the miniature book collection of lois boorman

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Joshua Heller Rare Books, Inc., Washington DC The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

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With her death Lois left behind a remarkable gathering of close to four hundred miniature books in the finest condition – she was a stickler for obtaining the best copies with the best provenance. In addition, the collection includes a group of interesting correspondence with collectors, printers and artists, as well as some reference books. Nearly two hundred books have been carefully and professionally photographed specially for this publication. The collection consists of miniature books about: - people and their presses: #30 - #54 - books about books, bookmaking and book people: #55 - $113 - alphabet books: #114 - #130 - a run of all the published titles of the Ash Ranch Press, together with correspondence between Don Hildreth and Kathryn Rickard: #131 - #161 - some stunning special copies and items in unique designer bindings and more fine examples from the collection: #162 - #396. All in all, a gathering of beautiful books that was assembled with great love, perseverance and a good eye, all on a limited budget. We feel sure that Lois would have approved of the fact that a major part of the sales from this catalogue will go to theducation of two underprivileged children. We hope you will share in our enthusiasm for Lois’ legacy.Joshua Heller Rare Books offers this catalogue for free online, knowing that it will be an important addition to the collection of any miniature book collector and lover. Prices and availability of these titles is not guaranteed, and this copy is for reference only. Some of the books, however, are still available as of Summer 2008; please inquire at [email protected]


Page 1: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman



Joshua Heller Rare Books, Inc., Washington DC

The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

Page 2: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

CATALOGUE THIRTY-ONE - FALL 2005The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

Over a period of many years – the late Eighties and throughout the Nineties – certain times in our book business cameto be known as ‘Lois and Jodi’s afternoon’. The ladies were coming to tea! This was a ritual that was carefully nur-tured and orchestrated to the total exclusion of the writer of this introduction.Great laughter and a careful exchange of news and gossip of events in the book world were traded. There was alwaysmuch to talk about, especially a new miniature book that was about to be published – or to view a new arrival. Theonly interruption allowed was Lois’ exit from the get-together for a smoke in the garden. This comraderie of friendswas something rarely seen. It was always a joyful and satisfying time.With her death Lois left behind a remarkable gathering of close to four hundred miniature books in the finest condi-tion – she was a stickler for obtaining the best copies with the best provenance. In addition, the collection includes agroup of interesting correspondence with collectors, printers and artists, as well as some reference books. Jodi, Lois’s heir, has now entrusted us with the results of the passion of this fine book collector. This catalogue, whichhas taken over four months to prepare, is a homage to Lois as collector and friend. Nearly two hundred books havebeen carefully and professionally photographed specially for this publication.The collection consists of miniature books about: - people and their presses: #30 - #54- books about books, bookmaking and book people: #55 - $113- alphabet books: #114 - #130- a run of all the published titles of the Ash Ranch Press, together with

correspondence between Don Hildreth and Kathryn Rickard: #131 - #161- some stunning special copies and items in unique designer bindings and more fine examples from the collection:

#162 - #396.All in all, a gathering of beautiful books that was assembled with great love, perseverance and a good eye, all on alimited budget.We feel sure that Lois would have approved of the fact that a major part of the sales from this catalogue will go to theeducation of two underprivileged children. We hope you will share in our enthusiasm for Lois’ legacy.

- Joshua Heller

Catalogue: Phyllis Heller - Photography: Neil Greentree - Our thanks to: Bel Rubinstein, Dan Yett, & Carol Zavis._____________________________________________________________________________________________________Conditions of sale:All items listed in this catalogue are offered subject to prior sale.Each item has been carefully described as to condition. Any purchase may be returned within ten days after its receipt;

if unsatisfactory for any reason - safe return shipment is client's responsibility.Payment terms for new clients are "remittance with order" or from our pro forma invoice.A finance charge of 1.5% per month will be added to all bills not paid within thirty days of the date of invoice.Libraries and institutions will be accommodated by special billing on request.Prices are net, in U.S. dollars. Postage and handling are extra on all orders.Overseas orders will be shipped airmail unless otherwise arranged.D.C. residents will be charged 5.75% Sales Tax.Possession of title remains with Joshua Heller Rare Books, Inc. until books are paid for in full.We purchase single volumes, collections, or libraries in our field of interest.We are pleased to welcome visitors by appointment and are centrally located near convenient bus and Metro stops.

We accept Visa and Mastercard © Joshua Heller Rare Books, Inc. 2005.

JOSHUA HELLER Rare Books, Inc.P O Box 39114 Washington D C 20016-9114 U S A

Telephone: 202/966-9411 Fax: 202/363-5658E-Mail: [email protected]

Celebrating our Twentieth Anniversary


Page 3: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman


“Lois Boorman (1922-2003) began collect-ing illustrated children’s books as anactivity for her retirement. After beingintroduced to miniature books, they soonbecame the focus of her collecting efforts.Once she discovered the craftsmanshipand beauty of books three inches orsmaller, there was no holding back herenthusiasm for owning the best shecould afford on her modest retirementbudget.

Lois came by her love of print from herfather, a printer for the ‘Evening Star’newspaper in Washington, DC. Growingup she saw her father’s pleasure when hebrought home a well-printed book. Sheabsorbed his passion about the craft ofprint. She came by her delight in ele-gance from her mother and incorporatedboth these ideas into her own individualstyle. Her passion was to find a book inas pristine state as possible - no flawsinside or out. Given a choice, she always preferred the particularly elegant, the deluxe edi-tion, the most stunning book she could afford.

Her father would have approved of her mini-collection of books about printers and theirpresses as well as her attraction to one-of-a-kind designer bindings. He would also haveunderstood her willingness to have cereal for dinner for weeks at a time so she could gradu-ally purchase an especially fine book she had found. Another of his lessons had been to avoiddebt, which she followed throughout her life.

By 1981 Lois had begun to buy a few miniatures. As soon as she joined the Miniature BookSociety she became engrossed in learning all she could about these books and those whomade, sold, and enjoyed such tiny treasures. She attended only one Conclave in person, butpoured over catalogs and read her copies of Bondy and Spielman with dedication. They madeher eager to see any and all kinds of miniature books available. Well before the internetbecame a common research tool, her enthusiasm for the chase and her determination to locatea specific book fueled her search for those graceful books she could hold in one hand. Lois hada whimsical side as well, so you could never be entirely certain what might catch her eye. Nomatter its subject, an elegant creation would be carefully considered.

The joy and pleasure these books gave Lois is almost indescribable. She was very aware shewas able to have them only because someone else had made a conscious decision to part withthem. It is in this spirit that these books, so painstakingly and individually chosen, are avail-able. There was a wonderful twinkle in her eye when Lois discussed books and an incrediblesingle-mindedness when she was in pursuit of one. This catalog honors one woman’s nichein a particular genre of the book collecting world.”

- Joanne Schwarz


Page 4: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

ABOUT THE LADIES“Then there were the two ladies. One day I received a letter from a lady who wanted to come and see my books. Shewanted to bring another lady and she even told their ages. No one had ever done that. We set up a date for a one dayvisit and they arrived at my door on time. One was a little younger than me, and the other was over 30 years youngerthan me. They were great friends and the older one (Lois) told me right off that if anything happened to her, all herbooks would go to Jody so they must never buy two books alike. That was not a problem because Jody likes wordplay books (she works in a children’s bookstore) and Lois likes elegance. You could not meet any two women who areso fervent, so keen, so inspiring and so just plain all fired up about miniature books. They are a delight to know.“They bought some books and went home and ordered more. They came back for a second two day visit. They boughtbooks and went home and ordered more books. Jody writes interesting and sometimes long letters. Lois sends cards,

short notes, and she telephones. What a charming adventure this is.“On their second visit I told the ladies about the book I had started on my adventures. Thatwas a mistake because they gave me no peace. More, more, more was all I heard. I sent thema chapter and that made it worse. So, ladies, it’s on your heads. You got it. Now are you sat-isfied?” - Kathryn I. Rickard, My Adventures in Minibibiomania, 1996, p. 170-2.



1. Stand for miniature book. 1.375” x 3.25” x 1”. Handmade carved wood with spring to holdthe book in place. Signed and dated - ‘Henry Eggerding 1982’. $85.00

2. Vitrine for miniature books. 19” x 12.75” x 6.75”. Wood and glass with two glass shelves. Gablefront with paper shell decoration in the middle. Mirrored back. Door with metal knob. $250.00

3. Vitrine for miniature books. 15” x 11.75” x 9.75”. Wood and glass with two glass shelves. Dooropens with metal handle. $250.00

4. Vitrine for miniature books. 8.5” x 6” x 4.25”. Beveled glass with elaborate gilt metal trim and fourlegs. Padded tan cloth back with metal studs and padded tan cloth base. Door hinge needs slightrepair. $250.00

5. Vitrine for miniature books. 15” x 11.75” x 9.75”. Glass with metal frame with front door opening.Mirror backing. Two glass shelves - the top one with two divisions and the second shelf with onedivision. $125.00

6. Miniature picture frame. 2.125” x 1.75”. Brown enamel over metal frame edged on both outerand inner edges with bronze metal. Three-dimensional miniature metal tortoise on bottom offrame. Metal clip with ‘Jay Strongwater’ on back and narrow black metal holder for standingupright. $75.00

7. Correspondence between Kathryn Rickard and Ruth E. Adomeit from November 1980 to March 1991.Typed letters signed, carbon copies of letters, handwritten notes and memos, prospectuses,Christmas cards, invoices, and a xeroxed article on Ruth E. Adomeit. 36 items in all. $250.00

8. Correspondence between Rabbi Kalman L. Levitan and Kathryn Rickard from March 1983 to1990.11 typed and hand signed letters and 1 note from Rabbi Levitan to Kathryn Rickard.1 xeroxed letter and 1 handwritten letter from Kathryn Rickard to Rabbi Levitan.1 Miniature Books Society Memorandum concerning the start-up of the Society. Xeroxed note from Doris Welsh to Kalman Levitan and his follow-up note to KathrynRickard.Details of the solid gold Miniature Book Society pin - Levitan only had 10 made.2 Prospectuses - one for the Kaycee Press.Details concerning the Center for the Study of Miniature Books. 4 Season’s Greetings cards - some pop-up. As a group - $700.00


Nos.1 & 375.

No. 2.

No. 3.

No. 4.

Page 5: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

Correspondence to Lois Boorman:Personal folder of the collector’s correspondence from Gwenda Morgan, Monica Poole and Betty Clark (1986-1989),with photograph of the collector by Bachrach.From Gwenda Morgan, British woodengraver - 11 handwritten letters

6 greeting cardsFrom Monica Poole, British woodengraver - 6 typewritten signed letters

1 handwritten note1 greeting card

From Betty Clark, British dealer (1988-1989) - 13 typewritten signed letters1 handwritten letter

1988 price list of Monica Poole woodengravings1988 price list of Gwenda Morgan woodengravings4 photographic reproductions of the work of various woodengravers.

As a group - $350.00

REFERENCE MATERIAL(American Art Association) An unusual Collection of Miniature Books Formed by A Lady. To be sold on Wednesday eveningFebruary 15, 1928 at 8:15. American Art Association Incorporated. New York. 6.75” x 4.75”. Black and white illustra-tions throughout. Set up on the Monotype in Italian Old Style. Sewn blue wrappers. Limited to 700 copies. The ‘Lady’was Mrs. Wilbur M. Stone. Wrappers restored; brown marks from the glue showing on front wrapper. Minor tear.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his bookplate. $350.00NOTE: Two of the items listed later in the catalogue (#206 & 249) were included in this 1928 sale.

(American Book Collector) Directory of Private Book Collectors and their subjects collected for 1972-1973. 11” x 8.5”. SpecialNumber. 11” x 8.5”. Contains an article on ‘Miniature Incunabula’ by William Rodger. $10.00

(Amistad Press) Amistad Courier: A Newsletter About Miniature Books: 1 - 24. Published by Yolanda Carter of AmistadPress. July 1980 -May 1984. 11” x 9”. Complete. Includes supplements, Index (Index for first issues folded in), and axeroxed letter from Y. Carter relating to the publishing of the Amistad Courier with an original inscription “ToKathryn / Rickard from / Yolanda”. Bound in book form with gilt titled red and marbled paper over board sides.Typwritten signed letter dated 3/10/86 from ‘Yolanda’ to ‘Kathryn’ laid in. $275.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. (Bloomsbury Book Auctions) Catalogue of An Important collection of Miniature Books, Other Valuable Printed Books andTwo Illuminated Manuscripts to be sold by auction at 1.00 p.m. precisely on Thursday, 25 November 1999, at their rooms


Nos. 9 & 161.






Page 6: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

in 3 & 4 Hardwick Street, off Rosebery Avenue, London. EC1R 4RY. Sale 360. 9.75” x 7.25”. Color and black & whiteillustrations. Orange wrappers. $15.00

(Louis W. Bondy) Miniature Books: Their History from the beginnings to the present day. By Louis W. Bondy. SheppardPress. London. 1981. First edition. 221 pages, includes Bibliography and Index. 8.5” x 6”. Color frontispiece. Black andwhite illustrations throughout. Red cloth with gilt title on spine. Illustrated dust jacket covered with mylar. Signed onthe front free endpaper by Louis Bondy. $125.00

(Robert C. Bradbury) Twentieth Century United States Miniature Books. With bibliographic descriptions of each book arrangedby publisher. The Microbibliophile. Vermont. 2000. 9.25” x 6.5”. Includes black and white reproductions of photographsof various printers, a List of Miniature Books by Author, Notes, sources, and Index to Publishers and Printers. Greencloth boards with title in gilt on spine and front. Dust jacket. Edition limited to 1000 copies. $100.00

(Catalogues) Group of catalogues:Bromer Booksellers: Catalog 42.

Important Miniature books from the Collection of Rabbi Kalman L. Levitan. Catalog 93.Catalog 104: A Medley of MiniaturesCatalog 104 1/2: A Medley of Micro Minis.A Midsummer Medley of Miniatures: Vol. 1.

The Catharijne Press: Catalogue 13 - Miniature Books.Doris Frohnsdorff: Catalog 34: Miniature Books.Swann Galleries: 19th Century Literature Miniature Books: Thursday, May 15, 1997.

As a group - $125.00

(Huntington Library) Henry E. Huntington’s Library of Libraries. By Donald C. Dickinson. San Marino, California.[1995.] First edition. 10.25” x 7.25”. Black and white illustrations throughout. Gray cloth over board. Dust jacket withpicture of Huntington and the title. Corner slightly bumped. $30.00

(Anne & David Bromer) 35 Miniature books in Designer Bindings. Boston. 1987. 4.5” x 4.5”. Illustrated in color through-out. Text in black. Gray wrappers with title in pink. $20.00

(Carteret Book Club) A Snuff-Boxful of Bibles. By Wilbur Macey Stone. With illustrations from the author’s collection.Newark. MCMXXVI. (1926.) 6.25” x 4.75”. Printed by Douglas C. McMurtrie, Inc. Bound in brown cloth spine andwood-veneer type paper boards with paper title label on front. One in an edition of 200 copies. Very good condition.Prospectus laid in. $225.00

(Arthur A. Houghton, Jr.) The Collection of Miniature Books formed by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. Wednesday, December 5,1979. Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. London. 1979. 9.5” x 7.25”. Colored frontispiece. 19 black and white plates. Onecolor plate. Pink wrappers. Price List laid in. Spine faded. $65.00

(The Lilliputter Press) The News-Letters of the LXIVMOS. James D. Henderson, Scrivener. Complete 21 issuesNovember, 1927 - November, 1929. With two authentic miniature attachments and a Foreword and Index by RobertE. Massmann, Director of Library Services, Central Connecticut State College. Woodstock, Vermont. 1968. 9.25” x6.25”. Facsimile edition. Bound in red cloth boards. Edition of 500 copies. $80.00

(Microbibliophile) The Microbibliophile: A Bimonthly Journal About Miniature Books. Published by Jon H. Mayo. NorthClarendon, VT. Volume XXII - 4 - September, 1998: Volume XXII - 5 - November, 1998: Volume XXII - 6 - January, 1999:XXIII - 1 - March 1999: XXIII - 2 - May 1999. 8.5” x 7”. Stapled cream wrappers with color photographs. $40.00

(Miniature Book Collector) The Miniature Book Collector. Published Quarterly by Achille J. St. Onge. Worcester,Massachusetts. Edited by Ruth E. Adomeit. Published quarterly. 4” x 3.375”. Colored wrappers. Vol. I - June, 1960. No. 1; Vol. I - December, 1960. No. 3; Vol. II - September, 1961. No. 2; Vol. II - December, 1961. No.3; Vol. III - March, 1962. No. 4. $50.00

(Miniature Book News) Miniature Book News. Published by Julian I. Edison. St. Louis, Missouri. 9” x 5.75”. Vols. 1 -52: 1965 - 1983. Illustrations in black and white. Bound in red leather with gilt title on front and spine; marbled end-papers. All edges decorated with small spots of red paint. First page only cut near text, but no text missing. $325.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Rickard, who had her set bound. With large gold bookplate on the frontendpaper and her small bookplate a page later.













Page 7: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Miniature Book Society)1) A Catalogue of The Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Frank J. Anderson. 1988. 2.875” x 2.875”.Type was set by Miriam and Ken Irwin at Mosaic Press on a ALR computer. Cream wrappers with black title. 3000copies. (Distinguished Book Award - See Item #119, Richard J. HOffman - The Story of the Alphabet. ) 2) Catalog of the 1989 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Frank J. Anderson. Hyattsville,Maryland. 1989. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. (Distinguished Book Award - SeeItem #207, Feathered Serpent - The Stage Coach. ) 3) Catalog of the 1990 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Valentine J. Poska. 1991. 5.5” x 4.25”.Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. 4) Catalog of the 1991 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Eileen B. Cummings & Maryline PooleAdams. San Diego, California. 1991. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. (DistinguishedBook Award - see Item #113, Xavier Press - Women Printers in Early Maryland.)5) Catalog of the 1992 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Maryline Poole Adams. 1992. 5.5” x4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. 6) Catalog of the 1993 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Edward H. Hutchins. 1993. 5.5” x 4.25”.Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. (Distinguished Book Awards - See Item #122, Poole Press - Jack inthe Box and Item #126, Sandlin’s Books - ABC for Booklovers.)7) Catalog of the 1995 Miniature Book Competition. Compiled and Edited by Peter & Donna Thomas. 1995. 5.5” x4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Decorated wrappers. 750 copies.8) Catalog of the 1996 Miniature Book Exhibition. 1996. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Wrappers.(Distinguished Book Award - See Item #201, De Walden Press - The Malvern Story.)9) 1997 Catalog for the Tenth Annual Miniature Book Exhibition. 1997. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Bluewrappers. 10) 1998 Catalog for the Eleventh Annual Miniature Book Competition. 1998. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustra-tions. Decorated wrappers. (Distinguished Book Award - See 170, Beaux Art Publishing - Graphic Art.) 11) Miniature Book Exhibition Catalogue 2000. 5.5” x 4.25”. Black and white illustrations. Blue wrappers.12) Miniature Book Society Exhibition Catalog 2001. Compiled by Frank J. Anderson. 2001. 5.5” x 4.25”. Illustrationsin color. Wrappers.13) A Catalog of the 2002 Miniature Book Exhibition. Compiled and edited by Frank J. Anderson. 2002. 5.5” x 4.25”.Illustrations in color. Wrappers.14) A Catalogue of the 2003 Miniature Book Exhibition. Compiled and Edited by Frank J. Anderson. 2003. 5.5” x 4.25”.Illustrations in color. Red wrappers.15) Miniature Book Society Auction: August 30, 1997, Bethlehem, PA. 7” x 5.5” Stapled wrappers.

As a group - $125.00

(Kathryn I. Rickard) A Bibliography of Miniature Books (1470-1965). Compiled by Doris Varner Welsh. Edited for pub-lication with a Preface by Msgr. Francis J. Weber. Published by Kathryn I. Rickard. Cobleskill, New York. (1965.) 1989.11.75” x 8.5”. Dark blue boards with gilt title on spine. Light blue dust jacket. Signed by Kathryn I. Rickard on pagevii - Publisher’s Comments. Glued on to the title page is a label “With best wishes of the compiler Doris V. Welsh”,and signed by her in purple ink. An edition of 500 copies. $225.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Lilliputian Newspapers. By James D. Henderson, Scrivener of the LXIVMOS. Foreword by R.W. G.Vail. Worcester, Massachusetts. MCMXXXVI. (1936.) 7.75” x 5.375”. Designed by William Dana Orcutt and printedunder his personal supervision at The Plimpton Press. Frontispiece of Wilbur Macey Stone and dedicated to him.Index. Cream cloth spine with green leather title label with gilt title, green paper boards with title in gilt on front. Laidin a pocket on the inside back cover are facsimiles of a letter and miniature newspapers. Top edge gilt. Deckle fore-edge. Matching green slipcase. Slipcase spine starting to go at top and bottom. Limited edition of 1000 copies. $200.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Sothebys) Silver and Enamel Bindings. London. Friday 10th May 1985 at 11AM. (Many miniature bindings.) 10.75” x8.25”. Black and white illustrations; some color illustrations. Laid in a blue cloth board folder with silver spine titlelabel; back cover fits in pocket on back inside cover. $45.00

(Percy Edwin Spielmann) Catalogue of the Library of Miniature Books collected by Percy Edwin Spielmann. Together withsome Descriptive Summaries. Edward Arnold. London. 1961. 8.75” x 5.75”. Black and white frontispiece and plates.Maroon leather spine with gilt title, variegated light gray boards. Top edge red. Cream dust jacket with title in red onfront and spine. Mylar covers. No. 336 in an edition of 500 copies in a limited edition. $400.00Provenance: With the bookplate of ‘E.P. M.’







Page 8: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

MINIATURE BOOKS - THEIR PEOPLE AND THEIR PRESSES(Black Cat Press) Bibliography of Miniature Books and Ephemera 1961-1977. Two volumes. Compiled with Notes byNorman W. Forgue and an Introduction by Richard Cady. Chicago/Skokie, Illinois. 1977. 2.75” x 2.25”. Illustrated.Typography and designed by Norman W. Forgue. Printed in Linotype Garamond on Strathmore Pastel Ivory paperby Alpha Beta Press. Bound by Bela Blau in brown leather, with gilt title on spine and press mark on front. Patternedendpapers. Marbled paper slipcase. An edition of 249 copies. $225.00

(Black Cat Press) Miniature Books Relating ... To Postage Stamps. A Bibliography. Two Volumes. Compiled by Kalman L.Levitan. Introduction by Robert E. Massmann. Skokie, Illinois. 1983. 2.75” x 2.25”. Frontispiece of Volume One has atip-in of the first experimental mini-stamp issued by the United States Postal Service, January 11, 1978. Design, typog-raphy and production by Norman W. Forgue. Composed in Linotype Melior and printed on Coronado Text paper.Handbound by Bela Blau in red leather with gilt title on front and spine. Red and gold patterned endpapers. Printedin a limited edition for private distribution. Signed by Kalman l. Levitan. $200.00Printed on cream paper is Soliloquy of a Postage Stamp by Ernest W. Brady bound into Volume Two as a Keepsake forFriends. Black Cat Press. Skokie, Illinois. 1978.

(Black Cat Press) The Miniature World of Norman Forgue. By James Guthrie. Skokie, Illinois. 1983. 2.625” x 2”. Design,typography and production by Norman W. Forgue. Photographic reproductions in color and black and whitethroughout. Printed on Coronado Opaque paper by Alpha Beta Press. Bound by Bela Blau in tan leather with browntitle on spine and front. Photograph endpapers. One of 249 copies signed by Norman W. Forgue. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Bridwell Library) Miniature Literature: The Stanley Marcus Collection of Miniature Books at Bridwell Library 26 February -27 May 1995. Curated by David J. Lawrence. Dallas. 3” x 3”. Black and white photographs printed in duotone. Set inLinotype Granjon and printed letterpress on Rives paper at The Sun Hill Press, Massachusetts. Bound in blue andwhite patterned cover papers designed by Elisabeth Hyder; paper title label on front. No. 297 in an edition of 500copies. $60.00

(Anne C. Bromer) Miniature Books Deserve More Respect. By Anne C. Bromer. Boston. 1985. 2.875” x 2.25”. Cream wrap-pers with black title. An edition of 750 copies. This copy with the printed name ‘Anne C. Bromer’ crossed out andhandwritten on the front cover. Inside wrapper includes the handwritten words ‘For Lois’; and the back cover has theinscription “Since writing this article ten years ago, miniature books have come to be respected and to be loved bycustomers like yourself. With much appreciation, Anne Bromer. 12.95”. $35.00The article was published in the AB Bookman’s Weekly, Autumn 1985.

(Castle Press) Minibibliophilia. By Msgr. Francis J. Weber. Dawson’s Book Shop. Los Angeles, California. 1979. Printedby Grant Dahlstrom at The Castle Press, Pasadena. 2.75” x 2.125”. Tip-in frontispiece of Msgr. Weber’s bookplate.Maroon leather spine with gilt title, marbled paper boards. One in an edition of 250 copies. $60.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Dawson’s Book Shop) Miniature Books. By Harry Lyman Koopman. Los Angeles. 1968. 1.875” x 1.375”. First minia-ture printed by Grabhorn-Hoyem. San Francisco. Last book designed by Bruce Rogers. Printed in black with bluedecoration on each page. White covers with title and decoration in blue on spine. An edition of 400 copies. $150.00

(Julian I. Edison) Miniature Books. St. Louis, Missouri. 1970. Book and binding designed by Jack R. Levien, Holland.2.625” x 2”. Printed by Koninklijke Drukkerij Van De Garde, Holland. Black and white reproductions of miniaturebooks throughout. Bound in red leather with a gilt arch on the front cover and title page which is the symbol of St.Louis, where Mr. Edison resided. All edges gilt. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. Also with the Bookplate of ‘ALP’,who was the mentor of Rickard.

