the kilmore international school newsletter 17 2013

Message from the Head of Curriculum Dear Parents and Students, This week has been a busy one for the school, perhaps behind the scenes more than “at front of house”. On Monday, the November session of the International Baccalaureate exams began for our Year 12 students. On Melbourne Cup day, Economics as well as English A and B papers were completed – as no public holiday is recognised by the IB Organisation. These exams continue for three weeks, with the final exams for Business and Music on Thursday the 21 st November. That evening, we will be celebrating the graduation of our Class of 2013 at the Grand Hyatt ballroom in Melbourne. A glittering evening for recognition of our students and their families. Students receive their results in early January, when they will discover the rewards for all their efforts. Teachers supervise all these exams, under stringent privacy conditions and we pride ourselves on ensuring that the IB remains highly regarded as a truly trustworthy and international qualification. We thank all who are involved. Another major event for staff this week, was a full day of curriculum planning on Monday. This student-free day allowed staff the time to review our courses at all year levels and in all learning areas. We ensured our courses are fully compliant with the Australian Curriculum, as well as continue to offer the added value that we wish to give our students. We looked at ways to enhance learning with new activities and resources and considered ways to continue to adapt to our student needs. Our curriculum documents will reflect these improvements and help to provide consistency across the school. We hope to continue to improve communication with parents at all levels. All minds are now turning to the end of the year and our final exams for the whole school. Year 11 students begin on Friday the 6 th December and all students will be sitting exams in the final week of term – 9 th to 12 th December. In preparation, we recommend that revision begins and class notes are gathered. Now is the best time to attend tutorials after lessons, to ask the burning questions. Or maybe to get help with a study plan. Reports will be compiled for home groups so if students have been involved in school functions, please remember to fill in the homeroom record sheets. Personally, I thank all families for their support this year and wish you all a pleasant end to 2013. VOL.1, ISSUE 17 NOVEMBER 8, 2013 INDEX Message 1 Final Year 12 Assembly / Improv Workshop 2 Halloween 3 Soccer 4 Duke of Ed. Camp/Triple Jump 5 Holocaust Museum Trip 6 TKIS Maths Comp / Art News 7 Haiku Notice Board / Piano 8 Debating Club / TKIS Gone Fishing 9 Yeatr5 ICT / Music News 10 Term Dates/Notices 11 Community Notices 12 NEWSLETTER The Kilmore International School Kind Regards, Judy Rutter The Kilmore International School This incredible photograph, taken by Year 10 Emily Kolacz and titled Eventing placed 3rd in the Sport + Action section at the Whittlesea Show on November 2. Full Details on p.7! 244

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The Kilmore International School Newsletter to share with you of activities happening in School.


Page 1: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013

Message from the Head of Curriculum Dear Parents and Students,

This week has been a busy one for the school, perhaps behind the scenes more than “at front of house”.

On Monday, the November session of the International Baccalaureate exams began for our Year 12 students. On Melbourne Cup day, Economics as well as English A and B papers were completed – as no public holiday is recognised by the IB Organisation. These exams continue for three weeks, with the final exams for Business and Music on Thursday the 21st November. That evening, we will be celebrating the graduation of our Class of 2013 at the Grand Hyatt ballroom in Melbourne. A glittering evening for recognition of our students and their families.

Students receive their results in early January, when they will discover the rewards for all their efforts.

Teachers supervise all these exams, under stringent privacy conditions and we pride ourselves on ensuring that the IB remains highly regarded as a truly trustworthy and international qualification. We thank all who are involved.

Another major event for staff this week, was a full day of curriculum planning on Monday. This student-free day allowed staff the time to review our courses at all year levels and in all learning areas. We ensured our courses are fully compliant

with the Australian Curriculum, as well as continue to offer the added value that we wish to give our students. We looked at ways to enhance learning with new activities and resources and considered ways to continue to adapt to our student needs. Our curriculum documents will reflect these improvements and help to provide consistency across the school. We hope to continue to improve communication with parents at all levels.

All minds are now turning to the end of the year and our final exams for the whole school. Year 11 students begin on Friday the 6th December and all students will be sitting exams in the final week of term – 9th to 12th December. In preparation, we recommend that revision begins and class notes are gathered. Now is the best time to attend tutorials after lessons, to ask the burning questions. Or maybe to get help with a study plan. Reports will be compiled for home groups so if students have been involved in school functions, please remember to fill in the homeroom record sheets.

