the evolution of the contact center: part 5 of 5

The Evolution of the Contact Center Join Five9 on a five part journey through the evolution of the contact center Part 5: 2006 and Beyond

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Page 1: The Evolution of the Contact Center: Part 5 of 5

The Evolution of the Contact Center

Join Five9 on a five part journey through the evolution of the

contact center

Part 5: 2006 and Beyond

Page 2: The Evolution of the Contact Center: Part 5 of 5

The Next Generation

The first generation iPhone is released, increasing consumer mobility and instantly changing the way companies interact with customers.

Consumers are now always connected, even while on the go.


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The development of remote desktop support in 2008 allows customers to not only receive support from contact center agents but to co-browse and personally execute suggested actions.

2008 The Next Generation

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The Next GenerationThe first WFO solution is delivered in a SaaS model. While preliminary solutions were not as robust as on-premise technology, it gave companies greater flexibility and business agility.


So?These solutions enabled agents

to better manage time and helped companies prepare for

high volume hours.

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Contact centers adopt natural language processing technology to intelligently identify problems, decide next best actions, and resolve problems before agents even enter the interaction.

2015 The Next Generation

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Today, contacts centers have merged the technologies that power both consumers and businesses to create a Simply Smart contact

center. These contact centers track interactions regardless of channel, provide proactive customer care, and ensure that both

businesses and customers are provided with the tools they need to succeed.

And Beyond

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Any other milestones we’ve forgotten?

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