technical english - reading


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Technical English - Reading


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TECHNICAL ENGLISHHOW TO READ A SCIENTIFIC PAPERTRAN DUC TRONG, MPhilHCMC University of Technology1ReferencesJohn W. Little and Roy Parker, How to read a scientific paper, University of Arizona, USA, 2010Jiri Srba, How to read and present a scientific paper, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2007Mary Purugganan, Jan Hewitt, How to read a scientific paper, Rice University, USA, 2004Tuan Nguyen, Workshop on writing and publishing research paper in academic journals, VNU Ho Chi Minh City, 2011Mo Dang, Writing a scientific paper in English, 1st Ed, VNU Ho Chi Minh City Publisher, 2009 (in Vietnamese)2Part 1:Reading a scientific passage33Reading a scientific passageStrategiesAsk yourself 3 questions What am I reading? Why am I reading? How am I going read it?

Three-step reading strategy Skimming Scanning Reading intensively4Reading a scientific passageStrategiesStep 1 Skimming: To have a quick general understanding of the main points Heading Subheading Pictures Topic sentence Main words in a topic sentence (Subject, Verb and Object)5Reading a scientific passageStrategiesStep 2 Scanning: To locate the specific information

Step 3 Reading intensively: To read information carefully to understand what is needed

6Reading a scientific passageExample7

Ref: Fieser, Williamson Organic Experiments 8Part 2:Reading a scientific paperReading a scientific paperStrategiesTaxonomy of a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paperFirst read through (skimming and scanning)In depth reading (reading intensively)Looking at referencesEvaluating a scientific paper9Ref: Jiri SrbaReading a scientific paperTaxonomy of a scientific paperFull papers or Journal papersShort communications, research letters, Short notes, CorrespondencesReview papers or perspective papersEditorialsLetters to the editorsConference papers (proceeding papers, abstracts)10Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mo DangReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paperIntroductionMethods (Experimental Section)ResultsDiscussion(Conclusion)11 Title Authors Abstract (Keywords) Acknowledgements References (Supplemental materials)Need to be accurate and informative for effective indexing and searchingEach has a distinct functionRef: Tuan Nguyen; Mo DangReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper Title, AuthorsTitle The most important element of a scientific paper

Authors Name of authors and correspondence author Institutional affiliation Present addresses

12Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper AbstractAbstract Most often, the only part people read Overview of the main story Limited length (100-300 words), contain 4 kinds of information: Purpose/rationale of study (Why they did it) Methodology (How they did it) Results (What they found) Conclusion (What it means)

13Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper IntroductionIntroduction Purposes Creating readers interest Providing enough information to understand the article 1-2 pages, contain Whats known Whats unknown (limitations and gaps in previous study) Your burning questions Your experimental approach Why your experimental approach is new, different and important14Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper MethodsMethods Give a clear overview of what was done Be complete but minimize complexityBreak into smaller sections with subheadingsCite a reference for commonly used methodsDisplay in a flow chart where possible15Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper ResultsResults Be brief and uncluttered Answer What did you find? Present the representative data from THIS STUDY ONLY Use tables, graphs, photographs and drawing for data Correlate the results with the methods

16Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper DiscussionDiscussion Answer the question posed in the Introduction Support your conclusion with details (compare yours with others) Defend your conclusion Highlight the broader implications of the work17Ref: Tuan Nguyen; Mary Purugganan and Jan HewittReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements Acknowledge any significant technical help Acknowledge the source of materials Acknowledge any outside financial assistance18Ref: Tuan NguyenReading a scientific paperStructure of a scientific paper ReferencesReferences Direct readers to sources of other information Give credit to the findings of others19Ref: Tuan NguyenReading a scientific paperFirst read throughRead Title Abstract Introduction Conclusion References

Reply to the following questions For which community is the paper written? What contributions are in this paper? What possible consequences can the contributions have? (direct applications, new techniques, new fields)20Ref: Jiri SrbaReading a scientific paperIn depth readingRead Methods Results Discussions References21Ref: Jiri SrbaReading a scientific paperLooking at referencesLooking at references allows Discover the community around it Understand the context Put the paper in perspective Link it with other fields/topics22Ref: Jiri SrbaReading a scientific paperEvaluating a scientific paperAfter understanding the paper The strength and weakness of the paper The contributions of the paper The perspective of the paper

Answer questions What questions does the paper address? What are the main conclusions of the paper? What evidence supports those conclusions? Do the data actually support the conclusions? What is the quality of the evidence? Why are the conclusions important?

23Ref: Jiri Srba, John W. Little and Roy Parker