the 5 minute shortcut-to emotional health

1 3 5 2 2 4 I hate.... I'm jealous of.... I'm angry because.... I'm scared of.... I feel guilty about... I'm ashamed of.... I'm worried about... I feel sorry for myself because.... I don't like myself because... 1. Say 'thanks' for all your abilities and blessings 2. Say 'thanks' for all your problems and issues 3. Ask God to help you with with one thing from Part 1 4. Ask God to help you talk to Him again, tomorrow The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel Van der Kolk Running on Empty - Jonice Webb Energy Medicine - Donna Eden Pick up your copy of: Talk to God and Fix Your Health, by Rivka Levy Learn more at:

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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● I hate....● I'm jealous of....● I'm angry because....● I'm scared of....● I feel guilty about...● I'm ashamed of....● I'm worried about...● I feel sorry for myself because....● I don't like myself because...

11.. SSaayy ''tthhaannkkss'' ffoorr aallll yyoouurr aabbiilliittiieess aanndd bblleessssiinnggss22.. SSaayy ''tthhaannkkss'' ffoorr aallll yyoouurr pprroobblleemmss aanndd iissssuueess33.. AAsskk GGoodd ttoo hheellpp yyoouu wwiitthh wwiitthh oonnee tthhiinngg ffrroomm PPaarrtt 1144.. AAsskk GGoodd ttoo hheellpp yyoouu ttaallkk ttoo HHiimm aaggaaiinn,, ttoommoorrrrooww

●● TThhee BBooddyy KKeeeeppss TThhee SSccoorree -- BBeesssseell VVaann ddeerr KKoollkk●● RRuunnnniinngg oonn EEmmppttyy -- JJoonniiccee WWeebbbb●● EEnneerrggyy MMeeddiicciinnee -- DDoonnnnaa EEddeennPick up your copy of: Talk to

God and Fix Your Health, by Rivka Levy

Learn more at: