kilmore primary school · 2.4 kilmore primary school’s curriculum will include pro-social values...

KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND WELLBEING POLICY 1. Policy Statement: Kilmore Primary School is located in Lancefield Road, Kilmore; an historic rural town 58km north of Melbourne. Kilmore is a semi- rural area comprising of small farm holdings, new housing estates and a well -established older town centre. At present there are approximately 440 students enrolled at Kilmore Primary School. A team of highly motivated, professional, and dedicated staff provide a safe and caring environment, where the goal is to optimise the learning outcomes and personal growth of all students. Kilmore Primary School aims to establish a happy, safe and supportive learning environment where the welfare of all children is a high priority and is maintained as a shared responsibility of the school and the community. Our moral purpose statement reflects this commitment: Kilmore Primary School fosters a community of learners who are confident, creative and challenged to achieve their full potential within a safe, happy and supportive environment.’ Our school provides an attractive, secure and stimulating educational environment where our children are eager and excited to learn. We have state of the art facilities with a strong emphasis on flexible learning spaces which are capable of supporting a wide variety of learning styles, programs and student needs. The school recently completed a facilities upgrade which includes a number of triple and double learning studios, administration area, art room, library, hall, dedicated ICT centre, new sports stadium complex, playground area for Prep-grade 2, Astro Turf fitness circuit, and 3-6 playground area. Before and after school care operates on the school site five days a week. Policies and programs ensure a current and relevant curriculum, encompassing the AUS/VELS Learning Standards, professionally delivered with modern pedagogies in a high quality, whole school approach to teaching and learning. We are dedicated to ensuring that we meet the needs of the 21 st century learner and providing a personalised learning environment for our students. We strive to provide a well-rounded education which values and supports the intellectual, creative, physical and emotional development of each child. We have a commitment to ensure that quality learning and teaching are the central focus of our learning environments. We offer Spanish, Music, Art, Physical Education and ICT as weekly Specialist Programs. A number of additional programs encourage student participation and offer opportunities for student leadership. Junior Leadership Team, S.R.C., School Choir, School Rock Band, Active After Schools Program, Life Education Van, Lunchtime sport, Lunchtime computers, Prep-Grade 6 buddies program, Interschool sport, Preparation For Puberty, Swimming program Prep- grade 4, Gym & Swim program grades 5-6, school camps and incursions and excursions. Our strong focus on Student Wellbeing is further supported by a dedicated Student Wellbeing Officer, and our involvement in the Kids-Matter Mental Health Initiative. This approach enables us to provide early intervention strategies, and nurture happy, well balanced students.

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Page 1: KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL · 2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity



1. Policy Statement: Kilmore Primary School is located in Lancefield Road, Kilmore; an historic rural town 58km north of

Melbourne. Kilmore is a semi- rural area comprising of small farm holdings, new housing estates

and a well -established older town centre.

At present there are approximately 440 students enrolled at Kilmore Primary School. A team of

highly motivated, professional, and dedicated staff provide a safe and caring environment, where

the goal is to optimise the learning outcomes and personal growth of all students. Kilmore Primary

School aims to establish a happy, safe and supportive learning environment where the welfare of all

children is a high priority and is maintained as a shared responsibility of the school and the

community. Our moral purpose statement reflects this commitment:

‘Kilmore Primary School fosters a community of learners who are confident, creative and

challenged to achieve their full potential within a safe, happy and supportive environment.’

Our school provides an attractive, secure and stimulating educational environment where our

children are eager and excited to learn. We have state of the art facilities with a strong emphasis on flexible learning spaces which are capable of supporting a wide variety of learning styles, programs

and student needs. The school recently completed a facilities upgrade which includes a number of

triple and double learning studios, administration area, art room, library, hall, dedicated ICT centre,

new sports stadium complex, playground area for Prep-grade 2, Astro Turf fitness circuit, and 3-6

playground area. Before and after school care operates on the school site five days a week.

Policies and programs ensure a current and relevant curriculum, encompassing the AUS/VELS

Learning Standards, professionally delivered with modern pedagogies in a high quality, whole

school approach to teaching and learning. We are dedicated to ensuring that we meet the needs of

the 21st century learner and providing a personalised learning environment for our students. We

strive to provide a well-rounded education which values and supports the intellectual, creative,

physical and emotional development of each child. We have a commitment to ensure that quality

learning and teaching are the central focus of our learning environments.

We offer Spanish, Music, Art, Physical Education and ICT as weekly Specialist Programs. A number

of additional programs encourage student participation and offer opportunities for student

leadership. Junior Leadership Team, S.R.C., School Choir, School Rock Band, Active After Schools

Program, Life Education Van, Lunchtime sport, Lunchtime computers, Prep-Grade 6 buddies

program, Interschool sport, Preparation For Puberty, Swimming program Prep- grade 4, Gym &

Swim program grades 5-6, school camps and incursions and excursions.

Our strong focus on Student Wellbeing is further supported by a dedicated Student Wellbeing

Officer, and our involvement in the Kids-Matter Mental Health Initiative. This approach enables us to

provide early intervention strategies, and nurture happy, well balanced students.

Page 2: KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL · 2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity

A comprehensive Positive Behaviour Support Program compliments our student wellbeing focus,

and supports our school values of being Kind, Proud and Safe. These values are further supported

through explicit teaching of our Values Program and the use of Restorative Justice Practises when

dealing with behavioural issues.

Kilmore Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. Students can reach their full educational potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and when there is a positive school culture to engage and support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are inextricably linked.

