taoist master zhang 张天师

Taoist Master Zhang Tian Shi ( 张张 ) Taoist Master Zhang TianShi ( 张张 ) , full name was ZhangLing, or Zhang DaoLing ( 张张张), was the founder of the founder of Taoism Zheng Yi Sect ( 张张 or 张张张), or known as Religion of Five Dou of Rice ( 张张张张) during the Eastern Han Dynasty. A native of FengXian County, Jiangsu Province, he studied in the Imperial College and well versed in the Five Classics. He practiced meditation in Heming Mountain in Sichuan Province during the reign of Emperor Shundi (125-144). In 141, he wrote twenty-four Taoist texts and institutionalized Taoism, which was called the Religion of Five Dou of Rice ( 张张张张). Its believers had to pay five dou of rice as contribution to support his institution. It emphasized repenting one’s mistakes and has faith in Taoists canons. It propagated its doctrine by praying and drawing talisman, charms, and gave treatment with blessed holy water or incantations. Philosophy of Taoist Master Zhang TianShi emphasizes the union of man and nature, suggesting that man controls his

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Taoist Master Zhang TianShi (张天师 ) , full name was ZhangLing, or Zhang DaoLing (张道陵), was the founder of the founder of Taoism Zheng Yi Sect (正一道or 天师道), or known as Religion of Five Dou of Rice (五斗米道) during the Eastern Han Dynasty. A native of FengXian County, Jiangsu Province, he studied in the Imperial College and well versed in the Five Classics. He practiced meditation in Heming Mountain in Sichuan Province during the reign of Emperor Shundi (125-144). In 141, he wrote twenty-four Taoist texts and institutionalized Taoism, which was called the Religion of Five Dou of Rice (五斗米道). Its believers had to pay five dou of rice as contribution to support his institution. It emphasized repenting one’s mistakes and has faith in Taoists canons. It propagated its doctrine by praying and drawing talisman, charms, and gave treatment with blessed holy water or incantations.


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Taoist Master Zhang Tian Shi ( 张天 师 )

Taoist Master Zhang TianShi ( 张天师 ) , full name was ZhangLing, or Zhang DaoLing (张道陵), was the founder of the founder of Taoism Zheng Yi Sect (正一道 or 天师道), or known as Religion of Five Dou of Rice (五斗米道) during the Eastern Han Dynasty.  A native of FengXian County, Jiangsu Province, he studied in the Imperial College and well versed in the Five Classics. He practiced meditation in Heming Mountain in Sichuan Province during the reign of Emperor Shundi (125-144). In 141, he wrote twenty-four Taoist texts and institutionalized Taoism, which was called the Religion of Five Dou of Rice (五斗米道). Its believers had to pay five dou of rice as contribution to support his institution. It emphasized repenting one’s mistakes and has faith in Taoists canons. It propagated its doctrine by praying and drawing talisman, charms, and gave treatment with blessed holy water or incantations.

Philosophy of Taoist Master Zhang TianShi emphasizes the union of man

and nature, suggesting that man controls his environment not by fighting

it but by cooperating with it. Believe in immortality. The teaching of Wu Wei (无为) spread the thought that man should act naturally upon

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objective principles instead of imposing his subjective judgment and

wishful thinking onto other people.

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Legends of Master Zhang

Many legends are told about him. One said that Zhang DaoLing was the eight descendants of Zhang Liang, a high official of the Han Dynasty, he was a tall man, with extraordinary appearance characterized by full forehead, red hair, green eyes, straight nose and square mouth, bushy eyebrows and big ears. All this features, plus his beard, gave the impression that he looked like an immortal priest. Before he was born his mother dreamed an immortal wearing a gold crown and embroidered robe descending to her room. He gave her a scented plant and vanished. She awakened to find her quilt, clothes and the entire room was lingered with an extraordinary fragrance that last for a months. Then she became pregnant. On the day when she was in labour, the sky was clouded with colored clouds, and the room she was in was brighten with red beams. The room was fragranced with the same scent again. Legends say that young baby DaoLing was able to walk as soon as he was born. He was extremely intelligent as he had knowledge and can memorize the entire Dao De Jing (道德经), astronomy, geography and other scripts at the age of seven.

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張道陵天師寶誥The Praise Mantra of Master Zhang Tian Shi

The Praise Mantra (張道陵天師寶誥) was recited during most of the Taoist rituals or ceremonies.

張道陵天師寶誥 Zhang Tian Shi Bao Gao (The Praise Mantra)  

至心皈命禮Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

本來南土 上泝蜀都Ben Lai Nan Tu, Shang Yi Shu Du 

先獲黃帝九鼎之丹書 Xian Huo Huang Di Jiu Fing Zhi Dan Shu

後事老君於玉局 Hou Shi Lao Jun Yu Yu Ju

千軸得修真之要 Qian Zou De Xiu Zhen Zhi Yao

一時成吐納之功 Yi Shi Cheng Tu Na Zhi Gong

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法籙全成 Fa Lu Quan Cheng

受盟威品而結璘玦Shou Meng Wei Pin Er Jie Ling Wa 

正邪兩辨 Zheng Xie Liang Bian

奪福庭冶而化鹹泉 Duo Fu Ting Zhi Er Hua Xian Quan

德就大丹 道齊七政 De Jiu Da Dan, Dao Qi Qi Zheng

大悲大願 大聖大慈 Da Bei Da Yuan, Da Sheng Da Ci

三天扶教San Tian Fu Jiao

輔元道體大法天師Fu Yuan Dao Ti Da Fa Tian Shi 

雷霆都省Lei Ting Du Shen泰玄上相都天大法主 

Tai Xuan Shang Xiang Du Tian Da Fa Zhu正一沖玄

Zheng Yi Chong Xuan神化靜應顯佑真君

Shen Hua Jing Ying Xian You Zhen Jun六合無窮高明大帝

Liu He Wu Qiong Gao Ming Da Di降魔護道天尊

Xiang Mo Hu Dao Tian Zun

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张道陵天师符Talismans of Master Zhang

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~~The End~~

Author: Annie Cleopatra Leo

Email: [email protected]

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Date: 15th September 2009