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The Analytical Essay 1

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�  Lidt om mig selv

�  Lidt om mine elever

�  Hvorfor skrev jeg Creative Writing


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Planen for i dag

�  Hvad er et essay i faget engelsk?

�  Metoden P-Q-C

�  Praktisk øvelse

�  Analytisk essaystruktur

�  Analytiske begreber man skal kende

�  Opgaveformuleringer i det analytiske essay (UM)


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The analytical essay og The personal essay 4

The analytical essay

�  Baseret på teksten og skal

indeholde citater fra denne

�  Ikke et referat

�  Har en fast struktur

¡  Introduction, body, conclusion

�  Man bevæger sig fra det generelle til det specifike

�  Ikke personlige holdninger

uden dokumentation i teksten

The personal essay

�  Behøver ikke indeholde

citater fra teksten

�  Har ingen fast struktur

�  Man bevæger sig fra det konkrete til det abstrakte

�  Ambitiøst essay som

reflekterer over et emne på en

personlig men ikke privat


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Metoden P-Q-C (the body of the essay)

�  P-Q-C = Point – Quotation – Conclusion

�  Start med at udvælge et citat

- Interesting, puzzling, controversial or misleading

�  POINT: Find en pointe med citatet

�  QUOTATION: Afskriv citatet

�  CONCLUSION: Skriv en konklusion som

understreger pointen


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Brug P-Q-C gennem hele essayet 6

�  The Basic Structure of Your Essay

�  1. An opening introductory paragraph

�  2. The main body of the text is a series of

paragraphs made up of

�  P-Q-C statements,

�  e.g.,

�  a. Point-Quotation-Conclusion

�  b. Point-Quotation-Conclusion

�  c. Point-Quotation-Conclusion

�  d. etc.

�  3. A concluding paragraph

�  How to Start

�  Because your essay starts with an introductory paragraph, you would think that it would be easiest to begin writing that first. But this is not the best way to begin work on your essay.

�  Before beginning to write your essay examine the text carefully and choose a few passages that have struck you as puzzling, controversial, interesting or maybe misleading.

�  You will have to read the entire text a couple of times to find these key passages and as you become more practised at analysing texts, you will find it easier to choose the appropriate passages. The main body of your essay should centre around these passages.

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Eksempel: find et citat 7

The National Front The National Front is the Party dedicated to the promotion of British Racial Nationalism.

We reject multi-racialism absolutely and we recognize that the great achievements and unique character of the British people can, to a great extent, be attributed to its racial composition.

The National Front is committed to the ending of all non-White immigration and to the phased and financially assisted repatriation of all non-Whites, together with their dependents and descendants. White people would have no automatic right of entry but discretionary entry would be allowed according to the circumstances of each case, with a preference for those of recent British descent. Europeans who have already settled here will not be subject to repatriation but those who are resident here by virtue of Common Market membership will no longer have an automatic right of residence.

The anti-British Race Relations Act will be repealed and its Pro-Black, “positive discrimination” policies ended…

�  Først læser man teksten

�  Så udvælger jeg et citat

�  Hvordan skal jeg finde et væsentligt ”quotation”? - Nøgleord: Puzzling Controversial Misleading Interesting

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Eksempel: Find en pointe med citatet 8

�  Hvad vil jeg sige om citatet? �  Skal jeg skrive en observerende

sætning eller en påstand? (Jeg har valgt en påstand)

�  Hvad har jeg lagt mærke til? Er det på sætningsniveau eller på ordniveau?

�  Hvad er min pointe?

�  Ordet ”repatriation” er interessant, eller måske endda ”misleading”.

�  Denotationen: hjemsendelse er skjult i indpakningen ”repatriation”.

�  Mit ”point” er en påstand og jeg har fat i et enkeltord.

�  Point: The National Front is quite clear about its goals, but instead of stating it in straight forward language, it chooses words that soften its radical policies.

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Eksempel: Find en konklusion 9

�  Så skal der konkluderes. �  I konklusionen kan man ofte

begynde sætningen med notice the word eller omskrive det til noget lignende.

�  Her er der benyttet en omskrivning: (conclusion) The Keyword is ”repatriation”, which means ”sending back to the country of origin.” By using a rather unusual word, instead of using simple language, the National Front is trying to soften the effect of the statement.”

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Eksempel: afrunding 10

The National Front is quite clear about its goals, but instead of stating its policy in straightforward language, it chooses words that soften its radical policies.

.. the phased and financially assisted repatriation of all

non-Whites, together with their dependents and descendants.

The key word is "repatriation", which means "sending back to the country of origin". By using a rather unusual word, instead of just using simple language, the National Front is trying to soften the effect of the statement.


Quotation :


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Nu er det jeres tur 11

�  Praktisk øvelse (ca 40 min. Optimistisk) Øvelsen tager væsentligt længere tid med elever.

�  Tekst: The Sampler (se ”handout”)

�  Læs teksten (5 min)

�  Skim teksten med det formål, at nedskrive 2 centrale citater, der udvælges udfra nøgleord som: puzzling, interesting, controversial or misleading (10-15 min)

�  Skriv et “point” til hvert citat (5-10 min)

�  Skriv en “conclusion” til hvert citat (5-10)

�  Sæt det sammen til de to “P-Q-C-paragraphs”

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Linking sentences 12

�  En linking sentence er en sætning, der forbinder

P-Q-C afsnittene

�  Problemet er nu, hvordan man forbinder de to P-Q-C paragraphs.

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Nøgleord for bedre analytisk tænkning 13

Der er en række ord, der er gode til at skabe sammenhæng og analytisk tænkning. (Sætningerne, der indeholder et af disse småord indbefatter to ideer, dvs. sådanne sætninger er per definition analytiske. Når man har to ideer, er man nød til at tænke, og forholde sig til “den ene side” og “den anden side”.

