8 rj analytical essay structure

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  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    An analytical essay is one thatanalyses, that is,

    itinterprets orexamines something.

    Analytical essays make meaning of a text. (i.e.

    Romeo & Juliet).

    Analytical essays require you to examine yourresponse to, and thoughts about, the reading you

    have done.

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    A standard5-paragraph analytical essay should

    have threeparts:

    The introduction

    The body - three paragraphs

    The conclusion

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    Introduces the main idea of your essay

    Looks at the issues raised by the essay question

    Summarizes the issues to show an understanding

    of the question

    Outlines the main issues you will present


  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    In other words, it should flow from thegeneralto thespecific

    and contain:

    1. General Statement- about one of the topics or ideas

    related to the text or context of story

    2. Plot Summary- in one sentence

    3. Text and the author

    4. Thesis - your position on the question/statement

    5. Preview of main points - outline topics/arguments for

    body paragraphs

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    Your thesis shouldANSWER THE QUESTION!

    Your thesis should be a brief statement neither too long nor

    too short that qualifies or quantifies the statement orquestion you have been given.

    All of your arguments mustrelate back to your thesis.

    It is a good idea to use the wording of the question to

    formulate your thesis/answer.

    YourTHESIS=your position on the question or statement and

    what you will set out to prove in the body of your essay.

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    Your thesis statement is introducedafteryou establish

    the general topic andbefore you outline your arguments.

    DO NOTwrite any of the following sentences in yourintroduction:

    In this paper I will...

    This paper will show you that...

    The purpose of the paper is to...

    So how do you write an introduction?

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    It is said that Shakespeares plays are appreciated across

    generations because they deal with the human condition. Romeo

    and Juliet is a tragedy that explores two teenagers infatuation

    with each other. As these titular characters belong to feuding

    families, they feel compelled to hide their relationship from their

    parents. It is this duplicity that directly and indirectly results

    in their ultimate deaths , reinforcing the notion that children

    should not deceive their parents. Romeos attendance at the

    Capulets party despite knowing that his parents would not

    condone it, Juliets duplicity with the Nurse behind her parents

    back and Juliets failure to disclose her marriage to Romeo to her

    father in spite of her knowing that he has promised her hand to

    Paris, all resulted in a tragic ending for the young lovers.

    General Statement

    Plot Summary



    Preview of mainpoints/ arguments

    To whatextent? You are

    completely agreeing

    with the statement.

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    The body consists of supporting paragraphs, logically arranged

    to develop your main ideas.

    List the points/arguments you wish to develop,place each

    point in its own paragraph, and expand on each point with

    supporting facts, details and examples.

    Remember to use transition and link words (like however,

    therefore, similarly, in comparison...)

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    In other words, each of your body paragraphs should contain:

    Topic sentence (point) - identify main idea of paragraph,

    introduce first argument (briefly) Explanation - explain your point in a bit more detail/ introduce

    the example

    Evidence - evidence from the text - direct quote or paraphrased

    Explanation - of what this example shows / proves

    Linking sentence - sums up the argument and links to the thesis

    (Link = Point + Thesis)

  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    ointA short and succinct topic sentence that introduces

    the new point to be made in the paragraph.

    xplanation In 1-2 sentences, explain in more detail the point youare making.


    Using quotations, examples or other evidence,

    support your explanations. (1-2 sentences)* Remember to explain what this evidence shows/proves.



    This final sentence should link back to support the

    main thesis.

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  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    The conclusion draws together the ideas and information presented in the

    essay. It summarises or restates the main idea, argument or findings.

    The conclusion:

    - gives a restatement of the answer to the central question,

    - summarises the main points in the essay, and

    - points out what the evidence suggests.

    The conclusion is vital. Its the last impression the reader has of the essay.

    Make it a strong statement, confidently answering the question,

    summarising your position, and reviewing the topic.

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    In contrast to the introduction, the conclusion should flow

    from thespecific to thegeneraland:


    (hesis) - Restate the thesis.

    A (rguments) - Summarise the arguments from eachbody paragraph in a sentence each.

    G(eneral Statement) - Concluding statementon thegeneral issue or the relevance of the issue to the real world.

    *Never include new information or examples in the conclusio

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    Include the following in your conclusion:

    A re-stated sentence from body paragraph number one.

    A re-stated sentence from body paragraph number two.

    A re-stated sentence from body paragraph number three.

    A sentence that refers back to your argument.

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  • 7/27/2019 8 RJ Analytical Essay Structure


    Read the question carefully, making sure you understand

    the task.

    Have an idea that holds your essay togetherfrom start to

    finish and make a statement about it at the beginning of the


    Dontwrite down everything you know on the topic.

    Take time toplan your essay.

    Proof-readyour essay carefully.

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    Avoid abbreviations (e.g. i.e., etc.)

    Avoid use of brackets (except for your references)

    Use formal, academic language, not conversational


    Do not use contractions (i.e. dont use dont)

    Once you have mentioned the authors name once, refer

    to them by their surname thereafter

    Do not use first person

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    Use margins in your work

    Leave a line between paragraphs

    Underline titles and punctuate with capital letters

    You may use pen or pencil but make sure you write


    Do not use ampersands (&)

    Try to make your handwriting as neat as possible

    if I cannot read it, I cannot mark it!