(Junipero Serra Press) Dean of Microbibliophiles. By Msgr. Francis J. Weber. 1993. Printed in Galliard and bound by theTabula Rasa Press in light peach/beige paper with black title on spine and front with reproduction of Wilbur MaceyStone’s Bookplate. No. 32 of 125 copies. A treatise on Wilbur Macey Stone (1862-1941.) $55.00

(Robert E. Massmann) The Bibliomidgets of Achille J. St. Onge: A Memorial and a Bibliography. [New Britain, Connecticut.]1979. 2.375” x2”. Design, typography and binding by Robert E. Massmann. Printed in Bodoni Book on Crane 100%Rag Antique Laid watermarked paper. Frontispiece tip-in of St. Onge. Bound in red leather with paper title label onfront. Card slipover cover with title on front. An edition of 1000 copies. $125.00












Page 9: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Robert E. Massmann) The Exquisitry of William Lewis Washburn. By Robert E. Massmann. New Britain. [CT] 1999.2.625” x 2.25”. Illustrated. Typography, design and binding by Robert E. Massmann. Bound in black cloth with paperlabel on front cover. In a slipcover with title and laid in a card box with gold bottom and maroon decorated top withpaper title label. No. 46 of 99 copies. $75.00The book includes a complete listing of Washburn’s miniature books published from 1929-1942 with some of the illus-trations used in the originals and original selling prices.

(Miniature Book Society) Small is Beautiful. [By] Louis W. Bondy. Edited with a Preface by Msgr. Francis J. Weber.1987. 2.5” x 2.25”. Designed, typeset, printed and bound by Tabula Rasa Press, of Morro Bay, California, on a com-mission from the Miniature Book Society. Bound in blue cloth with gilt decoration on spine and title on front. One inan edition of 400 copies. $90.00Contains the text of Bondy’s Keynote Address delivered at the M.B.S. Conclave III.

(Miniature Book Society) Grande Dame. By Evron S. Collins. Cincinnati. 2003. 2.5” x 2”. Frontispiece sketch of RuthAdomeit by Jenny Nutting, with four black and white photographic reproductions of her towards the end of the book.Printed on Nekoose Textweave paper by letterpress at John Henry’s Cedar Creek Press in Bodoni Book. Bound in bluecloth (Adomeit’s favorite color) with gilt title label on front and side. Blue patterned endpapers. An edition of 400copies, distributed exclusively to members of the Miniature book Society. $45.00About Ruth Adomeit, the ‘Grande Dame of Miniature Books’.

(Opuscula Press) Discovering Miniature Christmas Books: A Selected Check-List. By Robert F. Hanson. Venice, Florida.1980. 2.75” x 2.5”. Hand bound in green wrappers with title on front. No. 48 in a numbered edition of 200 copies signedby Robert F. Hanson. With an inscription on the back free endpaper “For Irene Winterstein with thanks, Bob Hanson12/2/80”. Small Bookplate laid in: “From the Collection of Irene Winterstein”. Printed dedication to Norman W.Forgue. White wraparound slipcase printed in red. $40.00This is the third book in a series of ‘Discovering Miniature ...’ by this press.

(Kathryn I. Rickard) The Kathryn I. Richard Miniature Book Collection. Robert H. Goddard Library. Clark University.1996. 2.875” x 2.5” Frontispiece of Kathryn I. Rickard. Set in Palatino by Aldus Pagemaker on a Macintosh. Compiledby Robert C. Bradbury. Sewn wrappers with black title on cover. Signed (unreadable). No. 4 in an edition of 75 copies.


(Russian Miniature Books) Miniature Books USSR. Volume I & Volume II. Publisher ‘Book’. Moscow. 1975. 3” x 2.125”.Volume I - Pre-Revolutionary Publications: Volume II - Publications of the Soviet Period. Under the general redaction of Dr.of Pedagogical Science Professor O.S. Chubar’yan. With black and white and some color plates of miniatures. Boundin green leather with gilt title and gilt and relief decorations. $100.00

(Schori Press) Miniature Books Published by The Press of Ward Schori. Robert H. Goddard Library. Clark University. 35thAnniversary Exhibit. [Worcester, Massachusetts. July, 1997.] 2.875” x 2.625”. Photographs of Ward and Margaret Schorias well as other black and white illustrations. Printed by photolithography at The Schori Press, Evanston, Illinois,made possible by a donation from Margaret H. Schori. Editing, design and typography a joint effort of John Schoriand Robert Bradbury. Bound in blue leather with gilt title on spine and a simple blind tooled design on both front andback. Silk head and tail bands. Marbled endpapers. A marbled paper portfolio by Richard Hordon in the back holdsoriginal title pages for Schori’s first 10 miniature books. Matching marbled paper slipover. An edition of 200 copies.This is one of 26 Deluxe copies in full leather and with the portfolio. $250.00

(Schori Press) Miniature Books Published by The Press of Ward Schori. Robert H. Goddard Library. Clark University. 35thAnniversary Exhibit. [Worcester, Massachusetts. July, 1997.] 2.875” x 2.625”. Photographs of Ward and Margaret Schorias well as other black and white illustrations. Printed by photolithography at The Schori Press, Evanston, Illinois,made possible by a donation from Margaret H. Schori. Editing, design and typography a joint effort of John Schoriand Robert Bradbury. Pale green wrappers with black cover titling done by letterpress in Ward’s basement print shop.An edition of 200 copies. $40.00

(Private Press of Don W. Sanford) Why Collect Miniature Books? By Don W. Sanford. [In 3 parts.] Ingleside, IL. 1992.3” x 2”. Set in Goudy and lithographically printed on Mohawk Superfine. White wrappers with title and decorationon front of each booklet. Staples. Published as a Keepsake for various Grand Conclaves of the Miniature Book Society.Part I - September 4-7, 1992, in San Diego, California. An edition of 200 copies, signed by Don Sanford.Part II - September 3-6, 1993, in Chicago, Illinois. An edition of 200 copies, signed by Don Sanford.Part III - A Modern Response. - September 2-5, 1994, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. An edition of 125 copies, signed byDon Sanford. $70.00











Page 10: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

49. (Tamazunchale Press) Autographs of Miniature Book Publishers.Newton. [Iowa.] 1983. 2” x 2.875”. Facsimile autographs from 80 differ-ent presses - often with comments. Cards in clear Plexiglass boards withtitle page showing through; holes in card with polyurethane loop andblue bow to bind the contents. Edition of 250 copies. $30.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

50. (Tamazunchale Press) My Favorite Miniature Book. Nine Essays byCollectors of Miniature Books. Newton, Iowa. 1984. 2.5” x 1.75”. Printed inTrinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliured’Art du Centre S.A., France, in black leather with gilt title on front.

Faith Harrison marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by Charlotte Smith. $50.00

(Tamazunchale Press) Publisher’s Favorite. Six Essays by Publishers of Miniature Books. Newton, Iowa. 1988. 2.5” x 1.75”.Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in grayleather with gilt title on front and spine. Faith Harrison marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250copies, signed by Charlotte M. Smith. $95.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. [See group photograph, page 59.]

(Wee Willie’s Workshop) G.H. Petty and His Private Press. Dundee, Michigan. 1962. Frontispiece reproduction ofHarriet Beecher Stowe’s Bookplate. Photographic tip-in of Petty. Printed by Philip Weygand. Bound with brown clothspine and decorated paper boards. An edition of 100 copies. $200.00Includes a list of the 6 miniature books printed by Weygand.

(Doris Varner Welsh) Miniature Books from the Collection of Doris Varner Welsh. Robert H. Goddard Library. ClarkUniversity. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1995. 3” x 2.5”. Frontispiece of Doris Varner Welsh. Set in Palatine type by AldusPagemaker on a Macintosh. Compiled by Robert C. Bradbury. Wrappers with black title on front. Compliments Slipof the Miniature Book Society laid in. No. 57 of 75 copies. $35.00

(Doris Varner Welsh) Miniature Books by Doris Varner Welsh. Chicago, Illinois. Originally printed in 1952. 5” x 3.375”.Printed at The Phoenix, Richmondville, New York. Blue wrappers with black title on front. Printed by offset on acid-free paper in January of 1988. 250 copies. $25.00


55. (Alembic Press) A Little Black Book. [By ClaireBolton.] Marcham. 1995. 2.75” x 2.5”. Handset andprinted in black with red. Bound in heavy texturedblack boards in a Coptic binding with eight red sewnsections across the spine. No. 58 of 100 copies. A typespecimen book demonstrating the ‘black’ letter type-faces in the Alembic Press. $95.00

56. (Alembic Press) Miniature Pastepapers. Text and dec-orative papers by Claire Maziarcsyk. Marcham. 1998.3” x 2.75”. Accordion fold. Printed and with samples onboth sides of the book. Monotype set by Claire Bolton.

12 samples of pastepapers. Boardsbound in metallic gold & black; papertitle label on front. Matching pastepaperslipcover. No. 81 in an edition of 140copies. $125.00

57. (Beaverdam Press) Printers onMorris. Edited by John J. Walsdorf.Beaverton, Oregon. 1981. 3” x 2.25”.Printed on Strathmore Text in a total edi-tion of 360 copies. Set in Garamond.


No. 49.





No. 55.

No. 56.

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Frontispiece engraved on wood by Barry Moser. Red floral and animal design paper engraved by Sara Chamberlain.Black leather spine. No. 130 of 300 copies thus; total edition of 326. $125.00

(Bela Blau) Book Shops. By L.C.P. (Lawrence Clark Powell) Printed by W.M. Cheney for Roy V. Boswell as a keepsakefor Banqueteers. Fifth California Antiquarian Book Fair. Ambassador Hotel. Los Angeles. November 1965. 2.375” x1.625”. Bound by Bela Blau in brown calf, gilt-stamped title on front and spine. Scarce. $200.00Provenance: From the collection of Raymond A. Smith and the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With theirBookplates.

(Black Cat Press) More Tales for Bibliophiles. A set of 3 Volumes.[Chicago.] Although dated 1945, this set was not publisheduntil approximately 20 years later. 2.25” x 1.75”. In a marbledpaper over board slipcase. I - Books Interchanged by Hayno Focken. Translated byTheodore W. Koch. Designed by Norman W. Forgue. Printedin black with red in Monotype Roman. Bound by Bela Blau inred leather with gilt title on spine and front; gilt decoration.Marbled endpapers. Printed in a very limited edition.II - Bookbinder of Hort. By L. Von Sacher-Masock. Translatedby Theodore W. Koch. Designed by Norman W. Forgue.Printed in black with brown in Monotype Roman. Bound byBela Blau in brown leather with gilt title on spine and front;gilt decoration. Marbled endpapers. Printed in a very limitededition.III - The Elzevir. By Fedor Von Zobeltitz. Translated byTheodore W. Koch. Designed by Norman W. Forgue Printed in black with green in Monotype Roman. Bound by BelaBlau in green leather with gilt title on spine and front; gilt decoration. Marbled endpapers. Printed in a very limitededition. $250.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) The Homecoming of The Lost Book. By Eugenie Schwarewald from the German by Albert Henry Allen.Chicago, Illinois. 1961. 2.5” x 1.7”. Design and typography by N.W.F. Printed on Berestoke, handmade in England.Blue leather spine with gilt title and blue Japanese paper boards. One of 300 copies. Spine and top of back board sight-ly faded. Spine states “The Return of The Lost Book” which is incorrect. $110.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “DVW 1992KIR”.

(Black Cat Press) The Homecoming of the Lost Book. By Eugenie Schwarewald from the German of Albert Henry Allen.Chicago, Illinois. 1961. 2.5” x 1.625”. One of a few copies bound in full blue leather with marbled endpapers. Gilttitle on spine and gilt illustration on front board. Top edge uncut. An edition of 300 copies. Signed by Norman W.Forgue. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) Author’s Proof. By Louis Zara. Skokie, Illinois. [n.d.] 2.25” x 1.625”. Design and typography byNorman W. Forgue. Printed on rag-content paper. Hand bound by Bela Blau in brown leather with gilt title on spine,and decorative ‘A’ in gilt on the front board. Marbled endpapers. French fold. One in an edition of 249 copies. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) The Man in the Smock from the Memoirs of an ex-Girl Friday. Part I. By Carla Harris. Skokie, Illinois.[n.d.] 2.5”x 1.75”. Design and typography by Norman W. Forgue. Frontispiece of Forgue. Printed on StrathmoreAntique in Linotype Fairfield by Alpha Beta Press. Bound by Bela Blau in blue leather with gilt title on front.Patterned endpapers. One in an edition of 249 copies. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) Printing: A Modest Art. Based on an Address delivered at the University of Oklahoma October 22, 1947. ByWill Ransom. Skokie, Illinois. 2.5” x 2”. Design, typography & production by Norman W. Forgue. Printed by offsetlithography on Coronado Text paper at the Schori Press. Bound by Bela Blau in red leatherette with gilt title on spineand front. Toning marbled endpapers. One in an edition of 249 copies, initialed by Norman W. Forgue. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.









No. 59.

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(Black Cat Press) Yesterdays. Recollections and Reflections on Growing Up in Newton, Iowa. By Thomas R. Smith. Skokie,Illinois. 1982. 2.625” x 2”. Printed for the author for private distribution. Design and typography by Norman W.Forgue. Illustrated with photographic reproductions. Printed in Linotype Fairfield on Teton Antique Paper by TheSchori Press. Bound by Bela Blau In brown wood veneer with title on spine and on front. Patterned endpapers.Address label of Thomas R. Smith in Newton, Iowa laid in. 250 copies, of which only 100 are for sale. $95.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Anne & David Bromer) No. V-109: The Biography of a printing press. By Henry Morris. [Boston.] 1978. 2.375” x 1.875”.Printed at the Bird & Bull Press on handmade paper and set in Kennerley types. Bound by E.G. Parrot with gilt-titledtan spine, and purple patterned paper boards. Gray endpapers. Number 146 in an edition of 150 copies, signed byHenry Morris. $350.00The first and last miniature to be printed at the Bird & Bull Press and the first Bird & Bull checklist to appear inprint signed by Morris.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Anne & David Bromer) No. V-109: The Biography of a printing press. By Henry Morris. [Boston.] 1978. 2.25” x 1.75”.Printed at the Bird & Bull Press on handmade paper and set in Kennerley types. Bound by E.G. Parrot in vellum withsilver title on front gold patterned endpapers. Unnumbered copy in an edition of 150 copies. $225.00The title refers to the number of the Bird & Bull’s printing press, which saw 53 years of service.

(Columbian 415 Chappel) Fine Printing and the ‘80’s. By Edward Petko. Los Angeles. California. [n.d.] 2.875” x 2.375”.Printed on Urabec-Hoffman all-rag handmade paper. Bound in red/brown marbled paper over board with paper titlelabel on spine. An edition of 100 copies. $150.00

(Private Press of Muir Dawson) A Visit with Dr. R. By Ernest Dawson. 1968. First published in 1948. 2.5” x 2”. Titlepagewith cut-out ‘R’. Designed and executed by Robert E. Massmann. Printed at Art Press. Bound in maroon cloth withpaper title label on front. No. 64 of 120 numbered copies. $125.00

(Dawson’s Book Shop) Early Events in the Life of Thomas Dawson. Los Angeles. 1973. 2.375” x 1.875”. Printed for GlenDawson and Muir Dawson by William M. Cheney. Bound in brown leather with gilt title on spine. One in an editionof 250 copies. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Dawson’s Book Shop) Francis J. Weber: The Monsignor of the Archives. By Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. Los Angeles. 1983. 2.125”x 2”. Illustration by Anthony F. Kroll. Printed in handset Bembo types on Lana Laid Rag on a 1900 Chandler & Pricepilot press owned by Edward Petko, M.D. Bound by Bela Blau with brown cloth spine, black title; illustration and titlein brown and black on cream board sides. One in an edition of 250 copies. $45.00

(Dawson’s Book Shop) Autobiography of W.M.C. [William M. Cheney.] Downey. 1988. 3” x 2.5”. Frontispiece repro-duction of a slate cut by David Kindersley. Illustrated with photographic reproductions. Printing by William M.Cheney. Bound by Bela Blau in brown cloth with small label on spine and black illustration on front. $65.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(G.M. Echaniz) The 12 June 1539 Contracts. [In English and Spanish.] Mexico. 1964. 1.875” x 1.625”. Bound in redleather with gilt tooled decoration and gilt title on front. Small metal clasp, initialed ‘JP’ to close book. One of only 15copies imprinted especially for Thomas W. McDonald. Juan Pables established the first printing shop in America andthis is a facsimile and translation of his contract with Juan Cromberger, Master Printer in Seville. $95.00

(Fleece Press) The Fleece Press Guide to the Art of Wood Engraving. By George Tute. Woolley. [U.K.] 1986. 2.675” x 2.125”.Illustrations by various woodengravers, all printed from the original blocks. In an edition of 250 copies, this is one of5 Specials bound by Angela James to her own design. Full black leather with a design of an opened box with goldstars on red, blue green and yellow flares coming out of the box. Doublures of turquoise and pink leather. Speckledendpapers. On the back cover is the word ‘BOX’ repeated to form a square decoration. Initials for title on the spinein gilt. A loose woodengraving by George Tute is laid in. In a gray cloth dropback box lined with cream felt and leathertitle label with gilt lettering on spine. $1250.00The first Fleece Press miniature.

(Fleece Press) The Fleece Press Guide to the Art of Wood Engraving. By George Tute. Woolley. [U.K.] 1986. 3” x 2.125”.Nine illustrations by various woodengravers, all printed from the original blocks. Handset. Bound by Smith Settle infull blue leather. Blue cloth slipcase. This is one of 40 in full leather in a total edition of 295 copies. A loose print byGeorge Tute is laid-in at the back of the Special copies. Spine slightly faded. $300.00













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The first Fleece Press miniature. Engravers include Joan Hassall,Monica Poole, George Mackley, Peter Forster, John Lawrence, KathleenLindsley and Jane Lydbury.

(Fleece Press) The Fleece Press Guide to the Art of Wood Engraving. ByGeorge Tute. Woolley. [U.K.] 1986. 3” x 2.125”. Nine illustrations by var-ious woodengravers, all printed from the original blocks. Handset.Bound in Liberty fabric over boards with paper title label. Blue clothslipcase with title on spine. One in a total edition of 295 copies. $100.00The first Fleece Press miniature.Engravers include Joan Hassall,Monica Poole, George Mackley, Peter Forster, John Lawrence, KathleenLindsley and Jane Lydbury.

(Fleece Press) Stanley Morison: Man of Letters. [By] Beatrice Warde. [Wakefield, West Yorkshire.] 2.625” x 2”. Secondminiature of The Fleece Press printed by hand by Simon Lawrence. Bound by Smith Settle in beige and white clothwith paper title label on spine. Blue cloth slipcase. Beatrice Warde’s obituary of Morison with an accompanying alpha-bet of letters taken from some of the typefaces which were introduced during Morison’s career with Monotype Corp.An edition of 240 copies. $75.00

(Fleece Press) A Guide to the Hand Press. By Ward Ritchie. Engravings by Anthony Christmas. [Wakefield, WestYorkshire.1989.] 2.875” x 2.125”. Printed by Simon Lawrence and bound by Smith Settle in brown and cream patternedboards with paper title label on front. An edition of 200 copies. $135.00

(Fleece Press) The Art of Binding Books. [By] AngelaJames. Illustrated by Antony Christmas.[Wakefield, W. Yorkshire. 1991.] 2” x 2.875”. Textset in Van Diuck at The Rocket Press. Bound byAngela James in leather in an abstract design ofmustard, navy, red, and blue leather inlays withgray paper; doublures of mustard and creamleather with gray paper and painted endpage tomatch; back doublure in red and blue leather withgray paper and toning painted back free endpaper.Laid in a red leather envelope type folder linedwith blue felt, and a triangular yellow clasp withelastic tie. In an edition of 290 copies, this is one of10 Special copies bound by Angela James to herown design and signed and dated by her. $1500.00

(Fleece Press) In Praise of JohnBaskerville. A tribute by F.E.Pardoe. Illustrated by AnthonyChristmas. [Wakefield, WestYorks.] 1994. 2.125” x 2. 875”.Printed at the Rocket Press.Bound by Smith Settle in deco-rated paper with paper titlelabel. 260 copies. $65.00

(Karli Frigge) Double Face.Two-sided paper especiallymarbled for this sampler byKarli Frigge. [Holland.] 1991.1.75” x 1.25”. Published by FritsKnuf. Bound by Het Balkon inmarbled cloth by Karli Frigge with green paper title label on front. One in an edition of 55 copies. $165.00


Together with:The New Bookbinder: Journal of Designer Bookbinders. Volume 13, 1993.11” x 8.5”. The first article is on Angela James and her use of color.Front cover color illustration is of Angela James with a miniatureebook, with her bindings illustrated on the back cover. As can beseen, each binding of the 10 Specials is a unique variant.







No. 76.

No. 79.

No. 81.

Page 14: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Good Book Press) Rags Make Paper. Santa Cruz. 1985. 1.5” x 1.25”. Printed letterpress on Peter Thomas’s handmadepaper with linoleum cuts by Donna Thomas. Tan leather spine with relief title on spine, handmade paper boards. No.84 in an edition of 225 copies. $65.00

83. (Clifford L. Helbert) Dunlap and Claypoole:Printers to George Washington and the AmericanCongress. By Herbert Kerkow. Privately publishedby The ABCDarium of Clifford L. Helbert.Milwaukee, WI. 1988. 3.125” x2.5”. Produced inhonor of the Constitutional Bicentennial. Black andwhite illustration of Claypoole. Black spine withgilt title; paper title label on gray handmade paperboards. Gray Fabriano endpapers. No. 22 in an edi-tion of 200 numbered copies. From an article in TheInland Printer, 81:4 July 1928. $45.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida HillRickard. With her Bookplate.

(Hillside Press) Printer’s Marks and Colophons. By Frank Irwin. Tilton, New Hampshire. 1976. 2.25” x 2”. Illustrationsof Press Marks. Handset and printed in Bulmer Roman. Bound in yellow cloth with black title on spine and pressdevise on front. No. 243 of 250 copies. $50.00

(Hillside Press) The Plantin Press. By Frank Irwin. With Illustrations by Joseph Pennell. Buffalo, New York. 1978.2.375” x 1.875”. Printed in Bulmer Roman. Hand bound in white leatherette with gilt title on spine and gilt illustra-tion on front. Marbled endpapers. No. 45 in a total edition of 325 copies, most bound in cloth. $60.00Provenance: From the collections of Arlene B. Potter and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With their Bookplates.

(Hillside Press) T.E. Lawrence and Fine Printing. By Philip M. O’Brien. Printed in cooperation with Lorson’s Books &Prints. Buffalo, New York. 1980. 2.25” x 2”. Printed on Rives imported paper. Cream boards with gilt title on spine.No. 182 in an edition of 375 numbered copies. $45.00

(Hillside Press) Victor Hammer. By Eleanor Irwin. Centennial Edition. Buffalo, New York. 1982. 2.375” x 2”.Frontispiece of Victor Hammer. Black and white illustrations. Set in Bulmer Roman and printed on Rives importedpaper. Bound in red leather with gilt title on spine and initials on the front. No. 130 in an edition of 250 copies, signedby Eleanor Irwin. $50.00

(Hillside Press) William Morris. By M.J. Mackail. With Five Illustrations. Roswell, Georgia. 1983. 2.5” x 2”. Set by handin Bulmer and printed on Kelsey Egg-tint paper. Bound in blue cloth with title in red on spine and ‘Kelmscott’ in redon the front. Hand colored endpapers. No. 140 in an edition of 275 copies. Signed by Eleanor Irwin. $45.00

(Junipero Serra Press) The Unfinished Psalter. [By] Msgr. Francis J. Weber. San Fernando, California. [n.d.] 2.875” x 2”.Frontispiece of a 1939 3c. stamp of a printing press tipped-in. Printed letterpress in Baskerville on English book paper.Bound in blue leather with gilt title on front board. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 200 copies, signed by Msgr.Weber. $95.00

(Junipero Serra Press) C.E.D. “The Lady.” [Carrie Estelle Doheny.] [By] Msgr. Francis J. Weber. [San Fernando,California.] 1988. 2.75” x 2”. Printed offset. Bound in blue leather with title in gilt on front. All edges gilt. Frontispieceis the small green leather goldstamped bookplate of Estelle Doheny. One of 300 copies. $95.00

(Kitemaug Press) 6 and 8 point Type Specimens. Spartanburg. 1976. 2.25” x 1.5”. Illustrated. Sewn brown wrappers withtitle on front. No. 48 of about 100 copies printed and bound by Frank J. Anderson. $30.00

(Kitemaug Press) William Parks: Williamsburg Printer. Spartanburg. [S.C.] 1991. 2.375” x 2.25”. Frontispiece of a print-ing press. Printed by Frank J. Anderson on Ragston paper. Bound in brown wrappers with illustration of printingpress and title in black on front. An edition of 150 copies printed as a Keepsake of the Miniature Book Society ‘sConclave IX held in Williamsburg, Virginia, October 11-14, 1991. $30.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her purple stamp of KIR and two roses - with thedate ‘1992’ in ink beneath.












