terminal charts - jeppesen · 2021. 1. 20. · jeppesen charts,also regularly updated at ....

4 JUN 21 VFR TERMINAL CHANGE NOTICES 0.3-1 EUROPE Jeppesen CHART CHANGE NOTICES highlight only significant changes affecting Jeppesen Charts, also regularly updated at www.jeppesen.com. IMPORTANT: CHECK FOR NOTAMS AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION PRIOR TO FLIGHT. TERMINAL CHARTS AUSTRIA Eferding, LOLE, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. Hb Hofkirchen, LOLH, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. Linz Ost, LOLO, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. Niederoblarn, LOGO, EFF 10 SEP 20 Non-compulsory REP GRÖBMING (N47 26.4 E013 54.1) estbld. Salzburg, LOWS, EFF 20 MAY 21 REPs 'LENGAU' and 'STRASSWALCHEN' chgd to non-compulsory. Scharnstein, LOLC, CTA (E) N border moved 0.4 NM to the north. Seitenstetten, LOLT , EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. Stockerau, LOAU, EFF 10 SEP 20 Compulsory REP GREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgd to non-compulsory. Voslau , LOAV , E-Mail tower.loav@viennaairport. com TEL Apt Operator (01) 7007-29201, Fax 7007- 29224. Text 'Arriving ACFT have to contact AD operation...' replaced with 'ARR ACFT shall in due time before entering the RMZ make an initial call on the RMZ freq'. Weiz, (Unterfladnitz), LOGW, EFF 13 AUG 20 GRAZ RADAR freq 123.025 chgd to 120.440. Wels, LOLW, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. VDF on freq 119.705 withdrawn. Wien, (Schwechat), LOWW, Area chart: EFF 10 SEP 20 Compulsory REPs MAISSAU (N48 34.7 E015 49.8), SCHÖNBERG (N48 31.8 E015 42.2), STOCKERAU (N48 25.0 E016 01.1) and GREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgd to non-compulsory. Wiener Neustadt/Ost, LOAN, AD op hr PPR. Winter 0800-1700LT, Summer 0830LT - ECET, O/T O/R until 1300LT (Summer 1400LT) preceding day at latest. EFF 27 MAR 20 TORA/LDA 1067m estbld. RCLL withdrawn. Text 'Arriving ACFT have to contact AD operation...' replaced with 'ARR ACFT shall in due time before entering the RMZ make an initial call on the RMZ freq'. BELGIUM GENERAL Text section 2.2: Until 30 SEP 21 Temporary Segregated Area EB-TSA C1 CHARLIE 1 (500'/1500') estbld. May be activated Mon-Fri: 0700-1800Z. Activity info by OOSTENDE TOWER or OOSTENDE APPROACH. Antwerpen, (Deurne), EBAW, Until 31 MAR 22 Due to construction works 2 cranes up to 237' erected within N TFC circuit, 0.9 NM NW of THR 11. Brussels, (Brussels National), EBBR, EFF 13 AUG 20 ALS 07L estbld. TEL Airside Inspection 027536900, Fax 027536909. Fax GA 027536921. ARO 0220625-40, -41, Fax -39. TWR 022062510, Fax 022062509. MET international aviation 022062850, Fax 022062829, Tel briefing 090288173. E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected] All HEL flights PPO via Airside Inspection. UFN Lighted OBST (Cranes) up to 339' erected 1.1 NM SW of THR 07L. Charleroi, (Brussels South), EBCI, AD op hr 0615- 2300LT. ACFT Cat A/B not allowed 2200-2300LT EXC for Jet & Turbine engine ACFT. Handling for GA FLTs 24hr PPR via General Aviation OPS Office E-Mail [email protected] Kortrijk-Wevelgem, EBKT, Mandatory to contact KORTRIJK INFORMATION before taxi. Liege, EBLG, E-Mail inspection-eblg@spw. wallonie.be HEL operating area T estbld NW of helipad with PARK stands 1-3. Air TWY R estbld BTN Area T and RWY 04L/22R. Until 06 AUG 21 Lighted crane 772' erected 0.2 NM S of AIS+MET Terminal building. Moorsele, EBMO, AD op hr: PPR. 0900LT - SS+10min (at latest 2100LT), weekdays for based ACFT only. EFF 01 JAN 20 AFIS call sign for Kortijk RMZ chgd from KORTRIJK RADIO to KORTRIJK INFORMATION. Theux, (Verviers), EBTX, Standard TFC circuit at 2100'. GLD TFC circuit at 1760'. TEL ACB 087223032 (when AD open), 0477508737 (mobile, Johan De Clercq). Web https://www.verviers-aviation.be AD op hr PPR. Mon-Fri 1400LT - SS (at latest 2000LT), Sat Sun Hol 1000LT - SS (at latest2000LT), O/T 24hr PN. Visiting pilots shall use online form on Web. Tournai , (Maubray), EBTY, EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLE APPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480. TEL AD 069771652. Manager 0478252056 (mobile), 0495532530 (mobile). © JEPPESEN, 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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    EUROPE q$i

    Jeppesen CHART CHANGE NOTICES highlight only significant changes affectingJeppesen Charts, also regularly updated at www.jeppesen.com.IMPORTANT: CHECK FOR NOTAMS AND OTHER PERTINENT




    Eferding, LOLE, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq119.75 chgd to 125.685.

    Hb Hofkirchen, LOLH, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZRADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685.

    Linz Ost, LOLO, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq119.75 chgd to 125.685.

    Niederoblarn, LOGO, EFF 10 SEP 20Non-compulsory REP GRÖBMING (N47 26.4E013 54.1) estbld.

    Salzburg, LOWS, EFF 20 MAY 21 REPs'LENGAU' and 'STRASSWALCHEN' chgd tonon-compulsory.

    Scharnstein, LOLC, CTA (E) N border moved 0.4NM to the north.

    Seitenstetten, LOLT , EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADARfreq 119.75 chgd to 125.685.

    Stockerau, LOAU , EFF 10 SEP 20 CompulsoryREP GREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgdto non-compulsory.

    Voslau , LOAV , E-Mail [email protected]

    TEL Apt Operator (01) 7007-29201, Fax 7007-29224.

    Text 'Arriving ACFT have to contact AD operation...'replaced with 'ARR ACFT shall in due time beforeentering the RMZ make an initial call on the RMZfreq'.

    Weiz, (Unterfladnitz), LOGW, EFF 13 AUG 20GRAZ RADAR freq 123.025 chgd to 120.440.

    Wels, LOLW, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq119.75 chgd to 125.685.

    VDF on freq 119.705 withdrawn.Wien, (Schwechat), LOWW, Area chart: EFF 10

    SEP 20 Compulsory REPs MAISSAU (N48 34.7E015 49.8), SCHÖNBERG (N48 31.8 E01542.2), STOCKERAU (N48 25.0 E016 01.1) andGREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgd tonon-compulsory.

    Wiener Neustadt/Ost, LOAN, AD op hr PPR. Winter0800-1700LT, Summer 0830LT - ECET, O/T O/Runtil 1300LT (Summer 1400LT) preceding day atlatest.

    EFF 27 MAR 20 TORA/LDA 1067m estbld.RCLL withdrawn.Text 'Arriving ACFT have to contact AD operation...'

    replaced with 'ARR ACFT shall in due time beforeentering the RMZ make an initial call on the RMZfreq'.


    Text section 2.2: Until 30 SEP 21 TemporarySegregated Area EB-TSA C1 CHARLIE 1(500'/1500') estbld. May be activated Mon-Fri:0700-1800Z. Activity info by OOSTENDETOWER or OOSTENDE APPROACH.

    Antwerpen, (Deurne), EBAW , Until 31 MAR 22 Dueto construction works 2 cranes up to 237' erectedwithin N TFC circuit, 0.9 NM NW of THR 11.

    Brussels, (Brussels National), EBBR, EFF 13AUG 20 ALS 07L estbld.

    TEL Airside Inspection 027536900, Fax 027536909.Fax GA 027536921. ARO 0220625-40, -41,Fax -39. TWR 022062510, Fax 022062509.MET international aviation 022062850, Fax022062829, Tel briefing 090288173.E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] HEL flights PPO via Airside Inspection.

    UFN Lighted OBST (Cranes) up to 339' erected 1.1NM SW of THR 07L.

    Charleroi, (Brussels South), EBCI, AD op hr 0615-2300LT. ACFT Cat A/B not allowed 2200-2300LTEXC for Jet & Turbine engine ACFT. Handlingfor GA FLTs 24hr PPR via General Aviation OPSOffice E-Mail [email protected]

    Kortrijk-Wevelgem, EBKT, Mandatory to contactKORTRIJK INFORMATION before taxi.

    Liege, EBLG, E-Mail [email protected]

    HEL operating area T estbld NW of helipad withPARK stands 1-3. Air TWY R estbld BTN AreaT and RWY 04L/22R.

    Until 06 AUG 21 Lighted crane 772' erected 0.2 NMS of AIS+MET Terminal building.

    Moorsele, EBMO, AD op hr: PPR. 0900LT -SS+10min (at latest 2100LT), weekdays forbased ACFT only.

    EFF 01 JAN 20 AFIS call sign for Kortijk RMZchgd from KORTRIJK RADIO to KORTRIJKINFORMATION.

    Theux, (Verviers), EBTX, Standard TFC circuit at2100'. GLD TFC circuit at 1760'.

    TEL ACB 087223032 (when AD open), 0477508737(mobile, Johan De Clercq).Web https://www.verviers-aviation.beAD op hr PPR. Mon-Fri 1400LT - SS (atlatest 2000LT), Sat Sun Hol 1000LT - SS (atlatest2000LT), O/T 24hr PN. Visiting pilots shalluse online form on Web.

    Tournai, (Maubray), EBTY, EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLEAPPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480.

    TEL AD 069771652. Manager 0478252056 (mobile),0495532530 (mobile).




    EUROPE q$i


    Gran Canaria, GCLP, Area chart: EFF 19 JUL 18RMZ (G) established within FIZ (G) La Gomerawith same lateral and vertical limits.

    Until APRX 01 SEP 21 WIP in the manoeuvring areawhich includes expansion of accesses to THR03L/03R, OBST compliance in TWY/RWY strips& safety distances in shoulders and installationof an arresting system on THR 21L. The workwill be conducted in 12 phases. Temporary &partial closure of RWY 03L/21R, RWY 03R/21L &TWYs may occur. The works require closures offacilities in the manoeuvring area. Any operationalincident will be published by NOTAM . Caution isrecommended due to the presence of personneland machinery. Pls check current NOTAMs .

    La Palma, GCLA, EFF 03 DEC 20 until APRX03 DEC 21 Resurfacing works and regulatorycompliance works will be carried out on RWY18/36 and TWY A in several phases. The startand end dates of each phase and any operationalincident will be published by NOTAM . Caution isrecommended due to the presence of personneland machinery.

    Until APRX 30 JUN 21 Pavement improvementworks on RWY and North Apron will take placein several phases. The start and end dates ofeach phase and any operational incident will bepublished by NOTAM . Caution is advised due tothe presence of personnel and machinery.

    Lanzarote, (Cesar Manrique Lanzarote), GCRR,EFF 08 OCT 20 AD name chgd to 'CésarManrique Lanzarote'.

    Tenerife-North, (Cuidad de La Laguna), GCXO,EFF 08 OCT 20 AD name chgd to 'Ciudad deLa Laguna'.

    EFF 26 MAR 20 RWY Incursion Hot Spot HS1withdrawn. HS2 renamed to HS1.

    TFC circuit: maintain MNM 1000' AGL (inboundsegment of northern circuit). Do not fly overTenerife -North (Los Rodeos) GCXM Air Base(inbound segment of southern circuit).

    Tenerife-South, (Reina Sofia), GCTS, CAUTION:Glare may be produced by hand-held lasers.Crew should report any such event and itspossible location to ATC services. Birds on andin vicinity of AD.

    EFF 22 APR 21 AD name Reina Sofia withdrawn.


    Text Section 2.2: 21 Until 21 JUL 21 TemporaryReserved Area LD-TRA VVRANA (GND/2000')estbd. May be activated Mon-Fri H24. For infoabout actual activity contact relevant ATC unit.

    Text section 2.2: Until 21 JUL 21 TemporaryReserved Area LD-TRA VKANAL (GND/2000')estbld. May be activated Mon-Fri H24. For infoabout actual activity contact relevant ATC unit.

    Brac, (Brac Island), LDSB, EFF 20 MAY 21 RWY04/22 designation chgd to RWY 03/21.

    Dubrovnik, (Cilipi), LDDU, EFF 27 FEB 20 Dangerarea LQ-D2 withdrawn

    RCLL 11/29 estbld.Krk Island, (Rijeka), LDRI, EFF 20 MAY 21 PULA

    RADAR freq 127.675 estbld.UFN VOR/DME 'RJK' U/S.Losinj Island, (Losinj), LDLO, EFF 20 MAY 21

    PULA RADAR freq 127.675 estbld.Pula, LDPL, UFN for all PRKG PSNs wait for follow

    me on TWY F, G and H and follow Marshallerinstructions.

    Vrsar, (Crljenka), LDPV, EFF 20 MAY 21 PULARADAR freq 127.675 estbld.

    Zadar, (Zemunik), LDZD, Until 21 JUL 21Temporary Reserved Areas: LD-TRA VKANAL(GND/2000') & LD-TRA VVRANA (GND/2000')prolonged.

    Zagreb, (Franjo Tudman), LDZA, EFF 22 APR 21TMA (D) Cerklje sector 1 (1000' AGL/7500') estbldW of FIR boundary.


    Breclav, LKBA, EFF 28 JAN 21 Callsign for ASPfreq 127.350 chgd from BRNO APPROACH/BRNO RADAR to PRAHA RADAR. BRNOAPPROACH/ BRNO RADAR freq 120.555withdrawn.

    RWY 08/26 width chgd to 60m. GLD strip withdimensions 800m x 40m estbld.

    Ceske Budejovice, LKCS, AFIS service changedto Radio service. Callsign changed fromBUDEJOVICE INFO to BUDEJOVICE RADIO.TWY B & T and Apron Middle chgd to opened.