It is fundamental to acknowledge that each teacher is a vital source of support and a determinant in the success of their students. The teachers at Kilmore Primary will work collectively to ensure that students feel valued and cared for, have meaningful opportunities to contribute to the school and can effectively engage with their learning. This school recognises the need to be engaging and inclusive, recognising and responding to the diverse needs of our students, accommodating different learning profiles and rates of learning and intervening early to identify and respond to individual student needs.

Kilmore Primary strives to be a learning community where students and teachers can relate well to each other, and where different ideas and viewpoints are valued and respected.

Our heterogeneous profile means that in any given class a range of student ability exists, in some

cases spanning five years. Within this diversity, our school aims to challenge all students to become

optimistic, resilient, creative and critical thinkers. We seek to promote our school values of Kind,

Proud and Safe throughout the curriculum, in co-curricular activities, and in our daily operations.

Our teaching and learning philosophy is based around our 4Rs. (Refer to L& T Statement) That is:

The teaching and learning is relevant to each student’s interests, lives and aspirations

The teaching and learning is rigorous, and each teacher will make a commitment to

appropriately support, build and challenge every student

Relationships are an essential component of effective learning and teaching

Our practices are responsive to contemporary research and innovation.

Included with this Student Welfare Policy is Kilmore Primary school Student Engagement Policy and

Processes – see Appendix A.

2. Guidelines

2.1 Kilmore Primary school will focus on establishing positive and respectful relationships, particularly between teachers and students, and establishing a learning community that provides multiple and diverse opportunities for students to experience success.

2.2 Kilmore Primary School will collaboratively develop and implement a fair and respectful whole-school behaviour management approach.

2.3 Kilmore Primary School will encourage and provide multiple opportunities for parents/carers and members of the broader community to play an active part in the life of the school and the education of their children.

Page 3: KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL · 2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity

2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity and build a culture of learning, community and engagement.

2.5 Kilmore Primary School will promote active student participation and provide students with a sense of ownership of their environment.

2.6 Kilmore Primary School will support families to engage in their child’s learning and build their capacity as active learners.

2.7 Kilmore Primary School will establish social/emotional and educational support for vulnerable students and monitor and evaluate progress.

2.8 Kilmore Primary School will have processes in place to identify and respond to individual students who require additional assistance and support.

2.9 Kilmore Primary School will build strong links with the local community to gain access to an extended network of community members, professionals and educators who can provide expertise and experience that can build the capacity of our school and our teachers to respond to the needs of the students.

3. Program

3.1.1 The curriculum programs of Kilmore Primary School will recognise and respond to the diverse needs of Kilmore Primary School’s students by:

accommodating different learning profiles and rates of learning

intervening early to identify and respond to individual student needs

3.1.2 Kilmore Primary School is committed to the delivery of an inclusive curriculum that ensures all our students have access to a quality education to meet their diverse needs.

To improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities, the following key strategies are in place:

providing parents/carers with a learning program that best suits their child’s needs

involving students and parents in programming and planning decisions

supporting students access to programs and services

ensuring the expertise of teachers working in our school is maintained and developed

3.2 Our school will implement a whole-school behaviour management approach that is based on pro-social values, social competencies, incentives and positive peer relationships.

The key focus will be on prevention and early intervention strategies that:

define and teach school-wide and classroom expectations

establish consistent school-wide and classroom consequences for problem behaviour

establish school-wide and classroom processes for early identification of students experiencing academic and/ or behaviour difficulty

provide school-wide and classroom processes for ongoing collection and use of data for decision-making

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empower students by creating multiple opportunities for them to take responsibility and be involved in decision-making

provide a physical environment conducive to positive behaviours and effective engagement in learning

utilise evidence-based interventions, monitored regularly for those students who face difficulty with learning and/or behaviour

Calmer Classrooms: A Guide to Working with Traumatised Children, developed by the Office of the Child Safety Commissioner, provides teachers and schools with effective relationship based classroom and school-wide strategies.

3.3 Involvement in our school by parents and carers helps children achieve the best possible learning outcomes. Parents and carers will be provided with the opportunity to participate in school life, both formally and informally, through school council, the Parent Association, volunteering and staying up to date with news about what is happening in education via our newsletter.

3.4 Kilmore Primary School’s strategies to promote pro-social values will be whole-school in focus and include close links with curriculum. The AUSVELS Standards includes the learning domain of Physical, Personal and Social Learning, which encourages students to work with others, and to take greater responsibility for their own learning and participation at school. In the context of the AUSVELS standards, the school curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviours to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity and build a culture of learning, community and engagement.

3.5 Student voice/student participation is about valuing people and valuing the learning that results when we engage the capacities and multiple voices in the school. It focuses on realising the leadership potential inherent within all learners. There are five dimensions to student participation:

1. student involvement in school and community development 2. students as researchers and co-enquirers 3. student feedback on teaching and learning 4. students as peer-tutors

Kilmore Primary School promotes active ‘student participation’ as an avenue for improving student outcomes and facilitating school change. Student participation ranges from young people sharing their opinions of problems and potential solutions through student council or in focus groups such as the Young Leaders program. It also includes our students sharing their ‘voice’ by collaborating with teachers to actually improve education outcomes, including helping to improve teaching, curriculum and teacher-student relationships and leading to changes in student assessment.

3.6 Kilmore Primary School will support families to engage in their child’s learning and build their capacity as active learners. It provides an environment that welcomes all parents/carers and is responsive to them as partners in learning. Kilmore Primary School will ensure that the unique experiences and skills of our students’ families enrich the learning environment and the school community.

