the gre words

Word Definition abacus frame with balls for calculating abate to lessen/to subside abdication giving up control/authority abdomen stomach and bowels aberration straying away from what is normal abeyance suspended action abhor to hate/to detest abide be faithful to/endure abjure promise or swear to give up abraded rubbed off/worn away by friction abrasion rubbing/scraping/wearing off abrogate repeal or annul by authority abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest) abstruse difficult to comprehend/obscure abundant plentiful abut border on abysmal bottomless/extreme acarpous effete/no longer fertile/worn out accentuate give more force or attention to acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval accolade praise/approval accretion the growing of separate things into one acquiesce in agree (without protest) acquisition smth acquired/acquiring adamant kind of stone/inflexible adhere remain faithful/stick fast to adhesion adhering/support adjacent lying near/next admonitory containing warning adorn add beauty/decorate adulteration making unpure/poorer in quality affinity close connection/relationship aggravate make worse/irritate agile active/quick-moving ail trouble/be ill alacrity eager and cheerful readiness alienate estrange allegiance duty/support/loyalty alleviate make (pain) easier to bear alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior aloof reserved/indifferent amalgamate mix/combine/unite societies ambidexterous able to use the left hand or the right equally well ambiguous doubtful/uncertain ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings ameliorate improve/make better amendment improving amicable friendly amortize end (a debt) by setting aside money

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Word Definitionabacus frame with balls for calculating

abate to lessen/to subside

abdication giving up control/authority

abdomen stomach and bowels

aberration straying away from what is normal

abeyance suspended action

abhor  to hate/to detest

abide be faithful to/endure

abjure promise or swear to give up

abraded rubbed off/worn away by friction

abrasion rubbing/scraping/wearing off 

abrogate repeal or annul by authority

abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)

abstruse difficult to comprehend/obscure

abundant plentiful

abut border on

abysmal bottomless/extreme

acarpous effete/no longer fertile/worn out

accentuate give more force or attention to

acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval

accolade praise/approval

accretion the growing of separate things into one

acquiesce in agree (without protest)

acquisition smth acquired/acquiring

adamant kind of stone/inflexible

adhere remain faithful/stick fast to

adhesion adhering/support

adjacent lying near/next

admonitory containing warning

adorn add beauty/decorate

adulteration making unpure/poorer in quality

affinity close connection/relationship

aggravate make worse/irritate

agile active/quick-moving

ail trouble/be ill

alacrity eager and cheerful readiness

alienate estrange

allegiance duty/support/loyalty

alleviate make (pain) easier to bear 

alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior

aloof  reserved/indifferent

amalgamate mix/combine/unite societiesambidexterous able to use the left hand or the right equally well

ambiguous doubtful/uncertain

ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings

ameliorate improve/make better

amendment improving

amicable friendly

amortize end (a debt) by setting aside money

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amplify make large or fuller/increase the strength

animosity strong dislike

annul put an end to

anticlimax sudden fall

antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease

antithetical direct oppposing

apartheid brutal racial discriminationapathetic indifference

apathy a lack of caring/an indifference

aplomb self-confidence

apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions

apotheosis deification/glorification to godliness

appease make quiet or calm

apprehensive grasping/understanding/fear/unhappy feeling about future

apprise give notice to/inform

approbation approval

appropriate take for one's own use/acquire/set aside

apropos appropriate to the situation/apt

apt well-suited/quick-wittedarabesque a complex/ornate design

arabesque whimcical

arbitrate decide by arbitration

arboreal of connected with trees

ardently with full of ardour 

ardour  enthusiasm

arduous steep/difficult ascent/laborious

argot  jargon/slang

arrant in the highest degree

arrogance proud/superior manner of behaviour 

articulate speak distinctly/connect by joints

ascend go or come upascendancy a controlling influence/a domination

ascent the act of ascending

ascertain get to know

ascetic practicing self-denial/austere/stark

ascribe consider to be the origin of or belonging to

asperity roughness/harshness/ill temper/irritability

aspersion slander

assail with attack violently

asset valuable quality/smth that has money value

assiduous diligent/hard-working/sedulous

assuage make pain/desire less

assumption smth supposed but not provedasterisk the mark (omitted letters)

astringent substance that shrinks

astute clever/quick at seeing to get an advantage

atonement repayment/death of !esus

attenuate make thin/weaken/enervate

audacious daring/foolishly bold/impudent

augury omen/sign

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august majestic/venerable

auspice protection or support/patronage

auspicious favorable/successful/prosperous

austere severely moral and strict/simple and plain

auxillary helping/supporting

aver  affirm/assert/prove/justify

aversion strong dislikeavid eager/greedy

avow admit/declare openly

baleful harmful/ominous/causing evil

balk obstacle/purposely to get on the way of 

balloon swell out like balloon

balm sweet-smelling oil/smth giving peace of mind/consolation

banal uninteresting

band flat/thin strip of material/group/range of frequences

bane cause of injury/poison/source of harm

baneful causing harm or ruin/pernicious/destructive

barrage artificial obstacle built across a river 

barren not good enough/unable to have young ones/without valuebask in enjoy warmth and light

bazaar  market

be irreconcilable cannot be brought into harmony

beatify to bless/make happy or ascribe a virtue to

bedizen to adorn/especially in a cheap/showy manner

belie contradict/give a false impression

belittle cause to seem unimportant

bellicose belligerent/pugnacious/warlike

belligerent (person or nation) waging war 

belligerently waging war 

bend cause smth to be out of a straight line

benefactor  person who has given helpbenevolence wish or activity in doing good

benevolent generous/charitable

benign kind and gentle/mild (climate)

benign kindly/favorable/not malignant

bequest arrangement to give smth at death

berate scold sharply

bereft rop or dispossess of smth (material)

bewilder  pu""le/confuse

biased prejudice

bigot stubborn/narrow-minded person

bilge bulge/the protuberance of a cask

blandishment flattery/coaxingblandness polite manner/comforting/uninteresting

blatant noisy and rough

blithe cheerful/casual/carefree

blithe gay and joyous

blueprint plan/scheme/photographic print

blunt plain/not troubling to be polite

boggle be alarmed/hesitate/ama"ed

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bogus sham/counterfeit/not genuine

boisterous loud/noisy/rough/lacking restraint

bolster  give greatly needed support

boorish crude/offensive/rude

braid strands of hair woven together/smth edging sloth or garments

brash hasty/rush/cheeky/saucy

brass yellow metal (mixing copper and "inc)brazen made of brass

breach opening/broken place/breaking

brisk active/lively

brisket breast of an animal

brittle easily broken

broach bring up/announce/begin to talk about

brook to tolerate/endure

buoyant able to float/light-hearted

burgeon grow forth/send out buds

burnish to polish/rub to a shine

bust run out of money

cabal a scheme or plot/a group of plotterscadge to beg/to get by begging

calipers metal supports attached to the legs/measuring instrument

calumniate to slander/present false accusal

calumny slander/aspersion

candid frank/straight-forward

canvass discuss thotoughly/sort of touting

capricious fickle/incalculable

capricious fickle/whimsical/given to change/unpredictable

castigate to chastise/correct by punishing

castigation severe punishment

casual happening by chance/careless

catalyst substance that causes speeding upcaustic biting/sarcastic

censure expression of blame or disapproval/a rebuke

census official counting of the population

centurion leader of a unit of #$$ soldiers

chary cautious/wary

chastened corrected/punished

chastisement punishment

chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot

chisel steel tool for shaping materials

churl bad-tempered person

cite give as an example

clamor  shout/complain with a lot of noisecleanse make pure/thoroughly clean

cling to resist separation

clot half-solid lump formed from liquid

cloture closing/device (in %arliament) to end a debate by voting

coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance

coax get smb to do smth by kindness

coddle treat with care and tenderness

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codicil a supplement to the body of a will

coerce compel/to force to make obedient

coeval of the same period/coexisting

cogent strong/convincing

cogitate think deeply/mediate

cognition knowing/awareness (emotionless)

cognizant being fully aware of coherent sticking together 

colander  bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water 

collaborate work in partnership

collusion secret agreement for a deceitful purpose

combustion process of burning

commemorate keep the memory of 

commend praise

commendable worthy of praise

commingle mingle together 

commuter  person who travels regularly

complacently with self-satisfaction

complaisance tending to comply/obliging/willingness to pleasecomply act in accordance

compound mix or combine

comprise be composed of 

compunction feeling of regret for one's action

conceal hide/keep secret

conceit over-high opinion of/too much pride

conciliatory reconciling/soothing

conciliatory reconciling/soothing/comforting/mollifying

concise brief and compact

concord agreement or harmony

concur  agree in opinion/happen together 

condense increase in density/strength/make laconiccondone forgive

congeal make or become stiff and solid

conjoin to join together

connoisseur  a person with good judgement (in art)

connotation suggestion in addition to

consent give agreement or permission

consequential pompous/self important

consolation consoling or being consoled

console give comfort or sympathy to

conspicuous easily seen/remarkable

consternation surprise and fear/dismay

constrict make tight or smaller consume get to the end of 

contemn to scorn or despise

contentious argumentative/pugnacious/combative/quarrelsome

contiguous touching/neighboring/near 

contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing

contumacious insubordinate/rebellious

conundrum a riddle/dilemma/enigma

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eloquence fluent speaking/skillful use of language

emaciate make thin and weak

embellish make beautiful

embezzle use in a wrong way for one's own benefit

emergence emerging

emote stir up/excite

empirical relying on experimentencapsulate enclose in capsule

encomium warm or glowing praise/eulogy

encumbrance burden/things that get on the way of 

endearing making dear or liked

endemic epidemic

endemic prevailing in a specific area

endorse write one's name on the back of 

enduring lasting

enervate weaken/deprive of strength/attenuate

engender  cause/produce/give rise to

engrave impress deeply

engrossing taken up all the time or attentionengulf  swallow up

enigma smth that is pu""ling

enmity hatred/being an enemy

enormity excessive wickedness

enormousness great si"e

entangle put into difficulties

entreat ask earnestly

enzyme catalyst

epicure food lover/a connoisseur of food

epicurean devoted to pleasure (sensuous enjoyment)

epistle letter 

epithet adjectiveepitome brief summary/representative example/a typical model

equable steady/regular 

equanimity calmness of temperament

equilibrium state of being balanced

equipoise equal distribution of weight/equilibrium

equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning/suspicious

equivocate try to deceive by equivocal language

eradicate get rid of/pull up by the roots

erasure erasing/removing all traces

erode wear away/eat into

erratic irregular in behaviour or opinion

erudite learned/scholarlyescalate increase/develop

esoteric abstruse/intended only for a small circle of 

esoteric known only to the chosen few

espouse marry/give one's support to

eulogy formal praise/panegyric

euphoria elation/state of pleasant excitement

euthanasia easy and painless death

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evaluating finding out the value

evaporate change into vapour/disappear/die

evince to show clearly/to indicate

evoke call up/bring out

evolve unfold/develop naturally and gradually

excoriate to flay/stip off the skin/to denounce sharply

excoriation severe criticismexculpate free from blame

exculpate to clear from a charge of guilt

exemplary serving as a model/outstanding

exert but forth/bring into use

exertion instance of exerting

exhaustive complete/thorough

exigency emergency/an urgent situation

exonerate free/clear 

exoneration set smb clear/free (from blame)

exorbitant much too high or great

expatiate to roam/wander freely

expedient likely to be useful for a purposeexpedient suitable/practical/politic

expiation ending/expiring

exploit brilliant achievement/develop/use selfishly

expostulate argue earnestly to dissuade/correct or protest

expurgate to remove obscenity/purify/censor

exscind to cut out/cut away

exsert thrust out/push forth

extant still in existence

extensive far-reaching

extenuate reduce the strength of/lessen seriousness/partially excuse

extinct no longer active

extirpate to destroy/exterminate/cut out/exscindextol praise highly

extort obtain by threats/violence

extralegal outside the law

extricable that can be freed

extrovert cheerful person

exuberance state of growing vigorously/being full of life

facetious humorous/funny/jocular

facile easily done

facilitate make easy (a process of smth)