    PAPI removed.Cheb, LKCB, TWYs estbld between TWY A and

    paved RWY. TWY E next to THR 24, TWY DAPRX 180m from THR 24 and TWY C APRX620m from THR 24.

    Frydlant, LKFR, AD op hr 15 APR-15 OCT Sat SunHol 0900-1600LT, O/T O/R 24hr. PPR for ACFTwith total length exceeding 9m or with fuselagewidth more than 2m.

    EFF 18 JUN 20 Temporary Reserved Area LK-TRAGA Velky Javornik (4000'/FL 95) estbld APRX 6NM SW of AD, covering the remaining part of TMA(D) Ostrava 2, S of Kuncice Pod Ondrejnikemvillage, PTO.

    EFF 28 JAN 21 Call sign for ASP freq 119.375 chgdfrom OSTRAVA APPROACH/ OSTRAVA RADARto PRAHA RADAR.

    Havlickuv Brod, LKHB, The roads in the AD CWYshall be overflown at least 50' AGL from the lowestpart of the ACFT or towed object during TKOF andLDG.

    Hodkovice, LKHD, Risk of severe turbulence instrong winds.

    Horovice, LKHV, TEL ACB 775780035 (mobile). ADManager Karel Plzak 728147577 (mobile), KarelStudnicka 602313316 (mobile) or Milan Sklenar603235250 (mobile).AD op hr strictly PPR to non-based operators viaAD Manager, FLTs without PPR prohibited. PPRfor ACFT with total length exceeding 9m or withfuselage width more than 2m or Jet ACFT.




    EUROPE q$i

    Hosin, LKHS, UFN AD AVBL for VFR day OPS only.Hradec Kralove, LKHK, AD op hr Mon-Fri 0800LT

    - SS+30min (Summer at latest 2000LT), SatSun Hol 0900LT - SS+30min (Summer at latest2000LT), except 24-26 DEC & 31 DEC-1 JAN,Easter Monday, O/T O/R.

    Hranice, LKHN, EFF 28 JAN 21 Call sign for ASPfreq 119.375 chgd from OSTRAVA APPROACH/OSTRAVA RADAR to PRAHA RADAR.

    Jaromer, LKJA, EFF 30 JUN 18 RMZ HRADECKRALOVE sector I (GND/4000') and sectorII (1000' AGL/4000') estbld over ATZ HradecKralove and overlapping outside of this ATZAPRX 1 NM. Contact freq for both HRADECKRALOVE 122.005.

    Jicin, LKJC, After DEP from RWY 12 or RWY 30turn right to avoid Cejkovice and Brezina villages.

    Jihlava, LKJI, The road west of THR 10 shall beoverflown during TKOF and LDG at least 50' fromthe lowest part of the ACFT or towed object.

    Krizanov, LKKA, E-Mail [email protected], [email protected] F-3, unleaded 95 oct.

    Krnov, LKKR, The road near THR 12 shall beoverflown during TKOF and LDG in MNM heightof 50' AGL from the lowest part of ACFT or towedobject

    Kromeriz, LKKM, EFF 28 JAN 21 Callsign for ASPfreq 127.350 chgd from BRNO APPROACH/BRNO RADAR to PRAHA RADAR. BRNOAPPROACH/ BRNO RADAR freq 120.555withdrawn.

    Kunovice, LKKU, TEL Switchboard 572818111.Apt Operator 572817610, 575759710. TWR/AIS572817620, 572817621, 575759720, 575759721.MET 572817630, 575759730. Handling572817640, 575759740. ACB 572549680.AD op hr Mon-Fri (except Hol) 0800-1600LT. O/TO/R at at latest 24hr. PPR For single FLTs PPRfrom handling.Fuel F-3, Jet A-1 (O/R at latest 24hr in avancewithin op hr).

    Kyjov, LKKY, TWY designations withdrawn.Mlada Boleslav, LKMB, While flying through the

    ATZ with no intention to land at AD, avoid thetraffic circuit vertically at 2500' AGL or 600mhorizontally.

    Mnichovo Hradiste, LKMH, AD op hr Summer0900-1700LT, Winter 0800-1600LT, O/T O/R.In winter landing area conditions to be verifiedbefore LDG. ULM PPR. ACFT ops not allowedoutside op hr.

    Olomouc, LKOL, TEL Apt Operator 585414078.E-Mail [email protected]

    UFN Lighted OBST (cranes) erected up to 978' 0.4NM SE of THR 27L.

    Ostrava, (Mosnov), LKMT, Until 31 MAR 22 TWYA and TWY F BTN TWY A & B CLSD.

    Podhorany, LKPN, Fuel unleaded 95 oct.Praha, (Ruzyne), LKPR, Until 02 JUL 21 Due to

    construction works RWY 06/24 CLSD. RWY12/30 shortened to 2950m. THR 12 displaced by300m. DTHR 12 ELEV 1166'. RWY 12 TORA/LDAchgd to 2760m/2950m, RWY 30 TORA/LDA chgd

    to 2950m/2760m. RWY 30: TORA for INT TKOFfrom TWY R chgd to 2290m. INT TKOF fromTWY P prohibited. The following TWYs will beCLSD: TWYs C and E, parts of TWYs A and Zleading to RWY 06/24, parts of TWYs D and FBTN RWY 06/24 and RWY 12/30, parts of TWYsB and L BTN RWY 06/24 and TWY D.

    Prerov, LKPO, PAPI 06 (3.0°), 24 (3.0°) estbld.Pribram, LKPM, TEL Apt Operator 602508248

    (mobile). ARO 318690318, 608910666 (mobile).AD op hr APR-OCT Mon-Fri 0800-1800LT, SatSun Hol 1000-1800LT. NOV-MAR Mon-Fri 0900-1500LT. O/T O/R.

    TWY E estbld W of TWY D.Prostejov, LKPJ, Temporary segregated areas

    LK-TSA 2 B & C withdrawn.Rokycany, LKRY, TWY connecting RWY with

    Hangars withdrawn.Sazena, LKSZ, EFF 12 SEP 19 RWY 15R/33L width

    reduced to 93m.Fuel Unladed 95 oct.Stichovice, LKSB, EFF 01 FEB 18 LK-TSA 2

    sectors A-B upper limit chgd to FL 660.EFF 29 MAR 18 Temporary restricted area LK-TRA6

    radius chgd to 3 NM.Tachov , LKTD, Krizenec ATZ permanently

    withdrawn.Usti Nad Orlici, LKUO, EFF 25 FEB 21 MTMA (D)

    Pardubice (1000' AGL/FL 95) changed to MTMA(D) Pardubice 2 (2500'/FL 95).

    MTMA (D) Pardubice: MTMA expires and the ASPclass changes to (E) if MIL APP out of service.

    Vrchlabi, LKVR, TEL Apt 777455865 (mobile, withinop hr), 608970772 (mobile, out of op hr).

    Vyskov, LKVY, EFF 28 JAN 21 Call sign for ASPfreq 127.350 chgd from BRNO APPROACH/BRNO RADAR to PRAHA RADAR. BRNOAPPROACH/ BRNO RADAR freq 120.555withdrawn.

    Zabreh, LKZA, EFF 28 JAN 21 Call sign for ASPfreq 119.375 chgd from OSTRAVA APPROACH/OSTRAVA RADAR to PRAHA RADAR.

    ZLIN, LKZL, EFF 28 JAN 21 Callsign for ASP freq127.350 chgd from BRNO APPROACH/ BRNORADAR to PRAHA RADAR. BRNO APPROACH/BRNO RADAR freq 120.555 withdrawn.


    EFF 16 AUG 18 SKRYDSTRUP LOCAL ATS AREA(FIS) contact frequency chgd from 127.475 to124.100.

    VOR 'VES' perm withdrawn.

    Aalborg, EKYT, AD experiences large bird activityin the western part of the AD area usuallyconcentrated over the water (the Limfjord) arounddawn and the late afternoon hours. Crewsare encouraged not to use INT TKOF fromRWYs 26R/26L during mentioned periods due toincreased risk of birdstrike.

    EFF 13 AUG 20 GA Parking area slightly extendedto SW. Parking PSNs 11 & 12 estbld on area.




    EUROPE q$i

    Billund, EKBI, EFF 24 MAY 18 HEL TWYdesignated as TWY H.

    EFF 25 MAR 21 OBST up to 414' near THR 09estbld.

    Bornholm, (Ronne), EKRN, AD op hr: Mon-Fri0600-2245LT, Sat 0800-1600LT (Summer until1900LT), Sun 0800-2245LT. AD op hr subject tochanges, check NOTAM .

    CS RØNNE APPROACH chgd to RØNNE TOWER.Rarup, EKRA, Restricted area EK-ROD3 (GND/

    3500') estbld in SE corner of chart APRX 2.7 NMfrom AD (S of N55 44.0, E of 009 56.0).

    Saeby, (Ottestrup), EKSA, TEL Apt Operator21756426 (mobile), 28449938 (mobile).PPR via www.eksa.dk, irregular service.FLTs from/to Sweden and Germany are allowed,fill in the form on the website at least 2hr beforeLDG.

    Sindal, EKSN, Office/AFIS op hrs: Mon-Fri 0830-1500LT, O/T PPR via TEL (H24) Apt Operator.Self-service when Office/AFIS closed.

    Sonderborg, EKSB, BOVRUP, BROAGER,FYNSHAV & NORDBORG holding patternswithdrawn.

    Stauning, EKVJ, EFF 03 DEC 20 Due to Vellingwindmills it is prohibited to approach AD overflyingthe 'limitation area' 1 NM NW of REP NORTH.

    Viborg, EKVB, PCL for RL RWY 11/29 AVBL onfreq 123.50.


    Text section 2.2.: EFF 01 JAN 21 until 31 DEC 21Restricted Area EE-R 181 (5000'/FL 95) estbld.Times of activity: By NOTAM . Activity INFO AVBLfrom Tallinn APP and Tallinn ACC.

    Amari, EEEI, TEL: Apt Administration (MIL)7173323, 7173414. ATS 7173415.

    Kardla, EEKA, TEL: Apt Operator 4631002,53453259 (mobile). ATS 4631002, Fax 4631003.Fuel: F-3. Jet A-1 (Mon-Fri 0530-1830LT, Sat0630-1100LT, Sun 1500-1830LT).

    Karksi, EEKI, Web (www.agur.ee) withdrawn.Kihnu, EEKU, Apt Operator 5061975 (mobile).

    Parnu AD 4475000.Information about condition of airfield from ParnuAD.

    EFF 25 MAR 21 KIHNU RADIO on freq 135.305 c/schgd to KIHNU TRAFFIC.

    Parnu, EEPU, TEL: Apt Operator 4475000.E-Mail no longer AVBL.

    UFN AD closed. RMZ (G) Pärnu completelywithdrawn. AFIS service chgd to RDO service.Callsign chgd from PÄRNU INFORMATION toPÄRNU TRAFFIC. Text concerning two-way RDOCOM within RMZ/FIZ, AD regulations, Parkingand HEL completely withdrawn. If the ACFT isequipped with devices for two-way RDO COM,these devices must be switched on, and whenoperating at Pärnu AD, the pilot of the ACFTmust monitor on PÄRNU TRAFFIC and transmitinformation about manoeuvres and altitude.

    Until 09 SEP 21 AD not usable for air operationsdue to reconstruction works on RWY, Apron andTWYs. Low APCHs above the RWY are notpermitted. The minimum flight altitude above theAD is 500'. Pls check current NOTAMs .

    Tallinn, EETN, TEL: Apt Operator 6058701, Fax6058433. AIS 6258293, 6058905. APP 6058625.TWR 6258260, Fax 6258203.

    Until APRX 07 OCT 21 Reconstruction workstake place. RWY 26 THR displaced by 410m.DTHR elevation 132'. RWY 08 TORA/LDA3070m/2830m. RWY 26 TORA/LDA 3070m.RWY 26 ALS not AVBL. TWY G clsd. TWY Aclsd E of holding position A2.

    Tartu, EETU, Fuel no longer AVBL.Viljandi, EEVI, TEL Aeroclub 55941603 (mobile).UFN Due to trees in APCH/DEP areas RWY 22

    LDA and RWY 04 TORA reduced to 500m. RWYmaintained in entire length and available for useunder pilot's own responsibility.


    EFF 25 APR 19 All FIS sectors call signs chgd fromTAMPERE RADAR to HELSINKI CONTROL.

    Text section 2.2.3: Until 21 APR 21 TemporaryDanger Area EF-D 623 (GND/3500') with sectorsA-F, H, J-Q estbld, sector G estbld with verticallimits GND/1800'. Activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2.3: Until 24 OCT 21 TemporaryDanger Areas estbld: EF-D 653A TAMPERE-LIELAHTI (GND/3500') & EF-D 653B TAMPERE-LIELAHTI (GND/3500'). Times of activity: ByNOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2.3: Until 31 DEC 21 TemporaryDanger Area EF-D 656 HYYTIÄLÄ (GND/4600')estbld. Times of activity: By NOTAM . Publisheddaily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 01 MAY 21 until 20 APR22 Temporary Danger areas EF-D 673 A/B/C(GND/1300') estbld. Time of activity: Activated byNOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 03 JUN 21 until 20 APR 22Temporary Danger Areas EF-D 690 A-F, EF-D690 H-Q (GND/3500') and EF-D 690 G (GND/1800') estbld. Activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: EFF 03 MAY 21 until 30 NOV21 Temporary Danger Area EF-D 677 WINGVUOSAARI (GND/500') estbld. Times of activity:By NOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 03 MAY 21 until 30 NOV 21Temporary Danger Area EF-D 678 JOKIOINEN(GND/2300') estbld. Times of activity: By NOTAM .Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 04 JUN 21 until 20 APR22 Temporary Danger area EF-D694 Kemi(GND/1000') estbld. Time of activity: Activated byNOTAM

    Text section 2.2: EFF 17 MAY 21 until 21 JUN21 Temporary Danger Area EF-D681 Kuusamo(GND/2000') estbld. Times of Activity: by NOTAM .