Kilmore Primary School will create successful partnerships with parents/carers and families by:

ensuring all parents/carers are aware of the school’s Student Wellbeing Policy

conducting effective school-to-home and home-to-school communications

providing volunteer opportunities to enable parents/carers and students to contribute

Page 5: KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL · 2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity

involving families with homework and other curriculum-related activities

involving families as participants in school decision-making

coordinating resources and services from the community for families, students and the school

providing opportunities to enhance parenting knowledge and skills

3.7.1 Implementing preventative and early intervention strategies to support positive behaviours is a key part of the Student Wellbeing Policy at our school. Prevention and early intervention strategies the school will deploy include:

defining and teaching school-wide and classroom expectations

establishing consistent school-wide and classroom consequences for problem behaviour establishing school-wide and classroom processes for early identification of students

experiencing academic and/ or behaviour difficulty providing school-wide and classroom processes for the ongoing collection and use of data

for decision-making empowering students by creating multiple opportunities for them to take responsibility and be

involved in decision-making

providing a physical environment conducive to positive behaviours and effective engagement in learning

utilise evidence-based interventions, monitored regularly for those students who face difficulty with learning and/or behaviour

3.7.2 Kilmore Primary School will promote and maintain high levels of student attendance and participation through:

articulating high expectations to all members of the school community

adopting consistent, rigorous procedures to monitor and record student absences following up student absences promptly and consistently implementing data-driven attendance improvement strategies creating safe, supportive learning environments where all students experience success

through active participation and engagement in purposeful learning providing early identification of, and supportive intervention for, students at risk of non-

attendance linking with local community groups and agencies to maximise program and individual

support providing a staged response

3.8.1 Kilmore Primary School will use coordinated early intervention and prevention strategies to identify and respond to individual students who require additional assistance and support. The school will provide the following support structures:

monitoring of, and responding to, protracted student absences

trauma management plan protocol for mandatory reporting Student Support Group’s for children in need bullying survey of students and school environment

3.8.2 Longitudinal data will be collected regarding frequency and types of welfare issues, so as to measure the success or otherwise of school-based strategies and approaches.

Some sources of data are:

the Attitudes to School Survey data

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school level report data

parent survey data

data from case management work with students

Risk Factors

poor attendance

low literacy & numeracy

problematic school behaviour and relationships through the number of suspensions and the number of days suspended

low income or unemployed family background - the occupation code of parents

Koorie or Torres Strait Islander background

refugee or ESL status

presence of learning disorders leading to integration support

restricted access arrangements as a result of parent separation

presence of a risk alert

experience of significant health issues &/or physical disability

3.9 Kilmore Primary School will utilise relevant external student wellbeing support services in order to identify and address the barriers to learning that individual students may be facing. Such services to provide support for students and staff include:

psychologist for psychological and academic assessment

Department of Human Services case managers and support workers

relevant DEECD support staff, social workers to provide services such as counselling, social skills and anger management programs.

4. LINKS AND APPENDICES (including processes related to this policy)

Appendix One: Student Engagement Policy and Processes

Appendix Two: Reward & Consequence examples

Appendix Three: Behaviour Matrix

Appendix Four: Reflection Templates

Appendix Five: Procedures for Suspension

Appendix Six:: Procedures for Expulsion

Key Link connected with this policy is: DEECD - Child Health and Wellbeing


This policy will be reviewed annually or more often if necessary due to changes in

regulations or circumstances.

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Appendix One:



1. Whole-School Prevention Statement

Kilmore Primary School aims to establish a happy, safe and supportive learning environment where

the welfare of all children is a high priority and is maintained as a shared responsibility of the school

and the community. Our motto, ‘Kilmore Primary School fosters a community of learners who are

confident, creative and challenged to achieve their full potential within a safe, happy and supportive

environment’ is a whole school community commitment. It means all children at Kilmore Primary can

achieve success and excellence. We strive to provide a quality education that will enable children to

participate and contribute to the community. We want them to become informed lifelong learners and

tolerant and responsible citizens. We strive to foster a positive school environment free of bias and

bullying and where the students accept and respect the rights and responsibilities of all school

community members. We encourage students to develop positive and caring relationships with

others. We also encourage students to develop a positive self- image and independence. We want

them to be engaged in their learning and to feel connected to the school so that they are keen to

attend and to behave appropriately.

At Kilmore Primary School we are dedicated to providing quality learning opportunities for all children. We strive to provide a well-rounded education which values and supports the intellectual,

creative, physical and emotional development of each child. We have a commitment to ensure that

quality learning and teaching are the central focus of our learning environments. Our school

provides an attractive, secure and stimulating educational environment where our children are

eager and excited to learn.

We have state of the art facilities, coupled with a committed, professional staff to provide a quality

education for your child. Our design places a strong emphasis on flexible learning spaces, which

are capable of supporting learning styles, programs and students’ needs.

It is our belief that you are a critical part of your child's education at school. You are your child's first

teacher and we encourage you to continue the next part of the learning journey with the school.

There are many ways you can be involved as an active part of the Kilmore Primary School

community, including attending and being part of School Council, joining our committed and

talented Parent Community Association, helping out with the occasional working bee and assisting

in many different ways in the classrooms.

At Kilmore Primary School we proudly celebrate the learning of our students. We are dedicated to

ensuring that we meet the needs of the 21st century learner and to providing a personalised learning

environment for your child.

