the i3u1letin: a monthly journal devoted to hoo-hoo. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls...

2 THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. : i . urna M3ULLLTIN J. H. BAIRD, Scrlvenoter, ]ditor. Pu ,I JIh((I Mniittily by tli (jintriiRtd Order ut I tno.floo, at NaIi- vflle, ti,iineeû. JHUrt t In POtOflC( t N9lIVUJe Tenneø ai oond cIu matter. 1'F;tMH r() MI1 ¡E}tH On 'car t?fP Coiìt. Ingc (opIcM O Cnte. Ijtic Ift J.TI r I thr only otflitI rri,clIiiin of Concutnated Order or II) i I or r(ugIiIi(.I t)V thû 4u princ N hic, mid al I other pubil. ratiojia i' u nait uHtic unti iIiiitittirii1, N AHII V I.Li IINN., IEflH tA lt Y, j )j IiiiI, 1\, .t t cult uf 1I1! reeel;t c:ìll 54Iit out, none)' has lncii (()'tItIlg III ,iIiidIy to ()fl1 littit iiiil for Relief of Imminent l)i,ti 'ss. 'FIm( ;ulvttï imIg g \emm timm' (sistetiCe (mf the fund mn cotmnect iimm tIimt tmIls lias ¡miso had time CXl)CC1C(i reMmilt of iii (igimig ill a gna t mmmmm) aI)i)Iicatiomms for relief I\, m ImmiiY ms 1IOMiI1i( thms( mppIic;ttirimms imave imemi passe1 (mmm, .tmmti m timomomigh immvvstigalim)mm immade imm (ach CaSO. Tim a mmImImmi)r 'f cases Iishmmrsemmmtmmts lmat hecim mimamlm tmmm(Ivr mmmm timc' ,t Of lime Smm:mmk amid im or I loo-lIno, ammd tmmmdommhtedly imm m mmmmimmlum of jiittm1t vc i,;mve Imeemi able to relieve the gemmmmimm(' ,mm if('mJmg (f mtImy ptopl'. I\ 'mmammy ij1mij'mt iomm imave ommm( imi, hovever, vImirIm u immt lm((mm cjimm1ulhd (n tmmrmm dovmm. In mammy ct(s tiir,m aI)i)li(Nmt il fl 4 Cuimmi fmmm mmmcml simo (h) mmot fmmliy mmmimierst,m mmmi timm imitemmi )Imrmi)s( IIm(l tImm necessarily mmarrov iiImmitmtiommM of time fumi. lVc iIav( mami sevtral applications for loimm. fm (,mmm maim vliu I rm sticimmg rtlief fmommm Ordimmar)' bim,mmc mmmmimmmm;msmimmmil, 'l'il( mmlummcv imi ommr fmmmmd is mmot av,milml,lm ¡mm simc}m eam.s. tVe mmm imot mloimmg a commmmmmeicial lmm,mm l(Imimm(ss. 'l'in fmm mmd is for time rmlief of time zmctimal, (lire dm,tm s Ihr (Ct lULl .4mm fIcrimig for time timt of sommme- timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi immtirummities, ame mmmmahie to s ork, mmmd 10m 'iam Ihmim sis mmo otlmer mmmcans of assist. ,mmmrt'. Or ',oimmet immims ommr of ommm mtmemmmhers dies, loavimmg a Vm fe mmmml m mmmmmmmtmer tf lmrlimlm'ss chilmiremm, for vImose imommme dmate smmlmis)rt mu miIi(mms wlìatcer arc ¡mm liable ; time \vommman mmmd tlmv cimmidrmm mvommld acImmaii' smm tier for somimethimig to eat and to e,im , mmmd for n meuf to t()'(r tlmemmm. 'l'iiis is ss'here omim imtilt fmmmmd ct)mms iiammdy. Necessarily time miisbmmrsc. mmmcmml', mm ' '.iiiail, amt ¡mm mscs of actual smmtïerimmg tlmc' have C) ft mm Imte mm mm I cmy gr cat tm I p Vc am e mmmovm'ci Io go i milo timis expiamomtiomm at somue lengihm um time imope timat it 'ilI lirimmg ai,mmmmt a mmmorc thmorommgim under- stammdi mm g, m mmd tlm;tI it w i I i ita vr t ime e ITi'c( of check i mmg- these mppIicmtiomm for loamms to cestablisim hmmrmmcd immmmmber yards, i i ft mmmom t gages omm res id cime es, a mm d to mebmi i Id hmm rued sais' mmiiik, St r.m mmgciy emm o tm gim w e rece i ve a gOod mmm ammy ahmi)l ica- tiomms for loamms for several imtmmmdrcd, oreven several tlmotmsammd (1011,1 rs, frommm immeim v ho oiler to imm t mmp i i t-cflge security. I loo- ¡loo m ', mmot doi mig a ha mm k i mg immmsimmess. Time mnaim who " amits to borrow mitommey for bmmsimmcss pmmrposes, and who caim Immt mm p time sccim rity, shmomiimt t 1(1)1)' to his nearest bamiki mig imm.titmmtmomm IeeI)izIg OiU of (he I1et(. Pal-I'm alter bidding you goodbye, Moike. It's to Panifia or ¡ne. 1nire, jI a day wrh1r' ou the cauaiiOi like a gold mule beside the $1.20 in Ameriky. Mflte-flut, Pat, doyou mint! that Panima is one of the hottest places In the WOEhI? It's 120 In the shade most every day. Pat-You dont suppose that I'm sich a fool as to stay In the Bitado all the time, do you? A '' NItIILIa) Hotu " Hoo-lJoo. 'l'he liuliclin presents herewith the portrtit of Master llectorMayne MacLean, son of Brother W. B. MacLean (No, 12924 ), and proj oiince s the ()l1 ilg man a iiatii rai born lioo- lJoo. Ile reMides at North lt;iy, ()ut., amt was born on the 9th dty of flic 9th iiioutli in the year '99. l-le is therefore six )'ears 01(1 his protl(1 father writes -' , is a genuille active J u iiiheriiiati , bd ng I h c owuer of a log, liarii esa, axe and skidding ou (fit, a ml ii k cs hot 1 il1f heti C1 tlli Il fell ing sniall trees cotti n g t h cm i n to logs a n d pl i tig theni up with h is r - I - I i ' ' \ M simme Il maTos MAIN I a1Aci.mAs, a " miura! 1,orii Ibu-Itou.'' dog. '['roes is large as 4 ami .5 imicimes ill diameter are laid low vithi his little hatcimet. Santa Claims on Christmas ver)' kindly provimied a smmmaii circmmlar saw immili with an electric mimotor as a drivimig hmovcr, amid he is now iii a posi- hou to tmmriì oimt time mimammmmfactmmreml article. 10 fmmrthcr show just vliat a" mmatmmral '' J{oo-Hoo he is, it immay he stated tlmat in his ' Imusimmess signature '' (IL B. MaLeamm ) tlmere arc mm lue letters ; im) Imis fmmll namne (Hector Mayee I'.lacLeami ) there are twice nimme letters, while imi his fmmli mmammme ammd viace of birth (Hectom Mayne MacL,ean, Fexmie, British Colmmmmmbia ) tlmere are thirty-nimie letters. What 11oo-Ho of Imis age camm heat that for mmines? 1mm ammother colmmmmmmm of titis Bmmllctjmm will be found the ad- vertisemmient of Brother S. C. Law, 533 Puhiiamn St., Atlanta, who wants a Position as bool(iceep&. 'm , office miman or commis- sary with sommme good lumber commcermm. l-le has submitted to ils his letters of recoimmimmemidatiomi and sammme are from some of time best kmmowmm yellow pimie concerns in the South. We feel safe in saying ha will mmiakc a valuable man for who- ever emmiploys him. I-le has i)cemm out of emuploymuent since July of last year and needs time situation very imuich. THE BULLETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO TESÏOMENTS1fÌ 7l 9u' Ç-y Comicermmimmg the miltimnate destimmy of time F'orcstry build- immg, one of the Imlost st rikimmg featmmres of the J4ewis and Clark Expositiomi, the Portiammd ()megoniamm says editorially: 'rime hilO of mmmc F'Om°o8try tutu iTd!ui havi ng heeiì 8Cul rod, It le miau- a, mo i u,ouimeIuo,Iy to uurc (Imat (lie ujtu;mhul lu!I Io-,mu,mf,jm biillItiig thereon (lujeo Imol falb imOm decay, I)ocay 00mo jim oarly im a trutcIuIre of mog ,w mid, ¡L ¡s - otuviouismy iTm1I)u)ssjI,mu Ou Prom-cm uy 'alum m, mmmd, UuiIcss arreotcul buy mmcmi iuleauis as ramm Im ColullOLsood, II(a;uiuIt(I,uui smedIb f)Imuuvs. White ¡mob ; disuee4r(jbimg or lmmttIiji mmu OIlIliiiciit IJ,u( uei,ks fo huh oum to mulo iuiliulnu tumuilulImIg, Im miete be salut limai, uvluu,,i time uIrp050 (or ¡stilcim ammy. - illiulur ii, Coiisiriicmt.,I lias ls,jm uumem, ji ¡vomi ii, mi i ass. 'Piii atteuilmit . io ijuilul mm ti tlmlimjts muiit liais lud heir day aiuti siirvicu-d flirlr miseful- . liras lias ciimmmbu'rel umie garrems of tlii aimut willi u'oruum.ea(eui fimriiimure amid uui(itIi.5at,.im guIrlumuuibs for a matir guiuiramlo,m io uIisiruiy. . . \Vitlmotmt referring to the l'orestry bmmiiding in particular, : btm t jumst on gemi eral imr i micipies, I timi mut time Oregon Ian is . correct um sayim. that the timmte foi- a thimmg to pass is wheim . the reason for its beimig no ii>mmger exists, 'l'imere are rea- . 51)315 wily it is desirable Io preserve immtact tue beaumtifmml .. Forestry building, for there are exceptiomis to all ruiles, bimt ..: gemmerally spealcimmg, it is eXi)iaiieiit to let timings pass rlmen comes the timmme of h)assiimg. T/,ins are iiierel3' symnbols anyway-they stand for cemtain pmiimcipies, conce1)tjr,.: : or pmurj)oses amid whicim these exist mio iommgcr. : fmmtjle . to preserve that which rcl)i-csejtc(l limemn. Yet Imlany u people spemid their clays gatherimmg iii) solmvenirs and : keel)sakes and a timommsammti amid ommc objects which are iitmt the dead bodies, as you mmiigiut .say,-.cuf pleasmmres, evemmts and epochs lommg simmce gone. 1very thought givemm . .: to time past takes that nmumcim force ommt of the present. . Oid styles, oid mmm(:timods, old clothes amid old ftmrnitmirc are - Clogs to progress. 'l'ue " Ammgel of the l3ackwar(l i.00k" . is wrapl)ed ill a muammtic of depression. A djS1)OSitiOfl to . collect antiques imsmially goes with a teimdeiicy to hold on mmmeutaliy to the immouldering hast. I-low can one Swing for- . .: ward vitii the omiwarti mmmarclm of timmme wimilst surrounded .. daily viti an atmmiosi)llerc of pist tiges in flic sha1)e of pon- :. derous old sideboards, spimmiiimmg wheels, flint-lock muskets L- ammd other truck dragged froimi time toimmi) of buried centuries? . Ali these old things represemmt a strata of tliomight very ': (iifferemit frommi that of time present gemlcratiomi-_-_see how . Imeavy amid cummjbersommme thmey are, their size and weight correspomidimig to the quality of the muids of those who . : immade theni. 'l'he maim who tirst (lesigimed a four-post canopy bedstead could imot Imave withstood the strain of a . mmiodern business office_teleimimones rimigimmg every minute, telegramims arriving, street cars clatterimmg by-all these 3 t hiugs %s'otmld Imave himim hmopeiv,.,ly r,mtt led i im mmo timime. H is brain yaj stroimg enough, bimt his immuiutil uu'te!mim:ery ; as not wiry and quick_actimmg. lic was mint iitiit ou time hair. trigger piamm. i-lis miatmmrc \vas syimmimoli,.eil uy the solidity amid dmmrahulity of his immaterial emmvmm omimnemmt, 'l'ue imature of his present-day ciescemm&ltmu15 is ('mitim ely ctifteremmt amid lias mmlaterialized the exact smmrrommmmdiimg., wlmmclm mcpme.,cmmt the eliauge_-_commmpact iy i (mm i t houses i im'te.l of t lie sim.Icioim oid colonial mmlamisioiis witim opemi Iirepl.ices, Pmullmmm,tmi c.irm, in- stead of stage coaches, Nowaiiays time ',el).iratt. imumise ',eeimms aboti t to he smi horsed ed t' liais a im d ' ' f iii i hOtel',, '' Tui', I mittem- idea is partien I any omm pi c:tsa mit to Somm them ii ieolile s ho sti hi chierislm i)eaflti fu I mmmeiilom-jes of t ime old pi.m mmtatioim 1if.., bitt I notice that t h ere is i mm mmm amiy Suim t hcm mm citi e', a great acti'jt imm time Iititl)tuiliiimmg iimme, 'i'lR' old imfe beC,mmmme ini- Practicable with tue uiassiuig of the i.tves. ivers- ya time "servamit (Itmestiomi" lii(iiC aumul imiom e of .t pr(ii)ieimm, ammd every year add j t lemma i hits ,i re tin i 1 t . I t i sad huit it is i iievita h,le. Perima1ms it olmI)' sCemmm s stil iiec,i mise .tiiy cimamige appears to be for the worse, 'l'liere is iii the mmmimm(l of luau ami iuiiiet-iit temmdemicy to hohl ou to what is .mmmd to dread what is to lie. Yet t lucre is a;id always li,r', bremm a comm',tamit teuidcmmcy toivards change, It Scemi!', like i commtm adictioui. I iiave aim idea that a hiummamm heimmg k Iii« dii ii:eberg__tlie i> iggest hart is aim l>mmm urged . Jt is t ime im mi ilci t' mm m i cii t 1)1111 s mus forszIm(i, 'Fii icciicrg- is imimcoumsc>', uf time curmemmt amid so are we. '\\c seem Iii drift alomig-.i)mmt time ciii i eut kumowu, its way ! Its tiow i rig- is t i mmmcd to time ma i immommy o f time eternal ias', J-Jo foolish themm to iiiacl imp vitlm imnimeces.iry weight>, -how mmmmav;miiimig to strain against time tide I One of tue svoimie' immagaaimies (»of ?>It . JIoic'. jourumal imas stjrteth a uiew dc liartimmemi t cal liai ' ''J' Ii e A mmmcm i eau I Jp- lift Series," 'Uplift' ' is gómi. lt is wimat we .iil ume('d, 'rime editor of time mmm aga zi nc i mm ¡mm sti t mm t i mi g tim i s mmciv deluirtim u e says: 'l'ue ('und aisi iiii poopli, iii lt aru ri,all u giuuu ¡11k' llu'tt(r, 'l'bus Ii.,, bIle,-i dis1uii ail ii>., tall> uf cuiriiumumli,im :>i,>i g>.mfi ¡mm uuiulimic >uni! jirl- Va( ilt>', 'l'ho i'ry re,ri;m (huis of (Iii ires, >ii, ii imuui>,> I > . ,> lumi- ¡11g leui (ii>ii hie iilulic C'uil(clC(>c, Is aim rIglil, J'uiuik omulumioii, that 5liuiuhíuh glauui s'imicim Is ¿ift,rail tue >lug u_uf cuir uiju>ii>m li, iifiisp5 iii si mmiii S%iii>lesale 'lcc aumd iIIs(uu,umeiS-, Just iii uiluumirii>e. blu>. miiImiou if tmm liehefuumisis ¡sut, declaro iii> uiiirhuh Is olum (ii uii& iiiug, ¡ii. lu t'.i ar>aulguiI uilmai ¡vr couslilir tue ullourt iliiluuiil aiiii IuiiiiiiragiiiC sirlee of >nIch.,, (,>er iiiui>llu,iuuiI. \Ve haue asliiil great i ii luikin, ¡u im>,su loiruls i.mrr aim- iimorl( t, tell ms jimst liouu ciii>,hi(ji,ii,, ,,f tmiuui>aii ii le nuit eiiitp,tviir ii,i>e liecum uniere>! ¡hiurluig iie 1)tsi hall cemuiury. 'rime series hiegimis iii time Fei)rmmamy k',tme, startimmg oil with " Good 'l'idimigs of \Vcimmmemm, '' by tim,tt i ci-iiot writer, Ciiariotte Perk i um s G i h umaim , mho ss'aste', mu t, 11h (i,( tim imm cal h- ing a spade by aumy sort of fammey minutie. Tm lily it i., mefresh- ilig to imear somume good tidings of wommmemm, F'om jmmitt' a while pon imiun t l)reaclmers a ed poi i t i e i tLmI s li,m'e lmm ii.ked timenu- selves iioarse iii aim effort to immforiii time world limai Wommicum are iii a very bad way immdeed-timat imavihig hmmttctl imito bus- ines5, Wouumaii im:is takemm away mii a mm 'i, job, u cumderimug ii ini tuumable to get uumarried a mmd smi hipott a fammi i iy, t im lus i ecklessly cutting off iier umose to Spite imer face, ,t umuost ihumprofitaimie l)roccediuig ; also that Wommmeum's cltml>s -ame tue timite-roommi to Hades, amid that the se]Iislmnes', amid idieiues', of woumiemm are dri vihig mimen to destruction amid pu ttiumg miii cud to the u ace. Nor do we get munch '' good tidimigs ° of woimien wiiemi we tuurui to the writings of summe of the great mcii of time past. Napoleon Bomlaparte, that uhtsl>eakal)le barb,triaui, fraumkly expressed his opinion, baldly statimig tim,tt wonmemi were only to be valued for their nuummuber of childremi-iie called timeni "cannon food." St. Paul aduiiouujshed wommiemi to keeji silent even in the chiurches and advised themum if they lacked ivis- dom to go ask their iimisbtiids, No somumamm was ever known îfi I: ' i I I

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Page 1: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi



i .


M3ULLLTINJ. H. BAIRD, Scrlvenoter, ]ditor.

Pu ,I JIh((I Mniittily by tli (jintriiRtd Order ut I tno.floo, at NaIi-vflle, ti,iineeû.

JHUrt t In POtOflC( t N9lIVUJe Tenneø ai oond cIu matter.

1'F;tMH r() MI1 ¡E}tH

On 'car t?fP Coiìt. Ingc (opIcM O Cnte.

Ijtic Ift J.TI r I thr only otflitI rri,clIiiin of Concutnated Orderor II) i I or r(ugIiIi(.I t)V thû 4uprinc N hic, mid al I other pubil.ratiojia i' u nait uHtic unti iIiiitittirii1,

N AHII V I.Li IINN., IEflH tA lt Y,

j )j IiiiI,1\, .t t cult uf 1I1! reeel;t c:ìll 54Iit out, none)' has lncii

(()'tItIlg III ,iIiidIy to ()fl1 littit iiiil for Relief of Imminentl)i,ti 'ss. 'FIm( ;ulvttï imIg g \emm timm' (sistetiCe (mf the fundmn cotmnect iimm tIimt tmIls lias ¡miso had time CXl)CC1C(i

reMmilt of iii (igimig ill a gna t mmmmm) aI)i)Iicatiomms for relief

I\, m ImmiiY ms 1IOMiI1i( thms( mppIic;ttirimms imave imemi passe1

(mmm, .tmmti m timomomigh immvvstigalim)mm immade imm (ach CaSO. Tim a

mmImImmi)r 'f cases Iishmmrsemmmtmmts lmat hecim mimamlm tmmm(Ivr mmmm

timc' ,t Of lime Smm:mmk amid im or I loo-lIno, ammd tmmmdommhtedly

imm m mmmmimmlum of jiittm1t vc i,;mve Imeemi able to relieve thegemmmmimm(' ,mm if('mJmg (f mtImy ptopl'.

I\ 'mmammy ij1mij'mt iomm imave ommm( imi, hovever,vImirIm u immt lm((mm cjimm1ulhd (n tmmrmm dovmm. In mammyct(s tiir,m aI)i)li(Nmt il fl 4 Cuimmi fmmm mmmcml simo (h) mmot fmmliy

mmmimierst,m mmmi timm imitemmi )Imrmi)s( IIm(l tImm necessarily mmarrov

iiImmitmtiommM of time fumi. lVc iIav( mami sevtral applicationsfor loimm. fm (,mmm maim vliu I rm sticimmg rtlief fmommm Ordimmar)'

bim,mmc mmmmimmmm;msmimmmil, 'l'il( mmlummcv imi ommr fmmmmd is mmot

av,milml,lm ¡mm simc}m eam.s. tVe mmm imot mloimmg a commmmmmeicial

lmm,mm l(Imimm(ss. 'l'in fmm mmd is for time rmlief of time zmctimal,

(lire dm,tm s Ihr (Ct lULl .4mm fIcrimig for time timt of sommme-

timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the

t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi immtirummities, ame mmmmahie to

s ork, mmmd 10m 'iam Ihmim sis mmo otlmer mmmcans of assist.

,mmmrt'. Or ',oimmet immims ommr of ommm mtmemmmhers dies, loavimmg a

Vm fe mmmml m mmmmmmmtmer tf lmrlimlm'ss chilmiremm, for vImose imommme

dmate smmlmis)rt mu miIi(mms wlìatcer arc ¡mm liable ; time \vommman

mmmd tlmv cimmidrmm mvommld acImmaii' smm tier for somimethimig to eat

and to e,im , mmmd for n meuf to t()'(r tlmemmm. 'l'iiis is ss'hereomim imtilt fmmmmd ct)mms iiammdy. Necessarily time miisbmmrsc.mmmcmml', mm ' '.iiiail, amt ¡mm mscs of actual smmtïerimmg tlmc' haveC) ft mm Imte mm mm I cmy gr cat tm I p

Vc am e mmmovm'ci Io go i milo timis expiamomtiomm at somue lengihm

um time imope timat it 'ilI lirimmg ai,mmmmt a mmmorc thmorommgim under-

stammdi mm g, m mmd tlm;tI it w i I i ita vr t ime e ITi'c( of check i mmg- these

mppIicmtiomm for loamms to cestablisim hmmrmmcd immmmmber yards,

i i ft mmmom t gages omm res id cime es, a mm d to mebmi i Id hmm rued sais'

mmiiik, St r.m mmgciy emm o tm gim w e rece i ve a gOod mmm ammy ahmi)l ica-

tiomms for loamms for several imtmmmdrcd, oreven several tlmotmsammd

(1011,1 rs, frommm immeim v ho oiler to imm t mmp i i t-cflge security.I loo- ¡loo m ', mmot doi mig a ha mm k i mg immmsimmess. Time mnaim who

" amits to borrow mitommey for bmmsimmcss pmmrposes, and who caim

Immt mm p time sccim rity, shmomiimt t 1(1)1)' to his nearest bamiki mig


IeeI)izIg OiU of (he I1et(.

Pal-I'm alter bidding you goodbye, Moike. It's toPanifia or ¡ne. 1nire, jI a day wrh1r' ou the cauaiiOi

like a gold mule beside the $1.20 in Ameriky.Mflte-flut, Pat, doyou mint! that Panima is one of the

hottest places In the WOEhI? It's 120 In the shade most

every day.Pat-You dont suppose that I'm sich a fool as to stay

In the Bitado all the time, do you?

A '' NItIILIa) Hotu " Hoo-lJoo.

'l'he liuliclin presents herewith the portrtit of MasterllectorMayne MacLean, son of Brother W. B. MacLean (No,12924 ), and proj oiince s the ()l1 ilg man a iiatii rai born lioo-lJoo. Ile reMides at North lt;iy, ()ut., amt was born on the9th dty of flic 9th iiioutli in the year '99. l-le is thereforesix )'ears 01(1 his protl(1 father writes -', is a genuille activeJ u iiiheriiiati , bd ng I h c owuer of a log, liarii esa, axe andskidding ou (fit, a ml ii k cs hot 1 il1f heti C1 tlli Il fell ing snialltrees cotti n g t h cm i n to logs a n d pl i tig theni up with h is


I -

I i'



M simme Il maTos MAIN I a1Aci.mAs,a " miura! 1,orii Ibu-Itou.''

dog. '['roes is large as 4 ami .5 imicimes ill diameter are laidlow vithi his little hatcimet. Santa Claims on Christmasver)' kindly provimied a smmmaii circmmlar saw immili with anelectric mimotor as a drivimig hmovcr, amid he is now iii a posi-hou to tmmriì oimt time mimammmmfactmmreml article.

10 fmmrthcr show just vliat a" mmatmmral '' J{oo-Hoo he is,it immay he stated tlmat in his ' Imusimmess signature '' (IL B.MaLeamm ) tlmere arc mm lue letters ; im) Imis fmmll namne (Hector

Mayee I'.lacLeami ) there are twice nimme letters, while imi hisfmmli mmammme ammd viace of birth (Hectom Mayne MacL,ean,Fexmie, British Colmmmmmbia ) tlmere are thirty-nimie letters.What 11oo-Ho of Imis age camm heat that for mmines?

1mm ammother colmmmmmmm of titis Bmmllctjmm will be found the ad-

vertisemmient of Brother S. C. Law, 533 Puhiiamn St., Atlanta,who wants a Position as bool(iceep&. 'm , office miman or commis-sary with sommme good lumber commcermm. l-le has submitted toils his letters of recoimmimmemidatiomi and sammme are from someof time best kmmowmm yellow pimie concerns in the South. Wefeel safe in saying ha will mmiakc a valuable man for who-ever emmiploys him. I-le has i)cemm out of emuploymuent sinceJuly of last year and needs time situation very imuich.





Comicermmimmg the miltimnate destimmy of time F'orcstry build-immg, one of the Imlost st rikimmg featmmres of the J4ewis andClark Expositiomi, the Portiammd ()megoniamm says editorially:

'rime hilO of mmmc F'Om°o8try tutu iTd!ui havi ng heeiì 8Cul rod, It le miau- a, moi u,ouimeIuo,Iy to uurc (Imat (lie ujtu;mhul lu!I Io-,mu,mf,jm biillItiig thereon (lujeo Imolfalb imOm decay, I)ocay 00mo jim oarly im a trutcIuIre of mog ,w mid, ¡L ¡s- otuviouismy iTm1I)u)ssjI,mu Ou Prom-cm uy 'alum m, mmmd, UuiIcss arreotcul buy mmcmi

iuleauis as ramm Im ColullOLsood,II(a;uiuIt(I,uui smedIb f)Imuuvs. White ¡mob; disuee4r(jbimg or lmmttIiji mmu OIlIliiiciit IJ,u( uei,ks fo huh oum to muloiuiliulnu tumuilulImIg, Im miete be salut limai, uvluu,,i time uIrp050 (or ¡stilcim ammy.

- illiulur ii, Coiisiriicmt.,I lias ls,jm uumem, ji ¡vomi ii, mi i ass. 'Piii atteuilmit. io ijuilul mm ti tlmlimjts muiit liais lud heir day aiuti siirvicu-d flirlr miseful-

. liras lias ciimmmbu'rel umie garrems of tlii aimut willi u'oruum.ea(eui fimriiimure amiduui(itIi.5at,.im guIrlumuuibs for a matir guiuiramlo,m io uIisiruiy.

. . \Vitlmotmt referring to the l'orestry bmmiiding in particular,: btm t jumst on gemi eral imr i micipies, I timi mut time Oregon Ian is. correct um sayim. that the timmte foi- a thimmg to pass is wheim

. the reason for its beimig no ii>mmger exists, 'l'imere are rea-.

51)315 wily it is desirable Io preserve immtact tue beaumtifmml.. Forestry building, for there are exceptiomis to all ruiles, bimt

..: gemmerally spealcimmg, it is eXi)iaiieiit to let timings pass rlmencomes the timmme of h)assiimg. T/,ins are iiierel3' symnbolsanyway-they stand for cemtain pmiimcipies, conce1)tjr,.:

: or pmurj)oses amid whicim these exist mio iommgcr. : fmmtjle. to preserve that which rcl)i-csejtc(l limemn. Yet Imlany

u people spemid their clays gatherimmg iii) solmvenirs and: keel)sakes and a timommsammti amid ommc objects which are

iitmt the dead bodies, as you mmiigiut .say,-.cuf pleasmmres,evemmts and epochs lommg simmce gone. 1very thought givemm

. .: to time past takes that nmumcim force ommt of the present.. Oid styles, oid mmm(:timods, old clothes amid old ftmrnitmirc are-

Clogs to progress. 'l'ue " Ammgel of the l3ackwar(l i.00k". is wrapl)ed ill a muammtic of depression. A djS1)OSitiOfl to

. collect antiques imsmially goes with a teimdeiicy to hold onmmmeutaliy to the immouldering hast. I-low can one Swing for-

. .: ward vitii the omiwarti mmmarclm of timmme wimilst surrounded.. daily viti an atmmiosi)llerc of pist tiges in flic sha1)e of pon-

:. derous old sideboards, spimmiiimmg wheels, flint-lock musketsL- ammd other truck dragged froimi time toimmi) of buried centuries?

.Ali these old things represemmt a strata of tliomight very

': (iifferemit frommi that of time present gemlcratiomi-_-_see how. Imeavy amid cummjbersommme thmey are, their size and weight

correspomidimig to the quality of the muids of those who.