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Unique binding by Deborah Evetts(Mel Kavin) You can judge a book by its cover. A brief survey of materials by Bernard Middleton. Edited by DavidPankow. Published by Mel Kavin and printed by Henry Morris. 1994. 3.125” x 2.5”. Designed by Ward Ritchie, illus-trated by John de Pol, typeset by Patrick Reagh. Unique binding by Deborah Evetts in red morocco with design ofcolored inlays and onlays of leather, floral paper and gold tooling. Head and tail bands sewn in blue and white.Gray/white marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. Binder’s stamp at base of back cover pastedown. In a lined maroonleather box originally from another book! One in an edition of 500 copies, signed by Bernard Middleton, John de Pol,

Ward Ritchie, Patrick Reagh, Henry Morris, Tini Miura, Einen Miura and Mel Kavin. [Tini Miura bound 10 specialcopies at the time.] $1750.00

(Mosaic Press) Silver Bindings from the CorneliusJ. Hauck Collection at the Cincinnati HistoricalSociety. Written by Miriam Irwin. Photographsby J. Hill Manon. Cincinnati. 1983. 3” x 2.275”.Black and white illustrations throughout.Typeset in Century Schoolbook and hand boundat the Cincinnati Bindery. Bound in black clothwith silver decoration on front and silver title onspine. $45.00Published in honor of the first Grand Conclave ofMiniature Book Publishers, held September 1983.

(Opuscula Press) The Golden Age of American Bookplate Design 1890-1925. By Francis W. Allen. Mattituck, New York.1979. 2.375” x 2”. Examples of five bookplates tipped-in. Printed in Press Roman on Strathmore Writing paper. Bluecloth boards. Dust jacket with title on spine and front. No. 32 in an edition of 300 copies, signed by Robert F. Hanson.Spine slightly darkened. $50.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Press of the Indiana Kid) Search for an Albion. [By James Lamar Weygand.] Printed for Maestro Books. Nappanee,Indiana. 1963. 2.625” x 1.875”. Light green boards with black and white illustration on back and front; black title onspine. One in an edition of 100 copies. First Weygand miniature. [See illustration top of p.14.] $250.00

(Press of the Indiana Kid) The Tightwad and the Isfahan Columbian. [By James Lamar Weygand.] Nappanee, Indiana.1975. Two illustrations. Printed and bound by James L. Weygand in dusky rose paper with black title on spine andpaper illustration label on front. One in an edition of about 35 copies, signed by James L. Weygand. Slight fading totop of back board. [See illustration top of p.14.] $195.00







No. 94.

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(Press of the Indiana Kid) A Solar Printing Press 1878. Nappanee, Indiana. 1978. 2.75” x 1.875”. For Maestro Books.Fold-out black and white engraving of the solar press. Set, printed & bound by James Lamar Weygand. Orange paper

over boards with cover linocut by Joy Weygandand black title on spine. About 45 copies. $150.00

99. (Press of the Indiana Kid) Ex Libris Minimus:The Book. Nappanee, Indiana. Finished December1987. 2.75” x 1.875”. Designed, set, printed andbound by James Lamar Weygand. Bookplatecolor schemes by Joy Weygand. Maroon spinewith gilt title; marbled paper boards with papertitle label on front. One in an edition of about 60copies. $135.00

100. (Patrick Reagh Printers) Glen Dawson - ABookman Turns 80. By Thomas F. Andrews. June

1992. 2.875” x 2.125”. Printed in Monotype Baskerville types. Designed by Scott Fruetel and sewn in white card wrap-pers with red title on front by Ruth Hoffman. A Keepsake issued in an edition of 300 copies. $25.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Press of Ward Schori) Calligraphy & Lettering. Quotations collected by G. Harvey Petty. Evanston, Illinois. 1984. 2”x2.625”. Calligraphy by G. Harvey Petty. Textured beige paper with title in black on spine and black decoration onfront. Calligraphic endpapers. [200 copies.] Signed by Ward K. Schori. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Schori Press) Printshop Nostalgia: Cartoons. ‘Old Days in the Printshop’. By John T. Nolf. Originally published in TheIsland Printer Magazine. With a Preface by J.L. Frazier, Editor, The Island Printer Magazine. Evanston, Illinois. 1989.Brown leather with title in brown on spine and front board.Endpapers miniaturized from the original book. In an edi-tion of 200 copies, this is an unnumbered copy. $80.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Achille J. St. Onge) Formats and Foibles: A Few Books Which Might Be Called Curious. By Walter Hart Blumenthal.Worcester. [MA] 1956. 2.375” x 1.875”. Printed on Monotype Plantin on Barcham Green’s White Wove handmadepaper by The Chiswick Press, London. Bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, London, in red leather with gilt title and dec-oration on front board, gilt title on spine and gilt feather on back board. Red patterned endpapers. All edges gilt. Onein an edition of 300 copies. $200.00

(Seahorse Press) Captain Jack: Being the Reminiscences of a Sea-going Bookseller. By John Friend. Long Beach. [CA] 1963.2.125” x 1.75”. Set and printed by Wm. M. Cheney. Bound by Bela Blau in brown leather with simple gilt decorationand title label on spine. One in an edition of 300 copies. $125.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “DVW 1992KIR”.







Nos. 97, 96, 98, 99.

No. 98 No. 99.

Page 17: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Tamazunchale Press) Book Interlude. [By Charlotte Smith.] Newton, Iowa. 1983. 2.75” x1.875”. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’artdu Centre S.A., France, in natural vellum with gilt title on front and spine. Cockerell marbledendpapers. All edges gilt. No. 236 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by Smith. $80.00The account of a bibliophilic trip to England and interviews with Sidney Cockerell andStanley Bray of Sangorski & Sutcliffe. (See group photograph on page 59.)

(Peter & Donna Thomas) Celia Fiennes: A Record of 17th Century Papermaking. Biography andfootnotes by Peter Thomas. Illustrations cut by Donna Thomas. Santa Cruz. [CA] 1990. 2.5”x 2”. Tip-in of reproduction of 17th century paper. Text printed on paper made using 17thcentury techniques. Binding and endpapers of 17th century paper with text. Title and engrav-ing on front cover. No. 168 in an edition of 200 copies. $60.00

107. (Peter & DonnaThomas) A PapermakingSafari to Africa. By Peterand Donna Thomas.Santa Cruz. 1995. 3” x2.2”. Text written byPeter and illustrated byDonna. Printed on papermade from cotton rag

and Msasa fiber with light brown pattern on the back of the page. Letterpress printed. Bound in handmade light tanpaper with a black zebra stripe design, with a front pocket of two examples of handmade papers and the book boundin black thread glued to the back board of the book. No. 96 in an edition of 100 copies. $75.00

(Traders Press) Autobiography of An Early American Wood Engraver. [by] Dr. Alexander Anderson. The Little Press ofJ.R. Levien. New York. 1968. 2.5” x 2.25”. Illustrated. Black cloth spine, marbled paper boards with paper title label onfront. Illustrated endpapers. No. 7 of 500 copies. $60.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Wild Hare Press) A Pressing Problem: Being the True Story of the Printer's Devil. Text and etchings by CorinneGuiney. 1982. 3” x 2.25”. Designed and printed by hand in black with red in Deepdene on Rives lightweight paper.The etchings were created especially for the story and were tipped-in. Black leather with gilt title on spine and reliefillustration on front. Marbled endpapers. Red slipcase. No. 6 in an edition of 100 copies, signed by Corinne Guiney.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. $150.00

(Juniper Von Phitzer) Book Quotation & Book-Making Pictures. Collected by Juniper von Phitzer. [San Francisco,California.] 1994. 2.625” x 2.75”. Illustrated throughout. Designed, handset, letterpress printed by Juniper Von Phitzer.Cover design by Marvin R. Hiemstra. Hand-tinting of illustrations by Lady Phitzer. Bound in black leather with giltdesign of books across both covers. All edges gilt. Gray patterned endpapers. No. 19 in an edition of 101 copies, signedby Juniper von Phitzer. $100.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.







No. 106.

No. 110.

No. 107.

Page 18: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Xavier Press) Ottmar Mergenthaler’s Marvel. By R.C. Bellas. Baltimore. [MD] 1986. 2.5” x 2”. Frontispiece facsimile ofa German postal stamp of Merganthaler and other black and white illustrations. Set in Bodoni. Bound by Donald E.Brady in red cloth with silver title on spine and silver relief silhouette of a man at a printing press on front. Laid in apocket on the inside back cover is a metal Linotype Circulating Matrix. Laid in at the first title page is a U.S. 32c. stampof Mergenthaler. No. 148 of 500 copies, signed by Francis X. Harrigan. $75.00

(Xavier Press) The Old-time Printer. By Mark Twain. Baltimore. 1988. 2.5” x 2’. Illustrated. Handset. Bound by DonBrady in brown cloth with gilt title on spine and front. Brown endpapers. Original glassine wrappers. No. 124 of 175copies, signed by Francis X. Harrigan. Two letterpress metal type letters in printed pocket inside back cover. $75.00

(Xavier Press) Women Printers in Early Maryland. By P.H. Bellas. Baltimore. 1991. 2.75” x 2.125”. Handset in Caslon andprinted on a handpress. Two tip-ins and illustrations in black and white. Red cloth boards with gilt title on spine andfront. Endpapers of a printshop scene. No. 83 in an edition of 200 copies. $75.00

ALPHABET BOOKS(Black Cat Press) Alphabet Sentences: Scribal Art through Sixteen Centuries. By G. Harvey Petty. Skokie, Illinois. 1978?2.125” x 2.75”. Design and calligraphy by G. Harvey Petty. Printed on Strathmore Pastelle. Produced by Norman W.Forgue. Bound by Bela Blau in full blue leather with gilt calligraphic alphabet on front and gilt title on spine. Blue end-papers with black calligraphic alphabet design. Tipped-in is a folded chart of the alphabet through the ages. Signedby Norman W. Forgue. $95.00

(Catharijne Press) Florilegium: A collection of flower initials designed by Maurice Dufrène. Utrecht. 1988. 2.5” x 1.675”.Printed in Bodoni Antiqua on Conqueror Bond Velin paper. With hand coloring. Bound in green suede with leather

title label. No. XIII of 15 Special copies withthe Art Noveau initials heightened in gold andthe surrounding floral designs in pastel colorsby Luce Thuckow. Book-shaped slipcase ofgreen and brown. $300.00

116. (Catharijne Press) Florilegium: A collectionof flower initials designed by Maurice Dufrène.Utrecht. 1988. 2.5” x 1.675”. Printed in BodoniAntiqua on Conqueror Bond Velin paper. Withhand coloring. Bound in green suede withleather title label on front. No. 33 of 150 stan-dard copies. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of KathrynIda Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

117. (Chamberlain Press) Alphabetarium.Wood engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. Jo Ann Reisler Ltd. 1982. 2.5” x 2”. Printed on mulberry paper in Garamond.Bound in toned tan boards with title on front. Matching paper over board slipcase. No. 76 in an edition of 150 copies,signed by Sarah Chamberlain. $200.00

(Emporium Publications) ABC’s of Boston. Illustrated by E. Helene Sherman. Charlestown, Massachusetts. [n.d.] 3.25”x 2.625”. Deckle edges. Red cloth boards with gilt title on front. Patterned endpapers. Designed and executed byJerome Rubin. No. 95 of 250 copies, signed by E. Helene Sherman. $50.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

119. (Richard J. Hoffman) The Story of The Alphabet: ItsEvolution and Development. An essay written by Otto F. Edge,The Cleveland School of Art. Embellished typographicallywith printer’s flowers arranged by Richard J. Hoffman.Printed in Van Nuys, California. 1988. 2.75” x 2.875”. Printedby Richard J. Hoffman in black with various colors for theembellishments. Bound in patterned cloth with title in redon spine and a red ‘A’ on the front and a red ‘Ω’ on the back.Green endpapers with alphabet and decoration. One in anedition of 250 copies. $95.00This book received a Distinguished Book Award from theMiniature Book Society in 1988.








Nos. 115 & 116.

No. 119.

Page 19: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Robert E. Massmann) A Boston Cordial. [New Britain, Connecticut.]1981. 1.75” x 1.625”. Slipcase - 2” x 2”. Typography and binding byRobert M. Massmann. Illustrations, title page calligraphy and illumi-nation by E. Helene Sherman. Bound in red leatherette with papertitle label on front. Red leatherette chemise lined with marbled paperand matching slipcase with paper label illustration on the spine andred ribbon for ease of removal of book. In an edition of 500 copies,this is a unique copy with many postage stamps tipped-in in cellu-loid sleeves. With an inscription in ink on the front free endpaper“Rabbi Kal - Greetings and best wishes - E. Helene Sherman” and aninscription in ink on the back page “For Kal, / Fondly / Robert E.Massmann”. $650.00An illustrated alphabet which is a reissue in a smaller format of theearlier ABC’s of Boston. It shows all the ‘must see’ attractions ofBoston.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.Rabbi Levitan was first president of the Miniature Book Socviety, and compiler of Miniature Books Relating to PostageStamps.

(Poole Press) AChristmas Alphabet. ByMaryline Poole Adams.[Berkeley, California.]1984. 2.125” 1.75”.Accordion fold andprinted on both sides.Printed from linoleumblocks designed, cut,hand-printed and col-ored by Maryline PooleAdams. Hand-bound bythe artist. Endboards ofdark green patternedvelvet; with a toning rust color velvet ribbon tie. Laid in a perspex box. No. 9 in an edition of 100 copies signed byM.P. Adams in red. Inscription in red ink on colophon page “Best regards to Kal Levitan”. $225.00Provenance: Collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

122. (Poole Press) Jack-in-the Box: AnAlphabet by M.P. Adams. [Berkeley,California.1991.] 3” x 2.25”. Designed,illustrated, printed and bound byMaryline Poole Adams. A pop-up color-illustrated alphabet with a grinningclown’s face above the alphabet. In anillustrated and titled container with a lift-up lid, which allows the alphabet toopen. Closure of black button and blackelastic. No. 4 in an edition of 99 signedcopies. $395.00Provenance: From the collection of RabbiKalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

123. (Rebecca Press) Golden Alphabet.1986. 2.75” x 2”. “Produced just for fun”

by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Decorated letters in gilt. French fold on tan paper. Bound in cream textured cloth withgilt paper title label on front. Marbled endpapers. No. 3 of 200 copies, signed in pencil by Rebecca Bingham. Extrasample page laid in. $125.00

(Rebecca Press) Lady Letters. [‘Haute couture’ alphabet signed and illustrated] by June Sidwell. 1986. 2.125” x 1.75”.Published on the occasion of the Miniature Book Society Conclave IV, held August 29-September 1, 1986 in





Page 20: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

Washington, D.C. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Printed by Serif Press. Bound at The Green Dragon Binderyin blue wrappers with paper title label on front; marbled endpapers. No.144 in a total edition of 150 copies thus, in atotal edition of 200 copies, initialed by Bingham in pencil. $45.00

(Rebecca Press) Extracts from the Devil’s Dictionary. [By] Ambrose Bierce. 1988. 2.75” x 2.25”. Set in Perpetua. Bound incream cloth with brown leather title label in front. Blue marbled endpapers. No. 37 of 200 copies, signed by RebeccaBingham. $65.00

(Sandlin’s Books & Bindery) ABC’s for Booklovers. Valparaiso, Indiana. 1992. Printed on Mohawk Superfine withhandset type. Bound in are examples of patterned, marbled and Japanese papers, as well as examples of onionskinpaper and linen. Hand sewn and bound in blue morocco grained goatskin with multi-colored title on front. No. 79of 200 similar but not identical copies. Signed by Linda Sandlin for concept and illustration, as well as those respon-sible for printing and binding. $195.00First miniature from this press. Winner of the M.B.S. Book Competition Distinguished Book Award 1993.

127. (Tabula Rasa Press) The Alphabet of Creation. An ancient legend from the Zohar withdrawings by Ben Shahn. Seattle. [WA] 1993. 2.75” x 2.25”. Reprinted by arrangementwith Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Printed in black with purpleillustrations and Hebrew letters. Printed in Cochin on acid-free paper. Black clothboards with title in pale purple on spine and illustration of Adam & Eve on the frontcover. Purple endpapers illustrated with typographic letters and signs. No. 118 in anedition of 125 copies. $65.00

128. (Juniper Von Phitzer Press) An Alphabet for Flora. San Francisco, California. 1990.2.5” x 2.875”. Designed, handset, letterpress printed, and hand-colored by Juniper VonPhitzer. Bound in full silver leather with gilt title on spine and gilt flower on front. Silverendpapers. All edges gilt. No. 26 of 125 copies signed by Juniper Von Phitzer. $125.00

129. (Juniper Von Phitzer Press) A Fantasy Title Page for a Phantasy Literary Tome. SanFrancisco, California. 1991. 2.25” x 3”. Designed, handset, letterpress printed, and hand-tinted by Juniper Von Phitzer.Bound by La Reliure d’Art du Centre in pink textured leather with gilt title and simple design on front. All edges gilt.No. 16 in an edition of 110 copies signed by Juniper Von Phitzer. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Juniper Von Phitzer Press) 26 Compliments. By Marvin R. Hiamstra. San Francisco, California. 1991. 1.875” x 3”.Printed in various colors. Designed, handset, letterpress printed, and hand tinted by Juniper von Phitzer. Bound inmaroon textured leather with gilt title on front. All edges gilt. In a total edition of 101 copies, this is No. 10. Signed byboth Juniper Von Phitzer and Marvin R. Hiamstra. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

THE ASH RANCH PRESS A complete run of titles, with unique correspondence from the printer

(Ash Ranch Press) Bibliography of The Ash Ranch Press. Miniature Book Society, Inc. 1993. 2.625” x 2.75”. Color photo-graph frontispiece of Don Hildreth. Printed at International Graphics on Mohawk Tomahawk paper. Handbound byDonald Brady in black silk with gilt title on spine and thin metal gold color plate with title on front. Marbled endpa-per designed by Diane Maurer. Designed and produced by Rebecca Saady Bingham for the Miniature Book Society,

One in an edition of 500 copies. $60.00At the time of his death, Don Hildreth had already written most of the text forthis bibliography of The Ash Ranch Press.

132. (Ash Ranch Press) Coyote. By Mark Twain. [An excerpt from Roughing It.][Hemet, California. 1986.] 1.25” x1.125”. Frontispiece a pen-and-ink originalillustration of a coyote by Don Hildreth. Handset in Modern Italic and printedletterpress on handmade paper, including endpapers. Bound in full brownleather with green and yellow headbands; title on spine. Black leatherette slip-case. In an edition of 126 copies, this is Letter ‘J’ of 26 Deluxe copies. $150.00The 1st book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.






No. 132.

Page 21: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Ash Ranch Press) Tumbleweeds West, May 1987 * No. 1. ByHarry Oliver. [From his book, Desert Rough Cuts, A HaywireHistory of the Borego Desert. Also texts by Mark Twain, JoshBillings, and S. Omar Barker.] [San Diego, California.] 2.375”x 2.75”. Printed exclusively for the Amalgamated Printers’Association by Don Hildreth. Printed letterpress in brown ontan paper. Stripey cream paper with the tile in three colors onthe front. Pages stapled inside the wrappers to form a match-book shape. An edition of 250 copies. Signed and dated in redink “9-4-76 / Don Hildreth/ The Ash Ranch Press”. $50.00The 2nd book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan.With his Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) The Tramp Printer. By King Wilkin. [SanDiego, California. 1987.] 1.25” x 1.125”. Original woodcut byDon Hildreth. Handset in New Times Roman and printed let-terpress on handmade paper. Bound by Hildreth in bluepigskin with title on spine and decoration on the front cover.Black leatherette slipcase. In an edition of 126 copies, this is Letter ‘J’ of the Deluxe issue of 26 lettered copies, signedby Don Hildreth. The 3rd book of the Ash Ranch Press. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Jose & the Burro. By Harry Oliver. [Text in both English and Spanish.][San Diego, California. 1987.]1.25” x 125”. Illustrated with miniature reproductions of Oliver’s woodcuts.Handset in New Times Roman and Modern Condensed; printed letterpresson handmade paper. Bound by Hildreth in green pigskin with title on spineand decoration on the front cover. Black leatherette slipcase. In an edition of126 copies, this is Letter ‘J’ of the Deluxe issue of 26 lettered copies, signedby Don Hildreth. Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan.With his Bookplate.The 4th book of the Ash Ranch Press. $150.00

(Ash Ranch Press) The Private Press of Don Hildreth: The Story: Catalogue No.1. To coincide with The Miniature Book Society Grand Conclave V. Chicago.1987. 3.125” x 2.125”. Bound in maroon leatherette with gilt title on spine.Inscribed by Don Hildreth “May 1989 / To Kathryn Rickard / An Angel tothe Art of Miniatures / Don Hildreth. Provenance: From the collection ofKathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. $150.00The 5th book of the Ash Ranch Press.

(Ash Ranch Press) The Private Press of Don Hildreth: The Story: Catalogue No. 1. To coincide with The Miniature BookSociety Grand Conclave V. Chicago. 1987. 3” x 2”. Sewn tan wrappers. $60.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her purple stamp.

(Ash Ranch Press) Keeping Christmas: Tales from The Spirit of Christmas by Henry Van Dyke. [San Diego, California.]2.375” x 2.75”. Extract from The Spirit of Christmas. Handset and printed let-terpress in green on green paper. Wrappers of textured light tan paper withthe title in three colors on the front. Pages stapled inside the wrappers to forma matchbook shape. An edition of 400 copies. Signed on the inside front coverby Don Hildreth. $40.00The 6th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her purplestamp.

(Ash Ranch Press) Tumbleweeds West, No. 2. How to write a Kentucky Novel. ByCactus Jack Gaxter. [Contains a Mark Twain excerpt.] [San Diego, California.1988.] 2.375” x 2.75”. Printed exclusively for the Amalgamated Printers’Association by Don Hildreth. Printed by letterpress in brown on cream paper.Stripey cream paper with the title in two colors on the front. Pages stapledinside the wrappers to form a matchbook shape. Edition of 325 copies. $45.00The 7th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.









Nos. 133, 138, 139, 144.

No. 134.

No. 135.

Page 22: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Ash Ranch Press) Prairie Feathers. By Harry Carr from Old Mother Mexico. [San Diego, California. 1988.] 2.5” x 1.875”.Color frontispiece of an Indian Chief in his Headdress. Handset in Caslon Old Style and printed on handmade paperby Don Hildreth. Bound in brown suede with title on spine and beaded cover and title on front. Tan endpapers pat-terned with a four-color Indian design. Beige slipcase with gilt title on spine. In a total edition of 52 copies, this is No.H in a Deluxe lettered edition of 26 copies, signed by Don Hildreth. $275.00

(Ash Ranch Press) Prairie Feathers. By Harry Carr from Old Mother Mexico. [San Diego, California. 1988.] 2.5” x 1.875”.Color frontispiece of an Indian Chief in his Headdress. Handset in Caslon Old Style and printed on handmade paperby Don Hildreth. Bound in brown suede with title on spine and illustration of feather in black on front in the suede.Tan endpapers patterned with a four-color Indian design. No. 4 in a numbered edition of 26 copies, in a total editionof 52 copies. $150.00The 8th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) The Tragedy of Little Red Tom, A Contribution to the Fight About Nature Books. By Henry Van Dyke.[San Diego. California. 1988.] Frontispiece reproduction of a woodcut. Handset in Caslon Old Style and printed let-terpress on handmade paper. Bound in full maroon calf, gold stamped, with brown and red handmade endpapers. Inmatching maroon fabricoil slipcase. In an edition of 52 copies, this is Letter ‘D’ of 26 Deluxe copies, signed by DonHildreth. $200.00The 9th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: Book from the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Adult Western: A Christmas Stanza. [By] W.C. Tuttle. [San Diego. California. 1988.] 2.375” x1.875”.Printed letterpress. Frontispiece of an old slot machine, hand-tinted. Bound in brown leather with gilt title on spine;marbled endpapers. An edition of 350 copies printed for distribution to the Amalgamated Printers Association and asa keepsake for the Miniature Book Society Grand Conclave VI, San Antonio, Texas. 1988. This is Letter ‘N’ of 26 Deluxecopies, signed by Don Hildreth. $125.00The 10th book of the Ash Ranch Press.

(Ash Ranch Press) Adult Western: A Christmas Stanza. [By] W.C. Tuttle. [San Diego. California. 1988.] 2.375” x1.875”.Printed letterpress. Illustrated with a frontispiece of an old slot machine. Titled wrappers. An edition of 350 copiesprinted for distribution to the Amalgamated Printers Association and as a keepsake for the Miniature Book SocietyGrand Conclave VI, San Antonio, Texas. 1988. $50.00Provenance: Book from the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her purple rubber stamp.

(Ash Ranch Press) A Ballad of Santa Claus. [By] Henry van Dyke. (San Diego. California. 1988.] 1.875” x2.375”. Poemprinted as a Christmas keepsake. Illustrated by Don Hildreth on a double-page titlepage with gold stamped title.Handset and printed on a vintage C. & P. pilot press on tan felt-finished paper. Bound in red moire fabricoid with gilttitle on front and red marbled endpapers by Don Hildreth. An edition of 100 copies, signed by Don Hildreth. $80.00The 11th book of the Ash Ranch Press. Provenance: Book from the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her purple rubber stamp and Bookplate.








No. 141. No. 140.