fallacious based on error 

fallacy false or mistaken belief 

fatuous without sense/foolish self-satisfactionfaucet device for controlling the outflow of a liquid

fawn young deer/try to win smb's favour by servile behaviour 

feckless futile/irresponsible/inefficient

feckless lacking purpose or vitality/ineffective/careless

fecund fertile

feint pretend

felicitous apt/suitably expressed/well chosen/apropos

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felon person guilty of murder 

ferment substance/become excited

ferocity savage cruelty

ferret discover by searching/search

fertile producing much/full of ideas

fertilize make fertile or productive

fervid intense/"ealousfervid showing earnest feeling

fervor  warmth of feelings/earnestness

fervor  a glowing ardor 

fetter  to shackle/put in chains

feud bitter quarrel over a long period of time

fidelity loyalty/accuracy

fidget move restlessly/make nervous

figurehead carved image on the prow of a ship

finesse delicate way of dealing with a situation

finical too fussy about food

finicky finical

finite limited/having boundsfission splitting or division (of cells)

fixate stare at

flagrant conspicuously wicked

flamboyant brightly colored/florid

flammable having tendency to burst into flames

flaunting show off complacently

flaw crack/lessen value

flax pale yellow (hair)/a plant

fledged able to fly/trained/experienced

fleet number of ships/quick-moving

fleeting passing quaickly

flexibility easily bent without brakingflinch drow/move back/wince

florid very much ornamented/naturally red (of face)

floridness ruddiness/heavily decorated/ornateness

flout reject/mock/to go against (as in going against tradition or conventions)

fluster  make nervous or confused

foible defect of character (a person is wrongly proud)

foil prevent from carrying out/contrast

foment put smth warm (to lessen the pain)

foppish like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes

forbear  refrain from/be patient/ancestor 

forbearance patience/willingness to wait

ford shallow place in a river (to cross)forestall prevent by taking action in advance/preempt

forfeit suffer the loss of smth

forge workshop for the shaping of metal/to shape metal/lead

forgery counterfeit

forswear  renounce/disallow/repudiate

fortify strengthen

fortuitous happening by chance

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foster  nurture/care for 

fragile easily injured/broken or destroyed

fragrant sweet-smelling

franchise special right given by authority

frantic wildly excited with joy/pain/anxiety

frenetic frantic/fen"ied

fret worry/irritation/wear awayfriction the rubbing of one thing against another/difference of opinion

fringe edge/ornamental border/part of hair over the forehead

frivolity a lack of seriousness

froward intractable/not willing to yield or comply/stubborn

frugal careful/economical

fulminate berate/vituperate/to thunder out/to explode

fulmination bitter protest

fulsome disgusting/offensive due to excessiveness

gainsay to deny/declare false/to oppose

gambol quick/playful jumping

garment article of clothing

garner  to gather and save/to store upgarrulity talkativeness

garrulous too talkative

gaucherie socially awkward/tactless bahaviour 

germane relevant/pertinent to

gist the point/general sense

glean gather facts in small quantities

glib ready and smooth but not sincere

gloat over  look at with selfish delight

glut supply to much/fill to excess

gnaw waste away/bite steadily

goad smth urging a person to action

gossamer  soft/light/delicate materialgouge tool for cutting grooves in wood

grace favor 

grave serious/requiring consideration

gregarious living in societies/liking the company

grievance cause for complaint or protest

grievous causing grief or pain/serious/dire/grave

grimace twisted expression of a face

grind crush/polish

grooves long channel in the surface/habital way of living

grovel crawl/humble oneself 

guile deceit/cunning

guileless straight-forward/candidgull cheat/decieve

gullible easily gulled

gust outburst of feeling/sudden rain/wind/fire

hack cut roughly/hired horse

hallow to make holy/consecrate

hamper  basket with a lid/prevent free movement or activity

hamper  to obstruct

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hapless unlucky/unfortunate

harangue a long/passionate speech

harbinger  smth or smb that foretells the coming of 

harrow to distress/create stress or torment

harsh rough/cruel/stern

haughty arrogant/conceited

haven harbour/safety placeheed pay attention/notice

heinous odious (of crime)

heresy belief contrary to what is generally acceted

hermetic sealed by fusion

heterogeneous made up of different kinds

hew make by hard work/cut (by striking)

hirsute hairy/shaggy

hoax mischievous trick played on smb for a joke

hoi polloi the masses/the rabble

hollow not soled/with a hole

holster  leather case for a pistol

homogeneous of the same kindhone stone used for sharpening tools

hoodwink trick/mislead

hospitable liking to give hospitality

hubris arrogant pride

hurdle light frame/fence to be jumped over 

husk worthless outside part of anything

hypocrisy falsely making oneself appear to be good

iconoclast person who attacks popular beliefs

iconoclastic attacking cherished beliefs

idiosyncracy personal mannerism

idolatrous worshipping idols

idolatry excessive admiration of idyll a carefree episode or experience

ignoble dishonorable/common/undignified

ignominious shameful/dishonorable/undignified/disgraceful

illicit unlawful/forbidden

illusory deceptive/an illusion

imbroglio complicated and embarrassing situation

immaculate pure/faultless

immerse absorb/put under the surface of 

imminent likely to come or happen soon

immutable that cannot be changed

impair  worsen/diminish in value

impaired damaged/weakenedimpassive unmoved/feeling no sign of passion

impecunious having little or no money

impede hinder/get in the way of 

impediment smth that hinders (stammer)

impending imminent/being about to happen/expected

imperative urgent/essential

imperious commanding/haughty/arrogant

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imperiousness haughty/arrogant/commandin

impermeable that cannot be permeated

imperturbable calm/not capable of being excited

impervious not allowing to pass through (of materials)

imperviousness arrogance/commanding presence/overbearingness

impetuous having sudden energy/impulsive/thrusting ahead

impiety lack of reverence or dutifulnessimplacable incapable of being placated/unpleasable

implausibility incredibility

implicate show that smb has a share

implication that which is hinted at or suggested

implicit implied though not plainly expressed

implosion collapse/bursting inward

imply make a suggestion

importune beg urgently/solicit (of a prostitute)

impostor  someone who assumes a false identity

imprecation an invocation of evil/a curse

impromptu without preparation

impudence being rash/indisreetimpudent rash/indiscreet

impugned challenged/to be doubted

impute to attribute to a cause or source/ascribe

inadvertent not paying proper attention

inane silly/senseless

inasmuch since/because

inaugurate to start

incence make angry

incessant often repeated/continual

inchoate not yet fully formed/rudimentary/elementary

incise engrave/make a cut in

incite stir up/rouseinclined directing the mind in a certain direction

incoherently not consistently/unclearly

incongruous out of place/not in harmony or agreement

incorrigibility cannot be cured or corrected

incredulous skeptical/unwilling to believe

inculcate fix firmly by repetition

incumbents official duties

incursion a raid/a sudden attack

indefatigability not easily exhaustible/tirelessness

indelible that cannot be rubbed out

indelicate immodest/lacking in refinement

indigence povertyindigenous native

indistinct not easily heard/seen/clearly marked

indolence la"iness

indomitable not easily discouraged or subdued

indulge gratify/give way to/satisfy/allow oneself 

indulgent inclined to indulge

indulgent humoring/yielding/lenient

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 jeopardize put in danger 

 jibe gibe/make fun of 

 jocular  meant as a joke

 judicious sound in judgment/wise

knit draw together/unite firmly

labyrinthine to entangle the state of affairs

lachrymose causing tears/tearfullackluster  (of eyes) dull

laconic brief/to the point/terse

lag go too slow

lament show/feel great sorrow

lassitude weariness/tiredness

latent present but not yet active/developed or visible

laudatory expressing or giving praise

lavish giving or producing freely/liberally or generously

leakage the process of leaking

legacy smth handed down drom ancestors

libel statement that damages reputation

liberality free giving/gererositylibertine immoral person

lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid

limn paint/portray

limp lacking strength/walking unevenly

lithe bending/twisting

loll rest/to sit or stand in a la"y way/hang (dog's tongue)

loquacious talkative/garrulous

lubricant substance that makes work easier 

lubricate put oil to make work easily

lubricious lewd/wanton/greasy/slippery

lucubrate write in scholarly fashion

luculent easily understood/lucid/clearlugubrious mournful/excessively sad

lull become quiet or less active

luminary star/light-giving body

lustrous being bright/polished

macabre gruesome/suggesting death

machination plot/scheme (evil)

magnanimous generous

maladroit tactless/clumpsy

malapropism misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)

malevolence wishing to do evil

malign injurious/speak ill of smb/tell lie

malinger  to fake illness or injury/in order to shirk a dutymalleable yielding/easily shaped/moldable/adapting

martial brave/of associated with war 

massacre cruel killing of a large number of people

matriculation be admitted/enter a university as a student

mature come to full development/to a state ready for use

maudlin sentimental in a silly or tearful way

maverick rebel/nonconformist

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mellifluous sweetly flowing

mendacious *+,

mendacity dishonesty

mendicant a beggar

mercurial quick/changeable in character/fleeting

meretricious attractive on the surface but of little value

mesmerize hypnoti"emeticulous giving great attention to details

mettle quality of endurance or courage

mettlesome courageous/high-spirited

middling fairly good but not very good

minatory menacing/threatening

mince pronounce or speak affectedly/euphemi"e/speak too carefully

misanthrope person who hates mankind

mischievous harmful/causing mischief 

miser  person who loves wealth and spends little

misogynist one who hates women/females

missile smth that is thrown or shot

mitigate make less severe or painfulmoderation quality of being limited/not extreme

mollify make calmer or quiter 

molt moult/lose hair/feathers before new growing

morbid iseased/unhealthy (about ideas)

morose ill-tempered/unsocial

mortuary place where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial

multifarious varied/motley/greatly diversified

mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual/commonplace/everyday

myriad very great number 

nadir  lowest/weakest point

nascent coming into existance/emerging

nebulous cloud-like/ha"y/vague/indistinctnegligent taking too little care

neophyte person who has been converted to a belief 

nexus a connection/tie or link

nibble show some inclination to accept (an offer)

nice precise/sensitive to subtleness

noisome offensive/disgusting (smell)

nonchalant not having interest

nonplussed greatly surprised

nostrum a quack remedy/an untested cure

notion nominal/token

noxious harmful

nullify make void and nullnumb without ability to feel or move

numbness without ability to move a finger 

obdurate hardened and unrepenting/stubborn/inflexible

obfuscate to darken/make obscure/muddle

oblivious unaware/having no memory

obloquy abusively detractive language/sharp criticism/vituperation

obsequious too eager to obey or serve

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obsolete no longer used

obstreperous noisy/loud

obtain to be established/accepted or customary

obtrusive projecting/prominent/undesirably noticeable

obviate to make unnecessary/get rid of

occluded blocked up

occult hidden/concealed/beyond comprehensionodious repulsive/hateful

odium contempt/dislike/aversion

odor  smell/favor/reputation

officious too eager or ready to help/offer advice

onerous needing effort/burdensome

opprobrious showing scorn or reproach

opulence a wealth

ossify to turn to bone/to settle rigidly into an idea

ostensible seeming/appearing as such/professed

ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy

ostentatious fond of showing ostentation

ostracism shut out from society/refuse to meet/talkostrich fast-running bird unable to fly

outset start

overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition

overweening presumptuously arrogant/overbearing/immoderate/being a jerk

overwhelm weigh down/submerge

pacifist one opposed to force/an antimilitarist

paean song of praise or triumph

palate roof of the mouth/sense of taste

palatial magnificent

palliate lessen the severity of 

palliate to make something appear less serious/to alleviate

palpability can be felt/touched/understoodpalpitate tremble/beat rapidly and irregularly

panegyric formal praise/eulogy

paradigm a model/example or pattern

parenthesis sentense within another one/smth separated

pariah an outcast/a rejected and despised person

parsimonious too economical/miserly

partisan one-sided/committed to a party/biased or prejudiced

patron regular customer/person who gives support

paucity scarcity/a lacking of

peccadillo small sin/small weakness in one's character 

pedantic bookish/showing off learning

pedestrian commonplace/trite/unremarkablepellucid transparent/easy to understand

penchant strong inclination/a liking

penitent feeling or showing regret

penury extreme poverty

peregrination traveling about/wandering

peremptory urgent/imperative/unchallengeable/ending debate

perennial lasting for a long time (a year)