:immade theni. 'l'he maim who tirst (lesigimed a four-postcanopy bedstead could imot Imave withstood the strain of a

. mmiodern business office_teleimimones rimigimmg every minute,telegramims arriving, street cars clatterimmg by-all these


t hiugs %s'otmld Imave himim hmopeiv,.,ly r,mtt led i im mmo timime. H isbrain yaj stroimg enough, bimt his immuiutil uu'te!mim:ery ; as notwiry and quick_actimmg. lic was mint iitiit ou time hair.trigger piamm. i-lis miatmmrc \vas syimmimoli,.eil uy the solidityamid dmmrahulity of his immaterial emmvmm omimnemmt, 'l'ue imatureof his present-day ciescemm&ltmu15

is ('mitim ely ctifteremmt amidlias mmlaterialized the exact smmrrommmmdiimg., wlmmclm mcpme.,cmmtthe eliauge_-_commmpact iy i (mm i t houses i im'te.l of t lie sim.Icioimoid colonial mmlamisioiis witim

opemi Iirepl.ices, Pmullmmm,tmi c.irm, in-stead of stage coaches,

Nowaiiays time ',el).iratt. imumise ',eeimmsaboti t to he smi horsed ed t' liais a im d ' ' f iii i hOtel',, '' Tui',I mittem- idea is partien Iany omm pi c:tsa mit to Somm them ii ieolile s hosti hi chierislm i)eaflti fu I mmmeiilom-jes of t ime old pi.m mmtatioim 1if..,bitt I notice that t h ere is i mm mmm amiy Suim t hcm mm citi e', a greatacti'jt imm time Iititl)tuiliiimmg iimme, 'i'lR' old imfe beC,mmmme ini-Practicable with tue uiassiuig of the i.tves. ivers- ya time"servamit (Itmestiomi"

lii(iiC aumul imiom e of .t pr(ii)ieimm,ammd every year add j t lemma i hits ,i re tin i 1 t . I t i sad huit it isi iievita h,le. Perima1ms it olmI)' sCemmm s stil iiec,i mise .tiiy cimamigeappears to be for the worse, 'l'liere is iii the mmmimm(l of luauami iuiiiet-iit temmdemicy to hohl ou to what is .mmmd to dreadwhat is to lie. Yet t lucre is a;id always li,r', bremm a comm',tamitteuidcmmcy toivards change, It Scemi!', like i commtm adictioui.I iiave aim idea that a hiummamm heimmg k Iii« dii ii:eberg__tliei> iggest hart is aim l>mmm urged . Jt is t ime im mi ilci t' mm m i cii t 1)1111 smus forszIm(i, 'Fii icciicrg- is imimcoumsc>', uf time curmemmt amidso are we. '\\c seem Iii drift alomig-.i)mmt time ciii i eut kumowu,its way ! Its tiow i rig- is t i mmmcd to time ma i immommy o f time eternalias', J-Jo foolish themm to iiiacl imp vitlm imnimeces.iry weight>,-how mmmmav;miiimig to strain against time tide I

One of tue svoimie' immagaaimies (»of ?>It . JIoic'. jourumalimas stjrteth a uiew dc

liartimmemi t cal liai ' ''J' Ii e A mmmcm ieau I Jp-lift Series," 'Uplift' ' is gómi. lt is wimat we .iil ume('d, 'rimeeditor of time mmm aga zi nc i mm ¡mm sti t mm t i mi g tim i s mmciv deluirtim u esays:

'l'ue ('und aisi iiii poopli, iii lt aru ri,all u giuuu ¡11k' llu'tt(r, 'l'busIi.,, bIle,-i dis1uii ail ii>., tall> uf cuiriiumumli,im :>i,>i g>.mfi¡mm uuiulimic >uni! jirl-Va( ilt>', 'l'ho i'ry re,ri;m (huis of (Iii ires, >ii, ii imuui>,> I > . ,> lumi-¡11g leui (ii>ii hie iilulic C'uil(clC(>c, Is aim rIglil, J'uiuik omulumioii, that

5liuiuhíuh glauui s'imicim Is ¿ift,rail tue >lugu_uf cuir uiju>ii>m li, iifiisp5 iii si mmiiiS%iii>lesale 'lcc aumd iIIs(uu,umeiS-, Just iii uiluumirii>e. blu>. miiImiou if tmmliehefuumisis ¡sut, declaro iii> uiiirhuh Is olum (ii uii& iiiug, ¡ii. lu t'.i ar>aulguiI

uilmai ¡vr couslilir tue ullourt iliiluuiilaiiii IuiiiiiiragiiiC sirlee of >nIch.,,

(,>er iiiui>llu,iuuiI. \Ve haue asliiil great i ii luikin, ¡u im>,su loiruls i.mrr aim-iimorl( t, tell ms jimst liouu ciii>,hi(ji,ii,, ,,f tmiuui>aii ii le nuit eiiitp,tviir ii,i>eliecum uniere>! ¡hiurluig iie 1)tsi hall cemuiury.

'rime series hiegimis iii time Fei)rmmamy k',tme, startimmg oilwith " Good 'l'idimigs of \Vcimmmemm, '' by tim,tt i ci-iiot writer,Ciiariotte Perk i um s G i h umaim , mho ss'aste', mu t, 11h (i,( tim imm cal h-ing a spade by aumy sort of fammey minutie. Tm lily it i., mefresh-ilig to imear somume good tidings of wommmemm, F'om jmmitt' a whilepon imiun t l)reaclmers a ed poi i t i e i tLmI s li,m'e lmm ii.ked timenu-selves iioarse iii aim effort to immforiii time world limai Wommicumare iii a very bad way immdeed-timat

imavihig hmmttctl imito bus-ines5, Wouumaii im:is takemm away mii a mm 'i, job, u cumderimug ii inituumable to get uumarried a mmd smi hipott a fammi i iy, t im lus i ecklesslycutting off iier umose to Spite imer face, ,t umuost ihumprofitaimiel)roccediuig ; also that Wommmeum's cltml>s-ame tue timite-roommi toHades, amid that the se]Iislmnes', amid idieiues', of woumiemm aredri vihig mimen to destruction amid pu ttiumg miii cud to the u ace.Nor do we get munch '' good tidimigs ° of woimien wiiemi wetuurui to the writings of summe of the great mcii of time past.Napoleon Bomlaparte, that uhtsl>eakal)le barb,triaui, fraumklyexpressed his opinion, baldly statimig tim,tt wonmemi were onlyto be valued for their nuummuber of childremi-iie called timeni"cannon food." St. Paul aduiiouujshed wommiemi to keeji silenteven in the chiurches and advised themum if they lacked ivis-dom to go ask their iimisbtiids, No somumamm was ever known



' iI I

Page 2: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi


to pU rue I Ii , COU I 'e, Iio«uvei, ifl g rc,i t harm dol I C.

I n (eii.i we i e 101(1 thaI 'oiiian ciiiett the fall of IlIdfl

1\ I e i ly iiy tu I It lic womail as the du itter of cvii to apl I! Vk)U III O OC( O t 110 II1i O ty. iii Greek mythology weread how l'andora opeiled the box of trouble which other-wi,c TmglIt have remained closed. Aiol so ou. If theres 4 iiyth ng good to he ;titl of \VOma ti , let u hear it by all

nico n- uid rest ou r cars froto t 1w cIa nor o f the an%' il

chore s h ich t a rl cd tinder I ic h n dos of tu e a pple tree i n

t h( (i den of 1(l(fl.I\ II(1flg et her things, (;illniaii say.

'I'Ih I r)( ,IT. ra e.coiIIe_' liOn 1rii II ig nl1 lI(.Ut tliii Çr)IHleiij, Ii s 1II.'r t Iiiv It ltlrii Iis Iiit IC,

tt dud k).c IId I,ttOr hr la st' Who Iiul,l) iiiil

,.)I t Ili,n I' Iu' tIlIy lud 4i.

'1'I IlIoeIH.'Ilt li iiiq,r (or thr orkI luau

r l tiiij of liìrpI ;id t;uI -)IIr!l,jItilIr I.)tIliItIr t,!J I(l4 ,I%'IIh.

I t I. t i ti.' ttiit t ,ltl,l ttr loiIIg tItii,g tttey t v't Il lHítt. l,Utg, o% t lt ti ttt. ctiattg - ut ttirtt arr ettttg 1ttidgic)tttI, titat It all.

l l..t b r,' Irt i tltt titir,be.-tti lqtcet otgtttihttts lay lit ittost

jlt t tt.Vrt tta t tin hr;tltliltil ;tti&l lto,(ttt lia ter itt tIte ltlttr)g)f tli, world tlttit tltq nrtr Irl ttlt ,ttttt is glorY of ottr tqittiing

I t t t lizi tttlueitt,rd.

('ottrerttittg 1)1i fallacy tinti '' york '' is a littiited crc)1tI i ke 1rtt I t et t trrt, lita t thio \tor k ' i s all ovn cd by soin e-ti'itt3' atttl wanted uy tite rcst of tite pett)1e_tllat there iss(:.ti coly tiottg1t for Ittett, let ;tlttne for ts'ottletl, atiti that itt' fai ltttttr for ttttn to tlit t all. (llhinati says:

'l'lt, tttttttt l torlt itt Itt ttntll is l!rnl,ortlnttat4 ti, lIte ltrttgt liatti ,l,ill ut tIti litt iii t li lt,iltli.s Ililil if tue ¡ì,t,l hettty It,tI titi I, ti, i x 1 t.

J tt',t ',tt, 'I'Itc teal ttotthlt: with tto all s our tendcttcy tolid j e', e t tt I ut i t tI t ott , \\'It icitevu r way we tu rtt tve see ou rlt ti t l,lt , \Ve ea ti t tot get i t th rough oit r heads titat G oil'sttltIvtt I, lt,tttttdIti, ttt(1 litaI there is no lititit to tvork oritt .itt) other feriti of guet!. Utitil the earth is Otte gre;tt park1,1 cltitigitig httitiv, ittitil every Iitttta it tteiiìg is ptrfectl3.fiti, clotittil, h,titaitI ttitl htttght ttiil il every heart ¡niditt a iii Iti, tliseltatged its itrttitt. of 1tt)ver to stvell tueglitt y ('f ttttttt:ttt arltievctticttt -ou r '' voik '' is not dotte.I f t hort t s a sttttt ttg MINI rcity o f Wt)li( , it itt t he fault o f(litE u.0 t-tttv hittitatt visioti ¡tilt! (tu r ittiperfect lavs, \\Torkt., the bOit t ex-pressiltg (lrvssitg out ) ilse! f. 'l'ue soli! islliititle,', ,ttl its fichi uf (Xltt'essit)it lutist he likewise in-I t t i i t e.

I ' t ii,r \V i I lie! itt I )swa lt , o f tu e li ii ivcisi t) of ficipsic,ttttìttttii(('i his tittttìtleiit Iteijef that e are oil tile eve oftlí,t rivet tug litt' lt jiltieti secret of life ¡tin! that itiati titrotighlite tieveittptittii( tif scietice tttay lie tide to create a type oflife ,i, high ii that of our dtttticstjc atlittials. !ic says he(i tu , i litt Ii itt j lt st wit t t stiri tif creat tire i t w ii i !te- whetherttiittd, tiii, fo'l fir reittile. ict us littite it voii't ite any-litiitg lilo tite ittgHsll t)t t lie tiStrtIiaii riI)ltit.

lititirtiti ry Itead i itg.

St'i tlttier's is 11th ltartictllariy gooti titis month. Au ar-tiLle 1IV Fia4icit. \'itsttii ciititltl JOsepil Jeffcrsoii at STorkiii,l Il.t) '' S 51t1(it(litlI)' illustiate-d ¡iiid fairly readable.'fhici e i' .t utili story liv Fdith \Viiartoii Ctlllcd lite '' lier,iiit511(1 tIte \\'iitl \Viiiti;tit,'' hotu of uviioiii are siitgtilariy ittiiliter-esti itg clit racters, irllcst '1'hoiipsoti Seton contributes agooti ai ticlt nu ' 'l'ue sloose amI Ills A ntlers.'' '' 'rite NewCitiil,L'' h3 'l'ltotiias 1'. i-lillard j ilistriictive but dr)'. iIJ111

lili .,c. n , of 'flie iitt1ticssitttijsj Painters '' is a sitolibishII tide liv George Moore on a subject tyhicli certainly is farfrom be i ng a liii nuit g issue. Neu r tite begi linilig of tu isscrecd occilrs the following luitiiitou seittence

I, lii tue middle ages young titen went iii 'eatcii of TheGrail. Today the Cafe is the quest of a young ntaii ineai cii of artistic education."

Yes, the cafe, cigarettes, grisettes, the odor of hair oil¡titi! stale beer--the coast of Bohemia I Take it away.

'l'ite editorial dcparttitent in Scribtiet's is, as usual, -

weak ¡itid lialiilty-palitl)y. 'rite advertisements are ex-

trcinely art istic ¿titd interesting.

The Reader for February is very good iiidced. Lovers ofSiittii Clegg will 1)0 sorry tO Ittarli that site is iniiard luck--titis ¡sotte of 'l'ite Reader contains the seCt)il(l ¡tart of titestory ' 'rite Wolf at Susan's Door,tt by Anne Warner. Ail(lic Sitsait Ciegg stories that I have ever read have pleasedtile mightily. 'I'here is an excellent article by Albert JJ:iieoit ' 'I'nhercuiosis, Cljiitate atti! 'l'he (;re:it Southwest." Iiithe editoria! departitietit a niintber of ititeresting stibjects¡ire d iselissed, :tlnon g them bciitg sonic recen t utterancesof Presi(ieitt Jooseveit aiollg Hues that have reiidcred hintittore or less persotta 11011 grata to the woiticil's clubs.

'l'be lebrttary McClure's contains a " Rex an(I Re-gilt ti '' story by Marion liii i 'ii ich i s itiost a initsi ilg. I ai-ways like to reati abottt Rex and Regina, (Itose ititfortunatetwiiis witoe 111(1(11er 15 a nattirai born fttoi. oitie wolltenare that way, and I have tioticed that when a woiiian is iii-ciiiied to ii a siuiipietoii, motherhood makes lier titore SO.

'l'ile opening article iii McCiiire'is is " 'I'wo Years in 'riteArctic " by Antliotty Fiala, illustrated by sotiic reinarka-bie photographs talcen by tite atithor. Mr. Fiala recent-ly iii arrie(l a Nashvi lie girl, fit e wedding be i iig t lie co liai-ilation of a rolilailce which bcgaii at tite Tennessee Centen-II ial j ii 1897 when tite Northern ut an li rst met t lie Souititernuiia ¡il cit. ' ' Ailtitotiy liala ' ' soti ¡ids roulan tic. -

Everyi)ody's Magazitte for 1ebruary leads off tvitii aitarticle eiititicd, ' ' His Islajesty, tite Kiiig of Spaili,'' whichis itr(llsely illiititratcd. Like ail tite oilier kings I everheard of, titis iiioitarciu " rises early and eats a simpleiirealtfast." Ail lciiigs do that. And ¡iii i)riitCe5SiS and(liteeli ti are ' very domestic a ud si in pl e iii their tastes.''lt certaiiily isn't iiiiicii fun beiiig royal. 1'lie king ofSpain is ¡t colorless yotitil of (weiiv. Of course he calt'thelp heilig a king, but titere is no gootl reasoll why hisitaltits aitd (lai!)' li fe should be ex ploited i n a ny magazilte.'rue second hart of tite excelicilt article by Hartley Davisoil 'i Reporters of 'l'otbi3' '' appears iii titis issue of Jvery-hotly's. There's ail interesting life for you--the atutos-i)iterc o f a iiietropoi il au ttewstaper, tite sitap and go a odendless variety of the ucwsgatlter's swift days ! '.L'aik

abottt kiiigs--titey are too taiiie ¡itid trivial for aiiytlting.I would as soon read descriptiolis of ta(lpoies.

fipitiiicots's Magazine for February opetis witii a novel-otte by Jeunette Eee called '' Otic Way of Love."

Leadiiig (lie shorter iletion of the month is '' lit titeStrong Matt's Borders," uy Frank Saviiie. 'l'ho story of aititleky newsboy is tolti by Walt McKee under the title,I, 'l'ue initiative of Pokes.'' Ait alliusing satire on " nerves''is that by Adele Marie Shaw, " Katharine and tite Saut-itorjuin,'' Ella Middleton 'l'ybottt's contributioit4 " TheMethO(is of Josephine," iltay be called a vicario s elope-iiieuit. Ait Atiterican gill's lively adventure iii Paris isetititi ed "Al i ne and the lit clay. ' ' An atti osi ng little skitoit " Tite Lesser Virtues " is by " One Who Has AbandonedTiteitt .''



'rite Cosmopolitan, which is now Otte of the Hearstpublications, aititoitnce. a forthcoming serles of " TattleTalks" on the "social and ecollonuje probleitis bes.ettiitgour people," These talks win be i)uiilished under the titleof "Plie Day of Discontent." It seeiits to tile that there isenough discontent already, botlu day and night, withoutringing tite chaitges on itin alagazine articles, but Iltutyltethe plan vi1l result in good.

- -

Texas is a big state, and bro«lgauge men live there,Tue follow-lug letter explains itself:

Oflic0 of Orattg Liitit,er Cttiii1tatiy, Oratige, 'rexas, Jatittary 15, ItOt.-Tite Oratige lies-flits enclose bird,, cited, for 828% Io ;ipply o,t ilkItiittiltiit hlsires Fttiicl. C. F.

t (tariltit, Si., Glasgow, Scitlittd, Sait itary I, lti(t.1 ita vo reatI trillifr051 lle55urc tl,, arctnt of tIte tttltr of G idritt,'g ll,tn,i, I it;ne tireti

trylttit (o tiiltute of Cititte ils!, slttry CItai coutil crttwil yosis, tilt t liare faileilSi) far. Aro yeti eIre lt wasti't lIst sea seritetit you iiati Ott yottr hook II truI If atly of tite Iloo.lIoo cott,e it, Glasgow tlni) tell I litote itie itli atol IwIll try lo niatie it iltlerestlegfor tIlias. I etictite clteck for4istress fuitil.

- - 'Pltltl(t aye,

Juit iIOOTaiON r,IC,llTiti)l,y.

The follQwing " ponte " Was writteii by Brother Win. A,Bowen, of Fort Scott, Kas., in C011tlllelttoratjon of the 28thanniversary of his barnage ¡ -

- .Jut Eight ajid Twrnt.y Yeasts.

--- - ll W. A. Itowiis.

Streetlteart, lousy just iigltt anti Twt'tis yearsMottg lIfe's ;iatl, we'- waikeil Itigetlter; -

The50 years have broultt us joys and liettitglt t us tears-Iittt store of ItrIglit lItai, Stonily sveatlter,

'I'ttilay I look back os (licycars wc'o ItaseedSliice fIrst we slarled iqt life's hIll;

'lo iii,, tim Itweillest, brIghtest Is tile last,That shows yttlir titilles ultoil tile stIll.

Aitil frsu, that pt I get toy itoroscopePiiat teils nie of tIte coniliig years;

They ttld toy heart talco cheer sud loudly 11011eI?tir libre of tti'lgltliless, less of tears.

TtyIti oaks, that ttruvetl tite blasts of passlti stttrrns,Stood greco atitl fresh ,iild wltitry steatlter;

So nay %%.c statid, aiiiltl life's tIerce alarme,Driveil uy illese storni iitIre close together.

Aittl 1 Ike those oaks upoli Clic tiou italt,'s tilihe,Whose every tendril ticeply s'oit lid

ItcIf about Itti itlate, tllay we abIde-hoch Itt tite oIlier's lleart cloe lioii,id.

May comhtlg years. as we go dosen lIfe's 11h11,hleatii brigittly Witt, Itti celtitig miti

U1tttti our say, aliti beanlilig Itrlgliter eh il'l'ha,, tt'heti thili, stahlt was first itegitti.

My love, a Sweet lerftttiie pervades tliti airAs ,iott ttiy heart ¡mii soc h recall

TIit niciiliIre of a brIde so Street atol faIr,Who gave lier heart, hier lite-lier all,

So shah tItis tta' forever chierlehied be,Asti iii 'i'Iiie's calendar tIle lasst;

Just Eight and 't'wetity years ago io hiCIt brought my heart its Stt'eetest quest.

Fort Scott, Kas., Bccen,br 12, 1505.

- - - A. Word Vroiui J3lek Mutnii,v.

"15f dure Is one 111111g dat Illakes nie madder dati another," renuarlccdItihraitdy, "lilt lii to hear Prcshdciit Roisterfeil, ail' detto hleall 'bIg-likepreachers, an' do baIaue of tIe uppity know-all nico a-staiidltl' lip ail'expotittilalin' 'lioiit dIs tliIiigdatdeycálls racgsesaticlde.

"l'assocI, lilt tihio' dites rIle nie att' raleo my daitder, (or If tiers Is mioiltace \vh,,ir a litai, ougliter slog Stti,,hl and ta lii los lilo, Itt Cli,' tielgitt,,tr-iloettl of de Craille, t'i ¡t reasohiattli. otilail, at,' I'. trIlIto' to tlIeti todcmw;,,j,, tH:mt tliro'jgul tIic oultl, itt' tibe theIr attrIce, ati' cf you'll (cicliilloliur a baIt wlttits liait a -baity---r itiayI. Its ltis-I'il 'let at liti, feet tui'

- Ilßtcti to ele isords of wisilse,dat il rafts froto hIs hIlts ilet se li iiitible as do- itex' 1iii.

''Btu chuett ttieii wlttit aIn't tiever hail no pussotiat 'sterttiio. In tliItahy tltie, ail' dat alti t' nev,r hail to gli tu p of .i .olil tight all' tt'attc tieCiti k, s ti' d at Illltilis dat you sstisIit a lotte halt t oti (loes a setIi'r pup,COliteS atittig as' lectures IVotiliti 'bollI Ittor ,Ie digItI lit Itithtittate It' ye.irlIi¡(ti' I itetease lIte t, hIllier of detti wittli iliids i t li,it it etloligli tI) tusk .t I tIti'as till is, lii t slli'ly io titatce tic tirol. Yait iii, lilt ditc,

'Cazt, iii i looi la k to ttii, cf tiere irai ont' sitltjt'i t hit s tttti'ti tta,l arigtil (it a t)1tiillOfl tut, lilt le t' ,' l,aby tliiL'titIOii, t,tt dcii, list ii 'etti s,t,ii-tier 'cuti, -

"1 ittittit totili (loticc dittigui, dat tieni tiast is iltilti gut de it,oq' it) 55V'loti t race 'tilsatIclite Is tic etoti wlttil al ti't tot-er letti itt Is e i ti o nistet,tt'Iil elx citilletiti ts'Itl de n'Iititi1titi'Cittigli till, Ii,' hlt,ll,ltt att' ti) iti' lit hidsitu w'ItltIi ititiliits le itios' iiole, a tlrtitti tir .l titi itorti.- "It t,lc t'aCtielor, tir a nati 'tust Is es I let, dai ti,' cati lure a Preitcti

titis,, to lei'e.p tic clilticit shut lii te tiurstr3 , sItt,'lt LItI Sil tIsi, ti le ilstIce, 1111cl I lorry as' tirite Itortlin' Wttrds 'lutti t trlttit att .ii,'ftii ci Itite raceSilsatiClite Is,

"I s ' dat cf Pr5slileti i Roi,qtorfelt tail ti, gI, 'l,itst Ii' settle of ros tui iuliii Citittitry trIti ut hat,3' Iii ills ar oIs íttl tit itl't ti lttgttl' 'tuilit lilti Cual t.tll,att' sl itilder cllltjc'tiii a.cryltit (er itiolassi's ,ti,' lire_iiI, ati ft'r ,ttttli'ttiiilyIs tIe lit) detr Ilttgcrs Schar dey clii '.,i, ail' si'at,li tlet f,tcc's, ait' jlttil tickChoiS for 'etti, lie siouli it ite waitti,i' si, ttiiir,tt bri'alli .00 rgltl' UI litiitorIlftilks lo ll5%'i bIg faitullI.

,'Ya,ttitt tti, lilt't, chit t,let \i'hitit tl((I('t h15ve to lIai e dc b,itileti lut,r dr i rito-bic of 'etti that gels all hast tIlt alitI exclteti 'host dc datiger tif raes Sulsail-citl, h ¡il ti't seni no ttolti5ll )'l t dal sise lost it' ail i' elia'1, t, ou r_s i ii' '1101,1lilt. - - -

i' So, belo' as hiot thIngs le Ittic day is, ii I t lllitik'r looks lait Itt del'ri,sldeii t ait' ile rest of (letti lttgglty 111011 tiitiugli t leas e l'rovlttitii e tohuile after de tialty es1t1tly , ail' Is re delr atleti tloit ltlw,tr(ls tlxlii' lit tigefur dettI of is trust le got big fS,iill lt's Ii, lItSIle a i I rItt' for 'etti.

'i I ili,l't tOtylti' Otte 'tord agal list de tiat,I,s. Na,, tit, il,it I al ,i't. ilove 'etti, at,' (leSe oie arlos jest ilacliully forms de elf tite, a Cr.utile ev')'(hue I si,es 011e, ati' J sItecics lc trottiat, seiuiti alli't tisser 5el a li ttic si ai litlitid citd,hle 'bait ilitit lier breast hoite tiuiese,l 'b,tut ds 'itiestest thIng d.tta tl'ttOUt(i ever Iteot,',- ''Au' a bait)' Itt a itulglity liattdy tul 1g It, llave arottitti le hiouit,e. li Its'tiituit ile best excose for a real lazy, slack siittti,ti tat ever was ineittedcase dey ai ti't tiollilti' dot you do or leave iiiidtt,ie tlat oli etti 't la) Oli tiebait)'.

I, 5f a svttloail don't wan t tit go to cillireti-suie ca,l't lt',Lve de batty.if shie' hut eill(tic',ti itt clea,i up de 50110e-il Ils do itahi) tlat eissse,tIliltige tp. Ef sIie' tot, trI flIii'io hatch lier Il uttb,i id's brliciieq-slip hid lierIIat(ds (till wtd ititsil t ' de bau3', tf site seatits lo go s,a fntttti iltittie Itide sii in tiio,'-slie lIas lo do tilt for tIe sake of dc Itatty, Ef tills'S liati Sel I ti'hIgo lit tIe clrctts-stic tian ti, sacrlflce herself ati' go to tatto de ltaliy.Yassiitti, a baby CllttW Is cccli a great Cotls'etileiice d,tt i don't see list,'ally siotilali lecchi, house teldoiit otte.

-J)ot'oM,y Der ¡it Chicago Acte, icen.

\Viia has becoitte of tlt Old-fasitioned lll,tit who itseci towrite Illagaziile articles ten years ago to piove (hat therewould be ito more syars nor ritillors of wars

Suait Ive Ivsr Ite (ljviil751

h)iirlitg tIte thu celititry ultsrard of 14,000,000 nieti lotit theIr lIves Iiitiar. Most of lItote itilitlo,is leere of tile Aryafl race, Willcti hiati tile clii-tody of tue forteard nuarcti itf (lie lin,nai( race. Most of tiletti were youiigeletti IIi flue h)llYslcal Cotitlltloit, mcii ofabove tile 55 eragi. of spIrIt ,ltid

ettergy-for war laites clii)' tIle liest, It status no dIseased, or old, orUseless vlctltils ft,r the ltailqnct, Most of tiios stars were hot for lIbertyor f,tr prlticlple, bot for titirhioses ofanibltloti_tiuc two Napoleons, Ills-ChancIe, tti old Gerniati Etlihieror, ttic Cearn, tue Kltigs of ISlighatid, PIti,DIsraelI, a tiattilfol of men tvlio lIgure ho lilaton as great.-sa1iir,(

Evening Post!.

Tise ttt ihO raritet OO,iiier, tvIlo doeti not Ilabltliatly t'soiidcr, slidworsuii1,, S'ero lie Itresldetit ofiil'ltttlierabie roy,tI socIeties und cerrtcdtuo sebole Mecaniquc Cehttstc and Hegel's lilllhOlt(lpIly, fltld tile epitoitieof all lat),oratorles and observatorIes

s'ItIi their results lit lls stogie beadis bat, a paIr of Spectacles behhii,j whIch thiere Is tb eyc.-TiioiiiattCarlyic. -

Page 3: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi

'- - --- - - --


Irtiry of Crtat Iii

A n.ii uaiiiel }iiIn, heur) J. ia come out w Ui a lokcallil " Jr(,,lI Nehnit tu Iii.'' 11 liU. t* Iii p()PIILaI f,ritj tlt IflF%

t!' f r" ui ;h $N'glfl it rli %er i,pnni, of 't ift i

+pI". wa. .tlnt leti I u SaUI h,r i ii hÌ Tu ' i q the ltt-aIr 1,erIolA íwr t titi 1)ttI!ct lt1 uff attd t,ecaini tli poetti tnor lntrt?st-kijt. ()itv 'rÍe i t- t)t(i%V

" Larg xe u Iutttlre ¡ io gtiaraItt'ro tl,oe .,f i,ji

8iitII ttií do well a ,ee t IE

'1'Itt ta ibout the tinte ttii 'rci,rta lgaTt to gr()w'ortla tdOrgoiilat.

'I'hc tttnn \%}Jtt t1c,c lite ittost talking about dcsjtisilgvaItIt i geitntiiy thc flrt,t to borrttv a quarter.

Tite following ltctvspatcr clippitig. sent ht by Brother W.R . it J1(ICrSOIt, shows how uitltteky it is to try to liaritt ablack cat:

1tt, rg, I'ett t.. J ;ttt, IO,-lVhi i worl1I!l a1itt tlu: MoitongaIcta1ctr 1.tttk tttIK a(t.ntion (WI) 1)It f(fltttl tltt lad) of Cotilit 'J'It(IttFoIt,or ot Cat,ot wty, WtIO Jutíl ttit ni i4IIg tr(,n Ii Itotite since iai Sttitdayttlt(It, '1'tt(JflhIThOt, ' yearN old and a null ork,r, had tartd forthe river to (lrt)ttl a 1,Iack cat. rIt cat urtIe(l up text ntt,riiItt, bittItottti,ig o'a Itearil of TIittnsit(,ii itittit ils bo4y wa fouit today, it lti tit:it i Ito act of I titttwhtg lic cat tu tite rivi±r his foot illppctl

alid te filI lit titititlf.

lOi.rg, 1)ct 27, I)o5;- ° 'Fue Balicihi t atway8 reatiwi iii itiucit lttteret atiti t atotti Iii ' \vurHi tito price of itittiittatice.'

F '. FIlMAN.

ititrto With lirother Moore,

t;t, Lii,1)cc, 27, 1905.-t atti tuch titereited u Jtrittiieç Tout Moore'ssUgItt'otI(tfl reg:irtIittp tite hlfitt drift propositutt, bit i think tite tiraitshould july te utile oit ;itrties tolto art tief ti(ttrttt, It other words, t initt) filet litai tite ustial ttouIce itt Seit, aiuti I f titoy titi ttot resut t ¡ti titearty tayi ti ttjt, it in ttt) titi that, ti i last resort, you mike a

drtiít un uhu, i lietieve itou elite ttittet out of tell tite tirait rlli be taid,und ftttoitlitty a good iiteittl*r saveti for tito order,

I, tttysetf filio liai a little cxperlettce along the ifoen of secttriii newtttentttertt, titi k lote titat it in txtrettteiy ttiflictt it to get titetit ii titi up, nuitIt i n ruttier titsc(iiira(lo( to have titetti tiropjied for tlt sinipic catino titatthey Coutd't tinti tinte It, writ, uttut n check for titeir cities.

i,. S,---Certaiuuly waitt to coutitittttettt you oit tie tintinnio covertiesigit out titi Citrisinuttli itittuuber of 'Jite ttttiiettt;.

