taller de práctica docente 2015. lesson plan 738


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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Alumno Residente: Mariana Canellas

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario

Institución Educativa: Colegio N° 738

Dirección: Kaiquén 2135, Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut.

Año: 1ro secundaria

Cantidad de alumnos: 27 (veintisiete)

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Básico

Tipo de planificación: Clase

Unidad temática: Información personal

Clase N°: 1 (del primer período de práctica)

Duración: 120 minutos

Teaching points:

- Revision of personal pronouns and personal information questions.

- Revision of functions: sharing personal information

- Use of new vocabulary: occupations and professions

- Use of new structures: verb “to be”, affirmative sentences, Yes/ No questions and short answers.

Aims or goals :

During the lesson, learners will be able to…

- Develop their speaking and listening skills by interacting with the teacher and their partners.

- Develop their listening and writing skills by completing exercises with the information they hear

- Develop their language awareness by learning new structures and inferring grammar rules.

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Language Focus:


information-Numbers and places (age, and place of birth)

-Personal pronouns-Personal Information questions

Intonation: Falling tones at the end of Personal Information questions

New -Talking about jobs and professions

- Occupations and professions: housewife, firefighter, teacher, pilot, doctor, dentist, secretary, architect, waiter, photographer, journalist, police officer, and cook.

- Verb “to be”: affirmative sentences (She is…/He is…), and Yes/No questions (Is she…?/Is he…?)

Intonation: Rising tonesat the end of Yes/No questions

- Ponunciation will not need special teaching; emphazising the tones while saying the questions for the students to learn them, will be enough, for this lesson.

Teaching Approach: Communicative Approach. Students are expected to infer the rules of the target language by means of listening, reading and using it in communicative activities. They are invited to develop their language awareness.

Integration of skills: Students’ listening and speaking are integrated through students’ interaction with the teacher and among them. They will also be asked to listen, read and write in order to complete different activities

Materials: Photocopies, board, chalks, posters, flashcards, CD, and CD player.Posters and flashcards:

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Seating arrangements : Students will be asked to sit as they usually do; and to carry out some activities they will be asked to sit in small groups.

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Cooperative work: The whole lesson demands cooperative work because the teacher will ask questions and give explanations to everybody, and anyone’s answers will be expected. As regards the activities that will require the students to go to the front of the class to peform certain tasks, this will requiere the students’ excellent behaviour and rapport with the teacher.

Possible problems and possible solutions : Students’ excellent behaviour has been observed in the previous lessons; however, in case they were any problems the teacher will ask for help to the regular teacher in charge of the group.

Potential problems students may have with the language : Students will find new structures difficult to use, mainly because they are used to working with another teacher; this may be solved by giving plenty of examples and being extremely polite and friendly.

Assessment : I don’t think assesing performance while presenting new vocabulary and structures will be relevant; however, while guiding the activities the teacher will make corrections in general, saying the correct statements aloud to the whole class, trying not to show directly who made the mistake. She will also correct the students’ answers aloud while they perform tasks in front of the class.

Pedagogical use of ICT : Students will be asked to search for pictures and vocabulary using the Internet for the following class. They will be provided with reliable sources.

Routine: Warm – up (10’)

- The teacher greets the students: “Hello, My name is Mariana, today, I will be your teacher”, she writes her name on the board. She continues “How are you today? Fine?

- Students should answer her “I’m fine thanks, and you?”, in case they didn´t, she would continue asking questions such as “ Are you O.K? Yes or No?...I am fine, and you?”

- The teacher says “Write your name in a piece of paper, please; like this”, she demonstrate what they have to do with a piece of paper. She adds “Put it on your desk, like this” and she does that, “Excellent!” .

Transition: “Ok, today we are going to talk about different people and their jobs (she says pointing out a poster, or two), you and me, our names and ages…for example; My name is Mariana, and I am thirty seven years old”, and she writes the number on the board.

Presentation: (15’)

- The teacher asks: “What is your name?”, to two or three students, and helps them to answer her correctly, if it is necessary; she continues “How old are you?”, choosing two or three students to answer her, one at a time. Finally, she asks “Where are you from?” to other students (two or three). Then, she shows the class, some cards with questions and says, “you will pick up a card and answer the question I read there”. She invites the students who haven’t participated yet, to pick up, a card and answer the questions the teacher reads there (What is your name?/How old are you?/Where are you from?).

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Transition: “Good!, now I know who you are…Let´s continue with a listening activity”

Activity 1: (20’)

- The listening activity is taken from: Silvia Carolina Tiberio, 2012 “What’s up?” Starter, Pearson Education S.A.