Kilmore Primary School actively seeks to engage with parents and the community to ensure a

positive and inclusive school culture in which every student has the opportunity to succeed. We

work collaboratively with students and parents/ carers to establish fair and respectful behaviour

policies and practices, based on the school’s values, expected social competencies and positive

peer relationships. There are also intervention strategies in place to address inappropriate

behaviours which can negatively impact on the learning environment of the self and others.

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Kilmore Primary School appreciates its diverse student and parent population, and has measures in

place to ensure all students enjoy the same level of access to the school’s curriculum and co-

curricular programs. Our teaching and learning philosophy is important in engaging all students in

their academic learning. Our Literacy Intervention Program and additional classroom supports

ensure student literacy and numeracy needs are being addressed. Our pastoral and mentoring

programs (including peer support) are tailored to address students’ personal and social learning at

various stages of their primary education. The Program for Students with a Disability provides vital

assistance and support to students in and out of the classroom. Student leadership capacity is

fostered through the Student Representative Council, the house system, the role of the school

captains and our peer support mentors.

Student wellbeing (social, emotional and cognitive engagement) is addressed in a number of ways.

At risk students are supported by our Wellbeing Co-ordinator, School support Services Officer and

DEECD Psychologist.

When relationships break down between members of the school community, we use “Restorative

Practices” to restore and rebuild these. Staged responses are implemented in addressing ongoing

behavioural issues, and suspension from school is viewed as a last resort.

The school places an emphasis on 100% attendance. Attendance is monitored throughout the day,

and student absences are followed up by the Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator. Attendance

conferences are an important mechanism through which teachers and parents can work together to

combat absenteeism.

Kilmore Primary School values parent / carer input into its operations and curriculum offerings and

seeks feedback through the Parent Opinion survey, and from parent representatives on School

Council. The School Council provides financial assistance and encouragement to the Parents’

Association in our efforts to build a sense of community.

2. Rights and Responsibilities: All members of the School Community – Students, Teachers and Parents have Rights and certain

Responsibilities that must be recognized and accepted by members of the school Community. A

positive learning environment comes about when students, teachers and parents are involved in the

learning process and have had their rights and responsibilities clearly defined.

RIGHTS – ‘A Right is something to which you are entitled and cannot be taken away’

RESPONSIBILITIES – ‘Responsibilities are the things that people should do without being told’

Kilmore Primary School will provide a positive culture where bullying is not accepted, and in so

doing, all will have the right of respect from others, the right to learn or to teach, and a right to feel

safe and secure in their school environment.

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Our aims are:

To reinforce within the school community what bullying is and is not, and the fact that it is unacceptable.

Everyone within the school community to be alert to signs and evidence of bullying and to have a responsibility to report it to staff whether as observer or victim.

To ensure that all reported incidents of bullying are followed up appropriately and that support is given to both victims and perpetrators.

To seek parental and peer-group support and co-operation at all times. It is the right of all members of the School community to experience a safe, pleasant and supportive

learning and teaching environment. Staff, students and parents/ carers have a right to be treated

with respect, and enjoy an environment free from bullying (including cyber bullying), harassment,

violence, discrimination or intimidation.

Teachers also have the rights to be informed, within Privacy requirements, about matters relating to

students that may impact on their teaching and learning for that student.

Students have a responsibility to contribute positively to the educational experience for themselves

and other students, to participate fully in the school’s educational program, and to ensure that their

behaviours demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and all other members of

the school community.

Parents/ carers have a responsibility to take an active interest in their child’s educational progress,

model and reinforce positive behaviours and ensure their child’s regular attendance. They have a

responsibility to support the school in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all

students, and engage in regular and constructive communication with school staff regarding their

child’s learning.

Teachers have a responsibility to demonstrate the standards set by the Victorian Institute of

Teaching. That is, to know how students learn and how to teach them effectively, know the content

they teach, know their students, plan and assess for effective learning, create and maintain safe

and challenging learning environments, and use a range of strategies to engage students in

effective learning. Teachers also have a responsibility to fairly, reasonably and consistently

implement the Student Engagement Policy and Behaviour Policy.

All members have an obligation to ensure school property is appropriately used and maintained.

3 Shared Expectations

Our school values are Kind, Proud and Safe. Teachers build positive relationships by knowing the

interests and backgrounds of each child and these are reflected in the learning program. Teachers

value all students’ contributions. Teachers target questions in a way that acknowledges individual

needs. Differences in thinking are embraced. A culture is encouraged where it is acceptable for

students to make an error. Teachers provide support and scaffolding where necessary. Students

are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning. Opportunities are created for students to

work in teams. Students are involved in decision making about their learning. Teaching strategies

are used that engage students in learning – ideas are introduced with interesting and challenging

activities, opportunities for discussion, group work and varied tasks that cater for multiple


Page 10: KILMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL · 2.4 Kilmore Primary School’s curriculum will include pro-social values and behaviour to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, value diversity

These are our inclusive teaching strategies. Through these all students have the opportunity to

experience success inside and outside the classroom which is reflected in our school motto,

“Kilmore Primary School fosters a community of learners who are confident, creative and

challenged to achieve their full potential within a safe, happy and supportive environment” We make

education accessible to all students by providing classroom support with teacher aides, visiting

teachers, Intervention, integration for students with special needs and learning difficulties, Speech

Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Student Welfare Officer and family support.

Students and their families are supported by the staff and other professionals attached to the school

such as speech therapist, psychologist, social worker, nurse and student wellbeing co-ordinator.

