the m. a. c. record· · 2012. 11....

The M. A. C. RECORD ·. \"01.. 17. OUVET - ALMA - M. A. C. TRACK MEET. 011 Satunlay of this \\"l'ek, at o'clock, will occu r the :mnual trirtn- gula r track meet-.:-\\ma-Olivet- 1J. A. c.-ou the home tr;1ck. T h is is ahya ys an interestillg n"Clll, and this year it is understood t he teams :Ir(" pretty well matched. A good co nte st is assured, :IS will be seen by the following- schedule of M. A. C. contestants. In eacb we Sh:lll he wdl rcprest'llte{t, and should be able to cOlr fY off the hOllon;. oea loo-yd. Da sh _ Leonard, Se r vis, Cox. Brantl Jump - Rcatt.l-, Friar, Two Mile-G cib, R oscll, .:\!ooney. l2 0-yd Hurdle - B('atty, Frinf, 1 ulian. o High. Jump _ Lord, L OI"cland, Julian, R . ..\. \Varner. One-half :"Il ilc - Bro wn , :\lycrs, Chambe r!ai !]. 16·1h. Shot- Day, Friar. zzo·yd. Hurdl cs-G ;! rv ey, Beatty. -J.40·yd. Dash - Brown, A. E. \\·a rn er, Ewing. Pole \·:lU lt- Ben tt v, Lovelal1tl, R. A. \\·:trner. . 16·11,. Ham me r - Gilbcrt,:\lor. gan, l'.lcL:ulghry. :!!o·YII. D ash-Clayton, Leona rd, Servis. Discils _ )'lcL:!U,!i1r\', liilher!, Lcon.ln!' . . ).1ilc _(;c;11, Ros ... n, :\looJ)cy. T he half·m ile reb)" will he rUIl by L(-orwnl, Scrds, Cla),\{)Il, and \\ ·urner . This pr omises to be a fcOltilre. and worth the pricc of Ihe tIleet. A chnrge of t wenty· five ce nts only w ill be lIIade. 2'0 ba-c· ball SHtU rd:IY and e\·cryhorly gocs to the mcct . --- ALMA DEBATE. Th e deb ating tcam , consistiug of i\'lessrs. \" evi", Sny<le r and Clute, wer e defeated by Alnul Frid ay evening. The t eam was :tcco p:mied by Dr. Blai sdell, Instructors Hen sel and Bittner, and ... \lterr wte Reader. ).1. .- \. C. (l ebated n eg ;lIi\-e side of th e question - a graduated income tax. It was sim- ply a eontel:it between men of lila ture yea r s, who w ere expe ri en cc{l debate rs, and a team composed of mell of little or no expe rien ce in publi c c lebatt' , and the formcr WOIl. Alma' s team was composed of tWO juniors and one s enior; :\1. A. C. was by one sophomore alld two freshmen. I II sp i te of the 3l?ove fa ct, our team showed :lS good or better un· de r stlmdi ng of the subject than d id their opponent!. The boys h:lve wo r ked ha rd and long, and desen'e credit for the work a cco mplished. 1'he labo r is by no means lost bc- cause of thc decision , and in thcse men we havc timber for exccllent futu re debates. -=-- -- '0' Miss Alice Cimmc r, in charge of the domestic sci n ce wo rk in the 'p ub li c schools at Ha ttie Creek, was a coll ege visito r ove r Sunday, MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL CO LLE GE . ELLISON VAN HOOSE. TENOII MAY FESTIVAL. T hc big C\·cnt of the wcek is the .:"i111h Annual )'Ia)" Fesli\ ·al to be !ide! ill the padlion of the .-\gric ul- tural l3uildill):! Frid:IY of this week . Two .. :'ellce rts Me to he gin::n. one :11 ;.30 '\Ihl one al t:i ;00 ill the (:\·Cl\- Ing:. , In Ihe n·cnln!! Ihe chorus, con · s(s tin!! of \·oi ccs :lI!Cl ineludi ll g" the memh<.'rs of the LlllJsing- Choral L-niOll will r Cl111e r )'lax Br uch's frimollS Oratorio" Arminius." T he ;;ti rring \\",l r SOflg"S dema nd volume alld arc admi r ab ly adapted 10 the br;;-e cho ru s. Every meln bt'r of t he cho r llS Ius been wo r king' hard :\nd unde r th e cxcellent dirco.:tio n o f ).[r . Killc.:n. indications :Ire Ihat the cominl{ pe rf onnanct: will eelips<.: all prcvious efforts . Ellison \·;11\ I·l oose, Icnor, who sinKS fit Ann Arhor :lnd Cin cillll:lti this yellr, s tands ill the fronl rank of tCllorsinlhiSCOllntr,· . 1-1.: :1 IIlclllbN of the Chi cago Gr and Opcra Company. )'ladamc l3 enedict- Joncs , who is a natin;: of )'Iichig,ul, was wilh II" in J9OS. an d has fillell 1Il:1 n)' impor. tant Cilgag-(.'Ille n ts with the counl ry's ka. .. ling org;lIli<:ati ons. Her hert ).1il1er, b ar itolle, is co n- side red one of Chi cago's best si ng- l'rs, and his re ce nt successes han! brought him rapidly into promi- !I('ncc. The commit t ee ha.ving this work in cha rg e :lrc preparing a souveni r program, which will co nt ain the words of all the songs r cnde r ed, and picturcs of the soloists. It is hoped that college man and woman will take a pe r- son al interest in this evt'nt, an d help to make it a sllccess . Ti ck.cts an:: now on sale at the see ret:lr r's office, Be sure and make rcservations. THE MILITARY INSPECTION. Tuesday , May 14, was an ideal <lily for the annual military inspec- tion at A. C., at le:lst so far as the ts we re co ncerned. T he da}' was mu ch coole r than the or di- nary inspection day, and the uni- form s were not al all u ncomfortable . HERBERT M ILLER. B ""'TONE Qllitc iI 1;lrgc nllmbe r of l.ansing people , 11S well 11S those of the col- CO lllllllwity, witne.;;.;;cd thl· re- dew . Th ... fi rst in order wa" inspectioll of the corps, preet:ded hy rn·iew, and this was followed hy eOlllp:Hly ;111,1 hattal ion d rill;; in dose and ex- lendl·d order,:U! exhibition in sig- nalling hy the s i){lIal co rp"', a liUl·r d r ill and first :Iid the ho;:.pit:ll co rps. Followin:..:- tbis came ;;Oll1e licltl exc r cil:i\·;;. First, the otlice r saw :IJI allack 11\ Ih., tir"t battalion, ll(h-ance '.!u:lrd 11\· thl" "ce- ond, and out-post· dUly the Red Ceda r rivc r b.\' the thi rd. Capt. ital!. of the gell- l'ral stnff, was the o!li..: ... r, ;Hld expressed hilllsdf \\ dl pleased with the work [wi n ;::- ,k,nc, statin):! In; lI thc b(>\ s Iud ;) \('rv good underst:ulIlill)!' of tield .... \"e;- ciscs, :lJId the work \\";1;;; CSpt·cj;llly crcdit:lbk· when the fact that so short a time h:l<l been :i\·:libhlc for training was t:lkcn into considera- tion. The illsptc ti on \\·tlS foll owed by the annual eompctiti\·c drill by com- panies. Every co mpany did un- usually well, and t he com mellts upon the work of each was most fa\"or:lble. First pb\ce wCllI to Co. C! with \\". A. :\'l e Dona ld o.:: tpt'lin; secon{j to Co . A, with Capt. E. C. Douglass, an d thir d to L, in ch ar ge of C llP t. ;\1. J. G earing' . Capt. :\lcDonald will have ch ar gc of the regula lion g old medal during t he rernaiudcr of the tcrm, :lnd it will r emain the pr operty of Co. C until the next in- spectio n. HOME ECONOMICS AS SOCI- ATION. The ).Iich igan 1I0me Econom ics Associati o n met at :\/. .. \. C_ 011 Sa t- ur day, May IS. Ahout 60 lu nched at the \Vomell 's Building at ! 1 :30, the scnior girls scn'illg. T he m eet- ing co nvcned at :! o'clock , at whi ch ti me r cports of the 1"l riOUS co mmit- tees we re heard; One by Mrs. Keenc, of Detroit, Otl the t ech ni cal wo rk in home ccon o mi cs done in Xo. high schools; a SeC(J1Id ).[is;; Pr:l\·, din:clor of domestic "l"icncc in the' Kalamazoo :\onna1. on the co ur St' of ,>wdy ill th ... norm:tl Thi " .::omrnilln;. a bo thc prc\iou ... one, will conti nu e its work !llltil the nest mcelillg". )'liss Stevcns reported on _I ('ast of stand:l rd valul'. legibi:ltilln nn this subj\·cl. Thi" (:ommi Ul ·e was also ('onti rHl""]. these n:p(lrt;;, the mceting ,ul{lrcssed hv :\lis"" S. SIlO\\". supcni"or of hold .1rlS, on thc suhj ... d, "lk:lUty in Onlillary 110111e En- \·i r0I1111ent." ), 1 is;; WilS for many years superinll: ndcnt 0 f schools in eilY of U:lIl gor, Me.; Iline year;; ;;uperv iso r of prnctll-e teachinJ; and instructor of normal rncthods in the domeslic science clc- partment of ['r:11I In"titulc, ami is n ow inauguraling; :1 new order of in the Chic:lg"o sl'hools . Th e W:l'> ilhl"tr;1ICll by a lar)..:"e Ill! mher of colo r ed lnnte rn s li{les, with Prof. Pell it in cha rge of the ma chi ne. The slides in- cludc11 ,;ome hC;lUtiful huH .. lin;..::!' :111( 1 re"illences, :;howing ideal Si l ... " and surrounding-so .. \ rlumbe rof howls. potte ry of arivu,; ""rts, tl r aperies, !loor cove rin gs, and IIseful utcnsils of thl' hom... \\ ;olllOn g olh':-r \·iews showl1. About 1:0 p('r501IS g-:ithered in I' rof. Pettit's It:cturc r oom for thi, adtl re" ... , amI ). [ iss f-;now l:ilatcr! that nel -e r had the lan- tern slides \1C\·n ,,110\\ 11 to so g"ood .w adV:lIII:I;.!l' l\"l'rc ill this particul:lr GI St' . T h,' :,.:-atlll'riug" \\as a til·e one, inclu.lin),!" dit,ti- "tu,lcnrs "n,l hou:> ... kc<']JC r;; . )'Ir;;. Lu ey \\·hite \\·illia ms, of L:lpcl' r, president t)f :\1 icil;",an .':'tate FederaliOl1 of \\ ·0\l1e1l'" Clubs, was among' lhe ),!"l1ests. HORT. CLUB. J' rof esso r l'eltit gave an excep· tiona!!y intcresting 1el' I u rc on ., Becs·' before thc IIort. Club Tucsday e.cnillg in tht: lecture room of the Entolllolo!!.I' huiJdlllg-. l Ie beg'lll w it h the orig'in and history of the present honey becs, gi\· ing' the dmraClers of e:lch type amI the reo suIts of c rO l:iSC S, also the dc\·c!op. ment of housi ll g cO llvcnien ces from thc hollow log- of ye ry ea rl y times, the straw dome, box iLi\ ·c and mO,":l ble frames to the p re sent brood chamber and supe r. T he quce n is, of cOll r se, thc most importa nt 111elllbcr of thc hive, ll er lifi:: -time is three ycars, of w hi ch the sccond is the m ost important. She lays from twO to three th ousa nd eggs pe r day throligh the laying sea son , fcr tilizin." them or not as she T h7: 11llfertil iw(1 cggs halch mto droncs or males, the into females whose sex or gnns <)0 \lot ordinarily develop; they may lay llro ne eg):;:,s, howeve r, All la r va are first fed "royal jelly," a secretion from :, gl: lI1 d in the head of the work ers. When the bees desire a new quee n they con tinue f eeding this f ood to a larva which has hatched in n speci al cell, wh ile on paae 4J

