the inner heart 6

* t is fundamentally important that our houghts nd our motions become one entered on he Heart

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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It is fundamentally important that our thoughts and our emotions become one centered on

the Heart

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The central position of the Heart may be sensed when considering

that it communicates with the brain and body in four different ways:

Neurological communication (nervous system)

Biophysical communication (pulse wave)Biochemical communication (hormones)

Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

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Feelings in our Hearts are so much more powerful than thoughts in our minds.

This fact is expressed in our Heart producing an electric field

that is about 60 times stronger than the same electrical fields of our brain and the magnetic fields of the Heart

being 5,000 times stronger than the fields produced by the brain

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Because our physical world hinges largely on m a g n e t i c

and e l e c t r o n i c fields it is decisive to be aware that our Heart is the strongest

electric field generator as well as the most powerful magnetic field generator in the body

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The Heart’s electromagnetic field,by far the most powerful rhythmic field

produced by the human body, not only envelops every cell of the body but also extends o u t in all directions

into the space around us. The cardiac field can be measured

several feet away from the body by sensitive magnetometer devices

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The electromagnetic field generated by the Heart of one person may transmit information that can be received by others.

The Heart’s field is an important

carrier of information

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Electromagnetic signals generated by the Heart have the capacity to affect others around us.

Data gained in various scientific studies indicate

that one person’s Heart signal can affect another’s brainwaves and that Heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact

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psychophysiological coherence,

they become more sensitive

to the subtle electromagnetic

signals communicated

by those around


As individuals



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By now it is very clear that cardio electromagnetic communication may be a little-known source of information exchange between people but this exchange is undeniably influenced by our emotions

Therefore it is

decisive that we

cultivate positive feelings

a n d


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but it is much easier to heal and

to create peace and to alter

our physical reality through our

Hearts than by focusing on our thoughts

Thoughts are

surely important

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Science is showing us that our emotions influence our physiological state

For every thought, emotion

and belief there is a

chemistry in our bodies that matches that thought and emotion

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We have literally a Love and a hate chemistry in our body whereby research has shown that cancer is in many cases connected with unresolved anger in a person’s H e a r t

We all know that negative

emotions are not good

for us, and now science

provides specifics how they

are affecting our lives

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Scientific experiments have shown that in the neurological interactions between the Heart and brain the afferent signals the Heart sends to the brain during positive emotions

can alter brain

activity in

several ways

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Studies that probe several of these communication pathways looking at how the brain responds to patterns generated by the H e a r t during positive emotional states have demonstrated that coherent Heart rhythms also lead to increased Heart-brain synchronization

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The results of these studies show that intentionally altering one’s emotional state through Heart focus modifies afferent neurological input from the Heart to the brain

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The implications of these findings

bring to light the importance

of cultivating inner harmony

as, for example, in states of high Heart rhythm coherence,

individuals demonstrate significant improvements in cognitive performance

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The data suggest that as people experience sincere positive feeling states, in which the Heart’s rhythms become more coherent,

the changed information

flow from the Heart

to the brain may act

to modify cortical function

and influence performance

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These findings also help explain

the significant shifts in perception,

increased mental clarity and

heightened intuitive awareness many individuals have reported

when practicing Heart-based living

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where we have the feelings that communicate with the field that connects everything and that ties us all together

It is in our


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When we shift

our Heart

it affects the rest of the


Simply by recalling a positive

experience the

Heart rhythm

can smooth

out in just a few minutes

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We all can live

healthier and happier

lives by becoming

more aware of the power

of the Heart

Let us cultivate

inner peace and harmony

and become

more receptive to others