the causeway coast news issue 001

Despite the latest swingeing cutbacks from the Government and the state of unease in the economy, the hearts and minds of the Causeway Coast and Glens Community remain steadfastly ixed on giving beyond their means. his local mentality of "giving people hope", is never more apparent when disaster strikes or a crisis appears as there has always historically been an outpouring of generosity from the community to aid those in dire need. With the recent sea-change in politics on home soil added to the refugee crisis you could be forgiven for thinking that there is nothing let to give or do. Yet here we are to do it again, we open our hearts and minds (and wallets) to help out. From local churches and schools rallying their congregations and pupils to charities on the ground making a real dierence we are proving that humanity does exist and we are not going to act indierent to children dying like unwanted pets on our watch. Just like the cyclists this weekend at the Giants Causeway Sportive we need to keep in shape, control what we spend our time and focus on and like cross it we need to remain disciplined in the ways of actually caring. he poignant act of opening up a suggestion to add the 2 little Syrian boys (hree-year-old Aylan Kurdi and his ive-year-old brother Galip) to the Angel of Hope Memorial Garden shows just how much it means. Borough gears up for more challenges. out every weekend Issue 001 - 11/09/15 Rising up to the Challenge Inside his Week: Reaction to Refugee Crisis / Airwaves 2015 / Giant's Causeway Coast Sportive / Celtic Fire / Beauty at H&G Bringing you News from Ballymoney, Coleraine, Limavady and Moyle

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Bringing you News from Ballymoney, Coleraine, Limavady and Moyle


  • Despite the latest swingeing cutbacks

    from the Government and the state of

    unease in the economy, the hearts and

    minds of the Causeway Coast and Glens

    Community remain steadfastly ixed on

    giving beyond their means. his local

    mentality of "giving people hope", is nev

    er more apparent when disaster strikes

    or a crisis appears as there has always

    historically been an outpouring of gen

    erosity from the community to aid those

    in dire need. With the recent sea-change

    in politics on home soil added to the

    refugee crisis you could be forgiven for

    thinking that there is nothing let to give

    or do. Yet here we are to do it again, we

    open our hearts and minds (and wallets)

    to help out. From local churches and

    schools rallying their congregations and

    pupils to charities on the ground making

    a real dierence we are proving that hu

    manity does exist and we are not going

    to act indierent to children dying like

    unwanted pets on our watch. Just like the

    cyclists this weekend at the Giants

    Causeway Sportive we need to keep in

    shape, control what we spend our time

    and focus on and like cross it we need to

    remain disciplined in the ways of actual

    ly caring. he poignant act of opening up

    a suggestion to add the 2 little Syrian

    boys (hree-year-old Aylan Kurdi and

    his ive-year-old brother Galip) to the

    Angel of Hope Memorial Garden shows

    just how much it means.

    Borough gears up for more challenges.

    out every weekend Issue 001 - 11/09/15

    Rising up to the Challenge

    Inside his Week: Reaction to Refugee Crisis / Airwaves 2015 / Giant's Causeway Coast Sportive / Celtic Fire / Beauty at H&G

    Bringing you News from Ballymoney, Coleraine, Limavady and Moyle

  • 2 he Causeway Coast News

    he eagerly awaited "Looking Glass Full

    Beauty Room" at Hope & Gloria on Rail

    way Road Coleraine has launched today

    and judging from the buzz surrounding

    it, the venture is o to a fabulous start!