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD· · 2012. 11. 1. · .and Ihe other II huilding 10 c.-re for our veterinary department ill better shape

The M. A. C. RECORD·. \"01.. 17.


011 Satunlay of this \\"l'ek, at ~ o'clock, will occu r the :mnual trirtn­gula r track meet-.:-\\ma-Olivet-1J. A. c.-ou the home tr;1ck. T h is is ahyays an interestillg n"Clll,

and this year it is understood the teams :Ir(" pretty well matched. A good contest is assured, :IS will be seen by the following- schedule of M. A. C. contestants. In eacb we Sh:lll he wdl rcprest'llte{t, and should be able to cOlrfY off the hOllon; .

oea E STn!., ~ .

loo-yd. Dash _ Leonard, Se r vis, Cox.

Brantl Jump - Rcatt.l-, Friar, ~mith.

Two Mile-Gcib, R oscll, .:\!ooney. l20-yd Hurdle - B('atty, Frinf,

1 ulian. o High. Jump _ Lord, L OI"cland, Julian, R . ..\. \Varner.

One-half :"Il ilc - Brown, :\lycrs, Chambe r!ai!].

16·1h. Shot-Day, Friar. zzo·yd. Hurdlcs-G ;! rvey, Beatty. -J.40·yd. Dash - Brown, A. E.

\\·a rn er, Ewing. Pole \·:lUlt- Bentt v, Lovelal1tl,

R. A. \\·:trner. . 16·11,. Ham me r - Gilbcrt,:\lor.

gan, l'.lcL:ulghry. :!!o·YII. D ash-Clayton, Leona rd,

Servis. Discils _ )'lcL:!U,!i1r\', liilher!,

Lcon.ln!' . . ).1ilc _(;c;11, Ros ... n, :\looJ)cy. T he half·m ile reb)" will he rUIl

by L(-orwnl, Scrds, Cla),\{)Il, and \\·urner. This p romises to be a fcOltilre. and worth the pricc of Ihe tIleet. A chnrge of t wenty· five ce nts only w ill be lIIade. 2'0 ba-c· ball SHtU rd:IY and e\·cryhorly gocs to the mcct .


The debating tcam, consistiug of i\'lessrs . \" evi", Sny<le r and Clute, were defeated by Alnul Friday evening. The team was :tcco m· p:mied by Dr. Blaisdell, Instructors H ensel and Bittner, and ... \lterrwte Reader. ).1. .-\. C. (l ebated th~' n eg;lIi\-e s ide o f th e question - a graduated income tax. It was sim­ply a eontel:it between men of lila ture years, who w ere expe riencc{l debate rs, and a team composed o f mell of little o r no experience in public clebatt' , and the formcr WOIl. Alma's team was composed of tWO juniors and one senior; :\1. A. C. was repres~nted by one sophomore alld two freshmen.

I II spite of the 3l?ove fa ct, our team showed :lS good o r better un· derstlmding of the subject than d id their opponent!. The boys h:lve wor ked hard and long, and desen'e credit fo r the work accomplished. 1'he labor is by no means lost bc­cause of thc decision , and in thcse men we havc timber for exccllent futu re debates. -=----

'0' Miss Alice Cimmcr, in charge of

the domestic scince wor k in the 'public schools at Ha ttie Creek, was a college visitor over Sunday,




T hc big C\·cnt of the wcek is the .:"i111h Annual )'Ia)" Fesli\·al to be !ide! ill the padlion of the .-\gricul­tural l3uildill):! Frid:IY of this week . Two .. :'ellcerts Me to he gin::n. one :11 ~ ;.30 '\Ihl one al t:i ;00 ill the (:\·Cl\-

Ing:. , In Ihe n·cnln!! Ihe chorus, con ·

s(stin!! of ~oo \·oiccs :lI!Cl ineludi ll g" the memh<.'rs of the LlllJsing- Choral L-niOll will rCl111er )'lax Bruch's frimollS Oratorio" Arminius." T he ;;ti rring \\",l r SOflg"S dema nd volume alld arc admirably adapted 10 the br;;-e choru s. Every meln bt'r of the chorllS Ius been wor king' hard :\nd unde r the cxcellent dirco.:tion of ).[r. Killc.:n . indications :Ire Ihat the cominl{ pe rfonnanct: will eelips<.: all prcvious efforts .

