talentsoft - hr software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! the...


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Page 1: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness



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Page 2: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness

So�ware for your successfull e-learningprojects

The success of our so�ware is based on the combina�on of simplicity and performance provided to users.Scenarisa�on, design, anima�on, diffusion, management, etc.: we offer a wide range of products providing you with the keys to make your blended-learning training successful.Choose the reliability of e-doceo for your training courses.

For crea�ng your e-learning programs

• easy-to-use, with smart-design pedagogical assistance• full power pedagogical crea�on • deliver via CD, Web, LMS or hard copy

Authoring tool

Interface creating tool

Flash animation software

Project management software

For customizing your training environment

• generates graphic and intui�ve learner interfaces• easy configura�on of naviga�on func�ons

Make your training programs more dynamic

• simplified crea�on of Flash anima�on applica�ons• screen-recording tool, and conversions to Flash format• numerous ready-to-use mul�media resources

For organising your projects in shared mode

• mul�-site project management• ra�onaliza�on of development costs






Page 3: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness

Virtual classroom tool

Training platform LMS

Reporting tool

Training e-catalogue

For mee�ng and training online

• virtual synchronous classroom tool • user friendly interface

For delivering your programs online

• organize your online training system• track learners’ progress• offer online tutoring and communica�on tools

For making op�mal training impact

• powerful repor�ng tool• tutoring assistance func�ons• interfacing with HRIS

For making op�mal the visibility of your training catalogue

• e-commerce website for your training courses• online registra�on system• flexible webpages personaliza�on





e-doceo, your e-learning partner

e-doceo ServicesOur specialists in blended-learning pedagogical engineering assist you during all the stages of your project, training, concep�on or custom content crea�on.


Page 4: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Trust a simple yet powerful authoring tool to create superior e-learning content !

The elearning maker so�ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness of an office applica�on, it ma-kes it possible to design comprehensive in-terac�ve training path. Thanks to its three modes of working (scenario writer mode, simple and expert), this so�ware is adap-ted to user profile. With one click you can distribute your training tools on CD-ROM, the Internet or pla�orms (LMS).

This tool designed for training professionals lets you implement pedagogical strategies and offers you a wide range of pre-defined exercises. This so�ware was designed to fa-cilitate and accelerate the crea�on of your training materials, as well as updates to these tools. Once your materials have been created, in elearning maker you choose the delivering mode that you prefer and the so�ware generates the files in Flash format.

Example of exercise proposed by elearning maker (drag & drop). Change the graphic style in only few clicks.

Insert any kind of object: Text, images, anima�on, equa�ons, sounds, videos, PDF documents, PowerPoint documents, hyper-links, mascots, geometric shapes and naviga�on bu�ons.

You can copy and paste, manage layers or align objects.

Adjust the parameters of each of the media used in your page to op�mize gra-phic rendering.

Use all the forma�ng tools like in an office applica�on.


Authoring tool

Page 5: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Edit your content• Create exercises and lessons• Immediate tes�ng a�er crea�on• Automa�c table of contents• Mul�media fonc�ons (hyperlinks, rollover, pop-up, …)• Insert documents and media (PDF, PowerPoint, texts, HTML pages, images, Flash anima�on, videos, sounds, etc.)• Export the content in Word format• Forma�ng tools • Edi�on and crea�on of story-boards• Mul�lingual management

Pedagogical method• Create and modify training scenarios• Support throughout the educa�onal con�nuum• Remedial instruc�on through feedback• Guidance of learners based on results• Automa�c correc�ons• Customized assessments

Highlight learner’s mistakes in the exercise page.

More than 40 types of ac�vi�es are proposed in the gallery tab:True/false, cloze, MCQ, drag and drop, quizz…

Technology• Export your training content in Flash format• Separate content from forma�ng (XML)• Content compa�ble with SCORM/AICC standards• Development kit so you can create new exercices

Why should you chooseelearning maker?} Quick to master} Variety of ac�vi�es offered (more than 40)} Pedagogical scenarisa�on interface} Insert numerous media formats (videos, sounds, images, photos,

anima�ons, etc.)} Integrate your exis�ng resources (Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint,

HTML, etc.) } Interoperability with all training pla�orms (LMS) that comply with

SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 and AICC standards} Flash technology

Minimal configura�on

> Windows 98 SE and later> Processeur 1 GHz> 512 Mo de RAM> 1024 x 768 resolu�on> 16-bit graphics card or be�er

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Page 6: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Bring your training programs alive in a few simple clicks !

elearning animgallery is an indispensable tool that lets you create your own Flash anima�ons.The so�ware’s user-friendliness and the richness of the gallery allow you to easily create animated scenes.Enter the era of rapid learning by quic-kly crea�ng training modules thanks to elearning animgallery.