Personally, I thank all families for their

support this year and wish you all a

pleasant end to 2013.


NOVEMBER 8 , 2013


Message 1

Final Year 12 Assembly /

Improv Workshop 2

Halloween 3

Soccer 4

Duke of Ed. Camp/Triple Jump 5

Holocaust Museum Trip 6

TKIS Maths Comp / Art News 7

Haiku Notice Board / Piano 8

Debating Club /

TKIS Gone Fishing 9

Yeatr5 ICT / Music News 10

Term Dates/Notices 11

Community Notices 12

NEWSLETTER The Kilmore International School

Kind Regards,

Judy Rutter

The Kilmore International School

This incredible photograph, taken by Year 10 Emily Kolacz and titled Eventing placed 3rd in the Sport + Action section at the Whittlesea Show on November 2.










Page 2: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Final Year 12 Assembly

Our Year 12’s are now in the midst of their Year 12 exams, but last Friday a whole school assembly was held to celebrate the achievements of the 2013 graduates. School Captains Jessica Lamb and Steven Sia made speeches and handed out the Teacher Awards, whilst IB coordinator Peter Osborne doled out his own awards to students. Students Jessica Lamb and Jessica Garner along with Ms Deanna Krilis and Mr Andrew Taylor presented a $1000 cheque for the Cambodian Kids Foundation to foundation founder Donna Cooper, a year’s worth of fundraising that TKIS students have achieved. Finally, a slideshow created by Alexandria Reynolds and a screening of the camp video where Mr Osborne was thrown in a pool was shown. A celebratory cake with a photo of the graduating class was also shared. We wish the graduating class of 2013 all the best in their IB exams and their future.

The End of Year Concert is in just 8 days time! Thursday 14th November 7.30 pm

At the JK Pavilion Kilmore Racecourse

East Street, Kilmore

Featuring a wonderful variety of

~ class items ~ solos ~groups ~ annual whole school performance

Have you booked yet?

Impro Zone Incursion This week Melbourne Impro Zone visited TKIS to perform to students in years 8 to 10. We learnt the basics of improvisation, such as what to avoid. This included things such as blocking, wimping and hogging. These points were accompanied by acts from the performers to show us what they meant.

The performers also introduced some games to such as Space Jump, What are you doing? and One Word at a Time. The performers were great with the audience. They called on volunteers and asked questions to try and include us in everything they were doing. Volunteers to go up on stage included Antonius Jaeger, (pictured) Jonathan Pickup, Marian Yukawa, Madison Nuske and Rohan Dickson.

“I found the incursion to be highly entertaining while it still was educational” -Justine King, Year 8

“It was pretty funny and the interactive games were cool.” -Caitlin Groves, Year 8

Georgia Honey, Year 8

Page 3: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Halloween Congratulations to students who helped raise a

massive $826.50 for Amnesty International and the Cambodian Kids Foundation

Page 4: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Annual Staff vs. Students Soccer Match



Mr Anthony Archer


Mr Daniel Koo

Mr Paul Sczcur

Ms Libbee Semmens

Mr Fraser Stehn

Mr Ross Wright

Takaomi (Yr10)

Jihoon (Yr11)

Boss (Yr11)

Peem (Yr11)

Mikha (YR11)

Umpired by Mr David Wittmer Commentary by Jessica Lamb


Jess G. Jarryd h.

Maya Naz

Parvir Joe








Ben L.


MVP - Paul SzCZur

Final Score

Staff 4 : students 2

Page 5: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Duke of Edinburgh Camp “Adventurous Journey”, which includes at least one practice and one qualifying camp, is an essential requirement of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery. This Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Camp, held on November 1-4, consisted of students ranging from Year 9 up to Year 11 and they went to Boar Gully Camping Site in the Brisbane Ranges National Park. The camp was a great opportunity to bond with friends, to learn the skills necessary to survive with limited food and water supplies, and to have great fun. All 21 of us stopped at Bacchus Marsh for last minute preparations then we head straight to the campsite. Somehow, the woods evoke a different feeling, as there is no need to feel worried about technology. We had to set up our own tent, cook our own meals, plan the hikes, then hike for hours, sleep if you can ignore the noise and the stones that aches your back, and finally we had to pack up. Despite sounding like an exhausting list, however, all these “hardships” were worth learning and were surprisingly enjoyable.