Ellison \·;11\ I·loose, Icnor, who sinKS fit Ann Arhor :lnd Cincillll:lti fe';li\·"I~ this yellr, s tands ill the fronl rank o f tCllorsinlhiSCOllntr,· . 1-1.: i~ :1 IIlclllbN of the Chicago G rand Opcra Company.

)'ladamc l3enedict- Joncs, who is a natin;: of )'Iichig,ul, was wilh II" in J9OS. and has fillell 1Il:1n)' impor. tant Cilgag-(.'Illents with the counl ry's ka. .. ling org;lIli<:ations.

H er hert ).1il1er, baritolle, is con ­side red one of Chicago's best si ng­l'rs, and his recent successes han! brought him rapidly into promi­!I('ncc.

The committee ha.ving this work in charge :lrc preparing a souveni r program, which will cont ain the words of all the songs rcnde red, and picturcs o f the soloists.

It is hoped that c~·er)" college man and woman will take a pe r­son al interest in this evt'nt, and help to make it a sllccess. Tick.cts an:: now on sale at the seeret:l rr's office, Be sure and make rcservations.


Tuesday , May 14, was an ideal <lily for the annual military inspec­tion at ~I. A. C., a t le:lst so far as the ca.dets we re concerned. T he da}' was much cooler th an the ordi­nary inspection day, and the uni­forms were not al all u ncomfortable.


Qllitc iI 1;lrgc nllmber of l.ansing people, 11S well 11S those of the col­lc~e CO lllllllwity , witne.;;.;;cd thl· re­dew .

Th ... fi rst in order wa" inspectioll of the corps, preet:ded hy rn·iew, and this was followed hy eOlllp:Hly ;111,1 hattal ion d rill;; in dose and ex­lendl·d order,:U! exhibition in sig­nalling hy the s i){lIal co rp"', a liUl· r d r ill and first :Iid h~ the ho;:.pit:ll co rps.

Followin:..:- tbis came ;;Oll1e licltl exc rcil:i\·;;. First, the r~'\icwing

otlice r saw :IJI allack 11\ Ih., tir"t battalion, ll(h-ance '.!u:lrd 11\· thl" "ce­ond, and out-post· dUly ;don~ the Red Cedar rivc r b.\' the thi rd.

Capt. Ihtrri ~ol1 ital!. of the gell­l'ral s tnff, was the insp\·ctin~ o!li..: ... r, ;Hld expressed hilllsdf a~ \\ dl pleased with the work [wi n ;::- ,k,nc, statin):! In;lI thc b(>\ s Iud ;) \('rv good underst:ulIlill)!' of tield .... \"e;­ciscs, :lJId the work \\";1;;; CSpt·cj;llly crcdit:lbk· when the fact that so short a time h:l<l been :i\·:libhlc for training was t:lkcn into considera­tion.

The illsptction \\·tlS foll owed by the annual eompctiti\·c drill by com­panies. Every co mpany did un­usually well, and the com mellts upon the work o f each was most fa\"or:lble.

First pb\ce wCllI to Co. C! with \\". A. :\'l eDonald o.::tpt'lin; secon{j to Co. A, with Capt. E. C. Douglass, and third to L, in ch a rge of C llP t. ;\1. J. G earing' . Capt. :\lcDonald will have ch argc of the regula lion g old medal during the rernaiudcr o f the tcrm, :lnd it will remain the p roperty of Co. C until the next in­spection.


The ).Iich igan 1I0me Econom ics Associatio n met at :\/. .. \. C_ 011 Sa t­u rday, May IS. Ahout 60 lunched a t the \Vomell 's Building at ! 1 :30, the scnior girls scn'illg. T he meet­ing convcned a t :! o'clock , at which t ime rcports of the 1"l riOUS commit­tees were heard; One by Mrs. Keenc, of Detroit, Otl the tech nical work in home cconomics done in

Xo. ;~a

high schools; a SeC(J1Id h~ ).[is;; Pr:l\·, din:clor of domestic "l"icncc in the' Kalamazoo :\onna1. on the courSt' of ,>wdy ill th ... norm:tl sehool~. Thi" .::omrnilln;. :r.~ a bo thc prc\iou ... one, will continue its work !llltil the nest mcelillg". )'liss Stevcns reported on pur~· _I ('ast of stand:l rd valul'. ~ivil1~ legibi:ltilln nn this subj\·cl. Thi" (:ommi Ul·e was also ('onti rHl""].

Fo[]owil1~ these n:p(lrt;;, the mceting wa~ ,ul{lrcssed hv :\lis"" ~brr S. SIlO\\". supcni"or of hou~c­hold .1rlS, Chic:J~o, on thc suhj ... d, "lk:lUty in Onlillary 110111e En­\·ir0I1111ent." ), 1 is;; ~now WilS fo r many years superinll: ndcnt 0 f schools in Ih~· eilY of U:lIlgor, Me.; Iline year;; ;;uperv isor of prnctll-e teachinJ; and instructor o f normal rncthods in the domeslic science clc­partment of ['r:11I In"titulc, ami is now inauguraling; :1 new order of thin~s in the Chic:lg"o sl'hools.

The ad{lr~'"s W:l'> ilhl"tr;1ICll by a lar)..:"e Ill! mher o f colored lnnte rn s li{les, with Prof. Pell it in cha rge of the machi ne. The slides in­cludc11 ,;ome hC;lUtiful huH .. lin;..::!' :111(1 re"illences, :;howing ideal Sil ... " and surrounding-so .. \ rlumbe rof howls. pottery of ,·arivu,; ""rts, tl raperies, !loor cove rings, and IIseful utcnsils of thl' hom... \\ ~'re ;olllOng olh':-r \·iews showl1. About 1:0 p('r501IS g-:ithered in I' rof. Pettit's It:cturc room for thi, adtl re" ... , amI ). [ iss f-;now l:ilatcr! that nel-e r had the lan­tern slides \1C\·n ,,110\\ 11 to so g"ood .w adV:lIII:I;.!l' :I~ tbl·~ l\"l'rc ill this particul:lr GISt' .

T h,' :,.:-atlll'riug" \\as a rt"pn'~eJl t:l· t il·e one, inclu.lin),!" tellcher~_ dit,ti­ti:lll~, "tu,lcnrs "n,l hou:> ... kc<']JCr;;. )'Ir;;. Luey \\·hite \\·illiams, of L:lpcl' r, president t)f :\1 icil;",an .':'tate FederaliOl1 of \\·0\l1e1l'" Clubs, was among' lhe ),!"l1ests.


J' rofesso r l'eltit gave an excep· tiona!!y intcresting 1el' I u rc on ., Becs·' before thc IIort. Club Tucsday e.cnillg in tht: lecture room of the Entolllolo!!.I' huiJdlllg-. l Ie beg'lll w it h the orig'in and history of the present honey becs, gi\· ing' the dmraClers of e:lch type amI the reo suIts o f crO l:iSCS, also the dc\·c!op. ment of housi ll g cOllvcniences from thc hollow log- o f ye ry early times, the straw dome, box iLi\·c and mO,":l ble frames to the p resent brood chamber and super.

T he qucen is, of cOll rse, thc most importa nt 111elllbcr of thc hive, ll e r lifi:: -time is three ycars, of w hi ch the sccond is the m ost important. She lays from twO to three thousand eggs pe r day throligh the laying season , fc r tilizin." them or not as she pJ~scs . T h7: 11llfertil iw(1 cggs halch mto droncs or males, the ferti li ~ed into females whose sex orgnns <)0 \lot ordinarily develop; they may lay llrone eg):;:,s, however, All lar va are firs t fed "royal jelly," a secretion from :, gl:lI1 d in the head of the workers. When the bees desire a new quee n they continue feeding this food to a larva which has hatched in n special cell, while

(Con~\nued on paae 4J

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD· · 2012. 11. 1. · .and Ihe other II huilding 10 c.-re for our veterinary department ill better shape

The M . A. C. RECORD PUltLI ... ED £l' ... , .. VUe .. ' DIIII'"'' THo eoU~Q.

TUIt •• T ... ,,,,,,,,eo"" It .. An

"""'C"LT,, .. "" COLU".

SUBSCR,PTION 50 Ce:,.T5 P[fl Y£,lR

li:ntered M lecond-e 'AU rna" lIuHter .. I an.lns. Mich.