Parents are encouraged to be involved through information sessions, parent morning teas, special

event nights, school council, fundraising activities, special celebration days, assisting in the

classroom and sports days. The local community is also involved via the reciprocal visits with the

local kindergartens, Working Bees, Swimming Program, Representation of KPS on ANZAC Day

services and participation in the local show. The School Choir and School Rock Band perform

locally and beyond and there are visits to the school from community services including the Metro

Fire Brigade and Victorian Police.

We celebrate Book Week, diversity through recognition and participation in Harmony Day, we

participate in the Safe Pet Ownership Program, Book Week, MS Read-a-thon, Premier’s Reading

Challenge, University of NSW competition. And we take part in Dress-up days and International

Children’s Week activities.

Students are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their learning as they progress through

the school by being given extra responsibilities including running of house points, assembly, sports

borrowing, junior school council, paper recycling, and office and lunch order assistants.

At Information Evenings and via newsletter articles parents are encouraged to have their child ready

for school with a good night’s sleep, healthy breakfast, school uniform and reader, homework etc.

Students are encouraged to attend regularly through awards including “Student Encouragement”

award and certificates and recognition for students with 100% attendance for the term. Parents are

encouraged to send their children to school on time and regularly with as few absences as possible.

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Kind Listen to the views of others

Show consideration and courtesy to others

Respect the privacy and individual needs of others

Practise consideration, friendliness and patience

Foster an attitude of mutual respect and cooperation

Be understanding and tolerant

Proud Follow appropriate procedures when communicating with staff and others

Appropriately use and respect school facilities

Help maintain and improve the physical environment (i.e. through the attendance at working bees)

Support decisions made by the school

Promote a positive image of the school in the community

Treat children, staff and others parents fairly and with integrity

Support and participate in activities and events

Support school programs through demonstrated interest in and encouragement of children’s work and progress

Keep informed of, and responsive to, school and classroom activities through newsletters and notices

Ensure children have regular attendance and punctual

Celebrate school community achievements and achievements of others

Speak positively about the school both within and outside the local community

Understand that individuals have different values, needs and interests

Try to look for positives in each activity and event

Understand children learn in different ways and there are different ways of thinking and learning

Understand that different cultural groups can be represented in our class and community

Safe Reinforce the school values

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expect that their child will be given access to a quality curriculum and stimulating learning environment.

act in partnership with the school to promote your child’s learning.

make every effort to understand the curriculum being offered to your child.

be kept informed about their child and the school in general.

support the education of your child. make every effort to be kept informed. be involved in the activities of the school,

where possible

be informed when lateness and absences impact on positive student outcomes

make sure their child attends school and is on time every day.

provide the school with an explanation if the child is away.

express themselves on school matters, in appropriate forums

provide the school with information, which may be relevant to your child’s education and welfare at school.

have access to school personnel at mutually agreed times.

ensure that the time taken to speak with teachers does not take them away from teaching duties and classroom responsibilities.

be treated with respect and have their

opinions valued.

respect the staff of the school and value their expertise.

expect that their child will be safe at school and treated fairly.

model and promote behaviour, aligned with school values (Kind, Proud, Safe)

encourage your child to understand and accept school rules.

support agreed behavioural management decisions for their child

know that their child attends a school, which takes pride in itself, and the environment.

help to keep the environment clean. ensure that your child is suitably dressed

and prepared for school.


observe privacy laws respects the rights of others to

confidentiality display the school values whenever within

the school environment

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Kind Listen to the views of others

Show consideration and courtesy to others

Respect the privacy and individual needs of others

Show consideration, friendliness and patience

Foster an attitude of mutual respect and friendliness


Show respect when communicating with others

Appropriately use and respect school facilities

Help maintain and improve the physical environment

Support decisions made by and for the school

Promote a positive image of the school

Support participate where possible in activities and events

Support colleagues during collegiate activities

Reinforce the school values

Support school programs through demonstrated interest in and encouragement of children’s work and progress

Celebrate school community achievements and achievements of others

Display understanding and tolerance

Understand children learn in different ways and there are different ways of thinking and learning

Understand that individuals have different values, needs and interests

Understand that different cultural groups can be represented in our class and community


Provide a welcoming and safe environment

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be valued and respected personally and professionally and treated fairly

value and respect others in the school community.

ensure a professional approach.

be supported by parents and carers of the pupils

provide opportunities for parental participation

keep parents informed about the curriculum and the progress of their children and invite their involvement.

be shown courtesy and consideration by all in the school community.

treat all in the school community- pupils, staff, parents- with care, courtesy and consideration.

offer support to colleagues.

work in a safe and supportive environment

promote a safe and supportive environment for others.

Be provided with appropriate resourcing to teach a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum

plan, evaluate and monitor their teaching and their pupil’s learning.

be actively involved in whole school planning and policy making.

provide quality teaching and an appropriate curriculum.

maintain resources

professional development. undertake professional development in

line with the VIT requirements as mandated.

have personal and school property respected.

respect the property of others. respect school property.

work in a clean, tidy and orderly environment.

promote a clean, tidy and orderly environment

maintain common areas such as corridors, storeroom and yard.

expect student attendance & punctuality

inform parents when lateness and absences impact on positive student outcomes

have their privacy respected respect the privacy of others

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Kind Listen carefully to others

Treat others with respect

Speak politely and respectfully

Be willing to share and take turns

Demonstrate consideration for others

Work and play nicely

Be kind and friendly

Be understanding and tolerant

Proud Wear the school uniform according to uniform policy

Look after your own property and things belonging to other people

Follow teachers’ instructions

Act with integrity

Speak truthfully

Acknowledge the consequences of your behaviour

Strive to be your best

Allow others to work in a positive environment

Accept the consequences of your behaviour

Take full advantage of learning opportunities provided

Participate in decision-making processes

Work as well as you can and allow others to do the same

Cooperate with others

Always try to resolve problems calmly, sensibly and fairly

Work as well as you can and allow others to do the same

Celebrate personal achievements and the achievement of others

Try to look for positives in each activity and event

Understand children learn in different ways and there are different ways of thinking and learning

Understand that individuals have different values, needs and interests

Understand that different cultural groups can be represented in our class and community

Safe Practise behaviours that will help keep everyone healthy and safe

Understand and practise school rules and values

Dress appropriately (on out of uniform days)

Practise behaviours that demonstrate care for the physical and natural school environment

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feel safe and secure at school help make our school a happy and

safe place.

be in an effective learning environment

do their best and to respect the rights of others to learn without disruption.

be punctual. meet work requirements.

expect to be treated in accordance to the school values

treat others (parents, students, staff) with respect, friendliness, cooperation, acceptance, honesty and fairness

accept individuality and cultural differences

have personal and school property respected

respect our school environment, including their own and others’ property

expect assistance with problem solving issues in a supportive environment at an appropriate time

resolve conflict in a positive and co-operative manner.

Seek assistance, if required

be informed of rights, responsibilities and school rules

apply rights, responsibilities and school rules appropriately

communicate, be heard and have opinions valued which are not offensive to others.

listen courteously to others, value their contributions and respect their opinions

tell the truth and to speak politely and respectfully

work and play in a clean, tidy and safe environment

actively contribute to a clean, caring and safe school environment

use and share equipment and facilities.

use equipment safely and responsibly, and to share with others

attend school be prepared for school

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Whole School Strategies

The school will articulate high expectations to all members of the school community about

attendance. They will adopt consistent procedures to record student absence and follow up

student absences promptly. KPS will create a safe, supportive learning environment where

all students experience success through active participation and engagement in purposeful

learning. Notices will be placed in newsletters and on the website about absences and the

resultant lost learning that happens when students are absent for extended periods of time

or chronically. All staff members will be responsible for monitoring student absences with

the Student Welfare officer taking primary responsibility. Individual Student Learning Plans

that include punctuality and attendance as goals will be enacted for students who are

chronically absent. A further more targeted response will be taken when absences are

severe. Referral to community agencies for family support may also be needed.

Shared Expectations for attendance

Ensuring students attend each day is a shared expectation of parents, students and the

school. Parents are required to make sure their child attends school at all times while the

school is open for instruction. Parents are expected to provide educational support for their

child and ensure that their child is on time each day. Parents are expected to notify school

as soon as possible, preferably on the first day of the child absence or notify the school in

advance if this is possible. Parents should support their child’s learning during any

prolonged absence by organising a discussion with the class teacher prior to the absence.

Parents are expected to work co-operatively with the school if attendance has been

inconsistent and unsatisfactory. Students are expected to attend school, to arrive on time

and to every class, whenever the school is open for instruction. Students are expected to

provide a written explanation from their parent when they have been absent from school.

Students should remain on the school premises unless they have permission to leave from

both the school and their parents.

Recording and monitoring attendance

School should ensure the attendance is recorded twice a day and pursue and record an

explanation for every absence, as in CASES21.

Attendance follow-up

Three consecutive unexplained absences are followed up with a phone call. If no

satisfactory response within 5 school days then a letter is sent home. When a student’s

attendance pattern is of concern to the school an informal or formal meeting will be

convened with the parents to discuss attendance and the support needed for the

student/family to resolve the attendance issue. Parents and the school will work together in

an effort to improve the attendance of the student.

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The Code of Conduct for all stakeholders at Kilmore Primary School has been formulated

within and is consistent with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Student

Engagement Guidelines.

Corporal Punishment is prohibited in all Victorian schools. Corporal punishment must NOT

be used at the School under any circumstances.

We recognise that our school must provide all children with a safe and orderly learning

environment that meets the needs of our children from Prep to Grade 6. Student behaviour that is not consistent with the School Values will be addressed by the Principal Class in line

with the DEECD guidelines.

At the beginning of each school year and each term, and as appropriate, teachers will work

with their students to review Values and Behaviours.

The goal of a Student Engagement policy is to encourage students to accept responsibility

for their actions and to participate fully and positively in their educational experience.

Discipline procedures should only be used when all other options have been exhausted or

where the wellbeing or safety of a student or staff member is at risk.

Student Engagement policy needs to be read in conjunction with the Student Welfare policy,

See Appendix One for the School Student Welfare Policy.


At Kilmore Primary School we aim to have a kind, proud and safe learning environment inside and outside the classroom where all members of the school community can:

Interact in a friendly, positive way

Feel welcome and safe

Be recognised for the positive contribution they can make to the school

The program is based on the following beliefs:

The values of our school will be clearly stated and regularly reinforced

Positive reinforcement (bee tickets) and the development of intrinsic motivation will be an integral part of the program

All people involved in the program need to be fully informed of the aims and details of the program

The program needs to be fairly, reasonably and consistently applied

Development of positive self- esteem is of utmost importance

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Children who contribute positively to our learning community through their behaviour and the

manner in which they treat others will be formally recognised or rewarded.

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This may include:

Praise, reinforcement, acknowledgment of behaviour

Regular student recognition

Positive phone calls/communication to home

Recognition in school newsletter Bee tickets, which lead to:

Special responsibilities

Stickers, certificates etc

Special activity

Negotiated rewards

Children may receive a ‘Bee Ticket’ for demonstrating our school values by being kind,

proud and safe in the school grounds or the classroom.