\,ery truly yours,'i'. C. Iit.itt,soi 11905>.

Anotltr Black Eut Tragedy.

Evaitsettie, lutti., Jattttary 31.-TttIgtit solute try ittg to citase a blackcat frtttti it titter tite budini silice M rs. lartiia Jolinsot, aged 69, titrutetl akettle itt istilitig water tirer lier heut, seriously scalduitg lier. If siterecovers alte tritt lie till titI. Stir fortiterfy I veti lit Christian Coittity, Keti-I ttctty,--J',iiitcci/t (Ky,) A't;vs-Dt,,iocral,

To Arms i To horns I

Patrick Henry, who is not ashamed of tite fact that helives iii J3rooklyti, writes to the New Yorle Sun about histroubles with other people's automobiles. 'rite odor of gosoliiic fills his soul with rage, but what makes hizo titadderyet is the sound of horns. Titit is the way that he feelsat)011t it:

Witcigives tite autotitoblies tite right to 1iiot itortis iii tIte streets?Cut a truck-driver carry a hunt 7 Cat a carriage ; ritt a peddler; canti tietlesirlati ? What rIght itas a fat-tiecked batilier to route witlritag uptito crowded Street trim lilo country luette toit b a hairy citaittleur tootingnit ailyry, raucous, nerve.lcilllitg borii,niakittg tue atniost jnnipoutof nib-oblii test I bit mit over? Witogives filet a right to sciec tIto Street foritini-self ? Cati a carriage do titis ? Csut I get a rigltt.sif.tvay up tltrongit ttiecrowd aiuti iiitiitt by itlowitig n ttotn in froutt of tite atid scariog citizeits,old, ystiuig aiuti tutiddle-aged, so that tiSy jump ont of uy way?

Let no mitt titis nnlattce ! I cult utttit ail truck drivers and citfzeitoto carry luorito tutti litote back at tIte beasts as they log tite lilgiuroado.Let CItI, yonitg, utuiddle-ageti joitu tIte crusade.

'Y-,. , - : £,(- , - -


Tito Bretskiuug-1toun.

I ittli the 1110W that turns the sociThat has lain for a thousand years:

\STflere the prairies wind-tossed fioweri. nOdAndthe wolfherwildcubrears,

t coutie, and in mywake, like raiti,Is scattered the golden seed ;

I change the leagues of lonely plainTo fruitful gardent and fiecs of grain

1"or titen andtheir ittingry breed.

I greet tile earth in its rosy morii,I aun first to stir the soil,

I bring the glory of wheat and corn,the crowning of those who toil;

I atti civilization's seal and sign.Yea, I atti the mighty

That writes the sod with a pledge divine,A vromiie to PaY With bread and wille

For the sweat of honest meti. -

I aun the end of things that were,And the birth of things tobe,

My cotning malees the earth to stir: With a new and strange decree ;

After its slumbers, deep and long,I waken the drowsy sod,

And sow ttiy furrow with lifts of sotigTo glad the heart of the inightythrong

Slow feeling the way to God.

A thousand sujuiliers the prairie roseHas gladdened the hermit bee,

A thounacid winters the drifting snowsHave whitened the grassy sea ;

Beföre nia curls the wavering smokeOf the Indian's smoldering fire,

Behind nie rse-was it God who spoke?-At the tail-enchanted hammer's stroke,

The town and the glittering spire,

I give the soil to the one who doesFor the joy of hiun and his,

I rouse the sluinberizig world that wasTo tue diligent world that is;

Oh, Seerwith vision that looks awayA thousand long years from now,

The marvelous nation your eyes surveyWas born of the purpose that here to day

is guiding the breaking-plow.-Nixe,: (Yaterman in Success.

Ti e itird.Iii life he was a hawk,

A greedy bird of prey,A marble doveIs perched above

His costly totiab today.

Princess Louise of Saxe.Coburg and Gotha is to be di-vorced from lier husband1 Prince Philippe, and to receive$221,000 a year and $1,000,000 alimony. That's the kind ofprinces American gil-ls are looking for.

Wouldn't a Wisconsin lumberman's eyes bulge out if hecould see tue spruce tree cut near Astoria a feus' days ago?The tree measured 105 inches, or almost nine feet, in diam-eter at the butt, and at the first limb, which was 108 feetfrom the ground, the diameter was five feet. The tree con-

tamed 30,921 feet of perfectly clear lumber.


A Literusry Z)iot.

\\TJleti literary appetiteHas got so bad it can't be worse,

Theii give your stolilach something light-.Switcburtt's Predigested \Terse,

If much distressed with pailla and aches,Aiid suffering in eV'ry nerve,

lat Ella Wheeler Wilco'5 Flakes-Jttst ad(i some water hot, audserve.

Or, if you're sad and you would laugh,Or free yourself front cynic scoff,

Then Austiti Dobson's Tasteless ChaffCoitipel5 the stitile that woti't come off.

\Vhieti 9vitht the bittes, in lassitude,Of discotitent you Chew the cud,

Eat Wallace Irwin's All Day Food--builds you up ; it itcakes red blood,

Attiight as turn and toss you thayAll slutttbel as long hours creep,

Alfred Austin's Granules_theyProduce a most refreshing sleep.

When Duty's cali your patience tries,And irritates as it grows louder,

If to eunergencies you'd rise,Use Rudyard Kipling's Baking Powder

_ 7-,/,c Reat/u',.

Some time ago it was freely predicted that the experi-ments in fertilizing the egg of sea urchins, engaged iii by;. Prof, Loeb, was going to " revoltttioziize biology."

Does. anybody know where

thisrevolntion got lost?


Hast singed thy pretty wings, poor moth?Fret not ; sottie moths there beThat wander all the weary nightIonging in vain to seeThe light.

Hast touched the scorching flaute, poor heart?Grieve not

; Sonic hearts existThat know not, grow not to be strong,And weep not, having missedThe song.

-Ji. il. Saxon in The Reader (February),

ChIcago, Jaulnary 9, 1909,Tint, good fla1t: I yust gtt Yansary book you call Ilulletlut, in'Al teck it bee, 'tetty good tezig, Ai reati Sollte Etiglis, so you sec s'yAi cati like et, Al gems you mus' been gum' to tcluool, 'canoe you keepnunkiut' ties Bulletin better as it wan before. Ait' say, YIni, Al Irnos ettteo fltlgliiy tuard tong to do so. Don't you?weil, cf Ai coutte Naslueltie soutetime, Al look np to your 3lg Batik

Bitilditug (turco B'o tutalcu a flutudle of Blacks, Tint) nttd titen Al cotito seeyou. Ef Ai get titers itot so quIck, (liettyou conte see tite. Att' pleas',Yiitt, doit' forget tbat you att' all tIte good tellaits ,e'at you call iIeIiitttty-I500tclty biutcit been cantici' to Chicago 'bent 2 tIme nino ntouttli(root no,. Titen Al been jes sanie as ever,'

Your Scaticiltuaclaut frleutd,

CIJET M, TtSILAT INo. 7a53),

To Mr. Yiuut Baird (lin been Sloe-Boo Fellah), NashvIlle, Tenn,11e been eut big buildingyen callooe'ot Natlottal iiau,t. Take dcc opyteti usar titileo,


BolIto, O. T., Jaituary 6, 1906- ° * * ¡ ant tite only lloo-Hoo In. tItis part of Greer County, md If it teere est for Tite Bulletin, would get

.. very lOflesatne. Yours very truly,. J. Fin Btzi. (No. 11126.)

lttcil,tii,sftull,,, ltiul.-wu, itt líli it) it'll oui hou titutuji I iluittli tuf Nuulu'attui Coutuiiuettt bitt ivor'ls'tliai f t. s'_e secit fo TIck io 'o,,,.. y, ' itoigltI lope I t t, ii soitittl't tviteit I ,,a' I kiutit' uil titi butter l5iigilott ap.pearitig iii .uity frite rittI pauer, 1f itt lt,uul ti s'c',t I ti itty tuioltieii Statoof titi fatta I au,u sii re rot S'otulul liare tiiauty l'osti ', t, mir it cuit, Jritmi leatle, bitt tuliso -yo t'roe tite ttt>t' utero t hut itt it tetro .tgo attuilObed for a (e,,' titeO fir t itu ltut,i,untN, I c,tuttu' v'er tear " t,utt hugitt tutil turcaki tug a slhuutce that lta luoteul 'utue.' ihuu u',url r 'l)rl uig4litt tito to it'uittluig tut tirite tviteti f isis a b03 . 113' t'tu 3 oh it ti iltisI lutt)lC right ti, ttuu (lieu, tor tutee tritti I i'u'ttti'tttltu'r if lt tous, I citteul'urti tui t ryitig to ittihelu)' fuittitig liii ¡urtlef tut cv attui lottiui; tIte situetOot lOt' thirty uluys, \Vll, lii tliiu'hy uhayi I a i us ays iu,uul :'utuutgeui iii Vtutlutul, atiul huit vituleutt iu'art throbs woitlul hlit'tt iuu, tu, tite (ittiuty attuidea1,,

Roa,oiu Gitituit,,

Tue only iva' I cama get eveti witll it Bull " Griiuiit is bylittl)liSliilig his letter, it was Ineati of hiiuit to fill down ouihis good resohtitioti to vritc sounethiitig for lije. The ex-cuse lie gives is weak, vapid and altogether iiiv,tlid. licis e'Cfreiiiel)' bright, uttid if lie had to write for a livtuig lieColIlci do !t ali right Citoughi. i shall expect lituui biJOu 10titrii h is )eii l0os( for Tb e ucd let i t.

t' t.attghi and the world laughs with you,Suore alIti you sleep alone, "

Wit u tile overflov of a full itjuijd That's why a fullthan thiziks hie's witty.

Eoltoclttily lui %VaJI Street

Many go out for wool and collie home shorti,

-Sancho l'ariza,

'Tb always ittorutitugsouttowiucro, attuI abuvo-

TIte ivalceutitig cotitfuteito, fruuni suore to short',Ssuttowluere tIte bIrds are singluig nvernuore,


Putlintan, WTislu,, Jauuiiary 15, l')09.ituciosed Cud $1, itt Itaytutetti ofcneo, Wouldtt'i get along without TIte Buulletjut for tnt timos hicantoui,tt,PAUl, KtitnAl,t. (No, 14101,)

Toroutto, Ont,, Cautada,-_I tylslt to cotigratulato yott ott tite iieauutifniCover desIgn for December Bilfetitiait Sell an Coittents of catite fluid itouSUreoaitte was aplireclated by all lfout-Jloo wiuo have reati lt.

A. E. Kt,iu'pgflT.

l'sii Arthur, Texan-I traut to ciagratnlate yen oui IIi, atpearauuco of'Flic liutlletiuu aiuti especially oit your editorials, I tttfuift liii way yougave lt to that Neiv York Y. M. C. A,ntauu lui the lh'couutljer issue of Tite

Buhietlit wan sottuetluluig groat, attui lt struck tIte '' key utote of utty seit ti-cucito, "No. 12597,

Q)Tito Tiling for Theni.

't What llave we Itere? " luuuluufred lilo Satatuic Majesty.t' A btt,iclt o rough-house football playoro, sin,"'t Alti ! Spiketahi I 1'etclu out tito big gritilrout I"

Shreveport, La,, January 16, lOOS-Encloocul lui clucuje for dites attuitIte distress futud. Slioutlul have reuuultted earlier, but ledit lorgcttlitg it.Wiolt I could niais routtlttaitce to tIto dIstress Stitici larger as I aun veryutucli iii favor of tIle idea. Allow cte to add itty flute of luralse to titeColleraI eserytiuiug about TIte BulletIn. I etijoy readhuig it very flinch,No, 13494,

Greeiey, Colo., January 9, 1906,-' * S t eutjoy Tito Ihtilletlit veryitticli and it alot'o lo worth tite aniontut of our duw, Your " roast " of thoY. M. C. A. fellotr Is fitte, Do lt soute tutore, N"

Onu Objocijon.

LaPorte, fod._.Everytiiiugdoo0at Portlatid hecto nay VIews oxactly

with ike eCcelstlout of tite electistu óf officcr, They are ali good fellowsI kuaow, but tito extreoto East shiottiti

have bent couiotdereul, attui f enjoyedreaduug what our frictud froto New York wroto you. 25, L. HART.

Page 4: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi





The foilowiTig conti ibution , sit by a cotiiparatively

I,cw 711(I11l)erTi IïIh'ri'hli ú

fl. J, L. II)VP ('Ú T4l4(i)

1ii ' nl IoIft' I1 I I i,y,

uji, I(8E fOIi1 .)IIL t ii

I 1);IIi' tIii I)r, or l)Itld Iho ou,i4,

-'i' o your l'itt Iiity b)IkIId,.Iil, bIh lu flIrtIig wtli lier IHtllN tattlir lti1 in i (

hut him! r Iti1 or 1Iwze or flirt,tui. gflirItM tl1, 1re ir!1t c1rt,

\Vai;ti tu etnflly

'I,l yItr ii:tIIirItt frkiul I tae,¿ iil froth the frost you r aN i avc.

I 'iii i,Itiii (t I r, pca(k'ittt IltjtiiIti4 4f a IlLIllrr ttiad..

lit ¡trfittnr rieti ,it 'tltcl tud tneItA ii1 1tii(d to i orgeit irit;

..ri, tieii litt ini iii lit 1ww or choir;()t tiirti iot '1 nt ti aintir.

roit Itt ca ref titly.

ltnt tir 1 trutlt I vllttitr Irtli'Fti' it cd tli l'ut svi)ittt.

1ui iti y ;tiI lotit iittt tIt(l grt,I ii trerr tcitttdJiii. 'sr r fi tl(!,

tiit t)) liii' rag-lag l'itt cI1ItI)IiA Oft li Í) y)))) colite t), liti,

(t, 'iit your oitly faithful iiiiiii,,\ )))t_ ii}ttI ieititiii ttiitit tui' 'iii.

l'itt titi' ctrcftitt.

Nw IIirrit L;., l)ri''iiitir2 , IXS.--Friciiii il ti Iiit i ti I cat I ytiti ir 'av you )iiit) iii gritilg a;iiit4t itii I :tiil it itare of?Iliirt' Ifli,Ht tie iOii)et tiiitt, ii 1ijt t itt, old c,tt nitil teto ji)iit ClaWs I it agil rat HI t li, i)iiC flti). 8crtcti nil I it titi fice until t atti jaot recog-itlti)iil, flit pray ilotit ocratcit mv titti off 'l'ue 1tiIletiit niait often. IIi,t i' oit Iy rrceis'eil iiiie City iii iiiVcit tt)i)iitiiH, \Vao tua I copy an over-

igtt( or tIi other Ola iii uverIgitt ? Tilt titiS, lear t-ai there is itothitigloti i''it ti'4 titil that iii titi trw year I9it(i tite Iittettii ¡H Ititriril and titerotti Ititilitlit iltl ciitttit itt as a liatrerR duzeit for heat year. Viti ouihut iii (tite luire fur I(:Igiilalipr wiiiit Vitti?

I t ttt.ty liii licaitHi, y)))) wire afralil I hay hat-i svlttett you it'Iiile titeiitii',ijttlti te is liri)oiIittt ariititiil Iii ittir titile city aliti tute titay liatr, gott itiglit lit titi' ('itvci)pe atti lilt Viitl, tiiti Jitit, tite ttioSlititi( itas hot yettki'ti haiciii'ti tetti ciiiiiii 'ist t gut liiiii-Iliiii 'eiioo- Jack, a ttiey aro ititigit iliiticiit, yiiti icttiitt'. iliti' Htrauge litai tue frittate itas becit tite

I liHi' if iii triiiiiiie slitti cri'aiioii i1(cV ti) litt precetti elticit 1t'e o'aqÀ ii,titt' ii)) ifait titi frii:lt it'e ii9vi) to titit fetittie ittosqitito, olticit it iii' (itt t) girai t ra it Htttlt ter nf veil,') I ver, {i)o 3oti uniere t, J loi?I (io.-liiit.i I iii'iii-vi tite tttiiii;ti frateitit>' liase iiei'ti reailiiig of (tie lirRti,ir ,tiiii o.iiitri to av (-vert'tliittg i(i) a'iitttaii, Ailaiti ttat titi IIi)ii-IfOil ortie ti iittil tiirer tate Haut ° ivi hotte iiotlt it lor(t.' 'fltlttkiitg atiiittttui' huile titaluH ute ttilitli. itiitititHelait oat tite lire1 floo.IIor,. aH lie liveilti te 1))) ears ant Q ittotttitt iii. So, Jitti, look np tite recorilH atiti et titettti,i , hut Hi') if oir Order k ait- .Liitriiiltiviait irder. I tititik it H. Iii,t i' ii ('ii lt attiit'ri it g hacl to i2ri'atii))i, Hi) I)) Ci)itii hack iii I)ecetttber, j905,I tttil',t HI) I tt'titt ti)) Iltilietitt tS far itacic ao I)rceittter ¿tite way..t'i'iitittg ) titi attii yiiitrH a tl;ijii»' New 'ear, atti yeti ttia' live for 9

Vi',(r'. intl titer ttrittide, atti tlwayc reitiettlitir tity aiiiiresN, I atti,YiiurH i t 1JitoIIoii,

J, E, eeot''ite (No. 794!).

?ilctttiersat. C rcqtteetetl to write tuis ollice promptly ifthey Liii to receive Tite l3ulictjii. We take great painsw t tu tile utah ht g i ist, btu itt spite of al i our care the wron g111111e 1', ',ottictiinCs niarketi oli titrotigli inadvertence. Morefrct1ttetitiy, however tioti-receipt of the paaer is duc to ourtint beitig adViSC(i of ciiattgc of address.


A brother vIiO is recorerillg frotti an operation for ap.1tctitlicitit writes cheerfully as foliows

Sas , ott itoy, sittce titat raise itt oniary at Portland, Ii occurs to tite yoitsttoiilil soeti tie tinattcialiy able to itare yours attiputated. Couic on, joinlits dub neil show lItaI liiuc blood you blatt' about ! \'e1l, I ate Ilapity1(00 alIt! atti golttg lo save ttty Ilelitties Hit I can go io tite Oklahomaanuitai itet year. No. -

'rue titen have orgallized an order Valied Kokoal"which it is hoped will be to tile coal business what Hoo-Hoois tothe lumber industry. The initiatory. cerernonie of

tue 115W ortler will be called " Kortiscatioiis " and tite pinwill bear tite iettcrs O l' sud the figures 7-11 and 4-11-4,4. To a Sòutherncr these figures suggest tile negrogain-bing game of craps,' hilt possibly tile coal tttcn will read

i Il to titelti a new local! i ng.

A Fellow-!seIlng.

Eiltir Tite Iltitietiti ° i i ike 'ott a whole lot tiotre itice you'yltresoil yiillr it! I itl so freely abtoit tuai niait Giiisoit who itiade thoseiatttirti.jaweil facts oit tite ritti of a rtttjiter neck, I hope ito fi nils a goull'aclier attI ieatts to 1i;tiitt list ter lita ii its eau drate. Fvery Iltite I taceeapreqseil iii_t' feetiti gs over ttitt 1iicttiree I itave tail a scrap Now Itt;tti' (itititit tute witt feels a I ib a id I catt't Iteip tint rettiark abitui ht.


After ali it Ills)' Ite merely a temporary relief. TheGibson giri of thc future will probably be a Paillted 11130-

strosity-as sollte one has reniarked, ' a combination ofblue tltothkey and stittititer suitset."

ilotv abtaut ail those woitcierful things that \vere goingto be accoiitplished through tile use of radiutti ?


l'bllisdelpli!ts WantS tlitt ítiiriu*l.

A recent letter froto a prominent metnber contains tilefoiiowiiig:

I hiatt just hteanl fritta a brother who attended Vicegcretit Slteip'.stirot coticatettatioti atti! lie said it was a great sucesos. Also that l'lilla-iieiiiitia floo.iloo titiitk they itoaiil itave tue ait tittal lu 19(17 i nsteail ofliailistore atol aro gttittit to take off littir Coals attil go after it at Okia-ltiittta City,

I)lvurslfle,J Talents.

here are the " specialties " which Alex. White, of Du(i_jtloiii1 iii., at1yertiss iti 'rue 1vening Cali of that place:

Alex. Witite, killittg ttitgs, setlittg otit stiatic trees, digging welle,strat;' for iiititdittg atti carpets, att vreactli 1g Oil tite Sabbath lily sIte-ciaitie. Leave unters at Getgers bakery, uaiti's chore or at ¡uy hotusoil McLiatt ¡oid Weiis streets.

As will be seen froto the formal reports Hoo-Hoo affairsill Maryland are iii itiost satisfactory condition, a factwhich lIltISt be extremely gratifying, not 0111)' to tite pres-cot Vicegerent, ]3rother George I. Waters but also to ]x-Vicegerent Jouit r. Aicocli, whose illelnolaiale meeting attite ilotel Lexitigtoii in Baltimore about eighteen monthsago itariced an epoch in the progress of tite Order, Titeway time oid-tinte Baltimore members tutti out to attend aconcatenation shows tite deep interest they feel in tite wel-fare of ìloo-Hoo.

081cc of Tltayer Ltmnttier Cottipatty, Muskegoti, Mich December 29,1905.- t' ' I ctijoy readi:t Tite liulleti,m-tlie ettconiiunms as well antite oliter stuff, Gao, M. GOTSIIALL.

Glad to know'tltat tile CotltpliltlentS are interestimtg-be-catise tite temptation to publish theimi is irresistible I Theotembers of the Supreme Nine, including tile Scrivenoter,are uncommonly imiodest meli, and the salIte is true of theHouse of Ancients and ali the Vicegerents. But TheBulletin has no modesty at ali, and not only treasures alltite bouquets flung at it, but shamelessly waves them aloft

)O, Ae5tH; .,, .


It isn't a persoital matter at ail--tt is siutply th joy of theworker, without which titere would be notittllg to 'riteJ3uiietin to praise. Work that is tiot joyous is drCdgery,and drudgery is sometiting titat does not attract enCofitiutils,A compliment paid titis ¡taper is mereiy tite return currentof tite er.joytneitt that is put into it, The i3ltlictjn enjoysitself deeply and robustly. Time effort to live up io floo-IIoo'n I1Otto, Heaitit, Happiness and Long Iife, is a con-stant inspiration, and the retmlrn current '' ill tite shapeof kind words fromut its readers constitutes a sóurce of vital-ity that never fails.

1iriiil Veil, Ore., Jaottarv 31, 1901.--1 emtclo check 11.99. PiraHeallitlY 99 ceo ts for itiy SiltS's attd 87 to I)istress Fittat. I IViittiil recito Illesitlltlt lit tite (text alt litai Ilt('etllIg actiott Sitoutd be taken to atltrtil tlt&'rules for by-laws, to create tttiieal or senti-atittual dnes for J)limesFuitti-say ti each year for every tiiettiber. Start tite ball roihitig.

'ours truly,, J. M. LSITIiS (No. 15546),

I an deeply oliliged to Brother teiter for above stlgges-tion, Ail titese stiggestions will be preserved aitd submit.ted at tite next annual nteetimtg, where, ho doubt, this witolemitatter of the Distress Ji'ttiid will coitie on for lengtity dis.cussioli.

In IcI,r,ury,

"Tite lilacs aie in bloom today,"Tite poet wrote-a fiat

Mistatenteitt, tmtadc iii boldest way,Why sitould lie lilac that?

-Posi Dispaki,.

Ills Weary Setrli.Sant Ji . G nytlier, presiden t of tite 1mo!:, Lumutier Cottipatty, Iltila,

fiss., seas in toOti last ireele atol called ou (lie Sou ruaI while io littest ofa steltograpimer willi a telegraph (lieratitig attacitttctit.

-Lii,,ij,cr Trafe 7etiroa/ F1,ruarj i.

Tite color question in tite Souilt sul nut dowim Eveit tite Hco-lIooHlletiit camite 01)1 Clirislnmas in a colored cOver.- H'rs/ Coati Lumber,,iii,.

flaitilnori-, Feltrtiarv 2, 1906,-A ni iii receipt if Jly'Laws, bttttott andTIme Jhllil(tlll for Decettihier atol iaitttary for ts'lticlt I llttuik you tuitcit. Asyet I atti titily a l(layftll kitteti of a few Iterlts growth, tt'lto is f;tst lettrit higto appreciate tite "Light of io wllicit itiy killeitisli eyes llave1)5512 SO recelltly opelteti ; likewhi,e 1'ite littihetitt, 1)0111 Itttfll$cr5 (if wliiclt Irecel ved htave beeit rca(l front lucir li) hiver,'' aud have breit fotittd soVery Interesting that I now eagerly await (tie arrival of tile Felirtitirycdl licol. IVIsIm (1g iIoo-IIoo and 3(i)) rsvlf a li the success ilitit so y(itti(g tilloo-Jloitcait, I aii fratertially yotrs,

Jli(tOtIJi T, STACIC (16014'.

Jacltstsm, Is! los., February 6.-Dettr lhttliiitt; I tttti ast'ful titis)'. iltiveit 't

tutte to tell you liott' I ahilireciate you aitd tltat how itiucli I t Ititik of youa,t4 thai you grete belier and better every ntl(lltlt. If I lIad tIte wti ofYour brilliant editor I tt'ottld say lots of good tlihttgs about you, bitt stifliceht to say titi- t I look forw;trd to your Cult) imtg every IliontIt attd regí, nl 30)1an tIme liest ever. I wish 30)1, Brot her lhairtl, atol all Jlito.Jloo, tIltIc!) liaI).Iii,1055 attti a uoiig li f(. Yours frttierjmal y,

E. F. Joreits (84181.


Anllouncenlent Itas been received of tite milarriage ofMr. Lewis Oscar Smith, No. 10401, of Clarksbttrg, w. Va.,to Miss Sarah Rose Boggess, also of Clarksburg, t'iiicltitappy event occurred January 15. The bride is the daugh-ter of Mr. B. Stringer Boggess andis a iitostcharming andlovable young Wontan. Mr. Smith is associated with Mr.Bogg-ess in bui,iitess, The newly :itarried par will residein Ciarksbm-g. '

11uttic IL BItIIIC I)ireetor

Tite Bulletin is in rocii1tt of a Birmioghaiti Aid,, ¡tilpercolttaittimtg anexteitded aitil very coittialintentary notice ofVicegerent Sibley P. Kiug, whose excellent concatenationat Biriuinghaiifott Jantlary ¶1 t'as reported ill last Biilletimi.Til e liii itt i i Ighatit per .a t s

;- - ,



VJC101(itI,NT 1', Ksit,,if tite Nortitci ti Distrl.t of Ai.tii,titt,,, ttiiii lt,i jitAt iieeuliottoreil ti lili .t Itatile iIiriiorslti p .ittd w ito hi,

ltrOloitIe(tt liOhitiLlh) h it lus Si,tte,

Mr. Shtiit' P. Khttg tt'ti etci_teil a dir.ti,r of lite 'i'ratleis NaliititalBank al titc Imleetitiv of tite board of direriori, teiterilay, Mr. Kitig isprcsideitt of tIle }Ciitg Ltttubitr Cotttjiaity and Sibley Cual Coitt pa II)' aitda w011-kitOwi, till iimtlUetlti,tl iitiittesq mu,ttt, 11e is also TirnhtllltetitlyColittectetl wit li t Ite Retaih Lit ttiber l)e,tii'rs' Ai,',ii,tth,'mi il) NOI litern A it-hanta.

E5eisoiial Meiitjüii.

Brotiter B. Ii. Davis, of Sav,tmmijah, Ga., itas been iii forsollte weckt, in tite Joititi, Hojtltiii5 I{()61)ital at Baltijitore,but at last reports w.ti, illlproving rapidly.

H. T. hart, LaPorte, hid,, ecrctary aitd treasurer ofthe Central Associ,ittomt of 'l'.tveiimig Littlimbel, .Sttslt all(iDoor Saiesmiien, itas lately tIlIdergolle .10 oi)erdtioll forappemldicitis, bitt expects to bi' able to atteini tite tilectillgof tite associ ittioll ill this ittontit,

'rite Biiliethi i(IIOW'. a luau iii ìt1iS',j',i1)J)i svito itas residedtitere for solime ye.trs, who i .s pr.tctical luinbcrtiiamt of niamlyyears' exi)erleilce, tviio itas a persolm,tl .tcqtm,timltallce willttite 11h11 11h01! 11 tite sotitlterii pat t of tl'e State secomid to noother limai) i mt tue Soutit. Ti is ni.tmi W.tllts it positiomi to bltyyellow pilie intuber for sollte good nortltemnandcastermt coli-cent. I-Ic cail furnish good refercltcc-6 amtd is willing towork for a mitoderate saltity. lViio caii u',e itimn ? Iii miyjudgitient ito ca,t iiitmke inomtey for dll Coltcermi Wilo willeiitploy itint.

Dr. Phaker-Take tills prescription; lt will either khIor cure you.

Patient-But suppose lt kills me?Dr. Phaker-Nothlng ventured, nothIng gained. My

motto is °No curo, no pay," so l'in taking a chance as weilas you.

f -


' j

Page 5: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi





- 9



, A:4? ''





Short NoUe. Ml,CtIHg aL Mrn,tgoiiury.

