the hard truths behind customer acquisition - momo singapore panel slides during adtech (7th july...

Organizers Sponsored by Customer APPquisition Changes the Game 7 July 2014 @ Muddy Murphy’s #appquisition #momosg #mobilealliance

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A couple of slides to stimulate the debate on what is the real essence of customer "APPquisition" strategy and how it fits practitioners approaches to marketing their Apps.


Page 1: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

Organizers Sponsored by

Customer APPquisition Changes the Game

7 July 2014 @ Muddy Murphy’s#appquisition #momosg #mobilealliance

Page 2: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

“AppQuisition”: Jargon buster?• Advertiser vs. Publisher• Attribution, the process of figuring out if people are actually seeing your ads, is a key driver to success in mobile advertising.• DAUs: Daily Active Users• MAUs: Monthly Active Users• PPC: Pay per click• CPC: Cost per click• CPI: Cost per impression• CPI: Cost per install• CPAI: Cost per active installation• Cost per download (CPD). • CPA: Cost per action• CPV: Cost per view• CPCV: Advertisers only pay when a user watches the entire video ad without skipping it.• CTR: Click-through rate / Average CTR• CPM: Cost per mille / eCPM: effective Cost per mille (CPM) • CR: Conversion Rate / Installs over visits• IR: Install Rate / Calculated by dividing the number of installs by the number of clicks an ad received / Average IR• ARPU: Average revenue per user• LTV: Lifetime User Value• SDK: Software Development Kit• API: Application Programming Interface• UDID: Unique Device Identifier• IDFA: IdentifierForAdvertisers• Supply- and Demand-Side Platforms• A supply-side platform (SSP) is a system designed to help publishers manage and sell their ad inventory. • A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that enables advertisers to buy ad impressions from a large range of publisher sites.• Real-time bidding (RTB) is essentially an automated, instantaneous auction where advertisers bid for publisher impressions. As an ad impression loads into a user’s

browser, information about the user is passed to an ad exchange. • Real-Time Bidding• Fingerprint Matching: Fingerprint matching is a method of tracking that attempts to match conversions to ads without the use of unique identifiers. • Invoke URLs: An Invoke URL is a special type of URL that enables a mobile user to bypass unnecessary landing pages and instead be directed to a targeted page inside a

mobile app (a concept known as deep-linking).

Page 3: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

CPI Quality





Niche Targeting Broad

Little Traffic Tons

The type of App determines where to advertise. Your CTR and Install Rate determine how effective you are in doing this.

Market rate



Can be optimized!

#appquisition #momosg #mobilealliance

Page 4: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

Effectively Use Data in a Changing Ecosystem

#appquisition #momosg #mobilealliance

Page 5: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)
Page 6: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

230-developer study that covers over 9,000 apps and almost 400 million

monthly active users

Page 7: The Hard Truths Behind Customer Acquisition - MoMo Singapore Panel slides during adtech (7th July 2014)

Organizers Sponsored by

Customer APPquisition Changes the Game

7 July 2014 @ Muddy Murphy’s#appquisition #momosg #mobilealliance