- Evita Widjaja (Year 10) Here are some of the feedback given from the campers:

Triple Jump Success On the 22nd of October, I qualified to compete in the Victorian State School Athletics Track and Field Championships at the Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park.

My event was Triple Jump and I was to perform at the stadium at 2:20pm.

I was really excited although I had participated in the State Championships before. The weather unfortunately didn’t look too promising and it was already spitting by 12 o’clock.

When I arrived at the stadium, it was packed with sweaty, enthusiastic kids and anxious parents. I couldn’t wait for my event.

It had already started to rain pretty heavily as I made my way towards marshalling. All of my competitors were at least two heads taller than me!

After my three jumps, I was placed in overall 4th place.

I really enjoyed myself doing the sport that I am passionate about

and hope to return next year. -Anishka Perera (Yr 9) Anishka completes a triple jump at the SSV Athletics earlier this year

Marian (Year 10): “I am proud that I could achieve a constant speed during the hike.”

Tim (Year 10): “It was

good. It showed how


everyone was.”

Anishka (Year 9): “I thought it was great the way everyone worked together.”

Rhythm (Year 10): ”Since we run it ourselves, it was quite interesting the choices we made.”

Page 6: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Source: #ibcaring


Last week the Year 11 English literature class visited the Holocaust Centre in Elsternwick. Students share their reflections on the experience:

“After our tour of the centre’s exhibits, Sonya, a survivor of the Holocaust, spoke to us about the experiences she and her family faced as Jews living in Germany in the 1930s. She told us about how at the age of nine, she and her baby brother were put on a train to Belgium by their mother. As Jews, they had no papers, so when the train stopped at the border, Sonya had to stall the border control officer until he had to get off the train as it had to continue its journey. She became very emotional when speaking about family and friends who didn’t survive the genocide, and how her family was split up across Europe. But she also expressed the relief she felt when she migrated to Australia after the war.” -Katherine Alexander

“We often hear about the negatives regarding the Holocaust, however Sonya remained adamant to enforce the positives. She told of the acts of kindness by strangers that helped her survive. It is these stories that should never be forgotten.” -Nathan Long

“Whilst I generally don’t like solemn occasions, going to the Holocaust Centre was something that I will always look back on as a memorable experience. I found that the most worthwhile aspect of the visit was not all the facts and figures, but the story of survival given by Sonya. This to me is the most important knowledge to be gained and to be passed to future generations: stories by those who lived it.” -Jay Finn

One criticism of the visit was our guide’s views about race and her insistence that there is only one race: the human race: “While I don’t agree with racism or discrimination of any kind, neither do I agree with the idea that there is only one race: the human race. The fact is that there ARE different races, different genders, and different religions. The diverse and multicultural nature of our world is what makes it great, and I think that we need to acknowledge that we are different, but at the same time recognise that this is a good thing, rather than trying to abolish the idea of race altogether, because I view that as quite negative. Aside from this ‘one race’ message, the museum itself was very informative. The displays were amazing and the photographs really captured the suffering of the Jewish people. The most valuable resource of the museum was, of course, the recount of a survivor’s story. Sonya, who was just a young girl during the Holocaust, told us her incredible story, and I think that was what really hit home for me.” -Jessica Payne

Jess with Sonya, a Holocaust survivor

Nathan, Cameron, Jay and Keir

Congratulations to the following music students for their fantastic results in their 2013 examinations.:

Peter Lejins: Honours in Fourth Grade Singing

Phoebe Taylor: High Distinction in Fourth Grade Singing

Victoria Nicholas: Honours in Third Grade Singing

Anishka Perera: Credit in Third Grade Singing

Olivia King: Credit in Second Grade Singing

Emerson Taylor: Credit in Second Grade Singing

Rain Szczur: High Distinction in First Grade Singing

Musical Achievements

Page 7: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Annual TKIS Mathematics Competition