Page 23: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Ash Ranch Press) Tumbleweeds West. No. 3. [January 1989.] Whiskey Joe: A Story with A Moral. By Harry Oliver. [SanDiego, California.] 2.375” x2.75”. Printed exclusively for the Amalgamated Printers’ Association by Don Hildreth.Printed letterpress in black on light tan paper. Cream paper with the title in three colors on the front. Pages stapledinside the wrappers to form a matchbook shape. An edition of 200 copies. $40.00The 12th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Nicodemus Dodge. ByMark Twain. San Diego. CA. 1989. 2.625”x 1.875”. [From the 1880 book, A TrampAbroad. Handset and printed letterpresson handmade paper with a two-pagetitle illustration. Bound in printed andgold-stamped paper over boards withmatching handmade endpapers; blueleather spine with matching blue slip-case. In an edition of 52 copies, this isLetter ‘J’ of 26 lettered Deluxe copies,signed by Hildreth. $300.00The 13th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of RabbiKalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Nicodemus Dodge. By Mark Twain. San Diego. CA. 1989. 2.625” x 1.875”. [From the 1880 book, ATramp Abroad.] Handset and printed letterpress on handmade paper with a two-page title illustration. Bound in goldstamped, black bonded leather with a three-color illustrated dust jacket. In an edition of 52 copies, this is No. 6 of 26thus signed by Don Hildreth. $150.00Provenance: Book from the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

Unique designer binding

(Ash Ranch Press) The Griffin. A Note On A Fabulous Creatures Rise From A Guardian Of Gold To A Symbol Of Printing.By Don Hildreth. [San Diego, California.] MCM.LXXX.IX (1989.) Book - 2.375” x 2.375”. Written, designed, printed,and illustrated by Don Hildreth. Handset in Bernhard Modern Roman booklet and Modern Condensed Italic withNew Times Roman for the illustration titles. Letterpress printed in four colors, with gilt on a vintage Chandler & Pricepilot handpress using frost white Simpson Gainsborough Script paper. Unique binding in tan leather by HabibDingle, with an intricately tooled inlaid design of a griffin in three different colors on both the front and back boards.Four metal studs on front and back covers. Doublures of wood patterned paper and free endpapers of tan leather. Alledges gilt. Book fits into a curved olive wood holder with leather trim where book is held. Black cloth box lined withblack velvet with separate matching lid; brown leather title label on lid. In an edition of 126 copies this is number 23in a unique binding signed by Don Hildreth. $1750.00The 14th book of the Ash Ranch Press. Habib Dingle is a well-known binder, who won first prize in a Designer Bookbinders competition in 1989. His bind-ings can be found worldwide in many collections, including the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.






No. 149.

Page 24: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Ash Ranch Press) The Griffin. A Note on a Fabulous Creatures Rise From A Guardian of Gold to A Symbol of Printing. ByDon Hildreth. [San Diego. California.] MCM.LXXX.IX. (1989.) 2.375” x 2.5”. Gold frontispiece of a griffin. Written anddesigned, printed and bound by Don Hildreth. Handset in Bernhard Modern Roman Booklet with New Times Romanfor the illustration titles and Bernhard Tango for the title page. Printed letterpress on a vintage Chandler & Price pilothandpress using frost white Simpson Gainsborough Script paper. Bound in gold stamped red bonded leather withrelief design of a griffin on front. Blue marbled endpaper. No. 14 of 100 thus in a total edition of 126 copies, signed byDon Hildreth. $125.00The 14th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: Book from the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Tiny Tome, The Teddy Bear. [By Don Hildreth.] [San Diego. California.] 1989. .875” x 1.375”. Written,designed and printed by Don Hildreth as a keepsake for the 1989 Miniature Book Society Grand Conclave VII.Handset and printed letterpress in blue on light tan paper. Illustrated with three handtinted line cuts of bears. Boundin brown leatherette with gilt title on spine and bear on front; marbled endpapers. An edition of 150 copies, withseven copies specially bound. As this copy is bound in brown leatherette, not brown marbled papers as theBibliography states, it follows that this copy must be one of the seven Specials. $125.00The 15th and smallest book from the Ash Ranch Press.

(Ash Ranch Press) J. Frank Dobie: A Biography. By Valentine J. Poska. [San Diego. California.] MCM.LXXX.IX. (1989.)2.375” x 1.875”. Frontispiece photograph of Dobie by Horace Evans. Printed on wheat-colored Simpson GainsboroughScript paper in brown ink accented in black, blue and gold varnish inks. Bound by Don Hildreth in brown and blackcalfskin with snakeskin-embossed brown lambskin. Marbled endpapers in brown, blue and rich gold. Housed in abrown leatherette slipcase. In an edition of 126 copies, this is Letter ‘J’ in the Deluxe edition of 26 copies, lettered Athrough Z, and signed by Don Hildreth and Val Poska. $275.00An original and concise mini-biography of the notable author of the Southwest, a respected teacher, scholar, natural-ist, freedom fighter, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.The 16th book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: Book from the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) J. Frank Dobie: A Biography. By Valentine J. Poska. [San Diego. California.] MCM.LXXX.IX. (1989.)2.375” x 1.875”. Frontispiece photograph of Dobie. Printed on wheat-coloredSimpson Gainsborough Script paper in brown ink accented in black, blue andgold varnish inks. Bound by Don Hildreth in tan textured fabricoid, goldstamped and blind embossed. Marbled endpapers in brown, blue and richgold. In an edition of 126 copies, this is No. 14 of 100 bound thus, signed byDon Hildreth, and dated ‘Aug. ‘89.’ $125.00

154. Ranch Press) SmallPAXweber: The Last of the Mission Sheltis. By Msgr.Francis J. Weber. [San Diego, California.] MCMLXXXIX (1989). 2.375” x 1.875”.Color frontispiece. Designed, printed and bound by Don Hildreth. Handset inBaskerville and printed on Mohawk Superfine. Black leather spine with gilttitle, white leather sides with drawing of a dog on the front board. White moiresilk endpapers. White moire silk dropback box with black trim; recessed illus-tration under plastic edged with gilt trim on front. Of 128 copies, this is DeluxeLetter ‘I’ in a Deluxe edition of 26, lettered A thru Z, signed by both the authorand the printer. $450.00

The 17th book of the Ash Ranch Press.The 68th miniature book by Msgr. Francis J. Weber.

155. (Ash Ranch Press) Book. By Mary Englebreit. [San Diego,California. 1990.] 1.125” x 2”. Handset, letterpressed andbound by Don Hildrath. Keepsake handset in Civilité Script.Printed letterpress in black and red inks and gold stamping.Black leather spine with brown leather boards. Front boarddecorated with metal design and pink plastic heart. Red mar-bled endpapers. In an edition of 100 copies, this is one of 24Deluxe copies signed by Don Hildreth. $200.00The 18th book of the Ash Ranch Press. Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard.With her Bookplate.






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(Ash Ranch Press) The James Boys’ Loot. By J. Frank Dobie. [San Diego. California. 1990.]3” x 2”. Designed and printed for the Amalgamated Printers’ Association. Handset inBernhard Modern Roman, illustrated, printed and bound by Don Hildreth. Bound inbrown marbled paper over board with gilt title on black spine and black leather ovalon front with cast brass cowboy hat laid-on. Matching marbled endpapers.In a totaledition of 200 copies, this is Letter ‘H’ of 26 Deluxe copies lettered A thru Z and signedby Don Hildreth. $150.00The 19th book from The Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) The James Boys’ Loot. By J. Frank Dobie. [San Diego. California. 1990.]3” x 2”. Designed and printed for the Amalgamated Printers’ Association. Handset inBernhard Modern Roman, illustrated, printed & bound by Don Hildreth. Bound in tanwrappers with title and illustration on the front cover. In a total edition of 200 copies,this is one of 174 thus. $50.00

(Ash Ranch Press) Mary Queen of Scots. Part One & Part Two. [A two-part, fictional treat-ment of the last thoughts of Mary Stuart and her Executioner on the solemn day of theEighth of February, 1587.] By Laurence Hines. San Diego, CA. [1990.] 3” x 2.125”. Frontispiece of Mary, Queens ofScots. Assorted historical illustrations. Designed, printed and bound by Don Hildreth to commemorate the 8th GrandConclave of the Miniature Book Society in Glasgow, Scotland, 1990. Handset in Wedding Text and letterpress printedon Simpson Sundance Felt Text paper. Parts One and Two are bound in dos-a-dos format - one side in maroon leatherwith the signature and with royal seal in green, and the other side in black leather with a relief design: three smallbrass hinges on spine. All edges purple. Purple patterned endpapers. Laid in a gold fabricord slipcase with black trimand purple ribbon tab; gilt title on spine and signature and royal signet on side. Of 33 copies, this is Letter ‘M’ of 26Deluxe lettered copies (A through Z) and 7 numbered State Proofs, all with slipcases and signed by the author andthe printer. $450.00The 20th book of The Ash Ranch Press.

Together with: Prospectus for Mary Queen of Scots. 2.875” x 2”. Sewn deep purple wrappers, gold-stamped signa-ture and signet on the front. Printed by Don Hildreth in an edition of 225 copies. The 21st book of the Ash Ranch Press. This book was out of print the first week of issue. According to Bondy, “One ofthe most prodigious modern miniature books I have ever seen and of the highest quality.” - Bibliography of The AshRanch Press, p.28.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) A Letter From Santa Claus. By Mark Twain. San Diego, California. MCMXC. (1990.) 1.875” x 2.125”.Printed as a keepsake. Handset in Piranesi Italic and printed letterpress on white Simpson Sundance Felt paper. Two-color frontispiece illustration and three-color title page. Bound in red velveteen with gilt illustration on front; black






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leather spine with gilt title.Endpapers of embossedgold fold. Laid in a cardwrapper with the word‘NOEL’ in large red wood-type on front. An edition of125 copies. Signed by DonHildreth. Card wrapperwith gold rose sticker. Theinscription inside wrapperreads “Dear Kathryn/Wishing you/ a HappyHoliday / and a Healthy &Wealthy / New Year!/ DonHildreth” Further hand-

written comment in blue “‘Letter from Santa Claus’ from Don 1990”. $100.00 A Letter from Santa Claus was written by Mark Twain for his daughter, Susie, when she was five years old, and firstpublished in Clara Clemens’ 1931 book My Father, Mark Twain.The 22nd book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Ash Ranch Press) Tiny Tome/Tomo Minusculo. An original story by Don Hildreth. [San Diego, California. 1991.] 1.25”x 2”. Designed, illustrated, engineered, typeset, printed and bound by Don Hildreth. Dos-a-dos version of Tiny Tome,The Teddy Bear (1989) in English and Spanish. Spanish translations done by Eileen Cummings. Handset in Baskervilleand illustrated with line cuts of bears. Centerfold pop-up of a bear. Printed on a hand press on Simpson GainsboroughScript paper. Black leather spine, gold-stamped bands and title; brown leather sides with inset metal teddy bears onboth covers (gold on one side and silver on the other). Blue marbled endpapers. Black leatherette slipcase with a teddybear on both sides and gilt title on spine. In an edition of 126 copies, this is Letter ‘U’ of 26 Deluxe copies, signed byHildreth and Cummings. $300.00The 23rd book of the Ash Ranch Press.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

Correspondence between Kathryn Rickard and Don Hildreth - 1989-1991:8 letters from Don Heldreth to Kathryn Rickard. (With some handwritten changes).4 typewritten copies (most unsigned) from Kathryn Rickard to Don Hildreth. (Some comments.)2 memos - handwritten by Kathryn Rickard to Don Hildreth.Envelope addressed to Kathryn I. Rickard and handwritten note from Eileen Cummings to say that Don Hildreth had

passed away.Memo and canceled check to Don Hildreth; Memo to Eileen Cummings.9 items of prospectus material.One photograph showing a miniature book.Round shaped Christmas greeting from Don Hildreth. As a group - $650.00[See photograph top of p.3.]




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(Add-Rie Studio) A Tale of Genji. [In illustrations.] Toyko. 1979. 2.25” x 1.625”. Accordion fold. 15 double-page colorplates plus colophon. Plates printed on Torinoko paper decorated with powder of clam and colored by a silk screenprocess. Hand bound with Torinoko paper with gold and silver over boards, pink papertitle label. In a Japanese style folder of pure silk mottled plum/lilac over boards withsmall ivory clasp. Torinoko endpapers dyed with powder of mica. One in an edition of100 copies. $250.00A beautiful visual miniature Artist’s Book based on A Tale of Genji, which is one of theclassic literary books of ancient Japan. It is the earliest long novel written by MurasakiShikibu, a famous writer of the 10th century.

(Almanac) London Almanack for the year of Christ 1834. Printed for the Company ofStationers. 2.25” x 1.375”. With a view of the New Grammar School, Christ’s Hospitalover four pages. Gives the days of the month, changes of the moon, Saints’ Days, highwater tides at London Bridge, and public holidays. Bound to a design in brown, greenand tan leather with an overall gold-tooled design. Red endpapers. Edges gilt. Laid in amatching slipcase. Faint Stamp Duty ink stamp on title, not detracting from clarity ofprinting of text.

165. (Almanac) LondonAlmanack for 1890.[London.] 2.625” x .625”.Title page duplicated.Gives the days of themonth, changes of the moon, Saints’ Days, high water tides atLondon Bridge, cycle of the Sun, and other details. Bound in redleather with simple gold-tooled design on spine and both sides. Alledges gilt. Beige endpapers. Slipcase of red leather with intricatefloral gold tooled design. Small slit at top of front free endpaper.Ink inscription on the front pastedown ‘From Georgia Curzon’.Label of bookseller/stationer Smythson of Bond Street on rearpastedown. $875.00


(Almanac) London Almanack for 1868. Printed for the Company of Stationers. 2.25” x 1.375”. With a viewof the Royal Dramatic College at Woking, which includes a view of a train, over four pages. Gives thedays of the month and week, changes of the moon, Saints’ Days, high water tides at London Bridge, pub-lic holidays, Officers of State, the Court of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Regal Table and the RoyalFamily. Bound in a design of green leather with pale green and light tan inlays with a heavily gold-tooleddesign. Yellow endpapers. All edges gilt. In a matching heavily tooled slipcase. $425.00





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166. (Ampersand Workshop) The Great Western Railway:Practically Described and Illustrated. Vol. I - Text: Vol. II -Plates [Accordion fold]. 1984. 2.625” x 2”. Set in TimesRoman & Italic types and printed on Mohawk Superfinepaper by letterpress. Illustrations were hand-colored byCarmen Voss and the whole printed and bound by WilliamVoss at The Ampersand Workshop. Cream spines withblack title and green patterned paper boards. Light greenpaper slipcase. No. 11 of 50 copies, signed by William Vossin Volume I; signed by Carmen Voss in Volume II. $275.00This account is taken from Francis Whishaw ‘s The Railways of GreatBritain and Ireland, published in 1842.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. Withher Bookplate.

(Au Diamant Bleu) Horlogerie de Precision ... 1908. [French.] (Calendar for 1908.) Paris. 2.25” x 1.385”. Thin cream tex-tured card with gold grandfather clock design and decorations on front. $40.00Provenance: From the collection of Stanley Marcus. With his Bookplate.

(Audrey Arellanes) Fireflies: Selections from Rabindranath Tagore made by Audrey Arellanes. [Alhambra, California.1968.] 1.75” x 2.875”. Printed in Narrow Bembo Italic handset by Audrey Arellanes. Blue cloth spine, tan boards withtitle on front. No. 153 of 200 copies. $100.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “DVW 1992 KIR”.

(Bay’s Books) A Description of Jesus Christ. By Publius Lentunus. The Private Press of Stephen Bayuzick. Edinboro. Pa.First Edited Edition 1986. 2.625” x 1.875”. Thin purple wrappers with dust jacket of white and gold bonded cloth;paper title label on front in gilt. With A Controversial Addendum in accordion fold format attached to back cover. $75.00

170. (Beaux Art Publishing) GraphicArt: Original Etchings andReproductions by Mary E. Devenyi.[Essay on Graphic Art by PaulDevenyi. Biographical note on MaryDevenyi.] Toronto. 1998. 2.75” x 2.5”.15 original color etchings tipped-in,and 11 black and white reproductions.Printed on acid-free paper, with origi-nal graphics printed on handmadeEchizen gampi. Bound in brownsuedette with gilt title on spine anddecorative gilt ‘D’ on the front. Plum

handmade Japanese endpapers. No. 21 of 35 copies, signed by Mary E. Devenyi. $375.00This book received the Distinguished Book Award in 1998 of the Miniature Book Society.

(Black Cat Press) A Christmas Story. By J.B.H. Jr. Chicago, Illinois. [1937.] 2” x 1.5”. Printed direct from type on hand-made paper. Typography by N.W.F. Brown leather spine with gilt title, brown and gold patterned boards. All edgesgilt. A limited edition printed for friends at Christmas. 50 copies for sale. $95.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “DVW 1992 KIR”.

(Black Cat Press) My South Sea Island. By W. Somerset Maugham. Chicago, Illinois. [1936.] 2” x 1.625”. Typography byNorman W. Forgue. Printed direct from Linotype Modern on Strathmore Pastelle paper. Top edges uncut. Bound ingreen leather with gilt title on spine and gilt decoration on front board. Marbled endpapers. One in an edition of 199copies. Signed by Norman W. Forgue. Slight fading to spine. $125.00 Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) Two Essays: Philosophy of Limited Editions and Anarchy in a Library. Taken from Prose Fancies byRichard Le Gallienne. Chicago. 1961. 3” x 2.125”. Design and typography by Norman W. Forgue. Printed in Caslon onAlexandra Japan plate paper. Bound by Elizabeth Kner in brown leather with gilt title on spine and front. One in anedition of 300 copies. $100.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “DVW 1992 KIR”.








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(Black Cat Press) A History of the Cadiz Short Line Railroad. By Robert W. White. Edited, withadditional text by Norman W. Forgue. Chicago, Illinois. 1966. 3” x 2.125”. Frontispiece of W.C.White, the founder of the railroad. Design and typography by Norman W. Forgue. Illustratedwith photographs and drawings. Printed in Linotype Times Roman direct from type by let-terpress and illustrations produced by offset lithography. Bound by Bela Blau in full brownleather with gilt title on spine and small metal relief of an engine inset on front. Patterned end-papers. [250 copies.] Very slight fading to spine. $125.00

(Black Cat Press) Epigrams: Francois Marie Arouet De Voltaire. Skokie, Illinois. Early Summer1975. 2.875” x 2”. Conceived and produced by Norman Forgue. Original calligraphy by G.Harvey Petty and printed in black with violet decorations by Ward K. Schari at his press.Cream leatherette with gilt title on spine and front cover. Violet and white decorated endpa-pers. Top edges uncut. Laid in is a Publisher’s Note pertaining to new publications. $95.00

(Black Cat Press) A Brief History of the U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland. Written andIllustrated by Aimo W. Hill, Jr., Commander U.S. Navy. Skokie, Illinois. 1978. 2.875” x 2.125”.Design, typography and production by Norman W. Forgue. Text set in Linotype Fairfield onStrathmore Pastelle blue antique paper by offset lithography. Bound by Bela Blau in blue leather with gilt title on spineand U.S. Academy seal in gilt on front. Marbled endpapers. One in an edition of 249 copies. $100.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) Awakening and Other Poems. By Frank Marshall Davis. Skokie, Illinois.1978. 2.75” x 2.25”. Design,typography and production by Norman W. Forgue. Composed in Linotype Bodoni and printed on Strathmore antiquepaper. Hand bound by Bela Blau in black leather with gilt title on spine and gilt illustration on front board. Marbledendpapers. One in an edition of 249 copies. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) Skipjacks of the Chesapeake. Written & Illustrated by Aimo W. Hill, Jr. Skokie, Illinois. 1982. 2.5” x 2”.Design, typography and production by Norman W. Forgue. Text in Memphis Bold composed on the Linotype machineand printed in offset lithography on Mohawk Superfine by the Schori Press. Handbound by Bela Blau in gray/greenleatherette with gilt title on spine and gilt illustration of a bay scene on front. Endpapers illustrated with Skipjackdesigns. One in an edition of 249 copies, signed by Norman W. Forgue. $80.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Black Cat Press) NightWalks: Travelling Abroad: A.Flight. By Charles Dickens. 3volumes. Skokie, IllinoisMCMLXXXII (1982). 2.75” x2”. Design, typography &production by Norman W.Forgue. Bound by Bela Blau.All three volumes in a greenmarbled slipcase. An editionof 199 sets. 1. Night Walks. Introductionby Harry Stone. Illustrationsby Barbara J. Raheb in blackand white with blue. Blueleather binding with gilt titleon spine and front. Endpapers of gold color foliage against a gray floral background. 2. Travelling Abroad. Introduction by Harry Stone. Illustrations by Barbara J. Raheb in black and white with brown.Brown leather binding with gilt title on spine and front. Endpapers of gold color foliage against a red floral back-ground. 2. A Flight. Introduction by Harry Stone. Illustrations by Barbara J. Raheb in black and white with green. Green leatherbinding with gilt title on spine and front. Endpapers of green color foliage against a white background.

The set - $250.00

(Black Cat Press) Christmas in Bethlehem. By Ruth Hutchinson. Skokie, Illinois. 1983. 2.625” x 2”. Design, typographyand production by Norman W. Forgue. Text composed in Baskerville. Color illustrations cut as linoleum blocks by









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Eileen Tabor and reduced from the originals. Bound in the studio of Bela Blau in brown leatherette with gilt title onspine and front, with gilt decorations. $75.00About the history and traditions of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and how the town got its name.

(Bela Blau) The Ten Commandments. Los Angeles, California. 1971. 1.5” x 1.125”. Handset, printed and bound in blackwith gilt spine title and gilt illustration of the Ten Commandments tablet on the front. Decorated endpapers.Illustration of Moses bringing down The Ten Commandments. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Bela Blau) Hungarians in the United States. By Glen Dawson. Los Angeles. 1972. 1.5” x 1.25”. Handset, printed andbound by Bela Blau in white with gilt title on spine and front cover. No limitation. $35.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Bela Blau) Christmas in Pastoral California. [By] Rev. Francis J. Weber. Los Angeles. 1971. Handset, printed in red andbound in green leather with gilt title on spine and red and white illustration on front by Bela Blau. Red and gold pat-terned endpapers. Red top and tail bands. Spine faded. $35.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

Kitakata. Bound by E.G. Parrot in marbled paper withpaper title label on front. French fold. No. 78 of 150 copies,signed by Sarah Chamberlain. $300.00The first miniature book published by Anne & David Bromer.

185. (Anne & David Bromer) A Bestiary: Woodengravingsby Sarah Chamberlain. [Boston.] 1979. 2.125” x 2.25”.Printed at the Chamberlain Press. Printed on Troya inCancelleresca. Bound by Sallie Ruff in bronze silk boardsand vellum spine with gilt title. Gold endpapers. Separatebronze silk portfolio lined with gold paper with a suite ofnumbered engravings, all signed by Sarah Chamberlain.Both items in a bronze slipcase bordered with gold paper;red ribbon. No. 6 of the 35 Deluxe copies in an edition of125 copies, signed by Ann and David Bromer. With theProspectus in a mylar cover. $450.00

A different color illustration for each heart. Bound in white vellum with three red ribbons through spine, gilt title onspine; initials of both designer and calligrapher in gilt on front. Red endpapers. No. 8 in an edition of 36 copies, signedby Robert Gould. $350.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.


184. (Anne & David Bromer) The Butterfly’s Ball and the Grasshopper’s Feast. [By WilliamRoscoe.] [Boston. 1977.] Illustrated with black and white wood-engravings. Designed andprinted at the Chamberlain Press in Easthampton, Mass. in March 1977. Printed in Goudy on

Provenance: From the collection of Stanley Marcus. With his Bookplate.

186. (Anne & David Bromer) Twelve of Hearts. Manuscript conceived and designed byRobert Gould. Calligraphy by Colleen. Boston. 1982. 2.625” x 2.125”.




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(Anne & David Bromer) Shall I Die? Shall I Fly? [By] William Shakespeare. 1986. 2.375” x 1.625”. Printed at FireflyPress. Hand illumination by Suzanne Moore. Binding designed by Don Glaister and executed by Barbara Blumenthalin cream handmade paper with silver title design on front and back. No. 18 in an edition of 160 copies, which includes35 Deluxe copies. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Bronte Press) Christmas with Dickens. Manteno, Illinois.1986. 2.75” x 2.125”. Hand printed and illustrated with colorby Suzanne Grazow-Pruchnicki. Red leather with gilt title and decoration on front. Marbled endpapers. No. 67 in anedition of 100 copies, signed by the artist. Recipes for food and drink mentioned in the writings of Dickens. $150.00

(Bronte Press) The Bronte Garden Book. [A selection of quotes about gardens by various authors.] Illustrated by SuzanneSmith Pruchnicki. [Manteno, Illinois.1988.] 2.75” x 2.125”. Hand printed and handset in Goudy Old Style.Handcolored illustrations. Green leather binding with title and decoration in gilt on front. Patterned endpapers. No.33 in an edition of 100 copies, signed by Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Bronte Press) Jeanne of Arc: Marvellous Maiden of France. By Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki. [1992.] 2.375” x 3.25”. Printedletterpress in Garamond type with original hand colored illustration. Bound in turquoise paper over thin board; papertitle label with illustration on front. No. 23 in an edition of 75 copies, signed by Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki. $200.00Laid in is a special suite of 5 uncolored prints, created by the author during her travels in France along with the routetaken by Jeanne in 1429. Signed by Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki.

(Calendar) Colgate & Co. Calendar 1903. Per-fumers, New York. U.S.A. Established 1806. 2.25”x 1.75”. Color illustration of a child for eachmonth of the year. Sewn wrappers, includes titlepage. Small crease on front cover, .75” crease onback wrapper and small marks. $95.00(Michael Canoso) Bethlehem ‘97: Keepsake ConclaveXV. 2.125” x 3.125”. Dark gray cloth over boardwith blue paper front giving title and decoratedwith flecks of silver and gold in the paper. Blankbook signed by various printers, artists, binders,and collectors at the Conclave, including Maryline Poole Adams, Robert E. Massmann, Donna Thomas and MelKavin. Signed by Michael Canoso. $75.00(Catherijne Press) The House of Judgment. By Oscar Wilde. Utrecht. 1985. 2.625” x 2”. Printed on vellum by HansHartzheim in red, blue, yellow and black after a calligraphed original by J.H. Moesman. Colophon in pocket on backdoublure. Total edition of 165 copies. No. X of a special edition of 15 copies printed on and bound in full vellum byGus Thürklów with black calligraphic title on front and thin black ribbon ties. Vellum colophon inserted in small pock-et on back doublure. $695.00Moesman was an important Dutch artist. Born in Utrecht in 1909, he was famous for his surrealist paintings, drawings and calligra-phy.