AlldrC!18 1111 lub!!cr'lItlon8 And .. d,-crUlln l mMter to Ihe M. A O. R";Collf). E"~t 1",,,­ling, i'>lIeh. Addre~. aU C'()t1trlbutlons to tile MIU'la&lnlJ EdItor.

Remit by P.o. Money Order. Drill! Or Re,htered Letter. 00 110t &end atllmps.

Buslnen Oftlee "-'tb J ..... "·rencc &. Van B uren Printi ng 00., ~BI-~I~ (JrR"!! AI"e. :';0" lAnalnir. Mleh.

TUESDAY, MAY 2 1, 1912.


At:l recen t meeting of the State Goard held lit the college the COIl­

struction of two new buii(ling's rc­ceil'cd consideration, the erection of which is prat ic:tll .... assu red. O ll e of these was a !lew t1airy building, .and Ihe other II huilding 10 c.-re for ou r veterinary depa rtment ill bette r shape. In the C:lSC of the Intler plans wen' prcsenlc(l, :lud:lt n fulure meeting the matter wi!! be aclcd upon definitel~· .

The building conlcmpblc<l will be for the IISC o f all:t(omy, surg-ery and :=:-cm:ral dinic. together with ac· commodations for stabling o f ani· mals which hl"'C to remain on'I' for t n:-:l\ men\.

T he building will he clivil1cd into three parts, aile section of which measuring ahol!! 30lQo feet will he elevoted to the various phases of :In· alOlnv. On the first O'oor will he equil;mellt for gross :tnalOmy :md all the secolltl arrangements arc planned for:J l:tbor:llory on the v:lr· lotls phases of m icroscopic :111;110111.\"

inclmlingJllore p:1 rticularly embryol. 0gy :Jncl histology.

.-\. middle section of Ihc huildiu):;" i~ planned as n onc story Structure IS feet high :md 30:.:3:! fecI all the grou nd: this wi!! he known ,IS thc su r;,;:ical lahorntory ami will h .. , fillcd with e11llipment for t1emollstr:~tiOll in all modern animal su rgery.

The other "ing measu res 30x-\0, is a I wo stpry Slructure :1nd to it is anne:.:cJ a one story stllbk. On the ground Hoor will he ,I mc{lic:li clin ic room, oftice, instrlllllt'nt :lnd drug' rooms. This section opens lllH1U··

di:1tcly inlQ the stablc and is n direct commllnication wi th the .,ery building. The st:lble, a olle stor." stru cture will be cquippe(Jlo accom· modate from ) 8 to :!o 1:lrge :lnim;lls.

The second floor witi cont;lin lectu re hull, s tudcnl reading" room, SOl,Ill nnimal w:lrd and ston' room.

One of Ihe special feature:s is in connection with the surgical r]epllrl· men t which wilt be so constructed as to he more or Jess isoluted. This is done in order to aid in the per· formance of openltiollS of the most mOOt:rn :Uld :l~eptic ch:! rncter. O pening jnto Ihe opera ting room i~ a stall, to be known as the reCO\'ery stall, into which, by use of an ad· just:lble drop door, the animal Cl\ll be placed to recover from the ef· fects of an anesthesia necessitated during the operatioll.

The building will have:! frontage of about 90 feet and a depth of -1-0 feet not including the stable, :Uld the material will conform to that used in other buildings recently erected. The site will be decided upon as soon as the construction has beeo defillitely author1:1:ed.

. ~

The M . A . C. RECORD .


SCORE, 5 TO 1.

The ul1il'crsil), WClit down to de· feat Satu rd ay on their home groum]s and before an iJllmense crowd to the tUlle of 5 to l. It was rcadily seen by the ca mpara· ti,'c playing of the t\\'o teams Oil

~Ia}' -I- that 1\1. A. C. had the best balanced team, and the second tic· cisive victory O\' er the big school b ut adds emphasis 10 Ihis belief.

\ \"h ile ).Iichig:lll was very c r ra lic nl times, this did not Will the g:tme for ),1. A . C., as is readily seen by the SUn111lary . Uodgc pitched a won · derful game, allowillg bu~ th ree hits, and be had also the support of his mates in eve ry iUlling. On the other hand, two of ~I ichigan's pitch. ers were batted freely, the home team registcring :1 to\al of ten hits. AlmoSl evcr y man 011 thc team COil· nected with the ball during- the can· test , and men were on bases almost continuously . Dodg-e's drop had the U. of 1\1. mcn guessing at all timeS,ltnd his work ill Ihe box was ;1 £eal\lr~·.

For Ann Arbor, Bell fC:llureJ with :1 lOll'" th row 10 home pl;ltc, and Roger~ was also sure in his throws 1.0 secollll, getting four ),1. A. C. nlen at this sack.

Michigan seo r~·{l in tlle second on two errors, a s:~ crifice ;lIld a passed ball, this heing the only Ch:UlCC ",i"en them. '" In their half of the Ihird, ),1. A. C. malle four. \\'ith one ,lawn, Bibbins wns safe OIl Blackmore's l"l'TUr; Dodge wa:> s:lfe on Bari· beau's error, Br:ldle\· singled, scor· ill" BilJbins ami (;orcn!lo {Ioublcd, !:;c~ ri ng J)o(lgc. 1.loggc sing-le(l, sCOl'ing Br:,dley , ami when Rog:ers threw willi to s~·colld, G orenlio came home.

111 the t.:iKhth they allJed to this :lflcr two II'cre QuI. G ri;..:-gs singled :l1ll1 Dawson followed suil. L:lrens threw willi to catch lirig-g-s at thinl :HJd he scored.

M. A. C.

" " u 0 A

Bradley, , .... • 1 , , 1 G<lrenflo. , .... ... . , 1 , 1 , Mogg~. '- ......... . 4 0 3 Griggs. 1 .... .. .... 4 1 11 1 DaWliQn, 1 _ ......... 4 0 0 Rogge, s ........ .... 2 0 1 , Han'ey, m .......... 4 0 0 , 0 Bibbins. c .......... . 4 1 4 2 Dod!,:e, I) •..•••• . 3 1 , ,

Totals ......... 31 5 10 27 Ii

mC1lIGA~ .

" " u 0 .. DUllclinson, 2 .•••.•.• 4 0 0 5 0 Bel l, I . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 0 , , 1 Mitchel, ill ...... .... 4 0 0 , 0 Muul!()n, r ........... 4 1 0 0 0 uvens, s ........... _ , 0 0 , Roger". c ... . 4 0 0 4 • Boward, 1 ....... ... 3 0 1 0 • Blackmore. S ........ , 0 0 , 4 Barbeau, p ....• - •... 1 0 0 , , Cor bi o. p ... ..•.. .... 1 0 0 0 , ·Webster .. .... ... .. 1 0 0 0 0

Totals ........ . 81 , " 23

-Batted for Baribeau in sixth ,

1 , , 4 5 • 7 , 9 R M. A. C ..•... 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0-5 Michigan .... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 1

Two·base bits-Goreotlo.-Struek out - By Dodge 4, by Baribeau 2. Bases on balLs-Off Dodge I. off Baribeau I , off

Corbill 3. UilS--Olr B.1rii>eau, 6 in 5 innings; off Corbin, 3 in 4 innings. P assed balls-l3ibbins, Rogers. Wild pitch-Baribeau. Sacri fi ce hits-Gor· entia, Lavens. Umpire-DonOI'an, De· trait. Time-I :40.


)'L A. C. added another dcton' to hcr already good list on Frid;!):, by llcfc:lling \\. abash on the home field, S to 4.

l\l. A . C. Slarted the scoring in the first inning, when one t:lIly \\':\s regist(·red . In the fourth, with the :Iid of plenty of hits and some errors on the part of th ..: visitors, the hOllll' le.'IlI] cOllntccl til'C more, <lnd e:lme across with :tIl a(ldilional pai r in the seventh .