    Sandra Millican started o doing pretty

    nail fridays in Hope & Gloria when it

    opened and has built it into a thriving

    full time business with her mission to re

    lease the God given beauty that is within

    e v e r y W o m a n . h t t p s : / /





    land's fastest growing coee house,

    Ground Espresso Bars is set to rival high

    street chains such as Costa and Star

    bucks with the announcement of their

    ith new store opening in just eight

    months and a healthy increase in annual

    turnover of 33% for the period of 2014 -

    2015. he company which is set to open

    their 14th store in Magherafelt this

    September, is investing 150k in a new

    standalone store, which will create 15

    new jobs in the Mid Ulster area and

    bring Grounds' employee count to over

    150. Since opening their irst store in

    Coleraine, in 2001 Grounds' vision was

    to become the only chain of coee bars

    in Northern Ireland that can maintain a

    local, family friendly, welcoming atmo

    sphere, in partnership with excellent cof

    fee, served with innovation, in an ethical

    manner. With a portfolio of 14 stores the

    Ground team can stand over this vision

    and even put it down to their

    success.Commenting on the announce

    ment Jonny Ross , Regional Manager,

    Ground Espresso Bars said "We have had

    a fantastic year so far, our newest stores

    from Dublin to Derry are thriving, and

    we put this down to support from the lo

    cal consumers, who are driving indepen

    dent retail outlets in our towns and

    cities". Jonny adds, "We have found that

    consumers are bucking the trend of go

    ing to the high street stores and opting

    for local independents such as ourselves,

    and this may well be because consumers

    now know their coee, and expect more

    from their chosen coee house. Like

    many independents in Northern Ireland,

    we oer quality coees and local pro

    duce, coupled with friendly welcoming,

    local sta and will continue to do so,

    even with our expansion." Employing

    over 150 sta across 14 stand-alone

    stores and concessions in Northern Ire

    land, Ground Espresso Bars' mission is

    to provide a haven for customers where

    comfort, friendship, happiness, quality

    and ethics become synonymous with

    their name.

    hrough the looking Glass

    Ground Support

  • 3he Causeway Coast News

    Record Crowds at Portrush

    Record crowds descended upon

    Portrush at the weekend when up to

    200,000 spectators made the trip to the

    North Coast to enjoy two days of

    thrilling lying displays by some of the

    world's most famous aviation attractions.

    he stellar line-up for Air Waves

    Portrush, organised by Causeway Coast

    and Glens Borough Council, included

    the world-famous RAF Red Arrows

    which kicked o both days of the show

    by performing their trademark forma

    tions, close-passes and dynamic loops.

    he only lying Vulcan XH558 in the

    world mesmerised the crowds on Satur

    day with its last ever appearance here,

    before being permanently grounded in


    One of the most iconic single seat strike

    ighters, the SAAB Viggen "hunderbolt"

    jet ighter, provided a thrilling show of

    power and sound with its irst ever dis

    play on this side of the Irish Sea on the

    second day of the show.

    he star of Hollywood blockbuster,

    Memphis Belle, the "Sally B" B17 Flying

    Fortress treated spectators to an iconic

    lypast on the Sunday, ater being forced

    to postpone its Saturday appearance due

    to technical issues.

    he Blades aerobatic display team, a

    'Muscle biplane' and the Garvagh based

    Wild Geese Parachutists each performed

    their unique daredevil routines and aeri

    al manoeuvres.

    Sunday's airshow drew to a poignant

    close by commemorating the 75th An

    niversary of the Battle of Britain, with a

    Royal British Legion Poppy Drop by the

    Huey helicopter, which showered specta

    tors with millions of luttering poppies.

    Speaking about the success of the show,

    Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens

    Borough Council, Councillor Michelle

    Knight-McQuillan said, "Air Waves

    Portrush has been a resounding success.

    It is now irmly established as the inale

    to the summer season. We're delighted

    that up to 200,000 visitors have enjoyed

    the sights and sounds of what has been a

    fantastic spectacle right across the week


    "On behalf of the Council and visitors to

    the air show, I would personally like to

    thank all of the event sponsors, the Min

    istry of Defence, emergency service

    agencies and all the volunteers who have

    helped to make this a safe, successful and

    spectacular event."

    "Chocks Away", for Portrush!

  • 4 he Causeway Coast News

    Portrush played host to yet another his

    toric aviation event with the inal ap

    pearance in Northern Ireland of the

    magniicent AVRO Vulcan bomber.

    his season marked the inal displays of

    this much talked about and much loved

    Cold War bomber which also played a

    signiicant role in the Falklands conlict.

    In her irst visit to Portrush (Saturday

    only) she was probably one of the biggest

    draws to this year's show along with the

    SAAB Viggen jet ighter, RAF Typhoon

    jet and of course the RAF Red Arrows.At

    least now the Vulcan has the capability

    to ly daytime IFR (intrustrument light

    rules), which means in can climb

    through cloud to get through bad weath

    er. Last time it was due to appear it was

    the bad weather between Doncaster and

    Portrush that stopped it's arrival.

    he delta wing strategic bomber, which

    was operated by the Royal Air Force

    from 1956 until 1984, uses jet engines

    similar to those on Concorde and pro

    vide a memorable roar during its display.