ViCegcreTlt F'. P. McCoriiiick, of the Central 1)trict ofAlahatna , wa a1)J)Ojt)tC aiil histalled only a few weeksah'th IatIy in January, however, he discovered three orfou r prom i lien t sa w iuill nico ¡n A laba nia who vere ex-treinely alixious tø wear the I)llttOfl, and arranged to holda OflCatCflatioii for their encIit. lie injtiatetl eight goodllR I ;ii1 W'rites Of li is COflCatelIa t ion as below,

Ils was fortuiiate in having in the station of the Ju;iiorMr. SS', \V'. ( Bill ") 1athljmi, formerly of St. Louis. Mt.la1hhtt1i lins been located in Montgomery for nearly a earhast, ;j i)l h s ni a n)' friends vill 1)0 dcl ighted lo know tltthe is clojig niigh ty wel I. t hbu n al so acted as Juniorat t he spIe odid concatenation at J3irui in gham oo January9, reportc(l in tlw January issue of 'rlie Bulletin,

Vicegcrent 1cCoriuick s'rtcs as follows:'FJitrt. is hilt uscii to s;Iy rVardhi tIi cniicttuat;oi i 1151(1 tore on

Jinuary 3, 'rIit u bei iiç Hiort u wijich I liad io work i t ip necnsI-lII9I U llIIoIIo'r JI Call(Illlali.s, Iy IiUt'ijn vas to Iia'o tito ree.ular IloI.JJ(,4, llIjIllI'r , toit ZU lilo 1a91 day one uf tIit c;íiiclidatoq s%'asCa1191 eilt r the cli)' iiil Iid IH,( return ri lisie for the cerenIony Colme.ljllellII' l%.e lma1 (lilly tight, ICIII1 Ilere mn lmeiliIiummI a tllimicli of Calllliltateilam. lIer rmlIírmI tIme I,;emO frmtll nu olllr,n.lmI tlllOhl tlmimm- ls,lig tlmree oftill' 111(91 1Ìr011111191t $11V mull hell 11f AI:mlmallmfl. 'l'ue ottetitig vaa called1dm drIllT It ldlllullILIy iiii tmtitti15. 11ll mille, 1li' illitIald,r cereildoimjesIre Cd)lldllmdtdml

mm a dIr) llldmrl,l,gll mmmli 'ff(CljdC IllaTimler amid, judgingfromim lii miladi)' euimrd'milmlmu of atifaclId,ll imeammi fromim time ¡ievly mimadeIcilleimu Illrug tile smuuimddi (dli lime r,o(, lidie Sir 111111e of 111mm 11maI feltthey mami aliytttlitg Iludir coddlilIg nimmt ail tdCdiV,dl (tmli rallie for lucirlllddllCy

AlliddlIg I lie l)rdd!!lit,rtll ilod-IlIdI mim dm're ird(ml dIas W, J. Vailaceof NaIimiiue, 'J't,iiit,, l'Idi \'iCldreilt IT ule Ceiilral l)iulrlcl (mf that State,dylild attml am ltlatr I,! derelllddldlmu, 'l'iit .1'j,,1i ii lime roof tm:ms ami lu-fnmpmm:ml tff

I r a mmml Vir', 4ddjm1v:dtdld.,

I ('etmect Im, 111)111 llIddtl,4.i CddIlCtll'Iialt,dll cmnu, millIe iii dlarCli, mmmmd iiilllid cuIll.1 mdi j mIami t dl t 1mai11< you fur s,,mti ulmmllmlIm(uu il getting oiellii liiiiik, au I re;mii,m, limai I 11ml mmml imiti- yiiii e aniple hule,

Suluirlu, 'iV. J. t\';il huici; Sellier hum-hou, \V. S, llemmiiimg; Jiiiiloi 111)1)-hou, IV. \', 1ldtthiliiii ltuijii ni, l, i', Vliuuiuri; Scriveimot,'r, A. A . Jamimmer,J i.; Julluld{rn'i,Ck, 'l'tmmiuiiau IV. 't'iuui ; CmmutilczmIi;lii, l. J. atyrru; A rcaiom.tiri., ll&'uijuiimitii Il, Cox, Ji,; lili.uluui, C. S. Alamas,JÇd)

lirujumlis l'hdimlis, lliliitgl)uuiery, Almi,; larme' E. i'. F100115 Cii,l5i.l l'mp '' ii'ui O l'oskr, dlimmmlgoimier, A la; 'l'ha IdmihI, If. Jeuilcs Liimo.hirr Cm,15)54 ltlmm'rl A liguait us Itiul t, 'Il)litgiimmiury, A la. Vmii. Caumeromi & Co., SLlomiis. Mim.

l5)5 Juli11 %Vi'sliy I I mi I Imicti (t, "ich, A la. seCictair mmod Ireasu rar Ijiimi.mi cu t l'5i; I Lulumilmar Ca,

1598mm Jamii1.s lhlulry Ja)uImsm,mi, iloimlgommmrrv, A la. hiarculauumiur agentA limiricaim Car & Fiiiuiiulry Cu ., SI. luiuuis, riti,.lsdleT

\vlili1 II lCumi mditrr Neal, 'm'ick, Al:i. ; Irestdlemit 'rime Ilmimmictiti.Niil fiumi l,,'r C1,ls')38 Aiiolj,lm mia Clark Sleii

rl, Mi>mitgiimiiery, Ala, ; lmmmrctaslmmg agent li lirtuim & Co,, l',emm York, N. 'Ç'.

l5i)$)Clemim1'ims 'l'imeocliura Sli;immss, ltmmiulmiii, 1ia, gemmerai imiamiagir FIoraIaSaal nut Co.

Coilcaleimauii,mi No, I h17, Miiiitgouumery, A ta., Jaaaar 13, i9O.

it Shilentilil Oiio ut Ihititlimioro,

'l'the iltilletill dcepl3' deplores the ftct that it was Ihotable to report Ill January hlIhlhlber the splendid concate.nation }lCltl at IlaltilIhore Jamivary ii by Vicegercilt GeorgeF. \V;hterst}ue tirt concatellatiohl to be held there duringhis adhuhihhistrallotI. It is a rule to send The Bullti topress Ihot later lIlaO tug 1Otl of each Inomitli-and the reportof this coucatcilatioll did not reach us hhntil the 13th. Iti8 too bad to have a re1jort like this go over so bug, but it

'' d','.'

cannot be avoided, as bug as The Bulletin i publishedonly iliontlily. Perhaps in titime the little paper will workhI such a clientage of enthusiastic readers that tIle Orderwill feel impelled to hllake bOule arrangements for its morefrequent pilbilcation.

It hs been said ill years past that there never could beworked tb ¡n the bigEastern cities the saine degree ofinterest áud entihhlsiasmn in l-loo.}loo matters as exists iiithe Central utild Western States among the producers oflhillhluer. lt lias beco a rather slow work, this pushing 1100-Hoo in the 1ast, anti lIas called for stupendous efforts onthe part of the Vkegerents appointed iii that part of thecountry. Al last, however, good results arc apparent.'riiey have beeii apparent at Baltimore for three or fouryears, but even there they are liccolhhihIg more Conspicuous.It is doubtful if there is 110w' a lIbre enthusiastic bo-I-boCehhter in J'mnerica tliati Baltinhore, and very doubtful ifthere is another city of its size where iliore of the leading,first-class, representative, wealthy lunhbermen are activeparticil)ants iii Iloo-Hoo iiiatters. Soiiie further remarksoli the growth of interest in Hoo-Hoo in the Eastern citieswill be found recorded in the report of a recent excellentcoilcatenation at Philadelphia held by Vicegerent J. H.Sheip.

'l'o get back specifically to the meeting of January 11 atllaltimorc : lt is doubtful if a inure ucccssful, cleahi-cutand thoroughly enjoyable concatenation has ever beenheld anywhere. From the foriiial report below it vill beSedI that thirty-one men were initiated, and that the Ineet-ing was participated in by iiieii whose naines have longbeen fantiliar in the lumber trade-\Vatc-rs, Becker, G-III,Rotve, Mottu, Croiiiwel, Burt and Jailles, and tlie theScrivenoter, Mr. F. C. Manta. It is true the latter i notm'OW actively iii the luhhiber tracte, but to see that Ile liaslost 11011e of his old'tinheHoo-Iboo elltllulsiashn it is onlynecessary to read the two-coIhhllIn aCcohhntti of the cuneate-li ation in the local Baltiuiiore ppe

Quite as gratifying as the size of the class was tIte largeattendance of old members and prominent visitors frouaOtIt of towui. 'flic report shows fifty-four hhlCU present atroll call. Reuheluber, this ineetluig was held in connectionwith no association affair of any sort. It stands separatettld apart as a IJoo.Iloo function pure and siniple

; andthat it was so largely attended ou a inid.wínter night, withthe weather nOlIC too good, is very gratifying. Among thel)rolmhihient Visitors fr0111 OhIt of town appears tile llame ofSupreme Jabberwock E. Stringer l3oggess, of Clarksburg,w. Va.

Vicegerent Waters writes very modestly of this nheetiulg.He ad!hhits that Ile put ill practically two weeks of lais time011 this hilcetihig, but says that its SUCCeSS was 0h11)' attailleduy reason of tile hearty Cooperation and assistance teilderedh ini by all tile oId-titule lilellIbers. He specifically men-tioiis in this connection ex-Vicegerent Becker, E. C. mlantzand that old-tiiiie sturdy worker, Jolimi L. Alcock. Mr, Wa-turs concludes his letter with the significant statement: ''Ihave six signed-up and paid applications for another meet-ing. for which i will begin active arrangements as SOOn aswe have recovered froni the meeting of last night ; I feelshIre another splendid class can be had right here amongourselves."

Jalaberwock Boggess writes as follows of this meetingYou have 111e flalthmiiore imemmupapers' account of Vicegerent Waters'

great Coocahcnatloii on the 11h11, whIch altI, Ills and Scrh'euoter Macto'report vlll give you a Correct Idea of tvliat J bullere to be (lic largest andumlaut ootable coilcatonatioij ever held In the East. It was a great ßaccSsgIll every particular. I tihInk no Vlcegerent ever liad more enthuelasticamid earnest support hhiaui Brother Waters lias had, reflectIng tuo goodwork doii by hIs predecessors, Becker amid Alcock,as well as ahmomyuiighis limdIvImIlimal popularity. Emery Maryland Hoo.Roo helped. Plie truespIrit of time Order Is abroad iii lialtliiiore, amid great results may be ex-poded later.

" 'ies-s a.


Brother (flIt added hew laurelt to Ills reputation as " The JunIor othe East,"Plie facts about tIii'm comicateimatlon arc timoreugIui cot'red iii tIme

umess1mtper reiiort mailed yna eace1mt I 0011cc-d Iltat Jlrotlier Waters mssIdo ummodesm ii forgot to litt lmiiiicif lii assae of chia otlmcers of tIi moectimigand tInt every former \'icegsrcml(

m,f Marylammd Sas pi-cuculi,- vlttm limeexceptiomm of lintlier tirtmy, sclmo was detailled 1)1ml of toWn.

There is a gnmiul deal of hallc mit llaltinj,mrc for iim aimililat Of 1907, aiidI feel 5lire that llore will be heard about this later, amici at the mirolmerhiouc,

Tli newspaper Clippiulgu to wIliel, Mr. Bogess referscontained extellded notice of the fact tllat Baltimore Willprobably be a vigorous bidder for the annual ineetimig iii1907. 'Jhs matter is also toliclied on ill letters fr0111 Vice.gerent Vaters, Alcock and others. While TIme BlIllétillhas no authority to nialte definite allIlohIncemlIeuit, it willhazard tiIc guess that f J3altimumore puts in her laid for the1907 immeetiug, elle will be a coiltestalmt difflclt to vallquisla,

Plie Bulletin cannot cIos its ColIhuulelIt on this colhcate-uiatiomi without a word of special coanlmuendatio;a for thesplendid work eonmeboy did as press agellt. The hilihletie)does not recall any recent coucateilatioul in a city like Bal-

flooii lteport Vroum .Ioj)iluu,tilnore where the notjce in the local papers have been,A frIend of 'ihie Bulletin, viao attended (lie muectitig,

lIbre exteumsigo coImmiarehemluive and well vrjttcui. \Ve do-

semids n (lie following well written ,tccotmnt of the e'cellc'mltnot knn'- to whom Crcdat for thais good work us due but. ,

illeetimig at Joplin, Mo., oui Jamlimaly 9, held by Vlcegerelltdesire to call attention to tIle matter to (lie end that all,

llomumer P. Allen:Vicegererits holding couicatemiatuons avtll give heed to thisuil portan t miiatter of having adequate auch proper notices Jø1iliii, Mo., Jaim diary mu.-'rlio Ihm,u.floo

emmulCalee,itlomms at Jo1ili im aie.

imsmlally.cilji).umbIe affaIrs. 'flic odie held liSie lmiiiighit, time clmislmmg t'v'mmt ofappear mn the local papers, In ninny lhhstances the local

tIt aim im mal the Tmlmm State Assoctailimmi, am .is mo enu'ptlm,ii to liii' i Idle,pajiers, In an effort to funny, prepare and Publish Plie Joumlimi lloim.lIi,o arc a royal lot of good feIlsm amid, lits tim a goodniost rid iculous accotiuts-mlot calcul I ateci to elevate tu is " mmtamiil.imi," they secimied foi' t lie IiCCiiIiIOii lIli' hand somimi' Ii.ummmj let I n'lui ofOrder or please the miacn who bald lauem bcrsh Ip imi it. fliese time mie bilge Wim cii tIme Jopi mi El lo liare j iSt CIiiliJiII'teiI. Tui' cooe,mte..

mialimmim meas not adverhtseil widely, aimil mIme e lass sill) iiiimimljcrtcl temi, PlieIlaltuullore notices arc gratIfyIngly free fre11i anythIng ob-

eau Idoles, liomemmvcr, Were all iii guild cumul (mou, i eailm for .hiiytliiimg lilatjectionable, and one of flac articles, splendidly written,umilgimt uiahmlii. lt is imeeilless ho add that 'tmhliiiigo hialilmeileil,"shows a veiui of geumuivae liUmlIor. Bitt for lack of space w 'rIme comicatelmahloim was tile tirot mmimderhliedircm tiimmi (If Itommier I'. Aliemi,would reprint these notices ifl ftill. of Kammoas City, the nemvl' almimoimited Vicigeremmi Smm,mrk for Western rit5., climi C, amlil lilo hirot autmmmil1lt Was a glttteiimmg smiccess, lie ,hCteil to iil,iqlm'r

he sessiom Oli (lie roof following (lIts Concatenationcei'iiiimolhues aiid Jiicimi'mI out a gotici set of ofltcer lo liammiltotlme Wotlu,fell in no way behind the initiatory work iii excellcuice. f;eorgmu w. O'ilalliramm, the liovlular occiehar' of the 'l'olmi St,O Ammcl,i.'nie mneulti was as below r

Ilium, WitS selected to lmmiidlc the J ii muir mmiii li, but Gi'uii ge, ti tin Is vemyimimidest (alllmoimgli (lime woiitd immut tllimik cmi by lookimmg at uhu, iIeegemI OIT),amid liarr)' (ui)rsmmciu, mello liumo liceo attemimlimig ilmio-iloii CliliL,mteiiailmilm5 sbug that lie lo fa militar mmi iii al I i lie details mmf ilie mm orli, sm'.iq pm cooed iliumSeii'ice, aiiil for abim'it aim hiimiir uni t hIle treimit,li mg liitteiim, Ihm rmmuglm .t emmimrsaof stuiits that ocie rilifyiimg lo ail aiimlieiici' of .itmoiii fmmi tm. Niiilmimmg ofa m'cri' omurimimlo imatore tialmlmciiell io aihy of lime camlilmdaleq, ahlil afiem theire)'cs liad tremi smell olmomiril aeil they liait gammmliumleil ¡mm the oiiioim lied, aloil'celi taken imitmi full fellmiwslm ill all in-esel amijommi mmcii lii iii .11lJillliil'griolmim, m'iiçe a imollstaumlial rijmmlot smuts lllirialdl'ii of, 't'ho i.Oiim.111'iiatiomicamilo to a Close alomiut nmtdiilglit In orller limai a mimimiiliar mif Ilmo lireilmreiiimmiglit lake laie trahis for holmio, amid

umummutiler litglml3 l'iijiia ,it,ic .11111 emg-Ceosfol commealemiatiomi iii i me himigil lug cil)' of Jimpllii mm as at um cud.

Sivarlc, J. C, Stewart ; Seiu or llmmo.i [mml,, Jammiis T. iVhuileime.iil ; J mliuiorHiiii.ilimo, harry A. Gorsimcli ; fli'jniui, \V. It. Lcttiiim Scrim cliSter, E. i,Smmuiil ; Jabberwock, \%'. A. Su'imd fmmrd ; Ciimilocahlamm, i. E. Eilmi e; Ai calloper, E. 1). Wluliesiles ; tIll rdoii, IV. McClmm mug.

I6OI .lcrommue Cimero limmrgess. Carl J ilneilomi, Mo ; J. C Ilmirgeos,101124 Charles llowilry Fliiyd, J{aiisao Cuy, rilo.; acoiI,iuut HL'cretar ,S,w. L. Assimclatko.i&123 Jammucs Framuli (;midgeuu, Webb City, rilo,; mumamiager Fore',t LiimmutierCo.16024 Chanes Emlw'ard ilmumuul Itmimu, Alba, no, ; iivaiu.ugeu Miumeral lIebLmuimulmcr Co.

itMI ilomm'aril Chase Leommaril, Glrard, Kas.; H. C. Leomuaril.luo George KerrMaclile, Scaimmumuomi, Ruts.; Imariuler Maclou' & McJ)ommaid,16027 Siiuieoii Oued ¡'erricli, Dlaiuuouud, M'i,

; imiaivager Di,iiuuomid LumuumarCo.

iSMS Charles Coilmmiaiuiiuie Swaoomiuu, Jasper, rilo.; ouaivager Ilorgimer-itomm'maui Liuimiber Co.IfiO2O Cluarley Fimrd Tluoumupooum, Jolillum, rilo.; parhmuer tvalmmlu.'I'luoiiupsoiu

Luimiuber Co.i6030 Guy H. Ward, Clmrramuvjlle, Kas.' iumaiiagcu' ra'all arut Dkli.msoim.

Goodinaum lumimuir Co,, }Cauusaum City, Mo.

Couucatcoaiiomu No. 1199, Jopliul, rilo., Jauuimary 9, 190Ó.

Thirteen Ist Iuudiusuuspoiis.

Vicegerent George D. Sissoui, of the Nortlierit Districtof Indiana, held lais first colicateuaatjoui at Indianapolis ouiJanuary 9. Wc regret not having becua able to report thisfleeting ill January liUhhiber óf The Bulletin. He initiated

isoos lleuiry Clay Mattlue s, Ilaitlnuore, Mit. ; imrohlrletorpluos, M,mtuimc,m sIi Sou,111107 Tlmmmmum,u'. A ilium rita co.. liai I i mimare , Mit ; L lImit d t'mi.liitIOS (;('i)rge Ileilum Pio'lmlimmaimuu, li.mlilimmimum',

nil, ; immi'iiilo'r 1',o'tllmoOmim, d_Sclmmmelmfe,

110(19 Harry Ficldimm Relit, iialliumim,re, Mml ; Geo. E. Walermi ,t, Co,Itillo Jaumues Ciuililjeu't Rowe, lIaIt imiiomi', nil. ; J. L. Gil ieri & lIre I4Immmber Co,lmmcu1t Saiuuimel pms1cliv Rylamud, ilumiti mmmii e. hTml, ; ilrestlti'mut Rs lallil &. Ilrimi,lio Llummmlleu' Ci,.i(,(tI \\'illlammi Jacob Scliuu'pfe, liaitimmiimre, riuil, immeummli,'r if tmrmmi il,iu'hi.liSIO & SciuluI'l,fc,16013 Gcor5e lltglmimrlce " Sclummmmmaclmer, tiiimouc, hit.

; Gea. Scimmi.iilaclmiq,1(014 Jei,umme 'releolmlimuroiis Stack, Ilaltimmitim e, nil, ; immeimmbrr Jmmlumi Stack& Smmiuo,

11011 A lIen Oltii Steli I, umilI Immiore, nil. ; \V. V. Jimmies t ColÚt)lti Cham les Elowortli \Vat,'m's, ritI, \vasuumumgumii, Îil,l, ; mmmemmmto'r Cmii, ii.Vm'atm'rs & Cil,ltl)i7 'J'hu,immas lJollida' Wet).sler, Ilíultlimiome, Mml,; P, il. Wi'l, Clmmries iLm rl \Vililammms,,ui, Iiallimiummr,',

html. ; Carhm'r Ililglmes & C'o,Isolo ilmmseaEmtgar Voffou'it, Ilaitliummire, nil, ; geim,'ral imm.lmmagi u Eomerso1m

11,1)2ml Jamimemi ilarlome Yoot , ila I t iuimore, Islut. ; Id. lì, iViioit Lmmmmilier Cmi,

Cmmmmcateumatioiu No. 111)8, limultimiimmec himl., Ja mu. I i , 1000,

Ciieruyst1m,jCimiusomum mumm l'rimltaimiere

Colors' Salted AIiliOuIdH . Otl,. Filet of Solee Tartar Samuce

Potatoes LezermaSmveeibreaulmi cul Cases, liceluanmel

Mallard Dud11 CresosmGaulvaJclly, lilllltiiiy Crm;quettes

Mcrcivammt's ClImb SaladPulii Friulti Ice Creaimu

CalicF ra a age

Coffm0Cigare Cigarettes

Snarlc, Ceo. il. Valcro; Sciulor Iloo.lfom,, Limumis lleclier Jmimuior Iba.lIoo, lYlil lamii I), Gill Iimmjuou, \V. L Rosso; Scrls'eumIiter, E. C. rilaiiui;Jabbermm'ocic, Theodore Mimtuii; Cilolocatiaim, 'Y. J. Crouuumm'ell; Arcaumo1mer,H, '1'. Jlmirt; Grrdoui, Norommuim Jamuico,

il'/,Io hlermiard Joiuiu Barrett,Md.; secreimmry aummi treasimrerIlormitmiucier Liumiuber Co.

15991 George Nicholas iioweum, Jr., llalttmmjore, Md.; J. L. Gllliert & Bro,15992 Harvey Rowland Claji1i, Haltlmmuiire, Md,15if)3 Rlcluaril J aoues Colimiuna, Ilaltimimore Mil. ; mimaluager J, S. lirlggod Co.iSl'M t'aiml "Associaiioim " Conclu, Ilaltimeire Md. assiotaimt secrehary

Retail Lommmtuer J)ealers Asoociatiomu,15915 Jolumu inuimea I)uffy, Sr,, ilaltimmmore, Md.; gemmeraI milailager Lafay.etto Mill & Loimuber Cmm.hIlos Jolie Jouies I)uff', Jr., llalimimere, Md.; Lafayette Miii dt Lmummuber

iSM7 Marry I'iiillp i)lllter, flaltiumumire, hut. ; flmCmimbcr of tirio Otto Holierdi co.15918 Wllilaumi Drawer Gumrdleer, Jr., Ammimapolis,Md.; W. 13. Gardlmier, Jr.IlMa Garrett Liuiiuecoimu Ilelfrlcii, rittI. ; G. L. iielfrlciu,udIto Lee Lasm'reuice Ilerrell, Vasiuilmgt0ui, D. C.; Leo L. Jierrell & lIre.1(001 Joimil Romuuer Jotes, Baltlmmioro1 hid.; vice PresIdent llorstiiueierLoumiber Cu.16002 Joluum Heury Kraft, flaltluiuore, html,;

mimemmuimer of firmi' J, L. Gilbert& ¡1ro. Luumuuber Co,l(i003 Gm.jrg Henry Kuhst, Ilaltluumore, Md.; proprietor dIas, H. flrimuusit Co.16004 Janice "Joker" McDoog'ail, Watertawum, Fia.; East Coast Lmuimu.ber Co.ltOO5 Marry Joseph Malllmews, Ilaltlmmlore, Md.; Dftos, Matthews & Somu.

- '0,


Page 6: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi




the iii1itcky thirteen $t iwd reports a sncceiftiI aiid en-joyahle ineeUng_ 'lue fl11etin desires to remark in pa'-ing that it m itOiiiIing how often this number thirteenil1OWL up a; tlui thinberof in,ite. In writitigof the con-calciintion Jirother F. J. Ptitnatn. of the Anson-Llixoii Coin-flflp $i3

l'lh I.1Ie ifluii,ern'ns CnìivenI j)i ns ich here on the 0thiid(llJL iILI a % e i s at ii4L1iICtL Ij('yC(l t LIIIjL4e tliorouiihly. Sa%'

,' eÍl f lu- ° b(0 h Çrnn St 1,iLh .ind Clileago among lito 4iX ituiItirL I till lllilIlU,

IVL4111 liL1S lt JI I iilii Lt C(,llCatellLltil)ll 811(1 ilIli tiirtttigii titoiii' lit litirtetil,''

Jiiit, i it.t C ,tttt'tltIOLi C(,,tLti011Lttitttlh itii ttvtt tillÑ Cotttlir% %ttti titreoit, itiIiLllaitOl liti iiti %LtO ítiU)tlt titi " ttorttttsI '' )f titttil ail,

i IlLfltt't,ii tilL tttt bt'llve iIttt lttittit (at '' toititi ilavL ttlitoi ag it'd ni t hili,St i t ito liai tvati CttiiiltietLtitlY aiuive 2ll)O tit'griett.

Nitrttlo'r i iitltt',tt ttt'ttt t iirtttigit iy itlttisti1 and graii_y ttitttttl litocrottil b itt o oiiIIujttt'i rei,l' ttl cites j,'' for you, to titiettliolts. lit vatt

cri ttIltitttit LiotUt "ttt'ttItlt,! Lili tilLO lIaIt cotttlttg to lutti '' aitti We sawlitaI toglI I , lit t i:ttit' ollira for gisid ItaslIre,

alittit, JI. A »,t ita ; Sott [or iit)tt-Iittt, L. E. Ftti ir; Jttttittr ltt,o4ioo,irriti MC,itt let lkt,illlii 3 , i Titotttpstti ; Scrirotittir, V, I, iltti,1,trd,i ail, 1111.15, L i, i".11tgit t Cttattcaiiati, E. l. Jltttioipit ; Arcancit'r,AieLtltI'r ii.LlltilItll (llrtI11, Johti Cttttjtt'i.itt3l \iiittr tlit t Atitiorsoti, iitazli, intl.; st'cretary, ireasrtr'r and

Itt, Itaii'r itLltli Lutttit'r C, --lídtl (Iitri. iir,ti'r lit,tott, it,tttvliie, iii, ; iaritlt'r habit luts,ittl), iisbt'rt Ora JaJtsttt, ltltiiattaittiis, loti,; Gott. I). Slistttt Ittinior &

,ll i itgit' CO,1(1)34 Iilrr3 L \h(orlitick, lIttilallaittlis, uttth Atlaitis C. Co

I{ti5 iitIs't i hut itt Ìt1Nol i I. liraril, i titi, ; itartlIr R . B. i5icNoiii & Co.

11(136 i:itt arti 'ttl,trt Oliara, Frailk (tri, }y.; Anitti.1llxtttt Co,, ¡titi lati-aj,t,ils itid.

1(037 Jíist'1,it N. iilt,tt, \'l tictiites, i titi. ; ttiattagor Sontijerit Product Co.litt l.tttiit,)iiSt I titi.

u(,')38 iai,tcn C.titor ïita1,ut, Oaitlowii ititi, ; J. C. Snaut;i.i(d3') islitt ¡attttst,jt St0'ie, 'Forro hattie, jitti,; R. A. listitoti & Co,Itoh) ililliatu l,' 'J'it,ttiias, 'l'erro Httic, lttti. ; varuitr ?leNell I &

'J ii,,it,,ltO4i l'raiiit I)eLkrr 'I'iittioi 1,it, Ìtlttrtitltvluie, inti, ; .Sotttitert i ott latta

Lit tillar Ct,16042 ititis it4sl \'taItcr, \'estTerro Hattie. uitti,; itintiagorWeat Torro

I l,itiit' itt tttio't C,t.utn \s'iii atti iioutt \Vii loti, l,ttttit'iiii', Ky, Slitta Ltt itiitr Co,

('oltLatrtlltI,ttl NO, 121)0, iittiLttia1tttii, itti., JLttlttltry '), 191St,

MItltlttltl 2Tectlng nt l'lillttilelpii Iii.

I We Ii,td the best concatentatiout ever held iii Philadel-pitia, 1ver)'l)ot1y wtti 1iigIty pleased. 'l'ho ' Ou the Roof'w.t., lilie, aitci lite Suuuokcr was tite best ever given itere."

'Flic Wove it, oule of several 9ituiiiar letters received by'l'ue iliilletiit abolit the couucateuuation at Philadelphia onJIlt llar) 13, thu fi rs! to be lucid tinder the i neu iii benry ofJet t;ti IJ. Siiejj,, of the Eastern 1)istrict of l'ennsylvania.\'luile silly 'igiit liten swere iuuitiateci, the ineetiulg was allluit i'3 littlietleti jut tite brief quotation at the head of thisc(ttliltteitt. Iii to Otlu(,I' itlace in t lu is pa per sottie rcuui a rkswill ite found ito tlt growth of lioo.Hoo inteu'cst arud en-tlutisi;ittt u t tilL' Ja Storti Cit es. it 110 pOi ti t lias nuore ¡iltt"itgetice, jtCt,isteuie ;titd energetic work been (Ioule tofiurliter the u utterests of the Order than at Ph ii adel pit ja.

To ex-Vict'gcrcttt h'uiiiubargcr, 'lio presided over theEasteiti J)ktrit of the State for two ternis aun! vhio was,tttctkd b) \niccgircuit 4iiti!) few weeks ago, belongsthe chief cretilt of ltegiuuiuing tite work of ptittiiug lloo-Floooui tite luau e it hiotticl occupy iii Pii ilatlel 1)11 j a. Tue reportof tlti cttuictteuttatioui of the 13th allows that VicegeretutSliellt is ato lii) qualified to carry out aiuti enlarge the goodwork of lii', itretlecessor.

¡lis ueport shows a large attendance of the meulubers atPiuila(l(l1)llizt ittnOiig thiciti beiuug the uuiost representativeItintberttten of tue city. lut tite formai report below it vi1lbe seen lue litt! the active cooperation and assistance of auitttttlter of tluese tiucut.

Vicegereutt Shacip writes that lic iviil hold another con-cttetalioti dttring tite first veek in t.iarch autti that for this

,'.,,"t o,

rneetiuig he has a large number of candidates alreadyassured, At titis meeting lie expects to enroll three lifemembers-three of the largest wholesale lunuber dealers inPhiladelphia. He adds:

Vc waitt io keep tite Sali roillite aitti (o t,t,tiee tus Order strO,t inl'liliaticiplila among tito rC[,reaotttativti oteo lit tite iiaber tratte, Wetiiittit ofettleritig titó light for titti atittuai lo 1907, 1f I sticceed lit lOter.estln a tioztt or so itiore of tite tig ittittijortueit here, I feel sure titatour iteoitie Cali 1tttt itç, suci au eittt'rtaiittitetii tIf the attrivai ,ncetiit alt

lta itvor buforeiteen cxcdotl.

At the tinte titis was written, Vicegerent Siteip knewtuoth'tng of a siittilar tutoveittent being tiiscussed down at liai-tintore, IfiJaltittuore and Pltiladelpliia both enter the fightfor the 19t)7 atuuinai-phew, but won't that lie a, fight ! IfTite Bulletin does enjoy anything oit earth it is a friendlyfight tf titis sort, atud it pledges itself here and now to acourse of absolute ititpartiality between the ten cotitestants,while slyly procltiiuig each of tiiettt oit to tutore streuinoulseffort.



'; i


VicoGilegreT JottoMit H. Siten.,

of tite i'astorit District nl l'etiiisyivaiiia, 'ltosu roceitt Itigltly accesuftiiconcatt'iiati,,,i at l'il ilatleiputia is cotttntetitcti Ott i n titis issue aitd

tritt, IS tittliig a sitlotitlid work in ititorestl ttg In lito-Unotite representative iltntbticnto,t ti tile East.

We have the saute apology to make to Vicegerent Shicipas to others for the delayed report of his concatettatiout,Dotubtiess some of these Vicegerents tiuink it a little strautgethat their reports sent in by tite iStit of Jautiiary did utotappear itt the January a'tue. It migitt be well to explainthat the Jatutiary utnitiber of 'rite Bulletin, was sent to pressas usual, Jaultuary IO, but that on account of a breakdownjut the press rootut of tile coutcern which holds the contractfor getting ont tite paper, tite edition was not mailed tinti!abont tite 20th.

After tite initiator)' cereunouuies vere completed a hand-sottie diunter was served oui the tenth floor ,f the BourseBuilding, followed by a s,utokcr. The menu card and pro-gratnutie for titis smoker are uniqne and attractive. It isprinted out titiit wooden panels, the priutting being on bothsides. Tite card shows the menu to luave becui a very dab-orate otte and tite prograunine for the suuuoketinost attract-ive. Tite latter is below:

Unritono Solo-Sniectittit. ................................... W. J. O'DonnellGeritiati Cuttietlian ......................................... George llatnptottTenor Soio-Seiectioi, ....................................... D. L TrocknenTite lloo'Uoo v'l-'l:;st ........................................ . ,J, R. RogersSong-VIolets .................................................... Fred Yackeilrnitatttr of tile Great lulack Cat .............................. Edw. Betteett


SpecialtIesUatiniatt & WacltTotter Soie

D, L. TruclisonAt; Yott Lilo luTrod YackelViolin Soie .....................................

R. XogersSin-dailiesliattittait & Wacits

Barliotie Solow, j. O'L)otinetl- Seiectioit ........................................................

Edw. tlon,iettContotiy oit Untt.fl,)o ,,,,,-,,,,,,,,, .,,._..-...,,-,.-..,,,,t,,eorgc liantittoitTite Sweetest Stttry Ever 'Foiti .................................. Prod YackoiSotigu ,tf tite liar

ny tut iioo'iio

Titis tultiqute tatetutt card attd prograutuutte svere furnishedwith tite Cotttp!inletuts of the Sheip & \Taiidegrift Co,, titoweil-itnowit 1VitOlele Itittiber firm of which Vicegereutt

is tite head.

Shark, Jeruttte JI. SiteIp; Sottit,r llooHoo. Buraco (h liarard; Jtttiittrllot.iI,,,i, Asa W', Vandogrift; iiojnrtt, C, J. J(irsclttier; Scrit'o,i,,tor, 1'.Q, Words,, ; Jabiterwocit, J.- R, Rogers; Cttsuoct,tia,t, U. C. Citrrle, Jr.;Arcanoitt'r, Citries Rttssoll ; Gttrdon, littwart.1 Vatitk'ritor,u.

Fratik Ito Haret i)uf!ietd, t'uiiiatlolititia, l'il,, Toiitiestte Luittiter &?iiatltlfactitrlttg Cit.145 ilttto«1 Elsirortut Gri huit, I'itivatlelutiiia, 1';,.; Cltztries iltoid,tt045 G'tttrge ' iCttoi lint,, '' IloItterie, PhIladelphia, l'a, ; gotietai itlanager

: Sitt11t le Vatidegrifi.16047 Eageite Maiiitttt Utttofer,kltox\llle, Trou.; getterai tllLtilager l'itii-

-- atielllitla Votteer 91 laniber Ci,,, Pitiiatlel;tiiia, Pa.1(048 Etitli Sylett0 K,lS, J'ililadeiltiilà, Pa. ; Siit'i1, & Vantlegrlft.16049 Geitrge otte KotS, i'ililatlelutitla, l'a, ; partiter KnUt lires.16050 Vicino Ettta,ittei Kegler, l'hivadsiitilia,J'a,; ('t'ti. W. Kugk'r& Soti,16051 Eritest Titttjiias 'l'oigottd, Pitiiadoiputua,pa,; ulaitager Pltiladel-

ututilt brauch Cii lcagtt Ileiti ng Co,, Cit cago, lii.Coiicateitatiott No. 1201, l'ltiiatieiitiiia, 1t., Jatteary 13, i90ó,

Ten Cortdkltttes Weighed a Toit.

An cxcdlieitt COutcatenation was held at Brunswick, Ga.,by Vicegeretut we, Clueves on Janúary 16. He was alittle disappoitited in the itutuber of his initiates-teut, Hewas also a hittledisappojitted in the atteetdauuce of thè oldermembers. He liad, however, between tweutty and thirty ofthe latter present. He writes tluat he thinks he put titedate for titis tiieeting a little too chose to th first of titeyear, as the ittunberuuten in his section were still very btisyclosing up with last year's business.

Vicegercuit Cheveu desires to tender his thanks toBrother Karl Iries (No. 6436), of Brunswick, to whotit themain credit of titis iutectiuug, he says, is due. Fries tookthe iuuitiative in working tip the uneetiiug, aiud acted asGurdoit itt tite initiatjouu, Brother Fries is an old-tjttteHoo-Hoo tvluo eau always be depended on to speak andwork for tite Order. He sends tue following clever noteson tite iuieeting to Tite Bulletin

Marultt A titoro5 cotildti't stay over to tite flrititott'ick coilcateilatloit;too btisy trying io elect Ciark lloa'olt Ctti'er,tor of Gettrgla.

W. li. Stiiits'eil tette ttst sinitly too lusty to talio oIT a few itotirs,Get,. V. Ucitny Setit a iclegraiti sayit»z titat he coliidtt't Collie oit accoutit

of au accid('ttt to ltliitelf. llojtc Ito will lie abi to bettbottt again senti,Lee Enslgtt caille a t lii cietetilli iittitr aitti titoli a muid lit titO itro-Cectiliigu-to goirf tdvaittage,

ilciitto l'ttdrosa itad tite Itaittis of a 3Sú-itntti,d caiitilciate restiit ott ltlrespoitofuele Sittluillers as Jaitbortt'ocie

; saId lie felt tito weigitty reoltttiisl.biiity.

J. 13. Coitrati ort Sottlor lloo'iit,o cait't Ito heat.Our Stiano, W, R. Citeves, is (Ile rlgiil utah lit Clic limiter utiace.Oitr toit cattdfdat0s weighed titogetlttr tt toit. A Itretty good al'tritgo,

we titlule.

i_. Suant, W. R. CIteces; Senior lino-Roo, J. it. Coitrati; Junior iloo'lIoo,: L. Laugitilit ; ilttjuiit, W, M. Coot, ; Scriveitoter, ii. P. Barker; Jabber-i. teoCie,-; Cttotocatiati, R. C. liartell ; Arcattoltt'r, R. E. Plod; Citrdoti,L Karl Frico.; 16052 Etiteari Cattlutook llritiges, Qttltntoti, Ga, ; getterai iilaiiager Ogiesby

, Lumber & Mantifacitiritig Co.; 16053 Citanos llettry Butler, flUtlttieil, Ga.; C. Ir. Butler.

16054 Henry liargelt Cooiiiitg, TIfion, Ga.; titanager if. li. Ilettiar Loot.i. ber Cii,, Citicago, Iii.t 15055 Clyde Cttstle Crawford, Blatiett, Ga.; Itroprietor Crawford LutitberCo.

16056Cutrlstn1,uier hlaywtoti Dudloy, Brttiiswlck, Ga.; C. S. Ilirseut & Co.,

. New Von1, N. Y.15057 Barry Veritou FeltJ', Jacksoiiviiio, Fia.; Peitti, R. R. Co.

15058 August Ralutit Ilensel, lirtittios Ide, Ga.; hanter till itt.iflhigt'rItrleltetttck.11ultsol Iftig, Co.

11059 Artlittr Jaittet, Mltt.itelsoit, lirtt,ise lib, Ga ; lttier C. S. hIrsch tCo., Nest' Yttrk, N. Y.

toStO Joint's Ai tititr Stois, Brutto ide, Ga, ; J. A. Stow,16051 Joltit Wlillattt Wttntl, J!roiiswkit, Ga,; itresldettt Georgi., Sosti, I)oor&1illndCo.

Cottcati'iiittio,t No, 1202, lirotiowlcie, Git.,Jaitii,tr> lt, 0950,

/troiicd M itt'lt iloit.Iiuo ICriI ltU$iiOIu,t,

O J atti ver' ittticlt l)leasetl to say titat tve litt! a very e,i;c-cessfui cotucateitatinit, and succeeded in arolisilig cotusider-able I-Iotj.I-loo enthusiasm. We have every t citsoul to bei ieeethat otir itext teil! be eveit ttuoi'c sttccessftul thi,teu tite List,"

'Fue attove is the characteristically tirse alud utiodes! wayiii ts'iticii Vicegei'ent Mark Lyouus rcltortt, ltj sticcessftiiCoiicatettatjons-.,.and ;tll of luis COttCttehittit)uls tre Success-itt!. ]t'oruital report tucIor sitows that twenty.oiue itten cereinitiated, attn that Brother 1.30115 li.ttl tIte active uts,istiuuceof stich old tutte Hoo.iJoo as R. W. Ciuild, Fred L. \V.tgarand W. A. Cotulson, \r, A. Conisout was Vicegereuut fortite Sotutiteri, I)istrict of Mississippi (Ituring the Henteui-way aduuuiiiistration of 18941-97. \Tithotut ,toitpiulg 'tow tolook it up, s'e l)eIiC've Fred\Vagar also served a tento asVicegerent, ',Viietiier h1. did or utot liti is ait oid-tinte lion-Hon--away back in the live htuttdred class, auld a loyal antieiuthtusiastic brother.

Vicegeretit Lyons does not say when his itext eoitcatent-tiout will he lucid, but it is a ature thiuug that betweeut nowaittl Septeittber 9 he will show tip with two or three tutoregood luieetiuigs.

Sitarli, atarle T'ottg ; Seitie,r lieti-Rito, R. 9V. ChIld ti; Jttuu lttr H,;ttiloo, Ciiarleull. harris; Jitijuiti, Fred Vagar: .Scrheiut;tor, W. A, ílilu.matt ; Jattbc'rwoclr, Lewio S. Lossltig; Cttstitçatian, Joint F. Nati lo, Jr.;Arcattoiter, Jatites li. Zeittleiter; Gturcitttu, W, A. Ciiuiott,l6ot Fratuk Ifarle itaxter, Vittegar Ileutti, Ala ; asslotatit otatuager Vto.

- egar lietid Ltiiiubcr Co.1601i3 Robert Sldttey Baxter, liradley, Aia.; partitt'r N. lt. 'rtirni'r t Ctt,16064 Nil Gaiiie, MobIle, Aia.; McGowatt Littuiber Co.16065 Lotulti Gerutiltit, Jr., l'itttihtiirg, Pa.; asbistattu tt'cretary Atitericati

Luntber & Maiiuttactttrlutg Co.Rots Wllilaiti 11lurute, Sitroveport, La.; S. A. Wood Maciultie !Vork,

BOotott, atase,

-o67 FrederIck O. Howe, l'ouu,tacola, Fia.; F. O. Howe t Co.160ko Jatitce Aloxatitler Kirie, Mobile, Ala.; presldetut aliti getteraI litait.agir i)ixle Lutitia'r Co.ltOt9 W. G. Taiicauter, Rlclutoti, alles,; utartiter heaver Dattt LtttttiierCi,.16070 Joint Nlcitolati Laui,eotiiai, Suititlower, Ala.; tivatuager L.tttben.

thai Lunttter Co.15071 Newniaut McKitustry, Ricluton, ailes.; titaitager hearer Datit Lotit.

ber Co.

16072 Citanos J. Mauler, Mttbile, Ala.; secretary ¡md treasturer Mobile.

FoundryCo,1503 AntonIo Liorca Marty, Mobile, Ala,; Suuperluuteutieiut and utartlier

aloragutee Lutnulter Co.161)74 Robert Aelitoit Otis, Mobulit, Ala.; flay Suttire Ltuiitlter Cti.16075 Chant's E. Parker, ltagdad, Flt.; Steattis Sr Culver Liuttitter Co.16076 Jose1iit Williatit Petty, Mobile, Auti,; litt) er Jatiteti A, Lewis,tool? Elisita SittlGt, Vltiegar lietitl, Aia. ; Vltit'gar lii'ttd Littitber Cit.15078 Alfred MitaIt 'ittriter, Vitiogar lietud, Ala, ; uei.rctary Vittegar iheittlLutititor Co,16019 Etti, honnit 'l'turtier, Beaver Meadosv, Ala.; N. E. 'Fnruter A Co,,Jiratuley, Aia,16090 Jaities Rasttis Wailace, Mttbilc, Aia.; Hititorlittetitituit B, Stiere

Litituber Co.15081 Jerotite lleitry Warreti, Uratile)', Ala.; N. ETttrticr & Co.15082 Josoplu Cotuitait heil Vitite, Moulue, Ala.; Jaciesou Lutitibor Co.,

Lttc'kliart, Ala.

Coutcatetiatioti No, t203, Multile, Air., Jaituary u3, 1905,

Titirty-ono In Title Ituticli.

The above heading gives the nutitber of initiates atVicegereut J'. P. Lansing's spieuidid concateitation atMinneapolis oit January 17, during the meeting of theNortitweaterut Luuitberitten's Association. A local paperhas the following well-written account of tite tuueeting:

Tuesday evetuhtug Vicegereot Josepit I', Latusitug, of tIte Soutliortu Die-trlct of Mhttitcoota, itch! a concatenatIon lit Eilc's Hall atti initlateti achoice buticit of tiuirty.otte kittetis lutto tite liglut of Hon lloo. Tluoogh




Page 7: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi



\.I ic fi t. Ju4 ti (I ID fil I ttii Offl ,f ituilor IIoo.Hoo, (or he I.tfII('iI .iíoitnd Eli Iirt I4 Jtinl,r, ;iiid tilt ictivi) he niAnagl t

({ t fut 01 t O II ¶% ( li I before ti iii t,i.rc tit1iiii'iiv tu liIi xcetinc4ii iIib f lrtkii u tht Ci ienioii . Itivtltc 1itiiii nicit ItieLt1a r if ,iii rtr, i lit tiI Iittieiit rtiiter1ri of tt,c tirt ,ti1iiid to ttiatofli&i' ii , it i titl iii k(ctiiit! itti ttI nritiricat .'tilttt V. t.eiiiur ltoo.Iloc,v t:, tct t It titi. ttrt tt ttti t(r:t( ( iiiit Itigilit) , 1% tilti ( orge \\ti

ht r, tLtrry Atktiion, 4:trk .lou1toii, Friili J-*ic,liti, Jawii Ptiittit.tiiit Il,it;u r,iit,riit attiat,, ¡titI itroIig ti, ttie J tijitririii tItItiig tt cIsHtd;tttg Ititotigit ttttlr tiic,

1 'jtI,tt itt,r ttt cirenlotly of Initiaii,tt tti nlit ;iiiti iitt ttltlrtis tat¿toit ti (or tt'I its,, acrtrttt,ig io tittItvt,ji,at taste) to a cotlattoti (or cottee.ti,,jt itt eiIa1,t, > that ttkt thrn, gotat atttr - their ttr!tiuotIs riftirt,, litiatltltig, attiltig tir tt;irticltiatititr lii Ihr ititics itt Hic Itiltiates,

'rItt, IcCt)tttlt, however, does itot cover all the good workt1ott& by \Ticegcrettt Tatittitig. Fie collected tutes to thetintittitt cii $33,74, teltistating tever;tl good men, wito liad,I li rittigli itegi igence, al lowcd litent sel ves to become (ICI i n -t1iicttt , nd ttt petideil.

lt trill Iie recafleti that oitc of tite inot successful tfl(1CIIJOyahIe concatenalionit of last year was held by \Tice_geretit Janitig. 'i'ltis last It1(etinl cOyiCItlt,ive evklcucethat Stiat k Jittitait made no injittake in teajipoititing uhu

for utiuitiluer terni.

Sti,ti ti, ¡tu JI 1.t t.tti ; Sentar t(to-tttitt, V. E. t',ittl,ld ; Junior 1100-Iba,J_ p_ L.i iit tig; ttojtnit, F. E. 1trvitotito; Sciltetaler, t, %V I'tiltttjtt; Jab-bi rt,'Ck, (i ')ig(' It, b'i'ttttr; Citotacattiti, lt. A Atklitiçoii ; Arcanapt-.r,I R. btli,iittoii; iir,toti, F It, F'l;it.tu

thtt$_1 uhu J,tiiii Aittter,-aii, billiiiii;ip.tllo, tillitit.; Snhiiii,l 11. Dotto.ttta4 tlritry Courut Ibtirtits, Itlttiti&a1tatlt, ,tlitit, ; It. C.,(t8ç Jottit It,,ttltii tty,r, Itt-o bil,t!iiet, la.; J , JI, O'Nca I & Co,, bit iliac-

010)110,,()4(, L.a Itr,'tt Ci.ivti, !ttliitti';i1,,tlo, iIliait.: Attit,t( uttatitiractiirliig Co ,

st. I',ittt, tltitt.tt4ttt7 Si lt it,itixtttirst tbItiitg, ttlttiti-:ipotlo, atiatii,; trcaoiirrr Itity

S-ittt ,t I)iitt (,i.t(rt uhu uy_itt I)otsittiIC, Itititit, S.- I).; vIce j'ittiteiit ¡iittt tttait;igcr

Jttiii l,ii tutor Cittt,T)8'i ¡liait uit V,ttit t)3ir, iI littitapulls, b\Ilttii,; '1'. t1. I'artrlitgr lititit,cr

Ciitbçrttt Pi a ib Iiig ito Vtttow batti, S. D. ; f'irrtii:,ij C, II. Citate,teint A ituir It, Fitte'i'it, \Viieitici, tlitit.; Itetiiiejiiii I.itiiiber Co,, Itai.itcaiiilt, ttttii,ttPt2 I'ittttp l'_tri (r,,ititt0tt, Ato'r,Iceti, S. 1).; Cetitrol T,unilier Co., ?Iiii-

ili'Ot)l,Ilo, Mutti,IeO'O flut I,c t- tIiICtt°(trtti3', tIliiiit'a biltitit,; trotiteit alitI ittattager

I.tttktt(it tti' I,iiiiitit'r Co.1i$)4 CIi,irti t, I, l'dc, bitlttjii';itit,ilt, ttltiii. OlItieriiit('iiiIeiit II. S. J0tiit-

',iii Co,t(O')5 Jqt'1,tt itt ititi Liiiitgroti, ?tltliii,.tti,tio, Ìttlitii_; territory atittti t ,tttirrt II. S. Jt,titt,nt Cii.lolo, Ir,, Jiiitgi iI,icC,iittt&tt, At>i'riti',-ii, S, It,; Cetitrat Iiittttier Co.,tI it itiipouit, t lut.tfrt7 ittita A 1a.ti'giir, iIltitt('.itit,iit, batlitia.; Stijitla & \'yittaii,tb)O't AI tri it '4 'ict,:tttgtitl;i, bit litiirlijiçiijo, ÌIlttit.; Hocretury I'tiiitix

Liiitit,( r Cii.Jeii'i'i it aI Die b1attii'ii, Illiiiiatiotlo, aIliiii,; A. Il. Itartiarit,b(itki I'irit t liait iIorriIt, !tIittiiiOtiiittti, titutiti.; Itaoca Itiiiit,er Co.Iet()I Chini'., l'i,iiitatlii (tobiiriic, !ttliiiii'i1iiiuto, bititin.; portier Ottoiraic,t ('T,irtiteIo. A ititroit I'eiiiiroy, t)eiitilgti, N. It,; tiotiager I'&'iidriiy Itros.I(,tii3 (,iist,I F Nito Rtiiiliigtiiii, iItiiiiCati,iItS, ttiiit.; Il. S. Jiitiiiiiti Co,leItet Si tiiiti'iitierg, Iitttiei', N. D.; tilaitagir l'ti,, Ituii4t(tifll1i-'I'tikin Cii.ItOl Aittitir J.iiiii'q Slit,', taItiiiii'aliiiii, Mutati.; t'acitie Iir Co., Seattle,W,tttiti,liii, Juli11 J.itirt t Situ', tttiiIi,.iioiio, ?tLiiii,; 'l'tic ItleitO Iiiiiitier Co,1(111)7 N,itli.i,i A, Stititti, atiiiiii;ipiitts, ittuitti,; Fliletite Iiiiiitier Co.St)iiti.iiit', t'tisii.l(tItiii t huiro taiii Stafb,rtt, iIiiiiii'apoIts, bilititi.; I:irsciii Iiiint>ir Cii,,Itt-t iiigii.iiii, tt'asti.litio') Cita ti \Vist ''ilitle, Ftliiiiea1i,iliw, bilititi.; Stinti Star Jiiiiil,ea Cee1(110 litt, ant Jioet.ii SS'elsti, Keit iii;i re, N. I).; I,aiigwortti y Litititier Co.,Ittiiiiii..ttiiitl0, ItIlitti.itti t tiriitiiti Àiit,iii \Vttfitiig, J\Iitiiira1)otts, tiiiiti,; iTtiic010ilis Ci'itar¿L Iiiiittier Ci,,Ilt2 Di;,, Zi'ttcrto'rg, \'talic' City, N. D,; varIer Zetterto'rg tIros.t'uiic,ltl'ii,itiiiit Nit lO4, iIiiiiiea1,iitlo, ititiii., Jatittary 17, 190Ú.

Another Iluatch of TIilrteaa.

Tub Coticatealatioil was held at Newport, Ai-k., on Jan-uary 20, by Vicegerent W. A. Biiiillgsiey, of tue Northeast-cru J)Istrict of tue State, s'ho is serviiig his second terni.Vicegerent Biiiingsiey la no iotiger a itiilatjerailan, but abanliet ; but atty one who has half way kept np with recent

JIoo-Hoo history knows full w cli that he huu not allowedli plittorratic asociatboui' to knock the wire edge off Itisdt'itiot.iatjc itlbtincts, He is a Hoo-lloo right--and a workerfrotit the word go-or " conte," at the latter is generally titeword Bhliiugsiey gett. whenever they want to hold a cuit-catenttio,u Ltuywhere over in the itortheast cortier of hisItartof tite moral viiucyard They deetit it only necessaryto wire a single word---" come."

No sprightlier WritCiti) of this nicetingeould be preparetithati tue Otlesent iii by Supreme Cttstocatiau Price; of LittleRock, who attended and acted as Jittijor l-boo-lloo :

I ait0tiik'd tite ci,iicaieiiattoii iiI Newport oit tuo 2tIi tot, Bhtiltigoloytuiit t tiirtetit kiticiis t titeet tip, itiI ,'itti tilo ciaota)iilary caro liad arratigedrecre itetahi so ttiat ii(iiii, 'oas acteliig Itoh coulai coiitrlhitite ti, tti suc-ceso of tite nii'etttig or ttoi Iilc.suro of titase iii at te-iuilance, I ii icrfectingIdo ulrrahtgcineiiut tie lias alily 000isted by Drotlicro Pearsiin aaid E. C.Ltji1iiiia,i, Thiro turre getithetiacit, titgehlior 'Ithi the etilico Newportitiettibershtiti, tii're Itidifatigabte, ita their effiirto to cake cverytiiidy haieii gisait tinte, auth ttittt tInt)' titicceetted toed tiot be toltI to iilyoue whit) liasever becta the ri'ci;,lciit of Newport tiouspitahity.

Titis hauch of kittens 'au abolit 35 lIvely a hot as oversaw, nuit ttieyatt watiteil " tehitit was ciiiiihitg to tticiii,'' ittid I win con otrihaic1l to i,lil, itdeferciicc ta (tie trotti, ttn ttie' geil it. Ata orightia I fiutare wait thisati'tti1it (if tite kit teii to Situ ciliÉ '' ocliat tue fl('jiiIui drinks.'' Some oftite iild cats aloi, score ceriou about italo, and Insisted ou tiersuing ait Iii-veotigatloit oit their owil accouait. Yeti iiilghit aste Brothers T. H. Reaeioyor C. II, I)iinii Iii ti-rite you as to tht* result of their ttiveoJgathoaio atoiigttiiis haie,

A fier tIte initial loti we held (lie tissai seothoia '' ou tIte rital.'' Shorttollte uvero aiiaite tiy etaity of (Ito tno'o. ttrot lie-r W. II, btauiugiortiieriti'l igtiteih se ehiIi a ticratiata dialect rt,chtathoii_ atiut later, iij,oaa ti rgeiitrciJ list, tvhtti a chug and aitittlier rc'citatli,ii. It was (tite of tite moot enjoy.abht, coilcatcitattiutiti I hase ever atti'iiitcit, aid too aiiiicla praise caiaiiot begiven t"Vteegrrcni 11h11 hiigsIe and lits asolstaiits_

Oit theabove representatiotu in re. Brothersî. H. Reaiíiyatid C. R. Diitiai, both well-known inembersof long stand-ing, the .Stupreane Scrigenoter felt iitii)eliccl to indite to thesegeuthcnietu the following 1etter

I a,ia officially aetohoril tbt at tite cerotti coucuatetiatioti at Newport,Ark,, titi Juiatiare yeti, aloiig ts'htta itroihier C R. fluita, iiitdcrtoohe aCertalti tiott of h tiveetigatloti ,'ltti reference to ' os'tiat the Ilojetia drhatks,"t, of cite rse', atti wIthout titforatiathoit as to what motive hutipehied yeti totitis h tiveotigathoti, litaI titithtig aiaade the biivesttgathiiia, I itaw fool luth)'warraitted i ii dt'itiaiidiiig of yuta au accota it of what you discovered. Yeti,ilh t tittiserve Itoh cape tif ahilo letter gett,e iii Brother Dutte, atad batti of)iitt are exhiecteit to itiatto I itiniediate anal feti reply.

'nie above lias been treated with a vociferous and re-.00uaiding silence. Perhaps a personal ai)plication woitiddevelo1, what they discovered, but we are satisfied it caitnot he had iii writing.

Sitaile, 5V. A, Ibilihtigstov; Seiit(ir lToo-Itoti, C. R. Lilie; Jianhor Hoe-litio, F. l'rice; Ihojti iii, IV. R. I'hai,iiipsoiu ; Scrlvetioher, E. C. Ltppitiait;.latibrrivoctc, J. M. Ghlisi,o ; Custi,catlaii, V. E. l'iorooa ; A rcaiioper, t'. N,A tiger; G ti rik'ii, Iloit M lIer, Jr.

11,113 isbarloit tllacieliu ru Cttarh, tICiiililiho, l'otan. ; Rbccliiitait.Crosby Cii.itt 14 Itarrhsoit " SVhtito lOber " Cha)', I)e Vtihh fluff, A rit,

; l,art ownerStotietiiatt.'liariiig Ltiiaabt'r Ci,.

15115 Charlc Fravel Gordoti, Nettletoit, Ark,; ',Vhsartcatia Litiiiber Co.RittO Frta,,le Sitittiter Hess, Newpori, Arle.; secrc'tary.trcasarer atad gott-

e'ruit itiattliger l'otid & Decker 1511g, Ci,.huh George Wastihitgtiiii Huff, Black Ruck, Arle.; oivaaer G. W. huff.15h18 Getirge \Vrlgla( Jettes, 1"orost Cit)' Ant,; Forest City RIg. Co.16h') Darn' 'Polluer" Mttcttell, l'htts, Art<,; general iiaaaiager atid sitper.

hittetiutetat ldltcttehh Ihros. IitiaaIier Co,lóh.i t0rutiitt Joitit Seltiiieyer, Kaieibct, Arle.; Si'lnaeycr Mercaiattle Co.hbl2t Ed. l. Stioffater, Sttiiffiier, Arlo.; E. P. Sttofftaer.1(122 Jesse I'latt Sohier, Nettlettuut, Ark.; Wloarkaata Luatihier Co.1(123 Ernest Cecil Watectitait, Newport, Arti,; Iooprloui,r aitci edItor New.

Ilort News.15124 Wihlhatit Otiver Wittehias, Rciiaitaei, Ark.; Mitchell llro. Lunatier

Co,, l'Itto, Ark.16125 %Vltllaiii t' Side-Set " Zitadet, Swhftoua, A rk. ; Wuta, Zliiiiel,

Coucateatatiout No. lS, Newtrnrt, Ark,, Jaituary 20, 19Db.

it lIOo-lIoo Number of ItaltiateN,

Nine iiieii were initiated at Vicegerent G, W. Cleve-land's conCatenation at DeQueen, Ark., on January 20,

He had expected a somewhat larger number than this, but


was, tip agauut-.t ,t tough iropositioti iii the tutiality of weatii-er handed out to him by oid floreas. He ran tip againstthe recent little bli'4zard that swept over the SouthwesternCotluitry, He reports, nevertheless, that the nleetiaig wasill every way a successful and very enjoyable one, Hesays thelittle session on the roof was oiiu of the bluest lieever attended, aiuti that great credit is duethe Dierks Luin-ber & Coal Co,, of DeQlieen, for the active iliterest taken iniiinking theineetiilg a spccess by entertaining lavisitly alithose uIio liad coitie to atteitd,

Vicegerent Cleveland will hold a concateiitatiou at Dati.yule, Ark,, ou Februaiy 27.