Wednesday the 30th of October began for most like any other day. However, as the sun turned in a dive towards the horizon a tense and palpable feeling of excitement and anticipation pervaded the TKIS ether as students paced the corridors looking arbitrarily at objects to fill in time. Maths teachers normally relaxed; exhibited signs of nervousness, chewing bottom lips and eating more than usual! The doors flew open and students from Year 12, armed with black calculators and felt tipped pens, took their places in a semicircle, the normal line to each set of eyes directed to a screen that would soon reveal all that was to come. The data projector lamp warmed as its resistance increased. Teachers hushed the muffled noise as the final lines were scribed by Ms Burns on the score sheet. Mr Kerr with enthusiasm tore open bags of mixed lollies that would soon nourish and invigorate the billions of neurons needed to engage in what is without doubt one of the greatest academic events ever held. The great Mr Gregory and long term supporter Ms Tripp both cleaned spectacles, assisting their myopic eye to ensure their decision as officiators was could not be contested. Mr Bland, soon to present the Trigonometry questions, mulled over the printed PowerPoint documents with the discernment of a hungry eagle that has just spotted a young lame rabbit. Mr Wright, casual, though always smartly dressed, took his place as onlooker to complete the full cohort of senior maths teachers that would witness proceedings in: The 2013 Kilmore International School Year 12 Mathematics Competition.

The much anticipated competition began at 7.00pm sharp. This year there were four separate Standard Level classes and each class formed a team. The class teams were then divided up into seven different groups of three students that would contest each of the seven main syllabus units: Algebra, Functions, Matrices and Vectors, Trigonometry, Differentiation, Integration and finally Probability and Statistics. The main purpose of the evening is to give students a chance to review the entire Mathematics syllabus in one sitting. This is done in a competition format that places students in a pressure situation similar in many ways to that encountered during examinations. As there is a time limit, students must work quickly though not erratically. At the beginning of the competition, students are hasty to rush their answers and tend in the heat of the moment to thus make silly minor errors. As the night progresses it becomes very clear that maintaining a cool head is a better stratagem for improving accuracy. Although a score is kept throughout the evening, the real winner is student growth in Mathematics and a strengthening of the bonds that exists between teachers and students. The highly valued evening was a great motivator and many students have requested a run through of the seventy questions again. Consequently, I will be holding a final revision session on Sunday evening between 4.30pm and 6.00pm to go through in more detail many of the questions that were presented during the competition. All Year 12 students are most welcome to attend.

Finally, I would like to thank all the students and teachers who attended the evening, making it such a constructive and successful experience.

Artistic Students Congratulations to two very talented students at TKIS who both won prizes at the Whittlesea Show on November 2.

Year 11 student Kelsey Thatcher won two prizes for her artwork she undertook as part of her CAS program. Kelsey placed 1st in the Black & White section, and also won best overall pastel.

Year 10 Emily Kolacz also did extremely well at the Whittlesea show, winning acclaim for her photography .

Emily placed 2nd in the Landscape section for her photograph Pier, 3rd in Sport and Action for her photograph Eventing of an equestrian event and received a Highly Com-mended in the Portraiture section for her image Photo of a photo which will be printed in the yearbook in just a few weeks!

Well done to both students - keep up the great work!

Kelsey with her winning artworks

Page 8: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Haiku Display

Have you noticed the display of Japanese Haiku (俳句) next to the CAS noticeboard? This colourful

presentation of Japanese poetry has been organised and displayed by Mr. Nomura and students study-ing Japanese. Each of the Haiku has been translated in to English and is accompanied by an explanation of what inspired the writer. The display encourages you to learn about Japan’s rich cultural heritage and how haiku came to devel-op into a fine art. There are also interesting facts about the poet Basho and how his Haiku may have been coded messages to the Shogun. So please, if you have a minute or two, stop by the notice board to enjoy the work put into the display.

Danielle Fitt

Thank you/ ありがとうございました

Japanese students Takaomi Ueki, Bob , Shotaro Kubo, Seonghan Kim, Haruna Nomura, Zhang Shengye, Ritsuko Okada, Mihoko Ueki, Maho Yamuguchi, Danielle Fitt

Inspired by the Haiku notice-board, students have contrib-uted to the display of haiku on the tree mural painted by Ms. Allen’s students.

Piano students Our piano teacher Mr Kelvin Dai has been very busy taking on lots of new students.

Kelvin is a graduate of TKIS (2006) who came back to TKIS as our piano teacher who is here every Thursday.

He has now managed to inspire 11 international students who are all keen musicians and improving their piano skills.

For anyone interested in piano lessons, contact Reception.

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Debate: Are Computer Games Better Than Novels?