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perfidious treacheres/faithless

perfidy treachery/breaking of faith

perfunctory done as a duty withour care

perilous dangerous

peripatetic wandering

perish be destroyed/decay

perjury wilful fasle statement/unlawful actpermeate spread into every part of 

pernicious harmful/injurious

perpetrate be guilty/commit (a crime)

persevere keep on steadily/continue

personable pleasing in appearance/attractive

perspicacity quick judging and understanding

pertain belong as a part/have reference

pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance

petrified taken away power (to think/feel/act)

petrify to make hard/rocklike

petrous like a rock/hard/stony

petulant unreasonably impatientphilistine a smug ignorant person/one who lacks knowledge

phlegmatic calm

picaresque involving clever rogues or adventurers

pied of mixed colors

pinch be too tight/take between the thumb and finger 

pious dutifull to parents/devoted to religion

piquant agreeably pungent/stimulating

pique hirt the pride or self-respect/stir (curiosity)

pitfall covered hole as a trap/unsuspected danger 

pith essential part/force/soft liquid substance

pivotal of great importance (others depend on it)

placate soothe/pacify/calmplacate to pacify/to conciliate

plaintive mournful/melancholy/sorrowful

plaque flat metal on a wall as a memorial

platitude a trite or banal statement/unoriginality

plea request

plead address a court of law as an advocate

plethora glut

pliant pliable/easile bent/shaped or twisted

plod continue doing smth without resting

pluck pull the feathers off/pick (flowers)

plumb get to the root of 

plummet fallplunge move quickly/suddenly and with force

poignant deeply moving/keen

poise be ready/be balanced/self-possession

polemical controversial/argued

ponderous heavy/bulky/dull

portent omen/mervellous/threatening

poseur  someone taking on airs to impress others/a phony

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posture state/attitude/adopt a vain

poverty state of being poor 

pragmatic practical/favoring utility

precarious uncertain/risky/dangerous

precept moral instruction

precepts rules establishing standards of conduct

precipitate throw smth violently down from a heightpreclude prevent/make impossible

precursory preliminary/anticipating

predilection special liking/mental preference

predominate have more power than others

preempt obtain by preemption or in advance

premature doing or happening smth before the right time

preponderance greatness in number/strength/weight

presage warning sign

preternatural not normal or usual

prevalent common

prevalent widespread/generally accepted

prevaricate to equivocate/to stray from the truthprim neat/formal

pristine primitive/unspoiled/pure/as in earlier times/unadulterated

probity uprightness/incorruptibility/principle

proclivity inclination

procrastination keeping on putting off 

prodigal wasteful/reckless with money

prodigious enormous/wonderful

profane wordly/having contempt for od

profligate wasteful/prodigal/licentious/extravagant

profundity depth

profusion a lavish expenditure/an overabundant condition

proliferate grow/reproduce by rapid multificationprolix tiring because too long

prone prostrate/inclined to (undesirable things)

propagation increasing the number/spreading/extending

propinquity nearness in time or place/affinity of nature

propitiate do smth to take away the anger of 

propitiatory conciliatory/appeasing/mitigating

propitious auspicious/presenting favorable circumstances

prosaic everyday/mundane/commonplace/trite/pedestrian

proscribe denounce as dangerous

protracted prolonged

provident frugal/looking to the future

provisional of the present time onlyprovoke make angry/vax

prudence careful forethought

prudish easily shocked/excessively modest

prune dried plum/silly person

pry get smth/inquire too curiosly

pugnacious fond of/in the habit of fighting

punch strike with the fist/tool for cutting holes/alc. drink

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punctilious precise/paying attention to trivialities

pundit pedant/authority on a subject

pungency sharpness/stinging quality

purvey provide/supply

pusillanimous cowardly/craven

pyre large pile of wood for burning

quack person dishonestly claiming to smthquaff  drink deeply

quail lose courage/turn frightened

qualm feeling of doubt/temporary feeling of sickness in the stomach

quell suppress/subdue

quibble try to avoid by sophistication

quiescent at rest/dormant/torpid

quirk habit or action peculiar to smb or smth

quixotic generous/unselfish

quotidian banal/everyday

rabble mob/crowd/the lower classes of populace

raconter  person who tells anecdotes

radiant bright/shiningraffish low/vulgar/base/tawdry

rail atfind fault/utter reproaches

ramify to be divided or subdivided/to branch out

rancorous feeling bitterness/spitefulness

rant use extravagant language

rapacious greedy (esp for money)

rarefy to make thin/to make less dense/to purify or refine

reactionary opposing progress

rebuff  snub

recalcitrant disobedient

recant take back as being false/give up

recast cast or fashoin anewrecidivism relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior

reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similiar 

recitals a number of/performance of music

recluse person who lives alone and avoids people

recompense make payment to/reward/punish

reconcile settle a quarrel/restore peace

recondite little known/abstruse

recourse smth turned to for help

recreancy cowardice/a cowardly giving up

recuperate become strong after illness/loss/exhaustion

redeem get back by payment/compensate

redemptive serving to redeemredoubtable formidable/causing fear

redundant superfluous/excessively wordy/repetitious

refine make or become pure/cultural

refractory stubborn/unmanageable/untractable

refulgent shining/brilliant

refute to disprove

regale to delight or entertain/to feast

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regicide crime of killing a king

reiterate say or do again several times

rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearence

relapse fall back again

relegate to banish/to consign to inferior position

relinquish give up

reluctant unwilling or disinclinedremonstrate to protest/object

render  deliver/provide/represent

renovate restore smth to better condition

renowned celebrated/famous

rent regular payment for the use of smth/division or split

repast meal

repine at be discontented with

reproach scold/upbraid

reprobate person hardened in sin/one devoid of decency

repudiate disown/refuse to accept or pay

repulsive causing a feeling of disgust

requite repay/give in returnresigned unresisting/submissive

resilience quality of quickly recovering the proginal shape

resolve determine

resort to frequently visit

restive refusing to move/reluctant to be controlled

resurrect bring back into use

resuscitation coming back to consciousness

retard check/hinder 

reticent reserved/untalkative/silent/taciturn

revere have deep respect for 

rift split/crack/dissension

rivet fix/take up/secure/matel pinroll call calling of names

rope thick strong cord made by twisting

rotund rich and deep/plump and round

rubric heading/title/or category

ruffian violent/cruel man

sagacious having sound judgment/perceptive/wise/like a sage

sagacious keen/shrewd/having insight

salacious obscene

salient prominent/protruding/conspicuous/highly relevant

salubrious healthful

salutary remedial/wholesome/causing improvement

sanctimony self-righteousness/hypocritical/with false pietysanction approval (by authority)/penalty

sanguine cheerful/confident/optimistic

sanity health of mind/soundness of judgement

sap weaken

sate satiate

satiate satisfy fully

saturnine gloomy/dark/sullen/morose

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savant person of great learning

savor  taste/flavour smth

sawdust tiny bits of wood

scabbard sheath for the blade

scent smell (pleasant)

scribble write hastily

scurvy mean/contemptibleseal piece of wax/lead

secular  material (not spiritual)/living outside monasteries

sedulous persevering

seminal like a seed/constituting a source/originative

sententious short and pithy/full of maxims/proverbs

sequence succession/connected line of 

serrated having a toothed edge

serration having a toothed edge

servile like a slave/lacking independence

servile slavish/cringing

severance severing

shaft arrow or spear/smth long and narrowshallow little depth/not earnest

shard piece of broken earthenware

sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool

shove push

shrewd astute/showing sound judgement

shrill sparp/piercing

shun keep away from/avoid

shunt send from one track to another/lay aside/evade discussion

sidestep step to one side

sinuous winding/undulating/serpentine

skiff  small boat

skit short piece of humorous writingslack sluggish/dull/not tight

slake to assuage/to satisfy/allay

slate king of blue-grey stone/propose/critisi"e

sluggard la"y/slow-moving person

soar  rise/fly high

sober  self-controlled

sobriety quality or condition of being sober 

sodden soaked/saturated

soggy heavy with water 

solemnity a seriousness/a gravity

solvent of the power of forming a solution

somatic of the bodysoot black powder in smoke

sophisticated complex/subtle/refined

sophistry fallacious reasoning/faulty logic

sophomoric self-assured though immature/affected/bombastic/overblown

sordid wretched/comfortless/contemptible

spear  weapon with a metal point on a long shaft

specious illogical/of questionable truth or merit

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splenetic bad-tempered/irritable

splice  join (two ends)

sponge porous rubber for washing/live at once expense

spurious false/counterfeit

spurn have nothing to do/reject or refuse

squalid foul/filthy

squander  spend wastefullystanch to stop the flow of a fluid

steeply rising or falling sharply

stentorian extremely loud and powerful

stickler  person who insists on importance of smth

stigma mark of shame or disgrace

stigmatize describe smb scornfully

sting smth sharp

stingy spending/using unwillingly

stint to be thrifty/to set limits

stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition

stoic a person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain

stolid showing no emotion/impassivestrands smth twisted together into a rope/line of development

stray wander/lose one's way

streak long/thin/move very fast

striated striped/grooved or banded

stride walk with long steps

strut a supporting bar

stygian hence/dark/gloomy

stymie to hinder/obstruct or block

subdue overcome/bring under control

sublime extreme/astounding

submerge put under water/liquid/sink out of sight

suborn indice by bribery or smth to commit perjurysubpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court

subsume include under a rule

succor  assistance/relief in time of distress

suffice be enough

sullied to be stained or discredited

summarily briefly/without delay

sumptuous magnificent

sundry various/miscellaneous/separate

supercilious disdainful/characteri"ed by haughty scorn

superfluous more then is needed or wanted

superimpose put smth on the top

supersede take the place of supine lying on the back/slow to act/passive

suppliant asking humbly/beseeching

supplicate make a humble petition to

suppress prevent from being known/put an end to

surfeit satiate/feed to fulness or to excess

susceptibility sensitiveness

sustain keep from falling/maintain/suffer/give a decision

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sycophant person who flatter to the rich and powerful

sycophant a servile flatterer 

synopsis summary or outline

taciturn untalkative/silent

talon claw of a bird of prey

tamp tap or drive down by repeated light blows

tamper  interfere withtangential suddenly changable

tarnished lost brightness

taunt contemptuous reproach/hurtful remark

taut tightly stretched

tautology a repetition/a redundancy

tawdry cheap/gaudy/showy/tacky

tease annoy/pu""ling question

tedious tiresome

teetotal oppose to alcohol

temerity boldness/brashness/intrepidness

temperance abstinence from alcohol/self-control/moderation

temperate showing self-controltenacity firmness/persistency/adhesiveness/tending to hang on

tenuous unsubstantial/flimsy/weak

terse brief and to the point

terse concise/abrupt/pithy

thrift care/economy/thriving/prosperous

timid shy/easily frightened

timorous fearful/timid/afraid

tolerable fairly good

tonic smth giving strength or energy

topple be unsteady and overturn

torment severe pain or suffering

torpid sleeping/sluggish/lethargic/dormanttortuous full of twists and bends

tout person who worries others to buy smth/to use his service

touting act as tout

toy think not seriously/handle absent-mindedly

tractable easily controlled or guided

transgress break/go beyond (a limit)

transient temporary/fleeting

transitory brief 

trenchant forceful/effective/vigorous/extremely perceptive/incisive

trend tendency/general direction

trepidation alarm/excited state of mind

trepidation a fear/a trembling agitationtrifling unimportant

trite not new

truculence aggressiveness/ferocity

trudge walk heavily

turbid muddy/having the sediment stirred up

turbulence being uncontrolled/violent

turbulence a state of violent agitation

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word definitionabate to lessen& to subside