Th" " isilors Sccurl·d Ollt; ill tIll' sel'cnth, and by H lucky hunch ing: of hits in the eighth this was in· neased hy three. Three \\ ' lIhilSh pit..::hcrs were trit;d out. hut thl.' homc t~·;\Jn wcrc ahle to lind them all , r~·~istcring a tot:t1 of 15 hit:> during the ~'igbt tri:lls at b!lt.

llradlcy pl:l)'ed his usu:tl sta r g ame :It 3d . aud, in !I.lldition, secure,l four hits in fou r times at bat, :lIlll fol· lowed il up with three rUnS. Grig~s. :tt first, t11ad~, a s..::nsatioll:11 Qnc·hand"d catch o f Stank'} 's hOI tlrh(· mer his corner, lUI ,! pl:lyed his uSI!:ll ~anle Ihrou:c:holll.

.spcncer W:J$ in good form. 1I1ix· ing' his (lclirery in a way which showed a sleady h:md :ulIl control .

T he score; ! ~ 3 4 .3 6 7 ~ 9

\ \'ah:l:>h 000 000 I .) 0-1 ':\1 . . \. C. ) 0 ° 5 0 0 ~ 0 x-oS

]{ ulls-Hr;ldley (3). V orcnt1(). Dawson, Harvey. Bih!,in s, Spellccr, \\·illiams. Lllll],crl, Iluffm:111 (2) . Ilit,,_Off Spl·m'cr,9: offl.amhert . y : llff \\·att.6. S!nn:k oUI-By ::ipl·m·cr. )0; by L:!mhe ,·1. f: hy \\':1\1. I: In- \V;lkdcI, l.

This i" tile last ho;nc ..::O!Hl·,,\ \In· til Ihe Olivet J..:':Jme on ~;lIunbv. J Ulh· I. when the ..::rimson players will cn(ka\'or to '·ton .. : b;lck" for Iheir defeal'carly in thl· S~·;'Sllll .

This wcek the- team wilt bc kept husv :iW:i\' from hom.;. Th(' bo\'o> lea\:e 101;i::::ht at 7 :05, arril' ing- 'in De-troi t at9:) 0 ; IC:I\·c Ihis point !it 10 :30 :md arrivc in I)clawar~·. Ohio, \rednesd'I.I' morni ng <1t6 :35, where at 3 :30 they will pllly !he return g:ulle with the Ohio boys.

On Thursd<.l), morn illi-( Ihe party will le,ll·c on the Big- Four for Cle\'c!ancl, arn\'ing :I t that poim :It 11 o'clock. Here they play the \\'estern Rescn'es at -I- o'clock, and lea\'e by D. & C . boat Thursda), night for Detroit. They will be at home on the to :5S p. m. Frilla)' morning, and we c:.:pect wilh two more victories.

'°4 G. G . R obbins, w ho was :t col.

lege I'isitor recently, w as on his way to Elmira, N . Y., to tak e ch arge of his co mpany's interests at that point. Mr. Robbins is with the \Vhiting Foundry Equipment Co., whose plant is at Han'e)" Ill.


«1011t\1l'",'t from t"~l we"!;. 1

Officers receive llO a\!ow:mce co r· responding to that furnished enlist cd men in the wa), of clothin;;-, suhsis · tence, equipment, or accoutrements. T hey do recei,'c all allow:Hlce of hc;!t and light.

The stumhling block mOSI llsual. ly raised is that, " I have obtained my cngillee riug o r other education at conside rable e:.:pensc, 1 like that kind of work, and I don't want to throw it ;II! up." T he :lnswer is, , 'OU hal'e not mor e- than olle·third o f \Vhal you w ill be required 10 obl,li n to hold \, ou r commissioll. ,.j dOll't think that I would like to he under military disciplille. The ,lnS\\'cr is that if you follow the majority you will be t.:1l1ployed by a largc corpo r· lilian whose discipl ine in all too many cases is crudc. soulless, :lIlt! unprogressi,·e. By my own ';l.;per i. ellce I c:ln tell you that military dis· cipline rests, b.l· comparison, lIS li){htlr as a fcalher. The object o f comn;erci;\1 discipl ine is di\'idcnJs, :ll1d the motto is, " ! f he dOt'S 110t like it, let him find another job." T he object of mili!llry discipline is "," :lIld th .. · motto is, .. Disgruntled players spoil th(· h('s1. team, and the inspcrtor will g-et me if there is diss:'IIisf:u.:tiol1 in my com· m:!ud."

The g:reat lack of allraetion o f Iht.: storl'ice 10 the colleg:c man is no bck of ,!ttnlction at ,,11, - if J nwy hc ,.:.:. cusl,d for c:.:e rcising an lwrcdilary ri;!ht 10 this nwtho,l of l·:.:pl:wation, - hUI it is rather 11 J1oJ) .s.nnp;uhl'lie Slate due to:l se DSc' o f alm"st com· p1cll·uninform :ltion UI'Olllhc m,ll\cr. The ;.:- reat que;;tioll is." \\ 'h;lt would it be- like:" Perl1:tps the j,~·"t ;lll­swcr i" that 'all l>e,"<)]I1(' " luilil\' m;u!. You I{HI5t be cocke.1 ,«1(1 primed f,) r ~I)y emcr;.:-elll:.I, fur ~ uU I\·ill bcc<.)Jl\l' a reglllar from whom thl' public will aecc'pl no f:,jlure. T he spiri t of the "l·n-ice i" Ihat .1011

IIHlst 1101 fail to nW;ISllr~' lip to any siUlatiun that \'011 111:1\' IlK·el. lu pcal'c .I·our lc:ining: t "~\ :m! en,!:II1' ~'cril!,! will bring- you. (assurin;! Ih:1\ I uu choosc· lhe eo,IS! artiJ1cn' l'orp~) io the Stucll o f ,!\1Jl l;oll"lruelion . the ~Ull actin;! ;IS a ,;in).!k Sl roke g-;u, elt;,:-ine, dcsig-11 of pow,k'r ~r"ills :mll prujec!iks. Ihe lllt'dl:mic5u f pro· jcctill':> ill !li;tht. gun carriage:., si;.::hts, :,.:UIlIK'ry \mecll<lllirs ,If pro· jcclik,; ill Ili;::I1\;, J,uul :Hld h~·dro. graphic s\ln-c~-ing-. suh111:l rine IniD~'s :ul(ltlwir dect ric<l1 cOI1!rol. 5('arch · lights. Il-kphone5. \\'in~less, and :tll till' intric:~cies of mo\lern fire cont rol, :11:.0 ;1 thoroug-h study of n;l\·"l ships of all kimls. You 111\1"t ]lerfecl yourself in Cll1llP am! g-arrisoll sanilation, in domc'sllc economy as applied to comp:ulies ill g':lrrisoll and the field, ill :lg-riculture as applil: (1 to the com pany garden . in military lmd internatiol1al law, 11I\\,S of W:lr a lld of hostile occup;Hioll, Illilitnry licltl cnginee ring and milita ry map· making and ske tch ing, fir;;t aid to the injured , visual signlllJi ng, s1l1all ooat drill , mine planting, cable testing. power pl an t engineeri ng, horseman· ship and equita tion. the !Supplying of armies in the field, diseases com mon to the tropics, and to the arct ic reg-iolls, tr;msport<ltion of t roops by rail and water, and lastl)' the tactics and service of coast artillery, field artillery and illf:1ntry, for the coast a r tillery is req uired to be prepared for serv ice in any capacity numed . In war, when the civil forms of

(OUntlnued on ~e ~. )




Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD· · 2012. 11. 1. · .and Ihe other II huilding 10 c.-re for our veterinary department ill better shape

The M. A. C. RECORD.


ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. "ASSURED STYLES" INDEED ! A ,-isit [0 our Women"s Oelll\rtment ".-ill help you to 801"e the perple;l:.

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In fact, nnythillg JOu need in ~ Always rind l:ne things at hardw:m.! )Oll ,\ill find_and at prices to "uit _ ;11 All GOODS DELIVERED fREE

MIFFLIN'S Norton'S Hardwar6 M. J. « B. M. BUGK

, ~


.bl ~~-~ 'rP--~--~~--'~~~----~~-THE "'""""-,;",. ~

Dr. B1aisdc111l111dc :1 husitlL'SS t r ip to D etro it o n \\ ~'d ncsJa~ of b:;l wct:k .

A Ilew gllr:l~c is hl' il1;.(" constrllcl· cd fo r Ollr electric Truck fl'ccllt lv p\lr ~ hascd. The bllildin:.,:" i", C:lsI \;( lind adjoininj,!" th e p:lillt "hup.