    XH558 re-took to the skies in 2008 ater

    a huge restoration programme and is the

    only lying Vulcan in the world. Her dis

    play at our seaside venue was a historic

    moment that was not to be missed.

    he SAAB AJS37 Viggen ('hunderbolt'

    in Swedish) will displayed on Sunday 6

    he famous World War II-era bomber,

    also know as Sally B, was made famous

    throughout the world for its starring role

    in the movie, "Memphis Belle".

    Europe's only airworthy Boeing B-17

    Flying Fortress - Sally B - returned to

    Northern Ireland ater a 2 year absence,

    displaying on the Saturday only of Air

    Waves 2015. he aircrat which operates

    Duxford from is a living memorial to the

    many crews that lost their lives in World

    War 2.

    Sally B is not part of the Imperial War

    Museum collection at Duxford, nor is

    she supported inancially by the

    museum, the aircrat is kept lying by a

    very dedicated team of volunteers, lead

    by Elly Sallingboe, and recieves no o

    cial inancial help.

    he B-17 will be captained by Peter

    Kuypers who is well known on the dis

    play circuit and also displays the Dutch

    B-25 Mitchell. Peter's day job is as a cap

    tain for the Dutch national KLM lying

    the Airbus 330.

    Vulcan to Vanish from Air display

    Boeing's Bombshell

  • 5he Causeway Coast News

    September as part of Air Waves Portush

    2015, the Viggen's irst display in North

    ern Ireland.

    he Viggen was Sweden's irst line of de

    fence during the Cold War period and

    was capable of operating from standard

    airields as well as deployed bases where

    public roads were used as runways

    throughtout Sweden. Withdrawn from

    Swedish Air Force (SwAF) service in

    2007 the type irst lew in March 1967.

    his particular example took the

    Swedish Air Force Historic Flight

    (SwAFHF) 5 years of restoration before

    it returned to the skies in March 2012.

    Stellan Anderson, the Viggen display pi

    lot, has nearly 12,000 lying hours in his

    log book and joined the Swedish Air

    Force in 1969. Ten years later he became

    the SwAF Viggen display pilot. Ater

    leaving the SwAF in 1987, Stellan lew

    DC9s, Boeing 767s and the Boeing 737

    for SAS, the Swedish national airline.

    During his time with SAS Stellan conit

    nued to ly historic aircrat with the

    SwAFHF, and types in his log book in

    clude the Harvard, DH Vampire, SAAB

    J29 Tunnan, SAAB J32 Lance, SAAB

    SK60, Hawker Hunter, SAAB Draken as

    well as the Viggen.

    Highest Tandem Skydive in Ireland,

    Largest most comfortable jump plane in


    Fastest climbing jump plane in


    What more could you ask for?

    hat is the best description for

    adrenaline junkies around the world. But

    in Garvagh? Based just 19 miles from

    Portrush the Wild Geese Parachute Dis

    play Team returned for both show days

    having performed at nearly every show

    since 2002. he ive person team has also

    performed at events as far aield as Ger

    many, France and Portugal and last year

    debuted the small canopy jump on the

    b e a c h . h t t p : / /

    "Happy are those who dream dreams

    and are willing to pay the price to make

    them come true"

    Get your vouchers now!

    If you would like a voucher please con

    tact our sales team today on028 295


    Chasing hunder

    "Being a bit Mad Helps"

  • 6 he Causeway Coast News

    Of course everyone was interested in

    what's up in the air but we didn't forget

    about all the excitement on the ground.

    Village South

    Ulster Aviation Society compound:

    Westland Wessex helicopter

    Full size Spitire replica

    Canberra jet bomber nose cone

    Irish Air Corps Alouette helicopter

    gun turret from a Whitley bomber

    Merlin engine

    WWII USAF in Northern Ireland

    Martin Baker ejection seat

    he Donegal Spitire inc. the restored

    lying helmet

    Armed Forces Compound:

    Full size Chinook Facsimile

    Recruitment display

    RAF Red Arrows ground display

    RAF Cosford Radio School

    RAF Regiment Mobile Range

    RAF Mobile Catering demonstration

    Royal Navy Recruitment

    Army Recruitment

    Army heavy equipment

    he Motor Village:

    Audi, Mercedes, Nissan, Volkswagen,

    Citroen, Volvo

    "George Best" truck, Lucasoil Drit

    Team (static)

    Downtown Radio

    Fun Zone

    Swing Gals concert

    Village North

    Naturally North Coast and Glens Market

    Ulster Gliding Club

    Army Cadets and Sea Cadets:

    Climbing wall, inlatable assault course,

    lazer clay shoot

    Q Network Radio

    North Antrim Model Aircrat

    Wartime Living History Association GI


    Fun Zone

    Swing Gals concert

    Static helicopter display at Ramore Head

    RAF Puma

    Royal Navy Sea King

    AAC Gazelle

    Huey and Loach

    RAF Grin

    Keeping your feet on the ground

  • 7he Causeway Coast News

    he RAF Red Arrows are a irm crowd

    favourite and they were sure not to dis

    appoint this year with daring manoeu

    vres and astonishing acts of aviation

    skill. his level of dedication comes at a

    cost though as the recent tragedy at

    Shoreham shows how much work and

    planning goes on behind the scenes to

    pull o such an event Causeway Coast

    and Glens Borough Council secured the

    services of aviation and air show special

    ists to ensure that Air Waves Portrush

    conformed to the Civilian Aviation Au

    thority and United Kingdom Military

    Regulations in all aspects of air show


    he event had a robust event safety plan,

    which had been exercised across all

    Causeway Coast and Glens Borough

    agencies. he event plan and contingen

    cy planning was reviewed regularly,

    guided by the local Emergency Services.

    Richard Baker, Causeway Coast and

    Glens Borough Council Director, said:

    "he event adheres to all civil and mili

    tary air show regulations and is overseen

    by a team who has experience in a large

    number of air shows and ground events.

    he Air Waves lying display is carried

    out in a controlled environment, and is

    predominantly over water which is a sig

    niicant risk mitigation factor.

    Follow the Leader

  • 8 he Causeway Coast News

    he Queen was celebrating quite possibly one of thee most historic days of her reign as the longest-serving monarch, but it was a matter of business for usual as she carried out an Royal engagement in Edinburgh, Scotland. he 89-year-old sovereign extended her thanks to those who had sent well-wishes. he monarch said: "Inevitably a long life can pass by many milestones - my own is no exception - but I thank you all and the many others at home and overseas for your touching messages of great kindness,"She added that the record was "not one to which I have ever aspired". In response to this landmark event the Ulster Unionist Councillors of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council following a proposal marked this event by planting a tree at the Council HQ. Her Majesty has given her life to our country and we should all be proud with the brilliant dedication and public service she has given throughout her reign. he Royal Mail has revealed the 1st class stamp is turning purple to mark the Queen's historic record-breaking reign. he classic everyday 63p stamp, which features the monarch's proile by sculptor Arnold Machin, has switched from its regular red to regal purple for the next 12 months in celebration.

    Its iridescent overprint, which usually reads "Royal Mail", now bears the text "Long to Reign Over Us". It is the irst time the colour purple has ever been used for what is known as the First Class Deinitive stamp.

    "23,226 days of dedication and Service

  • 9he Causeway Coast News

    Why is it always the Children that have to suer?

    How much does it cost to be treated as

    if you are alive? Death is what seems to

    be the answer these days. Have we have

    became so indierent to the moving pic

    tures of the Refugees shouting at the

    worlds press that we are utterly de-sensi

    tized to the atrocious treatment of

    Men,Women and Children who lest we

    forget are our family.