Sutark, G. W. Cievela,ad ; Setuior Hiio-lf,,o, IL W. Wehtti; Juialor Iboo-Jfoa, F, J, Goottwia; flojuiu, P. E, llroutti; Scrivu'itoter, harry J. Large;.batitiero'ock, Flout 'l'ttoaiit,sota; Castocatiaiu, '1'. N, Sage; Arcaitoper, C.II, Maatrosa; G tirdoit, R. 19, I,ani celi,t 5121, 9Vlii field Jlarrjsoii Adatiug, DeQtieia, A rk. ; hirisliheat \V. Il. AdattaiLuataberco,1(127 Max Georgo Ituicte, DeQceeii,

Ark.; laeQuiecii & E.iotcrii R. R, Co,11,12,0 9Vitiiauia Frei'iuiaa, Fitageraid, Horatio, Ark,; Ck've'laii(t-Mcli'od

Letitber Co., Neal Sliriitgo, Arle.leiDt) Jaiites Witliam Hayes, I)e9tteeut, Ark,, 1)ierlcs Leaittier & Coal Co,16130 Harry Aiiiysiiis Loiig, Horatio, Ark,; Clcvehztiiit. Mcl,eotl LuitibecCo., Neal Stirhatgs, Ark.trii3t Chayt, Jouies McMhclaaci, t)eQueeii, Ark.; I)iertts Lttiiitter &Coal Ci,,15132 harry Raytiiotiut iloore, DeQuceta, Arie.; I)ierks Luttitier & CmiiCo.1(t133 'i'itouiiag Frederick Shar1,, h)eLtecfl, Ark.; l)eQitecn & Ea'itcruaR, k. Co.15134 Dittiurs' Clay %%'iihiaiaisoai, DcQtieeia, Ark.; jireobitent aiitt getterai

iiaaitager Costsati,t Liitiiber Co., t'ui liiiaai, /i rk.CiiiiCateiiathoai No. lO(i, DeQuieeii, Arie., Jaaauar 20, iSSu,

Nananbon' Tat, fo,' Itro,y»,

ViCegerentJ. T. Brown, of Colorado, lucid his -secondituiccessful colicatenatioui at Detuver on January 9, iii con-lieCtion i'itii the uilecting there of tile Colorado & WyomingRetail r4uiuiber Dealers' Association, He liad present aboutf)rty old members or the Order. aud initiated a class ofeleven good men. The coticatenatioui was followed by


quite an elaborate baaiquet at the Ada:uts Hotel, at whichCoi, R. W. English, ex-illeinluer of the Supreme Nine andorle of the most Proluuillent lboo-I-boo iiu the \Vcst, acted astoast aaiaster.

Vicegereiit Browii was takeii ill a few days after hisCollcatenatjoii aaid was Confiiied to his rooiai for severaida's, 'l'ue Bulletin is l)leased to report now, however,that lie has qttite recovered alIti is looking forward to titeholding of his iiext coilcatenultioti.

ru coiiiicctioii with another coflcateilatoii reporteel iiithis issue, soute reiiiarks appear with refcreiice to theuiecessity of itroper attention l)Cing given to notices iiilucid. pitpers. 'Jiic Bulletin desires to Coiiliiielltj the noticesappearing iii coiliiectioui with Vicegerciit Brown's Coilcate-ilatiOii ill the Deuiver pajuers. They are coiaipreileiisiveand digauified, and show a full appreciatioii of tile fact thatHoo-Hoo is tulore timu a joke.

uttark, J. 'r. Jhriw'it; Seitior JIoa'Hoo, D. E. McAltiotcr; Juaaior heut.h1u,, sv. E. McClnitg; liojitiat, I). A. Ilaitihhiout; Scriveooter, H, W.hbaitita; Jaiit,erwoc, C. E. Huiler; Ctietocattttta, J. E. l'rcotoaa; Arcait.chier, G. C. Hill; (;nrdoti,wati, R. McFarlaiid,16135 %Vhhliana Jituwlucit AbI,ott, hbiirhiaigtoa, Coi.; W. H. Abbott Lain.ber Co.I(ulJiu Jouai Wesley Accula, Oetirer, Coi,; lialiack & JJois'ard Luiiiber Co.l(u137 Wlltiaca Attttii Are)', h)ettser, Col ; Loaiaber Mirs. Agency, Ccii.iralia, SVanIi.l(ui3it Saiatuel Wesley llrad(ord, Deiner, Cot.; Miuteeuurj PacIfic Ry. Co,16139 \Vhhllaii, hferittait Chandler, l)ett,'er, Cot.; Secretary Recd.ClaaiadlerLuaaabcr Co.hói4O Jjeruitaia George Facetter, Deaivcr,Col,; Curtlt Dros, & Co,, ClInton,Iowa,16h41 JeIgar White Fulglauan, Ratoat, N. M.; prcsbde4it Raton Luiathterco,15142 liaroid Brown Feiler, Detavor, Col.; Rock Islatud Sash & DourWorks, Rock Isiaatd, hIl.16143 FrederIck "Shis'ertoua " G')ble, Sllvertoaa, Col.; Fred GobIe.16144 Thomas ilyrota Groves, Wray,Col.; T. Il, Gruyes,1(u145 Rauidol1,hi " loo-fao " Kaioll, Ft. Collins, Col.; Newton Leiiatuer &Coal Co,

Coecatoaiatioaa No. h207, Dcaan'er, Cot., Jaaivaar) 9, 1906.

'r(%t'nty.twu Meti tt l'lite Illaiff,

Iliader SUpreitie Custocatia1 Price's eiithttsiastic adaniii-istl ation of uffairs Arlcauusas is exliiltitiiig a wondeuful ce of activity, to lac titre, Vicegerelut J. C. McGrath,of the SOti(hirn Distriet of the State, initiated twenty-two

- laical utt Pine Ihluff ou Jaituary 27, aiuti, as will be seeii iiit ilothier coitiuti n of 'i'lle Btiiletiii w ill hold au i ltliiiC tiseiiiectiiig at Huttig oau Lebrtiary 24. A mali w'hiti atteittiedtilia Pj l3ltiff COiicateivatioii W1'itc"i 'l'ue Biiiletiii as fol-lows : '' I lutist say it was a flaue iiieeting ; have ilCVel' ,tt-teiluled a better ; tite Candidates were all relui cseuitati','tuch, anti tina work was clean-cut .tiiil aluuive-hoaid, andCotafoi'jned strictly to the ritit;tl---iio utildiie' horse-play orrough vork, '' 'nie 13 itileti n proilotillces t hi 'a .1 atiost gi atlfy-ilig report. -

Vicegercitt McGrath writes that especial cieclit is tilleBi'othlers George I)arby and George Adaaiis for active as-bisturi1 Ce i Il arranging all iii-eh i in inRi')' detauls of the woi k.He retaiarko that Brothers Gocitiwin as Jttiuior lboo-Hoo studWilSi)il as Jabilerwock, adiuliiiistcred the 2erelumilles fromthose .statioti with spletidid effect,

'flic atteithuluuce ret titis Coilcatenatioul of old lilCilii)ersWitS excuedingly good.


Sutark, J. C. Mc(;ratt, ; Seit luir I[uuuu.11uuuu, tu'uu, W. IS ltci he , J titilarlluiu)'Ileiui, E, J, t;uiuuulseuuu ; Jbojuiuti, I". S. \V1,ii (tuait ; Seri, euioiur, Gout, 11,Aititi5 ; Ja iutueruu'ocic, A. L. 1ViIou,ii Citotuicat tut, Baa i) '1'. Olceult; Ar-c.litohuer, J. 9v. Da thon ; Go reluit, tViut. M. 'Fa)'iuur,h(ul4tu Juahuta Suiuuuuet Ihrauiiev, I)roiughuuuui,A nu,; .Sailuar Iiluu'i Iitiiibet Ca,16147 idatthietu Ca ry (Du,'etttuuii, l'lite Ill tif, Ai ii. ; turesiutu'uut Clot ei,uuuul-Sbaitiuu,urs huit. Cui,1614.5 'J'hioiuias A Ives ('uusiu', i'huu,' 13h uuff, Artu. ; Stuuttg.0 t t Liiuitt,t'i dr Co.tlCui. -

l(ut4S Ihurry Liouiel Dti)', 1tgi M lilo, A rie. ; ID.gk. Lutititier Cii.16150 Jattue's Libo rd Etutighi, McGegue, A rk. ; via' hureoiutctut aiiit ei'e'ii'-

tare ute' Iitiigui Iauuui Sc Luutuuiuu'r Cu,t(uIt Joiu a bleuir) Eziii, l't tac IIi tuff, A rit. ; Eu I i Sun ' ('tu.l(u152 l'itu Lee Pox, l'lite III tu if, Arle. ; Fox liras, li 1w. Cui.jul53 (eurguu bouta liarais, Shuerlitatu, A rk.; tue.teuurt'r ,uuoi iui.uuu:igerShieriuttu,u Stta,' Co,ltuil4 9Vllila,ii Slutitteits Ita tris 1' lute Itii'tT, Ark ; oe''u't,tu u attuI itu',tt,uuu&'u

F'uux.11;,rrls hitucli ¡tue .6 Sii hub' Cu,.16155 ISleitaciut, S, llasiiuugis, l'lite ltltuiT, A rie, ; M. S IJ.tthuig.ItullS Fr,eterlciu G,uraiaauu Il i uit, l'i tic Itlut if, A rk.; t'ire lt,uu i In luI. & S. Co.16157 Jaiiie Ahiut,rt Iluuhuties, ltluuu, lituuff, '.rie, ; Iurt'sluieuit .uuuul'rJ. A, Ili)laua(o Co.lfuISS Sicriitug A iuuuu o Suites, ltrtuugluauu, A rie. ; S,uilui,' Rl 'er Luutuatuer Co,15159 Geurge tcuiititti tue t,ealce, bletti litho, 'fusti: ; \\'esthutgiuouuse Ett'etrbeD'Ifg. Cut., l'i tahiti rg, l'a,Ililtuli A iii tuuuuuy (ycluuiit M C NidI)', l'i ute huff, A rh ; A . MuNtutt) Lutti-lui-r Cui.

16161 A Ittert Lee h'uaol, Grady, A rit, ; assistait t iui.uui.igei E. I, l,u ut,Iiuis2 hicuujaiai lit J;uc,ut, Ruun, J r,, G rl Slut, A rie, ; tut huerl utteuiutu_'itt L. \Vi'ruuerSuaw'uuuhhi Co.

Iiuttu3 Esteut Chiarito 1S))'0e, l'lite htluuff, A te.; ouuueu letetiuletit J. 9V. Sui-. deco Luutuuluc'r Cii.16154 Ibeuujtu tithe li. Soutiers, Eiisttu'oiit, A rie, ; lurolui iu'lu,r It. B, S.ttuulu'ru,,l'baie Ihituff, Ark.l(uIbS Geuirge G heut ut Stridula titi, Cauuiuieii, A rk.; Fuu Harris M. & S Co,,l'lite thluiff, Arle.l(ut(uiu teuurguu \Vuusiuhuigtuuiu Ste,a'iuus, lduiituIuis, 'reti.; lutdi,uut.0 Pt,uhtaue Co.liuhlul Oscar Frati, 'I'eu!siru,ni, Eagle M h t s, A t'li, utu.tut.uger J 'r, Itcuary& Co,

Cuuiuc:ut,'uu, t luit No, iDus, l'lite BlutS, A rie,, Jait uuar 7, I')Ouu.

Tett Moat ast Nijutitylile.

Vicegerent W. A. l3iiikley, ofthie Middle District of°rejinessee deserves great credit for the successful and Cli-joyable concateilatloit hie held on tue evening of Jatltuary27. While he liad only ten initiates, titey were ail first-class iuteui. His aiteiidaiicc of tite oid meilibers atNashville was notably large. It always is Like Paducah,Nashville iiiakes a feature of her concatenatiolls, and doesnot hold thenu iiu connection with luaaiber lilcetiiigs or otherfunctions. 'riiey are Hoo-Hoo meetings pure and simple.Vicegerent Binkley li.ìd practically tite entire meuuibershipof Nashville present at his session on the roof, includingail the representative luiilberi,ien of the city, many ofwhom made pleasing talks in response to the cali of thetoastmaster.








Page 8: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi



_ -





¶ I:



'H.trk, '. A. } ilk S,or 1100 loo, Vni L 'ni'iic Jun orlk,, J W'. IJQJ III?l W, 11 (,Ia Srì eiluter J A. JiflhllUtoTi

JaI,l,c s oc.k, Haniilu,ti e; Cii,I.,ca,,iii, C O SumuiUt; Arcaiioj'r,Ì1trs rl R,L,I',l,1 Gurdii ,lannÛ(H Slt,dtlIR %Sill;tui lknbow, NashvUh, 'nui.; 11113er CoItj,ibia

IJ.Irl((,Il 1iiiiibrCo,CJIICago, 1H.1r19 JoIIH 11eiry Cifilaril, Adtuis , 'l'cnn., j,rcdenl tiid iiiifler

Cl,ii-d ilrol(I7) Cli8i Ii. IlsvtrI I)eWH,N;itHli Teii n.; Jh8, Pat troti

'. Co,

l(l7I I'r ikltii Ler(n Et'. NohIlle, 'l'co i ; i L. lIc,

i(,172 S Ii. A rI}Iftr Frakr, 1oIald, '1'eiin. gcnt S1and,trdIlaido od 1.itiu)'r Co,. ¡huifa o, N. Y.

1I73 Jo Ic 11,irtlit'II Jo'.i'1,Ii, Na.hviHe. J'ciiii; Koitli, Shtitono A Co.

I 17 I J i iii. . lia nv Major. Lyuti vtlk, 'l'vo ii. ; part ur 1l ter'oti & 1jor.1(.17 . org '1hoitia P;ur!.fl. Celar II III. '1'4.IlrI.; IIIlI!'t' I'triIi &


1(17h ( litFli ' lI.I,liIlt(UI Siflhlli, Jr., SIioJt,Iflo, I'ito-: 1uiouiiFi roou,

lqI77 Iloi %' 1 'y Vero.)Il, NaltIi1' 'l'curi.; buiy'r Nrivan Lunibir( ') , Id,11b4%iHI, 1cv.

(oijt,it,'ii,illon 'o, J$, N;oli%il)u', '1'iiii,, Jaoitrs 27 l)(,.

(;ot boy iiI JIrIs ol,

\'cgcrt'l1t \\r, Clark, of thC 1atcrn 1)istrict of Teu-I1('Ce % eut over to Bristol (>11 I'eliriiary 3 and heki aSl)le!1(1i(I ('OIlC.ItCIHIIIOII, initiating fifteen nien, Ile 1adprCCJIt a I arge alt vii (lati ce of the members rCsi(1Cfl t atBristol tfl(I fioni the surrounding coiiiitry, atid everythinghi con n ect ion wit h the ilicet ¡11g pasied off iliost smooth ly111(I el1j()tIJIy. Vicegerciit Clark was fortunate io havingto alht Iiiiti in tile work c-Vicegereiit W. II, Yates nocithat vcter.iI IIoo-IIoo, ljrother M. N. Offtitt. ViccgerentCirk writcu rather briefly of the inci(lelltnI features of hismeet in g, liti t ny one Wilt) has ever atteilded a conca ten ai ionat lii il,tol needs not to he told that they had a thoroughlyCtljOya hie thin'.

Sii,trk, V. L. Clark ; eiiIt,r lIoo-lloo 1. '1'. Vliolcy ; iouler floo.lJoo,l'IiUip LI ttIt, J r. , 1lijtI III, M . N, Offiot , Scrivetiolor, \V. 11, it'o;

Jablo ro (0 k, E, H. M IIi'r CuIoralian, J. P. 1cCahi; A rciiioper, Chas.h)II*'( ; ( u ole,u, ' S. Perry.

hh178 Ephi ru ii Veley A ka o!, IJiiicoI, 'finii, ; N '1'. 'locker, lri'I n,'l'rii ii,

h6179 J.i ni' 1k',i ro Ihryaii, 1h rishoh, 'l'con, reshIeIIt itid lrezio,ircr Jbrya,iI,iiiiilo r Co.

hfiSi 1'orh,iihi Fraiihc Ihiihiard, Johitoon City, 'l'enti.; \'T, Il. IharnionLiitiiho r Cu.

1(151 ('Ii., rk ., Chi,ie Carlwrlghih, lhrlIoh, 'rciiii.; highiiI;i k Soiithiivost-'ro h'

h(,1H 'fhiniii,io K itirick Garland, Shady, 'leali,; '1', K. G:irha,nh.l(ih113 O'.i,tr Chiba hhahhiavay, Ibrloti,h, 'l'rito, ; lhryaii ¡,IlIiIhier Co.

11154 1' riti hi i:, 1hIhib'y, A I huis. Va. ; oei.rehary arid trc'aoiirtr G mile.lotiiil,ihii 1,iiniher Co., hile.

1(155 A lii rl G'hluiii Joiii', Uiiici,h, 'l'euit.; haver \S'iii. E.11,1W, Johiii 'l'hioiii,io 1hiiiiIhhe, J(lhill1011 CRy, 'l'etiti.; J. 't. _,hiiiivhhhe.

16h57 (.i o!gi' A McCrarv, lhrhotol, 'l'uil n, ; Sotilhierit Jlraos & Iroii Co..h ic Il, 'l'celi,

h(imhcM v ihr \Vliiflihl ihhhler, Johiiiniii City, ''unll.; Ijiiaka Liiiiilor Co.16180 C.irhhi,ii Arthur lIallihIlhhihl, Atkliio, \'a.; iircslileilt Glziile bToiiiiiiii

.. : l,tih'r Co,, I ic.

him9O (Jo ir lhi,rliiii viali, hc,iiiilahii Cliv, '1'iiii.; Johiii '1'. )ixoii Iiiiii-arCi,

h(il'ìh hou ii i l,iiiorv \Vhlsoii, Elk l'ark, N. C. Il. E. \'lhiiii.hlihii2 Gi inge 'Forrei' \S'offor,l, Johiiioii Cuy, 'l'e!lll.; thiiaka I,uinler Co.

Ci'ii.ihiii,ihhiii No 12111, liiilol, henil,, li'lruarv 3, h'iiW,.

At Cairo, Ill.

'l'los C3llCatCmlatiOim was omie of the best ever held iii thehii,tory of the Order. It was Perhaps tue best commcatena-thou ever held at Cairo. 'luis latter is quite as strong astateinciit ii, the brumer. 'l'ue iiieetimmg occurred at tuetem mmm in ation of t lie an mm mial con veti tiomi of the Somitliern I li i-

noi ', 141111 hem l)ea 1ers' Associat ion , to wlmjcli jirmctica I lyever)' legjtiiim,tte and reputable retailer jim the southern halfof tIme State belomigs. 'l'ue mmmeetimmgs of this association are,mlwavs attended by limalmy vhalesale hummiberimmen, luitibermmianmmfactimrers, railroad niemm ;mnd nunmeroims others. This

year the asiociatioii meeting was the largest ever, so thatVicegeretit P, T. Langan liad everything in his favor iiiWoliling tip a big ClasS. He did not specially strive for

mmimiubers, hmowever. He could easily have writtenup ten ortwenty ubre blanks. What he sought for ras(jUahity, andthis he liad, The Bulletiam does not remember in recentyears to have scemi enrolled a fluer lot of incH.

'l'ue commcátcmiatioim was held in the bcautífmml lodge roomof the Ilks, which had been elaborately and handsomely(iceorated with pille trees amid other shrubbery semit in fromthe Jiuttig, Ark,, plamit of time Union Sawmmijll Co. At each

of time stations for the officers was located a sCction of a bigpile tree, to tile top of which was bolted the usimal circularsaw, Instead of the gavel time officer was armed with aniron hanmomer, amid whenever lic brought it down CU thme sawyell comuhd m,ee time bug line of candidates shudder frommi ein!to end. 'l'ue space on the floor iii which the initiation wasto occur was roped off, SI) time two hundred spectators couldhot iossit,Iy crowd in and interfere with the work.

Reference to tue ligures below wHI show that forty-onemuch were immitíatcci and that \Ticegerent Laiigan 1)resjded asSmiark, assisted 1))' the Smmprcimme Scrivenoter. Luke Ruts-seil the fammuoiis ex-\9crgerctit for the . ' outilcrim District of



VicgGimsewc P. P. LANGAs,

of tite Sodium Dish rId of I hhhitolo, ichiose recent tugcouicaleuuathoii al Cairo is remiormeul ii tills bouie.

Kemmtticky, held the position as Senior Hoo.Hoo. A. C.Ramsey, of St. Lotmis, djII the Junior work. And righthere 'rime Bulletin wammts to record that there has seldomUccim seen a 1)etter example of Junior work thaim Mr. Ramim-sey handed out. It was full amid comuprelmemmaive, withommtfor a simigie mnoimment overstepping dmie boummds.

A numimber of other distiimgtiishmed Hoo-Iloo participatediii time initiation. A. 1]. Siimmonson as Bojmmiii, Charles S.Woitlimi as Jabberwock, E. 1). Carey as Cmmstocatian, ammdF. G. Haimiey mIS Gurdomm, were ail ex-Vicegereimts. Presemmt

at time Snark's station amici actively interested in the meet-immg was ex-Vicegercimts Ahrens, of time Southern District ofWiscoimsimm, and "'romo '' Moore, of the 1astern District ofdissouri.

At the conclusion of time initiatory work time broad por-tuis at the south emmd of time hail were thrown open and inmmmarched mm score or timore of waiters with lmeavihy-lademmtrays. Timese mimen had beeim held in waiting unknown totime assemimbled crowd, Long tables were hastily put p intime liai! aimd the oid mactimbers amid new kittemis fell to on oneof time most enjoyable spreads ever provided at that hour intue iliorning. 'l'ue " session on the roof " was purely in-


formmiai, No effort was immade to have it any other way. Afew biief sleeçlmes vere mmmdc mund a good milan)' storiestold. Vicegeremmt R. S. Robertson, of Paducah. tendered acordial invitation to ali those present to attend his comicate-nation at Paducaim omm March 27. And so cmmded one of thevery best colicatemmatiotis ever held.

Snark, J. il. ]ialiil ; Seulior Iloo'Itoo, Luke mc usseit ; Juinhu,r liuuu;'hjuuuu,A. C. R atiuoe ; liujiuiuI, A . lt. S ' uiumonson Seriveuiuumer, F. IC. A twooulJabberwocht, Chartes lVuumfluuim Custocitiaju, E. O. Carey; Arcanoper, C.E. mcimteiuiuiuso; G urubu, I'. C.. mia uiley.

16193 Cu'elh Euh tua rd A uuuiersoii, Chiic.uguu, I I I , ; London G. & II. Co., Loti.iloil. Nilghauiul.

15194 Jesse Asa ite;uihleo, Cain,, I h h. ; Tinto., McFa r1aulth Lititiber'ii 'J'hiouiiao iLhoiit Boulin, Joliutson City, ihm.; lulanager Johiiisoui

ChIc Liuuuiliar Co.1(11t51

George Thuotumao lloren, Cal ro, mli.; tu,ouuit,er of fInii O. i', unni, Jr.& Co.

J5]t)7\Vihhiniii I.ogmn horco. Cairo, I Im. ; uniter V, L. florett Limiutber Co,

IhtISS Jootmihi Archihits hmiuyul, Uhlhuu, Ihm.; lilaulagor iicfhautce Ihox Co,i(P)9 Friiti hi Heorgo hhii ruulester Cairo, I I h. ; ;uruushiheii t aii(h h reaslirer

Aiuti nah Lutlihier Co,mc2ts) Carrithi Clauith Cailei, Cat ro lt h, ; mlllrchasiliir accu t aliti nietutbor of

firm ''eiilche Summihy Co,1(201 Maylia rd St,bbiiig Carter, Cairit, i mm. ; ulcuober of lì ciii attuI iu,auua.

ger Vi'hilchi' Sohulijy Cii.1iu202 Chiarito Mtiuiru,e Clark, Noutuil City, Ii b. ; asHkhaiit luanacer \Vil.

i aiutotuii.IÇiiiuy Liiuiibir Co,m(2O3 Voorhiies Cootubos, Cal ro, Il I. ; Viiiurhiees Cootuibeo.11,204 Chiiries ,lOSitht Feitiler, Etigewood, I h. ; i ai, H. l'citiler.i6205 A rchii,' iicIhwal te ii h mm, St. Louis, u1o, ; Sotithiern PI tie Lui tuber

co., Texrhuauia, Ark, -.15201, lIeti r Sei (hi hiohilen, Grand Ra1ihils M chi. ; couler Ii. S, liohiheti.m527 licurgo Arthiar ltusuiuiiaii, St. Liiuiis, Mu,,; 1iutti Sasit & t)oor Co.iuj2OS iLtreilge C. Letti, iilelriimo,his, IhI.; hiarrie & Cole uros, hic,i(u2oi Archi e Qu hiic' 2iicCracketi, Mmmd City, i h h. 'Vhi h bautioitui.iCiiuiy

Litnihuer Cii.mb2ho harry ilhilchihiiga McLeod, though, Mo. ; geiterih tuait ager Iliiosler

Stave & Liiiuthier Co.. Cratvforthsvh h ho, I titi.lb2mt VIctor McMitrchty, .Shiawiiet'howii, ihm., niailager ICrato. & Mc.

Mitrchiy.1(i2h2 I)avhth Mahit. Jr., Kartiak, Ill,; ireasmirer Malit limo, Box & Lutti.


152h3 Jantes Carfiohil Mtmhtt, Kartmak Ihm.; s'hce hireshtletut aiuui secretaryMahti Bros Box a tut Lititiber Co.

1b2t4 Edwlti i)eLouuuu Matmhiews, Cairo, Ihm.; on'ttor h. D, Matthiews.lii2hS Jutohahi Strtuelutr Mertz, Mound Chty, Ihm.; secremary anti treasurer

EtIar filthIer Ltiniber Co,1(2mb Iihgar Stiththu Mhhher, M(ittitd Cil3', ii h, ; jireuhihes t Ethgar Mli her

Lumber Co.i(i2h7 Charles Chinhuii J'ayiio, Reeves, Ihm. ; iimailager Robert Dick Coal

Co., Camhirha, lhh.

ht218 Juntes Atilhui Poole, East PrairIe, Mo,; Finhay Lunihter Co., Sei.kIrk, Mo,

16219 'Jhioiiias Heorgem'uckctt, Thioiitisouivhhie, Iii.; owuti'r T. G. t'ichiemu& (IO,

16220 Leottaiul A ihiert Rh,tk, Cairo, Ihm. ; L. A. Rink,11,221 Jiihmit Albert Sityihir, Sm. FrancIs Arbu, ; Sytuuler Mmmuiuíactiurh;ig Cithii222 Freilerichu \Vihhhaiti Sittii lier, Caiiipbeh I Iii I m, 1ml. ; portier Cammi.

beh uhu Luiuiber Co.i6223 \vlm hiatti Amhitui Shituhui, Viticeiu ties hid. ; Eagle Lumber Ci,., Eagle

Mihiit, Ark,

m0224 Harry Chaude Thioritoberry, Dtiqtmohii, hmm,; Duihiuolii Ph. M. Co.i(225 Joseph A Vaitsickie, Taitiiiis ill.; mtartiler A. R. Vauislchule & Soit,16Mb Fredutrlchi Whihiatti Wchiieh, Cutmtiititila, Iii. ; uiiaiiagcr Aug, F.


15227 Joseph hiahiibrlihge Veiuger, Cairo, iii.; editor Cairo Telegraiti.i6228 Wlhilain Ohio White, Cïlro, Ill,; iticimihuer of Orni W. ii, Wiilme &


15229 Etiwaril Maxwehh Whiltiuey, Cairo, Ill.; The Singer Mfg. Cit.16230 Frank Lester Wlhlhattts ., Saherti, Ill.; secretary ¡tui! unanager lImed.

site Liitnticr Co.l( Gustav Ernest Yotiker, Carhyle, iiI.; ownar G, E. Ynuiker.m(t231 Frederick Peter Zittuuluoruiuîuu St, Louis, Mo.; C. C. C. St, L. iCy.i5233 Loiths Chuarhes 7.luchm, Cairo, Ill.; suauiager liottitloti Brotu. Luiutiber


Coocameivathoii No. 1ii, CaIro, Iii., February 2, 1906.

'u Frorii MINourI.

Brothmer Houmer P Allen, vicegeretit for the WesternJ)istrict of Missotmri, liad fifty-four kittens " froimi Missouri"for imiscoimcatenatjomi heir! omm time evening of January 24.These novices being in that State nattmrally wanted to besighted, and they vere shown time light of Hoo-Hoo ingreat style. Brother George B Macgly, recognized as ommeof time best Juniors lui the coumitry, filled that chair on thatevening. Time " session omm time roof " was a brilliant oneamid aim elaborate programnme was carried out.

