the new nation 1789–1800. p201 calls during the ratification process for greater guarantees of...

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The New Nation 17891800 Slide 2 p201 Slide 3 Calls during the ratification process for greater guarantees of rights resulted in the addition of a Bill of Rights shortly after the Constitution was adopted. Slide 4 Demographics of the new nation Census 1790 4 million people Cities growing- Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Charleston, and Baltimore 90% rural 95% lived east of the Appalachians Within fourteen years, Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio all added as states within 14 years Slide 5 As the first national administrations began to govern under the Constitution, continued debates about such issues as the relationship between the national government and the states, economic policy, and the conduct of foreign affairs led to the creation of political parties. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Hamiltons Financial Plan Proclamation of Neutrality Slide 6 Election of Washington Unanimously chosen by the Electoral College in 1789 Only presidential nominee to be chosen unanimously Took oath of office on April 30, 1789 in NYC Slide 7 Department Heads Under Washington Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury- Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War- Henry Knox Slide 8 Table 10-1 p182 Slide 9 Bill of Rights Adopted in 1791 Protection of freedoms Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition bear arms, trial by jury Protection against abuse of power No cruel and unusual punishment Protection against arbitrary govt seizure of private property Slide 10 9 th Amendment People have rights beyond those enumerated 10 th Amendment All powers not delegated or prohibited by the Constitution belong to the states or the people Slide 11 Judiciary Act of 1789 Organized the Supreme Court (John Jay became the first Chief Justice) Established federal district and circuit courts Established the office of attorney general Slide 12 Hamiltons Financial Plan Funding at par Federal government would pay off its debts at face value- more than $54 million (people had been losing faith that the new government would be able to meet its obligations and the value of government bonds had depreciated to 10-15 cents on the dollar) Assumption Federal government would assume state debts. This would tie the states more to the fed. govt. Slide 13 The Bargain 1790 Hamilton convinced Jefferson to support the plan for assumption in return for the new federal district (D.C.) to be located on the Potomac Slide 14 Figure 10-1 p184 Slide 15 Debt as a national blessing? If the government owes people money, those people have a stake in the success of that government Slide 16 Revenue Foreign trade and protection of American manufacturing were two elements of Hamiltons economic plan Custom duties (tariff revenues) Dependent upon foreign trade 1789 a low tariff was passed Designed to raise revenue and protect infant industries Excise taxes (internal tax on certain goods) Whiskey Fell heavily on backcountry distillers Slide 17 Whiskey Rebellion 1794, southwestern Pennsylvania Distillers used arguments and symbols of the Revolution Washington called for militias from the states. 13,000 troops responded. Whiskey Rebellion faded. Government was strengthened Slide 18 p185 Slide 19 A National Bank Hamilton proposed it Argued that the Necessary and Proper (elastic) clause gave the government the authority to create one. This was an implied power. -loose construction Jefferson opposed it Argued that since it was not in the Constitution, the power to create banks remained with the states (Article X) Washington signed it into law The Bank of the United States created 1791 Chartered for 20 years Capital of $10 million (1/5 th owned by Fed. Govt) Slide 20 Spirit, pp.190-203 Where do Hamilton and Jefferson stand on the various issues? At its core, what is their debate really about? Slide 21 Pair-Share What do you know about our two current political parties and the two-party system? Slide 22 Political Opinion Poll Political opinion poll- http://www.people- Slide 23 The Emergence of Political Parties Organized opposition to Hamiltons revenue- raising and centralizing policies began to build Previously, factions (Whigs/Tories, Feds/Anti- Feds) had existed as opposed to organized political parties Beginning of Americas two-party system The party out of power (the loyal opposition) acts as a check on the party in power Slide 24 Table 10-2 p186 Slide 25 Table 10-3 p198 Slide 26 To what extent do our current political parties align to Hamiltons Federalists and Jeffersons Democratic-Republicans? Slide 27 Assignment Washingtons Farewell Address -Briefly summarize George Washington's beliefs about political parties. -What warning about foreign nations does Washington give in his farewell address? Why was it to the advantage of America to remain aloof? Did Washington reject all alliances in all circumstances? Are the concerns that Washington had about the nation's foreign affairs still applicable today? Why or why not? -Why do you think Washington was so concerned about these two issues (political parties and foreign entanglements)? -Considering the role of political parties in our country today, were Washington's concerns valid? Slide 28 Foreign Policy Slide 29 Key Concepts- Review In response to domestic and international tensions, the new United States debated and formulated foreign policy initiatives and asserted an international presence. As western settlers sought free navigation of the Mississippi River, the U.S. forged diplomatic initiatives to manage the conflict with Spain and to deal with the continued British presence on the American continent. Slide 30 The French Revolution 1789 1792 France declared itself a Republic 1793 King Louis XVI beheaded and Reign of Terror begins The French Revolutions spread throughout Europe and beyond helped fuel Americans debate not only about the nature of the United States domestic order but also about its proper role in the world. Slide 31 p188 Slide 32 p187 Slide 33 French Revolution was initially supported by many Americans, especially Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans When a world war erupted as a result, however, Americans became less supportive Slide 34 Neutrality Proclamation 1793 Officially declared Americas neutrality in the battle between England and France Marked the beginning of Americas isolationist tradition Slide 35 Key Concept During and after the colonial war for independence, various tribes attempted to forge advantageous political alliances with one another and with European powers to protect their interests, limit migration of white settlers, and maintain their tribal lands. Iroquois Confederation, Chief Little Turtle, and the Western Confederacy Slide 36 Map 10-1 p191 Slide 37 1790-1791 Chief Little Turtle and the Miami Confederacy (which had been armed by the British) defeat U.S. forces in one of the worst U.S. defeats in the history of the frontier 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers Miamis defeated Treaty of Greenville (1795)- the Miami Indians surrendered their claims to much of the Old Northwest. Slide 38 p192 Slide 39 Map 9-3 p167 Slide 40 Tensions w/ Britain British goods flooded the American market while American exports were blocked by British trade restrictions and tariffs Britain maintained forts in North America that they had agreed to leave under the Treaty of Paris Britain impressed American sailors and seized naval and military supplies from American ships Slide 41 Jays Treaty 1794-95 Britain agreed to abandon the northwestern forts and provided the U.S. with a commercial treaty (although U.S. commerce with the British West Indies remained restricted). Other issues (Canadian-Maine border, compensation for pre-revolutionary debts, and British seizures of American ships) were to be resolved by arbitration. Maintained peace with Britain, but was unpopular with the American public. Slide 42 Pinckneys Treaty 1795 Resolved territorial disputes between Spain and the U.S. Granted American ships the right to free navigation of the Mississippi and duty free transport through the port of New Orleans Slide 43 Key Concept Although George Washingtons Farewell Address warned about the dangers of divisive political parties and permanent foreign alliances, European conflict and tensions with Britain and France fueled increasingly bitter partisan debates throughout the 1790s. Slide 44 Washingtons Farewell Address 1796 Printed in the newspapers Warned against permanent alliances (Washington favored temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies) Slide 45 State of the Union The central government was solidly established The country was expanding International commerce was growing U.S. had avoided foreign entanglements The experimental stage had passed.... (p.201)