    A local of the borough voiced their opin

    ion on social media which we had to

    censor (although it's garnered quite a re

    sponse.) "British Racists are such delud

    ed twits... I've seen so many comments

    stating that Refugees want to come over

    here and take all our stu... 'hey're tak

    ing our Jobs' - Well if a person who has

    no grasp of the language, current econo

    my and workings of an industry can

    come and take your Job mate, you must

    be pretty poor at it... hese stupid Brits

    think this is the best place to be when it's

    genuinely awful and more unequal than

    most others European countries. I hate

    this revolting 'Britains so great everyone

    wants to be here' superior attitude. No

    one wants to be here, it's cold, it's wet,

    our parks are under par the Government

    is negligent - we are surrounded by

    beaches that you can spend no time on

    at all because of aforementioned poor

    weather - summer lasts all of 3 days.

    here's UKIP members all over the

    place, no one can aord housing, every

    one's drunk, there's pop up shops every

    where. he cinema costs ten pounds, no

    one can get beneits even when they are

    entitled to and they jump through the

    laming hoops dangled over the electric

    shark infested waters. he suburban ar

    eas are occupied by boring people who

    move house to get their kids into a

    school which is exactly the same as the

    school around the corner only 'it's got a

    slightly better reputation and the toilets

    are new'. Our education and health sys

    tems are being ruined by Capitalist Bu

    reaucrats who give zero thought about

    people being educated or healthy and the

    entire country (including me) sits trans

    ixed watching people crying over baked

    lipping goods every Wednesday.

    hey don't want to bloody come here.

    hey are leeing an Actual war.

    Never a group to shy away from compas

    sionate acts he Causeway Coast Vine

    yard made a point of dedicating their

    Service to talking and praying for the sit

    uation. his is CCV's initial response to

    the refugee crisis ."We've listed some

    help in responding individually & corpo

    rately as a family at CCV to the refugee



    1. Pray for those who are leeing

    2. Pray that we respond out of love &

    not fear

    3. Pray that change happens in the

    countries of origin

    4. Pray for hard pressed agencies on

    the border

    5. Pray for those in authority, our

    politicians & leaders

    How else can we help?

    1. Praying: Visit the 24-7 Prayer web


    2. Connecting: Do you have a spare

    rental house for refugee family?

    Visit Citizens UK

    3. Fostering: Orphans are arriving

    into Europe. Visit Home For Good

    4. Welcoming: It starts at home, join

    a small group, invite a neighbour

    for a meal, learn to live together.

    5. Giving: As a Church family we will

    uplit an oering on 13th Septem

    ber to help partner with agencies.

    he Local Reaction to the Refugee Crisis

    Is Humanity all washed up?

  • 10 he Causeway Coast News

    Lisa Curran

    Eamon Kelly

    Crossit Coleraine are hosting a team competition in Portrush this weekend, he Coastal Clash. Myself and 2 of the guys from the Celtic Fire team have entered, as a pre-match practice for LA. It runs in Blairs caravan site from 9am Sat and Sun until approx 4.30 / 5pm each day. here will be Crossitters from all over Northern Ireland both competing and spectating.

    Andrew Boyd

    Rebekah hompson

    18 Athletes travelling to LA next week to

    compete in a co-ed sports competitionA

    group of 18 Crossit, Weightliting, and

    Strength and Conditioning athletes from

    the North and South of Ireland who have

    been selected to represent our Country

    in Anaheim, California in September.

    Out of the 18 athletes, 4 of us are from

    the North Coast and 1 from Derry (Re

    bekah hompson, Andrew Boyd, Eamon

    Kelly, Cameron Rickerby, Lisa Curran).

    A further 4 athletes are from Northern

    Ireland (Miles Canning, PD Savage,

    Emma McQuaid, Kathryn Fearon). he

    competition is a mixture of weightliting,

    gymnastics and athletic ability and we

    are the irst European team to be

    selected. We have completed some

    fundraising events such as a sponsored

    row and a fun day in order to raise some

    much needed funds. You can contribute

    by donating here:

    c12Sb4/sh/257MLc What is GRID

    GRID, and the NPGL, now in its second

    season, is the world's irst professional

    spectator sport with two co-ed teams

    racing head-to-head in a two-hour

    match. It incorporates speed, skill and

    strategy in a test of endurance through a

    variety of weightliting and body-weight

    elements. Each 2-hour match features 11

    races and sees men and women compete

    side by side. In addition to the mixture

    of strength, body-weight elements and

    inluences from other sports, GRID has

    the added value of all the attributes that

    come with the positive eects of itness.