abet to help& to aid

abhor  to hate& to detest

abject miserable& wretched

abruptly suddenly& unexpectedly

absorbed interested& engrossed

abundant plentiful

accessory something added

accommodationsa room and meals

accomplice one who aids and abets a criminal

accost to meet someone and to speak first

accumulate to pile up& to collect

accurate correct

acrid sharp& bitter 

adjacent next to& adjoining

admonish to warn about& to advise against doing something

adore to love greatly

adroit clever& skillful

affluent rich

aggravate to make worse

agile lively

agitate to disturb

aglow shining brightly

ailment a mild illness

ajar  slightly open

akin similar& related

albino a person or animal without normal pigmentation characteri"ednoun

alert perceptive& quick

alleviate to lessen& to relieve

alluring tempting& enticingaloof  reserved& indifferent

amateur  not professional& untrained

ambiguous doubtful& uncertain

amicable friendly

amnesia a lapse of memory

ample adequate& enough

amplify to make larger more powerful

anguish great sorrow& pain

ankle the joint between the foot and the leg

annual yearly

anomalous unusual

antique a very old and valuable objectapplaud to clap

appraisal an estimate of the value

appropriate suitable

arduous demanding great effort& strenuous

arouse to spur& to incite

arraign to charge& to accuse

arrogance haughtiness

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aspire to strive toward& to seek eagerly

assert to affirm an opinion

asset a useful or valuable quality& finances

assuage to ease& to lessen

astound to surprise greatly& to astonish

astray away from the correct path or direction

audacious bold& daringaudible able to be heard

augment to increase

autonomous free& independent

avarice greed

aversion intense dislike

baffle to confuse

bald without hair 

ban to declare that something must not be done& to prohibit

bar  a court of law

barricade a barrier& an obstruction

beckon to signal with one's hand

behavior  one's actionsbellow to shout loudly

beneficiary a person who receives money or property from an insurance p

beverage a kind of drink

bewilder  to confuse

bicker  to quarrel

bitter  a sharp acrid taste

blame responsibility

blandishment coaxing& persuasion by flattery

bleak cold and bare& cheerless

blend a mixture

blithe carefree and gay& lighthearted

blizzard a severe snowstormblunder  an error& a mistake

blush to flush

boulder  a large rock

boundary border& limit

boundless without limits

brandish to shake or wave a weapon menacingly

brawl a noisy fight& a quarrel

bribe money or gift used to influence someone to do something that

brim the upper edge of anything hollow

brink the edge of a high place

brittle easily broken

broom an object used to sweep the floor brutal savage& cruel

bully to be cruel to weaker people or animals

bump a light blow& a jolt

cabal a group of people united in a scheme to promote their views b

callous insensitive& unfeeling

captive a person who is not permitted to leave

carve to slice meat

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cast to throw out or down

castigate to reprove

cataclysm a great flood& a terrible event

chaos without organi"ation& confusion

chasm a deep crack in the earth

chaste pure

chilly coolchore a task& a job

chum an intimate friend

cider   juice from apples

clamorous noisy

clap to applaud

clemency kindness mercy

cluttered confused& disorgani"ed& littered

coerce to compel by pressure or threat

cogent convincing

colleague a fellow worker& a co-worker usually in a profession

colloquy a formal conversation& a conference

commence to begincommend to praise

compassion symphony& pity

complex complicated

complexion the natural color and appearance of the skin

compliment an expression of praise or admiration

compulsory required

conceal to hide

concoct to devise& to invent

concord an agreement

concurrence an agreement usually by equals

condone to overlook& to excuse

confide to entrust a secretconfident sure of oneself 

confine to limit

confiscate to sei"e by authority

congeal to become hard& to solidify

congenial pleasing in nature of character& agreeable

congenital existing at birth but not hereditary

congestion crowding

conjecture a supposition& a guess

conscientious careful& honest

constantly all the time

contaminated polluted

contract to reduceconventional usual& ordinary

conversion a change

core a center 

coward one who lacks courage& a person who is not brave

crave to desire greatly

credulous inclined to believe too readily& gullible

creed a belief& a faith

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crude not finished& rough

cruise to drive slowly

crumb a small piece of bread or cake

crutch a support used as an aid in walking often used in pairs

cryptic secret& hidden

culpable deserving blame

curt rudely brief in speech or manner curtail to shorten& to suspend

dagger  a knife

dangle to hang loosely& to swing

debtor  one who owes

decade a period of ten years

decency modest behavior& propriety

deck the floor of a ship

decline a downward slope& a declivity

decrepit weakened by illness or age& badly used

dedicate to honor someone by placing his or her name in the beginning

defect an imperfection

deformed disfigureddeliberately in a planned way

demolish to tear down completely

dent to depress a surface by pressure or a blow

depict to describe

depreciate to express disapproval

deprive to take away

deride to make fun of& to jeer 

designate to name& to specify

detect to discover 

deterioration lower value& depreciation

detest to hate

deviate to depart from& to differ diffidence lack of confidence in oneself 

digress to stray from the main subject

dilate to become wider& larger 

diligent industrious& busy

diminutive a small amount& something small

dingy dirty& shabby

disband to dissolve& to discontinue

discard to throw out

discern to recogni"e& to perceive

dispatch to send

dissect to examine& to critici"e

disseminate to spread& to distributedivert to entertain& to amuse

divulge to make known& to reveal

doze to sleep for a short time& to take a nap

drench to make very wet

drought a long period of dry weather 

drowsy very sleepy

dubious doubtful

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dungeon a dark cell& a prison

durable sturdy& lasting

duration the length of time from beginning to end

dusk evening just before dark

earthquake a shaking of the earth's surface caused by disturbances under 

eccentric strange& odd

eloquence persuasive graceful languageelucidate to make understandable

elusive tending to escape notice

emit to give off 

emphasis special attention& importance

emulate to try to equal or excel

endeavor  to make an effort& to try very hard

energy vigor& strength

enervate to debilitate& to weaken

enhance to make greater better 

entice to attract& to lure

envious discontent or resentful because of another's possessions or q

equitably fairly& justlyequivocal ambiguous& evasive

eradicate to remove all traces

erosion wearing away

erudite learned

escort to accompany

essential important& necessary

esteem a favorable opinion& respect

eulogy high praise& laudation

evolve to develop gradually

exacting detailed& meticulous

exasperate to make angry or impatient

exceed to be greater thanexhausted very tired& enervated

exorbitant extravagant& excessive

expand to make larger 

expanse a large area

expire to cease to be effective to terminate

explicit very clear& definite

exploit to use for selfish advantage or profit

expound to explain in detail

extempore without preparation& impromptu

extensive far-reaching

extinct no longer active& having died out

extol to praise highlyextravagance excess spending

exultant very happy& full of joy

facile easy

falter  to move hesitatingly& unsteadily

famine starvation

fascinate to attract powerfully& to charm

feat an act requiring great strength or courage

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feeble lacking strength power 

ferry to cross a river or a narrow body of water 

feud to engage in a long bitter hostility

flatter  to praise too much

flee to escape swiftly

flicker  to shine unsteadily

flimsy lacking solidarity strengthflip to overturn

flounder  to move awkwardly

fluffy soft& airy

foolish silly

forbearance self-restraint

ford a shallow place in a river which can be crossed by walking or

foresee to anticipate

fowl a bird which can be eaten

fraction a part of something

fracture a break

fraud a fault& a deception

fret to worryfrigid very cold

furtive secret

futile useless

garb clothing

garrison a fortified place occupied by soldiers

garrulous talkative

gash a deep cut

gauche impolite& clumsy

gem a precious stone& a jewel

genial kindly& friendly

genuine 012,

germinate to begin to growgist the main idea

glamorous fascinating& alluring

glib spoken easily but with little thought& fluent

glitter  to shine with a sparkling light

glossary an explanation of special words at the end of the book

glow to shine

goal an objective& an aim

greedy excessively desirous of acquiring possessions& avaricious

grievance a complaint

grope to search blindly uncertainly

grouchy irritable

grudge hard feelings& resentmentgrumble to complain

gust a sudden brief rush of wind

hamlet a small village

handy easily reached

haphazard without a fixed or regular course& indifferent& disorgani"ed

harsh cruel

hasty done too quickly to be accurate or wise

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hazy not clear& vague

heavy a great amount

heretic very busy& active

heed to pay attention to

henceforth from now on

hilarious very funny& merry& laughable

hinge a joint on which a door or gate is attachedhint a suggestion& a clue

hoarse a rough husky sound especially a rough voice

hoax a trick

hoe a garden tool with a long handle and a flat blade used for diggi

holocaust widespread destruction usually by fire

homage allegiance& respect

hubbub noise& confusion

humid damp& hot

hypothesis a tentative theory

identical exactly the same

ignorant without knowledge& unaware& uninformed

ignore to refuse to notice or recogni"e& to discardimminent about to occur& impending

impartial not favoring one more than the other& just

impartible indivisible

imply to suggest

impromptu without preparation& unrehearsed& extempore

incessant without interruption& continuous

incidental of lesser importance& secondary

incisive crisp& trenchant

incredible hard to believe

indictment an accusation

induce to lead or move by influence or persuasion

inert lacking independent power to move& not activeinfested inhabited in large numbers by something harmful

ingredients parts of a mixture especially a recipe

inhabit to live in a place

initiate to start& to begin

innovation a change

inquisitive asking many questions& curious

inseparable not able to be separated

inspect to examine closely

integrate to coordinate& to unite

intersect to meet

interval the time between two events

intrepid fearlessintricate complicated

intrude to be in the way& to be an obstacle

invalid a sick person

invariable always the same

irritate to excite to anger& to bother 

 jeopardy danger 

 jerk a sudden movement

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 jungle land covered with a growth of trees and vegetation

keen eager 

lament to express sorrow

lanky tall and slim

laud to praise

leisure free& unoccupied

lid a cover lift to raise

light having little substance& not heavy

limb a large branch of a tree

limp to favor one leg& to cripple

limpid lucid

litter  to strew with scattered articles

lively fill of energy& agile

loafer  an idle la"y person

loathe to hate& to detest

loot stolen goods& plunder 

lullaby a song to lull a baby to sleep

luminous brightlustrous bright& shining

malign to slander 

mansion a large imposing house& a residence

mare a female horse

margin the blank space bordering the written or printed area of a pag

marshal a law officer 

massive huge& heavy

meddle to interfere& to intrude

menace to threaten

mend to repair 

merger  a legal combination of two or more businesses

meteor  a celestial body smaller than one mile in diameter meticulous to be careful about detail

mingle to mix& to combine

modify to change something a little

molest to annoy& to bother 

monstrous horrible& shocking

moron a foolish silly person

morsel a small amount of food

mumble to speak indistinctly

munch to chew

mutual having the same relationship one to the other& shared

nadir  the lowest point

nasty meannegligent extremely careless

numb without sensation& paraly"ed

oasis fertile place with water located in the desert

oblivion the condition of being completely forgotten

obvious forgetful& unaware

obscure not easily seen

obsequious obedient& servile

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obsolete no longer useful& outdated

obstinate stubborn& unyielding

obstruct to get in the way& to block

ominous threatening

omit to leave out

oration a formal speech

orchard a group of nut or fruit treesordeal difficult or painful experience

output production& yield

outrageous very offensive& shocking

overall general& comprehensive

pact a treaty& an agreement

palatable savory

pauper  a very poor person

peek to take a brief look

penetrate to pass through& to enter 

pensive thoughtful

perforated small lines or holes in something

perilous full of danger permanently constantly

permissible allowed

perpetual continuing forever& constant

persuade to convince

pessimist one who always takes a gloomy view of things

petition a formal request

phlegmatic sluggish& apathetic

pilfer  to steal

pillar  a column

pinch to press between one's fingers or another object

pity compassion

placate to appeaseplateau a broad pain

plausible believable but doubtful

plea an appeal

plump a full round shape

pollute to contaminate& to dirty

ponder  to consider carefully

posterity future generations

postpone to delay

prank a trick& a joke

precaution action taken to avoid future accident or problem

precede to go before

precept a rule& a commandprecisely exactly

predict to tell what will happen in the future& to foretell

prelude a preliminary event preceding a more important one

prestigious admired

prevail to continue in use or fashion& to succeed

prevalent widespread

primary most important& final

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prior  before in time order or importance