Years 5 and 6 are proving to be very enthusiastic debaters. This week’s debates were closely contested as the speakers

battled it out at lunchtime, supported by an enthusiastic group of classmates. This week there were two debates, both on

the motion: Are Computer Games Better than Novels? Jai, Xander and Declan won the first debate, successfully arguing that

computer games are more entertaining, interactive and practical than novels. However, in the second debate Tim. Lachlan

and Jaiden won the debate for the negative side, arguing that novels are better than computers as they stimulate the

imagination and improve the mind. Students were well prepared and were able to rebut arguments against the opposing

team with confidence and skill. Xander was judged to be the best speaker in the first debate, while Emerson and Lachlan

tied for best speaker in the second debate. Well done!

Winners for the Affirmative Team: Jai, Declan and Xander

Winners for the Negative Team: Tim, Lachlan and Jaiden

TKIS Students Gone Fishing On Sunday the 27th of October 2013, 24 TKIS Boarding Students headed off to Moorabbee Park situated on the edge of Lake Eppalock, approximately 45 minutes Nth West of Kilmore. The Event was to catch some sunshine, fresh air and Fish; then ultimately refresh the well-being of the Students and enjoy a well supplied BBQ.

Initially there was some reluctance, the early start of 10:30am was the main consideration but all was well once we had the Students in the buses. Ms Morgan and Mr Karol were the Drivers for the day and chaperones; they were ably supported by the patient Mr Kerry, a previous holder of the Australian Fishing Championship.

The students that attended were as follows;

Boys Dorm: Jeff, Jenson, John, Roy.

Golf House: Dickson, Antonius, Aaron, Aom, Tet Wey, Takaomi, Tus, Toufie.

White Street: Jihoon, Brandon, Boss, Peem, Naresh, Mikha

Lumsden Street: Fred, Tomson, Size, Wayne

Girls Dorm: Paula and Veronika

The central admin/BBQ point was Mr. Karol’s Van and Cabin. As soon as the Students saw Lake Eppalock they immediately became interested and keen Fisherman. We arrived at the fishing venue approximately 11:45 and once the doors of the buses open there were all out and wanting their Fish Rods Hook, Sinkered and baited, (we don’t touch worms, they are slippery), although some of the students did try for themselves.

Thank you to Ms Julie, Mr Neil and Mr Kerry for supplying extra Fishing Rods, and a special thank you to Mr Kerry for the extra tackle, as what was originally supplied had depleted very quickly.

As for the honours for catching the first fish, that went to Jenson from Boys Dorm. In all six fish were caught and released, as Mr Kerry was more than aware of the correct size to keep and was firm in his decisions. As with many young people the novelty was wearing thin, this bought about a time to venture and look around, and find their way to the Lunch Table. But there were those who refused to be beaten and ask if they could have their lunch delivered to their Fishing position, this we accommodated with pleasure. The White Street Boys stepped up and were more than happy to be the roustabouts, until that is the weather warmed up and the water looked inviting then swimming became the main event. As for the girls it was exploring, walking and walking and exploring that took their fancy. Some of the boys looked at the cabin and took advantage of the amenities and enjoyed themselves out of the sun.

Time surged and before we knew it, it was time to pack-up and head off home. No Students was harmed or lost in the making of this excursion, apart from the overwork of Mr Kerry. The drive back to Kilmore was made easier with a quick bathroom and drinks break at Heathcote, and a good time was had by all. Looks like this was a winner.

Karol Ojczyk, TKIS Activities program Co-ordinator

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Three TKIS students will be performing in this exciting concert. They are: Angus Franks, Jonathan Pickup and Athol Taylor. This very special event will bring around 80 on the mOVe 2013 students from around Victoria to Melbourne to experience performing with Orchestra Victoria and much-loved conductor Richard Gill in a free public concert. Orchestra Victoria and the student-musicians will present a varied program spanning Bizet, Brahms, Berlioz, Anderson, Elgar, Hardiman and Stravinsky.

Angus Jonathon


Year 5 ICT Since the start of Term 3, Year 5 have been creating video games on a program called ‘2DIY’. We started with simple

quizzes and puzzles and worked our way up. Recently, we started to make classic video games including Platformers,

Snake, Mazes, and much more. The

program allows game designers to record

their voice and add it to their game, they

can import pictures made by the program

to use as characters or scenes. They can

also import sounds to add some extra

effect to their game. They can add

dangerous enemies that reset the game

and special things that give you points.

They can draw their own characters and

enemies and their own scene as well.

Their themes are customised by their

imagination and the game elements are

written in a kid-friendly language.