    Fans can watch these competitions and

    be motivated to go out and lead a more

    active lifestyle and experience the excite

    ment of working together as a team to

    achieve a common goal. he GIRD Invi

    tational is the irst ever Amateur tourna

    ment hosted by the NPGL. It will be held

    in the same arena as the professional

    championship week in Anaheim, Los

    Angeles on 16th-20th September. Celtic

    Fire Our squad is 18 strong, consisting of

    10 male athletes, 7 female athletes and

    one Manager, some of the very best Irish

    based athletes from the World of func

    tional itness, Crossit and Weightliting.

    Celtic Fire have been invited to compete

    at the GRID Invitational. We have regu

    lar training sessions and host exhibition

    matches prior to travelling over. he lat

    est exhibition match was in Portadown

    on Sunday, 6th September. he Func

    tional itness community has grown to

    over 80 aliated Crossit gyms and over

    100 Strength & Conditioning or

    weightliting clubs in the last 3 years.

    Celtic ire has created a unity of support

    from athletes from many dierent train

    ing backgrounds. he Celtic Fire team is

    made up of some very well known inter

    national athletes, as well as gym owners

    and high-end coaches. he marketing

    reach of the team as a whole will reach

    all of Ireland and beyond. Celtic Fire is

    the irst GRID team of its kind in Europe

    and is well placed to become a founder

    team in any of the emerging European /

    UK GRID leagues. to contact us.http://


    Cameron Rickerby

    Feel the Burn

  • 11he Causeway Coast News

    NI owned sports nutrition brand Acti-

    Snack is gearing up ahead of its sponsor

    ship of he Giant's Causeway Coast

    Sportive this weekend. he popular cy

    cling event, based on the iconic North

    Coast of Ireland, oers participants an

    unforgettable cycling experience through

    some of the most breath-taking land

    scapes in Ireland. Cara Gribben, Acti-

    Snack is pictured with Beverley Pierson

    from Causeway Coast Sportive as she

    wheels in a selection of Acti-Snack prod

    ucts which will be given to all partici

    pants at the event. Speaking ahead of the

    cycle Cara said, "Acti-Snack is proud to

    support he Giant's Causeway Coast

    Sportive, one of the most spectacular

    events in the local cycling calendar and

    we wish all participants the very best of

    luck! Acti-Snack is a perfect partner for

    cycling events like this as our products

    are designed to give energy on the go or

    help with recovery ater training."Acti-

    Snack is a range of sports nutrition dried

    fruit, nut and seed snacks, made in

    Northern Ireland. It gives athletes of all

    levels a healthy snack choice as it's de

    signed to help meet nutritional goals

    while training for, competing in and re

    covering from exercise

    he Giant's Causeway Coast Sportive, in

    association with Chain Reaction Cycles

    Flagship Store Belfast, is a unique event

    based on the iconic North Coast of Ire

    land oering an unforgettable cycling

    experience through some of the most

    breathtaking landscapes in Ireland.

    he entry fee for the event is 35 and it

    will take place on Saturday 12th Septem

    ber 2015, cyclists have the choice of 3

    routes (57km; 126km; 182km) which all

    start and inish in the small rural seaside

    town of Ballycastle in County Antrim.

    For 2015's event, we are keen to make

    improvements based on the feedback

    gathered from 2014's participants in

    cluding food at the feed stations and

    route marshalling.

    Saturday Post Event

    his years 'Sportive Ater Party' will take

    place in the beer garden of O'Connor's

    Bar in Ballycastle. Come along and enjoy

    some craic with fellow event participants

    and make sure to bring your bike num

    ber with you to enter our free rae.

    On the night a one piece act called John

    Mulvenna and a great local four piece

    celtic rock band called 'Altagore' will be

    in the pub keeping you all entertained

    plus sta from Heineken will be there

    with promotions. Rae prizes on the

    night have been kindly donated by

    Chain Reaction Cycles Flagship Store,

    Causeway Physio and O' Connor's Bar.

    WHERE: Beer Garden (Downstairs) at

    O' Connor's Bar, Ann Street, Ballycastle

    WHEN: Rae winners will be an

    nounced at approx 8.30pm

    Acti-Snack gears up for Giant's Causeway cycle

  • 12 he Causeway Coast News

    Get in touch with us: River House Business Centre Castle Lane, Coleraine, BT51 3DR. Phone 07850 959400 Email [email protected]