    EUROPE q$i

    Text section 2.2: EFF 17 MAY 21 until 31 DEC 21Temporary Danger Areas EF-D679 SavonilinnaA (GND/1100'), EF-D679 Savonilinna B (GND/1100') estbld. Times of Activity: by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 658 (GND/1100') estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 663 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 665 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 666 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 667 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 668 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 669 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Time ofactivity: Activated by NOTAM . Published daily byATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 670 (GND/FL 195) estbld. Times ofactivity: activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 671 (GND/900') estbld. Time of activity:Activated by NOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryDanger areas EF-D 660 A/D (GND/1300'), EF-D660 B/C/E/F (GND/1100'), EF-D 660 G/P/T(GND/1000'), EF-D 660 H/J/K/Q (GND/900'),EF-D 660 L/M/N/O/R/U (GND/800'), EF-D 660S/W (GND/700') estbld. Time of activity: Activatedby NOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerareas EF-D 664 A/B (GND/FL 195) estbld. Timeof activity: Activated by NOTAM . Published dailyby ATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Dangerareas EF-D 672 A/B/C (GND/1100') estbld. Timeof activity: Activated by NOTAM . Published dailyby ATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 21 APR 21 Temporary Dangerarea EF-D 641 (GND/900'), estbld. Times ofactivity: ASP will be activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 21 APR 22 Temporary Dangerareas EF-D 657 A (GND/3500') & EF-D 657 B/C(GND/1500') estbld. Time of activity: Activated byNOTAM . Published daily by ATS.

    Text section 2.2: Until 31 DEC 21 Temporary DangerArea EF-D 652 (GND/FL 80) estbld. Activated byNOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 31 DEC 21 Temporary DangerArea EF-D 655 (GND/FL 60) sectors A-F estbld.Activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 31 DEC 21 Temporary DangerArea EF-D 674 (GND/3500') sectors A-C estbld.Activated by NOTAM .

    Text section 2.2: Until 31 DEC 21 Temporary DangerArea EF-D 676 (GND/4000') sectors A-C estbld.Activated by NOTAM .

    Aavahelukka, EFAA, EFF 28 JAN 21 Call signKITTILÄ AFIS chgd to KITTILÄ INFORMATION.

    Alavus, EFAL, EFF 25 APR 19 Danger areas:EF-D147A, EF-D147B, EF-D147D, EF-D147Erenamed to EF-D120A, EF-D120B, EF-D120C,EF-D120D.


    Helsinki, (Vantaa), EFHK, EFF 31 MAY 21 until 17JUN 21 Phase one of reconstruction works will becarried out on the intersection of TWY Z and TWYY. TWY Z is CLSD between TWY VF and RWY15/33. TWY Y is CLSD between TWY DE andRWY 04R/22L. TWY AD is CLSD between TWYAV and TWY Z. TWY AC is CLSD between TWYAD and TWY Y. TWY ZD is CLSD. Temporarytaxilane as follows: TWY AV between TWY VFand TWY AD. TWY AD between TWY AV andACFT stand 23. Any restrictions on the use ofRWYs 04R and 15 will be published by NOTAM .

    Iisalmi, EFII, MCTA (D) Kuopio completelywithdrawn.

    VOR "KNI" (N64 17.0 E027 39.4) perm withdrawn.Kemi, (Tornio), EFKE, EFF 04 JUN 21 Temporary

    Danger area EF-D 694 (GND/1000') estbld onplace of withdrawn Temporary Danger area EF-D659. EF-D 694 extended APRX 0.4 NM to N, 0.2NM to W and S, 0.1 NM to E referring to areaEF-D 659.

    Temporary Danger area EF-D 659 withdrawn.Kitee, EFIT, EFF 12 NOV 15 Danger area EF-D122

    renamed to EF-D149, limits unchanged.Kuusamo, EFKS, EFF 28 JAN 21 Call sign


    Kymi, EFKY, Until 20 APR 22 Temporary DangerAreas EF-D 690 P, Q (GND/3500') estbld N fromDanger area EF-D 134 A.

    Mariehamn, EFMA, EFF 16 MAY 21 until 03 JUL 21Renovation works are carried out at the AD. Thewhole AD is temporarily CLSD to air TFC. RWY03/21 is not in use for TKOF or LDG.

    Menkijarvi, EFME, EFF 25 APR 19 Danger areaEF-D140A renamed to EF-D120A and dangerarea EF-140B renamed to EF-D120B, limitsunchanged.

    Nummela, EFNU, TEL Apt 0503865368 (mobile),0400543836 (mobile).E-Mail [email protected]

    Oripaa, EFOP, TEL Apt Operator 0400232219(mobile), 0447451232 (mobile).




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    Pudasjarvi, EFPU, EFF 12 NOV 15 Dangerarea EF-D119A renamed to EF-D144A, dangerarea EF-D119B renamed to EF-D144B, limitsunchanged.


    Pyhasalmi, EFPY, VOR "KNI" (N64 17.0 E027 39.4)perm withdrawn.


    Ranua, EFRU, MCTA (D) Rovaniemi completelywithdrawn. Protection Zone withdrawn.

    Rautavaara, EFRA, EFF 12 NOV 15 Dangerarea EF-D120 renamed to EF-D145A, limitsunchanged.

    Savonlinna, EFSA, EFF 17 MAY 21 until 31 DEC 21Temporary Danger Areas EF-D679 SavonilinnaA (GND/1100'), EF-D679 Savonilinna B (GND/1100') estbld, with lateral limits located N of ADand contained within FIZ EFSA (GND/1900').

    Selanpaa, EFSE, Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryDanger Areas EF-D 690 A-C (GND/3500') estbldS of Danger Area EF-D 112 B.

    Tampere, (Pirkkala), EFTP, Fuel: F-3 (H24 fromcard automat (Air BP Sterling card), Fuel TEL0503555486 (mobile)). Jet A-1 (Mon-Fri 0600-1600LT, O/T 1hr PN via Fuel TEL 0503555486(mobile)).

    Utti, (Utti AB), EFUT, Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryDanger Areas EF-D 690 A-F, EF-D 690 H-Q(GND/3500') and EF-D 690 G (GND/1800')estbld.

    Vaasa, EFVA, TEL ATS (06) 2126120. Apt Manager(020) 7086100.

    Wredeby, EFWB, Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryDanger Areas EF-D 690 N, P, Q (GND/3500')estbld N of Danger area EF-D 134 A.

    Ylivieska, EFYL, VOR/DME "KAU" (N63 07.4 E02303.4) perm withdrawn.


    EFF 25 FEB 21 FIS Beauvais sectors 1 and 2 estbldin the centre of FIS Paris, freq PARIS INFO125.700. FIS Beauvais sector 1, freq BEAUVAISAPPROACH 123.985, PTO. FIS Beauvais sector2, freq BEAUVAISINFO 119.800, PTO.

    EFF 25 FEB 21 FIS freq IROISE INFO 135.825 chgdto 119.575 N of N48 10.0. LANDIVISIAU INFOcallsign chgd to LANDI INFO, IROISE INFO chgdto PTO within part covered by LANDI INFO.

    EFF 25 MAR 21 FIS freq LILLE INFO 126.475 chgdto 126.480.

    FIS freq NANTES INFO 120.125 chgd to 130.275.FIS freq NANTES INFO 119.400 chgd to 130.275.

    For Nantes FIS sectors NANTES APPROACH freq120.125 & 124.250 withdrawn.

    Information regarding aerodromes Alderney,Guernsey and Jersey to be found under countryname UNITED KINGDOM.

    Text section 2.2 Airspace Restrictions: Until 01 DEC21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Bricy(GND/4500') estbld. May be activated every daySR-SS. Activity info by Bricy APP.

    Text section 2.2 Airspace Restrictions: Until 03 AUG21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Lancon(GND/2100') estbld. Times of activity: SR-SS.Activity info by Salon APP or Salon TWR. Entryclearance by SALON APPROACH or Salon TWR.OPS Authority: French Air Force base 701 ofSalon de Provence, Flight director Tel: 04 90 1781 99.

    Text section 2.2 Airspace Restrictions: Until 20 APR22 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Beynes(GND/1100') estbld. Times of activity: May beactivated H24. Activity info by Tel: 01 34 91 2164.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 01 JUN 21 until 15 OCT 21Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT 30C (GND/1000' AGL) estbld. Times of Activity: H24. Activityinfo by GENEVE INFO.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 01 MAR 21 until 13 AUG21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Campde Broche (GND/1000' AGL) estbld. Times ofActivity: possible Mon-Fri 0730-2200LT. Actualactivity known by ANGOULEME INFORMATIONor LIMOGES INFO.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 03 DEC 20 until 02 DEC21 Temporary Restricted Areas LF-ZRT 1(GND/3000'), LF-ZRT 2 (3000'/4000'), LF-ZRT3 (3000'/FL75) estbld. Times of activity:may be announced by NOTAM . LF-ZRT 1:Mon-Fri 0600-0059LT. LF-ZRT 2: Mon-Thu0600-0059LT. LF-ZRT 3: Mon-Thu 0600-0059T,Fri: 0600-1200LT. Activity info provided by:SALON APP, MARSEILLE INFO.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 10 MAY until 30 NOV 21Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT UAS BourgLastic (GND/800' AGL) estbld. Activation possibleH24. Activity known by Tel 04 73 21 78 92.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 11 FEB 21 until 10 AUG21 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) andTemporary Danger Areas (ZDT) estbld: ZRTCR1 (GND/2000'), ZRT CR2 (GND/2000'), ZRTCR3 (GND/2000'), ZRT CR5 (GND/2000'), ZRTSR1 (1000'/2500'), ZRT SR2 (1000'/2500'),ZRT SR7 (1000'/3000'), ZDT CD4 (GND/2000'),ZDT CD5 (GND/2000'), ZDT CD6 (GND/3000'),ZDT SD1 (1000'/2500'), ZDT SD2 (1000'/2500'),ZDT SD3 (1000'/2500'), ZDT SD4 (1000'/2500'),ZDT SD5 (1000'/3000'), ZDT SD6 (1000'/3000'),ZDT SD7 (1000'/3000'). Times of Activity: Maybe activated Mon-Fri 0930-1730LT, night timeslots: Tue and/or Thu 1700-0000LT. Activity infoby SOLENZARA APP, MARSEILLE FIC/ACC,BASTIA APP, BASTIA APP West, BASTIA INFO,AJACCIO APP, AJACCIO INFO, RAMBERTINFO, CCMAR MED, ISTRES TWR, NICE INFOSOUTH, MONTPELLIER INFO, PROVENCEINFO.




    EUROPE q$i

    Text section 2.2: EFF 15 MAR 21 until 14SEP 21 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT)estbld: ZRT Emd (GND/1000'AGL) and ZRTBergerol (GND/1000'AGL). Times of Activity:May be activated Mon-Thu 0500-1500LT, Fri0500-0900LT (summer: - 1 hr). Activity info byLE LUC APP 122.200, LE LUC ATIS 128.650,NICE INFO NORD 120.850 or NICE INFO EAST124.425.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 17 DEC 20 until 16 JUN 21Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT 108X (FL75/FL 145) and Temporary Danger Area LF-ZDT108X (FL 75/FL 145) estbld. May be activated0930-1830LT. Simultaneous activation of LF-ZRT108X, LF-ZDT 108X and LF-R 108E1, LF-D108E or LF-D 121 is not possible. Activity infoprovided by: MARSEILLE INFO, MONTPELLIERAPPROACH, MONTPELLIER INFO.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 18 JAN 21 until 31 DEC21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Vouziers(GND/5000') estbld. Times of activity: by NOTAMwith 48hr PN. Activity info by PARIS ACC/FIC125.700, SAINT DIZIER APPROACH 134.775.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 20 MAY 21 until 29 OCT 21Temporary Restricted Areas LF-R 400 Dep (GND/500'), LF-R 401 Manche 1 (GND/1500'), LF-R 402Manche 2 (GND/1500') and Temporary DangerArea (ZDT) LF-D 403 (GND/1500') estbld. Timesof activity: May be activated by NOTAM . Activityinfo by LILLE INFO and PARIS INFO.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 31 MAY 21 until 29 OCT 21Temporary Restricted Areas LF-ZRT Chambiere(GND/800' AGL) and LF-ZRT Fort Jeanned'Arc (GND/600' AGL) estbld. May be activatedMon 1000-1500LT, Tue-Thu 0600-1500LT, Fri0600-1000LT Activity info by STRASBOURGINFO, LORRIANE APPROACH, LORRIANETOWER.

    Text section 2.2: Until 02 JUL 21 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT Billard (GND/200' AGL)estbld. Times of activity: May be activated fromMon-Fri: 0100-2359LT. Activity info by VALENCEINFORMATION. Type of Restriction: Entry PPRfrom the managing authority. Remarks: ZRTreplacing the portions of airspace with whichit overlaps. OPS authority: Before activity:1erRegiment de Spahis, Tel: 04 75 7862 74,COMALAT, Tel: 01 41 28 82 13 or 01 41 28 8214; During activity: Directeur d'exercice, Tel: 0620 98 68 95.

    Text section 2.2: Until 03 NOV 21 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT A400M (GND/1500')estbld. Times of activity: May be activated byNOTAM PN 48 HR, Mon-Fri EXC Hol. Activity infoby Orléans Bricy APP/TWR and SEINE INFO.