One Bee Ticket = 1 House Point as well as individual recognition

Children are not permitted to ask for a Bee Ticket

Children may also receive house points for positive behaviour, which contributes to an

overall score and a reward for every representative of the House (Red. Blue, Gold & Green)

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Inappropriate Behaviour

In the yard, children who behave outside the agreed values may be managed in one of four

ways, depending on the level of misbehaviour.

Minor matters such as Friendship issues or isolation are directed at Peer Mediators to assist

with, whilst children can take concerns of a slightly greater nature to teachers in the yard.

These may include issues with lining up, uniform non-compliancy, sandpit issues, etc.

Behaviours of a more concerning nature such as disrespect, pushing and shoving etc. are

directed at the School Leadership Group who supervise ‘Time Out’ and finally the most

severe issues including violent behaviour, swearing, etc. are directed to the Principal where

a red slip may be issued. (Please see chart).

At each of these stages, all concerned are encouraged to reflect on behaviour by filling in a

‘Think Sheet’ which are sent home to parents. This is to help children identify what

happened, who was affected and how it can be fixed. Every discussion is accompanied with

strategies to help children move forward from the situation.

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During the first two weeks of the school year, each grade focuses on the school values,

classroom rules and expectations which is developed and published as a guide to

expectations. As well as this, Behavioural Management Strategies in the classroom are

administered within the framework of our Classroom Behaviours management process – A

model developed by staff and influenced by the Positive Behaviour System – (see chart

below). Our staff aims to Encourage, Establish, Reward and Restore positive behaviour, all

within the framework of our School values – Kind, Proud and Safe.

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Inappropriate Behaviours (LEADERSHIP TEAM TO ASSESS)

Inappropriate behaviours, both within the classroom or outside the classroom, may result in

a ‘Red Slip’. See Appendix One for Red Slip. A ‘Red Slip’ is a stern warning that the

undesired behaviour is unacceptable. Once a child has received a Red Slip, their parents

and classroom teachers are notified either by letter and/or phone call. Parents are asked to

sign a ‘Red Slip’ notice indicating that they have discussed the matter with their child. If a

child receives more than 1 ‘Red Slip’, there may be a need for a support group meeting. A

‘Red Slip’ automatically attracts a detention for ½ of either recess or lunchtime. During this

time, children are asked to reflect on their actions by filling out a ‘Think Sheet.’ See

Appendix Three for Think Sheet

All incidents, including ‘Red Slip’ incidents, are recorded on a local database. Teachers are

required to write incidents reports for inappropriate class and yard behaviours. See Appendix

Two for Incident Report. This will enable the school to track individual behaviour and the

types of incidents occurring, and be proactive in developing strategies to modify behaviour.

All children will have a fresh start at the beginning of a new term.

Procedures for Suspenion/Expulsion (Standard across state)

Before suspension or expulsion, the most serious consequences can be given, there is a clear

procedure to be followed. A Targeted Intervention should be tried and this is appropriate when a

student is displaying a chronic pattern of problem behaviour or the safety or wellbeing of a person

is infringed in a serious manner.

The targeted Intervention should adhere to the following criteria:

*collection of data about the behaviour and analysis of that data

*teaching of pro-social replacement behaviours

*progress measured and support reduced slowly.

*intervention in the classroom first and involving the class teacher

*academic and social problems addressed

*parental involvement

*Student Support Group set up comprising Principal or delegate, parents, class teacher, student if

appropriate and any professional involved eg. Welfare Officer, Social Worker. Students should

only be excluded from school when all other measure have been implemented without success or

where an immediate suspension is the only appropriate course of action given the students

serious behaviour. It should be for the shortest time possible and In-School rather than Out of

School should be the preferred option.

See Appendix Five for Suspension policy

See Appendix Six for Expulsion policy

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NAME___________________ CLASS ___________ DATE / /

Here is a drawing of what happened.

What I did was…

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What I should have done was…

Our school values are

Kind, Proud, Safe

Teacher signature:___________________________________________

Principal/ Assistant Principal’s signature:__________________________

Parent/Guardian signature:_____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Comments:_______________________________






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NAME___________________ CLASS ___________ DATE / /

I am here because… (write or draw)

I didn’t think of the following school values when I did what I did…

Kind, Proud, Safe

I need to apologise to…

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Three things I can do or say to improve what has happened are… (write or draw)

I know this won’t happen again because… (write or draw)

Student signature:___________________________________________

Teacher signature:___________________________________________

Principal/ Assistant Principal’s signature:__________________________

Parent/Guardian signature:_____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Comments:







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NAME___________________ CLASS ___________ DATE / /

I’m here because…

What I was thinking just before it happened was…

The KPS values I didn’t follow were…

Kind, Proud, Safe

These are the people who were affected by what I did…

This is how they were they affected…

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Three things I can do or say to improve what has happened are…

I know this won’t happen again because…

Student signature:___________________________________________

Teacher signature:___________________________________________

Principal/ Assistant Principal’s signature:__________________________

Parent/Guardian signature:_____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Comments:_______________________________







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Procedures for Suspension

What has to happen before a suspension occurs?

In order to suspend a student a principal must ensure that a range of strategies have been implemented to meet the

educational, social and emotional needs of your child and that these strategies have not helped your child

demonstrate more positive behaviour.

A student support group is then set up to explain to you and your child that a suspension is being considered. All

participants in the meeting should try and to begin a process of effective communication and identify issues that are

of concern to you, your child or the school. The student support group then develops a range of strategies to support

you and your child in addressing these areas of concern.