Workbook, page 80: (Recording 24 of the CD). It is in the following page

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- The teacher will deliver photocopies with the exercise, and she will guide students like this: “Look at the picture, she is a student (like you), and she is a secretary, they are talking (she mimes the action). Pay attention to sentence number one (she points it out in the copy), the student’s name is Lara or Clara?, you will circle the correct option (she mimes the action), let’s listen…”. She stops the CD player once the answer is said, and asks the whole class “Lara or Clara?”, she waits for the correct answer and continues “look at number two, she is from an important city, or a capital city?, you will circle the correct option (she mimes the action), let’s listen…”. She stops the CD player once the answer is said, and asks the whole class “She is from an important city or a capital city?”, she waits for the correct answer and continues “look at number three, her room number is 13 or 15?, you will circle the correct option (she mimes the action), let’s listen”. She stops the CD player once the answer is said and asks the whole class “thirteen or fifteen?”, she waits for the correct answer and congratulate the students “Good!”.

- The teacher continues: “Pay attention to exercise 3, let’s listen again (she mimes the meaning), and tick (she mimes the meaning) the questions you hear (she mimes the meaning)”, they listen to the CD, and when the recording finishes, the teacher says “Ready? Again? (she mimes the meaning)”, if the answer is “No” she goes on “Number one is…” and she chooses a student by his name to say the question aloud, he may be helped by a partner, and the teacher asks the class to correct their activity. She repeats the process in order to finish the corrections.

Transition: “Good job! Let’s continue learning new words, occupations and professions” she says pointing out posters with pictures of people that represent their jobs and professions (fire fighter, teacher, doctor, dentist, cook, photographer, journalist, architect, police officer, pilot, housewife, secretary and waiter)

Activity 2: (20’)

- The teacher puts on her desk papers with the names of the jobs and the professions in the posters on the board. She invites two students at a time to choose one piece of paper and match the word with the poster on the board (they may have previous knowledge, because they use their computers, and some of them study English at different workshops); however in case they didn´t know the word the teacher may mime the meaning or ask other students for help. Then, they are asked to stick the paper to the picture.

Transition: “Great! We have lots of new words. Let’s talk about these people…”

Activity 3: (15’)

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- The teacher points out the first picture and asks “He or She?”, and waits for the students answer. She continues “Ok, she…She is a teacher…let’s repeat all together…She is (she waits for the students to repeat) a teacher (and they say the same)…”. She repeats the same process with all the posters and the jobs and professions.

- She continues, “I will point out the picture and you say the word aloud ok?”, and she repeats the process with all the words.

Transition: “Excellent! Now, pay attention to my questions…”

Activity 4: (15’)

- The teacher writes on the top of the board: YES or NO. She asks: “Is she a teacher?” pointing out the picture of a police officer, and expects students answer her “No” all together. She asks similar questions related to the other posters, expecting “Yes” or “No” as answers. She writes on the board: “IS HE A…?/IS SHE A…?” , and says “Can you ask me a question? (she mimes the meaning), she chooses a student to ask a question and guides him or her pointing out the posters; she answers “YES, SHE/HE IS” for example, or “NO, SHE/HE ISN’T”. She continues, “Now you answer my questions again (pointing out a picture), Is he a pilot?”, she chooses a student to answer her and guides him, after he says the answer (Yes or No)“Yes, he is or Yes, she is”. She repeats the process with different pictures and different students

Transition: “Ok! Let´s play a game”

Activity 5: (10’)

- The teacher says “I will think of one word and you ask me questions to guess it (she mimes the meaning of think, and points out the questions on the board, she may ask for help to the teacher in charge of the group, to demonstrate how the game works, once). She adds “You have five questions to guess, you can start…He is a man”, and she draws a cross on the board each time they ask her a question such as “ Is he a police officer?”. If they didn’t guess the word after asking five questions, the teacher invites them to try again, and if they succeded, they are asked if they want to repeat the game.

Transition: “Nice! I have pictures for you to work in groups (she shows the pictures and mimes the meaning of groups) Can you sit in groups of four or five , please?”

Activity 6: (10’)

- The teacher delivers small pictures of the people in the posters to the groups and writes on the board (she may ask the students to say the answers before she writes them)REMEMBER!


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- She continues: “One of you asks the questions and the others answer them Ok?, I will walk around (she mimes the meaning)”. She walks around monitoring the students’ performance.

Transition: “The class is finishing, pay attention to me…(she points out her watch)”

Closure: Homework: (‘5)

- The teacher says “For next class you can search for pictures of people that represent their occupations like these ones (she points them out), here “ and she writes the sources:





- She continues “I want you to find nice pictures and write sentences” she writes examples on the board: “She is a teacher. She isn’t a secretary.”

- The teacher greets the students: “Good bye! See you next class!”