    Text section 2.2: Until 15 JUL 21 TemporaryRestricted Areas (ZRT) estbld. Ceze (FL 75/FL135), Beaucaire (FL 65/FL 135), Vaucluse(4500'/FL 135), Eyguieres (4500'/FL 135), Gordes(FL 65/FL 135), Alpilles(4500'/FL 135), Senas(4500'/FL 135), Pelissanne (4500'/FL 135),Durance (FL 65/FL 135), Luberon (FL 75/FL135). Times of activity: Activity from SR-30 toSS+30. Actual time slots and upper limitprovidedby PROVENCE APPROACH. For ZRT Senas,Durance, Luberon, Pelissanne: PROVENCEAPPROACH 124.350. For ZRT Ceze, Beaucaire,Vaucluse, Alpilles, Eyguieres, Gordes: PRO-VENCE APPROACH 132.300. Type of restriction:GLD activities reserved only for the organisationswho signed a Protocol with the ZRT managingauthority. GLD FLTs without transponder dur-ing activity time slots. Entry PPR PROVENCEAPPROACH. Radio contact mandatory withPROVENCE APPROACH. Remarks: Replacingthe portions of airspace with which they overlap.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryProhibited Area LF-ZIT Domme (GND/4500')estbld. Times of activity: H24.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryProhibited Area LF-ZIT Les Alluets (GND/1500')estbld. Times of activity: H24. Type of Restriction:Entry prohibited including for drones, EXCACFT with authorization from Les Alluets Centremanager. Remarks: ZIT replacing the portions ofairspace with which it overlaps. OPS authority:Les Alluets Centre manager, Tel: 01 81 76 11 70or 06 77 32 08 07.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryProhibited Area LF-ZIT Montervilly (GND/500'AGL) estbld. Times of activity: H24.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT 31 C Cazaux (GND/3000'AGL) estbld. Times of activity: May be activatedH24. Activity info by CAZAUX TOWER 118.400,automatic responder 119.600, AQUITAINE INFO.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT EMS UAV (GND/FL 135)estbld. Times of activity: May be activated atany time with 1 hr PN. Activity info by AquitaineAPP 129.875, AQUITAINE INFO, Cognac APP,Cazaux APP 119.600.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT Lorient Lann-Bihoué(GND/3000') estbld. Times of activity: May beactivated by NOTAM with 48 hr PN Mon-Fri:SR-30 - SS+30, EXC Hol. Activation outside ATCop hr & Lorient CTR and TMA activity. Activity infoby Lorient ATIS, IROISE INFO, Armor 124.725,Tel: 02 97 12 90 25. When ZRT is active, VFRtransit route 'EL-SL-WL' below 3000' closed.




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    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Areas LF-ZRT Blavet (GND/800')and LF-ZRT Couloir Blavet-Gâvres (GND/2000')estbld. Times of activity: Mon-Fri, EXC Hol.Activation possible H24with 15 MIN PN. Activityinfo by Lorient APP 123.000, Lorient TWR &ATIS. When ZRT Couloir Blavet-Gâvres is active,daytime transit VFR route is unavailable (in bothdirections) between REPs 'EL' and'E', below2000'.

    Text section 2.2: Until 20 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Areas LF-ZRT Patroller (FL 55/FL 95)and LF-ZRT Transit (FL 85/FL 95) estbld. Timesof activity: May be activated Mon 0700LT-Fri1200LT, EXC Hol. Activity info by automaticresponder 118.775 (when these ZRTs are active),SEINE INFO, PARIS INFO, Paris ACC, BALEINFO, St. Dizier APP 134.775, RAKI or back upCRC 119.700.

    Text section 2.2: Until 21 APR 22 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT C2 (GND/1000AGL)estbld. Activity info by Hyeres TWR, Toulon APP,PROVENCE INFO, NICE INFO, MARSEILLEINFO. Compulsory avoidance.

    Text section 2.2: Until 23 MAR 22 Temporary DangerArea LF-ZDT Cazaux Ouest (FL 95/FL 135) andTemporary Restricted Areas LF-ZRT CazauxSud (FL 95/FL 105), LF-ZRT Sabres (FL 95/FL105), LF-ZRT Geloux(FL 95/FL 105), LF-ZRTBasque (FL 95/FL 105), LF-ZRT Botta (FL 95/FL105), LF-ZRT Orthez (FL 95/FL 105), LF-ZRTLandes (FL 95/FL 135) estbld. Times of activity:by NOTAM . Activity known by respectiveFIS unit.

    Text section 2.2: Until 30 JUN 21 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT Feyzin (GND/500' AGL)estbld.

    Text section 2.2: Until 31 DEC 21 TemporaryRestricted Areas LF-ZRT GTQ A (GND/4000'),LF-ZRT GTQ B (800' AGL/4000') & LF-ZRT GTQC (4000'/FL 75) estbld. Times of activity: Maybe activated Mon-Fri EXC HOL. Activity info byLORRAINE APPROACH, STRASBOURG INFO,OCHEY APPROACH.

    Agen, (La Garenne), LFBA, EFF 07 NOV 19Special caution is required to the pilot whenentering and leaving the stand especially at thefuel stations when stand C4 is occupied.

    Parking PSNs AVT1, AVT2 (AVGAS) and AVT4(designated from W to E) SW of the fuel stationsestbld.

    TEL OPR SMAD 0553770088, Fax 0553960349.TWR 0553773609. ACB de L'Agenais0553963667.

    Ajaccio, (Napoleon Bonaparte), LFKJ, EFF20 MAY 21 RWY 20 TORA/LDA chgd to2299m/2072m (end of declared TORA and LDAdistances 108m before the physical end of RWY).

    Handling Casavia TEL 0495235611, Fax0495235676, E-Mail [email protected]

    Albert, (Bray), LFAQ , EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLEAPPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480.

    PAPI 09/27 angles 3.0°/3.0° estbld.

    Paved area estbld BTN TWY B and Hangar ACB.Unpaved PRKG area estbld S of unpaved RWY.

    Albertville, LFKA, EFF 15 AUG 19 Albertville ADname chgd to General Pierre Delachenal.

    Alencon, (Valframbert), LFOF, TWY between RWY07/25 and paved area W of hangars designatedA.

    Amberieu, (Amberieu AB), LFXA, AD ELEV chgdto 812'. THR ELEVs chgd: THR 01L 840', THR19R 777' and THR 19L 820'.

    LYON APPROACH freq 125.425 chgd to 125.430and freq 125.800 chgd to 131.315.

    TEL Airport MIL 0474343860, 0474343908. ACB0609068482 (mobile). CCI 0474321300.

    Angers, (Marce), LFJR, TEL OPR 0241335020.ACB ACAM 0241335061, Fax 0241335067.AFIS hr: Mon-Sat 0815-1745LT, Sun notprovided.Fuel F-3, Jet A-1 (Mon-Sat 0830-1745LT, Sun notprovided. H24 with bank card automat. Cash orAEG, Avcard, Colt Intl, Multi Service Aero, USBank Multi Service Aviation, World Fuel Service).

    Angouleme, (Brie-Champniers), LFBU, AFIS ophr: Mon-Fri 0900-1230LT & 1330-1830LT, Sat &Hol 1000-1230LT & 1330-1830LT, O/T O/R to AptOps.Fuel: F-3, Jet A-1 (Mon-Fri 0900-1800LT, Sat &Hol 1000-1800LT. Cash, bank card or BP card.O/T AVBL with BP card automat).

    Annemasse, LFLI, Compulsory REPs established:'E' (N46 20.8 E006 21.8), 'N' (N46 21.3 E00609.2), 'W' (N46 13.7 E005 59.7), 'SW' (N46 07.3E005 54.0), 'S' (N46 08.0 E006 06.0), 'SE' (N4612.8 E006 10.4). Non-compulsory REPs: 'BIVLO'(N46 11.8 E006 15.2), 'MOLUS' (N46 26.6 E00640.8).

    GENEVE ARRIVAL 136.25 chgd to 136.255 andGENEVE DEPARTURE 131.32 chgd to 131.330.

    GENEVE ATIS freq 135.57 chgd to 135.580.Argentan, LFAJ, EFF 30 MAR 17 Restricted area

    LF-R149G completely withdrawn.Arras, (Roclincourt), LFQD, EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLE

    APPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480.Aubenasson, LFJF, TMA (E) Lyon 6 limit changed

    to 3500' (1000' AGL)/FL 115.Auch, (Gers), LFDH, EFF 27 FEB 20 PAPI 18 chgd

    to 3.5°.Aurillac, LFLW, PAPI 15 (3.0°) estbld.Autun, (Bellevue), LFQF, Caution: OBST (trees) up

    to 1070' APRX 400m N of THR 18 and up to 1050'APRX 120m S of THR 36.

    Avallon, LFGE, TWY designation estbld: A forsouthern TWY, B for northern TWY.

    Bagnoles De L'Orne, (Couterne), LFAO , EFF 30MAR 17 Restricted area LF-R149G completelywithdrawn.

    Bale-Mulhouse, LFSB, Until APRX 15 JUN 21TWY E will be closed due to renovation works.The work actual beginning and end dates will bepublished by NOTAM .

    Bar-Le-Duc, (Les Hauts De Chee), LFEU, EFF 30MAR 17 Restricted area LF-R45N5 identificationchanged to LF-R45N5.1.




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    Western part of TWY designated TWY A and easternpart of TWY designated TWY B.

    Beaune, (Challanges), LFGF, HEL Air TWY estbldBTN TWY perpendicular to RWY and hangar NEfrom AD facilities. Text: 'Caution: OBST (trees) upto 706'/751' APRX 500m/900m in front of THR 03.'

    Bedarieux, (La Tour-Sur-Orb), LFNX, UnpavedTWY estbld between RWY and Hangar.

    Belfort, (Chaux), LFGG, EFF 29 MAR 18 Restrictedarea LF-R209A designation changed to LF-R209.

    Belves, (Saint Pardoux), LFIB, EFF 12 NOV 15TMA Aquitaine Sector 8.1 renamed to Sector 8.Lateral and vertical limits unchanged.

    Bergerac, (Dordogne Perigord), LFBE, ARR/DEProute SW1 unusable if model flying area 9417active.

    Bernay, (St Martin), LFPD, TEL ACB ClubAeronautique de l'arrondissement de Bernay0232431562. Repairs Aero Service Georgler0232459399.Fuel F-3 (TOTAL card automat, H24, CarteBleue).

    TORA RWY 28 chgd to 1115m.Unpaved area SW of DTHR 10 designated TWY A.VORTAC 'EVX' freq 112.40 withdrawn.Berre, (La Fare), LFNR, Until 03 AUG 21 Temporary

    Restricted Area LF-ZRT Lancon (GND/2100')estbld with same horizontal limits as LF-R 271 A(GND/2100').

    Besancon, (La Veze), LFQM, EFF 12 SEP 19AFIS call sign LA VEZE INFORMATION chgd toBESANCON INFORMATION.

    LDA RWY 23 changed to 1340m.OBST in front of THR 23 with a height of 1282'

    estbld.Biarritz, (Pays Basque), LFBZ, EFF 25 FEB 21

    Parking SUD: MAX wing span 10m.Biscarrosse, (Parentis), LFBS, Temporary

    Restricted Area LF-ZRT Hydro Bisca (GND/500'AGL) withdrawn.

    Until 20 APR 22 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT31 C Cazaux (GND/3000' AGL) estbld within LF-R170 resp. limited in the west by transit route.

    Bourg, (Ceyzeriat), LFHS, EFF 17 JUN 21 BOURGfreq 118.450 chgd to 118.455.

    In downwind leg avoid overflying nearby cities.Caen, (Carpiquet), LFRK, EFF 20 MAY 21 Parking

    stand designations estbld as follows: L1-L6(commercial) S of Terminal & L7-L10 SW of ACB.

    Cahors, (Lalbenque), LFCC, EFF 21 JUL 16 Undercertain weather conditions, paired aeroplanes andgliders of the based gliding centre (Centre de volà voile Lotois) are likely to take-off RWY 31 whileRWY 13 is in use (in that configuration ACFTusing RWY 13 still have priority).

    Calais-Marck, LFAC , EFF 20 MAY 21 until 29 OCT21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-R 402 Manche1 (GND/1500') estbld 5.5 NM NW of AD.

    Calvi, (St Catherine), LFKC, Crews attention isdrawn to the jumping activity area 434 whichextends over a radius of 3 NM centered on N4233.4 E008 47.9.

    EFF 01 MAR until 16 JUN 21 Restrictions and mod-ifications of the conditions of use of the apronsmay exist in several phases. Temporarily restric-tions will occur as follows: TWY A CLSD, accessfrom apron P to aprons A, B and C closed using litwork area barriers filled with sand and general &business aviation apron closed (closure of apronsA, B and C). Ground handling mandatory for allACFT. Each phase will be activated by NOTAM .

    EFF 05 NOV 20 PAPI 36 angle chgd to 3.5°.EFF 28 JAN 21 ALS estbld.Cannes, (Mandelieu), LFMD, HEL chart:

    Recommended HEL route estbld along the roadfrom REP 'LC' to E (REP 'WA', N43 40.0 E00708.7)

    Carcassonne, (Salvaza), LFMK, PAPI 28 chgd to3.5°.

    Castelnau, (Magnoac), LFDQ, Caution estbld:'OBST (trees) up to 1033' APRX 100m in front ofTHR 22.'

    Chalons, (Vatry), LFOK, Permanent wildife strikehazard.

    Chambery, (Challes-Les-Eaux), LFLE, Specialattention must be paid by AD users to thecommercial and training IFR activity withinChambery 1 CTR. A request for clearance fromCHAMBERY INFO 123.700 is mandatory beforeentering the Chambery CTR.

    Web https://www.planeur-challes.frChartres, (Metropole), LFOR, Crossing areas

    (formerly designated as overtaking areas) onTWY B SE of THR 27/E of THR 27 designatedB2/B1.TWY BTN THR 09 and paved area NW ofTHR 09 withdrawn. RL estbld.

    Chateau-Arnoux, (St Auban), LFMX, RWY 20 QFUshould read 203° instead of 210°.

    Chateauneuf Sur Cher, LFFU, TEL ACB0611141696 (mobile).E-Mail [email protected]

    Chateauroux, (Deols), LFLX, EFF 31 JAN 19 VDFfreq 125.875 withdrawn.

    Chatillon-Sur-Seine, LFQH, Parc national de forêts(GND/3300' AGL) established SE of AD.

    Cherbourg, (Maupertus), LFRC, TMZ in briefingstrip should read RMZ.

    Cholet, (Le Pontreau), LFOU, EFF 24 MAY 18Unpaved TWY C estbld E of TWY B to theHangar.

    Clamecy, LFJC, EFF 12 NOV 15 LF-R20B3withdrawn and LF-R20B1 (3000'/FL65)established SW of AD.

    Western unpaved TWY withdrawn, eastern unpavedTWY no more adjacent to the RWY but stillconnecting THR 18 & 36 parallel to the RWY(designated A). Paved apron established E ofTHR 18 connected to the unpaved TWY A by apaved TWY (designated B).

    Clermont-Ferrand/Auvergne, LFLC, Until 08 JUL21 Lighted crane up to 1467' erected 0.2 NM NWfrom Saint Jacques Centre hosp. DEP routes fromheliport chgd to 272°.

    Condom, (Valence-Sur-Baise), LFID, TWY Aestbld N of DTHR 29, leading to hangar buildings.




    EUROPE q$i

    Courchevel, LFLJ, Until 16 JUL 21 Heavy activityof paragliding and GLD within sector LIMA and invalley.

    Until 16 JUL 21 Text to read 'Arrivals, Aeroplanes- outside of AFIS hours: Routeing from W, flyeast-abeam L point to set altimeter reference, flyoverhead, base leg, last turn, then final .' and'Altimeter Reference: Outside AFIS op hours: Setaltimeter reference fly east-abeam L point.'

    Dax, (Seyresse Army), LFBY, EFF 22 APR 21 LF-R31 A1 western border placed APRX 4 NM W ofcoast line.

    Dieppe, (St Aubin), LFAB, EFF 05 DEC 19Unpaved TWY estbld N of and parallel to grassRWY starting at intersection of TWYs B and Cleading to TWY A and then S to paved RWY.

    Dieuze, (Gueblange), LFQZ, REP DZ (N48 44.4E006 39.9 - LFQP AD) estbld.

    Unpaved TWY parallel to RWY withdrawn. UnpavedTWY leading to parking area and buildings estbld(starting APRX 30m NE of THR 05 to the W).Text updated to: 'Firing area (ground/ground) fieldwithin NE final'.

    Dijon, (Darois), LFGI, AD reserved for radio-equipped ACFT, simultaneous use of RWYand FATO prohibited. The North funnels of theunpaved RWY can be pierced by constructionmachines moving 50 m N of the THR of unpavedRWY 20. Taxiing prohibited except on RWY andTWY.

    Dinan, (Trelivan), LFEB, Until 30 JUN 21 NDB 'DR',freq 390 U/S.

    Etain, (Rouvres Army), LFQE, TEL PPR0329878234. ATS 0329878352. Apt Operator0329878206.

    Eu, (Mers-Le-Treport), LFAE, Surface of mainTWY (parallel to RWY) changed from paved tounpaved.

    Fayence, LFMF, EFF 10 OCT 19 Unpaved RWY 32(650m x 80m) LDA 520m estbld.

    Feurs, (Chambeon), LFLZ, AD reserved for radio-equipped ACFT.

    Flers, (Saint Paul), LFOG, Restricted areaLF-R149G completely withdrawn.

    Florac, (Sainte-Enimie), LFNO, EFF 09 NOV17 Restricted area LF-R217/4 renamed toLF-R217/5. CTA (D) Rhone 4 renamed to 5,vertical and lateral limits unchanged.

    TEL ACB 0766480682 (mobile). Apt Administration0466440392.

    Fontenay-Le Comte, LFFK, Aerobatics (Nr 6352) atAD. Usable out of activity LF-R 49 L and LF-R 49A. Permanent watch on COGNAC APPROACH.Activity reserved (motorised planes) for usersauthorised by Delegation Pays de la Loire.

    Gaillac, (Lisle-Sur-Tarn), LFDG, TOULOUSEAPPROACH freq 129.300 chgd to 129.305,125.175 chgd to 125.180, 120.350 chgd to120.355. TOULOUSE INFORMATION freq123.925 chgd to 123.930.

    Gray, (Saint Adrien), LFEV, TEL ACB 0384650084.E-Mail [email protected] F-3, Jet A-1 (H24 with Total card automat).

    Grenoble, (Le Versoud), LFLG, Caution added:'IFR activity in AD vicinity.'

    EFF 21 MAY 20 PAPI 04 angle 3.0° estbld.EFF 21 MAY 20 TWY connecting helipad with HEL

    parking area designated 'HEL translation TWY'.Gueret, (Saint Laurent), LFCE, TWY located N of

    THR 04 designated TWY B.Ile D'Yeu, LFEY, EFF 28 JAN 21 TWY B extended

    to SE across the unpaved parking area.LDA RWY 04: 500m.LF-D18A renamed to LF-D18A3.THRL 14/32 AVBL.ULM PPR, class 1 ULM (paramotors) prohibited.Istres, (Le Tube AB), LFMI, TEL ATS/PPR/Apt MIL

    (DV) 0442561349. Apt MIL 0413939007 (CSO).MET 0413939314. AIS 0413939198.

    L'Alpe D'Huez, LFHU, CS 'L'ALPE D'HUEZ' chgd to'HUEZ'.

    Text: 'Prohibited entry points: N - Col de Poutran(due to station overflight).' changed to 'Prohibitedentry by the Poutran's pass, to the north, to avoidoverflying the ski resort.'

    La Fleche, (Thoree-Les-Pins), LFAL, EFF 02 APR15 TMA Nantes Sector 1 withdrawn; Sector 2renamed to Sector 1.1; Sector 3 renamed toSector 2; Sector 4 renamed to Sector 3. Sector5 renamed to Sector 4 and extended to the S.Vertical limits adapted to new Sectors.

    Paramotor activity near and in the north of thewindsock (unpaved area estbld). Simultaneousactivity is not possible. ACFT will have prioritywhen manoeuvring, except in case of a paramotorengine failure. RDO qualification is compulsoryin portable mode set to LA FLECHE A/A freq.TKOF and LDG are always performed facing thewind, after checking that RWY 08/26 are unused.

    La Grand'Combe, LFTN, RWY 35: cause ofmovable nature of the NE part of RWY, preferablyuse W part during bad weather.

    La Mole, LFTZ, Do not take account of text section'Condition of Use'.

    EFF 11 FEB 21 until 10 AUG 21 LF-ZRT SR7 (1000'/3000') estbld APRX 2.8 NM SE of REP 'ET'.

    Very noise-sensitive AD: strictly comply with routesand avoid overflights of urban areas.

    La Rochelle, (Ile de Re), LFBH, Class 2,3,4 and6 of ULM are authorized to use LFBH AD underall following conditions: ULM must have followingMNM speeds: 100 KM/h in TKOF and climbphase, and 120 KM/h in ARR and LDG phase;For ULMwhich cannot respect these previousspeeds must have left CTR or must have landedon AD 30 MIN before IFR TFC; Platform andRWY congestions must be limited. To this end,the axis must be cleared as soon as possibleafter TKOF and the rapid RWY release is soughtimmediately after LDG.

    EFF 05 NOV 20 PAPI 09 angle chgd to 3.5°.La Tour Du Pin, (Cessieu), LFKP, LYON

    APPROACH freq 125.425 chgd to 125.430 andfreq 125.800 chgd to 131.315.

    Langres-Rolampont, LFSU, Northern TWYdesignated B & southern TWY designated A.




    EUROPE q$i

    Lannion, LFRO, EFF 25 FEB 21 Northern Apronextended on the NW part to the N with a newadditionally parking area.

    Laon, (Chambry), LFAF, TWYs designationpublished: TWY A west of RWY 17/35 and TWYB south of RWY 05/23.

    Lapalisse, (Perigny), LFHX, TKOF RWY 23:presence of a road at the end of RWY. Line-upmandatory from THR 23. Check that the TKOFdistance of the ACFT (passage of 15m of height)is lower than 1200m.

    Lasclaveries, LFJV, TMA (D) Pyrenees 1, limitschanged to 2500' (1000' AGL)/FL 145.

    Le Castellet, LFMQ, EFF 28 JAN 21 PAPI 12 (3.4°)estbld.

    Le Havre, (Octeville), LFOH, PJE on AD (Nr 238):Transponder 4096 mode C mandatory. Activityknown by LE HAVRE INFORMATION or LEHAVRE A/A and by DEAUVILLE INFO.

    Lens, (Benifontaine), LFQL, EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLEAPPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480.

    Les Sables D'Olonne, (Talmont), LFOO, LF-D18Arenamed to LF-D18A4.

    Unpaved TWY B (south and parallel to pavedRWY) established & paved TWY east of TWY Bdesignated A.

    Lessay, LFOM, TEL ACB 0233464422, Fax0957764422. OPR 0233447715.

    Lezignan-Corbieres, LFMZ, TWY designationestbld: A for western TWY, B for eastern TWY.

    Lille, (Marcq-En-Baroeul), LFQO, EFF 25 MAR 21LILLE APPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480.

    Longuyon, (Villette), LFGS, TWYs changed asfollows: undesignated closed TWYW of B openedand designated C, TWY C designated D & TWYD designated E.

    Luneville, (Croismare), LFQC, TWYsperpendicular to paved RWY 09/27 designatedA (near grass RWY 09 end) and B (near grassRWY 27 end). TWY west of TWY A and TWYeast of TWY B are closed.

    Lurcy, (Levis), LFJU, EFF 12 NOV 15 LF-R20B2divided into 2 parts. Northern part above TMAAvord 2 class (E) named LF-R20B2N, southernpart named LF-R20B2S. Vertical limits remainunchanged. LF-R20B3 renamed to LF-R20B3Eand upper limit chgd to FL65.

    EFF 12 SEP 19 Unpaved RWY width reduced to30m.

    Lyon, (Brindas), LFKL, EFF 21 MAY 20 RWY 01/19width chgd from 60m to 55m.

    LYON APPROACH freq 125.805 chgd to 131.315.Lyon, (Bron), LFLY , EFF 26 MAY 21 until 25 JUN

    21 Air show take place on AD. Restriction will becarried out in three phases. Phase 1 to 3 - parkingstands R41, R43, R45, R51 - R56, R62, R64, S61,S71,- S75, S82, S84 and S86 closed, refuellingarea u/s; Phase 2 - AD reserved for locally-basedACFT, TWY C reserved for air show, access tohangar 9 unavailable; Pls check current NOTAMs .

    Until 30 JUN 21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRTFeyzin (GND/500' AGL) estbld BTN LF-P15 andREP 'SA'.

    Lyon, (Corbas), LFHJ, Until 30 JUN 21 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT Feyzin (GND/500' AGL)estbld BTN LF-ZIT15 and REP 'SA'.

    Lyon, (Saint Exupery), LFLL, Until 30 JUN 21Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT Feyzin(GND/500' AGL) estbld BTN LF-P15 and REP'SA'.

    Maubeuge, (Elesmes), LFQJ, TEL ACB0695626166 (mobile). OPR 0327530100, at AD0327663672, 0786852524 (mobile).Fuel F-3, UL-91 (Cash, Carte Bleue. Limited toACFT with a wingspan up to 12m, larger ACFTPPR TEL 0695626166 (mobile).

    Text: 'TKOF RWYs 23: turn left as soon as possibleheading 215° (...)' chgd to read: 'TKOF RWYs 23:turn left as soon as possible heading 214° andavoid the city of Assevent and the prison.' Pavedarea adjacent to existing paved area, N of PRKGestbld 30m in NW & 30m in NE direction.

    Mauleon, LFJB, Freq "NANTES APPROACH"changed to 124.42.

    Metz-Nancy/Lorraine, LFJL, EFF 31 MAY 21 until29 OCT 21 Temporary Restricted Areas LF-ZRTChambiere (GND/800' AGL) and LF-ZRT FortJeanne d'Arc (GND/600' AGL) estbld. LF-ZRTFort Jeanne d'Arc located APRX 1.5 NM N ofREP 'NW'between Parachute Drop zone andModel flights. LF-ZRT Chambiere located overcity Metz between corner of CTR Lorraine andMoselle river.

    Millau, (Larzac), LFCM, Parking prohibited onfiremen parking (area NE of TWR on the northernpart of southern Apron).

    Mont Dauphin, (Saint Crepin), LFNC, RWYdesignation of paved RWY chgd to 16R/34L,RWY designation of unpaved RWY chgd to16L/34R.

    TWY from THR 16 to PRKG area estbld.Montauban, LFDB, TOULOUSE APPROACH freq

    129.300 chgd to 129.305, 125.175 chgd to125.180, 120.350 chgd to 120.355. TOULOUSEINFORMATION freq 123.925 chgd to 123.930.

    TWY next to THR 13 designated as TWY A, TWYnext to THR 31 designated as TWY B.

    Montbeliard, (Courcelles), LFSM, EFF 11 OCT18 TWY leading to THR 08 of unpaved RWYdesignated C. TWY leading to THR 26 of unpavedRWY designated D.

    Parking area established on the unpaved area S ofpaved apron.

    Mont-De-Marsan, (Mont-De-Marsan AB), LFBM,Marsan TMA Sector 2 lower limit raised to 1000'SFC.

    Montdidier, LFAR, EFF 25 MAR 21 BEAUVAISAPPROACH freq 119.900 chgd to 123.985.

    Montlucon-Gueret, LFBK, PCL AVBL: 3 times(LIL), 5 times (LIH); lighting extinction byoperating the trigger 7 times in less than 5seconds.




    EUROPE q$i

    Montpellier, (Candillargues), LFNG, Until 31 MAR21 MNM ALT for VFR route BTN REPs N-NE is1000' due to OBST.

    Mortagne Au Perche, LFAX, VORTAC 'EVX' freq112.40 withdrawn.

    Mulhouse, (Habsheim), LFGB, EFF 25 MAR21 CTR (D) Bale Germany (GND/1000' AGL)renamed to CTR (D) Bale Germany North. TMA(D) Bale 1 Germany (1000' AGL/FL 145) chgd toTMA (D) Bale 1 Germany North (1000' AGL/FL100),

    TMA (D) Bale 3 (3000'/FL 145) sectors France lowerlimit chgd to 3000'(1000' AGL).

    Muret, (L'Herm), LFBR, TEL TWR 0534460833,Fax 0534460832. ATIS 0534460836. OPR0561519595. ACB Clement Ader 0561510060,Jean Mermoz 0966420873, Jean-Marie Bonnafe0622370746 (mobile), Ailes Legeres Muretaines0672255526 (mobile).TWR op hr Mon-Fri except Hol 0830LT -SS+30min (at latest 2030LT), O/T PPR sameday before 1600LT. Sat except Hol 0900LT -SS+30min (at latest 2000LT).

    Nantes/Atlantique, LFRS, EFF 20 MAY 21 Remark'East' and 'West' of NANTES APPROACH124.250/124.430 withdrawn. ARR/DEP added toNANTES APPROACH 124.430.

    VFR transit route should be read as 'W1-W2-W3-W4'instead of "W1-W2-W4'.

    Neufchateau, LFFT, LF-R Houeville renamed toLF-R 292 Houeville.

    Nevers, (Fourchambault), LFQG, EFF 07 DEC 17Unpaved TWY established joining unpaved RWYTHR 30 and paved RWY 12/30 near TWY A andunpaved TWY established leading from unpavedRWY 12/30 to paved RWY 12/30 close to ARP.

    EFF 12 NOV 15 LF-R20B2 renamed to LF-R20B2N.Nice/Cote D'Azur, LFMN, TEL Apt Operator

    0820423333.Oloron, (Herrere), LFCO, AD reserved for radio-

    equipped ACFT.EFF 22 APR 21 LF-R 201 A renamed to LF-R 201

    A1 and upper limit chgd to FL 55. LF-R 201 A2(FL 55/FL 115) estbld with same lateral limits asLF-R 201 A1.

    EFF 30 MAR 17 Restricted area LF-R201Bidentification changed to LF-R201B1. Verticallimits changed to GND/FL115.

    Text: 'Proceed overhead AD 3000' before RWYcircuit pattern integration', 'TKOF and LDGforbidden during winching TKOF procedure' &'Gliders winching activity (NR 974) announcedby turning light placed on the winch and onOLORON INFO.' withdrawn.

    Orleans, (St Denis De L'Hotel), LFOZ, EFF 23 APR20 ALS 23 estbld.

    LDG RWY 23: clearing via TWY F and A prohibited.Oyonnax, (Arbent), LFLK, AD op hr: Days, avoid

    traffic circuit FLTs 1200-1400LT.Highest OBST changed to 3609' (terrain, APRX 2.1

    NM SE of AD).

    Traffic circuits changed as follows: GLD base leg22/RH base leg 22 moved APRX 0.4 NM to NE,base leg 04/GLD RH base leg 04 moved APRX0.4 NM to SW.

    Pamiers, (Les Pujols), LFDJ, EFF 13 SEP 18TOULOUSE APPROACH freq 125.17 chgd to125.180.

    Paris, (Charles-De-Gaulle), LFPG, Area chart: AtAD LFPB HEL ARR/DEP routes estbld betweenAD (THR 03) and HEL REPs BH4 and BH2.

    Area chart: LF-P 52 (GND/1500') estbld APRX 2.2NM NE of AD La Ferte-Alais.

    Area chart: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary ProhibitedArea LF-ZIT Les Alluets (GND/1500') estbld.Lateral limits of the ASP is circle with radius800m located 1.9 NM N of LF-D 568B.

    Area chart: Until 20 APR 22 Temporary RestrictedArea LF-ZRT Beynes (GND/1100') estbld withlateral limits identical to those of area LF-D 568A.

    Area chart: VORTAC 'CRL', freq 109.20 withdrawn.EFF 16 JUL 20 until APRX 27 JUN 21 Closure of

    TWYs due to works on TWY D. These works willbe carried out in 4 phases. Phase 1: closure ofRapid Exits: TWY Y4 and TWY Y5. TWY Q BTNTWY BD9 and TWY QB3 CLSD. TWY BD10, QB1and QB2 CLSD. Phase 2: TWY B BTN TWY BD10and TWY QB2 CLSD, TWY N BTN TWY NA1and TWY B (included) CLSD, TWY QB1 CLSD.Phase 3: No TWY closure, ACFT taxiing on TWYQB2 must not turn right on TWY B. Phase 4:TWY F CLSD near crossing with TWY B, TWY Bfrom TWY QB3 (excluded) to TWY QB2 (included)CLSD. Pls check current NOTAMs .

    EFF 25 MAR 21 TWYs D2 & D2A merged andrenamed TWY Y1A.

    EFF 29 MAR 21 until 22 OCT 21 Works on theAD with associated blast risks. TWY TA3 exitis prohibited for all ACFT. Pls check currentNOTAMs .

    EFF 31 DEC 20 Curved part of TWY closed BTNTWY D2 and TWY D.

    Paris, (Issy les Moulineaux), LFPI, Routes remarkchgd from 'On instruction' to 'On request'.

    Paris, (Le Bourget), LFPB, EFF 30 JAN 20 THRL09 withdrawn.

    EFF 31 DEC 20 PAPI 21 (3.0°) estbld.LDIN RWY 25 estbld.RWY 03/21 dimensions chgd to 2395m x 45m. RWY

    03 TORA/LDA chgd to 2395m/2130m, RWY21 TORA/LDA chgd to 2130m/2130m, RWY 07TORA/LDA chgd to 2901m/2602m.

    RWY 25 PAPI axis offset 5° left from RWY axis.Paris, (Orly), LFPO, EFF 03 DEC 20 RWY 02/20

    width chgd to 59m.EFF 23 APR 20 TWY north of Apron H leading to

    TWY W1 designated as LH.Pau/Pyrenees, LFBP, EFF 22 APR 21 LF-R 201 A

    renamed to LF-R 201 A1 and upper limit chgd toFL 55. LF-R 201 A2 (FL 55/FL 115) estbld withsame lateral limits as LF-R 201 A1.

    Perpignan, (Rivesaltes), LFMP, EFF 05 NOV20 Paved area & parking apron NW THR 13withdrawn.




    EUROPE q$i

    For all hot spots: in order to avoid RWY incursions,increased visual vigilance and FREQ listening,reading back required before entering the RWY.

    Persan-Beaumont, LFPA , EFF 25 MAR 21BEAUVAIS APPROACH freq 119.900 chgd to123.985.

    Paved TWY W of THR 10 designated E1. Threenew paved TWYs estbld between paved RWY10/28 and unpaved TWY to the S and designatedas follows (from W to E): E2 (S of DTHR 10),E3 (from the middle of paved RWY 10/28 to theS) and E4 (S of THR 28). New unpaved TWYC3 (E of THR 28L of unpaved RWY 10/28),connecting unpaved TWY N of unpaved RWY10/28 with unpaved RWY 05/23. Several unpaved& undesignatd TWYs estbld N of THR 05.

    Poitiers, (Biard), LFBI, REP 'S1' withdrawn.Pontoise, (Cormeilles-En-Vexin), LFPT, Until 20

    APR 22 Temporary Prohibited Area LF-ZIT LesAlluets (GND/1500') estbld S of AD Les Mureaux.Lateral limits of the ASP is circle with radius 800mlocated around OBST (909').

    Quimper, (Pluguffan), LFRQ, EFF 20 MAY 21 RWY10/28 designation chgd to 09/27.

    Rennes, (St Jacques), LFRN, EFF 05 NOV 20 PAPI28 (3.0°) and RCLL 10/28 estbld.

    Sainte Foy La Grande, LFDF, EFF 12 NOV 15 TMAAquitaine 8.3 chgd to sector 8 with upper limitFL145.

    Sainte Leocadie, LFYS, Text: 'Preferential LDGon RWY 07 due to RWY slope.' chgd to read:'Preferential LDG on RWY 07 and TKOF on RWY25 due to RWY slope'.

    Saintes, (Thenac), LFXB, TWYs SE of paved RWY05/23 designators estbld (at THR 05 TWY E andat THR 23 TWY F).

    Sarlat, (Domme), LFDS, Until 20 APR 22Temporary Prohibited Area LF-ZIT Domme(GND/4500') estbld. Lateral limits of the ASP iscircle with a radius 450m located within avoidoverflying area S of AD.

    Sarrebourg, (Buhl), LFGT, EFF 02 FEB 17Unpaved TWY established from the middle ofunpaved RWY joining unpaved and paved RWYs04/22 .

    REPs W (N48 45.9 E007 04.0) & SW (N48 41.4E007 08.1) with adjacent routes (LFQP AD)estbld.

    Sarre-Union, LFQU, Until 31 DEC 21 TemporaryRestricted Area LF-ZRT GTQ B (800' AGL/4000')estbld within LF-R 163 B west of 912' OBST.

    Saumur, (St Florent), LFOD, Danger Area LF-D504withdrawn, Restricted Area LF-R245 SFC/FL 90established within nearly the same lateral limitsas LF-D504.

    Paramotor RWY E of western apron established.TWY N of western apron removed. TWYs des-ignated A & D (western part of AD) and E, B &C (eastern part of AD). TWY C clsd. Presence oftrees in LDG and TKOF funnels THR 10 and 28and abeam THR 10.

    Saverne, (Steinbourg), LFQY, Two ARR/DEProutes to/from REP E (LFQP AD) withdrawn(REP E still existing).

    Semur En Auxois, LFGQ, Paved RWY 04: TORA/LDA chgd to 732m/652m; paved RWY 22: TORA/LDA chgd to 732m/732m.

    RWY 04/22 width reduced to 23m.Sezanne, (St Remy), LFFZ, Restricted area

    LF-R255 (Vatry) withdrawn.Unpaved TWY established between RWY 06L/24R

    and TWY parallel RWY 06L/24R (in the directionof the apron).

    St Andre De L'Eure, LFFD, TMA (D) Evreux 1 upperlimit changed to FL 65.

    TWY E of RWY 23 withdrawn.VORTAC 'EVX' freq 112.40 withdrawn.St Die, (Remomeix), LFGY, TWY 'A' reserved for

    ACFT with MAX width of main gear is less thanor equal to 3m, TWY 'B' reserved for ACFT withMAX width of main gear is less than or equal to4m.

    TWY C shortened to APRX 80m from THR 07,adjacent apron/parking area removed. TWYD estbld SE of THR 07 with adjacent pavedapron/parking area. TWYs C and D for privateuse only (no public air traffic).

    St Junien, LFBJ, EFF 22 APR 21 TMA (E) Limoges1 renamed to Limoges 1.2

    St Omer, (Wizernes), LFQN, EFF 21 JUN 18 RWY03/21 dimensions changed to 640m x 50m.

    LDA RWY 03 chgd to 610m, LDA RWY 21 chgdto 540m. Unpaved TWY next to RWY withdrawn,new TWY B estbld along S side of RWY (fromTHR 03 until DTHR 21) and new TWY A estbld(from DTHR 21 until DTHR 27).

    St Rambert D'Albon, LFLR, LYON APPROACHfreq 125.425 chgd to 125.430 and freq 125.800chgd to 131.315.

    St.-Etienne, (Loire), LFMH, EFF 23 APR 20 THRL35 estbld.

    ST.-JEAN D'AVELANNE, LFKH, AD prohibited forACFT whose wingspan is more than 12m due tothe width of the RWY.

    EFF 05 NOV 20 FIS CHAMBERY APPROACH123.700 below FL 95 and FIS LYON INFO135.525 below FL 95 lateral limits chgd APRX4.8 NM in SW direction.

    Thouars, LFCT, Due to lack of holding point mark,all ACTF shall wait at 30m from RWY edge beforeentering the RWY.

    Due to rounded shape of RWY 12/30, THR 30 notvisible from RWY entry of from THR 12, cautionadvised to enter the RWY.

    Til-Chatel, LFET, TWY west of RWY 02/20 andnorth of RWY 11/29 named TWY A1. TWYparallel RWY 02/20, south of RWY 11/29 dividedinto 2 parts, north part named TWY A2, southpart named TWY A3. TWY south of RWY 11/29parallel this RWY and west of RWY 02/20named TWY B1. TWY south of RWY 11/29parallel this RWY and east of RWY 02/20 namedTWY B2. TWY connecting TWY B1 with PRKG,perpendicular RWY 11/29 named TWY C. TWYBTN TWY A2 and hangars, perpendicular RWY02/20 named TWY D. TWY E estbld south ofTWY D, perpendicular TWY A3.




    EUROPE q$i

    Toulouse, (Bourg-St Bernard), LFIT, TMA (D)Toulouse 1 redesignated to 1.2.

    Toussus-Le-Noble, LFPN, HEL route BTN REPsWH1-NH vertical limit 1500' withdrawn.

    Text 'DEP 07 and circling 07/25: overtakingmanoeuvres are performed outside the pattern.'withdrawn.

    TWY between RWY 25L/07R and TWY S, straightahead the TWR building, designated TWY S1. AirTWYs to the helipad designated: H1 - E part, H2- S part. Air TWY E2 cut in the middle into twoparts, the Wpart designated EH.

    Valreas, (Visan), LFNV, Radio contact mandatory.Vauville, LFAU , Prohibited Area LF-ZIT7 designator

    changed to LF-P7, vertical limits unchanged.Lateral limits modified: in the south boundary nowalong the coast. Area can be extended to 2.7 NMradius by NOTAM .

    Vichy, (Charmeil), LFLV , EFF 23 MAR 15 LOCRWY 01 completely withdrawn.

    Vierzon, (Mereau), LFFV, EFF 12 NOV 15LF-R20B4 upper limit chgd to FL65.

    EFF 30 MAR 17 Restricted area LF-R149B laterallimits changed. Airspace reduced to area NE ofVierzon.

    TWY designation A added for northern TWYbetween Apron and THR 22, TWY designationB added for southern TWY between Apron andTHR 04.

    Villefranche, (Tarare), LFHV, EFF 16 AUG18 Northern Parking redesignated Parking C(reserved for visiting ACFT).

    EFF 27 FEB 20 Unpaved RWY 18/36 chgd widthfrom 80m to 60m.

    Villefranche-De-Rouergue, LFCV, EFF 29 MAR18 RODEZ INFORMATION 125.37 changed toCLERMONT INFO 133.725.

    EFF 29 MAR 18 TMA (E) Rodez 2 changed to TMA(E) Clermont 10. TMA (E) Rodez 3 changedto TMA (E) Clermont 11. Lateral and verticallimits unchanged. Contact freq CLERMONTAPPROACH 133.725.

    RWY 13: risk of turbulences in S or SE strong windconditions.

    Villerupt, LFAW , EFF 23 APR 20 LUXEMBOURGAPPROACH freq chgd from 118.905 to 120.885.

    Vinon, LFNF, Unless otherwise announced, oninitial climb, the axis shall be cleared on the sideof traffic circuit.

    Vitry En Artois, LFQS, CTR (D) Lille lateral limitsnow same as TMA (D) Lille 1 (shape changedmore or less to a elliptic form now).

    EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLE APPROACH 126.475 freqchgd to 126.480.

    Vitry Le Francois, (Vauclerc), LFSK, LDA RWY 23chgd to 860m. TWY from THR 11 designated asTWY C. TWY from THR 23 designated as TWYB. TWY from THR 29 designated as TWY D. NewTWY A estbld from THR 05 to newly designatedTWY D.


    EFF 25 MAR 21 BDRY between FIS sectors withCOM LANGEN INFORMATION 126.950 andLANGEN INFORMATION 128.950 moved APRX26 NM W. BDRY between FIS sectors withCOM LANGEN INFORMATION 119.825 andLANGEN INFORMATION 125.800 and LANGENINFORMATION 132.650 moved APRX 26 NM W.

    Text section 2.2: EFF 06 JUN 21 until 02 JUL 21Temporary Restricted Area LF-R Lindenbergsector A (GND/FL 75) and sector B (FL 75/FL125) estbld.

    Text section 2.2: Until 30 SEP 21 TemporaryRestricted Area estbld. ED-R SkySkails(GND/2500' AGL). Mon 1100-Fri 1700LT, EXCHol. Current status can be requested by LANGENINFORMATION 125.100.

    Aachen, (Merzbruck), EDKA, TWY between TWYD and Apron closed.

    Achmer, EDXA, EFF 28 MAR 19 Airspace (E) (1000'AGL/FL 100) withdrawn.

    Ahrenlohe, EDHO, Hamburg (C) ASP sector A(2500'/FL 60) upper vertical limit chgd to FL 100.

    Ailertchen, EDGA, TEL Apt Ops (02663) 6473.Ansbach, (Petersdorf), EDQF, Until 12 JUL 21 MIL

    AD Ansbach routes height chgd to 2500'.Anspach/Taunus , EDFA, Frankfurt (C) ASP sector

    F (5500'/FL 100) renamed to G.Bad Berka, EDOB, TMZ Erfurt lower vertical limit

    chgd from 2500' AGL to 2500' and from 3500' AGLto 3500'.

    Bad Gandersheim, EDVA , TEL Apt Operator/PPR(05553) 2815, 01725640786 (Jahns, mobile).Apt Ops (05382) 2747, Fax 2757. PPR (05563)910247, 01716887568 (Randria, mobile),015117275186 (Ude, mobile), 01794362488(Madel, mobile), (05382) 4165, 01759641309(Busch, mobile), 015253748379 (Brinkmann).

    Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, EDRA, New sectorname 'E' established for ASP class (C) (2500'/FL100). New sector name 'L' established for ASPclass (C) (3500'/FL 100). New sector name'O' established for ASP class (C) (4500'/FL100). New sector name 'U' established for ASPclass (C) (FL 75/FL 100). ASP name chgd toDuesseldorf/Koeln-Bonn.

    Unpaved TWY established between hangars andTHR 10.

    Bad Sobernheim-Domberg, EDRS, EFF 25 MAR21 Frankfurt (C) ASP sector O (FL 65/FL 100)replaced by Frankfurt (C) ASP sector H (FL 65/FL100).

    Bad Woerishofen, (Bad Woerishofen-Nord),EDNH, EFF 25 MAR 21 TMZ Memmingen uppervertical limit chgd to FL 100.

    Bamberg, (Breitenau), EDQA, RWY 03 TORA/LDAreduced to 968m/935m and RWY 21 TORA/LDAreduced to 935m/968m.

    Barth, EDBH, Service AFIS for freq BARTH INFOwithdrawn.




    EUROPE q$i

    Bautzen, EDAB, VDF on BAUTZEN INFOwithdrawn.


    Berlin, (Tegel), EDDT, AD Berlin (Tegel) permCLSD.

    Berlin Brandenburg, EDDB, Area chart: ADBerlin (Tegel) perm CLSD. Berlin Tegel CTR(GND/2500') withdrawn. REPs, Routes & holdingpatterns related to closed AD are withdrawn.

    Berlin Tegel CTR (GND/2500') withdrawn. REPs,Routes & holding patterns related to closed ADare withdrawn.

    Betzdorf-Kirchen, EDKI, Due to construction workE of THR 26, attention shall be paid to vehicletraffic there.

    Biberach An Der Riss, EDMB, Ditch estbldadjacent E of RWY 04/22.

    Bielefeld, EDLI, VDF on 118.355 withdrawn.Bienenfarm, EDOI, Berlin (C) and (E) ASP

    withdrawn.Blumberg, EDSL, BLUMBERG INFO freq 123.05

    chgd to 135.005.EFF 03 JAN 19 DONAUESCHINGEN INFO freq

    124.250 chgd to 126.690.Bonn, (Hangelar), EDKB, EFF 26 MAR 20 KOELN/

    BONN TOWER freq 124.975 chgd to 124.980.VDF on 135.155 withdrawn.Borken, (Hoxfeld), EDLY , TMA (E) Nieuw Milligen E

    upper limit chgd to FL 55. TMA (B) Nieuw MilligenE chgd to class (D) (FL 55/FL 65), PTO. TMA (E)Nieuw Milligen E (FL 55/FL 65) estbld, PTO.

    Braunschweig, (Braunschweig-Wolfsburg),EDVE, Customs: O/R via TEL (0531) 3544030.

    Burg Feuerstein, EDQE, EFF 26 MAR 20Nuernberg (C) ASP all sectors ASP classchanged to (D), upper limit raised to FL 75. Lowerlimit and lateral limits unchanged.

    Nürnberg (C) ASP name chgd to Nuernberg andsector name added: B (4500'/FL 70).

    Cottbus-Drewitz, EDCD, AD PERM CLSD.Diepholz, (Diepholz AB), ETND, Additional

    DIEPHOLZ TOWER freq 135.130 estbld.ALS 26 withdrawn.EFF 25 MAR 21 BRGs for holding chgd to 082°/262°.Dingolfing, EDPD, TEL Apt Operator (08731)

    73110. Apt Ops PPR (08731) 3270818.Donaueschingen, (Villingen), EDTD, PAPI 36

    withdrawn.Dresden, EDDC, Dresden (D) ASP both sectors

    upper vertical limit raised to FL 75.Eberswalde-Finow, EDAV , Berlin (C) and (E) ASP

    withdrawn.Eggenfelden, EDME, Customs: not AVBL.

    Immigration: O/R 48hr for FLTs from/tonon-Schengen states on working days during ophr, O/T PPR.

    Eisenach-Kindel, EDGE, AD op hr 0900LT -SS+30min (Summer at latest 1900LT), O/T PPR.

    VDF AVBL on 119.750.VDF on freq 119.755 withdrawn.Essen-Muelheim, EDLE, PAPI 06 out of service.Finsterwalde, (Heinrichsruh), EDAS, AFIS service,

    freq 125.365 established.

    Flensburg, (Schaeferhaus), EDXF, TEL Apt Ops(0461) 91700, Fax 95346. Outside Ops hr32965, 01713186101 (mobile), (04625) 7930,01771863537 (mobile).

    VDF removed.Frankfurt/Main, EDDF, EFF MAY 20 until JUN

    21 TWY N8 will be relocated. Work will takeplace in several phases. The restrictions to flightoperations will be published by NOTAM .

    TWY R15 CLSD.TWY S13 moved slightly to E and TWY S15 estbld

    E of TWY S11 and W of TWY S13.Until APRX JUL 21 Due to construction works TWY

    R15 will be closed. TWYs S25, S29, parts of Rand S will be closed temporarily. Pls check currentNOTAMs .

    Until APRX OCT 21 GA apron and lighted TWY Y7will be built. The construction work is conductedin several phases. To connect TWY Y7 to theexisting infrastructure, TWY Y5 is temporarilycompletely closed between TWY Y9 and TWYS. During that time, the infrastructure concernedis not available for flight operations. Pls checkcurrent NOTAMs for respective closing hours andclosed areas of TWY Y5.

    Fritzlar, (Fritzlar Army), ETHF, EFF 05 DEC 19PAPI 30 chgd to 3.4°.

    Ganderkesee, (Atlas Airfield), EDWQ, EFF 25MAR 21 Bremen (D) (1500'/FL 60) and Bremen(D) (2500'/FL 60) upper vertical limit chgd to FL65.

    Gotha-Ost, EDEG, TMZ Erfurt lower vertical limitchgd from 2500' AGL to 2500' and from 3500' AGLto 3500'.

    Grefrath-Niershorst, EDLF, RWY 07/25 surfaceprepared with 12m width plastic mesh matscentred over the entire length of the RWY.Breaking with caution. Avoid sharp turns.

    VDF on freq 126.705 withdrawn.Grossenhain, EDAK, Dresden (D) ASP both

    sectors upper vertical limit raised to FL 75.Halle, (Oppin), EDAQ, AD op hr: Summer Mon-Fri

    0800-2000LT, Sat Sun Hol 0900-1900LT, O/TPPR. Winter Mon-Fri 0800-1800LT, Sat Sun Hol0900-1800LT, O/T PPR.

    Leipzig (D) airspace call sign MUENCHEN RADARchgd to MUENCHEN RADAR (S).

    Hamburg, EDDH, Hamburg (C) ASP sector A(2500'/FL 60) upper vertical limit chgd to FL 100.

    Heppenheim, EDEP, Fuel: UL-91.OBST up to 400' estbld in traffic circuit area, N of

    AD.Herrenteich, EDEH, Ambulance HEL ARR/DEP

    routes (direction SW/NE) at northern end ofEDRY GLD traffic circuit estbld.

    Hildesheim, EDVM, EFF 10 MAY 21 until 10 AUG21 VOR/DME 'SAS' freq 114.45 U/S.

    EFF 25 MAR 21 Hannover (C) ASP (FL 60/FL 100)lower vertical limit chgd to FL 65, Hannover (D)ASP (4500'/FL 60) upper vertical limit chgd to FL65.

    Hockenheim, EDFX, Ambulance HEL ARR/DEProutes (direction SW/NE) at northern end ofEDRY GLD traffic circuit estbld.




    EUROPE q$i

    Hoexter-Holzminden, EDVI, VDF withdrawn.Jossa, (Fulda), EDGF, JOSSA INFO freq 122.400

    chgd to 118.985.Kamenz, EDCM, Dresden (D) ASP both sectors

    upper vertical limit raised to FL 75.Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, EDSB, Until 31 OCT 21

    Construction works will take place on AD. TWYH, Apron 1, TWY S BTN Apron 1 & Apron 2 willbe CLSD. Pls check current NOTAMs .

    Kempten, (Durach), EDMK, Unpaved TWYsestablished N & parallel of RWY 07/25 and E &parallel of RWY 17/35.

    Kiel, (Holtenau), EDHK, AD op hr NOV-MAR0900-1615LT, APR & OCT 0900-1700LT,MAY & SEP 0900-1800LT, JUN-AUG Mon-Fri0900-1800LT, Sat Sun Hol 0900-2000LT. ADclosed 1300-1345LT.O/T PPR (see also section3.2.2).

    EFF 01 APR 20 TWY E closed.Kirchdorf/Inn, EDNK, EFF 08 OCT 20 TMA (D)

    Salzburg contact freq SALZBURG RADAR freq134.975 chgd to 132.460.

    Klix, EDCI, RWY 22 permitted only for aero-towTKOFs into direction 22.

    Koblenz, (Winningen), EDRK, VDF withdrawn.Koeln-Bonn, EDDK, EFF 25 MAR 21 Compulsory

    REPs ECHO, NOVEMBER and SIERRArespectively renamed to ECHO 1, NOVEMBER1 and SIERRA 1. Compulsory REP WHISKEY1 and non-compulsory REPs WHISKEY 2 andCHARLIE withdrawn. Compulsory REPs KILO 1(N50 59.8 E006 53.5), KILO 2 (N50 54.0 E00659.5), NOVEMBER 2 (N50 53.9 E007 09.2)and SIERRA 2 (N50 50.0 E007 07.7) estbld.ARR/DEP Routes chgd/estbld respectively:Route between KILO 1 and KILO 2 with bearing145°/325°, Route between SIERRA 1 andSIERRA 2 with bearing 25°/205°, Route betweenECHO 1 and ECHO 2 with bearing 100°/280°,Route between NOVEMBER 1 and NOVEMBER2 withbearing 16°/196°, all others withdrawn.APCH/DEP via NOVEMBER, ECHO, SIERRA,KILO MAX 2500'.

    RWY 06/24 remark chgd RWY 06: First 300m andlast 100m not grooved. RWY 24: First 100m andlast 300m not grooved.

    VDF on KOELN/BONN TOWER withdrawn.Krefeld, (Egelsberg), EDLK, EFF 26 APR 18

    DUESSELDORF TOWER freq 118.300 changedto 118.305.

    New sector name 'D' established for ASP class(C) (2500'/FL 100). New sector name 'I'established for ASP class (C) (3500'/FL 100).New sector name 'M' established for ASPclass (C) (4500'/FL 100). ASP name chgd toDuesseldorf/Koeln-Bonn.

    Kyritz, EDBK, VDF removed.Langhennersdorf, EDOH, Dresden (D) ASP both

    sectors upper vertical limit raised to FL 75.Laucha, EDBL, Leipzig (D) ASP, PTO sectors

    renamed to Leipzig (D) (West), PTO.Leer, (Papenburg), EDWF, VDF on freq 130.780


    Leipzig-Halle, EDDP, EFF 15 APR 21 until 31 AUG21 Construction works will take place on AD. RWY08L/26R & TWYs A1-A3, TWY A4 BTN RWY08L/26R & TWY C, TWYs A5-A9, TWY C BTNTWY A4 & TWY A9, TWY B, TWY G1 & TWYsE7-E8 will be CLSD.

    Leipzig (D) ASP, PTO sectors on the W side of thechart renamed to Leipzig (D) (West), PTO. Leipzig(D) ASP PTO sectors on the E side of the chartrenamed to Leipzig (D) (East), PTO.

    Leutkirch, (Unterzeil), EDNL, EFF 25 MAR 21 TMZMemmingen upper vertical limit chgd to FL 100.

    Luebeck, (Blankensee), EDHL, TEL Apt Operator(0451) 3171-0, Fax 31713459.AD op hr: 0800-2100LT, O/T PPR.

    Magdeburg-Cochstedt, EDBC, EFF 28 APR 16Asphalt RWY TORA 08/26 chgd to 2800m (PPR48 hrs).

    Mainbullau, EDFU, FLTs for aero-towing andPJE dropping operation shall climb away fromresidential areas and away from the TFC circuits,if possible.

    Mainz, (Finthen), EDFZ, Frankfurt (C) ASP sectornames added: A (1500'/FL 100); B (3500'/FL 100).

    Marburg-Schoenstadt, EDFN, VDF on freq134.915 withdrawn.