T he poultry lkpa r tm\ .. nt rcpurl s ',000 little ch icks :wd c '"pcct" to h:ltch praclic:lll~ that many morc. From this IHIIl1hc r a !lock of !:ioo will be selected to winter on:r.

~Iiss Linn:! B. II u510 l1, a rc.:cnt g-rlU1UlnC of the ChiclI g"o College uf Expression, is "isiting' her hrothL·r Pro f. R. C. lI uston o f our cherni"IJ department, :u ni will proh;lhly re· mllin OIl )1. A. C. for the SUmnler.

Lc R o\' L. lones writl's from the Ullive rsity or' Georg-ill that straw· berries lmd hot wC:l\hcr rcmill(i him o f the I9 1-:! COlll1l1CIlCC1l1cnt a t ).1. A. C. li e is <.:njoy ing h is work lit Athens 'lery much, lllld regrets Ih:1I he will not be able to return for commencement.

The Y. W. C. A. listened to II

vc ry interesting :HI~lress Thursda_\' e vening by Mrs. 110llal1d on the work be ing donc Ht the chi ldren's horne in 51. Joseph. This is a pri. vate institution and is meeting the needs 0.£ a certain class of childrcn not provided for by o ur st.·ue insti­tutions. About 60 girls we re pres­ent at this meeting, and on Saturday carried out the scheme he retofore followed of tag day, except in this case flowers ins tead of tags were use<l, the day being known as "flower day."

Prof. f..::cd /ie has!oo far recovered ;l.!! to he :,hle to he dOI'1I stair." :'Iml u"e his tdephonc.

Prof. ,_ Fred Ibkcr, o f Ollr for ­c~tn dejlarlllwllt, 'I as calied to his nld ilorne Thur",d,\\ o f la St week on :l(COUllt o f Ih~' llcaih of his f:Jtlu:r.

1. LVIlII T hom:.", '05. of Colk·;.!<': SI~'lio , ;. Tex:l5, II rit es that h~' ex· pt.·CIS 10 he at ~I. A. C. for th(' Gra,l· u:lle S...:hool of AJ,!r i(ultll rc, and 'I ill brillg five o r s ix of his collc;.!c fri~' lIds II ith h im.

T he construction of th ree n CII"

hOU.'jl·s for ). 1 r. Seeley is b."iug pushed rapidly , IwO of which arc al rcady clldosl'fl. ]{ l·'" . :;itct.·llsma will occupy the firsl (<lcill)! Abbot R oad ;UlU ),1. F . ./ohnsoll has. spok{,11 fo r the one fadn;.! Alhen A\"e.

The council of E:Ist L:Ul:sing ba:; becn requc:sted to consider the rnal· tcr of lower w:'Itc r ratcs fo r the city lluring the surllmer months in order to encou rage the usc o f water Oil

l:lWIiS and thus aid in be::r.utif~"in;.! the cit\' in geno.:ral. The council willno-douht take this matte r up in the nca r future.

Since there has hee n eonsiderahle agitation of late concerning a pict. ure of all the \":lr!lity men in thei r lllonog ram sweaters, it has heen do.:­cided to carry out the plan" "Andy" Sias will take the picture 011 S:nur­day morning , May ":5, at S o'clock, on the drill grounds. All varsi ty men of the football , basketball and bascball crack and tennis teams are requested to be p resent witb their monogram sweaters.

Pro f" Kunl.e·~ hous~ phone h:I'I heen ch angcd from 9tOOO tu 9596.

A. E. KI:!~ell. a fn:shrn:lIl agri­culm .. ,,1 student from Esc;Hlaha, j" ill in the Lansill;.! hospital"

Ilarn" Kl" mp~!er, of ),1 i>,,,~.uri. wri\l-S lil:1I he II ill ~l1rcly he Oil

h:1.I1(1 at the illleru;niollal I'ouh rl" . \ ss()(:iatioll m~'et in l! held at ~ I. .\. C. in June.

The ).!:I\" IHlll1her of the . I I/uri-0/11 'Joun;,'/ ,)" I "rtcrilfllry .lIed;· c ill c, Cbic:,~o , c\.lI1\ ;lins an article by Dean H" I'. L.'m:m on the :-iuhject " Differential ion of \ . ;Iriou~ :O;o"C:llle,1 Colics of the ~ol iped."

The Stale Bo;mi of EduGl.Iio l1 will grant to certain ~l. A. C. stu­llent:; this ye:lr, sixty !otate cert ijj­cates (-J.-yr.) and clC\C1I life certijj· cates. These arc granted upon reco mmendation uf our Depa rtmen t of Agriculturnl Education.

Instructor L iHton J.{oe5 to Detroit " -ednesday of this week, where he will attend;1 meeting- o f the )'fichi · gall Poultry, Butter and Egg Car. Loall Shippers' AS5ociatioll, all o r · ganization fo r the imprOI"elllent of quality o f these prOllucts in :\Iichi ­gall.

).1 r. R . L. ~ ye, who came to :\1. A. C. from the Detroit Schools two years ago in order to pursue his studies in ag ricultu re, was, by re cent action of the Board, made ass". tant profes sor of ag ricultural educa­tion, and will aid Pro f. French in s pre(lding the gospel o f agriculture throughout the high schools in the s tate.

Prof. :IIHI ~Ir~. H \"ller an" ;11 ,\br,;,hall. ~I icll .• Oil a~:eOllnl uf th l"

illll~l>~ of th~' Jailer' .. father"

Clt.rk R. I. Hnld\\il1 . of Deall Shall'S Otlkl': II. Foll'l" T uttle, ami ,\1 j~~ Edll:l I'rl'!HO II, of the J.arHJin;.! puhlic Sochool:.-. "pl"nt ~:l turtl"1 :11111 ~ ll r H);1\ at the horll~' I)f ~I i,,~ - tier. t rulle :"I:Jg:hl, Gr:rnd B1:IIH" •

Field .\~ellr 0").;:" \\'hile W;I'!o husy ill the \\ .. .,te rn parI of lite ~t:lte duri ng- Ih~' pa~t II ~'ek. c;lrr)"illJ,! on ,lclllon"l rat ioli in "pr;ryin:; I\ml uthe rwist" :ridin;.:' the frllit J,!rO\\ers in g"cl till ;..(" r,'aily for Ihe f:11I crop.

Un \\'eill1l'S(I:11" afU'rnoon Dean Gi1chri~1 ellll'rl:u;,ed in honor o f h(' r s iste r. ~Ir" . .Io~eph H olmes "\lIen, ;\Ild lillie dalL;.!hter. J osephinc, o f P ocOnOllt:15. lOll n. who ;Ire spend­ing sever;11 lIeek>s :11 the " "omeu'jj buil(ii n:.:-.

Arr:ulKemems h:l\"c been 1I11'1(Ie whereby the mcmbers of the jun ior class ill \' el, S cicuce hal"C becn takcn care of for thc Slimmer \:Ica­lion.

Lewis \Viledt·u will remain at the college and nelp in the ca re of the laboratory and clin ic which w ill be kept intact during tne SUIllIllN.

H. N. ilct' lllan expects 10 he as. sociated with a praclitioner in Flush. ing.

S. H. R egenos has lIl:lde ar_ Tllngements to spend tne summer with Dr. S. Ureu toll, p rcsident o f the Americ-Jil Veterinary Associa­tion, Detroit, lInd II. L. Cotton is con . templating arrangements with a local \"ete rinarian.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD· · 2012. 11. 1. · .and Ihe other II huilding 10 c.-re for our veterinary department ill better shape


• -

The M. A. C. RECORD.


It completely co\'ers the field of local news, politics, tlIl ( ) th(' world of sport;;, /' . .

Ikl;":l tlsc its \dcgr:lph lind corr(,~>OIllI(:l1ce sernce cl1;11>le 1\ to

<T h'c ils rcallers the 1;'l\cst general news of tlll~ d:!)' in ad ­~:l Il CC o f :\11.)' other ne ..... spaper coming into Lnllsin g .