Scene created from elearning animgallery with two mouvement interpola�ons in the characters.


Control bu�ons


Rich-media solu�on: you can synchronize several types of media (video, picture, sound, object, Flash, text, etc.)


Animate your contentDesign a�rac�ve and interac�ve on-line mul�media presenta�ons through integra�ng rich media advantages ofelearning animgallery.

• More than 3000 medias available in the gallery (sounds, pictures, backgrounds, characters, mascots, pictograms, …).

• Movement interpola�on func�ons to move characters around or bring text to the screen.

• Camera effect func�on to create nice zoom in and out effects.


Flash animation software

Take advantage of the simpli-city and rapidity of crea�on offered by elearning animgallery to produce your e-training modules. Mix video, sound, ima-ges and text to bring your content to life.

Page 7: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Timeline view in the scenario tab: Synchronize video and sound with your scenes. Add transi�ons between your scenes.

Minimal configura�on

> Windows 98 SE and later> 1 GHz processor> 512 Mb of RAM> 1024 x 768 resolu�on> 16-bit graphics card or be�er

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Create screen filmsYou can record the ac�on from your screen and save it as a Flash format anima�on.The op�on screen film allows you to create ra-pidly simula�ons and interac�ve demons-tra�ons.

You can record your voice-overs and background music on the two «Time-line» audio tracks.

Convert PowerPoint into Flash formatBenefit from the performance of the «Powerpoint to flash» converter and in several minutes, you will be able to publish your presenta�on online in the form of a Flash anima�on. You can add voice, sound and interac�vity. Thanks to its exclusive technology, anima�on can be modified af-ter conversion to flash.

Why should you choose elearning animgallery? } Powerfully anima�on func�ons } Numerous ready-to-use mul�media resources} Video screen capture tools} Insert exercises} Convert your PowerPoint into Flash format } SCORM compa�ble

Page 8: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Customize your learning environment without limita�on !

elearning designer offers CG designers a technological solu�on worthy of their crea�vity. Thanks to its powerful fea-tures, you can swi�ly adapt the graphic interface of your e-leaning content.Visual iden�ty, user-friendliness and navi-ga�onal behavior can be easily adjusted to learner needs.

Produce your content in various graphic styles so that your clients can enjoy an ori-ginal, personalized product. Op�mize your graphic environments for the Flash format using « WYSIWYG » func�ons.

Graphic interface made with elearning designer.

ldThe same content available in two different graphic styles

Fully adaptable graphics environ-ment

Fully adaptable graphics environ-ment

Layout tab: Make your own graphic interfaces (Posi�on and behaviour of the elements).

With elearning designer, you create as much templates as you want. These templates will be available in the gallery of ac-�vi�es of elearning maker. This tool allows you to create your own developments in Ac�onS-cript and your own compu�ng behaviours.

Interface creating tool

Page 9: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Style sheets created with elearning designer

Why should you chooseelearning designer ?} Create modular environments} Drag and drop for graphics forma�ng} Change the style’s appearance (fonts, images, colors,

objects, size and posi�oning of windows)} Define the ergonomics of pages} Standard func�ons (copy, paste, duplicate, group,

apply style)} List of predefined func�ons } Create style sheets in vector format} Flash programming kit to create your own

interac�ve resources} Op�miza�on of file sizes} Layer management

Minimal configura�on

> Windows 98 SE and later> 1 GHz processor> 512 Mb of RAM> 1024 x 768 resolu�on> 16-bit graphics card or be�er

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Page 10: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Organize your e-learning plans efficiently !

elearning workflow enables the produc-�on teams to get organized in a collabo-ra�ve process. Thanks to its func�onali�es of project management, you can plan your concep�on steps and permanently control the development of your projects. This so�ware ensures an efficient communica-�on between your author tool, your LMS and the different actors of your e-learning project.

Plan a project As project manager, organize your pro-duc�on plan in the so�ware or from excel files. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, all actors of the project can quickly access to their tasks. Marks make the envisioning of the tasks development easier. Furthermore, warnings can be sent by e-mail to inform of any possible delays and valida�ons. The �me spent on each task is memorized in the so�ware and enables to finely analyze the profitability of each project.