    Marl, (Loemuehle), EDLM, TEL Apt Ops (02365)9896-0, 989615, Fax 989697.AD op hr Winter 0830LT - SS+30min, O/TPPR. Summer 0800LT - SS+30min (at latest2200LT). Sat/Sun/Hol 1300-1500LT no LCL FLTs;Restrictions Mon-Fri prior 0900LT, 1300-1500LT,after SS (1900LT), Sat after 1500LT & Sun/Hol0900-1300LT & after 1500LT (see also section3.2.2).

    Mengen, (Hohentengen), EDTM, EFF 16 JUL20 MENGEN INFO call sign chgd to MENGENINFORMATION.

    VDF withdrawn.Merseburg, EDAM, EFF 05 NOV 20 LEIPZIG

    TOWER freq 125.950 chgd to 125.955.Leipzig (D) airspace call sign MUENCHEN RADAR

    chgd to MUENCHEN RADAR (S).Meschede, (Schueren), EDKM, VDF removed.Mindelheim, (Mattsies), EDMN, EFF 25 MAR 21

    TMZ Memmingen upper vertical limit chgd to FL100.

    Moenchengladbach, EDLN, SW extension of TWYC also designated as TWY C.

    Muenchen, EDDM, EFF 01 MAY 21 until 30 JUL 21Construction work take place on RWY 08R/26Lincluding the entry and exit TWYs to the S of TWYT. RWY 08R/26L and sections of TWYs S, S7, S8and T will be CLSD in phases.The start of eachphase will be announced by NOTAM .

    EFF 03 MAY 21 until 07 OCT 21 Construction worktake place on surfaces of taxilanes D6 and E3. Inthe respective phase blue and orange taxilanesD6, E3 will be CLSD. The start of each phase willbe announced by NOTAM .

    Muenster-Osnabrueck, EDDG, EFF 22 APR 21MUENSTER TOWER freq 120.365 estbld.

    Muenster-Telgte, EDLT , VDF on freq 122.855withdrawn.




    EUROPE q$i

    Mueritz Airpark, EDAX, TWY A and TWY D E ofTWY B closed. Closed TWYs S of TWY D and Nof RWY withdrawn.

    Neuburg-Egweil, EDNJ, EFF 27 FEB 20 DONAUTOWER freq 129.850 chgd to 129.855.

    Neustadt-Glewe, EDAN, Until APRX 03 APR 21NDB 'PAH', freq 315 U/S.

    Niederstetten, ETHN, STETTEN TOWER freq119.780 withdrawn.

    Nordholz, ETMN, EFF 03 DEC 20 TWYs NE ofRWY 08/26 designated as TWY F and TWY E, thepart N of TWY C that is almost like a semicircledesignated as TWY F, the part that starts fromTHR 26 and extends in the NW direction till theintersection with TWY F designated as TWY E.

    Until 16 APR 21 NDB 'NDO', freq 372 coveragelimited to 18 NM.

    Nordholz-Spieka, EDXN, Until 16 APR 21 NDB'NDO', freq 372 coverage limited to 18 NM.

    Nordhorn, (Lingen), EDWN, EFF 07 NOV 19TMA/TMZ Nieuw Milligen TMA C renamed to C1.

    Oberrissdorf, EDUO, Leipzig (D) ASP, PTO sectorsrenamed to Leipzig (D) (West), PTO.

    Oldenburg, (Hatten), EDWH, EFF 25 MAR 21Upper vertical limit of Bremen (D) ASP chgd toFL 65.

    Osnabruck, (Atterheide), EDWO, VDF on 118.680withdrawn.

    Ottengruener Heide, EDQO, E-Mail [email protected]. Web hhtp://www.edqo.de

    Pirna, (Pratzschwitz), EDAR, Dresden (D) ASPboth sectors upper vertical limit raised to FL 75.

    Renneritz, EDOX, Leipzig (D) ASP, PTO sectorsrenamed to Leipzig (D) (East), PTO.

    Riesa, (Goehlis), EDAU , VDF removed.Roitzschjora, EDAW , Leipzig (D) ASP, PTO sectors

    renamed to Leipzig (D) (East), PTO.Rothenburg/Goerlitz, EDBR, VDF on freq 123.255

    withdrawn.Ruegen, EDCG, PAPI 09 and 27 changed to 4.0°.Saarbruecken, EDDR, VDF completely withdrawn.Saarlouis, (Düren), EDRJ, TMZ Saarbrücken

    completely withdrawn.Until 31 DEC 21 Temporary Restricted Area LF-ZRT

    GTQ B (800' AGL/4000') estbld with same laterallimits as LF-R 163 B.

    Schleswig-Kropp, EDXC, SCHLESWIG TOWERfreq 135.150 chgd to 135.155.

    Schoenberg, EDPK, EFF 08 OCT 20 TMA (D)Salzburg contact freq SALZBURG RADAR freq134.975 chgd to 132.460.

    Schwabmuenchen, EDNS, EFF 27 FEB 20LECHFELD TOWER 135.155 estbld as 2nd freqfor Lechfeld CTR.



    Schwaebisch Hall, (Weckrieden), EDTX, AFIScallsign chgd from SCHWAEBISCH HALL INFOto SCHWAEBISCH HALL INFORMATION.

    Segeletz, EDAI, Berlin (C) ASP withdrawn.


    Sierksdorf, (Hof Altona), EDXT, TEL AptOperator/Ops (04563) 8341, 017684371814(mobile), 01726930052 (mobile), 015151155682(mobile).

    Soest, (Bad Sassendorf), EDLZ, EFF 28 MAR 19Paderborn (D) (2500'/4500') withdrawn.

    Stuttgart, EDDS, Until 30 NOV 21 Large-scaleconstruction work takes place between TWY Mand TWY O. TWY M relocated to the north. Theuse of affected part of TWY M is restricted toACFT up to code C maximum. The northern partof present TWY I as well as the transition fromTWY O to TWY M at the western end of theapron are straightened and they are assignedthe new TWY designations L2 and L3.The startof the construction work as well as operationalrestrictions are published by NOTAM .

    Taucha , EDCT, EFF 05 NOV 20 LEIPZIG TOWERfreq 125.950 chgd to 125.955.

    Leipzig (D) airspace call sign MUENCHEN RADARchgd to MUENCHEN RADAR (S).

    Treuchtlingen-Bubenheim, EDNT,TREUCHTLINGEN-BUBENHEIM INFO call signchgd to TREUCHTLINGEN INFO.

    Uetersen, (Heist), EDHE, AD op hr: Summer:Mon-Wed 0900LT - SS+30min (at latest 2000LT),Thu-Sun 0800LT - SS+30min (at latest 2100LT).Winter: 0900LT - SS+30min (at latest 2000LT),O/T PPR. APR-SEP training traffic circuits intodirection 27 on Sun & Hol after 1300LT prohibited(see also section 3.2.2).

    Hamburg (C) ASP sector A (2500'/FL 60) uppervertical limit chgd to FL 100. Hamburg (C) ASPsector C (FL 60/FL 100) withdrawn.

    Varrelbusch , EDWU, Unpaved TWY established Wof/paved TWYs and new building established E ofexisting northern building.

    Weimar, (Umpferstedt), EDOU, EFF 25 MAR 21Erfurt TMZ sector (3500' AGL/FL 65) estbld, PTO,covering whole western part of chart startingAPRX 2 NM W of ASP (E), Squawk 4410,MONITOR 126.175.

    Wershofen/Eifel, EDRV, WERSHOFEN INFO freqchgd from 122.40 to 121.390.

    Wesel, (Roemerwardt), EDLX, Until APRX 30 JUN21 Niederrhein TMZ (2500'/FL 65), NiederrheinTMZ (3500'/FL 65) & Niederrhein TMZ (4500'/FL65) MONITOR 128.505 freq chgd to 119.110.

    Weser-Wuemme, EDWM, EFF 25 MAR 21 Bremen(D) (2500'/FL 60) upper vertical limit chgd to FL65.

    Wipperfuerth, (Neye), EDKN, New sector name'E' established for ASP class (C) (2500'/FL100). New sector name 'J' established for ASPclass (C) (3500'/FL 100). New sector name'O' established for ASP class (C) (4500'/FL100). New sector name 'R' established for ASPclass (C) (FL 65/FL 100). ASP name chgd toDuesseldorf/Koeln-Bonn.

    Worms, EDFV, VDF withdrawn.




    EUROPE q$i


    EFF 31 DEC 20 Restricted area LG-R 35 Kozani(GND/5000') removed.

    TMA (D) Athinai lower limit chgd to 1000' AGL.

    Almiros, (Nea Anchialos), LGBL, EFF 31 DEC20 Prohibited area LG-P Domokos (GND/2000')renamed to LG-P 16 Domokos.

    Ioannina, (King Pyrros), LGIO, RCLL AVBL.TMA (D) Ioannina lower limit chgd to 1000' AGL.Kalamata, LGKL, Area chart: Until 03 MAY 21

    VOR/DME 'TRL' freq 116.20 U/S.Kefallinia, (Anna Pollatou), LGKF, EFF 10 JUN 21

    ATIS freq chgd from 126.450 to 126.455.Kos, (Ippokratis), LGKO, ATIS freq chgd form

    126.950 to 126.955.Larissa, LGLR, EFF 31 DEC 20 Prohibited area

    LG-P Trikala (GND/2000') renamed to LG-P 15Trikala.

    EFF 31 DEC 20 Restricted area LG-R 35 Kozani(GND/5000') removed.

    Samos, (Aristarchos of Samos), LGSM, EFF 05JUN 21 ATIS freq chgd from 127.050 to 127.055.

    EFF 20 MAY 21 Text 'Caution: Due to lack of STOPBAR ground lights at RWY Holding Positions,pilots shall apply extreme caution during taxiingas to avoid RWY incursion. ACFT shall enter theRWY onlyafter ATC clearance' withdrawn.

    Santorini, LGSR, TMA (D) Santorini lower limit chgdto 1000' AGL.


    Balaton-Heviz, LHSM, EFF 26 MAR 20 Locationname chgd from Heviz to Heviz-Balaton.

    Budaors, LHBS, TEL: Apt 207779123 (mobile), (1)2112165.E-Mail [email protected]

    Budapest, (Liszt Ferenc Intl), LHBP, Handlingagent General Aviation of AS Aviation GH E-mailchg to [email protected]

    Gyor-Per, LHPR, EFF 30 JAN 20 NDB 'GYR', freq354 estbld (N47 39.6 E017 43.3).


    Donegal, EIDL, Shannon CTA (Sector Donegal) freqadded: DONEGAL TOWER 129.800.

    Inisheer, EIIR, RWY length 13/31 reduced to500m. INFO service CS changed to INISHEERAIRPORT.

    Inishmaan, EIMN, APAPI withdrawn.INFO service CS changed to 'INISHMAAN

    AIRPORT'.Waterford, EIWF, TEL: Apt Operator (051) 846600.

    ATC Fax 871701. Operations Fax 875623.Student solo FLTs PPR 846613.


    ATC clearance for VFR traffic to enter CTA (D)Milano shall be requested only to Milano FIS.

    ATC clearance for VFR traffic to enter CTA (D)Padova shall be requested only to Padova FIS.

    EFF 20 MAY 21 Milano FIS MILANOINFORMATION 124.925 lateral limits extendedby APRX 18 NM to E along Po river and APRX30 NM N of the river. Padova FIS PADOVAINFORMATION 124.150 lateral limits chgdaccordingly. Milano FIS MILANO INFORMATION128.925 lateral limits extended by APRX 16NM to E along Po river and APRX 17 NM S ofthe river. Padova FIS PADOVA INFORMATION126.425 (0700-2100LT), 124.150(O/T) laterallimits chgd accordingly.

    EFF 21 JUN 18 Frequency Monitoring Code (FMC)Area (G) Milano North-West (Squawk 4610,MONITOR) 134.425 estbld N of CTA (D) MilanoPiemonte sector 10, W of E009 00.0, E of E00725.0 till N of Malpensa ATZ and Milano CTAGrand Paradiso sector 17. FMC Area (G) MilanoNorth-East (Squawk 4611, MONITOR 126.300)estbld E of E009 00.0 within Milano FIS Area,N of Piacenza CTR sector 3 and Parma CTRsector 2 till N of Bergamo CTR. FMC Area (G)Milano North (Squawk 4612, MONITOR 126.750)estbld N of FMC area North-West and North-Easttill Swiss-Italian border. FMC Area (G) PadovaCentral (Squawk 4777,MONITOR 124.150) estbldin lateral limits of Padova CTAs (D) sector 7, 8,9 and sector 11 excluding lateral limits of CTRsof Treviso, Venezia, Bologna and Ronchi. FMCArea (G) Alghero/Olbia (Squawk5137, MONITOR125.950) estbld within lateral limits of SardegnaCTA (D) Nord Sardegna sector 7. Vertical limitfor all areas: GND - lower limit class A/C/D/E.

    For all communication facilities referring to APPcontrol service with call sign MILANO RADARFREQ 132.700 should be read 132.705.

    Milano TMA completely revised.Text section 2.3: EFF 20 MAY 21 Milano FIS

    MILANO INFORMATION 124.925 lateral limitsextended by APRX 18 NM to E along Poriver and APRX 30 NM N of the river. PadovaFIS PADOVA INFORMATION 124.150 laterallimits chgd accordingly. Milano FIS MILANOINFORMATION 128.925 lateral limits extendedby APRX 16 NM to E along Po river and APRX17 NM S of the river. Padova FIS PADOVAINFORMATION 126.425 (0700-2100LT), 124.150(O/T) lateral limits chgd accordingly.

    Albenga, (Riviera), LIMG, EFF 10 OCT 19AD Name 'Riviera' estbld for Albenga AD.Name of ATZ (G) Albenga chgd accordingly toAlbenga/Riviera.

    Alghero, (Fertilia), LIEA, EFF 20 MAY 21 ROMARADAR 124.200, 124.800, 127.350 & 128.800withdrawn.

    EFF 27 FEB 20 ALS for RWY 02 estbld.Alzate Brianza, LILB, E-Mail [email protected]

    SR-30min - SS+30min. PPR for non based ACFTmandatory via E-Mail to AD Operator 24hr inadvance.

    Aosta, LIMW, Until APRX 15 MAR