probe a thorough examination

profound deep

prolific productive

promulgate to make known& to declare officially

prop a support

proprietor  one who owns a shopprosper  to succeed& to thrive

protrude to punish outward& to project

provoke to cause& to incite

proximity nearness

prudent careful& wise& complete

purify to cleanse

quell to make quiet& to subdue

quest a search

ramble to wander idly without purpose

rancor  spiteful hatred

random chance

rash with little careratify to approve& to confirm

raze to destroy

rebut to contradict

recite to repeat from memory

reckless not cautious& not careful

recluse a person who chooses to live apart from society

recollection a memory

reconcile to settle on friendly terms

refined noble& attractive

rehearse to practice

reiterate to say again& to repeat

relapse the return of an illnessreliable dependable

reluctant unwilling& hesitant

remnant something left over 

renowned famous

repel to drive back

reproach to blame

resemble to have a similar appearance

reside to live in a certain place

resolute firm& determined

respond to answer 

restrain to check& to limit

retain to keep in one's possession& to holdretard to delay& to hold back

retort a quick sharp reply

revenue money earned& income

reverse to go in the opposite direction& to turn around

risky dangerous

rivalry a contest& a competition

roam to wander 

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role a character played by an actor in a drama

rotate to circle

roughly approximately

routine the usual way of doing things

rustic typical of country life& simple

rusty oxidi"ed

sagacity good judgment& keenness& wisdomscandal a rumor as a result of disgraceful actions

scant meager 

scatter  to throw about

schedule to make a timetable of arrivals and departures& to list

scoop to dip into a spoon or a cupped hand

scope the range or extent of something

scornful disdainful& aloof 

scrape to abrade

scrub to wash vigorously by scrubbing

scrutiny close careful examination

segment a division& a part of something

seize to grabsentry a guard

sever  to cut into two parts

shabby worn-out& faded

shatter  to break into many pieces

shawl a covering for a woman's head and shoulders

shift to change a position or direction

shrewd able in particular affairs& clever 

shrug to raise the shoulders in a gesture of doubt or indifference

shutter  a hinged cover attached to a window to keep out light and rain

simulate to imitate& to copy

simultaneously at the same time

sinuous winding& curvingsip to drink a little at a time

skeptical not easily convinced& doubting

skim to read quickly and superficially

slap to hit with an open hand

slay to kill

sleazy sheer& gau"y& cheap

sleet a mixture of snow hail and rain

slit to cut

sluggish not easily aroused by activity& slow to respond

smolder  to burn with little smoke and no flame

snatch to grab abruptly and hastily

sneak to move quietly secretlysoar  to fly high

soothe to calm

sorrowful sorry for a sin or mistake

span to extend from one side to another 

species a group with a common appearance

specific defined

speck a very small spot or piece of something

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spill to allow a liquid to run out of the container 

sporadic happening from time to time

sprawl to stretch out

squash to flatten& to crush

stack to put several things on top of each other 

stale not fresh& old

static not movingstorm a natural disturbance of wind

straddle to sit with one leg on one side and the other leg on the other si

strain tension& stress

strive to make great efforts& to struggle

stunt to retard normal growth

subsequent following

substitute to use something in place of another& to replace

sue to bring to court

sultry hot moist weather 

supersede to replace

surfeit to eat an excessive amount

surly rude& arrogantsurmise to guess

swarm a large number of moving insects

swerve to turn aside& to veer 

synchronize to cause to coincide

synopsis an outline

taciturn unspoken& silent

tack to fasten with a small nail

tact diplomacy

tally an account& a score

tamper  to interfere in a harmful manner& to meddle

tapered smaller at one end

tentative uncertain& probabletepid slightly warm

terminate to bring to an end.

testify to give evidence

thicken to coagulate

thrifty careful& frugal

throng a crowd

thump the dull sound of a blow made by a heavy object

tilted not straight

tiptoe to walk stealthily& quietly

tolerant inclined to tolerate others& having a fair attitude toward those

torture to inflict extreme pain on someone

touchy sensitive& irritabletranquil peaceful& quiet

transact to conduct perform or carry out business

transcend to raise above& to surpass

transform to change in appearance

traverse to move along

treacherous not to be trusted& perfidious

trend a course& a tendency

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tributary a river that flows into a larger one

trivial of a little importance

troupe a group of singers or actors

tug to pull something with effort

tumble to fall in a rolling manner 

tumult noisy commotion

tutor  to teachtwofold a double amount

tyro a beginner 

ultimate final

unanimous in a full accord& by common consent

uncouth rude in one's behavior 

undercut to sell at a lesser price than a competitor 

unsophisticated na3ve

vacant empty

vagabond one who moves from place to place without a fixed abode& a

vanish to disappear 

vanity a foolish pride

variation a different form of something& a changevariety a collection of many different things

vehemence forcefulness& intensity& conviction

vendor  one who sells something

verify to make certain of the truth& to confirm

versatile having varied uses& flexible

vestige a small remaining sign& a trace

vibrate to move back and forth rapidly

vicarious a feeling of identification with another& a substitute

vigilance watchfulness

vulnerable weak

warily cautiously

warrant a written authori"ationwaxy pliable

wayward nonconforming& irregular 

wile a trick

wither  to lose freshness& to dry up& to fade

wrath a great anger 

wrinkle a crease

yelp to cry out sharply usually in reference to dogs

zealot an eager enthusiastic person& a fanatic

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word definitionabstract theoretical& not concrete& nonrepresentational

abstruse obscure& profound& difficult to understand

acclaim applaud& announce with great approval

accolade award of merit

acquiesce assent& agree passively

admonish warn& reprove

adroit skillful

adversary opponent

advocate urge& plead for 

aesthetic artistic& dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautif 

affable courteous

affirmation positive assertion& confirmation& solemn pledge by one who r

aloof  apart& reserved

altruistic unselfishly generous concerned for others

ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning

ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attit

ameliorate improve

anarchist person who rebels against the established order 

animosity active enmity& hatred

antagonistic hostile& opposed& actively resisting

antiquated old-fashioned& obsolete

antithesis contrast& direct opposite of or to

apathy lack of caring& indifference

appease pacify& soothe

apprehension fear 

arbitrary unreasonable or capricious& imperious& tyrannical& despotic

articulate effective& distinct

ascendancy controlling influence& domination

ascetic practicing self-denial austere

assuage ease& lessen (pain)astute wise& shrewd

atrophy wasting away

austerity sternness& severity& lack of luxuries

authoritarian favoring or exercising total control& non-democratic

banal hackneyed& commonplace& trite

belie contradict& give a false impression

benevolent generous& charitable

bequeath leave to someone by a will& hand down

blasphemy cursing& irreverence& sacrilege

blighted suffering for a disease& destroyed

bolster  support& prop up

cajole coax& wheedlecandor  frankness

capricious fickle& incalculable

censorious critical

censure blame& critici"e

clemency disposition to be lenient& mildness as of the weather 

coercion use of force to get someone's compliance

complacent self-satisfied

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compliance conformity in fulfilling requirements& readiness to yield

composure mental calmness

comprehensive thorough& inclusive

concede admit& yield

conciliatory reconciling& soothing

concise brief and compact

concur  agreecondone overlook& forgive

contend struggle& compete& assert earnestly

contentious quarrelsome

contract compress or shrink& make a pledge& catch a disease

contrite penitent

converge come together 

conviction strongly held belief 

cordial gracious& heartfelt

corroborate confirm

credulity belief on slight evidence

criterion standard used in judging

cryptic mysterious& pu""ling& secretdaunt intimidate

debilitate weaken& enfeeble

deference courteous regard for another's wish

delineate portray

denounce condemn& critici"e

deplore regret& disapprove of 

depravity corruption& wickedness

depreciate express disapproval of& protest against& belittle

deride scoff at

despondent depressed& gloomy

despot tyrant& harsh authoritarian ruler 

detached emotionally removed& calm and objective& indifferentdeterrent something that discourages& hindrance

devious going astray& erratic& cunning

didactic teaching& instructional

digression wandering away from the subject

diligence steadiness of effort& persistent hard work

diminution lessening& reduction in si"e

discerning mentally quick and observant& having insight

discordant inharmonious& conflicting

discriminating able to see differences& prejudiced

discursive digressing& rambling

disdain treat with scorn or contempt

disinclination unwillingnessdisparage belittle

disparity difference& condition of inequality

dispassionate calm& impartial

disperse scatter 

disputatious argumentative& fond of argument

disseminate scatter (like seeds)

dissent disagree

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dissonance discord

distend expand& swell out

divergent differing& deviating

document provide written evidence

dogmatic positive& arbitrary

dubious doubtful

duplicity double dealing& hypocrisyeccentric odd& whimsical& irregular 

eclectic selective in choosing from a variety of sources

effervescent exuberant& bubbly and excited

elaboration addition of details& intricacy

elated overjoyed& in high spirits

eloquence expressiveness& persuasive speech

elusive evasive& baffling& hard to gasp

emaciated thin and wasted

embellish adorn

embryonic undeveloped& rudimentary

emulate rival& imitate

endorse approve& supportenervate weaken

engender  cause& produce

enhance advance& improve

enigma pu""le

enmity ill will& hatred

ephemeral short-lived& fleeting

epic long heroic poem or similar work of art

equilibrium balance

equivocal doubtful& ambiguous

erratic odd& unpredictable

erroneous mistaken& wrong

erudite learned& scholarlyesoteric known only to a chosen few

eulogy praise

euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one

exacerbate worsen& embitter 

execute put into effect& carry out

exemplary serving as a model& outstanding

exemplify serve as an example of& embody

exhaustive thorough& comprehensive

exonerate acquit& exculpate

expedite hasten

explicit definite& open

extol praise& glorifyextraneous not essential& external

extricate free& disentangle

exuberance abundance& effusiveness& lavishness

facilitate make less difficult

fanaticism excessive "eal

fastidious difficult to please& squeamish

fervor  glowing ardor 

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flagrant conspicuously wicked

foresight ability to foresee future happenings& prudence

frivolity lack of seriousness

furtive stealthy& sneaky

garbled mixed up& based on false or unfair selection

glutton someone who eats too much

gravity seriousnessgregarious sociable

guile deceit& duplicity

hackneyed commonplace& trite

hamper  obstruct

haphazard random& by chance

hardy sturdy& robust& able to stand inclement water 

haughtiness pride& arrogance

hedonism belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life

heresy opinion contrary to popular belief& opinion contrary to accept

homogeneous of the same kind

humane kind

hypocritical pertaining to be virtuous& deceivingimmutable unchangeable

impair  worsen& diminish in value

impassive without feeling& not affected by pain

impede hinder& block& delay

implement put into effect& supply with tools

implication that is hinted at or suggested

implicit understood but not stated

inadvertently carelessly& unintentionally

inane silly& senseless

inaugurate start& initiate& install at office

incessant uninterrupted

incidental not essential& minor incisive cutting& sharp

incite arouse to action

inclusive tending to include all

incongruous not fitting& absurd

inconsequential of trifling significance

incontrovertible indisputable

incorrigible uncorrectable

indict charge

indifferent unmoved& lacking concern

indiscriminate choosing at random& confused

indolent la"y

induce persuade& bring aboutindulgent humoring& yielding& lenient

inert inactive& lacking power to move

infamous notoriously bad

infer  deduce& conclude

infiltrate pass into or through& penetrate (an organi"ation) sneakily

ingenious na3ve& young& unsophisticated

inherent firmly established by nature or habit

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innate inborn

innocuous harmless

innovation change& introduction of something new

insipid tasteless& dull

insolvent bankrupt& lacking money to pay

instigate urge& start& provoke

intangible not material& not able to be perceived by touchintegrity wholeness& purify& uprightness

interminable endless

intermittent periodic& on and off 

intractable unruly& refractory

invert turn upside down or inside out

irascible irritable& easily angered

ironic resulting in unexpected and contrary manner 

irresolute uncertain how to act& weak

irreverence lack of proper aspect

 judicious sound in judgment& wise

kindle start a fire& inspire

laconic brief and to the pointlament grieve& express sorrow

languish lose animation& lose strength

laud praise

legacy gift made by a will

lethargic drowsy& dull

levity lightness

listless lacking in spirit or energy

lofty very high

lucid easily understood

magnanimous generous

marred damaged& disfigured

meager  scantly& inadequatemethodological systematic

meticulous excessively careful

misconstrue interpret incorrectly& misjudge

miserly stingy& mean

mitigate appease

morose ill-humored& sullen

mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual

notoriety disrepute& ill fame

novelty something new& newness

nullify to make invalid

nurture bring up& feed& educate

obliterate destroy completelyoblivion forgetfulness

obstinate stubborn

ominous threatening

opaque dark& not transparent

opportunist individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking

optimist person who looks on the good side

opulence wealth

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sagacious keen& shrewd& having insight