Max Davies

Year 5

Two examples of platformer games designed by Year 5’s

Page 11: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013


Key Dates - Term 4

Parent Representative Craig Honey is the parent representative on the

School Advisory Board. To contact Craig about any concerns, email:

[email protected]

Please Note: All dates are subject to change. For further details, check the

School Planner on the website.


Yr 8&9 Bell Shakespeare Incursion Wednesday, 13

School Concert at Kilmore Trackside Thursday, 14

Last Day of IB Exams Thursday, 21

Year 12 Graduation Thursday, 21


Yr 5 - Yr 11 Exams commence Monday, 9

Term 4 ends Thursday, 12

Boarding Houses Close Friday, 13

Academic Staff finish Thursday, 19

A reminder to students… All TKIS computers issued to local students need to be returned for upgrading and cleaning at the end of the year.


LET’S VISIT INDONESIA! TKIS will be organising a trip to Indonesia in 2014.

BOOK NOW! DATE: 27 SEPT. – 5 OCT. 2014. (Term 3 holidays)

Jakarta Bandung Semarang Kintamani

Invest in your child’s future by providing this once in a

life time opportunity!

For more information please contact: Mr. Paulo Winardi

([email protected]) / Dr. Ranjit Kaur

([email protected]) or ask the TKIS Office.

* First-hand experience in knowing Indonesian culture,

language, customs, cuisines, handicrafts, music, songs,

artefacts etc.

* Visiting and getting a feel of urban and rural life of


* Sightseeing idyllic and scenic places e.g. Mt. Batur (7.5

km. volcano crater), Elephant Safari Ride, Sea World,

Ancol Dreamland, Visiting Museums/Balinese Houses,

Monkey Forest, Tropical Garden and shopping at Se-

nayan Square.

* Meet students from sister school and develop lifelong

friendships that promote inter-culturalism.

* Develop communicational skills and become budding

ambassadors at a young age.

Tune in to TKIS TKIS students are live on radio

every Monday 4pm-6pm and every Thursday 4pm-6pm at OKR 98.3FM

Lost and Found New items are being handed in to the lost and found every day! Don’t forget to check in with Suzanne at Student Services if you’ve lost - or found - anything!

Sports Day The TKIS sports day for year 5-11 students will be held on Friday 29th November! Get your best house

colours ready to dress up!

Full CAS timetable is

on the school


Page 12: The Kilmore International School Newsletter 17 2013

[email protected]

The Kilmore International School

40 White St, Kilmore

Victoria, 3764


Phone: 0011 61 3 5782 2211

Fax: 0011 61 35782 2525

Email: [email protected]




“Excellentia Academica


Contact Details



Katherine Alexander Max Davies

Jay Finn Danielle Fitt

Georgia Honey Nathan Long

Jess Payne Anishka Perera

We welcome community notices from parents in the


Next Edition:

Friday, November 22

Broadford Street Carnival:

Bigger and Better!

Interested stallholders to contact Renee White

0417 128 735

Junior Squad Netball

Try-outs for 2014 are on Sun Nov 17th at the Roy Robson Stadium in Wallan.

Try-outs are open for any player from the district, including all of Mitchell Shire and beyond.

Age groups for 2014:

U11 players born in 2003 & 2004

U13 players born in 2001 & 2002

U15 players born in 1999 & 2000

Please see the website for further information and application form.

Mitchell Magic squad looks for netballers with enthusiasm, dedication and the ability to perform basic skills under pressure i.e. catching, throwing, timing, defence, elevation and footwork.

What do Parents Think?

Children with social and emotional problems are often the topic of parents’ conversations, as

well as the media. Help us document how today’s parents think about children with these

problems, their families, and their treatments. We are looking for parents of 4-10 year old

children across Australia to complete an anonymous online survey (15-20 min). Participants

will go into the draw to win one of 40 $100 gift certificates to Coles/Myer or Woolworths. To

participate go to:

Or For more information please contact Dr Jeneva Ohan at 08 6488 6928

Remember when you believed in anything and everything?

Researchers from the University of Western Australia are investigating children’s ability to

detect and avoid potentially harmful social interactions. We are looking to see how this devel-

ops in children, and when children outgrow this vulnerability.

We are looking for parents of Kindergarten – Year 6 children across Australia to complete

an online survey (15 – 20 minutes). Participants will go into a draw to win one of 10 $50 gift

certificates to Coles/Myers. To participate go to:

Or for more information please contact Rebecca Seward at (08) 6488 4652