent levvj on part of the purchaseprice of costly wearing apparel andmany other artieles.

Discussion by the committee of therepeal of ihe tax on soda water indi¬cated that the members were not in-

cl.ii-d to consider favorably all com-

I'a tits regarding Hie tax levies. It was

deeded. howe\ er. to atnvit suggestionsf the internal revenue bureaug before

I.rceecdmg further with repeal legisla¬tion.

mitty«.mimAnother veteran of the world war hog,

returned from the front, he being nob*'other than William James, former^rell*^known social worker, who before he en»

tc-rod the army was connected with O. '.

W. Cory of the Union Mission. Prior '

to that time he was with the 8alvatiani?Army in this city, where he did muctr i

work.Mr. James, heeding the call of hi#

country, enlisted over a year ago In v

the Canadian army and was attached &

j to the 2nd Division. 20th Battalion, andwas sent direct from Montreal to Wail- «

ley, England, and after a brief training

I period was shipped into the lines and"twas just getting into the active fight


when the armistice was signed. « (| He returned from Liverpool, Englaid,j to this country, just two weeks ago tlid^;( came direct to Wheeling from Can.«dsiland after making a trip to New York""; City to visit relatives will return to >

j' Wheeling to take up his old posit'-on 3i with Mr. Corv. He was stfth the army Sof occupation following the signing ofthe armistice and attended gospel serv-

i ices In one of the largest munition Ji plants in AbruUaa, Germany, whenI t nousands of girls were employed tu»«-

I ing out»shells. He had reached a po'ntj north of the river Bohn when the arrw^sturned back. He is well and g-tinfed

| fifteen pounds during his stay in Ew

: rope.

| The greater the necessity for saving,-^I the greater your opportunity to .

| The Intelligencer Want Ada. . ,'.g


The Wheeling Bank & Trust Co. jand Commercial Bank N i

Combined Resources Over Five and a ;

Quarter Million Dollars j...... Ills;

At a mooting of tlio Stockholders of the Wheeling Bank and Trust Company, yesterday, the following representa¬tive business men were elected directors <>1 that institution:








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Ample resources, and splendid facilities, assure the most satisfactory service. ^Vc earnestly solicit trow Old

friends and patrons a continuance ot their patronage, and assure them that they will find here the same courteous treatment, IKSand the same £*ener^us regard for their interests that we have always shown. I he public gcnoially is innvited to make use of

our service. If will he our aim to merit support by meeting the needs of our customers.

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