sanction approve& ratify

satirical mocking

saturate soak

savory tasty& pleasing attractive or agreeable

scanty meager& insufficient

scrupulous conscientious& extremely thoroughscrutinize examine closely and critically

seclusion isolation& solitude

sectarian relating to a religious fraction or subgroup& narrow-minded& li

servile slavish& cringing

skeptic doubter& person who suspends judgment until he has exami

solemnity seriousness& gravity

somber  gloomy& depressing

spendthrift someone who wastes money

squander  waste

stagnant motionless& stale& dull

stanza division of a poem

static unchanging& lacking developmentsteadfast loyal

stoic person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain

submissive yielding& timid

subtlety nicety& cunning& guile& delicacy

succinct brief& terse& compact

superfluous excessive& overabundant& unnecessary

surpass exceed

surreptitious secret

sustain experience& support& nourish

sycophant servile flatterer 

taciturn habitually silent& talking little

tedious boring& tiringtentative provisional& experimental

terse concise& abrupt& pithy

tirade extended scolding& denunciation

torpid dormant& dull& lethargic

trepidation fear& trembling agitation

trite hackneyed& commonplace

trivia trifles& unimportant matters

turbulence state of violent agitation

uniformity sameness& monotony

unkempt disheveled& with uncared-for appearance

unobtrusive inconspicuous& not blatant

unprecedented novel& unparalleledunwarranted unjustified& groundless& undeserved

vacillation fluctuation& wavering

vagrant a homeless wanderer 

venerate revere

verbose wordy

viable capable of maintaining life

vilify slander 

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deposition testimony under oath

depreciate lessen in value

depredation plundering

deranged insane

derelict abandoned&

derision ridicule

destitute extremely poor desultory aimless& jumping around

detergent cleansing agent

diffidence shyness

diffusion wordiness& spreading in all directions like a gas

dilute make less concentrated& reduce in strength

disfigure mar in beauty& spoil

disparate basically different& unrelated

dispirited lacking in spirit

duenna attendant or young female& chaperone

effeminate having womanly traits

elucidate explain& enlighten

elysian relating to paradise& blissfulendearment fond statement

endemic prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific a

enfranchise to admit to the rights of citi"enship (especially the right to vot

engaging charming& attractive

engross occupy fully

enigmatic obscure& pu""ling

enunciate speak distinctly

environ enclose& surround

eon long period of time& an age

extort wring from& get money by threats etc.

extradition surrender of prisoner by one state to another 

extrinsic not inherent& foreignextrovert person interested mostly in external objects and actions

extrude force or push out

falter  hesitate

fantastic unreal& grotesque& whimsical

farce broad comedy& mockery

fervent ardent& hot

furor  fren"y& great excitement

hap chance& luck

homespun domestic& made at home

immune exempt

implacable incapable of being pacified

implausible unlikely& unbelievableinalienable not to be taken away& nontransferable

inanimate lifeless

inarticulate speechless& producing indistinct speech

inception start& beginning

incipient beginning& in an early stage

incontinent lacking self-restraint& licentious

incorporeal immaterial& without a material body

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inductive pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the

infantile childish& infantile

insolent haughty and contemptuous

insomnia wakefulness& inability to sleep

inverse opposite

 jubilation rejoicing

perusal readingqualms misgivings

redress remedy& comprehension

scourge lash& whip& severe punishment

solecism construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically

spectrum colored band produced when beam of light passes through a

spurn reject& scorn

squalid dirty& neglected& poor 

staccato played in an abrupt manner& marked by abrupt sharp sound

statue law

statutory created by statute or legislative action

subversive tending to overthrow or ruin

surmount overcomesurrogate substitute

surveillance watching& guarding

susceptible impressionable& easily influenced& having little resistance as

vacuous empty& inane

vagabond wanderer& tramp

vainglorious boastful& excessively conceited

veneer  thin layer& cover 

venerable deserving high respect

viand food

vicarious acting as a substitute& done by a deputy

vicissitude change of fortune

victuals foodvie contend& compete

vigilance watchfulness

vignette picture& short literary sketch

vigor  active strength

vindicate clear of charges

vindictive revengeful

viper  poisonous snake

virile manly

virtual in essence& for particular purposes

virtue goodness& moral excellence& good quality

zephyr  gentle bree"e& west wind

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WOD D!"#$#%#O$abacus frame with balls for calculating

abate to lessen to subside

abdication giving up control authority

aberration straying away from what is normal

abet help/encourage smb (in doing wrong)

abeyance suspended action

abhor  to hate to detest

abide be faithful to endure

abjure promise or swear to give up

abraded rubbed off worn away by friction

abrogate repeal or annul by authority

abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)

abstruse difficult to comprehend obscure

abut border on

abysmal bottomless extreme

acarpous effete no longer fertile worn out

acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval

accolade praise approval

accretion the growing of separate things into one

adamant kind of stone inflexible

admonitory containing warning

adorn add beauty decorate

adulteration making unpure poorer in quality

affable polite and friendly

affinity close connection relationship

aggravate make worse irritate

agile active quick-moving

agog eager/excited

ail trouble be ill

alacrity eager and cheerful readiness

alcove recess/partially enclosed place

allegiance duty support loyalty

alleviate make (pain) easier to bear

alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior

aloof  reserved indifferent

amalgamate mix combine unite societies

ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well

ambiguous doubtful uncertain

ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings

ameliorate improve make better

amortize end (a debt) by setting aside money

anguish severe suffering

animosity strong dislike

antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease

antithetical direct opposing

apartheid brutal racial discrimination

aplomb self-confidence

apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions

apotheosis deification glorification to godliness

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appease make quiet or calm

apprehensive grasping understanding fear unhappy feeling about future

apprise give notice to inform

approbation approval

apropos appropriate to the situation apt

apt well-suited quick-witted

arabesque a complex ornate design

arboreal of connected with trees

ardor  enthusiasm

arduous steep difficult ascent laborious

argot  jargon slang

arrant in the highest degree

arrogance proud superior manner of behaviour

articulate speak distinctly connect by joints

ascend go or come up

ascertain get to know

ascetic practicing self-denial austere stark

ascribe consider to be the origin of or belonging to

aseptic surgically cleanasperity roughness harshness ill temper irritability

aspersion slander

assail with attack violently

assiduous diligent hard-working sedulous

assuage make smth (pain desire) less

asterisk the mark (e.g.. omitted letters)

astringent substance that shrinks

astute clever quick at seeing to get an advantage

atonement repayment death of !esus

attenuate make thin. weaken enervate

attune bring into harmony

audacious daring foolishly bold impudentaugury omen sign

august majestic venerable

auspicious favorable successful prosperous

austere severely moral and strict simple and plain

auxiliary helping supporting

aver  affirm assert prove justify

aversion strong dislike

avid eager greedy

avow admit. 5eclare openly

baleful harmful ominous causing evil

balk obstacle purposely to get on the way of

baneful causing harm or ruin pernicious destructivebarrage artificial obstacle built across a river

barren not good enough unable to have young ones without value

bask in enjoy warmth and light

beatify to bless make happy or ascribe a virtue to

bedizen to adorn especially in a cheap showy manner

belabor  beat hard

bellicose belligerent pugnacious warlike

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belligerent (person nation) waging war

benefactor  person who has given help

benevolence wish or activity in doing good

benign kind and gentle mild (climate)

bequest arrangement to give smth at death

berate scold sharply

bereft rob or dispossess of smth (material)

bewilder  pu""le confuse

bigot stubborn narrow-minded person

bilge bulge the protuberance of a cask

blandishment flattery coaxing

blandness polite manner comforting uninteresting

blatant noisy and rough

blithe cheerful casual carefree

bogus sham counterfeit not genuine

boisterous loud noisy rough lacking restraint

bolster  give greatly needed support

boorish crude offensive rude

brash hasty rush cheeky saucybrass yellow metal (mixing copper and "inc)

brazen made of brass

breach opening broken place breaking

brittle easily broken

broach bring up announce begin to talk about

brook to tolerate endure

buoyant able to float light-hearted

burgeon grow forth send out buds

burnish to polish rub to a shine

cabal a scheme or plot a group of plotters

cadge to beg to get by begging

cajole use flattery or deceit to persuadecalipers metal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument

calumny slander aspersion

candid frank straight-forward

cant insincere talk/jargon

cantankerous bad-tempered/quarrelsome

canvass discuss thoroughly sort of touting

castigate to chastise correct by punishing

castigation severe punishment

catalyst substance that causes speeding up

caustic biting sarcastic

censure expression of blame or disapproval a rebuke

centurion leader of a unit of #$$ soldierschary cautious wary

chastened corrected punished

chastisement punishment

chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot

chicanery legal trickery/false argument

chisel steel tool for shaping materials

churl bad-tempered person

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convoke call together summon

convoluted complicated coiled twisted

cordial warm and sincere

cordon line (of police acting as a guard)

cornucopia abundant supply

corporeal physical of or for the body

correlate have a mutual relation

corroboration additional strengthening evidence

countenance to favor or approve of

counterfeit forgery

countervail counterbalance

covert disguised

covetous eagerly desirous

cower  crouch shrink back

coy shy/modest (esp of a girl)

crass very great (es. stupidity)

cravat piece of linen worn as a necktie

craven cowardly

crease line made by crushing white line on the ground in cricketcredulity too great a readiness to believe things

credulous ready to believe things

crush press lose shape subdue overwhelm

cryptic secret with a hidden meaning

cumbersome burdensome heavy and awkward to carry

curmudgeon bad-tempered person

curriculum course of study

cursory quick hurried

curtail make shorter then was planned

dainty pretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please

daunt intimidate make fearful

dawdler  person who is slow waste of timedearth shortage

debacle a breakup overthrow sudden disaster

decorum propriety properness

decree order given by authority

decry disapprove of

defer  postpone give way (to show respect)

deferential showing respect

defiance open disobedience or resistance

delineate to portray depict sketch out

deluge great flood heavy rush of water

demagogue person appealing not to reasons

demur  to hesitate raise objectionsdenigrate blacken belittle sully defame

denouement an outcome or solution the unraveling of a plot

deplete use until none remains

deposition dethronement depositing

deprave make morally bad corrupt

deprecate protest against express disapproval of

dereliction deserting and leaving to fall into ruins

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derision ridicule mockery deriding

derivative unoriginal obtained from another source

derogatory insulting tending to damage

descry catch sight of see smth in the distance

desiccant substance used to absorb moisture

desuetude cessation of use disuse

desultory aimless hapha"ard digressing at random

deter  discourage hinder

detraction slandering verbal attack aspersion

detumescence diminishing or lessening of swelling

deviance being different in moral standards (from normal)

dexterity skill (esp. in handling)

diaphanous transparent gau"y

diatribe bitter and violent attack in words

diffidence shyness

dilate speak comprehensively become wider large

disallow refuse to allow or accept as a correct

discern see with an effort but clearly

discomfit confuse embarrassdisconcert upset the self-possession of

discountenance refuse to approve of

discourse speech lecture

discredit refuse to believe

discreet careful/prudent

discrete individually distinct

disdain look on with contempt

disencumber  free from encumbrance

disheveled untidy

disingenuous sophisticated artful trying to deceive cunning

disinter  dig up from the earth

dislodge move force from the place occupieddismal sad gloomy miserable

disparate essentially different

disproof  proof to the contrary

dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)

disseminate distribute (esp. ideas)

dissent have a different opinion refuse to assent

dissolution disintegration looseness in morals

distraught distracted violently upset in mind

divergence getting farther apart from a point

divestiture taking off getting rid of giving up

divulge make known smth secret

doggerel trivial poorly constructed versedogmatic positive certain arbitrary without room for discussion

dolt stupid fellow

dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development

dote show much fondness center one's attention

drawl slow way of speaking

droll  jesting

drone male bee person who isn't self-employed

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drowsiness feeling sleepy half asleep

dubious feeling doubt

dud no use person smth that fails

dulcet melodious harmonious

dupe cheat make a fool of

duplicity deliberate deception

duress threats to compel smb

dwarf  person or smb much below the usual si"e

dynamo a generator something that produces electric current

earthenware dishes made of baked clay

ebullience exuberance outburst of feeling

ebullient overflowing with enthusiasm showing excitement

ecumenical representing the whole hristian world

edacious voracious devouring

eddy circular or spiral movement (e.g.. of wind)

edible fit to be eaten/not poisonous

effete infertile worn out weak

efficacy production of a desired result

effluvia outflow in a stream of particles a noxious odor or vaporeffrontery boldness impudence arrogance

egress way out exit

elaborate worked out with much care in great detail

elegy a lament a melancholy composition

elicit draw out

eloquence fluent speaking skillful use of language

emaciate make thin and weak

embellish make beautiful

embezzle use in a wrong way for one's own benefit

emote stir up excite

empirical relying on experiment

encapsulate enclose in capsuleencomium warm or glowing praise eulogy panegyric

encumbrance burden things that get on the way of

endearing making dear or liked

endemic epidemic

endorse write one's name on the back of

enduring lasting

enervate weaken deprive of strength attenuate

engender  cause produce give rise to

engrave impress deeply

engrossing taken up all the time or attention writing in large or formal

engulf  swallow up

enigma smth that is pu""lingenmity hatred being an enemy

ensign flag/badge

entangle put into difficulties

enthral please greatly/enslave (fig)

entice tempt or persuade

entreat ask earnestly

enunciate pronounce (words)/express a theory

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fallacious based on error

falter  waver/move in an uncertain manner

fatuous without sense foolish self-satisfaction

fawn young deer try to win smb's favor

feckless lacking purpose or vitality ineffective careless

fecund fertile

feint pretend

felicitous apt suitably expressed well chosen apropos

felon person guilty of murder

ferment substance become excited

ferocity savage cruelty

ferret discover by searching search

fervid showing earnest feeling

fervor  warmth of feelings earnestness

fetid stinking

fetter  to shackle put in chains

feud bitter quarrel over a long period of time

fidelity loyalty accuracy

fidget move restlessly make nervousfigurehead carved image on the prow of a ship

finesse delicate way of dealing with a situation

finical too fussy about food clothing etc.

finicky finical

fission splitting or division (esp. of cells)

fixate stare at

flak criticism/anti-aircraft guns

flamboyant brightly colored florid

flaunting show off complacently

flax pale yellow (hair) a plant

fledged able to fly trained experienced

fleet number of ships quick-movingflinch draw move back wince

flop fail/move/fall clumsily

florid very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face)

flout reject mock to go against (as in going against tradition)

fluke lucky stroke

fluster  make nervous or confused

foible defect of character (a person is wrongly proud)

foil prevent from carrying out contrast

foment put smth warm (to lessen the pain)

foolproof  incapable of failure or error

foppish like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes

forage food for horses and cattleforbear  refrain from be patient ancestor

forbearance patience willingness to wait

ford shallow place in a river (to cross)

forestall prevent by taking action in advance preempt

forfeit suffer the loss of smth

forge workshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead

forgery counterfeit

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forswear  renounce disallow repudiate

foster  nurture care for

fracas noisy quarrel

fragile easily injured broken or destroyed

fragrant sweet-smelling

frantic wildly excited with joy pain anxiety

frenetic frantic fren"ied

fret worry irritation wear away

fringe edge ornamental border part of hair over the forehead

froward intractable not willing to yield or comply stubborn

frugal careful economical

fulmination bitter protest

fulsome disgusting offensive due to excessiveness

gainsay to deny to oppose

garble make unfair selection from facts

garment article of clothing

garner  to gather and save to store up

garrulity talkativeness

garrulous too talkativegaucherie socially awkward tactless behavior

germane relevant pertinent to

gist the point general sense

glean gather facts in small quantities

glib ready and smooth but not sincere

glimmer  weak/unsteady light

gloat over look at with selfish delight

glut supply to much fill to excess

gnaw waste away bite steadily

goad smth urging a person to action

gorge eat greedily/narrow opening with a stream

gossamer  soft light delicate materialgouge tool for cutting grooves in wood

grandiloquent using pompous words

grave serious requiring consideration

graze touch or scrape lightly in passing

gregarious living in societies liking the company

grievous causing grief or pain serious dire grave

grovel crawl humble oneself

guile deceit cunning

gullible easily gulled

gush burst out suddenly/talk ardently

gust outburst of feeling sudden rain wind fire etc.

hack cut roughly hired horsehalcyon calm and peaceful

hallow to make holy consecrate

harangue a long passionate speech

harbinger  smth or smb that foretells the coming of

harrow to distress create stress or torment

haughty arrogant conceited

heed attention/give notice to

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heinous odious (of crime)

heresy belief contrary to what is generally accepted

hermetic sealed by fusion

heterogeneous made up of different kinds

hew make by hard work cut (by striking)

highbrow (person) with superior tastes

hirsute hairy shaggy

hoax mischievous trick played on smb for a joke

hoi polloi the masses the rabble

hollow not soled with hole

holster  leather case for a pistol

homiletics act of preaching

hone stone used for sharpening tools

hoodwink trick mislead

hospitable liking to give hospitality

hubris arrogant pride

hush make or become silent

husk worthless outside part of anything

hypocrisy falsely making oneself appear to be goodiconoclast person who attacks popular beliefs

idiosyncrasy personal mannerism

idolatry excessive admiration of

idyll a carefree episode or experience

ignoble dishonorable common undignified

ignominious shameful dishonorable undignified disgraceful

illicit unlawful forbidden

imbroglio complicated and embarrassing situation

immaculate pure faultless

imminent likely to come or happen soon

immutable that cannot be changed

impair  worsen diminish in valueimpassive unmoved feeling no sign of passion

impecunious having little or no money

impede hinder get in the way of

impediment smth that hinders (e.g. stammer)

impending imminent being about to happen expected

imperative urgent essential

imperious commanding haughty arrogant

impermeable that cannot be permeated

imperturbable calm not capable of being excited

impervious not allowing to pass through (of materials)

imperviousness haughty arrogant commanding

impetuous having sudden energy impulsive thrusting ahead forcefulimpiety lack of reverence or dutifulness

implacable incapable of being placated unpleasable

implicate show that smb has a share

implicit implied though not plainly expressed

implosion collapse bursting inward

importune beg urgently solicit (of a prostitute)

imprecation an invocation of evil a curse

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impromptu without preparation

impudent rash indiscreet

impugned challenged to be doubted

impute to attribute to a cause or source ascribe

inadvertent not paying proper attention

inane silly senseless

inasmuch since because

incense make angry

incessant often repeated continual

inchoate not yet fully formed rudimentary elementary

incipient beginning

incise engrave make a cut in

incite stir up rouse

inclined directing the mind in a certain direction

incongruous out of place not in harmony or agreement

incorrigibility cannot be cured or corrected

incredulous skeptical unwilling to believe

inculcate fix firmly by repetition

incumbents official dutiesincursion a raid a sudden attack

indefatigability not easily exhaustible tirelessness

indelible that cannot be rubbed out

indigence poverty

indigenous native

indistinct not easily heard seen clearly marked

indolence la"iness

indomitable not easily discouraged or subdued

indulge gratify give way to satisfy allow oneself

indulgent inclined to indulge

ineffable to great to be described in words

ineluctable certain inevitableinept unskillful said or done at the wrong time

ineptitude quality of being unskillful

inferno hell

infuriate fill with fury or rage

infuse put pour fill

ingenuous naive young artless frank honest sincere

ingest take in by swallowing

inimical harmful or friendly

inimitable defying imitation unmatchable

innocuous causing no harm

inscrutable incapable of being discovered or understood

insensible unconscious unresponsive unaffectedinsinuate suggest unpleasantly make a way for smth gently

insipid without taste or flavor

insouciant unconcerned carefree

insularity narrow-mindedness isolated

insurrection rising of people to open resistance to

interdict prohibit forbid

interim as an installment

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intersperse place here and there

intransigence unwillingness to compromise stubbornness intractability

intransigent uncompromising

intrepid fearless brave undaunted

introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings

inundate flood cover by overflowing

inured accustomed to adapted

invective abusive language curses

inveigh to attack verbally denounce deprecate

inveterate deep-rooted. long-established

invincible too strong to be defeated

involute complex

irascible irritable easily angered

irate angry

ire anger

irksome tiresome

irresolute hesitating undecided

irrevocable final and unalterable

itinerate to travel from place to place to peregrinate jabber  talk excitedly utter rapidly

 jibe gibe make fun of

 jocular  meant as a joke

 judicious sound in judgment wise

knit draw together unite firmly

labyrinthine to entangle the state of affairs

lachrymose causing tears tearful

lackluster  (of eyes) dull

lament show feel great sorrow

lassitude weariness tiredness

latent present but not yet active developed or visible

laudatory expressing or giving praiselavish giving or producing freely liberally or generously

legacy smth handed down from ancestors

levee formal reception/embankment

levity lack of seriousness

libel statement that damages reputation

liberality free giving generosity

libertine immoral person

lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid

limn paint portray

limp lacking strength walking unevenly

lionize treat as a famous person

lithe bending twistingloll rest to sit or stand in a la"y way hang (dog's tongue)

lope move along with long strides

loquacious talkative garrulous

lucubrate write in scholarly fashion

luculent easily understood lucid clear

lugubrious mournful excessively sad

lull become quiet or less active

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nibble show some inclination to accept (an offer)

noisome offensive disgusting (smell)

nonchalant not having interest

nonplused greatly surprised

nostrum a quack remedy an untested cure

noxious harmful

nugatory trifling/worthless

obdurate hardened and unrepenting stubborn inflexible

obfuscate to darken make obscure muddle

oblivious unaware having no memory

obloquy abusively detractive language sharp criticism vituperation

obsequious too eager to obey or serve

obstreperous noisy loud

obtain to be established accepted or customary

obtrusive projecting prominent undesirably noticeable

obtuse blunt/stupid

obviate to make unnecessary get rid of

occluded blocked up

odious repulsive hatefulodium contempt dislike aversion

odor  smell favor reputation

officious too eager or ready to help offer advice

ominous threatening

onerous needing effort burdensome

opaqueness dullness/not allowing light to pass through

opprobrious showing scorn or reproach

ossify to turn to bone to settle rigidly into an idea

ostensible seeming appearing as such professed

ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy

ostracism shut out from society refuse to meet talk

overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the conditionoverweening presumptuously arrogant overbearing immoderate being a jerk

paean song of praise or triumph

palate roof of the mouth sense of taste

palatial magnificent

palliate lessen the severity of

palpability can be felt touched understood

palpitate tremble beat rapidly and irregularly

panegyric formal praise eulogy

paradigm a model example or pattern

parenthesis sentence within another one smth separated

pariah an outcast a rejected and despised person

parsimonious too economical miserlypartisan one-sided committed to a party biased or prejudiced

patron regular customer person who gives support

paucity scarcity a lacking of

peccadillo small sin small weakness in one's character

pedantic bookish showing off learning

pedestrian commonplace trite unremarkable

pellucid transparent easy to understand

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penchant strong inclination a liking

penitent feeling or showing regret

penurious poor/stingy

penury extreme poverty

peregrination traveling about wandering

peremptory urgent imperative unchallengeable ending debate

perfidious treacherous faithless

perfidy treachery breaking of faith

perfunctory done as a duty without care

perilous dangerous

peripatetic wandering

perish be destroyed decay

perjury willful *+, statement unlawful act

permeate spread into every part of

pernicious harmful injurious

perpetrate be guilty commit (a crime)

personable pleasing in appearance attractive

perspicacity quick judging and understanding

pertain belong as a part have referencepest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance

petrified taken away power (to think feel act)