Futark, It, I', A i kit : Sou lot liuiut htuiit, 1 oli tu 1'. Iltuici': J tu im l'ti hlcuo.hlitiu, Eco. )l.9laigi : liijitumi, S. 1). ('utizler; hrn tctiitti,t', lhiirl I. \\'righ t;.lahiberwnck, (i'ii, L,. Curluendahl ; Ctustiucttlitiu, O C. hC,'ut fra; A i Catto1uer,'t'ltititia P. A ritiihti ; G uriliiiu, (ett. 1. Stetetiotuit,16234 Eitgt'ute Etitttua A hum t, hohl lt ser, Ka'.. ; liti teil lulitiihier Co,iii35 hlerbi'rt J. A iuderiii, Liituhsbturg, Kas,; R. 'I', !ihi',uitq, bIci 'mitsoii,ICas.

l6231i Itihiar Aittlti. C'luhuktuslia, I, 'i'.; v.irhtier Sti,-,11 ti1m rutio Lii ulihtir Co.

i(t237 1ittls Eihtaiul I(arbotuu, V,'bh Itigloit, Ka'. ; ittaitIge; hC,t& k ll.uuiulJtittih,er .b. Coil Co.u(t23i( 'uVi I haiti l,euuither 1m Luhiele, Neoili'sht,u, K.0 ; liuithrk.hor \V I,Imlihien & Co,1(231 lratuhr Eilitlii lInie,, lCttj,05 City, bu' lheit lhitt t,itttilier Co16240 Frauik tt:trihiiig hhtittituli%, NolIsas CImy, alti l.,tttg Bill I; iutltt.t Co.Ilu24h 1'i,ui hlarris itii iuttiby, Kuiuoao CII), ih,, , Cuntu it CitI ,. Cuili' Col(24 l'tirI S, Clamott, ihtitiluiglutut J tittCilott, uiut,; tit.ittagt't Niurthi 1ihsSuhr! buoi huer Co,16243 \%ilhbtitit IhihIur Cuititiohmy, lttttu:lthitsott, Kas. ; utt.tutugir k, r itttiih,,-i& Ctu.tb4-( Jautues 'iltotitas Ctockut h, Katus.. is Cils, Mut , iii tre Lititihuer ('o,16245 'l'hiotutio Auth rout' Cut rrlir, Jattoao t. lu , rimo, ; tut illiCer \\ llhl, litIliichiaittitiI 6246 Clitu rfro hìtederichi lli)Wiii'V, Kittsas C hh Y, iuf,t, ; CLitet il iii.titîg. ri)ttivttev Hua (ii.15247 Nalhiatt Cari bt r Fatilliuiut, S1trl itghkihth, i\lo ; tin tir F.ttihmt1u. r m,111-lier Co,16248 tlark H Ibert t; ilisoti, Cuti tute, Fas,

; ittautagi'r A, L. h)a'l Litio-tsr Co,

m5249 \Vi mm alit mli c'I (Uli.stuui, "turrettshttirg, uttt, ; 9V 1) (llilçitt.16250 (eturgit l,iotiaruJ (,ihti, Silambu, alit.; tViti llitçhl,tttaut, 'j'u',iuA rit,m6251 Victor Elhitti ITayts, Kaiti5 CIty, Mo. ; J',,cu 's. Coitol Lii iii itt,252 A rthitir \%'t'ter ileilgi', l'tircehm, Mut.; «it, n'i A , \V. 1li'ilg0,11253 Jaouus Attiltis' h I ililarul, K,uitoa Cihy, rbi, ; tV. ht, j'fci hug l,ituii-lier Cii,16254 Jauto's \Vililauti IliIhi'ti, Nattons CIty, Mit ; Sash ,ii Ibior M cg co,16255 litih CuiraI liti iutbitig, hIbou, Kas.; mIrtIlli leitir Iluttibitig ItitttlierCl,.mszsb \Vh IhartI CIirmc Jacitstuii, Jarli hti Jitiichiitti, N. rum , ; Stilli isLtttttbir Co.m6257 \Vam fer l'oo,h, h h it, Jaruiaglu, FaI r Ph,, ?uitu, ; tttCtttbrr of lirioSothihi .b Ja ruiaglii.1625$ Jttht ti hhroieiu Kelti, Etild. O. 'r, ; uiiatlagi.r J'. 't'. 9V,iimitii luir Co.i1t219 liturrhtcouu "Grteiic.ismho " Kehhcr, I)ttctio,g, Mo ; Keller Ilias152(0 'l'bottiao hihtui n Kkliht,o, hiuttchihtuitott, ICas, ; A ultrluti Lii tibor C,,.,Katisis City, alo.i(iR,l harry Leoti McAdrtttis, Ehittutore, Kas,; aivauuagi'r hltu rgitor.Jmtuii titanI,iuitthitir Co.

i(i2,2 Malshtu WIllis I5lcKltiuucy, Perry, O. 9',: iul.tilager Im. ii, hhiieii,162(3 IJ. Sittiri 111cM h i tut, K;uiuoas City, 1lit. ; 'IV tui, Ibitu_hi,u titi,i6264 ChiarIto McCiull;ttt McNi'am, Maryolimo, Mo , ittatt,ugi.r .ini bei'

Itrir lticNea l-l'ttrcluer Lui uuiber Cut.16265 Eiiwa nh tl'lie' Iltirhl ii , Katusatu city, Mi,. ; s Ici' mimc'i t w, i'.Seatcell f,u iii hier Cut.1121,1 lIeti r' Elitter Islaslr.rsoui, FarI huigioti, Kas, , ittatuager im igiter_iltitu'tttao Lui tIther Co,i62(,7 Ahitert hhiitiamiarte May, Wau'erhy, Nao.; ittaiu.tger 0mo, C, May,1126M A i freuh 'Shit,rtgrass" lui bdghey, thiiturtuit,mlt, ; uliatttger Leliligmi& hiatettu I,uutttber Co,m6269 Casper MIlcitci m 11111cr, Savottlturg, 1C,i. ; tiati,iger Iltii giter-ilotuttiait Luuiuultir Cu,,

b270 Jauutes Freilt'ricic Muore, Ahtttouia Ku0., W, N. Cerh,iluiLii uttber Co.

1627i Eilg;u r E. Newiauitl, 'roiimtitvti, O. '1'.; iul,uuiagor Ftiqjer Luttuilsir Co.

16272 Gcorgt Fr;iithti hum Neuem attil, G letictie, O, T ; iui.ituager ltiister Ltiitu-tsr Co,

16213 mllrtimiu " Weary " Norcroos, Whcitlua, Kas,; D.0 eltloti A' C,ise Lititu-ber Co,

1(174 Wtuiter Jicksoii Otig, Kiitss CIty, Mo ; Ash Griete WhIte LutteAssit,

m675 l'atti 'rtilthiuiig t'arltlitoGii, Vagotter, h. 'r.; \Vagottt'r Ltitiiln'r Co,mb76 i)auu IVatlutworthi I1axtoii, l'orlls, Nan, ; Oaui Luttilui'r Co., Sm.¡tttlo, Mo,16271 Ernest "h(otigii Necic" ¡'lersou,, ICattsauu Clt , bio,; Ctttittoijy hhiht

Loutiber Co.

16278 Josimua Silas Siioihtitrite, Wamuita, O.T.; WakltaCtiam & Ltunmbero.16279 Wlhiiauim "Stvljtes " Hipes, St. ?4arys, Kas ; secretary atih lumaltogerStir I,ttttibcr Co,16200 Erticu,t Wrlghtt Snuith,, l'ian, Nao.; uuiaiiager R. I. Tumuiuibor &Cutah Co,

1628m Johiui rmmim Stiilth, Carterseitme, Mo,; utmauuagor llttrgtter.hlooianLttttmlter Co.

16282 Cecil Frank Stewart, liarhior, Kas.; ituanager R. h, Luiniber &Coni Co,

16223 Slhas Wliufred Sturgeon, Dodge Chty, Ras.; Stuirgeoti liros.16214 Shituoum Johttt Swaiisotu, Ibetiuiingtoit, Ka ; niatitugt'r T,ehdigii dt

ilaveuto Lumber Co.

16215 Johuim l'ricoh Tabler, Codarvale, Kas.; parttmer Leeil1' r,unmn.rCO3

lb2Suj Ailuert u, Old Reihabje " 'rim7, Kaitsis City, alo,; hI.mthger 14 mIti.ber Co,

16281 lioyce W. Whitrout, I4ogait, Kas.; imuatiager Logati Lstttbur Co.

Coitcatetuatloum Nti, Um?, K.uttsas City, Mo., January 24, 1906.







I ,,




Page 9: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi





" .Jlu " Hall IutM bCV* litelli I'Iiroiigb tt LOIIIN% illC

in conjiecUon % itli the fornhtt;on Of tue I(eI)tIICkY 1C-tail Lumber Ik;ders' Asociatioii, Louisville Ky., Februaryo, Vicegeretit Jhn 1Juli, uf Clay City Ky., ushered hitot1ie light of the Great Black l'rince seventeen kittensan xjou ', tU V.'i iider th rough 1h e ' ' on ion beds '' and pay lioin -a ge to tEl e nionarch of I leal tu, lia ppilieSS aud I.c,ng ri fe.

I n poi n t of a ttciit oli lo detal Is, ortie r a ud h)telJl lia ubre'.LLcce,fbI1 col CitCii ìt IC),! ii i s ever licei) hehl iii (lie old

. , llliie G i ass State, ' Al though tli s vas I (rother hull's11r5t le,nn tü the heathen " of (lie outer darkness, it isiafe to idy tliit the seventeen kitteiis received eiioiighien ligliteii iiieiit to hold t heili hit a w h ile. '' iLcli u ud every

cl ndid .1 t e got al I tli at vai. cciii ing (o li in , and tue coiiYilic-i ng i,tylc iii vliich " Jiiii iiiipressed upoii (heut (lie niigliti-liess of lico-lino was the subject of considerable coiiiiiieiit.'fo ahi4t hiiti in the work, Vicegerviit liait evidenced cou-si(ler.tble cire iii the selection of luis officers willi (lue resulttliet (lucre \vab, not u single hitch iii (lue proccediuugs. 1vcryofficer " iva(l I,eeuu (lucre before '' auud knew just what to cIa,

heui tu uhii, fl ud how to do it lui (lue most effective nuanuier.Following is .i list of the officers and initiates:

Siiark, J4un M U. 11:411 ; Seiuk;r 1JC)O-J1()U, George 1. Tt,i,uujiioii JuniorH()O.It()(I, I. J. SYluilanuc; Ilojuiuu, 1'. .Sniltli Í1 I Itou, ; Scrlveiui,ier, E. ',V.Riuikukv; Jattu rivock, 1'ra,uic ¡I. Ruinunul; Cnuiocatlaui, Jeuue K 1lrowu;Aruuuboprr, F S. Griflin; Gurilon, J. H. Wliaicy.

us2ss Suui,i ri A slii,y Alle,,, Cliucluutuatl, O. ; geuuera oiutIierui ugeiut C. ui.

& D. Ry. Co,

1b2u.l Edo uI \TtCletlatud Blu, Aihany, Iuu,l, ; uuuaiiuger Lotus luir.u29t) Jolni Noble libIb4tOui, Manitu, Ky. ; lI;ruter ¡loulou & l'arlu,15291 lleiury lt. n'y tlr,icliuuuatin, Lotuinrillu, ky', i,resideiut nuit uuiauua

err J, Georgu Siu:uiackcr Co,ls22 WI Iunni Siuvniu Ji mutti ugtr, ¡oulsul lie, Ky.; vartlier hurry B,

l'i un & Co,

16213 Jeue " Cold " CIullto,u, Cauuupt)ou)sburg. Ky; J. ClullIo,u & Co,

lb2')4 (k'orufu' Sinlili Cluowuiliug, Sliali,yvlIle, Ky.; paruuier lull &(.lic, uluuir,

le2ç Vliuc it Lo,u Freolauu,l, CIiuclonatl, O.; general freight agoni Viu'

coluNiul (ritirai R. R.162')Ü Janit Kc'iiuucily Grable l,oiilviuic, ICy.; buyer Otilo River Suw

Mill Co.

u5297 lluuiuI" Blu, " Jouco, Loulovilbo, Ky.; traveillu? liiiycr Ky. Wagon

l(,2)8 Phil il u F red riel, La ll, Louisville, Ky.; ,iueuiul,er of unu Laib Co,162W) James Manitu Miissel,uuaui, Louulnvllle, Ky.; buyer Mitt & Jaclisouu,

Clnciii,uail, 0.

CII,trI('q floury l'ayne. LouISvIlle, Ky.; satcuu,uaui The Geber uif.Co. Wayuiesboro, l'ii.

111101 Cliark'o VickIlffc Roarlu (.reenovII1c', X)'.; mauuager GreeiisvillcBlulloic Co.

lu3O2 muon Or.iniel Seuulor, LouuIRsIlle, Ky.; uuuauuager Xcuutuuchy SaurWork,..

11,303 Wesley R. Ticiuentlorí, Løulovilk, Ky.; presldc'iut 't'lsclieuiclorfhecht & Co,

1b304 Wiuulanu Richard Waters, LouulovIlli, Ky.; brauch fioiie uuauIager'1 ko Gemir B 1g. Cii., \Vayiiruboro, l'a.

Coii,aieti,utloa No. 1213, LouulunI Ile, Ks'., Frbriiary (, 19'W,.

IJoo-iloo Watch Charm.


cut of tue Hoo-Hoo WatchCharnu doefi not really do it justice.In fact, it gives hut a faint idea of the:M'i becuty of tIui exquisite iuicce of jew.

., - elij. The design embodie8 a wealth-

of Oriental symbolism, ea set forth at, length in the Special Jewelry Circo-

.-. lar,ancl the workmanship ¡e first-class.,) /: This Watch Charm can be worn as a'

fob, and, being alike on both sides,will never hang wrong side out. Theprice is $7.50, Like all other articlesof Hoo-Hoo jewelry, tite Vatch

Charnu is sold for spot cash, and only to members whose duesare paid.

Tuo Special Jewelry Circular shows cuts and descriptionalso of the Hoo-Hoo Souvenir Spoon and the various styles oflloo-Hoo Brooches.

';» .

L_ _ Coming Concatenations

Chicago, ¡SI., F'obriuiiry 14, 190U,

'i'luis uuucct'uuug will he held by Viccgcrent L. E. Fuller,uuov serving luis third teruuu, and one of (lie best hloo'Hooworkers in the Order. The uiueetiuug occurs during tueannulai couuveuutioui of the Illinois Fetail Iuuunber 1)ealers'Association, 'liicIi couiveuice on Februuary 13 and holdsto the 15th. It vilh l)e SfiCfl that the concatenation splitstliec dates right in the uauiddle. There Is no doubt but thatBrother hi'uuller uvill have all (lue candidates lue eau hauche,auud several hiuuidred nicunbers lui attendance. 'l'ue IllinoisRetail Association is ouue of the largest said livest organi.Zatiocu s iii the coiuuu t u')'.

Wluinli,c.g, Stall., Fobrunry IO, 1000.

Vicegerent D. 13. Sprague counted oui holding this eeuu-catenation early in January during the uiueeting of theWesterut Retail L,uhuul)ennen's Aesociatioui, but could notget a suitable hall. ¡Je has now secured asplendid hail,and has worked up a splendid class for tue date tuauuued,which is duriuug " Bonspiel Week." I don't know whatkind of tIling lhouuspiel week is biut it sounds hike a good(lulic (o hold couicatenatioui, and Iwishi I could be oui hand.

Oklsiaouna City, February 0.10, 1000.

Now lucre is ouie I wish T could attend, 'But the thing isiuuupcussible. J huavc doue the uiet beat thing. I have writ-teui Brother Rogers a six-page letter in response to luis cor-dial invitation and told bleui all I don't know abotut whatarrauugcinents should be iuuade for the Hoo-Hoo Annual. Ihave told hiiui I will conic down a little later for a confer-ence. Brother Rogers writes:

On behalf of hue Twiui Territorien RetaIl Luuuiuber Dealers' Aouocla-bio!, gcuuerally, nuud tite Hoo.11oo copeclally, I vauut to extend to you acordial Invltatlouu to be s'lui, us oui tuo 9th auud lotti of February, theoccasIon of whuhcli Is exphaliued by (hue niucloseut circular. I wishu to say(liai we expect to utart thuo hail rolling for hue Hoo.lIoo Aiuuuuaal, aunt uveurunlrl talio lt au a special favor if yoiu cali be wlthu us at tluat unie, as Wc.not oniy would be glad to have you, but uve also feel Chiai you could girobus a great deal of Ioforoiatlouu regarding uuunicrouiu chatters perlaluihu,g to(lue couuuluig oueethuig,

The priutted prograuuuuiie shows that tlue luuuuber uuieetiuigwill hold two days, and that the coulcatenatioji will be onthe night of the 10th. Evidently they are expecting a largeattendauucc of ladies, as they have a special comuuiittec tolook after their eritertaiunieuit, The ludies are giveul atlueatre party oui the night of the Concatenation. I havenot space in which to do full justice to (lue prograuuiune tobe carried out at this iuueeting. 'flue thingwill "doute havecOuiC off " any way before (lue printers can get thisI3tulletin to its readers. I iuicrcly uuiake uuuetution of theoccasioul to show how these people in the " twiui territories''entertain, and what we iuuay expect when 2,000 of us rotunduIl there in September to get a gliuuipse of what this uuuighityeuuupire of the Southwest is doiuig. I have a special andparticular pencil which I will turn loose on the subjectwlucut tite proper titule arrives.

Charleston, W. Va., February 23, 1006,

The catchy iuuvitation to this uuieetiuig printed below isbeing sent out over the nanue of Brother John F. Lewis(No. 10579), who is "chairman of the Press Committee."These invitations have been sent out broadcast, one ofthem beiuug read out at the big concatenation at Cairo on

, - " - " _ ----


(lie' 2d inst. There i'u no doubt but tlnit Vicegerent iTathuew.,will have a good uuieetiuig auud a big crated:

Charleston, W, s'a., iaiuuuaru' 7, l'io.- Recrinly bun htav linar,] ii iii.tliuuaie,l ilue real lurowIjuig cuis liad lurc',u successful Is .hiill'iCth by theeillul weather, Nosy iii io is f:uloo; aiid lueur (lie report Sta riot or uu'liy itStarted we cae uni say. hut one Ihiluig lu nuire, au,! uliat 'tu, Ihat oui February l, 11u6, 'we us-Il i uull au,.euubic lii ibis city ' , lo ihe X. of V,hail, auuil we n'luI ululan (lie hourI Kauiawhia our lieadq ilarler,., nod u,u(liai day our tleiecti,'e sil I brliig I u lije Ii orsi bu cli of lvii teilS c'u'cr lire-uvuuleul lui (lii,. City. IVivuu us-e ari' lliroiighi uslilu lhic'ui (lie '' goo.giiu OJ'Cuthey ¡ii tract uui Il uivako " Tou'ut To1,I0 '' autul ° Fads usI Fajuch's '' atiplarlii tfáil Seau t. At our last uuiCi'iiuig we tetre alilu to seco re kubus frouuiChili)' ululen and cabs 1roi uuauuy nuore, 'l'ho cat or ki Ueii iliat iuileg(lito treat usill regret lu, l)o nui bn ng auu- uersuaulers or IIi rviui n'ui anw,' uuilt Cii ni mli you itch, Nor a elia tige of c'iotteu, prov ¡dcii, thu uni'syou uuear are of guiol uiiauerial auid urn I built.

luir, J), j, ulatlic'uuui, our Vict'gereiul, lu out' iii ils, liiiyu, auu.l of t liv laut,0h11 lic will sie (liai no cat un Il tier ogret luis giiiiil itiuie lucre on abovedale, Hotu uug yoiu will couic unii lirliug nonue lii lucio; with you, I am,

Yiiur pu rriuug frteuiil,

Noti,lo Afflr at liuttig, Ark., Februiiry 24-211, 11)1)0,

F'oruujal invitations are beiuug sent out iii couluieclioua willithe big coulcateuiatioui at Htuttig, Ark,, oui February 2, ofwhich several notices have already appeared in the luuuuberpapers. It yill be noted that Mr. Baling Arthur Johuuson,founder of the Order, will give his two lectures, " 'nieStory of Hoo-Hoo" auid "Tue Passioui Play of 1900" iuiconuiection with this meeting, which will occupy two clays,and that he will also couicliude tile initiatioui of the cauudi-dates with the illustrated closing cereuuiony.

Along with the handsome iilvitatiouis are sent priuutedcirculare froun which we quote:

We shall Iry lo uuualic thIs a unual niemorabuo ereilt for Boo-Boo iiiSouutlioruu Arkansas, alud your atteu,la,ucc Is luec005ary lo ulialue it roach,tile fullest meauuroof siucceus,

Tuo Story of floo.hJoo " uu'lul bogla prouuuplly at (eve,, o'gioCk, nuitiuuiuuiedlatehy after (lue kittens untIl be led thurouglu the waving gree,uuio,.sof the gardens right and tell, chosi,u uvltli tilo Illustrated cereuuouuy of(lie hiultlatiouu. Ifyon harca cauudldate would be glad lo huavcyon brluughuhn aluiug.

You are alustured the best tIme you ever liad, auid uu'e earnestly roquentyou to advIse us If yuiu will atteruul, and luow many kllleuus you, will brluug,tluat we unay arrange accordhiugly for tlueu,u ° O,' Rouf,"

Address all conuuuuuuulcatjouus uo J. W. Chua,udler, Iluuttlg, Ark., or loJ. C, McGrath, Vhcegoreuut Su,ark, Matrero, Ark.


Shreveport, Lus., February 112, 1000,

This will be he'd by Brother J. B. Chipuuuan, of Slireve-port, who was recently appointed Vicegerent for the North-em District of Louisiana to succeed Brother E. A, Frost,who held the splendid con,cateuiatt,n at Shreveport lastyear. This nieeting of the 22d will be along same hluies asBrother Frost's coulcateuiatloui, Mr. Boling Arthur John-son is to deliver his lectures with the stereopticout views,just as at the Huttig, Ark., uuueetiuig, elsewhere 'nentiouied,which occurs oui the 24th. Brother Frost is taking a deepinterest in the uuueeting, and is assistiuug Vicegereuit Chip-uuiaua in every possible way. The latter is vice president ofthe Alf. Bennett Luuuiber Co., of Shreveport, arid it isdoubtful if two nuore promiulent and popular luiuubernieuicould be found in the State than he and Mr, Frost, Theywill have the hearty cooperation of all the big- pine andCypress utianufacturers, and the uiieeting will beyond dotubtbe one of the notable ones of (hue year.

Lake Charles, Lus., February 24, 1000.

This meeting will follow by two days the one at Shireve.port and ha Coincident with the one at Huttig-which givesan idea of the activity and enthusiastu prevailing in (hieSoutluweat, Resident Ioo-Hoo at Lake Charles haveWanted a concatenation for a long time and report that alarge nuuuiber of first-class men arc anxious for ¡fljt1tjon,Brothers J. A. Cauuupbefl ( 15896) and J. E. Hockey ( 9496) are

ill charge of local aru.uigcuuueults, auid uepor( uuiore tluauiforty tuteli ill liii e for iuuituutiouj 'l'li e uuieetilhg Ial Is iii i licSouthern Districtof the State, presided over l)yViccgcrcult'4 Beu t " Atkiiuson, of the r4utchier & ?uloou e Ltuuiulaer Co.,of Lntclicr, La,, wluo lias fixed the date, and who will pro.side. He s'ihI llave tlieacti\'e cooperatioui of all tIle veter.uuiHoo-hloo alouug the coast couuitry of r4oiuisiauia .tnd 'l'cx,ts-aliti tluet'c are no uuiore cuuthuusinslic iuueuuulacr,. tuuyvhucu e.Look out for a rccu'tI-lrealeiuig class.

l'IUIUCI5II, Ky. , Mreh 17, 1000

'l'huis will be (lue regular " Padu'cah Auuuuiial '' couucatc'uu,i-tion, held by Vicegercuit R. S. Robertsouu, of tIle Fergiusoui &Paluuucr Co., who is serving luis secouid tetuut. Tite auiuuuualconcateulatioui at ['aduicalu lias caine to staunt ill a class .ul-iluost 1))' itself iuu litany respects. it is never held ju Coil.nectiouj with nul flssociatiofl uueetiuug. It i. a fuiuuctioui sep,t-rate auid apart auud coiuiplete withiiui itself. No special effortis iliade for a large class of initiates, frouui tcui to cighitceutbeing about (lue usual crop. The couicateui,ttiouu is iliade (lieOecasioul for a geuleral gatheriuug of ali the uneuu,bers in Wct-erul Keuttucky aIld frouuu the adjacent districts, vithi a wideopen hearty invitation to Hoo-lIoo and lttuuiberuiicn every-where to couuic iuuaud partake, A spldid coluree dinnerat the leaching hotel always follows tite Ïuuitiatioui, at whichthe speeches, songs anti stories have bccouute fanions,

Vicegereuit Robee'tsoiu, Joluui Fcrguisoui and Ltdce Ruussellheaded a delegation of Padtical; Hoo.Hoo which went overto the cohlcatcnatio,u at Cairo oui the 2cl to deliver in persohian invitatiout to (hue luuulter,uien of Illinois.

It is no lunustual thing forunore than a hundred and fiftyltluuibcu'nieui to be preseuit at one of these Paducahi med.ings. This year the Paducab people are prounised thepresence of several nieiuubers of the Supreme Niuie.

Danvhhle, .rk,, Februutry 17

TItis is aluotluer couicateniatioui to be held by VicegereuitG. W. Cleveland, of the Western District of Alkatasas.Several refereuuees to his great activity appear iii otherColtuinuas of this l)ulletjui, Foruuual auuno(unceuuueults are outfor this Danville uileetiuig. Brothers W. T. Blackburn andC. C, Sharpe couustitute (hue coluuuiuittee in charge of localarraulgeumients.

Eureka Spring, Ark,, Sluirel, 6.

Tui a recent letter, Vicegereuut Cleveland, of the Western.District of Arkansas, anuuolmnces

a couicateumatio,u to be heldat Eureka Springs Marchi 6. He lias the matter tIp withBrother C. L. Gregg, of the Graluger-Kelly Lillnber Co.,Eureka Springs, to whouuu a supply of blanks has beeui seumtand who is in charge of all local arraulgeuulellts,

l'l'llli(lolplului, Stirn, 13

This is the date set by Vicegerehit J. H. Sheip for hisuiext concateumatiouu, He luas not yet definitely decided atwhat hail this uuieeting will be lucid, but desires assurancegiveul that coulveuuient and counuuiodious quarters will besecured and announced later. Vicegerent Sheip hopes tomake this second concatenation an even larger and moresuccessful one (luau his January uuieeting 'which is reportedat sOuuic length in auuother coluuuium of this issue, VicegereotSheip expects every member of the Order in good standingin his district to be present at this nieetiumg of Marchi 13and hue will accept uio excuse from tlue resident unembers atPhiladelphia.


a .


li' -


Page 10: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi


Other MøIIIIgK.

evcra1 other ineethig arc being held a,' TII Bulletin

goc' to i)re'5, tflO4 )f which vere aiinouncel in tIIC Jan-It.t t y 11nniber. Among th coi arc :

FbrttaTy 7, J)aveiiport, Ia.-Viccgereflt Mark Anson.Fel>ruary 7, SI)Okal)t, Wa1i.-Vicgercflt F. F CarUer

vont'ebriitry (i, J)ctroit, Micli.-Viccgercnt J. F. 1)eacon

1I,rIi,LI y 7, ()t1 Ncb, " Lew '' Went-wo th, i con n ccl ion w h the an ti ti :i I iiieet in g of tue Ne-

bra ka i'oci a t ion of Netail Lunilwr I)eaiets. ' ' i.ew tts(lori hohle W()nd er ful advertisi ng of this meet ing . Look

on t (or a ' whopper " of a c1as.


Tiji, sliiiotliig ot Itrhir ,Jobn O u1e'.

'I'Iie f.tet' coijiicctd vitli the tfflgc(ly in which Jir rj(ilBl ( , G u ko lost his I ¡fe li aVe been sen t to t he S

tl()ttr'S OthCC by Vicegerent I. A, Frost, ;tiid from c,

ai1 ft ob the vei1 ict o f the jury, it was a n un pro I

niurder vIiile the assailants of fliotiier Guien vere ;Ili.rtue i n litten CC O f wli kiccy.

1'hc testilnoily I)CfOrC the eoroi1er jury shows thatJtroth(r ( u ice s'al keel i lito ¡L rctaurant at Shreveport, La.,vh iCh CI ty lIC 110(1 itiade h is hoin e about a year ago. In thertst.1tn tut .tt the time were a Dr. À. P. J3nsh and Ii son,

Mfl(I(Ie1 flti1i, who reside at Silgo, in 11osser ParisIi La.flot h h nl 1)een d rhild ng freely durhi g the niorti ¡ng. AI-

though an cittire stranger to hito, as Brother Guice enteredthe red,ttirant the doctor 1)ecaIile offensive. They were the

oui Y ()IICS 2t t he tonni t,çct'nt the clerk and two coloredwaiter,. I) . Bmh rcíerre(l slurringly toBrother Guice as a

rtty in .10 . ' ' 1\ t first no attentiOfl vas paid to the insult,hut tll)Ofl it repetition Brother Guice told the speaker that he(.Lletl to have nothing to do with h ¡in , as li e s d riiikiiig.

J\ t t litt the doctor struck at li lin , aiul a cl i och between thetwo iiieii fol I OWC(l. '['he doctor called to h is son : ' ' Shoot,

shoot A t e e)l1 gol ng to let tItis ni a ti sia p you r father ? ''At tlti tite son fired lotir shots froto the back and intothe hick, ' ' .1 s t lie coron er'i j ury st ucd , and tu is tri lotti al.itlticcl, " the deceased was attacked without provocation bytIte elder I3iisli, and there sas no justification for this de-lihet ite murder.''

'île Shreveport 't'imites s1)cmks .ts follows of BrotherGo ice:

I:,ir, P I11 %Itl Jack ( ilce aiiil ,vII, ,as Iiar&I loor uhu fir t ti tt,iCdS' tiray tad ,itt guHl tvord t,, ay ,1,ont huit.Iii lii ,t% N tl3p,itIthI3 lit thi itry ttI,Ht ut i1,hiIt, iVIH litt ii tilÌIt IO

bolt for tiotihi., ,iittl itiale frit,iiIo fast, 1k liad tiveth lier, about t ye:tr,iiiI i.t.t it. It litt, d tiy Iii loctil ,ItctrIclttiii. SeveIth iti,tiitIt 1go lic itas.1 iiie,iilar ut (lit' (.iiice.Tteiry Il,ctrlcai Cititipatty, oil 1arhttt otrvit, atititi t t It %S,I ihlt,tiìItd Ita bccaiii& itIaiIter if tite IIiII Coltipatty, and.11 tile tItiii tif hii. k8t11 win hikittitied stillt Itie Canihthtehl Ehi.ctiIcal Cotti-I,,tiii nil r x.t oir

'l'ue remu,tiiis of Brother (hmice were interred at his oldhonte at \Vimitet ville, Miss,

;ì »thi

'l'ue lovitig sytilpatimy of every incomber of tite Ordergoes out to Vicegereitt J. R. MeLaurin, of 1llsworth, Kan.,ill tite lo,s of both his father and mother. One followedtite oilier within jotti (lays' time.