Have THE STAT E J OURNAL delivered to you r home by Cllnie r


( l'vLltlnll.' o.l fl· .... n ' PllI" - ~.'

l!\I\'(: rIln1t:nt g O loj pieces under thc streSS of cin:urnslanccs. VOl! must be prep'lr~'ll 10 !:lke IIp ;'ou r part ~f t bt.· mililil rJ g"onO'rmiH' ll! and rU II If

honestly rind eltificllIly whe re the meillolls uf l idl life m:ulc to fil pe:lt;c couditions haYe failetl. Y on ,1\:,,' h;\n: the street railw;!\'s, wawr. St·\~cr, alld fire tighting s):;lcms o f ;1 g:r~:H cit, to h:tntlh:. or it 111;1)' he the j UlJ icai. law·makill).!', and polie\' "y .. lelils. ur the adrninistnllion o f 1:' ''aliOIl al1(\ custom 5,'stems. -You tZlltl be rliSpclI"illg inl'~rllation{ll Illw

Oil 'the honler, (Iyn:tllliling hu il<] ing:s :tnd pUllishi ng" \oolillg in II ... trieken ~:111 F'ranc;sco. \\·h:ll ... \"\: r it lila),

110:. nu lIl,lIter how unexpClte,lI~ it l'omes. 'ou IllU~1 Ull':'lsurl' up to Ihe e l1ll·r ;,! ... ~c~ . All th is lHe:U1S cardul pfl·par:lliol1. Y Oll rs will 1101 hI.' an indoll·nt "fa"nalin" C:lrl·e r. Y ou r .. ,., , /1111' n '''rc! will be thaI' UII (It not . ~ . . . !C:", .. \1. .. \. C. heU~'r ' ·'IUJPpc,1.

TIll' alh·tllltn)!C of :l ef) lIlmi-sio!1 i. th .1I " ou entl.T "OIIT life work ill

,111 :ldlliini"tr:niv l: c:1 pal il,l: IlwI j", \IP()II th .. p roft:s;;iOll:l! :m.! ~ol'i:ll plan of !he",uJK'ril1l<ll{lil!~ 1,';:1 " , Ih not hal in~ 10 p;b~ II l rQu .! h rr.l "c'\ .. r;ll ·Iral:, ... ,.f Iii..: clIlpio.:o ~s· .. a-- fn,rn ·· haIJlI" t', "uh.~ up ... r ll1t":lUkul •. 1 at; C~l.IJlo! lil l 'ir li " ,il.ll io/l· HI t he \\ .I~ I.)f pr("Iu ll l( ,n ;t11l1 0P;l!..·" Ul1iT.I. "Ut hy 110 me;lU~ .10 yUll ~,,;\I'~' h.1l0Will!!" II hilt dl~ \ .lTe pail! til knoll' :lml du. U ur ekrk~ . ~tcll');"Taph~'r~, :lC~ount, • l lIh. hr~II"'n , ~n\!:ill"' l'r~ , ~1cl,;lrk, i:U\~. dr!J fhn WTi ;.Hd "urn',\ I,Irs :Ire nOllc •• 1I1111l i~;;if)I1,·(1 ~1:lff olli.·,·r ... \,nid l~rO]lnrt,iollatdy I I) Ih~' r;lh: ~ of l'ilil li fo.:. 1 h~· m:!II \\\lh 1111..: '·'}IllnHS·

~Ion s.t .. rh Jl ro ! ... ~-iLo il;llIy ill II r .. nk .. hcII·e Ih.·IIl. i.· r':'jllir ... d It . };Il<Jw

Ih ... ir dUli .. ,,> " little 1-eItH th:1Il ,111:\' ,10 Ihclll scl\l' ''' lind, aft ... r p r .... p~r",(:li. ,,"un ill ", superlllh: mh tht'lr "-,,rk. Y ou ~~:!rt n ... :lrcr, and \lith" ~'c r t :l ill' 1\ o f promotion 10. th ... pi:.l,;l· whe re ,:ou w ill be p:lid soldy fur wh :ll )'our hc:,d,1 1)01 \>:lrliI11l)" for mcnlal machincry ,HilI p:l rth llIanu .. 1 dexte r ilY n(:c~"sary 10 th'c accomplishmcnt of a g-iv(:11 .worh. .

I f I (.u 1:;111 n1t"e \ the r "'qulrClllelllS there' is li nk dall:;!'er of you r having s. lIfficienll irllc to Ican back :1I1l! ~'On· "r:llubtc \'ourself 011 bl·jllg: made of ; lilt! ... bci t!;."r clay t hl\ll ' ·so·;md · so'·. If vou ':Ike 10f\~er Ih :m 10 cong r:lt· u l:lic \'ourself upon the opporl uni. ty :lhc,u1 o f YOII, you r co nlpclito~s will hal' e p:lsscd YO II . and yOIl 11'111

IHlve Si/lIlL·d ilgain~t th e ~lemocratie spi r il of the ;;CTI' ICe W~l lCh .stands. for 1111 e(III:l1 OppOrtlllllly for :111, whether he be l'nlislcd Inlln, otiicer, o r ch·ili:1n .

UPOIl the a;;SU r:l IIl'C of the wCilth· ~ r expe rts th:1t there would be :I

frOSl onc nl" l1t Ihe past week , Prof. Euslace :rnd Field Agent \\' hiTe hurried to ,saginaw to !lInke uhser' \· .. IioIlS ill an orchard whicll had heen cqu ipped for hC:lting 10 w :ml off d:l nge r from frosts. l~ fter nn all.night ,' igil of s ky.gazlIlg and tilc rnlOmete r reading, the men left

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TilE RI/'LEJ',( GRA)' PRI.\'TI.\'G CO.lfP.·J.\T

Er>¥rav., ... P rin t e r. S tat;oneu

LJX."Df, .lII I 1/11 •. I .\'

\\ithout \litne~~in~ ,I fru~l . :l.1Tf1 w ilh th~ ".Iti~falli ull Ih "t 'he C/ r ci'!:l rdi"r did n,,1 lu;;:t: b" crop, .\ hout ~ :1 •

Ill. th~· Ibcr1l1r>nll,::tt;r r~:.!:i 'l l· r ... d ;lnC/u t :) ~ I; .\ half htJur l:u .:r thl: "I.:I 11:\;;: 0\ e r ca,,1 with bean' doud ~. an;l the ""mp"r.l tllr~ fro,n Ih" 1111" 011 incn:I", ... d with ( 'I cn r~:\,lin -:.: , _\ I

3 o'dock ,,10<.0111 ;:0 ti ~e IXl'" n ml :lill ' ill;!; ~ ru \le oil \nrc li)!hl..:<i ju~, 10 nOlc the effecT. T he \c"'pl: ra IUri: in this p:lTlicul:tr a rea i llue1l5etl 5 deg rcl''; within a leTr sho rt timt, show in)! ,'onc!ul>i , dy the h ellc ti t s oli l ~in :l blc II h('1\ <lull)!cr from frost i! immiu ... nt.


ICQnllnu"", t rv'" JIfI ..... I.)

:Ill o tho!rs a r l: fed "het' hread;' which th ... bee s make frolll the pul· len of 1101l'(' rs.

Professor P~· ltit alSI) d j ~cus.sed S\l armillg ,1IId its pre\"(~ ll lil)\l . heM IHcthods of win t ... rin~, lreutml'l1I o f hec (lisenses, comUlcr<: illl imporlance of hOllel', ilml the rel:llion of bees to fruit rrees. H e w ould !lOI :ldvise one to go illlo bec k ... t.'ping 0 11 :l Commerei:tl scale withou t l'lI rt'fu l study.

T he followillg books \\ !;." re fI.·cum· rnenJetl as being :lI11OII;: the ),cst 10 be found 011 this subj ... ct:: .. ABC and X Y Z of nec Culture," ·, !Jo\\' to Keep Bees f o r Profi t," etc.

At the dose of the talk all were tnlerested in a series of new lnntern slides iJ1uslraling the nathe method o f silk malluf:let urc in .J :IJ):lIl , amI cont r:lsting it with thc p rese nt COlli'

mercial method using improved .J\merieafl m:lchint'f)"



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of COLLEGE UNIFORM S ill the l'nikd !'t:ltes, :lnd h:llc. won :lnd llIl'lintain Ihe hu!>! · ness hv ~heer ftlTce o f tIll·rit.