Crea�on of produc�on schedules


Project management software

Crea�ng resources together The document tab enables to associate unlimited numbers of files to each project. Depending on the given rights to the pro-ject actors, each of them can either con-sult, footnote, or modify the resource.

Tasks presenta�on (late, current and next tasks)

Page 11: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Contents are directly correc-ted online through annota�on interface.

Why choosing elearning workflow?} Enable mul�-site teams management} Federate your providers around the same tool} Make the produc�on follow-up easier} Op�mize the customer rela�onship thanks to a

be�er project readability} Streamline the development costs} Register automa�cally the �me spent on the tasks} Insure the traceability and the control thanks to

advanced repor�ng func�ons} Insure the compa�bility of all development tools

(Flash, elm…)} Centralize and manage the resources versioning

Technical informa�on

> Available for purchase on your server

> PHP and MySQL database technology

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Analyze the projectsIn order to control your projects efficiently,elearning workflow offers powerful repor�ng func�ona-li�es. For instance, you can visualize the workload, the projects progressing rate, the produc�on �me and the rentability study. The tool also enables you expor�ng the project book in Word format to benefit of the account of the coopera�on troughout the project.

Organize resources Once the project is over, elearning workflow enables to webcast it immediately on your LMS and to preserve the account of the project. Thanks to its release management, you will easily take back the project records later on in or-der to update them.

Page 12: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Increase your learning space thanks to elearning live !

elearning live is a virtual classroom tool that is compa�ble with all the LMS pla�orms on the market.Take advantage of three training rooms that can accommodate up to 30 people!Organize virtual classrooms in full duplex mode (total interac�on between par�ci-pants) or in one to many mode (one person speaks to the others). llPrimary features • Organize video conferences• Structure lesson plans• Integrate your PowerPoint and Flash

Paper documents• Screen distribu�on• Chat with par�cipants• White board• Visual pointer• Survey tool• Par�cipant tracking• Training record• Time management

Elearning live recep�on: you can customize your training space.

Virtual classroom tool

elearning livethe 1st

synchronous tool compa�ble

with every pla�orm on the market!

Page 13: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Training room: 12 people capacity

Why should you choose elearning live?} Cu�ng edge technology for video and audio

conferencing} Easy to install and use} Compa�ble with all LMS pla�orms } No installa�on required for par�cipants } User-friendly interface} Training environment in virtual reality

Technical informa�on

> Available for rental or installa-�on on your serverr

> Technology: Flash Media Server> Complies with SCORM standard

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

3 types of virtual training roomsDepending on your training needs, interact with your learners in full duplex or in one-to-many mode.

Choose the right classroom based on your number of par�cipants !

Mee�ng room: 3 people capacity

Amphitheatre: 30 people capacity

Page 14: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Make the efficient choice for managing and delivering your training programs !

elearning manager is an easily accessible training pla�orm (Learning management System).It is used for distance training (via an intranet or the internet) or as a support for on-site training programs. A user friendly environment enables instruc-tors to easily follow the progress of their students and provide tutoring feedback..To start with elearning or to train thou-sands of students, elearning manager will answer your needs.

Naviga�ng tabs

E-mail inbox Language op�ons

Home tab of elear-ning manager


Training platform LMS

Customize your gree�ng

Overview of the learner’s progress in the training program

Training schedule :Dates on which modu-les are completed and mee�ng dates

Page 15: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Organize your training sessionsLMS elearning manager allows you to desi-gn blended learning and virtual classes. You can easily create training path by adding:• Quiz (quiz editor)• Appointments (training agendas mana-gement)• HTML page (HTML editor)• Standardized resources (SCORM or AICC)• No standardized files• A�ending convoca�ons• Etc.

Why should you chooseelearning manager? } Easy to use and install} High-end technology} Compliance with AICC, SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004

standards} Presenta�on training management} Communica�on features: forum, team work, e-mail } Configura�on flexibility

Technical informa�on

Thanks to its compu�ng architecture designed to ma-nage ten of thousands of students, elearning manager represents a strong and rapidly deployable solu�on.> Available for rental or installa�on on your server> Technology: PHP and MySQL database> Compliance with AICC 3.5, SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 standards

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Customize your LMSFlexible configura�on offered by elearning manager is incomparable: • manage access rights• customize graphical environment• ac�vate/deac�vate func�ons• communicate with other applica�ons

(HRIS, trade sites, etc)

Monitor your learnersBy fully leveraging AICC and SCORM standards, elearning manager memo-rizes the learner’s ac�ons and thus gives you extremely rich pedagogical data (�me spent on each learning mo-dules, number of consulta�ons, date of last consulta�on, progress level).You can check the progress of your stu-dents. By linking elearning analyser and elearning manager, you can export the results in different cer�ficates.

