thank the donor zara koleva

Nyenrode for students & students for Nyenrode 27 th April 2012, Breukelen You can only explain the Nyenrode experience to someone who has already lived it !

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Nyenrode for students & students for Nyenrode 27th April 2012, Breukelen

You can only explain the Nyenrode

experience to someone who has already

lived it !

Page 2: Thank the donor   zara koleva

Welcome back, dear Alumni!

These are your scholarship winners à

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I could not be present today but I wanted to share my passion about my education at Nyenrode with this presentation… allow me to introduce myself

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My name is Zara Koleva, I am the scholarship

winner of Year 1958 and I am from Bulgaria

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In the next 10 minutes … •  What changed throughout the years

•  What remained the same

•  What is being brought back

•  What has been enhanced

•  Why Nyenrode

•  and What is the Nyenrode experience for a current student

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What changed throughout the years…

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The most fundamental change … Women were allowed In 1972 it was official! Female participation in the program was a fact.

And till this day, women form a very important part of the study as they bring it a lot of skills, knowledge, motivation and professionalism.

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Study program à From BBA…


To MSc !

And the Three Pillar Concept has been the foundation throughout these changes:

•  The Study

•  The Campus life

•  The NCV

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One room with … ? Before Nyenrode students slept in one room with 8 of them. Often it was even cold in their rooms. There were times when students were accommodated in the Castle and in the Koetshuis.

Today, everyone has an individual room on campus with own bathroom and a lot of private space.

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No more language classes In the past it was the case that students had to take mandatory language classes. Many chose for French, German, Russian. English was a must!

Nowadays, Nyenrode tests students for English proficiency before they are admitted into the program, and allows them to take the initiative, contact international students on campus and create a “language exchange”. Only last year one of the committees Nyenrode United started to coordinated it. This year Chinese students are learning Spanish and Dutch, and Dutch students are learning Mandarin and Bulgarian.

Sometimes… it turns into food exchangeà

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What remained the same …

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The type of students that come to Nyenrode •  Desire to Excel in everything we do

•  Spirit of competitiveness

•  Driven and highly motivated

•  Strongly involved in the NCV life

•  Proactive and able to take initiative

•  Responsibility for the Nyenrode family

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Studying together for the exams The week before the exams start, the Library turns into a Living room!

Almost everyone is there, starting at 08:00 and finishing at 00:00.

The best part is not the studying where everyone studies but the studying where classmates can help you out when something is unclear.

Students with Engineering background helped students with Hotel management background understand Statistics.

Students with Business Administration background helped students with Mechanical background understand Marketing.

Some even gave tutoring classes to their classmates! Dedication to the community is

still present and stronger as always!

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Working in group From working with many different type of people we learn how to communicate and operate with flexibility, to adapt to the situation but to not forget to set targets and be result-driven.

We also get to know each other and have a lot of fun together. Since we all live together on campus, it makes it really easy to meet even at 23:00 and discuss the group project. It is all about dedication and perseverance sometimes…not so much about sleep and outside of campus life.

Working is not necessarily

happening indoors at Nyenrode

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Close contact with the business world Nyenrode persistently puts its students in a practically oriented cases/projects and requires close communication between the relevant company and the respective students.

The practical relevance of the Nyenrode study allows us to stay up-to-date with the recent developments in the business world, the problems and the opportunities. It also provides us the chance to gather some experience already which will be useful for us after the MSc program.

We also invite companies to discuss current issues and interesting business topics à

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Academic rigor In combination with the real-life business cases and actual company problems, Nyenrode focuses on the academic knowledge application as well.

The study still provides a strong theoretical foundation which can be applied once a work problem has to be solved or an opportunity can be explored.

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NCV participation The traditions within the student organization are being protected and preserved throughout the years.

Such as the participation in the Rugby Club Nijenrode à

Being actively involved in the organization and the community, helps the personal development of the students and their level of responsibility (of their own actions, of the results of the whole committee be that financial or intangible outcomes). The NCV gives this mentality of stepping out of the zone where “I” is important and realizing that “WE” are together in the organization and when one does not do enough, others will suffer the results of someone else`s actions.