John Loves Hannah

John loves Hannah, but he does not want to marry her

Although John loves Hannah he does not want to marry her

�  So §  But §  Because §  Despite §  Although §  Unless §  If §  For instance §  For example §  Specifically �  Therefore �  In conclusion �  Eventually �  Given these facts �  Despite the fact that �  (The Atlantic Monthly,,

”The Writing Revolution”, Peg Tyre, Oct. 2012).

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The structure of the essay as a whole = P-Q-C structure


�  Når Body-delen er færdigkonstrueret og skrevet sammen skulle den gerne bestå af en række P-Q-C afsnit samt nogle “linking sentences.”

�  Så kan man gå i gang med introduktionen.

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Overordnet struktur af et analytisk essay 15

�  An opening introductory paragraph

�  The main body of the text is a series of paragraphs made up of P-Q-C statements

�  A concluding paragraph

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Body-delen 16

�  A series of P-Q-C paragraphs with linking sentences: ¡  Point ¡  Quotation ¡  Conclusion ¡  Linking sentence ¡  Point ¡  Quotation ¡  Conclusion ¡  Linking sentence ¡  osv

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Introduktionen 17

�  Introduktionen: skrives altså efter Body-delen er færdig, og består af en præsentation af ens idéer. Disse idéer er blevet til under arbejdet med citatudvælgelsen og kreationen af “points” og “conclusions”. Igennem arbejdet med ens P-Q-C´s har man forholdt sig analytisk til teksten, og er nået frem til nogle pointer og konklusioner, som gerne skulle lede en på sporet af nogle ideer, som man så kan bruge i sin introduktion.

�  Konkret øvelse til introduction. S 76, b.

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Linkers for the intro & the conclusion 18

�  Linkers create cohesion in your writing and should be used in different places in the essay:

�  �  In your introduction you could use these types of linkers:

Certainly, despite the fact, in general, similarly, in the same way, likewise and sometimes.

�  �  In your conclusion you could use these types of linkers:

even though, despite, though, in conclusion, as, all in all, all together, as a result, basically, finally, in brief, in other words, in short, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to put it differently, to summarize.

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Konklusionen 19

�  Konklusionen skrives efter, at man har skrevet introduktionen. Her understreger man sine pointer (ideer) fra introduktionen, og det er tilladt at vise sine egne holdninger eller at forholde sig til den overordnede problemstilling, som man har behandlet i sit essay. Man kan fx drage paralleller til relaterede emner i den virkelige verden, eller til andre tekster.

�  Konkret øvelse til konklusionen. S 76, c.

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Analytiske begreber man skal kende & learning by doing/think like a writer…

20 Fiction – 7 terms you need to know �  Plot: the skeleton of a story: the bare

events of a story. �  Theme: subject or topic that the text is

about at a deeper level. �  Setting: the place, time and social

circumstances in which a narrative takes place.

�  Characters: made up persons that the author has created.

�  Point of view: an angle from which a story is told.

�  Language: The ways a writer uses language can be examined if we look at the following terms: Implicature, telling, showing, denotation, connotation and figurative language. (p.26- 39)

�  Dialogue: Is a conversation between two or more people.

Non-fiction – 5 terms you need to know

§  Message: what the sender wants the receiver to do or think.

§  Sender: the person or persons behind a piece of writing.

§  Receiver: the person(s), reader(s) or group(s) the sender is addressing.

§  Bias: partial perspective at the expense of alternatives.

§  Rhetorical Techniques: 5 central techniques a writer can use are: 1)Oppositions/contrasts, 2)repetition, 3) the appeal form ethos (being honest), 4) the appeal form pathos (emotion or feeling) and 5) the appeal form logos (facts and information). (p. 58)

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Opgaveformuleringer 21

�  Answer A or B

A �  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and interpret Simon Van

Booy´s short story ”Save as many as You Ruin”. �  Part of your essay must focus on the mood and on the use of contrast in the

short story. �  Text: ”Save as Many as You Ruin”, a short story by Simon Van Booy, 2007…..


�  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and comment on Eula Biss´essay ”Time and Distance Overcome.”

�  Part of your essay must focus on the composition of the text and on the writer´s intention.

�  Text: ”Time and Distance Overcome”, an essay by Eula, 2008.

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Opgaveformuleringer 22

A �  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you

analyse and interpret Mary-Louise Buxton´s short story ”Mount Pleasant”.

�  Part of your essay must focus on narrative technique and on the narrator´s language.

�  Text: ”Mount Pleasant”, a short story by Mary-Louise Buxton, 2005.

B �  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you

analyse and comment on President Barack Obama´s speech ”Back to School”.

�  Part of your essay must focus on the way on President Barack Obama addresses the audience and on the values he advocates.

�  Text: ”Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama: Back to School Event”, a speech delivered at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, on September 8, 2009.

A �  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you

analyse and interpret Robin Black´s short story ”…Divorced, Beheaded, Survived.”

�  Part of your essay must focus on the structure and the use of symbols in the short story.

�  Text: ” …Divorced, Beheaded, Survived”, a short story by Robin Black, 2010.

B �  Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you

analyse and comment on Russell Brand´s commentary ”Big Brother isn´t watching you.”

�  Part of your essay must focus on the style and the writer´s attitude to the 2011 UK riots.

�  Text: ” Big Brother isn´t watching you”, a commentary by Russell Brand from The guardian website, 2011.

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Tak for i dag 23

Domenic Macaulay

Creative Writing From text analysis to producing texts