petrify to make hard rocklike

petrous like a rock hard stony

petulant unreasonably impatient

philistine a smug ignorant person one who lacks knowledge

phlegmatic calm sluggish temperament unemotional

picaresque involving clever rogues or adventurers

pied of mixed colors

pinch be too tight take between the thumb and finger

pine waste away through sorrow or illness

pious dutiful to parents devoted to religionpiquant agreeably pungent stimulating

pique hurt the pride or self-respect stir (curiosity)

pitfall covered hole as a trap unsuspected danger

pith essential part force soft liquid substance

pivotal of great importance (others depend on it)

placate soothe pacify calm

plaintive mournful melancholy sorrowful

plaque flat metal on a wall as a memorial

platitude a trite or banal statement unoriginality

plea request

plead address a court of law as an advocate

plethora glutpliant pliable easily bent shaped or twisted

plod continue doing smth without resting

pluck pull the feathers off pick (e.g.. flowers)

plumb get to the root of

plummet fall plunge steeply

plunge move quickly suddenly and with force

poignant deeply moving keen

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poncho large piece of cloth

ponderous heavy bulky dull

portent omen marvelous threatening

precarious uncertain risky dangerous

precepts rules establishing standards of conduct

preclude prevent make impossible

precursory preliminary anticipating

predilection special liking mental preference

predominate have more power than others

preen tidy/show self-satisfaction

premature doing or happening smth before the right time

preponderance greatness in number strength weight

presage warning sign

presumption arrogance

preternatural not normal or usual

prevalent common

prevaricate to equivocate to stray from the truth

prim neat formal

pristine primitive unspoiled pure as in earlier times unadulteratedprobity uprightness incorruptibility principle

proclivity inclination

procrastination keeping on putting off

prodigal wasteful reckless with money

prodigious enormous wonderful

profane worldly having contempt for od

profligacy shameless immorality

profligate wasteful prodigal licentious extravagant

profundity depth

profuse abundant/lavish

proliferate grow reproduce by rapid multification

prolix tiring because too longprone prostrate inclined to (undesirable things)

propagation increasing the number spreading extending

propinquity nearness in time or place affinity of nature

propitiatory conciliatory appeasing mitigating

propitious auspicious presenting favorable circumstances

prosaic everyday mundane commonplace trite pedestrian

proscribe denounce as dangerous

protracted prolonged

provident frugal looking to the future

provisional of the present time only

provoke make angry vax

prudence careful forethoughtprudish easily shocked excessively modest

prune dried plum silly person

pry get smth inquire too curiously

pucker  wrinkle

pugnacious fond of in the habit of fighting

puissance strength

punctilious precise paying attention to trivialities

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pundit pedant authority on a subject

pungency sharpness stinging quality

purvey provide supply

pusillanimous cowardly craven

putrefaction becoming rotten

pyre large pile of wood for burning

quack person dishonestly claiming to smth

quaff  drink deeply

quail lose courage turn frightened

qualm feeling of doubt temporary feeling of sickness

quandary state of doubt or perplexity

quell suppress subdue

quibble try to avoid by sophistication

quiescence state of being passive/motionless

quiescent at rest dormant torpid

quirk habit or action peculiar to smb or smth

quixotic generous unselfish

quotidian banal everyday

rabble mob crowd the lower classes of populaceraconteur  person who tells anecdotes

raffish low vulgar base tawdry

ramify to be divided or subdivided to branch out

rancorous feeling bitterness spitefulness

rant use extravagant language

rapacious greedy (esp for money)

rarefy to make thin to make less dense to purify or refine

rave act with excessive enthusiasm

reactionary opposing progress

rebuff  snub

recalcitrant disobedient

recant take back as being *+, give uprecast cast or fashion anew

recidivism relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior

reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similar

recitals a number of performance of music

recluse person who lives alone and avoids people

recompense make payment to reward punish

reconcile settle a quarrel restore peace

recondite little known abstruse

recreancy cowardice a cowardly giving up

recuperate become strong after illness loss exhaustion

redeem get back by payment compensate

redoubtable formidable causing fearrefine make or become pure cultural

refractory stubborn unmanageable untractable

refulgent shining brilliant

regale to delight or entertain to feast

regicide crime of killing a king

reiterate say or do again several times

rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearance

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relapse fall back again

remonstrate to protest object

render  deliver provide represent

renovate restore smth to better condition

renowned celebrated famous

repast meal

repel refuse to accept/cause dislike

repine at be discontented with

reproach scold upbraid

reprobate person hardened in sin one devoid of decency

repudiate disown refuse to accept or pay

repulsive causing a feeling of disgust

requite repay give in return

rescind repeal/annul/cancel

resigned unresisting submissive

resilience quality of quickly recovering the original shape

resort to frequently visit

restive refusing to move reluctant to be controlled

resuscitation coming back to consciousnessretard check hinder

reticent reserved untalkative silent taciturn

revere have deep respect for

reverent feeling or showing deep respect

riddle pu""ling person or thing

rift split crack dissension

rivet fix take up secure metal pin

roll call calling of names

rotund rich and deep plump and round

ruffian violent cruel man

rumple make rough

sagacious having sound judgment perceptive wise like a sagesalacious obscene

salubrious healthful

salutary remedial wholesome causing improvement

sanctimony self-righteousness hypocritical with *+, piety

sanction approval (by authority) penalty

sanguine cheerful confident optimistic

sanity health of mind soundness of judgement

sash long strip worn round the waist

satiate satisfy fully

saturnine gloomy dark sullen morose

savant person of great learning

savor  taste flavor smthsawdust tiny bits of wood

scabbard sheath for the blade

scent smell (esp pleasant)

scorch become discolored/dry up/go at high speed

scribble write hastily

scurvy mean contemptible

secular  material (not spiritual) living outside monasteries

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sedulous persevering

seminal like a seed constituting a source originative

sententious short and pithy full of maxims/proverbs

sequence succession connected line of

sere make hard and without feeling

sermon reproving a person for his faults

serrated having a toothed edge

serration having a toothed edge

servile like a slave lacking independence

sever  break off

severance severing

shallow little depth not earnest

shard piece of broken earthenware

sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool

shrewd astute showing sound judgement

shrill sharp piercing

shun keep away from avoid

shunt send from one track to another lay aside evade discussion

sidestep step to one sidesimper  (give a) silly/self-conscious smile

sinuous winding undulating serpentine

skiff  small boat

skit short piece of humorous writing

slack sluggish dull not tight

slake to assuage to satisfy allay

slate king of blue-grey stone propose critici"e

sluggard la"y slow-moving person

slur   join sounds/words (indistinct)

smolder  burn slowly without flame

snare trap

snub treat with contemptsoar  rise fly high

sober  self-controlled

sobriety quality or condition of being sober

sodden soaked saturated

soggy heavy with water

solvent of the power of forming a solution

somatic of the body

soot black powder in smoke

sophisticated complex subtle refined

sophistry fallacious reasoning faulty logic

sophomoric self-assured though immature affected bombastic overblown

soporific producing sleepsordid wretched comfortless contemptible

spear  weapon with a metal point on a long shaft

specious illogical of questionable truth or merit

splenetic bad-tempered irritable

splice  join (two ends)

sponge porous rubber for washing live at once expense

spurious *+, counterfeit

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spurn have nothing to do reject or refuse

squalid foul filthy

squander  spend wastefully

squat crouch/settle without permission

stanch to stop the flow of a fluid

steeply rising or falling sharply

stentorian extremely loud and powerful

stickler  person who insists on importance of smth

stigma mark of shame or disgrace

stigmatize describe smb scornfully

sting smth sharp

stingy spending using unwillingly

stint to be thrifty to set limits

stipple paint with dots

stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition

stolid showing no emotion impassive

stray wander lose one's way

streak long thin move very fast

striated striped grooved or bandedstride walk with long steps

strut a supporting bar

stygian hence dark gloomy

stymie to hinder obstruct or block

subdue overcome bring under control

sublime extreme astounding

submerge put under water liquid sink out of sight

suborn induce by bribery or smth to commit perjury

subpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court

substantiation giving facts to support (statement)

subsume include under a rule

succor  assistance relief in time of distresssuffice be enough

suffocate cause or have difficulty in breathing

sullied to be stained or discredited

summarily briefly without delay

sumptuous magnificent

sundry various miscellaneous separate

supercilious disdainful characteri"ed by haughty scorn

superfluous more then is needed or wanted

superimpose put smth on the top

supersede take the place of

supine lying on the back slow to act passive

suppliant asking humbly beseechingsupplicate make a humble petition to

suppress prevent from being known put an end to

surcharge additional load/charge

surfeit satiate feed to fulness or to excess

susceptibility sensitiveness

swerve change direction suddenly

sycophant person who flatter to the rich and powerful

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synopsis summary or outline

taciturn untalkative silent

tadpole form of a frog when it leaves the egg

talon claw of a bird of prey

tamp tap or drive down by repeated light blows

tamper  interfere with

tangential suddenly changeable

tarnished lost brightness

tassel bunch of threads

taunt contemptuous reproach hurtful remark

taut tightly stretched

tautology a repetition a redundancy

tawdry cheap gaudy showy tacky

teetotal oppose to alcohol

temerity boldness brashness intrepidness

temperance abstinence from alcohol self-control moderation

temperate showing self-control

tenacity firmness persistency adhesiveness tending to hang on

tenuous insubstantial flimsy weaktepid lukewarm

terse brief and to the point

testiness witness/evidence

thrift care economy thriving prosperous

thwart obstruct/frustrate

timid shy easily frightened

timorous fearful timid afraid

toady obsequious flatterer

tonic smth giving strength or energy

topple be unsteady and overturn

torment severe pain or suffering

torpid sleeping sluggish lethargic dormanttorque twisting force causing rotation

tortuous devious/not straightforward

tout person who worries others to buy smth to use his service

tractable easily controlled or guided

transgress break go beyond (a limit)

transient temporary fleeting

transitory brief

travesty parody/imitation

trenchant forceful effective vigorous extremely perceptive incisive

trepidation alarm excited state of mind

trickle flow in drops

trifling unimportanttrite not new

truce (agreement) stop of fighting for a time

truculence aggressiveness ferocity

trudge walk heavily

turbid muddy having the sediment stirred up

turbulence being uncontrolled violent

turgid excessively ornate swollen or bloated

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turmoil trouble disturbance

turpitude wickedness shamefulness

turquoise greenish-blue precious stone

tyro tiro beginner

ubiquitous present everywhere

ulterior  situated beyond

umbrage offense resentment

uncouth rough awkward

underbid make a lower bid then smb else

undermine weaken gradually at the base make smth under

undulate to move in wavelike fashion fluctuate

unearth discover and bring to light

unencumbered easy-going trifle

unfeigned not pretended sincere

unscathed unharmed unhurt

untoward unfortunate inconvenient

upbraid scold reproach

urbane elegant refined in manners

vacillation being uncertain hesitatingvagary strange act or idea

vain without use result conceited

valiant brave

valorous brave

vanquish conquer

veer  change direction

venal ready to do smth dishonest

veneer  surface appearance covering the 012, nature

veneration regard with deep respect

veracity truth

verdant fresh and green

verisimilitude appearing 012, or realveritable real rightly named

verve spirit vigor enthusiasm

vestige trace or sign

vex annoy distress trouble

vigilance watchfulness self-appointed group who maintain order

vigilant member of a vigilance committee

vigorous strong energetic

vilify slander say evil things

vindictive having a desire to revenge

virago a loud domineering woman a scold or nag

visceral of the internal organs of the body

viscous sticky/semi-fluidvitiate lower the quality weaken the strength

vituperate curse abuse in words

vivacious lively high-spirited

volatile changeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive

volubility fluency verbosity easy use of spoken language

voluble fluent

waffle talk vaguely and without much result

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waft scent waving movement carry lightly through

wag merry person

warmonger  person who stirs up war

warrant authority written order guarantee

wean to turn away (from a habit)

weigh measure hoe heavy smth is

welter  turmoil a bewildering jumble

wend to go proceed

whimsical full of odd and fanciful ideas

wince show bodily or mental pain

woo try to win

writ written order

yarn tale story fibers for knitting