Reasons for suspension

Students can be suspended if, while at school, travelling to or from school or during an out-of-school activity

(including travel there and back), they:

(a) threaten or constitute a danger to the health, safety or wellbeing of any person

(b) commit an act of significant violence against a person or cause significant damage to or destruction of property;

are knowingly

involved in the theft of property

(c) possess, use, or deliberately assist another person to use prohibited drugs or substances

(d) fail to comply with any reasonable and clearly communicated instruction of a principal, teacher or other staff


(e) consistently interfere with the wellbeing, safety or educational opportunities of any other student

(f) consistently vilify, defame, degrade or humiliate another person based on age; breastfeeding; gender identity;

impairment; industrial activity; lawful sexual activity; marital status; parental status or status as a carer; physical

features; political belief or activity; pregnancy; race; religious belief or activity; sexual orientation; personal

association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above


How long is a suspension for?

The maximum suspension is five school days in a row and no more than 15 school days a year, unless permission is

granted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s regional director for a longer period of

suspension. Suspensions cannot continue over the school holiday period into the following term.

Procedures for suspension

When a principal decides on suspension, a student support group meeting is set up to:

• explain to you and your child why, when and where the suspension will happen (e.g. in-school or out of school)

• provide contact details for additional support services

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• develop, in conjunction with you, your child (if appropriate) and your child’s teacher/year level coordinator, a

Student Absence Learning Plan outlining school work to be done during the suspension. If your child is suspended,

the school must provide you and your child with a Notice of Suspension and a copy of this brochure before the

suspension begins. If the suspension is for five consecutive days, the principal must also provide you with details of

the post-suspension student support group meeting.

Immediate suspension

A student can be suspended immediately if their behaviour warrants ordinary suspension or if they are putting the

health, safety and wellbeing of themselves, staff or other students at significant risk. In the case of immediate

suspension you will be told without delay and a student support group will be held within 48 hours to ensure

appropriate support for your child is in place. The school must provide you and your child with a Notice of

Suspension and a copy of this brochure at the student support group.

Post-suspension student support group

If the suspension is for five consecutive days you and your child must attend a post-suspension student support

group on the day your child returns to school to:

• review the Student Absence Learning Plan and the school work completed during suspension

• develop a Return to School Plan

• develop strategies within and outside of the school to meet your child’s educational, social and emotional needs

• discuss the ongoing responsibilities of you, your child, the school and any other professional at the meeting.

Suspension complaint process

It is best to raise any concerns you have about your child’s suspension at the start of the student support group

meeting. If, at the end of this meeting, you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed then you should

speak to the school principal.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website provides additional information, phone

numbers and further contact details for parent complaints. Go to

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Procedures for Expulsion

What has to happen before expulsion?

In order to expel a student, a principal must ensure that a range of strategies have been implemented to meet the

educational, social and emotional needs of your child and that these strategies have not helped your child

demonstrate more positive behaviour.

A student support group is then set up to explain to you and your child that an expulsion is being considered. All

participants in the meeting should try and to begin a process of effective communication and identify issues that are

of concern to you, your child or the school.

When can expulsion occur?

Students can be expelled if, while at school, travelling to or from school or during an out-of-school activity (including

travel there and back), they:

(a) threaten or constitute a danger to the health, safety or wellbeing of any person

(b) commit an act of significant violence against a person or cause significant damage to or destruction of property;

are knowingly

involved in the theft of property

(c) possess, use, or deliberately assist another person to use prohibited drugs or substances

(d) fail to comply with any reasonable and clearly communicated instruction of a principal, teacher or other staff


(e) consistently interfere with the wellbeing, safety or educational opportunities of any other student

(f) consistently vilify, defame, degrade or humiliate another person based on age; breastfeeding; gender identity;

impairment; industrial activity; lawful sexual activity; marital status; parental status or status as a carer; physical

features; political belief or activity; pregnancy; race; religious belief or activity; sexual orientation; personal

association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above

attributes. AND The student’s behaviour is of such magnitude that it is the only option left after balancing the need for

the student’s continued education against the health, safety and wellbeing of other students and staff.

Expulsion procedures

Prior to expulsion, a student support group is convened to discuss the expulsion and allow you and your child an

opportunity to be heard. At this meeting a Notice of Expulsion is given to you and your child, along with this brochure

and a copy of the Expulsion Appeal proforma. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s

regional director (or nominee) will also attend the student support group. For students in Out of Home Care, the

principal must ensure the meeting is attended by the DHS case manager and the student’s primary carer or person

the student normally lives with.

Pathways and transitions

The student support group must identify your child’s most suitable future educational, training and/or employment

options and work

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together to ensure that there are good transition arrangements in place. Following the student support group, if the

principal determines that enrolment at another school or a registered training organisation is the best option for your

child then the whole student support group must work towards this.

What happens after an expulsion?

The principal and regional director (or nominee) are responsible for making sure that your child is enrolled in

another school or registered training organisation or that an appropriate employment opportunity is identified. The

principal and the regional director (or nominee) must then schedule a meeting with any new school or registered

training organisation, and ensure all information relevant to your child is forwarded in accordance with the

Information Privacy Act 2000. If you would like to appeal your child’s expulsion, you must do so within 10 school

days from the start of the expulsion.

Date Implemented


Approved By

Approval Authority (Signature &


Date Reviewed

Responsible for Review Assistant Principal - Wellbeing

Review Date March 2015 or sooner if necessary

References DEECD