(Circle Press) Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats. [York, England.1992.] 2.625” x 1.875”. Black and whiteillustrations of old engravings. Bound in white lamb with gilt title and illustration on front board. Green moire silkendpapers. All edges gilt. No. 69 in a special edition of 85 copies. $150.00(Michael Coles) Mrs. Staveley’s Garden. By Pamela Bruce. Illustrated bySusan Tilham. [Cambridge.] 1984. 2.5” x 1.75”. Handcolored illustrations.Decorated paper boards with paper title label. Edition of 200 copies.$65.00(Crosscurrents) Seven Letters from Jane Austen to Frank and Charles Austen.[1992.] 2.875” x 2.5”. Produced for the 1992 conference of the Jane AustenSociety of North America. Set on a computer using Garamond and PalaceScript types. This was processed to convert the digital type to letterpresstype. The book was printed and bound in Alta Loma at Brookhaven Press,which was also responsible for the design. In a special binding by JosephD’Ambrosio of white lace over white cloth boards which are convex inshape. Blue endpapers. Laid in a cream cloth dropback box speciallyshaped for the binding on the base; paper title label on spine. Signed anddated by D’Ambrosio in 1994 in pencil on the rear pastedown. No. 26 inan edition of 300 numbered copies. $300.00












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(Dawson’s Book Shop) Prayers Written at Vailima. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With an Introduction by Mrs.Stevenson. Los Angeles. 1973. 2.5” x 2”. Special printing by Saul & Lillian Marks at the Plantin Press. Wood engrav-ings by Mary Kuper. Bound by Patron & de la Mauviniere in tan leather. Brown and gilt leather title label on spineand with brown and gilt leather inlaid decoration on front. No. 17 in an edition of 30 copies. $195.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Dawson’s Book Shop) In Search of Max Beerbohm. [By] Wallace & Corry Nethery. Los Angeles. 1984. 2.875” x 2”.Handset and printed from type by Wallace Nethery. Lithographic printing of 12 black and white photographs byGeorge Kinney, the Castle Press, Pasadena, California. Binding by Bela Blau in blue cloth with gilt title on spine andgilt decorative design on front. Edition of approximately 100 copies. $70.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

199. (Dawson’s Book Shop) Max & G.K.C. By Wallace & Corry Nethery. Los Angeles.1985. 2.875” x 2.25”. Tip-in photograph of G.K.Chesterton’s house in black and white;5 caricatures and cartoons. Printed by Wallace Nethery from handset MonotypeBembo and Baskerville types. Bound by Bela Blau with gilt titled red leather spine,and red and white patterned paper spine. An edition of 100 copies. $95.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With her Bookplate.

200. (Dawson’s Book Shop) The Second Lady Beerbohm. By Corry Nethery. 1987. 2.875”x 2.25”. Printed by Wallace Nethery, primarily from Monotype Bembo. Bound by BelaBlau in blue cloth with paper title label on spine. No. 116 of 150 copies, signed by theprinter and the author. Extra title label laid in on back pastedown. $75.00A biographical sketch with the author’s added remarks and comments.

(De Walden Press) The Malvern Story. By J.R. Kellett. [Malvern, England. 1996.] 2.25” x 2.75”. Frontispiece and colorillustrations tipped-in. Fold-out map. Written, illustrated, hand colored and hand bound by J.R. Kellett. Printed byS.H. Watkins & Son. Bound in maroon leather with raised bands on spine, black title label and gilt decoration; giltdecoration on front cover. Marbled endpapers. Laid in a marbled paper boards slipcase. No. 22 in a limited edition of50 copies signed by Jan Kellett. $295.00Distinguished Book Award at the Miniature Book Society in 1996.

(De Walden Press) Shakespeare’s Flowers. Quotations from his plays with illustrations from old herbals. Compiled byJan Kellett. Malvern, England.1998. Accordion fold. Hand col-ored illustrations. Printed onGriffen Mill hand-made paper byS.H. Watkins, Malvern. Bound inturquoise leather with gilt titleand flowers on the front; bookattached to back board. In a blacksuede envelope with metal leafdesign closure. Laid in a blue boxlined with white satin and sepa-rate lid. No. 18 in a limited editionof 49 copies, signed by Jan Kellett.







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(Desert Press) That Comet. By Esther K. Beamer. Glen Valley, Arizona. 1985. 2.625” x 2”. Designed by Esther K. Beamer.Printed and handbound by John and Gizella Lathourakis of Tabula Rasa Press. Printed in Garamond on aVandercook on 100% rag paper. Bound in blue leatherette with silver title on spine, and inlaid silver metallic illus-tration of a comet on front. Illustrated endpapers. No. FL136 in an edition of 325 copies signed by Esther K. Beamer.Text taken from a booklet by the editors of Sky & Telescope magazine. $75.00

(Editions) Parting Wish. From an 1800s autograph album. Editions. Catskill, New York. 1993. 2.75” x 2.75”. Pop-up bookwhich can be viewed in a circle. Spiral binding with card sides; paper title label on front cover. Thin card envelopefolder with title on spine and cut-out floral label on side. Signed by Edward H. Hutchins. $40.00

(Editions du Parnasse) The Dolls that Never were Mine. By Kathryn I. Rickard. Montreal, Canada. 1984. 2.625” x 2”. Bluedecorated boards with title and decoration in gilt. Marbled endpapers. An edition of 500 copies. Signed by Kathryn I.Richard. $50.00

206. (Edition Mignardise) Ver-Vert Suivi de laChartreuse, L’Abbaye at Autres Piéces. [French.] [JeanBaptiste Louis] Gresset. Paris. 1855. 2.375” x 1.625”.Printed on pale pink paper. Full green morocco withintricate floral gold-tooled decoration in all cornersand center; spine with title, four raised bands andgold tooled design. Pastedowns with intricate goldtooled decoration around edges with marbled endpa-pers. Gold tooling on all edges of the binding. A.e.g.Green ribbon marker. Spine lightly faded. $1650.00Gresset, (1709-1777), was a poet and dramatist, ateacher in Jesuit colleges, and made his name with thepoem Ver-Vert (1734). This poem is a charming trifleabout a pampered convent parrot, highly decorousand learned in religious phrases, who is invited toshow his paces at another convent, but picks up someshocking language on the journey there and scandal-

izes the good nuns. - The Concise Oxford Dictionary of French Literature. Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With her Bookplate. NOTE: In Item #10 we offer the catalogue ‘An Unusual Collection of Miniature Books Formed by a Lady ... 1928 ...” Thisbook is item #117 therein.

(Feathered Serpent Press) The Stage Coach. By Washington Irving. SanRafael.[CA] 1988. 2.625” x 2”. Frontispiece of a 16p British postal stamp of theNorwich Mail in a Thunder Storm (1827). Designed by Don Graeme Kelley andprinted by Susan Acker at the Feathered Serpent Press. Bound in pale pinkpaper with black title on front and spine; red illustration of coach and horsesacross both covers. Red illustrated endpapers. No. 28 in an edition of 190 copies,signed by Susan Acker. $90.00This book received a 1989 Distinguished Book Award from the M.B.S.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

(Figment Press) The Cardboard Court. Essay by Louise de la Rue. [California. n.d.]3” x 2.25”. Blue, red and black illustrations, most with hand coloring. Designed,typeset and printed on Shadow Mould paper and bound by Dianne Weiss. Boundin red cloth with orange paper title label on front. No. 7 in an edition of 65 copies,signed by Dianne E. Weiss. $200.00

(Figment Press) A Carousel. By Dianne Weiss. [California. 1992.] 2.375” x 2.75”.Designed, illustrated, printed and bound at the Figment Press with hand-coloredillustrations. Opens to form a circle to show carousel animals drawn from oldillustrations. Shiny silver paper in a second layer behind illustrations adds depthto carousel. Blue cloth boards with illustration and mirror-type circular decora-tion. Multi-colored ribbon tie. No. 56 in an edition of 100 copies, signed by DianneWeiss. $325.00








No. 206.

No. 208.

Page 34: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Fleece Press) Yan Tyan Tethera Counting Sheep. Woolley, Wakefield. 1987. 2.75” x 2”. Wood engravings in black andwhite by Kathleen Lindley. Accordion fold. Printed by Simon Lawrence. Bound by Smith Settle in beige boards withpaper title label on front board. Green Slipcase. One in an edition of 275 copies. $95.00

211. (Fleece Press) The Country Life. By Kathleen Lindley. 1997. 2.5” x 2”. Black and white wood-engravings. Bound in floral cloth with paper spine label. Edition of 300 copies. $75.00

212. (Bern L. Fontana) A Miniature History of Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo. [By]Bernard L. Fontana. Pasadena. 1997. 3” x 2.5”. Designed and printed at The Castle Press. Colorfrontispiece and color illustration, with one black and white illustration. Bound in brown clothwith gilt title on spine and front cover. Marbled endpapers. An edition of 250 copies. $65.00213. (Carl Fromme) Fromme’s Wiener Port-Monnaie Kalendar 1907. Wien. 2” x 1.375”. Calendar forthe year, includes blank pages for notes, rates of exchange, birthdays of the royal family, as wellas important dates of the Jewish calendar for 5667-5668. Bound in plum/brown morocco with asterling silver (stamped) Art Nouveau ornament affixed to the outer front top corner. With therubber stamp of the binder, J. Silberberg of Wien, across the back endpaper. All edges gilt.(Bondy, Miniature Books, p. 168.) An old small pencil notation on one page. $295.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

214. Gem Edition) Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur. With anAddress by the Hon. John Hay. Reprint of Translation (4th Edition)rendered into English Verse by Ed. Fitzgerald. Privately Printed.[London.?] MCMV. (1905.) 4.25” x 2.625”. Black and white etchingssigned with a ‘V’ in most of the plates. A large paper copy, printed inblack with red. Bound in full brown leather with green inlays at thecorners which are intricately tooled with a floral design on both cov-ers; simple rectangular gilt tooled design on the brown leather linksthe four corners. Spine with four raised band, gilt design as well as gilttitle and date of publication. Doublures with a rim of brown leatherwith the rectangular gilt tooling and an inlay of green floral paperwith light silver flecks which is also used as the front free endpapers.This is repeated for the back inside cover. All edges gilt. No. 87 in anedition of 105 copies. Handwritten in red ink ‘For Presentation onlyF.S.’ on the verso of the page preceding the title page. On the title pageitself, in red ink, is the signature of ‘F.S.’ and the date ‘August 1905’.Two small marks on the front cover, and an even smaller mark on theback cover, nevertheless in beautiful condition. $850.00

215. (Gleniffer Press) Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House Library. By AnnBahar. [Paisley.] Scotland. 1991. 2.625” x2”. Color frontispiece of the library in the Dolls’ House.Bound in navy leather with silver title and crown on the front cover. Marbled endpapers. No. 37in an edition of 265 numbered copies. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With her Bookplate.

216. (Greenstone Books) In the Woods. A Forest Hymn byWilliam Cullen Bryant; When Woods were Green by HenryWadsworth Longfellow; Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson. StPaul, Minnesota. 1969. 2.8” x 2.25”. Illustrated with black andwhite wood engravings. Bound in a thin brown wood veneerwith the title blind-stamped in darker brown on front. No. 175in an edition of 500 copies. $50.00

217. (Hillside Press) The Nightingale. By Hans ChristianAndersen. Franklin, New Hampshire. 1964. 2.375” x 1.875”. Black and white illus-trations. Handset. Bound in white vellum with black title on spine and black lineardesign on front with gray/black illustration of a nightingale. No. 106 in an editionof 350 copies. $100.00Note: Not all the copies were bound in vellum, some were bound in leather or cloth.



No. 213.

Page 35: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Hillside Press) Bewick’s Select Fables. With Engraved Illustrations of the Original Woodcuts. Franklin, NewHampshire. 1965. 2.25” x 2”. Handset in Bulmer Roman type. Bound in gray-green cloth with black title on spine.Illustrated yellow dust jacket with title in black on spine. No. 350 in an edition of 375 copies. $55.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Hillside Press) Stars To-night. By Sara Teasdale. Illustrations by Dorothy Lathrop. Buffalo, New York. 1981. 2.125” x1.875”. Production by Ward Schori. Illustrations handcolored. Handset in Roman Century on Rives imported paper.This is No. TWO of 10 specially bound copies by Hugh Grummich in blue leather with gilt title on spine and giltdecoration on both boards. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. Thin white ribbon marker. No. 217 of 350 copies, signedby Eleanor Irwin. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Hillside Press) Stars To-night. By Sara Teasdale. Illustrations by Dorothy Lathrop. Buffalo, New York. 1981. 2.375” x2”. Illustrations handcolored. Handset in Roman Century on Rives imported paper. Bound in cream cloth with gilttitle on spine and gilt decoration on front. Marbled endpapers. No. 68 of 350 copies. $45.00

(Richard J. Hoffman) Angels Flight: A Los Angeles Funicular Railway. By Msgr. Francis J. Weber. A Note in theTransportation History of Los Angeles. Van Nuys. [CA] 1988. 2.625” x 2.125”. Fold-out black and white illustration.Red cloth spine with gilt title, pale blue paper boards with black design. Laid in a slot on the back doublure in a ‘tick-et’ to the Funicular. An edition of 200 copies. $50.00

(Imprenta Glorias) Boating with Bogart. By Gloria Stuart. Embellishments by David Dicker (Ward Ritchie). Publishedfor Imprenta Glorias. Los Angeles, California. 1993. 3” x 2.125”. Printed on blue paper with blue marbled paperboards and title label on spine. With a Humphrey Bogart United States postal stamp laid in. 100 copies printed byRobin Price. Signed by Gloria Stuart and Ward Ritchie. $300.00

(Imprenta Glorias) Remembering Casablanca. By Julius J. Epstein. Imprenta Glorias. 1994. 36p. 2.5” x 3”. Conceived andillustrated in color by Gloria Stuart and designed by Ward Ritchie. Printed by John Robinson. Red marbled paperboards, paper title label across spine and boards. An edition of 50 copies, signed by Epstein, Stuart and Ritchie.$325.00

(Iron Bear Press) ... the problem with dream-ing ... [San Diego, California. 1999.] 2.125”x 3”. Accordion fold. Paintings, prints, textand hand binding by Diane Weintraub.Images are prints based on paintings. Textset in Times Roman on Neenah ClassicAvon Brilliant. Bound in turquoise clothwith a design on the front of stitches andsmall colored beads. No. 17 in an edition of50 copies, signed by Diane Weintraub. Aminiature Artist’s Book. $135.00

(Johnnycake Press) Journey by Pony Cart: From the Finger Lakes to the Berkshire Mtns. By Philip Newell Youtz. 1985. 3”x 2.5”. Illustration. With fold-out map in back. Printed in Binny Old Style monotype on a Vandercook Universal IIIproof press. Binding designed and made by Carol Joyce in brown oasis goatskinwith simple raised pattern of mountain, gilt title on front. Brown Sugi bark endpa-pers and brown internal leather hinges. No. 23 in an edition of 50 copies signed inpencil by the publisher, Jennifer Dossin. Signed by the illustrator, David Marshall,on the illustration page and map. $275.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Junipero Serra Press) America’s Painter Norman Rockwell. By Msgr. Francis J. Weber.San Fernando. [CA] 1983. 3” x 2.125”. Designed by Francis Braun. Frontispiece of aUSPS 8c stamp of a Tom Sawyer painting by Rockwell. Bound in orange leatherettewith gilt title on front. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 300 copies. $75.00

(Carol & Zachary Kent) It’s Magic. Remarks by Kevin Aram, a lute player based i nLondon. 1989. Printed by Carol and Zachary Kent, Midsummer 1991. 2.125” x 1.75”.Black and white illustration. Marbled paper boards with cream paper illustration ofa book spine over the spine. Marbled endpapers. A keepsake for lovers of the bookand of the guitar. $45.00












No. 224.

Page 36: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

228. (Kurbel Books) Canticle of the Sun. By St. Francis of Assisi.[Translated by Rev. Joseph L. Curran.] [Sudbury, Massachusetts. 1984.]2.5’ x 2.125”. Accordion fold. 6 Vatican stamps with images of St. Francis.Design by Robert E. Massmann. Printed by Shea Bros. Inc. Calligraphyand illumination, some by hand, by E. Helene Sherman. Bound by Belaand Mariana Blau in blue leather lined with marbled paper. Bookattached to back board; gilt title on spine. Blue ribbon with medallion ofSt. Francis attached to back board. Card slipcover with paper title labelson front and spine. In a plastic box. An edition of 500 copies. $75.00

229. (Kurbel Books) Fabergé. By Joseph L. Curran. 1988. 3” x 2.375”.Double accordion fold with text on left, opening from the center and

bottom of book by ribbon. Plexiglass box. No. 11 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by Rev. Joseph L. Curran. $200.00

(Le Petit Oiseau Press) Christmas: The Christmas Story as told by St. Luke. [Chicago. 1963.] 1.875” x 1.5”. Color fron-tispiece and illustration tipped-in. Black and white illustrations. Hand set, printed and bound by Doris V. Welsh inthe S.T.A. workshop in the Newberry Library. Green cloth spine and tips with paper title label; light green paperboards, black title and illustration on front. One in an edition of 150 copies. $150.00Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “D.V.W. 1992 K.I.R.”

(Lilliputter Press) The Little Cookie Book. Thirty-one Favorite Recipes of a Minibibliophile. [By Ruth E. Adomeit.]Woodstock, Vermont. 1960. 2.375” x 1.625”. Illustrated by Helen B. Herrick. Printed on Warren’s Thintext paper by TheElm Tree Press in Caledonia with Garamond. Binding in blue cloth spine with yellow title; yellow cloth boards withtitle and illustration on front. Endpapers illustrated with items from a kitchen. An edition of 200 copies. One internalsignature split, but not loose. $40.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Lorson’s Books & Prints) Nursery Rhymes. Wood engravings by Gwenda Morgan. Printed by The Whittington Press.1985. 2.5” x 1.675”. Printed in 6 pt Garamond on Zerkall mould-made paper. Bound by Smith Settle in brown leatherwith gilt title on spine. Top edge gilt. Separate marbled paper folder containing a set of proofs. All laid in a browncloth dropback box with paper title label on spine. No. XV of 35 Special copies signed by Gwenda Morgan in a totaledition of 150 copies. $450.00See Item # 9 - Correspondence to Lois Boorman.

(Lorson’s Books & Prints) Country Calendar. Wood engravings by Gwenda Morgan. Printed by The Whittington Press.Andoversford. 1985. 2.5” x 1.875”. Printed in 6 pt Garamond on Zerkall mould-made paper. Bound by Smith Settle inbrown leather with gilt title on spine. Top edge gilt. Separate marbled paper folder containing a set of proofs. All laidin a tan cloth dropback box with paper title label on spine. No. XV of 35 Special copies signed by Gwenda Morgan ina total edition of 150 copies. $450.00


most color photographic illustrations on the right. Layout by Robert E. Massmann, and printed by SheaBros., Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Bound by Bela & Mariana Blau in blue cloth with metallic embroi-dered eggs on both front and back covers; title in black on spine. Yellow painted wooden egg attached to





No. 229.

No. 228.

Page 37: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Lorson’s Books & Prints) Country Calendar. Wood engravings by Gwenda Morgan. Printed by The Whittington Press.Andoversford. 1985. 2.5 x 1.875”. Printed in 6pt Garamond on Zerkall mould-made paper. Bound by Smith Settle inWhittington marbled paper with gilt-titled tan spine. Brown endpapers. Brown slipcase with tan cloth trim. An out-of-series copy of 115 thus bound in a total edition of 150 copies. $125.00

(Lorson’s Books & Prints & The Whittington Press) Good Babies Bad Babies. By John Lawrence. 1986. 2.5” x 1.875”.Black and white wood engravings. Printed in red in Bell type on Zerkall mould-made paper. Tan cloth spine with gilttitle; toning floral paper boards. Cream slipcase with tan cloth trim. No. 41 of 140 thus in a total edition of 175 copies.


(Lorson’s Books & Prints & The Whittington Press) Weeds in my Garden. By Miriam Macgregor. 2.5” x 1.875”. Handcolored illustrations. Printed in Garamond on Zerkall mould-made paper. Black spine with gilt title; Japanese paperboards. Yellow silk portfolio containing a set of uncolored proofs. Both items laid in a yellow silk dropback box withpaper title label on spine. In an edition of 175 copies this is No. XV of 35 Special copies signed by Miriam Macgregor.


(Lorson’s Books & Prints & The Whittington Press) A Study of Dinosaurs on the Comparative Method or ComparativeDinosaurs for Students, Amateurs, Fanciers and Breeders. By H.J. Mudwinkle, FRS & Bar. Illustrated by Peter Forster.Whittington Press for Lorson’s Books & Prints. 1988. 2.5” x 1.875”. Printed in Scotch Roman on Basingwerk paper.Bound in blue cloth with gilt title on front. Blue marbled endpapers. Blue slipcase. One in an edition of 175 copies.

$125.00(Lorson’s Books & Prints & The Whittington Press)Predators in my Garden. [Illustrations and text] ByMiriam McGregor. Lorson’s Books & Prints & TheWhittington Press. [1993.] Wood-engravings hand-colored. Printed in Garamond on Zerkall mould-made paper. Bound in full brown leather with gilttitle on spine. Gold raw silk bound folder with a setof the engravings in black-and-white. All laid in agold silk dropback box with toning yellow papertrim and paper title label on spine. In a total editionof 250 copies this is No. XIX of 50 Special copiessigned by Miriam Macgregor. $450.00

(MarMichel Press) Via Crucis. By Msgr. Francis J.Weber. Los Angeles, California. 1997. 2.875” x 2.125”.Typeset in Weidemann on Mohawk Superfine.Designed and printed letterpress by Regis Graden atNut Quad Press. Tipped-in frontispiece of a com-memorative stamp issued by the HashemiteKingdom of Jordan. Bound by Marianne Blau in brown cloth spine with gilt title, light brown boards. Small bookplateof previous owner on back inside cover. One in an edition of 504 copies. $35.00Keepsake from Msgr. Weber at the Miniature Book Society 1997 Conclave.

(Robert E. Massmann) Prospectus for Mark Twain’s “The War Prayer”. 1.25” x 1.375”. In small white envelope. $15.00“Mark Twain did not permit his indictment of glorifying the glamor of war to be published until after his death. He felt it would fallon deaf ears, because he was truthful; and only dead men can tell the truth in this world.” - Prospectus.

(Robert E. Massmann) Keepsake of Eloise and Bob Massmann for M.B.S. Conclave XV. Approx. 3” x 2.625”. Blue wrap-pered book which folds open. Various quotes as text. Typography by Richard A. Massmann. Design, layout and fab-rication by Robert E. Massmann. An edition of 150 copies. $25.00

(Robert E. Massmann) Collector’s Clean Sweep. Colonial Besom Keepsake of Eloise and Robert Massmann. M.B.S.Grand Conclave IX. Williamsburg. [VA] 1991. Approx. 2.125” x 3”. Typography, design, layout and assembly byRobert E. Massmann. Illustrated cover and slipcase label by C. Ernest Massmann. Hand coloring by Eloise C. Mass-mann. Book in the shape of a broom with a stick handle. Illustrated cover folder. An edition of 200 copies. $25.00

(Minia Press) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found there. By Lewis Carroll.Two volumes. Paris. Printed in France. [n.d.] ca. 1945. 3.125” x 2.125”. Vol. I - With Forty-Two Illustrations by JohnTenniel. Vol. II - With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. Re-bound in green leatherette with five raised bands and












No. 238.

Page 38: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

gilt title anddecoration onspine. Greenmarbled endpa-per. Top edgegilt. In yellowpaper coveredcard slipcase.

$350.00P r o v e n a n c e :From the collec-tion of KathrynIda Hill Rickard.With her Book -plate.

(Minia Press) The Fables of Aesop. Edmund S. Wood. Jamaica. 1943. 2” x 1.625”. Frontispiece, black and white illustra-tions [by Charles Bennett]. Red cloth with gilt title on spine and title in English with tortoise on front and title in Greekand image of a bee on back, all in gilt. Gold slipcase.Gold card slipcase with slight tear. $150.00#65 in Doris Welch’s Bibliography.

(Miniature Book Society) Three Miniature books. 2.125”x 1.375”. Keepsakes in plastic box. 1) Peace on Earth. Accordion fold book. Marbled paper boards with paper title label on front. Thin gold color cord withgold sequin and metal ball around book.2) 1989. Accordion fold calendar book with marble paper boards and paper title label on front. Blue ribbon tie.3) Untitled. Blue decorated paper boards with empty white Japanese paper envelope folder. Pale blue ribbon ties withmetal ball to pull to close. $60.00

(Miniature Book Society) Various Keepsakes from Grand Conclave XV. 1997:1) Juniper Von Phitzer - An Alphabet Coloring Book. San Francisco, CA. 2.5” x 2”. The Grand Conclave XV. 1997.Accordion fold. Mottled brown/gold paper boards with semi-circular silver paper title label. Attached to the book byred string is a small red crayon.2) Kitemaug Press - Be Whatever You Are. 1997. 1.5” x 1.5”. Color illustrated accordion fold book. Blue wrappers.Keepsake from Frank & Jeanette Anderson.3) Kurbel Books- Wooden Book. 1.5” x 1.125”. Gray paper with title over wood. White cord so the book can be worn asa necklace.4) A pop-up thin brown card Printing Press - approx. 2” x 1.5”.5) Persea Press - Keepsake of a folded sheet with quote and design inside.6) Bronte Press - Keepsake signed by Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki. 2.75” x 2.125”. 7) Roger Huet - The Book of Happiness. Miniature cotton reel with pink ribbon. .75” x .5”. As a group - $75.00





No. 243.