Primary features• Path: Rapid crea�on of a training path for

your students• Results: Record your student’s results

(score, spent �me, answers, etc.)• Exchange tools: Forum, library, collabo-

ra�ve work, mail, etc.• Agenda: individual and collec�ve training

scheduling management• Administra�ve management: account

informa�on, marginal notes, course cer-�ficate, etc.

• E-mail: Send e-mail• Appointments: Schedule appointments• Technical administra�on: technical,

ergonomic and graphic se�ngs to confi-gure the pla�orm. Use of WebServices.

Page 16: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


elearning analyserallows you to implement

a high-quality educa�onal tracking system in your

e-training program

Choose the full-service analysis tool for powerful online training !

elearning analyser is a high-performance tool for effec�vely monitoring learner progress. Thanks to its powerful search features, pedagogical and administra�ve reports can be prepared in a few clicks.

The tutoring assistance solu�on simplifies management of very large numbers of lear-ners. Its numerous export formats and HRIS interfacing make it a mul�purpose tool respected by the various persons involved in training.

Directly liased with elearning manager, elearning analyser allows you to imple-ment a high-quality educa�onal tracking system in your e-training program. It also brings you solu�ons to op�mize recrui�ng exams, polls or sa�sfac�on surveys.


Reporting tool

The access to elearning analyser is through pla�orm elearning manager


Manage exports andstandard e-mail

Program reminderschedules

Page 17: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Why should you chooseelearning analyser ?} Publish training reports} Publish training cer�ficates} Detailed results of evalua�ons} Sta�s�cal analysis of results} Automa�on of training monitoring} Create elaborate filters based on your analysis criteria

Technical informa�on

> elearning manager version 4.04 pla�orm access

> Available for rental or purchase (server configura�on to be assessed)

> PHP and MySQL database technology

> Compliance with AICC and SCORM standards

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Edit your repor�ngAn elaborate search func�on allows you to create and save filters according to nume-rous administra�ve and pedagogical crite-ria. As well as criteria by default, you can also create your own request fields.


• surname / first name - score, as percen- tage • en�ty / department - total �me used • login / password - number of a�empts • referring trainer - state of advancement • training start and end date - etc...

With elearning analyser :

• Publish learning reports in PDF, Word and Excel format

• Schedule automated e-mail reminders on fixed dates or following a specific event (training start and end, curriculum not begun)

• Export course cer�ficates

Page 18: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Boost the visibility of your training catalogue!

e-doceo training shop is also a complete website to present your training service or ac�vity. This so�ware, truly easy-to-use, allows you to build the whole trade site of your ac�vity or service.

With e-doceo training shop, you can op�-mize the visibility of your training offer and create an online window. It’s the ideal so-lu�on to market, or offer in your company your training catalogue.

Created for small and big structures, the flexibility of the so�ware allows you to manage your catalogue from A to Z: publi-ca�on of informa�on about each training course, registra�on management, orders management (valida�on workflow, pre-enrollment, online payment, informa�on demand), informa�on about trainers, edi-table web pages, etc.


Training e-catalogue

So�ware manages completely your training catalogue

Completely customizable menu

In administrator mode, you can manage your website through the toolbar

e-doceo training shop,complete website to present your training


Page 19: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness


Why choose e-doceo training shop ?} Quick and easy implementa�on} Subscrip�ons management solu�ons} Online registra�on interface} Trade site func�ons} Flexible personaliza�on} Referencing tools for search engines

Technical informa�on

> Available for rental or purchase on your server

> PHP and MySQL database technology

Technical andeduca�onal Support

Datasheet on demand

Create an online window for your LMSe-doceo training shop can be used alone or in combina�on for elearning manager.

You benefit from a tool which allows you to make available your training courses and its tracking to the public. Each user can choose directly online his training course, register at it and follow it directly and automa�cally on e-doceo LMS pla�orm.

Customize your training e-cataloguee-doceo training shop has been created to allow you to edit in a simple way the web pages making up your website. You write on your web pages as in a classic text editor.

You manage your whole website, all pages are editable and you will have a custom-made progressive window.

The graphical style of the web-site is completely customizable.

Page 20: Talentsoft - HR software solutions for talent management ...superior e-learning content ! The elearning maker so ware opens up the doors to online training. With the user-friendliness

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As thousands of users, benefit

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