On Decemuber 1 hin father, Mr. Jouit McLaurin, atiast 'rctii1iietomi, Quebec, died at time ripe age of 81 years.'l'ue beloved wife, who liad l)CCt1 in failing health for sometutte1 could not withstand the shock and followed butt onl)eceimiber S. 'niese two lived amici labored together iniast 'reni1tletomi for fifty-five years, where Mr. MeLaurin

. :';(

was engaged iii lumbering amid tmiinimmg. He had been verysuccessful in imi hmmsines enterprises, and was recognizedas time most prominent citizen of his town, being calledfrequently through his bug and useful life into municipalservice, lié had served as mayor and as eoimimcilmaim.1'he papers of his provimmce paid imigim tribute to tite mneimmory

amicI worth of Mr, Mcr4aurimn, amid spoke of tite beauty ofhis Imoimme life amiti his value to his country.

tIntli .it $sm J'. MttcCoiiitcll (No, aus),

Saum P. MacCouncil (No. S), one of time most widelyknown amid best loved mmmcmi iii ¡loo-Nao, dieci in St. LouisOit Sunday, February 4. Just as The Bulletimm is going tolrss tite following pmrticmlars are semit tin:

'Chic Mt, Luido tituber fraternity writ d'ettly grhcvcd to tears of timedeatbi laot Solida), thiti'4tti tust., of Satoitet 1'. t1ttcCoiitieht, a o'idt-kitoseitinti,bcritiait, at lIte Evaitticat 1)tact,ttetn Ilosphmat, ttttr. tie hid beentitniet licOl ieitt for tire or tx itet-tiit for ItrIrtitn tintase, Ile titi(I 1)0011

lclt itt r-t otootta. A itt-eli tn,ft,m-tt tie itheit .1r, ttacCotii'tt rattttal, andit t'tiit'ct ;i t f tie were to be tite vicini ti t lie strIigte, luit cr'stpelas setlii at tttIt juncture, cithitihtiathtig I im i fallare of tite tiCa ri, Cmiii which lic


O Saut " itlticCntiiiehl, as tie tian faint tinily called by hut Itiinimermiicogetierait), titiR t wltotetoitled, geitiat itinit, of eleaslie acid rcs andatt racth'e lresl'ii)e. lilt t>ttt,y;iiit sptrht tian titfectiotin, and tie iteverfaIled to dicer t tose tththi WtiOiii lie caille lo coil tact. Ile was aim ableliitittetiiiaii, aliti littit hehl natty iintltloii% of respoitnlbtilty, bot for atitiiiil,cr of years last Iltit tn'en lii tnihlil000 for tiiiiischf nuder the title ofs, i' MacCoiiiiclt lt Co., aliti litnlqi,arters I n tite Fiillcrtoti IllilIditIv, St.Loillo.

hit r. ¡tlacCoiiitehl iota born lii Ottawa, Catiada, fort-foiir yearn ago.A t an earl>' tige tic left Ils Caimailiaii tinitie to try Ills fortune lii time States.tilo first lrolliiticltt coilliectittil Willi tite lumber trade wan willi M. P.Grocite & Ctl., at Chicago, tvtieOc Ito reinalimed sonic time. Later lie wasldiithflecl tslttt tite Chicago Littittier C.tiiip;tny. orgait le4mlty Ide Greetinat enjeU iii itifo, IttiOt, After several years sitetitlil tite i'ortti aitil IVest,Nr. MacCotmitell catIte Sottili, n'mci for soute ti no was imianager of titeGiirttoti Lii umber Conipttity, at Giirdofi, Arlo,, for (lie St. Loimlo Refrigerator& Wootli'ti Glitter Cllitllaily. Tmiis wan atotig li, 18%, After a year's stayat Giirdoti lic Ivan traiinfcrrcd to lite St. Louts lieattqilartcrs of tite coni-billy Oit imtanagcr of tite s;tle.s (teh)atlimeiil, ttii twitig lito iirt St, Louiscoiiiicctloii, I ii 18)8 tie rcsigttetl tilt. Iloottiot with (lic IVitodeit GutterCotitlaliy. F(tr a >'ear tie was tvltli tite Detroit 'l'inuber de Liumuiber Cotti-lIait)., St. Ltttt ho, bitt liait been iii biusitiess for litrtstf iiracticalb' oerslui'. Ile luatuitteil littitlor liii cottinilsslon, tutid lItIO a very fautulliar ligturelit titnuber circles lii luir, city aiuti vicinity.

'l'iut tit'coaocit liiiiitierttt;tui lit survived by litt tt'idow, who before lieruitarrlage tetto M ion Etoatior Ctapu, auttl tien souri, Skia rl aittl >latcoliuuMacCotittctl, ami a laughter, M los Joyce, alt nulitorn.

Mr, MacCotuileil n'ali a inctiuber of tite lfoo-iloo Order aiuti atoo of (lieI'eilttw' Pttutro, tue iituiiiteruiteii'n social orgauuleattoii.

'l'ue ftttterat waft held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afteruuoouu, 6th hunt,, frontlitilhitger Metittirial Ctapoi of Cii riot Church Catltedral, aiitl was attendedi)). O tttrgo tituittiier of local liuunbcrtuucim.

'rite officiating ciergyttuatu ivan Rev. Denim Davin, of tite Cathedral,.iOoistetl ily tIte Res', Caitotu A umilersoim, tue tatter atoo going to (titi crema-tory tt'ttli tilt, re tutaii. 'nie lteaittiftul and Ittuitressive Ettlocolual rItualIras followed it tite futteral service.

ritti'arcrs itere cttosett front lite ttiti frieittls a uil associaten, atittlvcrt tilt foltiiwo: 'I'. A. >ittort', J. R. l'unti us, Wtiu. Lauufershcck, R, lt.ÎticCoiiuueli, Gt'i,. M. l rifiuti aiuti J. W. Ptttttattu. QuIte a ¿intuber of titolutttberttuctu accoiltittitticit tIte boue to the crenuatory.

Dues tor 1900.

T HIN the clock struck twelve on theI ' ' night of September 9 last, duee 1*I

came payable for 1906. The Hoo-Hoo

Iyear begins and ends on September 9.


Look up your recelptus, and f you flnd

Ithat you have not paid 1906 dueß,

L______ send 99 cents to the Scrivenoter atonce. Any form of remittance will do

except stamps that are Btuck together. Your individualcheck will be all right.


'PIlE BIJLLE'I'JN A MON'!'IIJ' JOIJRNAI. 1)EVO'I'ED 'l'O 1100.1100. 21i

The 1'imttiji Sitie.

The men whose lion-lion tuamutee apl)etIr In hie tiohtees tielow areout of work anti want emplityuuaeat i. 'litIo Is Inletuilod tin a pl'runhtmtuuttdepartment of Ttiz Jtutt,tots', througiu Witicit io inities titeen factskbow,i, it le, tIr ithiouttl lie retid by several t ttotietutd bL'shiteCe motuwho cintIlo>' labor iii iuutiuty l'itrlcu] tornio, tutti lt eau be uuindc of greatvaluo In giving Itracuetti nttitllcat Ititt te) Itoo-Hoo' ecut tritI thuctite ofhelpi ng (>00 iuiothuer. I t s htt)ped tito tielttlrl.iiieuit wh lt i'et'ttl vo verycarotid attentlout citclt hsstt,

Soins of (hiC ItIOittluersa(Itsrtlslutg lii 't'ho Iliullutli, (tull to a,lvl, n unowheit tluty luut' Meciureul Itosittouus iuid sit tui obi tul keeps rumnitluigfor msuouithu, stud tibial lis, 1,, tivolul tluI i liant, adopted the 11juli ofrunning flue ads tie bug use tiuret, tutouitlis tuttI tiucti If i huye henninothIng frouai tito ttulo'en(l,er i tutti cuit luIs ad nuit, I f it thit huit ofthe tItres ,nonthi ho st lii wleIì, uno to coluI luutue lt hie tItlist ulvlst, luit,.

\VA N'I'l'D-It>' nu ex llerltttt'td t it untterutttt ut t I t' i utg t t Los A utgt'tos,ouuI., ut gi)Od t'llitttt'ttttoit lOttIt ettut to tlu'ot-clttss nttu't lterut sito' tttihI ou'wtuolt'suiia. Itt Itiltet' totuceu'tt ti tlo.sti.ltti tun ittiiec mtttitttigor littit itt isttgetut ttt ititiutl it' titel t' ltt'odttt't i ii Sottt.bterti ( ti íttt'ttttt. Sitiar>' lItt('(tun iii iseittui, 'I'o'ttttt>'-tivt >ars' exhltm'Iotlt'e trttiti,sate tttttt rol tiltIttistiteso, Aihil tins lino-Ilot Ntt. 7(i.'tl, 71)2 4Otltlt Mt)t'tit Mt., fitti 2(11,Lrt.s Auigeics, (Iti.

Vu'A N'J'tD-Ity >'ott itg lutait of IO, eilig te, sotler lt tubI to, 2 >'tit l's' ex-iorietlt,e yeltotv tItule, loottittit %t'ttAi fll'.st-t'ttiss li,uueet'iu. 'l'ttorttttgitl yfilmt hilar tt'ttIu hii ittiluulifttt'ttli'e, ilitluttuig tutu \i'ttt'ic tir t'itttuit)tt.ltl il)ea' t' tttutptu( of nuoti titud lotit' factory. At ¡reset t lit cttttt'ge t'*'iitIit tu,,u itou' ytird, 11(11 1g htuieIiues fou,o per >'tu r. Ftti r lt ttrtn'lottgo' t)fiti)t)klt.ethitg lt itt] ttthtvt( o'ttrk, l'i'cfer ttftiø tr elttiIi'itt tt'ork. tIti.Ilrttss Yiltiuug >lttlì,'' 01h01 i, Il, 111th rd t'Soit t'i(utoiet', 1110$ l'i u'st.N ti lOtlatItilutte Iituhitliitg, Nitshtvhtie, 't't'ttui_

w A N I'S li _ltIts tloiu as htt>'er ut luit ni i i p,iit' ,tI tn rd woods. Il itoltatt 17 >'ihre' xlterltttee, itttvi t i'nvt'h'tt statt'ttu stille's iii tIte tittitlitt esitiud tini pei'sotititl>' Ittitulit uhu tel hlu btrgo uttiiti lieu' ¿tf itt Its luth Intytt'sI ii ettshtjrui iutteu'itts. Itfetítiii1'5 fui i'uiIltith friuti tut' iittt ti t'lite. Ali -ti rets '' N. u.,'' titre j. I-1 . hit i rd Meuh 'Iltoi er, Ntt.sit vi i It', 'liii it.

VNt't'l -A ttit5lt-tttit its JitotekelIter it>' it lu'ttitleat ituitlt ttf itillgexperiutice ; stitleftitEtiry t'ttft'rcutee ftut'uu Islted, Jedti 't'es t",.5,5tttt'k,21f 21st St., Cairo, I it.

\VA N'1't':o-j'1ttt11 tun ytirti tiittuuitgol', btiyei' iltilt ilisuloctor. lItt'.'t'liad iihute yours' ah)eI't('itce, Fttuut llittr tvltlt N. It, i,, .. tttsl)t'Otilttt,'ery licei. of u'eferemict'o, " ,i, >1 , li." Oltre i, i t. fitti nl, Sort votiolti,Nuiitit'ltIe, 'I'emuuu.

'tV ANIS I) -.51 toit tIl)li it'' it itl'ItOttCti i StIllt testier ttf 25 yours' c'a ihrtttiuce. Litet clx or elgtt( >'eire hit tite Itututber toll comuuutttsnttt'ybuoi tiene, A nu oh xty years' If ugo, nell vo ne 'i citI, n tu 11lIt. it frit il (Ifwork. 'wit i mulatte ami>' iititltttttui or tutuiberutututi tu gItihti Itutiit. Firstnines refcreiut:t, Ahidi'ess M, O, tatu', Nt). 5751, Itt I'tuitlttuuu est. Attitlitth,(itt.

\VN'1'El-_ J)l)SIIl(tfl tvitli sottie iielthmig fitti t filet turtitg eIIttI'hl iior some in h I i stujtpty cttiiieu'it, li ave tttitl tug extterlcmih1tt t it trtt t'ct t glit lite t-ioimtti. I imitino Itte tttllt mcmi alIti dlii I'Itutulttttihtt ti gibtId titile.I IVIII1 t liii I itmutiell tite cou uietdtitui, \ hIlt roes M t tui, '' core i . I I , litt t rit,Merivetioter, Nuistivhtle, 'l'enti,

\VAN'l'lul,-A iloslttomu tilt l'oInt t t ti tuber ynrit uhuaminger tIr t nivel t ttgtilitesiutan for I tu mii ber, outsit itii,I door or tim t Itt t ttg lutti erlitt II riti. Wttsiimamuttger of ut ret uit t >'uurd wttli'it 11h11 Oit Sst),t)04) titueb ileso itoh >'etur, A uit¿1,l ou ctollert Ictus ttiitl keh'ihlthg hue OhtiJitttttihhitg uumutl titvesttttetti ti ituo tnlithuiutumui, \S'otmlO tiroler itt tititti ilt)shttIIti tutiotit, AiIr,I i, thtulWotuid latee thue rIght Pitee ehithit er. WI t t go ttn' oliere, 'lite ht ritI Ihittvc boit wit lu for yettrtt Ittit 811111 out tit t thtetr >'orhis i)tit t taut gt t''you thorn fur relerttiuee, Aliti rese al t itt ititi tt'ttttouts t It '' >ttitdtcare .1. 11. Ittut ret, Sert t'eiuoter, Ni»th vi Ito, 'I'eit ut,

WA N'IS 1)-l'osI tout by exihirteil ccii, L'OHu tieteut t, t hi iii Jerirtitut luittnitl iuuutn tus iumutuitiger of unItI tr tt'tuukt IttIco iuuttt inuit chut It>' thie tltttit-Cumul. Votu Id utton ch)itlittler htfl'er is thtt>'t'r h it 1cin Ill le t errI 1lire titrettetenit couuceruu . A dit m'eec It, J,,'' cutre i, I I . luit rit, SerI veutitter, Ñnstt-ville, Tinto.

IVA N'I'ED__ uy tutu A-i I itopeetor of hunt wttihits ii t)oNl Ltott h ii liest-orn North Cturol lutti, 'leu iteesto ni' (mItighi no oli I tullir fou' Shittu ltl'i rgo Comucerum. 5h uteit .1 ut mio huyo sii ¡tilleul hi iO t I I ciii feet iter uiu(tut t ii,Von Id tatto a htou ttomt im titi>'tjr ut titI h n sIit'ctor I ii h tint terrI tor>'or it ivhtoteetito ht nu or as tu sitic'smitn for ttitttt that Itutuore attui'ht t iuielelithuttt t ritilu'. A i, miurrted, at ycturo of age amid mutier, t luitgive Present etimptoyers o reforomueta. Address " Y,'hystt'lu," t'tiro ,i. JI.Ituttrd, Serlvemutui ir, N tout vi t Io, 'l'eutit.

IVA N'J'El)-l'ostttitiu uts huuirtti(hlttd I limit tie r ItuttIttel or. Ctuuu gh ve licei,-J? referemuec. lJttvO tail hlfti'it;u >'emors' experleiuco tutti tutti strIltI>'sober. Aditresit 240 Cotmrt Mt., >lettiplutit, 'l'ittt.

WA NTED- Exjuerlttticed sniesmami for raI Iwuuy iiitht itt t i h sii tIPI>'house, omio utcquutlnted wttlu tito trahie lui South (Jeorglut. Address hihixlet, Savitiu tinti , tIti.

WA R1'liD-l'ost tillO its mttutuuger or >'ui rit tuiuutu t li i tu mii ber >'uI,hato tinti six years' expejiemico uts malInger hf iutnbsi'yaril. Adtireseh' I)ailait," cutre J, If, Jtahrd, idhtrlvenoter, Niustuvhlte, 'l'eitmu.

LOST-1111o_jj00 button No, 0283. 1f fotmntt Seuil to .1. ii. Jt,itiil.Seri vemlebttr, litt ii Floor, l'i ret Nat oli ai tutu k 11111g., Nasit t'liti', 'J'eit ii.

WA NTE l)-Sttteinemu famI liti' ivi th otlerittlihn tif titv'ttmtt log lomutiersto travel Souhtici'n amid h4h)tutthettthtertu territory, Adtiress 'logLoader," care Hoo-lltto Btutlettiu.

WANTEIìi'o51 thuti uts limitI iug toltI fiti eutuiuuu \%'auut begti Westonitceottiuttif my health, Noti' lua'o gbblhd jtib nuit cuto givtt very ttesi. ofrefereuuei'e uts lo citiiruieter tumtel 0(1111 1101 011(1' Attetret,,, ' (tu itiuge,'' eureJ. li . itiutril, Seri t'e'imntcr, s',' t t lehbX titi lilt Iig, Ntusiivl I Io, 'l'etto

VAN'l'R1) -Ait oflteo ttiitiu,(lhto to lit) te ii etI'utvugrtth)liou' A > ou utgiriltti Is liu'eferrcit. Âddrt'ss " }'lhlrlhiut,'' t'tu i' i, t i Hut I i it, Sit l'.'ttuuoier,Niuctuvtlle, 'l'e lull.

'l'o NF\VS1°A 1'l'it Jil EN- I itest rit be tilinte iii ti sihutit I huulitiud el hyuhr iOWti tui grittt'l jig leettOli of tito \%'Ont tir Noi tiu A tut ut Pi flOttentitewhltIflhter limait-alt dejiti rttti etilo, Ilhiug ciii , 0m Itti tapIt lettre oninotrolhihi Il titi dai I leo, tthot oit trulhitt joiiruuole Littlit ti'it gtiotl wu Itor( cuti trltnu tor tlh etosterut luerlod hhhliil ) tutti t'ttth huit ' tutti tug (l'al n res,''A in uilo Htit'lt'ss(ti I )ttstuttl getter. 'I') ritt ht ttih' itt grl titi of tust.ritltolhitutu titel Itee, IViblllti lttu lhttstilhtit (hit lIeti est uttitietteil lttuttet' litNon tu nr \Vt'sh, V,Pthttlit acu'iut uuuttiterut i e culot>' ti tel cotti mit InibIti 00tues' Ihittiltiesti ititilt'tj Ititil lItt lttut't Ito ('riot lii'ii itt iii I ¿'ti et t'i jtupor iltlt'tulrtoiile, liest of refttretti'v.eostt tiitj'Si'itviitttih.r Ailltrh'ss ' Newt))atlhtrtuttluu,'' cuire 'l'ho Ilelo-hlvul) tltuIlt'ttit, %'lik'itt Btuhiilluug, Nithut'ilt,l'oit ii.

'iv A N'lI': l)-l'tist t oui tes ettiesiututtu Ihr ltifl ilitfet i ii ittihre hutte liadsevertul >'lars' expt'rlc'iuce tu lud ('tilt Cli rut titi ti u htt'iitss refit omtees,(2oum Id liegi ii ii t luit>' t lutto, A ud reos .1 , U. Kol t ii, \'ui tugtuiiiu, W. Vit,

IVA N'l'El)-j'itsh tiott uts ututuittugir of itt t Its ni III pt'rl ii ll'tthlittt i (ut utiitfl-li ftit(Itirttug tieliihi'tflueiu t. Ehiluer Suut t lu ttr gest At'Ili ese ' Suupt.'tcare J. il, liai rit, Scu'l t'euuot er, Nastu r t t le, 'l'oit ii

WAN't'SD-All liitiiltihhi wuuitilutg It) titi> ('i'llhttt' ittiht ii) siMili JuintheIr iirilt't'o i tito ut tiuitri,iugtity uihinlbetu,ot ihhhihi'v'li)u ,tttht havit ti lilittlCIl(luiltliflttttc ttuiuoutg tIte >'eltoii' uhu' ihiliti, Nitrite Shut iii't, pilenf. o, b. otilo tenti I lVhtl 111015 tltt otilitt' fili' lIt ihlhhuit sit t pute t itt t,ll ci'iuiti1101' tltitltuitiuht. J IIt'it rtgtut euuiioubg I lIlt titille, luttI itii git t' giiiid sei s'-Ice. AuIilret J, S, 2i1 eUetut'ut, NIt. 1(170, ithix Ill i, l'ihitttti'%'l iv., > les

'VAN'l'Fti--li>' ut tht'itt-t'ltt,ss rtttiult Imittut ut t l'iut n ,uld, lhh)tltlh)uu ttliiuuuinttgttr ihr uissltttttt tltuhiiutgr'r of reist I >'au it titi e'otutit tetti, lit iuuu:t-dIo touty iitibl)h)CitiIill. tutto utIli toit >'itti'' etii,t Icutce lii u etiull ihiltil-ileso, ii>' ree'orti Is liioiu uttuil luthlilis A i. IhtIltOet lIlt) ', litiO tul' ituoiril Meuh 'ttuutult'u', Nhhetus'l litt, 'JOuit.

v AN'I'Eu- Posh Ihoit itt uituttt'>' tel, i>' cotti iiett'lh I lu(tttti tue'tqhi'r stillilulgluist recoin ltleuititttttluu5, /ttitt 'iteM N tI. II lii Ii itt i' i , lt Ilitltit, MII Iv.iiuoter, Nibtilt t' I tie, 'l'vitti.

WAN'l'l)t)-A lilisItlIbmi ttltit tittuuti itt uit iII \iiitht lit \'t'sl 'hrgtuutuu ittthy tOut latte ut lui toller Oit' i lut'mtt. ('tui g) t i' gti,ul t t't'ihiuitttv'utujutt toit,tinto luau litt eiirs' ealtei'leiul'tl lii itti kittilt, if 11101(1 lii \%'hei s'tu gliu lIt.A dtlress 'l'en Íd i le, '' Otto J . il , iluti iii, litrI t'C'ltiiti'u',

IVA N'l'Et)-l'hboliht)lu sylttt hi tise ('ittttei'ii iii itt hp-ut butti' ltuituitt'i111)1)11 keeliet' itt' Ilfiectu l'turo' ex I)erlellie, lugh' (2, bthttfltLi i hit ululi hihLitit(ieu'uuuuiui, i'tuit tiuriulsii itigluesi, refeu'i,uii'i,s tut, ti tutilihl t' tuithi Itutogrttiuitd w Ill Ito at I t hieri.y Jut ti lultry loi. Ailhi rese '' il2l,'1 t'itt L' J lt , Ittul ruSert %'ouuhiier.

\V.% 5151)-1 st'iut t a hIttite its I itihuliot' tittletituttitu J ittuvh) beth lui titoIIi tui ici' titel itose uts ith)itkl(et.t)et' umIlI sitteiuttttt litt i hue 11011 Itou yeutttt.ulIVO ti t'ththil tu tiowietit'it of tito L'itoituese tuttI itt t'lh'tthit'hI iuchtiiltluth,-amidi tltriiitghtøii t M h conti rl auud uttlituritmut st titos i si'iumt t tu cthmu hellionrIght muta ititel tain itiultofy utit>'iiihiiy )l'tttl uIl t i'ft'i euuieo Aditreititt

Ititituivlilit,'' .1. li, lltuhu'it, Sct'ls'euuoter, Niisiivi Ile, 'l'('thtt.


CALIFOR N IA.I f ,I'oti cross tite Cihil-tiiiemut iii oiic of thelohii'ist slcejters ei f thmt'

UNION PACIFIC"oui still eiij)y NOttitri1) aiuti 5itVC Cotisitl-croule iitOttc'y . '. ,

Iimqutre ofJ. 11. LOPHROP, G. A,

903 OlIve St.ST, LOUIS, MO.

suu'iri Ci'ituutttithiy.

'l'ottrlel-1 lmmit101'Stnnil yoitr Wtesloriu owns tiro veryitrogi'essls'e,

itetlhiorse Samtm--Yes, Yesterday I glu' ti miman liso hoursio leave bun anli lie got out In ten tuhititi0



hi fi


'u t



Page 11: THE I3U1LETIN: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. îfi 1906.pdf · timimig to cit amai clot ls to %e;t r-- of timose mmmemmmlmcrs of the t )md(m s'imo, lmy m'e;Isumm of imsirmi



Prices 01 IIoo-IJoo Jcwo1y.Hoo-Hoo lapel button . 2,1O

Osirlan CIoater lapel button . 610Ladles' Nt!ck pin . 1.60

Hoo-Hoo watch charm . 7.60

lJooHoo cuff links 7.50

1'or prI'es and description of HooHoo broochee, souvenir spoOn, and grip tag, send for "Special Jewelry Crcu.lar"

SIH. rl4Hk Uiul ()II(.

I ';L I IoI 1Jí,ii('8 had oIvc(I I lie niystery of the BaInIirIiIg Bui Ion and vns just iturnIng froni a inoi'nlng,I t al I I'o h 1H frItttI anti cotnjìan lori, I)r. \Vttitlaughtcr,h t itt i t hvd : I ce tuai a largo, ttloven y stranger Itatttutti Itt toy tihsttee, enteting at Ihe altie gaflt ato] stop-ltg lo ttttilale hI vatIt ty Ihe clock Itt the hail, and

tjtaili hItttIf (tiIt st hotite, going Into toy privato roomattiT stook Ing furiously al. amy cigars while liete.

"i low mio I kauw ? \itI (laughter, your tmenseness Is

11091 ti VPIy painful. I li now lima' lie caine I n at the sidogale beatise lie cleaned time ¡muid front his shoes bofQro,t i tjii ng u toti (III. eran cia ; i f he Itad entered time yard byiit fi on t gal e ito i'ottl ml h ave escaped (ho toit I . 'Pite aniount

of III t ivniovetI front i!m. shoes signifies that lie is a largelilium, tinti (trie (Vitti CitSi I y see that Ito is slovenly because lieii Id noi clean lila Mii(1N4 t horotiglily, bu t left muddy foot-lii ints tlirottglmout lite ball,

'lie w.s a stranger or lie would have known that titohtml ii lPa(1 I ng to t lie si d e ca t rumien is rnu(l dy at th is season.I inn tell that he stoppe(l to regulate lits watch by tIto( lotit I it t lie hall, is (lie tito d is mu cit tlflcicer timore. Ilehttioked fast, for four of my cigars have disappeared fromI tie ijo, on t lie itiatit e, aim d lie lias been in my l)rivato room,for nqlmes are stretvti about u pon t lie carpet."

'Yi)flr moyal loftiness, I aol pained to inform yeti thatfoi t ii e fi rat li nie iii you r i I I ustrlous ttIi(i titost ren)arlcable(iii ('L'I 3 Ott have etreti, WI (li tite accent on t lie rr.

''l'item e titis iieeti no stranger itere, nor no largotesti No one entemeti at tite side gate not- sot a watch byI lie tlotk itt tito liait . No one snioiced foti r cigars nor en-t (i ((I , Ott t litivitte t.00tti

'l'ue notti otitsitle t he door I Scralied from a spadewi I ii wit I cli I hail linen working atnong the tlowers, andtttiy tilt t witiiiti lite hall I atn responsible for. 'Flic girl;t(-ci(ietitahly til)i)e(! O%'(t yotir box of cigars whim dustingt lie t ootn tìtiti ittotte fou r, throwing tite fragitienis out.'lite ashes tijioti tite tioor of your itrivate reato you droppedlast evening, and he sitio gato lias been nailed up for twotiays 'I'iitts yott have i)çett wrong in your deductions."

ilitt lJoti-s was iitisy preparing 'pills," and soon thetonto (i(lOtifCiOtt as a Chineso laundry-james W.iiiil)(('Cl, i ti Ll 1)1)1 neott's.

osisiet lo iC(J).

A iio-1 of 511001) that leisurely pass by(inc alter one; tilo sound of ruin and beesi\lurmtiitring; the fall of rivers, winds and seau;

Sttiootit fields; white sheets of water, and libro àlmy-I have thought of ail by tttrns and yet to lie

Sleepless, attil soon the small birds' melodiesMust hear, fIrst uttered (join my orchard tices,

And tito first cuckoo's melancholy cry,Evon titus last night and two nights more I lay

A ti d cotild not win titee, Sleep, l)y ati' stealth.So do not lei mo venr tonight away.

Without titeo what is all tite tnorning's wealth?Come, blessed harrIet- betweon day and day-

i)-ar niotiter of fresh thoughts anti joyous health.

'I'h( 64)0-Coo I)elifle(l.

'Io ,Jtidge John Kirlichis, of Houston, Texas, the waitingworld is iflhieb)tCtl for ait exhaustive, not to ShY exhaustingileuinitioti of 'goo-goo eye." It atpears that In Houstonliete is an ordinance directed ijgainst flirting, and Judge

Ilirhielts itas hurled his Judicial opinion in the face of pub-lic oiiini Ott in titis wIse:

13y tite terni 'goo-goo eyes" is tneant any contortion,ittitisual tnovetnent 0m- OflY tixed unusual attitude of thecl-es. l)m-oviiiitig tito salti cotitortlon, ttnttsual movement orinusual lixeti attitude is matie with the intent of attracting,alluritig or cotijitring tite attention of aity woman or fe-titOli', as the sutil ordinance tpcites. It vill he noted thatsitcht oyes, if titade at att infant in am-tus, provided it is ofI lie gettI lei- sex, is ii ttlnwftil ti itou I Ito streets of tIte city.

After titis (kItrerattit, let tts no lotiger malte goo-goot,'CS 'it in fan tu i ti uhil te tilares. !Ie d ignity of tht lavitt u st. be ttphieltl

'i'hmm Umirepenlamit.

Now my tIme lias conio to die,Good muy masters, heat';

'l'bis IL stntìer's litanyi)arittg to your cnr;

Life bath ItliYe(l for me lo dancetJh> and dowti tito lino-

(NIt, I patti tIte f1(ldler, sirs,1Itit (ho tiatico was tine!

Love came swinging to my cati--Black-eyed love and bold;

GILVO mite sc.'trlet lips to hiss,hotu bet' hiatids to hold,

1"ast and faster fell our feet'l'o tite iitlislc's beat-

t Eli, I paid tIte fiddler, sirs,But (lie tlance was sweet!

I have datteed it (brought the world---Alt, (lie tnett'y litne!-

l)aticed tIte red sLiti down tIte west,lianceil away tIte mooti,

Could I cavil at tito lirico?Out oti souls so tneati!

( flit, I l)itl(l the fhddhr, sirs,littt tito datico was keen!)

Beggared now, my toasters ali,Cry your colti dispraise;

Raise your eyes anti count your gold,'l'rudge yotit' (ireary ways;

I, tIto patilter, richter far,Envy tiot. tier pine-

(Eli, i pattI tito fiddler, sit's,Bitt tIte (laN-o was-mine!)

-'i'licodosia Gari-Ison in Lippincott's,

I I os',' t lie 'L'i'omm bic Am()sO.

., I supposed Ito clasped you in his arms when the canoeIt met?"

"No; quito tito opposIte."'Qutte the cPpniiO?""Ves; tite canoe upset vhten lie clasped me in lilo arms."

Pei'fitioii.'l'ho leaf that ripons only in tIte sunIs dull and shirF'oled ero its race is run,'l'ho leaf that maltes a carnival of deathMusi tremble first before the north wind's breath.

'l'ho life that neither grief nor bitrden knowsIs dwarfed in synipatity before its close.The life that grotto majestic with the yearsMust laste tite bittet' tonic fottti&i In teat's.

,, - -. - . - - -'- ,.- '-- -- - .-' ---- e-,

' Important Notice!

Dues for the 1-Ioo4loo year ending Sepatember ç, 1906, became payable at one:fljnthof one minute past midnight on September9th last. lire you paid up for the year Sep:

I tember 9, l9O(? ltre you sure? II you arenot, you had better send 99 cents. Everyman who pays up without waiting to be sent

- one notice will help that much to offset the- expense caused the Order by the man who: waits until he is sent three notices. To which

class do you belong? l4re you an "early bird"sort of man, or are you an "eleventh hour"

.: man?