Page 39: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Müszaki Konyvkiado) Herendi Porcelán. [By] Dr. Sikota Gyözö. Budapest. 1977. 2.875” x 2.125”.Color frontispiece. Essay in Hungarian and English on the Herendi Porcelain factory with color plateillustrations of 49 ceramics. Descriptions of images in Hungarian and English. Bound in blueleatherette with gilt title on spine and miniature flower painted circular porcelain plaque on front.Housed in a cream velvet lined blue box with the Herendi crest in gilt on the lid lining with the word‘Handpainted’ and the numerals ‘1825-1976 150’. An edition of 500 copies with the porcelain plaque.Issued to celebrate the 150 years of Herendi Porcelain. $250.00

(Robert D. Naiva) The Concord Fight: The Narrative of Jeremy Lister. Volume I. The Concord Fight: AnAccount by Amos Barrett. Volume II. Concord. 1975. 3” x 1.125”. Printed in Bembo type by Joh.Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Reliue de Centre S.A., France, in navy leather withgilt titles on front. Red endpapers. All edges gilt. Blue cloth slipcase. One in an edition of 2000 copies.Volume I: Being so much of the narrative of Ensign Jeremy Lister of the 10th Regiment of Foot as per-tains to his services on the 19th April 1775.Volume II: The personal experiences of the author who participated in the fight. Foreword by AllenFrench. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate in each book.

(Ferd. Ongania) Le Rime de Petrarca. [Italian.] [Francesco Petrarch.] Venice. MDCCCLXXIX. (1879.)2.375” x 2.125” x .875”. Two miniature volumes bound as one. A portrait frontispiece to each volumeand numerous engraved vignettes throughout. Bound by Zaehnsdorf (with their stamp on the front pastedown) inblue crushed morocco with an intricate central gold tooled design as well as a fine gold tooled edge design on bothboards. Spine with title and five raised bands, intricately tooled. Leather design continues on edge of front doublure,with blue silk doublure and free endpapers. Top edge gilt. Original wrappers bound in. No. 411 in an edition of 1000copies. This is one of a few uncut large-paper copies. $2000.00

This book contains six sonnets which had recently been discovered by G. Veludo, the dedicatee. NOTE: In Item #10 we offer the catalogue ‘An Unusual Collection of Miniature Books Formed by a Lady ... 1928 ...” Theabove book is shown in the largest illustration and described as ‘A Little Masterpiece of Typography ExquisitelyBound.’ It is described and mentioned in many of the best bibliographic works on miniature books.(Opuscula Press) Prayers written at Vailima: With anIntroduction by Mrs. Stevenson and A Christmas Sermon. [Twovolumes.] By Robert Louis Stevenson. Bradenton, Florida.1985. 2.875” x 2.375”. Frontispiece of Robert Louis Stevenson.Printed in Oracle type. Prayers at Vailima handbound in quar-ter black leather and cream Fabriano paper with blue papertitle label on front and blue paper trim alongside spine; blueflower patterned endpapers. A Christmas Sermon handboundin quarter tan leather and cream Fabriano paper with bluepaper title label on front and blue paper trim alongside spine;






No. 247.

No. 249.

No. 250.

Page 40: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

red flower patterned endpapers. Both books in a blue slipcase with black titles on spine. In atotal edition of 175 copies, this is No. 26 of 26 Special sets. Prospectus included. $250.00

251. (Payot & Co.) Réflexions sur Le Temps, L’Espace et La Vie. [French.] By Henry Bergson.Paris. [n.d.] 3.75” x 2.75”. Bound in paisley Liberty material over card with paper title labelon front. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. $65.00One in a series of French miniature books - Bibliothéque Miniatures.

Superb Fore-edge Painting in fine condition252. (Gui. Pickering) Publius Terentius Afer. [Italian.] [Terence, aRoman Playwright.] London. MDCCCXXII. (1822.) 3.375”. x 2”.Bound by ‘Nutt: Cambridge’ in red leather with four raised bandson the spine. Gilt title on spine and gilt tooled design on edges ofcovers and inner doublures. Fore-edge painting of ancientRoman ruins. All edges gilt. Ink signature of previous owner onfront pastedown. $1250.00The 7th in the Diamond Classic series. Fine fore-edge paintingwith great detail.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. Withhis Bookplate.

A set of two volumes with Superb Fore-edge Paintings in fine condition(Gui. Pickering) La Divina Commedia. Di Dante Alighieri. [Italian.] Two volumes. Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. MDC-CCXXIII. (1823.) 3.625” x 2”. Frontispiece of Dante engraved by R. Grave. Paginated as one volume, followed by fouradvertisements. Bound in green leather with title and gold tooling on spine and simple gold-tooled design on covers.Five raised bands on spine. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. Both volumes with fine detailed fore-edge paintingswith views of landscapes. Slight wear to spines and corners. $2000.00

254. (Gulielmus Pickering) Quintus Horatius Flaccus. [Italian.] 57Chancery Lane, London. 1824. [Last page states 1826.] A Reprint. 3.25”x1.675”. Engraved frontispiece. Bound in red leather with title andgold tooling on spine and simple gold-tooled lines on cover. Fiveraised bands on spine. All edges gilt. Green ribbon marker. $475.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With herBookplate. [See illustrations top of p. 39.]

255. (P’Nye Press) A Coffee Cantata. [By Frederika Postman.] 4.75” x3”. Tan sheet of paper folded to form a book. A list of words relatingto coffee printed in brown. $15.00



No. 251.

No. 252.

No. 253. Above - Volume I.Right - Volume II - detailof fore-edge painting.

No. 252 - Fore-edge.

Page 41: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(JoAnna Poehlman) Drawingsin a Nutshell. Wisconsin,Milwaukee. 1985.Approx.1.75” x 1.25” at the widestpoints. Walnut shell with tinyaccordion fold book inside.Handpainted lithograph ofvarious nuts. Title and nutnames in pencil. Shell withbrown ribbon closure, and ina brown hessian bag with theletters ‘NUTS’ in black on theone side and a string closureto the bag. A/P signed byPoehlman. $350.00Together with: Catalogue of an exhibition ofJoAnna Poehlman: Books,Works on Paper and Sculpture1964-1994 at the WustumMuseum of Fine Arts, Racine, Wisconsin. March 27-May 1, 1994. 11” x 7.5”. Illustrated cover wrappers.Price list of the work of JoAnna Poehlman.Handwritten letter from JoAnna Poehlman to Lois Boorman about her pur-chase of the above book,listing some collections that possess this item.


257. (Poole Press) Aelian on Fly Fishing. Foreword by J. R. Adams.[Berkeley, California.] 1979. 2.625” x 2.2”. Handset, printed and boundat Poole Press by Maryline P. Adams. Illustrations by J.R. and M.P.Adams. Brown spine with title in green, and brown marbled paperboards. No. 138 of 250 copies, signed by M.P. Adams and J.R. Adams.

$150.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

258. (Poole Press) Kipling’s American Catches: Epic story of heroic sizeabout exploits in salmon fishing. Foreword by J.R. Adams. 1980. 2.625” x2.25”. Frontispiece of Kipling tipped-in, as well as another tip-in.Printed in black with green. Designed, handset, printed and bound byMaryline P. Adams. Set in Garamond, printed on German made Ingres

Antiqua paper, marbling by the printer. Green cloth spine with gilt title; marbled paper boards. No. 54 in an editionof 150 copies. Signed by M.P. Adams. $150.00 Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Poole Press) Prophecy. [Nursery Rhyme.] [Berkeley, California.] September 1980. 2.625” x 2.125”. Printed in black withbrown decorative borders on yellow paper. Handset, printed and bound by Maryline Adams. Sewn binding of thincard covered in decorated paper with narrow yellow title label. One in an edition of approximately 50 copies. $115.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Poole Press) The Kings & Queens of England. An Anonymous Mnemonic.[Berkeley, California.] 1981. 1.75” x 1.87”. Handset, printed and bound byMaryline Adams. Libra type on handmade paper from the mill of JosephBatchelor. Marbled endpapers by Maryline Adams. Bound in patternedpaper with paper title label on front printed in red. No. 33 of 100 copiessigned in red by M.P. Adams. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Poole Press) The Jackdaw of Rheims from ‘The Ingoldsby Legends’ by R.H.Barham. [Berkeley, California.] 1981. 2.25” x 3.25”. Designed, printed, illus-trated and bound by Maryline Poole Adams. Handset in Libra type, letter-press printed on paper mouldmade at St. Cuthbert’s Mill in England, illus-trations hand colored. Bound in red/tan marbled paper boards with brownleather gilt-titled spine and corners No. 47 in an edition of 125 copies, signed by M.P. Adams. $200.00






No. 254.

No. 256.

Page 42: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

262. (Poole Press) Advice to aYoung Man Choosing a Mistress:1745. [By] Ben Franklin.[Berkeley. 1982.] 2.25” x 2.25” -at the widest points. Designed,handset, printed and bound byMaryline Poole Adams. Heart-shaped book. Printed in brownwith tan decoration on eachpage. Two-color illustrationsthroughout. Bound in brownvelvet with gilt title on frontcover. Marbled endpapers. No.130 in an edition of 130 copies,signed by M.P. Adams. $175.00

“Franklin’s letter to a hypothetical correspondent is reproduced here in a setting popular in 15th Century France: heart-shaped illu-minated manuscripts. ... The idea of this book is to give the feeling of an illuminated manuscript by using 18th Century Fournierfleurons and chap-book illustrations, and thereby provide an appropriate setting for Franklin’s wit.” - Colophon.

263. (Poole Press) Victorian Signatures: Builders’ Signatures on San Francisco Victorian Houses.[Berkeley, California.] 1982. 2.675” x 2.25”.Handset in 8pt Cochin and printed on a C.& P. Pilot press. Illustrated. Handbound byM.P. Adams in brown leather spine withstamped title; green and brown patternedpaper boards with front title. Green endpa-pers of map placing examples of theVictorian Signature Houses. No. 29 of 100numbered copies, signed by M.P. Adams.

$175.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi KalmanLevitan. With his Bookplate.

264. (Poole Press) Merrie England: A philatel-ic celebration of ancient festivals. [Berkeley, California.] 1983. 3” x 2”. The four British stamps entitled Folklore used inthis book were issued in February 1981. Written, designed, handpress printed and bound by Maryline P. Adams. Setin Cochin on Barcham Green paper. French fold. Bound in brown spine with green title and toning marbled paperboards. No. 57 in a total edition of 101 copies, signed by M.P. Adams in red. $275.00

265. (Poole Press) The Story of Little BlackSambo. By Helen Bannerman. 1899. Illustratedby Maryline Poole Adams. [Berkeley,California.] 1983. 2.625” x 2”. Designed, print-ed letterpress, and bound by Maryline PooleAdams. Handcolored linoleum cut illustra-tions. Printed in Cochin on handmadeJapanese Kitikata and bound in black andbrown leather with gilt decoration on frontand spine; gilt title on spine. Black paper slip-case. This is No. B of 25 Deluxe lettered copiesin an edition of 100 copies signed by M.P.Adams. $350.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida HillRickard. With her Bookplate.

266. (Poole Press) Mistletoe: Legends, Myths, &Folk Lore. Written & illustrated by Maryline

Poole Adams. [Berkeley, California.] 1984. 2.5” x 1.875”. Design, printing, binding, linoleum blocks and marbling allby Maryline Poole Adams. Printed letterpress in Deepdene type on damped handmade Barcham Green paper.Specially bound in green leather with red leather spine title label and red leather gilt inset of mistletoe on front. Greenleather slipcase with red edge strip and red ribbon. In an edition of 100 copies, this is No. K of 26 special letteredcopies with the special binding and a frontispiece of a 1982 U.S. Post Office State Birds & Flowers 20c stamp. Thiscopy inscribed in green ink: “All the best to Kal Levitan - Maryline Poole Adams”. $275.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.


No. 262.

No. 263. No. 264.

No. 265.

Page 43: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Poole Press) The Great Fire of London1666: Six Days of the Conflagration fromthe Diary of Samuel Pepys. [Berkeley,California.] 1985. 2.875” x 2.25”.Woodcut frontispiece of Pepys andfull-page woodcuts on brown paper,including one fold-out. Designed,printed and handbound by MarylinePoole Adams. Set in Deepdene andprinted letterpress on Frankfurt

(Poole Press) Pepys Pops Up: MovingEvents from the Diaries of Samuel Pepys, Esq.1660-1667. [Berkeley, California. 1986.] 3”x 2.5”. Designed, engineered, letterpressprinted, assembled, and handbound byMaryline Pool Adams. Seven double-pagespreads with pop-ups, fold-downs, lift-ups and moveable parts. Red ribbonmarkers. Bound in red leather with a redleather enclosed folded title label on front,and a wraparound strip with gilt buttonclosure. Laid in a black felt-lined woodenbox, with a slide-off wood lid paintedwith a scene of London in 1660. Paintedpaper title label on side of box. No. 2 in anedition of 40 copies, signed by Maryline Poole Adams. Inscribed in ink “to Kal Levitan with love – 8/31/86”. $600.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Poole Press) Presenting – The Seven Ages of Man. By Mr. William Shakespeare.As Rendered Movingly By Mrs. Maryline Poole Adams. [Berkeley,California.1986.] 2.625” x 2.125”. Designed, engineered, letterpress printed,assembled, and handbound by Maryline Pool Adams. Seven double-pagespreads with pop-ups, fold-downs, lift-ups and moveable parts. Bound inwhite cloth with brown decoration and illustration, with red title, on front.Closure of round metal button and elastic. Laid in a center-opening box madeto represent the Globe Theatre. No. 22 in an edition of 45 signed and numberedcopies. $425.00

(Poole Press) Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky. [Berkeley, California. 1986.] 2.5” x 2”.Designed, illustrated, printed and assembled by Maryline Poole Adams. ‘Clicktablet’, an education toy format from the late 18th century; now known as‘Jacob’s Ladder’ format. Six wooden boards. Black and white wood-engrav-ings with text on cut-out white paper to fit on both sides of the wood boards.Front and back boards printed on red paper. Black wrap-a-round thin card pro-tective cover. No. 43 in an edition of 99 copies, signed by M.P. Adams. $150.00[See illustration top of p. 42.]

(Poole Press) The Golden Rule East & West. [Quotes from various religions.] [Berkeley, California.] 1987. 2.75” x 1.875”.Handset, printed and bound by M.P. Adams. Printed in several colors. Bound in brown wood board with sewn spineforming decoration and cords with brown beads as closure tie. In an edition of 55 copies, this is one of the 40 regularcopies, numbered and signed by M.P. Adams. Very good. $175.00[See illustration top of p. 42.]


Cream paper. Bound in red leather with gilttitle on spine and relief design on frontcover. Marbled paper slipcase with redleather trim, plus red ribbon for ease ofremoval of book. Of 100 copies printed, thisis No. 22 of 30 which are specially bound and contain a 1996 St. Helena issue stamp Great Fire and commemorating the 300th year of the arrival of settlers tothe island after the Great Fire. Signed by Maryline Poole Adams. $375.00






No. 268.

No. 269.

No. 267.

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(Poole Press) Christmastide in Ancient Britain. [Berkeley, California.] 1987. 2.875” x 2.125”. Accordion fold. Designed,handset, printed, and bound by Maryline Poole Adams - inspired by the Christmas stamps issued 18 November, 1986,

in the United Kingdom. 5 Christmas stamps as illustrations. Graycheck Japanese paper boards lined with red leather. With removablered leather spine, with gilt title, which allows the book to be totallyopen. No. 32 in an edition of 51 copies, signed by M.P. Adams. $300.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

273. (Poole Press) The Quangle Wangle’s Hat. By Edward Lear - 1877.With wood-engravings by Maryline Poole Adams. [Berkeley,California. 1988.] 2.75”x 2”. Designed, hand-set, letterpress printed,and handbound byM.P. Adams. Set in 10ptPoltowski, printed onMohawk Superfinepaper. Wood-engrav-ings printed from the

blocks. Bound in black and white patterned ‘QW’ paper; black leatherspine with gilt title. Black slipcase decorated with the same patternedpaper and a bow of purple/gold ribbon and small metal bobble. Blackendpapers. An edition of 75 copies, signed by Adams. $125.00

(Poole Press) The Elephant’s Child or How the Elephant got his Trunk.Written in 1902 by Rudyard Kipling & newly illustrated with woodengravings by Maryline Poole Adams. [Berkeley, California.] 1990. 2.75” x 2”. Designed, illustrated, letterpress print-

ed and bound by M.P.Adams. Printed inDeepdene on Bassing-werk. Bound in red paperwith a woodcut coveringboth the back and frontboards. Title on spine andfront cover. Red endpa-pers. No. 35 in an editionof 100 copies, signed byM.P. Adams. $125.00Provenance: From thecollection of Kathryn IdaRickard. With her Book-plate.




No. 270. No. 271.

No. 272.

No. 273.

Page 45: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Poole Press) The Embroideries of Mary Queen of Scots. A Sampler by M.P. Adams. [Berkeley, California.] 1990. 3” x2.125”. Written, designed, embroidered, printed, hand colored and bound by Maryline Poole Adams. Printed inDeepdene, with Union Pearl display on Barcham Green handmade paper from the 1930s. Embroidered cloth bindingin various colors of Mary Queen of Scots decorated with seed pearls on the front cover; embroidered thistles on thespine with ‘MR’ and simple embroidery design on back cover. Top edges uncut. Laid in a brown velvet folder with atrim around the edges of beige stitching; lined with dark brown cloth, and tied with beige ribbons. No. 39 in an edi-tion of 45 copies signed by M.P. Adams. $750.00Examples of Mary’s needlework can be seen at Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk, the Victoria & Albert Museum London, andthe Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh.

276. (Poole Press &Rebecca Press) ConclaveCookbook. Illustrated byMaryline Poole Adams.Compiled by RebeccaSaady Bingham. [Ber-keley, California. Hyatts-ville, Maryland.] 1992.3” x 2.125”. This collabo-ration celebrates the 10thConclave of theMiniature Book Society.Letterpress printed atthe Poole Press withhandset Deepdene typeon Mohawk Superfine.Handbound by DonaldBrady in white damaskcloth with gilt title onspine and gilt cutlery

place setting on front with a miniature Imari porcelain plate in the center. Cream ribbon marker. Announcement laidin back of plexiglass container, which opens at the top. In an edition of 125 copies, this is No. 10 of 1 - 35 which arespecially bound. $300.00Recipes from 10 host cities of Miniature Book Conclaves 1983-1992.

(Poole Press & Rebecca Press) e-i-e-i-o (Eileen, Eileen, Oh!) 1992. 2.375” x 2.875”. Sewn salmon wrappers with title onfront and two palm trees - one blue and one red. Blue Japanese endpapers. Printed for the Miniature Book SocietyConclave. An edition of 201 copies. This copy signed in green ink “Saved especially for Katherine Rickard byMaryline Adams”. $100.00




No. 275.

Page 46: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Poole Press) Matryoshka – Russian Nesting Dolls. [In 5 volumes.] By Maryline Poole Adams. [Berkeley, California.1993.] 2.75” x 2.25” x 1.625”. Designed, illustrated, printed and bound by Maryline Poole Adams. Bound in red leatherwith gilt title on spine, and color illustration of a Russian doll on the front board; marbled paper trim and marbledendpapers. No. 28 in an edition of 55 copies, signed by Adams. [The edition of 55 copies was not fully completed.] $450.00

279. (Poole Press) Envoy. From‘Underwoods’ by Robert LouisStevenson. [Berkeley,California. 1993.] 3” x 2”.Designed, illustrated, printedand bound by Maryline PooleAdams. Printed in purple onvarious color papers. Semi-cir-cular shape. Bound in blackleather with title in gilt onspine. Matching black leatherslipcase with gilt title. No. 32of 65 copies, signed by M.P.Adams. $275.00

(Poole Press) Masters in this Hall. A Christmas Carol written by William Morris in 1859 herein presented with his dec-orations & the illustrations of Maryline P. Adams. [Berkeley, California] 1995. 3” x 2.25”. Designed, handset, printedand bound by Maryline Poole Adams. Printed in Libra with Goudy 30 and Morris’ initial letters enhancements, print-ed on Lana Royal paper. With a U.K. 15 1/2p postage stamp with Morris designed wallpaper. Bound in blue leatherwith gilt title on spine and rectangular red and blue leather onlay decoration on the front. Red endpapers. Brown vel-vet open-sided folder tied with gold ribbon. No. 21 of 30 Special leather bound copies in an edition of 100 copies,signed by Maryline Poole Adams. $350.00

(Poole Press) Sherlock Holmes - A Philatelic Gallery. [Berkeley, California.] 1995. 3” x2”. Accordion fold within a bind-ing of black clothspine and corners andpatterned cloth sideswith small paper titlelabel on front. Spinecan be removed forfull viewing. Inspiredby a set of U.K. com-merative SherlockHolmes stamps issuedin October 1993, itcontains 5 postagestamps relating to var-ious Holmes stories.Printed in black on

blue paper. No. 20 in an edition of 100 copies, signed by Maryline Poole Adams. $225.00





No. 279.

No. 281.

No. 278.

No. 280.

Page 47: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Rebecca Press) Edna St. Vincent Millay: Sonnets & a Few Poems. [Hyattsville, Maryland.] 1982. 2.75” x 2.125”.Frontispiece is an 18c U.S. stamp of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Typeset and print-ed by Serif Press. Bound by Green Dragon Bindery in beige/green slubbed silk with the initials of the poet in salmoncolor embroidered by Mark Levi on the front board. No. 41 in an edition of 200 copies, initialed by R.S.B. $95.00

(Rebecca Press) Original wood engraving of a goose by Sarah Chamberlain. 3” x 2.25”. Gray flecked wrapper. Signed byChamberlain. Keepsake: MBS: Conclave VI. $35.00

(Rebecca Press) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. By Washington Irving. Wood engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. RebeccaPress. 1983. [Hyattsville, Maryland.] 2.5” x 3”. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Printed on Curtis Colophonpaper. Green postage stamp of Washington Irving as frontispiece. 10c. stamp tipped in as part of the book. Printed byJane Pomeroy at the Burntcoat Press. Bound at the Green Dragon Bindery. Endpapers for the deluxe edition marbledby Christopher Weimann. Full blue leather with inset of orange moon and black relief illustration of two riders anda tree. All edges speckled black. Slipcase of blue leather trimmed with orange leather. No. 31 of 35 deluxe copies in anedition of 150 copies, signed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. $500.00The design of this binding is taken from the ‘Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ stamp that is tipped in the book.

(Rebecca Press) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. By Washington Irving. Wood engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. RebeccaPress. 1983. [Hyattsville, Maryland.] 2.5” x 3”. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Printed on Curtis Colophonpaper. 10c. stamp tipped in as part of the book. No. 71 in an edition of 150 copies,signed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Unique binding by Angela James inSeptember 1994. Bound in dark blue leather to a geometric design with illustrat-ed painted panels in yellow, blue and black. Title in gilt on spine. Handpaintedleather doublures with toning endpapers. All edges gilt with blue stripes. Laid ina deep blue box lined with plum suede and with a yellow ribbon to remove thebook from the box. Matchbox-like cover in plum/pink with yellow and black titlelabel on front. $1500.00 1983 was the bicentennial year of the birth of Washington Irving.

(Rebecca Press) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. By Washington Irving. Wood engrav-ings by Sarah Chamberlain. 1983. [The bicentennial year of the birth ofWashington Irving.] Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Set in FairfieldLinotype with initial caps in Fry’s Ornamented. Printed on Curtis colophon paperby Jan Pomeroy at the Burntcoat Press. A 10c stamp of The Legend of Sleepy Hollowis used as an illustration. Bound at the Green Dragon Bindery in blue cloth with round orange paper title label onfront. No. 100 in a total edition of 150 copies, signed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. $75.00

(Rebecca Press) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Original wood engraving of the first illustration, signed by ‘S.Chamberlain for Mimi and Arnold’. Image - 2.5” x 2.75”. Frame - 6.375” x 5.875”. Blue mount and silver/gilt frame.

$150.00Mimi and Arnold Elkind, both now deceased, were major collectors of contemporary fine press and illustrated books.

(Rebecca Press) Erté Maquettes. [Foreword by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Introduction by Salomé Estorick.] [Hyattsville,Maryland.] 1984. 2.875” x 2.125”. Pencil frontispiece of Erté at 91. Color illustrations of the maquettes. Binding byGreen Dragon Bindery ofblack cloth boards, silverleather spine with black title,and silver endpapers. Whitecard stapled booklet with sil-ver title and decoration onfront with eight colormaquette illustrations. Blackcard slipcase with black rib-bon for easy removal ofbook. No. 500 in an editionof 2,200 copies (of which 1-200 are specially bound in adeluxe edition), signed byRebecca S. Bingham $150.00These miniature images aretaken from original paintingswhich were at the Grosvenor Gallery, London.









No. 287.

No. 288.

Page 48: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Rebecca Press) The Wild Swans. By Hans Christian Andersen. Wood Engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. 1986. 2.875”x 2.25”. Set in Kennerley Light monotype. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Bound at the Green Dragon Binderyin green leather spine and white boards with title and decoration on front board. No. 147 of 250 regular copies in atotal edition of 315. Signed by Rebecca Bingham. $95.00The 100th Anniversary year of Hans Christian Andersen.

(Rebecca Press) Rosanella. By Comte De Caylus. Wood Engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. 1988. 3” x 2.25”. Illustratedwith original wood engravings by Sarah Chamberlain. Design by Rebecca Saady Bingham. Edition of 315 copies,signed by S. Chamberlain and Rebecca Bingham. This is No. L of 15 state proof copies which were bound at the GreenDragon Bindery. Purple leather binding with onlay of pink rose with two green leaves. Doublures of pink suede. Alledges gilt. Separate folder of rose color marbled paper over thin board containing a suite of all the wood engravingssigned or initialed by Sarah Chamberlain. Also in the folder is a painting of a rose, signed by Chamberlain. Both itemsare laid in a pink suede dropback box with relief title and rose decoration on the front; lined with matching rose mar-bled paper. $850.00Rosanella is the third in a set of three fairy tales in which roses are significant story elements.

(Rebecca Press) The Ideal Man. By Oscar Wilde. 1988. 2.75” x 2.25”. White wrappers sewn with gilt thread. BlackJapanese endpapers. Purple title and floral decoration and green glass bead on front cover. $45.00

(Rebecca Press) Quo’pourri. [Quotes by various authors.] [Maryland. 1989.] 2.375” x 2.875”. Designed by RebeccaSaady Bingham and Cheryl Parker. Printed and illustrated in purple and turquoise. Pages of different sizes at fore-edges with strips of various color paints down the side. Handset in Cowell type and printed at Hummingbird Press.Bound in glittery handmade pink cover papers over board by Therese Bisceglai. Illustrated polymer clay rectangleonlay on front board. Turquoise handmade endpapers. Prepared for the Miniature Book Society Conclave VII. Oneof only 12 copies with the polymer onlay. $175.00

(Rebecca Press) The New House. By David Mamet. [Hyattsville, Maryland. 1989.] 2.75” x 2.25”. Wood engravings bySarah Chamberlain. Printed in brown in Monotype set by Mackenzie-Harris at the Hummingbird Press. SarahChamberlain’s wood engravings were printed in brown from the blocks. Bound in brown leather spine, brown woodveneer with fanlight design on front and miniature door knob. Brown illustrated endpapers of the interior of a house.Brown ribbon marker with miniature gold colored key at end. An extra suite of prints in a tan marbled paper enve-lope type folder is included. Both items in a tan marbled paper over board slipcase with a brown leather blind-stamped illustration of the front door of a house. In a total edition of 250 copies bound at the Green Dragon Bindery,this is No. 41 of 50 Deluxe copies signed by Rebecca S. Bingham and David Mamet. $425.00This book represents the combined inspiration and efforts of Patty Joffee and Rebecca Bingham.

(Rebecca Press) The Seventh Princess & The Goldfish. By Eleanor Farjeon. Illustrated by Edith Bingham. 1993. 2.675” x2.5”. Designed by Rebecca Saady Bingham with the stories printed at opposite ends of the book. Photocompositionand color separations by Robert R. Cole, Jr. and A.J. Trilli at Valley Graphics. Printed at International Graphics. Boundby Don Brady in quarter white leather and handmade paper. Illustration on both boards and title in gilt on spine. TheSeventh Princess has gold endpapers and The Goldfish has marbled endpapers. No. 8 of 275 copies thus, signed byRebecca Bingham. $95.00








No. 293.

Page 49: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(REM Miniatures) Historic Boston, Lexington, Concord. In Pen Drawings by E. Helene Sherman. [New Britain,Connecticut. 1975.] 3” x 3.375”. Published by Robert E. Massmann. With 16 blue ink drawings plus a fold-out map ofPaul Revere’s ride. Sewn red wrappers with paper title label on front. $20.00

(REM Miniatures) Tales of The Wayside Inn. In Pen Drawings by E. Helene Sherman. [New Britain, Connecticut. 1975.]3” x 3.375”. Published by Robert E. Massmann. Printed at Art Press. Fourteen drawings in red. Sewn blue paper wrap-pers with paper title label on front. Spine slightly faded. $20.00

(Kathryn I. Rickard) An Old Love Story. [By Kathryn I. Rickard.] The Phoenix. Richmondville. N.Y. October 1987. 2.5”x 2”. Lilac wrappers and text pages. Decorated title page. An edition of 250 copies. Two ink inscriptions; the first“November, 1987 / To my Dear / Friend, Doris / Welsh with / love./ Kathryn I. Richard” and “to Lois and Jody / ontheir buying / week-end June, 10-11,/ 1994. / Kathryn I. Richard”. $30.00Kathryn I. Rickard states: “The incident in this little booklet took place on March 20, 1986.”Provenance: From the collections of Doris V. Welch and Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With the blue Bookplate “D.V.W.1992 K.I.R.”

(Kathryn I. Rickard) The Attack Fly. [By] Kathryn I. Rickard. Scott’s Printing Company. Duanesburg, New York. April1989. 2.5” x 2”. White wrappers and text pages. Decorated title page. An edition of 250 copies. Ink inscription: “To /Jody & Lois / on their buy- /ing week-end / June 10, 11 - 1994 / Kathryn I. /Rickard”. $30.00Kathryn I. Rickard states: “The incident in this little booklet took place on October 20, 1988.”

(River’s Edge Studio) Flowers & Plants on the United States Postage Stamps. [By] Miriam B. Lawrence. East Greenwich,R.I. 1970. 3.25” x 2. 375”. Illustrated with 16 tipped-in U.S. stamps. Printed on handmade Hayle paper from England,by Joh. Enschede en Zonen, Holland. In a total edition of 500 copies, this is No. 56 of 200 bound in full green leatherwith gilt title on front and spine by Reliure du Centre, Limoge, France. Brown patterned endpapers. All edges gilt.

$250.00Provenance: From the collections of Alene B. Potter and Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With their Bookplates.

(Achille J. St. Onge) Friendship. By RalphWaldo Emerson. Worcester. 1939. 2.375”x1.625”. Frontispiece of Emerson. Printed inTimes New Roman on Worthy Hand andArrows paper by D.B. Updike [at] TheMerrymount Press, Boston. Bound in bluemorocco with gilt decoration on both coversand spine; gilt title on front. Cream silk ribbonmarker. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. Anedition of 950 copies. Very scarce. $800.00The second book printed for Achille J. St.Onge - this copy has a square spine.

(Achille J. St. Onge) Abraham Lincoln: Presidentof the United States 1861-1865: Selections from hisWritings. Worcester. [MA] 1950. 3.125” x 2”.Printed from Monotype Plantin on J. BarchamGreen’s handmade all rag wove paper by The Chiswick Press, London, and bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, London,in navy leather with title and decoration on front and spine in gilt. All edges gilt. An edition of 1500 copies. $225.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

Winston Churchill’s Broadcast(Achille J. St. Onge) King George VI: The Prime Minister's Broadcast February 7, 1952. [By] The Right HonourableWinston S. Churchill. Worcester. [MA] 1952. 2.375” x 1.5”. Printed at The Chiswick Press, London in Monotype Plantinon J. Barcham Green's handmade all rag wove paper. With two photographs of the King by Karsh, and DorothyWilding. Bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in brown leather with Royal cipher and gilt title on front. Red patterned end-papers. All edges gilt. An edition of 750 copies. $500.00 Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Achille J. St. Onge) The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Worcester. [MA] 1953. 2.75” x 1.875”. Frontispieceof Queen Elizabeth in black. Printed in Monotype Plantin on Arnold’s handmade Laid Record paper by The ChiswickPress, London, in black and red. Bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, London, in red leather with gilt title on front and











Page 50: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

spine and gilt insignia on back.Red patterned endpapers. Alledges gilt. Stamp of Sangorski &Sutcliffe on back doublure. Anedition of 2000 copies. $200.00

304. (Achille J. St. Onge) From aWriter’s Notebook. By Van WyckBrooks. Worcester. [MA] 1955.2.375” x 1.875”. Designed byFrank J. Lieberman. Printedfrom Times New Roman type onKelmscott handmade paper byThe Chiswick Press, London.Bound in green leatherette withgilt title on front and spine and

gilt decoration. Patterned endpapers. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 1000 copies. $125.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Wild Apples: History of the Apple Tree. By Henry David Thoreau. Worcester. [MA] 1956. 3” x 2”.Designed by Bruce Rogers. Presswork by The Marshbanks Press, New York. Bound by Frank Fortney in tan leatherwith relief pattern in front and gilt title on spine and front. One of 950 copies. $250.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 1959: The Address by Carl Sandburg before the United States CongressWashington, D.C. February 12, 1959. Worcester. [MA] 2.625” x 1.875”. Frontispiece of a beardless Lincoln on a 1c stamp.Printed from Spectrum type on Antique paper by Joh. Enschede en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Froost en Brandt,Holland, in tan leather with gilt title and decoration on front. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. An edition of 2000copies. $75.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) The Inaugural Address of John Fitzgerald Kennedy President of the United States Delivered at the Capitol,Washington January 20, 1961. Worcester. [MA. 1961.] 2.625” x 1.625”. Frontispiece of Kennedy. Printed from Latetia typeon ‘Old Kentucky Linen’ paper by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound in navy leather with gilt titleand decoration on front. Red patterned endpapers. All edges gilt. $125.00

308. (Achille J. St. Onge) The Night Before Christmas. By Clement C. Moore.Illustrated [in color] by Tasha Tudor. Worcester. [MA] 1962. First edition.3.75” x2.75”. Printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland.Bound in red leather with gilt title on front. Illustrated endpapers. Alledges gilt. Illustrated dust jacket. $200.00

309. (Achille J. St. Onge) Paul Revere’s Ride: A Deposition. The PersonalAccount by Revere of his famous ride with an Introduction by EstherForbes. Worcester. [MA] 1963. 2.375” x 1.875”. Frontispiece of Paul Revere.Printed from Baskerville type on ‘Old Kentucky Linen’ paper by Joh.Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Proost en Brandt N.V.,Amsterdam, Holland, in full brown leather with gilt title on front andrelief illustration of Revere on his horse. Marbled endpapers. All edgesgilt. An edition of 1000 copies. $75.00

Churchill made Honorary Citizen of the U.S.A.310. (Achille J. St. Onge) Sir Winston S. Churchill Honorary Citizen of The

United States of America by Act of Congress April 9, 1963. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1963. 2.5” x 1.625”. Printed in Bemboon ‘Old Kentucky Linen’ paper by Joh. Eschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Frontispiece of Churchill. Bound in redleather with gilt title on front. Green patterned endpapers. A first edition of 1000 copies. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Achille J. St. Onge) Thomas Jefferson on Science and Freedom. A letter to the student William Greene Munford. June 18,1799. With a Foreword by Julian P. Boyd. Worcester. [MA] 1964. 2.625” x 1.875”. Frontispiece profile of Jefferson fromGilbert Stuart's medallion. Printed from Baskerville type on 'Old Kentucky Linen' paper by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen,Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Froost en Brandt, Amsterdam, Holland, in full green calf with title in gilt on front coverand spine. All edges gilt. Patterned endpapers. One in an edition of 1000 copies. $275.00






No. 303.

No. 312.

No. 308.

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(Achille J. St. Onge) The Twenty Third Psalm. Illustrated [in color] by Tasha Tudor. Worcester. [MA] 1965. First edition.3.75” x2.75”. Printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound in green leather with gilt title on front.Illustrated endpapers. All edges gilt. Illustrated dust jacket. [See illustration middle of p. 48] $125.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Thoreau’s Turtle Nest from ‘TheJournal Notes of Henry David Thoreau’. With a Preface byWalter Harding. Worcester. [MA] 1967. 2.625” x 1.875”.Frontispiece of a USPS 5c stamp of Thoreau drawn byLeonard Baskin. Printed from Baskerville type on IngresButten paper by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem,Holland. Bound by Froost en Brandt, Amsterdam,Holland, in full brown calf with title and turtle in red-gilt on front cover. All edges gilt. One in an edition of1500 copies. $125.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Abraham Lincoln: The Song in HisHeart. By Kenneth A. Bernard. Worcester, Massachusetts.1970. 3” x 2.25”. Frontispiece of Lincoln. Illustrationsreproduced courtesy of Boston University Collection ofLincolniana. Printed in Monotype Baskerville and Modern by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound byReliure de Centre, France, in green leather with gilt title on spine and gilt title and Lincoln portrait in gilt on front.All edges gilt. One in an edition of 1500 copies. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Achille J. St. Onge) The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog. By Eugene O’Neill. Worcester. [MA]1972. 2.875” x 2.125”. Frontispiece photograph of O’Neill with the dog. Printed from Lutetia by Joh. Eschedé en Zonen,Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Reliure de Centre, France, in full tan calf with gilt title on front and relief impression ofa dog. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. An edition of 1000 copies. $110.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) Shelley. By A.C. Swinburne. Worcester. [MA] 1973. 2.375” x 1.875”. Printed in Romanée andSpectrum by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Reliure de Centre, France, in red leather and gilttitle and decoration on front. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 500 copies. $140.00“This poem by A.C. Swinburne appears here for the first time in print.” - From the Note.

(Achille J. St. Onge) Mayor of Indianapolis. [By] Father Joseph F. Weber. Worcester. [MA] 1975. 2.875.” x 2.125”. Printedfrom Lutetia by Joh. Eschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, Holland, and bound in Limoge, France, in black leather with title ingilt on front. $125.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) California on United States Postage Stamps. [By[ Francis J. Weber. Worcester. [MA] 1975. 3.25” x2.25”. Frontispiece of a 6c 1969 stamp. Black and white reproductions of stamps. Printed in Spectrum type by Joh.Enschedé en Zonen. Haarlem, Holland. Bound by Reliure du Centre S.A. Limoges, France, in blue leather with gilttitle on spine and front. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 1500 copies. $75.00

(Achille J. St. Onge) The Addresses of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Delivered at Westminster Hall and Guildhall on theoccasion of her Silver Jubilee 1952 - 1977. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1977. 2.75” x 1.875”. Color frontispiece of the Queen.Printed in Perpetua on Crown and Scepter paper at Stanbrook Abbey Press, Worcester, England. Binding planned bySydney M. Cockerell with drawings by Joan Tebbutt. Bound by Weatherby Woolnough in blue leather with gilt titleon spine and gilt lion on front and gilt unicorn on back. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. One in an edition of 1000copies. $175.00

(Karen Slinson Saro) Miniature Origami Book. 1989. 2” x 2”. White flecked paper opening out into a circular pattern.Green silver-flecked handmade paper over card with yellow ribbon. $25.00

(Press of Ward Schori) The Preacher and The Moonshiner. By Loy Warwick. [Original title ‘Father’s DisreputableFriends’.] 1957. 1.75” x 1.5”. Wood engravings in black and white by Sarah Chamberlain. Handset in 6pt Bodoni onMohawk Letterpress paper. Bound in green leather with gilt title on spine; front cover with gilt title and decoration.Top edge gilt. $95.00












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322. (Schori Press) The Lullaby Book of Poems by Eugene Field. Evanston, Illinois.1963. 2” x 2.25”. Printed on white paper with silver glints in blue with a bluedecorative border framing the text. Bound in blue leather with gilt title andillustration in gold, pink and white on the front board. Marbled endpapers.Top edge gilt. An unnumbered copy in an edition of 600 copies, signed byWard K. Schori. Spine slightly faded. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

323. (Schori Press) Memories: An Anthology. Evanston, Illinois. [1965?] 1.75” x2.75”. Various antique ornaments and cuts have been used as well as fouroriginal drawings by Andre Chappaz. Typography by Ward Schori. Bound inblack leatherette with gilt title on spine and gilt title and decoration on front;gilt feather on back board. No. 47 of 330 copies in the regular binding of 330

thus in a total edition of 500 copies. $95.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

324. (Schori Press) The Old Barn; A poem attributed to John Troth. Woodcuts by HerschelC. Logan. Calligraphy by Rebecca A. Shepherd. Evanston, Illinois. 1982. 2” x 2.75”.Letterpress printing from Linotype composition and foundry type was done by WardSchori at his private press. Printed on natural white sheet. Bound in brown cloth withblack title on spine and front. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. An edition of 240copies, signed by Ward K. Schori. $95.00

325. (Press of Ward Schori) Mark Twain and Birds. By Caroline Thomas Harnberger.Evanston. [IL] 1984. 2.75” x 2.25”. Typography by Ward Kermit Schori. Line drawingsof Blue Jays by Elise Pike Lerman. Frontispiece of a U.S. Blue Jay stamp from a com-memorative block known as CAPEX; noting the cooperation between the United Statesand Canada in preservation of our mutual wildlife heritage. Printed by letterpress directfrom type and engravings on ivory-colored Teton Text. Bound in blue cloth with silvertitle on spine and silver color metal plate inset on front board with title and illustration.Laid in a perspex box. One in an edition of 239 copies. $125.00

326. (Press of Ward Schori) We Shall Pay Any Price, BearAny Burden: John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1915-1963. ByRalph Godfrey Newman. [Evanston, Illinois. 1988.]2.125” x 2.5”. Designed by Ward Schori. Printed inSouvenir type by photolithography by The Schori Presson Mohawk Superfine. Bound by Hugo Grammich inblack leatherette with gilt title label on spine and giltimage of Kennedy on the front cover. Dark blue mar-bled endpaper. Marbled paper over board slipcase,with shiny copper medallion of Kennedy set into theside cover and protected with clear plastic. An editionof 300 copies. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard.With her Bookplate.

(Press of Ward Schori) Christmas Poems. By James Whitcomb Riley. Evanston, Illinois. [1982.] 1.875” x 1.5”. Black andwhite endgrain wood engraving illustration by Sarah Chamberlain. Design for the cover by Andre Chappaz. Design,hand typesetting and production by Ward K. Schori.Poetry typeset by computer, with headings, title page and mis-cellaneous matter handset with foundry type. Most of the book printed by photo-offset, but the illustration printed byletterpress direct from the engraved block. Printed on Allegro Vellum. Bound in white cloth with blue title on spineand manger scene illustration on the front cover in blue. Top edge gilt. One in the regular edition of 241 copies. $45.00

(Press of Ward Schori) Majesty: Britain’s “QUEEN MUM”. By Francis J. Weber. Evanston, Illinois. 1990. FrontispieceBritish 20p stamp of the Queen Mother. Black and white photographic reproductions. Designed and typeset by WardSchori using Centaur for the text and other parts except for the title, which is, appropriately, named Royal Script.Printing done by photolithography at The Schori Press. Printed on white velvet finish Vintage No. 1 Coated byNorthwest. Bound by Hugo in brown suedette with gilt title on spine and gilt title and the crest of the House ofWindsor on front board. All edges gilt. [200 copies?] Signed by Ward K. Schori. $135.00




No. 326.

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(Press of Ward Schori) William Shakespeare: Nearer My Bard to Thee. By Louis Marder. Evanston, Illinois. 1993. 2.5” x2.125”. Black and white frontispiece of Shakespeare. Photographic reproduction of Dr. Louis Marder with a bust ofShakespeare. Palatino typeface on Mohawk Superfine, printed by photolithography. Typography and design by WardSchori. Bound in brown velvet with gilt title on spine and gold-painted metal plaque of Shakespeare with gilt deco-ration on front. Plaque of Shakespeare is reproduced from a 19th Century medal honoring him, from the collection ofthe author. Photographic endpapers. No. 34 in an edition of 199 copies, signed by Ward Schori. $125.00As a Shakespeare scholar, Dr. Marder has over 20,000 items of Shakespeare memorabilia.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With two of his Bookplates.

(Carol Schwartzott) The Garden. Quote by Gertrude Jekyll from Home and Garden and a quote by Thomas Reinhardt,Landscape Architect. [Niagara Falls, New York.] First edition. 2.875” x 2.875”. Sepia drawings, book design and bind-ing by Carol Schwartzott. Accordion fold with handmade paper wrappers with a relief design on front and matchingpink ribbon tie. Plastic box. No. 75 of 500 copies initialed by Carol Schwartzott. $20.00(Carol Schwartzott) The Shades of Autumn. [By] Lana LaForest. [Niagara Falls, New York.] 2.75” x 3”. Accordion fold.Color illustrations. Book design and binding by Carol Schwartzott. Wrappers of marbled paper with brown ties.Plastic box. No. 163 of 500 numbered copies. $20.00

(Carol Schwartzott) A Winter Song. [Two poems - one byEileen Mathias & the other by F. Ann Elliott.] Niagara Falls,New York. 1994. 2.875” x 2.876”. Book design and binding byCarol Schwartzott. Accordion fold. In architectural vellumwrappers with a white ribbon tie. Plastic box. No. 83 of 500copies, initialed by Carol Schwartzott. $20.00

(Carol Schwartzott) April Rain. By Robert Loveman. [NiagaraFalls, New York. 1995] 2.875” x 2.875”. Handcolored draw-ings, book design and binding by Carol Schwartzott.Accordion fold with handmade paper wrappers with a cut-out on front and yellow ribbon tie. Endpapers with a patternof handpainted daffodils. Plastic box. No. 75 of 500 copies ini-tialed by Carol Schwartzott. $20.00

(Carol Schwartzott) The Blind Men and the Elephant. Niagara Falls, New York. [1994.]1.5” x 1.5”. Book art and design, hand colored illustrations by Carol Schwartzott.Glued accordion fold, bound in brown and gold fabric with fabric patterned end-papers. Card slipcase with image of elephant on sides. No. 50 in an edition of 82copies initialed and dated by Carol Schwartzott. Provenance: From the collection ofRabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate. $125.00

(Carol Schwartzott) The Blind Men and the Elephant. Niagara Falls, New York. [1994.]2.875” x 2.875”. Book art and design, hand colored illustrations by CarolSchwartzott. Accordion fold, in card wrappers. Illustrated label of elephant on front.Card slipcase with paper title on spine and elephant illustration on side. No. 31 inan edition of 500 copies initialed and dated by Carol Schwartzott. $50.00









No. 334.

No. 336.

No. 329.

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(Carol Schwartzott) The Envious Camel. [By Beha-Ed-din Zohein. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1994.] 2” x 2.25”. Six-sided book.Book design and binding by Carol Schwartzott. Handpainted illustration on front cover. Black card shaped slipcasewith paper title label on spine and handcolored decorative pattern on side. No. 11 in an edition of 80 copies, signed

and dated by Carol Schwartzott. [Illustrated bottom of p.51.] $65.00

337. Silver Binding) Hymns Ancient and Modern. William Clowes & Sons Ltd.London.[n.d.] 2.125” x 1.75”. Bound in brown leather with gilt title on front andspine. All edges gilt. Laid in a sterling silver stamped decorated with raised swirlscarrying case with silver chain and loop so that it can be attached to the waist.Initials of a original owner on shield in center of design. Hallmarks on side of case.Inscription on front free endpaper ‘Alice 27.9.96’. $695.00

338. (Silver Binding) Hymns Ancient and Modern. William Clowes & Sons Ltd.London. [n.d.] 2.125” x 1.75”. Bound in brown leather with gilt title on spine. Alledges gilt. Front cover overlaid with a sterling silver plaque showing a relief designof a horse-drawn carriage and people in front of a church with trees in the back-ground. Hallmarks at bottom of plaque. (Bondy - p.167.) $425.00

339. (Silver Binding) The Book of Common Prayer. Oxford UniversityPress. [Oxford. n.d.] 2.125” x 1.875”. Black leather binding with gilttitle on spine. All edges gilt. Gilt decoration edging the inside ofboth covers. Purple ribbon marker. Front cover overlaid with a ster-ling silver plaque showing a floral relief design with a cross on acentral panel backed with red leather. Hallmarks at bottom ofplaque include the maker’s mark - ‘G. & C. Ltd.’ and date 1895.Previous owner’s ink signature and date - Xmas /95. $475.00

340. (Silver Binding) The Book of Common Prayer and Hymns Ancientand Modern. Eyre & Spottiswood. London. [n.d.] 2.25” x 2” x 1.25”.Black leather binding with gilt title on spine. All edges gilt. Greenribbon marker. Front cover overlaid with a sterling silver plaqueshowing a relief design of lilies against a textured background witha decorative edge design. Hallmarks at bottom of plaque indicate a1910 date and include the maker’s mark - ‘G. & C. Ltd.’. $400.00

341. (Silver Binding) Codex Argenteus.Bibliothecae R. Univ. Upsaliensis. [Sweden.][n.d.] 1.25” x 1” stapled booklet. Laid in 1.375”x1.125” silver box. Codex Argenteus is a manu-script bound in silver made in Stockholm. Thebox is a miniature of the binding, which showsfigures and angels on the front with a floral bor-der design and a crest on the back with thesame floral design. Hallmark on box. $475.00On the inside bottom of the box is a bookplate show-ing the provenance of “D.V.W. 1992 K.I.R.” - DorisVarner Welch and Kathryn Ida Rickard. The original manuscript is the property of UpsalaUniversity, Sweden.



No. 337.

No. 338.

No. 339.No. 340.

Three images of No. 341.