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What is being brought back …

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Fit for Management As a part of the study, Nyenrode introduced BACK the sports as a required activity and an official part of the study program. The idea is not simply to keep the students fit physically but also to teach them simple rules in team playing, strategy development, communication and creativity.

So far we have done: •  Sculpturing •  Rugby

•  Tug of War •  Yoga

•  Rowing

We will do: •  Boxing

•  Golf •  Tennis •  And more

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What has been enhanced …

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International orientation From next year the participation in the International Business/ Study trip will be mandatory and included in the tuition fee. The organization of the trip will remain in the hands of the Committee of Foreign Affairs (BuZa). It is a two-week trip which involves company visits and cultural integration. These are organized in close cooperation with Nyenrode. Often alumni or companies with regular contact with Nyenrode show interest in hosting the group of students.

The International Management specialization has their own trip abroad with the same intention to gain more knowledge about doing business in foreign countries and the implications of that.

Brazil 2011

China 2010

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Personal Development Courses •  Foundation of Career Management

Teaching us how to prepare for a job interview, what are the trends on the job market currently, how to present ourselves best in a CV, and how to Get the Job.

•  Reaching the Top

Gives us the opportunity to organize guest lectures from speakers with various backgrounds and work experiences.

•  Programme of Excellence

Allowed the 20 most motivated, excellent and active students to attend extra guest lectures organized by companies and solve cases for them in a group.

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Why was Nyenrode our 1st and only choice … and why today we are so glad to be here?

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All these are what make Nyenrode unique to us •  Because it still feels right •  Motivated and driven classmates

•  Different backgrounds

•  NCV participation

•  Campus life

•  Stress handling

•  Pressure-cooker

•  Work hard, Play hard

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Motivated and Driven classmates à  high curiosity, desire to improve, learn

from mistakes and learn from each other

Combining different knowledge from different fields in a team, is what makes students even more motivated and eager to learn.

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Backgrounds = Diversity •  Business Administration

•  Mechanical Engineering

•  Hospitality & Hotel Management

•  Agricultural Management

•  Airospace Dynamics

•  and many many more

•  Multicultural Environment – Spanish, American, Canadian, Bulgarian, Indian, Italian, Greek, and so on

•  With work experience in different fields and in some cases other countries (ship building in Dubai)

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NCV participation Each student is a member of at least one committee. Most of us have around 3 committees with different positions in each.

The cooperation within the NCV between all committees,

the communication with externals such as alumni and companies,

and the coordination with Nyenrode as institution,

has taught many of us to deal with hectic situations, handle different opinions, be persuasive and clear, take initiative, think from the team perspective, focus on the result, and show understanding while defending the best alternative.

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Campus Life Living with everyone who we work with in committees, who we study with for exams, who we prepare projects with for classes, who we party with after studying hard, makes it very difficult to separate all these worlds and not transfer the emotions from one into other.

But here, we learn how to do it because otherwise we will not be able to survive the life on campus!

Same goes for when one committee elects the participants for another (Bijstand choses Opstel). They need to remain unbiased towards their best friends on campus and chose the people best suited for the positions!

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Pressure – cooker/ Stress handling / Time – management •  Each block consists of 5 weeks

•  Directly after is an exam week

•  Approx. 4 exams at the end of the block and one midterm during

•  Combining NCV committee work with group work for almost every course à on average each student works in total with 6 groups each 5 weeks

•  NCV activities are a pleasant distraction

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Work hard – Play hard After all hours we spend on group projects, committee obligations and individual preparation for classes/exams ( = work hard), we like to enjoy a beer in the Zolderbar and/or the Kelderbar, organize block parties after the exams, have BBQ on the Rostrum or go out of campus together for a weekend ( = play hard).

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Students for Nyenrode… ¡  Become Ambassadors of the

University so potential students will make a clear judgment if this environment can suit them and if they can suit Nyenrode.

¡  Take initiative and be proactive in enhancing the Nyenrode experience, so we can be proud of what we have left after Msc20!

¡  Support Revolving Scholarships so other talented prospects can become a part of the community and enhance the quality of the study.

¡  Do our best to represent Nyenrode in a professional way to the business world so we can create opportunities not only for ourselves but for the MSc students to come.

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for giving us the opportunity to be a part of the great Nyenrode experience! It would not have been

possible without your support! Van Verre!

Thank you, Donors,