T he l ' n iforms worn :11

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DI REC T O RY L.\~~I~ (j BL"~rSE:-::-; .\~D

PH.OFESSIOSAL ~\E~. T il" 1111 11 1'" In till' l'Ir~t:tlO'Y. '" " "'11 11'

Ihtl" .. of k l\ "'" Ol htr ll. ... q'rUM'r', M " 0 1 r~II "bl ~ t>t'Tllh, W .. Io" t>-" lit81 th~ t"cul1,. lin d .11111<:111 . ..... II! tn k .. t>lI lns !(! Pfllrnube th mO! "hn tl"ironbe lH.


T '!Y TI1~; ~~: W IL\"EH.Y- \\·h.,r. """ " .. " g"l It .. ",,- :11,1 ,1'- l~r""'I , I·Jr •• , 'Mk"_

1·. JlI< •• •• "'''I t .... ',.."""I"-/U,\I'I;,. "'OIl",. "'''''' -'' A I·', IUIJ~I ... ,. ~'lr' l .l<~.r "".'1 .. r 1"·11,, / '1,, . .. K,,· I I~."""v k""'·r,·.


Co r. I . ~: I~ ~: RA II IH:\( !< Ht ,I'. I" !lAth J/,,"~~. \\'8r ... ,, - J!'·"U-And,.. ,' n" " .. I II ... '''',1 ,,·,. t l< h'· r". T ry II " ,,,I ... t:.

", . ~:\\' B~Hkl':k ~1I(,I·. \" , 'ju" " \luil\!. 1'\ '"'' "'''' ,·.II"",·r·. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,01 t;r<;" " 'ry !-it".,. Jf ,- " II " "j,,, 'U 11,10 11 " 1. ,'UI III I'" ,,~ .. p .. iI. t, ~:. J:"."' ''I''~·-"C·'"·' "''c' __ ~ __ _


A :II. t : :lH: Il Y. II~ W"."h. Avl'. S. 1:Io<.Ih. • 1"1 " .. ,-\"I1",,..ry. t:n "." ...... 1 l'allina

r · .. r"'~. 1".:0,,,,1 ,, ,,, I' .. " • . l'I~IIIn:~, t ' l"'s, Fine Yrolln ln ,.. .. l'1Il'<' hd ly. l 'n'lo-d"le nyl .. ,. " ut (~h" ,-CUI In I",,,,,IIU' .


G £I ,.H. IH .. t'J1t :Alt <t <'.'0."den, n~l'Oun l book n,a k .. r~. JIII~r I'\IlIn ll.

IIb.".y lind nn .. lUI I>ln,Hn,.,.. ttle UQ.'f!I. lUal) m onnlln l< •• " Ibu", •• po<:" ~ 1 boo ..... .,tc. {.THinn,· IIhon ~ No. ~!AI. In CIly SII1IQ"al Bank Bulldhllf


EWIN ~ln' p'LTS,- IAdle. lind Oe"Ue. m en '. "'urnlibin!! Good.. Be .. lid.


H 1I.I.AHS~; n.-(,bJn" . mAi~.Ie IAIIII)5. • if\'\ WII~h l "'''.'"'~A~<,.". ~S,. ~ __ ~~= ~~


NT H . M\IQH E . 11. P. S. onlce 1U·~I~ H oi. · lhlPr Bulld!"If. l",n"III<. ~1I ~h. l ' lll·

~P,,~ phonp. ",u!OIt".tI ,· ~I"'"

D E . p .... rnl f:U:f;. i .>o! nll.t. w·). 1\·lIsh · • 1"'<10" .... , ...... i" .. IA"~!"It. Mlcllh ... ".

AU!O' UIlt!Cl ll holle, omce :Wo:!: .nld~ncl'. :lIr~.

J ~: . STO t·Yf:R. 11. n. S. Ornc,,:!IOkH·il,. , :"", lon .. 1 BlInk BId" ..... "I<o"'lI.lIe phon'!

l1li1: 8"lll>h ... "" (,1. f'''rlll~r ) 1 . ..... e •• ludent. -DRUGGISTS.

ROllSEK'S (' .... I>I T .... l. l ' kl'O STOKE:. t'll to '1"1.. . l 'orn .. r . Ior.... OpllD~lIe H OIII .t .. r RlOI:k.


J 11'. ,,":-'-;1/'/-' cn,_ 101",. (;{."d, ~ lId Fur· . n l,hl"Ji" ~1! \\' n~hh'I<I"Jn .\". MI.

' [ 11./$ I,TtY {O",,, ,;, "". p,.~ , •• \()!I. l \ ";lI rl •. t 'o,,'~' \1·1'1.1'1 ........ 1 S,·.·JI,· \\' ()rk.

~:lI'. I''''·!I'' \\·",h"".' \1 '" .. \ n'. ~Ulh .


C.\PIT'lII. t : t.n' T ltlt' 1-: S ( .INf:f:HI:"t; ' '' '. - f'ul! Ill ... " , ~:k"lrl<-III ,.; 11111111 .· •.

h ... lulllmr .. ml~"I"· 0],,,,1"5 "tnl ''()rd,. \"",. b<>n . I"",,,IUIII ,,,,,I "\lu,l" r'-""'"g t"noll' . II7~. ~lIebllm ll .... ,.~.


~I .1. .Ie Po. ~1. R'·C h: .-Yllrnlt ur~ . , 'I'>tl"" l ' • WfI_h l" " !vn .\'· ... 11"'1 10nl'l .str~'·l.



j!\" "tT',:"' " H .\IU \ \\' .~I:~:. (;"",·r .. l 1 \ IJ" ,'.1 " -II ft·. Till " ·ft "'. 1 • r ll" 110'" II rl'. \ '111. I, -ry. " """s. H e . III \\'", lIlnI(IOI1 ,\,. ... S . St •• · ft'l.


\ I K";. 01. T. j·A /,>t:. :ll nnu ffl,·tnrlnll: . • ";hn,,'pOvloll( ~ ! I" .. f'lrtrl"u. s .. IId,,·~ "'''11.- (of ,,," hltl. I'>r , ... ""hl"" 8. "' -t, '·"I"r .... , "",! r""",·"I<·(\ In l<>Qk II' 11:00<1 ,, ~ ". " ' . Tllr Fr""~Q·A "'.' rk"n lly" lc n le T.· II. I I\t'"iluhlh" '~I'Io!('I"LT\"' A lltoll",tic 111> (>'''· .... ,1. :::!I'~ \\""'1>I"1(10 n ..I., .. . S,


G HI XN ~;I.I. 1'\11' 'So "~ ' I~hhIR"'~ T ....... Un lt ~J u· ... IIm" e," Hlllh \; ... ,,~ 1'1",,<).

,,,,II 1'",.,.~,. ] ' 111110'. ,;old o n l'OII'"<'l\ll'l\t IHI" '. t:nry t hin" I" "'U"~ and '''U~I('"I m,·r~h."'dl."·. , ... ",1"" lI ... n"'l. til' S . \\'11.,10111""'" A~'~." .. ;.."..,~_"'.: _____ ~


D 't. US<'A K H. BHF ~:(a:J~ H oura. .. to ~;)Io' ft . no. : ~to ~ "nd 710~ 1I.ln. Sun.

d"Y I, It 10 I " nd ~ to ~ p. m. E"n '.ft n~I .. 1' ~1I~h. U!th.ens IIho'l l.' 11IH .


A u .,,;S PRINTING CQ.-IJIGn."d A\·e. nu .. ...,"lh. (~I IIr]lOtln". (.om Col 'UP­

pilei. t : ",rrft.-.' d " ftrll i. llroll."n'~. ~h ... I'Y IIf"JQOl ~. k'Q'" 1,..1 book~. touIIIAII' 1l"",,, , Hell IIbolle 10101. .~UIOllllllh! phone m .

ROK~:KT SMITH P1'O. (·O.-<'·or, Wuh· Inll'lOII ,.\ , .... "nd lonl" SI .


-j 'RY K ],;SI1ALL'S S H O P for SilO;; !te-lIal,'n". .4.1l ,,-o,'k 1fl'" i"u't ....... I. )1".

chln~ or Hand Sewe'" So l~ ~. Huhho.! . Heel. .' .. hlle YOU .. ·"It. !" Inp lJue of Oo" recUonery \\'aller'~ Old .t"nd. M I~bl l<"n A"".,

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