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(Silver Thimble Books) Harrods 1884. ‘The Baron’. [From The Chelsea Herald of 30 August 1884.] Inscribed by GordonMurray. Designed and published by Gordon Murray. East Sussex. 1983. 2.125” x 1.7”. Black and white illustrations.Bound in green cloth with illustrated paper title label on front. One of 500 copies, signed by Gordon Murray. $50.00

(Silver Thimble Books) The Saint and the Goblin. [By] ‘Saki’. [EastSussex.] 1985. 2.125” x 1.75”. Illustrations colored by hand. Designedand published by Gordon Murray. Printed by Bondestat, Eastbourne.Bound in green fabric with colored paper title and illustrated label onfront. No. 19 of 150 copies, bound and colored by hand. Signed byMurray. Slight fading to spine and light marks on back cover. $95.00

(Silver Thimble Press) The Pied Piper. [By] Abraham Elder. [East Sussex.]1985. 2.125” x 1.625”. Designed and published by Gordon Murray.Round frontispiece and back page with handcolored illustrations. Textpages shaded blue round the edges. Bound in green /orange/tan clothwith oval hand-painted illustration of the Pied Piper on front. Yellowendpapers painted with a geometric design. Black paper slipcase withpaper title label on side; black ribbon for ease of removal of book. No. 27of 50 copies bound and colored by hand, signed by Murray. $135.00

(Silver Thimble Press) The Three Kings. By Henry WadsworthLongfellow. [East Sussex.] 1985. 2.125” x 1.625”. Designed, made andpublished by Gordon Murray. Handpainted illuminated letters.Bound in brown fabric with front inset of black cloth with silvermetallic stitching to emulate a shining star. Illustrated endpapers.Black paper slipcase with paper title label on side; black ribbon forease of removal of book. No. 2 of 50 copies bound and colored byhand, signed by Gordon Murray. Brown spine faded. Small circularlabel at bottom of slipcase spine with an ink ‘2’. $150.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

(Silver Thimble Books) Summer. [Poems by]John Clare, Richard Jefferies, William Barnes.[East Sussex. 1986.] 2.5” x 2”. Original callig-raphy and color illustrations by GordonMurray. Bound in light tan fabric with petit-point embroidery of a rose on front board.Decorated endpapers. Fore-edge paintedwith flowers. French fold at fore-edge. Blackpaper slipcase with paper title label on side;black ribbon for ease of removal of book. No.2 in an edition of 50 copies, signed and datedby Gordon Murray. $325.00Provenance: From the collection of KathrynIda Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.







No. 345.

No. 347.

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(Silver Thimble) Sonnets Five. By William Shakespeare. [East Sussex. 1986.] 2.125” x 1.625”. Designed, made and pub-lished by Gordon Murray. Handpainted flowers illuminated with gold paint at the beginning of each sonnet. Boundin plum fabric with petit-point embroidery of an iris on the front. Endpapers painted with different scenes. Blackpaper slipcase with paper title label on side; black ribbon for ease of removal of book. No. 34 in an edition of 50 copiessigned, numbered and dated by Gordon Murray. [Illistrated bottom of p. 53.] $350.00

(Silver Thimble Press) February by John Clare 1793-1864. [East Sussex.] March 1987. 2.5” x 2.75”. Original calligraphyand color illustrations by Gordon Murray. Bound in light brown fabric with inlay of winter scene on paper. Black cardslipcase with paper title label on side; black ribbon for ease of removal of book. No. 2 in an edition of 32 copies, signedby Gordon Murray. Very slight fading to spine. $350.00Erratum Slip on front free endpaper as the first 8 copies were bound with first 3 verses out of order. Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With her Bookplate.

349. (Silver Thimble) All is Vanity and The Smile. Poems byLord Byron. Written-out (calligraphy) by Gordon Murrayfor presentation to Dr. Kalman L. Levitan. 1992. 2.375” x 2”.Flower decorated title page. Blue sky-like hand paintedendpapers. Bound with cover of original watercolor ofLord Byron against a brown background. Glassine over-cover bound in. Black slipcase with cut-out window forhandwritten title on one side and open window for view-ing painting of Byron. Laid-in is a handwritten note “ToKal - /With best wishes to/ you and the Center: / I am stillproducing/ miniatures, but putting/ them down to‘mature’/ for a few years!/ Many thanks for the photo./Yours,/Gordon./20.7.92” $650.00Together with: A signed card from Kal Levitan stating that”All is Vanity is a one time book (1 of a kind) done by

Gordon Murray [sic.] for me.” All in fine condition.Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

(Frank Smythson) “Bond Street” Calendar for 1973. New Bond Street, London. 2.375” x 1.375”. Bound in blue leatherwith gilt ‘Bonne Année’ on front. $55.00Provenance: Bookplate of Billie and Stanley Marcus designed by Rockwell Kent.

351. (Somesuch Press) Frontier Tales of the White Mustang. By J. FrankDobie. Foreword by Lon Tinkle. Dallas. [TX] 1979. 2.5” x 1.75”. Designedand printed by David Holman. Drawing by Jerry Bywaters. Bound incream vellum with gilt title on spine and gilt mustang on front. No. 44 inan edition of 395 copies, signed by David Holman. $100.00

352. (Somesuch Press) Portraits of the Queen: The Stamp Collages of JackMilroy. Dallas, Texas. [1979.] 2.875” 2.5”. Two sheets of 4 stamps showingthe original artist’s collage, with a frontispiece of the set of postagestamps of the Queen on which the collages were based. Printed for theSomesuch Press by The Rara Avis Press in Wisconsin. Printed in Caslon





No. 352.

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Old Style on Hayle and Dresden Inges paper. The stamp collages were fabricated by Jack and Katie Milroy. Bound byAmy Cuthbert in red leather with gilt title on spine and gilt lines and crown on front cover. Red marbled paper slip-case. No. 7 in an edition of 100 copies signed by Milroy. Scarce. $450.00With a commentary by William Packer, Art Critic of the London Financial Times, and a Statement by the artist. (Bondy- p. 174) Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Somesuch Press) The Wars of the Words. By Willard R. Espy. Illustrated by Charles C. Hefling, Jr. Dallas. [TX] 1980.2.875” x 2.25”. Illustrated. Designed, handset, printed and bound by Don Graeme Kelley and Susan Acker at theFeathered Serpent Press, San Anselmo, California. Beige paper boards with blue illustration of a knight. No. 42 in anedition of 200 copies. Signed by Don Graeme Kelley and Susan Acker. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Somesuch Press) ChristmasStamps from around the World.Introduction by Belmont Faries.Dallas. [TX] 1982. 3” x 2.7”. 18Christmas stamps tipped-in.Designed, handset and printedby Don Graeme Kelley andSusan Acker at the FeatheredSerpent press. Bound by TheSchuberth Bookbindery. Boundin red leather with gilt stampedfillustration of Joseph and Maryon a donkey in relief. Spine withgilt title ‘Worldwide Christmas Stamps’. Green illustrated endpapers with matching green paper slipcase with thesame red endpaper illustrations. Red ribbon to remove book. No. 44 of 800 copies signed in red by Don Graeme Kelleyand Susan Acker. $195.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Somesuch Press) Pueblo Art, Southwestern Indian Pottery. [By] Francis H. Harlow. With an Introduction by FordRuthling, Designer of U.S. ‘Pueblo Art’ Postage Stamps. Dallas. [TX] 1983. 2.75” x 2”. Tipped-inare 4 stamps showing Pueblo art. Designed, printed and bound by Don Graeme Kelley and SusanAcker at the Feathered Serpent Press, San Rafael, California. Bound in tan cloth with black titleon spine and black and tan pot on front. Decorated black and tan endpapers. No. 9 in an editionof 395 thus. $100.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Somesuch Press) Love. Introduction by Robert C. Solomon. [Quotes by various authors.] Dallas.[TX[ 1983. 2.875” x 2.625”. Designed, handset and printed by Don Graeme Kelley & Susan Ackerat the Feathered Serpent Press, San Rafael, California. Printed in black with red illustration andvignettes. Bound by the Schuberth Bindery in pinkish paper with red decoration across both cov-ers and title in black on front. Deep red endpapers with black figures of a man and a woman inmedieval dress. U.S. 20c stamp with ‘LOVE’ glued in on page 19 and U.S. 8c ‘LOVE’ stamp gluedin on page 24. United Kingdom 14p stamp for Valentine’s Day glued in on page 14. Edition of1000 copies. $75.00






No. 352.

No. 354.

Page 58: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

357. (Somesuch Press) Skyborne: A Ballooning Baedeker. By Toby Smith. With five commem-orative postage stamps. Dallas, Texas. 1985. 2.75” x 2.5”. 5 international postage stampswith hot air ballons. Printed by Peter Wells with decoration by Priscilla Spitler. Printedin Monotype Cochin Light on Frankfort White paper. Bound in blue cloth with gilt titleon spine and front. Metal insignia of the International Balloon Club inlaid on front cover.Endpapers illustrated with balloons. No. 252 in an edition of 285 copies, signed by JohnSmith and Betsy Wells. $100.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.

358. (Splendid Press) Fifty State Birds & Flowers on Stamps: An Album. Mill Valley,California. 1982. 2.75” x 2.75”. Designed, printed and bound by Susan Acker & Carol

Cunningham. Blue leather spine with gilt title, andblue cloth boards with a bird pattern. Slipover coverwith bird and flower stamp imprint. This is one of 50numbered copies signed by Acker and Cunning-hamin an edition of 70. Slight fading to spine. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida HillRickard. With her Bookplate.

359. (Splendid Press) The Horses of San Marco. [MillValley, California.] 1983. 2.125” x 2.75”. Designed,printed and bound at the Splendid Press. Illustrationsin colors, with a stamp issued by the MetropolitanMuseum of Art, New York, to commemorate the exhi-bition ‘The Horses of San Marco’. Printed in ItalianOld Style type on imported Rives papers. Bound in

360. (Sunflower Press) Marco Polo and his years at the Court ofKublai Khan. By Carol Cunningham. [Mill Valley, California.] 1980.2.5” x 2.75”. Designed, written and printed by Carol Cunninghamon French Arches paper from handset Optima type. Bound inblack cloth spine with beige silk brocade patterned with a brownand tan Chinese dragon on both front and back. Brown endpaperswith Chinese calligraphic words and the English meaning. No. 33in an edition of 125 copies, signed by Cunningham. $105.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. Withher Bookplate. [See also Item No. 361.]

361. (Sunflower Press) Small plum envelope containing samples ofmaterials used in cov-ering books, includingthat of Marco Polo andhis years at the Court ofKublai Khan and WovenWind. 2.75” x 1.625”.[ca. mid 1980s.] $40.00

362. (Sunflower Press)Kachinas. By CarolC u n n i n g h a m .Illustrated by DianneWeiss. Mill Valley,California. 1980. 2.5” x2.875”. Designed and


purple cloth with a reproduction of the black and white illustration of thehorses; gilt title on spine and front. Gold endpapers with a black and whiteillustration of Venice. Gold folder tied with purple ribbon. 200 copies, ini-tialed by Carol Cunningham, Dianne Weiss and Susan Acker. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

No. 358.

No. 360.

No. 359.

Page 59: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

printed by Carol Cunningham on Curtis Rag using handset Optima type. Bound in black boards with paper title labelon front. No. 52 in an edition of 125 copies, signed by Carol Cunningham. [Kachinas are the ceremonial masked menof the Pueblo Indians.] Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. $135.00

(Sunflower Press) The First Emperor of China. By Carol Cunningham. [Mill Valley, California.] 1984. 2.875” x 2.875”.Large Chinese postal stamp of horse and man as title page illustration. 5 Chinese postal stamps as illustrations, as wellas illustrations in various colors by Carol Cunningham. Designed by CarolCunningham and printed in letterpress on Arches paper. Deluxe copybound by Joseph D’Ambrosio in tan leather with a relief design and cal-ligraphy on the front and back. Photographic endpapers of the famousChinese clay warriors. Laid in a black dropback box with ribbon; paper titlelabel on spine. No. III of 25 Deluxe copies in a total edition of 125 copies,signed by Carol Cunningham. $300.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With herBookplate.

(Sunflower Press) Woven Wind. By Carol Cunningham. Mill Valley,California. 1987. 2.875” x 2.625”. Written, designed and bound by CarolCunningham. Illustrations in color. Bound in striped multi-colored silk withpurple endpapers decorated with a design of silkworms. Laid in a plexi-glass box with a removable lid, through which a purple silk ribbon isdrawn to remove the book. Metal bead at end of ribbon. No. 16 in an edition of 40copies, signed by Carol Cunningham. $350.00A book about how silk is made and how it has been admired and used through thecenturies. [See also item No. 361.]Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Sunflower Press) Haniwa: The Clay Sculpture of Early Japan. Mill Valley, California.1988. 2.625” x 3”. Written, illustrated and printed from handset Optima type byCarol Cunningham. Illustrations in brown. Bound in brown handmade paperwith natural string sewn binding; illustration in black on front cover. Housed in ablack wraparound card folder with paper title label on side and clasp with brownclay fish. No. 18 in an edition of 55 copies signed by Carol Cunningham. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Sunflower Press) Spring, Sweet Spring. [Quotes by various authors.] [Mill Valley,California. 1989.] 1.5” x 2.375”. Designed and printed on Rives paper. Illustrationsin color. Bound in white flower patterned cloth with paper title label on front. No.22 in an edition of 40 copies, signed by Carol Cunningham. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.[See illustration top of p. 58.]






No. 364.

No. 365.

No. 363.

Page 60: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

367. (Tabula Rasa Press) Ada Lovelace. By Lydia Gans. MorroBay, California. 1982. 2.75” x 2”. Printed in Granjon on archivalPermalife paper. Bound in green half leather and marbledpaper across the middle half of the book, with gilt title on front.Gilt flower on back board. No. 22 in an edition of 300 copies,initialed by J.P.L. [Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the poet,Byron.] $75.00

368. (Tabula Rasa Press) Libertalia: A Daniel Defoe Discovery. Intwo volumes. [By] Robert J. Mount. Morro Bay, California. 1982.2.115” x 1.875”. Printed in Bodoni Book on Permalife Olde Stylepaper. Designed, typeset, printed, and bound by Tabula RasaPress on hand-operated equipment. Brown leather spine with

gilt title and gilt decoration on each side; brown marbled boards. Matching endpapers. In an edition of 300 copies,this is an unnumbered set. $95.00

(Tabula Rasa Press) The Raven. [By] Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrations by Max Taylor. Morro Bay, California. 1985. 2.625”x 3.25”. Illustrations in black and white. Palatino type composed on the Linotype on Rives Heavyweight mouldmade100 percent rag paper made in France. Printed on a hand-fed proof press. Bound in brown leather with black ravenacross front and spine; gilt title. Endpapers created for this book with design of birds. No. 50 in an edition of 300copies, signed by John Lathourakis and Gizella Lathourakis. $175.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tabula Rasa Press) Pegasus. [Title in English and Greek.] By John Peter Lathourakis. Morro Bay, California. 1986. 1.5”x 2”. Printed in Century composed on the Linotype and printed on archival paper. Handbound in black leather with

Bound by Reliure d’art du Centre S.A., France, in tan leatherwith gilt title on front. Cockerell marbled endpapers. All edgesgilt. No. 25 in an edition of 250 copies. $70.00

(Tamazunchale Press) The Model E. By Thomas R. Smith.Newton. [IA] 1984. 2.5” x 2.125”. Printed and hand bound atTabula Rasa Press. Four black and white photographs of theModel E Maytag washing machine. Printed in Cloister OldStyle. Bound in red leather with gilt title on front and spine.Endpapers of Faith Harrison. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copiessigned by Smith. [See group illustration top of p. 59.] $45.00


red/gold decoration on front, spine and back; title on front. Marbled endpapers. 1.5”x 1.5” Winged pewter horse with book. Laid in a plastic box with clear lid. In an edi-tion of 150 copies this is an unnumbered copy. $150.00

(Tamazunchale Press) A Literary Antiquary from Bracebridge Hall. By WashingtonIrving. Newton. [IA] 1984. 2.5” x 1.75”. A 1940s 10 cent stamp of Washington Irvingused as a frontispiece. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland.





No. 370.

No. 366.

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(Tamazunchale Press) Confessions of a Wild Bore. By John Updike. Newton, Iowa. 1984. 2.5” x 1.75”. Printed in Trinitétype by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in maroon leather with gilttitle on front. Cockerell marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 249 in an edition of 250 copies. $75.00

(Tamazunchale Press) Claude Monet. By Janet Savin. Newton, Iowa. 1984. 2.75” x 2.25”. Frontispiece of a French 1Franc postal stamp of a Monet painting. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliured’Art du Centre S.A., France, in purple leather with gilt title on spine and front. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt.No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by Charlotte Smith. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) The Little Store. By Eudora Welty. Newton, Iowa. 1985. 2.5” x 1.75”. Printed in Trinité type byJoh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in green leather with gilt title onfront and spine. Cockerell marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 242 in an edition of 250 copies. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) The Geese. By E.B. White. Newton, Iowa. 1985. 2.5” x 1.75”. Printed in Trinité type by Joh.Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in gray leather with gilt title on frontand spine. Faith Harrison marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by CharlotteM. Smith. $85.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) My Chinese Childhood. By Pearl S. Buck. Newton, Iowa. 1986. 2.5” x 1.75”. Frontispiece of U.S.stamp of Pearl Buck. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du CentreS.A., France, in brown leather with gilt title on front and spine; relief design on front. Faith Harrison marbled endpa-pers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by Charlotte Smith. $125.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) The Manuscript. By Isaac Bashevis Singer. Newton, Iowa. 1986. 2.625” x 1.875”. Printed in Trinitétype by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in maroon leather with gilttitle on front and spine. Faith Harrison marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed byCharlotte M. Smith. $100.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate. Mentioned in article in Biblio - June 1997.

(Tamazunchale Press) Anne Bradstreet. With Introduction and Illustrations by Polly Kemp. Newton, Iowa. 1986. 2.5”x 2.125”. Printed in Caslon on Rives Mouldmade. Typography, printing and binding by Tabula Rasa Press. Bound inbeige leather with gilt title on spine and gilt title and decoration in gilt on front. Marbled endpapers. No. 4 in an edi-tion of 250 copies, signed by Charlotte M. Smith. $75.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) The Aristocrat. By Maya Angelou. Newton, Iowa. 1986. 2.5” x 1.75”. Printed in Trinité type byJoh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’Art du Centre S.A., France, in tan skin with gilt title on frontand spine. Faith Harrison’s marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in an edition of 250 copies, signed by CharlotteSmith. $95.00










Group photograph of items from the Tamazunchale Press.

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Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate in front and her purple rubber stampon the back free endpaper.

(Tamazunchale Press) The White Rose. By Truman Capote. Newton, Iowa. 1987. 2.5” x 1.75”. Frontispiece photographof a white rose. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen,Holland. Bound by Reliure d‘Art du Centre S.A.,France, in natural vellum with gilt title on front and spine. Cockerell marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 4 in anedition of 250 copies. $145.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Tamazunchale Press) The Russian Icon. By Ann Bahar. Newton, Iowa. 1987. 2.375” x 1.625”. Frontispiece photographof the Icon. Printed in Trinité type by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Holland. Bound by Reliure d’art du Centre S.A., France,in deep red leather with gilt title on front and spine. Faith Harrison marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 5 in anedition of 250 copies, signed by Charlotte Smith in red ink. $65.00Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

383. (Tarantula Press) Arachne. [Adapted fromTales from GreekMythology by Katharine Pyle, London, 1928.] [Austin, Texas. 1993.]3” x 2.5”. Printed and bound by Susannah Kent of the TarantulaPress. Blue leather with a tooled design of a spider-web and paint-ed white, yellow and pink flowers with green leaves. Laid in a plumcloth dropback box. No. ‘F’ of 26 Special lettered copies in an edi-tion of 100 copies, signed by Susannah Kent. $450.00

384. (Tern Press) A Cropper. [Poems] by Bernard Tomlinson. [MarketDrayton. 1989.] 4” x 3”. Set in Bembo and printed by Nicholas andMary Parry on T.H. Saunders paper. Illustrated by Nicholas Parry incolor. Bound in light brown cloth over board. No. 97 in an edition of100 copies, signed by Nicholas Parry. $50.00

385. (Tiffany & Co.) Calendar for 1922. Tiffany & Co. Jewellers andSilversmiths. New York. Paris. London. 3.375” x 2.5”. Dark greenendpapers. Green leather cover with an overall gilt design. $50.00

(Peter & Donna Thomas) Saroyan: Love of Paper. Santa Cruz. [CA] 1991. 3” x 2.25”. Printed and bound by Peter &Donna Thomas using paper they made from rag, Russian hemp rope, abaca, cotton, and other stray fibers. Paper inshades of dusky rose and white. Frontispiece is U.S. 29c stamp of William Saroyan. Bound with textured dusky pinkpaper over boards, simple relief design and title on front. No. 142 in an edition of 150 copies. $50.00

(Peter & Donna Thomas) Song of Creation. By John Muir. [Santa Cruz, CA. 1999.] Accordion fold. 2.625” x 2.125”.Variant of accordion fold with color insert between blue edges. Illustrated and bound by Donna Thomas on paperhandmade by Peter Thomas. Blue/green endboards with title and illustration paper label on front. No. 53 in an edi-tion of 500 copies. $85.00






No. 383.

Page 63: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Twin Heart Press) Sidewinder Trails and Other Tales: Incident at Falling Rock. By Cactus Jack Gaxter. In Memory TheAsh Ranch Press. Don Hildreth aka Cactus Jack Gaxter. 1992. 2.5” x 2”. Handset in New Times Roman and printedletterpress. Bound at Twin Heart Press in yellow wrappers with illustration and title on front. Triangular pocket onback holds an even smaller (1.5” x 1.75”) wrappered book entitled ‘The Man in the Moon is a Cat: A Lunar Observation’by Cactus Jack Gaxter. No. 97 in an edition of 150 copies. The smaller book is an edition of 250 copies. $35.00Seventh book from Twin Heart Press. These tales were written by Hildreth for his Ash Ranch Chronicles.

(Juniper Von Phitzer) Gloria in Excelsis Deo. 1994. [Colophon states that the book was completed on the 27th of July1993.] 2.25” x 2.75”. Designed, handset, and letterpress printed by Juniper Von Phitzer and tinted by hand by LadyPhitzer. Bound in gold leather with title in red on front. Deep red decorated endpapers. All edges gilt. No. 21 in anedition of 101 copies signed by Juniper Von Phitzer. $175.00

(walking bird press) Tablelands. [Text and image by] Tara Bryan. [Newfoundland. 1999.] 3” x 2.125”. Accordion fold.Printed on various papers, with an image of the landscape known as the Tablelands. Letterpress printed and boundby Tara Bryan with beige endboards with title in front in black, and orange slipcase with orange ribbon. No. 18 in anedition of 50 copies signed and dated by Tara Bryan. $95.00

(William Lewis Washburn) Poems of Li Po: The Chinese Poet. Done into vignettes by Frank Ankenbrand, Jr. Forewordby Beaumont Brunstyle. Haddon Heights, New Jersey. 1941. 2.375” x 2”. Black and white illustration of Li T’ai Po byJohn J.A. Dixon, and two plates by Dan Burne Jones. Printed in black with green border around text and red poemtitle along side of page. Bound in mottled glowing brown leather with gold title down side of front and Chinese titleon fore-edge side. Patterned brown endpapers. No. 10 in a Deluxe edition of 27 copies, signed by Frank Ankenbrand,Jr. In particularly fine condition. [See illustration top of p. 62.] $1000.00Provenance: From the collection of Rabbi Kalman Levitan. With his Bookplate.






Page 64: The Miniature Book Collection of Lois Boorman

(Doris V. Welsh) The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence May 20, 1775. Chicago. 1954. 2.125” x 1.8”. Handset andprinted by Doris V. Welsh in the S.T.A. workshop in the Newberry Library. Bound in red cloth spine and tips, papertitle label on spine; patterned gold foil board sides. Edition of 100 copies. The third book printed by Doris VarnerWelsh. $250.00

(Wild Hare Press) Beauty and the Beast. The Classic Fairytale retold with Illustrations by Corinne Guiney. [Berkeley,California.] 1982. Woodcuts in green. Designed, typeset, illustrated, marbled, printed and bound by hand. Printed inItalian Oldstyle on Rives lightweight buff paper and green Antiqua Ingres endpapers. Light tan leather spine withstamped title, marbled paper boards. No. 40 in an edition of 100 copies, signed by Corinne Guiney. $110.00

(Windcrest Press) Borglum in Texas. By Valentine J. Poska. [San Antonio. Texas.] 1991. 2.75” x 1.875”. Set by hand. Frontendpaper with illustration of Mount Rushmore. Tipped in photograph and 3c and 29c stamps of Mount Rushmore.Red cloth binding with ‘B’ in gilt on front. No. 25 of 75 copies, signed by Val Poska. $75.00This book commemorates the 50th anniversary of the dedication of Mount Rushmore.Provenance: From the collection of Kathryn Ida Hill Rickard. With her Bookplate.

(Xavier Press) Wise Words About Letter Writing. By Lewis Carroll. Baltimore. [MD] 1993. 2.625” x 2”. Frontispiece ofCarroll. 2 U.S.A. color stamps promoting letterwriting; fold-out facsimile of letter from Dodgson. Handset in Bulmertype and printed on a handpress by F.X. Harrigan. Bound by Don Brady in green cloth with gilt title on spine andfront. Endpapers of facsimile of Carroll’s handwriting. No. 157 of 160 copies. $95.00

(Xavier Press) Poe: Master of Macabre. By P.H. Bellas. Baltimore. [MD] 1995. 2.75” x 2.125”. Illustration of monumentof final resting place of Poe and his family. Purple commemorative stamp of Poe tipped-in. Handset in Verona andCaslon and printed on a Handpress by F.X. Harrigan. Red border around text on each page. Bound by Don Brady inblue cloth with title in gilt on spine and front. Red endpapers with titles on various books by Poe in white. A pocketon the rear doublure contains a laminated small piece of paper with the words ‘A blade of grass from Poe’s originalgrave site (see page 19)’ and the blade of grass. No. 39 in an edition of 200 copies. $100.00







No. 249.

No. 391.